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Oxford University Press Gloria
for SATB and brass ensemble or full orchestra Gloria was written in 1974 in response to a commission from The Voices of Mel Olson, a choir based in the USA. The division of the work into three movements â respectively proclamatory, prayerful, and joyfully affirmative â corresponds to the divisions in the text. Most of the melodic material derives from a Gregorian chant associated with this text. An accompaniment for orchestra without organ is also available. Full scores, vocal scores, and instrumental parts are available on hire. The first movement of Gloria is available separately under the title Gloria 1.
Plural Publishing Inc A Coursebook on Aphasia and Other Neurogenic Language Disorders: 2024
An innovative textbook and course notebook in one resource! A Coursebook on Aphasia and Other Neurogenic Language Disorders, Fifth Edition is a textbook for courses in aphasia and other neurogenic communication disorders. It is organized in a unique and interactive “coursebook” format that divides pages into columns with written information next to columns with space for note taking. This allows instructors to make lecture notes and students to write class notes on the right half of each page of the text. The Coursebook offers a comprehensive description and critical review of basic and applied research on aphasia, right hemisphere disorder (RHD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), and dementia—the four major language and communication disorders associated with neurological pathologies. The relationship between the brain and language, major features of aphasia and other disorders, their assessment, and treatment have been described in streamlined and clinician-friendly language. Critical review of theories, assessment, and treatment research helps speech-language pathologists distinguish valid from the questionable in the professional and scientific literature. All assessment and treatment chapters give an outline of comprehensive and practical procedures, integrating current practices that clinicians might readily use. New to the Fifth Edition Part I has been restructured under the heading, “Brain and Language” to describe the neuroanatomical bases of language and language impairments associated with neuropathological variables. The chapter on neurodiagnostics has been updated to include a variety of surgical, radiological, and imaging procedures that help students understand the relationship between the brain structure and function and their involvement in language production and comprehension. Part II has been reorganized into three chapters on aphasia. Chapter 3 offers a comprehensive review of aphasia prevalence, definition, and classification. Newer perspectives on intraoperative cortical brain mapping and alternative classification of aphasia, based on recent research on the dual stream hypotheses related to brain and language, have been reviewed with critical evaluation to help clinicians. Chapters 4 and 5 on assessment and treatment of aphasia offer a more comprehensive review of established and newer procedures. The chapter on treatment is expanded to include telerehab, drug treatment, brain stimulation, and technologically-based interventions. All major language intervention techniques are reviewed with outlined recommendations for clinicians. Part III on RHD consists of two revised chapters reflecting current terminology, research, and clinical practice issues. Sections on neglect, deficit awareness, social communication, and abstract language intervention have been updated. Part IV offers the most recent research on TBI rehabilitation. Research on teaching compensatory strategies, group therapy, and community reentry has been updated with clinical recommendations. Part V’s two chapters on dementia include new information on changing incidence and prevalence patterns of dementia, infectious and rapidly progressive dementias, frontotemporal dementias, primary progressive aphasias, and HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. In addition to the above content updates, customizable PowerPoint lecture slides for instructors and color versions of some of the figures are available on a PluralPlus companion website.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Definitions, Protocols and Guidelines in Genetic Hearing Impairment
This book brings together many of the main conclusions of the European Concerted Action Programme on Genetic Hearing Impairment (HEAR). It is spilt into four sections, covering definitions, protocols, genotype/phenotype relationships and important websites.The section on definitions enables all those approaching the problems of Genetic Hearing Impairment from different backgrounds to communicate in the same language and understand what each is doing more clearly. The definitions are of Audiological, Vestibulogical, Epidemiological and Genetic terms, together with specific terms associated with particular craniofacial abnormalities. The second section comprises protocols for the minimal set investigation of patients and their family members with genetic hearing impairment. Relatively little work has been done in the past on the balance of disorders which may be associated with Genetic Hearing Impairment and a protocol aiming to elucidate some of these factors in a relevant way has been defined. The final chapter in this section deals with how audiologists should relate to genetic laboratories in an attempt to reduce the confusion which has risen in this field in the past. The third section is concerned with the relationship between genotypes and phenotypes in non-syndromal hearing impairment in the conditions in which the genes have so far been localised and in many cases identified. The final section deals with the important websites within this field. The most important and the most visited is the Hereditary Hearing Loss website based on Antwerp and managed by Guy Van Camp and Richard Smith.
New York University Press The End of the World As We Know It: Faith, Fatalism, and Apocalypse in America
Examines contemporary apocalyptic beliefs and their origins From religious tomes to current folk prophesies, recorded history reveals a plethora of narratives predicting or showcasing the end of the world. The incident at Waco, the subway bombing by the Japanese cult Aum Supreme Truth, and the tragedy at Jonestown are just a few examples of such apocalyptic scenarios. And these are not isolated incidents; millions of Americans today believe the end of the world is inevitable, either by a divinely ordained plan, nuclear catastrophe, extraterrestrial invasion, or gradual environmental decay. Examining the doomsday scenarios and apocalyptic predictions of visionaries, televangelists, survivalists, and various other endtimes enthusiasts, as well as popular culture, film, music, fashion, and humor, Daniel Wojcik sheds new light on America's fascination with worldly destruction and transformation. He explores the origins of contemporary apocalyptic beliefs and compares religious and secular apocalyptic speculation, showing us the routes our belief systems have traveled over the centuries to arrive at the dawn of a new millennium. Included in his sweeping examination are premillennial prophecy traditions, prophecies associated with visions of the Virgin Mary, secular ideas about nuclear apocalypse, the transformation of apocalyptic prophecy in the post-Cold War era, and emerging apocalyptic ideas associated with UFOs and extraterrestrials. Timely, yet of lasting importance, The End of the World as We Know It is a comprehensive cultural and historical portrait of an age-old phenomenon and a fascinating guide to contemporary apocalyptic fever.
