Search results for ""author manus"
Editorial CCS Breve manual de lengua española
Esta obra pretende ofrecer una introducción a los conceptos básicos de la gramática española. Puede ser de utilidad a profesores, estudiantes, o lectores interesados en conocer los fundamentos del español. El texto básico se complementa con más de 300 notas a pie de página que ofrecen información adicional y permiten profundizar en algunas peculiaridades de este idioma. Cuenta, además, con un apéndice dedicado a dos aspectos especialmente difíciles de dominar para extranjeros (los verbos ser y estar y el modo subjuntivo) y con otro adicional dedicado a la ortografía básica de esta lengua.
Interconsulting Bureau, S.L. (ICB Editores) Manual qumica en la cocina
La presente obra titulada Química en la Cocina pretende ser un manual interesante para el docente en el cual pueda encontrar un material útil para enseñar contenidos de Educación Primaria relacionados con la química a través de experimentos donde...
Editorial Maxtor Manual del sillero y guarnicionero
El oficio del Sillero y Guarnicionero es producto de un arte que, aunque mecánico en sus elementos, se enlaza con las artes de lujo en sus principales artefactos. Esta obra, acompañada de muchas láminas, aporta toda clase de conocimientos relacionados con la hípica y ese arte del correcto aderezo de los caballos. En él se habla sobre las sillas de montar, los hebillajes, estribos y bocados, las bridas, los vivos y filetes de charol. Un libro fundamental para quien quiera entender o ejercitar este noble arte.
NosOtros. Manual para disolver el Capitalismo es un Libro lúdico, creativo y afirmativo, un Libro que nos hace bien, porque dice rotundamente Sí, es posible vivir mejor!, incluso ?dentro? de este tóxico, y enfermizo Capitalismo hacendal militarizado chapuza. Y esto es así, puesto que vamos ?disolviendo? al capitalista que somos cada uno de ?nosotros?. Y en esto empieza a acontecer el NosOtros que postulamos radicalmente; la única vía posible, y sin atajo, de que construyamos un mundo mejor para todos. Para esto el humano debe volver a ser el tejedor social del presente, el historiador profundo del pasado y el visionario creativo del futuro. Y aquí damos las claves para esta triple transformación. Y en la medida que nos volvemos en tejedores, historiadores y visionarios, el mundo surge en su plenitud y el Otro acontece; y nos asalta constitutivamente a cada uno de ?nosotros? desde lo más profundo de lo que somos. Y así nos volvemos en ?transvaloradores? de esos valores nihilistas del Ca
Desclée De Brouwer Manual de terapia infantil gestáltica
La Psicoterapia Humanística ha ido adquiriendo cada día un mayor renombre por su acercamiento al paciente como persona, más que solamente como enfermo. Pero existe un gran vacío en la formación de esta línea terapéutica: la aplicación al tratamiento de niños. En este libro se muestran tanto los planteamientos teóricos en los que basa la autora la terapia infantil gestáltica como su aplicación en las sesiones, con ejemplos y ejercicios útiles para dar al psicoterapeuta infantil humanista un manual que le sirva de guía y reflexión en su trabajo profesional.Toda la amplia experiencia gestáltica de la autora en su trabajo con niños queda expuesta didácticamente para ser aprovechada ahora por otros terapeutas, padres y formadores de ámbito infantil.
Ediciones Rialp, S.A. Teología espiritual manual de iniciación
Una panorámica sintética de la teología espiritual: la santidad, la vida trinitaria en el Espíritu, la identificación con Cristo, la oración y el misterio de la Cruz. Tiene en cuenta sobre todo las aportaciones del magisterio reciente, y la enseñanza cristiana de san Josemaría Escrivá.
