Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited African American Rural Education: College Transitions and Postsecondary Experiences
Despite comprising the largest minority in rural settings, the literature to date largely subsumes African American rural students into a broader set of Black and African American students, with a primarily urban focus. This volume focuses on the higher education pathways of rural African American students and highlights their experiences in US colleges and universities. Addressing the fact that rural students have higher high school graduation rates than their urban peers but are less likely to take paths towards higher education, the authors identify research needs, areas of concerns, and strategies to encourage and sustain greater postsecondary participation among African Americans from rural settings. Contributors to the volume address the meaning of race and place, cultural capital, gender dynamics, gifted education, college choice, teacher and education leader preparation, campus programming and the role of Historically Black Colleges and Universities, with specific reference to African American rural students, to pin down a clear picture of the barriers and drivers of their higher education journeys.
Emerald Publishing Limited Entrepreneurs’ Creative Responses to Institutional Challenges: Insider Perspectives from Sub-Saharan Africa
Entrepreneurship has long been recognized as a key socioeconomic activity that is essential for regional economic development. Entrepreneurship research in developing countries often uses macro level or meso level analyses of large surveys to examine institutional constraints and enablers of entrepreneurial activities, which can mask fascinating insights on day to day practices. This book reveals insider perspectives of the everyday struggles of Tanzanian and Zambian entrepreneurs by distinguishing institutional constraints and enablers, and sustainability practices as responses to those opportunities and barriers. The book contributes to existing literature by providing entrepreneurs from sub-Saharan Africa the opportunity to illustrate how their institutional context influences their sustainability practices at the micro level. Written for scholars of Business and Entrepreneurship, this book showcases how entrepreneurs use creative and bricolage methods to implement sustainability practices that contribute to social and environmental well-being.
Emerald Publishing Limited Chinese Social Media: Face, Sociality, and Civility
What role does social media play in the lives of Chinese youths as they adapt to the rapid economic and social changes in modern China? This book examines the social media experiences and practices of young middle class Chinese who moved to Beijing to study and with the hope of work and participation in the possibilities of social and professional life. Through an analysis of their use of WeChat we explore their enthusiasm for self-expression online, their mediated social relations (guanxi) with family, friends, classmates and colleagues and their engagement with questions of online civility. The authors argue that sustaining personal and social relationships in the context of China’s modernity, including its soft regulation of internet and social media, demands new norms of positivity and online civility. This is framed by several tensions: between emerging opportunities for freedom of expression and long-standing traditions of social identity and reputation such as face (lian and mianzi); between traditional obligations to parents (xiaoshun) and the desire for personal autonomy; and the pressure to constitute and govern the internet as a space of positive energy and civility in support of national Chinese sovereignty. The social media practices and deliberations of the participants reveal a fascinating amalgam of traditional Chinese culture and philosophy and reflections on tradition and collectivism combined with an embrace of Western-influenced ideas of positive psychology, self-expression, social networks and pragmatic social relations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Health Policy, Power and Politics: Sociological Insights
In the context of substantial changes in health service policy and public health policy in England over the last two decades, Health Policy, Power and Politics fills an important gap by providing an up-to-date and accessible account of recent trends in health policies and a sociological analysis of why these policies have taken the shape they have. This book provides a theoretically informed analysis of key recent policy changes in England and how the interplay of powerful structural interests has influenced policy in health. It includes chapters on recent reforms in the NHS and the drift towards privatisation, policies aimed at enhancing public and patient involvement, the regulation of the drug industry, medicalisation and mental health policy, the role and effect of the media and recent changes in social and environmental health policy. The analysis examines the influence of the State, professional medicine, the media, commercial interests such as those of the pharmaceutical, food and fossil fuel industries, patient’s groups and the wider global environment. While the key focus of the book is on England, the analysis drawn on by the author comes from a plethora of policy examples in health systems in high and low to middle income countries across the world. This widened context shines a light on the influence of globalisation and highlights both the distinctive character of health policy in England, as well as the common themes it shares in a world-wide context.
Emerald Publishing Limited Music and Death: Interdisciplinary Readings and Perspectives
Music is often our companion when dealing with the incomprehensibility of loss, and yet death and dying are topics that are rarely discussed or analysed in the academic space, especially in combination with music studies. This edited collection examines several ways in which diverse music cultures and societies imagine, express and provide a means of coping with death, grief and remembrance. Written from a variety of interdisciplinary perspectives, including both personal essays and academic studies, the nine chapters are divided into three subsections focusing respectively on mourning, underground scenes, and performance. The authors speak to the multifarious and complex ways in which music accompanies, supplements, and complements aspects of death and dying, whether this is the death of a loved one, or a celebrity from popular culture. The book cuts across disciplines such as musicology, death studies, funeral studies, cultural studies, media studies, celebrity studies, sociology, anthropology and theology, and includes perspectives from Australia, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Emerald Publishing Limited Values, Rationality, and Power: Developing Organizational Wisdom: A Case Study of a Canadian Healthcare Authority
Values, Rationality, and Power: Developing Organizational Wisdom demonstrates that organizations can act wisely. A critical realist framework and phonetic research approach is used to perform an embedded single case study of a group's attempt to develop and spread a medical innovation within a Canadian healthcare authority. The study's exploration of how to spread innovation through a healthcare system will help readers to gain insight into why groups resist change and how individuals can exercise their values, rationality, and power to overcome this resistance. Presenting a framework to conceptualize and study wisdom, the book identifies that values guide wise action, that knowledge is required but insufficient for wisdom, and finally that wisdom is action-oriented. The results of the case study demonstrate the power that values possess to drive organizational behaviour. Offering a unique insight into how values, rationality, and power interact in a real social setting, the book explores how these interactions can both drive and resolve conflict, but also create positive change. Through this understanding, academic and students of management and organizations can create a discipline of scholarship and teaching that fosters the development of organizational wisdom.
