Search results for ""collective""
Collective Ink Why Young People Don′t Vote
Why don't young people vote? It's a question that has been asked by pollsters for years. The 18- to 24-year-old demographic records the lowest voter turnout at elections and it doesn't look to be showing signs of stopping. Being one of this demographic, Mitchell Agg looks into this question and tries to shed light on why his peers don't enter polling stations on election day. Through four main reasons, Mitchell helps us answer this question as well as giving some solutions.
Collective Ink Relax Kids: Pants of Peace – 52 meditation tools for children
An innovative book that helps children get in touch with a wide range of inner qualities and values through creative meditation and affirmations exercises. Examples include shoe of confidence, cloak of protection, pen of appreciation and hat of happiness. Each meditation takes a positive quality or value and shows children in a creative and imaginative way how to develop that quality to improve their own life. This book encourages children to enjoy moments of calm and also helps develop their imaginations in a world of electronic gadgets. Pants of Peace is perfect for parents and teachers to read with children. The exercises are a toolkit to help develop children's mental health and well-being. Regular listening to these simple meditations can help children become more self -aware, positive and confident. This book can be used at home to help children relax or in the classroom. Ages 6+ The Relax Kids series is currently available in Europe and will be available in US from 2015. CD available at
Collective Ink Birds of the Nile – An Egyptian Adventure
When Michael Blake takes early retirement from the British Embassy in Cairo, he books a long-awaited birding trip. But halfway up the Nile he meets Lee Yong and things begin to change. Their tour guide Reda isn't all he seems either and when the Egyptian revolution kicks off, Blake finds himself embroiled in a tangled web of love and intrigue. Set against the background of the events of January 2011, Birds of the Nile is a powerful story of loss and self-discovery as three disparate characters, each with their own agenda, seek to come to terms with change. Part political thriller, part love story, Birds of the Nile is N.E.David's debut novel. Poignantly written, it reminds us of the complex nature of global cultural interaction and how, as individuals, we try to deal with it.
Collective Ink Compass Points: Get Your Act Together – Writing A Stand–up Comedy Routine
Confidence is essential for any stand-up comic and having confidence in your material is the first step to having greater confidence on stage. It is said that proper preparation makes for professional performance and this book provides the tools to achieve this, offering down-to-earth practical advice and a logical progression from identifying your stage persona, thinking about your audience and the craft of honing comedy material to fit your persona and audience, through to structuring your stand-up set, preparing for when things might go wrong, and last but not least - progressing your career. Get Your Act Together is a book for anyone who wants to be serious about becoming a stand-up comic and wants to do it well.
Collective Ink Equipping the Believer
This is not another Christian book sharing the same information with believers again, but rather one that gives guidance and answers to misinterpretations by using the Word of God only, not based on authorial opinion, but using scripture to interpret the Word of God.
Collective Ink Nine lives – The Enneagram in life stories
Why do we make the same mistakes over and over? Why do people make crazy choices? Can we change and grow up or are we like the proverbial leopard with his spots? In these nine short stories you'll meet Tim, who's deeply into how things work; Grace, who really needs to be needed; Graham, whose priority is his image and a whole cast of others who find out - eventually - that it is possible to change and grow. Each of the main characters is a different Enneagram type - if you know nothing about the Enneagram it doesn't matter; but you'll probably become fascinated by how true to life and helpful it is.The Bible, the Church and God come into the picture quite a lot - not always with good results. Organised religion may sometimes be more of a problem than a solution. Nine Lives is all about understanding what makes people tick, developing a spiritual life and being truly alive to each moment.
