Search results for ""Taylor Francis""
Taylor & Francis Ltd Survival 61.5
Survival, the International Institute for Strategic Studies’ bi-monthly journal, is one of the world’s leading forums for analysis and debate of international and strategic affairs. Shaped by its editors to be both timely and forward thinking, the journal encourages writers to challenge conventional wisdom and bring fresh, often controversial, perspectives to bear on the strategic issues of the moment. With a diverse range of authors, Survival aims to be scholarly in depth while vivid, well written and policy relevant in approach. Through commentary, analytical articles, case studies, forums, review essays, reviews and letters to the editor, the journal promotes lively, critical debate on issues of international politics and strategy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Survival 61.4
Survival, the bi-monthly publication from The International Institute for Strategic Studies, is a leading forum for analysis and debate of international and strategic affairs. With a diverse range of authors, thoughtful reviews and review essays, Survival is scholarly in depth while vivid, well-written and policy-relevant in approach. Shaped by its editors to be both timely and forward-thinking, the publication encourages writers to challenge conventional wisdom and bring fresh, often controversial, perspectives to bear on the strategic issues of the moment.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Survival 61.1
Survival, the bi-monthly publication from The International Institute for Strategic Studies, is a leading forum for analysis and debate of international and strategic affairs. With a diverse range of authors, thoughtful reviews and review essays, Survival is scholarly in depth while vivid, well-written and policy-relevant in approach. Shaped by its editors to be both timely and forward-thinking, the publication encourages writers to challenge conventional wisdom and bring fresh, often controversial, perspectives to bear on the strategic issues of the moment.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Supporting Children through Bereavement and Loss When the Sun Fell Out of the Sky
Currently, many children are unable to access emotional support services, and other members of a child's support network are required to provide this emotional guidance and support. This set, consisting of a guidebook and an accompanying story book, has been written to support children when they have experienced a loss or bereavement. It is intended to be used by families and friends, school staff, and all other adults supporting children through their grief, to help them to provide this emotional guidance.Guide to supporting Children through Bereavement and Loss offers information, education, and guidance about how to understand grief, ways to support the process and emotions of grief, and to help children to express themselves and make sense of their changed world. The accompanying story book, When the Sun Fell Out of the Sky, has been written to support key adults in helping bereaved children to find a way to cope, manage, and make it through their grief.
Taylor & Francis Ltd New Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Shipping Law in the 21st Century
New Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Shipping Law in the 21st Century consists of edited versions of the papers delivered at the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law’s 14th International Colloquium at Swansea Law School in September 2018. Written by a combination of top academics and highly experienced legal practitioners, these papers have been carefully co-ordinated to give the reader a first-class insight into the issues surrounding new technology and shipping.The book is set out in three parts: Part I offers a detailed and critical analysis of issues that are emerging, and those that are likely to emerge, from the use of advanced computer technology, particularly at the contracting process and in the context of issuing trading documents. Part 2 focusses on artificial intelligence and discusses the contemporary issues that will emerge once autonomous ships and similar crafts are put to use in the world’s oceans. As well as this, the legal impact of ports utilising artificial intelligence and computer technology will also be considered. Part 3 analyses how the increasing use of legal technology is changing insurance underwriting and shipping litigation. An invaluable guide to the recent technological advances in shipping, this book is vital reading for both professional and academic readers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Bills of Lading
Bills of lading form an essential part of the carriage of goods by sea and international trade. Their multi-functional nature, together with the large volume of case law and regulation, make the law in this field as complex as it is commercially vital. This bestselling book, now in its third edition, provides a detailed analysis of the law and practice applicable to bills of lading before, during, and after shipment, helping today’s busy practitioner to quickly and easily find the information they need.This book has been fully revised and updated with all the major developments, including: reference to increasingly important Singapore and Far-Eastern decisions; an analysis of modern developments in seaworthiness, from vetting and approval clauses to the topical issues of vulnerability and piracy attacks; detailed examination of misdelivery, fraudulent or forged bills of lading, and delivery without production of a bill of lading; revised coverage of conflicts and procedural matters, including anti-suit injunctions, jurisdiction battles, and the scope of arbitration; reference to relevant European law relating to issues of jurisdiction and procedure; comprehensive treatment of switch bills, transhipment, house bills, deck carriage, and container cargo; and new material on the practical implications of electronic bills of lading, and the implications of automated vessels.This text continues to provide an indispensable reference for maritime practitioners and institutions worldwide.
Taylor & Francis Ltd W. Stanley Jevons: Selected Works in Variorum Editions
This is the first variorum edition of the works of William Stanley Jevons (1835-1882), covering The Coal Question and The Theory of Political Economy, two of the most important books in economics and the social history of Victorian Britain. Both books were revised by Jevons during his life time and this variorum edition includes meticulously studied textual comparisons, not only between the different editions revised by Jevons himself, but also with the ones posthumously published, such as the 2nd and 3rd editions of The Coal Question, the 2nd to 5th editions The Theory of Political Economy and the edition edited by R. D. Collison Black. The comparisons cover the statistical data and various charts as well as the texts, all of which reveal the flow of ideas of Jevons according to the social changes. Including a new introduction by the editor, a complete bibliography and name index this collection will be an indispensable research resource for students and scholars of the history of economic thought and of nineteenth-century England.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Changing Destinies: The Re-Start Infant Family Programme for Early Autistic Behaviours
The term 'pre-autism' is becoming more widespread as a result of growing awareness of the importance of a child's first three years of life in diagnosing behaviours which, if untreated, can develop into autism. In this book we are shown the problems parents can experience when their young child does not respond to them in a 'typical' way, how they often voice concerns that something is 'not quite right' with their child, and how it is important to address these concerns, which may be signs of pre-autism. This book is about a new approach called 'Re:Start', developed by Stella Acquarone, to diagnose and treat early autism. In the Re:Start infant/family programme, a multidisciplinary team works with the parents and through the family relationships to reconfigure dysfunctional dynamics with the aim to "change destinies".