The Catholic University of America Press The Intimate Strangeness of Being: Metaphysics after Dialectic
This book explores the contested place of metaphysics since Kant and Hegel, arguing for a renewed metaphysical thinking about the intimate strangeness of being. There is a mysterious strangeness to being at all, and yet there is also something intimate. Without the intimacy, argues William Desmond, we become strangers in being; without the mystery, we take being for granted. The book locates the origin of metaphysics’ contested place in recessed equivocations in Kantian critique and Hegelian dialectic, equivocations that keep from view the more original sources of metaphysical thinking. It takes issue with contemporary claims about the “overcoming of metaphysics” associated with Heidegger, the “deconstruction of metaphysics” associated with Derrida, as well as with claims that a new “post-metaphysical thinking” is necessary. The book begins with an exploration of the status of metaphysics in light of equivocations in Hegelian dialectic. It then offers an assessment of metaphysics in light of critique and deconstruction. Finally, it proposes an affirmative rethinking of the constant perplexities of being in terms of a metaxological metaphysics. This metaphysics involves a thinking of the between (metaxu) that characterizes Desmond’s singular approach. Addressing the problematic state of metaphysics in recent centuries, this metaxological metaphysics tries to be true to both the strange mystery and the intimacy, to be faithful to the constant perplexities of being, and to recuperate appreciatively some of the rich resources of the longer philosophical tradition.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Image of Christ in Modern Art
The Image of Christ in Modern Art explores the challenges presented by the radical and rapid changes of artistic style in the 20th century to artists who wished to relate to traditional Christian imagery. In the 1930s David Jones said that he and his contemporaries were acutely conscious of ’the break’, by which he meant the fragmentation and loss of a once widely shared Christian narrative and set of images. In this highly illustrated book, Richard Harries looks at some of the artists associated with the birth of modernism such as Epstein and Rouault as well as those with a highly distinctive understanding of religion such as Chagall and Stanley Spencer. He discusses the revival of confidence associated with the rebuilding of Coventry Cathedral after World War II and the commissioning of work by artists like Henry Moore, Graham Sutherland and John Piper before looking at the very testing last quarter of the 20th century. He shows how here, and even more in our own time, fresh and important visual interpretations of Christ have been created both by well known and less well known artists. In conclusion he suggests that the modern movement in art has turned out to be a friend, not a foe of Christian art.Through a wide and beautiful range of images and insightful text, Harries explores the continuing challenge, present from the beginning of Christian art, as to how that which is visual can in some way indicate the transcendent.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Boundary Conditions in Electromagnetics
A comprehensive survey of boundary conditions as applied in antenna and microwave engineering, material physics, optics, and general electromagnetics research. Boundary conditions are essential for determining electromagnetic problems. Working with engineering problems, they provide analytic assistance in mathematical handling of electromagnetic structures, and offer synthetic help for designing new electromagnetic structures. Boundary Conditions in Electromagnetics describes the most-general boundary conditions restricted by linearity and locality, and analyzes basic plane-wave reflection and matching problems associated to a planar boundary in a simple-isotropic medium. This comprehensive text first introduces known special cases of particular familiar forms of boundary conditions — perfect electromagnetic conductor, impedance, and DB boundaries — and then examines various general forms of boundary conditions. Subsequent chapters discuss sesquilinear boundary conditions and practical computations on wave scattering by objects defined by various boundary conditions. The practical applications of less-common boundary conditions, such as for metamaterial and metasurface engineering, are referred to throughout the text. This book: Describes the mathematical analysis of fields associated to given boundary conditions Provides examples of how boundary conditions affect the scattering properties of a particle Contains ample in-chapter exercises and solutions, complete references, and a detailed index Includes appendices containing electromagnetic formulas, Gibbsian 3D dyadics, and four-dimensional formalism Boundary Conditions in Electromagnetics is an authoritative text for electrical engineers and physicists working in electromagnetics research, graduate or post-graduate students studying electromagnetics, and advanced readers interested in electromagnetic theory.
Taylor & Francis Inc Calcium Signalling in Cancer
Calcium signalling occupies a preeminent position in the signal transduction system of the cell by virtue of its participation in a wide range of physiological functions together with the biological events associated with genetic expression, cell proliferation and apoptosis, as well as cell differentiation and morphogenesis. It is an important feature of cell adhesion and motility; the integrity of the calcium binding proteins themselves is a basic requirement of normal biological function. In fact, the deregulation of calcium signaling is now regarded as the primary event in the pathogenesis, growth, invasion, and secondary spread of cancer.Calcium Signalling in Cancer is a concise up-to-date treatise on the transduction signals induced by calcium that considers how alterations in this calcium-dependent signal transduction pathway are related to a number of human diseases, especially neoplastic transformation. This authoritative text examines a broad range of topics-from mechanisms and significance of calcium homeostasis for normal cell function to calcium signalling pathways and the transduction of the calcium signal, especially in proliferation, cell motility, cancer invasion,, and metastasis.Clearly organized, it covers all aspects of the subject including specific sections on the regulation of the genes whose products are required for signal transduction by calcium, such as Alzheimer's disease, Darier's disease, Duchenne and limb girdle dystrophies, psoriasis and some forms of ichthyosis, and cancer associated retinopathy. With an extensive bibliography and over 2,500 references, Calcium Signalling in Cancer is an invaluable reference source.
