Search results for ""john wiley and sons ltd""
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Analytical Applications of Raman Spectroscopy
This book is written for chemists, chemical engineers and chemical technologists who are not expert users of Raman spectroscopy technology. The background to the technique is covered along with its analytical applications. A brief introduction to Raman spectroscopy and instrumentation in general is included, along with detailed explanations of the advantages of Raman over other techniques. Emphasis is placed on the way it has been used to solve a range of analytical problems in the chemical and allied industries.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Gastrointestinal Nursing
Many nurses work as specialist practitioners within several areas of gastrointestinal medicine, including inflammatory bowel disease, stoma care, nutrition, endoscopy and counselling. There has been a steady increase in nurse-led services and gastrointestinal nursing is an expanding area. This comprehensive text lays the foundation by reviewing the anatomy and physiology underlying common conditions before covering the pathophysiology of clinical features, causes, investigation and management. Underlying this approach will be the specific nursing aspects of caring for patients with gastrointestinal conditions, covering psychosocial factors and issues such as the measurement of health related quality of life.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Handbook of Atmospheric Science: Principles and Applications
The alarming consequences of global climate change have highlighted the need to take urgent steps to combat the causes of air pollution. Hence, understanding the Earth's atmosphere is a vital component in Man's emerging quest for developing sustainable modes of behaviour in the 21st century. Written by a team of expert scientists, the Handbook of Atmospheric Science provides a broad and up-to-date account of our understanding of the natural processes that occur within the atmosphere. It examines how Man’s activities have had a detrimental effect on the climate, and how measures may be implemented in order to modify these activities. The book progresses through chapters covering the principles of atmospheric science and the current problems of air pollution at the urban, regional and global scales, to the tools and applications used to understand air pollution. The Handbook of Atmospheric Science offers an excellent overview of this multi-disciplinary subject and will prove invaluable to both students and researchers of atmospheric science, air pollution and global change.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Freshwater Ecology: A Scientific Introduction
Freshwater ecosystems are under increasing pressure as human populations grow and the need for clean water intensifies. The demand for ecologists and environmental managers who are trained in basic freshwater ecology has never been greater. Students and practitioners new to the field of freshwater ecology and management need a text that provides them with an accessible introduction to the key questions while still providing sufficient background on basic scientific methods. Gerry Closs, Barbara Downes and Andrew Boulton have written a text that meets the requirements of these students. Following an introduction to scientific methodology and its application to the study of ecology, several key concepts in freshwater ecology are reviewed using a wide range of scientific studies into fundamental and applied ecological questions. Key ecological questions that are explored in a freshwater context include the role of animal dispersal and predators on freshwater community structure and the impact of pollutants and introduced species on freshwater ecosystems. This book represents the only freshwater ecology textbook that is specifically aimed at an introductory level. It will also be a useful primer for students who have not previously taken a specialized freshwater course but who require an accessible overview of the subject. General reviews on the methods of science, influence of scale, and the main features of freshwater systems. Coverage of several fundamental and applied ecological questions. A logical structure in each chapter that builds from a general observation of an ecological pattern, to an exploration of the various scientific approaches that can be used to investigate such patterns. Suggested further reading lists for each chapter.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Statistical Methods in Medical Research
The explanation and implementation of statistical methods for the medical researcher or statistician remains an integral part of modern medical research. This book explains the use of experimental and analytical biostatistics systems. Its accessible style allows it to be used by the non-mathematician as a fundamental component of successful research. Since the third edition, there have been many developments in statistical techniques. The fourth edition provides the medical statistician with an accessible guide to these techniques and to reflect the extent of their usage in medical research. The new edition takes a much more comprehensive approach to its subject. There has been a radical reorganization of the text to improve the continuity and cohesion of the presentation and to extend the scope by covering many new ideas now being introduced into the analysis of medical research data. The authors have tried to maintain the modest level of mathematical exposition that characterized the earlier editions, essentially confining the mathematics to the statement of algebraic formulae rather than pursuing mathematical proofs. Received the Highly Commended Certificate in the Public Health Category of the 2002 BMA Books Competition.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Ecological Data: Design, Management and Processing
