Search results for ""collective""
Collective Ink Pagan Portals - Fairy Queens: Meeting the Queens of the Otherworld
Mysterious and intriguing, the Queens of Fairy have been intertwined with mortal lives and imaginations for as long as we have had myth and folklore. Goddesses to some, fictional characters to others, these powerful Queens are bound up in the history of witchcraft and still have a role to play today. This book takes a look at who the Fairy Queens are, explores some of their individual stories, and considers how we can still connect to them and honor them in the world today.
Collective Ink Mindfulness Based Living Course: A self-help version of the popular Mindfulness eight-week course, emphasising kindness and self-compassion, including guided meditations
A self-help version of the popular Mindfulness eight-week course, emphasising kindness and self-compassion. Mindfulness is an innate capacity of the mind that can be trained to alleviate stress and low mood, to reduce the power of rumination and self criticism, and to evoke emotional well being and proactivity. The Mindfulness Based Living Course is a practical guide to the development of a mindful approach to living in the modern world. Its distinctive feature is a compassionate approach to mindfulness that is based on many years of experience in the practice and delivery of mindfulness training by two of its leading exponents - the former Buddhist monk Choden and Heather Regan-Addis, both directors of the Mindfulness Association.
Collective Ink Spheres of Perception: Morality in a Post Technocratic Society
Our economic system is over-stimulated by the information age. Interconnection aids and abets companies earning trillions and their swift rise to global dominance. The 24-hour wired world has led to increased volatility; negative information, and even an accidental computer glitch can crash the market and create panic. Health, the environment, the welfare of society are pushed to the far edge of national interests. Instead, GDP and short-term monetary profit is prioritised over long-term impact on society and the environment. The world as we know it is set for collapse. Simultaneously, the science of evolution has itself evolved. In as much as “survival of the fittest” has been used to justify harsh, competition behaviour on the part of individuals and corporations, an updated understanding of evolution now tends to tell us a different story. What if written into the code of our DNA and RNA is a guide for telling us how to evolve morally and as a result improve our world and progress our epistemology? From such an understanding emerge new Spheres of Perception.
Collective Ink Feral Chickens: A Hawaiian Comedy
After coming into unexpected money, Ingrid Kristiansen decides to leave the frigid plains of the Upper Midwest for the surreal beauty of Kauai. Unfortunately, upon arrival, she learns that her idyllic paradise has one serious flaw: the goddamn chickens. Those bastards are everywhere, pecking at the ground, pecking at each other, pecking at people’s patience. They ruin paradise. Deciding that the island would be better off without such clucking monstrosities, Ingrid makes it her mission to remove the foul creatures, no matter the cost... The hilarious second novel from author C. McGee.
Collective Ink Entangled Lives
Raza, a poor orphan trapped in the slums of Pakistan, is sent to a strict madrassah where he meets and falls in love with Perveen. They attempt to flee the city to escape their respective fates but fail. Perveen, pregnant, is sent back to her family, and Raza is sent to Afghanistan to fight as a Taliban solider. American journalist, Rachael Brown, travels to Afghanistan to cover the political unrest. When she meets Raza for a brief interview, she sees for the first time the true face of the Taliban: poor and desperate young men with nowhere else to go. As the war unfolds, their paths cross again, and each must decide what they owe the other.
Collective Ink Western Philosophy Made Easy: A Personal Search for Meaning
Charting the history of Western thought from Socrates to Sartre, from Epicureans to Existentialists, Western Philosophy Made Easy offers a short, readable historical summary of aspects of Western philosophy and key philosophers from Ancient Greece to the modern day, with the emphasis on topics of direct relevance to our own lives.
Collective Ink Cold Fire: Shakespeare's Moon, Act II
Set in the magical boarding school of St Francis', Cold Fire centres around a group of teenagers who become involved in the tale of Romeo and Juliet in this contemporary re-telling of the classic story. Meanwhile, four hundred years earlier, a young teacher from Stratford Upon Avon arrives at the school. His name is Will... From the author of The Invisible Hand comes the second book in the spellbinding Shakespeare's Moon series.
