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Oxford University Press Inc Anxiety and Related Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM5 Child and Parent Version
The Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-5, Child and Parent Versions, are the gold standard semi-structured interviews used in clinical research and services to assess and diagnose the major mental health conditions affecting children, adolescents and young adults. These interviews cover the range of conditions identified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), while also providing information for careful case formulation in treatment planning and evaluation of outcomes. Evaluators are able to quantify the severity of illness using a Clinician Severity Rating (CSR), as well as level of severity of symptoms and associated avoidance behavior. Decision rules for combining parent and youth reports, examples of CSR levels for the child anxiety triad of separation anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder are included in the Clinician Guide.Price is for a set of 5 Child Interview Schedules.
Wolters Kluwer Health Dermatology in Pediatrics
Highly illustrated and easy to use, Dermatology in Pediatrics, by Drs. Donald Shenenberger, Bernard Cohen, Jonathan Glass, and Joel Spitz, is a practical, everyday reference not only for dermatologists and dermatology residents, but also for pediatricians, family medicine physicians, and other clinicians who care for children. For each dermatologic condition, you’ll find a two-page spread: on the left is concise, templated information on diagnosis and management; on the right are full-color illustrations and clinical photographs that provide real-world visual guidance. From cover to cover, an easy-to-navigate, open, and visually appealing layout speeds you to the information you need. Covers more than 130 different dermatologic conditions commonly seen in the pediatric population, arranged by location and/or description rather than by diagnosis Includes 55 conditions associated with the neonate contained in a separate se
Liverpool University Press Byron
After Shakespeare the most famous British author in Europe, in Britain Byron was for years either neglected, or a victim of the myth of his own personality. Now he is read and studied both for his complex politics and as a forerunner of many of the ideas and techniques more usually associated with post-modernism. Bone tackles the critical problems both of the populism of much of Byron’s early work, and conversely of the sophisticated comedy of Beppo, Don Juan and The Vision of Judgement. He argues that for all its contradictoriness Byron’s poetic mind develops organically, and that the scintillating technique of the late works grow out of the profoundly modern world-view, relativistic and secular, which had developed through his early years. Byron’s writing are seen as a vital area for post-ideological and new found criticism.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd This Is My Body: Hearing the theology of transgender Christians
Much has been said and written about trans people by theologians and Church leaders, while little has been heard from trans Christians themselves. As a step towards redressing the balance, This Is My Body offers a grounded reflection on people’s experience of gender dissonance that involves negotiating the boundaries between one’s identity and religious faith, as well as a review of the most up-to-date theological, cultural and scientific literature. The book includes contributions from many people associated with the Sibyls, the UK-based confidential spirituality group for transgender people and their allies. People’s stories span many decades and most recount how they have come to reconcile their gender variance with their Christian convictions. These honest narratives follow a series of informative chapters, including ‘Gender Incongruence in the changing social and medical environment’ by Terry Reed.
Verlag G. Mainz Material and cell biological characterization of cellladen hydrogels functionalized by plant virus nanoparticles to enhance osteogenic differentation
Plant virus nanoparticle (VNP) is a useful platform with biocompatibility and versatile monodisperse protein structures that can be engineered with bioactive cues, offering opportunities to functionalize bioinert hydrogels for tissue engineering. The hypothesis in this study was that osteogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) and biomineralization could be enhanced by incorporating VNPs, which were engineered with osteogenesis-associated or cell-adhesive peptides, into cell-laden hydrogels. Cellular responses to VNPs were examined in both 2D and 3D cultures, including VNP-cell distribution, cell attachment, morphology, and osteogenesis. VNP-laden agarose or agarose-collagen hydrogels were characterized in terms of release rate, mineralization effect, mechanical properties, and usage as bioink. The results revealed enhanced osteogenic differentiation when cells were cultured on VNP-coated surfaces, and attachment of VNPs to cells as well as at least 84 % of VNP retention we
De Gruyter Family Business Transformation
Family businesses play a pivotal role in the global economy, and their successful development is of utmost importance. This first volume of the Contemporary Issues in Family Business Entrepreneurship series, focuses on the topic of family business transformation, which is causing drastic changes in companies' strategies and business models. Decisions to adapt or change family business strategy and/or the business model are always associated with risk. Family Business Transformation integrates work on the broad topics of transformation, strategy development, business model development, with the study of family businesses to provide family business owners, managers and entrepreneurs much-needed recommendations from best practice examples and/or empirical findings that can support decision-making in regard to the future direction of their companies. This book calls for a specialized examination of the social interactions among stakeholders, substantially expanding classical management t
Royal Society of Chemistry Peroxynitrite Detection in Biological Media: Challenges and Advances
Peroxynitrite is a powerful oxidiser which can damage a wide array of molecules within cells, including DNA and proteins, leading to apoptosis, inflammation or cancer. Peroxynitrite detection and quantification provides critical information in understanding its biological implications. Attempts to investigate the behavior of peroxynitrite in vivo and in vitro have been hampered by the difficulty in detecting this highly reactive oxygen species. This book presents the current state of the art in this research field with contributions from scientific leaders in the field. The chapters make clear the associated challenges and development for selective and sensitive detection of peroxynitrite. This book is a timely addition to the literature, as the first in the field, dedicated to detecting this molecule in vivo. It will be welcomed by the community particularly medicinal and analytical chemists, developers of sensors and probes and analytical equipment manufacturers.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Domestic and Global Food Insecurity
Food insecurity-the condition of having inadequate food due to a lack of resources-affected roughly 1 in 10 Americans in 2019, and this number increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Chapter 1 looks at the food insecurity in America. Although housing assistance programs are designed to free financial resources associated with housing cost burden, household food insecurity is still prominent among low-income, HUD-assisted adults as reported in Chapter 2. Chapters 3 and 4 summarise research on the extent and effects of food insecurity among college students and recent efforts by students, institutions, and governments to reduce food insecurity among this population. Global food security assistance from the United States and other countries and organisations is discussed in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 summarises how the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic may affect global food security needs.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Aristotle: Physics
The Physics is a foundational work of western philosophy, and the crucial one for understanding Aristotle's views on matter, form, essence, causation, movement, space, and time. This richly annotated, scrupulously accurate, and consistent translation makes it available to a contemporary English reader as no other does—in part because it fits together seamlessly with other closely associated works in the New Hackett Aristotle series, such as the Metaphysics, De Anima, and forthcoming De Caelo and On Coming to Be and Passing Away. Eventually the series will include all of Aristotle's works. Sequentially numbered endnotes provide the information most needed at each juncture, while a detailed Index of Terms indicates places where focused discussion of key notions occurs. An illuminating general Introduction describes the book that lies ahead, explaining what sort of work it is and what sorts of evidence it relies on.
