Search results for ""Taylor Francis""
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Social Science Encyclopedia
The Social Science Encyclopedia, first published in 1985 to acclaim from social scientists, librarians and students, was thoroughly revised in 1996, when reviewers began to describe it as a classic. This third edition has been radically recast. Over half the entries are new or have been entirely rewritten, and most of the balance have been substantially revised.Written by an international team of contributors, the Encyclopedia offers a global perspective on key issues within the social sciences. Some 500 entries cover a variety of enduring and newly vital areas of study and research methods. Experts review theoretical debates from neo-evolutionism and rational choice theory to poststructuralism, and address the great questions that cut across the social sciences. What is the influence of genes on behaviour? What is the nature of consciousness and cognition? What are the causes of poverty and wealth? What are the roots of conflict, wars, revolutions and genocidal violence?This authoritative reference work is aimed at anyone with a serious interest in contemporary academic thinking about the individual in society.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Infinite Question
In his latest book Christopher Bollas uses detailed studies of real clinical practice to illuminate a theory of psychoanalysis which privileges the human impulse to question. From earliest childhood to the end of our lives, we are driven by this impulse in its varying forms, and The Infinite Question illustrates how Freud's free associative method provides both patient and analyst with answers and, in turn, with an ongoing interplay of further questions.At the book's core are transcripts of real analytical sessions, accompanied by parallel commentaries which highlight key aspects of the free associative method in practice. These transcripts are contextualised by further discussion of the cases themselves, as well as a wider theoretical framework which places its emphasis on Freud's theory of the logic of sequence: by learning to listen to this free associative logic, Bollas argues, we can discover a richer and more complex unconscious voice than if we rely solely on Freud's theory of repressed ideas.Bollas demonstrates, in an eloquent and persuasive manner, how the Freudian position of evenly suspended attentiveness enables the analyst's unconscious to catch the drift of the patient's own unconscious. He also shows that to stimulate further questioning is often of more benefit to the analytical process than to jump to an interpretation. Yet whatever fascinating course a session may take, neither the patient nor the analyst can halt the progress of the self-propelling interrogative drive.The Infinite Question will be invaluable to both the new student and the experienced psychoanalyst, read either on its own or as a practice-based extension of the theoretical ideas elaborated in its companion volume, The Evocative Object World (also published by Routledge).
Taylor & Francis Ltd Energy Portfolios
This book provides an overview of the globally ongoing research and development efforts to reduce carbon emissions and costs, and to improve the efficiency of emerging energy technologies. It covers current and future research and development of Coal, Oil, Natural Gas, Nuclear Power, and Renewable Energy Resources. The author provides optimal size, capital costs, powerplant operation costs and health consequences for each resource. The author delineates low-carbon emission alternatives and methods to mitigate environmental and health risks.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Emigrant Players: Sport and the Irish Diaspora
Ireland and its inhabitants have often been described as being ‘sports mad’. As a relatively small geographical entity, Ireland, north and south, has produced a disproportionately high number of world class sports men and women who have excelled at the highest levels of their chosen sport. The significance of sport in Ireland though extends far beyond the achievements of such individuals. Sport has historically assumed a centrality in the lives of the island’s inhabitants, a fact that can be measured by the numbers and commitment of participants as well as the emotional and financial investment of fans.This book seeks to address the ways in which Irish aptitude and ebullience for sport has manifested itself in those parts of the world that have or have had relatively large Irish communities. The first part of the book explores the diffusion of Gaelic games to a number of centres of Irish immigration and examines the social, economic, political and psychological impact that these games had in helping the Diaspora adjust to life in what were often inhospitable environs. The second part of the book extends the analysis by examining the contribution of Irish sports men and women to the sports culture that they encountered in their new homes and assessing the ways in which their involvement in these sports allowed them to come to terms with and make their way in their new locales. This book was previously published as a special issue of the journal, Sport in Society
Taylor & Francis Ltd Sustainability and the Design of Transport Interchanges
The interchange is a new form of transport building which integrates into a single whole various modes of public transport, putting the passenger first (rather than the infrastructure). This book presents design principles for transport interchanges and offers analysis of best practice in the UK and abroad. The author demonstrates how this complex new building type integrates with the city, on the one hand, and with different types of transport on the other. In this integration design in both plan and section are important, as is urban and landscape design. The idea of ‘interchange’ is increasingly relevant as town planners, engineers and architects address the question of sustainable development with its emphasis on energy efficiency, social cohesion, access for the elderly, and urban regeneration.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Recognition, Equality and Democracy: Theoretical Perspectives on Irish Politics
This volume brings together a range of theoretical responses to issues in Irish politics. Its organising ideas: recognition, equality, and democracy set the terms of political debate within both jurisdictions. For some, there are significant tensions between the grammar of recognition, concerned with esteem, respect and the symbolic aspects of social life, and the logic of equality, which is primarily concerned with the distribution of material resources and formal opportunities, while for others, tensions are produced rather by certain interpretations of these ideas while alternative readings may, by contrast, serve as the basis for a systematic account of social and political inequality. The essays in this collection will explore these interconnections with reference to the politics of Northern Ireland and the Republic. The Republic has gone through a period in which its constitution was the focus for a liberal politics aimed at securing personal autonomy, while Northern Ireland’s political landscape has been shaped by the problem of securing political autonomy and democratic legitimacy. While the papers address key questions facing each particular polity, the issues themselves have resonances for politics on each side of the border.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Modeling Environment-Improving Technological Innovations under Uncertainty