Manual de bioquímica para enfermería
La Bioquímica aporta a la formación en Enfermería las claves del metabolismo en condiciones de salud y de enfermedad. Para el profesional de Enfermería, las fuentes energéticas, la transformación metabólica y los recursos anabólicos explican parte de las condiciones que atraviesa la persona enferma, y dan soporte a los procedimientos de atención que pueda requerir. Este Manual se centra en la base estructural y grupos funcionales de las biomoléculas, en su participación en el metabolismo energético y en las implicaciones que tienen en el curso de la enfermedad. Con apoyo de imágenes y esquemas, se ofrecen temas de teoría y seminarios para que el alumno se adentre ordenadamente, desde la Bioquímica General, en el estudio y primera interpretación de amplias áreas de patología metabólica.
Springer International Publishing AG AJCC Cancer Staging Manual
Please visit for information about content updates and staging forms.The AJCC Cancer Staging Manual is used by physicians and health care professionals throughout the world to facilitate the uniform description and reporting of neoplastic diseases. Proper classification and staging of cancer is essential for the physician to assign proper treatment, evaluate results of management and clinical trials, and to serve as the standard for local, regional and international reporting on cancer incidence and outcome.Significantly expanded and developed by international disease site expert panels, the Eighth Edition AJCC Cancer Staging Manual brings together all the currently available knowledge on staging of cancer at various anatomic sites. In this edition, evidence-based TNM staging is supplemented, as appropriate, by selected molecular markers and newly acquired insights into the molecular underpinnings of cancer. This edition features 12 entirely new staging systems, a wide range of changed or new staging definitions, and a refined emphasis on a personalized-medicine approach. To enhance the print and electronic usability of the cancer staging forms, they are now available exclusively for access and downloading at Eighth Edition AJCC Cancer Staging Manual remains the gold standard reference for oncologists, surgeons, pathologists, radiologists, cancer registrars and medical professionals world-wide to ensure that all those caring for cancer patients are fully versed in the language of cancer staging.
Harvard University Press The Clockwork Muse: A Practical Guide to Writing Theses, Dissertations, and Books
For anyone who has blanched at the uphill prospect of finishing a long piece of writing, this book holds out something more practical than hope: it offers a plan. The Clockwork Muse is designed to help prospective authors develop a workable timetable for completing long and often formidable projects.The idea of dashing off a manuscript in a fit of manic inspiration may be romantic, but it is not particularly practical. Instead, Eviatar Zerubavel, a prolific and successful author, describes how to set up a writing schedule and regular work habits that will take most of the anxiety and procrastination out of long-term writing, and even make it enjoyable. The dreaded ‘writer’s block’ often turns out to be simply a need for a better grasp of the temporal organization of work.The Clockwork Muse rethinks the writing process in terms of time and organization. It offers writers a simple yet comprehensive framework that considers such variables as when to write, for how long, and how often, while keeping a sense of momentum throughout the entire project. It shows how to set priorities, balance ideals against constraints, and find the ideal time to write. For all those whose writing has languished, waiting for the “right moment,” The Clockwork Muse announces that the moment has arrived.
