Search results for ""Taylor Francis""
Taylor & Francis Ltd Market Drive and Governance: Re-examining the Rules for Economic and Commercial Contest
Corporate moves towards focused production and outsourcing, governmental reforms involving privatization and deregulation and the globalization of trade and investments promise large efficiency gains. However, the necessary coordination mechanisms call for regulatory approval and policy guidelines to safeguard these undertakings against abuse, which in turn are held up against the test of administrative efficiency and global regulatory competition. The question is: what standard will ultimately inspire policy, satisfy administration and be acceptable to parties inside and outside of a given commercial and economic arrangement?Ralf Boscheck looks to the various approaches of institutional and constitutional economics to complement traditional market models in shaping policies to govern increasingly complex market conditions.This book clarifies, integrates and applies diverse perspectives to salient issues of governance and presents them in an accessible manner. It will be an invaluable contribution to this field.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Women and the Irish Diaspora
Women and the Irish Diaspora looks at the changing nature of national and cultural belonging both among women who have left Ireland and those who remain. It identifies new ways of thinking about Irish modernity by looking specifically at women's lives and their experiences of migration and diaspora. Based on original research with Irish women both in Ireland and in England, this book explores how questions of mobility and stasis are recast along gender, class, racial and generational lines. Through analyses of representations of 'the strong Irish mother', migrant women, 'the global Irish family' and celebrity culture, Breda Gray further unravels some of the complex relationships between femininity and Irish modernity(ies).
Taylor & Francis Ltd Miscarriage: Women's Experiences and Needs
Approximately one in four pregnancies ends in miscarriage but for each woman the experience is unique. This sympathetic and helpful book explores the many different ways in which women physically experience miscarriage and emotionally react to it. Drawing on the experiences of over 350 women, it will help every woman who has miscarried make sense of her loss and find her own way of coping with the confusion that frequently follows.Many aspects of miscarriage are covered including difficult issues that are often avoided:* the nature of the loss: tissue, embryo, foetus or baby?* guilt about an earlier abortion* explaining miscarriage to other children* the effect of miscarriage on a relationship* returning to work after miscarriage* coping with repeated miscarriages.The text also provides a set of guidelines to good practice for professionals, based on what women say they find helpful. Professionals who want to evaluate their own practice or develop the service they offer will find this an invaluable reference.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Silent Cinema Reader
The Silent Cinema Reader is a comprehensive resource of key writings on early cinema, addressing filmmaking practice, film form, style and content, and the ways in which silent films were exhibited and understood by their audiences, from the beginnings of film in the late nineteenth century to the coming of sound in the late 1920s. The Reader covers international developments in film aesthetics, the growth of the American film industry and its relationship with foreign competitors at home and abroad, and the broader cultural, social and political contexts of film production and consumption in the United States as well as Britain, France, Russia and Germany. The Reader includes in-depth case studies of major directors and stars of the silent era, including Cecil B. DeMille, Eisenstein, D. W. Griffith, Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin and Rudolph Valentino.Articles are grouped into thematic sections, each with an introduction by the editors, which focus on:* Film projection and variety shows* Storytelling and the nickelodeon* Cinema and reform* Feature films and cinema programmes* Classical Hollywood cinema* European national cinemas
Taylor & Francis Ltd Meeting the Standards in Primary Mathematics: A Guide to the ITT NC
This book guides readers through the professional standards and requirements to reach Qualified Teacher Status, explaining what trainees need to know. The author discusses the best ways of developing mathematical knowledge and teaching skills, and how to acquire the professional know-how needed to complete the training successfully.will: help readers to understand the Standards related to mathematics teaching offer detailed guidance on the primary mathematics curriculum help readers prepare for the QTS skills test help readers to develop the pedagogical knowledge that you need for effective teaching of mathematics help readers prepare for school-based training provide ideas, suggestions and further reading to support during their training and their NQT year. This practical guide to meeting the standards is invaluable for students on primary training courses, lecturers and mentors supporting trainees in mathematics education programmes and newly qualified teachers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Theory and Practice of Relational Databases
