Search results for ""Lexington Books""
Lexington Books The Self-Predication Assumption in Plato
Plato believes in the existence of Forms—eternal models or exemplars of which objects in our world in time and space are copies, and his Theory of Forms lies at the center of his philosophy. But according to the common wisdom, Plato raised the Third Man objection against his own Theory of Forms in the Parmenides. According to this objection, each Form is supposed to have the very characteristic it is supposed to be (called by the scholars “The Self-Predication Assumption”), and this leads to an infinite regress of each Form (the Third Man Argument). This book defends the view that a mysterious plural phrase at Phaedo 74 shows that the Self-Predication Assumption is both plausible and leads to no infinite regress of Forms. The Self-Predication Assumption in Plato is an essential resource for scholars, specialists, and students with an interest in ancient philosophy and classics.
Lexington Books Philosophy and Revolution: From Hegel to Sartre, and from Marx to Mao
Few thought systems have been as distorted and sometimes misconstrued as those of Marx and Hegel. Philosophy and Revolution, presented here in a new edition, attempts to save Marx from interpretations which restrict the revolutionary significance of the philosophy behind his theory. Developing her breakthrough on Hegel's Absolute Idea, Raya Dunayevskaya, who died in the June of 1987, aims at a total liberation of the human person—not only from the ills of a capitalist society, but also from the equally oppressive state capitalism of established communist governments. She assumes within her theory of class struggle issues as diverse as feminism, black liberation, and even the new nationalism of third world countries. Moreover, Dunayevskaya combines within herself an incorruptible objectivity with a passionate political attitude, making this work a vibrant and concrete discussion of the vicissitudes of society, justice, equality, and existence.
Lexington Books The Moral of the Story: Literature and Public Ethics
The contributors to The Moral of the Story, all preeminent political theorists, are unified by their concern with the instructive power of great literature. This thought-provoking combination of essays explores the polyvalent moral and political impact of classic world literatures on public ethics through the study of some of its major figures-including Shakespeare, Dante, Cervantes, Jane Austen, Henry James, Joseph Conrad, Robert Penn Warren, and Dostoevsky. Positing the uniqueness of literature's ability to promote dialogue on salient moral and intellectual virtues, editor Henry T. Edmonson III has culled together a wide-ranging exploration of such fundamental concerns as the abuse of authority, the nature of good leadership, the significance of 'middle class virtues' and the needs of adolescents. This collection reinvigorates the study of classic literature as an endeavor that is not only personally intellectually satisfying, but also an inimitable and unique way to enrich public discourse.
Lexington Books Worldview Flux: Perplexed Values for Postmodern Peoples
The most salient feature of the postmodern world, believe geographers Jim Norwine and Jonathan M. Smith, is a new set of beliefs, attitudes, and assumptions that are not yet well developed or widely diffused, so that few if any postmodern people are entirely of the new world or the old. People are "perplexed," their values inchoate. Worldview Flux defines and describes the nature of perplexity and documents the shifts and changes of the postmodern world that lead to it, attending especially to the ways changes are experienced in particular places and human communities. In theoretical chapters contributors explain the reasons for our disoriented and disorienting world; empirical chapters describe strategies developed by individuals and communities to preserve, recover, or reinvent lost values, meaning, and identity. This volume is an accessible, engaging, and thought-provoking exploration of cultural geography in our time.
Lexington Books Understanding International Law through Moot Courts: Genocide, Torture, Habeas Corpus, Chemical Weapons, and the Responsibility to Protect
Understanding International Law through Moot Courts: Genocide, Torture, Habeas Corpus, Chemical Weapons, and the Responsibility to Protect consists of five sets of opposing legal briefs and judge’s decisions for five moot court cases held before the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court. Each moot court brief included in the book addresses contemporary controversies in international affairs; issues ranging from the application of the newly emerging Responsibility to Protect (R2P) doctrine, to the torture of detainees, to the derogation from international due process protections. These moot court briefs and case judgments help students formulate legal arguments that will be applicable to other similar cases. They also provide students with excellent sources of international and domestic law, as well as greater comprehension of topics ranging from jurisdictional disputes to matters of evidence. Chapter 1 of the book provides an overview of the book as well as instructions regarding the construction of a moot court. Chapter two, by George Andreopoulos discusses the interrelationship between human rights and international criminal law. Chapters 3 through 7 are the cases. The introduction to each chapter (and subsequently each case) lays out the facts of the case in question, discusses (where applicable) issues associated with the material and contextual elements of the crimes(s) in question, provides additional topics for classroom discussion, and also places the issues of contention between the parties within the broader context of foreign affairs and international relations. After each set of briefs and legal judgments is an appendix which includes an example moot court, as well as an appendix that includes a set of alterable facts that students and faculty could adopt to change the general legal argument of the particular case.
Lexington Books Philosophers of Capitalism: Menger, Mises, Rand, and Beyond
Philosophers of Capitalism provides an interdisciplinary approach, attempting to discover the feasibility of an integration of Austrian Economics and Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism. In the first section of the book, Edward W. Younkins supplies essays presenting the essential ideas of Carl Menger, Ludwig von Mises, and Ayn Rand. Building upon these essential ideas, the second portion of the book brings together scholarly perspectives from top academics, analyzing Menger, von Mises, and Rand. The third and final section of the book looks toward the future and the possibility of combining and extending the insights of these champions of a free society, emphasizing how the errors, omissions, and oversights made by one theorist can effectively be negated or compensated for by integrating insights from one or more of the others. Featuring a list of recommended reading for the major ideas and theorists discussed, Philosophers of Capitalism is an essential book for both philosophers and economists.
