Search results for ""Taylor Francis""
Taylor & Francis Ltd Psychoanalytic Theory for Social Work Practice: Thinking Under Fire
Written by practicing social workers and social work educators, this text analyzes modern psychoanalytic and psychosocial approaches to social work and relates them to current practices and values. Focusing on working with children and families, the text covers salient issues in social work practice including risk assessment, dealing with parents with drug and alcohol problems, supervision and management of emotional stress. Throughout the book there is an emphasis on the realities of frontline practice, and looking at what can realistically be achieved. It also addresses the research evidence for this approach. With psychoanalytic and psychosocial approaches becoming increasingly popular, this text will be a welcome addition for professionals, students and social work educators.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Local Politics and Democratization in Russia
This comprehensive study of local politics in Russia shows that the key reforms of local government, and the struggle to forge viable grassroots democracies have been inextricably linked to the wider struggle for power between the regions and the Kremlin, and to the specific nature of Russia’s highly politicized and negotiated form of asymmetrical federalism. During the Yeltsin era all attempts to create a universal and uniform system of local-self-government in the federation were a failure. Under the protection of their constitutions and charters, and the extra-constitutional rights and powers granted to them in special bilateral treaties, regional leaders, particularly in Russia’s 21 ethnic republics were able to instigate highly authoritarian regimes and to thwart the implementation key local government reforms. Thus, by the end of the Yeltsin era the number of municipalities, their type, status and powers, varied tremendously from region to region. Putin’s local government reforms also need to be viewed as an integral component of his wider centralizing political agenda, and his assault on the principles and practices of federalism. With the instigation of his ‘dictatorship of law’ and ‘power vertical’, Putin has thwarted the development of grassroots democracy and overseen the creation of local ‘electoral authoritarian’ regimes. Putin’s new system of local self-government marks a victory for the proponents of the ‘statist concept’ of local self-government over those who championed the ‘societal concept’, codified in Article 12 of the Russian Constitution. Overall, this book is an important resource for anyone seeking to understand politics in Putin’s Russia.
Taylor & Francis Ltd German Technical Dictionary (Volume 2)
Since its publication in 1995, the German Technical Dictionary has established itself as the definitive resource for anyone who needs to translate technical documents between German and English. This new edition has been substantially revised to reflect the technological environment of the 21st century. The revised edition contains over 75,000 entries, of which over 5,000 are new, with many new entries in the areas of: * the internet and telecommunications * bio-technology and the new genetics * new developments in health technology Throughout this dictionary continues to benefit from the features that made the first edition so valuable, including accurate translations in British and American English and an attractive, durable and easy to use layout.
Taylor & Francis Ltd What Scientists Think
What are scientists working on today? What do they worry about? What do they think about the working of the brain, climate change, animal experimentation, cancer, and mental illness? Is science progressing or in retreat? Is this century humankind's last?These are just some of the compelling and provocative questions tackled here by twelve of the world's leading scientists and scientific thinkers. In engaging and lucid discussion, they clarify many of the most urgent scientific challenges and dilemmas facing science today. Essential reading for anyone interested in popular science, What Scientists Think is edited and written by Jeremy Stangroom of the highly successful The Philosopher's Magazine and includes a foreword by Marek Kohn, author of A Reason for Everything: Natural Selection and the British Imagination.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Enzymes and Their Inhibitors: Drug Development
Focusing on the development of enzyme inhibitors as therapeutic drugs, Enzymes and Their Inhibitors: Drug Development provides a concise overview of the chemistry of major types of enzymes and their inhibitors. The opening chapters introduce readers to the structure, functions, mechanisms, and kinetics of enzymes, including their use as disease markers, analytical reagents, and in industrial processes. Subsequent chapters discuss the different types of enzyme inhibitors and the principles involved in developing them into effective drugs. This outstanding text, also valuable as a professional reference, will be useful to all students of pharmacology and medicinal chemistry.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Neurobiology of DOPA as a Neurotransmitter