The issues of technology and uncertainty are very much at the heart of the policy debate of how much to control greenhouse gas emissions. The costs of doing so are present and high while the benefits are very much in the future and, most importantly, they are highly uncertain. Whilst there is broad consensus on the key elements of climate change science and agreement that near-term actions are needed to prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system, there is little agreement on the costs and benefits of climate policy. The book looks at different ways of reconciling the needs for sustainability and equity with the costs of action now.Presenting a compendium of methodologies for evaluating the economic impact of technological innovation upon climate-change policy, this book describes mathematical models and their predictions. The goal is to provide a practitioner’s guide for doing the science of economics and climate change. Because the assumptions motivating different problems in the economics of climate change have different complexities, a number of models are presented with varying levels of difficulty: reduced-form and structural, partial- and general-equilibrium, closed-form and computational. A unifying theme of these models is the incorporation of a number of price and quantity instruments and an analysis of their respective efficacies. This book presents models that contain structural uncertainty, i.e., uncertainty that economic agents respond to via their risk attitudes. The novelty of this book is to relate the effects of risk and risk attitudes to environment-improving technological innovation.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Treatment and Management of Bladder Cancer
Bladder cancer is an international public health problem affecting millions of people in both developed and underdeveloped nations. This major urologic malignancy was one of the first cancers to be linked to occupational and environmental exposure to carcinogens. Bladder cancer is the 5th most common cancer of American men and the 8th most common cancer of American women. Sixty thousand new cases of the disease are diagnosed each year in the US alone; disease prevalence is high in western nations due to the predominance of the chronic relapsing form of cancer that occurs in these countries (USA prevalence estimated to be 600,000; NCI-SEER database). This single fact makes bladder cancer one of the most expensive cancers to treat. Treatment and Management of Bladder Cancer, drawing on the expertise of an international community of experts in the field, provides the reader with all aspects of diagnosis and treatment pertaining to bladder cancer.As an additional feature, the book will include a cd-rom containing the figures and legends from each chapter in a user-friendly format, in order to further aid the reader.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Containment of High-Level Radioactive and Hazardous Solid Wastes with Clay Barriers
One of the principal objections to or problems with the use of nuclear fuel is that a proven method for safe disposal of spent nuclear fuel has yet to be established. The central focus of most schemes underway to dispose of these high-level radioactive wastes relies on clay-based buffers and barriers to isolate spent fuel canisters in boreholes deep underground in specially constructed tunnels and caverns. Current thought on the principal methods of containment of high-level radioactive wastes is presented in this book. The authors proceed to discuss the processes and mechanisms involved in the development of long term properties and performance of clay-based buffers and backfills. The procedures and methodologies used to undertake predictions and performance assessments of these materials are also examined.This is an invaluable reference for professionals, researchers, academics and regulators engaged in the development of radioactive waste sites.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Consuming Symbolic Goods: Identity and Commitment, Values and Economics
The phenomenon of consumption has increasingly drawn attention from economists. While the ‘sole purpose of production is consumption’, as Adam Smith has claimed, economists have up to recently generally ignored the topic. This book brings together a range of different perspectives on the topic of consumption that will finally shed the necessary light on a largely neglected theme, such as Why is the consumption of symbolic goods different than that of goods that are not constitutive of individuals’ identity? How does the consumption of symbolic goods affect social processes and economic phenomena? Will taking consumption (of symbolic goods) seriously impact economics itself? The book discusses these issues theoretically, and, through analyses of such cases as food, religion, fashion, empirically as well. It also discusses the possible role in the future of consumption.This book was previously published as a special issue of Review of Social Economy
Taylor & Francis Ltd Competitiveness of New Europe: Papers from the Second Lancut Economic Forum
New Europe is a rhetorical term used by some analysts to describe European post-communist transition success stories. The term implies their recent return to European, or more precisely Western civilization, but suggests - given their (forced) communist detour - that there is no single Pan-European identity in the EU. This book examines the nations that make up the so-called New-Europe (those that joined the European Union in 2004) to look at the economic competitiveness in comparison with each other and the rest of Europe.The editor - a leading scholar on transition economics - draws together contributions from a wide range of contributors to look at this important issue. These essays stress the interaction between successful transition measures creating an encouraging, more transparent, liberal (i.e. free market) environment on the one hand and the inflow of foreign investors encouraged by that environment on the other.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Advanced Simulation and Modeling for Urban Groundwater Management - UGROW: UNESCO-IHP
UGROW (Urban GROundWater) represents one of the most advanced urban water management tools produced to date and fully integrates all urban water system components including groundwater. It will raise the awareness of the interaction between urban water system components, support management decision-making, and solve a wide range of urban water problems. The model has a sound scientific basis, is computationally efficient, and is supported by outstanding graphics. Developed as part of the sixth Phase of UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme (IHP-IV), UGROW was tested and refined under a range of demanding urban conditions. Book includes UGROW software CD-ROM and instruction manual.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Integrated Urban Water Management: Humid Tropics: UNESCO-IHP
