Search results for ""Taylor Francis""
Taylor & Francis Ltd Business School Internationalisation in a Changing World
This is the Open Access edition of Global Focus from the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD). Global Focus has become one of the most authoritative resources for in-depth analysis and updates on international management development. With features, topical reports, thought leadership and insight from leading experts from academia, business schools, companies and consultancies, this edition focuses on business school internationalisation.This eighteenth volume focuses on the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI), with insights into topics such as the role of AI in corporate learning by Martin Moehrle, reshaping business education using hands-on AI by Ana Freire, and whether generative AI is a threat to the world of teaching and learning by Pär Mårtensson and John Mullins. The topic of the impact of business school research is explored by Kai Peters and Howard Thomas, and Usha Haley, Cary Cooper and Andrew Jack look at societal impact through sus
Taylor & Francis Ltd Perspectives on the Impact, Mission and Purpose of the Business School
Brings together many of the world’s leading thinkers on management education to challenge the biggest issues impacting the future of business schools. Each chapter is written in a readable and accessible way for those inside academia and for the more general reader. As an Open Access book, it is designed to have genuine impact in the field of management education.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Humanizing the HighRise City
The transformative power of urban design in shaping our experiences within high-rise cities takes center stage in Humanizing the High-Rise City: Podiums, Plazas, Parks, Pedestrian Networks, and Public Art. This captivating exploration delves into the art of turning towering skyscraper cities into vibrant havens that foster human connection, celebrate culture, and build communities. Unveiling the secrets behind the creation of urban spaces, from dynamic plazas that encourage social interaction to tranquil parks that infuse life into steel and glass, the book unfolds a narrative that resonates with the innate rhythms of humanity. Examining 20 major high-rise cities worldwide (including Chicago, New York City, Dubai, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Singapore, among others), synthesizing extensive literature, and enriched with over 200 photographs, this book showcases projects seamlessly weaving nature, art, and connectivity into the urban fabric. These endeavors craft environments that
Taylor & Francis Ltd Religion and Contemporary Art: A Curious Accord
Brings together scholars, critics, and artists who are exploring the rich place of the sacred and the transcendent in contemporary art and visual culture.Sets the theoretical frameworks and interpretive strategies for exploring the reemergence of religion in the making, exhibiting, and discussion of contemporary art.Includes a breadth of case studies, covering themes such as ritual, abstraction, mythology, the body, popular culture, science, liturgy, and social justice, among others.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Oceanography and Marine Biology: An annual review. Volume 60
Celebrating its 60th volume (and thus 60 years of publication), this series remains one of the most cited sources in marine science and oceanography. This anniversary volume includes an Editorial discussing the UN Decade of Ocean Science as well as appreciation notes on the work of previous Editor-in-Chiefs. Chapters are authored by leading experts from around the world, including Greece, Chile, Australia, Canada and Australia, while an international Editorial Board ensures continued high quality and rigorous peer review of published articles. The ever increasing interest in work in oceanography and marine biology and its relevance to global environmental issues, especially global climate change and its impacts, creates a demand for authoritative reviews summarizing the results of recent research. Supplementary online videos as well as additional Tables and Appendices are available on the Support Tab of the book's Routledge webpage. This volume is available Open Access.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Big Little Hotel: Small Hotels Designed by Architects
Provides practical guidance to professional architects interested in designing hotels, alongside a condensed history of lodging, hospitality and the many factors which influence hotel development. Showcases twenty different small hotel projects designed by a wide range of distinguished architects. Highly illustrated in full colour, each case study is accompanied by detailed floor plans.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Art History at the Crossroads of Ireland and the United States
Taking the visual arts as its focus, this anthology explores aspects of cultural exchange between Ireland and the United States. Art historians from both sides of the Atlantic examine the work of artists, art critics and art promoters. Through a close study of selected paintings and sculptures, photography and exhibitions from the nineteenth century to the present, the depth of the relationship between the two countries, as well as its complexity, is revealed. The book is intended for all who are interested in Irish/American interconnectedness and will be of particular interest to scholars and students of art history, visual culture, history, Irish studies and American studies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Illustrated Guide to the Mass Communication Research Project
An accessible, unintimidating introduction to the focus group research project. For students in research methods or market research courses within mass media, communication studies, marketing, advertising, and public relations programs.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Dramatic Mathematics: 5 Stories to Support Early Maths Learning
