Search results for ""author andreas""
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Mathematical Physics: Classical Mechanics
As a limit theory of quantum mechanics, classical dynamics comprises a large variety of phenomena, from computable (integrable) to chaotic (mixing) behavior. This book presents the KAM (Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser) theory and asymptotic completeness in classical scattering. Including a wealth of fascinating examples in physics, it offers not only an excellent selection of basic topics, but also an introduction to a number of current areas of research in the field of classical mechanics. Thanks to the didactic structure and concise appendices, the presentation is self-contained and requires only knowledge of the basic courses in mathematics.The book addresses the needs of graduate and senior undergraduate students in mathematics and physics, and of researchers interested in approaching classical mechanics from a modern point of view.
Cambridge University Press Fundamentals of Geophysics
This enduringly popular undergraduate textbook has been thoroughly reworked and updated, and now comprises twelve chapters covering the same breadth of topics as earlier editions, but in a substantially modernized fashion to facilitate classroom teaching. Covering both theoretical and applied aspects of geophysics, clear explanations of the physical principles are blended with step-by-step derivations of the key equations and over 400 explanatory figures to explain the internal structure and properties of the planet, including its petroleum and mineral resources. New topics include the latest data acquisition technologies, such as satellite geophysics, planetary landers, ocean bottom seismometers, and fibre optic methods, as well as recent research developments in ambient noise interferometry, seismic hazard analysis, rheology, and numerical modelling - all illustrated with examples from the scientific literature. Student-friendly features include separate text boxes with auxiliary explanations and advanced topics of interest; reading lists of foundational, alternative, or more detailed resources; end-of-chapter review questions and an increased number of quantitative exercises. Completely new to this edition is the addition of computational exercises in Python, designed to help students acquire important programming skills and develop a more profound understanding of geophysics.
Copenhagen Business School Press Dealing with confidence: The Construction of Need & Trust in Management Advisory Services
Edition Axel Menges Opus 82: Bodensee-Wasserversorgung, Sipplingen
Autumn 1958 marked the launching of the Bodensee-Wasserversorgung (Lake Constance water supply), an infrastructure project whose largest part is underground, hidden from view. Even in the first phase of the project, 2160 litres of water per second were taken from Lake Constance at a depth of roughly 60 m, treated on Sipplinger Berg and transported over hundreds of kilometres of pipeline through the Swabian Alb to the greater Stuttgart area. What is remarkable about this project, however, is not only the technological challenge of a combination of the lake-water treatment and the overland water pipeline, but particularly the special quality of the design of the visible parts of the waterworks, a result of the collaboration of engineers, architects, landscape designers and artists. Hermann Blomeier, who had settled in Constance in 1932 after graduating from the Bauhaus Dessau under Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, was commissioned with implementing the Sipplingen pumping station following a competition and, with functionally and transparently designed buildings, created a counterpoint to the expressive landscape of Lake Constance that was as restrained as it was confident. The treatment plants on Sipplinger Berg, built by a team comprising Blomeier and the architect and academic Günter Wilhelm, from the 'Quelltopf' (source pot) and the filter basins to the clean-water reservoir, exactly meet functional requirements and at the same time impressively illustrate the technical processes. The long distance travelled by the water is accompanied by seemingly subordinate buildings designed by architect Wolf Irion, subtly integrated in the landscape as a kind of wayside chapels, housing the pipe-rupture safety devices and line valves. The high quality of the design is evident not only in the buildings, but also in the work of landscape architect Walter Rossow and of visual artists Hans-Dieter Bohnet, Martin Matschinsky and Brigitte Matschinksy-Denninghof. Andreas Schwarting is professor of architectural history and architecture theory at the Hochschule Konstanz. His research has focussed particularly on 20th-century architecture, its reception and historiography, and on specific issues of conservation and maintenance. His publications include the monograph on Walter Gropius Dessau-Törten estate, and he was instrumental in the publication of the Stiftung Wüstenrot on the preservation of contemporary buildings. He was appointed by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) to monitor the UNESCO world-heritage sites of the Bauhaus in Weimar and Dessau.
