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Springer Nature Switzerland AG Complexity and Simplicity in Science Education
This edited volume brings together a broad range of international science education studies, focusing on the interplay of teaching and learning science. It recognizes the complexity present in today’s education, associated with major science related issues faced by society, such as climate change, diseases and pandemics, global conflicts over energy, food and water.The studies discussed in this volume are focused on presenting different opportunities to teach these convoluted matters in order to find simplicity within the complexity and make it accessible to learners. They bring together the challenges of preparing the students of today to become scientifically informed citizens of tomorrow.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Risk Management under UCITS III / IV: New Challenges for the Fund Industry
Risk Management under UCITS III/IV shows how asset managers, fund administrators, management companies and risk departments can satisfy the various financial regulators, which govern European markets, that they have adequate risk monitoring procedures in place for the funds they manage or administer. The book explains all the requirements for risk management under the new UCITS III/IV regime, as well as the universe of financial instruments which can be used by portfolio managers, and identifies their associated risks and possible mitigation strategies. It is therefore required reading for anyone trying to fully understand and comply with UCITS III/IV requirements.
CABI Publishing Fish Diseases and Disorders, Volume 2: Non-infectious Disorders
Written by leading authorities in the field, this new edition of Volume 2 in the successful Fish Diseases and Disorders trilogy has been thoroughly updated with new research and contributions. Focusing largely on finfish, it covers non-infectious disorders of development, growth and physiology of wild and captive species, including genetic conditions, respiratory disorders, stress physiology, environmental factors and a new contribution on the relationship between welfare issues and disorders associated with intensive fish culture. The book is indispensable for zoologists, fish health specialists and veterinarians, researchers and students, and those involved with fisheries and aquaculture.
CABI Publishing E' Issues in Agribusiness: The What, Why and How
This book looks into the 'what' is electronically enabled agribusiness? 'Why' would an agribusiness want to embrace it? And 'how' does one go about doing it? The book pulls together a number of major issues facing people moving into the electronically enabled agribusiness environment. This book is both an introduction to electronic business issues and a comprehensive guide to more detailed business processes and strategic planning matters associated with the technologies involved. In particular the following key areas are addressed, concepts, technology in business, e-enabled business models and e-strategies, management concepts and innovative education.
Headline Publishing Group Pocket Philosophy: Heidegger's Lizard
Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) is one of the most influential – and controversial – philosophers of the twentieth century. He is mostly associated with existentialism (the study of human experience) and phenomenology (the study of consciousness), and his work was enormously influential.In this story, Heidegger is exploring the relationship between 'beings' and their environments. How much does each – the rock, the lizard and the human – understand of the world around them?By adapting famous animal parables, the Pocket Philosophy series seeks to introduce inquisitive readers of all ages – from 1 to 100! – to the biggest names in philosophy.
Bristol University Press What Town Planners Do: Exploring Planning Practices and the Public Interest through Workplace Ethnographies
Presenting the complexities of doing planning work, with all its attendant moral and practical dilemmas, this rich ethnographic study analyses how places are made through stories of four diverse public and private sector working environments. The book provides a unique insight for educators, students and researchers into the everyday lives of planners and those in associated built environment occupations. This exceptional account of the micro-politics of a knowledge-intensive profession also provides an excellent resource for sociologists of contemporary work. The authors use team ethnography to push the methodological frontiers of planning research and to advance organisational ethnography into new areas.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Ronald Reagan
A Companion to Ronald Reagan evaluates in unprecedented detail the events, policies, politics, and people of Reagan’s administration. It assesses the scope and influence of his various careers within the context of the times, providing wide-ranging coverage of his administration, and his legacy. Assesses Reagan and his impact on the development of the United States based on new documentary evidence and engagement with the most recent secondary literature Offers a mix of historiographic chapters devoted to foreign and domestic policy, with topics integrated thematically and chronologically Includes a section on key figures associated politically and personally with Reagan
National Galleries of Scotland The Impressionist Era: The Story of Scotland’s French Masterpieces
A vibrant, colourful and beautiful book that introduces readers to Impressionism and Post-Impressionism. It explains the difference between the two movements and the main artists associated with each. Illustrations are drawn from the renowned and outstanding collection of French art held by the National Galleries of Scotland and they include a number of rarely seen works. This book tells the fascinating stories of how key paintings and drawings found their way into the collection. Artists include Monet, Millet, Gauguin, Bastien-Lepage, Charles Jacque, Troyon, Corot, Degas, Seurat, Van Gogh, Cézanne, Vuillard, Bonnard, Derain, Matisse, Legros and Rodin.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Three Other Theban Plays: Aeschylus' Seven Against Thebes; Euripides' Suppliants; Euripides' Phoenician Women
Though now associated mainly with Sophocles' Theban Plays and Euripides' Bacchae, the theme of Thebes and its royalty was a favorite of ancient Greek poets, one explored in a now lost epic cycle, as well as several other surviving tragedies. With a rich Introduction that sets three of these plays within the larger contexts of Theban legend and of Greek tragedy in performance, Cecelia Eaton Luschnig’s annotated translation of Aeschylus' Seven Against Thebes, Euripides' Suppliants, and Euripides' Phoenician Women offers a brilliant constellation of less familiar Theban plays—those dealing with the war between Oedipus’ sons, its casualties, and survivors.