Children are born with an ability to make sense of the world through play and storytelling. By creating narratives during fantasy play, children act out concepts and ideas that confuse them or that they find fascinating. Dramatic Mathematics consists of five stories and accompanying exercises to support teachers in Key Stage 1 to take a playful, story-based approach to introduce early mathematical concepts that children often struggle with. The stories are all set in the Kingdom of Sunobia and follow the journey of kings and sorceresses, an evil ship owner and a girl called Lily, who is exceptionally clever and very good at maths. Accompanied by playful illustrations and teachers notes, each story presents a different aspect of the Key Stage 1 maths curriculum enabling teachers to engage their pupils emotionally and bring the topic of maths to life. Offering a wide range of stimulating ideas for developing learners’ mathematical thinking and understanding, these activities can be used to enrich and supplement learning and will be an essential resource for all teachers looking to teach mathematics in an exciting new way.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Bonnie Prince Charlie: A Biography
Originally published in 1988, this biography was the result of 15 years research, including unearthing 70,000 letters and documents among the Stuart Papers which had hitherto lain largely untapped. Written in many different languages, some were damaged, written in code, or unsigned and undated. Deciphering them therefore made it possible to gain a new level of insight into Bonnie Prince Charlie as a man, his relationship with his exiled father, the role played by France and the true nature of the events leading up to the bloody campaign of 1745 in which he attempted to win back the throne of his ancestors.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Behavioural Biology of Zoo Animals
The first book on zoo/captive animal behavior and how this applies to welfare. Despite growing evidence of the need to implement more suitable, naturalistic practices into zoo animal welfare, it still seems to be somewhat overlooked - this book will address this oversight. Includes specific detail and examples focusing on taxa, a huge factor in managing animals in zoos that has not previously been addressed in this way. Covers invertebrates as well as vertebrate species. Would be a recommended or core text on Zoo Biology courses, BScs in Animal Science, and Animal Welfare MScs, as well as an invaluable practitioner reference. A lot of students interested in animal behaviour are interested in zoos. Each chapter covers species-specific content include the following information: Ecology and natural history as relevant to the zoo, behaviour and welfare measures based on ecological knowledge, feeding ecology and nutritional management, mating systems and reproductive characteristics, enrichment and behavioural diversity. The chapters are consistently formatted for ease of information, with end of chapter summaries, boxes with selected enrichment devices or welfare assessment methods for assessing welfare state, and directed reading of peer reviewed and other reputable sources that help advance care. A final Part explores welfare assessment tools, quality of life, veterinary interventions and evidence-based approaches. It looks at ways to increase the value of zoo and aquarium animals by enhancing visitor interest and visitor behaviour change. Also, research needs for keepers and how to build evidence into a daily routine, as well as management of native species programmes and the future of zoo research.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Economics and Business Environment
Economics and Business Environment is targeted at students preparing for a career in a managerial position in business or public service.With its accessible style and convenient structure, this textbook offers an insight into:1 current economic developments that are important to (European) businesses and governments;2 the influence of the business environmenton company profit and turnover. Students are offered an insight into the economic risks faced by all companies.This fifth edition of Economics and Business Environment has been fully updated; including the measurements taken to reinforce supervision of the banking industry.
Taylor & Francis Inc Foundations of the Frankfurt School of Social Research
Foundations of the Frankfurt School of Social Research
Taylor & Francis Inc The Trauma of Terrorism: Sharing Knowledge and Shared Care, An International Handbook
Learn intervention strategies to counter the effects of terrorismIn the twenty-first century, terrorism has become an international scourge whose effect devastates individuals, weakens societies, and cripples nations. The Trauma of Terrorism: Sharing Knowledge and Shared Care, An International Handbook and Shared Care provides a comprehensive, penetrating look at the effects of terrorism, at the prevention and treatment of immediate and long-term sequelae, at preparedness for terrorism, and at the range of individual, community, and national responses. International authorities discuss the latest knowledge and research about terror, its root causes, and its psychological impact on individuals, families, societies, and nations, as well as the societal and political responses and services that may help lessen its impact.The Trauma of Terrorism: Sharing Knowledge and Shared Care, An International Handbook analyzes the full scope of terrorism. This compendium explores numerous issues in detail, such as the nature and psychology of terrorism, how to foster a community’s capacity for resilience, the psychosocial consequences of terrorism in children and adults, the centrality of traumatic grief, the need for multicultural understanding in services and treatment, interventions for children and adolescents, training programs for mental health professionals, and proactive community organization in the face of terrorism. Treatment options and services are thoroughly explored and their effectiveness evaluated. Chapters are international in scope, well-referenced, and geared to provide thoroughly reasoned recommendations to lessen the effects of terrorism. Original witness voices from survivors and professionals worldwide give depth to the scientific character of the book. Helpful tables and graphs clearly illustrate data and ideas.The Trauma of Terrorism: Sharing Knowledge and Shared Care, An International