Search results for ""Author Iris""
Westermann Berufl.Bildung Kinder und Jugendliteratur. Schulbuch
De Gruyter Die Stadtpfarrkirchen St. Marien und St. Nikolai in Treuenbrietzen
Vom Aufschwung des Stadtchens Treuenbrietzen, durch das im Mittelalter wichtige Handelsverbindungen verliefen, zeugen die beiden Stadtpfarrkirchen St. Marien und St. Nikolai. Die ab ca. 1220 errichtete kreuzfoermige Basilika St. Marien ist nicht nur eines der ersten Beispiele fur die Verwendung von Backstein an Stadtpfarrkirchen, sondern auch die fruheste gewoelbte Pfarrkirche in der Mark. Der ausgewogen proportionierte Innenraum beeindruckt durch seine variantenreich bemalten Gewoelberippen aus der Zeit der Spatromanik. Hervorzuheben ist die um 1740 geschaffene Orgel, die zu den am besten erhaltenen Instrumenten des Berliner Orgelbaumeisters Joachim Wagner gehoert. Die Pfarrkirche St. Nikolai wurde ebenso wie St. Marien vom Erzbischof von Magdeburg in Auftrag gegeben. Auch bei der Nikolaikirche handelt es sich um eine dreischiffige kreuzfoermige Basilika, ihre reichen fruhgotischen Schmuckformen lassen vermuten, dass der Bau der Marienkirche noch ubertroffen werden sollte. Bemerkenswe
Westermann Schulbuch Fair Play 9 10. Schulbuch. Lehrwerk für den Unterricht im Fach Praktische Philosophie in NordrheinWestfalen Neubearbeitung
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Klick Erstlesen Schreiblehrgang 1 in Schulausgangsschrift stliche Bundeslnder und Berlin
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Fokus Biologie 6 Jahrgangsstufe Gymnasium Bayern Natur und Technik Biologie Schlerbuch
Little, Brown & Company Camp Girls: Fireside Lessons on Friendship, Courage, and Loyalty
Iris Krasnow started going to summer camp at age 5. She sat around a fire roasting marshmallows until they burned; chased fireflies that dotted the night sky; swam in the expansive Blue Lake; and made friends that have lasted a lifetime, learning lessons along the way that she follows to this day.Now decades later, she returned to Camp Agawak in Wisconsin as a staff member to help resurrect Agalog, the camp's defunct magazine that she wrote for as a child. She's been doing this every summer for five years, participating in the same activities she loved as a young girl now filled with the wisdom, perspective, and appreciation that comes with age. A nostalgic, reminiscent memoir written from the heart, CAMP GIRLS details the essential life skills that formed who Iris became, and also the feelings of belonging to a family, not of blood, but of history, loyalty, and tradition. For Iris and many others, camp is key to fulfillment and success in life.
Grand Central Publishing A Face to Die for
Grand Central Publishing The Bullet
Ander-zijds Iris Rombouts: Poetry of the Bee
This book celebrates the bee in all its humble glory, and does so in a completely original way. It has long been a dream of art director Iris Rombouts to produce an art book that sheds new light on our familiar surroundings and our daily food in particular. And what better way to do that than with the bee, the most important creature to humans on earth? Not only is this small insect indispensible to our food chain - it pollinates over 80% of all flowering plants and 70 of the top human food crops - but it is also a source of inspiration for architects, writers, artists and even whole cities. This book celebrates the bee in all its humble glory, and does so in a completely original way. With a preface by author Jeroen Olyslaegers. We see the bee represented by old masters and contemporary artists, by insectobsessed Renaissance man Jan Fabre, by Joseph Beuys and his Honey Pump and by Tomás Libertiny with his beeswax sculptures. There is the ceramic piece of art 'The Wall' by Carla Arocha and Stéphane Schraenen, with its repetitive structure that reminds of a honeycomb. Fashion, too, is represented: designer Harm Van Zwolle chose the bee as his muse, proving that the beekeeper s outfit can become a covetable piece of clothing. The book is as multi-faceted as the eye of the bee. It pays homage to Maurice Maeterlinck, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, who tells the most inspiring tales about the life and death of the bee. It explores the mythical powers of the Apis Mellifera, and invites passionate beekeepers from all over the world to share their vision and show that there is much more to the bee than honey. The book also explains how the beehive inspired architects Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright to create stunning buildings that will impress many generations to come. As readers, we explore the feather-light steel building 'The Hive' by Wolfgang Buttress, and travel to Manchester, the city that chose the bee as its symbol and has shown to be every bit as courageous and resilient as the insect itself. All these weird and wonderful stories are accompanied by the work of talented photographers such as Stephen Mattues, Diego Franssens, studioEAST, Mark Haddon, Stephen Goodenough, Joao Sousa, Filip Van Roe, Wout Hendrickx and Iris herself. With this book, Iris Rombouts has created a joyful, brilliant mix of stories, photography and art, with the bee as the well-deserved star of the show.