The study of relationship databases is a core component of virtually every undergraduate computer science degree course. This new edition of Theory and Practice of Relationship Databases retains all the features that made the previous edition such as success, and goes on to give even more comprehensive and informative coverage.Written in a tutorial style and containing a great many examples and exercises as well as extensively using illustrative and explanatory graphics, the author has produced an undergraduate textbook of great depth and clarity that is very easy to follow. The subject of relational databases is brought to life by the writing style and the inclusion of an homogenous case study that reinforces the issues dealt with in each chapter.The primary objective of the book is to present a comprehensive explanation of the process of development of database application systems within the framework of a set processing paradigm. Since the majority of these applications are built as relationship systems, a complete though reasonably concise account of that model is presented. Dr. Stanczyk has achieved this by concentrating on the issues that contribute significantly to the application development while de-emphasizing purely theoretical aspects of the subject. This has led to an imaginative and highly practical textbook that will be an excellent read for the undergraduate computer science student.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Building a Culture of Respect: Managing Bullying at Work
Bullying is an increasing problem in the workplace. It is estimated that five million workers are bullied each year in the UK, and that one in four employees is aware of colleagues being bullied. Bullying creates significant health problems for employees and, despite this, there is a conspicuous absence of published material on why these behaviors occur, how their occurrence can be reduced, and what can be done to help the victims.Building a Culture of Respect focuses on the development of organizational cultures that promote the dignity of all employees, which have the power to reduce the incidence and impact of bullying. The creation of an organizational culture of respect requires an integration of organizational policies, processes and interventions. Written by a group of experienced academics and practitioners, this collective volume allows theory to be integrated with evidence and practice in an approach that can be used to inform organizational management, unions, human resource managers, lawyers, general practitioners, occupational health psychologists and counselors on the most effective ways of addressing bullying at work.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Leading Professional Development in Education OU Reader
This book provides a rich range of case studies and theoretical and methodological perspectives on the practical leadership tasks that underpin educational change.Section 1 focuses on the nature of professional learning and the policy context in which educational reform takes place. Section 2 explores the forms of leadership relevant to the differing contexts of professional development. Section 3 explores mentoring, peer coaching, team and group work. These processes are examined through international experience and by reference to work in other professions. Section 4 analyses the experience of evidence based work in medicine and the health service and the potential of applying this to education. The section reviews contested views on this theme.Section 5 looks at the potential role that interactive technologies can play in professional development.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Philosopher A Kind Of Life
The story of Ted Honderich, philosopher, a story of a perilous philosophical life, marked by critical examination, and a compelling personal life full of human drama. This is the story of Ted Honderich's perilous progress from boyhood in Canada to the Grote Professorship of Mind and Logic at University College London, A. J. Ayer's chair. It is compelling, candid and revealing about the beginning and the goal, and everything in between: early work as a journalist on The Toronto Star, travels with Elvis Presley, arrival in Britain, loves and friendships, academic rivalries and battles, marriages and affairs, self-interest and empathy. It sets out resolutely to explain how and why it all happened.It is as much a narrative of Ted Honderich's philosophy. He makes hard problems real. Philosophy from consciousness and determinism to political violence and democracy comes into sharp focus.Along the way, questions keep coming up. Does the free marriage owe anything to the analytic philosophy? What are the costs of truth? Are the politics of England slowly making it an ever-better place? Is an action's rightness independent of the mixture of motives out of which it came?