Penguin Books Ltd The Forty Rules of Love
*The international bestseller from the author of the Booker-shortlisted novel, 10 Minutes 38 Seconds in this Strange World** One of the BBC's '100 Novels that Shaped the World'* "Every true love and friendship is a story of unexpected transformation. If we are the same person before and after we loved, that means we haven't loved enough..." Ella Rubinstein has a husband, three teenage children, and a pleasant home. Everything that should make her confident and fulfilled. Yet there is an emptiness at the heart of Ella's life - an emptiness once filled by love.So when Ella reads a manuscript about the thirteenth-century Sufi poet Rumi and Shams of Tabriz, and his forty rules of life and love, her world is turned upside down. She embarks on a journey to meet the mysterious author of this work.It is a quest infused with Sufi mysticism and verse, taking Ella and us into an exotic world where faith and love are heartbreakingly explored. . .'Enlightening, enthralling. An affecting paean to faith and love' Metro'Colourfully woven and beguilingly intelligent' Daily Telegraph'The past and present fit together beautifully in a passionate defence of passion itself' The Times*** ELIF SHAFAK'S NEW NOVEL, THERE ARE RIVERS IN THE SKY, IS AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER NOW ***
DK The Complete Fishing Manual
Fishermen, from novice to pro will find this fishing manual an indispensable must-have reference guide. The Complete Fishing Manual is your definitive guide to all things fishing, covering everything from strategies and techniques to bait, tackle, and kit. This manual will assist you every step of the way.Within the pages of this fishing manual you will find: • Fully illustrated pages with high-quality photography and illustrations • Covers fishing in all types of conditions and waters, from freshwater to saltwater • Text that assists the reader from the very beginning to the final catch, from getting your license to reeling in the catch • Step by step diagrams on how to prepare your rod for different types of fish • Includes how to fit and use different types of accessories to enhance
EOS (Instituto de Orientación Psicológica Asociados) Manual de tests grficos
Libro de enfoque inminentemente práctico, que permite interpretar instrumentos clásicos de diagnóstico como: Machover, Goodenough, Casa, Familia, Árbol, Koch, Garabato,...
Rekoppoker Manual del barista profesional
Ediciones Omega, S.A. Manual de reproducción vegetal
En esta exhaustiva guía se explican las técnicas para cultivar una larga serie de nuevas plantas a partir de sus semillas y de sus esquejes, por división, por acodos, por injerto y por injertos de yema. Cada método se muestra para diferentes tipos de plantas mediante ilustraciones paso a paso y fotografías con leyendas. Se incluye información sobre herramientas y equipos, y cómo solucionar problemas, como por ejemplo una germinación prematura. Una guía de especies ordenada por el nombre científico de la A a la Z proporciona fórmulas concretas para poder reproducir plantas acuáticas, ornamentales y de interior, arbustos, árboles, hortalizas y plantas silvestres.
Maeva Ediciones Manual de la bruja
De 9 a 12 años
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Grundlagen der manuellen Lymphdrainage
Carolina Academic Press The Lawyers Editing Manual
McGraw-Hill Education Human Anatomy Laboratory Manual
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Physical Geography Lab Manual
Lemke et al: Physical Geography Laboratory Manual is a comprehensive introductory manual for students without a previous science background. An abundant set of 21 exercises assures that every professor will find a complete set of preferred labs for a semester-long course. Lemke/Ritter/Heywood wrote this lab manual in order to provide equal coverage of the four spheres of the environment—the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. The lab manual was written independent of any specific textbook and will work with available physical geography texts.
Schulz-Kirchner Verlag Gm Das Lbecker Fhigkeitenprofil Manual
Taylor & Francis Ltd The MRCPsych Study Manual
This manual is for busy clinicians and managers. It can help to improve the quality of care by explaining how to apply guidelines in a wide variety of clinical settings. Case studies written by the protagonists themselves describe the experiences of using guidelines in treating a wide range of conditions in primary and secondary care. The final sections collate the lessons learnt from these examples and propose practical solutions that can be applied in everyday clinical care by doctors nurses professionals allied to medicine and healthcare managers.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC HMS Belfast Pocket Manual
A unique guide to this famous warship, collating authentic period sources including design notes and information for sailors to provide a unique guide to this famous warship. A familiar sight on the Thames at London Bridge, HMS Belfast is a Royal Navy light cruiser, launched in March 1938. Belfast was part of the British naval blockade against Germany and from November 1942 escorted Arctic convoys to the Soviet Union and assisted in the destruction of the German warship Scharnhorst. In June 1944 Belfast supported the Normandy landings and in 1945 was redeployed to the British Pacific Fleet. After the war she saw action in the Korean War and a number of other overseas actions. She has been part of the Imperial War Museum since 1978, with 250,000 visitors annually. This fascinating book comprises a series of documents that give information on the building of the ship, her wartime service history and life on board in a handy pocket-sized format, ideal as a gift.