Emerald Publishing Limited Global Currents in Gender and Feminisms: Canadian and International Perspectives
This collection examines the ongoing shared struggles of diverse groups of women in Canada and beyond focusing on a diverse range of themes including movements, spaces and rights; inclusion, equity and policies; reproductive labour, work and economy; health, culture and violence; and sports and bodies. Situating Canada as a western society with avowed egalitarian ideals, and based on a ‘shared but different’ approach, this book highlights the intersectional dimensions of gendered lives and feminist actions for change in both western and non-western contexts. Gender issues and feminist struggles are interconnected internationally and this book examines the Canadian case alongside other countries across Latin America, Africa, Asia, Australasia and Europe to explore the global currents of gender and feminism and its practice. The centrality of gender and the need for feminist praxis remain highly relevant in the 21st Century, whether in western or non-western societies, and this collection provides a comprehensive overview of the international currents for gender equality, empowerment and social justice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Rethinking the Colonial State
Studies of colonialism and empire have increasingly drawn attention to the problem of conceptualizing the political logic of colonial projects and the circumstances of state formation in colonial contexts. However, the nature and workings of the colonial state remains under-theorized and under-analysed. This volume addresses the analytical challenges of the colonial state from a variety of theoretical and thematic angles, and across a range of empirical cases that stretch over a vast span historically and geographically, to provide a new approach to analyzing the colonial state and its governmental practices.
Emerald Publishing Limited (Il)logical Knowledge Management: A Guide to Knowledge Management in the 21st Century
In today’s world, strategic knowledge management is a critical practice for all businesses seeking to protect its assets and produce intelligible and useable information. However, formally implementing a comprehensive knowledge management infrastructure to support an organization—enabling businesses to create, protect, and collaborate through knowledge—is often easier said than done. How do businesses adapt to the evolving challenges of knowledge management, and what best-practice tips are actually based on common misconceptions? From social media and collaborative information systems to new technological developments in cognitive computing and artificial intelligence, (Il)logical Knowledge Management dives deep into the sometimes less-than-logical approaches to knowledge management that pervade present practice. It goes beyond existing understanding of how knowledge is transferred, stored, and shared to address the key challenges organizations face in overseeing their business’ knowledge management efforts. In finding the logical by way of the illogical, Beverly Weed-Schertzer highlights opportunities in both the public and private sectors to improve the efficacy and extent of knowledge management infrastructure.
Emerald Publishing Limited Business Acumen for Strategic Communicators: A Primer
Business acumen has emerged as a critical competency for communicators. But if you’re a public relations, advertising or communication professional that didn’t go to business school, how can you make sure you have the abilities and skills to evolve along with your role? Business Acumen for Strategic Communicators is the book for you. Offering a critical primer for the world of business, Ragas and Culp equip you with the must-have business know-how needed to understand everything from the language and thinking of C-suites and boardrooms, to organizational agility, business models, rules and regulations, the money and the numbers, and even how to read financial statements and reports. Written for communicators by communicators, the concepts in each chapter are illustrated by expert insight essays written by a diverse group of senior communications leaders, and packed full of case studies, interviews, key terms and cutting-edge research. Brands profiled include Aflac, Costco, CVS Health, Levi Strauss, Mayo Clinic, Southwest Airlines, Target and YMCA of America. With these critical business literacy skills in hand, you will be set to serve with success as strategic counselors to the organizational leaders that are your colleagues, clients, and business partners.
Emerald Publishing Limited Building the Good Society: The Power and Limits of Markets, Democracy and Freedom in an Increasingly Polarized World
In many countries, society seems to be going off the rails. Economies are mired in widening and deepening inequality while the polity has deteriorated into a state of permanent hyper-partisan confrontation. Compromise and pragmatism seem a thing of the past. The central value of fairness has been cast aside. An individual's freedom and prosperity increasingly appear to depend not on personal and social commitments to the fundamental institutions of market economy and political democracy, but rather on whether his or her side dominates in the struggle for power. Leading political economist Lloyd J. Dumas presents a pragmatic alternative view of a society that is capable of maximizing individual freedoms and producing sustained prosperity while preserving socially responsible behavior. In six interconnected essays, he investigates how to secure political freedom and sustainable democracy while avoiding the deliberate manipulation that produces less-than-democratic results; how to achieve equity and material abundance within the market system while avoiding the disadvantages of excessive income and wealth inequality; how to foster individual attitudes that promote progress rather than destroy the idea of individual dignity; how to shape the international organizations and institutions that will construct a solid and truly global social foundation; and how to sustain these foundations through democratic transitions. No blue sky utopian vision of idealists living in a perfect society, this book draws upon real examples from around the globe in order to outline an achievable future where ordinary, fallible human beings can overcome the most troubling limitations of democratic institutions and free market economics in order to harness their power to bring prosperity and maximize personal freedom. With chapters that collectively build a pragmatic conceptual foundation for envisioning an optimally ethical international politico-economic system, Building the Good Society is a must-read for political economists and policymakers interested in realistic, theoretically rigorous recommendations for social development. Because its chapters are digestible as standalone essays, this book is also of interest to anyone concerned with the most pressing political, economic, and social issues of the past ten years.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Business in a VUCA World: The Changing Role of States and Firms
This fourteenth volume in the PIBR series is dedicated to Professor Peter Buckley, OBE, whose creative contributions to IB theory and practice over many decades are unmatched. His scientific oeuvre has continued to grow, both in depth and breadth, and reflects an evolving level of scholarly resilience that has kept pace with the increasing Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (VUCA) characteristics of the modern environment of international business. The VUCA dimensions of the business environment that face both managers and policy makers are amplified by a wide variety of unpredictable social, economic, political and technological forces, such as: inter alia, the (post-great-recession) rise of populism; growing anti-European sentiment in the European Union; increasing protectionism; a slowdown in growth of emerging markets; the rise of the digital economy, and many more. These trends affect the competitive position of nations and firms. He present volume focuses on the threats and opportunities created by the VUCA-trends for multinational enterprises (MNEs), small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), and international new ventures (INVs), along the following five headings: IB scholarship in a VUCA world. New Perspectives on the Interplay between Firms and the Non-Market. New Governance Challenges in International Business. New Contexts for Newly Internationalizing Firms. Contemporary Management Perspectives in IB Research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Peace, Reconciliation and Social Justice Leadership in the 21st Century: The Role of Leaders and Followers