New research suggests it is highly probable that DOPA, in addition to being a precursor to dopamine, functions by itself as a neurotramsmitter and/or neuromodulator. Neurobiology of DOPA as a Neurotransmitter integrates background information about DOPA as an inert amino acid precursor of dopamine with the evidence showing that DOPA fulfills several criteria of neurotransmitters. Providing easy access to, and complete understanding of, the latest research on the subject, the book makes the case that DOPA meets many of the criteria of neurotransmitters and includes anti-evidence in some instances.The book begins with a historical review of current knowledge of DOPA. It characterizes DOPA as a prominent example showing transmutation from an inert substance to a gold drug in Parkinson's disease and further to a neurotransmitter in its own right. The next chapters cover the essential criteria of a neurotransmitter such as synthesis, existence, and competitive antagonism. The book describes metabolism composed of catecholamine synthesis and degradation products related to neuron death, physiological release of DOPA in the lower brainstem, striatum, and nucleus accumbens, and physiological or pharmacological responses involved in baroreflex neurotransmission and related to behavioral science including interactions with catecholamines, acetylcholine, glutamate, and GABA. The book explores recognition sites, transport sites, and therapeutic role and mechanisms for neuron death related to adverse influence in the treatment of Parkinson's Disease.Edited by experts in the field, the breadth and depth of information contained in this book is confirmed by a quick scan of the chapter authors. They summarize the issues surrounding DOPA neurotoxicity and explore the link between experimental studies and clinical relevance.
Taylor & Francis Ltd A Century of Mendelism in Human Genetics
In 1901 William Bateson, Professor of Biology at Cambridge, published a renewed version of a lecture which he had delivered the year before to the Royal Horticultural Society in London (reprinted in the book as an appendix). In this lecture he recognized the importance of the work completed by Gregor Mendel in 1865, and brought it to the notice of the scientific world. Upon reading Bateson's paper, Archibald Garrod realized the relevance of Mendel's laws to human disease and in 1902 introduced Mendelism to medical genetics.The first part of A Century of Mendelism in Human Genetics takes a historical perspective of the first 50 years of Mendelism, including the bitter argument between the Mendelians and the biometricians. The second part discusses human genetics since 1950, ending with a final chapter examining genetics and the future of medicine. The book considers the genetics of both single-gene and complex diseases, human cancer genetics, genetic linkage, and natural selection in human populations. Besides being of general medical significance, this book will be of particular interest to departments of genetics and of medical genetics, as well as to historians of science and medicine.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Emerging Demands for the Safety of Nuclear Power Operations: Challenge and Response
Technological and social aspects of industrial safety come under the scrutiny of scientists and engineers from an array of backgrounds. This is the third publication developed from a very fruitful, longstanding cooperation between the Institute of Social Research within the Institute of Nuclear Safety System in Japan, and the Research Center Systems Safety, Berlin University of Technology. The book presents a cross-disciplinary, state-of-the-art look at the latest human factors developments in the industry, with wider applications for the entire industrial sector. Expert contributors explore issues in four areas: emerging challenges; analytic tools; response within the industry; and public response.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Early Years Education
The education and care of children under the age of eight has become one of the major focuses of attention in recent education research and policy-making around the world, and it is now widely recognised that investment in provision at this stage can be both cost effective and beneficial to the social fabric of communities. Approaches to education in nurseries, kindergartens and preschools have traditionally been significantly different from those that inform the teaching of older children but, until recently, these approaches have had little impact on education beyond early years settings.This wide-ranging collection of papers provides a valuable resource for scholars who need to ground their own study in wider historical and global discourses concerning the education of children under eight. Including both important historical sources and contemporary analysis of current issues, this fascinating set represents a broad variety of countries, cultures and traditions.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Cognitive Mechanics of Economic Development and Institutional Change
This book seeks to explain long-term economic development and institutional change in terms of the cognitive features of human learning and communication processes. Martens links individual cognitive processes to macroeconomic growth theories, including economies of scale and scope, and to theories of institutional development based on asymmetric information in production processes and economies of scale in enforcement technology.With considerable flair, Bertin Martens has applied the hot new area of psychological and behavioural economics to notions of growth and development and has created a unique and impressive volume.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Henry Mintzberg
Henry Mintzberg (b. 1939) is one of the world’s leading thinkers in management and strategic planning. New from Routledge’s Critical Evaluations in Business and Management series, this new four-volume collection brings together the best and most influential critical writing on Mintzberg and his work. The set is supplemented with the editors’ expert introduction, which places the gathered work in its historical and intellectual context.
