Search results for ""collective""
Collective Ink Reiki: 200 Q&A for Beginners
All the questions you might have about Reiki answered in one handy volume. A complete guide to the way and practice of Reiki, each chapter is categorised by topics. They demystify Attunements, Symbols, Chakras and Distant Healing, with a chapter devoted to each. If you have a question about a particular Reiki experience, the answers are there. Whether you are a complete novice or an experienced practitioner, this one stop guide will answer all your questions. "A clear, well written, practical, comprehensive and easy to use guide to all levels of Reiki practice. Interesting from start to finish and a great resource to return to when you need clarification or realignment with the essence of this very special path to healing and happiness." - David Vennells, author of "Reiki for Beginners and Reiki Mastery". "This unique handbook clearly answers all kinds of questions about Reiki and its practice as well as dispelling any misconceptions. Useful, dependable and highly recommended." - Penny Parkes, author of "15-minute Reiki".
Collective Ink When A Loved One Dies
When a Loved One Dies we often go into shock. What has happened doesn't really penetrate. It's only later that we start to experience our emotions, what that person has meant to us. This is when grief and loneliness begin. For many of us this is also the time we start asking questions, like "what does death really mean?" We want to know, and understand. This time of sorrow can also be the start of a new, spiritual path. But whatever our reaction, for almost everyone it means passing through a dark tunnel. It is only beyond the deepest darkness that light begins to dawn again, and we can gradually open ourselves to life once more. When the end of the tunnel comes in sight, you are a different person. Every mourning process is a process of transformation.
Collective Ink Meaning in Absurdity – What bizarre phenomena can tell us about the nature of reality
This book is an experiment. Inspired by the bizarre and uncanny, it is an attempt to use science and rationality to lift the veil off the irrational. Its ways are unconventional: weaving along its path one finds UFOs and fairies, quantum mechanics, analytic philosophy, history, mathematics, and depth psychology. The enterprise of constructing a coherent story out of these incommensurable disciplines is exploratory. But if the experiment works, at the end these disparate threads will come together to unveil a startling scenario about the nature of reality. The payoff is handsome: a reason for hope, a boost for the imagination, and the promise of a meaningful future. Yet this book may confront some of your dearest notions about truth and reason. Its conclusions cannot be dismissed lightly, because the evidence this book compiles and the philosophy it leverages are solid in the orthodox, academic sense.
Collective Ink Shinto: A celebration of Life
Shinto is an ancient faith of forests and snow capped mountains. It sees the divine in rocks and streams communing with spirit worlds through bamboo twigs and the evergreen sakaki tree. Yet it is also the manicured suburban garden and the blades of grass between cracks in city paving stones. Structured around ritual cleansing Shinto contains no concept of sin. It reveres ancestors but thinks little about the afterlife, asking us to live in and improve the present. Central to Shinto is Kannagara or the intuitive acceptance of the divine power contained in all living things. Dai Shizen (Great Nature) is the life force with which we ally ourselves through spiritual practice and living simply. This is not asceticism but an affirmation of all aspects of life. Musubi (organic growth) provides a model for reconciling ancient intuition with modern science and modern society with primal human needs. Shinto is an unbroken indigenous path that now reaches beyond its native Japan. It has special relevance to us as we seek a more balanced and fulfilled way of life.
Collective Ink Pagan Eden, The – The Assyrian origins of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life
This is the first complete book about the Babylonian Kabbalah, which many people are talking about on the Internet. Assyria in Northern Iraq is the home of Palace Art from the Courts of the Assyrian Empire, where the Tree of Life was routinely shown on walls, tended by winged genies. It represented the King and the Land. It is also arguably a spiritual map and the basis of the Jewish Kabbalah, which was developed later. Many authors have asserted that the Kabbalah came from Egypt but this book shows that its early roots lie in Assyrian Court Art. There are also fascinating parallels to Asiatic Shamanism. All points to Asia, not Africa, as the home of the archetypal Sacred Tree image.
Collective Ink Wonderful Earth!: An Interactive Book for Hours of Fun Learning
We have a wonderful Earth! The Creation story is shown in this colorful book through interactive elements such as lift the flap, turn the wheel, look in the mirror, and more. Kids will have hours of fun as they explore Creation and learn how they can take care of God's wonderful earth.
