Search results for ""author andreas""
Dr Ludwig Reichert The Mosaics of Roger II in Sicily: Visualizing Sacred Authority
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Osterreich-Ungarn Und Italien Im Ersten Weltkrieg / Austria-Ungheria E Italia Nella Grande Guerra
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Jahrbuch Der Osterreichischen Byzantinistik Band 61/2011
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Kleine Schriften / Abhandlungen Und Beitrage Zur Griechischen Inschriftenkunde
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht The Bible in Byzantium: Appropriation, Adaptation, Interpretation
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Vergleich ALS Herausforderung: Festschrift Zum 65. Geburtstag Von Gunther Heydemann
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Veröffentlichungen des Instituts fÃ"r Europäische Geschichte Mainz
In den letzten Jahren hat sich das öffentliche und wissenschaftliche Interesse am Gewalt- und Konfliktpotenzial von Religion verdichtet. Angesichts der politischen Ereignisse der letzten Jahre scheint es ausgemacht, dass religiöse Ãberzeugungen Konflikte fördern und Gewalt nach sich ziehen. GrÃ"ndlichere Analysen zeigen jedoch, dass Religion fÃ"r sich genommen nur selten selber den Ausbruch von machtpolitisch oder ökonomisch ausgetragenen Konflikten bewirkt. Wohl aber kann sie vorhandene ökonomische und machtpolitische Gegnerschaften verstärken.Dass Religion auch friedensfördernd zu sein vermag, ist in jÃ"ngerer Zeit deutlich weniger in den Blick genommen worden. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes widmen sich diesem vernachlässigten Thema, indem sie nach jenen Elementen von Religion fragen, die als friedensfördernd angesehen werden können und dazu geeignet sind, entsprechende Potenziale freizusetzen. Dies geschieht aus der Perspektive von Geschichts-, Politik-, Islam und Religionswissenschaft sowie Theologie und im Hinblick auf verschiedene, in Europa präsente Religionen. Religionskritisch werden gleichzeitig die gewaltfördernden Aspekte von Religion mit reflektiert.Mit Beiträgen von Andreas Hasenclever, Alexander de Juan, Armin Kohnle, Irfan A. Omar, Peter Steinacker, Klaus von Stosch und Christiane Tietz.
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Bildung Und Demokratie in Der Weimarer Republik
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Vom Drohenden Burgerkrieg Zum Demokratischen Gewaltmonopol (1918-1924)
Aschendorff Verlag Rechtliche Optionen Fur Kooperationsbeziehungen Zwischen Deutschem Staat Und Muslimischen Gemeinschaften
Theologischer Verlag Imagination in Der Praktischen Theologie: Festschrift Fur Maurice Baumann
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Staatliche Souveränität im 21. Jahrhundert: Zwischen nationaler Selbstbestimmung und globaler Verflechtung
Die Souveränität des Staates zählt zu den grundlegendsten Begriffen des Staats- und Völkerrechts. Der Frage, was sich hinter dem Begriff der Souveränität verbirgt, wie und warum die Souveränitätsidee zur Grundnorm der internationalen Beziehungen wurde, welche Veränderungen diese erfahren hat und welchen Chancen und Herausforderungen sich der Souveränitätsbegriff im 21. Jahrhundert gegenübersieht, widmeten sich Stipendiaten des Cusanuswerks im Rahmen einer juristischen Tagung, die im Herbst 2015 in Münster stattfand. Im Dialog mit Stimmen aus der Wissenschaft entwickelte sich eine intensive Diskussion über Staatliche Souveränität im 21. Jahrhundert - zwischen nationaler Selbstbestimmung und globaler Verflechtung. Der Tagungsband enthält die gesammelten Beiträge der Tagung, die die Konturen des Souveränitätsbegriffs zu bestimmen versuchen.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Protestantismus, Antijudaismus, Antisemitismus: Konvergenzen und Konfrontationen in ihren Kontexten
Markiert die Reformation eine Zäsur in der Geschichte des christlichen Antijudaismus? Was haben das reformatorische Christentum und seine Wirkungen in Wechselwirkung mit andersartigen Koeffizienten für das Umschlagen des Antijudaismus in eliminatorischen Antisemitismus bedeutet? Zu diesen viel diskutierten Themen leistet der vorliegende Band einen Beitrag auf einem neuen Niveau der Differenzierung und der Multiperspektivität. Anders als weithin üblich, wird der Schwerpunkt nicht von vorneherein auf Martin Luther und seine "Judenschriften" gelegt. Für das 16. Jahrhundert wird vielmehr das Verhältnis der Zeitgenossenschaft zu den Juden in den Blick genommen. Im Blick auf das 19. und frühe 20. Jahrhundert kommen die verschiedensten protestantischen Positionen in Deutschland zum Judentum und deren Quellen zur Sprache. Kontrastierend wird schließlich die internationale Szene beleuchtet, einerseits außerdeutsche lutherische Länder und Kirchen und andererseits Länder, die von anderen konfessionellen Traditionen geprägt waren.