Collective Ink Kitchen Witchcraft: Garden Magic
It doesn’t matter if you only have a window sill with a pot plant on it, a small city terrace, a playing field or several acres, you can always work with the magic in your garden. The kitchen extends into the garden anyway and a Kitchen Witch will often be found pottering around in amongst the plants. Kitchen Witchcraft: Garden Magic is the second in a series of books which delves into the world of the Kitchen Witch. Each book breaks down the whys and wherefores of the subject and includes practical guides and exercises. Other titles include Spells and Charms, Altars & Rituals and The Elements.
Collective Ink Christian Middle Way, The: The case against Christian belief but for Christian faith
The Middle Way is the practical principle of avoiding both positive and negative absolutes, so as to develop provisional beliefs accessible to experience. Although inspired initially by the Buddha’s Middle Way, in Middle Way Philosophy Robert M. Ellis has developed it as a critical universalism: a way of separating the helpful from the unhelpful elements of any tradition. In this book, the Middle Way is applied to the Christian tradition in order to argue for a meaningful and positive interpretation of it, without the absolute beliefs that many assume to be essential to Christianity. Faith as an embodied, provisional confidence is distinguished from dogmatic belief. Recent developments in embodied meaning, brain lateralization from neuroscience, Jungian archetypes and the Jungian model of psychological integration are drawn on to support an account of how Christian faith is not only possible without `belief’ in God or Christ, but indeed puts us in a better position to access inspiration, moral purpose, responsibility and the basis of peace.
Collective Ink Capitalism vs. Freedom: The Toll Road to Serfdom
For years, we’ve been taught that capitalism is good for freedom. Dominant right-wing talk radio hosts to this day recommend “libertarian” classics like Hayek’s Road to Serfdom and Friedman’s Capitalism and Freedom that claim markets free us, and this picture still dominates the schools and the political spectrum. Well get bent, one percent, because Rob Larson’s Capitalism vs. Freedom: The Toll Road to Serfdom puts big business under a microscope. This book debunks the conservative classics while demonstrating that the marketplace has its own great centers of power, which the libertarian tradition itself claims is a limit to freedom. In fact, Larson illustrates how capitalism fails both this and other concepts of human liberty, not just failing to establish a right to a share of society’s production, but also leaving us subject to the great power plays of the one percent’s corporate property.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals - Poppets and Magical Dolls: Dolls for spellwork, witchcraft and seasonal celebrations
Poppets are dolls used for sympathetic magic, and are designed in the likeness of individuals in order to represent them in spells to help, heal or harm. The word poppet comes from the Middle Ages in England, originally meaning a small doll or child, and it is still in use today as a name of endearment. The term is older than the phrase `Voodoo doll’. Pagan Portals – Poppets and Magical Dolls explores the history of poppets and offers a practical guide to making and using them in modern witchcraft. It also covers seasonal dolls, from Brigid dolls, used in celebrations for the first stirrings of spring, to fairy dolls enjoyed in tree-dressing at Yuletide. Other topics covered include spirit dolls, ancestor dolls and dolls as representations of mythological beings and creatures from folklore. The newest book from Lucya Starza, author of Every Day Magic: A Pagan Book of Days.
Collective Ink Peace for our Time: A Reflection on War and Peace and a Third World War
In this remarkable memoir Nicholas Hagger reflects on war and peace and on 'peace for our time', Chamberlain’s haunting words in 1938 that ushered in the Second World War. Peace then turned out to be an illusion shattered by the outbreak of hostilities. Will world peace again turn out to be an illusion? With a lightness of touch Nicholas Hagger addresses the burning issue of our time - whether a new world structure can avert a new world war - and unveils a vision of a better, safer world for our grandchildren. This stimulating work will fascinate and inspire a new generation looking beyond nation-state self-interest to world unity.