Taylor & Francis Ltd Toxicity and Risk: Context, Principles and Practice
This book aims to set out the political, social, legal and scientific underpinning of risk assessment and risk management for toxic substances. It describes the principles and processes the practitioners undertake when looking at the regulatory risk implications of their work.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Messages: Free Expression, Media and the West from Gutenberg to Google
Easy to read, and highly topical, Messages writes a history of mass communication in Europe and its outreaches, as a search for the origins of media forms from print and stage, to photography, film and broadcasting.Arguing that the development of the mass media has been an essential engine driving the western concept of an individual, Brian Winston examines how the right of free expression is under attack, and how the roots of media expression need to be recalled to make a case for the media’s importance for the protection of individual liberty.Relating to the US constitution, and key laws in the UK which form the foundation of our society, this is a highly useful book for students of media, communication, history, and journalism.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Planning for a Sustainable Future
Sustainable Development is now firmly on the planning agenda and is an issue neither practitioner nor academic can afford to ignore. Planning for a Sustainable Future provides a multi-disciplinary overview of sustainability issues in the land use context, focusing on principles and their application, the legal, political and policy context and the implication of sustainable development thinking for housing, urban design and property development as well as waste and transport. The book concludes by considering how sustainable and unsustainable impacts alike can be measured and modelled, providing real tools to move beyond rhetoric into practice.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Boys, Girls and Achievement: Addressing the Classroom Issues
Girls are now out-performing boys at GCSE level, giving rise to a debate in the media on boys' underachievement. However, often such work has been a 'knee-jerk' response, led by media, not based on solid research. Boys, Girls and Achievement - Addressing the Classroom Issues fills that gap and:*provides a critical overview of the current debate on achievement;*Focuses on interviews with young people and classroom observations to examine how boys and girls see themselves as learners;*analyses the strategies teachers can use to improve the educational achievements of both boys and girls.Becky Francis provides teachers with a thorough analysis of the various ways in which secondary school pupils construct their gender identities in the classroom. The book also discusses methods teachers might use challenge these gender constructions in the classroom and thereby address the 'gender-gap' in achievement.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Psychology and Work
Psychology and Work provides a concise, user-friendly introduction to the field of occupational psychology. The book covers the main issues in the psychology of work and organizations. Topics discussed include the significance of work to the individual, the motivation to work, selection and training and the effects of work on health and quality of life. Organizational psychology is covered in such topics as group behaviour, leadership and management. The book assumes little or no background knowledge and is made accessible to all by the use of everyday examples throughout.Christine Hodson has produced an ideal text, designed for A Level students and undergraduates of psychology plus business studies new to this field.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Imagining Robin Hood: The Late Medieval Stories in Historical Context
A.J. Pollard takes us back to the earliest surviving stories, tales and ballads of Robin Hood, and re-examines the story of this fascinating figure. Setting out the economic, social and political context of the time, Pollard illuminates the legend of this yeoman hero and champion of justice as never before.Imagining Robin Hood questions: what a ‘yeoman’ was, and what it meant to be a fifteenth-century Englishman Was Robin Hood hunted as an outlaw, or respected as an officially appointed forest ranger? Why do we ignore the fact that this celebrated hero led a life of crime? Did he actually steal from the rich and give to the poor? Answering these questions, the book looks at how Robin Hood was ‘all things to all men’ since he first appeared; speaking to the gentry, the peasants and all those in between. The story of the freedom-loving outlaw tells us much about the English nation, but tracing back to the first stories reveals even more about the society in which the legend arose.An enthralling read for all historians and general readers of this fascinating subject.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Unruly Cities?: Order/Disorder
Offers a new and unique way of thinking about cities by rethinking them spatiallyContains readings and extracts that present a wide range of case studies from around the worldCore ideas discussed in detail are indexed in boldThe text is student friendly and is written and designed to be accessible and interactiveAll books in the series are interdisciplinary as they draw on a wide range of approaches to urban studies and have authors from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Four Stages of Rabbinic Judaism
This concise volume provides a lucid introduction to the genesis and development of Rabbinic Judaism.Jacob Neusner outlines and examines the four stages in which the initial period of the historical development of Rabbinic Judaism divides, beginning with the Pentateuch and ending with its definitive and normative statement in the Talmud of Babylonia. He traces the development of Rabbinic Judaism by exploring the relationships between and among the cognate writings which embody its formative history.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Psychotherapy with Young People in Care: Lost and Found
Whilst there is a wealth of literature on working with children and adolescents, very little focuses on those who are in residential or foster care. Psychotherapy with Young People in Care is a practical guide to working with this group from a psychoanalytic therapeutic perspective.Drawing on the author's years of experience and illustrated with a wealth of clinical examples, as well as a comprehensive glossary, the book tackles those issues most relevant to those working with children and adolescents:* the place of psychotherapy in residential/foster care* ethical considerations: confidentiality and sexual abuse* particular problems faced by young people: ADHD; trauma; PTSD.This refreshing and valuable book is an essential teaching text for all those who work with young people in the care system, including child and adolescent psychotherapists, psychiatrists, clinical psychologists and social workers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd When A Young Man Falls in Love: The Sexual Exploitation of Women in New Comedy
When A Young Man Falls in Love examines the plays of New Comedy to reveal how the sexual relationships between the male and female protagonists are essentially exploitative. It poses important questions about the dramatic portrayal of women in the Greek and Roman worlds.
