Search results for ""Taylor Francis""
Taylor & Francis Ltd Hitler and Nazi Germany
Hitler and Nazi Germany provides a concise introduction to Hitler’s rise to power and Nazi domestic and foreign policies through to the end of the Second World War. Combining narrative, the views of different historians, interpretation and a selection of sources, this book provides a concise introduction and study aid for students. This second edition has been extensively revised and expanded and includes new chapters on the Nazi regime, the SS and Gestapo, and the Second World War. Expanded background narratives provide a solid understanding of the period and the analyses and sources have been updated throughout to help students engage with recent historiography and form their own interpretation of events.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Water Ethics: Marcelino Botin Water Forum 2007
In the context of the current financial crisis, and at a time of deep global change, growing attention is paid to the global norms and ethical values that could underpin future global policy. Water is a key global resource. At the 3rd Marcelino Botin Foundation Water Workshop, held in Santander, Spain, June 12-14, 2007, the role of ethics in the deep roots, values, and the potential commonalities of the global water policy were discussed. Experts from different cultural, geographic and religious backgrounds considered the different ethical points of view to enhance the debate on how ethical considerations can play a more significant and explicit role in water development and management.Common ground for all contributing authors was considered to be the UN Declaration of 1948, and more specifically the basic aspects related to water ethics: 1. the dignity of every human being and 2. the necessity of solidarity among all human beings.The book is divided in 8 sections which correspond to the papers presented at the Workshop:Some Cultural Traditional Approaches on Water EthicsSome Ethical Aspects of New Water ManagementWater as a Human Right and as an Economic ResourceWater and PovertyGroundwater Use and its Ethical AspectsEthics of Water Ownership and ManagementCorruption, Transparency and Participation in the Water SectorEthical Aspects of Unforeseen and Extreme Events Management such as Floods and Droughts
Taylor & Francis Ltd Developmental and Cultural Nationalisms
Premature announcements of the eclipse of nation states under 'globalization' and 'empire' stand exposed as the 21st century's first economic crisis underlines their continuing importance. A predominantly cultural study of nationalism was unable to resist the 'globalization' thesis. Focusing on selected Asian cases, this book argues that nationalisms have always contained political economies as well as cultural politics. Placing nation-states centrally in our understanding of modern capitalism, it challenges the 'globalization' thesis. Rather than eclipse, nations and nationalisms have undergone changes under the impact of neoliberalism since the 1970s. Classical 20th century developmental nationalisms emphasised citizenship, economy and future orientations. Later cultural nationalisms - 'Asian values', 'Hindutva', 'Confucianism' or 'Nihonjiron' - stressed identity, culture and past orientations. Amid neoliberalism's flagrantly unequal political economy, not primarily concerned with material production or productivity, they glorified static conceptions of 'original' cultures and identities - whether religious, ethnic or other - and justified inequality as cultural difference. In contrast to the popular mobilizations which powered developmental nationalisms, cultural nationalisms throve on neoliberalism's disengagement and disenfranchisement, albeit partially compensated by the political baptism of newly enriched groups. Extremist wings of cultural nationalism in some countries were a function of this lack of popular support.This book was published as a special issue of Third World Quarterly.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Dynamics of High-Speed Railway Bridges: Selected and revised papers from the Advanced Course on ‘Dynamics of High-Speed Railway Bridges’, Porto, Portugal, 20-23 September 2005
The dynamic behaviour of bridges strongly affects the infrastructure system of high-speed railways, and is a crucial factor in safety issues and passenger comfort. Dynamics of High-Speed Railway Bridges covers the latest research in this field, including: – Recently developed dynamic analysis techniques; – Train excitations;– Design issues for high-speed railway bridges– Fatigue conduct of viaducts and large span bridges;– Bridge dynamic behaviour;– Case studies.Dynamics of High-Speed Railway Bridges will be invaluable to professionals, scientists, public institutions and students involved in the design, construction and maintenance of high-speed railway bridges.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Jumpstart! Storymaking: Games and Activities for Ages 7-12
Jumpstart! Storymaking is a collection of games and activities to develop the creative process of ‘storymaking’. It focuses upon 'storytelling for writing' as well as creating a whole school culture of storytelling, reading and writing. Storymaking is the process of retelling, innovating and creating new stories. Like the best-selling Jumpstart! Literacy, this book contains imaginative ‘quick-fire' ideas that could be used as creative warm-ups and starters or developed into lessons. There are over 100 provocative and thought-provoking games and activities, intended to ‘jumpstart’ storytelling, reading and writing in any Key Stage 1, 2 or 3 classroom. Practical, easy-to-do and vastly entertaining, the ‘jumpstarts’ will appeal to busy teachers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Beyond Postmodernism: New Dimensions in Clinical Theory and Practice
Beyond Postmodernism identifies ways in which psychoanalysis has moved beyond the postmodern debate and discusses how this can be applied to contemporary practice.Roger Frie and Donna Orange bring together many of the leading authorities on psychoanalytic theory and practice to provide a broad scope of psychoanalytic viewpoints and perspectives on the growing interdisciplinary discourse between psychoanalysis, continental philosophy, social theory and philosophy of mind. Divided into two parts, Psychoanalytic Encounters with Postmodernism and Psychoanalysis Beyond Postmodernism, this book: elaborates and clarifies aspects of the postmodern turn in psychoanalysis furthers an interdisciplinary perspective on clinical theory and practice contributes to new understandings of theory and practice beyond postmodernism. Beyond Postmodernism: New Dimensions in Clinical Theory and Practice provides a fresh perspective on the relationship between psychoanalysis and postmodernism and raises new issues for the future. It will be of interest to practicing psychoanalysts and psychologists as well as students interested in psychoanalysis, postmodernism and philosophy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Groundwater Governance in the Indo-Gangetic and Yellow River Basins: Realities and Challenges