Taylor & Francis Ltd John P. Kotter
John P. Kotter (b. 1947), a leading authority on business leadership and change, is the subject of this new collection from Routledge’s acclaimed Critical Evaluations in Business and Management series. It brings together in two volumes the best critical evaluations of his work. The collection is supplemented with the editors’ expert introduction which places the gathered scholarship in its historical and intellectual context.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Original Writing
Original Writing:* provides students with the practical skills they need to write confidently and effectively for different purposes and audiences* examines the conventions and styles of different types of original writing, such as writing to entertain, writing to inform and writing to persuade* looks at a wide range of examples of successful writing, including extracts from The Office, Health Education leaflets, Kerrang! and students' own work* includes a guide to planning and writing commentaries* explores problematic areas and includes advice from experts in a range of areas, from radio to song writing.Written by an experienced teacher, author and AS and A2 Level examiner, Original Writing is an essential resource for students of AS and A2 Level.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Expressive Form: A Conceptual Approach to Computational Design
With the increased use of computers, architecture has found itself in the midst of a plethora of possible uses. This book combines theoretical enquiry with practical implementation offering a unique perspective on the use of computers related to architectureal form and design. Notions of exaggeration, hybrid, kinetic, algorithmic, fold and warp are examined from different points of view: historical, mathematical, philosophical or critical. Generously illustrated, this book is a source of inspiration for students and professionals.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Physics of Photorefraction in Polymers
Photorefractive polymer composites are an unusually sensitive class of photopolymers. Physics of Photorefraction in Polymers describes our current understanding of the physical processes that produce a photorefractive effect in key composite materials. Topics as diverse as charge generation, dispersive charge transport, charge compensation and trapping, molecular diffusion, organic composite structure, and nonlinear optical wave coupling are all developed from a physical perspective. Emphasis is placed on explaining how these physical processes lead to observable properties of the polymers, and the authors discuss various applications, including holographic archiving.
Taylor & Francis Ltd International Finance: Contemporary Issues
In this updated fourth edition, author Maurice Levi successfully integrates both the micro and macro aspects of international finance. He sucessfully explores managerial issues and focuses on problems arising from financial trading relations between nations, whilst covering key topics such as:* organization of foreign exchange markets* determination of exchange rates * the fundamental principles of international finance* foreign exchange risk and exposure* fixed and flexible exchange rates.This impressive new edition builds and improves upon the popular style and structure of the original. With new data, improved pedagogy, and coverage of all of the main developments in international finance over the last few years, this book will prove essential reading for students of economics and business.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Change Forces in Post-Communist Eastern Europe: Education in Transition
The collapse of communism and the adoption of parliamentary democracy led to rapid and dramatic educational change in countries formerly under the control of the Soviet Union. Leaders of the affected countries acknowledged the need to develop educational systems during the rebuilding process and embraced this transformation in a short period of time. This has provided researchers with a unique opportunity to investigate educational change as a 'living laboratory'.In this book, the authors explore the complex nature of change in five former communist countries: Russia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and East Germany. The authors consider:* Educational change as a process rather than as a event* A comparison of such changes against a model for educational change developed by Michael Fullan for understanding large-scale educational reform* Analysis of issues at the national level where the original impetus for change has occurredWith contributors from countries affected by such changes, this book provides an insight into the process of educational change as a result of revolution rather than evolution.This book will be of great interest to academics and researchers of educational change and those involved with educational reform. It will also interest those looking at comparative education models and postgraduate students focussing their studies on issues of educational change and reform.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Using C&IT to Support Teaching
