Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited AI in Fashion Industry
Fashion is a glamorous industry, one of beauty, money, fame, and huge profits. However, from the inside, it is clear the industry is suffering. An industry worth $3 Billion (USD), the fashion industry is characterized by products with a short shelf-life, wrong forecasts, low profits, and ever-increasing competition. On the periphery, technology is rapidly invading the fashion industry, with emerging forms such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Neural Networks, Human-Robot Interface, making their way into this industry in recent years. AI in Fashion Industry discusses recent developments in fashion forecasting, developing a 'framework of AI-based fashion forecasting' and validates the framework with a qualitative case study of the world's first fashion intelligence company based in Bengaluru, India. This book studies the relationship between fashion and social media engagement of consumers, before moving on to create a 'conceptual framework of fashion e-forecasting.' The case study addresses the forecasting-based business problem of a family-owned fashion retail business. This book is unique, suggesting a novel method of fashion product development in the light of data-driven intelligence; documenting some of the rapid developments in the field with the onset of technology and addressing some of the fundamental questions that are becoming more relevant in recent years.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Disability Research Ethics
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Health Care Management
Main headings: Special research forum on management issues in nursing. - Clinical and technological issues in health care management. - Organizational and strategic issues in health care management.
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Selecting a Supplier
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2041
Emerald Publishing Limited Design and Access Statements Explained
Design and access statements are becoming the most important interface between local authorities and planning applicants. The quality of the statements and local authorities’ skill in using them will help to determine the quality of design. This makes it vital to raise standards of practice This guide explains what design and access statements are for, how to prepare them, and how to use them. It encourages good practice and innovation rather than prescribing a standardised tick-box approach.
Emerald Publishing Limited Film
Our world is inundated by film. Our best stories are told on movie screens, on televisions, on smartphones and laptops. Film argues that on-screen storytelling is the most ubiquitous format for art to intersect with health and well-being, offering a way for us to appreciate, understand and even celebrate the most nuanced and complex notions of what it means to be healthy through the stories that we watch unfolding. Clinicians use film to better understand their patients, and individuals use film to better understand themselves and each other. Using case histories and based on academic research from a range of disciplines, this book explores how film can be used by clinicians and healthcare practitioners to better understand patients; by individuals to better understand themselves and others; and – perhaps most important of all – by societies as a tool in the fight against the stigma of illness. This book not only makes the case that film keeps us healthy, but also tells us how. After all, nothing quite moves us like the movies.
Emerald Publishing Limited HR Without People?: Industrial Evolution in the Age of Automation, AI, and Machine Learning
As artificial intelligence and machine learning practices grow, entire industries and jobs could become more automated or cease to exist altogether. HR Without People? traces provocative and challenging timelines for future developments in ten, thirty and fifty years’ time, to interrogate how modern HR practices need to respond to far reaching technological and industrial change. Focusing on the role these technologies are playing in changing the HR profession and how they could and should develop industry practices in the future, HR experts Anthony R. Wheeler and M. Ronald Buckley explore how this profession has a vital role in responding to these changes and how it can adapt to meet the new challenges faced by both employers and employees. Examining key issues such as the effects of big data and algorithms ongoing role in influencing recruiting and selection, the changes in virtual technology that will alter training, and how the role of government will expand to address the needs of citizens affected by the rate of change in workforce displacement, HR Without People? is a stimulating and confrontational challenge to conventional thinking on this people-centric profession’s role in the future of work.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Imagination Gap: Stop Thinking the Way You Should and Start Making Extraordinary Things Happen
Everyone has imagination. Imagination helps us see new possibilities for the future, navigate in times of uncertainty, and spark new ideas. But most of us do not know how to use imagination to its fullest potential or how to harness the power of imagination to overcome obstacles. The result: our most important ideas and biggest ambitions never turn in to reality. This is The Imagination Gap. In this timely new book, Brian Reich shows us that imagination is the greatest natural resource available to humans and one of the most powerful forces in shaping behavior to make real change. He explains how the most creative thinkers, forward-looking entrepreneurs, and influential change agents, in every sector of our society, harness the power of their imaginations to achieve their goals, and motivate others to take action. He outlines how the strongest leaders show others how to use their imaginations to expand their individual and collective potential. In a rapidly changing world with so many choices and challenges to face, we must draw on our imagination more than ever before. Imagination makes the difference between projects that succeed and those that don’t, and is the key ingredient that transforms an idea from interesting into world-changing. The Imagination Gap helps leaders in every sector more effectively use and apply their imaginations to explore new, creative, and innovative approaches to survive and thrive. The book features dozens of in-depth interviews and examples from a range of industries and settings including Broadway, comedy, marketing, nonprofits, politics, Silicon Valley, and more. It also includes specific, actionable guidance and steps to follow to stop thinking the way you “should” and start making extraordinary things happen.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mapping a Winning Strategy: Developing and Executing a Successful Strategy in Turbulent Markets
In an increasingly connected world experiencing accelerating levels of technological disruption, the strategic challenges for business leaders are greater than ever before, and conventional approaches to strategy are unable to contend with today's VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) business environment. A new approach to strategic decision-making is required to motivate and mobilize stakeholders to achieve the business’s overarching goals, such as making a profit and delivering on people- and planet-related objectives. Mapping a Winning Strategy introduces a new mapping method for creating and executing an effective business strategy. This method uses visual maps to engage colleagues throughout the organization, ensuring that every stakeholder’s voice is considered by avoiding a top-down approach. It also enables business leaders to identify the strategic issues they face without distraction, so that a clear path is formed towards the best strategic plan. By mapping out the most effective strategy, organizations can anticipate and manage roadblocks to strategic change and make winning and well-executed operational choices.