Excess water in the urban environment results in flooding,which causes structural damage, risks to personal safety and disruption to city life. Water is also a major contributory factor for disease transmission as well as being the medium for transport of many pollutants. These problems are of increasing concern due to climate changes and are particularly apparent in the humid tropics. Integrated Urban Water Management in the Humid Tropics – the output of a project by UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme on the topic – focuses on engineering aspects related to water supply, wastewater and stormwater management in the humid tropics. Flood control is dealt with a specific emphasis on reducing vulnerability to flood disasters in urban areas.The book also addresses environmental health concerns related to the different components of the urban water system and strategies for their control. The volume provides illustrations of different aspects of integrated water management in the urban environment by drawing upon a set of case studies – predominantly from South America.Urban Water Series - UNESCO-IHP, ISSN 1749-0790Following from the Sixth Phase of UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme (2002–2007), the Urban Water Series – UNESCO-IHP addresses fundamental issues related to the role of water in cities and the effects of urbanization on the hydrological cycle and water resources. Focusing on the development of integrated approaches to sustainable urban water management, the Series should inform the work of urban water management practitioners, policy-makers and educators throughout the world.Series EditorsCedo Maksimovic, Imperial College, London, United KingdomJ. Alberto Tejada-Guibert, International Hydrological Programme, UNESCO, Paris, France
Taylor & Francis Ltd Towards Responsible Government in East Asia: Trajectories, Intentions and Meanings
This book explores the idea of responsible government in East Asia, arguing that many recent governance crises have resulted from responsibility failures on a huge scale. It distinguishes between accountability, which it argues has been overemphasised recently, and responsibility, which it argues goes beyond accountability, true responsible government involving the actor in feeling liable for and taking responsibility for his or her actions. It shows how historically the concept of responsibility is more embedded in political discussions in Asia, whereas the concepts of democracy and accountability are more embedded in the intellectual traditions of Europe, but that the challenges of revolution and post-revolution, decolonization and post-colonization and neo-liberal globalization have complicated matters. Drawing on a wide range of case studies from East Asia, and relating the concepts discussed to political theory, ethics and social psychology, the book shows how actors in government and society interact to deliberate, produce or distract from the practice and perception of “responsible government”, and suggests how the concept of “responsible government”, better defined, might be encouraged to produce better governance.
Taylor & Francis Ltd What Works with Children, Adolescents, and Adults?: A Review of Research on the Effectiveness of Psychotherapy
What Works with Children, Adolescents, and Adults? provides an up-to-date review of research on the effectiveness of psychotherapy and psychological interventions with children, adolescents, adults, people in later life, and people with intellectual and pervasive developmental disabilities.Drawing on recent meta-analyses, systematic reviews, and key research studies in psychotherapy, this volume presents evidence for: the overall effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of psychotherapy the contribution of common factors to the outcome of successful psychotherapy the effectiveness of specific psychotherapy protocols for particular problems. This comprehensive, user-friendly guide will inform clinical practice, service development and policy. It will be invaluable to psychotherapists, service managers, policymakers, and researchers. What Works with Children, Adolescents, and Adults? offers a review of the evidence base for three Handbooks published by Routledge: The Handbook of Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology (Carr, 2006), The Handbook of Adult Clinical Psychology (Carr & McNulty, 2006), and The Handbook of Intellectual Disability and Clinical Psychology Practice (O’Reilly, Carr, Walsh, & McEvoy, 2007).
Taylor & Francis Ltd Guide to Publishing a Scientific Paper
"Guide to Publishing a Scientific Paper" provides researchers in every field of the biological, physical and medical sciences with all the information necessary to prepare, submit for publication, and revise a scientific paper. The book includes details of every step in the process that is required for the publication of a scientific paper, for example, use of correct style and language choice of journal, use of the correct format, and adherence to journal guidelines submission of the manuscript in the appropriate format and with the appropriate cover letter and other materials the format for responses to reviewers' comments and resubmission of a revised manuscript The advice provided conforms to the most up-to-date specifications and even the seasoned writer will learn how procedures have changed in recent years, in particular with regard to the electronic submission of manuscripts. Every scientist who is preparing to write a paper should read this book before embarking on the preparation of a manuscript. This useful book also includes samples of letters to the Editor and responses to the Editor's comments and referees' criticism. In addition, as an Appendix, the book includes succinct advice on how to prepare an application for funding. The author has edited more than 7,500 manuscripts over the past twenty years and is, consequently, very familiar with all of the most common mistakes. Her book provides invaluable and straightforward advice on how to avoid these mistakes. Dr. Körner is a professional editor and writer. She has an undergraduate degree from the University of Cambridge and a doctorate in Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry from Yale University.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Distinctive Features
What are the distinctive theoretical and practical features of acceptance and commitment therapy?Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a modern behaviour therapy that uses acceptance and mindfulness interventions alongside commitment and behaviour change strategies to enhance psychological flexibility. Psychological flexibility refers to the ability to contact the present moment and change or persist in behaviour that serves one’s personally chosen values. Divided into two sections, The Distinctive Theoretical Features of ACT and The Distinctive Practical Features of ACT, this book summarises the key features of ACT in 30 concise points and explains how this approach differs from traditional cognitive behaviour therapy.Acceptance and Commitment Therapy provides an excellent guide to ACT. Its straightforward format will appeal to those who are new to the field and provide a handy reference tool for more experienced clinicians.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Comparative Inquiry and Educational Policy Making