De Gruyter Silvestrin - Somani
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Parkinsonian Disorders in Clinical Practice
This book gives the reader an up-to-date, clear and logical idea of what caring for parkinsonian patients entails - a challenge that clinicians will face for many years to come. It is split into three sections: Section 1: A compilation of the major brain lesions typically seen in PD Section 2: Treatment options in PD Section 3: 25 cases designed to test the reader and the practical application of the information supplied in the other sections.
Gordon and Breach Quantitive Analysis Of Biospec
JOVIS Verlag GAM.14: Exhibiting Matters
The dissolution of the 'traditional' artwork as well as the division of labour within the specified and increasingly intersecting fields of art and architecture make a re-evaluation of the spatial, curatorial, temporal, and institutional aspects of exhibiting necessary. In particular, the act of exhibiting is currently being shaped more and more by the embrace of a deliberate refusal of temporal and spatial closure, thus also bringing forth new sites for investigative (dis)play, media manifestations, and crossover collaborations. GAM.14 collects current positions from the disciplines of art and architecture that address the potentials of sites of exhibiting to act as laboratory spaces in which the urgent social, political, and ideological challenges of our time can manifest themselves. The volume includes contributions by Ivana Bago, Nicolas Bourriaud, Ana Devi, Anselm Franke, Andrew Herscher, Tom Holert, Sami Khatib, Wilfried Kühn, Ana Maria Leon, Maria Lind, What, How & for Whom/WHW, among others. Text in English and German.
Snoeck Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Andreas Schulze: On Stage: Cat. Kunsthalle Nuremberg
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Krankenhaus-Report 2023: Schwerpunkt: Personal
Der Krankenhaus-Report, der jährlich als Buch und als Open-Access-Publikation erscheint, greift 2023 das Schwerpunktthema „Personal“ auf. Nicht erst seit der Covid-19-Pandemie sind die Probleme der personellen Ausstattung und Personalverfügbarkeit im Krankenhaus, insbesondere in der Pflege, im Fokus der Diskussion. Der aktuelle Report analysiert die Ausgangslage und erörtert diverse Handlungsansätze mit Blick auf die Verbesserung der Personalsituation. Weiter diskutiert werden aber auch Fragen eines grundlegenden Reformbedarfs des Systems und der Finanzierung der stationären Versorgung, die auf der Agenda der aktuellen Gesundheitspolitik stehen.Der Krankenhaus-Report 2023 thematisiert mit Blick auf die Situation des Personals im Krankenhaus unter anderem: Personalentwicklung im Zeitverlauf und in der internationalen Perspektive Arbeitsmarktsituation beim Gesundheitspersonal Image der Pflege Aus- und Weiterbildung von Ärzten und Pflegekräften Handlungsoptionen im Personalmanagement Veränderungen der Personalsituation durch Digitalisierung und Robotik Pflegepersonalvorgaben und Pflegekostenfinanzierung Personalallokation und StrukturwandelZusätzlich werden folgende Themen zur Diskussion gestellt:Reformkonzept der Regierungskommission zur KrankenhausvergütungOptionen zur Ausgestaltung einer VorhaltefinanzierungAuswirkungen der Covid-19-Pandemie auf die KrankenhausleistungenDaneben stellt das Statistische Bundesamt Grund- und Diagnosedaten der Krankenhäuser bereit und die „Krankenhauspolitische Chronik“ bietet wie in den Vorjahren eine differenzierte Sicht auf die Ereignisse.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Umgang mit Krisenauswirkungen in der Bauwirtschaft: Schnelleinstieg für Architekten und Bauingenieure