Princeton University Press Hypoelliptic Laplacian and Orbital Integrals (AM-177)
This book uses the hypoelliptic Laplacian to evaluate semisimple orbital integrals in a formalism that unifies index theory and the trace formula. The hypoelliptic Laplacian is a family of operators that is supposed to interpolate between the ordinary Laplacian and the geodesic flow. It is essentially the weighted sum of a harmonic oscillator along the fiber of the tangent bundle, and of the generator of the geodesic flow. In this book, semisimple orbital integrals associated with the heat kernel of the Casimir operator are shown to be invariant under a suitable hypoelliptic deformation, which is constructed using the Dirac operator of Kostant. Their explicit evaluation is obtained by localization on geodesics in the symmetric space, in a formula closely related to the Atiyah-Bott fixed point formulas. Orbital integrals associated with the wave kernel are also computed. Estimates on the hypoelliptic heat kernel play a key role in the proofs, and are obtained by combining analytic, geometric, and probabilistic techniques. Analytic techniques emphasize the wavelike aspects of the hypoelliptic heat kernel, while geometrical considerations are needed to obtain proper control of the hypoelliptic heat kernel, especially in the localization process near the geodesics. Probabilistic techniques are especially relevant, because underlying the hypoelliptic deformation is a deformation of dynamical systems on the symmetric space, which interpolates between Brownian motion and the geodesic flow. The Malliavin calculus is used at critical stages of the proof.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Misch's Avoiding Complications in Oral Implantology
See how to effectively manage ALL dental implant complications throughout ALL phases of treatment! Avoiding Complications in Oral Implantology provides evidence-based management protocols for a wide range of implant problems such as placement complications, malpositioning, bleeding, infection, and nerve injuries. Hundreds of high-quality, full-color photos and illustrations clearly demonstrate the complications and their resolution. Edited by Carl Misch and Randolph Resnik - both well-known names in dental implantology and prosthodontics - and with a team of expert contributors, this authoritative guide helps you handle the implant-related complications that can occur as more and more patients choose dental implants. Expert authors are joined by a panel of recognized leaders in implant dentistry - many of whom are associated with the Misch International Implant Institute - to share their extensive experience with handling complications through all phases of treatment. Comprehensive approach to complications that occur in the different phases of oral implantology provides the knowledge and skills you need to handle treatment planning, implant placement, post-operative complications, prostheses-related complications, and more. Over 1,000 images include full-color clinical photographs, radiographs, line drawings, and diagrams, clearly demonstrating complications, procedures, and outcomes. Management protocols developed by world-renowned dental implantologists provide a proven system and authoritative guidance in managing complications with dental implants. Evidence-based solutions make it easier to manage a wide variety of clinical problems associated with dental implants, with state-of-the-art guidance supported by the best available research.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The French Historical Revolution: The Annales School 1929 - 2014
This book provides a critical history of the movement associated with the journal Annales, from its foundation in 1929 to the present. This movement has been the single most important force in the development of what is sometimes called ‘the new history’. Renowned cultural historian, Peter Burke, distinguishes between four main generations in the development of the Annales School. The first generation included Lucien Febvre and Marc Bloch, who fought against the old historical establishment and founded the journal Annales to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration. The second generation was dominated by Fernand Braudel, whose magnificent work on the Mediterranean has become a modern classic. The third generation, deeply associated with the ‘cultural turn’ in historical scholarship, includes recently well-known historians such as Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, Jacques Le Goff and Georges Duby. This new edition brings us right up to the present, and contemplates the work of a fourth generation, including practitioners such as Roger Chartier, Serge Gruzinski and Jacques Revel. This new generation continued much of the cultural focus of the previous Annales historians, while diversifying further, and becoming increasingly ‘reflexive’, a move that owes much to the sociocultural theories of Michel Foucault, Michel de Certeau and Pierre Bourdieu. Wide-ranging yet concise, this new edition of a classic work of analysis of one of the most important historical movements of the twentieth century will be welcomed by students of history and other social sciences and by the interested general reader.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Advanced Introduction to New Institutional Economics
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business and law, expertly written by the world’s leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas.New institutional economics (NIE) is a powerful tool for understanding real world phenomena. This Advanced Introduction explores NIE’s answers to fundamental questions about the organization, growth and development of economies, such as why are some countries rich and others poor? Why are activities organized as firms or markets or through alternative organizational solutions? When are shared resources overexploited? Key Features: Elucidates the essence of NIE’s main branches, focusing on thegovernance of transactions and organizations (identified with OliverWilliamson), the fundamental institutional environment (DouglassNorth), and the role of communal institutions and collective action (ElinorOstrom) Explores how NIE has transformed perspectives on collective action, stateand legal institutions, public policy and regulation, and economic growth Extensive references to allow interested readers to dive deeper into specific topics Authored by scholars associated early on with leading figures in NIE and the development of NIE’s research agenda. This Advanced Introduction is an ideal read for advanced students of economics, political science, management, law and sociology interested in learning about new institutional economics. Policy makers, especially those responsible for business and utility regulation and development policy and assistance, will also benefit from this concise yet detailed book.
Troubador Publishing 666 and All That: Apocalypse When?