Lexington Books Decadence of the French Nietzsche
Decadence in philosophy is truths dedicated to the intensification of thought. For decadents the best truths don't describe experience accurately, they incite the most consequent thinking. This doesn't imply wanting truths that are wrong. But, for decadents, every philosophic conclusion is valued purely in terms of its ability to generate more thought: If thought no longer exists to pursue truth—or stolid truths—it exists, then, to serve and accelerate thinking. In Decadence of the French Nietzsche author James Brusseau discusses French Nietzscheanism from Nietzsche through his appropriation by Gilles Deleuze. He also discusses philosophical decadents who participate in contemporary thought and its set of convictions and desires For Brusseau it is no one figure that represents the modern philosophical decadent, contemporary theory is the habitation of these convictions and desires. Original and controversial in its conception of contemporary modes of modern theory and thought, Decadence of the French Nietzsche shows how the contorting of philosophy occurs, why, and—in sweeping terms—what it means to raise thinking above any stolid truth.
Lexington Books The Return of the Amami Islands: The Reversion Movement and U.S.-Japan Relations
From January 1946 through December 1953, the residents of the Amami Islands underwent a period now referred to as "ryuri no hibi (the days of trial)": like Okinawa, these islands had been politically and administratively separated from Japan and placed under U.S. military rule. In this work Robert D. Eldridge documents the drawn-out debates and the decisions that led to the complete reunification of the Amami Islands with Japan. He carefully traces the U.S. military's insistence on occupying Okinawa and the Amami Islands under the rationale of increased international security; the U.S. State Department's desire to uphold the Atlantic Charter by rejecting territorial expansion; Amamian activists' assertive argument for reversion to Japanese rule; and the Japanese government's work to reach an agreement with the U.S. Eldridge draws on original documents from the reversion movement, several volumes of memoirs and remembrances written by participants in the movement, and numerous declassified documents of the Japanese and U.S. governments. Scholars of international relations, including those who study Okinawa's long tenure under U.S. military rule, will learn much from this nuanced and revealing account of an important but oft-neglected occurrence in U.S.-Japan relations.
Lexington Books Spreading the Gospel in Colonial Virginia: Sermons and Devotional Writings
Due to a perceived lack of resources, historians of colonial-era Virginia have generally heaped their attention on regional politics and virtually ignored the area's rich religious history. Even at a time of revived interest in Virginia's religious atmosphere, few scholars have opted to examine what is perhaps one of the region's most valuable primary resources: sermon literature. With an extensive introduction that fully chronicles as well as contextualizes the practice of religion and church activities in early America, Edward L. Bond offers a reappraisal of religion's place in the colonies. Through his compilation of previously unpublished and largely unexamined sermons, he is able to shape a picture of colonial Virginia's religious environment that is unparalleled in both its depth and scope. The sermons appear as they do in the original, with all notes and marginalia intact. Bond's own notes provide definitions of obscure words and terms, explanations of arcane allusions, and references for unattributed citations. His commentary vastly enriches our appreciation not only of the texts, but also of their writers and the important role these clergymen played in shaping the young nation. By bringing together this variety of important sources, some of which are new to even the most established scholars of colonial Virginia, this collection fills a true void in both religious and historical scholarship.
Lexington Books The Broad Church: A Biography of a Movement
The Broad Church: A Biography of a Movement is an account of the origins and directions of the Broad Church movement from the beginning of the nineteenth century to about 1880. Author Tod Jones provides readers with a unique approach to the movement, demonstrating the development of the Broad Church movement by sketching the complex web connecting both important individuals and generations of great thinkers. The opinions and correspondence of key figures such as Thomas Arnold, Mathew Arnold, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Alfred Tennyson are examined, as are broader questions about the Broad Church movement's roots in the Erasmian influence on England's church reformers. A work of immense depth, The Broad Church sketches the complex web of friendship and influence that made this movement such a significant cultural power and provides a comparative analysis of its diverse and brilliant principal thinkers.
Lexington Books Spirits of Palestine: Gender, Society, and Stories of the Jinn
The Palestinian Muslim village of Artas is cradled in the lap of four mountains in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Although Artas has experienced the violence of Israeli occupation, Spirits of Palestine does not focus exclusively on the villagers' experiences of violence, terrorism, or loss. This ethnography looks instead at the daily lives of Palestinian women and men and how they relate to tragedies and difficulties both large and small. Through stories of possession by the jinn, spirits that appear throughout the Koran, anthropologist Celia Rothenberg takes the reader past the dramatic, violent world of street battles and stone-throwing to more intimate realms of power—in homes and prisons, family and neighborhood relations, and personal experiences of migration and diaspora. Rothenberg shows how remarkably far-reaching jinn stories can be; they provide commentary on the constructed nature of kinship, strong social mores, and those who are both on the margins and at the center of a Palestinian community. Jinn stories remind us that power in all its forms has gaps and inconsistencies. Spirits of Palestine is a truly original ethnography and an essential addition to scholarship on Israel, Palestine, and the Middle East that will be of interest to cultural anthropologists, sociologists, and women's/gender studies scholars.