Rowman & Littlefield Watch Your Words: A Writing and Editing Handbook for the Multimedia Age
Journalists — even those working simultaneously in print, on air and on the Web — trade in words. Using language well across platforms is a vital skill; the cleaner and clearer the text, the more effective the result. Watch Your Words, now in its fourth edition, is a brief and accessible handbook for mastering baseline knowledge of punctuation, grammar, usage and Associated Press style. This new edition features a new quality-control guide to writing and editing. The guide covers accuracy and fact-checking; brevity and tightening; clarity; use of quotes and attribution; and basic editing principles. The new edition also incorporates current AP style and continues to offer language-skills self-tests with answer keys, as well as sections on spelling and copy-editing symbols. It is an excellent resource for use in both the classroom and the newsroom.
Cengage Learning, Inc Industrial Automated Systems
INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATED SYSTEMS: INSTRUMENTATION AND MOTION CONTROL, is the ideal book to provide readers with state-of-the art coverage of the full spectrum of industrial maintenance and control, from servomechanisms to instrumentation. Readers will learn about components, circuits, instruments, control techniques, calibration, tuning and programming associated with industrial automated systems. INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATED SYSTEMS: INSTRUMENTATION AND MOTION CONTROL, focuses on operation, rather than mathematical design concepts. It is formatted into sections so that it can be used for a variety of courses, such as electrical motors, sensors, variable speed drives, programmable logic controllers, servomechanisms, and various instrumentation and process classes. This book also offers readers a broader coverage of industrial maintenance and automation information than other books and provides them with a more extensive collection of supplements, including a lab manual and two hundred animated mul
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Lower Limb and Leg Ulcer Assessment and Management
Lower Limb and Leg Ulcer Assessment and Management Lower Limb and Leg Ulcer Assessment and Management is an indispensable resource for practitioners in primary and secondary care, offering a practical and accessible guide to treating and managing leg ulcers. This comprehensive text challenges the misconception that leg ulcers are invariably chronic'. In practice, proactive management will prevent the harm associated with sub-optimal management. Insights are provided into lower limb assessment, early intervention for ulcer prevention, ulcer types and their causes, along with the influence that swelling and biomechanical changes have on the lower limb. The authors draw on international best practice guidance on lymphoedema, wound pain, wound bed preparation, compression therapy, psychological impact, and evidence-based care to enhance leg ulcer management. Each chapter aims to facilitate reader comprehension and promote productive patient discussions, empowering healthcare professi
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Youth Poets: Empowering Literacies In and Out of Schools- Foreword by Carol D. Lee
Youth Poets documents an ethnographic study of the literacy learning of urban high school youth in June Jordan’s Poetry for the People program. The book emphasizes how seven students adopted empowering literacies as they read, wrote, published, and performed poetry in and outside of school. Using a sociocultural and critical framework on literacy and pedagogy, the book focuses on the experiences of urban youth – from their own perspectives – to examine the various processes, products, and practices associated with poetry. It contributes to current research on literacy pedagogy in urban contexts, and further grounds connections between poetry production and academic and critical literacies. Not only does the research presented here support the use of poetry in itself, but it makes a case for the ways in which poetry can lead to transformative possibilities in diverse and multicultural classrooms.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd American Heroes Quilts, Past & Present
With 400 color and black and white images, American Heroes Quilts, Past & Present, is the first in-depth compilation of quilt patterns named for or associated with famous Americans. Quoting from original sources where possible, the book explores 55 American heroes that quilters have honored through the centuries. Included are such familiar names as George Washington, Dolley Madison, Lewis and Clark, and Charles Lindbergh, as well as heroes who are all but forgotten today. Stories and vignettes bring these people to life. Who was the Hull in Hull’s Victory? Why was Hobson the most kissed man in America? How did DuMont change America forever? Who was the only actor honored with a quilt block? With over 100 quilts and close-up photographs of all 112 patterns, this book is a must-have for serious quilters, quilt historians, and anyone who loves American history.
Cambridge University Press Cancer Pain
Nearly one in three people will be diagnosed with cancer, and many of these patients will suffer from related cancer pain. Cancer-associated pain is widely feared by cancer patients, but knowledge about the causes and management of cancer pain has increased dramatically in recent years and many new treatment options are available. This comprehensive book discusses the unique characteristics of cancer pain, including its pathophysiology, clinical assessment, diagnosis, pharmacological management and nonpharmacological treatment. The internationally recognized authors are leaders in cancer pain research, and they apply their first-hand knowledge in summarizing the principal issues in the clinical management of cancer pain. This state-of-the-art book cohesively addresses the full range of disciplines regularly involved in cancer pain management, including pharmacology, communication studies, and psychology. Cancer Pain is a scholarly but accessible text that will be an essential resource
The Crowood Press Ltd Driveways, Paths and Patios - A Complete Guide to Design Management and Construction
Driveways, paths and patios are an essential part of most properties and this comprehensive book provides a detailed explanation of exactly how they are designed, planned and constructed. Discusses the design of driveways, paths and patios with reference to their planned use, style, size, gradients and special features such as steps, ramps and terraces. Considers the range of materials available including block paving, flags, slabs, setts, cubes, cobbles, loose aggregates, plain & patterned concrete and tarmac. Analyses how to estimate costs and making the choice between the DIY approach and using a professional contractor. Examines the critical issue of drainage. Lays bare the mathematics associated with accurate setting-out and levelling. Describes the range of tools and equipment needed. Details the correct constructions of kerbs and edging and laying methods for flags, block paving and much more.
