Search results for ""Taylor Francis""
Taylor & Francis Inc When the Caregiver Becomes the Patient: A Journey from a Mental Disorder to Recovery and Compassionate Insight
Examine a compelling account of a professional caregiver’s inspirational struggle with a mind/body illness and the renewed sense of compassion his recovery provides.This uplifting narrative is the story of a caregiving professional stricken by panic attacks, a wounded healer desperate to be healed. When the Caregiver Becomes the Patient is the candid and compassionate first-hand account of Daniel Langford’s struggle with the anxiety disorder that signals a physical, cognitive, and emotional crisis that paralyzes him, despite his extensive background as a health care professional, social worker, and pastoral minister. His journey from the disorder’s horrifying onset to the understanding and acceptance of its roots, and finally, to an insight that evokes a renewed appreciation for the human spirit is an inspirational guide to healing and recovery.The anecdotal form of When the Caregiver Becomes the Patient lends itself to a personal retelling of Langford’s struggle, detailing his sessions with family physician Dr. David Betat, and colleague and co-author Dr. Emil Authelet as they explore the biopsychosocial and spiritual dimension of Langford’s attacks. Their informal dialogues serve as a model of how a lateral relationship between colleagues can create an environment for healing and recovery that can be passed on to others. The book also critiques and reviews existing literature on panic attacks and anxiety disorders related to the author’s search for understanding.When the Caregiver Becomes the Patient examines: panic attacks--cause, treatment, and recovery a critique of existing literature on panic attacks clinical and spiritual perspectives on anxiety disorders critical elements of the healing process effects on the caregiver’s relationship with his/her client a fresh model for the caregiver/patient relationshipAn essential resource for caregivers, counselors and therapists, educators, physicians, and health care and religious professionals, as well as those searching for an understanding of anxiety disorders, When the Caregiver Becomes the Patient reassures those who receive care that the care giver struggles with life as well. That understanding of the mutuality of pain and recovery creates a connection that helps ease the isolation that often accompanies suffering.
Taylor & Francis Inc Emerging Trends for EAPs in the 21st Century
Raise your organization's productivity and morale with the proper EAPs!The development of employee assistance programs (EAPs) was one of the 20th century's most important workplace innovations. Emerging Trends for EAPs in the 21st Century examines the evolution of EAPs from their origin as a way of dealing with alcoholic employees to the multifaceted EAPs in the modern workplace. Today's EAPs serve employees affected by a great number of stressors related to the rapidly changing environment of today's workplaces as well as stressors related to the balancing of work and family issues.Emerging Trends for EAPs in the 21st Century stresses the important advantages to be found in working from a strengths and solution-oriented case management approach, rather than an assessment and referral model, and of considering individuals “challenged” rather than “troubled.” Thus, you will learn that trauma and abuse, illness and struggle may be injurious, but they also may be sources of challenge and opportunity, and you'll see that every individual, couple, family, group, organization, and community has strengths that can be fortified to help those who need it.Emerging Trends for EAPs in the 21st Century will show you: the impact of today's changing workforce demography the need for workplace-sponsored services to assist caregivers and older workers sophisticated intervention skills that organizations are using to help manage crisis, change, and evolution today new ways of providing help to your employees . . . and bring you stimulating discussions and examinations of: child/elder/dependent care services prevention/interventions for older workers work/family programs critical incident interventions management consultation health and wellness promotion Emerging Trends for EAPs in the 21st Century offers insightful commentary, pragmatic information, and predictions for the future of employee assistance programs as we move into the 21st century.
Taylor & Francis Inc Reference Services for the Adult Learner: Challenging Issues for the Traditional and Technological Era
Help adults returning to school learn to find and use the information they need!Reference Services for the Adult Learner: Challenging Issues for the Traditional and Technological Era offers proven, effective approaches for teaching adult patrons how and where to find information. Unlike younger students, who in many cases grew up with computers at school and in the home, many older patrons are uncomfortable with current technologies. They may not remember how to use a card catalogue, but at least the drawers and index cards look familiar. A phrase like database search may bring on confusion and anxiety for them. Including the views of faculty, adult students, and administrators as well as librarians, Reference Services for the Adult Learner provides you with theories of educational psychology that explain how adults learn, as well as suggestions from adult learners to help you understand what these clients need to know about using new technologies and finding information. Reference Services for the Adult Learner provides original empirical research on such vital issues as: technophobia, technostress, and information literacy the unique needs of the adult learner, including evening and weekend access to information and instruction adult-learning theories and appropriate teaching strategies to take advantage of adult students’strengths distance learning and the adult student issues of information literacy and approaches to seeking, analyzing, and evaluating information adult learners in special populations, including international and disabled studentsContaining research from librarians and adult learners from the United States, Canada, and Australia, Reference Services for the Adult Learner offers you teaching strategies that will enable adult patrons to easily locate and properly use all of the materials in your library.
Taylor & Francis Inc Collection Development in the Electronic Environment: Shifting Priorities
Learn to allocate scarce library resources to meet learning, research, and service goals!How can you buy more books and journals with less money, while also installing the latest software and hardware, paying staff to train faculty and students in its use, offering the new round-the-clock information services users demand, and redefining the traditional collection-centered model of the library? It sounds impossible, but these are the conflicting imperatives every collections librarian faces at the dawn of the twenty-first century. Collection Development in the Electronic Environment offers solid, practical advice from the experience of other librarians who have met the same challenges, as well as useful information from vendors. Based on the conference Collection Development in the Electronic Environment: Shifting Priorities, this informative book suggests proven, effective strategies to deal with a librarian's most pressing problems. One case study shows how Iowa State University turned a cutback in journals into a new vision of what the library should be, involving a broad-based committee in the project. Other chapters discuss the specifics of budgeting for the unpredictable pricing of electronic materials, the increased demands on library staff, and the challenges of maintaining dual libraries--the electronic and the paper-based--both facing expensive issues of preservation.Collection Development in the Electronic Environment offers help and advice on the most complex and difficult issues librarians confront: planning changes in library structure, function, and activities building new models for collection development identifying and fulfilling the needs of scholars in various disciplines redefining staff roles and responsibilities setting priorities in journal purchases using electronic innovations to enhance collection development dealing with copyright, fair use, and intellectual property in electronic formats Through case studies and firsthand experiences, Collection Development in the Electronic Environment provides you with the fresh ideas and proven strategies you need to guide your library into the electronic era.