Some years ago, for no obvious reason, Paul Whiteman felt compelled to analyse the mystical number 666, also known as the number of The Beast. His little mathematical revelation was followed almost immediately by a violent thunderstorm, and by a severe attack of asthma requiring urgent hospital admission. The concurrence of these scary events with his dabbling in the occult was probably coincidental. But the episode prompted Paul to further investigate numbers and the beliefs associated with them, the culmination of this research being 666 and All That. The initial chapters provide a pertinent review of the history and nature of numbers, number systems and the numbers of time. Relevant interpretations of the Revelation of St John are presented, taking into account both exoteric and esoteric views. Particular attention is given to the prevalence of sixes and sevens. This all provides the background to his interpretation of the code, 666. The obsession with numbers and supernatural apocalypses may say more about the nature of the human mind than some association with the spirit world. So far, the attempts of seers to prospectively predict a doomsday have been unimpressive. But the most likely causes of apocalyptic events in the 21st Century are, surely, rather obvious. Unchecked, they may be associated with a major evolutionary divergence – without the help of supernatural intervention. Paul discusses these issues, and the nature of the spirit that drives modern human evolution in this complex and fascinating read.
Brookes Publishing Co The Early Intervention Workbook: Essential Practices for Quality Services
Discover the 7 key principles and associated practices for effective early intervention services—and start putting them into action today! This easy-to-use, fillable workbook reveals not only what every EI professional should be doing in their practice, but also how to do it, with practical tips, activities, and strategies they can use to improve their work with children and families right away. Based on specific recommendations from a workgroup of today's top researchers, this comprehensive resource walks readers through every key step of the early intervention journey with children birth to 3, from the crucial first meeting with a family to the child's transition out of intervention. Perfect for group training sessions or independent study, it's a great workbook to fill in, learn from, and then keep close at hand as a quick and easy reminder of best practices.
CSIRO Publishing Rocky Outcrops in Australia: Ecology, Conservation and Management
Rocky outcrops are landscape features with disproportionately high biodiversity values relative to their size. They support specialised plants and animals, and a wide variety of endemic species. To Indigenous Australians, they are sacred places and provide valuable resources. Despite their ecological and cultural importance, many rocky outcrops and associated biota are threatened by agricultural and recreational activities, forestry and mining operations, invasive weeds, altered fire regimes and climate change.Rocky Outcrops in Australia: Ecology, Conservation and Management contains chapters on why this habitat is important, the animals that live and depend on these formations, key threatening processes and how rocky outcrops can be managed to improve biodiversity conservation in agricultural landscapes, state forests and protected areas. This book will be an important reference for landholders, Landcare groups, naturalists interested in Australian wildlife and natural resource managers.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Developing Object Concepts in Infancy: An Associative Learning Perspective
We present a domain-general framework called constrained attentional associative learning to provide a developmental account for how and when infants form concepts for animates and inanimates that encapsulate not only their surface appearance but also their movement characteristics. Six simulations with the same general-purpose architecture implement the features of the theory to model infant behavior in learning about objects’ motion trajectory, their causal role, their onset of motion, and the initial mapping between a label and a moving object. Behavioral experiments with infants tested novel hypotheses generated by the model, showing that verbal labels initially may be associated with specific features rather than overall shape. Implications of the framework and model are discussed in relation to the mechanisms of early learning, the development of the animate–inanimate distinction, and the nature of development in the first years of life.
Oxford University Press Inc Urban Transformation in Ancient Molise: The Integration of Larinum into the Roman State
Larinum, a pre-Roman town in the modern region of Molise, underwent a unique transition from independence to municipal status when it received Roman citizenship in the 80s BCE shortly after the Social War. Its trajectory during this period illuminates complex processes of cultural, social, and political change associated with the Roman conquest throughout the Italian peninsula in the first millennium BCE. This book uses all the available evidence to create a site biography of Larinum from 400 BCE to 100 CE, with a focus on the urban transformation that occurred there during the Roman conquest. This study is distinctive in utilizing many different types of evidence: literary sources (including the pro Cluentio), settlement patterns, inscriptions, monuments and artifacts. It highlights the importance of local isolated variability in studies of Roman conquest, and provides a narrative that supplements larger works on this theme.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Methods for Fragments Screening Using Surface Plasmon Resonance
This volume describes methods and protocols for the fragment-based screening of proteins using Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR). The initial chapter of the book discusses the principle of SPR for the identification of biomolecular interactions, while the subsequent chapters introduce methods for labelling proteins with different tags including, histidine and biotin tags. It also discusses techniques and factors that affect the amine and biotin-streptavidin coupling and methods to optimize the interactions. Next, it describes fragment preparation for screening in SPR and presents methods to calculate equilibrium dissociation constant (KD) and ligand efficiency (LE). It reviews techniques of next-generation injections that improve the efficiency of the characterization process over traditional SPR by determining the kinetics and affinity in a single step. Finally, the book elucidates a comprehensive yet representative description of challenges associated with the molecular interaction of proteins using SPR.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Doubly Stochastic Models for Volcanic Hazard Assessment at Campi Flegrei Caldera
This study provides innovative mathematical models for assessing the eruption probability and associated volcanic hazards, and applies them to the Campi Flegrei caldera in Italy. Throughout the book, significant attention is devoted to quantifying the sources of uncertainty affecting the forecast estimates. The Campi Flegrei caldera is certainly one of the world’s highest-risk volcanoes, with more than 70 eruptions over the last 15,000 years, prevalently explosive ones of varying magnitude, intensity and vent location. In the second half of the twentieth century the volcano apparently once again entered a phase of unrest that continues to the present. Hundreds of thousands of people live inside the caldera and over a million more in the nearby city of Naples, making a future eruption of Campi Flegrei an event with potentially catastrophic consequences at the national and European levels.