Collective Ink Emajen
Emajen is a world, similar to Earth. Doodland is a world where all the sketches that human beings doodle spring to life. Crevitos is a cruel and beautiful Creation, with multi-world domination and devastation in mind. Two youngsters from Earth, Destiny and Anthony, become embroiled in a complex expedition to save Emajen from Crevitos’ tyranny and his growing army of almost invincible Creations.
Collective Ink Marx Returns
Karl Marx is a revolutionary. He is not alone. It is November 1849 and London is full of them: a bunch of fanatical dreamers trying to change the world. Persecuted by a tyrannical housekeeper and ignored by his sexually liberated wife, Marx immerses himself in his writing, believing that his book on capital is the surest way of ushering in the workers' revolution and his family out of poverty. But when a mysterious figure begins to take an obsessive interest in his work Marx's revolutionary journey takes an unexpected turn... Marx Returns combines historical fiction, psychological mystery, philosophy, differential calculus and extracts from Marx and Engels's collected works to reimagine the life and times of one of history's most exceptional minds, in this next fiction offering from Zero Books.
Collective Ink Questioning the Incarnation: Formulating a meaningful Christology
The classic Christological formulations of the 4th and 5th Centuries are basically meaningless today. Questioning the Incarnation offers a new approach to Christology based on modern biblical, scientific and philosophical studies. Whilst using different concepts and language and courting controversy and disagreement, the overall thrust of the study is to take Jesus' humanity seriously, whilst seeking to interpret what may be meant by his 'divinity' in a way that remains fully Trinitarian and which takes seriously the intentions of the early Church Fathers.
Collective Ink How the Establishment Lost Control
The post-war consensus is breaking up. The 2014 Scottish referendum, the election of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader and the turmoil of the EU referendum all testify to an insurgent mood amongst swathes of the population. This book will attempt to explain these dramatic developments and to show how they question received notions about politics, history and how change happens. Above all they challenge widespread assumptions about the resilience of elite hegemony, the influence of conventional structures of thought and the ability of the mass of the population to think autonomously in a `post-ideological age'.
Collective Ink Pac-Man Principle, The: A User's Guide to Capitalism
In spite of being well into middle-age, Pac-Man's popularity shows no sign of decline and the character has appeared in over sixty games on virtually every games platform ever released. According to the David Brown celebrity index, in 2008, nearly three decades after initial release, 94% of Americans were able to recognise Pac-Man, which gave the character greater brand awareness than Super Mario. Pac-Man, with its avowed commitment to non-violence was a videogame of many firsts, including being designed to appeal to children and females and providing the first narrative interlude in a videogame. Although iconic, Pac-Man has not been subject to sustained critical analysis. This book helps to fill that gap, providing an extensive, sophisticated, but accessible analysis of the influence of Pac-Man on the way that we live in contemporary western societies.
Collective Ink Aspecting the Goddess: Drawing Down the Divine Feminine
Aspecting the Goddess is a memoir, a workbook and an exploration of twelve different Goddess myths. Aspecting, or drawing down a Goddess, is an invitation to share our bodies and our experience with the divine feminine. Step by step, this book unfolds different levels of this practice.
Collective Ink In the Land of Dreams
In the Land of Dreams is the story of a man who believes he is being stalked by the ghost of an ancestor, who, for reasons unknown, has returned to lower Manhattan, where he owned a tavern in the 1680s. Eventually the ghostly stalker is taken into the city-sponsored residential program in which our narrator lives, and reveals himself to be his troubled ancestor. He tells a story of violent and irrevocable events that caused a curse to be placed on their family. Both men are looking for redemption, the ancestor through confessing his role in the long-ago troubles and the narrator by finding the right way to interpret these shocking events...
Collective Ink Millennials and the Moments That Made Us – A Cultural History of the U.S. from 1982–Present
A generation on the move, a country on the brink, and a young author's search to find out how we got here. Millennials and the Moments That Made Us is a cultural history of the United States, as seen through the eyes of the largest, most diverse, and most disprivileged generation in American history. The book is a relatable pop culture history that critiques the capitalist status quo our generation inherited - a critical tour of the music, movies, books, TV shows, and technology that have defined us and our times.