Collective Ink World State: How a democratically-elected World Government can replace the UN and bring peace
Since 1945 the UN has failed to prevent 162 wars and the proliferation of nuclear weapons, and there is talk of a Third World War involving the Middle East, the Baltic states and North Korea. Competing nation-states seem powerless to achieve world peace under the UN. Continuing a tradition that began with the 1945 atomic bombs, Nicholas Hagger follows Truman, Einstein, Churchill, Eisenhower, Gandhi, Russell, J.F. Kennedy and Gorbachev in calling for a democratic, partly-federal World State with sufficient authority to abolish war, enforce disarmament, combat famine, disease and poverty, and solve the world’s financial and environmental problems. In World State Hagger sets out the historical background and the failure of the current political order of nation-states. He presents the ideal World State - its seven federal goals, its structure and the benefits it would bring - and sets out a manifesto that would turn the UN General Assembly into an elected lower house of a democratic World State.
Collective Ink Transcendent Vocation – Why gay clergy tolerate hypocrisy
Based on detailed analysis of interviews with gay clergymen, and also with retired heterosexual clergymen whose ministries span the period since the 1967 Sexual Offences Act, Transcendent Vocation provides specific examples to back up the contention that the approach of the Church of England to homosexuals has increasingly been characterised by hypocrisy. It considers why gay men wish to work within an organisation that treats them with such negativity, especially now that such discrimination is illegal in secular society. The prime conclusion is that they do so because of their "Transcendent Vocation" - a conviction of having been called to the ministry by God that is so strong that it enables them to transcend all the hypocrisy and negativity that they encounter.
Collective Ink Living Jainism – An Ethical Science
Living Jainism explores a system of thought that unites ethics with rational thought, in which each individual is his or her own guru and social conscience extends beyond human society to animals, plants and the whole of the natural world. The Jain Dharma is a humane and scientific spiritual pathway that has universal significance. With the re-emergence of India as a world power, Jain wisdom deserves to be better known so that it can play a creative role in global affairs. Living Jainism reveals the relevance of Jain teachings to scientific research and human society, as well as our journey towards understanding ourselves and our place in the universe.
Collective Ink Where is Lonely?
Chelsea is a feisty, hyperactive little girl who meets an unfriendly ogre called Lonely and steps up to the challenge of changing his grumpy ways. It's a story about friendship, but most of all, it's a story for children to enjoy, participate in and identify with.
Collective Ink Running from Tenda Gyamar – A volunteer`s story of life with the refugee children of Tibet
Leaving her job in London, selling her home, leaving family & friends, Lesley travelled to India to be a volunteer teacher in a vocational training centre in Northern India. She learnt of the struggles Tibetan children endure, escaping torture, violence and oppression by the Chinese authorities in their homeland, Tibet. They witnessed the torture and murder of parents, brothers and uncles. They are educated in Tibetan schools in India, many are orphans and destitute, For 2 years Lesley lived with the Tibetan community in the VTC and then a mountain village, Rajpur, undertaking voluntary work and raising sponsorship to support the children s education. In this book Lesley describes her own ups and downs of living with both Indian and Tibetan cultures and recounts the poignant stories of the children, describing in their own words the suffering they escaped and what their hopes are for the future.
Collective Ink Other Side of the Valley, The: Healing Through Altered States of Consciousness
A journey from sceptic to passionate practitioner. Blending research with personal stories and drawing from healing paradigms from around the world, The Other Side of the Valley distils reams of scientific and subjective experience into a coherent and simple approach to life. Whilst charting the author's personal journey from sceptic to complete acceptance of healing through altered states of consciousness the book is also designed to provide a pragmatic approach to healing and well-being.
Collective Ink Why Progressives Need God – An ethical defence of monotheism
Environmental destruction, poverty in the midst of obscene wealth, one war after another. Our biggest crises are getting worse. Secularism makes this inevitable by denying any moral authority higher than the ruling classes. By contrast, religious traditions offer accounts of who made us, for what purpose and how we should live, but whilst some are more constructive than others it is only monotheism, defined as divine harmony, that provides the philosophical and ethical framework necessary for people to lead better lives. Drawing on cultural analysis, political philosophy, Christian apologetics and theodicy the author shows why, in order to resolve our crises, progressives need to reaffirm the goodness of the natural environment as a blessing from a good god.