Collective Ink Tantric Love: Feeling vs Emotion – Golden Rules To Make Love Easy
What happens when suddenly the wind changes and the loving connection between two partners is disrupted for hours or even days? Why is love associated with ups and downs? The answer is simple although not obvious - usually a wave of emotion which has roots in the past floods the atmosphere. The authors show in easy-to-follow steps how to recognise emotions, to leave them behind, and to create space for the expression of real feelings where love has a chance.
Collective Ink Tuareg
The Tuaregs are the true sons of the desert. They can survive in the harshest of conditions like nobody else. The noble inmouchar Gazel Sayah, is the master of a large extension of the desert. One day, two fugitives arrive from the north and Gazel, following his ancient and sacred hospitality laws, gives them shelter. However, Gazel doesn't realise that his act of kindness will lead him towards a deadly adventure. "Tuareg" is a classic epic and at the same time a beautiful rendition to one of the most singular cultures in the world.
Collective Ink Resetting our Future: Feeding Each Other: Shaping Change in Food Systems through Relationship
Food does much more than fuel our bodies. Food helps us express care, create culture, and connect. But while food today might feed some of us, the growing, producing, packaging, and distributing is also killing us. Trying to ‘feed the world’ is accelerating the collapse of environmental, economic, and social structures. The current “solutions” aren’t working. By blending research, insights from diverse thinkers, and lived experience, food systems educator Nicole Civita and story justice activist Michelle Auerbach make sense of sustenance. They demonstrate that our lives depend on the relationships we make with and through food, and make the case for a much-needed cultural shift in the way we approach food.
Collective Ink Quaker Quicks - Inner Healing, Inner Peace: A Quaker Perspective
What do Quakers have to offer when there is pain and distress in body, mind and spirit? Can their beliefs and worship help in the processes of healing? In this book, Diana and John Lampen try to answer these questions, drawing on their experiences of caring for troubled people and working in situations of conflict, as well as their long membership of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). The book contains practices which readers can use for themselves.
Collective Ink Embody Your Inner Goddess: A Guided Journey to Radical Wholeness
Embody Your Inner Goddess: A Guided Journey to Radical Wholeness is a spiritual self-help book and feminist manifesto designed to activate you to shed your conditioning, embrace your inner divinity, and show up vulnerably and unapologetically in the world. Within the container of the chakra system, take a 7-week journey from root to crown, turning over every stone of self-inquiry. Author Lauren Leduc weaves personal tales with empowering spiritual truths while providing practical tools for you to heal, grow, and be fully expressed.
Collective Ink Decoding Schopenhauer’s Metaphysics: The key to understanding how it solves the hard problem of consciousness and the paradoxes of quantum mechanics
First proposed more than 200 years ago, Schopenhauer's extraordinarily prescient metaphysics if understood along the lines thoroughly elucidated and substantiated in this volume offers powerful answers not only to the paradoxes of quantum mechanics, but also to modern philosophical dilemmas such as the hard problem of consciousness which plagues mainstream physicalism, and the subject combination problem which plagues constitutive panpsychism. This invaluable treasure of the Western philosophical canon has eluded us so far because Schopenhauer’s argument has been consistently misunderstood and misrepresented, even at the hands of presumed experts. Hoping to change this situation, Decoding Schopenhauer’s Metaphysics, offers a conceptual framework, a decoding key for unlocking the sense of Schopenhauer’s metaphysical contentions in a way that renders them mutually consistent. With this key in mind, even those who earlier dismissed Schopenhauer’s metaphysics should be able to return to it with fresh eyes and at last grasp its meaning. And for those as yet unacquainted with Schopenhauerian thought, this volume offers a succinct and accessible entry path.
Collective Ink Queen's Sisters, The: The lives of the sisters of Elizabeth Woodville
Whether Queen or commoner, the lives of women throughout history is a fascinating study. Elizabeth Woodville, 'The White Queen', managed to make the transition from commoner to Queen and became the epitome of medieval heroines – the commoner who married a King. When she became the wife of Edward IV her actions changed the life of her entire family. Vilified both by their contemporaries and by many historians since, the Woodville family were centre stage during the reigns of Edward IV and Richard III. Elizabeth Woodville became the ancestress of future Kings and Queens. This book takes a fresh look at the lives of Elizabeth's sisters. Although information on them is scarce, by looking at the men they married, their families, the places they lived and the events that they lived through we can catch a glimpse of their lives. Each sister has their own story to tell and they may not have achieved the dizzying heights that their sister did, but they are all fascinating women.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals - Isis: Great of Magic, She of 10,000 Names
Isis has a history spanning millennia and an influence stretching across land and sea. She is a Goddess who transcends time and geography, remaining one of the most popular Goddesses from the ancient world to this day. The book explores Isis' mythic journey and how she became the Goddess we recognise today. Striking a balance between the old and the new, Pagan Portals - Isis provides an historical account of her mythology and worship alongside modern Pagan perspectives and offers the reader tools for Isis' contemporary veneration.