Lexington Books Policymaking and Democracy: A Multinational Anthology
Policymaking and Democracy is the first volume of a three-volume set that examines the multi-dimensional role of policy in the development and promotion of democracy, prosperity, and peace. The democracy volume brings together international contributions on the policy challenges faced by national and multinational bodies to promote a democratic political culture and encourage the growth and development of civil society. The work includes chapters on integration and representation within the European Union, the expanding role of NGOs and IGOs, international parliamentary organs, the future of the nation-state in a pluralistic world, and the mportance of global consensus-building.
Lexington Books Big Brother, Little Brother: The American Influence on Korean Culture in the Lyndon B. Johnson Years
Big Brother, Little Brother provides a fascinating case study of the impact of American culture on an East Asian nation. Sang-Dawn Lee's concise cultural history describes how the influx of U.S. aid to South Korea during the Lyndon Johnson years led not only to political hegemony but also to cultural hegemony of the one nation over the other. Koreans adapted the "American dream," and in their newfound wealth and success imitated, and often venerated, American ways. In military conflicts at the end of the Johnson years, however, the United States proved not to be the supportive "big brother" Korea had looked to; political disappointments then influenced a reemergence of Korean culture and ideology. Exploring the impact of American involvement in Korean affairs on Korean thought, popular culture, and women's rights, Sang-Dawn Lee then charts the evolution of the new Korean nationalism of the late 1960s.
Lexington Books Serenade of Suffering: A Portrait of Middle East Terrorism, 1968-1993
In this book, Richard Chasdi brings an impressive degree of scientific rigor and statistical analysis to bear on the topic of terrorist violence in the contemporary Middle East. He has constructed an original and highly useful typology of terrorist groups that takes into consideration three main factors: ideology, goals, and recruitment patterns. With the assistance of this functional typology, Chasdi argues that many patterns of terrorism have predictive value, thereby allowing for preventive measures to be taken on both the local and international levels. Yet, Serenade of Suffering is more than just a tool for anti-terrorist professionals. It is also an insightful and complex portrait of modern terrorism in general: its root causes, the key differences between state-sponsored and nonstate terrorist organizations, and the questionable wisdom of trying to distinguish between "good" and "bad" types of terrorism. A must-read for area specialists, students of conflict studies, and international development professionals.
Lexington Books Gendered Universities in Globalized Economies: Power, Careers, and Sacrifices
Gendered Universities in Globalized Economies combines the best in theoretical analysis and practical research in an insightful survey of the organizational culture of the university in today's globalized world. Currie, Thiele, and Harris's qualitative research—narrating the views of academics, general staff, and managers of American and Australian universities—examines the gendered power structure of university life. Gendered Universities describes the corporatized university from the inside, showing how neoliberal globalization has forced it to become more competitive, aggressive, and entrepreneurial. The authors consider why universities seem to preserve patriarchal cultures despite pervasive equal opportunity legislation and feminist activism on campus. This important study is a must read for education, gender, and policy studies scholars seeking a deeper understanding of globalization and the impact of the "new managerialism" on equity issues.
Lexington Books Dichotomy of Power: Nation versus State in World Politics
Dichotomy of Power studies the future of the nation-state as the world's basic political organization and the foundation of modern international relations. Richard A. Matthew argues that this Hegelian construct—once championed as the rational and preferred basis for global order—developed through a series of dichotomies: the cut and thrust of realism mediated by idealism; coercive power politics balanced by a constitutive mode of power; and a collaborative search for a just society. The book analyzes the conceptualization of the nation-state in the Western tradition of political thought, from the classical bifurcation of politics to the postmodern debate about the nation-state as the ideal mechanism for organizing power in a new global age.
Lexington Books Muslim Europe or Euro-Islam: Politics, Culture, and Citizenship in the Age of Globalization
Five centuries after the expulsion of Muslims and Jews from Spain, Europe is once again becoming a land of Islam. At the beginning of a new millennium, and in an era marked as one of globalization, Europe continues to wrestle with the issue of national identity, especially in the context of its Muslim citizens. Muslim Europe or Euro-Islam brings together distinguished scholars from Europe, the United States, and the Middle East in a dynamic discussion about the Muslim populations living in Europe and about Europe's role in framing Islam today. The book raises several crucial questions: Does Islam offer a special case for citizenship? Is assimilation or multiculturalism the model to be followed in the case of Muslims in Europe? How powerful a force is Islam in determining identity? And why is Islam—after centuries of being a presence in Europe—not considered a European religion? Working at the knotty intersection of cultural identity, the politics of nations and nationalisms, and religious persuasions, this is an invaluable anthology of scholarship that reveals the multifaceted natures of both Europe and Islam.
Lexington Books The Web of Power: Japanese and German Development Cooperation Policy
The Web of Power illustrates the central importance of international development policy to national economic and strategic security. Kozo Kato's meticulous analysis of Japanese and German international cooperation policy overturns the myth of Japan and Germany's convergent development strategies, revealing that each state's policy for fostering interdependence has been shaped by markedly different domestic political agendas. Japanese development policy moved to embrace international cooperation as a means of pursuing national interests while Germany—fearing the economic risks and political costs of a global-scope approach—restricted its development strategy to Europe. This work will be of great interest to political scientists, economists, and scholars of international relations who wish to better understand, using Japanese multinationalism and German regionalism as case studies, the fluctuating dynamics of modern economic forces.