Carcanet Press Ltd Halcyon
Gabriele d'Annunzio (1863-1938), the most influential and controversial Italian poet of the 20th century, published his masterpiece "Halcyon" in 1903. It is a carefully organized sequence of 88 lyrics which, to gain their full effect, must be read as a whole. Halcyon is a "solar diary" of a summer spent in Tuscany, part of the time with the legendary Eleanora Duse. The poems evoke specific times and places; more importantly, they conjure up emotions, memories and myths associated with each place. Beginning in early summer, they move through the seasons, changing in verse-form and mood, always delighting in the sensuous qualities of language. J.G. Nicholls's translation makes the richness and subtlety of d'Annunzio's poetry accessible to the English-speaking reader, and his introduction illuminates the complex themes and structure of the work. He provides a full glossary of places and references.
Emerald Publishing Limited Stories of Addiction Recovery: The G-CHIME Model
Stories of Addiction Recovery explores first-hand structured accounts of addiction recovery through the G-CHIME model. G-CHIME is an adaptation to the CHIME model of mental health recovery, specifically targeted at addiction recovery. Identifying important components of recovery (Growth, Connectedness, Hope, Identity, Meaning in life, and Empowerment), G-CHIME considers aspects of positive psychology such as empowerment and hope as well as recognizing elements of addiction recovery such as connection and meaning in life. Publishing recovery stories in this way Stories of Addiction Recovery contributes positive literature to an area that is conventionally viewed with a negative bias, building away from the long-standing stigmatization associated with addiction and substance misuse. The first-hand accounts of shared experiences, lessons learnt, and the growth achieved can highlight to others what is possible in their own recovery.
Ryland, Peters & Small Ltd Celtic Goddesses and Their Spells: Discover Your Inner Goddess Through These Amazing Divinities
Channel the power and use the magic of more than 50 Celtic goddesses. The Celtic goddesses and druids were legendary beings. Now these heavenly spirits have personal relationships with us in everything we do. All females are divinely attuned to goddesses from birth for guidance and protection through life until death. Working by divine plan, goddesses imbue us with their ancient wisdom, which becomes our own, helping us to avoid pitfalls and reach our full potential. Celtic Goddesses and Their Spells features 52 of these inspiring deities, all beautifully illustrated. Gillian Kemp gives a description of each goddess and her main powers, followed by a spell associated with that goddess. For example, Cerridwen is the goddess of truth and she encourages you to be your most authentic self, while Awen, goddess of inspiration, helps you find the answers you need.
Hay House UK Ltd The Wisdom Wheel: A Mythic Journey through the Four Directions
Access the gifts of transformation, heal the self, and live in harmony with one another and with the Earth by journeying through the wisdom wheel—a fresh take on the traditional medicine wheel—its archetypes, and its four wisdom challenges.The teachings of the medicine wheel have existed from the beginning of time. Today, however, we are creating modern paradigms of shamanism while drawing on the sacred traditions of the past. In this book, shamanic practitioner Alberto Villoldo explains that the medicine wheel is also a wisdom wheel: an advanced tool for working toward personal and planetary transformation. By journeying through the wisdom wheel and its four directions—South, West, North, and East—each of which is associated with an archetypal animal and sacred journey, you will be able to access powerful healing energies and step into a new personal and collective destiny.
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Eurowhiteness: Culture, Empire and Race in the European Project
An alternative account of the EU as a racialised project The European Union is often seen as a cosmopolitan rejection of violent nationalism. Yet the idea of Europe has a long, problematic history—in medieval times, it was synonymous with Christianity; in the modern era, it became associated with ‘whiteness’. Eurowhiteness exposes the EU as a vehicle for imperial amnesia. Narratives of European integration emphasise the lessons of war and the Holocaust, but not the lessons of colonial history. The EU is about power as much as peace—and civic ideas of Europe are being displaced by ethnic and cultural ones. Since the 2015 refugee crisis, whiteness has become even more central to European identity—a troubling new turn in Europe’s long civilisational project. It is time to confront the relationship between ideas of Europe and ideas of race.
Floris Books Reincarnation: A Christian Perspective
Reincarnation -- by which human beings return to live on earth -- is a concept most often associated with eastern philosophies rather than Christianity. In this fascinating book, Friedrich Rittelmeyer explores reincarnation from a Christian point of view, arguing that it has a place in modern Christian thought.Reincarnation can sometimes be exploited to justify daydreams or imaginary past glories, or can harden into a legalistic reckonining of vice and virtue. Rittelmeyer's approach is different: joyous, essentially Christian, and full of a sense of freedom as he struggles to find a path through the pitfalls on the way to a Christ-filled acceptance of reincarnation.Drawing on the work and inspiration of Rudolf Steiner, Rittelmeyer was able to encounter the cosmic truth of reincarnation and, wrestling with human doubt on every level, courageously grounds it in human reality.
Manchester University Press The Invisible Painting: My Memoir of Leonora Carrington
Since her death in 2011, the legendary Surrealist Leonora Carrington has been reconstructed and reinvented many times over. In this book, Gabriel Weisz Carrington draws on remembered conversations and events to demythologise his mother, revealing the woman and the artist behind the iconic persona.He travels between Leonora’s native England and adopted homeland of Mexico, making stops in New York and Paris and meeting some of the remarkable figures she associated with, from Max Ernst and André Breton to Remedios Varo and Alejandro Jodorowsky. At the same time, he strives to depict a complex and very real Surrealist creator, exploring Leonora not simply in relation to her romantic partners or social milieus but as the artist she always was.A textured portrait emerges from conversations, memories, stories and Leonora’s engagement with the books that she read.