Taylor & Francis Inc Couples and Pregnancy: Welcome, Unwelcome, and In-Between
From Couples and Pregnancy: Welcome, Unwelcome, and In-Between, therapists will gain valuable insight into the profound psychological effects that pregnancy and birth have on a couple's relationship, especially on their experience of intimacy. However, as this unique book discusses, the nature of the impact on couples depends on the developmental stage of each person and the couple's ability to adapt to new circumstances. This intelligent guide also examines the challenges that confront couples who must deal with unwelcome pregnancies. Couples and Pregnancy provides you with successful techniques that can easily be adopted into your practice, enabling you to effectively help couples who are challenged by the emotional and life-changing event of parenthood. Couples and Pregnancy addresses the psychological as well as the therapeutic issues as a consequence of abortion and offers you insight into how you can think out of the box about the emotional fallout from this issue. You will discover suggestions for helping couples to strengthen their relationship while working through their issues, such as, learning about the many feelings surrounding abortion as well as natural deaths of unborn children so you will have a perspective of the unique emotional effects on each parent examining the stresses caused by couples going through fertility therapy as well as the negative effects stress can have on infertility understanding the grief and future complications for therapy that the death of a baby, miscarriage, or abortion can have for clients who are trying to work through these past issuesCouples and Pregnancy provides you with a unique perspective on the emotional complication of pregnancies, so you can gain insight into how every pregnancy leaves an impact on the parents for the rest of their lives. With this essential book, you will find valuable tips on how you can help the couple make a positive breakthrough and build a stronger relationship.
Taylor & Francis Inc Remembering Conquest: Feminist/Womanist Perspectives on Religion, Colonization, and Sexual Violence
Remembering Conquest: Feminist/Womanist Perspectives on Religion, Colonization, and Sexual Violence addresses the issue of sexual violence against women from feminist and womanist theological perspectives. Taken from proceedings of a panel discussion at the 1998 annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion, this informative book offers sociologists, clergy, and women an examination of how negative stereotypes in society are derived from Christian perspectives and other religions. Exploring abuse against Native American, African- American, Filipino, and Thai women, Remembering Conquest will help you recognize the combination of issues that lead to violence against women. Thorough and compelling, this valuable book will urge you to advocate for change in how religious groups interpret women so that religion can provide a moral and ethical source of equality for women instead of a social barrier.This intelligent book will help you understand the changes that need to be made as you read about numerous atrocities, including: the history of violence experienced by American Indian women during colonization and realizing that prior to this time, sexual violence did not exist in American Indian societies how the United States’colonization of Thailand is directly related to sexual violence today against women, which is expressed in the form of the booming sex industry as well as the AIDS epidemic how poverty in the Philippines has made women and children second-class citizens who must make the ultimate sacrifice and sell their bodies and their souls to surviveRemembering Conquest provides you with a unique religious perspective on the subject of violence against women to enlighten you as to how religion can unknowingly help or hinder a woman’s healing. You will discover how to assist religious communities in rediscovering new interpretations of their faith traditions and become a moral and ethical source of liberation for women, such as holding perpetrators of abuse responsible for their actions and not insinuating that the abuse victim needs to be “helped” by religion in some way. Compelling and informative, Remembering Conquest provides you with ideas to help bring healing and power to women who are suffering injustices by reinterpreting faith traditions.
Taylor & Francis Inc Fundamentals of Business Marketing Education: A Guide for University-Level Faculty and Policymakers
Make the most of your ability to teach business-to-business marketing! Fundamentals of Business Marketing Education: A Guide for University-Level Faculty and Policymakers examines the essential issues of teaching business-to-business marketing courses at all four university levels. An international network of educators and practitioners addresses the real concerns you have about developing a curriculum and formulating policy, taking into account the social and economic considerations you face in dealing with practical, methodological, and theoretical business marketing issues. Combining scholarly analysis with practical presentation and style, the book is the comprehensive reference you need to make sure your students have a thorough understanding of the interactive circle that connects instruction, research, and the corporate business world. Fundamentals of Business Marketing Education presents original papers that address the pedagogic and content issues you face at each level of university instructiondoctoral studies, executive education, graduate, and undergraduate studies. Each section is accompanied by scholarly commentary for added perspective, helping you to form your own style of course implementation. The book also includes a comparative review of business marketing textbooks, examining the nuts and bolts of writing for university-level instructioncontent, style, textbook features, and the street smarts needed to deal with publishers. Topics addressed in Fundamentals of Business Marketing Education include: the status of and prospects for doctoral programs in business-to-business marketing making business marketing more prominent in master’s programs linking content to practice in undergraduate business marketing courses the impact of alternative technologies on delivering business-to-business marketing education teaching business marketing in the 21st century a comparative review of business marketing textbooks and much more! Fundamentals of Business Marketing Education: A Guide for University-Level Faculty and Policymakers is an essential resource for educators working to confirm the importance of business education and its contribution to society. Anyone who teaches marketingfrom full professor to occasional adjunctwill find this book invaluable for making the most of your ability to teach business-to-business marketing.