Ecologists are increasingly tackling difficult issues like global change, loss of biodiversity and sustainability of ecosystem services. These and related topics are enormously challenging, requiring unprecedented multidisciplinary collaboration and rapid synthesis of large amounts of diverse data into information and ultimately knowledge. New sensors, computers, data collection and storage devices and analytical and statistical methods provide a powerful tool kit to support analyses, graphics and visualizations that were unthinkable even a few years ago. New and increased emphasis on accessibility, management, processing and sharing of high-quality, well-maintained and understandable data represents a significant change in how scientists view and treat data. These issues are complex and despite their importance, are typically not addressed in database, ecological and statistical textbooks. This book addresses these issues, providing a much needed resource for those involved in designing and implementing ecological research, as well as students who are entering the environmental sciences. Chapters focus on the design of ecological studies, data management principles, scientific databases, data quality assurance, data documentation, archiving ecological data and information and processing data into information and knowledge. The book stops short of a detailed treatment of data analysis, but does provide pointers to the relevant literature in graphics, statistics and knowledge discovery. The central thesis of the book is that high quality data management systems are critical for addressing future environmental challenges. This requires a new approach to how we conduct ecological research, that views data as a resource and promotes stewardship, recycling and sharing of data. Ecological Data will be particularly useful to those ecologists and information specialists that actively design, manage and analyze environmental databases. However, it will also benefit a wider audience of scientists and students in the ecological and environmental sciences.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Faulk's Basic Forensic Psychiatry
After the second edition was published (in 1994), a number of changes have taken place, including changes in the law, advances in treatment, and changes in the management of prisons and special hospitals. The book remains essential reading for doctors taking the Membership examination of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, but also will be of interest to general psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, social workers, lawyers, probation officers and criminologists. The subject is set out clearly, logically and expertly and arranged for quick reference.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Coastal Seas: The Conservation Challenge
This succinct, technical reference of coastal-zone resource management is aimed both at students taking courses in coastal management or marine conservation and practitioners in these fields. In response to a worldwide demand, Coastal Seas deals mostly with methodology and provides practitioners, scholars and students with the ideas, tools, materials and strategies needed to manage coastal resources and shoreline development. Although tropical developing nations have the greatest need for this book, the principles are universal and will be of interest and relevance to all. Provides a direction for conservation of coastal resources and marine biodiversity into the 21st century. Suggests solutions to major conservation problems including pollution, storm damage and beach erosion, depletion of sea fisheries, excessive shoreline development, and destruction of essential habitats such as coral reefs and mangrove forests. Gives practical advice to students and practitioners alike on coastal conservation methodology. Presents the outcome of nineteen international coastal zone conservation case studies. Discusses resource vulnerabilities, design of coastal conservation programs, methods and tools for conservation, and sources of professional training.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Carbonate Cementation in Sandstones: Distribution Patterns and Geochemical Evolution
Carbonate cements are very common and abundant in clastic sequences. They profoundly influence the quality of hydrocarbon reservoirs and supply important information on palaeoenvironments and the chemical composition and flow patterns of fluids in sedimentary basins. Despite this importance, their distribution patterns in time and space and their geochemical evolution are not yet deeply explored and elucidated. This Special Publication contains 21 review papers and case studies on carbonate cementation in clastic sequences written by invited specialists on the subject. These papers present a wide and deep coverage that enhance our knowledge about carbonate cementation in various clastic depositional environments, tectonic settings and burial histories. The book will be of special interest to researchers, petroleum geologists and teachers and students at the postgraduate level. If you are a member of the International Association of Sedimentologists, for purchasing details, please see:
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Low-Grade Metamorphism
Low-Grade Metamorphism explores processes and transformations in rocks during the early stages of metamorphic recrystallization. There has been little analysis and documentation of this widespread phenomenon, especially of the substantial and exciting advances that have taken place in the subject over the last decade. This book rectifies that shortfall, building on the foundations of Low-Temperature Metamorphism by Martin Frey (1987). The editors have invited contributions from an internationally acknowledged team of experts, who have aimed the book at advanced undergraduate and graduate students as well as researchers in the field. Contributions from internationally acknowledged experts. Documents the substantial and exciting advances that have taken place in the subject over the last decade.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Human Molecular Biology Laboratory Manual