De Gruyter Sustainable Construction Techniques: From structural design to interior fit-out: Assessing and improving the environmental impact of buildings
What makes building materials sustainable? How can we reduce how much "grey energy" is produced in the building process? And how does a Life Cycle Analysis work? These are questions which are becoming increasingly more common in the context of sustainable construction. The DETAIL Green Book Sustainable construction techniques offers a thorough guide to ecological building design and sustainable construction methods, which will be particularly valuable for architects. The authors provide an overview of the most relevant databases and certification standards for building products and illustrate how a Life Cycle Analysis is conducted. They also identify key ways of optimising the planning process in line with ecological criteria, while offering advice for the selection of building materials and elements. Detailed documentation from five buildings constructed in Europe and North America serve to illustrate the associated assessment processes in this book.
Springer International Publishing AG Basic and Translational Applications of the Network Theory for Dystonia
A recently proposed novel scheme of dystonia suggests that it is a disorder of neural network. Impairment in any of the “nodes” of the network may result in deficient network activity, causing dystonia. This book aims to present various experimental evidence supporting the network theory of dystonia. Dystonia is the abnormal twisting and turning of the organ and associated involuntary oscillations. Although dystonia is less common than Parkinson’s disease, traumatic brain injury, or stroke, each of these common disorders present with dystonia. Information regarding the brain regions that may be involved in dystonia is surprisingly limited and often conflicting. With chapters written by subject matter experts, this is a unique title that focuses on dystonia as a network disorder. This book would be of interest to basic and clinical researchers with an interest in motor systems and movement disorders.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Limits of Econometrics
Econometric issues have provoked a lively and sometimes adversarial debate in the economics profession. The excitement and intellectual vitality of that debate is captured here for the reader in a lucid overview of econometric approaches, describing their advantages and limitations. This ambitious book focuses on the underlying methodological issues rather than concentrating upon econometric techniques. The limits of econometric investigations are identified through a critical appraisal of three different approaches associated with the work of Professors Hendry, Leamer and Sims. After explaining why the early optimism in econometrics was misplaced, it argues that rejection is not an appropriate response. It offers a rich spectrum of approaches to a problem of central importance in the development of modern economics. The book will appeal not only to all econometricians whatever their persuasion but also to all those with an interest in the methodology of economics.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Medical Information Systems Ethics
The exponential digitization of medical data has led to a transformation of the practice of medicine. This change notably raises a new complexity of issues surrounding health IT. The proper use of these communication tools, such as telemedicine, e-health, m-health the big medical data, should improve the quality of monitoring and care of patients for an information system to "human face". Faced with these challenges, the author analyses in an ethical angle the patient-physician relationship, sharing, transmission and storage of medical information, setting pins to an ethic for the digitization of medical information. Drawing on good practice recommendations closely associated with values, this model is developing tools for reflection and present the keys to understanding the decision-making issues that reflect both the technological constraints and the complex nature of human reality in medicine .
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Boundaries in Medieval Romance
A wide-ranging collection on one of the most interesting features of medieval romance. Medieval romance frequently, and perhaps characteristically, capitalises on the dramatic and suggestive possibilities implicit in boundaries - not only the geographical, political and cultural frontiers that medieval romances imagine and imply, but also more metaphorical demarcations. It is these boundaries, as they appear in insular romances circulating in English and French, which the essays in this volume address. They include the boundary between reality and fictionality; boundaries between different literary traditions, modes and cultures; and boundaries between different kinds of experience or perception, especially the "altered states" associated with sickness, magic, the supernatural, or the divine. CONTRIBUTORS: HELEN COOPER, ROSALIND FIELD, MARIANNE AILES, PHILLIPA HARDMAN, ELIZABETH BERLINGS, SIMON MEECHAM-JONES, ELIZABETH WILLIAMS, ARLYN DIAMOND, ROBERT ROUSE, LAURA ASHE, JUDITH WEISS, IVANA DJORDJEVIC, CORINNE SAUNDERS
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Choice Modelling Approach to Environmental Valuation
Choice Modelling is a technique that has recently emerged as a means of estimating the demand for environmental goods and the benefits and costs associated with them. The aims of the book are fourfold: to introduce the technique in the environmental context to demonstrate its use in a range of case studies to provide insights into some methodological issues to explore the prospects for the technique. The authors contributing to the book show that choice modelling offers considerable potential for the evaluation of environmental goods and services. Its flexibility to cope with a wide range of applications is well demonstrated. The technique also presents numerous challenges to practitioners. A number of these are addressed in the book.Informed and innovative, this book will prove indispensable to all scholars, researchers and practitioners in the areas of environmental studies and environmental economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Comparative Economic Systems
The search for alternatives to capitalism and the problem of comparative assessment of the performance of socialist and capitalist systems have inspired one of the richest and most remarkable episodes in the history of economic thought. By the mid 20th century an entire field had emerged, conceptualizing, theorizing, monitoring, and analyzing the largest and most consequential social and economic natural experiment in human history: Real-life Socialism. This research review focuses on the fundamental literature associated with the comparative study of socialist and capitalist systems. It features both a well-rounded inquiry of the modern history of economic thought, as well as a vibrant and critical disentanglement of the role of the economic system from the role of environment and policy decisions, as determinants of economic performance. This review will be an interesting and invaluable research resource for academics and students alike.
Thunder Bay Press Harry Potter Rock Painting
The 12 magical rock painting projects in this kit are perfect for aspiring wizards! Embark on a rock painting journey to Hogwarts with Harry Potter Rock Painting! From the acceptance letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to boarding the train at Platform 9¾, and from your first view of Hogwarts castle to learning your house from the Sorting Hat, the Wizarding World experience is transformed into 12 creative rock painting designs. Each project includes an associated quote to paint on the back of the rock, making the finished pieces perfect gifts for fans of all ages. The 48-page book will guide you through each project with step-by-step instructions, full-colour photos, and helpful hints. The kit includes enough material for three projects, including 3 smooth river rocks, 2 paintbrushes, 3 acrylic paints, 3 gel pens, and 12 stencils.