Emerald Publishing Limited Leading with Presence: Fundamental Tools and Insights for Impactful, Engaging Leadership
In our communication, there are three 'elements' used to express a message: verbal content, body language, and the voice. When these elements are not congruent, we often will believe the body language and the voice. For this reason, non-verbal elements are particularly important for communicating feelings and attitudes and in engaging others; in any type of leadership role these aspects are vital in order to be an effective leader. Leading with Presence provides a practical guide as to how and why Presence in everyday interaction is a vital component of impactful leadership. This book explores and teaches about non-verbal communication such as posture, gestures, and the voice to create more awareness and understanding of the signals sent, and explains how to be present and 'in the moment,' how to connect with others, to 'read the room,' to motivate and inspire, to instill trust, to exude confidence and thus strengthen your leadership. Through theory, practical tools and exercises, this book is essential reading for all business professionals in understanding the science behind body language, and exploring, practicing and understanding Leadership Presence.
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Preparing an Engineering and Construction Contract
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2034
Emerald Publishing Limited Autism and Developmental Disabilities: Current Practices and Issues
This book examines real life reflections on Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), current practices and issues related to assessing, instructing and life-long planning for individuals with autism and developmental disabilities. School systems, mental health facilities, and society are being challenged to deal effectively with the growing number of people with autism and developmental disabilities. This is partly due to the inclusive philosophy of educating, training and treating individuals. This book provides regular, special educators, mental health professionals, clinicians and parents with information on best practices and research based findings related to: identification, characteristics, diagnosis; special, general, early and post-secondary education; and quality of life concerns. The book's chapters are topical, comprehensive and diverse. Chapters on assessment examine the emerging field of infant mental health, testing protocols, barriers to diagnosing diverse students, and recent developments in the diagnosing and assessment of autism spectrum disorders i.e. genetic testing, home movies and robots. A number of chapters on instructional aspects delineate curriculum innovations, procedures to implement social skills, assistive technology use and planning for postsecondary education. Life long planning, provides unique content on self-determination, social competence, sibling aspects, and employment and retirement considerations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Qualitative Housing Analysis: an International Perspective
This new volume provides a theoretical and empirical perspective on the value, potential and contribution that qualitative research methodologies bring to the analysis of housing policy issues within an international context. This encompasses key housing issues, including: the meaning and significance of home; homelessness; resident participation; housing renewal and gentrification; socially mixed housing communities; Irish Gypsies; and post-apartheid housing policies. The book also includes discussion of specific methodological challenges and ethical dilemmas faced by researchers (and policy-makers). The book's core strength lies in its ability to showcase the versatility and practical application of qualitative research in housing studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Knowledge Preservation and Curation
In order to achieve its full value, knowledge must flow and be continuously used. Knowledge use, reuse, and repurposing has been a challenge discussed in knowledge sciences literature for over three decades. Based on a review of research and conversations with business stakeholders, the authors investigate and offer solutions to two key challenges - preserving and curating knowledge. Knowledge Preservation and Curation focusses on business value and processes rather than traditional legal and financial requirements, and further, explores preservation and curation in known and unknown business futures. Real-world examples from cutting-edge private and public sector organizations are included, and give unique insight into the world of knowledge management.
Emerald Publishing Limited Decolonizing and Indigenizing Visions of Educational Leadership: Global Perspectives in Charting the Course
This edited collection centres the reclamation of global counter and Indigenous knowledges, epistemologies, ontologies, axiologies, and cosmovisions that have the capacity to create new educational leadership frameworks that chart courses to visions beyond the current oppressive systems of education. Contributing authors discuss what does it look like to have thriving decolonial educational systems? What is the educational leadership that is needed and required to get us there? What does it look like from these global Indigenous and decolonial perspectives? How do we begin dismantling dominant and colonial systems, structures and styles of leadership? Schooling and education in the wake of ongoing colonial injustices requires a revolutionary (re)awakening and the creation of schooling and educational systems that inherently honour the sacredness of life on this Earth, beyond the anthropocentric. The centring, reclamation and reaffirmation of global counter and Indigenous knowledges in educational leadership is not an individual, nor isolated endeavour. Through this understanding, this anthology is centred around themes of schooling, community building, liberatory praxis and decolonial movements, and Indigenous governance.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Frontiers in Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Peace Science
New Frontiers in Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Peace Science explores the uncharted land of conflicts, human security and peace. Bringing together a diverse, world-leading researchers, this 29th volume of Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Development focuses on some of the most serious challenges to human security posed by intra-state conflict and terrorism, interstate wars, predatory globalisation, failed development, poverty and inequality, environmental problems and climate shocks, inefficient governance and man-made and natural disasters. In so doing, this book contributes to the crafting of well-grounded academic and policy responses to global problems that urgently require novel solutions. For its breadth and depth of research, this book is essential reading for researchers working in peace studies, conflict studies, sustainability studies and economics. It is also of keen interest to policymakers in all of these areas.