University of California Press After Silence: A History of AIDS through Its Images
Early in the 1980s AIDS epidemic, six gay activists created one of the most iconic and lasting images that would come to symbolize a movement: a protest poster of a pink triangle with the words “Silence = Death.” The graphic and the slogan still resonate today, often used—and misused—to brand the entire movement. Cofounder of the collective Silence = Death and member of the art collective Gran Fury, Avram Finkelstein tells the story of how his work and other protest artwork associated with the early years of the pandemic were created. In writing about art and AIDS activism, the formation of collectives, and the political process, Finkelstein reveals a different side of the traditional HIV/AIDS history, told twenty-five years later, and offers a creative toolbox for those who want to learn how to save lives through activism and making art.
Thames & Hudson Ltd Abstract Art
This lively introduction tells the ever-evolving story of abstract art, tracing its history from the early 1900s right up to the present day. Emerging out of western movements such as Cubism and Expressionism, abstract art quickly became a global phenomenon, changing the face of modern and contemporary art. Stephanie Straine weaves accounts of well-known pioneers with fascinating insights into lesser-known ground-breakers from across the world. Although abstraction in art is often associated with vagueness or the forbiddingly theoretical, for many artists the abstract represents pure simplicity. Straine’s vivid discussion demystifies the work of over seventy innovative artists – from Wassily Kandinsky to Emma Kunz and Rana Begum – and develops our appreciation of their conceptual approach. A reference section includes a timeline of key exhibitions of abstract art, suggestions for further reading and a glossary of art terms.
Basic Books Quantum Mechanics
From the bestselling author of The Theoretical Minimum, a DIY introduction to the math and science of quantum mechanics. First he taught you classical mechanics. Now, physicist Leonard Susskind has teamed up with data engineer Art Friedman to present the theory and associated mathematics of the strange world of quantum mechanics. In this follow-up to the New York Times best-selling The Theoretical Minimum, Susskind and Friedman provide a lively introduction to this famously difficult field, which attempts to understand the behavior of sub-atomic objects through mathematical abstractions. Unlike other popularizations that shy away from quantum mechanics' weirdness, Quantum Mechanics embraces the utter strangeness of quantum logic. The authors offer crystal-clear explanations of the principles of quantum states, uncertainty and time dependence, entanglement, and particle and wave states, among other topics, and each chapter includes
Yale University Press Seen from Behind: Perspectives on the Male Body and Renaissance Art
Renaissance bodies, dressed and undressed, have not lacked attention in art historical literature, but scholarship on the male body has generally concentrated on phallic-oriented masculinity and been connected to issues of patriarchy and power. This original book examines the range of meaning that has been attached to the male backside in Renaissance art and culture, the transformation of the base connotation of the image to high art, and the question of homoerotic impulses or implications of admiring male figures from behind. Representations of the male body’s behind have often been associated with things obscene, carnivalesque, comical, or villainous. Presenting serious scholarship with a deft hand, Seen from Behind expands our understanding of the motif of the male buttocks in Renaissance art, revealing both continuities and changes in the ways the images convey meaning and have been given meaning.
Headline Publishing Group Gem Magic: Precious Stones and Their Mystical Qualities
Precious stones, gems and crystals have been valued throughout history not only for their rarity and expense, but for their mystical properties too. Garnet is rumoured to stimulate the heart, while the pearl offers the protection of the goddess Diana – coral, so-called 'witch-stone', is said to guard against the evil eye, and amethyst is said to prevent drunkenness. Gem Magic guides the reader through the uses of and stories surrounding a cornucopia of stones. Introducing the inherent properties of dazzling selection of gems, gemologist Raymond Walters describes how each stone is formed and its key properties, what beliefs have been associated with them through history and around the world, and both their scientific and occult uses. Famous stones, both real and mythical, are lyrically described – from the infamous Koh-i-Noor diamond to unicorn horn and bezoar.
Manchester University Press The Invisible Painting: My Memoir of Leonora Carrington
Since her death in 2011, the legendary Surrealist Leonora Carrington has been reconstructed and reinvented many times over. In this book, Gabriel Weisz Carrington draws on remembered conversations and events to demythologise his mother, revealing the woman and the artist behind the iconic persona.He travels between Leonora’s native England and adopted homeland of Mexico, making stops in New York and Paris and meeting some of the remarkable figures she associated with, from Max Ernst and André Breton to Remedios Varo and Alejandro Jodorowsky. At the same time, he strives to depict a complex and very real Surrealist creator, exploring Leonora not simply in relation to her romantic partners or social milieus but as the artist she always was.A textured portrait emerges from conversations, memories, stories and Leonora’s engagement with the books that she read.
Cambridge University Press Advanced Geodynamics: The Fourier Transform Method
David Sandwell developed this advanced textbook over a period of nearly 30 years for his graduate course at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. The book augments the classic textbook Geodynamics by Don Turcotte and Jerry Schubert, presenting more complex and foundational mathematical methods and approaches to geodynamics. The main new tool developed in the book is the multi-dimensional Fourier transform for solving linear partial differential equations. The book comprises nineteen chapters, including: the latest global data sets; quantitative plate tectonics; plate driving forces associated with lithospheric heat transfer and subduction; the physics of the earthquake cycle; postglacial rebound; and six chapters on gravity field development and interpretation. Each chapter has a set of student exercises that make use of the higher-level mathematical and numerical methods developed in the book. Solutions to the exercises are available online for course instructors, on request.