Conflicts and violence, repression and oppression have always been part of the world, resulting in situations where no one really wins and leading to stalemates that cause the degradation of economic order – and of the human condition. Whether conflicts can be won or not, the human cost must be addressed when building a lasting peace, and this role falls now to our future leaders and followers. In Peace, Reconciliation and Social Justice Leadership in the 21st Century, expert contributors explore the ways in which leaders and followers can bring forth pacifism, peace building, nonviolence, forgiveness and social cooperation. The chapters focus on the role of positive public policies on the national and international order, and the role leadership and followership plays in harmonizing differences and personifying space. They include lessons learned from post-conflict societies in Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Chile, and others to remind us all that peace is a collective endeavour where no one can take a back seat. Bringing together leading scholars and practitioners from the worlds of leadership, followership, transitional justice, and international law, this research provides a blueprint of how people-led, bottom-up, grassroots efforts can foster reconciliation and a more peaceful world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mentoring Within and Beyond Academia: Achieving the SDGs
Mentoring Within and Beyond Academia considers the role and value of mentoring within and beyond higher education contexts. Centred on five mentoring conversations around SDG-related topics such as quality education, gender equality, climate action and sustainable cities and communities, chapters showcase the link between professional academic development and its impact beyond campus walls. Beginning with an introduction that highlights the continued relevance of mentoring in a pandemic-transformed world, the authors offer several scenarios to facilitate impactful mentoring practice. The ‘flipping’ of roles places the academic in the shoes of the learner/mentee, allowing them to imagine the vulnerable positions from which learners engage. By making the mentoring process more transparent, Mentoring Within and Beyond Academia offers suggestions on how to support a fuller and more equitable organizational learning culture in universities, in line with universities’ ambition to respond to current, anticipated, and not-yet-known needs in society. Fitting within the diverse and multidisciplinary field of Higher Education Studies, this is also of interest to readers with an academic background in business/leadership and organizational learning as well as to broader, non-academic audiences.
Emerald Publishing Limited Responsible Management and Taoism, Volume 2: Transforming Management Education for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
This second volume builds upon the core themes explored in volume one, which focused on 'Managing Responsibly for Sustainable Business Development in the VUCA World'. This volume explores the transformative power of management education. It delves into the crucial shift from knowledge-inquiry to wisdom-inquiry, advocating for a holistic and insightful approach in management education that transcends traditional boundaries. This volume further examines how the integration of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability in management education is essential for nurturing future leaders who are equipped to address the pressing challenges of our time. An integral part of responsible management education is its contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This volume discusses the profound impact that responsible management education can have on advancing the SDGs, highlighting the interconnectedness between education, responsible business practices, and sustainable development. It also explores the vision for a sustainable and inclusive world through the implementation of 'Our Common Agenda', a ground-breaking initiative spearheaded by the United Nations, which emphasizes the importance of a new social contract. When embracing the profound wisdom of Taoism and integrating responsible management education into the fabric of our educational systems, we can pave the way for a sustainable, inclusive, and prosperous world for all. This volume is part of a two-volume series, together providing a comprehensive exploration of responsible management, Taoism, and their transformative potential in overcoming challenges in the VUCA era.
Emerald Publishing Limited Theory and Method in Higher Education Research
Higher education research is a developing field internationally, which is attracting more and more researchers from a great variety of disciplinary backgrounds within and beyond higher education institutions. As such, it is an arena within which a wide range of theories, methods and methodologies is being applied. This volume of Theory and Method in Higher Education Research explores theories such as student development theory, critical race theory applied to international students, critical language theory and linguistic approaches to higher education research. Additionally, methodological contributions include chapters on quasi-experimental methods, arts-based research and reflective dialogues. Including contributors from Sweden, Finland, Japan, the US, and the UK, the chapter authors present international perspectives on the application and development of theory and methodology in researching higher education.
Emerald Publishing Limited Family Firms and Family Constitution
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. Family constitutions in family-owned firms are becoming increasingly popular around the world. While some, though not much, research examining this trend has come from a management research perspective, legal scholarship of family constitutions is even scarcer. The first volume of this new series brings together chapters from the ‘Law and Management of Family Firms’ conference which took place at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg, presenting legal, managerial, historical and comparative perspectives of family constitutions. Family Firms and Family Constitution delves deeply into topics as diverse as ownership, succession, governance, justice and more, all from a managerial and legal perspective from around the world. The pioneering Law and Management of Family Firms series publishes volumes following the annual Hamburg Conference: Law and Management of Family Firms, the international and interdisciplinary forum for family business research. The conference is organized by the Max Planck Institute and the Institute for Mittelstand and Family Firms (HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration). It brings together two distinct and previously disconnected disciplines of law and management, benefiting scholars, lawyers, consultants, and family office practitioners.
Emerald Publishing Limited Tourism Innovation in the Digital Era: Big Data, AI and Technological Transformation
Digitalization and artificial intelligence are increasingly influencing modes of travel planning, exploration of new destinations, and promotion of them. The potential of new technologies to completely overhaul the tourism and hospitality industry is emerging; new generations of tourists will have radically different expectations and requirements in relation to today's tourists. The sharing economy and the experience economy strongly influence the creation of new business models in tourism. Many low-income economies can potentially benefit from this digital transformation and others are at risk of being left behind if they fail to embrace this moment. To explore how and why, ten chapters are presented here in Tourism Innovation in the Digital Era, ranging from topics as diverse as big data analytics in tourism marketing to the impact of AI to the use of CSR in competitiveness amongst hotel groups. Providing multidisciplinary approaches, readers will learn more about the organizational impacts of digitalization and artificial intelligence in tourism and hospitality. The book series New Perspectives in Tourism and Hospitality Management positions organizational change and behavior in the tourism and hospitality sector at its heart, providing interdisciplinary research in this field and joining the areas of organizational studies and tourism/hospitality management.