Collective Ink Ideology and the Virtual City: Videogames, Power Fantasies and Neoliberalism
Ideology and the Virtual City is an exploration of modern society and the critical value of popular culture. It combines a prescient social theory that describes how `neoliberal’ ideology in today’s societies dominates our economic, political and cultural ideals, with an entertaining exploration of narratives, characters and play structures in some of today’s most interesting videogames. The book takes readers into a range of simulated urban environments that symbolise the hidden antagonisms of social life and create outlandish resolutions through their power fantasies. Interactive entertainment can help us understand the ways in which people relate to a modern `common sense’ neoliberal background, in terms of absorbing assumptions, and questioning them.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals - the Dagda: Meeting the Good God of Ireland
Get to know the Good God of Ireland through mythology, history, and modern worship. The Dagda is one of the most well-known of the Irish Gods, a king of the Tuatha De Danann and mediator between the Gods and mortals after the Gaels came to Ireland. A popular God among Irish and Celtic pagans, the Dagda is a powerful figure who reaches out to us from myth and memory. For those seeking to honor him today finding information can be difficult or confusing. Pagan Portals - the Dagda offers a place to begin untangling the complex history of this deity.
Collective Ink Natural Born Shamans – A Spiritual Toolkit for L – Using shamanism creatively with young people of all ages
Natural Born Shamans - A Spiritual Toolkit for Life covers all aspects of performing spiritual or shamanic work with children and young people. It is aimed at anyone who has an interest in young people and their spiritual journey, and covers all age groups from "in utero" until age 18+. The book explains what shamanic parenting is and describes ways of doing spirit-led work, even with both unborn babies and spirit children (after miscarriage, abortion or early death). It also provides 30 "tried and tested" session plans for people looking for inspiration and "where to start".
Collective Ink More Than Allegory – On religious myth, truth and belief
This book is a three-part journey into the rabbit hole we call the nature of reality. Its ultimate destination is a plausible, living validation of transcendence. Each of its three parts is like a turn of a spiral, exploring recurring ideas through the prisms of religious myth, truth and belief, respectively. With each turn, the book seeks to convey a more nuanced and complete understanding of the many facets of transcendence. Part I puts forward the controversial notion that many religious myths are actually true; and not just allegorically so. Part II argues that our own inner storytelling plays a surprising role in creating the seeming concreteness of things and the tangibility of history. Part III suggests, in the form of a myth, how deeply ingrained belief systems create the world we live in. The three themes, myth, truth and belief, flow into and interpenetrate each other throughout the book.
Collective Ink Angel`s Lamp, The
The Angel's Lamp, set in war-torn Ireland just after the Easter Rising, centers around a love affair between Johnny Flynn, an Irish-bred, English staff-sergeant in charge of the rebellion's soon-to-be executed leaders, and Nora Connolly, the firebrand daughter of James Connolly, the uprising's charismatic leader. Johnny meets Nora while standing guard over her soon-to-be executed father and is struck by her determination to take the fight to the British. But then, unknown to Nora and under the threat of death Johnny is unexpectedly summoned to serve on the firing squad that executes Connolly. Ridden with guilt after the execution and feeling a traitor to his heritage given all he has seen and done, Johnny deserts the British Army, joins the ragtag Irish rebels, and soon crosses paths with Nora. The story that follows culminates in an fiery emotional conflict between Johnny and Nora that pits the possibilities of love against the unyielding obstacles to forgiveness.
Collective Ink Tentacles Longer Than Night – Horror of Philosophy vol. 3
Our contemporary horror stories are written in a world where there seems little faith, lost hope, and no salvation. All that remains is the fragmentary and occasionally lyrical testimony of the human being struggling to confront its lack of reason for being in the vast cosmos. This is the terrain of the horror genre. Eugene Thacker explores this situation in Tentacles Longer Than Night. Extending the ideas presented in his book In The Dust of This Planet, Thacker considers the relationship between philosophy and the horror genre. But instead of taking fiction as the mere illustration of ideas, Thacker reads horror stories as if they themselves were works of philosophy, driven by a speculative urge to question human knowledge and the human-centric view of the world, ultimately leading to the limit of the human-thought undermining itself, in thought. Tentacles Longer Than Night is the third volume of the "Horror of Philosophy" trilogy, together with the first volume, In The Dust of This Planet, and the second volume, Starry Speculative Corpse.