Verlag Peter Lang Yvan Goll: A Bibliography of the Primary Works
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Changing Images of the Left in Bulgaria: The Challenge of Post-Communism in the Early 21st Century
The violent protests that shook Bulgaria in recent years were fueled by a widespread belief that, after 25 years of transition, a new base for the political process is required. In this important new study, Popivanov provides a critical re-assessment of the role of the Bulgarian Socialist Party - arguably, the single most important political entity in Bulgaria's post-communist history. Assessing its internal problems and the challenges it faces from a new and radical grassroots Left, Popivanov asks why and how Bulgaria's Socialist Party was the only one in the Eastern bloc to remain an important political organization, after the end of communism. This timely book skillfully analyzes the current societal and political situation in Bulgaria that threatens the Socialists and argues for a complete reformulation of the concept of the 'Bulgarian Left'.
Peter Lang AG «Wie Macht Man Einen Regenbogen?»: Fritz Langs Nibelungenfilm - Fragen Zur Bildhaftigkeit Des Films Und Seiner Rezeption
Peter Lang Group Ag, International Academic Publishers «Mir Ist Zuweilen So ALS OB Das Herz in Mir Zerbrach»: Leben Und Werk Mascha Kalékos Im Spiegel Ihrer Sprichwoertlichen Dichtung
Black Rose Books On the Barricades of Berlin: An Account of the 1848 Revolution
Prospect Books Food Conservation
Watkins Media Limited Broken Shadow: Shadowlands Book II
Rhia Harlyn risks death for science. Accused of heresy for promoting an unorthodox cosmology, she must defend herself, her work and her House alone. If only she could rely on her feckless brother Etyan, transformed through the combination of an occult scientist’s experiments and the harsh rays of the skyland sun. But she knows she cannot. When Dej, Etyan’s half-alien lover, finally uncovers Etyan’s dark secret she runs off into the perilous skyland. She is looking for peace in a world that has rejected her; what she discovers instead will change everyone’s lives. Meanwhile, overhead, the very stars themselves are shifting. Rhia is about to find herself proved disastrously right... File Under: Fantasy [ Unnatural Science | Making Contact | Lost Secrets | Out of Darkness ]
Penguin Books Ltd The Hair Carpet Weavers
In a distant universe, since the beginning of time, workers have spent their lives weaving intricate carpets from the hair of women and girls. But why? Andreas Eschbach's mysterious, poignant space opera explores the absurdity of work and of life itself.'A novel of ideas that evokes complex emotions through the working out of an intricate and ultimately satisfying plot, with echoes of Gene Wolfe, Ursula K. Le Guin, and Isaac Asimov' The New York Times Book Review
Elsevier Health Sciences Nanostructured Thin Films: Fundamentals and Applications: Volume 14
Nanostructured Thin Films: Fundamentals and Applications presents an overview of the synthesis and characterization of thin films and their nanocomposites. Both vapor phase and liquid phase approaches are discussed, along with the methods that are sufficiently attractive for large-scale production. Examples of applications in clean energy, sensors, biomedicine, anticorrosion and surface modification are also included. As the applications of thin films in nanomedicine, cell phones, solar cell-powered devices, and in the protection of structural materials continues to grow, this book presents an important research reference for anyone seeking an informed overview on their structure and applications.
Brill U Schoningh Der Krieg Der Anderen: Venedig, Die Deutschen Reichsfursten Und Die Anfange Internationaler Subsidienprojekte in Der Fruhen Neuzeit
MIT Press Ltd The Demand Revolution
How consumer desire for sustainability is powering the first demand-driven, transformative megatrend and how business leaders can make the most of this important moment.