Kogan Page The Revenue Operations Manual
Sean Lane is a Founding Partner at BeaconGTM, host of the "Operations with Sean Lane" podcast, and is based in Boston, Massachusetts. He has spent more than a decade building Revenue Operations teams at fast-growing B2B software companies, including Drift and Upserve. Laura Adint is currently a partner and operations executive for a financial services company in Los Gatos, California. With over 25 years of experience, her prior roles included Vice President of Field Operations at Drift, and Vice President of Sales and Services Operations at Adaptive Insights (a Workday company).
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Manual of Dietetic Practice
The authoritative guide for dietetic students and both new and experienced dietitians – endorsed by the British Dietetic Association Now in its sixth edition, the bestselling Manual of Dietetic Practice has been thoroughly revised and updated to include the most recent developments and research on the topic. Published on behalf of the British Dietetic Association, this comprehensive resource covers the entire dietetics curriculum, and is an ideal reference text for healthcare professionals to develop their expertise and specialist skills in the realm of dietetic practice. This important guide includes: The latest developments and scientific evidence in the field New data on nutrition and health surveillance programs Revised and updated evidence-based guidelines for dietetic practice An exploration of how Public Health England has influenced the field Practical advice on public health interventions and monitoring A companion website with helpful materials to support and develop learning Written for dietitians, clinical nutritionists, and other healthcare professionals by leading dietitians and other professionals, the Manual of Dietetic Practice continues to provide a crucial resource for experts and novices alike.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Manual of Parrot Behavior
This authoritative reference, the first of its kind, is a necessary addition to the library of any practitioner or behaviorist who sees avain companion animals. Because of their beauty, intelligence, playfulness and ability in mimicry, parrots are the most widely kept companion birds. It is estimated that more than half of the psittacine cases presented to clinicians are the result of behavioral problems-problems inherent to captivity. Bringing together a host of international experts on avian behavior, Manual of Parrot Behavior explores the many facets of psittacine behavior, both normal and abnormal. The book not only provides readers with a solid understanding of the basic principles of psittacine behavior but also offers useful techniques of diagnosis and treatment for specific problems. Covers both normal and abnormal parrot behavior Offers practical techniques on diagnosis and treatment of behavior problems Written by a team of international experts on avian behavior A necessary addition to the library of any practitioner of behaviorist who sees avian companion animals
John Wiley & Sons Inc Manual Drafting for Interiors
The interior designer's guide to effective hand drafting The kinesthetic act of completing a manually drafted drawing gives interior designers a greater understanding of the space they're designing, time to reflect on their work, and the skills needed to quickly draw freehand for presentations and design concept developments. Manual Drafting for Interiors is an essential reference for interior designers learning how to manually draft scaled floor plans, elevations, sections, and three-dimensional drawings. Clearly explaining techniques and methods, it begins with an explanation of drafting tools and their various uses, and then presents instructions and illustrations that indicate how to complete increasingly more difficult drafting conventions. Additionally, readers will learn drawing techniques for indicating various materials, symbols for coordinating related drawings, and architectural lettering. Complemented with extensive drawings, inspiring examples, and tips for developing your own style of graphic expression, Manual Drafting for Interiors arms readers with essential skills they'll use throughout their career as a designer.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd The Complete Golf Manual
Covering every aspect of the game, this is the ultimate self-improvement guide for every player - from the novice to the experienced club golfer. Showing readers exactly what it takes to achieve an effective - and repeatable - golf swing, this book works systematically through every type of shot, from tee shots, iron play, pitching, and chipping, to coping with bunkers and putting. Each section includes a test to establish your level of ability and provides a series of progressive exercises designed to develop your technique. A section on the ten most common faults that can creep into your game shows you how to fix them quickly and efficiently.The Complete Golf Manual also shows you routines to help you think more decisively on the course and deal with high-pressure situations. An invaluable reference section advises you on buying equipment, including custom fitting, guides you through all-important golf etiquette, clearly explains golf's most important rules, and defines all the key golfing terms.
