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Random House USA Inc Understanding Exposure, Fourth Edition
This newly revised edition of Bryan Peterson's most popular book demystifies the complex concepts of exposure in photography, allowing readers to capture the images they want. With his trademark accessible style, Peterson instructs readers on how to achieve successful images in almost any situation, explaining the fundamentals of exposure and its component parts of light, aperture and shutter speed. With an emphasis on getting the best exposure even in tricky situations, 'Understanding Exposure' shows how to get (or lose) sharpness and contrast in images, how to freeze action and how to take the best meter readings, while also exploring filters, flash and light. With all new images, and updated captions throughout, this revised edition is sure to be as popular as ever.
Watson-Guptill Publications Understanding Close–up Photography
Palgrave Macmillan The Democratic Implications of Civil Society in China
This book discusses the roles of civil society in the initiation stage of democratization in China. It argues that there is a semi-civil society in China and that this quasi-civil society that plays dual roles in the initial stage of democratisation in China. It makes a contribution to existing theories on democratic functions of civil society by applying, testing, revising and developing these theories in the context of Chinese democratization.
Peeters Publishers Ioannis Buridani Expositio Et Quaestiones in Aristotelis De Caelo. Edition, Etude Critique Et Doctrinale
Kon Acad Wetenschappen Letteren The Medieval Booklists of the Southern Low Countries. Volume IV: Provinces of Brabant and Hainault
Peeters Publishers Tablettes cunéiformes de Tello au musée d'Istanbul datant de l'époque de la IIIe Dynastie d'Ur II (ITT II/1, 2544-2819, 3158-4342, 4708-4713): Istanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri'ndeki Tello tabletleri "III. Ur Devrine ait"
Ce deuxième ouvrage de la série TCTI présente l'édition de plus de 1400 tablettes cunéiformes sumériennes provenant de Girsu et conservées au Musée d'Istanbul. Avec ces deux volumes (TCTI I et II), sont donc désormais disponibles tous les textes administratifs néo-sumériens issus des fouilles menées à Tello en 1894-1895, et sommairement décrits en 1910 par H. de Genouillac dans le volume II/1 de l'Inventaire des Tablettes de Tello. Venant compléter les transcriptions et les index, une série de notes et commentaires souligne l'intérêt de ces documents parfois bien plus riches et attrayants qu'on ne pourrait le penser au premier abord.
Peeters Publishers La Reconnaissance littéraire: Hommages à Jan Herman
Ce livre sur la reconnaissance en est un de reconnaissance envers le guide, collègue et ami que fut Jan Herman tout au long de sa carrière florissante. Les études réunies ici explorent le thème ancestral de la reconnaissance littéraire sous trois angles d’approche : diégétique, comme ressort de l’intrigue à l’intérieur de la diégèse ; poétique, comme mécanisme par lequel l’œuvre romanesque se donne à lire et à reconnaître comme fiction ; pragmatique, comme facteur de réception et de transmission culturelle des textes de l’Ancien Régime. Ces trois niveaux d’étude de la reconnaissance littéraire consolident et élargissent ainsi les travaux incontournables de Jan Herman sur la poétique romanesque du dix-huitième siècle.
Peeters Publishers Positive Psychology and Spirituality in Counselling and Psychotherapy
This peer-reviewed book aims to deepen our understanding of the unique contributions of both positive psychology and spirituality to the field of mental health and psychotherapy. This integration will be covered through ten chapters that explore distinct yet complementary angles on this emerging cross pollination of psychospiritual wholeness. The co-editors have included works that offer different perspectives on this integration from the psychological, spiritual, anthropological, and ancient philosophical dimensions to empirically based views informed by contemporary research. In addition to a diversity of perspectives, a diversity of content is also explored with academic rigour. This academic resource has multiple voices singing in the choir of integration. The co-editors have conducted this symphony of twelve scholars and/or clinicians harmonizing to the tune of positive psychology and spirituality. The twelve authors come from various universities in Canada (Quebec and Ontario) and abroad (Vietnam). They also come from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds (Poland, China, the Middle East, French and English Canada etc.). This speaks to the broad intercultural diversity highlighted in many chapters. Positive Psychology and Spirituality in Counselling and Psychotherapy is divided in three parts. In the first part, four chapters present theoretical reflections and contributions from multiples frameworks. In the second part, there are three chapters on empirical research, presenting findings from diverse ethnic and cultural samples. In the third and last part, three chapters discuss some professional considerations, from micro to macro issues. The book invites researchers, students, practicing clinicians and psychotherapists as well as lay persons interested in self-help, to enjoy the complexity of the relationship between positive psychology and spirituality in the context of psychotherapy and creates the space for important professional dialogue.