Die letzten Jahre waren weltumspannend geprägt von Auswirkungen der Pandemie und der Kriegslage in Europa. Auch die Auswirkungen auf die Bauwirtschaft sind erheblich und mitunter existenziell. Dadurch stellen sich viele Fragen: Wie geht man mit der internationalen Verflechtung von Lieferketten in der Bauwirtschaft um? Wie wird man krisenresistenter und -resilienter in der Vertragsgestaltung? Welche Möglichkeiten sind baubetrieblich greifbar, um den Umgang mit den Auswirkungen besser zu realisieren?Die Kooperationsverpflichtung der Vertragsparteien endet nicht mit dem Beginn von Komplikationen im Bauablauf.Das Ziel muss also ein angemessener Interessensausgleich sowohl der Auftraggeberseite, als auch der Auftragnehmerseite sein.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Game Studies
Das Lehrbuch bietet einen zugänglichen und umfassenden Überblick über die grundlegenden Ansätze der interdisziplinär ausgerichteten Game Studies. Durch die übersichtliche Einteilung in die Themenbereiche Spiele, Schnittstellen und Spieler empfiehlt es sich sowohl als Grundlage für kultur-, medien- und filmwissenschaftliche Seminare wie auch als kompakte Einführung für Quereinsteiger. Die wichtigsten Felder, Ansätze und Methoden dieser neuen, vielschichtigen und hochgradig dynamischen Disziplin werden anhand zentraler Begriffe vorgestellt und anschaulich an ausgewählten Beispielen entwickelt. Einen besonderen aus kultur-, medien- und filmwissenschaftlicher Perspektive relevanten Schwerpunkt bilden die bisher wenig beachteten ästhetischen Zugänge zur audiovisuellen Gestaltung der Videospiele.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Handbuch Marktforschung: Methoden - Anwendungen - Praxisbeispiele
"State of the Art" der quantitativen und qualitativen Marktforschung. Das Handbuch Marktforschung ist die vollständig überarbeitete und um zahlreiche Beiträge erweiterte 3. Auflage von Marktforschung. Von den 42 Beiträgen sind 20 Beiträge neu. So gut wie alle übrigen Beiträge wurden systematisch überarbeitet, um neuen methodischen Entwicklungen Rechnung zu tragen. Zahlreiche Beiträge zu neueren Marktforschungsmethoden, zu statistischen Grundlagen der Marktforschung, zu Besonderheiten internationaler Marktforschungsprojekte und zu experimenteller Marktforschung wurden aufgenommen. Zudem präsentieren mit der Deutschen Bank, Audi und Henkel ausgewählte Unternehmen ihre spezifische Herangehensweise an Marktforschungsprobleme aus der Unternehmenspraxis.
Walter de Gruyter & Co Länder
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Wirtschaftsbezogene Qualifikationen für Dummies
Sie möchten Fachwirt werden und sich auf den Prüfungsteil "Wirtschaftsbezogene Qualifikationen" vorbereiten? Dieses Buch erklärt verständlich, anhand vieler anschaulicher Beispiele und in der den Dummies typischen lockeren Sprache, sodass Sie den Lernstoff auch wirklich verstehen. So können Sie gelassen und gut vorbereitet auf alle relevanten Themen in die Prüfung gehen: Volks- und Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Rechnungswesen, Recht und Steuern und Unternehmensführung.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Das Digital Transformer's Dilemma: Wie Sie Ihr Kerngeschäft digitalisieren und gleichzeitig innovative Geschäftsmodelle aufbauen
Nominiert von GetAbstract für den International Book Award 2021. Meistern Sie die Balance zwischen der Revitalisierung - und Digitalisierung - Ihres traditionellen Kerngeschäfts und dem Aufbau eines neuen digitalen Business! In Das Digital Transformer's Dilemma erfahren etablierte Unternehmen, wie sie ihr Kerngeschäft transformieren sowie gleichzeitig neue und innovative Produkte, Dienstleistungen und Geschäftsmodelle aufbauen können. Basis hierfür sind mehr als 100 Interviews mit Führungskräften großer, internationaler Unternehmen (wie Nestlé, Novartis, Volkswagen und BASF) und kleinerer Hidden Champions, außerdem zahlreiche inspirierende Fallstudien, sowie die eigenen Erfahrungen der Autoren. In dem Buch erläutern die Autoren, wie Unternehmen das schwierige Gleichgewicht zwischen der Revitalisierung - und Digitalisierung - des traditionellen Geschäfts und dem Aufbau eines neuen (digitalen) Geschäfts finden können. Dabei konzentriert sich das Werk auf die tatsächliche Umsetzung der digitalen Transformation und bietet viele konkrete Tipps, Tools und Handlungsanleitungen, die sowohl Führungskräfte als auch Projektmitarbeiter bei ihrer Arbeit unterstützen sollen.