Ebury Publishing Konditor & Cook: Deservedly Legendary Baking
Konditor and Cook are legends in the baking world. Their contemporary and witty cakes are famous – Magic Cakes have achieved iconic status, and their cheeky Dodgy Jammers and Gingerbread Grannies exemplify the humour with which Konditor and Cook are associated.Now 20 years old, Konditor and Cook have finally written their long-awaited baking book. From the classic Curly Whirly Cake to addictive Black Velvet Cupcakes and Boston Brownies, each recipe is easy to follow and will see you whipping up your own Konditor treats at home. And it's not just cakes: there are Apple Crumble Muffins, Raspberry and Ricotta Cheesecakes and even Spaghetti Bolognese Cupcakes to tickle your fancy.With 100 seductive, stylish recipes featuring step-by-step instructions and stunning photography from Jean Cazals, the Konditor and Cook Book of Cakes will make your baking a little sweeter and cheekier.
Elsevier Health Sciences Equine Dermatology
Diagnose, treat, and manage equine skin disorders with the most comprehensive reference available! With 900 full-color photos, Equine Dermatology covers skin diseases ranging from those that merely annoy the horse to others that interfere with the horse's ability to function in riding, working, or show. Thorough coverage includes essential basics and practical diagnostic methods, therapies, and specific abnormalities and defects. The book describes the structure and function of the skin, and discusses disorders including bacterial, fungal, parasitic, viral, protozoal, allergic, immune-mediated, endocrine, metabolic, and nutritional diseases. It also covers congenital and hereditary defects, pigmentation abnormalities, keratinization defects, environmental skin diseases, and skin tumors. Written by renowned equine dermatologists Danny Scott and Bill Miller, this all-inclusive resource covers the latest dermatologic topics and the newest therapies. Current, comprehensive coverage includes every known equine dermatosis. An emphasis on differential diagnosis includes key differentials and breed predilections for each disease, especially helpful when you have only a specimen and an incomplete history to work with. A consistent format makes it easy to locate information on each skin disorder, including a clinical description, its cause and pathogenesis, clinical features, clinical management, diagnosis, treatment, and any zoonotic aspects. Expert authors Danny W. Scott, DVM, and William H. Miller, Jr., VMD, offer years of knowledge, experience, and their vast image collections. Diagnostic tables in each chapter provide a quick reference for identifying lesions and disorders. An extensive list of references at the end of each chapter includes recommendations for further reading. New coverage of dermatologic conditions includes the latest topics and emerging disorders such as chronic progressive lymphedema, herpesvirus-2-associated dermatitis, salmonella-associated dermatoses, and nodular auricular chondropathy. Updated Diagnostic Methods chapter covers multiple methods of developing a differential diagnosis list based on breed, lesion type, patterns, and location. A focus on common clinical problems highlights the conditions most likely to be seen in practice. Almost 1,000 full-color photos of skin disorders make it easy to distinguish clinical characteristics and variations of normal and abnormal for accurate diagnosis and therapy.
Skyhorse Publishing The Times They Were a-Changin': 1964, the Year the Sixties Arrived and the Battle Lines of Today Were Drawn
An award-winning historian on the transformative year in the sixties that continues to reverberate in our lives and politics—for readers of Heather Cox Richardson.If 1968 marked a turning point in a pivotal decade, 1964—or rather, the long 1964, from JFK’s assassination in November 1963 to mid-1965—was the time when the sixties truly arrived. It was then that the United States began a radical shift toward a much more inclusive definition of “American,” with a greater degree of equality and a government actively involved in social and economic improvement.It was a radical shift accompanied by a cultural revolution. The same month Bob Dylan released his iconic ballad “The Times They Are a-Changin’,” January 1964, President Lyndon Johnson announced his War on Poverty. Spurred by the civil rights movement and a generation pushing for change, the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, and the Immigration and Nationality Act were passed during this period. This was a time of competing definitions of freedom. Freedom from racism, freedom from poverty. White youth sought freedoms they associated with black culture, captured imperfectly in the phrase “sex, drugs, and rock ’n’ roll.” Along with freedom from racist oppression, black Americans sought the opportunities associated with the white middle class: “white freedom.” Women challenged rigid gender roles. And in response to these freedoms, the changing mores, and youth culture, the contrary impulse found political expression in such figures as Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan, proponents of what was presented as freedom from government interference. Meanwhile, a nonevent in the Tonkin Gulf would accelerate the nation's plunge into the Vietnam tragedy.In narrating 1964’s moment of reckoning, when American identity began to be reimagined, McElvaine ties those past battles to their legacy today. Throughout, he captures the changing consciousness of the period through its vibrant music, film, literature, and personalities.