Collective Ink Awaken your inner faerie in 30 days – learn to live from your creative core
Your inner faerie is unique. She's that bright, glittery, passionate, energetic, positive, enthusiastic side of you - the side that often lies hidden for fear of ridicule, failure, criticism, or lack of love. This book will help you connect with her, awaken your wild-woman and become the whole person you were born to be.
Collective Ink Go! Smell the Flowers – One Journey, Many Discoveries
Go! Smell the Flowers will appeal for people looking to make a change in their lives; from CEOs to secretaries and armchair travellers. From the Winelands of South Africa to the markets of France; a Machu Picchu proposal, a detox spa and a Buddhist blessing on a Thai beach, it is a journey of discoveries with a surprising and unexpected end.
Collective Ink All Things are Nothing to Me: The Unique Philosophy of Max Stirner
Max Stirner’s The Unique and Its Property (1844) is the first ruthless critique of modern society. In All Things are Nothing to Me, Jacob Blumenfeld reconstructs the unique philosophy of Max Stirner (1806–1856), a figure that strongly influenced—for better or worse—Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, Emma Goldman as well as numerous anarchists, feminists, surrealists, illegalists, existentialists, fascists, libertarians, dadaists, situationists, insurrectionists and nihilists of the last two centuries. Misunderstood, dismissed, and defamed, Stirner’s work is considered by some to be the worst book ever written. It combines the worst elements of philosophy, politics, history, psychology, and morality, and ties it all together with simple tautologies, fancy rhetoric, and militant declarations. That is the glory of Max Stirner’s unique footprint in the history of philosophy. Jacob Blumenfeld wanted to exhume this dead tome along with its dead philosopher, but discovered instead that, rather than deceased, their spirits are alive and quite well, floating in our presence. All Things are Nothing to Me is a forensic investigation into how Stirner has stayed alive throughout time.
Collective Ink Lion of Light – The Spiritual Life of Madame Blavatsky
Madame Blavatsky was a pioneering woman, and not only as a traveller, writer and spiritual teacher. She was an inspiration to men and women around the world in Victorian times who desired to follow an independent path. In our own times, the New Age owes most of its spiritual knowledge to her. Blavatsky's travels in Russia, India and Tibet; her absorbing of many different cultures and her personal magnetism, are the stuff of celebrated legend. Her personal struggles against prejudice and ignorance are a record of one woman's determination to usher in the Aquarian Age. By her own efforts she established 'spirituality' as an ethos. She also taught that the soul - the 'Inner World' - of any individual is mysterious and precious. It is a sacred possession, one not to be feared, but cherished. Many myths and exotic tales surround Madame Blavatsky. This phenomenal individual saw herself as having a mission - to inform and enlighten the world. Her beliefs and her vision are even more relevant now than when she first voiced them.
Collective Ink Blackjack – A Champion`s Guide
If you believe that winning at casino games depends entirely on chance or luck, then this is not the book for you. If, on the other hand, you think that it's crucial to have an effective strategy in order to win, then you simply can't do without it. The green table is the most democratic place to play, where the inequalities between you and the dealer are at a minimum and players can significantly increase their chances of victory. You just need to know how. Simply told and with a touch of irony, 'games king' Dario De Toffoli guides us through rules, secrets, tactics and advice, in a book that is as much for beginners as experts. So prepare yourselves to explore the world of Blackjack, which is 'deconstructed' and analysed in all its mathematical glory for the first time, making readers more conscious and successful when they play. Whether you are in front of a croupier in the flesh and blood or in front of your computer screen playing an online game, now is the time to abandon all those good luck charms and understand that your success depends on you. Because it's fun to play, but it's even more fun to win. So, what are you waiting for? Play the game, but don't let the game play you...
Collective Ink Pagan Portals – By Wolfsbane & Mandrake Root – The shadow world of plants and their poisons
A large number of poisonous plants have beneficial uses in both domestic medicine and magic. Needless to say, when utilising a toxic plant in magic, we are adding certain extra deadly or potent energies into the mix and it is inadvisable to start messing about with deadly poisons unless we've made a thorough study of the subject - and not just by glancing at a paragraph in a book on herbal preparations!