Peeters Publishers Nonnus of Panopolis in Context IV: Poetry at the Crossroads
Today, Nonnus of Panopolis is widely recognized as one of the most interesting and important Greek authors of Late Antiquity. His Dionysiaca is the last grand epic poem of Antiquity and challenges all established epic conventions; his hexametric paraphrase of the Gospel of John, in the same 'baroque' style, combines Christian content and classical epic language and style. Both are key texts to understand Late Antique poetic innovation. This volume brings together contributions by promising early career researchers and established specialists of Nonnus' poetry and adjacent fields of scholarship. It is the result of the fourth international Nonnus in Context conference, held in Ghent in the Spring of 2018. Taking the metaphor of the crossroads as a starting point, it explores Nonnus' poetry and its context(s) along the synchronic and diachronic axes of tradition and society.
Peeters Publishers Revisiting Salome's Dance in Medieval and Early Modern Iconology
Mark 6:14-29 and Matthew 14:1-12 recount the death of John the Baptist. Herod had him imprisoned for denouncing as incestuous his marriage to Herodias, the former wife of his brother. During a banquet, Herodias’ daughter dances before Herod, who is so enchanted that he promises her a favor. At her mother’s behest, she asks for the head of John the Baptist. The king honors her request and has the head delivered to her on a plate (in disco), which she gives to her mother. When the disciples of John discover about his death, they bury his headless body. In this essay I revisit the iconographic motif of the dancing girl from an interdisciplinary perspective involving exegesis, gender, anthropology, ritual performance, psycho-energetics, Pathosformeln and paragone.
Peeters Publishers Kairos or Occasion as Paradigm in the Visual Medium: "Nachleben", Iconography, Hermeneutics
The meaning of tearing and splitting as a life-, love- and wisdom-generating event (for example, the tearing of the temple curtain) is profoundly rooted in the visual and literary 'bodies' of ancient and Christian thought. The primordial cosmogonic split is always sudden, is always sharp (like a knife), appears as a flash (sudden and all encompassing) and is experienced through the whole bodily sensorium (in shivering, bliss, sigh, wind, breath). The split is the epiphany of radical change, revolution and the transition beyond. The Greek deity Kairos embodies this mystery. The reach of Kairos can be detected in the theory of rhetoric (Sophists vs. Aristotle (385-322 BC)), in humanistic politics, in postmodern theology and in contemporary time-management. Iconographical studies have treated Kairos's Nachleben in Byzantine and Latin visual traditions where the god is conflated with Fortuna and Occasio. This essay addresses the impact of Kairos and its iconographic Nachleben from a literary and historical perspective, and further considers Kairos as a new art historical paradigm. Indeed, Kairos can offer us alternative hermeneutics to reconceive the image as chronotopos, as epiphany and as intercession.
Peeters Publishers In Praise of Fiction: Prefaces to Romances and Novels, 1650-1760
Prefaces are perhaps the most original and intriguing genres of commentary on early modern fiction in English. Surprisingly, the front materials of the 'lesser' fictional texts published between 1650 and 1760 have not yet received the scholarly attention they deserve, and have been only selectively reprinted so far. The purpose of this anthology is to make many of these prefaces available, including a number of texts authored by translators and editors of fiction published in English translation during this period. An introductory essay proposes a typology of the various strategies of legitimization of narrative prose fiction in early modern Britain, through an examination of the recurrent tropes and codes of the genre. It suggests that prefaces to narrative prose fiction in English played a key role in the emergence of a new status for fiction in the years that have traditionally been associated with accounts of the 'origins' of the 'novel'.
Peeters Publishers Rencontres: Hegel à l'épreuve du dialogue philosophique
L'ouvrage revisite les concepts fondamentaux de l'hégélianisme à travers des «rencontres» entre Hegel et un certain nombre de ses devanciers, contemporains et successeurs. L'auteur sort d'une lecture simplement immanente de l'oeuvre hégélienne afin d'explorer les contacts explicites ou secrets, réels ou possibles de Hegel avec d'autres auteurs. Cet ouvrage permet de retrouver les qualités de Bernard Mabille qui ont fait sa renommée: des analyses d'une grande clarté, une érudition surprenante de précision, le souci de mettre l'histoire de la philosophie au service d'un programme original: redonner ses lettres de noblesse à la philosophie première.