Emerald Publishing Limited Spirituality in Education: Professional Accounts of the Impact of Spirituality on Education
Where spirituality in the UK once existed as a shared experience of mutual religious and cultural norms, it has evolved to one where religion, faith and individualism challenges a ‘one-size fits all’ experience. Considering the dramatic implications this means for British education, Aidan Gillespie puts forward a new definition of spirituality which is unique to educationalists across all settings. With reference to how teachers themselves define and understand the expression of spirituality through their teaching practice, this book draws on narrative accounts from professionals, of faith and none, to illustrate the contested understanding of spirituality and its interaction with professional values and choices. As the author develops the concept of spirituality from a wholly religious tradition and towards one of a shared spiritual component present in each individual, regardless of faith or belief, he also showcases how this might challenge learning spaces with a distinctive religious character. By investigating where the personal conceptualization of spirituality might directly contest the assumed character of faith education, and place tensions on individual teachers with regards to their professional practice, Gillespie demonstrates the importance of this new understanding of spirituality in a culture which pays homage to a largely secular contemporary Britain. Providing enlightening accounts from professionals with wide-ranging experience, this book is appealing reading for teachers, researchers and students of education in the UK as well as internationally.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sensory Penalities: Exploring the Senses in Spaces of Punishment and Social Control
Sensory Penalities reflects an explosion in explorations of the sensory and disrupts conventional expectations of both form and focus by expanding anthropological practices and craft into the field of criminology and criminological research. In providing accounts of physical/sensorial experiences within sites of surveillance and control, the authors in this edited collection bring elements of research experiences (often absent from existing work) to the fore; the impressions and sensual experiences which remain forever in field notes. In so doing they carve out spaces to consider these places and the ways in which they are theorised anew. The book aims to explore what sensory aspects of experience mean to those engaged in such research, and how they can shape our criminological thinking. What are the sensory textures of these experiences? What do they tell us? How do we communicate them? Finally, what does consideration of these elements tell us about penality? This timely volume challenges and remakes assumptions about what criminology is and should be; more accurately reflecting the post-disciplinary nature of the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Normalization of the Global Far Right: Pandemic Disruption?
Exploring how the boundary between the extremist far right and centre-right parties and politics became blurred, Normalization of the Global Far Right: Pandemic Disruption deconstructs one of the most pressing issues of today: the rise of the far right. Taking a critical look at the ‘normalisation’ of far-right thinking underpinned by gendered racisms, Vieten and Poynting trace the emergence of transnational far right populist movements and how these have been shaped by European colonialism, white supremacy, and ideological legacies of the Empire alike.
Emerald Publishing Limited How Gay Men Prepare for Death: The Dying Business
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access, thanks to Knowledge Unlatched funding, and freely available to read online. How do we prepare for the penultimate stage of life? This is a crucial question now facing the ageing post-war generation. Examining research participants’ use of wills, guardianship, medical attorney and beneficiaries, as well as their funeral plans and how they envisage the physical end of life, Peter Robinson’s new book provides a practical contribution for anyone considering how to prepare for their end of life, including those from LGBTQ+ communities. Drawing on theory where appropriate, Robinson focuses on the practicalities of end-of-life preparation as revealed through a variety of personal experiences. With its universal application and international scope, How Gay Men Prepare for Death: The Dying Business supports the work of carers, charities and policymakers, and benefits readers from all backgrounds, as well as those from LGBTQ+ communities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Our Future in Public Relations
With more time to communicate than ever before, we find ourselves in a dystopian world where platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are disintermediating traditional media channels, resulting in the loss of jobs in newsrooms, and creating an era where truth is now in the eye of the beholder. At the same time we are embracing the power of big data and analytics to tell us what business leaders should say and do. Is that the right approach or are we just taking the easy way out? Aimed primarily at communications management professionals, Our Future in Public Relations explores whether the profession of public relations still matters today. Is PR just a new form of marketing or is it more alive and important than ever before, especially as a driver of purpose-driven organizations? In an era of fake news and diminishing trust, it’s time to ask exactly what our future in public relations will be.