Building on an increasingly sophisticated body of research on policy ‘borrowing’ in education, this collection explores ways in which the foreign example in education has been and is being used by policy makers in a variety of settings, its principal aim being to assess the usefulness of ‘foreign’ experience in ‘home’ contexts.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Health and Inequality
Some groups of people are healthier than others. Overwhelmingly, for almost all kinds of morbidity and mortality, groups at the bottom of the social scale are less healthy than those at the top. But this simple observation describes a complex phenomenon that has become a major focus of research, teaching, intervention, and public policy and has led to recognition of the stark power of social determinants of population health. Why are poorer, less educated, lower-class groups less healthy than others? Historically, and indeed today, this has been a question that has polarized researchers, policy-makers, politicians, and casual onlookers. The debate is intensely contentious because if health inequalities are largely a consequence of people at the bottom of the social scale lacking resources and living in poor conditions, then, arguably, policies must be directed towards correcting those material deficits. But if inequalities in health are largely due to the social inequalitie
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Independent State of Croatia 1941-45
This special issue provides important new scholarship from a variety of perspectives on the structure, ideology and political history of the central fascist group in interwar and Second World War Yugoslavia, the Croatian Ustasha. It is the first volume in English to closely explore the Ustasha’s Independent State of Croatia between 1941 and 1945, a period when it was an active collaborator with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, and largely responsible for Yugoslavia suffering the highest proportion of national casualties in the Second World War. By using the top scholars in the field to explore the nature of the NDH, The Independent State of Croatia 1941-45 contributes to scholarly understandings of Croatian nationalism, Balkan politics, European fascism, and genocide in the Second World War.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Political Transformation and National Identity Change: Comparative Perspectives
The major socio-political changes of the last decades have led to changing ways of being national, changes in the content of national identity if not in the national categories themselves. This comparative social scientific volume takes examples of transitions to democracy (East Europe, Spain) to peace (South Africa, Israel, Northern Ireland) and to territorial decentralization (the United Kingdom, France, Spain), showing in each case how socio-political change and identity change have interlocked. It defines a typology of national identity shift, tracing the changing state forms which provoke national identity shift, and analyzing the process of identity change, its motivations and legitimations. Collecting together a wide range of examples, from South Africa to the Czech Republic from the Basque Country to the Mexican and Irish borders; the book brings together an interdisciplinary group of scholars, from world figures in the study of globalization and social identity to young researchers, to provide a much needed theoretical clarification and empirical evidence of types of national identity shift.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The New Testament in its Ritual World
What was life like among the first Christians? For the last thirty years, scholars have explored the historical and social contexts of the New Testament in order to sharpen their understanding of the text itself. This interest has led scholars to focus more and more on the social features of early Christian communities and less on their theologies or doctrines. Scholars are keen to understand what these communities were like, but the ritual life of early Christians remains largely unexplored. Studies of baptism and eucharist do exist, but they are very traditional, showing little awareness of the ritual world, let alone the broader social environment, in which Christians found themselves. Such studies make little or no use of the social sciences, Roman social history, or the archaeological record. This book argues that ritual was central to, and definitive for, early Christian life (as it is for all social orders), and explores the New Testament through a ritual lens. By grounding the exploration in ritual theory, Greco-Roman ritual life, and the material record of the ancient Mediterranean, it offers new and insightful perspectives on early Christian communities and their cultural environment. In doing justice to a central but slighted aspect of community life, it outlines an alternative approach to the New Testament, one that reveals what the lives of the first Christians were actually like.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Sleep Disorders: Diagnosis and Therapeutics
One of the first such volumes in this field, Sleep Disorders: Diagnosis and Therapeutics explores sleep pharmacology and therapeutics. Leading researchers in the area of experimental and clinical and psychopharmacology critically assess the progress in their specialist fields. The book is suitable as an introduction for clinicians and researchers who are new to sleep pharmacology and outlines the wider range of therapeutic options currently available to them. For seasoned clinicians, the book will assist in selecting the most appropriate methodologies and treatment options designed to circumvent the problems in combating sleep disorders.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Economics, Rational Choice and Normative Philosophy
Following Amartya Sen’s insistence to expand the framework of rational choice theory by taking into account ‘non-utility information,’ economists, political scientists and philosophers have recently concentrated their efforts in analysing the issues related to rights, freedom, diversity intentions and equality. Thomas Boylan and Ruvin Gekker have gathered essays that reflect this trend.The particular themes addressed in this volume include: the measurement of diversity and freedom, formal analysis of individual rights and intentions, judgment aggregation under constraints and strategic manipulation in fuzzy environments. Some papers in the volume also deal with philosophical aspects of normative social choice.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Multinational Corporations and the Emerging Network Economy in Asia and the Pacific