Handbook presents in-depth examinations of:The Origins of Terrorism in Modern Society the origin and nature of terrorism terrorism as a strategy of psychological warfare the content and form of terrorism propaganda tactical and strategic terrorism the motivations of suicide bombers The Psychological Consequences of Terrorism the psychological impact of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks the PTSD effects of watching terrorist attacks on television the effects of acute stress symptoms on the general population after a national trauma somatization and bioterrorism the short- and long-term effects of terrorism on an individual the importance of measuring grief in the context of terrorism the psychological burden of bioterrorism the psychological impact of terrorism on children and families post-traumatic distress in adolescents with exposure to ongoing terrorism The Impact of Terrorism on Individuals, Groups, and Society terrorism’s toll on civil liberties media-oriented terrorism media guidelines for helping reduce individual and national traumatic reactivity to terrorism culture-sensitive interventions in the treatment of terrorism the effects of terrorism on refugees Psychological First Aid, Acute and Long-Term Treatment Following Terrorist Attacks mental health interventions in hospitals following terrorist attacks treating survivors in an ongoing terrorist situation the treatment of children impacted by the World Trade Center attack traumatic bereavement, and its link to terrorism School- and Community-Based Interventions in the Face of Terrorist Attacks the Building Resilience Project-school-based interventions for children community-based interventions like Project Liberty and
Taylor & Francis Ltd Movie History: A Survey: Second Edition
How can we understand the history of film? Historical facts don’t answer the basic questions of film history. History, as this fascinating book shows, is more than the simple accumulation of film titles, facts and figures. This is a survey of over 100 years of cinema history, from its beginnings in 1895, to its current state in the 21st century. An accessible, introductory text, Movie History: A Survey looks at not only the major films, filmmakers, and cinema institutions throughout the years, but also extends to the production, distribution, exhibition, technology and reception of films. The textbook is divided chronologically into four sections, using the timeline of technological changes Written by two highly respected film scholars and experienced teachers, Movie History is the ideal textbook for students studying film history.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Transforming Texts
Transforming Texts: considers why language changes, and how we transform it covers the key factors we need to take into account when transforming texts, including audience, register, mode, historical period, source and genre explores a wide variety of texts from a range of genres and periods, from Macbeth and Sense and Sensibility to Fever Pitch and The Bill offers a step-by-step guide to re-writing text; can be used as both a course text and a revision tool. Written by an experienced teacher, author and AS and A2 examiner, Transforming Texts is an essential resource for all students of AS and A2 level English Language and English Language and Literature.
Taylor & Francis Ltd F.R. Leavis
‘informative, succint, circumspect; an exacting introduction to Leavis as an incisive master critic. Ideal for today’s students and general readers’ – Chris Terry, Times Higher EducationF.R. Leavis is a landmark figure in twentieth-century literary criticism and theory. His outspoken and confrontational work has often divided opinion and continues to generate interest as students and critics revisit his highly influential texts.Looking closely at a representative selection of Leavis’s work, Richard Storer outlines his thinking on key topics such as: literary theory, ‘criticism’ and culture canon formation modernism close reading higher education. Exploring the responses and engaging with the controversies generated by Leavis’s work, this clear, authoritative guide highlights how Leavis remains of critical significance to twenty-first-century study of literature and culture.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Holocaust
Since the end of the 1980s the field of Holocaust studies has burgeoned, diversified, and experienced a series of important controversies. Drawing on the best research of the past sixty years, this collection brings together the most significant secondary literature on the Nazi persecution and mass murder of the Jews. Care is taken to set the work in a context of historical breadth and depth.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Musical Thought and Spiritual Lives of Heinrich Schenker and Arnold Schoenberg
This book examines the origin, content, and development of the musical thought of Heinrich Schenker and Arnold Schoenberg. One of the premises is that Schenker’s and Schoenberg’s inner musical lives are inseparable from their inner spiritual lives. Curiously, Schenker and Schoenberg start out in much the same musical-spiritual place, yet musically they split while spiritually they grow closer. The reception of Schenker’s and Schoenberg’s work has sidestepped this paradox of commonality and conflict, instead choosing to universalize and amplify their conflict. Bringing to light a trove of unpublished material, Arndt argues that Schenker’s and Schoenberg’s conflict is a reflection of tensions within their musical and spiritual ideas. They share a particular conception of the tone as an ideal sound realized in the spiritual eye of the genius. The tensions inherent in this largely psychological and material notion of the tone and this largely metaphysical notion of the genius shape both their musical divergence on the logical (technical) level in theory and composition, including their advocacy of the Ursatz versus twelvetone composition, and their spiritual convergence, including their embrace of Judaism. These findings shed new light on the musical and philosophical worlds of Schenker and Schoenberg and on the profound artistic and spiritual questions with which they grapple.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Special Operations Forces in the 21st Century: Perspectives from the Social Sciences