Taylor & Francis Ltd Performing Commedia dell'Arte, 1570-1630
Performing Commedia dell’Arte, 1570-1630 explores the performance techniques employed in commedia dell’arte and the ways in which they served to rapidly spread the ideas that were to form the basis of modern theatre throughout Europe. This book is winner of Ennio Flaiano Award in Italianistica, 2020.Chapters include one on why, what, and how actors improvised, one on acting styles, including dialects, voice and gesture; and one on masks and their uses and importance. These chapters on historical performance are followed by a coda on commedia dell’arte today. Together they offer readers a look at both past and present iterations of these performances.Suitable for both scholars and performers, Performing Commedia dell’Arte, 1570-1630 bears on essential questions about the techniques of performance and their utility for this important theatrical form.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Architecture and Health: Guiding Principles for Practice
Architecture and Health recognizes the built environment and health as inextricable encouraging a new mind-set for the profession. Over 40 international award-winning projects are included to explore innovative design principles linked to health outcomes. The book is organized into three interdependent health domains—individual, community, and global—in which each case study proposes context-specific architectural responses. Case studies include children’s hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, elderly housing, mental health facilities, cancer support centers, clinics, healthy communities, healthcare campuses, wellness centers, healing gardens, commercial offices, infrastructure for developing countries, sustainable design, and more. Representing the United States, Africa, Asia, Europe, and Australia, each author brings a new perspective to health and its related architectural response. This book brings a timely focus to a subject matter commonly constricted by normative building practices and transforms the dialogue into one of creativity and innovation. With over 200 color images, this book is an essential read for architects, designers, and students to explore and analyze designed environments that promote health and well-being.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Environmental Medicine
Environmental Medicine is an indispensable aid to the investigation, diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of environmentally-acquired disorders. It brings into sharp focus the increasing importance of the practice of environmental medicine, drawing together the many different strands that make up this modern discipline, and putting topical and controversial subjects into evidence-based context. The editors and authors are all leading authorities in their respective fields and are drawn from a wide variety of sources, including government advisory bodies. They have put emphasis on the issues most relevant to contemporary pratice, ensuring everyday relevance, while not neglecting less common conditions. Boxes and tables are used throughout for clarity and accessibility.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Nursing & Health Survival Guide: Diabetes
On the increase worldwide, diabetes is well recognized as a complex and challenging condition. This pocket-sized guide puts diabetes information at your fingertips, equipping you with the essential knowledge and skills to deliver effective day-to-day diabetes care competently and confidently. The Nursing & Health Survival Guides have evolved - take a look at our our app for iPhone and iPad.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Creating Games with Unity and Maya: How to Develop Fun and Marketable 3D Games
Unity brings you ever closer to the "author once, deploy anywhere" dream. With its multiplatform capabilities, you can target desktop, web, mobile devices, and consoles using a single development engine. Little wonder that Unity has quickly become the #1 game engine out there. Mastering Unity is absolutely essential in an increasingly competitive games market where agility is expected, yet until now practical tutorials were nearly impossible to find. Creating Games with Unity and Maya gives you with an end-to-end solution for Unity game development with Maya. Written by a twelve-year veteran of the 3D animation and games industry and professor of 3D animation, this book takes you step-by-step through the process of developing an entire game from scratch-including coding, art, production, and deployment. This accessible guide provides a "non-programmer" entry point to the world of game creation. Aspiring developers with little or no coding experience will learn character development in Maya, scripts, GUI interface, and first- and third-person interactions.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Focus On Apple Aperture: Focus on the Fundamentals (Focus On Series)
Are you into photography not photomanipulation?Frustrated that you are spending too much time in front of the screen and not enough behind the lens?Feel like you are not getting the most out of the powerful processing functions of Apple Aperture? This straightforward, inspiring guide is aimed at photographers whose goal is to use the software to bring out the best in their photographs. Professional photographer and educator Corey Hilz leads you through a highly effective, professional's workflow with Aperture, from importing your photos from your camera and making image adjustments, to labelling each photo with metadata and keywords for effective organization and searching, and finally outputting your images for print or social media. He focuses on the vital aspects for photographers such as correcting tone and color, targeted adjustments, metadata, and managing a fast expanding library. Focus On Apple Aperture is packed with stunning photographs and screenshots to illustrate every tweak the author makes, to effortlessly teach the new or beginning user the fundamentals of the software. Users of all versions of Aperture will benefit from this book.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Plastic Cameras: Toying with Creativity