Amsterdam University Press An Experts' Guide to International Protocol: Best Practice in Diplomatic and Corporate Relations
Although modern life grows increasingly casual, in many sectors, protocol still reigns supreme. An Expert's Guide to International Protocol offers an overview of its associated practices, including those found within the context of diplomatic relations and the business world. Focusing on a wide range of countries and cultures, the book covers topics like precedence, seating arrangements, flags, ceremonies, invitations, dress codes, gifts and honours, and the roles of the protocol officer, guest and host. Throughout, influential diplomatic, business, and cultural figures share their own experiences with protocols around the world, also throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
Quadrille Publishing Ltd The Happiness Year: How to Find Joy in Every Season
The Happiness Year encourages you to explore different ways of discovering happiness through each season and shows you how to nurture this in your everyday life. Seasons tend to be associated with certain behaviours: spring with hope, summer with sociable relaxation, autumn with harvesting, winter with hibernating. The Happiness Year features a host of tips and exercises to encourage you to break away from certain patterns, including mindful breathing and meditation exercises to help you recharge and reflect, as well as simple projects and seasonal affirmations. This uplifting book is for anyone seeking joy and wanting to explore the true meaning of happiness.
Oxford University Press Gloria
for SATB and brass ensemble or full orchestra Gloria was written in 1974 in response to a commission from The Voices of Mel Olson, a choir based in the USA. The division of the work into three movements â respectively proclamatory, prayerful, and joyfully affirmative â corresponds to the divisions in the text. Most of the melodic material derives from a Gregorian chant associated with this text. An accompaniment for orchestra without organ is also available. Full scores, vocal scores, and instrumental parts are available on hire. The first movement of Gloria is available separately under the title Gloria 1.
Plural Publishing Inc A Coursebook on Aphasia and Other Neurogenic Language Disorders: 2024
An innovative textbook and course notebook in one resource! A Coursebook on Aphasia and Other Neurogenic Language Disorders, Fifth Edition is a textbook for courses in aphasia and other neurogenic communication disorders. It is organized in a unique and interactive “coursebook” format that divides pages into columns with written information next to columns with space for note taking. This allows instructors to make lecture notes and students to write class notes on the right half of each page of the text. The Coursebook offers a comprehensive description and critical review of basic and applied research on aphasia, right hemisphere disorder (RHD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), and dementia—the four major language and communication disorders associated with neurological pathologies. The relationship between the brain and language, major features of aphasia and other disorders, their assessment, and treatment have been described in streamlined and clinician-friendly language. Critical review of theories, assessment, and treatment research helps speech-language pathologists distinguish valid from the questionable in the professional and scientific literature. All assessment and treatment chapters give an outline of comprehensive and practical procedures, integrating current practices that clinicians might readily use. New to the Fifth Edition Part I has been restructured under the heading, “Brain and Language” to describe the neuroanatomical bases of language and language impairments associated with neuropathological variables. The chapter on neurodiagnostics has been updated to include a variety of surgical, radiological, and imaging procedures that help students understand the relationship between the brain structure and function and their involvement in language production and comprehension. Part II has been reorganized into three chapters on aphasia. Chapter 3 offers a comprehensive review of aphasia prevalence, definition, and classification. Newer perspectives on intraoperative cortical brain mapping and alternative classification of aphasia, based on recent research on the dual stream hypotheses related to brain and language, have been reviewed with critical evaluation to help clinicians. Chapters 4 and 5 on assessment and treatment of aphasia offer a more comprehensive review of established and newer procedures. The