Taylor & Francis Inc Bereavement: Client Adaptation and Hospice Services
Helping a mother transcend the death of her only child, helping a young child understand and cope with the death of a loved one, and helping survivors of the AIDS epidemic cope with the loss of numerous loved ones and the loss of community are among the greatest challenges facing today’s bereavement counselors. Bereavement explores these sensitive issues and ways bereavement counselors can help these individuals construct new identities and new worldviews that are self-affirming. Using this book as a guide, you can improve your understanding of the various resources and options that can be employed to achieve the healthy resolution of grief with individuals, families, and communities. Recognizing that the experience of grieving is unique for all individuals, Bereavement addresses a wide range of issues facing bereavement professionals. Its authors offer a multitude of effective therapeutic interventions and techniques. You will learn to encourage grievers to incorporate important aspects of their lost relationship(s) into their present lives to gain greater personal integration and wholeness; see how to use music, dance, art, and play therapy with clients to help them explore their grief and move through the various stages of grieving; acquire helpful hints and practical advice for offering extended bereavement care to both hospice and non-hospice families; and see how a highly successful interdisciplinary bereavement team approach has been employed in one of the largest bereavement programs in the U.S. You will also learn about other crucial topics and issues faced by bereavement counselors, including: uniting survivors of different types of death in a support group teaching your community about death/dying developing rural hospice bereavement services emotional, behavioral, physical, social, and cognitive symptoms of grief healthy coping mechanisms pre-death bereavement interventions Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder multiple trauma survivor guilt bereavement counseling as a supplement to normal support networksBereavement will help you enhance your knowledge and skills in the delivery of effective bereavement services. Whether you are a beginner or a counselor with several years of experience, you will find this book an invaluable guide as it walks you through the different stages of mourning, through different human reactions to death and dying, and through different therapeutic approaches.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Magic Will: Stories and Essays
"In the course of an impressive career as a writer, Herbert Gold has demonstrated many gifts, among them his talent for mak-ing high drama of ordinary events, ordinary people." -Chicago Tribune Book World "Gold...has a sharp eye for detail."-The Washington Times Magazine "Not just a good book, but a great one."-Daily Mail (London) "Herbert Gold... gives his stories a wry, bright air of wonder...he is a born storyteller."-New York Times "One of the most gifted writers in America."-Detroit Times Important writers are expected to gather together collections of their shorter works-the obligatory book of stories or essays. In this collection, Herbert Gold discards convention, and instead combines fiction and non-fiction themes that have been important to him as a writer and social thinker. This "interchange between fact and fiction," as Gold writes, "presents the picture of an American mind wrestling with the American mentality." And that mind ranges wide: from the miseries of Haiti to the disasters of Biafra; from the new universities and the beatniks and hippies of San Francisco in the 1960s to the literary life and encounters with random violence, love, death, and sexuality in the present. Portions of this book have been published in periodicals as varied as Esquire and Look, Hudson Review, and Tri-Quarterly, and some appear here for the first time. For this edition, Gold bridges the sections with new introductions, which link the specific works, the times, and his life. The book includes the savage and moving story "A Death on the East Side," and his meditation on the doom of Biafra and the meaning of its fate. He has added two new essays, "King of the Cleveland Beatniks," about his brother, and "Quality Time with Sonny Barger," about the former president of the Hell's Angels Oakland Chapter. These show his consistent interest in what many would see as the margins of social life. Of the title, the author writes: "The Magic Will" seeks to make the real world unreal and magical, and the unreal and magical world practical and real." Amusing, touching, playful, ultimately deeply serious, this book by Herbert Gold further illuminates the mind and heart of a superb writer. It will be a joy to those interested in the humanities, as well as cultural history and social awareness in the broadest sense. Herbert Gold is a novelist, short story writer, essayist, and occasional journalist, who has made his living as a writer for fifty years.
Taylor & Francis Inc Lyco of Troas and Hieronymus of Rhodes: Text, Translation, and Discussion
Volume 12 in the RUSCH series continues work already begun on the School of Aristotle. It focuses on two Peripatetic philosophers who lived in the third century BCE, when Stoicism and Epicureanism flourished. Lyco of Troas was the third head of the Peripatos after Aristotle. Hieronymus of Rhodes was a member of the school and an antagonist of Lyco.Excellence in teaching was Lyco's distinguishing attribute, but he also attracted benefactors and had the reputation of being a bon vivant. Hieronymus is best known for his work on ethics, but he also wrote on literature, history, and rhetoric. Our understanding of the work being done in the Peripatos during the third century BCE will be greatly enhanced by Peter Stork's new edition of Lyco and Stephen White's edition of Hieronymus.The two editions in this volume are accompanied by full translations as well as notes on the Greek and Latin texts (an apparatus criticus) and substantive notes that accompany the translation. The editions will replace those of Fritz Wehrli, which were made over half a century ago and published without an accompanying translation. In addition to the two editions, this volume includes ten essays that address significant themes presented by the texts. Three of the essays deal with biographical material: "Diogenes Life of Lyco" (J orgen Mejer), "Hieronymus in Athens and Rhodes" (Elisabetta Matelli), and "Peripatetic Philosophers as Wandering Scholars" (Peter Scholz). Four develop philosophical topics: "Hieronymus of Rhodes on Vision" (Todd Ganson), "The Historical Setting of Hieronymus fr. 10 White" (Peter Lautner), "Peripatetic Reactions to Hellenistic Epistemology" (Hans Gottschalk), and "Lyco and Hieronymus on the Good Life" (Stephen White). Three concern rhetoric and literature: "Lyco Phrastikos" (William Fortenbaugh), "Hieronymus on Isocrates' Style" (David Mirhady), and "Hieronymus in Ancient Commentaries on Hesiod's Shield" (Andrea Martano).
Taylor & Francis Inc Local Economic Development in the Changing World: The Experience of Southern Africa
Over the last two decades the concept and practice of Local Economic Development (LED) has gained widespread acceptance around the world as a locally-based response to the challenges posed by globalization, devolution, local-level opportunities, and economic crises. Support for local economic development is now firmly on the agenda of many national governments and key international agencies.This volume examines the debates about Local Economic Development and examines some of the unfolding experiences of LED in the developing world. The focus is upon the region of southern Africa, and more especially upon post-apartheid South Africa. LED emerged in South Africa as one of the more significant post-apartheid development options being pursued by empowered localities with the overt encouragement of national government. Elsewhere in the developing world, much interest surrounds the experience of LED in post-apartheid South Africa, which is seen as a laboratory for experimentation, innovation, and learning. The seventeen chapters in this book examine the range of LED interventions that have been the basis for experimentation in the last decade, including both pro-market as well as pro-poor interventions. Key themes include debates about the most appropriate policy directions for LED, its contribution towards sustainable development, the role of social capital, cluster support, public procurement, eco-development, good governance and tourism-led LED. The book also contains a series of detailed case studies on the implementation of LED in South Africa and the wider region of southern Africa, including analyses of LED undertaken at a variety of scales from the provincial, metropolitan, and small-town level. Until now, most research on local economic development has focused on the developed world.This volume breaks new ground in applying LED policy and practices to problems specific to the developing world. It will be of interest to scholars of development studies, urban and regional planning, human geography, and urban studies.