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Interaktionen in Kindertageseinrichtungen: Theorie Und Praxis Im Interdisziplinaren Dialog
Brill U Schoningh Monumenta: Erinnerungsorte Zwischen Weser Und Lippe
De Gruyter Wiederholung. Répétition: Wiederkehr, Variation und Übersetzung in der Kunst
Artistic production is always associated with repetition, whether in imitation of nature or in imitation of art itself. The spectrum of the phenomenon “repetition” in the visual arts varies from the (im-)possibility of reproducing of a work to its direct thematization, for instance in printed reproductions, or as prolific repetitions in terms of varying, appropriating, adapting or converting.The essays in this volume examine repetitions that are characterized by evocations of memory, changes in form, reproduction methods and avant-garde breaks with repetitive aesthetics.
Springer International Publishing AG Aviation Risk and Safety Management: Methods and Applications in Aviation Organizations
The International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) decision to require aviation organizations to adopt Safety Management Systems poses a major problem especially for small and medium sized aviation companies. The complexity of regulations overstrains the aviation stakeholders who seek to fully advantage from them but have no clear guidance. The aim of the book is to show the implementation of such a new system with pragmatic effort in order to gain a gradation for smaller operators. This approach should illustrate the leeway in order to adapt the processes and to show the interfaces between Corporate Risk Management and Safety Management. The book shows how to build a system with reasonable effort, appropriate to the size and complexity of the specific operator. It also gives inputs on the key aspects and how to effectively operate such a system with the various interfaces. Furthermore, the book highlights the importance of Corporate Risk Management independent of Safety Management Systems based on ICAO.
Springer International Publishing AG Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 20th International Conference, CAIP 2023, Limassol, Cyprus, September 25–28, 2023, Proceedings, Part II
This volume LNCS 14184 and 14185 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 20th International Conference, CAIP 2023, in Limassol, Cyprus, in September 2023. The 54 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 67 submissions. They were organized in the following section as follows:Part I: PAR Contest 2023; Deep Learning; Machine Learning for Image and Pattern Analysis; and Object Recognition and Segmentation.Part II : Biometrics- Human Pose Estimation- Action Recognition; Biomedical Image and Pattern Analysis; and General Vision- AI Applications.
Springer International Publishing AG Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 20th International Conference, CAIP 2023, Limassol, Cyprus, September 25–28, 2023, Proceedings, Part I
This volume LNCS 14184 and 14185 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 20th International Conference, CAIP 2023, in Limassol, Cyprus, in September 2023. The 54 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 67 submissions. They were organized in the following section as follows:Part I-:PAR Contest 2023; Deep Learning; Machine Learning for Image and Pattern Analysis; and Object Recognition and Segmentation.Part II : Biometrics- Human Pose Estimation- Action Recognition; Biomedical Image and Pattern Analysis; and General Vision- AI Applications.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Competitiveness and the Balance of Payments: Do Current Account Deficits and Surpluses Matter?
