Search results for ""john wiley and sons ltd""
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Comparative Employment Relations: An Introductioin
This major new textbook provides a concise introduction to employment and industrial relations. Unlike many other textbooks, this adopts a comparative approach, examining the changing nature of employment practices in relation to the processes of globalization, and engaging critically with the literature on Human Resource Management. By taking account of the international dimension of employment relations, this book is at the forefront of new developments in the field. The thematic approach of Comparative Employment Relations makes it distinctive from the country-by-country studies of this topic. Jack Eaton synthesizes recent work in the field to establish a basis for further study in the most important areas of industrial relations, including Japanese-style employment practices; comparative collective bargaining; the rules of employment and routes to skill formation; collective labour law; globalization and transnational companies. He concludes by examining the prospects for comparative employment relations. By equipping students with a set of useful concepts and perspectives, this book will give them the confidence to explore the now extensive international literature on employment management, and to utilize the methods of comparative analysis in their own work. This book will be essential reading for second- and third-year undergraduates studying business, management, economics and the sociology of work and industry.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Sociology of Health and Illness Reader
The Sociology of Health and Illness Reader brings together some of the best examples of recent sociological studies on health, illness and health care. The volume emphasizes the empirical nature of medical sociology and its relationship with the development of sociological theory. It thus presents an array of substantive topics viewed from a range of contemporary theoretical positions. Reflecting the key areas of medical sociology, the chapters are organized into five sections: ‘Bodies’, ‘Health and Risk’, ‘Experiencing Illness’, ‘Social Patterning of Health and Illness’ and ‘Health Care Work’. Each area is introduced by the editors, who provide an overview of the topic and highlight key developments. Although the chapters cover a wide range of topics, they all deal with issues pertinent to health and illness in the twenty-first century, and draw upon broader sociological debates around notions of risk, reflexivity, flexibility, uncertainty and late modernity. The book includes an extensive introduction that provides the student with an orientation to the field.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd 'Race', Gender, Social Welfare: Encounters in a Postcolonial Society
This book explores the relationship between 'race', gender and policy to develop an important and original argument about social welfare and racial formation in the late twentieth century. The book presents a layered and finely textured analysis of the issue of 'ethnic minority' women in professional social work in Britain. The analysis contextualizes their entry in terms of an understanding of the developing relationship between racial formation and its expression in local and central policy and policy-making. In the process, the author builds upon and greatly extends the current analyses of social policy and 'race' and gender. Using a skilful mix of theory, empirical research and interviews, the book explores the complexities of the racialized and gendered world of the social services department. The result is an important contribution to the literature that draws on feminist, postcolonial, psychoanalytic and social constructionist perspectives to develop an argument about processes of racial formation. 'Race', Gender, Social Welfare will be of interest to students, academics and practitioners in the fields of social welfare, social work, ethnic and women's studies and discourse analysis.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Masculine Domination
Masculine domination is so deeply ingrained in our unconscious that we hardly perceive all of its dimensions. It is so much in line with our expectations that we struggle to call it fully into question. Pierre Bourdieu's ethnographic analysis of gender divisions in Kabyle society, as a living reservoir of the Mediterranean cultural tradition, provides a potent instrument for disclosing the symbolic structures of the androcentric unconscious which survives in the men and women of our own societies. Bourdieu analyses masculine domination as a paradigmatic form of symbolic violence - the kind of gentle, invisible, pervasive violence which is exercised through cognition and misrecognition, knowledge and sentiment, often with the unwitting consent of the dominated. To understand this form of domination we must analyse both its invariant features and the historical work of dehistoricization through which social institutions - family, school, church, state - eternalize the arbitrary at the root of men's power. This analysis leads directly to the political question: can we neutralize the mechanisms through which history is continuously turned into nature, thereby freeing the forces of change and accelerating the incipient transformations of the relations between the sexes? This new book by Pierre Bourdieu - which has been a bestseller in France - will be essential reading for students and scholars across the social sciences and humanities and for anyone concerned with questions of gender, sexuality and power.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Myths at Work
During the last two decades there have been profound changes in the organization of work. Myths at Work explores these changes, critically examining and challenging some of the central frameworks that have been used to explain them. Global economic restructuring has brought about changes in the jobs we do, our labour market opportunities, and the shape of our individual career paths. These changes have been explained through a number of potent 'myths' (in the sense of widely-held bodies of ideas) including globalization, post-fordist production methods, and a new consumer-based form of capitalism. The authors examine these myths, explain how they have come about, and question their accuracy. While doing so they provide a more accurate picture of employment and the modern workplace. They also look at the 'myths' of the feminisation of the labour force, the skills revolution, lean production, non-standard employment, the death of class, the end of trade unionism, and the 'economic worker'. The result is an illuminating and accessible teaching and research text that will appeal to students and academics in the sociology of work, organizational behaviour, business studies, and related areas.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Two Faces of Liberalism
In Two Faces of Liberalism, John Gray argues that liberal thought has always contained two incompatible philosophies. In one, liberalism is a theory of a universal rational consensus, which enables the achievement of the best way of life for all humankind. In the other, liberalism is the project of seeking terms of peaceful coexistence between different regimes and ways of life. John Gray argues that the liberalism of rational consensus is anachronistic in a time when most late modern societies contain several ways of life, with many people belonging to more than one. The future of liberalism lies with a project of modus vivendi, first outlined in the writings of Thomas Hobbes. In the course of his argument, Gray presents a new interpretation of liberal toleration and argues that value-pluralism in ethics can support a revised view of universal human rights. This accessible book will be of great interest to students and scholars of political thought, moral and political philosophy, social and critical theory and cultural studies.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd What is Citizenship?