Take a tour of the burgeoning world of plastic cameras and low-tech photography in this fun and funky guide to creating the most artistic pictures of your life! Whether you're an experienced enthusiast or toy camera neophyte, you'll find this guide full of tantalizing tips, fun facts, and absolutely striking photographs taken with the lowest tech tools around.You'll learn how to prep your plastic camera, their advantages and quirks, and what film to feed it. You'll also explore what makes a good subject, vignetting, multiple exposures, panoramas, close-ups, night photography, color, flash, problems and solutions, and so much more. Michelle Bates also takes you from a negative to either prints or pixels so that you can show off your photos and jump on the toy-camera revolution!Contributors include:Michael Ackerman, Thomas Michael Alleman, Erin Antognoli, Jonathan Bailey , James Balog, Michelle Bates, Phil Bebbington, Gyorgy Beck, Susan Bowen, Laura Corley Burlton, David Burnett, Susan Burnstine, Nancy Burson, Perry Dilbeck, Jill Enfield, fotovitamina, Annette Elizabeth Fournet, Brigitte Grignet, Eric Havelock-Bailie, Christopher James, Michael Kenna, Wesley Kennedy, Teru Kuwayama, Louviere & Vanessa, Mary Ann Lynch, Anne Arden McDonald, Ted Orland, Sylvia Plachy, Dan Price, Becky Ramotowski, Nancy Rexroth, Francisco Mata Rosas, Richard Ross, Franco Salmoiraghi, Rosanna Salonia, Jennifer Shaw, Nancy Siesel, Mark Sink, Kurt Smith, Sandy Sorlien, Pauline St. Denis, Harvey Stein, Gordon Stettinius, Ryan Synovec, Rebecca Tolk, Marydorsey Wanless, Shannon Welles, Matthew Yates, Dan Zamudio
Taylor & Francis Ltd Action Analysis for Animators
Action Analysis is one of the fundamental princples of animation that underpins all types of animation: 2d, 3d, computer animation, stop motion, etc. This is a fundamental skill that all animators need to create polished, believable animation. An example of Action Analysis would be Shrek's swagger in the film, Shrek. The animators clearly understood (through action analysis) the type of walk achieved by a large and heavy individual (the real) and then applied their observations to the animated character of an ogre (the fantastic). It is action analysis that enabled the animation team to visually translate a real life situation into an ogre's walk, achieving such fantastic results.Key animation skills are demonstrated with in-depth illustrations, photographs and live action footage filmed with high speed cameras. Detailed Case Studies and practical assignments ground action analysis methodology with real life examples. Action Analysis for Animators is a essential guide for students, amateurs and professionals.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Digital Landscape Photography
Photographing landscape with a film camera is different than with a digital camera. There are several books on the market that cover landscape photography but few of them are specifically for the digital photographer. This book is what you are looking for! Digital Landscape Photography covers:* equipment such as accessories and lenses* exposure from shutter speed and other common mistakes* shooting * light and its importance* composing your perfect photo* printing* and a special section on specific subjects such as waterfalls and sunrisesDigital Landscape Photography, written by experts that have been shooting outdoors for decades, is a fresh look at current ways to shoot landscapes by making the most of digital format.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Adobe Photoshop CS6 for Photographers: A professional image editor's guide to the creative use of Photoshop for the Macintosh and PC
Renowned Photographer and Photoshop hall-of-famer, Martin Evening returns with his comprehensive guide to Photoshop. This acclaimed work covers everything from the core aspects of working in Photoshop to advanced techniques for refined workflows and professional results. Using concise advice, clear instruction and real world examples, this essential guide will give you the skills, regardless of your experience, to create professional quality results. A robust accompanying website features sample images, tutorial videos, bonus chapters and a plethora of extra resources. Quite simply, this is the essential reference for photographers of all levels using Photoshop.
Taylor & Francis Ltd How to Cheat in Photoshop CS6: The art of creating realistic photomontages
With enough charm and wit to make learning Photoshop anything but taxing, Steve Caplin delivers the next instalment of the How to Cheat series, containing all the techniques you need to create and master the art of photomontage. Delivered in easy to follow step-by-step tutorials, How to Cheat in Photoshop CS6 covers all the basics of selections and layers before moving on to top tricks and techniques for creating realistic works of art for business, pleasure, or something in between. Accompanying downloadable resources are packed full of practice images and tutorial movies for you to work along with, plus bonus chapters to push your skills even further. Using a tweaked design that is clearer and fresher than previous editions, this is the most fun way to master Photomontage. This complete How to Cheat in Photoshop CS6 package includes a fully updated book, downloadable resources containing all of the images used in the helpful tutorials, plus over 5 hours of video tutorials, and a website featuring a reader forum where your questions will be answered by other readers as well as the author himself.
Taylor & Francis Ltd How to Cheat in Adobe Flash CC: The Art of Design and Animation
Whether you are creating an animated short, catchy and fun mobile game, or an innovative application, save time and money with expert cheats by renowned Flash Expert, Chris Georgenes with all new content for the Adobe Flash Creative Cloud revision. Solve problems quickly and develop creative projects, practical applications, and step-by-step tutorials. Chris Georgenes shows you how to work from the problem to the solution - from the viewpoint of an animator who has been commissioned to create a job and is working on a deadline and to a budget. Many of these walkthroughs are real-world client projects, with the source files supplied for you to open and explore. With these real-life professional projects you'll discover how to: center your stage, utilize the retina display support, navigate the new UI, learn how to develop interactive content, and how to use the Adobe Creative Cloud to your advantage.Put the Adobe Flash CC cheats to the test with the downloadable Flash source files, examples and video tutorials, and a creative commons game, developed with Adobe, to demonstrate the new functionality of CC!