Collective Ink Integration: The Power of Being Co–Active in Work and Life
We live in a world of both profound separation and deep longing for connection. Betz and Kimsey-House explore not only the historical and spiritual history of our disconnection and its cost to individual and societal well-being, but also provide a compelling, neuroscience-based argument for how to make the next great turning" of human development: becoming more integrated human beings. They invite you to accompany them through a road map to integration by exploring in detail the Co-Active model, originally used by coaches, but with practical application to business, parents, teachers, and anyone with a desire to be more effective, connected, and whole. Richly illustrated with true stories of integration in action, as well as current research in neuroscience, this book provides a guide to reaching our full potential within ourselves, with each other, in groups and organizations and with society at large. NAUTILUS BOOK AWARDS-SILVER WINNER 2015 in the Category: Relationships and Communications
Collective Ink Pagan Portals – The Morrigan – Meeting the Great Queens
On shadowed wings and in raven's call, meet the ancient Irish goddess of war, battle, prophecy, death, sovereignty, and magic. This book is an introduction to the Morrigan and several related goddesses who share the title, including Badb and Macha. It combines solid academic information with personal experience in a way that is intended to dispel the confusion that often surrounds who this goddess was and is. The Morrigan is as active in the world today as she ever was in the past but answering her call means answering the challenge of finding her history and myth in a sea of misinformation, supposition, and hard-to-find ancient texts. Here in one place, all of her basic information has been collected along with personal experiences and advice from a long-time priestess dedicated to a goddess who bears the title Morrigan.
Collective Ink Case for Polytheism, The
The philosophy of religion has been dominated by monotheists and atheists for centuries now. But, polytheism deserves to be restored to its respected position, and The Case for Polytheism sets out some reasons why. By developing a notion of godhood and employing a set of novel and neglected arguments, the author constructs a rigorous but accessible case for the existence of multiple gods.
Collective Ink Healing with Information: The new homeopathy
With the discovery of information as the basic `software’ of living systems came the realization that malfunction in the living system can be treated by correcting the information that causes the malfunction. With this milestone book by a long-standing practitioner of this new kind of medicine, the door is opened to every healer and physician to complement his or her healing practice by diagnosing the cause of their patients’ health problems before they manifest as disease, and correcting the malfunction with non-invasive, testable and reproducible `soft’ methods. This is information medicine, the cutting edge in the development of modern medical science; not an alternative to the tried and tested methods of biochemical medicine but a remarkably effective and readily acquired complement to it.
Collective Ink How To Guide to Cosmopolitan Socialism, A: A Tribute to Michael Brooks
Socialism has always had internationalist ambitions, but what those ambitions should be and how to rethink them in the 21st century remain open questions. Before his tragic passing in 2020, Michael Brooks talked about a new kind of cosmopolitan socialism that would be appropriate for our time. A How To Guide To Cosmopolitan Socialism builds upon Brooks' vision to argue that we need a left which knows no boundaries and recognizes the fundamental moral equality of all individuals on the planet while securing the material conditions for their flourishing. Only such a sweeping vision can successfully combat the forces of reaction and violence confronting us today.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals – Gods and Goddesses of Ireland – A Guide to Irish Deities
A concise guide to the Gods and Goddesses of pagan Ireland, their history, mythology, and symbols. Rooted in the past but still active in the world today, the Gods and Goddesses of Ireland have always been powerful forces that can bless or challenge, but often the most difficult thing is to simply find information about them. This short introductory text looks at a variety of different Irish deities, common and more obscure, from their ancient roots to the modern practices associated with honoring them in, an encyclopedia-style book with entries in easy-to-use sections.
Collective Ink Rules Without Rulers – The Possibilities and Limits of Anarchism
This book is about the possibility of organising society without the state, but, crucially, it makes the claim, contrary to much anarchist theory, that such a life would not entail absolute freedom; rather, as the title suggests, it would mean creating new forms of social organisation which, whilst offering more freedom than state-capitalism, would nonetheless still entail certain limits to freedom. In making this argument, a secondary point is made, which highlights the book's originality; namely, that, whilst anarchism is defended by an increasing number of radicals, the reality of what an anarchist society might look like, and the problems that such a society might encounter, are rarely discussed or acknowledged, either in academic or activist writings.