Taylor & Francis Inc Miniatures: Views of Islamic and Middle Eastern Politics
The volatility of Muslim and Middle Eastern politics has made these interrelated topics an overriding preoccupation of world and especially U.S. politics. Perhaps no region of the world has ever so dominated the American public discourse as the Middle East does today. As Daniel Pipes shows, this results mainly, but not exclusively, from the attacks of September 11, 2001 and the ensuing war on terrorism. Other sources of trouble include militant Islam, Muslims in the West, the Arab-Israeli conflict, the Iraq situation, relations with Saudi Arabia, the price of oil and gas, and U.S. policy toward all these issues. These are the central themes of the roughly one hundred essays in Daniel Pipes' Miniatures: Views of Islamic and Middle Eastern Politics.As Pipes notes, the Islamist war against America preceded the events of 9/11. Nevertheless, response to the earlier attacks had been inconsistent and somewhat nonchalant. Pipes shows how the State Department's annual report on Patterns of Global Terrorism veers into unreliability and even falsehood. He explains the problem in George W. Bush trying to decide what is true Islam and what not, in U.S. academics hiding the true meaning of the word "jihad," and in seventh-grade textbooks proselytizing for Islam. Pipes demonstrates that many seemingly devout Islamists are in fact impious frauds. When it comes to the Arab-Israeli conflict, Pipes indicates how the failure of the Oslo process could be discerned as early as 1994 and he shows how Yasir Arafat speaks one way to Arabs and another way to Israelis.This important collection, by one of the foremost experts in the field, presents original insights, accessibly written for Middle East specialists, political scientists, policymakers, journalists, and the interested public.
Taylor & Francis Inc China in The National Interest
Covering China's history, political economy, culture, military issues, and the U. S.-China relationship, this book presents a fascinating and multifaceted look at a country which is likely to be a major factor in U. S. foreign policy in the twenty-first century. It includes more than 28 articles on China published in The National Interest since 1995. The first in a series of readers drawn from The National Interest, the volume brings together in one place the analysis and insight of some of the leading scholars and practitioners concerned with the Sino-American relationship."China has been and is a particularly difficult subject for Americans," observes Owen Harries in his introduction. This volume tackles the hard questions. Will successful market reforms lead to the emergence of a prosperous liberal democracy or simply extend the life span of an authoritarian regime? Contributors address (and disagree about) whether Chinese culture and society can adapt to the norms of the free market and the open society. They examine whether growing economic disparities between the developed coastal regions and a backward interior threaten to unleash uncontrollable social unrest. They also consider whether or not ethnic and religious tensions among China's minority groups contain the seeds for China's disintegration. Are the United States and China destined to clash?Conclusions provided by the authors vary greatly. For some, China is a dangerous rival, a rapidly modernizing power with hegemonic ambitions to dominate East Asia. For others, China is a strategic partner and prospective ally. Contributors square off on issues of whether China's military poses a real threat or is a "paper tiger"; whether the future of Taiwan is to trigger a major war between Beijing and Washington or provide a model for peaceful accommodation of Chinese and American interests in the region; and whether containment or engagement is the sounder strategy for coping with a rising China.The distinguished contributors to this volume include Zbigniew Brzezinski, Nicholas Eberstadt, John Fitzgerald, Bates Gill, Nathan Glazer, David Lampton, Michael O'Hanlon, Robert Ross, S. Enders Wimbush, Paul Wolfowitz, and Robert B. Zoellick.With sections on history, political economy, culture, military issues, and the U. S.-China relationship, this book presents a fascinating and multifaceted overview of a country that is likely to be a major factor in U. S. foreign policy in the twenty-first century.
Taylor & Francis Inc A History of Credit and Power in the Western World
The end of the Cold War put the planet on a new track, abruptly replacing the familiar world of bipolarity, red phones, and intercontinental ballistic missiles with the strange new world of the Internet, e-commerce, and Palm Pilots. The "New World Order" was defined by a U.S.-led war against Iraq, bloody ethnic strife in Bosnia and Rwanda, and religious turmoil in Central Asia. This evolving global system, however, overlooked the powerful role of credit, which functions as a critical building block for developing greater national and individual wealth. This volume examines the evolution of credit in the Western world and its relationship to power. Spanning several centuries of human endeavor. it focuses on Western Europe and the United States and also considers how the Western system became the global credit system. Six major themes run throughout: (1) the direct relationship between credit and power; (2) different kinds of political power promote different kinds of economic behavior; (3) various societal and cultural groups were often more successful in mingling credit and political power; (4) the Western credit system evolved in tandem with the development of the nation-state; (5) historically, there has been a pattern of financial crises; (6) credit spread from being the privilege of the wealthy and powerful to being available to vast numbers. MacDonald and Gastmann have broken history into five periods, ranging from early pre-modern, defining the earliest references to banking and credit as exemplified by the Code of Hammurabi, circa 1726 BC, through the Roman Empire with its creation of money and growing use of credit in trade, the barbarian invasions of the 11th century which led to a breakdown in credit networks in the West, through the establishment of the Italian city-states, to the modern period which incorporates the rise of credit in the Low Countries in the 1500s and extends through the rise of London and New York as the major international credit hubs. The final period is the global one which began in the early 1990s, reflecting the linkages of almost all points of the map, and the deepening democratization of credit in North America, Europe, and parts of Asia. This highly accessible and well-written volume will engage historians and economists alike.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Flight and Motion
Taylor & Francis Ltd Tax and Benefit Policies in the Enlarged Europe: Assessing the Impact with Microsimulation Models
This book offers the first systematic assessment of income redistribution in Eastern Europe, within a comparative European perspective, and it demonstrates the future research potential of microsimulation techniques in this region. The book's chapters are based on a unique instrument -- EUROMOD: the European tax-benefit microsimulation model, which has been enlarged to include Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia and other countries. Tax-benefit models such as EUROMOD are computer programmes based on household micro-data, which calculate each household's disposable income. Microsimulation can be used to evaluate the impact of current taxes and benefit policies on individuals' incomes and work incentives. In addition, the model is designed to answer 'what if' questions about different policy reforms, allowing the potential effects of proposed changes to be studied before their actual implementation. EUROMOD goes one step further in the process of helping policy design, in allowing international comparisons between EU countries. This book offers an important demonstration of the effectiveness of tax-benefit models in presenting complex information in a concise and comprehensible way. It discusses what the barriers to their adoption to date have been and it looks at the possibilities EUROMOD offers to future policy-making in Europe.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Ashgate Research Companion to Political Violence