Taylor & Francis Ltd Apple Aperture 3: A Workflow Guide for Digital Photographers
With over 200 brand new features, Apple's leading photo management and image processing package just got a whole lot bigger! From Faces to Places and Brushes to Presets, Mac experts Ken McMahon and Nik Rawlinson will guide you through everything you could ever need to know about Aperture 3 including how to: Find, tag, and protect your images with advanced metadata techniques Use Presets, Nondestructive brushes and the powerful new Curves tool to dramatically enhance your photos Seamlessly integrate Aperture 3 with other programs for incredible results Apple Aperture 3 - A Workflow Guide for Digital Photographers shows you how to put this powerful software right at the heart of your digital photography workflow. Inside you will find information on how to import, sort and navigate thousands of Raw files like a pro; how to fully utilize the new rush-based adjustments and quick fix adjustment presets to creatively edit your images; and how to export your images to slideshows, the Web, or even create your own coffee table style photobook.
Taylor & Francis Ltd PaintShop Photo Pro X3 for Photographers
If you are a digital photographer who's new to PaintShop Photo Pro or digital imaging in general, or have recently upgraded to the all-new version X3, this is the book for you! Packed with full color images to provide inspiration and easy to follow, step-by-step projects, you'll learn the ins and outs of this fantastic program in no time so you can start correcting and editing your images to create stunning works of art. Whether you want to learn or refresh yourself on the basics, such as effective cropping or simple color correction, or move on to more sophisticated techniques like creating special effects, everything you need is right here in this Corel-recommended guide. Useful information on printing and organizing your photos and a fantastic supplemental website with tons of extras rounds out this complete PSPP learning package. The awesome companion website - - is packed full of practise files, bonus tutorials and other fabulous resources.
Taylor & Francis Inc Corrupt Exchanges: Actors, Resources, and Mechanisms of Political Corruption
Political corruption has traditionally been presented as a phenomenon characteristic of developing countries, authoritarian regimes, or societies in which the value system favored tacit patrimony and clientelism. Recently, however, the thesis of an inverse correlation between corruption and economic and political development (and therefore democratic "maturity") has been frequently and convincingly challenged. Countries with a long democratic tradition, such as the United States, Belgium, Britain, and Italy, have all experienced a combination of headline-grabbing scandals and smaller-scale cases of misappropriation.In Corrupt Exchanges, primary research on Italian cases (judicial proceedings, in-depth interviews, parliamentary documents, and press databases), combined with a cross-national comparison based on a secondary analysis of corruption in democratic systems, is used to develop a model to analyze corruption as a network of illegal exchanges. The authors explore in great detail the structure of that network, by examining both the characteristics of the actors who directly engage in the corruption and the resources they exchange. These processes of degeneration have caused a crisis in the dominant paradigm in both academic and political considerations of corruption.The book is organized around the analysis of the resources that are exchanged and of the different actors who take part. Politicians in business, illegal brokers, Mafia members, protected entrepreneurs, and party-appointed bureaucrats exchange resources on the illegal market, altering the institutional system of interactions between the state and the market. In this complex web of exchanges, bonds of trust are established that allow the corrupt exchange to thrive. The book will serve both as a theoretical approach to a political problem of large bearing on democratic institutions and a descriptive warning of a system in peril.
Taylor & Francis Inc Media Worlds in the Postjournalism Era
The concept of media logic, a theoretical framework for explaining the relationship between mass media and culture, was first introduced in Altheide and Snow's influential work, Media Logic. In Media Worlds in the Postjournalism Era, the authors expand their analysis of how organizational considerations promote a distinctive media logic, which in turn is conductive to a media culture. They trace the ethnography of that media culture, including the knowledge, techniques, and assumptions that encourage media professionals to acquire particular cognitive and evaluative criteria and thereby present events primarily for the media's own ends.Case studies and examples of the mass media presentation of entertainment, news, politics, organized religion, and sports during the past twenty years illustrate how scheduling, sources of information, style, format, and professional awards influence how the world is portrayed in the various media. The authors analyze the influence of media logic on society's perceptions and judgments of issues and its impact on public opinion, culture, and social institutions.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Managing for Results: Revised Edition
Managing for results focuses on how to get the best out of people and celebrate the diversity of perspectives and experience that people bring to your organisation. The book explores motivation and how peoples' needs affect the satisfaction that they get from their work. Practical activities encourage learners to consider a number of strategies for increasing the motivation and effectiveness of their team. The book also considers how dissatisfaction impacts on performance and assesses the role of the grievance and disciplinary processes in managing performance.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Flexures: Elements of Elastic Mechanisms
This book presents some basic flexure geometries and the analytic models, which can be assessed for specific design applications. The author then goes beyond this fundamental explanation to explore more sophisticated issues. Specifically, the text discusses integration of these flexure geometries and analytic models to produce useful mechanisms for precise motion control with fast dynamic response. This book will be useful for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, particularly those who hope to acquire competence in experimental and mechanical sciences. Practicing engineers and other scientists currently working in related fields will also benefit from Flexure.