Collective Ink Truth Inside, The: Lessons From My Daughter In the Afterlife
A powerful story of bereavement and how a mother finds purpose through afterlife communication. In July 2014, Ali Norell's daughter, Romy, died aged four months. As a spiritual medium, Ali found her belief system to be challenged in the strongest way possible. The Truth Inside offers a deeply moving and at times surprisingly uplifting account of this experience and explores the possibility that we choose our path in life - even one that includes heartbreak and tragedy - in order to learn at the highest level. This story documents how Ali received communication from her daughter in Spirit in a variety of ways and how this eventually helped her to process her grief and uncover her own life purpose.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals: The Crane Bag
An introduction to the ritual tools and practices found in the Druid tradition. Held deeply within Celtic mythology, the crane bag is both a symbol of sovereignty, as well as an item containing the ritual tools of the Druid. With the proper use, it can further the Druid in working with the tides of nature, finding his or her own place in the environment, living in balance, harmony and peace. In ritual, these tools and practices can guide one to deeper levels of meaning and understanding within the tradition, helping the Druid on his or her journey through life and towards integration with the natural world.
Collective Ink Seven Ages of the Goddess
With contributions from best-selling authors such as Morgan Daimler, Elen Sentier and Jhenah Telyndru, as well as a new generation of up-coming writers, Seven Ages of the Goddess uncovers the history of the Goddess, from prehistoric origins through to the present day and beyond. Edited by Trevor Greenfield, publisher of Moon Books and editor of Naming the Goddess and Goddess in America.
Collective Ink David and the Philistine Woman
Nara is a young Philistine woman who has given up hope of ever finding a husband. No man will take a wife who towers head and shoulders above him. She lives in isolation with her father, until she is discovered by the Philistine priests. They betroth her to Goliath, to give him warrior sons. What happens when Nara's fate collides with that of David, who is destined to face Goliath in combat, will forever transform how you experience this pivotal moment in the Bible...Boorstin reimagines David's dangerous path from shepherd to charismatic leader, interweaving his life not only with Nara's, but with key Biblical characters including King Saul, and Saul's daughter Michal, who will later become David's wife. While faithful to the spirit of the Bible, Boorstin reads between the lines of the ancient narrative to bring immediacy, relevance and even greater meaning to the life of the young Israelite who would become the most beloved character in the Old Testament. David and the Philistine Woman combines exciting storytelling and rich characters to fashion an unforgettable epic.
Collective Ink Malaren – A Swedish Affair
Alan Harrison is a perfectly ordinary, middle-class, middle-aged and happily married man. But when his wife, Susan, suddenly dies, his life starts to disintegrate. Rather than stay at home where the memory of his wife still haunts him, he decides to spend the summer in Sweden at the invitation of his in-laws. On the shores of Lake Malaren, he discovers fresh reasons for living and a contentment he had not previously thought possible. But unexpected guests arrive to disturb his new-found peace and he is forced to take unprecedented steps to recover it. Set against a backdrop of stunning Swedish scenery, MALAREN shows us the redemptive power of physical labour and male bonding as an unlikely hero struggles to overcome his challenges.
Collective Ink Answering Avalon`s Call – The Mystical Odyssey of an Earth–Healer
In the summer of 2001 Carol Ohmart Behan made her first pilgrimage to Glastonbury, re-tracing the ancient pilgrim-path to the Isle of Avalon, luminous sanctuary of the Goddess and the Grail. Her quest became a catalyst for her work as a writer, pilgrimage leader, and teacher of Earth-wisdom. A dramatic encounter with her past-life self as a 16th-century healer opened the door to her true 21st-century identity as an Earth-healer and voice of the Divine Feminine, which is re-emerging in the world once again.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals – Merlin: Once and Future Wizard
Bestselling author Elen Sentier looks at Merlin in history and mythology and considers his continuing relevance for people today. Best known as the wizard from the Arthurian stories, Merlin has been written about for well over 1000 years and is considered to be both a magical and historical figure. Over the centuries many people have had relationships with Merlin and in this book the author brings him to life for us once again in yet another way and from yet another perspective.