This book sets out the major social scientific approaches to the study of Special Operations Forces. Despite consistent downsizing, over the past two decades the armed forces of the industrial democracies have seen a huge growth in Special Operations Forces (SOF). Through increasing numbers of personnel and more frequent deployments, SOF units have wielded considerable influence in conflicts around the world, with senior SOF officers having led major strategic operations. This increased presence and unprecedented expansion for SOF is largely a result of the ‘new’ kinds of conflicts that have emerged in the 21st century. At the same time, even with this high profile in the military, policy and media and popular cultural arenas, there is relatively little social scientific research on SOF. This volume aims to fill this gap by providing a series of studies and analyses of SOF across the globe, since the end of World War II. Analysing SOF at the micro, mezzo and macro levels provides broad and diverse insights. Moreover, the volume deals with new issues raised by the use of such forces that include emerging modes of civilian control, innovative organizational forms and the special psychological characteristics necessitated by SOF operatives. It concludes with a discussion of a question which continues to be debated in today’s militaries: what makes SOF ‘special’?Filling a clear gap in the literature, this book will be of much interest to students of strategic studies, civil-military relations, irregular warfare, security studies, and international relations.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Tracking Color in Cinema and Art: Philosophy and Aesthetics
Color is one of cinema’s most alluring formal systems, building on a range of artistic traditions that orchestrate visual cues to tell stories, stage ideas, and elicit feelings. But what if color is not—or not only—a formal system, but instead a linguistic effect, emerging from the slipstream of our talk and embodiment in a world? This book develops a compelling framework from which to understand the mobility of color in art and mind, where color impressions are seen through, and even governed by, patterns of ordinary language use, schemata, memories, and narrative.Edward Branigan draws on the work of Ludwig Wittgenstein and other philosophers who struggle valiantly with problems of color aesthetics, contemporary theories of film and narrative, and art-historical models of analysis. Examples of a variety of media, from American pop art to contemporary European cinema, illustrate a theory based on a spectator’s present-time tracking of temporal patterns that are firmly entwined with language use and social intelligence.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Modern Women Artists in the Nordic Countries, 1900–1960
This transnational volume examines innovative women artists who were from, or worked in, Denmark, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sápmi, and Sweden from the emergence of modernism until the feminist movement took shape in the 1960s.The book addresses the culturally specific conditions that shaped Nordic artists’ contributions, brings the latest methodological and feminist approaches to bear on Nordic art history, and engages a wide international audience through the contributors’ subject matter and analysis. Rather than introducing a new history of "rediscovered" women artists, the book is more concerned with understanding the mechanisms and structures that affected women artists and their work, while suggesting alternative ways of constructing women’s art histories. Artists covered include Else Alfelt, Pia Arke, Franciska Clausen, Jessie Kleemann, Hilma af Klint, Sonja Ferlov Mancoba, Greta Knutson, Aase Texmon Rygh, Hannah Ryggen, Júlíana Sveinsdóttir, Ellen Thesleff, and Astri Aasen.The target audience includes scholars working in art history, cultural studies, feminist studies, gender studies, curatorial studies, Nordic studies, postcolonial studies, and visual studies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Regional and Transregional in Romanesque Europe
This book addresses the complex question of the significance of regions in the creation of Romanesque, particularly in relation to transregional and pan-European artistic styles and approaches. Individual chapters explore the generation and reception of forms, the conditions that give rise to the development of transregional styles and the agencies that cut across territorial boundaries. There are studies of regional styles in Aquitaine, Castile, Sicily, Hungary and Scandinavia, workshops in Worms and the Welsh Marches, the transregional nature of liturgical furnishings, the cultural geography of the new monastic orders, metalworking in Hildesheim and the valley of the Meuse, and the links which connect Piemonte with Conques.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Origins of Accounting Culture: The Venetian Connection
The Origins Of Accounting Culture aim at studying the origins of the accounting culture in Venice, with a specific focus on accounting education. The period covered by the work ranges from Luca Pacioli to the foundation (in 1868) of the Royal Advanced School of Commerce (Regia Scuola Superiore di Commercio), that in 2018 is celebrating its 150 anniversary as Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.Ever since the Middle Ages, Venice was home of a number of favourable circumstances that have been accumulating over the years. As a trading city par excellence, Venice allowed the spreading of the bookkeeping at first among firms and then in the public administration that was much in need of sophisticated accounting principles for the purpose of controlling its activities.Venice was among the first cities to implement Gutenberg print method and it quickly became the most important city in the world in the publishing industry, allowing printing and spreading the first handbooks about double-entry bookkeeping and merchant studies.The Origins Of Accounting Culture goes beyond the study of Luca Pacioli and tackles in a more organic and holistic way the social and economic conditions that allowed the accounting culture to spread in Venice. This book will be a vital resource to academics and researchers in the fields of Accounting, Accounting History, Economic Development and related disciplines.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Human Rights and the Digital Divide