Taylor & Francis Ltd David Ricardo
This four-volume set in the Critical Responses series brings together for the first time 19th Century responses to, and appreciations of, the work of David Ricardo. The collection covers the period from 1817, the year of publication of Ricardo''s major work, The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, to 1848, and represents the first and probably the liveliest period of Ricardo-criticism. The publication of John Stuart Mill''s own Principles in 1848 marks an end to this period with the first great ''rehabilitation'' of Ricardo following decades of searching criticism.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Upland Habitats
Upland Habitats presents a comprehensive illustrated guide to the habits wildlife and conservation of Britains last wilderness areas. These include: heather moors, sheep walk deer forest, blanket bogs, montane and sub-montane forests. The book examines the unique characteristics of uplands and the ecological processes and historical events that have shaped them since the end of the last glaciaton. Among the key conservation and management issues explored in are:* modern agricultural practices and economics* habitat degradation through overgrazing* commercial forest plantations* the persecution of wildlife* recreation in the uplands* the funding of upland farming.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Clinical Counselling in Primary Care
Clinical Counselling in Primary Care examines the complexities and variety of uses of clinical counselling employed in a medical setting. With an estimated 2 in 3 GP sugeries now employing a counsellor or refering patients on a regular basis, this book tackles key debates head-on. It discusses a range of important clinical issues such as:* therapeutic framework* clinical work as part of the greater whole* the need to develop suitable therapeutic models.Clinical Counselling in Primary Care looks at possible developments in the future and argues for the improvement of the standing of counselling in relation to other primary care professsions.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Dictionary of World Philosophy
The Dictionary of World Philosophy covers the diverse and challenging terminology, concepts, schools and traditions of the vast field of world philosophy. Providing an extremely comprehensive resource and an essential point of reference in a complex and expanding field of study the Dictionary covers all major subfields of the discipline.Key features:* Cross-references are used to highlight interconnections and the cross-cultural diffusion and adaptation of terms which has taken place over time* The user is led from specific terms to master entries which provide valuable historical and cultural context* Each master entry is followed by at least two suggestions for further reading on the subject, creating a substantial bibliography of world philosophy* References extend beyond philosophy to related areas such as cognitive science, computer science, language and physicsSubdisciplines covered include:* aesthetics * ethics * sociopolitical philosophy * the philosophy of law * epistemology * logic * the philosophy of science * the philosophy of mind * the philosophy of culture and history * metaphysics * the philosophy of religionEntries are drawn from West Africa, Arabic, Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Jewish, Korean, Latin American, Maori and Native American philosophy including the important and so far largely neglected instance of Pre-Hispanic thought: Nahua philosophy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Storms Hazards Disasters
This book shows how societies around the world have sought to reduce their vulnerability to storms through different levels of planning and legislation. It also examines how these societal responses to storm impacts can serve to exacerbate vulnerability.Storms brings together leading international contributors to explore these issues, through a collection of papers arranged into sections devoted to Storm Science and * Vulnerability * Tropical Cyclones * Extratropical Cyclones, * Mesocale Convective Systems and Other Storms.Detailed accounts of storms and their implications include incidents in USA, Canada, Cuba, Australia, India, Russia, Vietnam, Brazil and Mexico.This is a definitive collection of both newly-written and previously-published material which provides a broad-reaching and thought-provoking account of storms and their environmental and societal impact.
Taylor & Francis Ltd From Soul to Self
From Soul to Self takes the reader on a fascinating journey through philosophy, theology, religious studies, and physiological sciences. Each of the essays, drawn from a number of different fields, focuses on the idea of the soul and of our sense of ourselves.A stellar line-up of authors explore the relationship between a variety of ideas that have arisen in philosophy, religion and science, each idea seeking to explain why we think that we as individuals are somehow distinct and unique.Contributors: Richard Sorabji, Anthony Kenny, Kallistos Ware, Peter Riviere, Gary Matthews, Susan Greenfield, Galen Strawson
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Book of Judges
The Book of Judges has typically been treated either as a historical account of the conquest of Israel and the rise of the monarch, or as an ancient Israelite work of literary fiction. In this new approach, Brettler contends that Judges is essentially a political tract, which argues for the legitimacy of Davidic kingship. He skilfully and accessibly shows the tension between the stories in their original forms, and how they were altered and reused to create a book with a very different meaning. Important reading for all those studying this part of the Bible.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Rise of East Asia: Critical Visions of the Pacific Century
There is great interest in the Pacific Century and what its implications for the future will be. The rapid economic growth of East Asia was already setting the region apart from the rest of the world by the 1970s. By the 1980s the trend was seen to have spread southward to Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia, while China's provinces had also become integral to the regional economic boom.In this exciting new study many of the ideas and expectations associated with the Pacific Century are placed under critical scrutiny. The book includes studies of particular countries such as China, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia. There is analysis of economic and political trends in the region, the reasons behind its rise and its importance on a global scale. The rise of East Asia represents an historic turning point with immense significance world-wide. This book will be of interest to anyone concerned about the new approaches to and the debate about the rise of east Asia and the coming of the Pacific Century.