Structured analytically, the book introduces the reader to all the facets of citizenship.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Kant's Critique of Pure Reason
Kant is a pivotal thinker in Adorno's intellectual world. Yet although he wrote monographs on Hegel, Husserl and Kierkegaard, the closest he came to an extended discussion of Kant are two lecture courses, one concentrating on the Critique of Pure Reason and the other on the Critique of Practical Reason. This new volume by Adorno comprises his lectures on the former.Adorno attempts to make Kant's thought comprehensible to students by focusing on what he regards as problematic aspects of Kant's philosophy. Adorno examines his dualism and what he calls the Kantian 'block': the contradictions arising from Kant's resistance to the idealism that his successors, Fichte, Schelling and Hegel, saw as the inevitable outcome of his ideas. But these lectures also provide an accessible introduction to and rationale for Adorno's own philosophy as expounded in Negative Dialectics and his other major writings. Adorno's view of Kant forms an integral part of his own philosophy, since he argues that the way out of the Kantian contradictions is to show the necessity of the dialectical thinking that Kant himself spurned. This in turn enables Adorno to criticize Anglo-Saxon scientistic or positivist thought, as well as the philosophy of existentialism. This book will be of great interest to those working in philosophy and in social and political thought, and it will be essential reading for anyone interested in the foundations of Adorno's own work.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd In Search of Politics
We live in a world which no longer questions itself, which lives from one day to another managing successive crises and struggling to brace itself for new ones, without knowing where it is going and without trying to plan the itinerary. And everything important in our lives - livelihood, human bonds, partnerships, neighbourhood, goals worth pursuing and dangers to avoid - feels transient, precarious, vulnerable, insecure, uncertain, risky. Is there a connection between the shape of the world we inhabit and the way we live our lives? Exploring that connection, and finding out just how close it is, is the main concern of this book. What is at stake in this inquiry is the possibility of re-building the"'private/public" space, where private troubles and public issues meet and where citizens engage in dialogue in order to govern themselves. Individual liberty can only be a product of collective work, it can only be collectively secured and guaranteed. And yet today we are moving towards a privatization of the means to secure individual liberty. If seen as a therapy for the present ills, this is bound to produce effects of a most sinister kind. The act of translating private troubles into public issues is in danger of falling into disuse and being forgotten. The argument of this book is that making the translation possible again is an urgent and vital imperative for the renewal of politics today. This new book by Zygmunt Bauman - one of the most original and creative thinkers of our time - will be of particular interest to students of sociology, politics and social and political theory.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A History of Rape: Sexual Violence in France from the 16th to the 20th Century
This important new book, by one of the leading social historians in France today, analyses the changing meaning of rape through numerous case studies across the centuries. The book begins with a history of the relative tolerance of sexual violence in early modern France, and the tendency to condemn the victims by enveloping them in the shame of the act. It then traces the changing legal attitudes to sexual violence at the end of the eighteenth century, and the slow recognition of the role of moral violence in rape in the nineteenth century. Vigarello also stresses the importance of the new medical jurisprudence and the introduction of forensic psychiatry into the courtroom. But despite the increased number of convictions in the nineteenth century, it was only after the campaigns conducted by feminists in the twentieth century that the true gravity of rape as a crime against women's integrity was fully recognized. As a result, acts of sexual violence are no longer assessed in terms of the risk of debauchery, but in terms of the risk of 'psychic murder' and inner damage. A History of Rape is a valuable resource for students and scholars of social history, and anyone interested in changing attitudes to sexuality and sexual violence
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Politics and Fate
Politics was once regarded as an activity which could give human societies control over their fate. However, there is now a deep pessimism about the ability of human beings to control anything very much, least of all through politics. This new fatalism about the human condition claims that we are living in the iron cages erected by vast impersonal forces arising from globalization and technology: a society that is both anti-political and unpolitical, a society without hope or the means either to imagine or promote an alternative future. It reflects the disillusion of political hopes in liberal and socialist utopias in the twentieth century and a widespread disenchantment with the grand narratives of the Enlightenment about reason and progress, and with modernity itself. The most characteristic expression of this disenchantment is the endless discourses on endism - the end of history, the end of ideology, the end of the nation-state, the end of authority, the end of government, the end of the public realm, the end of politics itself - all have been proclaimed in recent years. Andrew Gamble's new book argues against the fatalism implicit in so many of these discourses, as well as against the fatalism that has always been present in many of the central discourses of modernity. It sets out a defence of politics and the political, explains why we cannot do without politics, and probes the complex relationship between politics and fate, and the continuing and necessary tension between them. This book will be essential reading for students and scholars of politics, public affairs and political thought.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Voice of Memory: Interviews 1961 - 1987