Collective Ink Holistic Guide To Your Health & Wellbeing Today, The: A Step-By-Step Guide To The Relationship Between Your Physical, Mental, Energetic & Emotional Health
Have you ever wanted to improve your complete health, both inside and out, and did not know where to start? A decade ago, my life changed forever. Now, using my personal experiences, professional knowledge and scientific studies, this book guides you through the minefield of information available to you and highlights the key aspects that assist complete and holistic health across our four core bodily systems - the physical, mental, energetic and emotional. The Holistic Guide covers everything from how to improve your immune system, nutritional guidance, mental health, the chakra system, numerology, emotional intelligence, advanced body language, deep breathing, meditation and more. Working with psychologist David Moxon, international numerologist Ann Perry, Darren Rolfe from the addiction rehabilitation centre Steps Together and international medium and healer Sara Leslie, we have created a complete guide for your holistic health. Take Action Today!
Collective Ink Punk Is Dead: Modernity Killed Every Night
This original collection of insight, analysis and conversation charts the course of punk from its underground origins, when it was an un-formed and utterly alluring near-secret, through its rapid development. Punk is Dead: Modernity Killed Every Night takes in sex, style, politics and philosophy, filtered through punk experience, while believing in the ruins of memory, to explore a past whose essence is always elusive.
Collective Ink Dead People
Dead People is a book of eulogies, written for an eclectic assortment of famous and interesting people who died in recent years. The essays were written by Stefany Anne Golberg and 2013 Whiting Award winner Morgan Meis. The book covers twenty-eight dead people in all, including intellectuals like Susan Sontag, Christopher Hitchens and Eric Hobsbawn; musicians like Sun Ra, MCA (Beastie Boys) and Kurt Cobain; writers like David Foster Wallace, John Updike and Tom Clancy; artists like Thomas Kinkade and Robert Rauschenberg; and controversial political figures like Osama bin Laden and Mikhail Kalashnikov.
Collective Ink Being British – Our Once and Future Selves
Being British: Our Once & Future Selves is a journey into British culture and identity today, outlining a welcome new story for ourselves in these times of lack of belonging. It's a book for the liberally minded, and those who feel themselves to be post-traditional, not defined by nationality. The book takes a thought-provoking angle, which is neither Left nor Right, but instead brings the novel lens of a developmental view. It connects the dots between past, present and future, integrating the shadow side, and draws on many unusual examples. This is a fresh story of what it means to be British, where the author is included in the narrative. Without being nostalgic, it restores a sense of rootedness and helps us appreciate our British qualities, incrementally built over a millennium and a half. It celebrates being British as elective and not based on race, and demonstrates how to have pride in our nationality in a post-traditional way.
Collective Ink Los Indignados: Tides of Social Insertion in Spain
The emergent Indignados movement in Spain is transforming Spanish politics and society, heralding an end to the Transition since Franco, and responding to multiple legitimation crises in Spain and in Europe. This movement is rooted in the Stop Evictions campaign led by Ada Colau in Barcelona following the bursting of the subprime mortgage bubble in the wake of the 2008; as well as the 15-M Movement arising in May 2011 Puerta del Sol of Madrid, symbolizing the Indignez-Vous outrage of a lost generation.
Collective Ink First Day in Paradise, The
The First Day in Paradise tells the story of a young orphaned family who have been passed on from one set of relations to another, and whose eldest sibling, Adam, becomes enthralled by the impending opening nearby of a gigantic and beautiful shopping-mall by a flamboyant entrepreneur. To the consternation of his aunt and uncle, who run a small business, he joins the staff of one of its stores, and begins a dizzying ascent through the ranks, until circumstances induce him to question whether his entire value-system has become corrupted. Functioning both as social-economic critique, and as a personal moral fable about the conjuration of ambition from present-day consumer culture, The First Day in Paradise is an engrossing and layered tale loosely modelled on Dante's Paradiso, but most of all it's simply a great read.
