Search results for ""Author Iris""
Grand Central Publishing The Bullet
Ander-zijds Iris Rombouts: Poetry of the Bee
This book celebrates the bee in all its humble glory, and does so in a completely original way. It has long been a dream of art director Iris Rombouts to produce an art book that sheds new light on our familiar surroundings and our daily food in particular. And what better way to do that than with the bee, the most important creature to humans on earth? Not only is this small insect indispensible to our food chain - it pollinates over 80% of all flowering plants and 70 of the top human food crops - but it is also a source of inspiration for architects, writers, artists and even whole cities. This book celebrates the bee in all its humble glory, and does so in a completely original way. With a preface by author Jeroen Olyslaegers. We see the bee represented by old masters and contemporary artists, by insectobsessed Renaissance man Jan Fabre, by Joseph Beuys and his Honey Pump and by Tomás Libertiny with his beeswax sculptures. There is the ceramic piece of art 'The Wall' by Carla Arocha and Stéphane Schraenen, with its repetitive structure that reminds of a honeycomb. Fashion, too, is represented: designer Harm Van Zwolle chose the bee as his muse, proving that the beekeeper s outfit can become a covetable piece of clothing. The book is as multi-faceted as the eye of the bee. It pays homage to Maurice Maeterlinck, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, who tells the most inspiring tales about the life and death of the bee. It explores the mythical powers of the Apis Mellifera, and invites passionate beekeepers from all over the world to share their vision and show that there is much more to the bee than honey. The book also explains how the beehive inspired architects Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright to create stunning buildings that will impress many generations to come. As readers, we explore the feather-light steel building 'The Hive' by Wolfgang Buttress, and travel to Manchester, the city that chose the bee as its symbol and has shown to be every bit as courageous and resilient as the insect itself. All these weird and wonderful stories are accompanied by the work of talented photographers such as Stephen Mattues, Diego Franssens, studioEAST, Mark Haddon, Stephen Goodenough, Joao Sousa, Filip Van Roe, Wout Hendrickx and Iris herself. With this book, Iris Rombouts has created a joyful, brilliant mix of stories, photography and art, with the bee as the well-deserved star of the show.
transcript Verlag Singular Plural Ways of Staging Together
Turtle Point Press Droll Tales
In fourteen witty, surreal, and wildly original interrelated stories, Iris Smyles joyfully interrogates the paradoxes of life and language and gives us a new view of our world. Welcome to the world of Droll Tales, in which reality is a mutually agreed-upon illusion, and life is painful, enigmatic, beautiful, and brief. With an oddball cast of characters who reappear in various guises, Smyles gives us a tour of an enchanted, absurd, off-kilter world with its own workings and ways of expression—one that overlaps our own. A young suburban woman runs away to Europe to become a living statue, Mallarmé is at long last translated into pig Latin, a house full of surrealists compete for love on a reality TV show, a list of fortune cookie messages reveals the inner world of the young man employed to write them, and a story of love and betrayal is told through the sentence diagrams on a fifth grader’s grammar test. Romantic, dark, and ironic, Droll Tales is a book like none you have read. It is a philosophical vaudeville, a cabinet of curiosities, a puzzle in fourteen pieces, and a tragicomic riddle articulated in Smyles’s singular style, with the mystery of the human heart at its center.
Art Gallery of Ontario He Named Her Amber
Vintage Publishing The Red and the Green
As the Easter Rebellion looms, tension mounts in the rain-soaked streets of Dublin. Tension is also ratcheting up at home. Pat Dumay is a Catholic and an Irish patriot. His relentlessly pious mother pursues her own private war with his stepfather, a man sunk in religious speculation and drink. Meanwhile Pat's Protestant soldier cousin, Andrew Chase-White, puzzles out his complex emotions about Ireland and the girl he loves. Weaving between them moves Millie Kinnard: fast, feminist, and only just respectable.