Lexington Books The Power of Negativity: Selected Writings on the Dialectic in Hegel and Marx
Raya Dunayevskaya is hailed as the founder of Marxist-Humanism in the United States. In this new collection of her essays co-editors Peter Hudis and Kevin B. Anderson have crafted a work in which the true power and originality of Dunayevskaya's ideas are displayed. This extensive collection of writings on Hegel, Marx, and dialectics captures Dunayevskaya's central dictum that, contrary to the established views of Hegelians and Marxists, Hegel was of signal importance to the theory and practice of Marxism. The Power of Negativity sheds light not only on Marxist-Humanism and the rooting of Dunayevskaya's Marxist-Humanist theories in Hegel, but also on the life of one of America's most penetrating and provocative critical thinkers.
Lexington Books Faith, Reason, and Political Life Today
This rich and varied collection of essays addresses some of the most fundamental human questions through the lenses of philosophy, literature, religion, politics, and theology. Peter Augustine Lawler and Dale McConkey have fashioned an interdisciplinary consideration of such perennial and enduring issues as the relationship between nature and history, nature and grace, reason and revelation, classical philosophy and Christianity, modernity and postmodernity, repentance and self-limitation, and philosophy and politics. These tensions are explored through the works of such eminent thinkers as Aristotle, Augustine, and Tocqueville, but the contributors engage a wide variety of texts from popular culture, American literature—Flannery O'Connor receives notable attention—and social theory to create a remarkably comprehensive, if far from harmonious, introduction to political philosphy today.
Lexington Books The Origins of the Southern Strategy: Two-Party Competition in South Carolina, 1950-1972
The Origins of the Southern Strategy is a detailed study of the rise of two-party competition in South Carolina during the mid-twentieth century. In 1950, when the study begins, there was for all practical purposes no functioning Republican party in that state, nor was there much of one anywhere in the deep South. During the two decades covered by this study, the interplay between two clear factions—economic and racial conservatives—shaped the growth of the party. Bruce H. Kalk amply demonstrates the implications of these developments for the rightward shift in national politics and charts their effect on the resurgence of assertive economic conservatism, as a new southern base became the core of the Republican party's presidential strategies after 1968.
Lexington Books Beyond Self-Interest: A Personalist Approach to Human Action
Foundations of Economic Personalism is a series of three book-length monographs, each closely examining a significant dimension of the Center for Economic Personalism's unique synthesis of Christian personalism and free-economic market theory. In the aftermath of the momentous geo-political and economic changes of the late 1980s, a small group of Christian social ethicists began to converse with free-market economists over the morality of market activity. This interdisciplinary exchange eventually led to the founding of a new academic subdiscipline under the rubric of economic personalism. These scholars attempt to integrate economic theory, history, and methodology with Christian personalism's stress upon human dignity, humane social structures, and social justice. This volume presents the methodological and theoretical foundations for economic personalism through a detailed investigation of human action from two different, yet complementary perspectives: from the personalist perspective of Karol Wojtyla in the Acting Person (1969), and the free-market perspective of Ludwig von Mises in Human Action (1949). By comparing and contrasting the viewpoints of Wojtyla and Mises, the authors develop a comprehensive praxeology (i.e., a theory of human action) capable of analyzing human action from moral and economic perspectives. Beyond Self-Interest illustrates how a unified praxeology could encourage more sustained analysis of the moral dimensions of economic activity while simultaneously softening the utilitarian prejudice of contemporary economic analysis.
Lexington Books Searching for Raymond: Anglicanism, Spiritualism, and Bereavement between the Two World Wars
Rene Kollar takes as his focus the uneasy relationship between the Anglican Church and Spiritualism following World War I. A church committee was appointed to study the "claims of Spiritualism in relation to the Christian Faith," and though the results were, in some respects, favorable to Spiritualism, the report was not made public until 1979. Searching for Raymond explores the rise in Spiritualism's popularity after the trauma of war as Anglicans failed to find comfort in the traditional teachings of their church. At the same time, the book provides a thoroughly researched portrait of the indelible connection between religious faith and bereavement between the two world wars.
Lexington Books The Theater of Politics: Hannah Arendt, Political Science, and Higher Education
For Hannah Arendt, creating a durable, civil public world was of utmost importance. Though many have discussed Arendt's relevance to the contemporary work of politics, Eric Gorham is the first to examine her ideas of the "space of appearance" in the context of the university classroom. In The Theater of Politics, Gorham examines in detail Arendt's dramaturgical theory of politics and her method of political criticism and maintains that politics can be observed in the classroom, in which students are future political actors and spectators in training. Using Arendt as a theoretical platform, Gorham offers innovative ideas for politicizing the classroom and for reconceptualizing faculty and student community service: If professors and administrators can imagine their tasks in light of lessons learned from classical theater, then students will benefit from a renewed emphasis on teaching. Gorham moves to redraw the basis of political citizenship, criticizing arguments offered by civic republican and communitarian theorists and crafting a richer, more judicious concept of citizenship—one that can be learned and practiced in the political science classroom in particular and in the university in general.