Taylor & Francis Ltd IBSS: Economics: 1996 Volume 45
This bibliography lists the most important works in economics published in 1996. Renowned for its international coverage and rigorous selection procedures, IBSS provides researchers and librarians with the most comprehensive and scholarly bibliographic service available in the social sciences. IBSS is compiled by the British Library of Political and Economic Science at the London School of Economics, one of the word's leading social science institutions. Published annually, IBSS is available in four subject areas: anthropology, economics, political science and sociology.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Methodology of Economics
Containing key texts from such significant figures as * J.S. Mill* Nassau Senior* Henry Sedgwick* Alfred Marshall* J.E. Cairns* J.M. Keynesthis set illustrates the gradual transformation of economics from the fully contextualized political economy of the early classical economists to the abstract, deductive theory of neo-classical economics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Making a Living: Changing Livelihoods in Rural Africa
Livelihoods in rural Africa are changing in response to disappearing job prospects, falling agricultural output and collapsing infrastructure. This book explains why the responses to these challenges are so different in different parts of Africa. Making a Living uses case studies from commercial farming regions in Kenya, Tanzania and Zimbabwe and from much poorer areas within eastern and southern give a broad comparative study of rural livelihoods. These case studies reveal how household relations, poverty and gender all play a part in the changing political economy of rural Africa.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Sex Equality Policy in Western Europe
This book presents a wide-ranging comparative analysis of the development of sex-equality policies within Europe. The contributors, comprising both European and US-based scholars, address a very current political issue. This is an area of policy that has reached the decision-making stage in much of Europe and it is thus possible to assess the outcome of policy-making and to account for cross-national variations of sex-equality policy measures.The contributors discuss the similarities and differences in levels of awareness, commitment to equality of opportunity and readiness to turn rhetoric into reality in a number of west European countries, including Spain, the Netherlands, Britain, Norway and Ireland.
Taylor & Francis Ltd A Journalism Reader
A Journalism Reader is a comprehensive collection of essential writings on journalism history and practice from the eighteenth century to the present day. It brings together the work of journalists, philosophers, historians, newspaper owners, cultural theorists and specialists in public policy and industrial relations to provide a variety of perspectives on the history, status and craft of journalism.The Journalism Reader is arranged chronologically with an editor's introduction to each section which details the main themes of each chapter. The contributors explore key themes in the history of journalism: crime, gender, class, regulation, ownership and industrial relations. The Journalism Reader provides an innovative combination of previously published work and influential new thinking. It is an indispensable aid to the study of journalism and media history.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Primary School People: Getting to Know Your Colleagues
Beginning to teach in a primary school means establishing a whole new set of relationships - with your class of course, but also with the other adults who work in the school. These include teachers and teaching assistants, support staff of various kinds from the visiting educational psychologist to the essential school secretary and parents, both as helpers in the school and as the major influences on their children's lives outside school. This book is designed to give students and newly qualified teachers a taste of what they can expect and to help them to get the most out of these relationships both for themselves and for their children. Throughout, it draws upon the experiences of new teachers, often in their own words, but it also uses the voices of other `primary school people' to show students the view from the other side. Throughout, the text is supported by points for discussion, questionnaires and check lists to help new teachers to define and analyse their own situation.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Pseudo-Problems: How Analytic Philosophy Gets Done
First published in 1993. Why do mirrors reverse left and right but not up and down? Does time flow at an even rate? These are just two of the questions that won't be answered in Pseudo-Problems. This book explains how problems are dissolved rather than solved. Roy Sorenson takes the most important and interesting examples from one hundred years of analytic philosophy (and the odd one from the centuries before) to consolidate a new theory of dissolution. Pseudo-Problems is a fast-moving, fascinating alternative history of twentieth-century analytic philosophy, and a fine example of what philosophical analysis should be. Not least, it is an important contribution to the debates about creativity and problem solving.