Aimed at scholars, students and lay persons interested in peace and conflict studies, The Ashgate Research Companion to Political Violence is a comprehensive resource to understand the principal debates on political violence, a field which is becoming an increasingly important part of courses on peace and conflict. Organized into seven main sections, this volume deals with a wide range of issues covering the following important research areas: · Issues of definition and nomenclature and how contests over these relate to political violence. · Theoretical frameworks and methods for understanding and researching political violence. · Motivations and goals of those who use political violence. · The various forms of political violence. · Perspectives on countering political violence, by state and non-state actors. · Why and how political violence ends. · The aftermath of political violence. Contributions by leading scholars in the field provide an authoritative guide and source book on political violence for the scholar, the researcher and the informed general reader.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Civilizing Peace Building: Twenty-first Century Global Politics
Highlighting the high price paid by the United Nations and international peace builders that under-utilize the reflexive new paradigm approach to international relations (IR), this study develops an overview of IR theory, relied on by governmental and diplomatic communities as a guide to peace building. Especially significant is the development of IR theory in relation to religious extremism and tendencies towards barbarism with modernities. It discusses outcomes such as the exponential growth of international enmity between diverse populations and public demonization of the religious or ethnic other, expressed most recently through the War on Terror. Central to this research is the emerging debate on the impact of religious and cultural identity on IR and peace building. While many IR books continue to research positivist approaches, Sargent looks at the concept of structural violence as identified using post-positive approaches. This book rethinks peace building outside the limits of ideological difference.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Languages and Cultures of Eastern Christianity: Greek
This volume brings together a set of fundamental contributions, many translated into English for this publication, along with an important introduction. Together these explore the role of Greek among Christian communities in the late antique and Byzantine East (late Roman Oriens), specifically in the areas outside of the immediate sway of Constantinople and imperial Asia Minor. The local identities based around indigenous eastern Christian languages (Syriac, Coptic, Armenian, Georgian, etc.) and post-Chalcedonian doctrinal confessions (Miaphysite, Church of the East, Melkite, Maronite) were solidifying precisely as the Byzantine polity in the East was extinguished by the Arab conquests of the seventh century. In this multilayered cultural environment, Greek was a common social touchstone for all of these Christian communities, not only because of the shared Greek heritage of the early Church, but also because of the continued value of Greek theological, hagiographical, and liturgical writings. However, these interactions were dynamic and living, so that the Greek of the medieval Near East was itself transformed by such engagement with eastern Christian literature, appropriating new ideas and new texts into the Byzantine repertoire in the process.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Saints, Women and Humanists in Renaissance Venice
This volume brings together the published academic essays of the Renaissance historian Patricia Hochschild Labalme (1927-2002). Appearing between 1955 and 1999, they deal with the intellectual, social and religious life of Venice in the 15th-16th centuries. An important focus is the exploration of the careers, milieu and writings of cultural and literary women of early modern Venice, a field to which the author made a particular contribution.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Yeats Circle, Verbal and Visual Relations in Ireland, 1880–1939
Focusing on W.B. Yeats's ideal of mutual support between the arts, Karen Brown sheds new light on how collaborations and differences between members of the Yeats family circle contributed to the metamorphosis of the Irish Cultural Revival into Irish Modernism. Making use of primary materials and fresh archival evidence, Brown delves into a variety of media including embroidery, print, illustration, theatre, costume design, poetry, and painting. Tracing the artistic relationships and outcome of W.B. Yeats's vision through five case studies, Brown explores the poet's early engagement with artistic tradition, contributions to the Dun Emer and Cuala Industries, collaboration between W.B. Yeats and Norah McGuinness, analysis of Thomas MacGreevy's pictorial poetry, and a study of literary influence and debt between Jack Yeats and Samuel Beckett. Having undertaken extensive archival research relating to word and image studies, Brown considers her findings in historical context, with particular emphasis on questions of art and gender and art and national identity. Interdisciplinary, this volume is one of the first full-length studies of the fraternité des arts surrounding W.B. Yeats. It represents an important contribution to word and image studies and to debates surrounding Irish Cultural Revival and the formation of Irish Modernism.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Liliana Porter and the Art of Simulation
Visually appealing, conceptually startling, and intellectually engaging-these phrases aptly describe the art of Liliana Porter. Florencia Bazzano-Nelson's study focuses on the principal theme in the Argentine-born artist's work since the 1970s: her playful but subversive dismantling of the limits that separate everyday reality from the world of illusion and simulacra. Over the years, Porter's own evolving interest in perception lead the author to explore a series of interconnected and timely issues in her artistic production, such as the representative function of art, the structural links between art and language, and the witty re-signification of the art-historical images and mass-produced kitsch figurines she has so often featured in her art. Strongly founded in critical theory, Bazzano-Nelson's approach considers Porter's art as the site of conceptually exciting dialogues with Jorge Luis Borges, René Magritte, Michel Foucault, and Jean Baudrillard. Her carefully crafted interdisciplinary analysis not only combines art-historical, literary, and theoretical perspectives but also addresses the artist's work in different media, such as printmaking, conceptual art, photography, and film.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Susanna Hopton I and II Printed Writings 16411700 Series II Part Four Volume 7 The Early Modern Englishwoman A Facsimile Library of Essential Writings 16411700 Series II Part Four
Susanna Hopton was born in 1627 to a wealthy mercantile family. By 1651 she was collaborating with her future husband Richard Hopton in his activities as a royalist agent and around the same time she was converted to Roman Catholicism by Henry Turberville, a secular priest and distinguished controversialist. After her marriage to Richard Hopton she was persuaded to rejoin the Church of England after ''long, and serious search and deliberation''. Her engagement with Roman Catholicism remained the defining event in her spiritual development and had a powerful influence on her writing, much of which consists of the adaptation of Roman Catholic devotional sources for Anglican use. Her first printed work, Daily Devotions, set the pattern for all her subsequent publications which were published anonymously through the mediation of male, clerical friends. In spite of her anonymity during the lifetime, Susanna Hopton had a flourishing posthumous reputation. Her works were frequently