Multinational Corporations and the Emerging Network Economy in Asia and the Pacific delves into the ongoing rise of a global economy anchored in a web of inter-firm production networks and the role played by multinational corporations in the process. It considers the strategies and business models corporations have adopted lately to face today’s highly competitive global markets, especially outsourcing and offshoring, focusing on the modalities observed in Asia Pacific and the Pacific Rim at large. Since their inception, corporations have undergone a series of fundamental changes; each has corresponded to a given era of industrial development and has given rise to a particular type of government policy response. The book addresses these timely issues and other such as the transformation of global production networks into global innovation networks, the link between corporate and national innovation strategies and movement up the global production value chain, and the fragmentation of production and the resulting increase in component and sub-assembly trade in the region. It also takes up the emergence of multinational corporations from developing countries and the efforts aimed at forging basic rules of corporate social responsibility and developing sound institutions for building a working framework of corporate governance in the Pacific. Written by some of the region’s most eminent and influential economists and political scientists, this volume will appeal to students and scholars working in the field of Asia Pacific studies as well as to businesspersons and policymakers taking decisions in the region.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Constitutions: Writing Nations, Reading Difference
Bringing a postcolonial perspective to UK constitutional debates and including a detailed and comparative engagement with the constitutions of Britain’s ex-colonies, this book is an original reflection upon the relationship between the written and the unwritten constitution.Can a nation have an unwritten constitution? While written constitutions both found and define modern nations, Britain is commonly regarded as one of the very few exceptions to this rule. Drawing on a range of theories concerning writing, law and violence (from Robert Cover to Jacques Derrida), Constitutions makes a theoretical intervention into conventional constitutional analyses by problematizing the notion of a ‘written constitution’ on which they are based. Situated within the frame of the former British empire, this book deconstructs the conventional opposition between the ‘margins’ and the ‘centre’, as well as between the ‘written’ and ‘unwritten’, by paying very close, detailed attention to the constitutional texts under consideration. Pryor argues that Britain’s ‘unwritten’ constitution and ‘immemorial’ common law only take on meaning in a relation of difference with the written constitutions of its former colonies. These texts, in turn, draw on this pre-literate origin in order to legitimize themselves. The ‘unwritten’ constitution of Britain can therefore be located and dislocated in postcolonial written constitutions.Constitutions is an excellent addition to the bookshelves of all students of the philosophy of law, political theory, constitutional and administrative law and jurisprudence.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Visions of Sustainability: Cities and Regions
This book examines the sustainability of cities and regions and concludes that currently sustainability is not achievable. By identifying how cities and regions in the past have maintained or lost sustainability and how cities and regions of today might achieve sustainability in the future, it gives a clear definition, and an understanding of the true meaning, of sustainability provides a new conceptual framework for the assessment of the sustainability of cities and regions reveals what options are available for humankind to achieve or loose sustainability identifies research that will allow the systematic establishment of the appropriate indicators for sustainable development in cities and regions. Presenting a framework to guide and direct research in the measures needed to achieve and maintain sustainability, the book will be of considerable help to local authorities and political and government bodies responsible for establishing guidelines for the planning and monitoring of sustainable urban development. It will be of fundamental interest to ecologists, environmentalists, geographers, regional planners and urban designers, both in private practice and academia.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Treating Traumatized Children: Risk, Resilience and Recovery
While recent years have seen a vast increase in the literature on adult trauma, interest in childhood trauma has only recently started to gain momentum, encouraging new research and evidence-based interventions.Here the editors have brought together an international list of contributors to look at both innovative and established treatments of trauma in a range of contexts, and provide up-to-date coverage of what is on offer in prevention, assessment, treatment and research.Divided into three parts, main topics discussed are: risk and protective factors for the development of post-traumatic disorders conceptualizations of resilience and suggestions for making them operational evidence-based treatment models for traumatized children Treating Traumatized Children provides professionals with an up-to-date international perspective on the subject, as well as helping professionals and researchers develop future treatments based on current evidence.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Decisions: Risk and Reward
In recent years leading figures in a variety of fields - political, financial, medical, and organizational - have become acutely aware of the need to effectively incorporate aspects of risk into their decision-making. This book addresses a wide range of contemporary issues in decision research, such as how individuals deal with uncertainty and complexity, gender-based differences in decision-making, what determines decision performance and why people choose risky activities.The book presents results from academic research carried out over the last twenty years. A common theme is the study of decisions made in horserace betting markets, a research medium which offers a rich insight into decision-making in general and one which enjoys particular methodological advantages over laboratory-based simulations. This set of naturalistic studies explores the variety of individual motivations for betting, how people perceive and respond to the presence of uncertainty, the challenges of complex and turbulent information and the use of heuristics as a response, how decision-making performance is affected by structural or process-related features of the decision environment, and how men and women differ in their decision behaviour.The authors’ interesting and novel findings offer a richer understanding of the psychological and economic underpinnings of betting behaviour which should inform practitioners, policymakers and regulators in an industry which is undergoing unprecedented global growth. The book is also relevant to courses covering subject areas such as financial markets, decision-making and behavioural finance.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Global Economic Institutions
In recent years, there has been a very steep increase in globalization which, among other things, has provoked an increased interest in global economic institutions. Such interest comes notably from the emerging countries. However, researchers who wish to understand better the workings and impact of these institutions are confronted with several problems. First, many of the present features of these international organizations are rooted in their history, but access to older contributions to the literature that shed light on the reasons behind the adoption of such structures is often very difficult. Second, the relevant modern contributions appear in a bewildering array of journals, books, and reports that range over different fields such as economics, law, and political science.The sheer scale of the growth in research output on global economic institutions - and the breadth of the field - makes this collection especially timely and welcome. It presents researchers and other