Lexington Books Second String Red: A Biography of Al Lannon, American Communist
In this fascinating biography, Albert Lannon, son of Al Lannon, offers a scholarly look at his father's life and development as an American Communist. Beginning with Al Lannon's days as a teenage runaway and following his career in the Party, the author utilizes primary and secondary sources to document this extraordinary life in depth. Concluding the book with his own perspectives on his father's life, Lannon presents a unique and personal view of this important figure in American labor history. Second String Red will be of great interest to scholars of American trade unionism and communism.
Lexington Books American Defence Annual, 1994
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Lexington Books Jack Kerouac and the Traditions of Classic and Modern Haiku
Jack Kerouac and the Traditions of Classic and Modern Haiku is a reading of the haiku collected in Jack Kerouac’s Book of Haikus, edited by Regina Weinreich, (2003), one of the two largest collections of English haiku. “Above all,” Kerouac wrote in his journal, “a Haiku must be very simple and free of all poetic trickery and makes a little picture and yet be as airy and graceful as a Vivaldi Pastorella.” Before trying his hand at composing haiku, Kerouac learned, as did Wright, the theory and technique of haiku from R. H. Blyth, the most influential haiku scholar and critic. Most of Kerouac’s haiku reflect eastern philosophies―Confucianism, Buddhist ontology, and Zen―, as do classic haiku. A son of devout French Canadian Catholic parents, the young Kerouac was impressed with Christian doctrine, but later was inspired by Buddhism. In his haiku Kerouc conflates Christian doctrine of mercy with that of Buddhism. Classic haiku taught Kerouac that not only must human beings treat their fellow human beings with respect and compassion, but they must also treat nonhuman beings such as animals, insects, plants, and flowers as their equals. Many of Kerouac’s haiku can be read as modern haiku for the technique of beat poetics he applied. All in all, Kerouac’s haiku express the worldview that human beings are not at the center of the universe.
Lexington Books Born to be Free
Jack Miller’s Born to Be Free examines the beauty and power of the American principles that our founding fathers gave us and the lack of knowledge about them in today’s society. With a preface by distinguished professor and author James Ceaser (University of Virginia), Miller goes on to advocate for communicating these values by introducing them back into higher education. Miller examines the overarching benefits of teaching our country’s founding principles and how that could impact America’s future. Miller founded the Jack Miller Center for Teaching America’s Founding Principles and History 14 years ago, launching a project to get these teachings back onto college campuses. The work has also allowed him to expand his own knowledge by discussing and debating our country’s founding ideas with professors and scholars from the Center’s network of over 900 academics across the country. In the book’s second section, Miller discusses the programs and growth of the Jack Miller Center along with its ongoing success in partnering with and supporting educators. Building on its success in higher education, the project has expanded to include graduate courses and seminars for high school teachers to enrich their knowledge of America’s founding principles and history and help them introduce these principles into their classrooms. The final chapters of the book dive into the personal life of Miller, exploring his past from a modest beginning, on through his college years, and eventually to becoming a prominent Chicago-area entrepreneur and philanthropist. All the while, he underscores the great need for education in our country’s founding principles, and why he has devoted so much time, effort, and so many millions of dollars into this project.
Lexington Books Tourism and Wellness: Travel for the Good of All?
Tourism and Wellness: Travel for the Good of All? enhances academic understandings and analyses of tourism as a social and worldmaking force by situating broad questions of well-being, health, and equity within the scaffolds of critical tourism studies. Contributors touch on power and politics, space and place, reflexivity and relationships, values and affect, and inequality and equity as viewed through critically informed and social justice perspectives. This collection of cutting-edge, critical tourism analyses contextualizes and disrupts how wellness is understood in tourism.
Lexington Books Cosmopolitanism in Modernity: Human Dignity in a Global Age
At the close of the twentieth century, cosmopolitanism emerged as an important source of ideas for approaching the current challenges and opportunities of the intensifying global interconnections and socioeconomic disparities within and across borders. Anand Bertrand Commissiong analyzes the contributions of theorists seeking cosmopolitan solutions to struggles for human happiness and dignity. He focuses on the ways in which the ideal has been forced to adapt, by accepting its limitations, as it maintains its fundamental insistence on the potential of universal human community that simultaneously constitutively encompasses difference. He examines a combination of strategies specifically addressing individual, communal and intercommunal levels of human interaction that he argues are the most productive ways forward. Commissiong recommends non-imperialist, accountable, coalitional strategies that set the stage for a different understanding of human beings in our contemporary globalizing world by offering a broad approach that can form coalitions with ideals beyond Western traditions, such as satyagraha, in order to conceive of dynamic human individuality and community that stretches beyond local boundaries. Commissiong makes a powerful argument for a new type of cosmopolitanism that is vital to the establishment of a truly just human existence at institutional, communal, and individual levels.
Lexington Books History of the Future: The Shape of the World to Come Is Visible Today
History of the Future presents a set of ideas about where we are in history. It focuses on the great majority of people in each society, and shows that life in the modern world will be almost completely different from all previous human experience. The present time is best understood as a period of transition during which one country after another is following along parallel paths from traditional to modern. The process of becoming modern is so powerful that it will have similar effects on all countries. Therefore one can predict the future of countries still undergoing this change by looking at the history of countries which have already completed their transition. Singer asserts that a "war system" has long existed in which the central concern of nations has been to protect their security by military forces and alliances. He makes the dramatic claim that, because of the inherent nature of modern countries, there will be no war system in any region populated solely by modern countries-as illustrated by the current situation in Western Europe-even though human character will not have improved. However, despite the fact that poverty, tyranny, and war will be largely eliminated, the modern world may be worse for people than the traditional world because most of the things that shaped human character will be obsolete.