One of the key features of agricultural development in the last five decades has been intensive groundwater use in the Indo-Gangetic Basin (Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bangladesh) and in the Yellow River Basin (China). Groundwater irrigates almost 60% of the net irrigated area in South Asia and 70% in the north China plains. Groundwater use for agriculture is still increasing. Despite the growing significance of groundwater to agricultural growth, food security and rural livelihoods globally, and at the same time significant signs of limitations and constraints for further use, knowledge of the subject has remained limited. The subject includes the wider issues of socioeconomic impacts, political economy, groundwater institutions, access to other resources like energy and land, approaches to resource governance and management and specifically integrating evidence-based science into management decisions.This book addresses these information shortfalls and provides a consolidated and cross-disciplinary source of information and documentation of realities and challenges of contemporary agricultural groundwater use and management in poverty-prone areas of Asia. It draws on primary data collected in the course of an innovative, cross-coordinated and inter-disciplinary fieldwork programme, covering those regions in Asia that significantly depend on groundwater for agricultural livelihoods. This work is essential reading for hydrogeologists, socio-economists, agro-economists and water managers working in poor countries. Donors and implementers, both government and NGO, will also learn from the experiences described in this book.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Technology, Design and Process Innovation in the Built Environment
Buildings and infrastructure represent principal assets of any national economy as well as prime sources of environmental degradation. Making them more sustainable represents a key challenge for the construction, planning and design industries and governments at all levels; and the rapid urbanisation of the 21st century has turned this into a global challenge.This book embodies the results of a major research programme by members of the Australia Co-operative Research Centre for Construction Innovation and its global partners, presented for an international audience of construction researchers, senior professionals and advanced students. It covers four themes, applied to regeneration as well as to new build, and within the overall theme of Innovation: Sustainable Materials and Manufactures, focusing on building material products, their manufacture and assembly – and the reduction of their ecological ‘fingerprints’, the extension of their service lives, and their re-use and recyclability. It also explores the prospects for applying the principles of the assembly line. Virtual Design, Construction and Management, viewed as increasing sustainable development through automation, enhanced collaboration (such as virtual design teams), real time BL performance assessment during design, simulation of the construction process, life-cycle management of project information (zero information loss) risk minimisation, and increased potential for innovation and value adding. Integrating Design, Construction and Facility Management over the Project Life Cycle, by converging ICT, design science engineering and sustainability science. Integration across spatial scales, enabling building–infrastructure synergies (such as water and energy efficiency). Convergences between IT and design and operational processes are also viewed as a key platform increased sustainability.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Combating International Crime: The Longer Arm of the Law
The realities of international law enforcement are widely misunderstood and generally mystifying to the uninitiated. Combating cross border crime is a dynamic aspect of criminal justice that is becoming increasingly complex and directly relevant to national and local level policing. Unfortunately, most practitioners and policy-makers are unaware of the challenges involved in investigating and prosecuting criminals across frontiers. Professional experience of combating international crime is still restricted to relatively few.Globalization and technological advances have removed a great many obstacles to trade, but they have also facilitated access to new markets for criminal entrepreneurs whilst offering a reduced risk of detection and prosecution. International criminal activity has always had a significant and direct, if somewhat obscured, impact on the national and local crime picture. Without effective or coordinated cross-border strategies to redress the balance, the risk and damage caused by international criminal activity will continue to increase unabated.Combating International Crime maps the practicalities and challenges in making cross-border law enforcement work. Addressing the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of crime or criminality which is conducted in more than one country, it provides a professional assessment and describes the essential ingredients of international law enforcement cooperation. It identifies the needs, implications and consequences of a comprehensive strategy against international crime and contains case studies by way of illustration and example.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Innovations in Structural Engineering and Construction Two Volume Set
Innovations in Structural Engineering and Construction focuses on the latest developments in innovative techniques and solutions in structural engineering and construction. The book includes contributions on specific types of materials and structures, such as reinforced concrete structures, steel structures, bridges, high-rise buildings and precast systems. Structures are also considered in the context of the environment, with contributions on geotechnical engineering, earthquake engineering, and fire engineering. The area of construction includes papers on construction planning and project management, contracting and claims, cost and quality control, and knowledge management. Other papers consider damage assessment, hazard and risk management, reliability analysis, optimal design, and engineering education and ethics. The collection will be of interest to structural and construction engineers, architects and those involved in the building and construction industry. It
Taylor & Francis Ltd Security Studies
Security Studies traces its origins to work on the causes of war. It remains the most significant subdiscipline of International Relations and, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, its concerns with the security of the international system and the individual, as well as the state, remain as pertinent and urgent as ever. Whileespecially since the events of 11 September 2001 and the remilitarization of US foreign policythe focus on states and military power remains central to Security Studies, the subject also embraces economic, societal, and environmental security. Furthermore, Security Studies has spawned a dizzying range of competing theoretical approachesliberal, constructivist, critical, postmodernist, and feminist among themto challenge the dominant realist' take on security.Addressing the need for an authoritative reference work to make sense of this rapidly growing and ever more complex corpus of scholarly literature, Security Studies is a new title in
Taylor & Francis Ltd Computational Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering: Structures and Infrastructures Book Series, Vol. 2
The increasing necessity to solve complex problems in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering requires the development of new ideas, innovative methods and numerical tools for providing accurate numerical solutions in affordable computing times. This book presents the latest scientific developments in Computational Dynamics, Stochastic Dynamics, Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering in thirty-five self-contained contributions. The selected state-of-the-art chapters are revised and extended versions of the papers which were presented as plenary, semi-plenary and keynote lectures at the thematic COMPDYN 2007 Conference.This volume will benefit researchers and engineering professionals working on structural dynamics, earthquake engineering and computational mechanics. Readers will get acquainted with advanced computational methods and software tools, which can assist them in tackling complex problems in dynamic/seismic analysis and design. Moreover, it will raise the awareness of important application areas and the social impact of the scientific and technical fields involved.