Taylor & Francis Ltd Pulling Newspapers Apart: Analysing Print Journalism
Pulling Newspapers Apart: Analysing Print Journalism explores contemporary UK national and local newspapers at a significant and pivotal moment in their development when some pundits are busily, if mistakenly, announcing their demise.The book offers a detailed examination of features which previous studies have tended to neglect, such as editorial formats (News, Op Ed pages, readers’ letters, cartoons, obituaries, advice columns, features and opinion columns), aspects of newspaper design (page layout, photographs, supplements, online editions, headlines, the emergence of the compact and Berliner editions), newspaper contents (sport, sex and Page 3, royalty, crime, moral panics and politics) as well as the content of newspapers which is not generated by in house journalists (advertising, TV listings, horoscopes, agency copy and public relations materials). This innovative and accessibly written collection provides journalism and media students with an invaluable study of newspapers in the digital age.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Mongolia: A Guide to Economic and Political Developments
With Mongolia fast becoming a significant exporter of minerals and raw materials, this book provides a full account of political and economic events in this important country. It focuses on the period since the establishment of the Soviet-backed Mongolian People’s Republic in 1924 and the transition towards a democratic free market system since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Covering key topics in Mongolia’s recent development, the book looks at: economic and political reform process the role of the private sector foreign aid trade and investment the attempts to tackle pressing issues such as growth, inflation, unemployment, poverty, problems of climate and weather, and pollution. This book is an important resource for anyone seeking to understand this fascinating country’s affairs.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Teaching in Transnational Higher Education: Enhancing Learning for Offshore International Students
Teaching in Transnational Higher Education examines current trends and challenges that face students, teachers and institutions of higher education around the globe. This book comes at a pivotal moment where many universities are offering their courses in offshore locations. Students who could once not access an international qualification can now do so without leaving their home country. The book clearly defines and takes an in-depth look at the various types of transnational education, including: institutions that have campuses abroad, teach specific courses abroad, and form partnerships with diverse schools to teach jointly. Teaching in Transnational Higher Education serves as a forum for debate on such insightful topics as: the modification of teaching to adapt to the needs of diverse students the use of technology in the classroom the view of higher education as a marketable service the importance of cultural awareness and understanding in a transnational classroom the complexities of assuring quality education across borders The authors choose to highlight a broad sampling of transnational programs including those in: Zambia, China, and the United Arab Emirates among others. Interviews with students and teachers participating in these programs of study make this an enjoyable and unique portrait of higher education that is invaluable to those who teach and learn around the world.Lee Dunn is a lecturer and academic developer in the Teaching and Learning Centre at Southern Cross University. Michelle Wallace is an Associate Professor in the Graduate College of Management at Southern Cross University.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Homeland Security and Criminal Justice: Five Years After 9/11
No event has shaped international events of recent years more than the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Tragically, less than four years later, Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast. In less than five years, the United States has experienced its worst terrorist attack and worst natural disaster, both in terms of the number of lives lost and in the costs needed for reconstruction. Both events have clearly indicated that there are tremendous threats to the security and well-being of Americans in their own country. Furthermore, these events have demonstrated the importance of criminal-justice agencies who are the first responders to threats to the United States. Since the threats of further terrorist attacks, natural disasters, epidemics, and cybercrime continue to lurk as potential dangers to the United States homeland, the American Criminal Justice System must be committed to mitigating, preparing for, responding to, and recovering from these tragic events. In addition, its commitment must be steadfast and ubiquitous. This highly topical book analyzes the nexus of homeland security to the discipline of criminal justice by addressing, in depth, issues and challenges facing criminal-justice students, practitioners, and faculty in the burgeoning field of homeland security.This book was previously published as a special issue of Criminal Justice Studies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Addiction
Millions of us make use of psychoactiveor mind-alteringdrugs. Such drugs, both legal and otherwise, can cause pleasure or pain (or both). So, too, can sex, gambling, shopping, dieting, exercise, and Internet use. Addiction' or dependence' on substances like alcohol, tobacco, illicit and prescribed drugs, and on other risky behaviours, is strongly associated with a broad range of personal and social consequences. They can greatly enhance lifeor ruin it. The heavy and chronic use of legal and illegal drugs, as well as other compulsive or problematic behaviours, are associated with massive health and social problems. Health problems related to addiction include dependence, injury, overdose, foetal damage, cancers, liver disease, and premature mortality, while social problems include crime and disorder, debt, family violence, poverty, and industrial inefficiency.The addictions field is very wide ranging, and covers a considerable number of psychoactive substances and compulsive b
Taylor & Francis Ltd Repairing the Damage: Possibilities and Limits of Transatlantic Consensus