Taylor & Francis Ltd IBSS: Sociology: 1991 Vol 41
This bibliography lists the most important works published in sociology in 1991. Renowned for its international coverage and rigorous selection procedures, IBSS provides researchers and librarians with the most comprehensive and scholarly bibliographic service available in the social sciences.IBSS is compiled by the British Library of Political and Economic Science at the London School of Economics, one of the world's leading social science institutions. Published annually, IBSS is available in four subject areas: anthropology, economics, political science and sociology.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Space Between the Notes: Rock and the Counter-Culture
The Space Between the Notes examines a series of relationships central to sixties counter-culture: psychedelic coding and rock music, the Rolling Stones and Charles Manson, the Beatles and the `Summers of love', Jimi Hendrix and hallucinogenics, Pink Floyd and space rock. Sheila Whiteley combines musicology and socio-cultural analysis to illuminate this terrain, illustrating her argument with key recordings of the time: Cream's She Walks Like a Bearded Rainbow, Hendrix's Hey Joe, Pink Floyd's Set the Controls For the Heat of the Sun, The Move's I Can Hear the Grass Grow, among others.The appropriation of progressive rock by young urban dance bands in the 1990s make this study of sixties and seventies counter-culture a timely intervention. It will inform students of popular music and culture, and spark off recognition and interest from those that lived through the period as well as a new generation that draw inspiration from its iconography and sensibilities today.
Taylor & Francis Ltd British Fashion Design: Rag Trade or Image Industry?
British Fashion Design explores the tensions between fashion as art form, and the demands of a ruthlessly commercial industry. Based on interviews and research conducted over a number of years, Angela McRobbie charts the flow of art school fashion graduates into the industry; their attempts to reconcile training with practice, and their precarious position between the twin supports of the education system and the commercial sector. Stressing the social context of cultural production, McRobbie focuses on British fashion and its graduate designers as products of youth street culture, and analyses how designers from diverse backgrounds have created a labour market for themselves, remodelling `enterprise culture` to suit their own careers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Merleau-Ponty
Maurice Merleau-Ponty is known and celebrated as a renowned phenomenologist and is considered a key figure in the existentialist movement. In this wide-ranging and penetrative study, Stephen Priest engages Merleau-Ponty across the full range of his philosophical thought. He considers Merleau-Ponty's writings on the problems of the body, perception, space, time, subjectivity, freedom, language, other minds, physical objects, art and being. Priest addresses Merleau-Ponty's thought in connection with Hegel, Husserl, Heidegger and Sartre. He uses clear and direct language to explain the thoughts of and the ensuing importance of one of the greatest contemporary thinkers.Philosophy students and scholars alike will find great pleasure in this fascinating exploration of the writings and ideas of Maurice Merleau-Ponty.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Persian-English Dictionary: Including Arabic Words and Phrases in Persian Literature
First published in 2004. This dictionary is a valuable resource for Persian to English translation and includes Arabic Words and Phrases to be found in Persian literature. The initial aim originally laid down for this Dictionary was to prepare a revised edition of Johnson's enlargement of Wilkins-Richardson's Persian, Arabic, and English Dictionary, by reducing the Arabic element and increasing the Persian, so as to produce a volume of moderate dimensions and price, specially adapted to the wants of the English Student.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Design for Social Innovation: Case Studies from Around the World
The United Nations, Australia Post, and governments in the UK, Finland, Taiwan, France, Brazil, and Israel are just a few of the organizations and groups utilizing design to drive social change. Grounded by a global survey in sectors as diverse as public health, urban planning, economic development, education, humanitarian response, cultural heritage, and civil rights, Design for Social Innovation captures these stories and more through 45 richly illustrated case studies from six continents. From advocating to understanding and everything in between, these cases demonstrate how designers shape new products, services, and systems while transforming organizations and supporting individual growth. How is this work similar or different around the world? How are designers building sustainable business practices with this work? Why are organizations investing in design capabilities? What evidence do we have of impact by design? Leading practitioners and educators, brought together in seven dynamic roundtable discussions, provide context to the case studies.Design for Social Innovation is a must-have for professionals, organizations, and educators in design, philanthropy, social innovation, and entrepreneurship. This book marks the first attempt to define the contours of a global overview that showcases the cultural, economic, and organizational levers propelling design for social innovation forward today.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Filmmaker's Eye: Learning (and Breaking) the Rules of Cinematic Composition