Taylor & Francis Ltd NeuroAnalysis: Bridging the Gap between Neuroscience, Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry
NeuroAnalysis investigates using the neural network and neural computation models to bridge the divide between psychology, psychoanalysis, and neuroscience when diagnosing mental health disorders and prescribing treatment.Avi Peled builds on Freud's early attempts to explain the neural basis of mental health by introducing neural computation as a bridging science to explain psychiatric disorders. Peled describes the brain as a complex system of interconnected units and goes on to suggest that conscious experience, feelings, and mood are emergent properties arising from these complex organisations. This model describes mental health disorders in terms of perturbation to the optimal brain organisation, and demonstrates how particular disorders can be identified through a specific breakdown pattern of the brain’s organisation.This fresh approach to the diagnosis of psychiatric disorders will interest students, professors, and researchers of psychoanalysis, neuroscience, and their related fields.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Nineteenth-Century Worlds: Global formations past and present
This volume assembles a wide range of studies that together provide—through their interdisciplinary range, international scope, and historical emphases—an original scholarly exploration of one of the most important topics in recent nineteenth-century studies: the emergence in the nineteenth century of forms of global experience that have developed more recently into rapidly expanding processes of globalization and their attendant collisions of race, religion, ethnicity, population groups, natural environments, national will and power. Emphasizing such links between global networks past and present, the essays in this volume engage with the latest work in postcolonial, cosmopolitan, and globalization theory while speaking directly to the most pressing concerns of contemporary geopolitics. Each essay examines specific cultural and historical circumstances in the formation of nineteenth-century worlds from a range of disciplinary perspectives, including economics, political history, natural history, philosophy, the history of medicine and disease, religious studies, literary criticism, art history, and colonial studies. Detailed in their particular modes of analysis yet integrated into a collective conversation about the nineteenth century’s profound impact on our present worlds, these inquiries also explore the economic, political, and cultural determinants on nineteenth-century types of transnational experience as interweaving forces creating new material frameworks and conceptual models for comprehending major human categories—such as race, gender, subjectivity, and national identity—in global terms. As nineteenth-century global intersections differ in important ways from the shapes of globalization today, however, the essays in this volume generate new ways of understanding emergent patterns of worldwide experience in the age of imperialism and thereby stimulate fresh insights into the dynamics of global formations and conflicts today.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The German Election of 2005: Voters, Parties and Grand Coalition Politics
The election of 2005 changed Germany’s political ‘landscape’. The combined share of the vote gained by the two major parties fell below 70 per cent, eliminating the option of a coalition between one of the two major parties (Christian Democrats and Social Democrats) with one of the smaller parties – the traditional pattern of government that had dominated German post-war politics since the late 1950s. The election resulted in the first national ‘Grand Coalition’ of the two major parties since 1969. While some have seen this government, elected in November 2005 and headed by the Christian Democrat Angela Merkel, as the symptom of a crisis of the traditional post-war German party system, others have highlighted the opportunities it opens up for constitutional and policy reform as Merkel’s ‘Grand Coalition’ controls an overwhelming majority of the votes in both houses of the German legislature. The German Election of 2005 analyses the road to the 2005 election and provide in-depth studies of the campaign and candidates, of voting behaviour and immediate consequences of the election, with contributions from leading experts from Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States. The findings are informed by theoretical and empirical work in the comparative study of parties and elections offering a nuanced, empirically rich picture of continuity and change in German electoral politics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Principles and Practice of Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology
This second edition of an award winning title has been thoroughly updated by a team of world leading head and neck surgeons, oncologists and allied healthcare professionals. Principles and Practice of Head & Neck Surgery and Oncology, 2nd edition is a comprehensive evidence-based account of the current scientific knowledge about head and neck tumors and their management. This book, with over 570 colour images, will provide a valuable source of knowledge and reference for all established specialists and trainees entrusted with the care of patients with head and neck tumors.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Nuclear Weapons Proliferation in the Next Decade
The intensification of the Iranian and North Korean nuclear crises has created new fears that deteriorating security conditions in the Middle East, Northeast Asia, and other regions will lead additional countries to seek their own nuclear arsenals in the years to come. This special issue examines the factors that are likely to shape nuclear weapons proliferation over the next decade. The internationally recognized authors of this issue, many of whom are prominent scholars and others of whom have held influential governmental positions with responsibility for countering nuclear proliferation, bring to light the conditions and events that might drive new countries to pursue nuclear weapons; the indicators and cautionary signs that can provide early warning that a country is interested in building nuclear bombs; and the policy and military measures that can be adopted to prevent or at least dissuade new proliferators. The introductory chapter develops a novel analytical approach focusing on the role of nuclear myths and mythmakers and the subsequent chapters draw on this approach to help analysts better understand and policy makers better manage nuclear proliferation over the next ten years.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Making of a European Constitution: Judges and Law Beyond Constitutive Power