Taylor & Francis Ltd Erotic Cultures of Renaissance Italy
Concentrating largely on the 'middle ranks' of society in Renaissance Italy - artisans, merchants, and professionals such as bankers and lawyers - this book focuses on new social subjects, new documents and unusual objects. Using innovative methods of inquiry and interdisciplinary analytical tools, contributors explore a little-known but pervasive erotic culture in which sexually explicit artefacts, games and gestures were considered essential to a number of rituals and social occasions. At the same time, they demonstrate how a burgeoning market for erotica, along with a cultural tradition of allusion and innuendo, played an increasingly important role in the Italian peninsula between the fifteenth and early seventeenth centuries. This volume fills some pervasive lacunae in both Renaissance studies and the history of sexuality through a series of critical engagements with material culture and social custom. It reflects recent scholarly interest in interdisciplinary areas such as the material Renaissance, visual communications, urban sociability in the domestic context, and court records regarding marital disputes.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Studies on Medieval Liturgical and Legal Manuscripts from Spain and Southern Italy
Though it may not be immediately obvious why articles on topics from such distantly removed areas of western Europe - the Iberian peninsula and southern Italy - should appear in the same volume (the fourth collection by Roger Reynolds), the materials covered illustrate that they are indeed closely related, both in their differences and their similarities. Both peninsulas had their own indigenous liturgies and music (Old Spanish and Beneventan), distinctive written scripts (Visigothic and Beneventan), and legal and theological traditions, and repeatedly these worked their influence on other areas of western Europe. Although there were frequent attempts by the papacy and secular rulers from the 9th to the 13th century to suppress these distinctive traditions in both areas, elements of these nonetheless survived well into the 16th century and beyond. Despite the differences in these traditions, the articles in this volume also demonstrate through manuscript evidence the continued exchange of the distinctive customs between the Iberian peninsula and southern Italian cultures from the very early Middle Ages through the 12th century.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Art of Words: Bede and Theodulf
Medieval art is wordy; inscriptions and poems, commentaries and chronicles accompany and adorn it. The Art of Words presents a series of detective stories by a renowned explorer of medieval philological evidence who here examines the thought and objects of the Venerable Bede and Theodulf of Orleans. What physical objects did Bede have in mind, for example, when writing about the paintings of his monastic churches? How did he conceive of the division of biblical books into chapters? Why was the famous Libri Carolini made for Charlemagne never published? Indeed what did it mean in the Middle Ages to publish something? Pursuing the story of Bede's calendar shows how Valentine's Day began with a reference to birds. To unravel the meaning of the image of Ezra in the Codex Amiatinus the author then demonstrates the importance of knowing the books that Bede knew and wrote. The final topic is the celebrated Apse mosaic of Germigny-des-Prés, how it was saved from destruction and how Theodulf's words explain what we see. Words matter and, in these studies Paul Meyvaert constantly delights the reader with careful excavations of that place in medieval art and thought where images and words connect and collide.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Land and People in Late Medieval England
This is the third collection of articles by Bruce Campbell to appear in the Variorum series. Late medieval England was an overwhelmingly rural society. Never since has such a large proportion of the population lived in the countryside or relied so directly for its livelihood upon agriculture. The lot of a majority of that population was always a hard one - and never more so than during the first half of the 14th century, when peasants competed with each other for ever-scarcer land and work and a succession of major harvest failures jeopardised the survival of many. Nevertheless, experience varied considerably, both during this era of mounting population pressure and the century and more of population decline and stagnation that followed the demographic disaster of the Black Death. How well individual communities coped during these contrasting conditions of expansion and contraction owed much to the quality and composition of their natural-resource endowment, a good deal to their ability to take advantage of changing commercial opportunities, and sometimes almost everything to how exposed they were to military conflict. Always, however, much hinged upon how the twin feudal institutions of lordship and serfdom were mapped onto land and people via the manorial system. These are the themes variously explored by the eight essays assembled in this volume, which range from a case-study of a single crowded Norfolk manor to a consideration of the broad and, towards the end of the Middle Ages, widening contrasts that persisted between North and South.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Bishops, Saints, and Historians: Studies in the Ecclesiastical History of Medieval Britain and Italy
Throughout his career, Robert Brentano attempted to understand the nature and 'style' of ecclesiastical institutions in Italy and the British Isles, the specific qualities of saints and the communities that formed around them, and the ways in which seemingly cryptic archival remains of medieval administrative activity, as well as chronicles and lives, could reveal vital details about change and continuity in local and regional religious life and even 'the color of men's souls'. These issues are explored in the essays assembled in Parts I (Bishops) and II (Saints). Part III (Historians) brings together articles that examine the writing of history by both medieval authors and modern historians, and includes Brentano's reflections on his own practice as an historian. The introduction by W. L. North offers a brief biography and introduction to reading Brentano's works, followed by a complete bibliography of his publications.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Darwin Studies: A Theorist and his Theories in their Contexts
This is the second of a pair of volumes by Jonathan Hodge, collecting all his most innovative, revisionist and influential papers on Charles Darwin and on the longer run of theories about origins and species from ancient times to the present. The focus here is on Darwin himself and the development of his theories. Darwin is now such an iconic hero in our histories and such a commanding authority in our sciences that it has become a serious challenge to study him as just another disaffected medical student - or would-be vicar, aspiring zoology professor or gentleman of independent means -- thinking about sexual reproduction in animals and plants, about coral islands or about rock strata and fossils in post-Napoleonic Edinburgh, Cambridge, South America and London. But the challenge is one well worth taking up, as the papers here demonstrate, for such studies require us integrate the precise details of his inquiries with those larger scientific, metaphysical, religious and political issues of the day that a young, ambitious 'philosopher' and 'naturalist' was then expected to engage. This contextual understanding can then allow us to reinterpret his relations to such longer- run legacies as Christian Platonism, Enlightenment materialism and British capitalism. Together with the companion volume devoted to those and other long run legacies, this volume offers throughout reinterpretations of both the theorist and his theories.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Essays on the Performance of Baroque Music: Opera and Chamber Music in France and England