Peeters Publishers Late Medieval Enclosed Gardens of the Low Countries: Contributions to Gender and Artistic Expression
During the Late Middle Ages a unique type of 'mixed media' recycled and remnant art arose in houses of religious women in the Low Countries: Enclosed Gardens. These are retables, sometimes with painted side panels, the central section filled not only with narrative sculpture, but also with all sorts of trinkets and hand-worked textiles. Adornments include relics, wax medallions, gemstones set in silver, pilgrimage souvenirs, parchment banderoles, flowers made from textiles with silk thread, semi-precious stones, pearls and quilling (a decorative technique using rolled paper). The ensemble is an impressive and one-of-a-kind display and presents as an intoxicating garden. In this essay the exceptional heritage of such Enclosed Gardens is interpreted from a range of approaches. The Enclosed Garden is studied as a symbol of paradise and mystical union, as the sanctuary of interiority, as the sublimation of the sensorium (in particular the sense of smell), as a typical gendered product, and as a centre of psycho-energetic creative processes.
Peeters Publishers L'hermeneutique Theologique De Karl Barth: Exegese Et Dogmatique Dans Le Quatrieme Volume De La "Kirchliche Dogmatik"
L'ouvrage se propose d'analyser l'hermeneutique theologique dans le quatrieme volume de la "Kirchliche Dogmatik" (KD IV) de Karl Barth, sous l'angle du rapport entre exegese et dogmatique. L'analyse de l'hermeneutique biblique de KD IV met en evidence la maniere dont l'instance de l'interpretation biblique est tournee vers ce qui est a comprendre. L'examen de son hermeneutique dogmatique aboutit a l'identification de deux dimensions structurantes: la premiere, une sorte d'"hermeneutique de la facticite", donne a Barth d'expliquer la configuration formelle de sa theologie de la revelation; la seconde, une "hermeneutique de l'historicite", rend compte du deploiement materiel de sa christologie, determine par la prise en compte de l'historicite du Mediateur. En soulignant sa pertinence hermeneutique, l'ouvrage entend recevoir critiquement la theologie barthienne de maniere a degager, a l'encontre des jugements sommaires portes a son egard, la qualite de sa contribution a la definition de la theologie pour aujourd'hui.
Peeters Publishers Vitae Sanctorum Indigenarum, I. Acta S. Fere Mika'el Et S. Zar'a Abreham: (Aeth. II, 23), T.
Peeters Publishers Vitae Sanctorum Indigenarum, Fasc. 2. Acta S. Aaronis Et S. Philippi: (Aeth. II, 20), V.
Gregorian & Biblical Press Intercessione Nel Tempo Della Fine Studi Dellintercessione Profetica Nel Libro Di Geremia 204 Analecta Biblica Dissertationes
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Entre dieux et hommes: anges, démons et autres figures intermédiaires: Actes du colloque organisé par le Collège de France, Paris, les 19 et 20 mai 2014
Amis du Centre d'histoire et de civilisation de Byzance Lire et écrire à Byzance
Quel rôle, quelle place la lecture et l'écriture ont-elles tenus dans la culture et la société byzantines? Quel rapport ont-elles entretenu? Telles sont les questions auxquelles huit spécialistes de domaines très divers s'efforcent d'apporter dans ce volume des réponses originales. Dans une première partie, c'est la figure centrale du copiste que l'on voit à l'oeuvre. La seconde partie étudie les modalités de l'apprentissage et de la diffusion de la lecture et de l'écriture dans la société byzantine. La troisième partie, enfin, montre comment récits édifiants et romans byzantins sont susceptibles d'éclairer les usages de la lecture et de l'écriture à Byzance. Ce livre constitue ainsi une contribution de premier plan à la connaissance d'un élément central du dynamisme culturel byzantin.
Amis du Centre d'histoire et de civilisation de Byzance Byzance et les reliques du Christ
Au cours des siècles, les empereurs byzantins accumulent dans leur palais de Constantinople tout un trésor de reliques, en particulier celles du Christ: la Vraie Croix, la Couronne d'épines et les autres instruments de la Passion, mais aussi des reliques du Christ vivant, comme le Mandylion d'Édesse, portrait miraculeux de Jésus. Concentrées dans la chapelle palatine du Pharos, ces reliques sont un instrument politique et leur détention renforce la légitimité impériale. Elles suscitent la convoitise des Occidentaux qui, après la prise de Constantinople en 1204, s'en emparent: au milieu du XIIIe siècle, le roi de France saint Louis se procure les plus importants et les dépose à la Sainte-Chapelle/ Du Pharos à Paris, mais aussi à la chapelle de Versailles, les reliques du Christ connaissent ainsi une histoire spectaculaire, dont on pose ici les jalons.