V&R unipress GmbH Fritz Buri: Sein Weg: Leben â Denken â Glauben
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Ratgeber Reizdarmsyndrom: Behandlungsmöglichkeiten und was Sie selbst tun können
Ein Leben mit RDS ist gut möglich!Das Reizdarmsyndrom (RDS) ist eine der häufigsten Volkskrankheiten. Circa 7-10% der Bevölkerung leiden an einem Reizdarmsyndrom. Das sind in Deutschland mehr als fünf Millionen Menschen. Das Reizdarmsyndrom (RDS, IBS) ist eine komplexe, funktionelle gastrointestinale Störung, gekennzeichnet durch chronische Bauchschmerzen und/oder veränderte Darmgewohnheiten. Obwohl das Reizdarmsyndrom so häufig ist, fühlen sich Patient:innen unzureichend informiert und behandelt. Die Lebensqualität der Betroffenen kann spürbar leiden. Ursachen und Auslöser des RDS sind noch nicht ausreichend geklärt. Das Buch erläutert das Krankheitsbild und die Diagnostik. Ausführlich werden mögliche Therapieoptionen erklärt und wann diese besonders wirksam sind. Einflussfaktoren, wie z.B. Ernährung, Darmbakterien, psychische Belastungen und Stress, die ein Reizdarmsyndrom begünstigen, werden vorgestellt, und Betroffene erhalten viele Hinweise für den Alltag mit einem Reizdarmsyndrom. Das Buch orientiert sich an der aktuellen S3-Leitlinie Reizdarmsyndrom der DGVS sowie den klinischen und wissenschaftlichen Erfahrungen der beiden Autor:innen. Es richtet sich an Patient:innen, Angehörige und beratend Tätige, die mit dieser Patientengruppe arbeiten.
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Die Universitat Halle Und Der Berliner Hof (1691-1740): Eine Hofisch-Akademische Beziehungsgeschichte
Urban und Vogel Adipositas als Risiko in der Perinatalmedizin
Zunehmende Übergewichtigkeit und Adipositas bei Frauen im reproduktionsfähigen Alter wird immer mehr zum medizinischen Problem. Sie hat kritische Konsequenzen für die Fertilität, die mütterliche Gesundheit in der Schwangerschaft, während der Geburt und im Wochenbett sowie entscheidende lebenslange Konsequenzen für das Kind.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Das Motiv: Der einzige gute Grund für Führungsarbeit - eine Leadership-Fabel
Shay war zwar immer noch wütend, zuckte aber mit den Schultern, wie um zu sagen, dass es schon okay wäre. "Und womit habe ich unrecht?" "Das werden Sie zwar nicht hören wollen, aber ich muss es Ihnen trotzdem sagen." Liam machte eine kurze Pause, bevor er fortfuhr. "Mag ja sein, dass Sie hier bis zum Umfallen arbeiten. Aber Sie tun das nicht im Sinne des Unternehmens." "Was zum Teufel soll denn das jetzt heißen?", wollte Shay wissen. Auch wenn er fürchtete, dass sein Gegenüber gleich handgreiflich werden könnte, antwortete Liam: "Sie tun das alles nur für sich selbst." Der Bestsellerautor Patrick Lencioni hat ein Dutzend Bücher geschrieben, die sich darauf konzentrieren, wie Führungskräfte Teams und Führungsorganisationen aufbauen können. In "Das Motiv" verlagert er seine Aufmerksamkeit darauf, ihnen zu helfen, die Bedeutung des Beweggrunds zu verstehen, warum sie überhaupt in einer Führungsrolle sind. In seiner vielleicht bisher überzeugendsten Fabel stellt Lencioni zwei neue Charaktere vor, Shay Davis und Liam Alcott, konkurrierende Geschäftsführer zweier sehr unterschiedlicher Unternehmen in derselben Branche. Shay Davis ist der CEO von Golden Gate Security, der sich nach nur einem Jahr in seiner Funktion Sorgen um seinen Job macht und verzweifelt herausfinden will, wie man die Dinge in den Griff bekommt. Er erhält von der unwahrscheinlichsten und unerwünschtesten Quelle - Liam Alcott, CEO eines erfolgreicheren Sicherheitsunternehmens und sein verhasstester Gegner - einige schwer zu beschönigende Ratschläge. Lencioni nimmt uns durch unerwartete Twists und einen knackigen Dialog mit auf eine Reise, die in einer ebenso unerwarteten wie erhellenden Lösung gipfelt. Über die fiktive Geschichte hinaus bietet er eine einfache Zusammenfassung der Lektionen aus der Fabel und kombiniert eine klare Erklärung seiner Theorie mit praktischen Ratschlägen, um Führungskräften zu helfen, ihre wahre Motivation zum Führen zu untersuchen. Lencioni fordert die Leser nicht nur auf, sich selbst ehrlich zu beurteilen, sondern präsentiert auch Handlungsschritte zur Änderung ihres Ansatzes in fünf Schlüsselbereichen. Auf diese Weise hilft er den Führungskräften, die Fallstricke zu vermeiden, die sie aus der Bahn werfen und sogar die Menschen verletzen, denen sie dienen sollen.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Die beste Zeit Ihres Lebens: Glücklich, wild und frei in den Ruhestand starten