Taylor & Francis Ltd A Beam of Intense Darkness: Wilfred Bion's Legacy to Psychoanalysis
The author surveys Bion's publications and elaborates on his key contributions in depth while also critiquing them. The scope of this work is to synopsize, synthesize, and extend Bion's works in a reader-friendly manner. The book presents his legacy - his most important ideas for psychoanalysis. These ideas need to be known by the mental health profession at large. This work highlights and defines the broader and deeper implications of his works.It presents his ideas faithfully and also uses his ideas as "launching pads" for the author's conjectures about where his ideas point. This includes such ideas as "the Language of Achievement", "reverie," "truth," "O," and "transformations"- in, of, and from it, but also " L," "H," and "K" linkages (to show how Bion rerouted Freud's instinctual drives to emotions), "container/contained, Bion's ideas on "dreaming," "becoming," "thoughts without a thinker," "the Grid," his erasure of the distinction between Freud's, "primary and secondary processes " and the "pleasure" and "reality principles," "reversible perspective," "shifting vertices," "binocular vision," "contact-barrier," the replacement of "consciousness" and "unconsciousness" with infinity and finiteness, Bion's use of models, his distinction between "mentalization" and "thinking," as well as many other items.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Get Through MRCP: PACES
Reflecting the latest exam developments and covering the entire syllabus, this book focuses on providing complete revision coverage for the PACES exam. It is divided into five easy-to-use chapters, each representing a station from the exam, and integrates both the clinical and non-clinical aspects of the exam. It presents a wide range of commonly asked stations with detailed information laid out in a clear, concise manner, aided by photographs and diagrams.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Get Through FRCA Primary: 710 MCQs
Get Through FRCA Primary: 710 MCQs is written for all candidates undertaking the FRCA Primary examination. The authors have focussed on the most daunting parts of the examination syllabus, namely, physiology, pharmacology, clinical chemistry and physics. The text is divided into two sections: the first part consists of 260 MCQs grouped by subject; the second part comprises five sample papers, each containing 90 MCQs. This format is identical to the FRCA Primary exam, thus making this book an ideal learning format.The authors, Raja Jayaweera and Ramanie Jayaweera, between them have wide experience of the FRCA examinations and are particularly aware of the standard of knowledge required to pass this initial Primary MCQ exam.Recommended to all candidates preparing for the FRCA examinations, their trainers and qualified anaesthetists wishing to update their knowledge. Containing MCQs covering all of the tricky topics of the actual exam, this is one text that all candidates for the FRCA exam cannot be without.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Past, Present, and Future Contributions of Cognitive Writing Research to Cognitive Psychology
This volume tells the story of research on the cognitive processes of writing—from the perspectives of the early pioneers, the contemporary contributors, and visions of the future for the field.Writing processes yield important insights into human cognition, and is increasingly becoming a mainstream topic of investigation in cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience. Technological advances have made it possible to study cognitive writing processes as writing unfolds in real time. This book provides an introduction to these technologies. The first part of the volume provides the historical context for the significance of writing research for contemporary cognitive psychology and honors the pioneers in cognitive and social-cognitive research in this field. The book then explores the rapidly expanding work on the social foundations of cognitive processes in writing and considers not only gender differences but also gender similarities in writing. The third part presents a lifespan view of writing in early and middle childhood, adolescence, higher education, and the world of work. There follows an examination of the relationships of language processes –at the word, sentence, and text levels—to the cognitive processes in writing. Part V covers representative research on the cognitive processes of writing—translation and reviewing and revision—and the working memory mechanisms that support those processes. A review of the current technologies used to study these cognitive processes on-line as they happen in real time is provided. Part VII provides an introduction to the emerging new field of the cognitive neuroscience of writing made possible by the rapidly evolving brain imaging technologies, which are interpretable in reference to paradigms in cognitive psychology of writing. The final section of the book offers visions of the future of writing research from the perspective of contemporary leaders in writing research.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Animal Breeding, Welfare and Society
The determination of when, how, how often and with whom an animal breeds is moving rapidly away from evolutionary pressures and towards human purposes: these include the breeding of around 50 billion mammals and birds for food production annually, the breeding of pedigree dogs and cats, racing dogs and horses, specialised laboratory animal strains and the use of reproductive science to conserve endangered species or breeds and to limit unwanted populations of pests and non-native species. But the ethics and sustainability of this takeover of animals' reproductive lives have been insufficiently examined by either professionals or the public. This book discusses the methods, the motivations and the consequences of human intervention in animal breeding in terms of animal health, behaviour and well-being. It explores where we are now and the choices ahead, and looks to a future where we have more respect for animals as sentient beings and where we could loosen the reins of reproductive control.
Taylor & Francis Inc Take Charge! General Surgery and Urology: A practical guide to patient management
As a junior doctor starting a surgery or urology rotation, you are expected to take charge of referrals from - and give specialist advice to - A&E, GPs and other specialties. Often you will have had very limited surgical experience and only an off-site registrar for support. This pocket-sized book provides a quick, reliable reference guide for the initial management of the common surgical referrals, with guidance as to what complaints require admission and which can be sent home for outpatient or GP follow-up. It will help relieve the stressful experience of being on-call, alleviating some of the anxiety and making shifts more bearable.