In this collection of essays Mary Cyr explores some of the written and unwritten performance conventions that applied to French and English music of the 17th and early 18th centuries. Using composers' own notations, marks added by 18th-century performers, historical treatises, and pictorial evidence, she investigates both vocal and instrumental genres, including opera, cantatas, instrumental chamber music, and solo music for the viol and violin. Some of the performance conventions remain controversial, such as the use of gesture by the French opera chorus, and others are still little-known, such as the use of the double bass for rhythmic and harmonic support in early 18th-century French opera. As many of these essays demonstrate, French Baroque music allowed performers a wider latitude of nuance and expression than is often assumed today. The essays in this volume will be of particular interest to scholars and performers who are interested in adopting a historically-informed approach to performing music by Henry Purcell, Élisabeth-Claude Jacquet de La Guerre, Jean-Philippe Rameau, and their contemporaries. Several studies also deal with attributions, sources, and the discovery of a cantata by Rameau.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Image and Imagination in Byzantine Art
The twelve studies contained in this second collection by Henry Maguire are linked together by a common theme, namely the relationship of Byzantine art to the imaginary. They show how art enabled the Byzantines not only to imagine the sacred events of the past, but also to visualize the invisible present by manifesting the spiritual world that they could not see. The articles are grouped around the following five topics: the depiction of nature by the Byzantines before and after iconoclasm, especially in portrayals of the earthly and the spiritual Paradise; the social functions and theological significance of classical artistic forms in Byzantine art after iconoclasm; the association between rhetoric and the visual arts in Byzantium, especially in contrast to the role played by liturgical drama in western medieval art; the relationship of the visual arts to Byzantine concepts of justice and the law, both human and divine; and portrayals of the two Byzantine courts, the imperial court on earth and the imagined court in heaven. The papers cover a wide range of media, including floor and wall mosaics, paintings in manuscripts and churches, ivory carvings, coins, and enamel work.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Monthly Mask of Vocal Music 1702–1711: A Facsimile Edition
The Monthly Mask is a fascinating series of 360 songs, of immensely varied interest, showing what the public bought month by month as songs to sing, play and teach. It ran from November 1702 to September 1711, and offered the 'newest Songs', with theatre songs often appearing within a week of their premieres. Political events were also quickly reflected. The Monthly Mask is an important resource for scholars of the musical, theatrical, political and social life of the early 18th century. There are songs by nearly 50 composers, including all the leading English figures between Purcell and Handel. One Purcell song is published for the first time and there are many songs not to be found elsewhere. Besides the theatres, there is music for the court, York Buildings, Stationers' Hall, Richmond Wells and May Fair, as well as for banquets for the Post Office and the Ordnance Board. The Monthly Mask covers the chief part of Queen Anne's reign and the triumphs and fall of the Duke of Marlborough. There are songs in celebration of all of Marlborough's victories, toasts to England's allies and satires mocking the French king and the Pretender. The appeal of the periodical to theatre historians is considerable. It not only gives details of songs and their singers for many plays, but also reflects the changes in the use of music in the theatre during this period. The emergence of female star singers, the advent of all-sung operas, the enormous success of the first English opera in the Italian style (Arsinoe), the marginalisation of incidental music in plays after the formation of the opera company, and the triumph of Italian opera are all clearly traceable. This complete facsimile is exceptionally useful for librarians and sellers of antiquarian music, not only for correctly dating any single monthly issues but, more importantly, for attributing dates to a huge number of otherwise undateable single songsheets run off from the Monthly Mask plates.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Artist and the State, 1777-1855: The Politics of Universal History in British and French Painting
The Artist and the State, 1777-1855: The Politics of Universal History in British & French Painting is the first book-length study to examine political uses of 'universal history', or the philosophy of history, in European art from 1777 to 1855. Daniel R. Guernsey discusses a range of mural paintings and sculptural works produced in England and France between the American Revolution and the Universal Exposition of 1855, comparing the ways artists such as James Barry, Eugène Delacroix, Paul Chenavard, David d'Angers, and Gustave Courbet expressed linear or cyclical histories of progress and decline. By considering the work of these important European artists together, he reveals not only the rich artistic interaction that took place between England and France - as well as Germany - at this time, but also how the notion of 'universal history' was to become a major preoccupation in the work of these individual artists, each one participating in shaping a highly significant mode of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century political art.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Anglo-Dutch Favourite: The Career of Hans Willem Bentinck, 1st Earl of Portland (1649–1709)
Hans Willem Bentinck, 1st Earl of Portland (1649-1709) was the closest confidant of William III and arguably the most important politician in Williamite Britain. Beginning his career in 1664 as page to William of Orange, his fortunes gained momentum with the Prince's rise to power in The Netherlands and Britain, emerging as William's favourite at court from the 1670s onwards. Taking a broadly chronological approach, the central concern of this book is not simply to provide a biographical account of Portland's life, but to explore wider political themes within a European context. By analysing Portland's role within William's government it shows how royal favourites could still wield considerable influence on European events and help shape royal policy, particularly with regard to foreign policy. By engaging with the question of why such a figure emerged, this study helps illuminate the workings of William's government and the central role of his foreign entourage. Drawing from archival material in England, Scotland, France and The Netherlands, it ties the history of post-Revolution Britain with political events in the Netherlands. It also analyses Anglo-Dutch political relations during the crucial period of the Nine Years War, Britain's first major commitment to a continental war since the sixteenth century. In so doing it connects Dutch and British historiography and significantly contributes to our understanding of British politics during the 1690s, both domestically and within an international context.