Information and Communication Technology is part of everyday life, including education. For teachers, however, keeping up to date with the various technologies that help support the learning process can be challenging.This book meets those challenges by highlighting the benefits of ICT in teaching and learning, and providing practical advice and real examples from a wide range of subject disciplines. Writing in a refreshingly accessible style, the author dispels common myths surrounding technology and offers pragmatic solutions that can be easily used or adapted, covering the use of:* overhead projectors and PowerPoint* handouts* videos and slides* interactive whiteboards* electronic information resources and e-learning.This book demonstrates that with a little thought and preparation, technology can provide tangible benefits in the support of traditional teaching and will be essential reading for teachers, lecturers, staff developers and students in further and higher education.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Environmental Archaeology and the Social Order
Presenting a wide variety of case studies, ranging from the early Palaeolithic to Post-modernity, and from Europe to the Andes, West and East Africa, and the USA, Environmental Archaeology and the Social Order deals with both the theory and method of environmental archaeology.Including significant sections on Neanderthals, Palaeolithic mobiliary art and the origins of farming, as well as transhumance, climate as social construct, field survey and the place of documents in environmental research, Professor Evans interprets his findings in social constructionist terms, creating an important argument against the use of traditional materialist and processualist paradigms. This original and controversial volume sets a new agenda for the study and understanding of environmental archaeology, and will prove an informative and useful purchase.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Indian Folk Theatres
Indian Folk Theatres is theatre anthropology as a lived experience, containing detailed accounts of recent folk theatre shows as well as historical and cultural context. It looks at folk theatre forms from three corners of the Indian subcontinent: Tamasha, song and dance entertainments from Maharastra Chhau, the lyrical dance theatre of Bihar Theru Koothu, satirical, ritualised epics from Tamil Nadu. The contrasting styles and contents are depicted with a strongly practical bias, harnessing expertise from practitioners, anthropologists and theatre scholars in India. Indian Folk Theatres makes these exceptionally versatile and up-beat theatre forms accessible to students and practitioners everywhere.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The New Catholic Feminism: Theology, Gender Theory and Dialogue
It is hard to over-estimate the challenge that feminism poses to Roman Catholicism. Pope John Paul II's call for a 'new feminism' has led to the development of a Catholic theological response to the so-called 'old feminism'. The New Catholic Feminism sets up a dramatic encounter between the orthodox Catholic establishment and contemporary critical theory, including feminist theology and philosophy, queer theory, and French psycholinguistics, in order to explore fundamental questions about human identity, personhood and gender. From the naked bodies of Eden to the 'gay nuptials' of liturgy, it argues that the strange and volatile world of Catholic sexual symbolism cannot be 'tamed' to meet the ideological agendas of either feminist theology or conservative Catholicism. Only through a radical re-evaluation of the sacramental significance of the sexed human body might the Catholic Church provide a redemptive response to the sexual politics of contemporary society.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Geographies of Labour Market Inequality
In recent years, the local dimensions of the labour market have attracted increasing attention from academic analysts and public policy-makers alike. There is growing realization that there is no such thing as the national labour market, instead a mosaic of local and regional markets that differ in nature, performance and regulation. Geographies of Labour Market Inequality is concerned with these multiple geographies of employment, unemployment, work and incomes, and their implications for public policy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Endocannabinoids: The Brain and Body's Marijuana and Beyond
Over the past decade, there have been major advances in understanding the mechanisms whereby marijuana interacts with the brain in producing psychoactive and potentially therapeutic effects. The discovery of specific gene coding for cannabinoid receptors activated by smoking marijuana, and the finding of endogenous cannabinoids, which also activate the receptors, have transformed cannabinoid research into mainstream science with significant implications in human health and diseaseEndocannabinoids: The Brain and Body’s Marijuana and Beyond documentsadvances in the discovery and functioning of naturally occurring marijuana-like substances in human biology. It explores recent findings that point to the existence of an endocannabinoid physiological control system (EPCS) that directly impacts human development, health, and disease. While cannabinoid effects on the brain have received the greatest attention throughout the literature, this work looks at research on the endogenous cannabinoid system’s association across