How can the notion of competitiveness be reasonably applied to an economy? What relation does high or low competitiveness have to the current account? Do huge and persistent imbalances really reflect competitive positions of local firms or are they merely due to a misalignment of exchange rates or even outright protectionism, as the US-Japan trade conflict suggests?All these questions are rigorously addressed in International Competitiveness and the Balance of Payments. In examining the determinants of current account balances the conventional competitiveness approach - in which deficits are assumed to indicate low competitiveness - is contrasted with an intertemporal view of the balance of payments. By emphasizing locational quality as the decisive factor in international competitiveness, the authors are able to offer fundamentally different conclusions about the determinants of current account debates.As well as theoretical evidence advocating the intertemporal view, the authors present four case studies in support of this approach: Germany before and after unification, Spain before joining the EMS, the United States since the early 1980s, and Japan's persistent current account surpluses.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Space and Organizing: On Spatial Agencing
This timely book explores how space emerges as people attempt to organize and reorganize their everyday activities. From the workplace to the internet, geographical districts to international development projects, it offers new insights on how created spaces enable further activities as the organizing process evolves. Expert contributors employ a poststructuralist perspective to look at the importance of agencing for understanding organizing within and among multifarious spaces. In turn this provides a means of explaining how organizing unfolds through combinations of spatio-material and agential practices. Extending this research by highlighting the agential dynamics of organizing in relation to space, this book unpacks the concept of agencing, before considering how relational approaches to space have influenced the idea of spatial agencing. Connecting the work of Michel Callon and Franck Cochoy, Space and Organizing joins a forward-thinking and ever-expanding body of research. As space and society are the result of diverse ongoing activities that enable further organizing to take place, the book concludes that we should abandon the idea of a given space that people inhabit and transform.This book offers a meaningful avenue to rethink how we interact with nature, distribute our activities, and organize our practices. Aimed at business and management researchers, PhD candidates and postgraduate students with a particular interest in organization studies and organizational behaviour, this book offers ways to engage with more positive routes of spatial agencing.
Emerald Publishing Limited Autonomous Driving: How the Driverless Revolution will Change the World
This book looks at the latest advances in autonomous driving, demonstrating that a future once considered science fiction is now close at hand. Acceptance of driverless cars relies on more than just the technology that delivers it; in this book the authors consider the shift in attitudes required for social acceptance and a move towards considering cars one aspect of a wider mobility solution. In addition, a clear demand is arising from gridlocked megacities across the globe. Autonomous driving offers a solution for the high pollution levels and management of the transport infrastructure where current methods are proving insufficient in places of high population density. Having highlighted the need for driverless cars, the book concludes with an ambitious agenda to ensure the successful delivery of autonomous driving. Political requirements, including investment in a new infrastructure and a commitment to collaboration across borders factors in the ten-point plan for governments seeking to establish international leaders in the latest advances in mobility services. From ethical considerations in the programming of automated driving procedures to changes in attitudes towards car ownership and design, this title is a comprehensive look at the latest revolution in mobility.
Emerald Publishing Limited Openness and Education
This volume takes a look at the emergence of open education as a concept, a production process and a delivery preference in the world of education and learning. Drawing on early lessons from around the globe the book lays out how formal education, workplace learning and lifelong learning have been impacted so far by open education and how they stand to be further impacted by a landscape that is still changing. The book examines the social and economic consequences of open education and provide an insight into the way open education could contribute to a higher level of digital inclusion and to the establishment of new and innovative services of high social and economic merit. Featuring case studies of initiatives, practices and projects this volume illustrates theoretical concepts and emerging models of open education in the context of the latest academic studies and entrepreneurial innovation.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Virtual Walls?: Political Unification and Cultural Difference in Contemporary Germany