Lexington Books The Principle of Contradiction
Conze’s monograph The Principle of Contradiction: On the Theory of Dialectical Materialism is his most important philosophical work and the foundation for his later publications as a Buddhist scholar and translator. The openly Marxist work was published under considerable risk to both printer and author alike in December 1932 in Hamburg, Germany. Only months later, in May 1933, almost all of the five hundred copies of the first edition were destroyed during the Nazi book burning campaign. It is only now, more than eighty years later, that Conze’s key philosophical work is made available to a broad audience in this English translation. In the work, Conze sets out to develop a detailed account of the historical and material conditions that support the emergence, production, and transmission of theoretical knowledge—as exemplified by the principle of contradiction—and, furthermore, to show that under different social and historical conditions the allegedly necessary truth and indubitable content of the principle would dissolve and be replaced by a radically different understanding of the principle of contradiction—a dialectic understanding of the principle that would compel a rejection of the Aristotelian dogma. From a Marxist perspective, the analysis and critique of the principle of contradiction is a crucial and necessary step towards a dialectical understanding of philosophical (and political) theory and practice. Conze’s monograph, which attempts to clear the ground for a deeper understanding of the very foundation of classical Marxist thought, may very well be the most comprehensive Marxist critique of the Aristotelian principle of contradiction available to this day. However, Conze’s pioneering 1932 monograph goes well beyond the constraints of an orthodox Marxist analysis. His erudite and scholarly account of the history and evolution of the principle of contradiction illuminates the thought of Aristotle, Marx, and Buddha, and provides the groundwork for a new cross-cultural and interdisciplinary approach to philosophical theory and practice.
Lexington Books Words and Processes in Mambila Kinship: The Theoretical Importance of the Complexity of Everyday Life
Words and Processes in Mambila Kinship presents a set of studies of the way that Mambila speakers in Cameroon talk about themselves and their kin. Author David Zeitlyn employs conversational analytic methods to further the study of kinship terminologies. This book takes an important step toward a new synthesis between the practice of ethnography and the study of language while presenting African natural language data (still rare in mainstream linguistics) in an accessible format.
Lexington Books Tourism in Northeastern Argentina: The Intersection of Human and Indigenous Rights with the Environment
Ecotourism is often promoted as a way to visit a unique area of spectacular beauty. While tourists travel to these destinations to view environmental wonders, they seldom consider the effects of their visit on the indigenous people or on the location itself. Tourism in Northeastern Argentina: The Intersection of Human and Indigenous Rights with the Environment, an edited collection by Penny Seymoure and Jeffrey L. Roberg, examines the impact of tourism on indigenous and local populations, and the environment they live in, specifically in several locations in the northeast of Argentina. Several of the chapters examine the lives and problems of the Mbya Guaraní people, an indigenous culture that has been attempting to survive in the rainforest of Misiones Province. In recent years, the loss of traditional lands, some of which was taken for tourist hotels, has led the Mbya to engage in tourism, with both positive and negative changes to their culture. Most of the tourists who interact with the Mbya come to the area to see the beautiful Iguazu National Park and Waterfalls, and stay in the nearby city of Puerto Iguazu. The waterfalls now draw over one million visitors a year. The authors of this volume further explore how, while Puerto Iguazu has been engaged in mass tourism for many years, the nearby small town of Colonia Carlos Pelligrini has struggled to keep its younger tourism industry modest due, in part, to its location near pristine wetlands. This town faces a number of challenges that must be addressed soon to protect both the surrounding wetlands and the town itself. Tourism in Northeastern Argentina explores all of these issues, and more, in the context of human and indigenous rights and the protection of the environment.
Lexington Books France and Indochina: Cultural Representations
At the intersection of literary, cultural, and postcolonial studies, this volume looks at French perceptions of 'Indochina' as they are conveyed through a variety of media including cinema, literature, art, and historical or anthropological writings. The volume is long awaited, as France's memory of 'Indochina' is understudied compared to its relationship with its former colonies in West and North Africa. The book has contemporary urgency as the makeup of France's immigrant population changes and grows to include Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Laotioan populations.
Lexington Books Liberalism under Siege: The Political Thought of the French Doctrinaires
Liberalism under Siege: The Political Thought of the French Doctrinaries is a compelling examination of the French Doctrinaries, a largely neglected group of liberal thinkers in post-revolutionary France who were proponents of a nuanced sociological and historical approach to political theory. The first systematic interpretation of the French Doctrinaries' political writings to appear in English, Liberalism under Siege combines textual analysis and historical interpretation to explore the Doctrinaires' ideas on the French Revolution, democracy, political power, sovereignty of reason, publicity, capacity, and representative government. Aurelian Craiutu's detailed work is not only an argument for the reappraisal of the Bourbon Restoration as a golden age of political thought; it is also a passionate and persuasive addition to contemporary debates about the diversity of liberalism.