Collective Ink Earth, The Gods and The Soul – A History of Paga – From the Iron Age to the 21st Century
Philosophy was invented by pagans. Yet this fact is almost always ignored by those who write the history of ideas. This book tells the history of the pagan philosophers, and the various places where their ideas appeared, from ancient times to the 21st century. The Pagan philosophers are a surprisingly diverse group: from kings of great empires to exiled lonely wanderers, from devout religious teachers to con artists, drug addicts, and social radicals. Three traditions of thought emerge from their work: Pantheism, NeoPlatonism, and Humanism, corresponding to the immensities of the Earth, the Gods, and the Soul. From ancient schools like the Stoics and the Druids, to modern feminists and deep ecologists, the pagan philosophers examined these three immensities with systematic critical reason, and sometimes with poetry and mystical vision. This book tells their story for the first time in one volume, and invites you to examine the immensities with them. And as a special feature, the book includes summaries of the ideas of leading modern pagan intellectuals, in their own words: Emma Restall Orr, Michael York, John Michael Greer, Vivianne Crowley, and more
Collective Ink Expanding World, The – Towards a Politics of Microspection
Are we really living in a shrinking world? Is it true that diversity is on the decline everywhere? Are we condemned to live on a planet without difference or hope? The Expanding World challenges the basic notion of a shrinking world in current debates around globalization and argues that it informs ways of thinking and doing which are deeply damaging to the emergence of a progressive politics. The work proposes instead a new kind of politics based on a notion of an expanding rather than a shrinking world. This implies a different way of looking at the world and a different way of doing politics. The Expanding World is fundamentally about looking more closely at what is around us and acting on that knowledge. It is about considering what it means to have whole worlds reflected in the looking glass of local inquiry. Cronin challenges the prevailing culture of disenchantment by highlighting the inexhaustible variety and richness of the planet and how that variety and richness can become the basis of new forms of emancipatory politics.
Collective Ink Rude Awakening – Perils, Pitfalls, and Hard Truths of the Spiritual Path
We live in the Golden Age of publishing for spiritual, esoteric, and new age books of all conceivable stripes (and then there is the Internet). Amongst this wild proliferation of available information there has occurred a cheapening effect, in which many teachings have been watered down to make them palatable for a public with diminishing attention spans and suffering from information overload. For the sincere spiritual seeker there needs to be an awareness of the various ways we can go astray on the path, or fall off the path altogether. The whole idea of spirituality is to be awake, yet it is all too easy to simply end up in yet another dream world, thinking that we have found some higher truth. Rude Awakening: Perils, Pitfalls, and Hard Truths of the Spiritual Path is dedicated to examining, under a sharp light, the many ways our spiritual development goes wrong, or disappears altogether in the sheer crush of books and the routine grind of daily life.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals - Ancestral Healing
The origin story of every culture contains a description of animism; humans in direct relationship with the land and, through the reciprocity of that connection, evolving together. The livelihood of humans and Nature is intertwined. If one ails, so does the other. History is littered with stories of losing that connection, and the toll this takes in the form of humans against each other, humans against Nature. Between colonization, conscription into the Church, imperialization, and industrialization, we have created systems of destruction that have decimated our relationship to the land, and to each other. From within these systems institutionalized racism, sexism, and all aspects of 'othering' became embedded in our political and social structures. As modern pagans, we recognize the need to tear down these structures and build supportive, inclusive new ones. Our spiritual paths are Nature-based and Ancestor-honoring, the rituals of which heal land wounds and ancestral trauma, to create sacred recovery and activism for all. This anthology presents modern pagan activists working through their spiritual lines to do better. Edited by Trevor Greenfield, publisher of Moon Books and editor of Naming the Goddess, with contributory essays from eleven pagan voices.
Collective Ink Welcome to the Rebellion: A New Hope in Radical Politics
What does it mean that our most popular modern myth is a radical left story about fighting corporate authoritarianism? From its roots in the 1960s new left, Star Wars still speaks to millions of people today. By design, the saga mirrors our own time and politics. A real empire of corporate domination has arisen within weakened and corrupted republics. Now it threatens our existence on a planetary scale. But the popularity of Star Wars also suggests that if we tell the right stories, we can welcome many more people to the rebellion and the fight for a better world...