A reassessment of the journey Germans in East and West have taken during the past two and a half decades: even today, an open-ended, unfinished journey. On October 3, 1990, just a year after the Berlin Wall fell, the German Democratic Republic was absorbed into the Federal Republic of Germany, officially ceasing to exist. What was the GDR and how do we remember it? According to the dominant Western narrative, it was a country that brought neither unity nor justice nor freedom to its citizens. But if so, why does a virtual wall still seem to exist in Germany today between the erstwhile citizens of the GDR and FRG? The GDR very much remains in the public debate, and while political integration is well on its way, the cultural integration of the two former states has proven much more challenging. This volume analyzes the culturaltransformation - or lack thereof - that has followed political unification. The contributions are interdisciplinary: essays on history and politics provide a framework and others on art, film, literature, museums, music, and education provide specific examples. These case studies allow us to examine the state of unification beyond statistics, opinion polls, and glib generalizations. The volume, then, is a reassessment of the journey Germans in East and West have taken during the past two and a half decades. Even today, it is an open-ended, unfinished journey. But such journeys tend to be the most interesting. Contributors: Kerstin Barndt, Stephen Brockmann, Michael Dreyer, Andreas Eis, April A. Eisman, Peter Hayes, Franziska Lys, Charles S. Maier, Andreas Niederberger, Mary-Elizabeth O'Brien, Daniel Ortuno-Stühring. Franziska Lys is Professor of German at Northwestern University. Michael Dreyer is Professor in the Institute for Political Science at the University of Jena.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Ex Captivitate Salus: Experiences, 1945 - 47
When Germany was defeated in 1945, both the Russians and the Americans undertook mass internments in the territories they occupied. The Americans called their approach “automatic arrest.” Carl Schmitt, although not belonging in the circles subject to automatic arrest, was held in one of these camps in the years 1945–6 and then, in March 1947, in the prison of the international tribunal in Nuremberg, as witness and “possible defendant.” A formal charge was never brought against him. Schmitt’s way of coping throughout the years of isolation was to write this book. In Ex Captivitate Salus, or Deliverance from Captivity, Schmitt considers a range of issues relating to history and political theory as well as recent events, including the Nazi defeat and the newly emerging Cold War. Schmitt often urged his readers to view the book as though it were a series of letters personally directed to each one of them. Hence there is a decidedly personal dimension to the text, as Schmitt expresses his thoughts on his own career trajectory with some pathos, while at the same time emphasising that “this is not romantic or heroic prison literature.” This reflective work sheds new light on Schmitt’s thought and personal situation at the beginning of a period of exile from public life that only ended with his death in 1985. It will be of great value to the many students and scholars in political theory and law who continue to study and appreciate this seminal theorist of the twentieth century.
Policy Press Local Social Innovation to Combat Poverty and Exclusion: A Critical Appraisal
Based on more than 30 case studies in eight different countries, this book explores the governance dynamics of local social innovations in the field of poverty reduction. The diverse team of contributors illustrate how different governance dynamics and welfare mixes enable or hinder poverty reduction strategies and analyse how they involve a variety of actors, instruments and resources at different spatial scales.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Global Journalism Research: Theories, Methods, Findings, Future
Global Journalism Research offers a diversity of theoretical and methodological approaches for studying journalists and journalism around the world. It charts the opportunities and challenges facing journalism research in an increasingly global field. Brings together an elite team of contributors to create a comprehensive overview of journalism research and its different approaches, methods, and paradigms around the world Examines the impact of developments in journalism that have resulted in it becoming an international phenomenon with global networks, no longer able to operate solely within national or cultural borders Considers the theoretical frameworks necessary for journalists to embrace recent economic, political, and cultural changes - impacting on our basic definitions of journalism Explores the issue of the increasingly blurring line between entertainment and news, as well as the formerly clear division between journalism, public relations and business communication Draws on examples of journalism research from Asia, Africa, Western and Eastern Europe, and North and Latin America
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Development of Mental Processing: Efficiency, Working Memory, and Thinking
The Development of Mental Processing integrates several psychological approaches in order to create a more comprehensive theoretical system. This system is tested through a longitudinal study of children 8 to 16 years of age, where findings show that it is ones efficiency at processing information, which has the greatest impact on the development of the working memory. This working memory, in turn, becomes the underlying factor determining individual differences in thinking. Study presenting a developing comprehensive theorhetical system and showing its evolution. Includes commentary by Kurt Fischer and Theo Dawson. An interesting monograph for both students and researchers about the process of theory creation as much as the study's findings.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Human-Machine Systems