Human Molecular Biology Laboratory Manual offers a hands-on, state-of-the-art introduction to modern molecular biology techniques as applied to human genome analysis. In eight unique experiments, simple step-by-step instructions guide students through the basic principles of molecular biology and the latest laboratory techniques. This laboratory manual's distinctive focus on human molecular biology provides students with the opportunity to analyze and study their own genes while gaining real laboratory experience. A Background section highlighting the theoretical principles for each experiment. Safety Precautions. Technical Tips. Expected Results. Simple icons indicating tube orientation in centrifuge. Experiment Flow Charts Spiral bound for easy lab use
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Monitoring Plant and Animal Populations: A Handbook for Field Biologists
Monitoring Plant and Animal Populations offers an overview of population monitoring issues that is accessible to the typical field biologist and land managers with a modest statistical background. The text includes concrete guidelines for ecologists to follow to design a statistically defensible monitoring program. User-friendly, practical guide, written in a highly readable format. The authors provide an interdisciplinary scope to address the current, widespread interest in monitoring in many environmental fields, including pure and applied ecology, conservation biology, and wildlife management. Emphasizes the role of monitoring in adaptive management. Defines important terminology and contrasts monitoring with other data-collection activities. Covers the applicable principles of sampling and shows how to design a monitoring project. Provides a step-by-step overview of the monitoring process, illustrated by flow charts and references. The authors also offer guidelines for analyzing and interpreting monitoring data. Illustrates the foundation of management objectives and describes their components, types, and development. Describes common field techniques for measuring important attributes of animal and plant populations. Reviews different methods for recording monitoring data in the field, managing the data, and communicating data to policy makers.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Integrated Environmental Planning
This up-to-date and comprehensive reference presents the fundamentals of environmental planning, incorporating theory, practice and case studies. The book includes balanced coverage and real world examples to illustrate the concepts. Political, ethical, and societal considerations are all addressed. Presents the fundamentals of environmental planning and methodological material for analysis. Real world examples are provided to illustrate concepts. Political, ethical and societal considerations are addressed. Coverage is balanced between theoretical and practical.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Action Research in Health Care
Action research has grown in stature in the fields of education and industry because it centres on people and their problems. Thus it necessarily shares aspects of their human frailty and apparent fickleness: it refuses to be bound by the conventional methods used to create boundaries in scientific research. In these days of clinical governance, action research provides a valuable means of developing responsible and reflective practices that takes into account the different stakeholders within a public service environment. Action research in health care is something of a 'new age' approach, and as such it is only beginning to be recognised and acknowledged for its tremendous potential in bringing professionals and their patients and clients closer together. This book is written in response to all those of you who have struggled in vain to find a practical, concise and yet insightful account of the use of action research methods in health care practice.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Site Surveying
Surveying is an important part of all undergraduate and higher diploma courses in civil engineering and building. This textbook covers a wider range of topics than most other surveying texts, and deals not only with control surveying techniques and equipment but also with setting out practice. The methods described are geared to modern equipment and processes. However, the book emphasises the need to appreciate practical site problems as well as the implications of the latest electronic methods of field work and data handling. The new edition takes into account developments in equipment since 1988.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Petroleum Geology of the North Sea: Basic Concepts and Recent Advances
Since the 3rd edition of this publication, emphasis within the petroleum industry has shifted from exploration to appraisal and development of existing hydrocarbon resources. This change is reflected in this new 4th edition, which has been significantly expanded to accomodate additional material. The centrepiece of the book, however, remains a series of descriptions, in stratigraphic order, of the depositional history and hydrocarbon related rock units of the North Sea.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Respiratory Illness in Children
This book has become the standard reference text on respiratory diseases in children. It has been extensively revised and updated to encompass the latest developments, and there are now specific chapters on obstructive sleep apnoea and the lung in HIV infection. The biggest revisions to existing chapters are in those on growth and development, respiratory noises, cough and pulmonary consequences of inhalation. The clinical approach in this book is strongly based on an understanding of epidemiology, pathophysiology and increasingly, molecular biology. This fourth edtition brings a stronger theoretical basis to the clinical practice that has been one of the strengths of previous edtitions.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Introduction to Ecological Modelling