Over the course of more than twenty-five years, Primo Levi gave more than two hundred newspaper, journal, radio and television interviews speaking with such varied authors as Philip Roth and Germaine Greer. Marco Belpoliti and Robert Gordon have selected and translated thirty-six of the most important of these interviews for The Voice of Memory.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Stakeholding Society: Writings on Politics and Economics
For over a decade Will Hutton has been one of Britain's leading progressive voices. He has been at the centre of every significant economic and political debate that has reshaped and reimagined the British centre-left: the mounting calls for a democratic constitutional settlement, the criticisms of the short-termism of the domestic and international financial systems, the idea of a stakeholding society. In The State We're In he combined all three in a passionate and powerful diagnosis of Britain's problems and the possibility of a just and democratic renewal. This collection brings together the full range of Hutton's work as a journalist, pamphleteer and essayist, advocate and critic, and shows the spectrum of issues with which he has engaged. Yet Hutton has remained true to his best journalistic instincts. He has proved to be not only an acute thinker but an engaged writer and effective popularizer. Brought together, his work over the last ten years represents the emergence of a new politics and new political imagination in Britain. Founded on a coherent critique of neo-liberal economic orthodoxy and monetarist practice, and a sophisticated reassessment of neo-Keynesianism, Hutton has put the politics back into political economy. The case he makes for new economic institutions, the regulation of global capital markets, the refounding of British industry, has always been matched by the complementary requirements of a new politics which is consensual, democratic, open and innovative and which must be pursued as much in Brussels and the regions and nations of the UK as at Westminster.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Radio in the Global Age
Radio in the Global Age offers a fresh, up-to-date, and wide-ranging introduction to the role of radio in contemporary society. It places radio, for the first time, in a global context, and pays special attention to the impact of the Internet, digitalization and globalization on the political-economy of radio. It also provides a new emphasis on the links between music and radio, the impact of formatting, and the broader cultural roles the medium plays in constructing identities and nurturing musical tastes. Individual chapters explore the changing structures of the radio industry, the way programmes are produced, the act of listening and the construction of audiences, the different meanings attached to programmes, and the cultural impact of radio across the globe. David Hendy portrays a medium of extraordinary contradictions: a cheap and accessible means of communication, but also one increasingly dominated by rigid formats and multinational companies; a highly 'intimate' medium, but one capable of building large communities of listeners scattered across huge spaces; a force for nourishing regional identity, but also a pervasive broadcaster of globalized music products; a 'stimulus to the imagination', but a purveyor of the banal and of the routine. Drawing on recent research from as far afield as Africa, Australasia and Latin America, as well as from the UK and US, the book aims to explore and to explain these paradoxes - and, in the process, to offer an imaginative reworking of Marshall McLuhan's famous dictum that radio is one of the world's 'hot' media. Radio in the Global Age is an invaluable text for undergraduates and researchers in media studies, communication studies, journalism, cultural studies, and musicology. It will also be of interest to practitioners and policy-makers in the radio industry.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Echographies of Television: Filmed Interviews
In this important new book, Jacques Derrida talks with Bernard Stiegler about the effect of teletechnologies on our philosophical and political moment. Improvising before a camera, the two philosophers are confronted by the very technologies they discuss and so are forced to address all the more directly the urgent questions that they raise. What does it mean to speak of the present in a situation of "live" recording? How can we respond, responsibly, to a question when we know that the so-called "natural" conditions of expression, discussion, reflection, and deliberation have been breached? As Derrida and Stiegler discuss the role of teletechnologies in modern society, the political implications of Derrida's thought become apparent. Drawing on recent events in Europe, Derrida and Stiegler explore the impact of television and the internet on our understanding of the state, its borders and citizenship. Their discussion examines the relationship between the juridical and the technical, and it shows how new technologies for manipulating and transmitting images have influenced our notions of democracy, history and the body. The book opens with a shorter interview with Derrida on the news media, and closes with a provocative essay by Stiegler on the epistemology of digital photography. In Echographies of Television, Derrida and Stiegler open up questions that are of key social and political importance. Their book will be of great interest to all those already familiar with Derrida's work, as well as to students and scholars of philosophy, literature, sociology and media studies.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Postwar British Politics in Perspective