all of human physiology, including the immune, endocrine, and reproductive systems. With thoroughly researched and exceptionally insightful contributions from more than three-dozen top-flight researchers representing a cross-section of disciplines from molecular biology, genetics, and neurology to gynecology, physiology, and pharmacology, this work explores a range of topics as wide as the human body is complex. These topics include the EPCS’s relation to cell development and regulation, CNS function, immune function modulation, reproduction, and digestion, as well as its function in mental illness, neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer. The final section in the book considers the significance of endogenous cannabinoids found in some of the simplest multicellular organisms in the animal kingdom, as well as in mammalian cells at the earliest stages of development, all of which suggests that they play a fundamental role in human biology.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Managing Care in Context
This major new textbook looks at the diversity and complexity of the manager's task in the changing context of care provision and argues for a practice-led approach. Informed by extensive consultation with managers, practitioners and users of services, the authors of this textbook:* examine the policy, legal and organisational contexts of care* highlight the impact for managers of the government's modernising agenda and initiatives for inter-professional working* discuss the role of the managers in providing ethical care grounded in good practice* tackle the task of translating competing views from service users and carers into high-quality service provision* review the position of the manager in relation to debates on the deprofessionalisation of care.Managing Care in Context is essential reading for students, practitioners and aspiring, new and experienced managers of care within the health and social services sector. It will help managers to understand what their role is, how it has developed and how to face the challenges of the future.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Managing Care Reader
This Reader includes material relevant to everyone involved in developing new relationships in health and social care. Alongside articles on social care as traditionally conceived, it offers articles from a wide variety of settings, including those in health and education. It brings together classic management texts and material with a management focus, providing a stimulating range of perspectives on the manager's role. In the management of something as complex as care, this must involve:* listening to service users* maintaining professional values* enabling participation* facilitating learning.The Managing Care Reader reflects these imperatives as it focuses in on the experience of being in the front line. In four parts, it looks at how managers experience what they do, their managerial responsibilities, the key professional issues, and the importance of the organisational environment. It offers a rich resource for all those undertaking management courses or moving into frontline management roles in the new world of social care.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The History of the Mohammedan Dynasties in Spain
This is the original History of the Mohammedan Dynasties of Spain reprinted from the first edition of 1840-43. A masterpiece of typography in its own right, it is an early, ingenious and fascinating history of Muslim Spain. One hundred and fifty years on, it represents the foundations of our modern understanding of a great civilisation, and a fresh and vibrant introduction to the history of the time.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Imperial Theme: Further Interpretations of Shakespeare's Tragedies Including the Roman Plays
First Published in 2002. This is a collection of essays and commentary on the later Shakespearian tragedies of Julius Caesar, Hamlet, Macbeth, Coriolanus, Anthony and Cleopatra and Richard II.
Taylor & Francis Ltd A Vision for Science Education: Responding to Peter Fensham's Work
One of the most important and consistent voices in the reform of science education over the last thirty years has been that of Peter Fensham. His vision of a democratic and socially responsible science education for all has inspired change in schools and colleges throughout the world. Often moving against the tide, Fensham travelled the world to promote his radical ideology. He was appointed Australia's first Professor of Science Education, and was later made a Member of the Order of Australia in recognition of his work in this new and emerging field of study.In this unique book, leading science educators from around the world examine and discuss Fensham's key ideas. Each describes how his arguments, proposals and recommendations have affected their own practice, and extend and modify his message in light of current issues and trends in science education. The result is a vision for the future of science teaching internationally.Academics, researchers and practitioners in science education around the world will find this book a fascinating insight into the life and work of one of the foremost pioneers in science education. The book will also make inspiring reading for postgraduate students of science education.