Taylor & Francis Inc A Systematic Approach to Learning Robot Programming with ROS
A Systematic Approach to Learning Robot Programming with ROS provides a comprehensive, introduction to the essential components of ROS through detailed explanations of simple code examples along with the corresponding theory of operation. The book explores the organization of ROS, how to understand ROS packages, how to use ROS tools, how to incorporate existing ROS packages into new applications, and how to develop new packages for robotics and automation. It also facilitates continuing education by preparing the reader to better understand the existing on-line documentation.The book is organized into six parts. It begins with an introduction to ROS foundations, including writing ROS nodes and ROS tools. Messages, Classes, and Servers are also covered. The second part of the book features simulation and visualization with ROS, including coordinate transforms. The next part of the book discusses perceptual processing in ROS. It includes coverage of using cameras in ROS, depth imaging and point clouds, and point cloud processing. Mobile robot control and navigation in ROS is featured in the fourth part of the book The fifth section of the book contains coverage of robot arms in ROS. This section explores robot arm kinematics, arm motion planning, arm control with the Baxter Simulator, and an object-grabber package. The last part of the book focuses on system integration and higher-level control, including perception-based and mobile manipulation.This accessible text includes examples throughout and C++ code examples are also provided at
Taylor & Francis Inc Green Chemistry Laboratory Manual for General Chemistry
Green chemistry involves designing novel ways to create and synthesize products and implement processes that will eliminate or greatly reduce negative environmental impacts. The Green Chemistry Laboratory Manual for General Chemistry provides educational laboratory materials that challenge students with the customary topics found in a general chemistry laboratory manual, while encouraging them to investigate the practice of green chemistry. Following a consistent format, each lab experiment begins with objectives and prelab questions highlighting important issues that must be understood prior to getting started. This is followed by detailed step-by-step procedures for performing the experiments. Students report specific results in sections designated for data, observations, and calculations. Once each experiment is completed, analysis questions test students’ comprehension of the results. Additional questions encourage inquiry-based investigations and further research about how green chemistry principles compare with traditional, more hazardous experimental methods. By placing the learned concepts within the larger context of green chemistry principles, the lab manual enables students to see how these principles can be applied to real-world issues.Performing laboratory exercises through green experiments results in a safer learning environment, limits the quantity of hazardous waste generated, and reduces the cost for chemicals and waste disposal. Students using this manual will gain a greater appreciation for green chemistry principles and the possibilities for future use in their chosen careers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Journals of Captain James Cook on his Voyages of Discovery: Volume I: The Voyage of the Endeavour 1768 - 1771
Captain James Cook, RN, FRS, has been rightly called ‘the greatest explorer of his age, the greatest maritime explorer of his country in any age’. On the three expeditions which he led to the Pacific between 1768 and his death at Hawaii in 1779, his ships thrice circled the globe; he drew the modern map of the Pacific, and he was the first European seaman to circumnavigate New Zealand, to discover the east coast of Australia, to cross the Antarctic Circle, to chart the north-west coasts of America. In this edition, prepared for the Hakluyt Society, the text has been printed from surviving holograph Journals by Cook, under the editorship of Dr J.C. Beaglehole. The work is in four volumes and this first volume deals with the voyage of the Endeavour, 1768-1771. Prefixed to it is a General Introduction on the exploration of the Pacific before Cook. The illustrations reproduce original drawings and paintings (many now published for the first time), portraits, documents and maps. This is a facsimile of the edition first published in 1955, along with the Addenda and Corrigenda published in 1968. The illustrations originally in colour are reproduced in black-and-white, the fold-outs divided to fit on separate pages, and the volume is split into two parts, A and B.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Core Clinical Cases in Surgery and Surgical Specialties
You’ve read your textbook and your course notes. Now you need to apply your knowledge to real-life clinical situations.The problem-solving approach of Core Clinical Cases guides you to think of the patient as a whole, rather than as a sequence of unconnected symptoms. With its emphasis on everyday practice strongly linked to underlying theory, the series integrates your knowledge with the realities of managing clinical problems, and provides a basis for developing sound analytical and confident decision-making skills. The core areas of undergraduate study are covered in a logical sequence of learning activities: the same questions are asked of each clinical case, followed by detailed explanatory answers. OSCE counselling cases, with related questions and answers, also feature in each section.Key concepts and important information are highlighted, and the reader-friendly layout reflects exactly the type of question you will encounter, making these volumes the perfect revision aid for all types of case-based examination.The Surgery and Surgical Specialties volume, fully revised and updated in this second edition, focuses on the following topics: General surgery ENT Ophthalmology Trauma and orthopaedic surgery Urology Volumes in the Core Clinical Cases series remain absolutely invaluable in the run up to clinical, written or OSCE examinations, and ideal course companions for all undergraduate medical students at various stages in their clinical training.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Basic Clinical Radiobiology
Basic Clinical Radiobiology is a concise but comprehensive textbook setting out the essentials of the science and clinical application of radiobiology for those seeking accreditation in radiation oncology, clinical radiation physics, and radiation technology.Fully revised and updated to keep abreast of current developments in radiation biology and radiation oncology, this fifth edition continues to present in an interesting way the biological basis of radiation therapy, discussing the basic principles and significant developments that underlie the latest attempts to improve the radiotherapeutic management of cancer.This new edition is highly illustrated with attractive 2-colour presentation and now includes new chapters on stem cells, tissue response and the convergence of radiotherapy, radiobiology, and physics. It will be invaluable for FRCR (clinical oncology) and equivalent candidates, SpRs (and equivalent) in radiation oncology, practicing radiation oncologists and radiotherapists, as well as radiobiologists and radiotherapy physicists.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Security Interests in Mobile Equipment