This broad-ranging and original text provides an accessible introduction to British politics since 1945, challenging many well-established orthodoxies.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Between Facts and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy
This is Habermas's long awaited work on law, democracy and the modern constitutional state in which he develops his own account of the nature of law and democracy.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Globalization: The Human Consequences
'Globalization' is a word that is currently much in use. This book is an attempt to show that there is far more to globalization than its surface manifestations. Unpacking the social roots and social consequences of globalizing processes, this book disperses some of the mist that surrounds the term. Alongside the emerging planetary dimensions of business, finance, trade and information flow, a 'localizing', space-fixing process is set in motion. What appears as globalization for some, means localization for many others; signalling new freedom for some, globalizing processes appear as uninvited and cruel fate for many others. Freedom to move, a scarce and unequally distributed commodity, quickly becomes the main stratifying factor of our times. Neo-tribal and fundamentalist tendencies are as legitimate offspring of globalization as the widely acclaimed 'hybridization' of top culture - the culture at the globalized top. A particular reason to worry is the progressive breakdown in communication between the increasingly global and extra- territorial elites and ever more 'localized' majority. The bulk of the population, the 'new middle class', bears the brunt of these problems, and suffers uncertainty, anxiety and fear as a result. This book is a major contribution to the unfolding debate about globalization, and as such will be of interest to students and professionals in sociology, human geography and cultural issues.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Economic Horror
The Economic Horror is an impassioned book addressed to the dominant political and economic elites in our society. Those in power, Forrester tells us, continue to present employment as the norm - and by doing so make the unemployed feel worthless.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Women of the Twelfth Century, Remembering the Dead
In this volume, one of the greatest medieval historians of our time continues his rich and illuminating enquiry into the lives of twelfth-century women. Georges Duby bases his account here on a twelfth-century genre which commemorated the virtues of noblewomen who had died, and the roles they had played in the history of their lineage. From these genealogical works a vivid picture emerges of the lives these women led, the values they held, and the way in which they were viewed by the priest and knights who wrote about them. The first section outlines the way in which the dead, and the memory and tales of the dead, served to bond noble society in the twelfth century. The second draws on the Gesta, written by Dudo of Saint Quentin, and reflects on what it tells us about the roles ascribed to wives and concubines and women, in war and in power. The third and final section reconstructs women as wives, mothers and widows through the work of Lambert, Priest of Ardres. This book is part of a three-volume work on women in the Middle Ages. It will be of great interest to students and researchers in medieval history, social history and women's history.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Problems of Moral Philosophy
This volume makes Adorno's lectures on the problems of moral philosophy available for the first time to English-speaking readers. It is one of several volumes of Adorno's unpublished writings which are currently being published in Germany, and which will be published in translation by Polity. The book is organized around an account of Kant's moral theory, and introduces most of the central topics of Adorno's far more difficult work Negative Dialectics. He examines concepts such as the primacy of practical reason, the relation between freedom and experience, and the desubstantialization of moral thought. These and other concepts are discussed in an accessible and entertaining style which is very different from the rest of Adorno's published work. Problems of Moral Philosophy will be an important resource for scholars drawing on Adorno's thought, and its nature as a lecture course makes it a very useful and accessible introduction for students to Adorno's ideas about moral philosophy. It will be of great interest to those working in philosophy and in social and political thought.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Social Policy and Social Justice: The IPPR Reader