The Internet’s importance for freedom of expression and other rights comes in part from the ability it bestows on users to create and share information, rather than just receive it. Within the context of existing freedom of expression guarantees, this book critically evaluates the goal of bridging the 'digital divide' – the gap between those who have access to the Internet and those who do not. Central to this analysis is the examination of two questions: first, is there a right to access the Internet, and if so, what does that right look like and how far does it extend? Second, if there is a right to access the Internet, is there a legal obligation on States to overcome the digital divide?Through examination of this debate’s history, analysis of case law in the European Court of Human Rights and Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and a case study of one digital inclusion programme in Jalisco, Mexico, this book concludes that there is indeed currently a legal right to Internet access, but one that it is very limited in scope. The 2012 Joint Declaration on Freedom of Expression and the Internet is aspirational in nature, rather than a representative summary of current protections afforded by the international human rights legal framework. This book establishes a critical foundation from which some of these aspirations could be advanced in the future. The digital divide is not just a human rights challenge nor will it be overcome through human rights law alone. Nevertheless, human rights law could and should do more than it has thus far.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Painting the Novel: Pictorial Discourse in Eighteenth-Century English Fiction
Painting the Novel: Pictorial Discourse in Eighteenth-Century English Fiction focuses on the interrelationship between eighteenth-century theories of the novel and the art of painting – a subject which has not yet been undertaken in a book-length study. This volume argues that throughout the century novelists from Daniel Defoe to Ann Radcliffe referred to the visual arts, recalling specific names or artworks, but also artistic styles and conventions, in an attempt to define the generic constitution of their fictions. In this, the novelists took part in the discussion of the sister arts, not only by pointing to the affinities between them but also, more importantly, by recognising their potential to inform one another; in other words, they expressed a conviction that the theory of a new genre can be successfully rendered through meta-pictorial analogies. By tracing the uses of painting in eighteenth-century novelistic discourse, this book sheds new light on the history of the so-called "rise of the novel".
Taylor & Francis Ltd Reconstructing a Maritime Past
This book presents intellectual histories of maritime archaeological interpretive approaches common in Northern Europe and the Mediterranean, proposes that the former perspective – which embodies contemporary and fluid perceptions of culture – is a better theoretical framework for future research. deconstructs interpretive methods in maritime archaeology, offers a new synthesizing interpretive approach that is scalable and decoupled from past perceptions, and critically examines the applicability of various media to illuminate the past maritime experience. will appeal to scholars at various stages of their careers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Getting to Work with the Avid S6: An Introduction and Learning Guide
This complete guide to the Avid S6 console offers the best techniques and practices from a seasoned industry veteran, Curt Schulkey, for utilizing its unique features and functions.The Avid S6 was created to be the industry standard virtual mixing console; however, it is so feature-packed that it can be difficult for new users to navigate. This book provides the ultimate guide to breaking down these amazing features and demonstrating how to use them effectively in your next project, with easy-to-follow instructions, rich illustrations, and general real-world advice from the author.This book takes students from neophyte to high-level intermediate. Readers should begin with a functional knowledge of Pro Tools and general understanding of mixing for cinema, but previous knowledge of mixing surfaces is not necessary as this book provides guidance through rudimentary, basic, and intermediary level workflows.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Optimal Decision Making in Operations Research and Statistics: Methodologies and Applications
Provides sound knowledge of optimal decision making in statistics and operations research problems. Serves a quick reference by exploring the research literature on the subject with commercial value-added research applications in statistics and operations research. Provides sound knowledge of optimisations and statistical techniques in modelling of real-world problems. Reviews recent developments and contributions in optimal decision-making problems using optimisation and statistical techniques. Provides an understanding of formulations of decision-making problems and their solution procedures. Describes latest developments in modelling of real-world problems and their solution approaches.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Alternative Process Photography for the Contemporary Photographer: A Beginner's Guide
• Brings together the methodologies of alternative process photography and the concepts behind contemporary photography to illustrate how students can marry the two in their own work. • Aimed at beginner contemporary photographers who are looking at the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of alternative process / antiquarian photography using contemporary examples from across the globe to illustrate why the work has an important place in photography. • Unlike the competition, this book brings contemporary insight to a range of alternative processes / antiquarian photography, providing a comprehensive and accessible exploration of not only the methodological aspects of these processes but the conceptual thought behind them.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Hildegard von Bingen's Ordo Virtutum: A Musical and Metaphysical Analysis