An original and innovative recasting of constitutionalism, written by acknowledged experts in the field, this empirically grounded and theoretically informed volume addresses the strategies and philosophies that judges and lawyers bring to bear when creating European constitutional jurisprudence; investigating and promoting promotes the sustainability of a theory or praxis of ‘procedural’ constitutionalism.Building upon European and American critical legal scholarship, Michelle Everson and Julia Eisner argue that constitutional adjudication has never been the neutral matter of a mere judicial ‘identification’ of the values, norms and procedures that each society seeks to concretise in its own body of constitutional law. Instead, a ‘mythology’ of comprehensive national constitutional settlement has obscured the primary legal constitutional conundrum that is created by the requirement that a judiciary must always adapt its constitutional jurisprudence to the evolving values that are to be found within any society; but must always, also, maintain the integrity and autonomy of the law itself.European judges and lawyers, having been denied recourse to all forms of constitutional mythology, provide us with an alternative model of constitutionalism; one that does not require a founding myth of constitutional settlement, and one which both secures the autonomy of law, as well as ensures dialogue between law and society. This occurs, however, not through grand theories of ‘constitutional adjudication’ but, as The Making of a European Constitution documents, rather through a practical process.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Dreaming the Myth Onwards: New Directions in Jungian Therapy and Thought
Dreaming the Myth Onwards shows how a revised appreciation of myth can enrich our daily lives, our psychological awareness, and our human relationships. Lucy Huskinson and her contributors explore the interplay between myth, and Jungian thought and practice, demonstrating the philosophical and psychological principles that underlie our experience of psyche and world. Contributors from multi-disciplinary backgrounds throughout the world come together to assess the contemporary relevance of myth, in terms of its utility, its effectual position within Jungian theory and practice, and as a general approach for making sense of life. As well as examining the more conscious facets of myth, this volume discusses the unconscious psychodynamic "processes of myth", including active imagination, transference, and countertransference, to illustrate just how these mythic phenomena give meaning to Jungian theory and therapeutic experience. This rigorous and scholarly analysis showcases fresh readings of central Jungian concepts, updated in accordance with shifts in the cultural and epistemological concerns of contemporary Western consciousness. Dreaming the Myth Onwards will be essential reading for practicing analysts and academics in the field of the arts and social sciences.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Advances in Urban Flood Management
One of the effects of global climate change is the increasing variability of extreme flood events and cyclones. Current measures to mitigate flood impacts, particularly in the urban environment, are based on previously-planned flood risk intervals and no longer provide sufficient protection. Being prepared for unexpected changes and extreme flood events asks for a paradigm shift in current strategies to avoid and manage flood disasters. In order to stem the increasing impact of urban floods, a major rethink of current planning and flood management policies and practice is required, taking into account different spatial and temporal scales. This book addresses a broad spectrum of relevant issues in the emerging field of urban flood management. It may act as a stimulus for further research and development in urban flood management while informing and engaging stakeholders in the promotion of integrated and cooperative approaches in water management. An interdisciplinary approach which will be of interest to all those who are active in water, risk and urban management.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Personification: Using the Dialogical Self in Psychotherapy and Counselling
Personification discusses the theory behind multiplicity of the person and considers the implications that the relationships between the different parts of the same person have in practice. Providing both historical and contemporary insights John Rowan reveals new thinking and research in the field, as well as offering guidelines for using this information in practice.The book also looks closely at the practice of personification – a technique involving the turning of a problem into a person and allowing a two-way dialogue through which the inner critic can be addressed and explored.As such areas of discussion include: the use of multiplicity in therapy group work and the dialogical self the transpersonal This practical, straightforward book will be ideal reading for anyone using personification in their therapeutic work, including psychotherapists, counsellors and coaches.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Brands and Brand Management
The process of brand management originated in US consumer goods companies in the 1930s and is now firmly established as a core activity within the marketing department of any significant enterprise. In recent years, there has been a great surge of scholarly and popular interest in the subject. Almost every university offers courses in this area; new journals have formed that focus on brand issues; and an ever-increasing number of books and research articles attest to the growing attention paid to brands and their management.As work on brands and brand management flourishes now as it has never done before, this new title in the Routledge series, Critical Perspectives on Business and Management, meets the need for an authoritative reference work to make sense of the subject's vast literature and the continuing explosion in research output. Edited by Richard Elliott, a prominent scholar in the field, Brands and Brand Management is a four-volume collection of classic and
Taylor & Francis Ltd Regionalism in South Asia: Negotiating Cooperation, Institutional Structures