Emerald Publishing Limited Marxist Thought in South Asia
Marxism is not just a Euro-American preoccupation. It has had vibrant articulations around the world, particularly in Latin America, Africa, the Caribbean, and amongst Black diasporas. But South Asia has been relatively neglected in efforts to register the revolutionary theoretical traditions of the Global South. Reinvigorating the study of Marxism within the South Asian context, this volume of Political Power and Social Theory highlights lesser-known thinkers to unsettle the propensity within the Marxist cannon to disproportionately fixate on white male theorists. Forging an anti-imperialist Marxism through dialectical and historical approaches, chapters demonstrate how the South Asian facet of this revolutionary tradition can contribute to and even reenergize global Marxist theory.
Emerald Publishing Limited Macroeconomic Risk and Growth in the Southeast Asian Countries: Insight from Indonesia
Emerging markets offer a unique financial setting, contrasting with developed markets: for example, in the significant contribution of small family-owned businesses to the economy, and the considerable social and economic transformations that profoundly affect businesses. In Indonesia, the authors find family firms are more likely to be involved in real earnings management than non-family firms by reducing operating cash flow to report higher income than non-family firms. Further findings demonstrate institutional ownership significantly reduces firm risk in emerging economies. The authors also consider the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on systemic risk in the frame of a dual banking system where Islamic and conventional banks coexist. ISETE-33A gives fresh insight into financial and economic issues in Indonesia and ASEAN countries, written by authors from diverse backgrounds. This is essential reading for anyone interested in the financial evolution of these fast-moving economies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Embracing Chaos: How to deal with a World in Crisis?
It’s not surprising if you feel uneasy right now. In fact, it would be strange if you didn't. The world has become a very turbulent place and it feels like we’re in a state of permanent crises. We are living on the cusp of a new era, in which everything that we took for granted is being called into question. COVID-19, climate change, loss of biodiversity, energy crises, migration and droughts regularly make the headlines. In this ground-breaking book, Professor Jan Rotmans, a global authority on sustainable development and transition, analyses the world through a set of systemic crises: a financial-economic crisis, an ecological crisis, a moral crisis and a democratic crisis, all of which interact and reinforce each other. This multiple-system crisis affects us deeply and confronts us with persistent problems in our vital social systems. These systems are nearing their end and no longer meet the demands that we, as humans, place on them. The systems must now reinvent themselves, but we humans must reinvent ourselves too. That is the essence of system change. Exploring these crises from an individual, corporate and national perspective - including a bold 100-year plan for the future of the Netherlands - Rotmans offers fascinating examples of successful change and encourages us to act decisively and embrace the chaos in order to build a more optimistic future.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Creative Tourist: A Eudaimonic Perspective
The Creative Tourist brings together four broad areas of academic scholarship: creative tourism, sociology, well-being and new materialism. In acknowledging the intimate entanglement between materiality and human sensuous experiences, the book seeks to examine the relational nature of the tourist experience of collaborative, heritage-based activities. Authors Xavier Matteucci and Melanie Smith explore the multiple dimensions of the creative tourism experience, positioning the creative tourist within various tourist typologies and modes of experience. The Creative Tourist extends the growing body of knowledge on creative tourism by drawing from new materialist philosophy to discuss social eudaimonia as a happiness concept, which foregrounds collective well-being rather than individual flourishing. This latest addition to the highly successful The Tourist Experience series is suitable for both undergraduate and postgraduate students, university lecturers, creative entrepreneurs, and research communities exploring creative experiences in contexts such as leisure, lifestyle, cultural tourism, slow tourism, responsible tourism, ethical and sustainable aspects of tourism, social tourism and destination management.
Emerald Publishing Limited Delivering Entrepreneurship Education in Africa: New Perspectives
Entrepreneurship education is crucial for economic development. However, its current focus on Western pedagogy raises concerns about its relevance in Africa. The lack of African-oriented definitions of entrepreneurship education may be connected to the limited interest in entrepreneurship as a career in the region. Unlike developed countries, where entrepreneurship drives innovative industries, African entrepreneurship is often driven by survivalist intentions. This raises questions about how entrepreneurship in Africa contributes to the economy without promoting creative innovation. Given these factors, evaluating the role of entrepreneurship education in this context is essential. Delivering Entrepreneurship Education in Africa brings together a collection of academic studies that offer an in-depth analysis of the current state of entrepreneurship education in Africa. The chapter authors engage discussions on how to make entrepreneurship education an attractive field of study for African students. The chapters critique the current teaching styles of entrepreneurship and suggests creative ways of improving entrepreneurship pedagogy while offering approaches to make it an attractive field of study. Delivering Entrepreneurship Education in Africa appeals to academics, teachers, researchers, policymakers, planners, curriculum designers and entrepreneurs.
Emerald Publishing Limited Organizational Wrongdoing as the “Foundational” Grand Challenge: Definitions and Antecedents
Media coverage consistently features examples of organizations engaging in unethical or illegal behavior. Given its potential to impact and even damage established institutions, organizational wrongdoing deserves to be closely monitored and more carefully examined. Drawing attention to the theoretical and empirical relevance of this topic, this first instalment in a double volume of Research in the Sociology of Organizations consolidates and extends knowledge of this important subject and highlights potential directions for future research. Exploring the definitions and antecedents of organizational wrongdoing, chapters in this first volume probe the role of social control agents in drawing the line between rightful and wrongful behavior, examine the mechanisms and processes through which instances of wrongdoing turn into a scandal, and consider the antecedents of organizational wrongdoing which have received increasing attention in academic research in recent years but that still deserve further analysis. Taken individually as well as together, the two volumes that comprise Organizational Wrongdoing as the “Foundational” Grand Challenge provide a major touchstone for scholars interested in understanding recent developments and exciting new directions in the study of organizational wrongdoing.