chapter on treatment is expanded to include telerehab, drug treatment, brain stimulation, and technologically-based interventions. All major language intervention techniques are reviewed with outlined recommendations for clinicians. Part III on RHD consists of two revised chapters reflecting current terminology, research, and clinical practice issues. Sections on neglect, deficit awareness, social communication, and abstract language intervention have been updated. Part IV offers the most recent research on TBI rehabilitation. Research on teaching compensatory strategies, group therapy, and community reentry has been updated with clinical recommendations. Part V’s two chapters on dementia include new information on changing incidence and prevalence patterns of dementia, infectious and rapidly progressive dementias, frontotemporal dementias, primary progressive aphasias, and HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. In addition to the above content updates, customizable PowerPoint lecture slides for instructors and color versions of some of the figures are available on a PluralPlus companion website.
Introduction to Low Voltage Systems
Inside INTRODUCTION TO LOW VOLTAGE SYSTEMS, 2E you will discover comprehensive coverage of low voltage systems, associated devices, and the methods of the industry. All the basic elements of low voltage systems are combined into a single source to give a concrete understanding of the operation and integration of individual systems. Plus, this edition walks you through all you need to know about devices, connection and cabling, and the National Electrical Code in addition to the language and terminology of the industry. And, it's written especially for industry novices so difficult topics can be absorbed swiftly.
Tate Publishing Modern Art and St Ives: International Exchanges 1915-65
Modern Art and St. Ives explores the art and artists associated with this seaside Cornwall town from 1915 to 1965. The authors investigate how the art of St. Ives drew upon two key strands of modern art: the utopian ideal of constructivism that began in Moscow in the 1910s and continued through Berlin and Paris between the world wars, and the tradition of craft and the handmade. Major works by leading St. Ives artists such as Peter Lanyon, Barbara Hepworth, and Ben Nicholson are placed alongside the work of their contemporaries from elsewhere in Europe, North America, and beyond.
Rowman & Littlefield Health Hazards Manual for Artists
This is the trusted resource for working artists and art students written by the leading authority on these health hazards. Whether you work in painting, photography, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, woodworking, textiles, computer, or children’s art, this is the only reference book that covers all the dangers associated with metals, minerals, and chemicals. With illustrations throughout, this first aid book shows how to treat injuries and work with proper caution while still being creative. Updates include new ventilation, photo processing, and computer systems. Whether you are a beginner or professional, this is a must for every school, art studio, and home.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Philosophies of the Sciences: A Guide
A collection of essays discussing a wide range of sciences and the central philosophical issues associated with them, presenting the sciences collectively to encourage a greater understanding of their associative theoretical foundations, as well as their relationships to each other. Offers a new and unique approach to studying and comparing the philosophies of a variety of scientific disciplines Explores a wide variety of individual sciences, including mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, psychology, sociology and economics The essays are written by leading scholars in a highly accessible style for the student audience Complements more traditional studies of philosophy of science
Taylor & Francis Ltd Future Bioenergy and Sustainable Land Use
Because of the major opportunities and risks associated with it, and the complexity of the subject, bioenergy policy has in a short time become a challenging political task for regulators and planners – a task that can only be accomplished through worldwide cooperation and the creation of an international framework. This book's central message is that the sustainable potential of bioenergy, which can be tapped all over the world, should be utilized – provided that threats to sustainability are avoided. In particular, the use of bioenergy must not endanger food security or the goals of nature conservation and climate change mitigation.