Die Rente ist der Anfang vom Leben und nicht sein Ende! Das Buch von Ernie J. Zelinski bietet inspirierende Ratschläge, wie man sein Leben auch noch im Ruhestand voll auskosten kann. Dabei geht es dem Autor nicht um das Sichern adäquater finanzieller Ressourcen. "Die beste Zeit Ihres Lebens" zeigt, dass ab 60 plus der Spaß erst richtig anfangen kann: mit interessanten Freizeitaktivitäten, kreativen Tätigkeiten, physischem und mentalem Wohlergehen sowie stabiler sozialer Unterstützung. Ernie J. Zelinski, Weltklasse-Autor und Innovator, zeigt dem Leser, wie er: - den Mut aufbringt, früh in den Ruhestand zu gehen; je früher desto besser. - das Geld ins rechte Licht rückt, damit er nicht eine Million Dollar für den Ruhestand braucht. - Sinn in seinem Leben als Rentner durch kreative Tätigkeiten findet. - seinen eigenen Traum verfolgt, anstatt den eines anderen. - sich um seine mentale, physische und spirituelle Gesundheit kümmert. - sich besser seine Ruhestandsziele vergegenwärtigt - inklusive der Entscheidung, wo er leben möchte. - seine Jahre im Ruhestand zu den besten seines Lebens macht. Was das Buch von Ernie J. Zelinski von anderen Büchern unterscheidet, ist seine ganzheitliche Herangehensweise an die Ängste, Hoffnungen und Träume, die Menschen bezüglich ihres Ruhestands haben. Die vermittelten Weisheiten sind wichtiger für das Erreichen eines aktiven, erfüllenden und glücklichen Ruhestands als die Antwort auf die Frage, wie viel Geld angespart wurde.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Romantik: Lehrbuch Germanistik
Dieses Lehrbuch informiert umfassende über die Literatur der deutschen Romantik von der Frühromantik bis zu den Ausläufern der Spätromantik um 1830/40. Der Autor versteht die deutsche Romantik als eine literarische Revolution, von der entscheidende Impulse für eine literarische Moderne in ganz Europa ausgehen. Der Band skizziert die kultur- bzw. sozialgeschichtlichen sowie die philosophischen und wissenschaftlichen Kontexte der Romantik sowie die romantische Poetik und Ästhetik. Den Hauptteil bildet die ausführliche Darstellung zentraler Werke der verschiedenen Gattungen. Für die 4. Auflage wurde der Band durchgesehen und insbesondere bibliographisch aktualisiert.
Aschendorff Verlag Starkes Munsterland
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Triumph of Profiling: The Self in Digital Culture
Until fairly recently, only serial killers and lunatics had profiles. Yet today, almost everyone is profiled through social media, mobile phones, and a multitude of other methods. But where does the idea of “profiling” come from, how has it changed over time, and what are its implications? In this book, Andreas Bernard examines contemporary profiling’s roots in late-nineteenth-century criminology, psychology, and psychiatry. Data collection techniques previously used exclusively by police or to identify groups of people are now applied to all individuals in society. GPS transmitters and measuring devices are now unconsciously embraced to have fun, communicate, make money, or even find a partner. Drawing perceptive parallels between modern technologies and their antecedents, Bernard shows how we have unwittingly internalized what were once instruments of external control and repression. This illuminating genealogy of contemporary digital culture will be of interest to students and scholars in media and communication, and to anyone concerned about the power technologies hold over our lives.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Society of Singularities
Our contemporary societies place more and more emphasis on the singular and the unique. The industrial societies of the early 20th century produced standardized products, cities, subjects and organizations which tended to look the same, but in our late-modern societies, we value the exceptional - unique objects, experiences, places, individuals, events and communities which are beyond the ordinary and which claim a certain authenticity. Industrial society’s logic of the general has been replaced by late modernity’s logic of the particular. In this major new book, Andreas Reckwitz examines the causes, structures and consequences of the society of singularities in which we now live. The transformation from industrial to cultural capitalism, the rise of digital technologies and their ‘culture machine’ and the emergence of an educated, urban new middle class form a powerful engine for the singularization of the social. In late modernity, what is singular is valorized and stirs the emotions, while what is general has to remain in the background, and this has profound social consequences. The society of singularities systematically produces devaluation and inequality: winner-takes-all markets, job polarization, the neglect of rural regions and the alienation of the traditional middle class. The emergence of populism and the rise of aggressive forms of nationalism which emphasize the cultural authenticity of one’s own people thus turn out to be the other side of singularization. This prize-winning book offers a new perspective on how modern societies have changed in recent decades and it will be of great value to anyone interested in the forces that are shaping our world today.