Taylor & Francis Inc HIV/AIDS and HIV/AIDS-Related Terminology: A Means of Organizing the Body of Knowledge
HIV/AIDS and HIV/AIDS-Related Terminology: A Means of Organizing the Body of Knowledge offers an adaptable and extensive framework for organizing the ever-expanding number of resources on the HIV/AIDS epidemic. It lays down the groundwork upon which future blocks of information can be placed. As new information becomes available, it can be integrated into this system without rearranging the information already stored. This saves the time and money associated with revising a less flexible existing system. The book’s instructions for use and taxonomic classification system make it easy to use. HIV/AIDS and HIV/AIDS-Related Terminology is designed for use in any setting where HIV/AIDS healthcare or information services are provided. It acts as a guide to available resources and illustrates how to acquire the most up-to-date information. At the same time, it moves beyond the more general focus on the clinical, legal, and medical ramifications of HIV/AIDS to the development of an interdisciplinary cataloging system that includes all issues and topics associated with the disease. This invaluable reference tool leaves no rock unturned. It addresses every conceivable facet of the epidemic, from the psychological to the religious and from the economic to the social. Any organizations or institutions concerned with the collection, creation, management, and dissemination of HIV/AIDS-related materials will find this book an essential for their libraries. Practical and comprehensive, HIV/AIDS and HIV/AIDS-Related Terminology addresses a full range of topics, including: prevention and education epidemiology and transmission treatment funding opportunities health policy HIV/AIDS and the fine artsHIV/AIDS and HIV/AIDS-Related Terminology is the first book to provide a method for grappling with the vast scope of information on the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Its organic structure is designed to accommodate new knowledge as it becomes available, while it maximizes access to existing information in a variety of formats.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Sustainable Winter Road Operations
The first and only comprehensive guide to best practices in winter road operations Winter maintenance operations are essential to ensure the safety, mobility, and productivity of transportation systems, especially in cold-weather climates, and responsible agencies are continually challenged to provide a high level of service in a fiscally and environmentally responsible manner. Sustainable Winter Road Operations bridges the knowledge gaps, providing the first up-to-date, authoritative, single-source overview and guide to best practices in winter road operations that considers the triple bottom line of sustainability. With contributions from experts in the field from around the world, this book takes a holistic approach to the subject. The authors address the many negative impacts on regional economies and the environment of poorly planned and inadequate winter road operations, and they make a strong case for the myriad benefits of environmentally sustainable concepts and practices. Best practice applications of materials, processes, equipment, and associated technologies and how they can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of winter operations, optimize materials usage, and minimize cost, corrosion, and environmental impacts are all covered in depth. Provides the first up-to-date, authoritative and comprehensive overview of best practices in sustainable winter road operations currently in use around the world Covers materials, processes, equipment, and associated technologies for sustainable winter road operations Brings together contributions by an international all-star team of experts with extensive experience in designing, implementing, and managing sustainable winter road operations Designed to bring professionals involved in transportation and highway maintenance and control up to speed with current best practice Sustainable Winter Road Operations is essential reading for maintenance professionals dealing with snow and ice control operations on highways, motorways and local roads. It is a valuable source of information and guidance for decision makers, researchers, and engineers in transportation engineering involved in transportation and highway maintenance. And it is an ideal textbook for advanced-level courses in transportation engineering.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Practical Image and Video Processing Using MATLAB
UP-TO-DATE, TECHNICALLY ACCURATE COVERAGE OF ESSENTIAL TOPICS IN IMAGE AND VIDEO PROCESSING This is the first book to combine image and video processing with a practical MATLAB®-oriented approach in order to demonstrate the most important image and video techniques and algorithms. Utilizing minimal math, the contents are presented in a clear, objective manner, emphasizing and encouraging experimentation. The book has been organized into two parts. Part I: Image Processing begins with an overview of the field, then introduces the fundamental concepts, notation, and terminology associated with image representation and basic image processing operations. Next, it discusses MATLAB® and its Image Processing Toolbox with the start of a series of chapters with hands-on activities and step-by-step tutorials. These chapters cover image acquisition and digitization; arithmetic, logic, and geometric operations; point-based, histogram-based, and neighborhood-based image enhancement techniques; the Fourier Transform and relevant frequency-domain image filtering techniques; image restoration; mathematical morphology; edge detection techniques; image segmentation; image compression and coding; and feature extraction and representation. Part II: Video Processing presents the main concepts and terminology associated with analog video signals and systems, as well as digital video formats and standards. It then describes the technically involved problem of standards conversion, discusses motion estimation and compensation techniques, shows how video sequences can be filtered, and concludes with an example of a solution to object detection and tracking in video sequences using MATLAB®. Extra features of this book include: More than 30 MATLAB® tutorials, which consist of step-by-step guides toexploring image and video processing techniques using MATLAB® Chapters supported by figures, examples, illustrative problems, and exercises Useful websites and an extensive list of bibliographical references This accessible text is ideal for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in digital image and video processing courses, as well as for engineers, researchers, software developers, practitioners, and anyone who wishes to learn about these increasingly popular topics on their own.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Diagnostic Pathology: Endocrine
This expert volume in the Diagnostic Pathology series is an excellent point-of-care resource for practitioners at all levels of experience and training. Covering all areas of endocrine pathology, it incorporates the most recent clinical, pathologic, and molecular knowledge in this challenging field to provide a comprehensive overview of all key issues relevant to today's practice. Richly illustrated and easy to use, the third edition of Diagnostic Pathology: Endocrine is a one-stop reference for accurate, complete pathology reports, ideal as a day-to-day reference or as a reliable training resource. Provides essential knowledge in all areas of endocrine pathology, including thyroid, parathyroid, pituitary, adrenal, paraganglia, pancreas, skin, neuroendocrine neoplasms, and inherited tumor syndromes-more than 150 diagnoses in all Offers a wealth of new information based on recently recognized and discovered endocrine diseases, as well as tumor types with important implications for patient care Includes new content on thyroid lesions and tumors now associated with DICER1 gene mutations; the correlation of newly characterized genetic abnormalities in endocrine tumors associated with responses to targeted therapies; and newly recognized syndromes, such as multiple endocrine neoplasia type 4 and type 5, glucagon cell hyperplasia and neoplasia, and others Meticulously edited by Dr. Vania Nosé with contributions from renowned pathologists to ensure that common/classic endocrine diagnoses as well as newly recognized diseases and unusual cases, are well covered Features nearly 2,200 high-quality images in print and online, including clinical and histologic images, gross pathology images, radiologic images, and full-color illustrations to help practicing and in-training pathologists reach a confident diagnosis Includes updated criteria, terminology, and classifications for a wide range of tumors according to the latest literature, including the 2022 WHO Endocrine and Neuroendocrine Tumors classification Employs consistently templated chapters, bulleted content, key facts, and annotated images for quick, expert reference at the point of care Includes the enhanced eBook version, which allows you to search all text, figures, and references on a variety of devices
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Reservoir Management: A Practical Guide
Reservoir management is fundamental to the efficient and responsible means of extracting hydrocarbons, and maximising the economic benefit to the operator, licence holders and central government. All stakeholders have a social responsibility to protect the local population and environment. The process of managing an oil or gas reservoir begins after discovery and continues through appraisal, development, production and abandonment; there is cost associated with each phase and a series of decision gates should be in place to ensure that an economic benefit exists before progress is made. To correctly establish potential value at each stage it is necessary to acquire and analyse data from the subsurface, the planned surface facilities and the contractual obligations to the end-user of the hydrocarbons produced. This is especially true of any improved recovery methods proposed or plans to extend field life. To achieve all the above requires a multi-skilled team of professionals working together with a clear set of objectives and associated rewards. The team's make-up will change over time, as different skills are required, as will the management of the team, with geoscientists, engineers and commercial analysts needed to address the issues as they arise. This book is designed as a guide for non-specialists involved in the process of reservoir management, which is often treated as a task for reservoir engineers alone: it is a task for all the disciplines involved in turning a exploration success into a commercial asset. Most explorers earn their bonus based on the initial estimates of in-place hydrocarbons, regardless of the ultimate cost of production; the explorers have usually moved on to a new basin before the first oil or gas is produced! This book is not a deeply academic tome, rather the description of a process enlivened by a number of stories and case studies from the author's forty years of experience in the oil-patch.
