Search results for ""author manus"
Boydell & Brewer Ltd A Companion to Fifteenth-Century English Poetry
This collection of seventeen original essays by leading authorities offers, for the first time, a comprehensive overview of the significant authors and important aspects of fifteenth-century English poetry. This collection of seventeen original essays by leading authorities offers, for the first time, a comprehensive overview of the significant authors and important aspects of fifteenth-century English poetry. The major poets of thecentury, John Lydgate and Thomas Hoccleve, receive detailed analysis, alongside perhaps lesser-known authors: John Capgrave, Osbern Bokenham, Peter Idley, George Ashby and John Audelay. In addition, several essays examine genres and topics, including romance, popular, historical and scientific poetry, and translations from the classics. Other chapters investigate the crucial contexts for approaching poetry of this period: manuscript circulation, patronageand the influence of Chaucer. Julia Boffey is Professor of Medieval Studies at Queen Mary, University of London; A.S.G. Edwards is Professor of Medieval Manuscripts at the University of Kent. Contributors: Anthony Bale, Julia Boffey, A.S.G. Edwards, Susanna Fein, Alfred Hiatt, Simon Horobin, Sarah James, Andrew King, Sheila Lindenbaum, Joanna Martin, Carol Meale, Robert Meyer-Lee, Ad Putter, John Scattergood, Anke Timmermann, DanielWakelin, David Watt.
Pearson Education Manual Drivetrains and Axles
EOS (Instituto de Orientación Psicológica Asociados) Manual internacional de superdotación
El presente manual cubre un vacio existente hasta elmomento Ofrece una visión de conjunto de todos los aspectos de la sobredotación intelectual y el talento. Reune a 43 distinguidos autores de 13 de los paises más avanzados en esta materia.
Cano Pina S.L. Manual de soldadura MIGMAG
Andavira Editora Quiromasaje antiestrés manual práctico
El arte o disciplina del masaje es practicado desde tiempos inmemoriales, y sigue conservando aun hoy en día aquel sentido profundo y holístico entre el que lo recibe y el que lo da. La experiencia del contacto, del movimiento y de la energía curativa transmitida a través de las manos son cualidades que asocian el masaje a las personas y al bienestar.
Almuzara Manual Básico de Criptología
Vivelibro (sello de Zasbook S.L.) La misin de Manuel
Editorial La Serranía, S.L. Manual del buen montañero
John Wiley & Sons Inc Manual of Temporomandibular Disorders
Manual of Temporomandibular Disorders, Third Edition, provides comprehensive, evidence-based information on temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Focusing on clinically relevant information throughout, the book allows dentists to diagnose TMD accurately, rule out disorders that mimic TMD, and provide effective therapy for most patients. Useful features, such as frequently asked questions, quick consults, technical tips, and focal points are integrated to help the clinician find precise answers with ease. Case scenarios provide the reader with a way to enhance their clinical reasoning skills, with a focus on solving TMD problems at chairside. Offering comprehensive coverage in a highly-illustrated, compact package, Manual of Temporomandibular Disorders is the ideal source for dentists dealing patients suffering from TMD.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Solutions Manual for Econometrics
This Fourth Edition updates the "Solutions Manual for Econometrics" to match the Sixth Edition of the Econometrics textbook. It adds problems and solutions using latest software versions of Stata and EViews. Special features include empirical examples replicated using EViews, Stata as well as SAS. The book offers rigorous proofs and treatment of difficult econometrics concepts in a simple and clear way, and provides the reader with both applied and theoretical econometrics problems along with their solutions. These should prove useful to students and instructors using this book.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Robots and Manufacturing Automation
Surveys the wide spectrum of automated systems available to improve manufacturing productivity including robots, numerical control machines, programmable controllers, computer controllers and microprocessor-based automated systems. Completely updated, it features industry case studies, revised and expanded problem sections and new material on product design, CAD, Karnaugh Maps and CIM.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Soil Mechanics Lab Manual
Soil Mechanics Lab Manual prepares readers to enter the field with a collection of the most common soil mechanics tests. The procedures for all of these tests are written in accordance with applicable American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards. Video demonstrations for each experiment available on the website prepare readers before going into the lab, so they know what to expect and will be able to complete the tests with more confidence and efficiency. Laboratory exercises and data sheets for each test are included in the Soil Mechanics Lab Manual.