Workman Publishing Backyard Adventure: Get Messy, Get Wet, Build Cool Things, and Have Tons of Wild Fun! 51 Free-Play Activities
The backyard has long been a space associated with recreation and relaxation, a private patch of earth to escape to, and a springboard for the imagination. In her signature style and drawing on her personal experience as a mother, gardener, and author, Amanda Thomsen encourages kids to create kingdoms of their own making, right in their own backyards. With whimsical projects for every season and any setting, from forest to pavement, fun-seeking kids and their families will rediscover the yard as a place for inspired play, using repurposed materials and existing features of outdoor spaces. Whether they’re creating tiny gardens inhabited by action figures, weaving a secret hideaway out of a loom of twine and twigs, or setting sidewalk cracks on fire with Coffeemate, Backyard Adventure lets kids of all ages turn their yards into a place they can call their own.
Baker Publishing Group Charismatic Christianity – Introducing Its Theology through the Gifts of the Spirit
What is the essence of charismatic Christianity, a renewal movement that stresses the Holy Spirit's work, the church's use of spiritual gifts, and the significance of the supernatural? Helen Collins gives a novel summary explanation drawn from the spiritual gifts. Through Scripture and doctrinal reflection, she shows that charismatic spirituality is a coherent, reasonable, and rich tradition with much to offer. Collins demonstrates how practicing spiritual gifts embodies a distinctive theology, making these practices carriers of doctrine. Using the Acts 2 narrative, she summarizes seven key emphases and associated practices: expectancy (prophecy), enchantment (miracles), encounter (healing), expression (testimony), equality (tongues), empowerment (evangelism), and enjoyment (worship). The result is a fresh introduction that is biblical, theologically robust, and practical, helping charismatic students to learn more about themselves and others to understand the movement and what it has to contribute to global theological discussions.
Adams Media Corporation Taxes 101
Learn the ins and outs of paying taxes with this engaging, informative, and easy-to-navigate guide to the US tax system.If you want to understand your finances, you need to understand your taxes. Learn everything you need to know about the US tax system and become more financially independent with Taxes 101. As people become more motivated to be as financially literate as possible, understanding every part of their financial wellness is key. With Taxes 101, you will learn the basics of the US tax system, from the system structure and kinds of taxes to all the tax laws that lead to deductions and credits and the forms associated with filing. This all-in-one financial resource lays the foundation with basic information about the tax system so you can make better choices about your financial wellness.
Cornell University Press Singing by Herself
Singing by Herself reinterprets the rise of literary loneliness by foregrounding the female and feminized figures who have been overlooked in previous histories of solitude. Many of the earliest records of the terms lonely and loneliness in British literature describe solitaries whose songs positioned them within the tradition of female complaint. Amelia Worsley shows how these feminized solitaries, for whom loneliness was both a space of danger and a space of productive retreat, helped to make loneliness attractive to future lonely poets, despite the sense of suspicion it evoked. Although loneliness today is often associated with states of atomized interiority, soliloquy, and self-enclosure, this study of eighteenth-century poetry disrupts the presumed association between isolation, singular speech, and bounded models of poetic subjectivity. In five chapters focused on lonely poet figures in the works of John Milton, Anne Finch, Alexander Pope, Th
University of Toronto Press The North American Auto Industry since NAFTA
The auto sector is North America’s most iconic of industries. Since the North American Free Trade Agreement came into existence in 1994, the sector has undergone tremendous change: escalating concerns around climate change, advances in electric and automated vehicles, deindustrialization/reindustrialization, and the rise of low-cost locations as hubs for manufacturing. The North American Auto Industry since NAFTA examines the issues that have preoccupied the development of policy associated with the manufacture of automobiles in North America. The collection addresses the punctuations that have afflicted the industry since NAFTA’s implementation as well as the slower, incremental evolutions that have also occurred. Several aspects of automobility and the industry are explored, including but not limited to the Canadian, American, and Mexican automotive sectors and their evolution and interaction under evolving trade regimes. The book analyses issues surr
Duke University Press Rage and Carnage in the Name of God: Religious Violence in Nigeria
In Rage and Carnage in the Name of God, Abiodun Alao examines the emergence of a culture of religious violence in postindependence Nigeria, where Christianity, Islam, and traditional religions have all been associated with violence. He investigates the root causes and historical evolution of Nigeria’s religious violence, locating it in the forced coming together of disparate ethnic groups under colonial rule, which planted the seeds of discord that religion, elites, and domestic politics exploit. Alao discusses the histories of Christianity, Islam, and traditional religions in the territory that became Nigeria, the effects of colonization on the role of religion, the development of Islamic radicalization and its relation to Christian violence, the activities of Boko Haram, and how religious violence intermixes with politics and governance. In so doing, he uses religious violence as a way to more fully understand intergroup relations in contemporary Nigeria.
Duke University Press Wild Things: The Disorder of Desire
In Wild Things Jack Halberstam offers an alternative history of sexuality by tracing the ways in which wildness has been associated with queerness and queer bodies throughout the twentieth century. Halberstam theorizes the wild as an unbounded and unpredictable space that offers sources of opposition to modernity's orderly impulses. Wildness illuminates the normative taxonomies of sexuality against which radical queer practice and politics operate. Throughout, Halberstam engages with a wide variety of texts, practices, and cultural imaginaries—from zombies, falconry, and M. NourbeSe Philip's Zong! to Maurice Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are and the career of Irish anticolonial revolutionary Roger Casement—to demonstrate how wildness provides the means to know and to be in ways that transgress Euro-American notions of the modern liberal subject. With Wild Things, Halberstam opens new possibilities for queer theory and for wild thinking more broadly.
