Search results for ""Taylor Francis""
Taylor & Francis Ltd Clark's Essential Guide to Clinical Ultrasound
This easy-to-understand pocketbook in the highly respected Clark’s stable of diagnostic imaging texts is an invaluable tool for students, sonographers and other ultrasound practitioners, providing practical guidance on clinical ultrasound procedures, summarising current relevant literature and professional body guidelines. The content is arranged by anatomical system and organ for ease of reference, with each section comprising a short introduction, the indications for the procedure, patient preparation, the imaging procedure itself, along with an image analysis, supported throughout by positioning photographs and clinical images. Clark’s Essential Guide to Clinical Ultrasound is ideal for all users of clinical ultrasound at both undergraduate and postgraduate level and will also provide a convenient distillation of the latest best practice and guidelines for sonographers, midwives, vascular technologists, ECG technologists, medical doctors, sports injury specialists, paramedics, and other health professionals.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Travel Journals of Mathilde, Contessa Sallier de La Tour into the Interior of Japan, 1867-1870, including Letters, Notes and Sketches
This two-volume book is a collection of previously unpublished primary sources about Japan in the years around the 1868 Meiji restoration from a rare female point of view. The author of the original manuscripts is Contessa Mathilde (1838-1911), the French spouse of the first Italian Minister Plenipotentiary to Japan, Conte Vittorio Sallier de La Tour (1827-1894). Indeed, very little is known about the position of Italy in Japan during these crucial years, but Mathilde’s collection of private sources, such as letters, notes and travel journals casts a new light on different aspects of Italo-Japanese relations: diplomacy, commerce, religion and politics, while describing, with an uncommon enthusiasm and emotion, Japan and its people before they started to embrace modernity.The first manuscript is a set of letters about the trip from Italy to Japan, introducing Mathilde, Vittorio and other members of the small Italian community of Yokohama. The second is an unpolished draft with roughly written notes about Mathilde’s life in Yokohama and Edo (Tokyo). The third is a set of letters addressed to a close friend, where Mathilde opens up her heart and talks about her joys and frustrations. The fourth manuscript is the earliest travel journal written by a woman who traveled in the inner regions of Japan (in 1869 - almost ten years before Isabella Bird’s famous Unbeaten Tracks in Japan), full of vivid descriptions and interesting insights about practical and political matters. The fifth manuscript is a travel journal about a trip by sea to Western Japan (Osaka, Kobe, Nagasaki) through the Inland Sea and to China (Shanghai, Amoy and Hong Kong). The first volume of the set includes numerous colour and b/w images, a preface and an introduction in French, the transcriptions of the five sets of documents (written in French as they appear on the original manuscripts) and a collection of Mathilde’s sketches taken during the 1869 trip into the interior of Japan. The second volume includes an English translation of the transcribed documents, a bibliography and an index of names. Each volume includes about 950 explanatory footnotes in both languages. The book will be of great interest for students and scholars of the history of Japanese relations with foreign powers in the nineteenth century.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Autism Resource Manual: Practical Strategies for Teachers and other Education Professionals
This highly practical resource book is full of realistic and achievable strategies to help teachers to support neurodiverse students in a range of situations that, whilst often seemingly insignificant, can quickly become substantial and disruptive challenges in the mainstream classroom. Written with the busy teacher in mind, chapters are easy to dip in and out of, with jargon-free language and simple explanations which are easy to understand and put into practice. Clear chapters explore a variety of situations and topics to help children engage in their learning and make the classroom a safe and inviting place to be for autistic students. Key features include: Practical and achievable strategies to support autistic students in the mainstream classroom Real-life scenarios to help you find concrete solutions to issues as they arise Memorable mantras and quick quotes to help embed strategies in everyday practice for both students and teachers Photocopiable and downloadable resource sheets Written by an advisory teacher for autism with a wealth of experience, this book will be an invaluable tool for both primary and secondary teachers in mainstream settings, as well as other education professionals.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Team Roles at Work
Written by the world-renowned management thinker and consultant on team roles. Fully revised with up-to-date examples and a brand-new chapter on managing teams remotely. The practical application of the book makes it the perfect accompanying text for training in team roles, and has been used extensively for many years.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Official History of Criminal Justice in England and Wales: Volume II: Institution-Building
Volume II of The Official History of Criminal Justice in England and Wales traces, for the first time, the genesis and early evolution of two principal institutions in the criminal justice system, the Crown Court and the Crown Prosecution Service.This volume examines the origins and shaping of two critical institutions: the Crown Court, which rose from the ashes of the Courts of Assize and Quarter Sessions; and the Crown Prosecution Service which replaced a rather haphazard system of police prosecuting solicitors. The 1971 Courts Act and the 1985 Prosecution of Offences Act were to reconfigure the architecture of criminal justice, transforming the procedures by which people were charged, prosecuted and, in the weightier cases demanding a judge and jury, tried in the criminal courts of England and Wales. One stemmed from a crisis in a medieval system of travelling justices that tried people in the wrong places and for inadequate lengths of time. The other was precipitated by a scandal in which three men were wrongly convicted for the murder of a bisexual prostitute. Theirs is an as yet untold history that can be explored in depth because it is recent enough, in the words of Harold Wilson, to have been ‘written while the official records could still be supplemented by reference to the personal recollections of the public men who were involved’.This book will be of much interest to students of criminology and British history, politics and law.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Developing Secure Attachment Through Play: Helping Vulnerable Children Build their Social and Emotional Wellbeing
Developing Secure Attachment Through Play offers a range of imaginative and engaging play-based activities, designed to help vulnerable young children forge safe attachments with their caregivers.The book focuses on key developmental stages that may have been missed due to challenging life circumstances, such as social-emotional development, object permanence and physical and sensory development. It also considers pertinent issues including trauma, separation, loss and transition. Chapters explore each topic from a theoretical perspective, before offering case studies that illustrate the theory in practice, and a range of activities to demonstrate the effectiveness of play in developing healthy attachments.Key features of this book include:• 80 activities that can be carried out at home or in educational settings, designed to facilitate attachment and enhance social-emotional development;• case vignettes exploring creative activities such as mirroring, construction play, physical play, baby doll play and messy play;• scripts and strategies to create a safe and respectful environment for vulnerable children;• photocopiable and downloadable resources, including early learning goals, a collection of therapeutic stories and a transition calendarBy engaging children in these activities, parents, caregivers and practitioners can help the children in their care gain a sense of belonging and develop their self-esteem. This will be a valuable resource for early years practitioners, adoptive, foster and kinship parents, and therapists and social workers supporting young children.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Global Climate Change: Turning Knowledge Into Action