Vintage Publishing Nuns and Soldiers
Gertrude has lost her husband and Anne, an ex-nun, her God. They plan to live together and do good works. Meanwhile a cohort of interested parties circle. The 'Count', a Polish man in exile watches over Gertrude with loving patience. Tim, a failed painter, plans with his punk girlfriend to live off his rich friends. Who will judge whom in this intricate pattern of love and deceit? Who will behave well and who badly? Who will be lucky?
Vintage Publishing The Flight From the Enchanter
Annette runs away from her finishing school but learns more than she bargained for in the real world beyond; the fierce and melacholy Rosa is torn between two Polish brothers; Peter is obsessed by an indecipherable ancient script. This is a story of a group of people under a spell, and the centre of it all is the mysterious Mischa Fox, the enchanter.
Vintage Publishing Sartre
Sartre's powerful political passions were united with a memorable literary gift, placing him foremost among the novelists, as well as the philosophers, of our time. Iris Murdoch's pioneering study analyses and evaluates the different strands of Sartre's rich and complex oeurve. Combining the objectivity of the scholar with a profound interest in contemporary problems, Iris Murdoch discusses the tradition of philosophical, political and aesthetic thought that gives historical authenticity to Satre's achievement, while showing the ambiguities and dangers inherent in his position.
Tusquets Editores Brasil
Tristão Raposo es negro, tiene 19 años, chulea por la playa de Copacabana y va armado de una hoja de afeitar, atracando aquí y allá para capear el hambre. Isabel Leme es blanca, rica, acaba de salir de un colegio de monjas y tiene 18 años cuando Tristão, al verla pasar en biquini, piensa : Esta muñeca está hecha para mí. Pese a la salvaje rapacidad de la pobreza, él parece casi sofisticado ; ella, hecha a la lógica y el bienestar del poder, va pisando fuerte por la vida. Pero, en cuanto sus cuerpos se juntan, él verdugo y ella víctima, los dos intuyen ya que el desenlace de aquel asalto no será otro que una pasión sin límite. Inspirándose en la leyenda de Tristán e Isolda, Updike nos embarca en la extraordinaria odisea que, por las junglas de Brasil, tanto las de asfalto como las otras, emprende la pareja hacia los abismos del alma y de la miseria en su constante huida de los esbirros del padre de Isabel.Nada podrá detenerlos en un paí
Siruela El fuego y el Sol por qu Platn desterr a los artistas
En este libro, basado en las conferencias que dictó en Roma en 1976, Iris Murdoch examina la visión de Platón sobre el arte y, en particular, las razones de la manifiesta hostilidad del filósofo hacia él.Para ello la autora, al tiempo que realiza un sintético recorrido por los elementos que fundamentan las teorías platónicas sobre la Belleza, busca una explicación al hecho de que el pensador griego atribuyera tanta importancia en su obra al papel que desempeña la Belleza, pero, paradójicamente, denigrara a los artistas. Apoyándose en el contraste entre las engañosas sombras del fuego de la Caverna y la luz del sol, iluminadora de la Verdad, Murdoch pone de relieve la labor primordial que desempeñan los creadores en la revelación de lo trascendente.Su certero examen se ve además enriquecido con las ideas sobre esta inagotable y apasionante cuestión de figuras tan destacadas como Kant, Kierkegaard, Freud, Tolstói o Jane Austen.
Harrassowitz Altagypten in Braunschweig: Die Sammlungen Des Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museums Und Des Stadtischen Museums
Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH Treffen sich zwei
Grand Central Publishing Smokescreen
Syracuse University Press Family and Court: Legal Culture and Modernity in Late Ottoman Palestine
This book challenges prevailing assumptions about family, courts of law, and the nature of modernity in Muslim societies against the backdrop of Haifa and Jaffa during ""the long nineteenth century"". The popular image of the family and the court of law in Muslim societies is one of traditional, unchanging social frameworks. Iris Agmon suggests an entirely different view, grounded in a detailed study of nineteenth-century Ottoman court records from the flourishing Palestinian port cities of Haifa and Jaffa. She depicts the Sharia Muslim court of law as a dynamic institution, capable of adapting to rapid and profound social changes - indeed, of playing an active role in generating these changes. Court and family interact and transform themselves, each other, and the society of which they form part. Agmon's book is a significant contribution to scholarship on both family history and legal culture in the social history of the Middle East.