Taylor & Francis Ltd War without End: The Rise of Islamist Terrorism and Global Response
This book provides the historical and political context to explain acts of terror, including the September 11th, and the bombing of American Embassies in Nairobi and Dar as Salaam and the West's responses. Providing a brief history of Islam as a religion and as socio-political ideology, Dilip Hiro goes on to outline the Islamist movements that have thrived in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan, and their changing relationship with America. It is within this framework that the rising menace of Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaida network is discussed.The Pentagon's amazingly swift victory over the Taliban in Afghanistan is examined along with implications of the Bush Doctrine, encapsulated in his declaration, 'so long as anybody is terrorizing established governments, there needs to be a war' - a recipe for war without end.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Routledge Guide to Modern English Writing
In 1963 President John F. Kennedy was shot, Sylvia Plath published The Bell Jar, and the Beatles were in their prime. This was a changing world, which British and Irish writers both contributed to and reflected in drama, poetry and prose.The Routledge Guide to Modern English Writing tells the story of British and Irish writing from 1963 to the present. From the first performance of Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead in the 1960s to lad novels and Chick Lit in the twenty-first century, the authors guide the reader through the major writers, genres and developments in English writing over the past forty years. Providing an in-depth overview of the main genres and extensive treatment of a wide range of writers including Philip Larkin, Ted Hughes, Angela Carter, Benjamin Zephaniah and Nick Hornby, this highly readable handbook also offers notes on language issues, quotations from selected works, a timeline and a guide to other works.Written by the authors of The Routledge History of Literature in English (second edition, 2001), The Routledge Guide to Modern English Writing is essential reading for all readers of contemporary writing.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Magnolia: The Genus Magnolia
The genus Magnolia consists of several medicinally important species most of which come from Far East Asia. Many species of this genus have traditionally been used in China and Japan to treat various illnesses from simple headaches to complicated cancer, and because of their versatility have more recently been incorporated into commercially successful medicine preparations. And with the revival of interest in herbal and oriental traditional medicines, many of these Magnolia-containing preparations have captured a significant proportion of the drug market in the Western countries. In recent years several studies have been performed with Magnolia species, resulting in the isolation of a number of bioactive compounds and discovery of new biological and pharmacological activities. This book deals comprehensively with many aspects of the genus Magnolia detailing areas such as phytochemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, quality control, and commercial significance.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Shengmai San
Traditional Chinese medicine commonly prescribes herbal formulas for the prevention and treatment of diseases. Shengmai San, a famous Chinese medicinal formula that has been used for more than eight hundred years in China, is comprised of Radix Ginseng, Fructus Schisandre and Radix Ophiopogonis. Traditionally, Shengmai San is used for the treatment of excessive loss of essence Qi and body fluid that threaten heart failure, particularly in the summer when heat exhaustion and profuse sweating commonly occur. This book provides a comprehensive treatise on the historical, phytochemical, pharmacological/toxicological, clinical as well as pharmaceutical aspects of Shengmai San and its component herbs.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Antibodies
From diagnostic tools to therapy against cancer, infections and autoimmune diseases, antibodies serve many purposes, yet our knowledge of them is still incomplete. The Antibodies: Volume 7 continues with a comprehensive review of topics of contemporary interest including major breakthroughs such as the advent of monoclonal antibodies and the development of new techniques of antibody engineering that have kept antibodies at the forefront of immunology and medical science. While examining the ground-breaking discoveries of the last two decades this book also revisits more traditional aspects of the field to give an holistic approach to this increasingly popular area of medicine.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Pharmaceutical Perspectives of Nucleic Acid-Based Therapy
Emphasizing its uses in cancer and cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases, Pharmaceutical Perspectives of Nucleic Acid-Based Therapy presents a comprehensive account of gene therapy, from development in the laboratory to clinical applications. Internationally acclaimed scientists discuss the potential use of lipids, peptides and polymers for the in vivo delivery of nucleic acids, the genesis of structure-synthesis-function interrelationships and the evolutionary approaches of these gene carriers. The book also addresses the influence of a viable gene expression system on disease by controlling gene regulation, transcription, translation and replication.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Dangerous and Severe Personality Disorder: Reactions and Role of the Psychiatric Team