Emerald Publishing Limited Corruption, Accountability and Discretion
The corruption of public officials in the United States and its corrosive impact on public policy, political stability and democratic institutions, earns it a spot among the most critical public crises of the last decade. There have been scandals involving elected officials across the political spectrum from local elected officials up to the White House, involving conflicts of interest, campaign fundraising and political elections. At the heart of many scandals is the discretionary power of public officials to make decisions based on personal interest, often leading to corruption. Understanding the nature and etiology of corruption is important to drafting controls on discretion and rules for accountability. While strict regulation and oversight mechanisms have previously been designed to encourage ethical decision-making and punish violators, it is the media and citizens that have increasingly become modern mechanisms of accountability. Corruption of public governance not only undermines the effectiveness of the political system; it also results in corrupt public policymaking on the most pressing issues facing Americans today. This timely and insightful book provides the key elements needed to understand the nature and prevalence of corruption in public governance, as well as the devastating public policy consequences. The chapters explore the implications of public governance corruption on political stability, public trust, and policymaking, as well as recommendations for how to establish controls on discretion and strict regulation to increase accountability and corruption control in public governance.
Emerald Publishing Limited Emerging Conceptions of Work, Management and the Labor Market
Economic institutions are undergoing radical transformations, and with these has come a reconfiguration of labor market institutions, managerial conceptions of work, and the nature of authority and control over employees as well. Yet many of these changes remain poorly understood. This volume provides a sampling of state-of-the art theory and research in the field, and addresses a wide array of questions that are vital for managers, policy makers, labor unions, and employees themselves. How has new technology changed the job search process? How has the Great Recession affected racial boundaries within the labor market? What forms of managerial thinking underlie the proliferation of downsizing as a strategic practice? How have employees responded to labor market uncertainty? What shifts are unfolding within particular sectors, such as finance or health care? And how have norms been mobilized as a source of control over the performance of service work? By addressing these and other questions, this volume points the way forward for social scientific views of work and labor markets as pivotal institutions within contemporary societies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender Bias and Digital Financial Services in South Asia: Obstacles and Opportunities on the Road to Equal Access
Several studies have shown that financial inclusion impacts poverty and income inequality and higher levels of financial inclusion lead to lower poverty and income inequality and promotes inclusive economic growth. However, the gender gap in access and usage of financial services remains pervasive across all the countries in South Asia. Patriarchal societies, low involvement of women in decision making, low empowerment of women, no voice in the family matters are some of the factors influencing women’s financial access in the region. Although literature has developed on access to financial services in general, there is not much academic work available on access to digital financial services for women. Gender Bias and Digital Financial Services in South Asia: Obstacles and Opportunities on the Road to Equal Access examines access to financial services to women in general in South Asia and specifically their access to digital financial services.
Emerald Publishing Limited Operations Management in the Hospitality Industry
From restaurants to resorts, the hospitality industry demands strong operations management to delight guests, develop employees, and deliver financial returns. This introductory text provides students with fundamental techniques and tools to analyse and improve operational capabilities of any hospitality organization. This book spans a breadth of topics critical to today's operations leaders. Each topic surveys key theories, frameworks, and industry examples, with additional depth achieved through engaging learning features. Uniquely, the book is set out in standalone chapters that can be digested individually or together; allowing flexibility for instructors and readers seeking to learn specific subject matter. Whether a student preparing for their career, or a professional seeking tools, readers will gain valuable knowledge from Operations Management in the Hospitality Industry.
Emerald Publishing Limited Experimental Law and Economics
Experiments. Law. Economics. Those three words taken by themselves encompass vast parts of the human intellectual experience. Even when we link them together as Experimental Law and Economics, we see a large and diverse body of inquiry over the last half century. This 21st volume of Research in Experimental Economics focuses on experimental and empirical investigations into topics about both the economic effects of the law and how economic theories can explain the behavior of individuals within a legal system. The papers in this volume follow two long-standing traditions. Firstly, the tradition of experimental methodology that allows one to test the potential impacts of alternate institutional arrangements. Secondly, a subset of the papers in this volume, in addition to exploring institutional change, follow the tradition in experimental economics of replication and robustness studies. Illuminating three key areas, by summarizing mechanisms to facilitate the assembly of property rights, exploring legal procedure, and replicating classic market experiments using more recent experimental methods to understand how different market rules affect market outcomes, each of these papers contributes to one of the broader areas within experimental law and economics.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Study and Practice of Global Leadership
As the world becomes increasingly interconnected and cross-cultural contexts gain prominence, leaders can no longer ignore the global dimensions of leadership. The way we study leadership must be informed by processes that take place beyond and across borders. The way we practice leadership cannot ignore the cultural basis of our thoughts and actions. This book provides cutting-edge perspectives on the impact that globalization is having on the study and practice of Global Leadership. To explore these various facets of Global Leadership, The Study and Practice of Global Leadership has been divided into three parts. In part I, we define what is meant by globalization and its facets, including political, economic, and social integration. In part II, the authors examine the proliferation of Leadership Programs in schools across the globe, focusing on initiatives in China, Japan, New Zealand, and Australia. In part III, the book highlights the challenges that practitioners face when they translate theoretical insights into on-the-ground action. In the spirit of offering a wide variety of applied topics, the reader will have an opportunity to see how Global Leadership plays a role in the multinational corporate setting, Sub-Saharan African countries, international development, immigration, and gender equality.