* Become an eloquent visual storyteller through effective and expressive choices for each and every shot in your film with hundreds of full-color examples from your favorite blockbusters in this easy-to-reference guide * Types of shots covered include close-ups, long shots, over the shoulder shots, group shots, zoom shots, pan shots, dolly shots, tracking shots, and more* The 2nd edition has been comprehensively updated with new movie examples of various shots featured, a new chapter on The Overhead Shot, expanded sections on aspect ratios, rule of thirds, shooting formats, and updated organisation into parts on sizes conventions and dynamics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Developing Practical Nursing Skills: Foundations for Nursing and Healthcare Students
Developing Practical Nursing Skills helps you learn and perfect the practical skills required to become a qualified nurse. Adopting a patient-focused and caring approach, this essential text helps you integrate nursing values alongside physical skills in your daily practice. Now in its fifth edition, the text takes into account the NMC standards of proficiency and is relevant to nurses across all fields. Key features of the book include: i) New chapters on mental health assessment and end-of-life care, along with expanded content on sleep, pain and medication management. ii) Full-colour text design with clear illustrations and clinical photographs to aid visual learning. iii) Reader-friendly style with learning outcomes, activities and reflection points to help you link theory to practice. iv) Scenarios from a range of settings, including community, mental health and learning disabilities nursing. v) A focus on adults and young people, and with 'pointers' on caring for children and pregnant women to promote a lifespan approach. This is a complete clinical skills resource for all pre-registration nursing students. It is also a useful text for nursing associate and healthcare support workers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Integral Community Enterprise in Africa: Communitalism as an Alternative to Capitalism
At a time of global economic crisis and disillusionment with capitalism, Adodo offers refreshing and positive insight into a more integral way of business management, enterprise and community development as well as holistic healing in Africa. For over three decades, Africa was the recipient of billions of dollars in aid funds that were meant to catapult the continent from undeveloped to developed status. Yet the more the aid poured in, the poorer African countries became. The devastating effect of western economic models in Africa that followed is well documented. Integral Community Enterprise in Africa exposes the limitations of existing theories, such as capitalism, socialism and communism, and shows how western theories were imposed on Africa. Such imposition of concepts and ideas is not only demeaning but also unsustainable, serving only the interest of the elite. Father Anselm Adodo argues for the need to have a southern theory to serve as an alternative to western theories. The majority of African intellectuals and activists, while criticizing existing theories, often do not provide alternative theories to address the prevalent inadequacies entrenched in conventional social, political and economic systems. This revolutionary book aims to address this lapse and proposes the theory of communitalism as a more indigenous, sustainable and integral approach to tackling the social, political, economic and developmental challenges of today’s Africa. There is an African alternative to capitalism, socialism and communism – a surer path to sustainable development in and from Africa.This is a book that is positioned at the very core of a much needed African Renaissance. A profoundly new approach to development in Africa, this is essential reading for anyone concerned with authentic development in Africa and in the world.
Taylor & Francis Ltd BIM-enabled Cognitive Computing for Smart Built Environment: Potential, Requirements, and Implementation
The book provides knowledge in the Building Information Model (BIM)-enabled cognitive computing methods for smart built environment involving cognitive network capabilities for smart buildings, integrating Augmented Reality/Mixed Reality in cognitive building concepts, cognitive Internet of Things (CIoT) for smart cities, Artificial Intelligence applications for cognitive cities, and cognitive smart cities using big data and machine learning. It focuses on the potential, requirements and implementation of CIoT paradigm to buildings, Artificial Intelligence techniques, reasoning, and Augmented Reality/Mixed Reality in cognitive building concepts, the concept of cognitive smart cities in its complexity, heterogeneity, and scope, and the challenge of utilizing the big data generated by smart cities from a machine learning perspective. The book comprises BIM-based and data-analytic research on cognitive IoT for smart buildings and cognitive cities using big data and machine learning as complex and dynamic systems. It presents applied theoretical contributions fostering a better understanding of such systems and the synergistic relationships between the motivating physical and informational settings. It reviews ongoing development of BIM-based and data science technologies for the processing, analysis, management, modeling, and simulation of big and context data and the associated applicability to cognitive systems that will advance different aspects of future cognitive cities. The book also analyses the required material to inform pertinent research communities of the state-of-the-art research and the latest development in the area of cognitive smart cities development, as well as a valuable reference for planners, designers, strategists, and ICT experts who are working towards the development and implementation of CIoT based on big data analytics and context–aware computing.