Provides a holistic introduction to climate change: examines of the physical evidence of climate change and impacts, whilst explaining the political, economic and social issues that stand in the way of action. Accessible to non-science majors, whilst also useful to science majors who are new to the topic Presents the issues from the many stakeholders and special interest groups in a balanced way – leaving it to the reader to make their own decisions. Case studies from across the globe bring home the actual socio-economic impact of climate change. Links current crisis to global energy and production and consumption. Evidence for climate change from around the globe is examined, with a focus on physical basis of Earth systems and global warming to differentiate between natural and anthropogenic causes. Ancient climates are explored to help provide context for modern climates, along with a deeper exploration of the climate record from the past 150 years, bridging discussions of social and economic impacts of climate change. Key changes for the new edition: Text updated throughout to reflect updated data and to make note of recent advances in climate science and climate policy in the USA and around the world, including the Paris Agreement, the Green New Deal, stakeholder upheavals, updates in economic models, carbon trading, emissions standards, progress in the developing world, new IPCC reports and communication. Web content updated with links to more recent reports, sites and videos.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Far East and Australasia 2022
This comprehensive survey of the countries of East and South-East Asia, Australia and New Zealand, along with 22 Pacific islands, fully revised to reflect current economic and political developments, is an essential resource for the Asia-Pacific region.Calendar of Political EventsA calendar of events provides a convenient reference guide to the year’s main political developmentsGeneral SurveyWritten by leading experts, this collection of essays provides incisive analysis of regional issues.Country SurveysIndividual chapters on each country containing:· essays on geography, history and the economy· an economic and demographic survey of the latest available statistics on population, health and welfare, agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining, industry, finance, trade, transport, tourism, communications and education· a comprehensive directory of names and contact details covering the most significant political, financial and commercial institutions· a country-specific bibliography.An entire section is dedicated to the Pacific islands, including specially commissioned essays examining the contemporary politics of the islands, their economies, security concerns and the environmental issues confronting themRegional Information· includes all major international organizations active in the region, their aims, activities, publications and principal personnel· a detailed survey of major commodities in Asia and the Pacific· a directory of research institutes specializing in the region· select bibliographies of books and periodicals covering the Asia-Pacific region· an index of regional organizations
Taylor & Francis Ltd Developing Child-Centred Practice for Safeguarding and Child Protection: Strategies for Every Early Years Setting
• Explores the main factors that impact upon the lives of your children in the current safeguarding climate and offers a starting point to understand risks, and categories of abuse and neglect. • Takes a child-centred approach, which is the most empowering perspective from which to consider the needs of a child and ensure that they are kept safe and protected by those who work with them. • Reflections, case studies, scenarios, and the voices of multi-agency professionals and parents are woven throughout. • Challenges in the field of child protection are growing for the early years sector, and this book offers encouragement to be both confident and competent within their roles.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Invertebrate Zoology: A Tree of Life Approach
Invertebrate Zoology: A Tree of Life Approach is a comprehensive and authoritative textbook adopting an explicitly phylogenetic organization. Most of the classical anatomical and morphological work has not been changed – it established the foundation of Invertebrate Zoology. With the explosion of Next-Generation Sequencing approaches, there has been a sea-change in the recognized phylogenetic relationships among and between invertebrate lineages. In addition, the merger of evolutionary and developmental biology (evo-devo) has dramatically contributed to changes in the understanding of invertebrate biology. Synthesizing these three approaches (classical morphology, sequencing data, and evo-devo studies) offers students an entirely unique perspective of invertebrate diversity.Key Features One of the first textbooks to combine classical morphological approaches and newer evo-devo and Next-Generation Sequencing approaches to address Invertebrate Zoology Organized along taxonomic lines in accord with the latest understanding of invertebrate phylogeny Will provide background in basic systematic analysis useful within any study of biodiversity A wealth of ancillary materials for students and teachers, including downloadable figures, lecture slides, web links, and phylogenetic data matrices
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Technique of Orchestration Workbook
The Technique of Orchestration Workbook, Seventh Edition, accompanies the textbook of the same namethe definitive resource on the study of orchestrationproviding musical excerpts, full scores, and scoring assignments to enrich the lessons learned in the textbook. Spanning an array of periods and styles, the musical examples collected here cover scoring techniques in the following sections: Strings Woodwinds Brass Scoring of Chords Transcribing Piano Music Scoring for Woodwinds, Horns, and Strings Percussion Harp and Keyboard Instruments Scoring for Full Orchestra Additional learning tools include transposition exercises, error detection drills, and discussions on harmonics, while the workbook pages are perforated throughout for ease of use in and out of the classroom. Featuring the music of Bach, Mozart, Brahms, Beethoven, Schumann, Copland, Bartók, and many more, The Technique
Taylor & Francis Ltd 3D Printing for Product Designers: Innovative Strategies Using Additive Manufacturing
3D Printing for Product Designers closes the gap between the rhetoric of 3D printing in manufacturing and the reality for product designers. It provides practical strategies to support the adoption and integration of 3D printing into professional practice.3D printing has evolved over the last decade into a practical proposition for manufacturing, opening up innovative opportunities for product designers. From its foundations in rapid prototyping, additive manufacturing has developed into a range of technologies suitable for end-use products. This book shows you how to evaluate and sensitively understand people, process, and products and demonstrates how solutions for working with additive manufacturing can be developed in context. It includes a practical, step-by-step plan for product designers and CEOs aimed at supporting the successful implementation of 3D printing by stakeholders at all levels of a manufacturing facility, tailored to their stage of technology integration and business readiness. It features a wide range of real-world examples of practice illustrated in full colour, across industries such as healthcare, construction, and film, aligning with the strategic approach outlined in the book.The book can be followed chronologically to guide you to transform your process for a company, to meet the unique needs of a specific client, or to be used as a starting point for the product design entrepreneur. Written by experienced industry professionals and academics, this is a fundamental reference for product designers, industrial designers, design engineers, CEOs, consultants, and makers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Contemporary Germany and the Fourth Wave of Far-Right Politics: From the Streets to Parliament