Emerald Publishing Limited Entrepreneurial Orientation: Epistemological, Theoretical, and Empirical Perspectives
Understanding the concept of Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) is of critical importance as organizations and individuals manage a world that is defined by increasing uncertainty and complexity. The need for organizations of all types and sizes to survive and thrive in such an environment demonstrates a clear need for both managers and academics to really understand EO. Building upon this foundational need to better understand EO and with both a scholarly desire to synthesize and the practical need to execute, this volume convenes some of the world's leading experts on EO to address some of the most pressing issues facing scholars and leaders in the world of practice. Within this volume, you'll discover cutting edge insights ranging from theorizing on the future of EO to an empirical investigation of its measurement. There are chapters that focus on international ventures and EO and a detailed call for a global, multidimensional view of EO. Other contributions provide contextual views of EO that examine its connections to digital work environments, family business, and more. Taken together, this volume provides readers with an overview of the current state of EO research and sets a compelling agenda for its future.
Emerald Publishing Limited Issues and Challenges in the Malaysian Economy: Towards Inclusive Growth
Focusing on Malaysia's shifting economic profile and position, this book investigates a range of new developments impacting on growth, such as the effects of the digital economy on jobs creation and the threats of environmental degradation and trade protectionism. In developing the debate around the importance of achieving high economic growth through various government initiatives, the chapters discuss a number of issues, including: trade and innovation economics capital flight risk financial development income inequality fiscal policy sustainability agricultural economy A leading team of Malaysian economics and business scholars offer new insights and perspectives to scholars and researchers working in the fields of economic policy, developing economics and East Asian studies, who are interested in the multiple challenges facing this fast-moving economy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Cross-Cultural Social Media Marketing: Bridging Across Cultural Differences
To increase brand awareness, engagement and revenue, companies are acknowledging the importance of integrating social media marketing in their overall marketing strategy. Social media marketing complements a brand or company's current marketing strategy as it aids in amplifying a company's brand voice and presence. This book consists of a step-by-step guide in using social media successfully in an ever-growing consumer market, domestically and internationally. Marketers must be strategic in how they utilize these platforms by first understanding their consumers, while at the same time, meeting their business goals and objectives. Case studies on companies that use social media and advanced technologies to increase their brand awareness, engagement and conversion are discussed in this book. As businesses globalize, many marketers are struggling to establish a presence outside of the United States. Thus, this book also discusses the cultural differences in each country and how these differences matter when considering the usage of each of the social media platforms in certain countries. In this new work, digital marketing expert Emi Moriuchi educates business owners, marketing practitioners, students, as well as marketing researchers in understanding the usage of social media strategy . Containing both evergreen content as well as trending knowledge in the consumer market, this is a must-read for understanding social media marketing for domestic and international market.
Emerald Publishing Limited Neoliberalism and Inclusive Education: Students with Disabilities in the Education Marketplace
Charter schools continue to grow in influence, as does the push for inclusive education for students with disabilities. What is the value and impact of these schools, especially on the marginalized populations they often serve? Relying on the fields of DisCrit, and Sociology of Special and Inclusive Education, this book answers these questions by focusing on the topics of neoliberalism and inclusive education. Mac focuses on the history of the school choice and privatization movement in the United States with special consideration given to how ideologies such as disaster capitalism and neoliberalism shaped and influenced the movement, as well as how successful (or not) these privatization efforts have been overall as a social justice endeavor for marginalized students. The author also recounts the history of education for students with disabilities, highlighting historical inequities of schooling for students with disabilities in the United States. Drawing from an ethnographic case study of an independent, urban charter school, the school’s vision and reality of day-to-day life for students with disabilities at this school are explored. The author investigates the school’s inclusion program in the broader neoliberal landscape of free market competition in the educational marketplace and argues that as a result of inclusive education and neoliberal reforms being virtually incompatible, the pervasive neoliberal environment presents the biggest hurdle to successful inclusive education.