Springer International Publishing AG PV Technology and Manufacturing
This book discusses the manufacturing processes of photovoltaic solar cells, from conventional silicon cells, to thin-film technologies and ending with the cutting-edge technologies of third-generation photovoltaics.
MG - Human Kinetics Senior Fitness Test Manual
Legare Street Press The Manual of Bussiness
Birkhauser Verlag AG Die Werke von Johann I und Nicolaus II Bernoulli: Band 2: Mathematik II
This volume contains 17 mathematical works by Johann Bernoulli, written between 1680 – when he was only 13 years old and studied mathematics with his brother Jacob – and 1732, when he was 65 years old. Five of the works are handwritten manuscripts, and another three belong to the Anekdota, which he published in the fourth volume of his Opera Omnia. The book features also seven works by other authors: John Craig, Jacob Hermann, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, and Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus. Another work included in this book was co-written by Johann Bernoulli and Samuel Klingenstjerna. The texts presented here are divided into two parts: the first consists of a substantial untitled paper (Ms. 27) that contains, in a sequence numbered by the author, 120 propositions on various subjects that Bernoulli explored over a very long period of time, namely from 1685 to the first decades of the 18th century. In turn, the second part is composed of a series of articles and manuscripts devoted to problems on the rectification and transformation of curves, on geodesics, and on spherical epicycloids. In addition to information on the rapid advances in mathematics during this period, the volume also shares fascinating insights into the connections between the mathematicians.
Tirant Humanidades Manual de geopolítica crítica
Manual de Geopolítica Crítica es un Libro para La gente. Brinda acceso libre al conocimiento de asuntos hasta hoy mismo reservados, de manera exclusiva, a estadistas, militares y diplomáticos. Lejos de tal elitismo, este manual se propone atajar La ignorancia y la falta de criterio donde los poderosos sepultan intencionadamente a La ciudadanía para que padezca indefensa los efectos de guerras, adversidades y golpes de Estado por ellos inducidos. EL autor, Rafael Fraguas De Pablo, sociólogo, docente y periodista, ha vivido sobre el terreno avatares internacionales que han signado con sangre y dolor nuestro atribulado mundo. Para eludirlos, desde la experiencia, La racionalidad y la crítica de muchas concepcio-nes aún vigentes, el manual ofrece claves geoestratégicas con Las cuales descifrar, despejar y denunciar el alarmante futuro que aquellos preparan. Las lecciones aquí incluidas han sido impartidas en un curso anual dirigido por el autor en la Fundación Primero de Mayo de Madrid.
Guilford Publications Patient's Manual for CBASP
Designed for distribution to patients, this concise guide provides basic information about chronic depression and a clear introduction to CBASP (Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy). Several case examples are included to help the patient understand what the CBASP techniques are, how they work, and what to expect from treatment in terms of outcome goals. Written in a hopeful, empathic tone, the manual provides needed support to chronically depressed individuals as they begin the challenging work of CBASP psychotherapy.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Stencil Graffiti Manual
Stencils are a technique with unlimited aesthetic adaptability and possibility—from ancient cave painting to contemporary graffiti. Beyond their unique stylistic expression, stencils offer practical benefits, including precision, unlimited duplication of a message or pattern, and speed. In this info-packed manual, artist C215 shares not only his expertise with stencils, but the stories and works of 16 leading stencil graffiti and street artists around the world, showing how far it goes creatively beyond mere reproduction. Learn about materials and tools, bridges and frames, creating stencils with Photoshop and Illustrator, techniques for painting, and the specifics of text-based work, patterns, and abstract work. Hundreds of photos, detailed how-tos, and interviews with artists in the US, England, Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, Poland, and Colombia show a wide range of styles, techniques, and contexts. Three ready-to-use stencils are included.
Pontificio Istituto Biblico Manual of Palestinian Aramaic Texts
Peter Lang AG Explorations in the English Language: Middle Ages and Beyond: Festschrift for Professor Jerzy Wełna on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday
The volume, inspired by Professor Wełna’s life-long studies in historical linguistics, brings together scholars researching topics in various fields of the history of the English language. Nine chapters devoted to different linguistic disciplines gather articles covering sound and spelling changes, historical word-formation processes, selected semantic domains, and manuscript variants. In the broader perspective the book addresses the history of linguistic thought with authors incorporating different tools of analysis in historical research.