Handbook of Human-Machine Systems Insightful and cutting-edge discussions of recent developments in human-machine systems In Handbook of Human-Machine Systems, a team of distinguished researchers delivers a comprehensive exploration of human-machine systems (HMS) research and development from a variety of illuminating perspectives. The book offers a big picture look at state-of-the-art research and technology in the area of HMS. Contributing authors cover Brain-Machine Interfaces and Systems, including assistive technologies like devices used to improve locomotion. They also discuss advances in the scientific and engineering foundations of Collaborative Intelligent Systems and Applications. Companion technology, which combines trans-disciplinary research in fields like computer science, AI, and cognitive science, is explored alongside the applications of human cognition in intelligent and artificially intelligent system designs, human factors engineering, and various aspects of interactive and wearable computers and systems. The book also includes: A thorough introduction to human-machine systems via the use of emblematic use cases, as well as discussions of potential future research challenges Comprehensive explorations of hybrid technologies, which focus on transversal aspects of human-machine systems Practical discussions of human-machine cooperation principles and methods for the design and evaluation of a brain-computer interface Perfect for academic and technical researchers with an interest in HMS, Handbook of Human-Machine Systems will also earn a place in the libraries of technical professionals practicing in areas including computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, engineering, psychology, and neurobiology.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Simulation and Wargaming
Understanding the potential synergies between computer simulation and wargamingBased on the insights of experts in both domains, Simulation and Wargaming comprehensively explores the intersection between computer simulation and wargaming. This book shows how the practice of wargaming can be augmented and provide more detail-oriented insights using computer simulation, particularly as the complexity of military operations and the need for computational decision aids increases. The distinguished authors have hit upon two practical areas that have tremendous applications to share with one another but do not seem to be aware of that fact. The book includes insights into: The application of the data-driven speed inherent to computer simulation to wargames The application of the insight and analysis gained from wargames to computer simulation The areas of concern raised by the combination of these two disparate yet related fields New research and application opportunities emerging from the intersection Addressing professionals in the wargaming, modeling, and simulation industries, as well as decision makers and organizational leaders involved with wargaming and simulation, Simulation and Wargaming offers a multifaceted and insightful read and provides the foundation for future interdisciplinary progress in both domains.
Filbert Press How to Build a Natural Swimming Pool: The Complete Guide to Healthy Swimming at Home
A natural swimming pool is an exciting addition to a garden. It is the ultimate play resource that provides a healthy, chlorine-free environment for swimming, a living ecosystem for nature lovers and whole new world of aquatic plants for gardeners. This practical handbook describes a wide range of pools from simple "swimming ponds" to models with separate plant regeneration areas, and others that resemble traditional pools. It explains how plants are used to keep the water clean and advises on pumps, skimmers and filters to limit the growth of algae, encourage the growth of biofilm and keep the water sparkling. Natural swimming pools are easy to maintain, have low running costs and require less fill-up water than conventional pools. This book provides tried-and-trusted advice on a feature that is increasingly in demand among aspirational, eco-minded gardeners and designers.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Auroral Phenomenology and Magnetospheric Processes: Earth and Other Planets
Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 197.Many of the most basic aspects of the aurora remain unexplained. While in the past terrestrial and planetary auroras have been largely treated in separate books, Auroral Phenomenology and Magnetospheric Processes: Earth and Other Planets takes a holistic approach, treating the aurora as a fundamental process and discussing the phenomenology, physics, and relationship with the respective planetary magnetospheres in one volume. While there are some behaviors common in auroras of the different planets, there are also striking differences that test our basic understanding of auroral processes. The objective, upon which this monograph is focused, is to connect our knowledge of auroral morphology to the physical processes in the magnetosphere that power and structure discrete and diffuse auroras. Understanding this connection will result in a more complete explanation of the aurora and also further the goal of being able to interpret the global auroral distributions as a dynamic map of the magnetosphere. The volume synthesizes five major areas: auroral phenomenology, aurora and ionospheric electrodynamics, discrete auroral acceleration, aurora and magnetospheric dynamics, and comparative planetary aurora. Covering the recent advances in observations, simulation, and theory, this book will serve a broad community of scientists, including graduate students, studying auroras at Mars, Earth, Saturn, and Jupiter. Projected beyond our solar system, it may also be of interest for astronomers who are looking for aurora-active exoplanets.