Random House USA Inc And the Desert Blooms
Random House USA Inc Touch the Horizon
Random House USA Inc Capture the Rainbow
Random House USA Inc Return to Santa Flores: A Classic Love Story
Random House USA Inc Blue Velvet: A Classic Love Story
Kunth GmbH & Co. KG KUNTH Unterwegs in Kanada
Matthes & Seitz Verlag Undienlichkeit Gewaltgeschichte und politische Philosophie
Rhino Verlag Die Wasser der Ilm Eine kleine Geschichte Thringens
Friedenauer Presse Rede vom Glck Discours sur le bonheur Mit einer Anzahl Briefe der Mme du Chatelet an den Marquis de SaintLambert
BusinessVillage GmbH Bei allem Respekt
Ulmer Eugen Verlag Lebendige Grten im Winter Winterliche Hhepunkte gestalten
Bassermann, Edition Fr kleine Zeichner Punkt Punkt Komma Strich Punkt Punkt Komma Strich Zeichnen lernen leicht gemacht fr Kinder ab 4 Jahren
Brill U Fink Traum Und Traumen in Kinder- Und Jugendmedien: Transmediale Und Interdisziplinare Analysen
Deutscher Apotheker Vlg Schilddrsenerkrankungen Struma HypoHyperthyreose HashimotoThyreoiditis Morbus Basedow Ernhrung
Bergverlag Rother Klettersteigatlas Alpen
FISCHER Sauerländer Duden Duden 18 Extradick federleicht 100 allererste Dinge vom Bauernhof
Otto Müller Verlagsges. Leuchtende Schatten
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Partizipation Und Wissensaufbau Beim Lösen Von Textaufgaben
FISCHER Taschenbuch Shitmoves
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Camus Das Ideal der Einfachheit Eine Biographie
Franckh-Kosmos Garten einfach günstig
Franckh-Kosmos Blumenbeete
Kümmerly und Frey Lago Maggiore Wanderfhrer Mit 50 Touren und Outdoor App
De Gruyter Marginale Zeichentechniken: Pause, Abklatsch, Cut&Paste als ästhetische Strategien in der Vormoderne
Motorisch-mechanische Zeichentechniken wie Pause, Abklatsch und Cut&Paste gehören zu den elementaren Werkstattpraktiken der Vormoderne. Sie wurden ebenso in der Ausbildung wie von renommierten Künstler:innen wie Leonardo, Dürer, Michelangelo und Rubens eingesetzt, um Entwürfe zu verändern, den Motivvorrat zu erweitern und neue Kunstwerke herzustellen. In der damaligen Kunsttheorie waren sie jedoch weitgehend unbedacht oder gar herabgesetzt. Nur wenige Positionen der Wertschätzung bis hin zur entschiedenen Nobilitierung von Abklatschen im 18. Jahrhundert sind zu verzeichnen. Die Diskrepanz zwischen der Bedeutung der Zeichentechniken in der Praxis und ihrer Thematisierung in der Kunsttheorie blieb lange unbeachtet. Der vorliegende Band unternimmt in dieser Hinsicht eine unverzichtbare Neuperspektivierung der Zeichnungsforschung und bindet dabei transdisziplinäre Kontexte wie kunsttechnologische und philosophische Gesichtspunkte ein.
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Dialog Neue Generation Band 1 Schlerbuch
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Dialog Neue Generation Band 3 Schlerbuch
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Privet Hallo 02 Schlerbuch
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Klick Erstlesen Lesen 01 Westliche Bundeslnder
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Klick Erstlesen 2 Lesen Westliche Bundeslnder
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Klick Erstlesen Lesen und Sprache Arbeitsheft Teil 4 stliche Bundeslnder und Berlin