Ediciones Obelisco S.L. Manual de osteopatía 1910
El presente manual, libro de texto de generaciones de osteópatas americanos, es en realidad un tratado de mecanoterapia que nos expone con claridad y sencillez los principios osteopáticos.La osteopatía es un preciso método de diagnóstico y una eficaz terapia para someter a tratamiento las disfunciones de la movilidad de articulaciones y tejidos. Los procedimientos terapéuticos utilizadospor los osteópatas buscan promover la salud del paciente a través de la corrección mecánica de losdesequilibrios del esqueleto humano.Ilustrado con las manipulaciones básicas.
Tan Books & Publishers Inc. Manual for Marian Devotion
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Sauer's Manual of Skin Diseases
Trusted by generations of medical students, residents, and non-specialist practitioners, Sauer’s Manual of Skin Diseases continues the tradition of excellence in the fully updated 11th Edition. This bestselling dermatology manual provides full-color photographs, step-by-step instructions, and easy-to-follow algorithms for diagnosis and treatment of all common skin conditions. The practical, user-friendly format consists of two distinct parts: the first part covers the diagnosis and management of the most commonly seen skin diseases. The second part is a comprehensive Dictionary-Index to the entire field of dermatology, including rare diseases and unusual dermatologic terms.Key Features: Features new chapters on Contact Dermatitis, Cutaneous Drug Reactions, Ulcer Management, Vasculitis, Skin Diseases in the Military, and Skin Disease in the Abused Patient. Includes more than 700 full-color photographs, as well as diagnostic algorithms based on site, type of lesion, and age of patient. Covers ethnic skin, the skin and internal disease, pediatric dermatology, skin aging, obesity and dermatology, skin disease in transplant patients, sports medicine in dermatology, cutaneous signs of bioterrorism, dermatoses of pregnancy, and many more specialized areas. Continues Dr. Sauer’s commitment to simple, basic, and concise dermatology guidance for primary care practitioners, students, and others who need to effectively diagnose and treat common skin disorders. Your book purchase includes a complimentary download of the enhanced eBook for iOS, Android, PC & Mac.Take advantage of these practical features that will improve your eBook experience: The ability to download the eBook on multiple devices at one time — providing a seamless reading experience online or offline Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that allow you to search within this book, or across your entire library of VitalSource eBooks Multiple viewing options that enable you to scale images and text to any size without losing page clarity as well as responsive design The ability to highlight text and add notes with one click
Editorial Médica Panamericana S.A. Manual patología médica embarazo
Aunque en las últimas décadas se ha reducido de manera muy significativa la morbimortalidad maternoinfantil, cambios sociales y demográficos, como la mayor edad de las gestantes, un crecimiento en la prevalencia enfermedades crónicas previas, como la obesidad y la diabetes, han contribuido a un incremento en las enfermedades médicas durante el embarazo. Por otra parte ha habido un crecimiento exponencial del arsenal de fármacos disponibles, con la dificultad añadida para conocer de memoria su teratogenicidad o la posibilidad de uso en la lactancia. Las consecuencias son una mayor frecuencia y complejidad de la patología médica gestacional.Este Manual nace con el objetivo de facilitar los procesos de toma de decisiones en la asistencia y los cuidados de la mujer embarazada. Hasta el momento no existía una obra en español que abordara de manera práctica las patologías médicas más prevalentes que pueden ocurrir durante la gestación. Los autores son profesionales dedicados en su prácti
Brewers Publications Draught Beer Quality Manual
Delicious draught beer is a true delight, but the key challenge is ensuring that beer arrives to the consumer with all the freshness and flavor the brewer intended. In an ongoing effort to improve the quality of beer served at retail, the Brewers Association (BA) Draught Beer Quality Committee introduces the updated and revised fourth edition of the Draught Beer Quality Manual. The Draught Beer Quality Manual presents well-researched, detailed information on draught line cleaning, system components and design, pressure and gas balance, proper pouring technique, glassware sanitation, and other valuable advice from the experts. Also included is information on both direct- and long-draw draught systems, important safety tips, and helpful visuals for easy reference. Anyone tasked with performing or overseeing draught line cleaning will appreciate the updated recommendations reflecting current best practices.Whether you are utilizing short-term solutions like jockey boxes and picnic taps, or designing or updating a draught system, this book can help you deliver great beer. The focus on cleaning, maintenance, and proper operation of draught systems will help ensure quality beer, from effervescent German weissbiers to lightly carbonated English-style “cask” ales. Dedication to delivering quality draught beer will enhance the customer's experience with the beer you brew, distribute, and pour.This book is intended for draught system installers, beer wholesalers, retailers, brewers, and anyone with an interest in quality draught beer.