At present, most books on ecological modelling rely on very complex mathematics, resulting in students and researchers shying away from investigating the potential uses of ecological models and their methods of construction. This new book aims to open up this exciting area to a much wider audience. Assuming only basic mathematical knowledge, the text uses case studies to show how a relatively small set of techniques of model construction can be used in a wide range of important applications. Researchers will find it an invaluable guide to using ecological models in their work. Uses case studies to clearly demonstrate the applications of ecological models. Avoids complex mathematics. A practical how-to guide for ecological researchers. Sample ecological models available via this web site.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Biogenic Trace Gases: Measuring Emissions from Soil and Water
Trace gases are those that are present in the atmosphere at relatively low concentrations. Small changes in their concentrations can have profound implications for major atmospheric fluxes, and thereore, can be used as indicators in studies of global change, global biogeochemical cycling and global warming. This new how-to guide will detail the concepts and techniques involved in the detection and measurement of trace gases, and the impact they have on ecological studies. Introductory chapters look at the role of trace gases in global cycles, while later chapters go on to consider techniques for the measurement of gases in various environments and at a range of scales. A how-to guide for measuring atmospheric trace gases. Techniques described are of value in addressing current concerns over global climate change.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Health Promotion: Concepts and Practice
Health promotion is high on the political agenda - it has been highlighted in the Health Service reforms, achieved recognition as an important dimension of public policy, and has come to be seen as an essential aspect of the work of all health professionals. There is widespread disagreement as to what health promotion is or indeed ought to be. Attempts have been made through academic literature to resolve these uncertainties, largely resulting in further controversy. Such abstract discussions have not been aimed at the specific needs of health professionals like nurses. This book not only takes up the conceptual challenges but meets the practical demands of health care settings.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Canine and Feline Geriatrics
This book provides a practical guide to vets faced with ageing animals. Starting from the important standpoint that the subject of geriatrics presents topics and problems all of its own, the book does not simply present overviews of each subject as they relate to the younger adult, with aspects relating to the older animal tacked on. Instead the book covers topics that relate specifically to the geriatric patient
John Wiley and Sons Ltd An Aid to the MRCP Short Cases
The first edition of An Aid to the MRCP Short Cases rapidly estabished itself as a classic and has sold over 25,000 copies. The aims of this revised and extended second edition are the same as those of the first: to provide a comprehensive guide for those preparing for the short cases section of the Membership of the Royal College of Physicians examination. The MRCP examination is a major hurdle for all trainee hospital physicians and has a failure rate of over 70%. The largest part of the book consists of 200 short cases that are presented in order of frequency of their occurrence in the examination (based on an extensive survey of successful candidates). The clinical features of each case are fully covered and supported by illustrations and photographs. The emphasis throughout the book is on examination technique and how to present the clinical information in the style that the examiners expect. In short, it is an indispensable guide for anyone preparing for this critical examination.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Soils in the Urban Environment
Urban areas contain a wide variety of open spaces, yet much of this has evolved under the pressures of human population with minimal management. The last 40 years have seen problems of varying severity begin to appear, including contamination, erosion, acidification and compaction. These problems have brought attention to the importance of the soil cover, the need for better understanding it, and the need for its protection. This book is a review of state-of-the-art science for soil in urban areas. Based on a meeting organized by the Nature Conservancy Council and the British Society of Soil Science, the nine chapters cover soil classification, contamination by waste and metals, physical and biological properties, nutrient provision and cycling, vegetation, and soil storage. The book provides a basis from which to plan future research and development programs.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Fundamentals of Aquatic Ecology
Fundamentals of Aquatic Ecology is a completely updated and revised edition of the earlier work, Fundamentals of Aquatic Ecosystems. The new edition has been re-titled to reflect the fact that the authors found that, from the modification exercise, a completely different and new book emerged. The new edition concentrates heavily of the fundamental features common to all aquatic systems, both marine and freshwater. This unique synthesis allows for the discussion of ecological processes comparatively, across environments. A general introduction is followed by discussion of various 'types' of aquatic ecosystems - open waters, coastal zones, benthos, and the aquatic ecosystem as a whole. This is followed by an important new chapter on aquatic ecosystems and global ecology. Later chapters consider the individuals and communities in aquatic ecosystems. A totally re-written and rejuvenated edition of an established student text. Synthesizes both marine and freshwater ecology. Covers both ecosystem ecology and population biology. In depth consideration of man's impact on the aquatic environment.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Christian Mission: How Christianity Became a World Religion