Hodder Education OCR Psychology for A Level Book 2
Exam Board: OCRLevel: A-levelSubject: PsychologyFirst Teaching: September 2015First Exam: June 2016OCR Publishing Partner Helps your students build their knowledge of the core studies and applied topics for OCR Psychology with a clear, organised approach; activities, practice questions and extension suggestions develop the skills required at A Level- Supports you and your students through the new OCR A Level specification, with an author team experienced in teaching and examining OCR Psychology- Helps students easily navigate the core studies and associated themes and perspectives with an organised, accessible approach- Develops knowledge and understanding of all the Applied Psychology topics, with background, key studies and applications- Develops the critical thinking, mathematical and problem-solving skills required for the study of Psychology through a wealth of targeted activities- Strengthens students' learning and progression with practice questions and extension activities
SAGE Publications Inc Qualitative Interviewing: The Art of Hearing Data
Using in-depth qualitative interviews, authors Herbert J. Rubin and Irene S. Rubin have researched topics ranging from community redevelopment programs to the politics of budgeting and been energized by the depth, thoroughness, and credibility of what was revealed. They describe in-depth qualitative interviewing from beginning to end, from its underlying philosophy and assumptions to project design, analysis and write up. "This book is exactly what I was looking for in that it covers interviewing and analysis in depth."—Daphne John, Oberlin College"Students leave this book fully informed of the nuances and complexity of interviewing as well as excited about the promise interview research findings offer."—Hannah Britton, University of Kansas"The authors′ focus on the reflective process, question development, and procedural steps associated with qualitative research is rich and thorough."—Tracy M. Lara, Kent State University
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Applied Multidimensional Geological Modeling: Informing Sustainable Human Interactions with the Shallow Subsurface
Over the past decades, geological survey organizations have digitized their data handling and holdings, unlocking vast amounts of data and information for computer processing. They have undertaken 3-D modeling alongside, and in some cases instead of, conventional geological mapping and begun delivering both data and interpretations to increasingly diverse stakeholder communities. Applied Multidimensional Geological Modeling provides a citable central source that documents the current capabilities and contributions of leading geological survey organization and other practitioners in industry and academia that are producing multidimensional geological models. This book focuses on applications related to human interactions with conditions in the shallow subsurface, within 100-200 m of the surface. The 26 chapters, developed by 100 contributors associated with 37 organizations, discuss topics relevant to any geologist, scientist, engineer, urban planner, or decision maker whose practice includes assessment or planning of underground space.
CABI Publishing Methods in Ecological and Agricultural Entomology
Entomology as a branch of biological science has undergone rapid expansion and development in recent decades. There have been major advances in the technologies associated with pest management and the ecological studies that underpin much of this work. Greater emphasis is now placed on topics such as modelling and biochemical techniques, with new approaches to the study of insect behaviour and insecticide efficacy making inroads into traditional approaches. This book aims to integrate the new approaches and technologies with traditional and well-proven methods. It provides a critical analysis and evaluation of methods available, through reference to general principles, but emphasis is also placed on providing detailed descriptions of methods and their application. Written by leading authorities from the UK, USA and Australia, the book is aimed at advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students in entomology and pest management.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Immunology: A Comprehensive Review
Immunology: A Concise Review offers the essential and basic ideas of immunology as a quick reference for students, practitioners, and veterinary technicians. Although concise, the book is comprehensive and a knowledge of its contents will assure the reader a relatively thorough understanding of what is frequently a difficult subject. The book covers all of the basics of immunology, including chapters on: the origin and function of hemopoietic and lymphopoietic cells; non-specific immunity; antigens; complement; cell receptors and cytokines associated with the immune response; specific immune responses; responses to bacteria, fungi, protozoa, helminths, and tumors. More advanced topics include: an examination of all four hypersensitivity reactions; autoimmunity; immune deficiency diseases; organ transplant and rejection; vaccination and immunization; and immunodiagnostic techniques. Additionally, the book offers end of chapter glossaries and a cumulative glossary as well as explanatory black and white illustrations.
Princeton University Press The Centralist Tradition of Latin America
The author describes and analyzes four principal factors that distinguish Latin America from the countries that share the northwestern European tradition: the absence of the feudal experience; the absence of religious nonconformity; the absence of any conceivable counterpart of the Industrial Revolution; and the absence of those ideological, social, and political developments associated with the French Revolution. Originally published in 1980. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Fermented Milks
Highly profitable and an important range of products within the dairy industry worldwide, the economic importance of fermented milks continues to grow. Technological developments have led to a wider range of products and increased popularity with consumers. In the second book to feature in the SDT series Fermented Milks reviews the properties and manufacturing methods associated with products such as yoghurt, buttermilk, kefir, koumiss milk-based fermented beverages and many other examples from around the globe, offering the reader: A practically-oriented and user-friendly guide Key commercially important information Coverage of all the major stages of manufacture Background to each product Edited by Adnan Tamime, with contributions from international authors and full of core commercially useful information for the dairy industry, this book is an essential title for dairy scientists, dairy technologists and nutritionists worldwide.