Haynes Manuals Inc Clymer Manual Suzuki DR650ES 1996-2019
University of California Press The Classical Foundations of Modern Historiography
Here, at last, are the long-awaited Sather Classical Lectures of the great historian Arnaldo Momigliano, In a masterly survey of the origins of ancient historiography, Momigliano captures those features of an ancient historian's work that not only gave it importance in its own day but also encouraged imitation and exploitation in later centuries. He reveals the extent to which Greek, Persian, and Jewish historians influenced the Western historiographic tradition, and then goes on to examine the first Roman historians and the emergence of national history. In the course of his exposition, he traces the development of antiquarian studies as distinctive branch of historical research from antiquity to the modern period, discusses the place of Tacitus in historical thought, and explores the way in which ecclesiastical historiography has developed a tradition of its own. All these lectures illustrate Momigliano's unrivaled ability to combine the study of classical texts and the history of classical scholarship. First delivered in 1962, the lectures were revised during the next fifteen years and then held for annotation that was never completed. They are now published from the author's manuscripts, collated and checked by Momigliano's literary executor, Anne Marie Meyer, of the Warburg Institute, with a foreword by Riccardo Di Donato, of the University of Pisa. The text is printed as the author left it. Sather Classical Lectures, 54
Manual de iniciación al senderismo
El concepto de senderismo cubre prácticas y usos muy amplios y distintos, desde una sencilla marcha a pie al aire libre, hasta un recorrido deportivo por terrenos técnicos y exigentes. El primer desafío es encontrar el estilo donde cada uno se sienta mejor y más relajado para disfrutar de todas las posibilidades estéticas de la naturaleza, sin prisa, caminando tranquilamente hasta la cumbre de uno mismo. Este nuevo -Manual de iniciación al senderismo- es una recopilación de consejos, recomendaciones y puntos de vista del autor, basados en su experiencia personal y criterios actuales sobre el senderismo moderno, para facilitar el acercamiento de todos los que deseen introducirse en el apasionante mundo de los senderos, en solitario, con amigos o en familia. Y tal vez, también puede ser un punto de partida para futuros montañeros y alpinistas que quieran alcanzar después grandes cumbres. PERFIL DEL SENDERISTA ? Inspiración y actitud ? Preparación física ? La mente es el motor de las pier
Tursen S.A. - H. Blume Manual de fotografía digital SLR
Satori Ediciones Koi manual bsico de japons
El mejor manual para aprender japonés de forma rápida y divertida. Un método de aprendizaje autodidacta y eficaz, diseñado específicamente para hispanohablantes.KOI es un método de aprendizaje de japonés diseñado específicamente para hispanohablantes por la profesora Yoko Nakazawa. Desarrollado a lo largo de más de 30 años de experiencia profesional, KOI ofrece una aproximación autodidacta y eficaz al idioma de una manera práctica, rápida y divertida, poniendo especial énfasis en las necesidades concretas de los hispanohablantes y en las soluciones a las posibles dificultades que puedan surgir durante el proceso de aprendizaje.Este manual va dirigido a todos aquellos que quieran aprender japonés, tengan o no nociones previas de la lengua. Desde conceptos básicos como los sistemas de escritura y la pronunciación hasta cuestiones de gramática estructuradas especialmente para que el hispanohablante pueda sacar el máximo partido de este método, KOI está considerado como el mejor ma
Ediciones Luna, S.L. Manual de interpretación y traducción
Los Libros de la Catarata Manual para una economía sostenible
Ocano mbar, S.A. Manual de la novia infernal
Editorial Edaf, S.L. Reiki manual de terapeuta profesional
Reiki fue concebido originalmente como un método terapéutico para uso en clínicas especializadas en Japón. Este Manual Oficial "vuelve a sus raíces", y expone la técnica de la manera que fue concebida, como una práctica curativa que actúa sobre la energía vital del cuerpo. La práctica de Reiki hoy en día está difundida por todo el mundo, y cuenta con una gran aceptación en el contexto hospitalario y sanitario en general. El Instituto Nacional de Salud británico tiene terapeutas de Reiki en nómina en varios hospitales. La mayoría de los seguros suizos reembolsan un tratamiento de Reiki a sus asegurados. Casi todos los hospitales de los EE.UU. ofrecen Reiki tanto como parte integrada en sus tratamientos como un servicio externo. En España, la Fundación Sauce ha formado a más de dos mil profesionales de personal sanitario y aplica Reiki en varios hospitales de forma oficial. En resumen, su uso terapéutico para favorecer el bienestar y acelerar el proceso curativo es algo aceptado por la c
Ediciones Omega, S.A. Manual del dueño del perro
En un estilo claro y accesible, el autor detalla todos los aspectos del carácter y las necesidades del perro y explica cómo mantenerlo sano y feliz. Una sección ilustrada sobre las razas caninas le ayuda a escoger la más adecuada. El libro también contiene información esencial sobre la cría, el cuidado y el adiestramiento, desde educar a un cachorro en casa hasta cuidar de un perro viejo.