This title was first published in 2002: This collection of essays marks the formal launch of the Centre for Instalment Credit Law at the University of Wales, Swansea. Divided into three sections, it examines the concept of security within domestic law; considers the choice of law rules; and ponders development of uniform law.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Social Work as Community Development: A Management Model for Social Change
This title was first published in 2000: The second edition of Social Work as Community Development is thoroughly revised and updated taking into account lessons from community development and international experiences applicable in developed economies. The application of system theory to the problems of managing change is the core theme. The book will be essential reading for the UK DipSW/MScEcon in Applied Social Studies and MScEcon in Community Care Studies as well as for students of community development and social work in the USA, Asia and Australia. It will also be useful for practitioners and policy-makers across social work, social welfare and social policy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Children, Family and the State
This title was first published in 2003. This book critically examines the moral and political status of the child by a consideration of three interrelated questions: What rights if any does the child have? What rights over and duties in respect of a child do parents have? What rights over and duties in respect of a child does the state have? David Archard adopts three areas for particular discussion on the practical implications of the general theoretical issues: education, child protection policy, and the medical treatment of children. Providing a clear legal context and a sharper, contemporary discussion of the question of rights, this book presents a clear introduction to the key issues in the moral and political status of children.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Danish Avant-Garde and World War II: The Helhesten Collective
This is the first book to focus on Helhesten (The Hell-Horse), an avant-garde artists’ collective active during the Nazi occupation of Denmark and one of the few tangible connections between radical European art groups from the 1920s to the 1960s. The Danes’ deliberately unskilled painterly abstraction, embrace of the tradition of dansk folkelighed (the popular) and its iterations of egalitarianism and consensus reform, called for the political relevance of art and interrogated the ideologies underlying culture itself. The group’s cultural activism presents an alternative trajectory of continuity, which challenges the customary view of World War II as a moment of artistic rupture.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Digital Interface and New Media Art Installations
This book is about the digital interface and its use in interactive new media art installations. It examines the aesthetic aspects of the interface through a theoretical exploration of new media artists, who create, and tactically deploy, digital interfaces in their work in order to question the socio-cultural stakes of a technology that shapes and reshapes relationships between humans and non-humans. In this way, it shows how use of the digital interface provides us with a critical framework for understanding our relationship with technology.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Natural Decadal Climate Variability: Phenomena, Mechanisms, and Predictability
Natural decadal climate variability (DCV) and its interactions with anthropogenic climate change (ACC) are vitally important to understand to predict the future of the Earth’s climate. This book, after familiarizing readers with the importance of understanding and predicting DCV phenomena and its distinction from ACC phenomena, comprehensively explains the physics of DCV, integrating paleoclimate proxy and modern instrument-based data and simulations with climate models. Features of this book: Uniquely focuses on natural DCV, its physics, and its predictability Presents an integrated view of DCV phenomena based on approximately 700 peer-reviewed publications cited in the book Includes research on influences of decadal variability in solar emissions on the Earth’s climate, with a historical perspective going back several centuries Describes progress in decadal climate predictability and prediction research, with a historical perspective on weather and climate predictability research This book is an excellent resource for graduate students, faculty members and other teachers and researchers, and anyone who is interested in learning about a very important component of the puzzle of the changing climate. "This book provides a comprehensive review…. Highlighted throughout the book are potential links between DCV and solar variability, a fascinating topic that has engaged our minds for centuries. Written by an expert with more than 30 years’ experience, this book should be an invaluable resource for students and researchers interested in how our climate will evolve over the coming decades."Doug Smith, Decadal Climate Prediction Leader, Meteorological Office Hadley Centre, UK"This book is a tour de force by the author who has spent his career studying decadal climate variability. He brings new insights to the vast scope of this topic, providing clearly understandable descriptions of the various aspects."Gerald Meehl, Senior Scientist, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Colorado, USA
Taylor & Francis Ltd Key Facts: Consumer Law
Key Facts has been specifically written for students studying Law. It is the essential revision tool for a broad range of law courses from A Level to degree level. Consumer Law is also relevant to courses for Trading Standards Officers and many Business Studies courses.The series is written and edited by an expert team of authors whose experience means they know exactly what is required in a revision aid. They include examiners, barristers and lecturers who have brought their expertise and knowledge to the series to make it user-friendly and accessible.Chapters include: The character of consumer contracts / Consumer protection in contract law / Contracts for sale of goods / Unsolicited goods / Distance selling / Contracts to provide services / Protection under the law of tort / Exemption clauses and unfair terms in consumer contracts / The Consumer Protection Act 1987 / Criminal Law as a means of consumer protection / Consumer finance / Trade Descriptions Act 1968 / Misleading proce indications / Regulating advertising / Insurance / Holidays / Food.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Africans Are Not Black: The case for conceptual liberation