University of California Press Hearing Luxe Pop: Glorification, Glamour, and the Middlebrow in American Popular Music
Hearing Luxe Pop explores a deluxe-production aesthetic that has long thrived in American popular music, in which popular-music idioms are merged with lush string orchestrations and big-band instrumentation. John Howland presents an alternative music history that centers on shifts in timbre and sound through innovative uses of orchestration and arranging, traveling from symphonic jazz to the Great American Songbook, the teenage symphonies of Motown to the “countrypolitan” sound of Nashville, the sunshine pop of the Beach Boys to the blending of soul and funk into 1970s disco, and Jay-Z’s hip-hop-orchestra events to indie rock bands performing with the Brooklyn Philharmonic. This book attunes readers to hear the discourses gathered around the music and its associated images as it examines pop’s relations to aspirational consumer culture, theatricality, sophistication, cosmopolitanism, and glamorous lifestyles.
University of California Press Hygienic Modernity: Meanings of Health and Disease in Treaty-Port China
Placing meanings of health and disease at the center of modern Chinese consciousness, Ruth Rogaski reveals how hygiene became a crucial element in the formulation of Chinese modernity in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Rogaski focuses on multiple manifestations across time of a single Chinese concept, weisheng - which has been rendered into English as "hygiene," "sanitary," "health," or "public health" - as it emerged in the complex treaty-port environment of Tianjin. Before the late nineteenth century, weisheng was associated with diverse regimens of diet, meditation, and self-medication."Hygienic Modernity" reveals how meanings of weisheng, with the arrival of violent imperialism, shifted from Chinese cosmology to encompass such ideas as national sovereignty, laboratory knowledge, the cleanliness of bodies, and the fitness of races: categories in which the Chinese were often deemed lacking by foreign observers and Chinese elites alike.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Culturally Responsive Counseling with Asian American Men
Asian American men represent a complex group with distinct psychological and mental health concerns, yet the current counseling literature is lacking in resources for clinicians working with this population. The purpose of this text is to provide practitioners with a comprehensive overview of the current research and theory related to the important and unique issues that Asian American men experience. It offers clinicians culturally-responsive, practical counseling techniques and strategies to help inform them on how to work effectively with this group. Chapters are written by leading figures in the field and explore such topics as intergenerational conflict, racism, challenges associated with masculinity and fatherhood, sexual orientation identity development, substance abuse, and career counseling. Numerous clinical vignettes and case conceptualizations are included to assist clinicians who work with Asian American men and to demonstrate appropriate treatment responses.
Yale University Press First Corinthians
This new translation of First Corinthians includes an introduction and extensive commentary that has been composed to explain the religious meaning of this Pauline epistle. Joseph Fitzmyer discusses all the usual introductory problems associated with the epistle, including issues of its authorship, time of composition, and purpose, and he also presents a complete outline. The author analyzes the epistle, pericope by pericope, discussing the meaning of each one in a comment and explaining details in the notes. The book supplies a bibliography on the various passages and problems for readers who wish to investigate further, and useful indexes complete the volume. First Corinthians will be of interest to general readers who wish to learn more about the Pauline letters, and also to pastors, college and university teachers, graduate students studying the Bible, and professors of Biblical studies.
University of Washington Press Writing Labor’s Emancipation: The Anarchist Life and Times of Jay Fox
Jay Fox (1870–1961) was a journalist, intellectual, and labor militant whose influence rippled across the country. In Writing Labor's Emancipation, historian Greg Hall traces Fox's unorthodox life to highlight the shifting dynamics in US labor radicalism from the late nineteenth to the early twentieth century. Radicalized as a teenager after witnessing the Haymarket tragedy, Fox embarked on a lifetime of union organizing, building anarchist communities (including Home, Washington), and writing. Thanks to his sharp wit, he became an influential voice, often in dialogue with fellow anarchists such as Emma Goldman and Lucy Parsons. Hall both explores Fox's life and shines a light on the utopians, revolutionaries, and union men and women with whom Fox associated and debated. Hall's research provides valuable knowledge of the lived experiences of working-class Americans and reveals alternative visions for activism and social change.
Indiana University Press Cuba's Racial Crucible: The Sexual Economy of Social Identities, 1750-2000
Since the 19th century, assertions of a common, racially-mixed Cuban identity based on acceptance of African descent have challenged the view of Cubans as racially white. For the past two centuries, these competing views of Cuban racial identity have remained in continuous tension, while Cuban women and men make their own racially oriented choices in family formation. Cuba's Racial Crucible explores the historical dynamics of Cuban race relations by highlighting the racially selective reproductive practices and genealogical memories associated with family formation. Karen Y. Morrison reads archival, oral-history, and literary sources to demonstrate the ideological centrality and inseparability of "race," "nation," and "family," in definitions of Cuban identity. Morrison analyzes the conditions that supported the social advance and decline of notions of white racial superiority, nationalist projections of racial hybridity, and pride in African descent.
University of Illinois Press Kore-eda Hirokazu
Films like Shoplifters and After the Storm have made Kore-eda Hirokazu one of the most acclaimed auteurs working today. Critics often see Kore-eda as a director steeped in the Japanese tradition defined by Yasujirō Ozu. Marc Yamada, however, views Kore-eda’s work in relation to the same socioeconomic concerns explored by other contemporary international filmmakers. Yamada reveals that a type of excess, not the minimalism associated with traditional aesthetics, defines Kore-eda’s trademark humanism. This excess manifests in small moments when a desire for human connection exceeds the logic of the institutions and policies formed by the neoliberal values that have shaped modern-day Japan. As Yamada shows, Kore-eda captures the shared spaces formed by bodies that move, perform, and assemble in ways that express the humanistic impulse at the core of the filmmaker’s expanding worldwide appeal.