The Ordo Virtutum, Hildegard von Bingen’s twelfth-century music-drama, is one of the first known examples of a large-scale composition by a named composer in the Western canon. Not only does the Ordo’s expansive duration set it apart from its precursors, but also its complex imagery and non-biblical narrative have raised various questions concerning its context and genre. As a poetic meditation on the fall of a soul, the Ordo deploys an array of personified virtues and musical forces over the course of its eighty-seven chants. In this ambitious analysis of the work, Michael C. Gardiner examines how classical Neoplatonic hierarchies are established in the music-drama and considers how they are mediated and subverted through a series of concentric absorptions (absorptions related to medieval Platonism and its various theological developments) which lie at the core of the work’s musical design and text. This is achieved primarily through Gardiner’s musical network model, which implicates mode into a networked system of nodes, and draws upon parallels with the medieval interpretation of Platonic ontology and Hildegard’s correlative realization through sound, song, and voice.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Art Criticism and Modernism in the United States
This study is an analysis of 'high' and 'late' modernist criticism in New York during the 1960s and early 1970s. Through a close reading of a selection of key critics of the period—which will expand the remit beyond the canonical texts—the book examines the ways that modernist criticism’s discourse remains of especial disciplinary interest.Despite its alleged narrowness and exclusion, the debates of the 1960s raised fundamental questions concerning the nature of art writing. Those include arguments around the nature of value and judgement; the relationship between art criticism and art history; and the related problem of what we mean by the ‘contemporary.’ Stephen Moonie argues that within those often-fractious debates, there exists a shared discourse. And further, contrary to the current consensus that modernists were elitist, dogmatic, and irrelevant to contemporary debates on art, the study shows that there is much that we can learn from reconsidering their writings.The book will be of interest to scholars working in art history, modern art, art criticism, and literary studies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Real Property in Australia: Foundations and Applications
Real property in the form of investment, ownership and use pervades almost every aspect of daily lives and represents over 40% of Australia’s wealth. Such assets do not exist in isolation – they are dynamic and forever evolving, impacted by a range of physical, economic, demographic, legal and other forces.Consequently, a true appreciation of individual assets and of the property sector as a whole demands an understanding of both the assets themselves and the context and markets in which they exist. The sector is complex and, on the face of it, confusing. It is however, not without logic and underlying themes and principles.This book provides a wider understanding of how the real property sector works. It covers topics such as the nature of real property and its functions, economic drivers, valuation principles, legal and tenure parameters, property taxation, land development and subdivision, asset and property management and sustainability – all critical components in this complex and critically important sector. It provides a wide and balanced perspective for experienced practitioners, investors, students and anyone involved in property decision-making or wishing to secure a deeper understanding of these areas. The book integrates research-based theory with practical application and first-hand insights into a sector that underpins the Australian economy, its communities and its sustainability.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Fire Safety Design for Tall Buildings
Fire Safety Design for Tall Buildings provides structural engineers, architects, and students with a systematic introduction to fire safety design for tall buildings based on current analysis methods, design guidelines, and codes. It covers almost all aspects of fire safety design that an engineer or an architect might encounter—such as performance-based design and the basic principles of fire development and heat transfer.It also sets out an effective way of preventing the progressive collapse of a building in fire, and it demonstrates 3D modeling techniques to perform structural fire analysis with examples that replicate real fire incidents such as the Twin Towers and WTC7. This helps readers to understand the design of structures and analyze their behavior in fire.
Taylor & Francis Ltd A for Adoption: An Exploration of the Adoption Experience for Families and Professionals
The experience of adoption—both adopting and being adopted—can stir up deep emotional pain, often related to loss and early trauma. A for Adoption provides insight and support to those families and individuals facing these complex processes and challenges. Drawing on both a psychoanalytic, theoretical framework and first-hand accounts of adopters, adoptees, and professionals within the adoption process, Alison Roy responds to the need for further and consistent support for adoptive parents and children, to help inform and understand the reality of their everyday lives. This book explores both the current and historical context of adoption, as well as its depiction within literature, before addressing issues such as conflict in relationships, the impact of significant trauma and loss, attachment and the importance of early relationships, and contact with birth families. Uniquely, this book addresses the experiences of, and provides support for, both adoptive professionals and families. It focuses on understanding rather than apportioning blame, and responds to a plea from a parent who requested "a book to help me understand my child better".