Emerald Publishing Limited Developing and Implementing Teaching in Sensitive Subject and Topic Areas: A Comprehensive Guide for Professionals in FE and HE Settings
Engaging with sensitive topics is crucial for students to develop classroom and workplace resilience. These should be taught in a way that supports the acquisition of new knowledge, skills, and attributes, and that enables students to prepare for and thrive in their future professional life. Providing educators with a comprehensive understanding of the issues involved in teaching sensitive subjects and topics, this collected work invites them to consider their position and practice in the classroom, as well as the implications that this might for the learner and their learning experience. Presenting illustrative examples from the fields of public health, social care, psychology, social work, education, and criminology, contributors draw on the work of active academics and empirical researchers with extensive experience developing and designing relevant teaching activities. Recognising the range of sensitive concerns that staff may need to handle, chapters provide theoretical and practical guidance across a range of subjects, including cultural sensitivity, colonialism, faith and religion, homelessness, care experience, poverty, mental health, trauma, violence, and substance use. Rooted in actual practice, Developing and Implementing Teaching in Sensitive Subject and Topic Areas identifies the best methodology for creating learning environments that feel both safe and critically stimulating for all involved.
Emerald Publishing Limited Occupational Therapy with Older People Into the 21st Century
There has been significant societal and global change in recent years with accompanying shifts in how older people are perceived by societies across the world. Different treatment and care possibilities are emerging but concerns about the implications of our longevity also continue to be raised. The value of occupational therapy is greater than ever before, given its work across health and social care boundaries. Occupational Therapy with Older People Into the 21st Century demonstrates the ways in which occupational therapists can maximise this potential to the benefit of older people. Using best evidence as well as professional and personal perspectives, Mountain explores the realities of later life, ageing in place, the implication of the technological age, meeting needs for rehabilitation, revisiting and valuing the core principles of occupational therapy, and more. In contrast to other works in this space, Occupational Therapy with Older People Into the 21st Century appraises the totality of interdisciplinary evidence in light of policy and global and national trends, highlighting how evidence generated by other disciplines as well as that created by occupational therapists can be harnessed by the profession.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: Including a Symposium on Hazel Kyrk's A Theory of Consumption 100 Years after Publication
Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology (RHETM) is a book series dedicated to an interdisciplinary approach to a broad range of topics related to the history and methodology of economics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sameness and Repetition in Contemporary Media Culture
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. Our culture has an uneasy relationship with repetition and sameness. On the one hand, we find familiarity pleasurable and soothing; on the other, we crave novelty and long for a sense of discovery. We blame algorithms, intent on selling us more of the same, and on a media industry too greedy to risk investing in intellectually challenging, radically new, products. Sameness and Repetition in Contemporary Media Culture takes a comprehensive approach that both theorises and historically grounds the idea of repetition in relation to media as something that is deeply embedded in our cultural tradition. This project received funding from the Carlsberg Foundation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Tourism Planning and Destination Marketing
This peer-reviewed publication adds value to the previous edition. Like its predecessor, it provides a strong pedagogical base for advanced post graduate students, researchers and aspiring practitioners in tourism. It presents informative, interesting and timely chapters from leading academics - hailing from diverse backgrounds around the globe. This book features case studies from real-life businesses as well as a thorough review of the relevant academic literature focused on this field of study. It describes different tourism marketing strategies related to cultural tourism, events tourism, food tourism, religious tourism, as well as spa and wellness tourism, among other segments. At the same time, it comprises discursive contributions that elaborate about critical matters that can impact the travel and tourism industries, including: consumer behaviour, the planning, organisation and implementation of responsible tourism practices in different contexts; crisis management; the marketing environment issues that can affect the long term sustainability of destinations, like supply, demand and seasonality factors; as well as the utilisation of smart tourism technologies and digital marketing channels, among other topics. Each chapter also contains a succinct summary that outlines its content in a condensed form, so as the readers could review and retain key information. Experiential exercises and case studies are provided to illustrate real situations that are meant to help aspiring managers in their future employment. Course conveners may use these cases as the basis of class discussions. In addition, web resources provide further information sources.
Emerald Publishing Limited Entrepreneurship and Green Finance Practices: Avenues for Sustainable Business Start-ups in Asia
Environmental sustainability is the future of business. To achieve sustainable development and gain a competitive advantage in the business world, companies must adapt new practices to “go green.” While market leader China has implemented a “New Infrastructure” plan to increase green growth, investing $2.6 trillion in renewable energy and introducing a five-year economic plan focusing on technology and innovation, Southeast Asia is far behind. Entrepreneurship and Green Finance Practices focuses on critical issues such as the role of Green Financing in Green Entrepreneurship in Asian Countries and looks for the mechanisms that can help in idea-generation and the launching of successful Green Start-ups. Green entrepreneurs can address environmental challenges, create new solutions, act as drivers for sustainable growth and serve as a source of motivation for others. Moreover, the entrepreneurship initiated on sustainable production and consumption can help better manage resources, resulting in economic growth. The concept of adopting green practices opens new dimensions of thinking for businesses and creates new opportunities for entrepreneurs – Entrepreneurship and Green Finance Practices is invaluable for social scientists, students, academicians, academic institutions, policymakers, and other related stakeholders.
Emerald Publishing Limited Contextualizing Critical Race Theory on Inclusive Education from A Scholar-Practitioner Perspective: Does It Really Matter?