Straightforward Publishing A Straightforward Guide To Housing Rights
A Straightforward Guide to Housing Rights-Revised edition brings the law up to date to 2024 as it applies to all aspects of housing in the United Kingdom. The book covers the many diverse areas of housing, and associated rights and obligations in the different sectors, and now also covers Scotland and Northern Ireland in greater depth. Overall, this comprehensive book will prove invaluable as a reference guide to all who read it and is suitable for both the professional working directly and indirectly in housing as well as the layperson who wishes to know more about this complex area.
Emerald Publishing Limited SDG13 - Climate Action: Combatting Climate Change and its Impacts
SDG 13 aims to ‘take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact’. This book demonstrates the potential for innovation in implementing SDG13 despite its associated challenges. The book features global success stories and uses empirical and science-based analysis to explore a wide range of practical implementation mechanisms, enabling conditions, and monitoring and reporting tools. Concise Guides to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals comprises 17 short books, each examining one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The series provides an integrated assessment of the SDGs from economic, legal, social, environmental and cultural perspectives.
Floris Books Christianity and Reincarnation
Reincarnation -- by which human beings return to live on earth -- is a concept most often associated with eastern philosophies rather than Christianity. Yet in this challenging book, Rudolf Frieling makes the case for the integration of reincarnation into a Christian world view.He shows how an esoteric Christianity was brought to life again through the thinking of Rudolf Steiner, arguing that theology around the 'end of days' has shown how a gap exists between death and resurrection on the Last Day.Presenting the essence of Christianity, Frieling shows how it harmonises with reincarnation, and examines the relationship of reincarnation to the Bible.
American Psychological Association The Aging Workforce: Realities, Myths, and Implications for Organizations
The Aging Workforce examines the changing demographics of the workforce, and their impact on the world of work. The numbers and proportions of older individuals in the U. S. population are increasing. Most organizations are ill-prepared to meet the challenges associated with older workers, and little research has addressed the development and implementation of effective human resource management practices for an aging workforce. The "graying of America" requires that we give more attention to both the problems and potential of an older workforce. Consequently, the book focuses on issues related to work life and aging.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Peptide-Based Cancer Vaccines
The field of peptide based cancer vaccines has evolved tremendously in the last decade of this century. The exploration on how to apply the peptide knowledge for vaccination purposes began when it was demonstrated that these peptides after being mixed into adjuvants actually induced T cell responses that could prevent virus infections and tumor growth in experimental animal models. The results of animal models are currently translated into clinical applications with all their associated difficulties and heterogeneity. Initial promising data do appear, warranting further research in this area. This book pays tribute to key researchers in the field.
Bristol University Press Forensic Psychology, Crime and Policing: Key Concepts and Practical Debates
A key resource for students, academics and practitioners, this concise guide brings together various concepts vital to the theoretical, policy and practical debates on forensic psychology and its relationship with crime and policing. Covering issues such as criminal behaviour, police decision making and crime scene investigation, each entry provides a succinct overview of the topic, together with an evaluation of the emerging issues. The text includes: • associated concepts and further reading from research and practice; • references and glossary. Accessible and comprehensive, this book is the go-to guide for those getting to grips with the relationships between forensic psychology, crime and policing.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Business Ethics and the Natural Environment
Business Ethics and the Natural Environment examines the present status of relations between corporate enterprise and the natural environment in the world today. •Discusses such questions as: What obligations does a corporation have toward the environment? To respect entities unprotected by law? To care about future generations? •Argues that environmentally-friendly business practices yield dividends exceeding expectations, and that the competitive firm of the 21st century will follow “green” standards •Provides a background in ethics, a survey of business ethics, an account of environmental philosophy, an overview of environmental legal issues, and an account of the problems associated with globalization
John Wiley & Sons Inc Cybersecurity for Executives: A Practical Guide
Practical guide that can be used by executives to make well-informed decisions on cybersecurity issues to better protect their business Emphasizes, in a direct and uncomplicated way, how executives can identify, understand, assess, and mitigate risks associated with cybersecurity issues Covers 'What to Do When You Get Hacked?' including Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery planning, Public Relations, Legal and Regulatory issues, and Notifications and Disclosures Provides steps for integrating cybersecurity into Strategy; Policy and Guidelines; Change Management and Personnel Management Identifies cybersecurity best practices that executives can and should use both in the office and at home to protect their vital information
CABI Publishing Principles of Tropical Agronomy
As populations continue to grow in tropical countries, there is an ever increasing pressure to produce more food from less land, while at the same time maintaining the quality of the environment. This textbook integrates research in agronomy, physiology, environmental physics and soil science to provide a framework for analyzing practical problems associated with crop production in tropical environments. The impact of essential resources, such as solar radiation and water are discussed and research findings are used to illustrate solutions to real challenges.The book will serve as a core textbook for advanced undergraduate courses in agronomy.