Lexington Books The Refugee Convention at Fifty: A View from Forced Migration Studies
The year 2001 marked the fiftieth anniversary of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. The Refugee Convention at Fifty is a commemorative volume, but it is one that points toward a future that will see a continued need for refugee protection. The volume performs a much-needed task for the current era: it carefully examines this key legal text, which impacts not only the law but also the politics and sociology of forced migration. Joanne van Selm and her coeditors have collected essays by scholars from a wide range of disciplines, NGO staff members, international organization professionals, and national-level policy makers who discuss the impact of this legal document on forced migrants, the states they migrate from and to, and the societies they join and leave behind. Sub-themes covered include the potential for solidarity between states in ensuring that legal and political commitments are upheld; regional approaches to refugee protection and displacement; and the human and social consequences of forced migration for those covered by, or excluded from, refugee protection. The geographic and disciplinary spread of the book is unparalleled, and The Refugee Convention at Fifty sets for the contentious and critical study of refugees the high standards for scholarship and innovative thinking that will serve as precedent for future policy making and implementation in the field.
Lexington Books Reason, Revelation, and Human Affairs: Selected Writings of James V. Schall
This book is intended to serve as an introduction to the thought of James V. Schall, arguably one of the best, perhaps even the only, authentically Thomistic political scientist writing today. In contrast to main currents in contemporary Thomism, Schall remains conversant with the great tradition of political philosophy and therefore appreciates the complex and relatively imprecise nature of political reflection. In this book, the distinguished theorist addresses a wide range of subjects, including the question of overpopulation, the thought of Charles McCoy and Leo Strauss, the role of Christianity in political philosophy, and the challenges that the democratic project pose to human beings' perception of the truth. As a meditation on practical and theoretical political questions, self-consciously proceeding from the perspectives of both nature and grace, the book provides a unique picture of what a genuine Thomistic political science might look like.
Lexington Books Encompassing a Fractal World: The Energetic Female Core in Myth and Everyday Life
Encompassing a Fractal World presents a groundbreaking, innovative paradigm which opens up new perspectives for understanding and analyzing Hindu life and culture. In particular, it has crucial implications for the understanding of Hindu cosmology, ritual, architecture, kinship, social relationships, and agriculture as well as modern anthropological theories of ritual, action, and agency. Gil Daryn's main thrust is not that the fractal concept may neatly bring together much of what has been written about Hindu culture, but instead it argues the case for an additional and gendered fractal dimension. Encompassing a Fractal World is exceptional in scope, drawing from an extensive set of comparative materials ranging from Vedic cosmogonies and sacrifice through Puranic mythology to contemporary ethnographic accounts from Nepal and India. This book is an interdisciplinary comparative work which attempts to 'connect the dots', moving beyond isolated local village-based studies in order to bridge the gulf between anthropology and Hindu studies.
Lexington Books The Dark Side of Zionism: The Quest for Security through Dominance
The Dark Side of Zionism: Israel's Quest for Security through Dominance arises out of the scholarship of the "new historians," a group of mostly Israeli scholars who have uncovered a history widely ignored in the popular media. Baylis Thomas argues that both the early Zionists and, later, the Israelis sought their security through the military domination of the indigenous Arab population of Palestine. This strategy required both avoiding negotiations with the Palestinian-Arabs and provoking the weak Arab states-opposed to the Israeli takeover of Palestine-into entering wars they would lose. The role of British imperial power was crucial in this early history, as was the later U.S. support of Israel, right or wrong. Thomas explores the larger context of this history in chapters on colonization, hegemony, weapons diplomacy, terrorism, nationalism, religion, Zionism, and prospects for resolution of the conflict. While students and scholars of Middle Eastern studies and international relations will find this book valuable, it is intended for the intelligent general reader who is curious about current events yet puzzled about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Israel's national identity, founded on the memory of being victims of the Holocaust, focuses on current events that seem consistent with the past, even as the nation uses force to thwart Palestinian national aspirations. The Dark Side of Zionism argues that peace for both Israelis and Palestinians can only come if Israel relinquishes military rule.
Lexington Books Political Animals: Public Art in American Zoos and Aquariums
Political Animals offers a unique study and perspective on the relationship between politics and the art found in American zoos and aquariums. Jesse Donahue and Erik Trump examine the ways that zoos and aquariums have successfully served as sculptural gardens for the masses and have incorporated art and architecture that convey political messages about both the patrons and the animals. This book demonstrates how art has been used for a range of economic and political purposes including providing jobs, a medium to reach out to minority interest groups, a fundraising tool, and a surrogate for the animals themselves. Donahue and Trump skillfully analyze and compare zoos to other areas of public art to highlight the calculated strategies on the part of the zoos that have incorporated a range of artistic styles for different audiences. Incorporating photographs of zoo and aquarium art from around the country, Political Animals is an exciting and captivating text for the mind and eye.
Lexington Books Within the Market Strife: American Catholic Economic Thought from Rerum Novarum to Vatican II
In a period often viewed by historians as one in which Catholics labored in an intellectual ghetto, shut off from mainstream American thought and culture, a number of Catholic intellectuals were thinking seriously about the relationship between Catholicism and its American context. Within the Market Strife examines these views on economic questions in the period 1891-1962, from populism and progressivism to the New Deal and post-World War II conservatism. The book uniquely contributes to the historical understanding of Catholicism — and of American intellectual history more generally — by examining the ways in which Catholic views variously mirrored and interacted with broader American (non-Catholic) views. Within the Market Strife combines Catholic and general American historiographies to discern the ways in which American Catholic economic thought was dependent on factors other than their adherence to the authoritative social teaching of their church, unique political loyalties, personal experience, and economic theories. This book is an essay in intellectual history that will prove itself invaluable to scholars interested in Catholic history, economic history, American religious history, and American intellectual history.