This is a topical study given the resurgence of populism in global politics Examines not just political parties like AfD but also think tanks, social movements & terrorism Distinguished list of contributors with considerable publishing pedigree
Taylor & Francis Ltd Illustrated Textbook of Clinical Diagnosis in Farm Animals
--- EMS (extra-mural studies) are an essential element of undergraduate veterinary education. Students must complete a minimum of 38 weeks EMS during their course, which should normally consist of 12 weeks pre-clinical and 26 weeks of clinical placements, a large portion of which takes place on farms. -- The highly illustrated approach allows readers to see the highlighted differences rather than try to imagine what cases look like and differentiate them from written descriptions. -- A repository of over 1000 10-second video clips accompanies the book, accessible to students on the farm with a smart phone. Each clip uniqeuly shows the animal's clinical presentation, internal disease/imaging and then healthy recovery-- There are a limited number of common conditions seen by vets in farm animal practice and an exhaustive list of all known diseases is not needed: textbooks often include such diseases for the benefit of an academic reviewer rather than student and general practitioner readers.-- This concise guide offers a breath of fresh air among the existing hefty expensive large animal medicine tomes on the market. --- Some comments from veterinary students on the proposal: "I firmly believe that this would be a very useful book and only wish that it existed already for my clinical EMS"; "There are currently several ‘pocket books’ for small animal medicine such as the Mini Vet guide but nothing for farm animals"; "Using a small animal ‘quick’, ring-bound, reference guide on EMS has been extremely useful, and it would be very beneficial to have a large animal alternative"; "The author’s suggested use of high quality illustrations is what a student desperately needs. At the end of the day we need to be able to work out many diseases with similar symptoms – this book would provide that where may other current textbooks do not. I would support this new book, and hope it is released before I go into exams in the future - as it is what I currently need help within revision like so many other students. It is what the veterinary student dreams of having, and yet no one has produced it!"
Taylor & Francis Ltd Television Sports Production
In this sixth edition of Television Sports Production, regional Emmy Award-winning producer Jim Owens walks readers through the planning, setup, directing, announcing, shooting, and editing involved in covering a sports event.Originally written as a training guide for entry-level broadcast staff at the Olympics, this manual gives readers the tools they need to effectively cover sports from ice skating to motorcycle racing. Throughout, Owens breaks down all aspects of the production process, revealing the techniques that producers and directors use to bring sports to a worldwide audience. Chapters further include tips and advice on using the latest technologies and tools such as production trucks, REMIs, smart phones, mobile units, cameras, audio equipment, and lighting rigs. Featuring new instructive illustrations and sample forms, as well as testimonials from experienced professionals in the business, this new edition gives readers an inside look at how the experts produce live or recorded television and sports coverage.This comprehensive book is essential reading for intermediate and advanced students looking to learn how to successfully produce sports broadcasting.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Soundabout Life: Music Resources for Young Adults with Profound Disabilities
This innovative resource sets out simple, everyday activities that use music and sound to enrich the lives of young adults with profound and multiple learning disabilities. Each colourful card presents ideas that parents and others can do with the young person in their care, at home and when out and about. Activities are based on the Sounds of Intent framework of musical development – – and structured to promote an evolving sense of self, engagement with others, and an awareness of the wider world. A QR code on each card connects to specially created audio and visual materials that can be found on the Soundabout website – Features that make this an essential resource include:• 48 cards that set out over 200 activities involving sound and music in an accessible way, with no special skills or knowledge needed • Access to audio files, the pioneering ‘Soundabout Music Tracks’, that make music truly accessible to people with the most profound disabilitiesCreated by Soundabout, a UK-wide charity whose mission is to empower people with profound and multiple learning difficulties through music, Soundabout Life is a unique resource that will enhance the lives of all learning disabled young people aged 16–25 in the UK and beyond. Intended for use in educational settings and/or therapy contexts under the supervision of an adult. This is not a toy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Girl Who Lost the Light in Her Eyes: A Storybook to Support Children and Young People Who Experience Loss
This beautifully illustrated and sensitively written storybook has been created to be used therapeutically with children experiencing loss. Telling the story of a young girl who searches high and low for the light that is missing from her eyes, it encourages the child to move through the grieving process in order to find colour in the world again. The colourful illustrations and engaging story are designed to inspire conversation around loss, and will help develop emotional literacy and resilience in children and young people.This book is also available to purchase alongside a pocket guidebook as part of the two-component set, Supporting Children and Young People Who Experience Loss. The full set includes:• The Girl Who Lost the Light in Her Eyes, a colourfully illustrated and sensitively written storybook, designed to encourage conversation and support emotional literacy.• Using the Expressive Arts with Children and Young People Who Experience Loss, a supporting guidebook that explores a relational approach and promotes creative expression as a way through loss or bereavement.Perfectly crafted to spark communication around a difficult topic, this is an invaluable tool for practitioners, educators, parents, and anybody else looking to support a child or young person through loss or bereavement.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Sports Injuries: Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation
As more people realize the cardiovascular, metabolic and muscular benefits that regular physical activity provides, the risk for potential injury also increases. To provide successful treatment, all persons involved in the management of injuries must have a thorough understanding of the healing process of the various tissues and also be familiar with the demands of different types of sports.Written by three world-renowned experts, Sports Injuries, Fifth Edition, comprehensively covers the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of sports injuries. Essential reading for all athletes, coaches/trainers, physiotherapists and doctors, the updated edition of this highly popular and well-established textbook skillfully integrates scientific background and evidence with practical application. Updated topics covered include: Individual risk factors for sports injuries Effects of physical inactivity on the tissues Head and face injuries in sport Cervical, thoracic and abdominal injuries in sport Back and spine injuries in sport Leg, knee and thigh injuries Outdoor activities during extreme conditions Ethical considerations in sports and exercise medicine Injuries in sport for the disabled, growing and aging athletes Richly illustrated with more than 600 color drawings and photographs, this book covers injuries resulting from the full range of international sports. For each type of injury examined, it details the symptoms, mechanism of injury, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation protocols and key points – clearly stating what both non-medical and medical professionals should do in each case of injury. This easy-to-follow textbook features a glossary of key terms and protocols with rehabilitation exercises to provide readers with a solid understanding about how to effectively treat, rehabilitate and prevent sports injuries. This book will be of key reading to academics and students of sport medicine, sport injury, physiotherapy and sports rehabilitation as well as related disciplines.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Routledge History Handbook of Central and Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century: Volume 3: Intellectual Horizons
Intellectual Horizons offers a pioneering, transnational and comparative treatment of key thematic areas in the intellectual and cultural history of Central and Eastern Europe in the twentieth century.For most of the twentieth century, Central and Eastern European ideas and cultures constituted an integral part of wider European trends. However, the intellectual and cultural history of this diverse region has rarely been incorporated sufficiently into nominally comprehensive histories of Europe. This volume redresses this underrepresentation and provides a more balanced perspective on the recent past of the continent through original, critical overviews of themes ranging from the social and conceptual history of intellectuals and histories of political thought and historiography, to literary, visual and religious cultures, to perceptions and representations of the region in the twentieth century. While structured thematically, individual contributions are organized chronologically. They emphasize, where relevant, generational experiences, agendas and accomplishments, while taking into account the sharp ruptures that characterize the period.The third in a four-volume set on Central and Eastern Europe in the twentieth century, it is the go-to resource for understanding the intellectual and cultural history of this dynamic region.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Design Build with The Scarcity and Creativity Studio
Documents the projects of The Scarcity and Creativity Studio and shows how this work has developed a unique methodology for practicing and teaching architecture Aimed at students, teachers and professionals who are exploring the possibilities of design-build, the 16 built projects are fully documented in text, drawings and photos Projects are based in Norway, Chile, Ecuador, Kenya, China, Argentina and Lebanon.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Practical Dermatologic Surgery
Covering the full range of dermatologic surgery, this text will be essential reading for residents in dermatology, family practice, and surgical specialties needing to review a topic in detail quickly and easily. Each chapter is in brief outline form, with tables, line drawings, and the essential references, offering an authoritative and up-to-date guide with 32 contributors.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Island: For Children With A Parent Living With Depression
This beautifully illustrated and sensitive storybook is designed to be used therapeutically by professionals and caregivers supporting children with a parent who is suffering from depression. With engaging, gentle and colourful illustrations that can be used to prompt conversation, it tells the story of a girl who is helped to feel less isolated from her parents’ depression. This book is also available to buy as part of the Therapeutic Fairy Tales set. Therapeutic Fairy Tales is a series of short modern tales dedicated to exploring challenging life situations that might be faced by young children. Each short story is designed to be used by professionals and caregivers as they use stories therapeutically to support children’s mental and emotional health.Other books in the series include: Storybook Manual: An Introduction To Working With Storybooks Therapeutically And Creatively The Night Crossing: A Lullaby For Children On Life's Last Journey The Storm: For Children Growing Through Parent’s Separation Designed to be used with children aged 7+, each story has an accompanying online resource, offering therapeutic prompts and creative exercises to support the practitioner. These resources can also be adapted for wider use with siblings and other family members. The Island – part of the Therapeutic Fairy Tales series – is born out of a creative collaboration between Pia Jones and Sarah Pimenta.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Teaching the Language Arts: Forward Thinking in Today's Classrooms
• Fully updated and streamlined Companion Website to supplement the new edition • Expanded attention to methods on teaching disciplinary literacy and nonfiction • Updated with current research and practices, the new edition contains new tools, strategies and examples of contemporary teaching practices, in the classroom, in virtual classrooms, and online and blended settings
Taylor & Francis Ltd Dialectics & Analytical Psychology: The El Capitan Canyon Seminar
What is dialectical thinking and why do we need it in psychology?How are "moments of truth" to be psychologically discerned and differentiated?How does the recognition of the historicity of archetypal and mythological materials relate to their interpretation?In a seminar held in the El Capitan Canyon near Santa Barbara, California, in June of 2004, the renowned Jungian analyst Wolfgang Giegerich, along with conversation partners, David L. Miller and Greg Mogenson, tackled these important questions while at the same time thinking Jungian psychology forward in a radically new way. Conceived to meet "the call for more" that followed the publication of Giegerich’s landmark book, The Soul’s Logical Life, this volume also serves as the most accessible introduction to Giegerich’s approach to psychology for the first-time reader of his work. A valuable resource for students of fairy tale, myth, and depth psychology, this volume includes a complete and up-to-date bibliography of Giegerich’s writings in all languages.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Human Behavior in the Social Environment: Perspectives on Development, the Life Course, and Macro Contexts
In this new aggregated edition of Anissa Taun Roger’s Human Behavior in the Social Environment, readers will find a comprehensive overview of the issues related to human behavior and the social environment. Chapters are organized to first present foundational theoretical perspectives on the human condition, and then provide information on the basic facets of human development, encouraging students to use conceptual lens to inform their practice with individuals at different stages of life. The four final chapters cover theoretical frameworks and approaches to four areas of macro concern: spirituality, families and groups, organizations, and communities. Through this section, students will understand how contemporary theories and approaches build from foundational perspectives, and how they in turn can be used to inform their work with clients. In this edition and updated companion website, readers will also find: Particular emphasis on the ways in which poverty, diversity, and strengths affect human development and behavior The opportunity to see how the concepts fit into social work practice using chapter opening case examples that are referred to throughout the chapter. Interactive case studies at Six easy-to-access fictional cases with dynamic characters and situations that students can easily reach from any computer and that provide a "learning by doing" format unavailable with any other text. Your students will have an advantage unlike any other they will experience in their social work training. A full library of instructor-only resources at that provide full-text readings that connect to the concepts presented in each of the chapters; a complete bank of objective-based and essay-type test items, all linked to current CSWE EPAS (Council on Social Work Education Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards); PowerPoint presentations to help students master key concepts; annotated links to a treasure trove of social work assets on the Internet; and a forum inviting all instructors using books in the series to communicate with each other and share ideas to improve teaching and learning.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Shadow: the architectural power of withholding light