The dramatic surge in regional integration schemes over the past two decades has been one of the most important developments in world politics. Virtually all countries are now members of at least one regional grouping. South Asia is no exception to this trend. In December 1985, seven South Asian countries came together to establish South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) to address issues of peace and development in the region. This book examines regionalism in South Asia, exploring the linkages between institutional structures, government capabilities, and domestic actors’ preferences to explain the dynamics of regional cooperation. It considers the formation and evolution of SAARC, explaining why its growth in terms of institutional developments and program implementation has remained modest and slow over the past two decades. It also addresses the impact of important issues such as the acquisition of nuclear capabilities by India and Pakistan, the unending conflicts in Kashmir, the war against global terror in Afghanistan, and India’s growing economy. Drawing on a wealth of empirical research, including elite interviews and trade transaction data, this book sheds new light on the main cooperation issues in South Asia today and provides important information on the trends and prospects for regional cooperation in future years.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Economic Co-Operation in the Gulf: Issues in the Economies of the Arab Gulf Co-Operation Council States
With global concerns over rising oil prices, this book examines the major issues facing the economies of the Arab Gulf today, covering all six of the Arab Gulf Cooperation Council (AGCC) states: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Providing a detailed account of the central features of the economies of the Arab Gulf, this book draws out the critical trends that will shape the region in future years. It includes an in-depth analysis of topical issues such as the AGCC monetary union, intra-AGCC national labour movement, Islamic banking and programmes to finance small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The book: assesses the costs and benefits of the proposed monetary union, assessing whether AGCC economic structures have converged sufficiently, and whether these economies have the internal flexibility necessary to make the union work effectively investigates intra-national labour mobility in the context of the forthcoming monetary union and identifies the most crucial features in a successful common AGCC employment strategy considers the fortunes of the prominent Islamic banks in the region examines the impact on liquidity of the external economic environment and regulatory policy contrasts and compares some of the major SME financing schemes, focusing in particular on SME financing in Oman.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Extranodal Lymphomas: Pathology and Management
Lymphomas classically manifest themselves in the lymph nodes but can also present in other bodily tissues or systems; the organ where exactly they present may make a very great difference to the strategy that should be adopted for their management. This topic has only recently been consistently addressed as an issue on its own, apart from the rest of the lymphomas, and this text is the first to apply modern systems of classification, diagnosis and management. This text is essential reading for hematologic oncologists and hematopathologists.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Relational Ethics in Practice: Narratives from Counselling and Psychotherapy
Relational Ethics in Practice presents a new collection of narratives on ethics in day-to-day therapeutic practice. Highly experienced professionals from a range of roles in the therapeutic professions explore ways of developing ethical and effective relationships. The contributors provide the reader with engaging and informative narratives that indicate how ethics can inform and influence practice in a variety of clinical contexts across the helping professions. These personal and professional narratives will encourage people to think more proactively about ethics and the impact that they have on both therapeutic practice, and life in general.Throughout this book, Lynne Gabriel, Roger Casemore and their contributors emphasise that the consideration of the ethical dimension is of paramount importance to successful processes and outcomes in every therapeutic relationship. Chapters cover a number of topics including: how theoretical approaches can inform ethical decision making and practice practical difficulties and ethical challenges innovative and unconventional approaches informed consent across various contexts pointers for good practice the notion of the 'wounded healer'. Relational Ethics in Practice: Narratives from Counselling and Psychotherapy will appeal to a wide range of readers involved in the helping professions including counsellors, psychotherapists, researchers, supervisors and trainees.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Managing Project Ending
Understanding project endings is a significant part of project management, yet there is relatively little work published in this important area. This book addresses the gap, focusing on the successful management of project endings, showing how to plan for the ending of a project, how to create ending competencies, and in particular, how to successfully manage relations with different stakeholders of a project as it is coming to an end. Havila and Salmi use a real-life case in the airline industry to show how the successful ending project was achieved and in doing so portray ideas and experiences not typically considered in the field. Through the case discussion, the complexity of the process is unveiled and the achievement of success for all parties is explained. The book portrays three key success factors: ending competencies, to be developed both at the organizational and individual levels; efficient management of the business network around the ending project; and involvement at the strategic managerial level. It concludes that project endings are often complex and have far-reaching effects, and therefore, call for close managerial attention.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Media Literacies
The past century has witnessed an ever-accelerating revolution in the ways by which we communicate with each other, and that revolution is far from complete. Understanding how our literacy skills and behaviours are evolvinghow we make use of old technologies and adapt to new onesand how critical development may be fostered is arguably one of the greatest challenges of the twenty-first century. It is vital to education, to civic participation, to political and commercial judgement, and to many other areas of contemporary life.One of the principal barriers to gaining a comprehensive grasp of how people understand and use contemporary media lies in differential adoption of media technologies. This differential adoption, whether generational, financial, or geographic, has major implications for the development of literacies related to particular media. Official educational practices often lag far behind behaviours on the ground', and the ways in which learners develop new strateg