Race does not only resonate with the dichotomy of blackness and whiteness but also on its impact on non-physical attributes, this includes factors such as indigenous status, social class, religion, language, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality and immigration. The intersection of these factors are key considerations on inclusive education. Contextualizing Critical Race Theory on Inclusive Education from A Scholar-Practitioner Perspective highlights what race means across social, cultural, political, and historical categories of diverse identities. The scholar-practitioner approach employed here captures the theories, tenets, perspectives, and misconceptions of this based on its particular critical expansion in describing other related social identities that is consistent with the attributes of inclusive education. More importantly, it emphasizes the theoretical and practical use of critical race theory as an analytical tool in addressing the influence of race on inequities in school policy, curriculum, instruction, and educational programs and the impact of these on inclusive education. This volume features scholar–practitioners who research and engage in best practices using critical race theory as a lens to analyse and address the manifestations of race, racism, diversity, and inclusion in schooling.
Emerald Publishing Limited Smart Cities for Sustainability: Approaches and Solutions
The application of technology, in smart cities, to create meaningful sustainability is set to change all our lives. The smart city of the future will be equipped with communication infrastructures to improve the comfort of all citizens, while respecting the environment, and supporting good governance. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) will play a key role, making it possible to better manage infrastructure and transport. Contributors from around the world here present modern insights for use by decision-makers to solve real-world challenges. The authors shed light on forthcoming developments and set out how to plan for increasingly rapid changes. Smart Cities for Sustainability: Approaches and Solutions provides a modern insight for researchers, students, professionals, and decision-makers on the application of digitalization in global cities to achieve their SDG goals.
Emerald Publishing Limited Participatory Research on Child Maltreatment with Children and Adult Survivors: Concepts, Ethics, and Methods
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. Childhood should be free of violence, and victims of childhood maltreatment should be entitled to participate as expert informants in research about these experiences. Placing children and adult survivors at the heart of research efforts on child maltreatment is critical to effective response and prevention measures in fighting this form of violence. Embedded in the European context, Participatory Research on Child Maltreatment with Children and Adult Survivors presents a mosaic of contexts, theories, and methods relating to children’s and adult survivors’ participation in research about their adverse experiences. Contributors demonstrate how research can mobilize children and adult survivors to become agents in constructing and disseminating reliable, evidence-based knowledge about child maltreatment. Enriching ongoing debates about ethical concerns and challenges of participatory research in the field of child maltreatment, this contribution to Emerald Studies in Child Centred Practice highlights the advantages that participation as a human right and as a valued endeavour of scientific knowledge accumulation can bring to communities of researchers and helping professionals. The authors of this book are members of a designated working group of the pan-European network on Multisectoral Responses to Child Abuse and Neglect in Europe (Euro-CAN), supported by the European Cooperation on Science Technology (COST Action 19106), that promote children’s and child abuse survivors’ participation in research on violence.
Emerald Publishing Limited Resilience and Familism: The Dynamic Nature of Families in the Philippines
Recognising the distinctive context of the Philippines, with its unique long history, and peculiar population distribution across thousands of islands, this edited collection analyses its decidedly familial culture. Why do Filipino families maintain perhaps the strongest family bonds of any culture? How have shown a unique ability to persevere, even when faced with the direst of circumstances? Covering a broad range of topics, chapters and commentaries delve into changing gender roles, poverty and family dynamics, mothering in prison, teenage fatherhood, dating and mate selection, rural family norms, the interweave of family and community, media representations on families, new forms of parenthood, remittances and familial support systems, and how overseas employment affects spousal and parent-child relationships. A highly comprehensive ethnographic analysis, Resilience and Familism demonstrates in a specifically Filipino context how strong familial ties can affect inner strength and outer determination.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Digital Renminbi’s Disruption: Shaping the Global Economic, Financial and Policy Landscapes
China has a leading edge over the advanced countries in process of digitalisation and has created the world’s first central bank digital currency, or CBDC. The business community is well aware of China’s role in leading the way in global business disruption and innovation by being fast and first, global and local, and by investing in e-commerce platforms, big data, 5G network and artificial intelligence applications. Applying economic theories and data analysis, Chi Lo discusses the impact of China’s digital disruption to the world’s financial systems, trade and investment trends, economic policy, regulations and geopolitics. The Digital Renminbi’s Disruption analyses the uncharted territories in which world is moving into, such as China’s expansion of its digital infrastructure to the developing world and even advanced economies. Unique to this study is the linking of the geopolitical and China’s own domestic political developments with China’s digitalisation process to articulate the hidden, and often misunderstood, themes and trends both within China and the global system. Exposing hidden trends and systemic flaws and debunking myths, The Digital Renminbi’s Disruption contributes to revealing China’s digital disruption and leads to a better understanding of upcoming potential volatility in the wake of the unfolding digital revolution.
Emerald Publishing Limited Autism and COVID-19: Strategies for Supporters to Help Autistics and Their Families
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound and potentially ever-lasting impact on our economy, society, and the way that we live. In response to this pandemic there has been a plethora of research published about COVID-19. However, within this fast-growing body of literature there are only scant references made to the impact that this pandemic has had on autistics, their families, and the healthcare professionals who support autistics. Autism and COVID-19 is a concise summary of the research, bridging the gaps in our knowledge about autism and the COVID-19 pandemic. Bennett and Goodall address vaccine hesitancy among autistics and parents raising autistic children, the experiences of autistics living with COVID-19 disease and parenting an autistic child during the COVID-19 pandemic, synthesising the data about the COVID-19 pandemic from the perspective of autistic, their families, and those that provide autistics with medical assistance. Autism and COVID-19 both reviews the existing literature and presents new findings from a survey distributed to autistics and parents of autistics during the pandemic, all of which offer a unique and timely contribution to researchers, academics, practitioners, and those working with autistics and their families.