Taylor & Francis Inc Biological Sequence Analysis Using the SeqAn C++ Library
An Easy-to-Use Research Tool for Algorithm Testing and DevelopmentBefore the SeqAn project, there was clearly a lack of available implementations in sequence analysis, even for standard tasks. Implementations of needed algorithmic components were either unavailable or hard to access in third-party monolithic software products. Addressing these concerns, the developers of SeqAn created a comprehensive, easy-to-use, open source C++ library of efficient algorithms and data structures for the analysis of biological sequences. Written by the founders of this project, Biological Sequence Analysis Using the SeqAn C++ Library covers the SeqAn library, its documentation, and the supporting infrastructure.The first part of the book describes the general library design. It introduces biological sequence analysis problems, discusses the benefit of using software libraries, summarizes the design principles and goals of SeqAn, details the main programming techniques used in SeqAn, and demonstrates the application of these techniques in various examples. Focusing on the components provided by SeqAn, the second part explores basic functionality, sequence data structures, alignments, pattern and motif searching, string indices, and graphs. The last part illustrates applications of SeqAn to genome alignment, consensus sequence in assembly projects, suffix array construction, and more.This handy book describes a user-friendly library of efficient data types and algorithms for sequence analysis in computational biology. SeqAn enables not only the implementation of new algorithms, but also the sound analysis and comparison of existing algorithms.Visit SeqAn for more information.
Verlag Peter Lang de Stijl: Das Geometrische Ornament Und Die Monumentale Gestaltung
Merrell Publishers Ltd More Dream Homes: 100 Inspirational Interiors
A companion and successor to Merrell's hugely successful Dream Homes (more than 50,000 copies in print), this book presents 100 exceptional interiors of all styles from around the globe. From sumptuous, state-of-the-art city apartments created by professional designers to quirky holiday retreats transformed by their dedicated owners, More Dream Homes is an exciting kaleidoscope of locations and decoration ideas. Each project is fully illustrated with beautiful photographs by celebrated interiors photographer Andreas von Einsiedel, while Johanna Thornycroft describes concisely the key characteristics of each home and how these have been achieved, providing insights into the work of leading designers. More Dream Homes contains a wealth of inspiration for lovers of interior design or anyone seeking to make their dream home a reality.
Inter-Varsity Press Salvation to the Ends of the Earth (second edition): A Biblical Theology Of Mission
Few biblical topics are as important as mission. Mission is linked inextricably to humanity's sinfulness and need for redemption, and to God's provision of salvation in the person and work of Jesus Christ. This 'good news' of salvation must be made known. The saving mission of Jesus constitutes the foundation for Christian mission, and the Christian gospel is its message. This second edition of Salvation to the Ends of the Earth emphasizes the way in which the Bible presents a continuing narrative of the story of God’s mission – ranging from the story of Israel to the story of Jesus and that of the early Christians. At the same time, importantly, it provides a robust historical and chronological backbone to the unfolding of the early Christian mission. With regard to the latter, Paul and the General Epistles are incorporated with the Gospel with which they have the closest and most natural canonical and historical affinity: James and Hebrews with Matthew; 1 – 2 Peter and Jude with Mark; Paul’s letters with Luke–Acts; and 1 – 3 John and the Apocalypse with John. The chapter on the second-temple period has been moved to an appendix so as not to interrupt the flow of the presentation of the biblical story-line and theology of mission.