Taylor & Francis Ltd Religious Discrimination and Hatred Law
Dealing with this new and controversial area, this is the first comprehensive guide to religious discrimination and hatred legislation. Written by a practising barrister, experienced in all courts and tribunals, this book uses many practical examples covering all forms of religious belief.Exploring part two of the Equality Act and the Racial and Religious Hatred Act, Addison examines the fundamental differences between religion and race which make the operation of these new laws far more problematic than other racial laws. By looking at these new pieces of legislation, together with the existing Human Rights provisions of Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights, the 2003 Employment Discrimination Regulations and the 2001 Religiously Aggravated Offences, he is able to draw subtle comparisons and create a holistic overview of religion and the law.Challenging some common but simplistic views on the nature of religion and its accommodation in the law, this book is an essential read for students and professionals interested in human rights law and law and religion.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Western Psychological and Educational Theory in Diverse Contexts
This book examines aspects of Western psychological and educational theory in relation to educational practice around the world, and considers the extent to which current understandings are truly applicable to a range of diverse settings. In so doing, it also seeks to question, where appropriate, existing orthodoxies within Western educational systems.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Critical Feminist Approaches to Eating Dis/Orders
Over the past decade there have been significant shifts both in feminist approaches to the field of eating disorders and in the ways in which gender, bodies, body weight, body management and food are understood, represented and regulated within the dominant cultural milieus of the early twenty-first century.Critical Feminist Approaches to Eating Dis/Orders addresses these developments, exploring how eating disordered subjectivities, experiences and body management practices are theorised and researched within postmodern and post-structuralist feminist frameworks.Bringing together an international range of cutting-edge, contemporary feminist research and theory on eating disorders, this book explores how anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and obesity cannot be adequately understood in terms of individual mental illness and deviation from the norm but are instead continuous with the dominant cultural ideas and values of contemporary cultures.This book will be essential reading for academic, graduate and post-graduate researchers with an interest in eating disorders and critical feminist scholarship, across a range of disciplines including psychology, sociology, cultural studies and gender studies as well as clinicians interested in exploring innovative theory and practice in this field.
Taylor & Francis Ltd IBSS: Political Science: 2005 Vol.54: International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
First published in 1952, the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (anthropology, economics, political science, and sociology) is well established as a major bibliographic reference for students, researchers and librarians in the social sciences worldwide.Key features:* Authority: Rigorous standards are applied to make the IBSS the most authoritative selective bibliography ever produced. Articles and books are selected on merit by some of the world's most expert librarians and academics.* Breadth: Today the IBSS covers over 2000 journals - more than any other comparable resource. The latest monograph publications are also included.* International Coverage: The IBSS reviews scholarship published in over thirty languages, including publications from Eastern Europe and the developing world.* User friendly organization: all non-English titles are word sections. Extensive author, subject and place name indexes are provided in both English and French.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Research in Building Physics and Building Engineering: 3rd International Conference in Building Physics (Montreal, Canada, 27-31 August 2006)
Buildings influence people. They account for one third of energy consumption across the globe and represent an annual capital expenditure of 7%-10% of GNP in industrialized countries. Their lifetime operation costs can exceed capital investment. Building Engineering aims to make buildings more efficient, safe and economical. One branch of this discipline, Building Physics/Science, has gained prominence, with a heightened awareness of such phenomena as sick buildings, the energy crisis and sustainability, and considering the performance of buildings in terms of climatic loads and indoor conditions. The book reflects the advanced level and high quality of research which Building Engineering, and Building Physics/Science in particular, have reached at the beginning of the twenty-first century. It will be a valuable resource to: engineers, architects, building scientists, consultants on the building envelope, researchers and graduate students.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Becoming Places: Urbanism / Architecture / Identity / Power
About the practices and politics of place and identity formation – the slippery ways in which who we are becomes wrapped up with where we are – this book exposes the relations of place to power. It links everyday aspects of place experience to the social theories of Deleuze and Bourdieu in a very readable manner. This is a book that takes the social critique of built form another step through detailed fieldwork and analysis in particular case studies.Through a broad range of case studies from nationalist monuments and new urbanist suburbs to urban laneways and avant garde interiors, questions are explored such as: What is neighborhood character? How do squatter settlements work and does it matter what they look like? Can architecture liberate? How do monuments and public spaces shape or stabilize national identity?