Plural Publishing Inc Hearing Aids for Speech-Language Pathologists: A Guide to Modern Rehabilitative Audiology
Hearing aid technology changes at a rapid pace. For speech-language pathologists who work with individuals using hearing instruments, keeping up with the new technology can be challenging, and sometimes even intimidating. Hearing Aids for Speech-Language Pathologists is designed to remove the mystery and the confusing high-tech terms of the many hearing aid algorithms and features, by simply laying out the need-to-know aspects in an organized, easy to read and understand manner. The core of this text focuses on how modern hearing aids work, and the tests associated with the fitting of these instruments. Attention is given to both the school age and adult hearing aid user. Recent developments such as situation detection, rechargeability and wireless connectivity are reviewed in detail, as well as the popular use of smartphone apps to allow the user to control the processing. Amplification is not just hearing aids, and therefore chapters also have been dedicated to implantable amplification strategies, FM and Bluetooth solutions. Hearing aid fitting cannot be studied in isolation, but rather, how it fits into the complete treatment of the patient with hearing loss, including the audiologic rehabilitative process. For this reason, the beginning chapters of the book are devoted to a review of the basics of the modern audiologic evaluation and the associated auditory pathologies. Readers will also find portions of the book that address hearing screening in the schools, rehabilitative techniques and auditory training. Practicing speech-language pathologist and graduate students will find that this text provides the latest in concise and practical information in the areas of hearing aids and rehabilitative audiology. Hearing Aids for Speech-Language Pathologists is authored by two of the industry's leading authorities on adult amplification, who have carefully crafted a text that provides speech-language pathologists with the essential information to work comfortably with hearing instruments and their accessories for individuals of all ages.
Plural Publishing Inc Reflux Laryngitis and Related Disorders
Reflux Laryngitis and Related Disorders, Fourth Edition, provides a practical overview of reflux laryngitis and other manifestations of laryngopharyngeal reflux. It is designed for use by otolaryngologists, primary care physicians, internists, gastroenterologists, general surgeons, speech-language pathologists, voice teachers, and patients. Since the first edition was published, there has been a great deal of interest in laryngopharyngeal reflux. Research has revealed new information; diagnostic and treatment paradigms have changed; and new medical and surgical therapies have been developed. This latest edition highlights these new developments and cites many articles that were not referenced in the third edition. Chapter 1 introduces laryngopharyngeal reflux as a multisystem disorder and defines its importance in otolaryngologic and pulmonary conditions. Chapter 2 summarizes the complex structure and function of the human voice, laying the scientific groundwork necessary to understand the ways in which reflux can impair voice use.Chapter 3 defines esophageal structures and function, providing a comprehensive review of the mechanisms of swallowing and a concise discussion of the physiology of the lower esophageal sphincter. Chapter 4 reviews the symptoms associated with not only typical gastroesophageal reflux disease but also atypical (extraesophageal) reflux including laryngopharyngeal reflux complaints, and other symptoms such as chest pain. This chapter also reviews complications of reflux such as Barrett's esophagus and includes new information on diagnostic technology. Chapter 5 provides a comprehensive discussion of laryngopharyngeal reflux and the symptoms and signs associated with peptic mucositis of the larynx and related structures. This chapter also updates much of the literature on laryngopharyngeal reflux and stresses some particularly important reflux-related conditions such as laryngeal granuloma. Chapter 6 reviews the diagnostic tests available for patients with suspected reflux and the uses, strengths, and shortcomings of each procedure. It includes an extensive review of recent publications on this topic.Chapter 7 reviews the latest concepts in and literature on medical and behavioral management of reflux disease. Chapter 8 describes surgery for reflux, including an in-depth explanation of laparoscopic antireflux surgery as well as a discussion of endoscopic approaches to reflux management.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Smallholder Farmers and Farming Practices: Challenges and Prospects
This book emanated from the research outputs of different authors whose diverse academic traditions and wide geographic spread play a major role in enriching its contents. The volume is mainly a compilation on smallholder farmers and their practices. The book also highlights the challenges, which that small farmers frequently encounter, and the opportunities or prospects, which abound in their farming operations. Compartmentalised into three major sections, this 11-chapter volume provides an account of thought-provoking scenarios and narratives, which are rich and well- suited for policy development and praxis. The book, therefore, compels policymakers to see opportunities in every challenge associated with smallholder agriculture rather than see challenges in every opportunity therein. While some of the chapters present the results of field experimentations that highlight the impacts of certain geographic features and fertilizer use on root tuber cultivars' production, some explore the effect of climate change on smallholder farming practices and how small farmers counteract the vagaries of weather conditions, which might impede their livelihoods. Nonetheless, most of the chapters largely rely on sociological methodologies to identify pertinent issues affecting the smallholder agriculture. While some of the issues underscore the advocacy for organic farming and its associated benefits or opportunities, others emphasize the uniqueness of certain agro-ecological farming systems and the opportunities, which they might offer resource-poor, smallholder farmers. A number of the chapters specifically provide some historical perspectives on the political economy of smallholder agriculture and identify the motivating and demotivating factors influencing young farmers' affection for farming while some accentuate the pertinent role of research in determining small farmers' response to the adoption of improved biotechnology in achieving food security. In the context of this book, there is a convergence in the findings and viewpoints of the authors in many places regarding topical issues on environmental sustainability, mitigation of climate change, ethics of the agri-food systems and agricultural policy.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Female Figurines from the Mut Precinct: Context and Ritual Function