Baker Publishing Group Encountering John – The Gospel in Historical, Literary, and Theological Perspective
In this updated edition of his successful textbook, leading evangelical New Testament scholar Andreas Köstenberger offers a survey of John's gospel that is informed by current scholarship but written at an accessible level. The book has been revised throughout and features a new interior design. Photos, sidebars, and other pedagogical aids are included.
Harvard University Press Germany and the Two World Wars
One of the most hotly disputed topics in twentieth-century history has been Germany’s share of responsibility—its “guilt”—for the outbreak of the two world wars. In this short, penetrating study, Europe’s leading authority on German power politics clarifies the dispute and offers insight into this central question about modern Germany.
Logos Verlag Berlin Sport Im Spannungsfeld Von Recht, Wirtschaft Und Europa
Universitatsverlag Winter Drama de Divo Cassiano: Drama de Divo Cassiano / Drama Uber Den Heiligen Cassian
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Wasser & Wirtschaft Im Klimawandel: Konkrete Ergebnisse Am Beispiel Der Sensiblen Region Oststeiermark
Kohlhammer Honorar Und Vertrag Beim Bauen Im Bestand: Ein Rechtlicher Leitfaden Fur Innenarchitekten
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Vereine, Synagogen und Gemeinden im kaiserzeitlichen Kleinasien
Eines der beherrschenden Phänomene der Städte im römischen Kaiserreich des 1. bis 3. Jahrhundert n. Chr. waren freie Vereinigungen, in denen sich Gleichgesinnte, jenseits ihrer familiären und gemeindlichen Bindungen, freiwillig und auf Dauer zusammenschlossen. Dazu zählten griechisch-römische Vereinigungen (wie Berufskollegien und pagane Kultgenossenschaften) ebenso wie christliche Gemeinden und jüdische Synagogen. Am Beispiel dieser Vereinigungen im griechischen Osten des Reiches erörtern die Autoren der Beiträge des vorliegenden Bandes wichtige Aspekte von Gruppenbildung im römischen Kaiserreich. Hintergrund der Überlegungen ist die Tatsache, daß die griechisch-römischen Vereinigungen, christlichen Gemeinden und jüdischen Synagogen zwar ihrer Form nach im wesentlichen übereinstimmten: Die Organisationsstrukturen waren ähnlich, auch die Bedingungen sozialer Beziehungen innerhalb und außerhalb der Gemeinschaften entsprachen einander weitgehend. Aber sie generierten, infolge unterschiedlicher religiöser Orientierungen, spezifische Verhaltensmuster und Wertvorstellungen, die auch auf die Gesellschaft ausstrahlten.
Hanser Publications Additive Manufacturing: 3D Printing for Prototyping and Manufacturing
The use of additive manufacturing for the direct production of finished products is becoming increasingly important. The method not only reduces the demands on industrial infrastructure, but also opens up new perspectives in terms of decentralized production and customer inclusive individualized production (customization, cyberproduction).Oriented towards the practitioner, in this book the basics of additive manufacturing are presented and the properties and special aspects of industrially available machines are discussed. From the generation of data to the forming method, the complete process chain is shown in a practical light. In particular, the following additive manufacturing technologies are discussed: Polymerization (e.g., stereolithography) Sintering and melting (e.g., laser sintering) Layer laminate method (e.g., laminated object manufacturing, LOM) Extrusion (e.g., fused deposition modeling, FDM) 3D printing Applications for the production of models and prototypes (rapid prototyping), tools, tool inserts, and forms (rapid tooling) as well as end products (rapid manufacturing) are covered in detailed chapters with examples. Questions of efficiency are discussed from a strategic point of view, and also from an operational perspective.With the purchase of this book, you also receive a free personal access code to download the eBook.