Built on the core concepts of social justice, individual rights, equality of opportunity and public participation in decision making, this volume provides an analysis of the changing needs and demands in welfare; the debate about public and private provision and the interface between family, work and community. Social Policy and Social Justice brings together, for the first time, the IPPR's influential work on family policy, health rights and rationing, self help and community development and citizens' juries. The authors address the issues and debates which characterize today's changing policy-making agenda. What kind of policies can encourage a stable and loving home environment for children to grow into dependable adults? How can we encourage initiatives to rejuvenate local communities from the bottom up? Can a cash-limited NHS survive ever increasing demands on its services? Why should we look for new ways to involve the public in decision making? The IPPR's approach to policy making has influenced the new Labour Government, elected in 1997. It is an approach that takes account of the complexities of everyday life and develops strategies for working with rather than against the tide of change; with how people really live rather than how some people think they should live. Contributors include Adrienne Burgess, Ian Bynoe, Anna Coote, Dan Corry, David Donnison, Ian Gough, Harriet Harman, Patricia Hewitt, David J. Hunter, Jo Lenaghan, Tariq Modood, Raymond Plant, Sandy Ruxton and Mai Wann. This comprehensive social policy textbook is for students and researchers of social policy and the politics of welfare, as well as those working in health, housing, community, the voluntary sector and local government. It offers a distinct democratic liberal framework for policy making.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Freud 2000
No modern thinker has affected our views on identity and culture as forcefully as Sigmund Freud. Yet what is the relevance of Freud to today's world? How can Freudian theory be used to explore the cultural possibilities and dangers of the twenty-first century? At a time when the need for an authoritative reference work is greater than ever before, this book presents a bold defence of the relevance and importance of Freud to contemporary culture. Freud 2000 offers a highly readable and lucid application of Freudian concepts to current theoretical issues in the social sciences and the humanities. Issues addressed include the impact of Freud on our understandings of identity and sexuality; the relationship between psychoanalysis and feminism; problems of epistemology and method; the analysis of political violence and international relations; the temporal and spatial constitution of social practices; the coherence of law and jurisprudence; the interpretation of biography and autobiography; and the dynamics of modernity and postmodernism. Freud 2000 is composed of major essays from highly distinguished international scholars: Jessica Benjamin, Stephen Frosh, Jacqueline Rose, Anthony Elliott, C. Fred Alford, Steve Pile, Barry Richards, Joanne Brown, Madelon Sprengnether, David S. Caudill and Harvie Ferguson.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Class in Britain
Social class differences and inequalities are alive and flourishing in contemporary Britain. In reviewing a wide range of sources, this book provides easy access to the empirical research on social class. It illustrates how class differences reach into society, affecting not only life-styles but also life-chances - birth, health and death. Reid demonstrates how social class is related to most aspects of life in Britain including: differences in wealth and income, education and qualifications, work and leisure, expectation of life and experience of health, housing, sex and family relationships, political and religious beliefs and activity. It provides a comprehensive view of the nature of social class in Britain and discusses how the concept of class has been used in empirical research. In sum, it presents a very serious challenge to the hope or promise that Britain is moving towards a classless society. Dispassionate in its approach, clear in its presentation and comprehensive in its treatment, Class in Britain provides an indispensable guide and sourcebook for all those who need to know, or are interested in, the social structure of Britain today. It is written for a very wide-ranging audience including students, social scientists, teachers, politicians and administrators.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Freud 2000
No modern thinker has affected our views on identity and culture as forcefully as Sigmund Freud. Yet what is the relevance of Freud to today's world? How can Freudian theory be used to explore the cultural possibilities and dangers of the twenty-first century? At a time when the need for an authoritative reference work is greater than ever before, this book presents a bold defence of the relevance and importance of Freud to contemporary culture. Freud 2000 offers a highly readable and lucid application of Freudian concepts to current theoretical issues in the social sciences and the humanities. Issues addressed include the impact of Freud on our understandings of identity and sexuality; the relationship between psychoanalysis and feminism; problems of epistemology and method; the analysis of political violence and international relations; the temporal and spatial constitution of social practices; the coherence of law and jurisprudence; the interpretation of biography and autobiography; and the dynamics of modernity and postmodernism. Freud 2000 is composed of major essays from highly distinguished international scholars: Jessica Benjamin, Stephen Frosh, Jacqueline Rose, Anthony Elliott, C. Fred Alford, Steve Pile, Barry Richards, Joanne Brown, Madelon Sprengnether, David S. Caudill and Harvie Ferguson.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Family Fragments?