Taylor & Francis Ltd Virtual and Rapid Manufacturing: Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping
Collection of 120 peer-reviewed papers that were presented at the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping, held in Leiria, Portugal in September 2007. Essential reading for all those working on V&RP, focused on inducing increased collaboration between industry and academia. In addition to keynotes dealing with cutting-edge manufacturing engineering issues, contributions deal with topical research virtual and rapid prototyping (V&RP), such as: 1. biomanufacturing, 2. CAD and 3D data acquistion technologies, 3. materials, 4. rapid tooling and manufacturing, 6. advanced rapid prototyping technologies and nanofabrication, 7. virtual environments, 8. collaborative design and engineering and 9. various applications.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Green Braid: Towards an Architecture of Ecology, Economy and Equity
This volume presents the discipline’s best thinking on sustainability in written, drawn, and built form, drawing on over fifteen years of peer-reviewed essays and national design awards published by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA).Providing a primer on sustainability, useful to teachers and students alike, the selected essays address a broad range of issues. Combined with design projects that highlight issues holistically, they promote an understanding of the principles of sustainability and further the integration of sustainable methods into architectural projects.Using essays that alternately revise and clarify twentieth century architectural thinking, The Green Braid places sustainability at the centre of excellent architectural design. No other volume addresses sustainability within the context of architectural history, theory, pedagogy and design, making this book an ideal source for architects in framing their practices, and therefore their architectural production, in a sustainable manner.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Citizenship in Nordic Welfare States: Dynamics of Choice, Duties and Participation In a Changing Europe
This book offers an innovative analysis of the ways in which the relationship between citizens and welfare states - social citizenship - becomes more dynamic and multifaceted as a result of Europeanization and individualization.Written by interdisciplinary contributors from politics, sociology, law and philosophy, it examines the transformation of social citizenship through a series of illuminating case studies, comparing Nordic countries and other European nations.Dealing with the following areas of national and European welfare policy, legislation and practice: activation – reforms linking income maintenance and employment promotion scope for participation of marginal groups in deliberation and decision-making impact of human rights legislation for welfare and legal protection against discrimination and social barriers to equal market participation coordination of social security systems to facilitate cross-border mobility in Europe pension reform – efforts to make pension systems sustainable. Citizenship in Nordic Welfare States will be of interest to students and researchers of social policy, comparative welfare, social law, political science, sociology and European studies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Inside Intuition
What is ‘gut feeling’ and how can it be harnessed? To what extent should business decisions be informed by ‘instincts’ which may seem irrational or impossible to quantify? Inside Intuition examines how the latest developments in social psychology and cognitive psychology, as well as exciting new insights from evolutionary psychology and cognitive neuroscience, can be used to explain the phenomenon of ‘gut feeling’ which has for decades been shrouded in magic and mysticism. This book provides a highly readable scientific explanation of ‘gut feeling’, and the sometimes profound effects it can have in decision-making in business, management and other professional contexts. Using examples ranging from Boeing to Buddhism, it explains how managers and other decision makers can make better use of this pervasive, involuntary and ubiquitous phenomenon in their personal and professional lives to support creativity, innovation and interpersonal functioning. Inside Intuition is essential reading for all advanced students of business and management, and for managers and professionals at all levels.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Supervision of Dance Movement Psychotherapy: A Practitioner's Handbook
Supervision of Dance Movement Psychotherapy is the first book of its kind to explore the supervisory process in the psychotherapeutic practice of movement and dance. Helen Payne brings together international contributors to discuss how the language of the body plays an important part in the supervisory experience for psychotherapists and counsellors.Contributors consider a variety of models and examine the role of supervision in a range of professional and cultural settings, forming a theoretical base to current practice in dance movement psychotherapy. Chapters include: an overview of supervision in dance movement therapy working psychotherapeutically with the embodied self transcultural issues the use of authentic movement in supervision a novice practitioner’s experiences. Outlining key concepts from both theory and practice, this book contributes towards a deeper understanding of the mentor-trainee relationship and the curative power of movement and dance. Supervisors and supervisees in dance movement psychotherapy as well as the arts therapies, counselling, and psychotherapy will find it invaluable.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Clinton, Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Interventionism: Rise and Fall of a Policy
This volume re-examines the evidence surrounding the rise and fall of peacekeeping policy during the first Clinton Administration. Specifically, it asks: what happened to cause the Clinton Executive to abandon its previously favoured policy platform of humanitarian multilateralism? Clinton, Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Interventionism aims to satisfy a large gap in our understanding of events surrounding 1990s peacekeeping policy, humanitarian intervention and the Rwandan genocide, as well as shedding some light on US policy on Africa, and the issues surrounding the current peacekeeping debate.Leonie Murray takes an unorthodox stance with regard to the role of public opinion on peacekeeping policy, and delves deeper into the roles that the legislature, the military, and in particular, the executive had to play in the development of US peacekeeping policy in the 1990s. The conclusions reached concerning the role of the United States and the International Community in the face of the Rwandan Genocide are of particular note in their departure from the accepted wisdom on the subject.This book will be of interest to students of peacekeeping, international relations, US foreign policy and humanitarian intervention.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Supervision of Music Therapy: A Theoretical and Practical Handbook
Supervision of Music Therapy discusses the theoretical bases underlying approaches to supervision in music therapy, as well as focusing on the distinctive aspects of music therapy supervision from both clinical and conceptual perspectives.In this book, leading music therapy supervisors and researchers demonstrate how music therapy trainees and practising clinicians can be supported through supervision, allowing them to develop confidence and authenticity in their work. Contributors discuss supervision of clinical work with a variety of patients in a range of settings, from special education to forensic psychiatry, including work in schools, children’s services and a dedicated music therapy centre. A chapter on the academic supervision of music therapists undertaking doctoral research is provided, together with an overview of the history and continuing development of the field.Supervision of Music Therapy contributes to current debates about approaches to supervision in music therapy, and offers the reader fresh perspectives on the subject, making this a book of value to practising therapists, supervisors and students alike.