Each of these Analysing Architecture Notebooks is devoted to a particular theme in understanding the rich and varied workings of architecture. They can be thought of as addenda to the foundation volume Analysing Architecture, which first appeared in 1997 and has subsequently been enlarged in three further editions. Examining these extra themes as a series of Notebooks, rather than as additional chapters in future editions, allows greater space for more detailed exploration of a wider variety of examples, whilst avoiding the risk of the original book becoming unwieldy.Shadows may be insubstantial but they are, nevertheless, an important element in architecture. In prehistoric times we sought shade as a refuge from the hot sun and chilling rain. Through history architects have used shadows to draw, to mould form, to paint pictures, to orchestrate atmosphere, to indicate the passing of time … as well as to identify place. Sometimes shadow can be the substance of architecture.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Middle East and North Africa 2021
Now in its sixty-seventh edition, this title continues to provide the most up-to-date geopolitical and economic information for this important world area.Key Features:- covers the Middle East and North Africa from Algeria to Yemen - includes topical contributions from acknowledged experts on regional affairs- accurately and impartially records the latest political and economic developments - provides comprehensive data on all major organizations active in the countries of the region. General Survey- introductory essays cover a wide range of topics relating to the region as a whole.Country SurveysIndividual chapters on each country incorporating:- essays on the physical and social geography, recent history and economy - an extensive statistical survey of economic and social indicators, which include area and population, health and welfare, agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining, industry, finance, trade, transport, tourism, communications media and education - a full directory with names, addresses and contact details covering the constitution, government, legislature, political organizations, election commissions, diplomatic representation, judiciary, religious groups, the media, finance, trade and industry (including petroleum and natural gas), tourism, defence and education - a country-specific bibliography, providing suggestions for further research. Regional Information- includes all major international organizations active in the Middle East and North Africa; research institutes specializing in the region; and select bibliographies of books and periodicals.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Ship Operations: New Risks, Liabilities and Technologies in the Maritime Sector
This book covers in one handy volume all the major topics associated with ship operations. Carefully, co-ordinated to ensure breadth, relevance and lack of overlap, the topics covered are addressed by authors are the very top of their profession, whether in legal practice or academia, and are presented in a manner which is topical and clear. Part I offers a detailed and critical analysis of issues of contemporary importance concerning new liability regimes and developments. Part 2 discusses how parties, in particular ship operators, attempt in contemporary practice to allocate their risks concerning ship operations. Part 3 evaluates the legal position of those involved in more ‘back office’ operations. The book provides an invaluable guide to recent legal and practical developments and offers a comprehensive, well-informed and thoroughly practical guide on what is a very complex and developing area of law. It will therefore be of great use to legal practitioners and administrators of ship operations worldwide, as well as students in this area and academics associated with maritime law generally.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Political Financing in Developing Countries: A Case from Ghana
This book argues that to fully grasp the decision-making of politicians and political actors in developing countries, we must first understand how politicians finance their campaigns for office—and to whom they are indebted and expected to repay.Political Financing in Developing Countries focuses on Ghana in depth, a country often held up as an example of a successful, two-party democracy with regular party changes in government. However, it is unlikely that candidates and political parties are wealthy enough to finance the increasing costs of campaigns and constituent demands, and successful democratic outcomes could be masking a system that actually hinders development progress. Drawing on nearly 200 interviews and extensive fieldwork, this book posits that political funds are extracted by an iron square of politicians, bureaucrats, construction contractors, and political-party chairs which rigs the procurement of local-development projects to generate kickbacks. The iron square remains robust across party changes in government due to reciprocity obligations that minimize contractors’ income risks. Ultimately, this web of kickbacks diminishes the quality of development by reducing the funds available for projects and distorting incentives to monitor projects. To break this iron square, the book recommends replacing sealed-bid procurement—a "best practice" that ignores on-the-ground realities—with a system that accounts for income stabilization and social obligations.Overall, the book argues that scholars of development should advance research on political finance to identify and then alleviate the games that decision makers must play to survive in the political sphere. Political Financing in Developing Countries will be an important and timely resource for scholars across development studies, politics, economics, and African Studies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Life in School: The Sociology of Pupil Culture
There can be little doubt that pupils’ own interpretations of what happens in their schools represent a crucial link in the educational chain. We need to understand how pupils respond to different forms of pedagogy and school organization, and why they respond in the ways they do, in order to increase the effectiveness of our schooling.In the ten years prior to first publication ethnographic studies of pupils in schools had increased in number and importance. They had come to represent a leading area of inquiry which is still of relevance to practising and student teachers today. However, this material was not easily accessible, being widely distributed across educational and sociological journals and books. Originally published in 1984, this book collects together significant contributions to the field in a single volume, and will still be of relevance to practising and trainee teachers, and students of sociology and education.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Morph Mastery: A Morphological Intervention for Reading, Spelling and Vocabulary