transcript Verlag Singular Plural Ways of Staging Together
Turtle Point Press Droll Tales
In fourteen witty, surreal, and wildly original interrelated stories, Iris Smyles joyfully interrogates the paradoxes of life and language and gives us a new view of our world. Welcome to the world of Droll Tales, in which reality is a mutually agreed-upon illusion, and life is painful, enigmatic, beautiful, and brief. With an oddball cast of characters who reappear in various guises, Smyles gives us a tour of an enchanted, absurd, off-kilter world with its own workings and ways of expression—one that overlaps our own. A young suburban woman runs away to Europe to become a living statue, Mallarmé is at long last translated into pig Latin, a house full of surrealists compete for love on a reality TV show, a list of fortune cookie messages reveals the inner world of the young man employed to write them, and a story of love and betrayal is told through the sentence diagrams on a fifth grader’s grammar test. Romantic, dark, and ironic, Droll Tales is a book like none you have read. It is a philosophical vaudeville, a cabinet of curiosities, a puzzle in fourteen pieces, and a tragicomic riddle articulated in Smyles’s singular style, with the mystery of the human heart at its center.
Art Gallery of Ontario He Named Her Amber
Vintage Publishing The Red and the Green
As the Easter Rebellion looms, tension mounts in the rain-soaked streets of Dublin. Tension is also ratcheting up at home. Pat Dumay is a Catholic and an Irish patriot. His relentlessly pious mother pursues her own private war with his stepfather, a man sunk in religious speculation and drink. Meanwhile Pat's Protestant soldier cousin, Andrew Chase-White, puzzles out his complex emotions about Ireland and the girl he loves. Weaving between them moves Millie Kinnard: fast, feminist, and only just respectable.
Vintage Publishing The Flight From the Enchanter
Annette runs away from her finishing school but learns more than she bargained for in the real world beyond; the fierce and melacholy Rosa is torn between two Polish brothers; Peter is obsessed by an indecipherable ancient script. This is a story of a group of people under a spell, and the centre of it all is the mysterious Mischa Fox, the enchanter.
Vintage Publishing Sartre
Sartre's powerful political passions were united with a memorable literary gift, placing him foremost among the novelists, as well as the philosophers, of our time. Iris Murdoch's pioneering study analyses and evaluates the different strands of Sartre's rich and complex oeurve. Combining the objectivity of the scholar with a profound interest in contemporary problems, Iris Murdoch discusses the tradition of philosophical, political and aesthetic thought that gives historical authenticity to Satre's achievement, while showing the ambiguities and dangers inherent in his position.
Nostalgia por lo particular Biblioteca de Ensayo Serie mayor Spanish Edition
Las primeras etapas del pensamiento filosófico de Iris Murdoch, una escritora excepcional en el panorama intelectual del siglo XX.Existe en nuestra época un vacío grave y creciente sobre cuestiones morales: por primera vez en la historia, el ser humano siente la pérdida de la religión como consuelo y guía. Hasta hace poco, varios sustitutos se perfilaban como posibilidad en el horizonte: el comunismo, el pacifismo, el internacionalismo... Pero el hecho de que hayan fracasado no invalida la gran paradoja que la situación plantea: necesitamos elaborar teorías sobre la naturaleza humana y, aunque ninguna lo explica todo, es el deseo de explicarlo todo lo que da impulso a la teoría. Murdoch consideraba que necesitamos un refugio que nos ampare del frío campo abierto del empirismo benthamiano: un marco, una estructura, una casa de teoría. También tenía claro que el enemigo de la libertad está en la fantasía, en el mal uso de la imaginación, algo inexorablemente natural en los seres human
Monjas y soldados
Guy, centro de un nutrido círculo de familiares y amigos, está en su lecho de muerte. Sus ojos releen por última vez la Odisea mientras su esposa Gertrude recibe el apoyo de una cohorte de allegados (intelectuales, artistas, abogados y miembros del Parlamento) que se dejan caer por la casa cada semana. Es justo entonces cuando Anne, su mejor amiga de la universidad, llama a su puerta por sorpresa, tras haber pasado los últimos quince años en un convento de clausura. Aún en busca de su fe perdida, Anne se instala con Gertrude, que empieza a sentirse como una Penélope cercada por sus pretendientes: no solo por el melancólico Conde, hijo de exiliados polacos, que siempre ha estado enamorado de ella, sino también por el afable y exitoso Manfred o por el respetable y distinguido Moses... Sus días se complican tras la muerte de Guy, cuando Gertrude, abrumada por tantos requerimientos, decide refugiarse en su amiga Anne y viajar a Francia con la decisión de vender la casa que allí compartía c
Impedimenta Henry y Cato
Cuando Henry Marshalson y Cato Forbes se encuentran en Inglaterra después de varios años sin verse, su existencia no se halla en un momento precisamente fácil. Tras la muerte de su hermano mayor, Henry regresa de los Estados Unidos convertido en el heredero de una fortuna que no desea, de modo que decide deshacerse de todos sus bienes para disgusto de su madre. Cato, por su parte, se ve inmerso en una profunda crisis de valores que le lleva a replantearse cada una de sus creencias tras haberse enamorado de un seductor muchacho del barrio marginal de Londres en el que ejerce el sacerdocio. De manera inesperada, las vidas de estos dos hijos pródigos vuelven a mezclarse en una espiral de despropósitos y venganzas que van a desembocar en una sorprendente verdad: ninguno de los dos puede huir de sí mismo.De la mano de una de las autoras más brillantes del pasado siglo, asistimos a un estimulante recorrido por los paisajes más sórdidos y también más generosos del alma humana.