Taylor & Francis Ltd When Happiness Had a Holiday Helping Families Improve and Strengthen their Relationships A Professional Resource and Therapeutic Storybook The Healthy Mind
This beautifully illustrated set contains a storybook and accompanying workbook, designed to be used with children and families working to re-build family relationships. Healthy and supportive family relationships are essential to mental health, and as referrals to Child and Adolescent Mental Health services continue to rise, growing research demonstrates the benefit of involving families in the treatment of children and young people facing emotional and mental health difficulties. This resource takes a solution-focused brief therapy approach to supporting families, providing professionals with a variety of tools to help family members to recognise their strengths as individuals and as a family, and harness these as they search for solutions together.This resource includes: An engaging and attractive storybook, telling the story of an average family who have been visited by shouting', and must work together to bring happiness back to their home
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Creative Process: Stories from the Arts and Sciences
The Creative Process: Stories from the Arts and Sciences asks how celebrated works of art and breakthroughs in science came to be. What was the first inkling? What were the steps and missteps along the way? How was the process experienced by the creative person as it proceeded? And what are the implications for the psychology of the creative process?Each chapter focuses on a specific creative endeavor, situating the work in the context of domain, culture, and historical era. Then it traces the development of the work—from what we know of its beginnings to its fulfillment. Qualitative materials—interviews, notebooks, diaries, sketches, drafts, and other writings—allow a story of the creative process as lived to emerge. The narratives exemplify established concepts in the psychology of creativity, propose broadening some, reveal the need for modification, and suggest new ones. Application of phenomenological frameworks illuminate the episodes in new ways as well. The case study approach proves again that each episode is unique, yet themes and variations come into view when the episodes are considered together in a final reflection.From Darwin’s theory to an unusual jazz sound, here are 11 fascinating stories of how specific works took shape. Psychologists, students interested in creativity, and all those intrigued by the process in any creative field will find this book essential reading.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Bailey & Love's Essential Operations in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
A new oral and maxillofacial operative manual in Bailey & Love's Essential Operations series. Covering all the surgical techniques across the entire remit of the specialty, written by acknowledged experts and trainers, and with abundant diagrams and figures to explain the operative steps, this new resource will benefit oral and maxillofacial surgeons in training and in practice.The content encompasses coverage of safe surgical practice, including human factors, and includes detailed coverage of the major OMFS sub-specialties: Oral Surgery and Implantology, Trauma, Oncology, Reconstructive Surgery, Salivary Gland and Thyroid Surgery, Temporomandibular Joint Disorders, Orthognathic and Craniofacial Surgery, Cleft Lip and Palate, Facial Aesthetic Surgery, and Advances in Operative Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery.Trainees in oral and maxillofacial surgery must grasp the basic principles of operative surgical practice before developing skills and competence in a variety of OMFS procedures. This practical operative text ensures that OMFS surgeons are well prepared for a wide range of procedures, thus ensuring optimal surgical performance and patient outcomes.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Clark's Essential Guide to Clinical Ultrasound
This easy-to-understand pocketbook in the highly respected Clark’s stable of diagnostic imaging texts is an invaluable tool for students, sonographers and other ultrasound practitioners, providing practical guidance on clinical ultrasound procedures, summarising current relevant literature and professional body guidelines. The content is arranged by anatomical system and organ for ease of reference, with each section comprising a short introduction, the indications for the procedure, patient preparation, the imaging procedure itself, along with an image analysis, supported throughout by positioning photographs and clinical images. Clark’s Essential Guide to Clinical Ultrasound is ideal for all users of clinical ultrasound at both undergraduate and postgraduate level and will also provide a convenient distillation of the latest best practice and guidelines for sonographers, midwives, vascular technologists, ECG technologists, medical doctors, sports injury specialists, paramedics, and other health professionals.