Morph Mastery is an accessible, practical guide designed to support learners with specific learning difficulties (SpLD) who are struggling with spelling, reading and vocabulary. It is an effective, research-based and fun solution for when phonics-based teaching has run its course.Understanding the morphological regularities in English helps to support both spelling and reading comprehension, yet there are few practical interventions that take a morphological approach. Morph Mastery combines this exciting new approach with tried-and-tested teaching methods that work. The activities in this book follow three engaging ninja-like characters, Prefa, Root and Sufa, who represent the three core components of morphology (prefixes, root words and suffixes) and use their sceptres to craft words.Key features include:• Exciting and engaging activities and games, designed to be used by individuals or small groups• Detailed, curriculum-linked assessments, enabling specific target setting• Photocopiable and downloadable activity sheets and resourcesWritten in a user-friendly tone, for teaching assistants, teachers and other professionals with little or no specialist knowledge, this book is a must for any school with struggling readers and writers aged 9–13.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Singing and Dictation for Today's Musician
Singing and Dictation for Today's Musician expands the Today's Musician family of textbooks to encompass the essential elements of musicianship and aural skills training. Featuring chapters that correspond to the organization of Theory for Today's Musician, this new textbook complements the theory text to offer a complete curriculum package, allowing students and instructors to reinforce written theory skills with relevant musicianship exercises. Combining sight singing and dictation in a single volume, this new textbook underscores the value of combining the human senses in understanding the intellectual and analytic concepts of music theory.Features of this text include: Flexibility for the instructor in using moveable or fixed "Do," scale degree numbers, and neutral syllables for singing Both singing and dictation exercises included in each unit, allowing the two skills to be fully integrated Companion website with audio recordings and instructor keys for the exercises, at Units match the pacing and order of topics in Theory for Today’s Musician, allowing the texts to be easily used in sync. Beginning with fundamentals and continuing up through twentieth-century materials, Singing and Dictation for Today’s Musician allows instructors to closely align their teaching of musicianship and aural skills with the written theory curriculum, enhancing student understanding of core music principles.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Laboratory Mouse
-- This new edition offers significant new information, regarding new technologies like CRISPR-Cas, new housing systems and management practices (including metabolic cages), a table on injection volumes and recommended needle sizes, info on new concepts such as pain assessment by facial expression, possible anesthetic reversal agents, and the potential impact of common procedures on animal welfare. The regulatory section has been entirely updated. The book is now more relevant to an international audience, addressing differing regulations across borders. -- With the advent of transgenic and other genetic engineering technologies, the versatility and usefulness of the mouse as a model in biomedical research has soared. As a result, mouse colonies everywhere are expanding, and scientists who previously focused on other models are turning their attention to the mouse. These researchers and their lab technicians need a handy, quick and up-to-date reference guide to inform them of best practice when working with these animals. -- Unlike existing books on laboratory mice, this book focuses not only on veterinary medicine but also offers detailed information regarding management and behavior of mice. It also offers a concise synopsis of material relevant to those working with, and caring for, laboratory mice, making for an easily-used reference.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Organizing for Policy Influence: Comparing Parties, Interest Groups, and Direct Action
In this book, Benjamin Farrer explains how activists can influence the policies they care about, even when they are outnumbered and their issues are ignored. The solution lies in a surprising place: organizational choice. Different types of organizations will be more influential under particular democratic institutions. If they choose the optimal type of organization - given their institutional context - then even minority groups can be influential. Environmentalists are a key example of how small groups can sometimes punch above their weight. Environmentalists in different countries have made different organizational choices. These choices explain whether or not they succeeded in influencing policy. In the empirical chapters that follow, Farrer shows that environmentalists can sometimes be more influential if they form interest groups, but under other institutions, political parties are the optimal organizational choice. Although interest groups are often easier to create, national institutions can sometimes insulate mainstream politicians from niche interest groups. When institutions deny access to interest groups, activists are forced to send the stronger signal of party entry. Using a variety of methods, including a formal model, an experiment, and a wealth of empirical data from a variety of settings, Farrer proves that this theory of organizational choice adds to our understanding of several crucial phenomena. First, it helps explain patterns of political participation, by showing the importance of instrumental, rather than purely expressive, motivations for activism. Second, it provides an important modification to Duverger’s (1954) law, by showing that new party entry is a function not only of electoral rules but also of the rules that govern interest groups. Third, it extends research on the role of institutions in determining policy outputs, by showing that policy outcomes are a function of the interaction between organizational choices and institutional context.
Taylor & Francis Ltd SPSS Explained
SPSS Explained provides the student with all that they need to undertake statistical analysis using SPSS. It combines a step-by-step approach to each procedure with easy-to-follow screenshots at each stage of the process. A number of other helpful features are provided, including: regular advice boxes with tips specific to each test explanations divided into ‘essential’ and ‘advanced’ sections to suit readers at different levels frequently asked questions at the end of each chapter The third edition of this popular book has been fully updated for IBM SPSS version 27 and also includes: a new chapter on how to undertake mediation and moderation with SPSS updates on changes to SPSS, including updated functionality within ANOVAs and calculations of a priori power analysis Presented in full colour and with a fresh, reader-friendly layout, this fully updated new edition also comes with online support material featuring an array of supplementary resources for students and instructors.Minimal prior knowledge is assumed, so the book is well designed for the novice user, but it will also be a useful reference source for those developing their own expertise in SPSS. It is suitable for all students who need to do statistical analysis using SPSS in various disciplines, including psychology, social science, business studies, nursing, education, health and sport science, communication and media, geography, and biology.The authors have many years of experience in teaching SPSS to students from a wide range of disciplines. Their understanding of SPSS users’ concerns, as well as a knowledge of the type of questions students ask, form the foundation of this book.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Translation in Russian Contexts: Culture, Politics, Identity
This volume represents the first large-scale effort to address topics of translation in Russian contexts across the disciplinary boundaries of Slavic Studies and Translation Studies, thus opening up new perspectives for both fields. Leading scholars from Eastern and Western Europe offer a comprehensive overview of Russian translation history examining a variety of domains, including literature, philosophy and religion. Divided into three parts, this book highlights Russian contributions to translation theory and demonstrates how theoretical perspectives developed within the field help conceptualize relevant problems in cultural context in pre-Soviet, Soviet, and post-Soviet Russia. This transdisciplinary volume is a valuable addition to an under-researched area of translation studies and will appeal to a broad audience of scholars and students across the fields of Translation Studies, Slavic Studies, and Russian and Soviet history.Chapter 1 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license available at