Collective Ink Road to Power, The: Fast Food for the Soul (Books 1 & 2)
Barbara Berger's bestselling international classic is a book about power of the mind. This is a book about the ways in which you can take control of your life and create the life you've always wanted to live. But how do you take control? In this highly practical book, Barbara Berger gives us the tools and then guides us, step by step, into how we can change our lives by changing our thinking. If your life is not working, or you just want it to work better, here's a simple yet effective way to look inside yourself and see what you can do about money, relationships, love, your health, family, work, peace, joy, and much more. And it will be faster and easier than you ever dreamed possible.
Collective Ink Boredom and Art – Passions of the Will To Boredom
Boredom and Art examines the use of boredom as a strategy in modern and contemporary art to resist or frustrate the effects of consumerism and capitalism. This book traces the emergence of what Haladyn terms the will to boredom in which artists, writers and philosophers actively attempt to use the lack of interest inherent in the state of being 'bored' to challenge people. Instead of accepting the prescribed meanings of life given to us by consumer or mass culture, boredom represents the possibility of creating meaning: 'a threshold of great deeds' in Walter Benjamin's memorable wording. It is this conception of boredom as a positive experience of modern subjectivity that is the main critical position of Haladyn's study, in which he proposes that boredom is used by artists as a form of aesthetic resistance that, at its most positive, is the will to boredom.
Collective Ink Syzygy Oracle – Transformational Tarot and The T – Ego, essence and the evolution of consciousness
Syzygy? Jung used the term to describe the balancing of the opposites. Astronomically, syzygy (pronounced si-zi-gee) refers to a specific conjunction of the sun, moon and earth. On Mother Earth, the planet we call home, we are profoundly influenced by the radiance of the sun as well as the reflected light of the moon as we walk between light and darkness, physically and metaphorically. Solar energy evolves the ego and lunar energy evolves our essence. We learn the balance the two as we travel the twenty-two pathways of Kabbalah's Tree of Life. Honoring The Sacred Feminine, the spiritual practice offered here is an invitation to recognize and welcome intuitive wisdom more definitively into everyday awareness. A fresh interpretation of the traditional Major Arcana for women, here the patriarchal layering of the cards is lifted to reveal a timeless and timely revelation of intuitive wisdom in a sequence of insightful, profound, and empowering teachings for any woman who wishes to read her own life story as more substantive than superficial. Twenty-two of these cards reinterpret the Tarot's Major Arcana. Aligning the cards with the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet, we access three levels of soul consciousness, in Hebrew known as nefesh, ruach and neshamah through the specific letter, number and story of each card. Meet inspirational archetypes from world culture to light the way. Through meditations and mantras, discover your personal hero's journey that is a crucial part of evolving consciousness.Ten additional cards representing the sefirot or energy centers, offer the Tree of Life as an experiential introduction to Kabbalah. Coincidence and kabbalah, symbols and synchronicities, metaphors and mantras enrich and deepen life's experience. This mythic and metaphoric interpretation liberates these cards solely from the realm of prognostication and presents a meditative and inspirational tool for a daily personal practice. Heather Mendel's elegant, powerful images, full of mystery and complexity, will forever change the way you view the wisdom of the ancient Tarot. This book is published in paperback and epub formats and within its pages includes black & white illustrations of the cards, not the card themselves. The pack of cards is available to buy separately from the author Heather Mendel at
Collective Ink Advaita Made Easy
Who are you? What happens when you die? Is there a God? Is the universe created? Advaita is a teaching with a tradition of thousands of years which provides totally reasonable answers to all such questions. This essential introduction from the acclaimed author of numerous books on the subject will demonstrate why it is so successful.
Collective Ink Tantric Love Letters
Diana Richardson is an expert on sex and affairs of the heart. Thirty years ago while living in India she began a tantric enquiry into the deeper nature of sex and love. These innocent steps turned out to be life-changing and the result is that today she is an authority on human sexuality, and the author of the bestselling Heart of Tantric Sex. Her basic insight is that 'how' you have sex has a direct impact on the quality of your life. Sex 'with awareness' is an empowering force that brings self assurance and clarity, balances mood swings, enhances creativity, and significantly elevates the vibration of love within and around you. Tantric Love Letters is a unique, interesting, insightful and informative collection of correspondence. These authentic letter exchanges will support and encourage people who have already embarked on a sexual enquiry. And inspire others to start right away.