Amis du Centre d'histoire et de civilisation de Byzance Les réseaux familiaux: Antiquité tardive et Moyen Âge
Les réseaux familiaux se forment d'abord à travers les alliances matrimoniales et le fait d'avoir un ancêtre commun. Jouent aussi dans leur constitution les liens spirituels créés au moment du baptême des enfants ou par l'entrée dans un monastère, les liens d'amitié ou encore ceux de la dépendance. Dans les sociétés médiévales, la famille est la structure de formation de l'enfant et de protection de l'individu. Il s'agit de comprendre comment les réseaux se forment et contribuent à la promotion sociale, mais aussi comment ils échouent parfois, entraînant les familles dans le déclin jusqu'à la paupérisation. Ce livre rassemble la majeure partie des contributions à un colloque qui a été organisé en l'honneur et à la mémoire d'Angeliki Laiou et d'Évelyne Patlagean sur l'histoire de la famille et des réseaux familiaux. Différents thèmes sont abordés dans ce livre: les liens de famille et les tensions qu'ils génèrent, qu'il s'agisse de la famille biologique ou de la famille symbolique du monastère, l'histoire de la sainteté aristocratique, l'histoire des femmes, leur accès à la gestion des biens et à la culture, le droit familial, les réseaux d'influence et la prise en charge des pauvres. L'ensemble des contributions porte sur le monde méditerranéen de la fin de l'Antiquité à la fin du Moyen ge.
Societe d'Etudes Linguistiques et Anthropologiques de France (SELAF) Etudes Gulmance (Haute-Volta). Phonologie, Classes Nominales, Lexiques
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin John Locke: Deux Traites Du Gouvernement
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin G.W.F. Hegel: Concept Preliminaire de la Philosophie de l'Encyclopedie Des Sciences Philosophiques En Abrege
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Emmanuel Kant: Remarques Touchant Les Observations Sur Le Sentiment Du Beau Et Du Sublime
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Thomas d'Aquin: Questions Disputees Sur La Verite: Question IV: Le Verbe
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling: Reponse a Eschenmayer Sur La Philosophie de la Nature. Philosophie Et Religion. Recherches Philosophiques Sur l'Essence de la Liberte Humaine Et Les Questions Connexes. Objections d'Eschenmayer Contre Les
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin G.W.F. Hegel: Textes Pedagogiques
Wits University Press Inkondlo Kazulu
The African Treasury Series, published from the 1940s onwards, consists of texts written by pioneers of South African literature in African languages. It provided a voice for the voiceless and celebrated African culture, history and heritage. The reissue of these foundational texts with new introductions supports ongoing efforts to highlight the importance of writing in indigenous languages, and to remember and celebrate these early giants of African literature. The African Treasury Series is now available in ebook and print formats. Inkondlo kaZulu (Zulu Poems), the first volume of poetry by B.W. Vilakazi, was first published in 1935. This was the first book of poems ever published in isiZulu; it also marked the launch of the newly established Bantu (later, African) Treasury Series (published by the University of the Witwatersrand Press), a collection of twenty classic works written between 1935 and 1987 in African indigenous languages. It contains superb nature poems and also reflects Vilakazi’s contact with Western modernity. As both a traditional imbongi (bard) and a forward-looking poet who could fuse Western poetic forms with Zulu izibongo (praise poetry), he used his writings to express his resistance to the realities of capitalist exploitation of African labour and the appalling injustices of the migrant labour system. By committing to writing in poetic form what had traditionally been conveyed orally from one generation to the next, he preserves for future generations deep philosophical and emotional experiences of Zulu society. The republication of Inkondlo kaZulu affords the reader the opportunity to reappraise Vilakazi’s intellectual significance and his renown as the ‘father of Nguni literature’ at a time when the need is acutely felt to unshackle ourselves from ethnic boundaries and break the invisible chains of inherited prejudice. Inkondlo kaZulu is part of Wits University Press’ African Treasury Series.
Hal Leonard Corporation Jazz Prelims: Composer Showcase
Hal Leonard Corporation Humorous Art Songs Voice and Piano
Hal Leonard Corporation Solo 1969
The Perseus Books Group Scipio Africanus Greater Than Napoleon
An intensely interesting book. --Spectator
HarperCollins Publishers Morris and Boris at the Circus
This classic story about a mixed-up moose and his exasperated friend Boris is perfect for fans of Amelia Bedelia, Danny and the Dinosaur, and anyone who loves silly stories and fun word play.Morris the Moose has never been to the circus, so his friend Boris takes him there. When the ringmaster invites Morris to be part of the show, the fun begins for everyone—except poor Boris!This classic silly Level One I Can Read is perfect for shared reading with a child.