Collective Ink Leap to Freedom – Healing Quantum Guilt
Whether we are rich or poor, religious, agnostic or atheist, we all suffer because of our unconscious belief in sin and guilt, both of which lie at the core of all our decisions and actions. But what if everything we've been taught about sin, and the need to feel guilt, has been a lie? The purpose of this book is to offer a way out from this limited and debilitating belief that we've blindly accepted, by exploring how and why sin and guilt are illusions. What if we no longer have to live in fear of suffering and eternal damnation, or be plagued by constant nagging doubt or unworthiness brought on by the beliefs in sin and guilt? What if, instead, we could live every moment in the state of love and peace, and thereby be better able to fulfill our true purpose?
Collective Ink Oh Great, Now I Can Hear Dead People – What would you do if you could suddenly hear real dead people?
Samantha Ball is not only broke, she is GBP22000 in debt and soon to be homeless if she cannot get the money together for her rent, so when she is offered the opportunity to earn some money for a hotline to the heavens by giving tarot readings, she jumps at the chance, despite the fact that she does not have a psychic bone in her body - or does she? When Sam starts to hear voices of real dead people her psychic career really takes off and she soon becomes a psychic to the stars with her own slot on a prime time TV show. Someone however does not share Sam s joy and it's only when they set out to destroy her reputation does Sam really need help from the other side.
Collective Ink Introducing the Occult: selected introductions, prefaces, forewords and afterwords
The late Colin Wilson wrote a staggering 180 introductions, forewords, prefaces and afterwords to other authors’ books. Soon after his now classic study The Occult appeared in 1971, he was constantly sought out by writers and publishers to endorse their work. He rarely refused. And, as this volume reveals, these were not hurriedly written paragraphs, relying largely on his name as an endorsement, but often significant and substantial essays. Introducing the Occult brings together 17 of his best published introductions chosen by his bibliographer Colin Stanley. Within these covers you can read Colin Wilson on magic, witchcraft, exorcism, ghosts, poltergeists, the Loch Ness Monster, the afterlife, dowsing and much more.
Collective Ink Let`s Talk About Pagan Festivals
This book is written for children between the ages of four and eight, it has nine chapters, one for each of the festivals and one for the Moon. There is a story, things to do and teacher/parens and guardian notes for each chapter. There are also simple prayers for children.
Collective Ink Psychology of a Medium – And A Look At The Paranormal And The World Of Mediums
Psychology of a Medium is a look at the paranormal from two very different perspectives, with a consideration of the sceptics as well as the devotees of the paranormal. It explores the implications and advantages of the paranormal, posing the all-important question: 'Why are the majority of people so fascinated with the subject?' The author looks at the so-called 'Haunted House' phenomenon and the psychological factors behind those with an interest in the subject. Psychology of a Medium contains anecdotal evidence as well as the author's own experience and considers 'fake' as well as genuine mediums, with an analysis of various styles and techniques.
Collective Ink Unpatriotic History of the Second World War
Sixty million people died in the Second World War, and still they tell us it was the Peoples War. The official history of the Second World War is Victors History. This is the history of the Second World War without the patriotic whitewash. The Second World War was not fought to stop fascism, or to liberate Europe. It was a war between imperialist powers to decide which among them would rule over the world, a division of the spoils of empire, and an iron cage for working people, enslaved to the war production drive. The unpatriotic history of the Second World War explains why the Great Powers fought most of their war not in their own countries, but in colonies in North Africa, in the Far East and in Germanys hoped-for Empire in the East. Find out how wildcat strikes, partisans in Europe and Asia, and soldiers mutinies came close to ending the war. And find out how the Allies invaded Europe and the Far East to save capitalism from being overthrown. James Heartfield challenges the received wisdom of the Second World War.