People with personality disorders are to be found in all branches of psychiatric services, from the outpatient and community care through to acute inpatient care. Their behaviour is difficult, manipulative, threatening and they are hard to manage in institutional settings. Dangerous and Severe Personality Disorder is based on unique research study conducted in the three English high security hospitals - Ashworth, Rampton and Broadmoor. Through in-depth analysis of an extensive questionnaire survey followed by personal interviews, Len Bowers shows how positive or negative attitudes to PD patients arise and are maintained over time, as well as discusses what impact they have upon nurses and the care they provide to patients, and draws some practical conclusions.The difficulties facing staff who care for and treat PD patients are enormous, and constitute a significant personal challenge for the psychiatric professional of any discipline. For the first time this book provides details of the most effective ways of creating a positive context for working with personality disorder and contains a blueprint for training and organisational structures across the professional spectrum.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Child Language Reader
The Child Language Reader provides an introduction to the most important research in child language acquisition and development. Including extensive editorial introductions, which explain key background, assumptions and terminology, and organized into thematic sections, it brings the reader into direct contact with original research, in a supported and guided environment.Features include:*articles written by a range of international authors, including classics by influential figures*coverage of a number of language development areas, including phonology, semantics, sociolinguistics, methodology and bilingualism*a substantial section on methodology, offering practical insight into the design of child language research*an appendix on statistical analysis*a new piece by Brian Richards and David Malvern.Covering a range of different theoretical standpoints, The Child Language Reader offers a comprehensive overview of the field, and is a definitive resource for anyone with an interest in child language.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Systems of Cities and Facility Location
First Published in 2001. This book contains two essays: the first examines optimal facility location, according to a variety of economic criteria; the second develops a theory of international trade in which a region is regarded as a system of cities.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Economics of Cooperation and the Labour-Managed Economy
Discusses the theory of labour-managed firms or producers' cooperatives, and of economies companies principally of such firms.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Designing Regulatory Policy with Limited Information
Examines policy design when the policy maker in imperfectly informed, focusing on cases where the regulated firm possesses better information about its technology than the regulator.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Proteinase and Peptidase Inhibition: Recent Potential Targets for Drug Development
Cellular proteinases and their physiological role in normal and disease states have been the subject of great interest over recent decades. At present, specific protease inhibitors are exploited both as tools in unraveling the role of individual proteinases in particular cellular processes and for the development of chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of various disorders. Proteinase and Peptidase Inhibition presents updated progress reports on the characterization of a wide range of cellular proteinases whose inhibitors may hold the key to the development of new drugs. Introductory chapters deal with the broad enzyme classes, inhibitor types and regulatory mechanisms governing proteinase activity. The target enzymes themselves, together with all aspects of their inhibition and inhibitor design, are comprehensively described. The classification of target enzymes by structural similarity, rather than by pharmacological effects, provides a new and coherent platform for understanding how inhibition of different targets can lead to the same therapeutic outcomes. This is a valuable reference book that will appeal to both academic and industrial researchers in the fields of medicinal chemistry, drug design and development, pharmacology, biochemistry, and molecular and cell biology.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Handbook of Biotransformations of Aromatic Compounds
Understanding the biotransformations of aromatic compounds and how they metabolize in animals, plants, and microbes, is central to the applications in a wide range of industries, such as the design and testing of natural and synthetic pharmaceuticals, oil refining, the development of agrochemicals, bioremediation, and for use in functional genomics and xenobiotics. Presenting the most complete resource of its kind, the Handbook of Biotransformations of Aromatic Compounds examines 20,000 aromatic compounds researched since 1972, and assembled from all the major, relevant journals. The author focuses his coverage on the biotransformation in animals, plants, and microbes while remaining within the scope of aromatic compounds that contain, or are fused with, at least one aromatic C6 ring. Part One lists each compound alphabetically along with the forward and reverse mechanisms of its metabolism in specific organisms. Part Two characterizes the different types of organic reactions that have been identified - including formation and degradation, oxidations and reductions, substitution, and transfer reactions - and the enzymes associated with those reactions. The author cites selected references for enzymes that are well documented while filling in the details for those with little research literature. This book also contains a searchable CD-ROM of the author's previous work covering aromatic compounds researched from 1900 through 1972.Presenting the most complete resource of its kind, this well-established author draws on his firsthand knowledge to organize a large body of information into a user-friendly and indispensable handbook for professionals, policymakers, and researchers alike.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Advances in Stability Theory at the End of the 20th Century