CHRISTIAN MISSION “Dana Robert distils a quarter of a century of her research into an erudite and accessible single-volume account of how Christianity became the largest religious tradition in the world. There is no better place for any reader to start becoming informed about this important subject.” David Hempton, Harvard University “Remarkable for the range and depth of the material Robert is able to pack into so short a book. Reliable and readable, it is especially valuable for its treatment of the relation between western and non-western missionary activity.” David A. Hollinger, University of California, Berkeley “Dana Robert’s richly textured book shows us that the history of Christian missions is far from being merely a European colonial story, and will be immensely valuable to students and general readers who are concerned to uncover the historical roots of Christianity’s current status as a truly global faith.” Brian Stanley, University of Edinburgh The Gospels record that Christ commanded his disciples to “go forth and teach all nations.” Thus began the history of Christian mission, a phenomenon which brought about massive shifts in the nature and practice of Christianity, and one that many say reflects the single most important movement of intercultural encounter over a sustained period of human history. To understand Christianity as a global movement, therefore, it is essential to study the role of mission – defined as the transmission of the Gospel across cultures. Erudite and enlightening, this brief book explores the 2,000 years of mission history, covering topics such as the meaning of the missionary through history, gender and missions, and missions in culture and politics. Given that in the twenty-first century, Christianity is now largely practiced outside the West, Christian Mission is an inspirational and invaluable resource to broaden our understanding of the nature of Christianity as a truly multi-cultural world religion.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Christian Mission: How Christianity Became a World Religion
CHRISTIAN MISSION “Dana Robert distils a quarter of a century of her research into an erudite and accessible single-volume account of how Christianity became the largest religious tradition in the world. There is no better place for any reader to start becoming informed about this important subject.” David Hempton, Harvard University “Remarkable for the range and depth of the material Robert is able to pack into so short a book. Reliable and readable, it is especially valuable for its treatment of the relation between western and non-western missionary activity.” David A. Hollinger, University of California, Berkeley “Dana Robert’s richly textured book shows us that the history of Christian missions is far from being merely a European colonial story, and will be immensely valuable to students and general readers who are concerned to uncover the historical roots of Christianity’s current status as a truly global faith.” Brian Stanley, University of Edinburgh The Gospels record that Christ commanded his disciples to “go forth and teach all nations.” Thus began the history of Christian mission, a phenomenon which brought about massive shifts in the nature and practice of Christianity, and one that many say reflects the single most important movement of intercultural encounter over a sustained period of human history. To understand Christianity as a global movement, therefore, it is essential to study the role of mission – defined as the transmission of the Gospel across cultures. Erudite and enlightening, this brief book explores the 2,000 years of mission history, covering topics such as the meaning of the missionary through history, gender and missions, and missions in culture and politics. Given that in the twenty-first century, Christianity is now largely practiced outside the West, Christian Mission is an inspirational and invaluable resource to broaden our understanding of the nature of Christianity as a truly multi-cultural world religion.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Birth of the Modern World, 1780 - 1914
This thematic history of the world from 1780 to the onset of the First World War reveals that the world was far more 'globalised' at this time than is commonly thought. Explores previously neglected sets of connections in world history. Reveals that the world was far more 'globalised', even at the beginning of this period, than is commonly thought. Sketches the 'ripple effects' of world crises such as the European revolutions and the American Civil War. Shows how events in Asia, Africa and South America impacted on the world as a whole. Considers the great themes of the nineteenth-century world, including the rise of the modern state, industrialisation and liberalism. Challenges and complements the regional and national approaches which have traditionally dominated history teaching and writing. Part of The Blackwell History of the World Series The goal of this ambitious series is to provide an accessible source of knowledge about the entire human past, for every curious person in every part of the world. It will comprise some two dozen volumes, of which some provide synoptic views of the history of particular regions while others consider the world as a whole during a particular period of time. The volumes are narrative in form, giving balanced attention to social and cultural history (in the broadest sense) as well as to institutional development and political change. Each provides a systematic account of a very large subject, but they are also both imaginative and interpretative. The Series is intended to be accessible to the widest possible readership, and the accessibility of its volumes is matched by the style of presentation and production.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Multilingualism in the English-Speaking World: Pedigree of Nations