Reprodukt Donjon Monster 13 Wach auf und stirb
Handwerk + Technik GmbH Elektrotechnik Kompetenzen fr den Berufseinstieg Arbeitsheft Schlerausgabe
Wiley VCH Molekularbiologie der Zelle 7e
Diogenes Verlag AG Der Schatz der Sierra Madre
Avery Hill Publishing Limited Ismyre
In the city of Ismyre, Ed the sculptor works to make small, beautiful scultural pieces (and a big upcoming commission for the local governor). When his sculptures begin to disappear, a detective friend investigates - and starts thinking that these thefts may be linked to the eco-terrorism in the city. Exploring themes of loneliness in cities, ecology, craftsmanship, and the self doubt that goes with making things, Ismyre is a quiet and fantastical mystery tale, set in an old world of ordinary magic.
Kensington Publishing Vengeance
In this highly anticipated sequel to Beautiful Nightmare, it’s the girls’ turn to show the men how the killing is really supposed to be done. Sena and Moochie are back, and their love is put to the test time and time again, but Sena is willing to bust down the gates of hell to make sure they stay together. Sena is determined to take down anyone or anything that tries to step in the way of her family’s happiness. Moochie’s whole world is flipped upside down, and his emotions are swept up in a whirlwind. He is forced to bring out the beast inside, but he believes that with Sena at his side, there is nothing anyone can do to stop them. Shay-D is back as Sena’s sidekick, and she is willing to do anything to ride with Sena. Everyone knows that Sena is off her rocker, and Shay soon learns that she might not be able to keep up. She tries her best to replace Sena’s deceased best friend, Valencia, but how will sh
John Wiley & Sons Start Thinking Rich
John Wiley & Sons Inc Flutter For Dummies
Create awesome iOS and Android apps with a single tool! Flutter is an app developer’s dream come true. With Google’s open source toolkit, you can easily build beautiful apps that work across platforms using a single codebase. This flexibility allows you to get your work out to the widest possible audience. With Flutter already being used by thousands of developers worldwide in a market where billions of apps are downloaded every year, now is the right time to get ahead of the curve with this incredible tool. Flutter for Dummies is your friendly, ground-up route to creating multi-platform apps. From how to construct your initial frameworks to writing code in Dart, you’ll find the essentials you need to ride the Flutter revolutionary wave to success. This book includes how to create an intuitive and stunning UI, add rich interactivity, and easily pull in data. You’ll also see how Flutter features like Hot Reload—providing sub-second refreshes as you refine your work—help you make sure your app is a delight to use. Start simple: follow steps to build a basic app It’s alive! Keep connected to online data It moves! Make things fun with animated features Get the word out: use tips to expand your audience Whether you’re a fledgling developer or an expert wanting to add a slick feather to your programming cap, join the Flutter revolution now and soar above the rest!
St Vladimir's Seminary Press,U.S. The Mystery of the Church:A Course
John Wiley & Sons Inc Your Evil Twin: Behind the Identity Theft Epidemic
The crime of the twenty-first century doesn't discriminate: ID theft has hit ordinary citizens and celebrities alike, from Oprah Winfrey to Steven Spielberg, and costs the economy $50 billion a year. Your Evil Twin covers this exploding crime from every possible angle. It includes exclusive whodunit details from mastermind identity thieves who have pilfered money from half the members of the Forbes 400, as well as exclusive interviews with a myriad of criminals in the Internet's underground, such as Russian hackers who have extorted money from U.S. banks. The book also issues a scathing indictment of the credit granting industry, from credit card issuers to the secretive credit reporting agencies, who have misunderstood the crime from the start, have been slow to respond, and bear much of the responsibility for the epidemic. Finally, Bob Sullivan, author and identity theft expert, probes the tepid solutions now being cobbled together by the industry and government. Bob Sullivan (Snohomish, WA), senior technology writer for, is the nation's leading journalist covering identity fraud. He has written more than 100 articles on the subject since 1996, and is a regular contributor to MSNBC, CNBC, NBC Nightly News, the Today show, and various local NBC affiliates. With colleague Mike Brunker, Sullivan received the prestigious 2002 Society of Professional Journalists Public Service Award for ongoing coverage of Internet fraud.
Barbara Woster I Am Proud of Who I Am: I hope you are too (Book Six)