Emerald Publishing Limited Cultural Rhythmics: Applied Anthropology and Global Development from Latin America
Presenting an anthropological tool for decision makers and academics who deal with the well-known limitations of linear models of development, Cultural Rhythmics proposes future design strategies useful for business, community leaders, political decision-makers and scientists from all over the world. Framed in the field of applied anthropology and development studies with an action-research pragmatic perspective, Iparraguirre analyses four study cases, calling attention to a specific set of rhythms of life and imaginaries. Introducing cultural rhythmics as a new method to study temporality, spatiality, and rhythms of daily life simultaneously rather than as separate elements, this pioneering ethnographic and interpretative study combines over fifteen years of fieldwork in public sector management of development programs with a symbolic analysis of cultural imaginaries and rhythms of life. Analyzing the symbolic dimension of development in Argentina, Cultural Rhythmics deploys alternative proposals for political and scientific management of these processes in Latin America. Beyond an innovative analysis of the cases presented, Iparraguirre’ s rhythmics perspective can be extrapolated to the practices of development and agendas design in other territories of Argentina, Latin America and the Global South. A must-read for development scholars interested in a colonial matrix of thought, Cultural Rhythmics delves into the imaginaries of development and their correlated governance practices applicable in Latin America and beyond.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Sociological Inheritance of the 1960s: Historical Reflections on a Decade of Changing Thought
The 1960s saw pioneering changes in the realms of international politics, science, culture and art. Turning this historical lens onto the study of sociology, The Sociological Inheritance of the 1960s reveals both the continuities and the departures the field has seen in its core principles and approaches over the past several decades. Beginning with an overview of society in the ‘60s, Jiří Šubrt provides an important reflection on a period worthy of contemporary reflection. In this context, what new concepts emerged? What were the popular methodological approaches? What controversies and debates emerged? How did sociology form part of a wider landscape of creative explosion throughout the decade? What implications does this have for contemporary sociology? Inspiring an enriched understanding of a legacy still deeply relevant to current issues and concerns across the field, The Sociological Inheritance of the 1960s proves that, despite the half a century that has since passed, we still have much to learn from this rich period of sociological development.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mad Hazard: A Life in Social Theory
Mad Hazard is a memoir of the career and life of Stephen Turner, chronicling a life in social theory. Showcasing how Turner’s later work on expertise, tacit knowledge, cognitive science, leadership, and liberal democracy developed out of his early interests, this volume describes the institutional and personal constraints and pressures, as well as the personal relationships, that facilitated and shaped an academic career. From Turner’s childhood in the racially violent South Side of Chicago, the development of his interests in social theory, through to his education in the shadow of the war in Vietnam and a period of social and personal turmoil, this biographical work shows us not only the development of academic thinking, but the evolution of an academic career. The rebellion within sociology against the hegemonic Merton-Parsons conception of sociology and the methodological orthodoxies of the time leads through to a discussion of the philosophy of science and social science, and from there to a reassessment of the inherited view of the classics, to science studies, and to political and international relations theory – the comprehensive nature of Mad Hazard means the reader can truly understand how Turner’s academic journey evolved. Revealing an academic career not dependent on prestige and academic power, but also not untouched by hierarchy and academic politics, Mad Hazard is appealing for readers interested in the field of social theory, and beyond that, those interested in the evolution of intellectual life in the present university.
Emerald Publishing Limited Introducing Multidisciplinary Micro-credentialing: Rethinking Learning and Development for Higher Education and Industry
Many new entrants to higher education, including employees and job seekers, consider micro-credentialing as time-wise alternatives to traditional degrees. These short online or physical courses are more accessible and allow the learner to quickly acquire skills-in-demand and associated knowledge and then re-deploy themselves into industry. Although micro-credentials paybacks are enormous, as they demonstrate skills, knowledge, and/or experience in a given subject area or capability, it has yet to be fully mapped within the credentialing ecosystem. So far, there has been limited research on multidisciplinary micro-credentialing and its benefits to both higher education and industry. Introducing Multidisciplinary Micro-credentialing establishes a HE-industry framework to augment a re-skilling and upskilling process where courses could generate adaptable multidisciplinary links and intersections toward self-sufficiency. Subasinghe and Giridharan offer in-depth discourse analysis on self-sufficiency-related benefits that could forge robust academia-industry partnerships to establish fluidity between different credentialing models and job sectors.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gendered Perspectives of Restorative Justice, Violence and Resilience: An International Framework
Research on Restorative Justice to date tends to be gender blind. Gendered Perspectives of Restorative Justice, Violence and Resilience: An International Framework addresses this lack of gender awareness by sharing the personal journeys and experiences of women from across the Global South. Combining narratives of gendered Restorative Justice, gender-based violence, women’s resilience, activism and healing along with empirical and theoretical analyses, contributors raise awareness and educate readers about the benefits of framing Restorative Justice as an intervention for understanding the resilience of women facing violence, political challenges and sexual assault. Within a truly international framework, chapters highlight significant scholarship from researchers with diverse backgrounds, opening a sociological dialogue onto this critical issue. From discussion of criminal cases of sexual violence in India, to victims of Intimate Partner Violence in Singapore, to the experiences of sex workers in South Africa, Gendered Perspectives of Restorative Justice, Violence and Resilience: An International Framework shines crucial visibility on a diverse, gendered lens of intervention, empowerment and understanding of violence and resilience. Providing an in-depth, international perspective of women’s resilience, and focusing on women as active participants in the process of Restorative Justice, Gendered Perspectives of Restorative Justice, Violence and Resilience: An International Framework is must-have reading for academics, practitioners and policymakers, as well as anyone seeking to augment their allyship.