Collective Ink Heartlines and The Web – The Amanita Rubescens Experience
I find a fungus one autumn in a grassy area of a town park. I identifiy it as Amanita Rubescens, the Blusher. I cook and eat it. It affects me, the ripples begin. I am curious to know more. Others get involved. It is prepared as a medicine at a homoeopathic pharmacy, then a group take part in a trial, a Proving. We clarify its medicinal potential. This is then confirmed in homoeopathic practice. Found, tested, prescribed. This book tells this story and indicates the scope and impact of the medicine. We see its relevance for people at the present time. It is needed. Purification. Cleansing. Clearing physical and mental toxic states. Speaking up about long held hurts, personal or national. Parallels with the Arab Spring and other recent demonstrations. Alignment, personal and planetary. The web that connects everything, impelling a radical healing of the heart.
Collective Ink Rowdy Entrepreneurs and Insecure Dinosaurs – Popular Strategies for Innovation After the End of Endings
Rowdy Entrepreneurs and Insecure Dinosaurs is about invention and innovation in the context of postmodern society and information economy. It applies "popular culture" theory to such companies as Virgin, Microsoft, and Apple, to analyse their innovation strategies. This is the first book of its kind that mingles popular culture theory with innovation theory and entrepreneurship. It is written, true to the spirit of popular culture, in a lively style with abundant popular cultural references, and textual and visual puns.
Collective Ink Gray Witch`s Grimoire, The
What makes this book unique? The world of the gray witch has been largely avoided, misrepresented, or glossed over with various books geared gingerly towards 'protection magic'. These books, though informative and well written as they may be, have totally missed the spirit of the gray witch - - who she really is, how she relates to the world of shadow and light, and exactly what she's willing to do to stand her ground. In our society 'dark' is automatically viewed as 'evil'; and 'light' is automatically viewed as 'good'. We're expected to live completely within one realm and to totally avoid the other. This creates imbalance and is a great injustice to the true spirit of the ancient wise woman. This book puts matters to right and gives the public a view of just what the gray witch is - and what she isn't. The gray witch does not live in a world of chaos or unbridled black magic. She has a code of honor, a sense of propriety, and a relevance in today's society.
Collective Ink My Divine Self
My Divine Self is an inspirational story that will strike a chord with anyone who reads it. It holds the key to awaken your heart and mind to a new way of thinking. Martha in an opening letter reveals to you she has spiritual insights that could help you overcome life's challenges. Those moments in life when you feel like you are sinking in quicksand. She asks that you remain open minded and pass on these spiritual insights to help others. Martha then transports you to a moment in time when she was plummeting to the depths of despair. She hears a voice that tells her to get a grip. She is baffled. Why didn't that same voice stop her from making all those bad decisions? and where is it coming from? A dialog develops and Martha starts to get answers to questions that need answering. Hold Martha's hand as you journey through the pages and like her, you will feel like a phoenix rising from the ashes of your former self. This book could transform your life. Are you ready? This book could transform your life. Are you ready?
Collective Ink Meeting the Masters – A Spiritual Apprenticeship
This is the story of a young man who was contacted by discarnate spiritual beings who spoke to him through the medium of an ex-monk, some 36 years his senior. It concerns the spiritual training of the younger man given by these Masters, for that is what they were, and although the contact lasted for 21 years, from 1979-1999, the greater part of the book has to do with the first year when the process was at its most intense. Although originally intended for just one individual the training imparted is actually suitable for any spiritual seeker at any level, and there is discussion of many different aspects of the spiritual path as well as elucidation of occasionally controversial points such as the nature of the ego, the problem of evil, the place of sex in the spiritual life, the relevance of spiritual experiences and the function of teachers, all in a form that combines simplicity with depth.
Collective Ink Feminism`s Founding Fathers – The Men Who Fought for Women`s Rights
Why have so many remarkable men fought for women's rights, often risking their careers and ruining their health? Who were these men, what were their backgrounds, above all: what kind of relationships did they have with women? Finally, if there have been so many deviations from the male-oppressor/female-victim cliche, doesn't this stereotype need to be relativized or indeed rejected? Feminism's Founding Fathers is the first book to tell the untold story of the "traitors" to the men's cause - the pioneers and fellow-travellers of female emancipation. It challenges accepted wisdom and reveals the vital role that men have played in making Women's Lib happen.