Collective Ink Soul Comfort – Uplifting insights into the nature of grief, death, consciousness and love for transformation
Grief is a normal, instinctive response to loss or impending loss. Grief changes whoever it touches without discrimination. Embracing the change is key for healing and positive transformation. Introspection or reflection can be a useful, perhaps therapeutic, process when you are grieving. Indeed, silence, reflection, love and humility are the most precious offerings on the sacred altar of the soul. Soul Comfort is the first book to examine grief holistically through concise insights into the related concepts of consciousness, death and love for healing and positive transformation. Death does not extinguish consciousness. Death transforms and distils consciousness. And the grief you feel for someone is proportionate to the love you feel for them - the deeper your love, the deeper your grief. Uplifting, unique and thought-provoking insights from the author of The Audible Life Stream: Ancient Secret of Dying While Living will offer comfort to your soul and may profoundly change your perceptions of grief, death, consciousness, love and transformation. If your perceptions are changed, you will know that your own transformative journey has begun.
Collective Ink Upside Down Mountain, The
What happens when you seem to have it all - enough money, health and success - but happiness remains elusive? The Upside Down Mountain forsakes the summit for the journey downhill, penetrating the hidden depths of darkness and discomfort most people live to avoid. It reveals how to navigate troubled times and create a new story for ourselves and the world: inspiring us to become the change we seek.
Collective Ink How to Become a Miracle–Worker with Your Life – Steps to use the almighty ancient technique of Ho`oponopono
How to Become a Miracle-Worker with Your Life is about a powerful ancient technique to solve any kind of problem in a permanent way. This technique, called Ho'oponopono became well-known worldwide when it was used by a doctor to cure a ward of deranged dangerous prisoners without him having any type of personal contact with them. This tool is based on the principles of repentance, forgiveness, love and gratitude. This almighty technique has a very wide application; it can be used to resolve all types of difficulties in different areas, such as relationships, health conditions, financial challenges and career problems. The simplicity and effortlessness regarding the use of this problem-solving tool makes it suitable to be used by anybody on any occasion. The effects of the use of this technique are long-lasting, for this technique focuses on the causes of problems instead of their consequences. This book provides the reader with a stepwise process to apply this powerful technique, with countless practical exercises. With the frequent use of this technique the reader will gradually become healthier, wealthier and more fulfilled regarding career, business, relationships, and other relevant areas.
Collective Ink Last Stop, The
The Last Stop asks the question: What happens when Evolution ends? It's Ender's Game meets Close Encounter of the Third Kind - a character-driven action packed drama first set in a high school suffused with emerging sexuality and a strict pecking order, followed by wild flying saucer rides to the dark side of the moon, and then to a city under the ice on Europa where seemingly anything is possible. Mature Sci-Fi devotees will appreciate The Last Stop's hardcore science and philosophy. Young adult readers will enjoy its fast-paced action, stunning visual imagery, three-dimensional characters, teenage protagonists and just the right dash of humor. Who says a feelgood story can't be classic Sci Fi?
Collective Ink Time for the Wind
Something inexplicable lurks at the centre of the local landfill site and its influence is growing. Is it simply an unauthorized experiment with bioremediation or the beginning of the gravest threat ever presented to humanity? Intimately involved with the investigations, Bradley is also asking questions about the nature of Self and reality. In this he is tutored by the enigmatic Krishna who communicates only via computer and seems to know an awful lot about toxic waste...Interwoven with this compulsive and exciting story is an informed introduction to the philosophy of Advaita. Achieving a unique and paradoxical mixture of material annihilation and spiritual fulfilment, this novel is a metaphor for the play of our own lives and highlights the essentially dreamlike nature of the waking world.