Taylor & Francis Ltd Tearfund and the Quest for Faith-Based Development
This book gives an in-depth analysis of the role of faith in the work of Tearfund, a leading evangelical relief and development NGO that works in over 50 countries worldwide.The study traces the changing ways that faith has shaped and influenced Tearfund’s work over the organisation’s 50-year history. It shows how Tearfund has consciously grappled with the role of faith in its work and has invested considerable time and energy in developing an intentionally faith-based approach t relief and development that in several ways is quite different to the approaches of secular relief and development NGOs. The book charts the different perspectives and possibilities that were not taken and the internal discussions about theology, development practices, and humanitarian standards that took place as Tearfund worked out for itself what it meant to be a faith-based relief and development organisation. There is a growing academic literature about religion and development, as well as increasing interest from development ministries of many Northern governments in understanding the role of religion in development and the specific challenges and benefits involved in working with faith-based organisations. However, there are very few studies of actual faith-based organisations and no book-length detailed studies showing how such an organisation operates in practice and how it integrates its faith into its work.In documenting the story of Tearfund, the book provides important insights into the practice and ethos of faith-based organisations, which will be of interest to other FBOs and to researchers of religion and development.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Life-Cycle Civil Engineering: Innovation, Theory and Practice: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE 2020), October 27-30, 2020, Shanghai, China
Life-Cycle Civil Engineering: Innovation, Theory and Practice contains the lectures and papers presented at IALCCE2020, the Seventh International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, held in Shanghai, China, October 27-30, 2020. It consists of a book of extended abstracts and a multimedia device containing the full papers of 230 contributions, including the Fazlur R. Khan lecture, eight keynote lectures, and 221 technical papers from all over the world. All major aspects of life-cycle engineering are addressed, with special emphasis on life-cycle design, assessment, maintenance and management of structures and infrastructure systems under various deterioration mechanisms due to various environmental hazards.It is expected that the proceedings of IALCCE2020 will serve as a valuable reference to anyone interested in life-cycle of civil infrastructure systems, including students, researchers, engineers and practitioners from all areas of engineering and industry.
Taylor & Francis Ltd In Search of Indian English: History, Politics and Indigenisation
This book presents a historical account of the development of an acrolectal variety of the English language in colonial India. It highlights the phenomenon of Indianization of the English language and its significance in the articulation of the Indian identity in pre-Independence India.This volume also discusses the sociocultural milieu in which English became the first choice for writers and political leaders. Using examples primarily from the writings of Rammohan Roy, Bankimchandra, Krupabai Satthianadhan, and Gandhi and from the speeches of Vivekananda, Tagore, and Subhas Bose, this book argues that prose written in English in the nineteenth and the early twentieth century scripted a nationalist discourse through its appropriation of the colonizer’s language. It also examines how these works, which absorbed elements of Indian culture and languages, paved the path for the emergence of Indian English as a distinct dialect of the English language. This book will be useful for teachers, scholars, and students of English literature, linguistics, and cultural studies. It will also be of use to general readers interested in the history of the English language and the history of modern India.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Christianity and the Transformation of Physical Education and Sport in China
Despite the popularity of sport in contemporary China, the practice of physical education is not indigenous to its culture. Strenuous physical activity was traditionally linked to low class and status in the pre-modern Chinese society. The concept of modern PE was introduced to China by Western Christian missionaries and directors of the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA). It then grew from a tool for Christian evangelism to a strategic instrument in Chinese nation-building.This book examines the transformation of Chinese attitudes toward PE and sport, drawing on the concepts of cultural imperialism and nationalism to understand how an imported Western activity became a key aspect of modernization for the Chinese state. More specifically, it looks at the relationship between Christianity and the rise of Chinese nationalism between 1840 and 1937. Combining historical insight with original research, this book sheds new light on the evolution of PE and sport in modern China.It is fascinating reading for all those with an interest in sports history, Chinese culture and society, Christianity, physical education or the sociology of sport.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Inland Waterway Transport: The European Legal Framework
This book analyses the European legal framework on inland water transport in light of the most recent legislation adopted and how the main Member States of Central Western Europe have implemented it.Specifically, the book provides an innovative tool of analytical and systematic study of the various legislative EU measures that regulate the inland waterways transport sector, as well as for the comparative study and analysis of the relevant measures of implementation adopted by the afore-mentioned Member States. Each EU legislative measure is first explained in general terms and then commented on in detail with a specific analysis of the most significant articles, following a precise logical sequence of the topics; the corresponding national implementing measures are also examined in detail* describing any different ways of transposing the EU regulation, also with regard to any differences in approach by the Member States relative to the possibility of any derogations or exemptions from compliance with some measures, which is often provided for by the EU regulation. This approach is significantly useful for (i) a more systematic and user-friendly understanding of the EU regulatory framework, (ii) an equally better understanding of how EU measures have been transposed into national legislation and (iii) a revision of this European and domestic legislation, where appropriate. Furthermore, the book is very useful for policy-makers of countries that are not members of the European Union (i.e. policy-makers from countries worldwide that have inland waterways), as they will have a reference tool to evaluate the possibility of reviewing their own regulation with a view to making it more similar to the EU one should the latter be better.While preparing the book, analyses of the preparatory work of the legislation played a great role, as they are very useful for better understanding the legislative initiatives and the reasons for the choices made. Analysis of the doctrine and jurisprudence also played a great part. This allows the reader to have a thorough understanding of the subject from a scientific point of view and from the point of view of practical application.