Emerald Publishing Limited 30-Minute Website Marketing: A Step By Step Guide
Everyday businesses of all sizes are generating a fraction of the potential website return on investment (ROI) and broader marketing value for their business. The largest part of this opportunity wastage comes from overlooked marketing potential, plus an inability to take immediate action based on competing time demands and budget restraints. 30-Minute Website Marketing: A Step By Step Guide utilizes over 15 years of website marketing experience and digital expertise to empower businesses to identify and act on untapped website success. With all actions taking 30 minutes or less, companies can work towards improving the results gained from their website marketing efforts, and by adhering to the practical steps in this book, businesses can be confident that those 30 minutes provide the returns on resource investment needed. Through this guide, Lee Wilson delivers impactful, instant value to the broader marketing and targeted website marketing field, with practical help, direction, and expert step-by-step advice for marketing professionals, business owners, entrepreneurs, and start-up organisations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Understanding National Culture and Ethics in Organizations: A Study of Eastern and Central Europe
Understanding National Culture and Ethics in Organizations: A Study of Eastern and Central Europe explores the nexus between ethics and national culture, with a special focus on Eastern European countries. Understanding the nuances of these cultural differences as well as different perceptions of business ethics allows a finer understanding of the differences in business styles between Western and Eastern European countries. Intended primarily for managers, ethics and intercultural management scholars and business owners, this book reveals some leading questions in business research, linking ethics and national culture, with a particular emphasis on Eastern European countries. The main questions that should be answered are: 'Which are the cultural particularities in Eastern European countries?' & 'What is the relationship between ethics and national culture in Eastern European countries?' and 'How to be successful in business in Eastern European countries?' The volume’s approach to culture and ethics leads to unique and new perspectives on the Eastern part of Europe. By improving our understanding of the relationship between business ethics and national culture, the book contributes to the integration of theories, concepts and results from different research traditions and in this way helps to better our understanding of management.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Insights on Trust in Business-to-Business Relationships: A Multi-Perspective Approach
Trust plays a crucial role in all societies, particularly within the Business-to-Business context where inter-firm relationships, impelled by globalization and the extended enterprise, require a much higher degree of trust to succeed. This 26th volume of Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing examines the value of trust within the B2B context to provide a better understanding of its importance in organizations. New Insights on Trust in Business-to-Business Relationships: A Multi-Perspective Approach applies different theoretical and methodological perspectives to the mechanisms and processes that promote trust between customer and supplier in contexts such as e-commerce, high involvement relationships, industrial service and international cultures. The authors identify the consistencies and distinctions of antecedents, processes, and consequences of trust in various B2B contexts and offer alternative approaches that contribute to a better understanding of the subtleties and multi-faceted nature of trust and trust-related management. The book provides advanced original insights on trust for researchers and practitioners working within Management, Purchasing and B2B Marketing, and offers practical tools to build lasting and successful business relationships.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Next Phase of Business Ethics: Celebrating 20 Years of REIO
The role of organizations in society, the international and multidisciplinary scope of business ethics, and the importance of narrative were concerns that were raised in early volumes of Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations (REIO). That these topics remain of interest is perhaps sobering, and a cause for reflection in the business ethics community. What has the discipline of business ethics achieved over the last 20 years? Where is at in 2019? Where is it headed? Written to celebrate the founding of the series 20 years ago, the volume tackles the tendency to see business as something spawned in recent times. REIO's founders, even in 2001, were contemplating the next phase of business ethics, and saw it linked to both good corporate practice and a multidisciplinary heritage stretching back in time. This volume considers whether scholars, practitioners, and business professionals have been slow to act, or whether the problems are intractable. The role of film and narrative in the development of ethical standards and in business ethics education is addressed. Individual submissions also consider corporate responsibility, redemption, and the nature of boundaries in organizations and personal life. The volume will appeal to academics in the business ethics field and related disciplines.
Emerald Publishing Limited Innovation, Social Responsibility and Sustainability
While global challenges such as a future pandemics and global warming seem insurmountable, innovation and cumulative small changes can help towards managing such disruptive events. Innovation can encompass a new way of doing things, new products and services, and new solutions; in organizations where innovation can flourish, progress and resilience can be achieved. This edited collection draws together a number of chapters, organized into two parts – developing social responsibility and developing sustainability – both of which are interlinked and interdependent. Topics presented range from: mandatory CSR in the banking industry to the professional integration of displaced persons to knowledge for and about sustainability, and many more. The diversity of the chapters gift readers an interdisciplinary examination of innovation, social responsibility and sustainability. Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility offers the latest research on topical issues by international experts and has practical relevance to business managers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2022
Since 2013, the Annual Review of Comparative and International Education has covered significant developments in the intersecting fields of comparative education, international education, and comparative and international education. Reflecting on ten prolific years of publication, both volumes of the 2022 Annual Review together present discussions on education trends and directions, conceptual and methodological developments, research-to-practice, area studies and regional developments, and diversification of the field of education. Featuring authors from around the world, they tell the story of comparative and international education as an academic and professional field and address both the functions and ethics of education across vastly different cultures, communities, organizations, and outcomes. Part B explores research-to-practice, area studies and regional development, and diversification of the field. The Annual Review of Comparative and International Education serves as an important reference, a source of knowledge, a record of the skills and how they are implemented, and a figurative mirror helping scholars and professionals alike reflect on their own practice and what it means both to the field and to each other.