Ibn Daud Books Manuel De Medecine Spirituelle
Ce guide spirituel du soi est un manuel de tazkiyah ou autopurification. Il ne se contente pas d''illustrer les maladies de la condition spirituelle humaine : il reconnaît les luttes et les insécurités auxquelles nous succombons tous, de temps à autre, et propose également des remèdes. Les antidotes à nos maux proviennent des versets coraniques et des hadith (paroles prophétiques) authentiques, qui inspirent le souvenir du Tout-Puissant et de Son Prophète bien-aimé. Ce manuel, qui s''appuie sur les ouvrages des Xle et du Xlle siècles de l''Imam Abou Hamid Al-Ghazali, la preuve de l''Islam et grand sage d''exception peut ètre adapté à nos vies chargées de l''ère moderne et hi-tech, et sera accessible aux personnes de tous âges et toutes confessions, croyantes ou non.
Workman Publishing The Greenhouse Gardener's Manual
"Anyone purchasing a greenhouse should read this book first." -Home Greenhouse Magazine Do you want homegrown tomatoes in the dead of winter? Or to grow succulents and cacti in the coldest parts of the world? All you need is a greenhouse. In The Greenhouse Gardener's Manual, Roger Marshall shares the secrets of successfully growing vegetables, fruits, flowers, and houseplants in a well-maintained greenhouse. You'll learn how to choose the right design, create a healthy environment, use the space for propagation, and maintain the greenhouse year-round. Marshall also includes a plant directory of the 70 best fruits and vegetables and the 88 best ornamental plants for growing in a greenhouse.
Fox Chapel Publishers International The Working Horse Manual
This superb book was initially published in 1998 and has been out of print for several years. This new edition has been updated to show the most recent developments in all areas relating to the heavy horse industry. The Working Horse Manual has been designed to act as bible for heavy horse enthusiasts. Diana Zeuner has collected articles from 24 leading heavy horse experts who, between them, have covered a wide array of topics including: o Choosing your breed o Harnesses and harnessing o Horses in forestry o Multiple hitches o Farriery o Ploughing o Plaiting o Horse-drawn machinery and equipment o Veterinary care o Transport law o Caring for horse-drawn vehicles o Road driving For this new edition the chapters about Training for Horsemen, Working Horses in Forestry and Transport and the Law have been completely updated to reflect recent changes. The rest of the book has also been amended accordingly. This new edition also has an increased section on cross-country driving and an improved 'useful addresses' section. The book is highly illustrated with photographs and diagrams. The Working Horse Manual is the only UK book of this type and is on the recommended reading list of the British Driving Society.
Haynes Publishing Air Ambulance Operations Manual
A unique behind-the-scenes insight into the UK air ambulance services, the different models for their structure, how they are funded, organised and run, the helicopters used and the roles of crew members and support staff, with case studies of typical missions undertaken. A donation from each copy sold will be made to the Air Ambulances UK charity.
The Crowood Press Ltd Triumph Spitfire Restoration Manual
Although it has been many years since the Triumph Spitfire was produced, the remaining number of functional examples that exist around the world is a testament to its ageless design and solid build quality. The Triumph Spitfire Restoration Manual is for anyone who has a keen interest in owning a Triumph Spitfire but has limited mechanical experience. It will steer any budding restorer through the many challenges encountered when maintaining and/or restoring such a classic and demonstrates the basic principles and simple techniques that would normally be learned by working alongside an experienced mechanic. Including helpful project tips and notes, which pass on a multitude of trade secrets.