Princeton University Press Harmonic Maps and Minimal Immersions with Symmetries (AM-130), Volume 130: Methods of Ordinary Differential Equations Applied to Elliptic Variational Problems. (AM-130)
The aim of this book is to study harmonic maps, minimal and parallel mean curvature immersions in the presence of symmetry. In several instances, the latter permits reduction of the original elliptic variational problem to the qualitative study of certain ordinary differential equations: the authors' primary objective is to provide representative examples to illustrate these reduction methods and their associated analysis with geometric and topological applications. The material covered by the book displays a solid interplay involving geometry, analysis and topology: in particular, it includes a basic presentation of 1-cohomogeneous equivariant differential geometry and of the theory of harmonic maps between spheres.
Princeton University Press Period Spaces for p-divisible Groups (AM-141), Volume 141
In this monograph p-adic period domains are associated to arbitrary reductive groups. Using the concept of rigid-analytic period maps the relation of p-adic period domains to moduli space of p-divisible groups is investigated. In addition, non-archimedean uniformization theorems for general Shimura varieties are established. The exposition includes background material on Grothendieck's "mysterious functor" (Fontaine theory), on moduli problems of p-divisible groups, on rigid analytic spaces, and on the theory of Shimura varieties, as well as an exposition of some aspects of Drinfelds' original construction. In addition, the material is illustrated throughout the book with numerous examples.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Economics of an Aging Society
Written by leading thinkers in the field, this text provides an in-depth analysis of the economic and policy issues associated with individual and population aging. The text has a strong policy focus based on demographic and economic analysis, making this book both accessible and challenging to readers with limited mathematical background. Written by leading thinkers in the field of the economics of aging. Employs a strong policy focus based on demographic and economic analysis. Provides a comprehensive international picture of the consequences of aging. Engages the reader through side boxes, relevant website addresses, and practice questions.
Pearson Education Limited Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers, Global Edition
For a first course in Materials Sciences and Engineering taught in the departments of materials science, mechanical, civil and general engineering. Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers provides balanced, current treatment of the full spectrum of engineering materials, covering all the physical properties, applications and relevant properties associated with engineering materials. It explores all of the major categories of materials while also offering detailed examinations of a wide range of new materials with high-tech applications. Revised to reflect recent data and trends, the 9th Edition includes updated computer-generated crystal structure illustrations and new end-of-chapter conceptual problems.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Polymer Thin Films
Polymer thin films is an emerging area driven by their enormous technological potential and the intellectually challenging academic problems associated with them. This book contains a collection of review articles on the current topics of polymer films written by leading experts in the field. To reflect the interdisciplinary nature of this field, the contributors hail from a wide range of disciplines, including chemists, chemical engineers, materials scientists, engineers, and physicists. The goal of this book is to provide readers, whether involved in or outside of the field of polymer films, with an encompassing and informative reference.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Strongly Correlated Systems, Coherence And Entanglement
This volume presents a collection of review papers on recent work in the connected areas of strongly correlated systems, the effects of coherence on macroscopic systems, and entanglement in quantum systems. These areas have attracted considerable interest due to their complexity and associated unexpected nontrivial phenomena, and also due to their potential applications in various fields, from materials science to information technology. The coverage includes strongly correlated electronic systems such as low-dimensional complex materials, ordered and disordered spin systems, and aspects of the physics of manganites and graphene, both in equilibrium and far from equilibrium.