Spektrum Academic Publishers Die Osterinsel: Auf Tour
Rapa Nui, die Osterinsel, ist einer der abgelegensten bewohnten Orte der Erde und auch für manchen erfahrenen Weltenbummler eine noch unerfüllte Wunschdestination. Wer die weite Reise hierher auf sich nimmt, kommt wohl vor allem, um den kulturellen Schätzen und Einmaligkeiten nachzuspüren, die seit 1995 zum Weltkulturerbe der UNESCO gehören. Bekannt und berühmt sind die gigantischen Steinfiguren, die moai, die den Forschern noch immer viele Rätsel aufgeben. Doch gibt es noch weitaus mehr zu entdecken: Prähistorische Monumentalbauwerke, wundervolle Steinbilder, geheimnisvolle Höhlensysteme, steinerne Gärten und unzählige Relikte alter Wohnstätten. Manchmal wird Rapa Nui als das größte Freilichtmuseum der Erde bezeichnet, ein Attribut, das der unglaublichen Fülle an Kulturrelikten geschuldet ist. Jedoch ist die Insel keineswegs nur ein Museum, sondern Lebensraum liebenswürdiger und gastfreundlicher Menschen. Der Ökologe Andreas Mieth und der Geograph Hans-Rudolf Bork forschen seit vielen Jahren auf der Osterinsel. Aus erster Hand bieten Ihnen die Autoren verständlich aufbereitetes und hervorragend illustriertes Hintergrundwissen, sei es zu den Schätzen der Vergangenheit oder zu den Phänomenen der Gegenwart. Mit dem vorliegenden Buch sind Sie ausgezeichnet für eine Reise auf die Osterinsel gerüstet. Und auch wenn Sie noch keine konkreten Reisepläne hegen, wird Ihnen der Band zumindest eine spannende virtuelle Reise auf die östlichste Insel Polynesiens eröffnen.
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Religion Und Konflikt
De Gruyter Green Banking and Green Central Banking
The books deals with the questions that really matter for green finance: Where will the money to finance the transition to a low carbon environment come from, how far do the banks’ balance sheets stretch and where will the rest of the money come from? How much can we rely on the capital markets, especially in the EU, to get money to the parts of the economy which really need it, without greenwashing? How do governments organize not just a transition, but a just transition to a low carbon environment? Is it time to revisit received ideas about the proper role for centralbanks?
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Sustainable Aviation: A Management Perspective
This book analyses from a management perspective how the aviation industry can achieve a sustainability transformation in order to reach the Paris climate targets for 2050 and provides various strategic and operational recommendations in this regard. It examines various elements of the aviation system exhaustively, including technologies, consumers, airlines, airports and policies, from both short- and long-term standpoints. Specific questions and contradictions, as well as concrete options for taking action, are presented. It also includes numerous practical case studies, which will help practitioners transfer the concepts into their everyday work. The book is aimed at a broad, professional audience consisting of managers, politicians and regulators, but also at advanced students engaged in academic and professional education.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Triumph of Profiling: The Self in Digital Culture
Until fairly recently, only serial killers and lunatics had profiles. Yet today, almost everyone is profiled through social media, mobile phones, and a multitude of other methods. But where does the idea of “profiling” come from, how has it changed over time, and what are its implications? In this book, Andreas Bernard examines contemporary profiling’s roots in late-nineteenth-century criminology, psychology, and psychiatry. Data collection techniques previously used exclusively by police or to identify groups of people are now applied to all individuals in society. GPS transmitters and measuring devices are now unconsciously embraced to have fun, communicate, make money, or even find a partner. Drawing perceptive parallels between modern technologies and their antecedents, Bernard shows how we have unwittingly internalized what were once instruments of external control and repression. This illuminating genealogy of contemporary digital culture will be of interest to students and scholars in media and communication, and to anyone concerned about the power technologies hold over our lives.
Watkins Media Limited A Breach in the Heavens: BOOK III OF THE GODSERFS SERIES
The End Times have arrived. For over a decade, the sorceress Phaedra has had a single, vital task: to keep the world of the elves separated from humanity’s. But when her world experiences its first skyquake, it’s clear that something is very wrong. Has all Phaedra’s work been for nothing? She’ll need a new plan – and her friends’ help – to keep the worlds from smashing into each other and shredding all of creation. Unfortunately, not everyone likes the new plan. To the God of the Underworld, destroying creation doesn’t seem like such a bad idea… File Under: Fantasy [ Fresh Start | The Band’s Back | Merging Worlds | All Good Things ]