Elizabeth A. Waraksa examins the ceramic female figurines excavated by John Hopkins at the Precinct of Mut in Luxor, Egypt between 2001 and 2004. The figurines date from the New Kingdom to the Late Period (ca. 1550332 BCE). Ceramic figurines are frequently overlooked by archaeologists, art historians, and social historians because the lack the aesthetic qualities usually associated wit Egyptian art. However, the Hopkins-excavated figurines display features that mark them as standardized ritual objects. Waraksa argues that ceramic female figurines were produced in Workshops, utilized by magician/physicians in healing rituals, and regularly snapped and discarded at the end of their effective 'lives'. This is a new, broader interpretation for objects that have previously been considered as toys, dolly, concubine figures, and most recently votive 'fertility figurines'.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Haskala und Lebenswelt: Herz Homberg und die jüdischen deutschen Schulen in Galizien 17821806
In the course of the tolerance legislation, elementary schools for Jewish children in the Habsburg Empire were established from 1782. In Galicia, these schools were under the supervision of the Jewish enlightener Herz Homberg (17491841), a pupil of Moses Mendelssohn, from 1787 until they were closed in 1806. In a short period of time, this set up a network of over 100 schools in which Jewish children learned the German language. On the one hand, Dirk Sadowski examines how educational concepts of the Jewish Enlightenment (Haskala) were put into practice here. On the other hand, he takes a look at the reality of schools and describes how the Jewish population and their elites - rabbis and community leaders - defended themselves against the repressive and traditional-endangering moments associated with schools.
Michelin Editions des Voyages Battle of Provence - Michelin Historical Map 103: Map
Michelin Battle of Provence Map 103 covers the region associated with the Battle of Provence in August 1944, at a scale of 1:200,000. Historic WWII reproduction map. A detailed map of the Provence area of France, showing the main sites of the late summer 1944 battle. This map is an antique-feeling reproduction of the map originally published by Michelin in 1947. The map shows all movements by French, American and German troops, and the dates of those advances, as well as a description of historic sites and the events which occurred between August 14 and September 8. The original cartography includes all types roads, included those that were under construction - distances are also marked on roads. Castles, places of worship, ruins are all clearly marked. The text is in French and English.
Redleaf Press All The Colors We Are / Todos los colores de nuestra piel: The Story of How We Get Our Skin Color/La historia de por que tenemos diferentes colores de piel
All the Colors We Are/Todos los Colores de Nuestra Piel captures the essence of one way we are special and different from one another - skin colour! We are all shades of brown and tan, and this engaging book explains how all the colours we are come from our ancestors, the sun, and the pigment melanin. This twentieth anniversary edition features all new colourful photographs that showcase the beautiful diversity of skin colour.Engaging bilingual text (English/Spanish) offers children a simple, scientifically accurate explanation for how we get our skin colour and answers the “what and why” questions children love to ask. Unique activity ideas are included to extend learning about skin colour. Understanding melanin frees children from the myths and stereotypes associated with skin colour and helps celebrate our differences.
Chicago Review Press The Third Coast: Sailors, Strippers, Fishermen, Folksingers, Long-Haired Ojibway Painters, and God-Save-the-Queen Monarchists of the Great Lakes
Chronicling the author’s 10,000-mile “Great Lakes Circle Tour,” this travel memoir seeks to answer a burning question: Is there a Great Lakes culture, and if so, what is it? Largely associated with the Midwest, the Great Lakes region actually has a culture that transcends the border between the United States and Canada. United by a love of encased meats, hockey, beer, snowmobiling, deer hunting, and classic-rock power ballads, the folks in Detroit have more in common with citizens in Windsor, Ontario, than those in Wichita, Kansas—while Toronto residents have more in common with Chicagoans than Montreal's population. Much more than a typical armchair travel book, this humorous cultural exploration is filled with quirky people and unusual places that prove the obscure is far more interesting than the well known.
Lone Pine Publishing,Canada Wetland Plants of Oregon and Washington
This concise and easy-to-use field guide provides a wealth of information about the plants of the rich wetland ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest. Grouped by habitat, this guide describes wooded wetland, wetland prairie, marshy shore, shrub swamp, and the submerged and floating communities. Wetland Plants of Oregon and Washington includes: * Descriptions of more than 330 plants species * Over 300 exceptional color photos * 74 line drawings providing additional detail * Hints for distinguishing easily confused species * Intriguing notes on endangered plants, wildlife uses, associated species and natural history. * This authoritative and attractive field guide will help raise awareness and improve stewardship of an irreplaceable natural resource. Whether you are a naturalist or an armchair adventurer, you will find this book an indispensable addition to your bookshelf or backpack.
McGraw-Hill Education Essentials of Biology WCB GENERAL BIOLOGY
Essentials of Biology is an introductory biology text for non-major students that can be used in a one- or two-semester course. It was prepared to provide non-science majors with a fundamental understanding of the science of biology. The overall focus of this edition addresses the learning styles of modern students, and in the process, increases their understanding of the importance of science in their lives. It was prepared to engage today's students in the science of biology by providing a fundamental understanding of life. Digital resources and Connections boxes encourage the student to integrate scientific concepts into their lives. Essentials of Biology is fully integrated into McGraw-Hillâs adaptive learning and Connect platforms, and is associated with a number of online assets that allow instructors to use this