Collective Ink Angels In Our Time – Why they`re here, where to see them and how to work with them
The food we eat, the clothes we wear, the cars we drive, which bank we choose to trust with our savings: all these are part of the life of Spirit that the Angels ask us to live. Bestselling author Ishvara d'Angelo gives practical suggestions about communicating with Angels, about meditation, visualisation and prayer and how to identify your personal Guardian. She shows how Angels ask you to conduct your life from day to day, ranging from relationships and healing to choice of career, and most importantly combating the forces of greed and ignorance.
Collective Ink The Guiding Philosophy for the Future of Healthcare
Collective Ink 108 Sonnets for Awakening and Selected Poems
Collective Ink 2 Ennerdale Drive – Unauthorised Biography
2 Ennerdale Drive is a memoir of a house and the family that lived there; a work of text and image encompassing architecture, social and personal history, town planning, photography and representation, carving a space within and between new forms of memoir, cultural studies and creative non-fiction. The house in north London, built during the phenomenal interwar wave of suburban development, begins an exploration of public and private lives, architectural and family narrative, charting territory between documented evidence, personal and cultural memory, association and emotional response. 2 Ennerdale Drive questions the veracity accorded to 'documents' produced across institutional, public and private family contexts. Textual analyses of images relating to the house, the family (and its business: theatre) frame each chapter, generating stories and responses to the factual and the remembered. Visits to archives and to other houses document the existence and/or absence of such material. An epilogue locates the author, a family member and sometime narrator, in the frame and offers, perhaps, a final privileged glance into the family archive.
Collective Ink Benevolent Virus, A
What happens when we die? And what happens to those of us who are propelled into the strange reality of a near death experience? How do we re-integrate into the world when our understanding of reality has been turned upside-down? A Benevolent Virus follows the intertwining stories of two NDE survivors who struggle to make sense of their lives in the wake of an NDE. Ann Richards, a successful television reporter is faced with the breakdown of her marriage and her career as she struggles to get to the truth of her experience. Daniel Breton, an ex-Marine who was near-fatally injured in Fallujah, tries to find meaning in his NDE by recording the stories of others who have had similar experiences. Both Ann and Daniel are set on a spiritual adventure that forces them each to explore ideas of consciousness and the quantum universe that challenge their old worldview.
Collective Ink Mirror of the Free
Collective Ink Classless – Recent Essays on British Film
Why has mainstream British film been so unrepresentative of the changes in British society over the past twenty years? Classless looks at the erasure of key issues of class and class struggle in recent British film as well as the flattening out of the rich variety of English social types into the bland middle-mass of Love Actually. By analysing a number of key films and emergent genres the ideological character of the Major years on into the false dawn of Blairism and Cool Brittania will be elaborated, and it will be argued that even works that are ostensibly subversive, such as Danny Boyle's Trainspotting serve to promote the underlying myths of neo-liberalism. The films under discussion will range from Steven Frear's The Queen to Jonathon Glazer's Sexy Beast The book will also consider popular genres such as the recent Football Hooligan films along with more recondite works by a handful of auteurs.
Collective Ink Have The Best Year of Your Life
Are you ready for a life worth living? A life with more joy, discovery and purpose - the best year of your life? Then let Have the Best Year of Your Life be your companion on a 12 month journey to identify and break free from what's holding you back, teach you tools for a richer, more fulfilling life, and gently move you in the direction of your dreams. You'll find a short activity for each day of the year: a treasure store of exercises, ideas, challenges and fun that will ensure your life no longer looks or feels the same by the end. Our best chance of making real and lasting change comes not from quick fixes but from taking regular small steps. Whether you're feeling stuck, living on automatic, or are simply determined that this year won't be the same old, same old, Have the Best Year of Your Life will guide, energise and inspire, and show you how to start living the breadth of your life as well as its length.
Collective Ink On Juniper Mountain – A Journey in the Himalayas
Angela Locke travelled to Nepal in the early 90's to research a new book, and found herself on a journey of discovery which would change her life. Meeting a Tibetan monk in the supermarket before she left, he told her that 'the book is not important, but the journey is'. She would find herself returning to Nepal, becoming immersed in the life of the country, and experiencing a deep spiritual awakening. Her experiences would lead to the founding of the charity Juniper Trust which now works in Education and Health with the poorest communities all over the world. The Foreword is by Sir Chris Bonington CBE, patron of the Juniper Trust.