The damage that has been done to the transatlantic alliance will not be repaired through grand architectural redesigns or radical new agendas. Instead, the transatlantic partners need to restore their consensus and cooperation on key security challenges with a limited agenda that reflects the essential conservatism of the transatlantic partnership during the Cold War and the 1990s. There will inevitably be big challenges, such as the rise of China, where transatlantic disparities in strategic means and commitments preclude any common alliance undertaking. Yet such limits are nothing new. The absence of a common transatlantic commitment to counter-insurgency in Iraq may cause resentments, but so too did the lack of a common commitment to counter-insurgency in Vietnam.This Adelphi Paper suggests ten propositions for future transatlantic consensus – that is to say, ten security challenges for which the allies should be able to agree on common strategies. These run the gamut from an effective strategy to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapons capability to transatlantic leadership for international cooperation against global warming. If pursued with seriousness and a reasonable degree of transatlantic unity, these propositions could constitute the foundations of an effective partnership. They are, in the authors’ view, the basis for a consensus on the most pressing security challenges of the twenty-first century. The time is right for this kind of serious rededication to alliance purposes. There has already been some effort to repair the damage; moreover, new leaders are in place or coming to the countries that were major protagonists of the transatlantic crisis: Germany, France, Britain and, in 2009, the United States. It is possible that these four new leaders will be better able to put the disputes of the recent past behind them. This extended essay is a guide to the possibilities, and also the limits, of a new start.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction: Responding to the Challenge
There is a widely held belief in the imminent probability of nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons of mass destruction being used by terrorists against civilian targets. This edited volume critically assesses the suggestion that one safeguard against this possibility would be to strengthen existing international prohibitions against state- level acquisition of such weapons. A glimpse of the possible potential of terrorist use of weapons of mass destruction has been seen through the actions of the Tokyo Aum group, and through the use of chlorine by insurgents in Iraq. However, the extent of the real threat posed is as yet unclear, and safeguarding against it in developing countries will not be easy. This book assembles specialists in each category of WMD in order to examine the potential of expanding the three ‘classical’ arms control treaties in order to combat the threat posed by smaller terrorist groups, and draws conclusions as to the strengths and weaknesses of this suggestion.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Literacy Game: The Story of The National Literacy Strategy
Containing invaluable insights from the original director of the National Literary Strategy (NLS) and its director of training, this book provides the only systematic exploration of the reform programme.A vital introduction and critical appraisal for pracititioners and students, The Literacy Game examines the origins, evolution and impact of the NLS, and provides a fully comprehensive contribution to the teaching of literacy and the management of educational change. This illuminating text: sets out the political background and context to literacy education in England over a decade from 1996 to 2006 explains and appraises the rationale and design underpinning the NLS, thereby rebutting some of the folk-lore that has built up around it provides an example of the principles and practices of large-scale system change links the NLS to wider global research on system change and educational reform evaluates the contribution of the NLS in advancing knowledge of the literacy curriculum in English and the development of pedagogy as a whole considers the impact and consequences of the NLS on standards of literacy. The Literacy Game is an enlightening book which will appeal to all policy makers and academics who are keen to know what did and did not work in the NLS and why.
Taylor & Francis Ltd War and Media Operations: The US Military and the Press from Vietnam to Iraq
This is the first academic analysis of the role of embedded media in the 2003 Iraq War, providing a concise history of US military public affairs management since Vietnam.In late summer 2002, the Pentagon considered giving the press an inside view of the upcoming invasion of Iraq. The decision was surprising, and the innovative "embedded media program" itself received intense coverage in the media. Its critics argued that the program was simply a new and sophisticated form of propaganda. Their implicit assumption was that the Pentagon had become better at its news management and had learned to co-opt the media.This new book tests this assumption, introducing a model of organizational learning and redraws the US military’s cumbersome learning curve in public affairs from Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, the Persian Gulf, Somalia, the Balkans to Afghanistan, examining whether past lessons were implemented in Iraq in 2003. Thomas Rid argues that while the US armed forces have improved their press operations, America’s military is still one step behind fast-learning and media-savvy global terrorist organizations.War and Media Operations will be of great interest to students of the Iraq War, media and war, propaganda, political communications and military studies in general.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Mental Health in a Multi-Ethnic Society: A Multidisciplinary Handbook
This new edition of Mental Health in a Multi-Ethnic Society is an authoritative, comprehensive guide on issues around race, culture and mental health service provision. It has been updated to reflect the changes in the UK over the last ten years and features entirely new chapters by over twenty authors, expanding the range of topics by including issues of particular concern for women, family therapy, and mental health of refugees and asylum seekers.Divided into four sections the book covers: issues around mental health service provision for black and minority ethnic (BME) communities including refugees and asylum seekers critical accounts of how these issues may be confronted, with examples of projects that attempt to do just that programs and innovative services that appear to meet some of the needs of BME communities a critical but constructive account of lessons to be drawn from earlier sections and discussion of the way ahead. With chapters on training, service user involvement, policy development and service provision Mental Health in a Multi-Ethnic Society will appeal to academics, professionals, trainers and managers, as well as providing up-to-date information for a general readership.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The EU and Conflict Resolution: Promoting Peace in the Backyard
Through the study of five ethno-political conflicts lying on or just beyond Europe's borders, this book analyzes the impact and effectiveness of EU foreign policy on conflict resolution. Conflict resolution features strongly as an objective of the European Union's foreign policy. In promoting this aim, the EU's geographical focus has rested primarily in its beleaguered backyard to the south and to the east. Taking a strong comparative approach, Nathalie Tocci explores the principal determinants of conflict dynamics in Cyprus, Turkey, Serbia-Montenegro, Israel-Palestine and Georgia in order to assess the impact of EU contractual ties on them. The volume includes topical analyzis based on first-hand experience, in-depth interviews with all the relevant actors and photography in ongoing conflict areas in the Middle East, the Eastern Mediterranean, the Balkans and the Caucasus. This revealing study shows that the gap between EU potential and effectiveness often rests in the specific manner in which the EU collectively chooses to conduct its contractual relations.The EU and Conflict Resolution will be of interest to all readers who wish to acquire an excellent understanding of the EU's impact on conflict contexts and will appeal to scholars of European politics, security studies and conflict resolution.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Evaluation and Prevention of Natural Risks