Three Rooms Press On Earth and in Hell: Early Poems
The first English translation of the earliest poetry of brilliant and disruptive Austrian writer Thomas Bernhard, widely considered one of the most innovative and original authors of the twentieth century and often associated with fellow mavericks Beckett, Kafka and Dostoevsky. A master of language, whose body of work was described in a New York Times book review as "the most significant literary achievement since World War II," Bernhard's On Earth and in Hell offers a distilled perspective on the essence of his artistry and his theme of death as the only reality. A remarkable achievement by highly-respected translator Peter Waugh.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Three Other Theban Plays: Aeschylus' Seven Against Thebes; Euripides' Suppliants; Euripides' Phoenician Women
Though now associated mainly with Sophocles' Theban Plays and Euripides' Bacchae, the theme of Thebes and its royalty was a favorite of ancient Greek poets, one explored in a now lost epic cycle, as well as several other surviving tragedies. With a rich Introduction that sets three of these plays within the larger contexts of Theban legend and of Greek tragedy in performance, Cecelia Eaton Luschnig’s annotated translation of Aeschylus' Seven Against Thebes, Euripides' Suppliants, and Euripides' Phoenician Women offers a brilliant constellation of less familiar Theban plays—those dealing with the war between Oedipus’ sons, its casualties, and survivors.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Tools for Improving Principals’ Work
The vital role of principalship in improving schools in general and enhancing student achievement in particular has been well documented. Given its importance, there is a need for tools to improve principalship, particularly ones emphasizing those dimensions associated with student achievement. Given the accountability movement, with its particular focus on student achievement and the advent of the evaluation era (including the evaluation of principals), the need for tools is even more urgent. This edited volume presents those tools with the aim of improving learning-centered principalship. The book is useful for researchers and policy makers as well as principals.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Celebration of Love
Inspire your sixth sense to guide you, using the energy associated with images on 60 beautifully-illustrated oracle cards. Based on the law of attraction, you will choose the cards that are in vibrational harmony with the answers you seek or what you most need to know. Working with these cards on a daily basis will have a positive impact on your life and the people around you. What do you need to know about love? Spark your intuition and connection with Divine guidance and celebrate love through purity and the magnificence of self!Includes cards and book.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Tinplate Toys: From Schuco, Bing, & Other Companies
The very popular, high quality tinplate toys of the mid-20th century from Nuremberg, Germany, are discussed in a historical setting in this delightful book. The chapters include 300 color photographs, information about the manufacturers(especially Schuco and Bing) and their markings, and essays on the past, present and future of this special toy industry. The mechanical figures, automobiles, trucks, trains, machines and associated buildings that are presented will remind many of the best toys of their youth. They are avidly collected today. Many of the toys shown are from superb private collections and the Toy Museum of Nuremberg.
Phaidon Press Ltd Yoshitomo Nara
The definitive book on the life and career of internationally acclaimed artist Yoshitomo Nara Yoshitomo Nara rose to prominence in the mid-1990s, a star in a generation of avant-garde Japanese artists associated with the neo-Pop ‘Superflat' movement. This book, made in close collaboration with Nara himself, explores more than three decades of his work - and is the first truly authoritative monograph on the artist in more than a decade. Written by art historian Yeewan Koon and featuring texts by Nara himself, it includes his most recent work in painting, drawing, sculpture, and ceramics.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Sustainable Development and Quality of Life: Through Lean, Green and Clean Concepts
This book aims at sensitizing readers towards sustainability and encourages them to understand the importance of lean, green and clean (LGC) issues pertaining to everyday life. The necessity of measurement-based evaluations, statistical significance of material use, and energy are discussed. The book focuses on the importance of climate change issues and environmental concerns associated with lean production and manufacturing. Emphasis is laid on understanding and applying the concepts of quality through project management and measurement based assessment methods. A wide range of audience, including students, teachers, quality professionals, management consultants, lean and Six Sigma practitioners, will find this book valuable.
Springer International Publishing AG Molecular Immunology: How Science Works
This textbook aims to describe in a condensed form the essentials of molecular immunology behind bacterial infections, the microbiome, viral infections (such as influenza and COVID-19), organ transplantations, autoimmunity, allergy and tumor immunology. The book emphasizes the impact of immunology in maintaining our health and preventing disease. Our immune system protects us not only from severe consequences of infectious diseases and getting cancer, but is also able to harm us severely via sepsis, cytokine storms and anaphylactic shocks. Molecular understanding of immunology should allow the reader a more rational handling of common diseases, most of which are associated with chronic inflammation.