Almuzara Manual de Escritura Para Persuadir
Manual de la vida salvaje
Manual de la vida salvaje cuenta la historia en primera persona de Kevin Bédard, presidente y director ejecutivo de Huldu Technologies Inc., y nos cuenta en detalle su experiencia desde sus inicios como estudiante de informática hasta la creación de una aplicación que le hará rico como Steve Jobs. Entre instrucciones, lecciones de negocios y fría narración de hechos, Manual de la vida salvaje destila veneno. Una novela sarcástica e irónica sobre el éxito y cómo conseguirlo con toques de humor negro y ciencia ficción.
DOM Publishers Pharmacies Construction And Design Manual
Modern designs for pharmacy buildings are more efficient, commercial and brightly lit than before. This book presents a variety of projects, illustrated with over 300 photos and plans. It features experts' thoughts on such topics as interior architecture, building expenses and the basics of planning laws as applied to these buildings.
Skyhorse Publishing The Complete SAS Survival Manual
Andrews McMeel Publishing The Escape Manual for Introverts
Feeling cornered at a wedding reception by gossipy guests? Stuck at a holiday party that lasts forever? This beautifully illustrated book is the ultimate funny, sometimes absurd guide to escaping those painfully awkward situations. Trapped in an airplane seated next to a chatterbox? Are you hosting a dinner party with people who just won't leave? Katie Vaz has the key to your escape. The Escape Manual for Introverts guides readers through different scenarios with themed chapters ('Friends,' 'Relatives,' 'Strangers,' etc.). Each chapter covers a range of situations, from an invitation to karaoke night to group lunchtime. And she offers a number of escapes for each scenario: bringing odoriferous foods to lunch for a while, having a pet (real or imagined) that 'requires' frequent check-ins, and even investing in a jet pack. This book features Vaz's full-page illustrated spreads, hand-lettering, and spot illustrations. From
McGraw-Hill Companies Lab Manual for Human Biology
LifeWay Christian Resources Pastor's Wedding Manual, Updated Edition
Alfred USA Ornamentation A Question Answer Manual
Thomas Nelson Publishers Nelson's Minister's Manual, KJV Edition
The minister's life is punctuated by unscheduled emergencies in the lives of church members or other acquaintances. Here is a resource to help deal with those occurrences seamlessly. Nelson's Minister's Manual offers fresh and creative resources to help busy pastors with ministry events each day brings. Includes: Communion services Baptism Messages Funeral Sermons Traditional Funeral Verses From The Bible Funeral Registration Form Graveside Service Wedding Sermons Traditional Bible Verses for Marriage Wedding Registration Form Issues to Address in Premarital Counseling Hospital Form Issues to Address in Premarital Counseling Hospital Visitation Checklist Bible Verses to share With The Sick or Dying Much More An excellent gift for new pastors and seminary students.
Rowman & Littlefield Roadside Road Bike Maintenance Manual
Provides road bike enthusiasts with step-by-step guidance to maintaining and repairing their bikes, combining an easy-to-use format and design with high quality photographs of the latest equipment, tools and techniques. Understanding how to maintain a road bike is a necessary skill. This book guides the reader through every repair possible and give tips on how to spot the early warning signs of trouble so that the problem can be fixed before it leads to costly relacements. The spiral bound design allows the book open flat so the reader can easily follow the fully illustrated step-by-step guidance. It is the perfect reference manual for the workshop or the backpack with lots of tips on how to conduct quick repairs for trouble out on the road.