Emerald Publishing Limited Work-Life Inclusion: Broadening perspectives across the life-course
Examining a range of under-explored work-life interface issues as they affect different stages of a worker’s life, the authors share new insights into complex issues that affect us all. Topics explored include the wellbeing of students who work, solo-living staff, those on complex fertility journeys, perinatal mental health, chronic illness, menopause, and retirement. Work-Life Inclusion: Broadening perspectives across the life-course will be primarily useful for two main audiences: 1) Academics and students in the fields of work and employment, gender studies, and those interested in health and wellbeing 2) People management practitioners and employers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Trans Athletes’ Resistance: The Struggle for Justice in Sport
With sport representing one of the last bastions of binary thinking, trans and nonbinary athletes face formidable hurdles in their struggles for inclusion, acceptance, and freedom. Trans Athletes’ Resistance: The Struggle for Justice in Sport documents and analyses individual and collective resistance initiated by trans and nonbinary athletes and allies across a range of social-cultural and geopolitical contexts, from community sport to high-performance competition. In addition to sociological investigations of global, national, and local resistance, contributors present case studies and first-person accounts of struggles to challenge structural barriers and interpersonal hostility. Challenging policy-makers' binary definitions of males and females, the dominance of the achievement model, and toxic masculinity within sporting subcultures, the book explores how trans and nonbinary athletes not only resist transphobic policies and practices but also create new models of inclusive sport. The book has important implications for gender-inclusive policy development. Contributors present new methodologies and ways of theorizing the complex relationships among sex, gender, and sexuality in the equally complex terrain of sport and physical activity.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Adoption and Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Human Resources Management
Emerald Studies In Finance, Insurance, And Risk Management 7 explores how AI and Automation enhance the basic functions of human resource management. The traditional framework of Human Resource Management (HRM) primarily consists of four functions: Human Resource Planning, Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development and Performance Management Systems which help businesses in hiring, motivating and retaining employees. The introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has changed all of these aspects. The Adoption and Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Human Resources Management Series sets out a blended approach towards different functions of HRM and AI, reflecting upon: HR data privacy; data security; diversity and inclusion using AI; and sustainable AI-HR practices. This book is ideal for HR managers, senior managers, researchers, and students planning a career in this field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Ideators: Their words and voices
In an age where knowledge is so easily disseminated, the modern-day workplace, and roles as we know them, are beginning to transform. As ideation establishes itself as a concept, if put into action, it could help to create and form a more transformative entrepreneurial future generation. It will be the actions of many ideators that will motivate and contribute to the post-pandemic economy, and this becomes even more tangible as fewer people occupy predetermined and fixed positions in companies. By moving from the economy of mass production to knowledge-driven entrepreneurship, value creation is embedded in the lifeblood of ideas in action (the 'ideation'), combined, shared with investors, disseminated territorially, and adapted to the conditions of individual communities. Ideators: Their Words and Voices presents the concept of ideation and its applications in a thorough yet accessible format, focusing on the process of idea creation, and also presents a series of protagonists of creativity and innovation who will reflect on their own career changes.
Emerald Publishing Limited Conflict Management in Digital Business: New Strategy and Approach
Today's business world is under constant digital threats that can cause unpredictable damage and weaken the competitiveness of businesses. With digital transformation risks and cyber-attacks increased by extraordinary situations such as the recent pandemic, new approaches are needed in the management of these emerging digital conflicts to develop sustainable business strategies and become a robust business of the future. Conflict Management in Digital Business: New Strategy and Approach is a pioneering and innovative guide in the context of digital conflicts in the value chain of businesses and on digital conflicts in business management and strategy. Conflict management is discussed in the context of issues of production and planning, logistics, marketing, procurement, technology development, human resource management, and business infrastructure. Sectoral issues with conflicting businesses, organizational behavior, digital sustainability, cyber business management, cyber-attack, and cyberwarfare strategies for businesses are discussed in detail to bring crucial principles in the context of management and strategy to all businesses that desire to be a business of the future. Providing readers with a unique guide of how businesses can achieve resilience to digital conflict, Conflict Management in Digital Business helps prepare for unexpected situations such as pandemics, to maintain competitive advantage, and illuminating pathways to turn conflicts caused by extraordinary situations into opportunities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Imperialism and the Political Economy of Global South’s Debt
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought the nagging issue of the Global South's debt back into the spotlight. With declining export earnings and tax revenues, many countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia have found themselves objectively unable to service their foreign currency debt. This situation, reminiscent of the international debt crisis of the 1980s and 1990s, is the backdrop of the 38th volume of the Research in Political Economy series edited by Ndongo Samba Sylla. In Imperialism and the Political Economy of Global South’s Debt, expert contributions connect the history of this issue with a range of factors including class dynamics, the changing landscape of sovereign debt markets, the global liquidity cycle, the enduring constraints of commodity dependence, ecological sustainability and the limitations of the current ad hoc sovereign debt restructuring procedures. In contrast to orthodox accounts that view debt crises in the Global South as a cyclical problem or as consequences of 'mismanagement' or 'fiscal irresponsibility'. Imperialism and the Political Economy of Global South’s Debt recognises the systemic nature of the Global South’s external debt, revealed only further by the economic uncertainty of the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as the need to analyse it in relation to existing imperialist structures.
Emerald Publishing Limited Antiracist Library and Information Science: Racial Justice and Community
Antiracist Library and Information Science: Racial Justice and Community presents the scholarship and insights of seasoned academic researchers and experienced practitioners as well as emerging scholars, graduate students, new professionals and activists in the field of LIS on the topic of antiracism. The chapters represent a combination of critical, scholarly and reflective perspectives on the theory, practice and progress made towards the actualization of antiracism in LIS and the creation of racially just communities. This volume has been divided into three main sections. The first section, ‘Theoretical Groundings,’ addresses the philosophical, ontological, axiological, theoretical and epistemological perspectives on race-based oppression, racial justice and anti-racist values and ethics. The second section, ‘Dimensions of the Problem of Race in LIS and Community,’ presents explorations of the specific problems of racism in LIS practice – racism embedded in the tools and technologies of the profession and its services, in social relations and in the practices of LIS workplaces. The final section, ‘Developing Antiracist LIS and Creating the Beloved Community’ presents practical solutions for realizing the vision of an antiracist LIS and the creation of racially justice communities. The contributors have provided a response and initial solutions for how the LIS professions can meet their espoused ideals for providing the best services for their communities. This work provides scholarship, food for thought, frameworks, and proposals for discussions for achieving the end of racism in LIS and the creation of just world.