Penguin Books Ltd Susie Orbach on Eating
'Eating is pleasurable, eating is delicious, eating is sensual' says Susie. But for so many of us eating is associated with anguish and abstinence. From the first page this little book shows us how to think and feel differently about what we eat. So that we eat when we are hungry, eat what we want to eat to satisfy us and stop when we are full. Each page contains an easily absorbed bite-sized statement to transform eating that hurts into eating that nourishes and calms. This book isn't magic but it feels as if it is.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Electronic Cigarettes and Vape Devices: A Comprehensive Guide for Clinicians and Health Professionals
Electronic cigarettes (E-cigarettes), also known as vape devices or by trade names such as JUUL, are handheld devices that aerosolize liquid commonly containing nicotine, humectants and flavorings. Used by 1 in 5 high school students in 2020, they are the most common tobacco product used by youth. E-cigarette use has been associated with a variety of health issues such as nicotine addiction, e-cigarette or vaping associated lung illness (EVALI), seizures, and increased risk of cardiovascular disease. This first-of-its-kind book begins with an introduction and background on the historical context of tobacco products. The next chapters provide an overview of the e-cigarette landscape and reviews the e-cigarette devices and solutions and the evolution of these products. This is followed by reviews of the health effects of e-cigarettes on users and non-users and includes recommendations for prevention and treatment of youth e-cigarette use. The last few chapters address the public health impact of e-cigarettes with a review of the evidence of e-cigarettes in smoking cessation. The book closes with policy and advocacy approaches and a resource page. E-cigarette and vape device use pose a public health crisis. This book contains succinct practical information and is a key reference for pediatricians as well as clinicians of all specialities. It also serves as a resource for health professionals, including tobacco dependence treatment providers and public health experts.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Population Ageing, Migration and Social Expenditure
The major industrialized countries are undergoing a significant demographic transition associated with low fertility rates combined with reduced mortality rates. A major consequence of the current transition is that populations are expected to age substantially over the next forty years. This innovative book studies the effects of population ageing with the associated factor of immigration, on social expenditure and public finance.The authors begin by providing an introduction to some of the main issues concerning population ageing and migration. This is followed by a discussion of the demographic and economic aspects of the transition towards an older population which is taking place in the major industrialized countries. Within this framework the impacts of ageing on government budgets and the labour market are analysed. The book then turns to a discussion of some of the economic, social and demographic issues related to immigration. Particular emphasis is placed on the Australian economy, which provides an interesting case study in view of its high immigration levels, particularly over the last fifty years. The authors project population structure and social expenditure patterns under a variety of assumptions concerning the number and composition of immigrants. The quantitative techniques developed to produce these projections can be applied without modification to any other country. Population Ageing, Migration and Social Expenditure will be of use to academics and students with an interest in public finance, public policy and population studies.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The French Historical Revolution: The Annales School 1929 - 2014
This book provides a critical history of the movement associated with the journal Annales, from its foundation in 1929 to the present. This movement has been the single most important force in the development of what is sometimes called ‘the new history’. Renowned cultural historian, Peter Burke, distinguishes between four main generations in the development of the Annales School. The first generation included Lucien Febvre and Marc Bloch, who fought against the old historical establishment and founded the journal Annales to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration. The second generation was dominated by Fernand Braudel, whose magnificent work on the Mediterranean has become a modern classic. The third generation, deeply associated with the ‘cultural turn’ in historical scholarship, includes recently well-known historians such as Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, Jacques Le Goff and Georges Duby. This new edition brings us right up to the present, and contemplates the work of a fourth generation, including practitioners such as Roger Chartier, Serge Gruzinski and Jacques Revel. This new generation continued much of the cultural focus of the previous Annales historians, while diversifying further, and becoming increasingly ‘reflexive’, a move that owes much to the sociocultural theories of Michel Foucault, Michel de Certeau and Pierre Bourdieu. Wide-ranging yet concise, this new edition of a classic work of analysis of one of the most important historical movements of the twentieth century will be welcomed by students of history and other social sciences and by the interested general reader.