Collective Ink Black and Deep Desires – William Shakespeare, Vampire Hunter
Who was the real architect of the Gunpowder Plot? Who was the first person to wear a Guy Fawkes mask? Why was Shakespeare's Dark Lady dark? These and many other questions are answered in Graham Holderness's new novel, which combines historical fiction, psychological mystery and supernatural thriller in a highly original and imaginative re-telling of the Gunpowder Plot. It is 1604. The Gunpowder Plotters are tunnelling under the palace of Westminster, and confront an immovable obstacle. Guy Fawkes travels to Europe to fetch help, and brings back more than he bargained for. Who is the mysterious Dark Lady? Who is the man in the mask? Why is London over-run by a plague of vampires, and who is going to defeat them? From a Westminster vault to a Transylvanian mine, from the crypt of Lambeth Palace to the under-stage of the Globe theatre, Black and Deep Desires takes the reader on a tour of historical, psychological and mythical underworlds, delving deep into some of history's unexplored corridors, into the secret thoughts of Catholic terrorists, and into the dark wellsprings of Shakespeare's poetry. In Black and Deep Desires Graham Holderness combines the expertise of an internationally-recognised Shakespeare scholar, the narrative flair of his 2001 novel The Prince of Denmark, and the poetic sensibility that won his verse collection Craeft a Poetry Book Society award.
Collective Ink Brief Peeks Beyond: Critical Essays on Metaphysics, Neuroscience, Free Will, Skepticism and Culture
This book is a multi-faceted exploration and critique of the human condition as it is presently manifested. It addresses science and philosophy, explores the underlying nature of reality, the state of our society and culture, the influence of the mainstream media, the nature of free will and a number of other topics. Each of these examinations contributes an angle to an emerging idea gestalt that challenges present mainstream views and behaviors and offers a sane alternative. The book is organized as a series of short and self-contained essays, most of which can be read in under one hour.
Collective Ink Drone and Apocalypse – An exhibit catalog for the end of the world
Drone and Apocalypse is an exhibit catalog for a retrospective of twenty-first-century art. Its narrator, Cynthia Wey, is a failed artist convinced that apocalypse is imminent. She writes critical essays delineating apocalyptic tendencies in drone music and contemporary art. Interspersed amid these essays are "speculative artworks", Wey's term for descriptions of artworks she never constructs that center around the extinction of humanity. Wey's favorite musicians are drone artists like William Basinski, Celer, Thomas Koner, Les Rallizes Denudes, and Eliane Radigue, and her essays relate their works to moments of ineffability in Herodotus, Aristotle, Plato, Pliny the Elder, Isidore of Seville, Robert Burton, Hegel, and Dostoyevsky. Well after Wey's demise, the apocalypse never arrives, but Wey's journal is discovered. Curators fascinated with twenty-first-century culture use her writings as the basis for their exhibit "Commentaries on the Apocalypse", which realizes Wey's speculative artworks as photographs, collages, and sound/video installations.
Collective Ink Christian Animism
Come follow the Cosmic Christ on the path of the green priesthood, deep into the heart of a living web of Divine Creation. "Christian animism", for many, can suggest nothing more than crude syncretism, or a blasphemous oxymoron. In this book the author challenges that view, from his own experiences and reflections, and those of many who find themselves on the fringes of church and society. He also searches out the fertile places of his own Christian tradition, seeking to hear a Word of healing for our Earth, a Word of grace for the trees and the animals, and a Word of invitation back to the garden of Creation, our once and future home.
Collective Ink Starry Speculative Corpse – Horror of Philosophy vol. 2
Could it be that the more we know about the world, the less we understand it? Could it be that, while everything has been explained, nothing has meaning? Extending the ideas presented in his book In The Dust of This Planet, Eugene Thacker explores these and other issues in Starry Speculative Corpse. But instead of using philosophy to define or to explain the horror genre, Thacker reads works of philosophy as if they were horror stories themselves, revealing a rift between human beings and the unhuman world of which they are part. Along the way we see philosophers grappling with demons, struggling with doubt, and wrestling with an indifferent cosmos. At the center of it all is the philosophical drama of the human being confronting its own limits. Not a philosophy of horror, but a horror of philosophy. Thought that stumbles over itself, as if at the edge of an abyss. Starry Speculative Corpse is the second volume of the "Horror of Philosophy" trilogy, together with the first volume, In The Dust of This Planet, and the third volume, Tentacles Longer Than Night.