Thames & Hudson Ltd Polaroid: The Missing Manual
An accessible and comprehensive 'how to' guide to expressive and experimental techniques and manipulation of Polaroid prints and cameras. Polaroid: The Missing Manual is the go-to resource for all lovers of instant photography. Divided into two main parts, ‘Camera and Film Format Guide’ and ‘Creative Techniques’, it offers a comprehensive introduction to instant photography, including: a wide-ranging overview of instant cameras and compatible accessories and film; tips on what to buy and where to buy it; how to adapt equipment and preserve the life of your images; easy step-by-step guides to a wide range of image manipulations, accompanied by visual showcases of the work of the very best Polaroid photographers; and extensive resources section, complete with film compatibility guide, a list of stockists and safety information. Polaroid: The Missing Manual provides photographers, art students and vintage camera enthusiasts with the knowledge and skills to push the boundaries of what a Polaroid photograph can be.
Editorial Síntesis, S.A. Manual de derecho laboral turstico
Turner Publishing Company The Manual of Pediatric Nutrition
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Manual Washington de terapéutica médica
Manual Washington® de terapéutica médica es una de las obras insignes más reconocidas de la literatura médica mundial. Su estilo clásico de listado con los conceptos más útiles vertidos en enunciados claros y concisos la ha convertido en una de las obras más utilizadas y referenciadas por estudiantes de medicina, médicos residentes y especialistas en todo el mundo. Con más de 1 millón de copias vendidas en todo el mundo y traducciones a más de 20 idiomas, esta 37.ª edición mantiene su misión inicial de proporcionar un apoyo clínico integral e incidir positivamente en la atención de los pacientes. En esta edición se ha revisado y actualizado el contenido en su totalidad, para reflejar los últimos avances en medicina basada en evidencia y tecnología dirigida al diagnóstico y tratamiento. Con un sólido enfoque en medicina interna, la obra proporciona una cobertura integral de los padecimientos de mayor prevalencia e incidencia en todas las especialidades y subespecialidades médicas, y en cada uno aborda principios generales, características clínicas y estrategia terapéutica, con fundamento en la evidencia más reciente. Además, la obra incluye contenido adicional sobre atención general de pacientes, como evaluación y manejo, pre y posoperatorios, tratamiento de afecciones agudas, trasplantes y medicina transfusional.
Birkhauser Refurbishment Manual: Maintenance, Conversions, Extensions
Planning tasks involving existing structures are currently among the most common types of contract, and almost every structure makes different demands and raises individual problems. Reflecting this state of affairs, there are a dizzying number of publications on the market, most of which are quite specialized. The Refurbishment Manual cuts through this jungle of publications. It defines terms and concepts, combines the narrowly focused perspectives of the specialists, and offers concrete approaches to this wide-ranging topic. The Refurbishment Manual closes the gap between basic constructional literature and one-sided, highly specialized technical literature. It constitutes a practical planning aid on the subject of refurbishment, providing a basic introduction to the relevant aspects of building physics, fire protection, sustainability and energy, hazardous materials, construction materials for interior and façade, historic preservation, and technical building equipment. It offers concrete tips on planning steps, methods of building analysis, and cost benchmarks, as well as clear constructional solutions with built projects as examples. A unique feature of the volume is the specially developed timeline, which allows the planner to quickly grasp, categorize, and evaluate a concrete building task and thus obtain an efficient planning overview. Planungsaufgaben im Bestand gehören derzeit zu den häufigsten Auftragsarten und nahezu jedes Bauwerk stellt andere Anforderungen und weist individuelle Probleme auf. Analog dazu gibt es auf dem Markt eine fast unüberschaubare Anzahl Publikationen in meist sehr spezialisierter Form. Der Sanierungsatlas möchte Licht in diesen Publikationsdschungel bringen: Er definiert Begrifflichkeiten, vereint die fokussierenden Betrachtungsweisen der Fachleute und vermittelt konkrete Herangehensweisen an diese weit gefächerte Thematik. Der Sanierungsatlas schließt die Lücke zwischen grundlegender Baukonstruktions- und sehr einseitig spezialisierter Fachliteratur. Das Buch stellt eine praktische Planungshilfe zum Thema Sanierung dar – und zwar in Form von relevanter Grundlagenvermittlung zu Bauphysik, Brandschutz, Nachhaltigkeits- und energetischen Aspekten, Schadstoffen, Baustoffen im Innenraum und an der Fassade, zu Aspekten der Denkmalpflege ebenso wie zur technischen Gebäudeausstattung. Er liefert konkrete Hinweise zu Planungsschritten, Methoden der Bauanalyse und Kostenkennwerten sowie anschauliche Konstruktionslösungen am Beispiel gebauter Projekte. Einzigartig ist die speziell entwickelte Zeitschiene, mit deren Hilfe eine konkrete Bauaufgabe schnell erfasst, kategorisiert und bewertet werden kann – und die dem Planer somit einen effizienten Planungsüberblick verschafft.