Multilingualism in the English-Speaking World is the winner of the BAAL Book Prize 2005. Multilingualism in the English-Speaking World: Pedigree of Nations explores the consequences of English as a global language and multilingualism as a social phenomenon. Written accessibly, it explores the extent of diversity in 'inner circle' English speaking countries (the UK, the USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand) and examines language in the home, school, and the wider community. Considers the perspectives of English as a global language as well as multilingualism as a social phenomenon. Written in an accessible style that draws on contemporary real life examples. Examines the everyday realities of people living in 'inner circle' English-speaking countries, such as the UK, USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Discusses the theoretical issues that underpin current debates, drawing on research literature on societal multilingualism, language maintenance and shift, language policy, language and power, and language and identity.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Classics of Western Philosophy: A Reader's Guide
The Classics of Western Philosophy brings together 61 newly-commissioned essays on classic texts ranging from Ancient Greece to the twentieth century. Surveying the history of philosophy, the book focuses on historical texts rather than historical figures and covers the entire range of classics in a single volume. Provides 61 chapters written by leading experts on the classics of Western thought. Includes current references to the scholarly literature in addition to a select bibliography of major articles and books. Contributors include C.D.C. Reeve on Plato's Republic, Terrence Irwin on Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, Dominic O'Meara on Plotinus' Enneads, James Ross on Aquinas' Summa Theologiae, Don Garrett on Spinoza's Ethics, Allen Wood on Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, Stephen Houlgate on Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, Michael Dummett on Frege's ‘Über Sinn und Bedeutung,' Hanjo Glock on Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus and David Woodruff Smith on Husserl's Logical Investigations. Surveys the history of philosophy by focussing on the historical texts rather than historical figures. Covers the entire range of classics in a single volume.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Morality Matters
Morality still matters, argues philosopher Roger Trigg, in this accessible introduction to moral thinking. Written for general readers with no background in philosophy. Argues that we need a shared moral vision in order to live together, both nationally and internationally. Considers the need for a shared morality in relation to subjects of vital importance such as human rights. Stresses that private behaviour cannot be kept separate from public choices. Discusses matters of topical debate on both sides of the Atlantic.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Reading Economic Geography
This reader introduces students to examples of the most important research in the field of economic geography. Brings together the most important research contributions to economic geography. Editorial commentary makes the material accessible for students. The editors are highly respected in their field.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Phenomenal Shakespeare
In Phenomenal Shakespeare, leading Shakespeare scholar Bruce R. Smith presents an original account for the ways in which Shakespeare’s poems and plays continue to resonate with audiences, readers and scholars because of their engagement with the whole body, not just the reading mind. An original examination of Shakespeare’s appeal written by leading Shakespeare scholar Bruce R. Smith Contains insightful examinations of a single Shakespeare sonnet, Venus and Adonis, and King Lear to model the possibilities of historical phenomenology as a better strategy for critical reading than approaches based on language alone Pushes beyond traditional treatments of Shakespeare An ideal handbook of contemporary approaches to Shakespeare and a celebration of Shakespeare's staying power on stage, on film, and on the page
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Intercultural Discourse and Communication: The Essential Readings
Intercultural Discourse and Communication: The Essential Readings is a collection of articles that discuss major theoretical approaches, case studies of cultural and sub-cultural contact from around the globe, issues of identity in 'bicultural' individuals, and the 'real world' implications of intercultural contact and conflict. Collects articles that describe and analyze discourse and communication in several channels, including spoken, written, and signed. Considers various group organizations such as culture/subculture, gender, race/ethnicity, social class, age, and region. Includes brief introductions to each section by the editors that explain main concepts. Contains discussion questions that enhance the book’s value for courses.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Brief History of Heresy
This short and accessible book introduces readers to the problems of heresy, schism and dissidence over the last two millennia. The heresies under discussion range from Gnosticism, influential in the early Christian period, right through to modern sects. The idea of a heretic conjures up many images, from the martyrs prepared to die for their beliefs, through to sects with bizarre practices. This book provides a remarkable insight into the fraught history of heresy, showing how the Church came to insist on orthodoxy when threatened by alternative ideals, exploring the social and political conditions under which heretics were created, and how those involved were 'tested' and punished, often by imprisonment and burning. Engaging written, A Brief History of Heresy is enlivened throughout with fascinating examples of individuals and movements. A short, accessible history of heresy. Spans the last two millennia, from the Gnostics through to modern sects. Considers heresy in relation to ecclesial separatism, doctrinal disagreement, church order, and basic metaphysics. Enlivened with intriguing examples of individuals and movements. Written by a leading academic in the field of Religious History.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Pietist Theologians: An Introduction to Theology in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