This exciting new book engages with the recent resurgence of interest in the family, offering empirical material and theoretical analysis which give rise to a fresh understanding of the nature of family practices in modern societies. The past decade has seen the emergence of an orthodoxy which depicts the family as being in moral decline and 'blames' parents for the harms of divorce. Family Fragments? takes issue with this political vision and with the idea that divorce is inevitably a harmful process. Although some households are fragmenting, the authors argue that moral commitments are not simply sundered. Instead they put forward a different perspective on divorce as well as formulating principles of policy based on an ethic of care. Family Fragments? draws on a qualitative study of separating parents and examines the diverse and fluid patterns of parenthood that are negotiated and re-negotiated in the aftermath of separation. The authors show that the quality of parental relationships, both before and after separation, are vital for achieving joint parenting after divorce. They examine the moral reasoning of parents and explain how this may vary considerably with the sort of solutions imposed in a legal forum. This book has a direct bearing on current debates concerning the family and will be essential reading for those studying gender and family relations in sociology, social policy, law and social work.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Reconstructing Political Theory: Feminist Perspectives
In this volume leading feminist theorists re-think the traditional concepts of political theory and expand the range of problems and concerns regarded as central to the analysis of political life. Written by well-known scholars in philosophy, political science, sociology and law, the book provides a rich interdisciplinary account of key issues in political thought. While some chapters discuss traditional concepts such as rights, power, freedom and citizenship, others argue that less frequently discussed topics in political theory - such as the family, childhood, dependency, compassion and suffering - are just as significant for an understanding of political life. The opening chapter by Narayan and Shanley shows how this diverse set of topics can be linked together and how feminist theory can be elaborated systematically if it takes notions of independence and dependency, public and private, and power and empowerment as central to its agenda. This book will be of interest to a wide audience concerned with the study of gender, and to all those in political science, philosophy, legal studies and women's studies who are interested in the way in which political theory and practice can be fruitfully reconceived with the help of feminist perspectives.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Inhuman States: Imprisonment, Detention and Torture in Europe Today
This is a first-hand account of the often appalling conditions in prisons, police stations, psychiatric institutions, detention centres and other places where individuals are deprived of their liberty. It is based on extensive inspections in many countries in Europe, including the UK, France, Spain, Greece and Turkey, by a group of inspectors who had hitherto unparalleled access to institutions of detention. Inhuman States is a gripping account of the seamy side of Europe, of those 'social dustbins' that most people tend to ignore and of the practices - including torture - which take place within them. But it is also a book about some general concepts - what is 'human'? What should 'inhuman' or 'degrading' mean? Should general standards be uniformly applied to countries with diverse traditions, legal systems and conditions of life? This book is also a forceful plea for a better and more civilized Europe. Cassese argues that Europe should be unified not only in the field of markets, banks, lawyers, and commerce: an effort should also be made to set out and implement at least some common European standards of justice with regard to those places of detention where each country relegates its misfits, deviants and all those who are thought to imperil the social fabric.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Postcolonialism: Theory, Practice or Process?
This important new book provides a critical introduction to the rapidly expanding field of postcolonial studies.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Theory of Poverty and Social Exclusion
Bill Jordan seeks to fill a gap in social scientific theory by accounting for why a deterioration in the living standards of the worst-off members of societies tends to coincide with the resurgence of free-market utopianism as a political creed.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Sex and Pleasure in Western Culture
Sex and Pleasure in Western Culture provides the first comprehensive overview of desire and pleasure in western sexual culture. It argues that both have always been seen as socially disruptive and morally dangerous and offers an entertaining account of the methods by which these attributes of sex were managed across the centuries from Classical Antiquity to the present day. The book develops the hypothesis that, while expressed in very different social contexts, sexual pleasure has evoked very similar anxieties. The text draws on historical, cultural, sociological and contemporary sources and is easily accessible for both the general reader and students of gender and sexual culture. In addition to telling a story of its own, Sex and Pleasure in Western Culture examines lesser-known aspects of sexual history that invite further exploration by the interested reader. These range from sexual aestheticism in the 4th century AD and the sexual meaning of medieval church gargoyles, through to sexual training in the 1950s and 21st century sex holidays. The book will provide a compelling read for both students of sexuality and lay readers who find the complexities of human sexuality a source of fascination.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd FIFA and the Contest for World Football: Who Rules the Peoples' Game?