Collective Ink Fear of the Fathers – Part II of The Reiki Man Trilogy
An afternoon at the races turns into disaster for Thomas Jennings as an attempt is made on the Prime Minister's life. While the press blame Al-Qaeda, Jennings isn't so sure and finds himself drawn into a complex web of lies as he takes up his new position at No.10 Downing Street. Meanwhile Stella Jones, still grieving for Stratton, is befriended by kind-hearted priest Father Pat Cronin, who helps her come to terms with her loss. But is he all that he seems? And what is the Vatican's interest in Stratton's missing body? Their stories combine as characters old and new continue their search for the ancient secrets of life, the universe and everything. With snaking twists and turns all the way this sequel to The Reiki Man will keep you guessing to the very last page and beyond.
Collective Ink From Neediness to Fulfillment – Beyond Relationships of Dependence
Our relationships are unsatisfactory.They are conditioned by cultural, social and historical factors, which lead us to an inner emptiness. Through centuries of patriarchal leadership and feminine dependence we have arrived at the present of deep unsatisfaction. The neediness of so many women and the present day situation of lack of true encounter between men and women, has led the author to question, to observe and to suggest new solutions to our present challenges. We need to learn to relate to each other without hurting ourselves, to love each other without attaching one to another, to be accomplices respectful of our identities and freedom, to experience unity in diversity.
Collective Ink Patterns of Creation – Logos and the Tree of Life in the Gospel of John
This book is a radical exploration of the mystical teachings in the Gospel of John. It helps the reader to experience these spiritual truths for themselves, and go beyond the everyday mind which is dominated by the ego and realize their eternal Being, which Johns Gospel calls Logos. By approaching the teachings in a meditative state, the symbolism contained within the Greek text opens out and comes alive in the present moment. The Gospel is not a historical document; it speaks directly to each person now and the states of consciousness represented in the stories are accessible now. The book contains guided meditations to help bring this to life for the reader. This awakening concerns our relationship with the whole of life. Spiritual consciousness means that we are aware of the sacredness of our connections to each other as fellow human beings, and to the creatures of the natural world. Christ and the Logos contain both masculine and feminine in balance; at this critical time, our well-being and that of our fellow creatures is dependent on this realization.
Collective Ink Throw Away Your Loincloth
Throw Away Your Loincloth is a frank and funny account of the author's efforts to develop her spiritual and intuitive connections whilst looking after the family home, bringing up three children, holding down a high-powered job and generally living the sort of frantic life too many of us are used to! A serious accident ended her career, followed by aggressive breast cancer, but although these slowed Michelle down a little, she did not allow them to stop her from reaching for her dreams...
Collective Ink I Am With You; For Young People And For Those Young At Heart
"I Am With You will bring peace and consolation to all who read it." Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, Archbishop of Westminster While Fr. John Woolley was praying, the Lord Jesus Christ put beautiful words into his mind, and told him to write them down and share them with everyone who wanted to feel His closeness, and to know His strength every day. I Am With You has been the bestselling devotional book in the UK for nearly 30 years. This edition rewritten by Fr. John Woolley especially for younger people and the young at heart, will help those searching, those in need, and those seeking to find faith. After receiving the beautiful and divinely-inspired words of this book, Fr. John chose suitable verses from the Bible in which God speaks directly to people. This is from a series of devotional books of "heart whispers" which John Woolley received from the Lord during prayer. Other companion volumes to I Am With You published by O-Books are Abide in My Love, My Burden is Light and Many Mansions.