Wolters Kluwer Health The Washington Manual of Oncology
Focusing on the essential information you need to know for the clinical practice of oncology, this practical volume in the Lippincott Manual series provides concise, high-yield content that reflects today’s fast-changing advances in the field. In one convenient, portable resource, you’ll find complete coverage of cancer management, all at your fingertips for quick review and reference. The Washington Manual® of Oncology, 4th Edition, by Drs. Daniel Morgensztern, Armin Ghobadi, and Ramaswamy Govindan, is an ideal reference for oncologists, residents, fellows, medical students, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. , The latest, most reliable cancer management recommendations in the famous fast-access Washington Manual® outline format that includes easy-to-follow guidelines, tables, graphs, and algorithms. Thoroughly revised from cover to cover, including new content on gene and cellular immunotherapy for cancer, management of antineoplastic-induced nausea and vomiting as well as new sections on neuroendocrine carcinoma and myelodysplastic syndromes. Concise, clearly written sections on the principles of oncology, site-specific cancers, and therapy and support. Key information on chemotherapeutic agents and regimens in the appendices. The Washington Manual® is a registered mark belonging to Washington University in St. Louis to which international legal protection applies. The mark is used in this publication by WoltersKluwer Health under license from Washington University. , Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech. ,
Russell Enterprises Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual: Fasttrack Edition
Russell Enterprises Lasker's Manual of Chess
Springer Verlag, Singapore Understanding China's Manufacturing Industry
This book gives an overall description of China's manufacturing industry in the process of China's industrialization and comprehensively analyzes the development status, level, stage, problems, tasks and future development prospects of China's manufacturing industry. Under the background of Sino-US trade dispute, understanding China’s manufacturing gives a rational analysis of the opportunities and challenges of China’s manufacturing, deeply discussing the specific tasks which China’s manufacturing is facing, such as the resolve of excess production capacity, technological innovation, intelligent manufacturing and green manufacturing, a service-oriented manufacturing and industrial base, and displaying the development prospect of China toward the high quality. Understanding China’s manufacturing has a strong reference significance for comprehensive and appropriate understanding of the development of China's manufacturing industry, as well as good policy reference significance for promoting the high-quality development of China's manufacturing industry.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Conversations with Manuel Castells
In a series of conversations Manuel Castells, one of the world's best known social scientists, explains and expands his work. He builds on his earlier thinking, opening it to new audiences and taking it into new areas in a highly accessible way. Manuel Castells explains and expands his work in a series of conversations with British journalist Martin Ince. Castells builds on his earlier work, opening it to new audiences, and taking it into new areas in a highly accessible way. Includes new thinking on social organisations and identity; new areas of innovation, including biotechnology and nanotechnology; education, knowledge and culture; and his analysis of areas of the world (Africa, Russia, Europe, the Americas and Asia) of which he has specialist knowledge. Contains a detailed biography of Castells and a bibliography of his voluminous scholarly work.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Manual of Spine Surgery