V&R unipress GmbH Zur Ästhetik psychischer Krankheit in kinder- und jugendliterarischen Medien: Psychoanalytische und tiefenpsychologische Analysen - transdisziplinär erweitert
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Iranisches Personennamenbuch Band 2 / Faszikel 1: Iranische Personennamen in Manichaischer Uberlieferung
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Gott Dem Erloser Und Den Gottesdiensten Der Reformierten Gewidmet 1753: Die Spatbarocke Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche in Gottingen
The establishment of the Georgia-Augusta University of Goettingen by the elector of Hannover and also King of England in 1737 invited several kinds of persons to come here: university professors, craftsmen, students and so on. They all wanted to practice their own religion. That was why the calvinist Albrecht von Haller who came here from Swizzerland as a university professor of Anatomy grounded the reformed community for which he arranged the building of a new suitable Church. It served their special concern of community best by creating a seating like a lecture theatre, leaving free space in the middle.
Grand Central Publishing The Persuasion
Grand Central Publishing A Face to Die for
St. Martin's Press Dark Tribute: An Eve Duncan Novel
Rowman & Littlefield Machu My Picchu: Searching For Sex, Sanity, And A Soul Mate In South America
Amy Sedaris meets Woody Allen in an uproarious memoir of self discovery. In her critically acclaimed memoir Dork Whore, Iris Bahr finally lost her virginity in the summer between high school and Brown University. In this book, she’s ready for love a year later—but not much wiser. Through all of her uproarious capers, she tries to reconcile her craving for mindblowing sex with her desire for a meaningful relationship—all in an attempt to become an adult. Sort of.
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc The Killing Game: An Eve Duncan Forensics Thriller
Random House USA Inc Midnight Warrior: A Novel
Conte-Verlag Tu was du willst
Baessler, Hendrik Verlag Naturerlebnis und Industrielandschaft
Knabe Verlag Weimar Regentrpfchens Reise Ein Kinderbuch von Iris Gottschlich
Tulipan Verlag Lola und Pola
Tulipan Verlag Karla und die Sache mit der Liebe
Travel House Media GmbH MERIAN Reisefhrer Istrien Kvarner Bucht Mit ExtraKarte zum Herausnehmen
Deutscher Apotheker Vlg Interaktionen Grundlagen und Fallbeispiele
Bergverlag Rother Traumtreks Alpen Die schnsten Wanderungen von Htte zu Htte zwischen Wien und Nizza
Pustet Anton Josef Frank 1885 1967 Eine Moderne der Unodrnung
Haufe Lexware GmbH Schwierige Geschäftsvorfälle richtig buchen
Haufe Lexware GmbH Lexware buchhaltung training
Klett-Cotta Verlag Die Unschärfe der Welt
Reinhardt Ernst Schriftspracherwerb
btb Taschenbuch Das Eigentliche Roman
Westermann Schulbuch Pathway Approach. Prep Practice Book. Einführungsphase Sekundarstufe II Ausgabe NordrheinWestfalen Nord 2024
Westermann Schulbuch Pathway Approach. Schulbuch. Einführungsphase Sekundarstufe II Ausgabe NordrheinWestfalen Nord 2024
Schoeningh Verlag Pathway Advanced Prep Course Beiheft Prep Course kompakt
Klett Sprachen GmbH Linie 1 Beruf B1. Unterrichtshandbuch
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Klick Erstlesen Schreiblehrgang 2 in Schulausgangsschrift stliche Bundeslnder und Berlin