Collective Ink Your Personal Tuning Fork: The Endocrine System
Grab your Personal Tuning Fork and 'twang' your way to sustainable health! Discover your body's health secret, the endocrine system - your personal tuning fork. Are there niggling disturbances, which interfere with your daily life? Allergies, brain fatigue, dizziness, general aches and pains, headaches, insomnia, lethargy, loss of libido, low self-esteem, mood swings, sugar cravings, weight issues? Do you want to be free of them? Do standard medical tests leave you feeling powerless, frustrated and still seeking answers? Take charge of your health, begin the journey towards health, well-being, youthfulness, and peace with The way of Health: Your Personal Tuning Fork; The Endocrine System. An easy to read daily reference for every-day solutions to every-day issues, which interfere with daily life. It bulges with clear informative text, body system charts, tables, self-care tools & tests and illustrations. As a one-stop guide it will leave you feeling empowered to become your own health-master to take charge of your well-being and life.
Collective Ink Industrial Real Estate Investing and Management
Real estate is the foundation of all wealth.
Collective Ink Kriya Serpent Yogi The
An easy-to-learn kundalini-based meditation for connecting ordinary people to the Divine to discover their spiritual purpose.
Collective Ink Wisdom From the Spirit World: Life Teachings on Love, Forgiveness, Purpose and Finding Peace
In Wisdom from the Spirit World: Teachings on Love, Forgiveness, Purpose and Finding Peace, professional psychic medium Carole J. Obley shares teachings about these topics and others from her case files of thousands of sessions. Read the stories of a mother who is confronted with forgiving her son’s death from opioid addiction, a father whose gay estranged daughter in spirit implores him to open his heart, and a deceased husband’s loving reassurance of continued commitment to his grieving wife. Explore, enhance and expand your consciousness through the exercises in the book’s final section, which features tips to raise the vibration of your thoughts, mindful meditations to instill peace and resources to fortify and expand your spiritual awareness. Written with compassion, simplicity and honesty, this book is a compelling testament to the fortitude and brilliance of our own soul.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals - Seeking the Primal Goddess
Using archaeology, archaeo-mythology and mitochondrial DNA we can chart the mass migrations of people throughout the ancient world and follow the footsteps of the beliefs of Old Europe. But if the concept of the Old Goddess is at odds with current popular thinking, how will we feel if we discover that the Great Mother of contemporary Paganism bears no similarity to the primal Great Goddess of the Old European world? Is there a `magico-spiritual’ gene that could be traced back to those distant ancestors who actually worshipped the forebears of the various deities to whom we claim allegiance today? Are there time-honoured things about us all as individuals that are bred deep in the bone? Are we what our roots (our DNA) claim us to be? Perhaps, even though we are now scattered all over the globe, we cannot escape those ancient racial memories of where we originally came from.
Collective Ink Healing Plants of Greek Myth: The origins of Western medicine and its original plant remedies derive from Greek myth
Greek myth is part of our background, the names of many of the gods and goddesses known to us all. Within the myths are numerous references to plants used by goddesses and gods to heal or enchant, and the names of many of these plants have been incorporated into the Latin binomials that are used to identify them. By half a millennium BCE the physician god Asclepius entered into the mythology and temples were built to him called Asclepiaea, where the sick came to worship him and sleep with serpents in dormitories, hoping to experience miracle cures. At around the same time the first actual physicians began to practice within the Asclepiaea, using herbs, surgery and dietary advice. From these remote beginnings Greek medicine and botany evolved and were recorded, first in the Hypocratic Corpus, then by many other famous Greek physicians including Theophrastus, Dioscorides and Galen, who recorded the medicinal plants they used. This book traces the evolution of Greek medicine, the source of Western medicine, and looks at a selection of plants with healing properties, including a large number of trees which were both sacred and medicinal.
Collective Ink Haunted: Horror of Haverfordwest
Blissful beginnings for a young couple turn into a nightmare after purchasing their dream home in Wales in 1989. Their love and their resolve are torn apart by an indescribable entity that pushes paranormal activity to the limit. Haunted: Horror of Haverfordwest is the prequel to the bestselling A Most Haunted House. Dare you step inside...