Princeton University Press Digital Formations: IT and New Architectures in the Global Realm
Computer-centered networks and technologies are reshaping social relations and constituting new social domains on a global scale, from virtually borderless electronic markets and Internet-based large-scale conversations to worldwide open source software development communities, transnational corporate production systems, and the global knowledge-arenas associated with NGO networks. This book explores how such "digital formations" emerge from the ever-changing intersection of computer-centered technologies and the broad range of social contexts that underlie much of what happens in cyberspace. While viewing technologies fundamentally in social rather than technical terms, Digital Formations nonetheless emphasizes the importance of recognizing the specific technical capacities of digital technologies. Importantly, it identifies digital formations as a new area of study in the social sciences and in thinking about globalization. The ten chapters, by leading scholars, examine key social, political, and economic developments associated with these new configurations of organization, space, and interaction. They address the operation of digital formations and their implications for the development of longstanding institutions and for their wider contexts and fields, and they consider the political, economic, and other forces shaping those formations and how the formations, in turn, are shaping such forces. Following a conceptual introduction by the editors are chapters by Hayward Alker, Jonathan Bach and David Stark, Lars-Erik Cederman and Peter A. Kraus, Dieter Ernst, D. Linda Garcia, Doug Guthrie, Robert Latham, Warren Sack, Saskia Sassen, and Steven Weber.
Yale University Press The Other Modern Movement: Architecture, 1920–1970
A revealing new look at modernist architecture, emphasizing its diversity, complexity, and broad inventiveness “[Frampton] remains a formidable force in architecture . . . The Other Modern Movement offers an opportunity to re-examine the Western canon of 20th-century architecture—which Frampton himself was crucial in establishing—and delve deeper into the work of lesser-known practitioners.”—Josephine Minutillo, Architectural Record Usually associated with Mies and Le Corbusier, the Modern Movement was instrumental in advancing new technologies of construction in architecture, including the use of glass, steel, and reinforced concrete. Renowned historian Kenneth Frampton offers a bold look at this crucial period, focusing on architects less commonly associated with the movement in order to reveal the breadth and complexity of architectural modernism. The Other Modern Movement profiles nineteen architects, each of whom consciously contributed to the evolution of a new architectural typology through a key work realized between 1922 and 1962. Frampton’s account offers new insights into iconic buildings like Eileen Gray’s E-1027 House in France and Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, California, as well as lesser-known works such as Antonin Raymond’s Tokyo Golf Club and Alejandro de la Sota’s Maravillas School Gymnasium in Madrid. Foregrounding the ways that these diverse projects employed progressive models, advanced new methods in construction techniques, and displayed a new sociocultural awareness, Frampton shines a light on the rich legacy of the Modern Movement and the enduring potential of the unfinished modernist project.
Columbia University Press Hubert Harrison: The Struggle for Equality, 1918–1927
The St. Croix–born, Harlem-based Hubert Harrison (1883–1927) was a brilliant writer, orator, educator, critic, and activist who combined class consciousness and anti-white-supremacist race consciousness into a potent political radicalism. Harrison’s ideas profoundly influenced “New Negro” militants, including A. Philip Randolph and Marcus Garvey, and his work is a key link in the two great strands of the Civil Rights/Black Liberation struggle: the labor- and civil-rights movement associated with Randolph and Martin Luther King Jr. and the race and nationalist movement associated with Garvey and Malcolm X.In this second volume of his acclaimed biography, Jeffrey B. Perry traces the final decade of Harrison’s life, from 1918 to 1927. Perry details Harrison’s literary and political activities, foregrounding his efforts against white supremacy and for racial consciousness and unity in struggles for equality and radical social change. The book explores Harrison’s role in the militant New Negro Movement and the International Colored Unity League, as well as his prolific work as a writer, educator, and editor of the New Negro and the Negro World. Perry examines Harrison’s interactions with major figures such as Garvey, Randolph, J. A. Rogers, Arthur Schomburg, and other prominent individuals and organizations as he agitated, educated, and organized for democracy and equality from a race-conscious, radical internationalist perspective. This magisterial biography demonstrates how Harrison’s life and work continue to offer profound insights on race, class, religion, immigration, war, democracy, and social change in America.