Emerald Publishing Limited A Digital Path to Sustainable Infrastructure Management: Emerging Tools for the Construction Industry
As urbanization, digitalization, rising social expectations, and the quest for greener development become increasingly important and called for, a need to transform infrastructure and its management has become more pronounced. A Digital Path for Sustainable Infrastructure Management delivers the much sought-after guidance that the industry seeks to embrace technological advancements, establish new sustainable working practices, and foster socially valuable collaborations. Oke and Stephen open with a discussion on key sustainability concepts and the crucial measures that the construction sector must effectively establish to keep up with modern-day challenges. Moving to investigating multiple theoretical and practical aspects of novel digital tools, they analyse how these services can contribute to building and maintaining infrastructure better while aiding the impactful realization of globally recognized sustainability goals. Through an easy-to-follow and iterative structure, readers in both academic and professional settings are equipped with a comprehensive overview of the state of the art. This is a vital reference resource for future works in the area.
Emerald Publishing Limited Inclusive Leadership: Equity and Belonging in Our Communities
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Access (DEIB/A) represent essential features of the human side of any organization or community. To fulfil dreams and aspirations and to foster collective flourishing, inclusive leadership is vital. Making this happen is the central challenge and the focus of this collection of chapters comprising a wide variety of authors and perspectives. Inclusive Leadership speaks to the human side of organization and communities. Both practitioners and academics provide insights that broaden our traditional view of diversity issues into a perspective focused on better understanding the theory and practice of inclusive leadership. Chapters include empirical work, ground-breaking ideas, and practical tools from different sectors and parts of the world fundamental to a rich view of DEIB/A. Inclusive Leadership is essential reading for leaders aiming to create a space where individuals find genuine belonging.
Emerald Publishing Limited Emotion in Organizations: A Coat of Many Colors
Emotions, while extremely varied in their manifestation and effects on organizational settings, nonetheless represent the essence of organizational life. In this 19th volume of Research on Emotion in Organizations, editors Neal M. Ashkanasy, Ronald H. Humphrey and Ashlea C. Troth orchestrate a retrospective view of the field in order to address a wide range of emotion-related topics and point to the future of research in organizational behavior and organization theory. With contributions from Australia, Germany, Finland, Iran, Canada, France, Italy, Poland, the USA and the UK, chapters highlight the diverse nature and effect of emotions in organizational settings. Authors cover topics including physiological needs, strategic investment decisions, workplace supervisory practices, counterproductive behaviors, emotions in teamwork, CEO behavior, emotional intelligence, work-family balance, knowledge sharing and emotional labor. Taking this series’ esteemed reputation a step further, Emotion in Organizations: A Coat of Many Colors ushers the field into a new era in the ever-evolving world of work.
Emerald Publishing Limited Fractal Leadership: Ideologisation from the 1960s to Contemporary Social Movements
Fractal Leadership investigates leadership construction in social movements afforded (or intensified) by algorithm-based flows of information and viral affectivity. The book illustrates how a somewhat amorphous structure is replicated from an intimate, localised community level, all the way up to the global level with swift, almost breath-taking repetitions over and over again, from one scale to another, thus carrying new forms of leaders to sudden public mass-following, but just as quickly sweeping them away. Including original primary research with fieldwork from Extinction Rebellion and Black Lives Matter in juxtaposition with archival research of the New Left movements of the 1960s, Karatzogianni and Matthews explore how the digital transformation of temporality impacts on the ideologisation process, movement organisational structure, as well as the implicated biolabour process, culminating on the fractalisation of movement leadership and its devastating implications for class formation, and the authoritarian turn in global politics. Fractal Leadership serves as a point of reference for those interested in tracing the development of leadership in social movements from the 1960s to today.
Emerald Publishing Limited Agents of Innovation: Entrepreneurs, Facilitators and Intrapreneurs
What does it mean to innovate? What skills are needed? What thought processes are involved? Answers to these questions can be found in the real-life stories of Agents of Innovation. Louis Jacques Filion and chapter co-authors Rico J. Baldegger, Candido Borges, Fernando Dolabela, Joëlle Hafsi and Francine Richer, present six fascinating case histories of three different types of agents of innovation: entrepreneurs, who create new products or services, facilitators, or process innovators, who help entrepreneurs to develop their enterprises, and intrapreneurs, who innovate within the organizations that employ them. In the second part of Agents of Innovation, a set of exercises guide readers as they develop their own innovative thinking process. Valuable to researchers, students, and those about to branch out into the world of business, Agents of Innovation informs many different disciplines, and in particular strategy – the sister discipline of entrepreneurship as far as the implementation of innovation is concerned.
Emerald Publishing Limited Organization and Governance Using Algorithms
Following a recent mathematical, algorithmic, and computational turn in the field of social sciences, and particularly design aspects of contemporary organisations, Organisation and Governance Using Algorithms explores the problem of governance in organisations from a mathematical perspective. Avramopoulos offers a ground-breaking theory and application on organisational systems design, including discussions on organisational systems design requirements, such as productivity, emotion, and reward, the problems of unaccountability, including hierarchical delegation, and the benefits of accountable design. The suggested theoretical approach views organizational actors as computer processors that communicate through a shared infrastructure – both physical and digital – and suggests scientific principles and mechanisms by which to correct inequality and advance democratic governance in organisations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Becoming a Management Consultant: Key Steps to Success
Successful managers lead others to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization where they strive to produce sustainable growth, financial strength, and high job satisfaction. They also simultaneously meet the needs of all stakeholders. Those management consultants who are in high demand are champions for developing the leadership skills needed to make this happen. Each chapter in Becoming a Management Consultant focuses on a different aspect of being a successful management consultant – from effective listening to leadership styles, self-employment, attracting prospective clients, and everything else in between. There are also exercises to be completed to help the reader hone their skills. James D. Spina draws on over forty years first-hand experience as a consultant to equip the reader with this handy guide which appeals to a wide-ranging audience.