Taylor & Francis Ltd Communication for Continuous Improvement Projects
Manufacturing companies work endlessly to make process improvements, yet they are often hard to implement and even harder to sustain. The reason: companies often stumble when communicating why the methodologies are being used and how to sustain the improvements. Communication for Continuous Improvement Projects demonstrates how to communicate change, create confidence in the new processes, and empower employees. It shows how to be an effective change agent by utilizing tools that make sense while being competitive in the business market.The book explores how the proper tools, communication, and management make the Lean Six Sigma methodologies work. It includes a Continuous Improvement Toolkit that is an easy reference for what tool to use and when and how to effectively teach the tools to employees who are not necessarily engineers. Communicating these tools is the most difficult part of using the tools. The author details the implementation of the actual tools that create confidence and explains Lean Six Sigma in a way that will make employees want to jump on board.Result-driven decisions can be made from the methodologies described in this book, making processes quantifiably better with sustainable results. Extensive and informative, the book takes the guesswork out of the art of continuous improvement through communication.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Asthmas: A Precision Medicine Approach to Treatable Traits, Diagnosis and Management
Key Features:• Covers both respiratory physiology and airway inflammation.• Highlights the use of biologic drugs.• Discusses Precision-based medicine.• Explores the co-morbidities through clinical cases.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Nail Therapies: Current Clinical Practice
Edited by Robert Baran, MD Honorary Professor, University of Franche-Comté; Nail Disease Center, Cannes, FranceDimitris Rigopoulos, MD, PhD Professor of Dermatology-Venereology, School of Health Sciences,National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, GreeceChander Grover, MD, DNB, MNAMS Professor of Dermatology, University College of Medical Sciencesand GTB Hospital, Delhi, India Eckart Haneke, MD Dermatology Practice Dermaticum, Freiburg, Germany; Centro de Dermatología Epidermis, Instituto CUF, Porto, Portugal; Kliniek voor Huidziekten, Universitair Ziekenhuis, Ghent, Belgium; Department of Dermatology, Inselspital, University of Bern, Bern, SwitzerlandA succinct guide to treatment options, both medical and surgical, for both disorders and injuries of the nail.From reviews of the first edition:"This is a book about nail therapies that is relevant clinically while remaining a manageable size. It would be a useful tool for all clinicians managing nail disease, from the trainee to those embarking on a clinic dedicated to nail disease." Br J DermatolContents: Anatomy and physiology of the nail unit * Psoriasis * Onychomycosis * Novel and emerging pharmacotherapy and device-based treatments for onychomycosis * Lichen planus * Onychotillomania (onychophagia, habit tic, median canaliform onychodystrophy) * Eczema * Acrodermatitis continua of Hallopeau * Herpes simplex (herpetic whitlow, herpetic paronychia) * Acute paronychia * Chronic paronychia * Warts * Yellow nail syndrome * Onycholysis * Nail fragility and beautification * Nail prostheses * Nail pigmentation * How to prevent and treat chemotherapy-induced nail abnormalities * Intralesional nail therapies * Drug side effects on the distal phalanx * Classical nail surgery and removal of the proximal nail fold * Surgery of some common nail tumors * Nail surgery complications * The painful nail * Radiation and the nail
Taylor & Francis Ltd Portraiture and Early Studio Photography in China and Japan
This volume explores the early history of the photographic studio and portrait in China and Japan. The institution of the photographic studio has received relatively little attention in the history of photography; contributors here investigate various manifestations of the studio as a place and as a space that was cultural, economic, and creative. Its authors also look closely at the studio portrait not as images alone, but also as collaborative ventures between studio operators and sitters, opportunities to invent new roles, images that merged the new medium with "traditional" visual practices, as well as the portrait’s part in devising modern, gendered, nationalistic, and public identities for its subjects. As the first collection of its kind, Portraiture and Early Studio Photography in China and Japan analyzes the photographic likeness—its producers, subjects, viewers, and pictorial forms—and argues for the historical significance of the photographic studio as a specific and new space central to the formation of new identities and communities. Photography’s identity as a transnational technology is thus explored through the local uses, adaptations, and assimilations of the imported medium, presenting modern images of their subjects in specific Japanese and Chinese contexts.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Into TA: A Comprehensive Textbook on Transactional Analysis
Transactional Analysis (TA) has continued to grow and develop ever since its inception by the Canadian-American psychiatrist Dr Eric Berne over a half century ago. It has proven itself to be an extremely useful model for human relations professionals working in a variety of contexts and fields, such as psychotherapy, coaching and counselling, manag
Taylor & Francis Ltd Revolution In China
This book, a study of revolution in China, considers movements of Western origin, such as Christianity or Communism, only as they appear in the Chinese context, treating them as integral factors in the Chinese revolutionary situation.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Entangled Heritages: Postcolonial Perspectives on the Uses of the Past in Latin America
Relying on the concept of a shared history, this book argues that we can speak of a shared heritage that is common in terms of the basic grammar of heritage and articulated histories, but divided alongside the basic difference between colonizers and colonized. This problematic is also evident in contemporary uses of the past. The last decades were crucial to the emergence of new debates: subcultures, new identities, hidden voices and multicultural discourse as a kind of new hegemonic platform also involving concepts of heritage and/or memory. Thereby we can observe a proliferation of heritage agents, especially beyond the scope of the nation state. This volume gets beyond a container vision of heritage that seeks to construct a diachronical continuity in a given territory. Instead, authors point out the relational character of heritage focusing on transnational and translocal flows and interchanges of ideas, concepts, and practices, as well as on the creation of contact zones where the meaning of heritage is negotiated and contested. Exploring the relevance of the politics of heritage and the uses of memory in the consolidation of these nation states, as well as in the current disputes over resistances, hidden memories, undermined pasts, or the politics of nostalgia, this book seeks to seize the local/global dimensions around heritage.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Innovative Teaching and Learning Methods in Educational Systems: Proceedings of the International Conference on Teacher Education and Professional Development (INCOTEPD 2018), October 28, 2018, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