A comprehensive introduction to the Pietist theologians of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in Puritan England, Pietist Europe and Colonial America. Provides a comprehensive introduction to the Pietist theologians of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Demonstrates the influence that Pietism had on the religious, cultural and social life of the time. Explores the lasting effects Pietism has had on modern theology and modern culture. Presents both Protestant and Catholic theologians in Puritan England, Pietist Europe and Colonial America. Focuses on women as well as men. Features up-to-date research and commentary by an international group of leading scholars.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Ancient Rhetoric and Oratory
This book introduces readers to the ancient rhetorical tradition by investigating key questions about the origins, nature and importance of rhetoric. Explores the role of the orator, especially the two greatest figures of the tradition, Demosthenes and Cicero Investigates the place of rhetoric at the center of ancient education Considers the role of rhetoric since the end of antiquity. Includes a glossary of proper names and technical terms; a chronological table of political events, authors, orators, and rhetorical works; and suggestions for further reading.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Internet in Everyday Life
The Internet in Everyday Life is the first book to systematically investigate how being online fits into people's everyday lives. Opens up a new line of inquiry into the social effects of the Internet. Focuses on how the Internet fits into everyday lives, rather than considering it as an alternate world. Chapters are contributed by leading researchers in the area. Studies are based on empirical data. Talks about the reality of being online now, not hopes or fears about the future effects of the Internet.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Old English Literature: A Short Introduction
This innovative and intriguing introduction to Old English literature is structured around what the author calls ‘figures’ from Anglo-Saxon culture: the Vow, the Hall, the Miracle, the Pulpit, and the Scholar. An innovative and intriguing introduction to Old English literature. Structured around ‘figures’ from Anglo-Saxon culture: the Vow, the Hall, the Miracle, the Pulpit, and the Scholar. Situates Old English literary texts within a cultural framework. Creates new connections between different genres, periods and authors. Combines close textual analysis with historical context. Based on the author’s many years experience of teaching Old English literature. The author is co-editor with Seamus Heaney of Beowulf: A Verse Translation (2001) and recently published with Blackwell Lady Godiva: A Literary History of the Legend (2003).
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Typical and Atypical Development: From Conception to Adolescence
Martin Herbert's latest book provides an interesting and informative account of the child's journey from the womb to the world outside, through childhood and into adolescence. It is based on the belief that it is vital for those training to work with children who have problems to understand what is typical or atypical in children's development. Herbert deliberately links developmental and clinical psychology approaches in order to help readers connect their theoretical understanding of the physical and psychological problems of childhood with the practicalities of assessment, rehabilitation and treatment. 'Although many have attempted to write a developmentally based book on child and adolescent behavior problems, few have achieved this lofty and elusive goal. Professor Herbert does so, however. He nicely bridges the gap or, some would say, chasm between developmental psychology, educational psychology, and clinical child and adolescent psychology.' Thomas H. Ollendick, PhD, University Distinguished Professor, Virginia Tech
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Latin American Anthropology
Comprised of 24 newly commissioned chapters, this defining reference volume on Latin America introduces English-language readers to the debates, traditions, and sensibilities that have shaped the study of this diverse region. Contributors include some of the most prominent figures in Latin American and Latin Americanist anthropology Offers previously unpublished work from Latin America scholars that has been translated into English explicitly for this volume Includes overviews of national anthropologies in Mexico, Cuba, Peru, Argentina, Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia, and Brazil, and is also topically focused on new research Draws on original ethnographic and archival research Highlights national and regional debates Provides a vivid sense of how anthropologists often combine intellectual and political work to address the pressing social and cultural issues of Latin America
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Typical and Atypical Development: From Conception to Adolescence
Martin Herbert's latest book provides an interesting and informative account of the child's journey from the womb to the world outside, through childhood and into adolescence. It is based on the belief that it is vital for those training to work with children who have problems to understand what is typical or atypical in children's development. Herbert deliberately links developmental and clinical psychology approaches in order to help readers connect their theoretical understanding of the physical and psychological problems of childhood with the practicalities of assessment, rehabilitation and treatment. 'Although many have attempted to write a developmentally based book on child and adolescent behavior problems, few have achieved this lofty and elusive goal. Professor Herbert does so, however. He nicely bridges the gap or, some would say, chasm between developmental psychology, educational psychology, and clinical child and adolescent psychology.' Thomas H. Ollendick, PhD, University Distinguished Professor, Virginia Tech