Emerald Publishing Limited How Universities Transform Occupations and Work in the 21st Century: The Academization of German and American Economies
Advanced education is often thought to respond to the demands of the economy. Market forces create new occupations, and then universities respond with degrees and curricula tailored to produce graduates with the required skills. Presented here is ground-breaking comparative research on an underappreciated, yet growing, concurrent alternative process: universities and their expanding research capacity create knowledge and skills, legitimated in new degrees that then become monetized and even required in private and public sectors of economies. With far reaching implications for understanding the educational transformation of capitalism and social inequality, the future of professionalization in occupations, persistent expansion of advanced education, and profound change in the culture of work in the 21st Century, the chapters explore sociological implications, possible global impacts, and critiques of the process. Detailed German and U.S. case studies of the university’s origins and influence on workplace consequences of six selected occupations and degrees investigate the dimensions of the academization process. Demonstrating universal application, the cases contrast the more open and less-restrictive education and occupational credentialling system in the U.S. with the centralized and government-controlled system in Germany. This is a much-needed new perspective on the worn-out notions of overeducation, credentialism, professionalism, and supposed unresponsiveness of systems of higher education.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions
Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions stands out from the competition due to its focus on three key characteristics: studies from scholars in different countries, with different research questions, relying on different theoretical perspective. Such a broad and inclusive approach to mergers and acquisitions is not easily replicated in academic journals, with much narrower mandates and metrics. Volume 22 of this annual series explores a range of issues relevant to a post-pandemic world– the cost-of-living crisis, energy insecurity, war in Ukraine and rising inflation are pushing many countries into recession, adversely affecting the global economy. This has led, and will continue to lead, to more downsizing, restructurings and inevitably to an increase in mergers and acquisitions. This collection of new and current research highlights interesting behavioural themes as well as timely practical solutions to the dilemma of mergers and acquisitions failures. Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions Volume 22 is of interest to scholars in strategic management, organizational theory and behaviour who are studying questions around mergers and acquisitions. Doctoral students will benefit from access to the diversity of research that can trigger new research questions and expanded research agendas.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mixed-Income Housing Development Planning Strategies and Frameworks in the Global South
Nearly 1.6 billion people worldwide are living in inadequate conditions, according to a recent United Nations report. Local authorities are running out of ways to tackle the increasing challenges of affordable housing. In South Africa, this issue is compounded by historical apartheid and spatial segregation. However, mixed-income housing has proven an effective strategy for alleviating the concentrated poverty that marginalizes certain communities. Functioning as a toolkit for inclusive urban planning, Mixed-Income Housing Development Planning Strategies and Frameworks in the Global South evaluates how this framework meets specific socio-economic goals as opposed taking a broad overview of development. Exploring the relevant policies, planning, and legislation that have guided human settlements in South Africa, the authors consider how best to combat residential segregation, informal settlements, and the exclusive allocation of public housing units to the poorest of the poor. Additional case studies from the USA, Australia, Netherlands, Brazil, Nigeria, Botswana, and Ghana compare emerging building strategies and their benefits, including spatial integration, improved access to social services and other infrastructure, and the promotion of local economic development (LED). Mixed-income housing development has been described as the only way to confront increasing urban poverty and segregation in our built environment. Analysing past projects and focusing on future trends and trajectories, this book acts as both a model for understanding the planning and management of this framework, and a foundation for future research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainable Road Infrastructure Project Implementation in Developing Countries: An Integrated Model
Seven of the seventeen United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) are directly related to sustainable infrastructure development. The majority of sectors, including the road infrastructure sector, are under intense pressure to find financially feasible, socially acceptable, and environmentally conscientious project outcomes or techniques that will result in sustainable road infrastructure development (SRID). Sustainable Road Infrastructure Project Implementation in Developing Countries presents a model for implementing sustainable road infrastructure projects in developing countries. Providing readers with comprehensive theoretical and practical directions on implementing sustainable road infrastructure projects in developing countries successfully, the authors discuss the factors which influence the implementation of sustainable road infrastructure projects, including the drivers, barriers, benefits, and determinants of sustainable road project implementation. The model offers road infrastructure stakeholders with a precise and functional tool that promotes collaboration, common language and comprehension, engagement and interaction among all individuals and institutions involved in SRIP implementation. It is beneficial to both professionals and scholars, in the area of architecture; building technology; civil engineering; sustainable/green construction and other disciplines in the built industry.