Collective Ink Animatic Apparatus, The: Animation, Vitality, and the Futures of the Image
Unprecedented kinds of experience, and new modes of life, are now produced by simulations, from the CGI of Hollywood blockbusters to animal cloning to increasingly sophisticated military training software, while animation has become an increasingly powerful pop-cultural form. Today, the extraordinary new practices and radical objects of simulation and animation are transforming our neoliberal-biopolitical “culture of life”. The Animatic Apparatus offers a genealogy for the animatic regime and imagines its alternative futures, countering the conservative-neoliberal notion of life’s sacred inviolability with a new concept and ethics of animatic life.
Collective Ink Flight of the Eternal Emperor: A Novel
The Emperor: demented, paranoid, all-powerful. The Sorcerer: obsessed with destroying the monster. The Woman: the fly in the ointment? Jeseque Debrone, newly graduated avionics engineer, is eager to make the most of her unexpected post in the Imperial Defence Forces, a position she recognises as the ideal launching pad for her subversive career. Ironically, her transmission of classified information to the rebels in the north results in her inclusion in a top-secret mission. But Jeseque doesn’t buy the official line, that she and her crewmates are aboard an interstellar spacecraft, embarking upon a 30-lightyear journey to a sister planet. She believes that the heavily armed craft is in fact a secret weapons platform, with its sights set on the troublesome tribes in the north. The presence of secretive magicians and their unfathomable technologies only serves to increase her mistrust. Destlar, the Eternal Emperor and the focus of Jeseque’s hatred, is demented, paranoid and all-powerful. Though he is ignorant of the fact, physical death for him is but a step to omnipotent carnage and chaos. How does one go about destroying such a monster? One magician believes he has the answer, and the interstellar voyage is the culmination of his centuries-long machinations. Jeseque unwittingly steps in the path of the sorcerer’s hurtling train, and almost derails it.
Collective Ink Quaker Quicks - Telling the Truth About God: Quaker approaches to theology
Telling the truth about God without excluding anyone is a challenge to the Quaker community. Drawing on the author’s academic research into Quaker uses of religious language and her teaching to Quaker and academic groups, Rhiannon Grant aims to make accessible some key theological and philosophical insights. She explains that Quakers might sound vague but are actually making clear and creative theological claims. Theology isn't just for wordy people or intellectuals, it's for everyone. And that's important because our religious language is related to, not separate from, our religious experience. It also becomes clear that denying other people's claims often leads to making your own and that even apparently negative positions can also be making positive statements. How do Quakers tell the truth about God? This book explores this key theological process through fourteen short chapters. As Quakers, we say that we know some things, but not very much, about God, and that we are in a constant process of trying to improve our ways of saying what we do know.
Collective Ink Exploding the Truth: The JFK, Jr. Assassination
The death of JFK, Jr., - accident or assassination? Exploding the Truth: The JFK, Jr. Assassination presents evidence of a conspiracy to assassinate the only surviving son of President John F. Kennedy and considers the motives that many powerful forces had, to make sure he never set foot in the White House. Divided into two parts, Part One examines the potential motives the Bush family, the C.I.A., and perhaps even Israeli intelligence, had to eliminate JFK, Jr. Part Two systematically dismantles the official version of events, that JFK, Jr., crashed his plane due to pilot error, and examines both the evidence of a government cover-up at the crime scene, and the extensive eyewitness reports of an explosion that brought the aircraft down.
Collective Ink Striking at the Roots: A Practical Guide to Animal Activism: 10th Anniversary Edition - New Tactics, New Technology
A major revision of animal rights bible Striking at the Roots, referencing changes from the last 10 years including the rise of social media, which is now a key part of any campaign. The book brings together the most effective tactics for speaking out for animal rights. Activists from around the globe explain why their models of activism have been successful - and how you can become involved. Concise and full of practical examples and resources, this manual for success demonstrates how many of the world's most engaged activists effectively speak to the public, lobby policymakers, and deal with law enforcement - all while keeping their eyes on the prize of achieving victories for animals. This book will empower you to make the most of your skills. From simple leafleting to taking direct action, each chapter clearly explains where to begin, what to expect, and how to ensure your message is heard.