This volume presents surveys and research papers on various aspects of modern stability theory, including discussions on modern applications of the theory, all contributed by experts in the field. The volume consists of four sections that explore the following directions in the development of stability theory: progress in stability theory by first approximation; contemporary developments in Lyapunov's idea of the direct method; the stability of solutions to periodic differential systems; and selected applications. Advances in Stability Theory at the End of the 20th Century will interest postgraduates and researchers in engineering fields as well as those in mathematics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Stability of Differential Equations with Aftereffect
Stability of Differential Equations with Aftereffect presents stability theory for differential equations concentrating on functional differential equations with delay, integro-differential equations, and related topics. The authors provide background material on the modern theory of functional differential equations and introduce some new flexible methods for investigating the asymptotic behaviour of solutions to a range of equations. The treatment also includes some results from the authors' research group based at Perm and provides a useful reference text for graduates and researchers working in mathematical and engineering science.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Precast Concrete: Materials, Manufacture, Properties and Usage, Second Edition
This general treatise on precast concrete reflects Maurice Levitt’s extensive experience in the construction industry and as a researcher and consultant. It gives detailed coverage of the subject from the material's properties through its manufacture and quality control, and on to specialist topics such as accelerated curing and use in hot and cold climates. It then looks at the properties of precast concrete and its performance in situ before covering standards and testing and then the issues of finishing, repair and jointing.A wide range of professionals in both the civil engineering and general construction sectors should find this an invaluable reference for its guidance on the range of practical questions they can expect to encounter. It will also be useful for students at graduate level.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Union Organizing: Campaigning for trade union recognition
After many years of indifferent decline, trade union membership is now being revitalized; strategies known as ‘union organizing’ are being used to recruit and re-energize unions around the globe. This book considers exactly how trade unions are working to do this and provides a much-needed evaluation of these rebuilding strategies.By comparing historical and contemporary case studies to assess the impact of various organizing campaigns, this book assesses the progress of unions across Europe and America. It raises key debates about the organizing culture and considers the impact of recent union recognition laws on employers and the government's Fairness at Work policy.A topical and in-depth study into the experiences of trade unions across Europe and America, this is a comprehensive and thought provoking book which is essential reading for those in the industrial relations field.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Makers of Nineteenth Century Culture
This volume provides a critical examination of the lives and works of the leading novelists, poets, dramatists, artists, philosophers, social thinkers, mathematicians and scientists of the period. The subjects are assessed in the light of their cultural importance, and each entry is deliberately interpretative, making this work both an essential reference tool and an engaging collection of essays. Figures covered include: Marx, Wagner,Darwin, Malthus, Balzac, Jane Austen, Nietzsche, Babbage, Edgar Allan Poe, Ruskin, Schleiermacher, Herbert Spencer, Harriet Martineau and Oscar Wilde.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Routledge Library of British Political History: Volume 2: Labour and Radical Politics 1762-1937
This is volume 2 of the set ^English Radicalism (1935-1961). Reissuing the epic undertaking of Dr S. Maccoby, these volumes cover the story of English Radicalism from its origins right through to its questionable end. By Combining new sources with the old and often long forgotten, the volumes provide an impressive history of radicalism and shed light on the course of English political development. The six volumes are arranged chronologically from 1762 through to the perceived end of British Radicalism in the mid-twentieth century.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Slavoj Zizek
Slavoj Zizek is no ordinary philosopher. Approaching critical theory and psychoanalysis in a recklessly entertaining fashion, Zizek's critical eye alights upon a bewildering and exhilarating range of subjects, from the political apathy of contemporary life, to a joke about the man who thinks he's a chicken, from the ethicial heroism of Keanu Reeves in Speed, to what toilet designs reveal about the national psyche. Tony Myers provides a clear and engaging guide to Zizek's key ideas, explaining the main influences on Zizek's thought (most crucially his engagement with Lacanian psychoanalysis) using examples drawn from popular culture and everyday life. Myers outlines the key issues that Zizek's work has tackled, including: What is a Subject and why is it so important? The Imaginary, the Symbolic and the Real What is so terrible about Postmodernity? How can we distinguish reality from ideology? What is the relationship between men and women? Why is Racism always a fantasy? Slavoj Zizek is essential reading for anyone wanting to understand the thought of the critic whom Terry Eagleton has described as "the most formidably brilliant exponent of psychoanalysis, indeed of cultural theory in general, to have emerged in Europe for some decades.