In FIFA and the Contest for World Football Sugden and Tomlinson provide the first full-length study of FIFA (the Federation Internationale de Football Association) and its role in framing and controlling world football. Interviewing more than seventy influential leaders world-wide and drawing on exclusive documentary sources, the authors demonstrate FIFA's importance in twentieth-century sport, and in an increasingly global consumer culture. The first part of the book covers the origins and organizational characteristics of FIFA, and of the European and South American federations. The second part considers how new and powerful players have emerged in FIFA in the wake of the collapse of empires. The book includes analyses of football's contributions to the growth of nationalism and anti-imperialism; the use of football by ruthless and sometimes corrupt officials and political despots; and its expansion under the influence of increasingly prominent commercial paymasters. Football's role in Africa, Asia and the USA is also illuminated, and FIFA's global mission and rhetoric evaluated. The book is a valuable addition to the politics and social history of sport, and to the sociology of the global system and the changing world order. It will be of interest to students and researchers in the areas of sport studies, cultural studies and the sociology of popular culture, and to everyone concerned with the social organization of one of the world's most popular sports.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Varieties of Transition: The East European and East Geman Experience
In recent years the countries of eastern Europe have been undergoing a process of rapid social and political transformation. This process has brought with it common problems experienced on different levels: economic crisis, growing social insecurity and injustice, ethnic conflicts and civil strife. In addition, post-communist societies have encountered political, legal and social difficulties in coming to term with their own past. In this book, Claus Offe provides a lucid and insightful account of this complex process of transformation. In a wide-ranging discussion he analyses the problems brought about by the creation of new political and economic orders in the countries of central and eastern Europe, and argues that the way forward is to build and consolidate a new democratic polity, a new economy, and a new conception of nationhood capable of absorbing ethnic conflict. He examines the comparatively straightforward - but nonetheless extremely rocky - 'special path' to capitalism followed by the former German Democratic Republic, and analyzes the effects which the collapse of communism has had on western democracies. Varieties of Transition will be welcomed by students and researchers in a wide range of disciplines including politics, sociology, European Studies, German Studies and modern history.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Intimacy: Personal Relationships in Modern Societies
Are personal relationships deeper and more intimate than ever before or are they increasingly empty and structured by selfish individualism? This exciting new book examines the question in a wide-ranging discussion of the nature of intimacy, focusing on key relationships between parents and children, families, sexual partners, couples and friends.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Love and Marriage in the Middle Ages
In this volume, now available in paperback, Georges Duby addresses the themes of love and marriage in the middle ages and shows that the structure of sexual relationships took its cue from the family and from feudalism.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Socialism After Communism: The New Market Socialism
In this book the author examines the concept of "the end of socialism" assessing the evidence that underpins this position, analysing market socialism and confronting the question of whether any form of socialism can any longer be thought to be "feasible".
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Television and Society
Television and Society is a textbook designed to introduce students to the role of television in contemporary society. It explores the structure of the television text, the way in which that text is produced and the way it is consumed. The first section deals with the analysis of television programmes as texts. It covers, for example, the issues of realism, narrative, genre and ideology, the domestication of television programming and the nature of soap opera and news. The section on the production of television deals firstly with the structure of the industry as a whole - the ways in which television is financed and distributed, the globalization of television and media imperialism, and the political economy of television. This is followed by a consideration of the internal workings of television organizations, including the role of the producer, the functioning of the production team, the television personality and the producer's perceptions of the audience. The final section investigates theories of the television audience and combines qualitative and quantitative studies. There is discussion on the history of audience research, methods of measuring the audience, the domestic context of viewing, and television talk. Clearly written, Television and Society will be an ideal textbook for students in media studies, cultural studies and the sociology of culture.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Postmetaphysical Thinking: Between Metaphysics and the Critique of Reason
In this new collection of recent essays, Habermas takes up and pursues the line of analysis begun in The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity. He begins by outlining the sources and central themes of twentieth-century philosophy, and the range of current debates. He then examines a number of key contributions to these debates, from the pragmatic philosophies of Mead, Perice and Rorty to the post-structuralism of Foucault. Like most contemporary thinkers, Habermas is critical of the Western metaphysical tradition and its exaggerated conception of reason. But he cautions against the temptation to relinquish this conception altogether. In opposition to the radical critics of Western philosophy, Habermas argues that postmetaphysical thinking can remain critical only if it preserves the idea of reason while stripping it of its metaphysical trappings. Habermas contributes to this task by developing further his distinctive approach to problems of meaning, rationality and subjectivity. This book will be of particular interest to students of philosophy, sociology and social and political theory, and it will be essential reading for anyone interested in the continuing development of Habermas's project.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Second Media Age
This book examines the implications of new communication technologies in the light of the most recent work in social and cultural theory and argues that new developments in electronic media, such as the Internet and Virtual Reality, justify the designation of a "second media age".