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Writing Systems: A Linguistic Approach
Accessibly written, Writing Systems: A Linguistic Approach provides detailed coverage of all major writing systems of historical or structural significance with thorough discussion of structure, history, and social context as well as important theoretical issues. Discusses systems as diverse as Chinese, Greek, and Maya. Presents each system in light of four major aspects of writing: history and development, internal structure, the relationship of writing and language, and sociolinguistic aspects. Includes glossary of technical terms, extensive illustrations, exercises and further reading suggestions to aid in teaching from the book.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Text, Context, Pretext: Critical Issues in Discourse Analysis
Written by a leading researcher in the field, this fascinating examination of the relations between grammar, text, and discourse is designed to provoke critical discussion on key issues in discourse analysis which are not always clearly identified and examined. Written by a leading researcher in the field Continues the enquiry into discourse analysis that Zellig Harris initiated 50 years ago, which raised a number of problematic issues that have remained unresolved ever since Introduces the notion of pretext as an additional factor in the general interpretative process Focuses attention specifically on the work of critical discourse analysis (CDA) in light of the issues discussed
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Text, Context, Pretext: Critical Issues in Discourse Analysis
Written by a leading researcher in the field, this fascinating examination of the relations between grammar, text, and discourse is designed to provoke critical discussion on key issues in discourse analysis which are not always clearly identified and examined. Written by a leading researcher in the field Continues the enquiry into discourse analysis that Zellig Harris initiated 50 years ago, which raised a number of problematic issues that have remained unresolved ever since Introduces the notion of pretext as an additional factor in the general interpretative process Focuses attention specifically on the work of critical discourse analysis (CDA) in light of the issues discussed
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Programming for Linguists: Perl for Language Researchers
This book is an introduction to the rudiments of Perl programming. It provides the general reader with an interest in language with the most usable and relevant aspects of Perl for writing programs that deal with language. Exposes the general reader with an interest in language to the most usable and relevant aspects of Perl for writing programs that deal with language. Contains simple examples and exercises that gradually introduce the reader to the essentials of good programming. Assumes no prior programming experience. Accompanied by exercises at the end of each chapter and offers all the code on the companion website:
John Wiley and Sons Ltd American Identities: An Introductory Textbook
American Identities is a dazzling array of primary documents and critical essays culled from American history, literature, memoir, and popular culture that explore major currents and trends in American history from 1945 to the present. Charts the rich multiplicity of American identities through the different lenses of race, class, and gender, and shaped by common historical social processes such as migration, families, work, and war. Includes editorial introductions for the volume and for each reading, and study questions for each selection. Enables students to engage in the history-making process while developing the skills crucial to interpreting rich and enduring cultural texts. Accompanied by an instructor's guide containing reading, viewing, and listening exercises, interview questions, bibliographies, time-lines, and sample excerpts of students' family histories for course use.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to American Fiction, 1780 - 1865
This Companion presents the current state of criticism in the field of American fiction from the earliest declarations of nationhood to secession and civil war. Draws heavily on historical and cultural contexts in its consideration of American fiction Relates the fiction of the period to conflicts about territory and sovereignty and to issues of gender, race, ethnicity and identity Covers different forms of fiction, including children’s literature, sketches, polemical pieces, historical romances, Gothic novels and novels of exploration Considers both canonical and lesser-known authors, including James Fennimore Cooper, Hannah Foster, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville and Harriet Beecher Stowe Treats neglected topics, such as the Western novel, science and the novel, and American fiction in languages other than English
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Psychoanalytic Movement: The Cunning of Unreason
The Psychoanalytic Movement explains how the language of psychoanalysis became the dominant way in which the middle classes of the industrialized West speak about their emotions. Explains how the language of psychoanalysis became the dominant way for the industrialized West to speak about emotion. Argues that although psychoanalysis offers an incisive picture of human nature, it provides untestable operational definitions and makes unsubstantiated claims concerning its therapeutic efficacy. Includes new foreword by Jose Brunner that expands on the central argument of the book and argues that Gellner and Freud might be seen as kindred spirits.