Taylor & Francis Ltd An Introduction to Visual Culture
Introduces visual culture as visual activism, or activating the visible.Outlines three currently successful tactics of visual activism: removal of statues and monuments; restitution of cultural property; and practices of repair and reparations. Addresses catastrophe and trauma, from Palestine’s Nakba to the climate disaster and the intersections of plague and war. Maps the activist turn in the field since 2014 and sets directions for its future expansion.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Jurisdiction and Arbitration Agreements in Contracts for the Carriage of Goods by Sea: Limitations on Party Autonomy
Jurisdiction and Arbitration Agreements in Contracts for the Carriage of Goods by Sea focuses on party autonomy and its limitations in relation to jurisdiction and arbitration clauses included in contracts for the carriage of goods by sea in case of any cargo dispute. The author takes the perspective of the shipping companies and the shipowners, as these are the driving forces of the shipping industry due to their strategic importance.The book provides an analysis of the existing law on the recognition and validity of jurisdiction and arbitration clauses in the contracts for the carriage of goods by sea. The author also seeks to provide conclusions and to learn lessons for the future of the non-recognition and the non-enforcement of the clauses in the existing fragmented legal framework at an international, European Union, and national level (England & Wales and Spain). The interface between the different legal regimes reveals the lack of international harmonisation and the existence of ‘forum shopping’ when a cargo interest sues the shipowner or the party to whom the shipowner charters the vessel.This concise book provides a useful overview of existing research, for students, scholars and shipping lawyers
Taylor & Francis Ltd Nationalism, Referendums and Democracy: Voting on Ethnic Issues and Independence
This revised and expanded edition analyses the factors conducive to holding independence and secession referendums, to winning these votes and to their status in domestic and international law. Taking into account the votes in Catalonia and Scotland, the book shows that votes on secession and independence are not a passing phenomenon but an important part of international politics. The book includes an overview of the history of referendums on independence and a summary of the legal issues involved in doing so, as well as a chapter on referendums in unrecognised states and case-study chapters exploring referendums in Kosovo, Cyprus, Kurdistan and Somaliland amongst others. By considering the ethical arguments for secession and recognition, the legal norms governing the process, and the positive and political science theory of when would-be states succeed in becoming recognised by the international community, it shows the role of referendums in the process of establishing new states, and, as a corollary, their role (if any) in winning international recognition for these states. This book will be of interest to all scholars and students of political science, law and even philosophy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Peer Mentoring in Criminal Justice
Peer mentoring is an increasingly popular criminal justice intervention in custodial and community settings. Peer mentors are community members, often with lived experiences of criminal justice, who work or volunteer to help people in rehabilitative settings. Despite the growth of peer mentoring internationally, remarkably little research has been done in this field. This book offers the first in-depth analysis of peer mentoring in criminal justice. Drawing upon a rigorous ethnographic study of multiple community organisations in England, it identifies key features of criminal justice peer mentoring. Findings result from interviews with people delivering and using services and observations of practice. Peer Mentoring in Criminal Justice reveals a diverse practice, which can involve one-to-one sessions, group work or more informal leisure activities. Despite diversity, five dominant themes are uncovered. These include Identity, which is deployed to inspire change and elevate knowledge based on lived experiences; Agency, or a sense of self-direction, which emerges through dialogue between peers; Values or core conditions, including caring, listening and taking small steps; Change, which can be a terrifying and difficult struggle, yet can be mediated by mentors; and Power, which is at play within mentoring relationships and within the organisations, contexts and ideologies that surround peer mentoring. Peer mentoring offers mentors a practical opportunity to develop confidence, skills and hope for the future, whilst offering inspiration, care, empathy and practical support to others.Written in a clear and direct style this book will appeal to students and scholars in criminology, sociology, cultural studies, social theory and those interested in learning about the social effects of peer mentoring.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Persian Calligraphy: A Corpus Study of Letterforms
This book is an exploratory adventure to defamiliarize calligraphy, especially Persian Nastaliq calligraphic letterforms, and to look beyond the tradition that has always considered calligraphy as pursuant to and subordinate to linguistic practices.Calligraphy can be considered a visual communicative system with different means of meaning-making or as a medium through which meaning is made and expression is conveyed via a complex grammar. This study looks at calligraphy as a systematic means in the field of visual communication, rather than as a one-dimensional and ad hoc means of providing visual beauty and aesthetic enjoyment. Revolving around different insights of multimodal social semiotics, the volume relies on the findings of a corpus study of Persian Nastaliq calligraphy. The research emphasizes the way in which letterforms, regardless of conventions in language, are applied as graphically meaningful forms that convey individual distinct meanings.This volume on Persian Nastaliq calligraphy will be inspirational to visual artists, designers, calligraphers, writers, linguists, and visual communicators. With an introduction to social semiotics, this work will be of interest to students and scholars interested in visual arts, media and communication, and semiotics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Stammering Resources for Adults and Teenagers: Integrating New Evidence into Clinical Practice
This comprehensive and practical resource is a second volume to the highly influential Dysfluency Resource Book (2010). It brings together the very latest developments in the field of stammering and dysfluency in adults and teenagers and builds upon some of the approaches explored in the Dysfluency Resource Book. The book draws on the expert knowledge of contributors from a wide range of fields, such as specialist speech and language therapy, education, psychology and youth work, with a focus on presenting practical guidance for those working in this complex area.This valuable resource:• Has chapters exploring the latest clinical developments, such as acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and narrative therapy.• Provides in-depth discussion of some established therapeutic practices, including avoidance-reduction therapy and group work.• Offers concrete application to theory, both the social and medical models, guiding the reader on how to integrate new evidence into clinical practice.• Provides a wealth of activities and photocopiable handouts that can be used in practice.Designed for clinicians and students working with teenagers and adults who stammer, this flexible and practical book embeds an ethos of reflection and adaptation. The detailed overview of therapeutic approaches allows the reader to explore a wide range of techniques, building a strong foundation of knowledge from which to tailor and develop their own practice.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Pip and Bunny: Pip at the Seaside
Pip at the Seaside is the fourth book in the invaluable ‘Pip and Bunny’ collection; a set of six picture books with an accompanying handbook and e-resources carefully written and illustrated to support the development of visual and literary skills. By inspiring conversation and imagination, the books promote emotional and social literacy in the young reader. Designed for use within the early years setting or at home, each story explores different areas of social and emotional development. The full set includes: six beautifully illustrated picture books with text and vocabulary for each a handbook designed to guide the adult in using the books effectively ‘Talking Points’ relating to the child’s own world ‘What’s the Word?’ picture pages to be photocopied, downloaded or printed for language development detailed suggestions as to how to link with other EYFS areas of learning. The set is designed to be used in both individual and group settings. It will be a valuable resource for teachers, SENCOs (pre-school and reception), Early Years Staff (nursery, preschool and reception), EOTAs, Educational Psychologists, Counsellors and Speech Therapists.