This proceedings volume of InCoTEPD 2018 covers many ideas for handling a wide variety of challenging issues in the field of education. The outstanding ideas dealing with these issues result in innovation of the system. There are many innovation strategies resulting from recent research that are discussed in this book. These strategies will become the best starting points to solve current and future problems. This book provides an in-depth coverage of educational innovation developments with an emphasis on educational systems, formal or informal education strategies, learning models, and professional teachers. Indeed, those developments are very important to be explored for obtaining the right way of problem-solving. Providing many ideas from the theoretical foundation into the practice, this book is versatile and well organized for an appropriate audience in the field of education. It is an extremely useful reference for students, teachers, professors, practitioners, and government representatives in many countries.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Jordan's Palestinian Challenge, 1948-1983: A Political History
This book attempts to portray the thirty-five-year struggle between the Hashimite monarchy and the forces of Palestinian nationalism over the future identity, and perhaps location, of those two-thirds of the Palestinian people who have been Jordanian subjects since 1948.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Behavioural Science and Housing Decision Making: A Case Study Approach
This book takes a behavioural approach to examine six important housing questions: tenure decision, gentrification, place attachment, housing bubbles, housing wealth, and residential satisfaction.Using experimental and field data, the book demonstrates the effects of six behavioural biases and heuristics (i.e., anchoring and reference dependence, loss aversion, mental accounting, endowment effect, herd behaviours, and social comparison) on these housing decisions. The first part of the book introduces the questions and provides a behavioural science toolbox before the second part adopts a real-world case study approach. Real data sets and suggested answers are provided, and the cases come from the UK, USA, and China. Background information is given in each case to facilitate the understanding of the case data and question, as well as the discussions on the results. This book is ideal supplementary reading on a variety of courses such as housing studies, economics, real estate, research methods, and for students and academics who are interested in the application of behavioural science in housing decisions.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Blockchain in Healthcare: Innovations that Empower Patients, Connect Professionals and Improve Care
Blockchain technology is poised to revolutionize more than just payment and crypto-currency. Many vertical industries will be reshaped by the new trusted data models enabled and inspired by the blockchain – healthcare is no exception. In fact, healthcare may hold the greatest opportunities for meaningful use of the technology. Early pioneers have explored some of the first use cases for medical payments, electronic health records, HIPAA/data privacy, drug counterfeiting, and credentialing of healthcare professionals. We have only begun to scratch the surface in how to automate the complexities of today’s healthcare systems and design new systems which focus on trust, transparency and the alignment of incentives.Metcalf, Bass, Dhillon, and Hooper have curated a collection of examples based on the fundamentals of blockchain that build upon the early successes and examples that point to the future. After a brief introduction to bitcoin, blockchain and the protocols available, a getting-started guide is presented specific to health and healthcare. The authors discuss the complexities and possibilities of smart contracts and some of the early consortia that are exploring the possibilities. Examples and use cases are found throughout the book, with specific sections that cover the more sophisticated and far-reaching examples which have the potential to scale at the industry-level. In addition, a discussion of integrating blockchain technology into other advanced healthcare trends and IT systems – such as telemedicine, artificial intelligence, machine learning, the Internet of Things, value-based payments , patient engagement solutions, big data solutions, medical tourism, and precision medicine/genetic therapies among many others are presented. The final section provides a glimpse into the future using blockchain technology and examples of research projects that are still in labs across the globe. The appendices may prove particularly useful for additional details on how to get started, including resources and organizations specifically focusing on blockchain and distributed ledger solutions.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Real-World Evidence in Drug Development and Evaluation
Real-world evidence (RWE) has been at the forefront of pharmaceutical innovations. It plays an important role in transforming drug development from a process aimed at meeting regulatory expectations to an operating model that leverages data from disparate sources to aid business, regulatory, and healthcare decision making. Despite its many benefits, there is no single book systematically covering the latest development in the field.Written specifically for pharmaceutical practitioners, Real-World Evidence in Drug Development and Evaluation, presents a wide range of RWE applications throughout the lifecycle of drug product development. With contributions from experienced researchers in the pharmaceutical industry, the book discusses at length RWE opportunities, challenges, and solutions.Features Provides the first book and a single source of information on RWE in drug development Covers a broad array of topics on outcomes- and value-based RWE assessments Demonstrates proper Bayesian application and causal inference for real-world data (RWD) Presents real-world use cases to illustrate the use of advanced analytics and statistical methods to generate insights Offers a balanced discussion of practical RWE issues at hand and technical solutions suitable for practitioners with limited data science expertise
Taylor & Francis Ltd Angina
This fourth edition of Angina has been extensively revised and expanded with regard to the increasing importance of managing hyperlipidemia, diagnosing and treating coronary artery disease in women and the elderly, and managing chest pain in the presence of normal coronary arteries. Additionally, the roles of medicine, percutaneous coronary intervention, and coronary artery bypass grafting have been fully updated. As with previous editions, the main focus of this bestselling title is on the evaluation and management of stable angina pectoris