This manual has been compiled in response to the rapid expansion of instrumented spinal surgery using minimally invasive and non-fusion techniques, with a view to meeting the needs of spinal surgeons (orthopaedic and neurosurgeons). The various open, less invasive, and minimally invasive techniques are presented step by step in a clear and instructive way with the aid of more than 600 high-quality illustrations. Careful attention is paid to all aspects vital to the success of any spinal operation: precise definition of indications and contraindications, technical and organizational factors, good operating technique, and correct preoperative preparation and positioning of the patient. This second edition of the manual takes full account of the latest developments in spinal instrumentation and implants and new surgical techniques. It is authoritative, concise, and portable – ideal for use in a fast-paced clinical setting – and will serve as a daily companion for spinal surgeons and others who care for patients with spinal disorders.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Practical Manual of Obstetrics
The new edition of this comprehensive manual has been fully updated to provide clinicians with the latest information and developments in the field of obstetrics. The book emphasises the practical aspects of the specialty, providing discussion on specimens, instruments and drugs, physical features of the maternal pelvis and foetal skull, normal and complicated labour, assessment of foetal well-being, and imaging techniques. The second edition of this book includes a brand new topic – ‘Nonimmune hydrops and foetal anaemia’. Most chapters are presented in a question and answer format, with emphasis on topics commonly asked in examinations. More than 200 illustrations and tables are included to enhance learning. Key Points Fully revised, new edition providing latest developments in obstetrics Includes brand new chapter on ‘Nonimmune hydrops and foetal anaemia’ Most chapters presented in question and answer format with emphasis on topics common in examinations Previous edition (9789350903995) published in 2013
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Manual of Clinical Oncology
Concise, portable, and packed with essential information, Manual of Clinical Oncology is an indispensable resource for understanding basic science, clinical findings, and available technology as they relate to the diagnosis and management patients with cancer. The practical format provides high-yield content useful for participating in rounds ad making diagnostic and therapeutic decisions at the bedside. Edited by Dr. Bartosz Chmielowski and Dr. Mary Territo, both from UCLA School of Medicine, this eighth edition carries on the tradition of excellence set forth by longtime editor Dr. Dennis Casciato.Key Features: Incorporates recent major achievements in immunotherapies, biologics, and targeted therapies. Features new chapters on the biology of cancer, immunotherapy, and cancer survivorship. Contains numerous diagnostic and treatment algorithms, as well as content on complications, for assistance with clinical decision making. Includes helpful appendices such as a glossary of cytogenetic nomenclature and combination chemotherapy regimens. Your book purchase includes a complimentary download of the enhanced eBook for iOS, Android, PC & Mac.Take advantage of these practical features that will improve your eBook experience: The ability to download the eBook on multiple devices at one time — providing a seamless reading experience online or offline Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that allow you to search within this book, or across your entire library of VitalSource eBooks Multiple viewing options that enable you to scale images and text to any size without losing page clarity as well as responsive design The ability to highlight text and add notes with one click
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Manual of Dermatologic Therapeutics
This popular Manual is a practical, accessible guide to the diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders. The book concisely but thoroughly outlines the pathophysiology, symptoms, clinical findings, assessment, and therapy of each disease and offers detailed guidelines for choosing among therapeutic options. Also included are step-by-step instructions for operative procedures and diagnostic and therapeutic techniques. Integrated formulary provides information on medications and other products used in dermatology, including pharmacology and dosage.Features include:"180 colorful illustrationsNew chapters on: Dermatofibroma, Fungal infections, Granuloma Annulare, Lentigo, Melsama, Perioral dermatitis, Perleche, Seborrheic Keratosis New procedures: punch biopsy, shave biopsy, excisional biopsy Current therapeutic recommendations and disease management guidelines Diagnostic procedures and surgical and photobiologic techniques are provided in both theoretical and practical terms User friendly handbook format