Lexington Books Election Reform: Politics and Policy
Election Reform: Politics and Policy is the definitive work on the manner in which policymakers responded to the crisis that emerged from the 2000 presidential election. Editors Daniel Palazzolo and James Ceaser address two fundamental questions: How did the states and Congress respond to the problems in election law and administration that became apparent in the 2000 election? What factors explain the variety of ways in which different states responded? The book includes a theoretical framework for explaining election reform, an account of the Help America Vote Act, and in-depth studies of election law reform in eleven selected states. Anyone interested in the election crisis of 2000 and in the lessons learned from a major transformation of our electoral institutions will find this book essential reading. The book also contributes to the academic literature on policy innovation in the United States.
Lexington Books Changing Pathways: Forest Degradation and the Batek of Pahang, Malaysia
The Batek are hunter-gatherers who live in the lowland tropical forests of northeastern Peninsular Malaysia. Over the past few decades, as more and more of their forest home is degraded, they are developing an acute sensitivity to what this means, for them and for the broader world. In fact, they would like the world to know about their worries and their critiques of the causes of degradation. Changing Pathways was inspired by that need. Beyond a straightforward recounting of Batek environmental concerns, this book examines the cosmological basis for those concerns, the changing focus of the cosmology, the stories and histories through which the Batek express their place in the world, and suggests how environmental degradation might affect their knowledge, perception, and politics. Changing Pathways is an invaluable resource not only for environmental anthropologists and hunter-gatherer specialists but applied resource managers around the world.
Lexington Books All Things New: American Communes and Utopian Movements, 1860-1914
From the seventeenth to the twentieth centuries America has been both a haven for utopian dreamers and a fertile ground for experiments in community. Closely examining the decades from the Civil War to World War I, Robert S. Fogarty provides the first comprehensive study of a neglected chapter in the history of American utopian and communal experiments. Countering the view that utopianism declined dramatically after the 1840s , Fogarty uncovers a wealth of utopian experiments across the United States from 1860 to 1914. He examines some 125 communities and their leaders, ranging from the secular and entreprenurial to the charismatic and mystical. These engrossing tales of communes gain both authority and vitality from his exhaustive research in primary sources, including newspapers, journals, and letters and from the inclusion of historic photographs of colonists and prophets. Fogarty's arguments reflect recurrent cultural forces in American history, as he defines new territory in the history of utopian and communal movements. This trenchant work, accompanied by its new foreword, offers a fresh perspective on the persistent theme of defining community and self.
Lexington Books Portugal: Strategic Options in a European Context
For Portugal, joining the EU in 1986 signalled the beginning of increased integration into Europe, following more than forty years of political authoritarianism and international isolation. Since then, the Portuguese democracy has fully consolidated, the state dirigisme that had emerged in the wake of the revolution has given way to privatization and economic liberalization, and an already open economy has pursued further integration with European partners, especially neighboring Spain. In this key volume, noted scholars examine the gains and risks of Portugal's regional integration into the EU and suggest options for the future. They address related issues in four main areas of concern: national identity and literature, economics and finance, social policy and the state, and science and research policy. This comprehensive assessment of Portugal's emergence into international trade and diplomacy provides a model for future studies of the impact of EU integration on the society and culture of new member states.
Lexington Books Ethnoarchaeology of Shuwa-Arab Settlements
Ethnoarchaeology of Shuwa-Arab Settlements demonstrates the imperative need for ethnoarchaeology to include a deep sense of the history of the specific social group under analysis for its findings to truly impact archaeological thinking. Based on research from a long-term archaeological and ethnoarchaeological project conducted in the northernmost part of Cameroon, Augustin Holl's new work probes the ethnic survival of the Shuwa-Arab descendants of generations of pastoralists who migrated from Arabia to the Chad basin. The book robustly engages macro issues connected to processes of sedentarization, ethnic interaction in a multi-ethnic setting, and relations of power and dominion. On the micro level the work deciphers clues for the cultural survival and later prosperity of the Shuwa-Arab hidden in the material record of their daily settlement life. This book will be of great interest to students of African history, African studies, archaeology, ethnoarchaeology, and ethnic and cultural studies seeking to understand how to successfully integrate history into the interpretation of the archaeological record.
Lexington Books Tapestry of Terror: A Portrait of Middle East Terrorism, 1994-1999
The recent terrorist outrages perpetrated against the United States demonstrate the need for a new and rigorous study of modern terrorism. In Tapestry of Terror, Richard J. Chasdi offers fresh insight into the complexities of state-sponsored and nonstate terrorism. Building on the research methods and findings discussed in his previous work, Serenade of Suffering, which covers Middle East terrorism in the period 1968 to 1993, Chasdi presents a detailed statistical and quantitative analysis of four Middle East terrorist systems: in Algeria, Turkey, Egypt, and Israel. He pinpoints the socioeconomic conditions that breed and sustain terrorism, the political factors that ignite terrorist attacks, and those individuals or groups most frequently targeted by terrorists. Tapestry of Terror charts the increasing frequency and intensity of intrastate terrorism in the 1990s; the growing threat posed to Western nations by international terrorism; and the counter-terrorist stratagems and policy decisions needed—now more than ever—to defend against highly coordinated, immensely destructive assaults.