Taylor & Francis Ltd ESMO Handbook on Principles of Translational Research
Using state-of-the-art and evidence-based literature references and reviews, the authors present an overview of translational research that is both reliable and easily understood. The book begins with principles of normal cell biology and normal immunology. It examines tumor biology and basic tumor immunology. It then discusses limitless replicative potential, self-sufficiency in growth signals, insensitivity to anti-growth signals, and evading apoptosis. The book concludes with a chapter on angiogenesis, tissue invasion and metastasis, treatment, and evaluation of treatment.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Imagery and the Threatened Self: Perspectives on Mental Imagery and the Self in Cognitive Therapy
Imagery is important in cognitive therapy because images often trigger strong emotions, and imagery techniques such as imaginal reliving and imaginal rescripting are increasingly used in therapeutic treatments. Imagery and the Threatened Self considers the role that images of the self play in a number of common mental health problems and how these images can be used to help people to recover.Stopa and her contributors focus specifically on images of the self which are often negative and distorted and can contribute to both the cause and the progression of clinical disorders. The book includes chapters on current theories of the self and on imagery techniques used in therapy, alongside chapters that examine the role of self-images and how images can be used in the treatment of disorders including: social phobia post-traumatic stress disorder eating disorders depression bipolar disorder. Imagery and the Threatened Self is an original and innovative book that will appeal to both clinicians and students who are studying and practising cognitive therapy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Using the Creative Arts in Therapy and Healthcare: A Practical Introduction
Using the Creative Arts in Therapy and Healthcare provides a practical introduction to the uses of arts and other creative processes to promote health and encourage healing.This latest edition includes newly edited chapters from the original and second edition covering the therapeutic use of dance, drama, folklore and ritual, story telling and the visual arts. Information on guidelines, preparations and practical hints for leaders and facilitators has also been updated. New chapters provide an international perspective in the field of the arts and healthcare, and show how the artist can alleviate distress for patients through art, music and drama.Illustrated throughout with ideas and examples of how the arts can be used in a range of healthcare settings, this book will be essential reading for creative arts therapists and healthcare professionals throughout the world.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy with Children and Young People
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is characterised by a person's obsessive, distressing, intrusive thoughts and their related compulsions. It affects an estimated one percent of teenagers and has been detected in children as young as three years old.In this concise, accessible book experienced contributors provide detailed guidance on carrying out assessments and treatment for children and young people with OCD from a cognitive behavioural perspective. This approach has been developed from extensive research and clinical work with young people with OCD and associated problems. The book includes: an overview of OCD an introduction to CBT and its relevance to OCD in young people assessment and treatment methods case studies and clinical vignettes worksheets for use with the client. This straightforward text provides essential direction for practitioners and trainees in a range of professions including psychiatry, psychotherapy, counselling, nursing, education and social work.Online resources:The appendices of this book provide worksheets that can be downloaded free of charge to purchasers of the print version. Please visit the website to find out more about this facility.
Taylor & Francis Ltd 11th US/North American Mine Ventilation Symposium 2006: Proceedings of the 11th US/North American Mine Ventilation Symposium, 5-7 June 2006, Pennsylvania, USA
This volume is the eleventh in a series which documents the technical papers of the mine ventilation symposium, which was initiated in 1982 by the Underground Ventilation Committee of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc. In more recent years, the event has expanded to include all of North America and is known as the US/North American Mine Ventilation Symposium. The US/North American Mine Ventilation Symposium 2006 designated 'Coal Mine Methane Capture and Utilization' and 'Diesel Issues for Underground and Surface Mines' as topics of special interest. Numerous papers discussed these two topics, and there were presentations on mine dusts, mine fires, ventilation in large-opening mines, and numerous other ventilation topics. The symposium was supplemented by short courses on state-of-the-art in diesel emissions technology, computer analysis of ventilation circuits, personal dust monitoring, and methane capture technology. In addition, field trips to mines, research facilities, and methane gathering sites were offered to participants of the symposium. The book is of special interest to practitioners, educators, and researchers in the field of ventilation of mines, tunnels, and other underground facilities. Includes a CD-ROM of the proceedings.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Caesarean: Just Another Way of Birth?
This book critically analyzes the place of caesarean in childbearing at the beginning of the twenty first century. It questions the changes that are taking place in childbirth and, in particular, the effects and implications of an increase in caesarean births. This controversial work by a practising midwife and researcher, includes discussion of: the context of the operation and description of it health systems around the world and their caesarean incidence rates decision-making and cultural/medical constraints the short and long term implications of caesarean for baby and mother. Using up-to-date research, Rosemary Mander bases her argument on a firm evidence-base and argues that the rapidly rising caesarean section rate may not be for the benefit of either the woman giving birth or her baby. Rather, the beneficiaries may actually be those professionals whose investment is in extending the range of their influence and thus increasing the medicalization of normal life.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Financial Fragility and Instability in Indonesia
This highly relevant study provides an incisive analysis of a critical phase in recent East Asian financial history, exploring the underlying causes of the financial crisis that struck Indonesia during the second half of 1997. Matsumoto’s extensive commercial experience in Indonesian finance during these critical years, allows him to skilfully argue that the roots of the crisis lay in the period of capital liberalization undertaken during the boom years from 1994 to 1997 which encouraged the development of fragile and unstable financial structures, involving increased corporate leverage, reliance on external debt, and the introduction of riskier and more complicated financial instruments and transactions.In-depth fieldwork data and four detailed case studies illuminate the microeconomic foundations of the crisis, showing how Indonesian capitalists sought to liquidate their Indonesian assets without losing control of their corporate empires, by taking advantage of increased access to foreign loans and complex financial re-engineering, actions which ultimately precipitated instability and crisis throughout the entire financial system. Finally, it reflects upon the policy implications of this episode, putting forward the case for comprehensive capital controls for open and developing economies until they establish appropriate financial institutions to monitor and manage the level of indebtedness and the volatility of capitalists’ behaviour.