John Wiley and Sons Ltd International Relations in a Global Age: A Conceptual Challenge
The book investigates the ways in which state-centred approaches to international relations have limited our understanding of global, political, economic and cultural processes. By assessing a wide range of such state-centred work, Youngs identifies the challenges we must address to grasp the complexity of the contemporary world.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd International Relations in a Global Age: A Conceptual Challenge
The book investigates the ways in which state-centred approaches to international relations have limited our understanding of global, political, economic and cultural processes. By assessing a wide range of such state-centred work, Youngs identifies the challenges we must address to grasp the complexity of the contemporary world.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Social Theory and the Environment
This book establishes whether contemporary social theory can help us understand the structural origins of environmental degradation and environmental politics.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Post-Communism: An Introduction
In this new book, Leslie Holmes provides the first comprehensive single-authored analysis of post-communism. He highlights and explains both the positive and negative aspects of post-communism in the political, economic, and social spheres. Throughout, the policies and structures of late communism are compared to the situation existing now in the ex-communist countries. The result is a comprehensive and accessible introduction to one of the most major events this century.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Post-Communism: An Introduction
In this new book, Leslie Holmes provides the first comprehensive single-authored analysis of post-communism. He highlights and explains both the positive and negative aspects of post-communism in the political, economic, and social spheres. Throughout, the policies and structures of late communism are compared to the situation existing now in the ex-communist countries. The result is a comprehensive and accessible introduction to one of the most major events this century.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Italian Politics: Adjustment Under Duress
This wide-ranging book seeks to unravel the complexities of post-1992 Italian democracy. It takes as its point of departure the dramatic political tensions of the early 1990s and evaluates these against the background of an analysis of the ‘First Republic’ that predates these changes. Martin Bull and James Newell, renowned scholars of Italian Politics, argue that the early 1990s revolution in Italian party politics should be seen both as a major cause of subsequent changes in the political system and as a consequence of longer-term, still on-going changes in the Italian polity. The books explains how we can understand in this light the mixed success of the parties in attempting to act as autonomous vehicles of reform – and therefore why, if we are witnessing a transformation to a ‘Second Republic’, many of its key features still remain to be shaped. Each of the thematic chapters clearly juxtaposes Italy as it was before the 1990s with Italy today, thereby evaluating the degree to which the early 1990s can be seen as a watershed. In this way the book offers a novel account of both contemporary political developments and their historical significance in teh context of the ‘Italian political model’ that took shape in the period after 1945. This will be essential reading for all students of Italian and Comparative Politics, who will find the clarity and breadth of the book invaluable. Equally, scholars will be fascinated by this new and compelling argument.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Italian Politics: Adjustment Under Duress
This wide-ranging book seeks to unravel the complexities of post-1992 Italian democracy. It takes as its point of departure the dramatic political tensions of the early 1990s and evaluates these against the background of an analysis of the ‘First Republic’ that predates these changes. Martin Bull and James Newell, renowned scholars of Italian Politics, argue that the early 1990s revolution in Italian party politics should be seen both as a major cause of subsequent changes in the political system and as a consequence of longer-term, still on-going changes in the Italian polity. The books explains how we can understand in this light the mixed success of the parties in attempting to act as autonomous vehicles of reform – and therefore why, if we are witnessing a transformation to a ‘Second Republic’, many of its key features still remain to be shaped. Each of the thematic chapters clearly juxtaposes Italy as it was before the 1990s with Italy today, thereby evaluating the degree to which the early 1990s can be seen as a watershed. In this way the book offers a novel account of both contemporary political developments and their historical significance in teh context of the ‘Italian political model’ that took shape in the period after 1945. This will be essential reading for all students of Italian and Comparative Politics, who will find the clarity and breadth of the book invaluable. Equally, scholars will be fascinated by this new and compelling argument.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Polity Reader in Social Theory
This book provides a comprehensive and integrated introduction to the major debates and schools of thought in social theory today. Some thirty different selections cover the period from the turn of the century up to the present. Classical social thought is well represented: Marx and Weber, Simmel, Mead and the Frankfurt School are among those included in this volume. The main emphasis of the text, however, is upon current social theory, its main lines of orientation, and the dominant areas of controversy and advance. Problems of method and epistemology are given some prominence; however, most of the contributions are substantive in character and are concerned with the theoretical interpretation of modern social institutions. The authors represented, or discussed, in the volume include all of the most prominent figures in current social theory - for instance, Zygmunt Bauman, Nancy Chodorow, Pierre Bourdieu, Michel Foucault, Harold Garfinkel, Anthony Giddens, Jürgen Habermas, Agnes Heller, Richard Rorty and H. G. Gadamer. Each section of the volume is preceded by an introduction which summarizes the articles that it contains. The result is a source book which is invaluable for anyone interested in the development of social theory today.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Men of Honour: A Social and Cultural History of the Duel
This book provides a wide-ranging and fascinating history of the duel and its significance, from the early modern period to the twentieth century.