The assessment and prevention of risks inherent to natural phenomena is of topical interest to the scientific community and other authorities dealing with territorial management. Historical analysis carried out in the Piemonte-territory in north-western Italy, focusing on the consequences of hydrogeological risks, reveals that damage is continually increasing. This can partly be explained by the consistent expansion of urbanized areas at the expense of areas that are essential to the natural modelling processes of the region; the damage resulting from hydrogeological instability often being associated with incompatible territorial decisions. This text gives a detailed account of a series of experiences related to activities that ARPA Piemonte has carried out focusing on the cognitive and forecasting aspects related to risk assessment and alerting procedures.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Memory
The term memory' encompasses our recollections of past experiences, our ability to keep track of what is happening from moment to moment, our stored knowledge, including knowledge of words and their meanings, our habits, our recognition of objects and faces, and our ability to remember to do things in the future. As such, an understanding of memory is central to an understanding of human behaviour. Memory supports our ability to speak and decode language, to find our way around, to make rational decisions, and to function successfully in society. Moreover, memory of past life-events contributes to our unique individual personalities.Memory research has a long and important history within psychology and it continues to have fascinating everyday applications. Memory research has also helped us to understand the effects of brain damage, and has also been used to predict scholastic achievement and language development. However, memory has become such a broad field of study and re
Taylor & Francis Ltd Human Security and the Chinese State: Historical Transformations and the Modern Quest for Sovereignty
Offering a fresh and unique approach to surveying the historical transformations of the Chinese state, Human Security and the Chinese State focuses on human security in contrast with the twenty-first century obsession with national security. Building upon Hobbes' Leviathan, Robert Bedeski demonstrates how the sovereignty of the state reflects primary human concerns of survival, indeed, that fundamental purpose of the state is the preservation of the life of its citizens. Combining political science theory with historical literary, cinematic and sociological materials and ideas, Bedeski has produced a truly original approach to the last two thousand years of Chinese political history, explaining the longevity of the imperial Confucian state and locating the dilemma of modern China in its incomplete sovereignty.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Psychodynamic Image: John D. Sutherland on Self in Society
The Psychodynamic Image is the first selection of John D. Sutherland’s major papers. It provides an overview of the development of his thought on self and society and reveals the extent of his contribution to the field of mental health. Jill Savege Scharff introduces Sutherland’s most important and influential essays. These reflect his range as a theoretician, moving easily from the intrapsychic to the interpersonal level, building bridges between points of view and integrating psychoanalytic and social theories. Sutherland’s work calls for changes at the individual level through understanding conflicts and unconscious processes as aspects of parts of the self in interaction. He inspires respect and understanding of the self and its drive toward autonomy.These papers push the boundaries of psychoanalytic thinking and succeed in demonstrating the relevance of psychoanalysis to the wider society. They will be of great interest to psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, counsellors and social workers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Law and Economics
Edited and introduced by a leading academic in the field, this is a new Routledge Major Work in the Critical Concepts in Law series. Law and Economics is a five-volume collection of canonical and cutting-edge research on the application of economic theory - primarily microeconomics and the basic concepts of welfare economicsto the examination of the formation, structure, processes and economic impact of law and legal institutions. Economic concepts have been applied to explain and clarify legal issues, not only with respect to competition law, but also in respect of a wide range of non-market activities, ranging from issues of tortuous liability and compensation, to family matters and crime. Law and Economics has influenced legislation and the development of Anglo-American case law and has become a central part of legal and economic education and research at some of the most prestigious universities on both sides of the Atlantic.This collection provides user
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Philosophy of Religion Reader
Reflecting current trends and research interests in the field - including the growing interest in religious diversity and global philosophy of religion - this broad and up to date introduction explores key writings from both the Western theistic tradition and from non-Western, non-theistic sources. The nine sections cover: Religious Diversity The Nature and Attributes of God Arguments for and Against the Existence of God Science Faith and Miracles The Self and Human Condition Religious Experience The Problem of Evil and Suffering Death and the Afterlife. With section introductions, discusssion questions, extensive bibliographies and a supporting website featuring additional material, it is the ideal reference tool to help clarify important points and reinforce understanding.
Taylor & Francis Ltd J.B. Priestley
J. B. Priestley is the first book to provide a detailed and up to date analysis of the enormous contribution made by this playwright, novelist, journalist and critic to twentieth century British theatre. Priestley was often criticised for being either too populist or too experimental and this study unpicks the contradictions of a playwright and theatre theorist popular with audiences but too often dismissed by critics; describing and analysing in detail not only his plays but also their specific historical and contemporary productions.Using a combination of archive, review and critical materials, the book re-locates Priestley as a theatre theorist of substance as well as a playwright who challenged theatre conventions and assumptions about audience expectations, at a time when theatre was considered both conservative and lacking in innovation.