Africans are not literally black, yet they are called black. Why? This book explores the genesis and evolution of the description of Africans as black, the consequences of this practice, and how it contributes to the denigration (blackening) and dehumanisation of Africans. It uses this analysis to advance a case for abandoning the use of the term ‘black’ to describe and categorise Africans. Mainstream discussions of the history of European racism have generally neglected the role of black and white colour symbolisms in sustaining the supposed superiority of those labelled white over those labelled black. This work redresses that neglect, by tracing the genesis of the conception of Africans as black in ancient Greece and its continued employment in early Christian writings, followed by an original, close analysis of how this use is replicated in three key representative texts: Shakespeare's Othello, the translation of the Bible into the African language Ewe, and a book by the influential Ghanaian religious leader, Mensa Otabil. It concludes by directly addressing the argument that ‘black’ can be turned into a positive concept, demonstrating the failure of this approach to deal with the real problems raised by imposing the term ‘black’ on its human referents.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Psychoanalysis, Neuroscience and the Stories of Our Lives: The Relational Roots of Mental Health
Psychoanalysis, Neuroscience and the Stories of Our Lives: The Relational Roots of Mental Health offers a new understanding of identity and mental health, shining the light of twenty-first century neurobiology on the core tenets of psychoanalysis. Accessibly written, it outlines the great leaps forward in neuroscience over the past three decades, and the consequent implications for understanding mental health symptoms today.Central to the book is the idea that the seeds of mental illness are discovered not in the individual’s own fallibilities, but in the complex relationships we experience from our very first moments. Integrating the latest neuroscientific research, it depicts the individual as inherently interdependent with their environment, their neurobiological and emotional foundations framed by the context in which they are raised. Integrating traditional psychoanalytic ideas with findings from neurobiology and neuroscience, it reframes the oedipal set up, examines clinical depression as the presence of absence, and revisits resistance and the neurobiology of denial. Weaving narratives drawn from clinical practice, and highlighting implications for contemporary lives, the book is a tour de force, smashing the myth that our minds develop separately from the world around us. This clear, lucid book, providing a timely overview of emotional and neurobiological development, will appeal to both psychologists and psychoanalysts. It will be also be a key reference work for mental health professionals, particularly those working in early years services.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Physical Therapy and Massage for the Dog
Interest in canine massage and physical therapy has grown as greater emphasis is placed on the general fitness and agility of dogs, as pets and as sporting animals. This book details the prevention, management and treatment of movement and allied disorders. It encompasses detailed assessments, treatment programmes that involve hands-on therapy along with dynamic remedial and strengthening techniques using exercise plans.Following succinct discussion of the relevant canine anatomy and physiology, the authors provide chapters on each of the key topics: movement and muscles; exercise; preparation for sports performance; rehabilitation techniques; massage and physical therapy; and common relevant pathologies affecting dogs.Physical Therapy and Massage for the Dog is of interest to all those involved in canine welfare including veterinary practitioners, veterinary students, therapists, dog owners and dog trainers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Forensic Science: An Introduction to Scientific and Investigative Techniques, Fifth Edition
Covering a range of fundamental topics essential to modern forensic investigation, the fifth edition of the landmark text Forensic Science: An Introduction to Scientific and Investigative Techniques presents contributions and case studies from the personal files of experts in the field. In the fully updated 5th edition, Bell combines these testimonies into an accurate and engrossing account of cutting edge of forensic science across many different areas. Designed for a single-term course at the undergraduate level, the book begins by discussing the intersection of law and forensic science, how things become evidence, and how courts decide if an item or testimony is admissible. The text invites students to follow evidence all the way from the crime scene into laboratory analysis and even onto the autopsy table. Forensic Science offers the fullest breadth of subject matter of any forensic text available, including forensic anthropology, death investigation (including entomology), bloodstain pattern analysis, firearms, tool marks, and forensic analysis of questioned documents. Going beyond theory to application, this text incorporates the wisdom of forensic practitioners who discuss the real cases they have investigated. Textboxes in each chapter provide case studies, current events, and advice for career advancement. A brand-new feature, Myths in Forensic Science, highlights the differences between true forensics and popular media fictions. Each chapter begins with an overview and ends with a summary, and key terms, review questions, and up-to-date references. Appropriate for any sensibility, more than 350 full-color photos from real cases give students a true-to-life learning experience.*Access to identical eBook version includedFeatures Showcases contributions from high-profile experts in the field Highlights real-life case studies from experts’ personal files, along with stunning full-color photographs Organizes chapters into topics most popular for coursework Covers of all forms of evidence, from bloodstain patterns to questioned documents Includes textboxes with historical notes, myths in forensic science, and advice for career advancement Provides chapter summaries, key terms, review questions, and further reading Includes access to an identical eBook version Ancillaries for Instructors: PowerPoint® lecture slides for every chapter A full Instructor’s Manual with hundreds of questions and answers—including multiple choice Additional chapters from previous editions Two extra in-depth case studies on firearms and arson (photos included) Further readings on entomological evidence and animal scavenging (photos included)