Collective Ink Kitchen Witch`s World of Magical Food, A
Food is magical, not just because of the amazing tastes, flavours and aromas but also for the magical properties it holds. The magic starts with the choice of food to use, be added in whilst you are preparing and cooking then the magic unfolds as people enjoy your food. Dishes can be created for specific intents, moon phases, and rituals, to celebrate sabbats or just to bring the magic into your family meal. Many food ingredients can also be used very successfully in magical workings in the form of offerings, medicine pouches, witches bottles and poppets. Let's work magic into your cooking...
Collective Ink Ecology of the Soul, The – A Manual of Peace, Power and Personal Growth for Real People in the Real World
Power Seeds and Magic Minutes: the route to inner space. The Ecology of the Soul: A Manual of Peace, Power and Personal Growth for Real People in the Real World explains the seven powers of our own inner ecosystem - the Ecology of the Soul - and how to revive them to regain our natural, true state of peace, power and well-being. When the Ecology of the Soul is in balance, we live and thrive in this world, and create the new one, with grace, harmony and beauty. Each one of the seven powers - Nature, Creativity, Endurance, Love, Communication, Focus and Connection - generates seven separate meditations, which in turn create 'Power Seeds' of thought and mental habit. Plant one a day, and in a 'Magic Minute' - 60 powerful seconds of daily, active meditation - you achieve the balance, power and peace of Soul Consciousness. Warm, accessible, even humorous, the book acknowledges that we're all human and not everyone is able or willing to aim for the highest path of enlightenment. It gives practical methods by which anyone, at whatever level of commitment, can benefit.
Collective Ink Creepiness
A specter is haunting contemporary television-the specter of creepiness. In our everyday lives, we try to avoid creepiness at every cost, shunning creepy people and recoiling in horror at the idea that we ourselves might be creeps. And yet when we sit down to watch TV, we are increasingly entranced by creepy characters. In this follow-up to Awkwardness and Why We Love Sociopaths, Adam Kotsko tries to account for the strange fascination of creepiness. In addition to surveying a wide range of contemporary examples-from Peep Show to Girls, from Orange is the New Black to Breaking Bad-Kotsko mines the television of his 90s childhood, marveling at the creepiness that seemed to be hiding in plain sight in shows like Full House and Family Matters. Using Freud as his guide through the treacherous territory of creepiness, Kotsko argues that we are fascinated by the creepy because in our own ways, we are all creeps.
Collective Ink Instagram Archipelago, The: Race, Gender, and the Lives of Dead Fish
Set on Idan Hayosh’s peculiar Instagram page of women holding dead fish, The Instagram Archipelago is a conversation with contemporary culture’s logics of gender and race. Working through recent thinking in Black studies and Hayosh’s satirical images, Elliot C. Mason presents the aesthetics of capitalism as a sea that makes everything the same, turning the world into a single form. The Instagram Archipelago brings radical antiracist and feminist scholarship to a general audience, applying a model of thinking beyond gender and race to the strange world of online fishing photos. This funny and fascinating book moves past the liberal celebration of gender and race, towards a tiny island of resistance in a growing archipelago.
Collective Ink F.M.R.L. – Footnotes, Mirages, Refrains and Leftovers of Writing Sound
Listening into writing, reading into writing take shape in F.M.R.L. through a collection of short texts, fragments and 'deranged essays', with attention to pacing and linguistic derives. An archive of books, notebooks, events and records prompts the texts in these pages, responding to encounters with Michel Leiris's autobiographical fictions; concerts and events at Cafe Oto and the Swedenborg House in London; visits to museums such as the Pitt Rivers in Oxford and exhibitions such as Ice Age Art at the British Museum, among the others. F.M.R.L. is a book constructed across sonic patterns, assonance, repetitions, comprising texts that intermittently drift from sense to sound and to nonsense and back. A flip from the immateriality of sound to the sounds of letters and words as material, a call from reading to voicing.