Taylor & Francis Ltd French Paintings of Childhood and Adolescence, 1848–1886
The premise of Anna Green's timely and original book, is that nineteenth-century representations of childhood and adolescence-in paintings, but also in other forms of visual culture and in diverse written discourses of the period-are critical for understanding modernity. Whilst such well-worn signifiers for modernity as the city, the dandy and the prostitute have been well mined, childhood and adolescence have not. Paintings of the young produced in France from 1848 to 1886, Green contends, inform not only our understanding of modern life but also our perception of modernist or avant-garde painting. Figuring largely are Manet and the Impressionists, as well as a gamut of more traditional painters of children who are crucial in providing context for the avant garde. Because modernity is an essentially urban phenomenon, Green's focus is primarily on the city, usually Parisian, child. The painted youth of her study are organized initially by class and gender. Then the chapters are structured according to themes (parent-child relations, modes of discipline, work, education, and play, the spectacle, sexuality) that straddle the congruences among the book's triple trajectory: the young, their modernist representations, and the experience of modernity. Green's interdisciplinary approach ensures that this book will be of interest not only to art historians but to all those concerned with the cultural and social history of childhood.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Place of Judas Iscariot in Christology
Exploring the significance of Judas Iscariot for Christian theology and the difficult issues surrounding Judas, Anthony Cane shows that focusing on the tension between providential and tragic interpretations of Judas in the New Testament and in subsequent writing about Judas, is the key to understanding his significance. Building on the work of Karl Barth and Donald MacKinnon, Cane's argument sheds light not simply on the way Judas is understood, but on the way Jesus and the whole economy of salvation are understood. This book also highlights implications for the way in which issues relating to anti-Semitism and evil and suffering are most effectively explored.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Buddhist Inclusivism: Attitudes Towards Religious Others
Although Christians have well-developed responses to other religions, the counterpart scholarship from Buddhists has thus far lagged behind. Breaking new ground, Buddhist Inclusivism analyzes the currently favored position towards religious others, inclusivism, in Buddhist traditions. Kristin Beise Kiblinger presents examples of inclusivism from a wide range of Buddhist contexts and periods, from Pali texts to the Dalai Lama's recent works. After constructing and defending a preferred, alternative form of Buddhist inclusivism, she evaluates the thought of particular contemporary Buddhists such as Thich Nhat Hanh and Masao Abe in light of her ideal position. This book offers a more systematic treatment of Buddhist inclusivism than has yet been provided either by scholars or by Buddhist leaders.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Female Mourning and Tragedy in Medieval and Renaissance English Drama: From the Raising of Lazarus to King Lear
Grieving women in early modern English drama, this study argues, recall not only those of Classical tragedy, but also, and more significantly, the lamenting women of medieval English drama, especially the Virgin Mary. Looking at the plays of Shakespeare, Kyd, and Webster, this book presents a new perspective on early modern drama grounded upon three original interrelated points. First, it explores how the motif of the mourning woman on the early modern stage embodies the cultural trauma of the Reformation in England. Second, the author here brings to light the extent to which the figures of early modern drama recall those of the recent medieval past. Finally, Goodland addresses how these representations embody actual mourning practices that were viewed as increasingly disturbing after the Reformation. Female Mourning and Tragedy in Medieval and Renaissance English Drama synthesizes and is relevant to several areas of recent scholarly interest, including the performance of gender, the history of emotion, studies of death and mourning, and the cultural trauma of the Reformation.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Personification of Wisdom
This book examines the personification of Wisdom as a female figure - a central motif in Proverbs, Job, Sirach, Wisdom and Baruch. Alice M. Sinnott identifies how and why the complex character of Wisdom was introduced into the Israelite tradition, and created and developed by Israelite/Jewish wisdom teachers and writers. Arguing that by personifying Wisdom the authors of Proverbs responded to Israel's defeat by Babylon and the loss of Davidic monarchy, and by retrieving and transforming the Wisdom figure the authors of Sirach, Baruch and Wisdom responded to the spread of Hellenism and the potential loss of identity for Jews. Sinnott concludes that personified Wisdom functioned to reinterpret and transform the Israelite/Jewish tradition.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Capitalist Networks and Social Power in Australia and New Zealand
It is often asserted that the ruling elite in Western capitalist economies now consists of liberal intellectuals and their media sympathisers. By contrast this book looks at the real elite in Australian and New Zealand society and shows that there is still a ruling class based upon economic dominance. From an analysis of corporate and public records, interviews, and other primary and secondary data, it develops a picture of networks of power that are changing but are as real as any network in the past.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Practical Building Conservation: Conservation Basics
Conservation Basics examines the evolving theories and principles that underpin building conservation in England in the 21st century, and looks at their application in practice. The process of conservation planning for the maintenance and repair of historic buildings and places is described in detail, and is illustrated through case studies. Topics include understanding and assessment, surveys and recording, ecological considerations, planning and managing maintenance and repair programmes, risk management, specifying works, and contract procurement.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Globalization and Antiglobalization: Dynamics of Change in the New World Order
Globalization has changed the context for, and the organizational forms of, politics, unleashing forces in support of, and in opposition to, the globalization dynamic. Investigating the dynamics of change and development in two regions of the world economy, Latin America and Asia, this book evaluates these forces, their political dynamics, and the responses of governments and citizens.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Issues in Holocaust Education
This original contribution to understanding the nature of Holocaust education in schools tackles an issue that has gained significant interest over the past decade, and is of increasing relevance due to a growing intolerance across Europe and elsewhere. The authors examine a range of issues including the need for Holocaust education, the factors that facilitate or inhibit its evolution, and the indifferent response of the antiracist movement to the attempted annihilation of European Jewry. The empirical content sheds light on the attitudes and practices of teachers and on the prospects of drawing on the Holocaust to further the goal of participatory democracy. The themes and illustrative research are discussed in the context of developments in two locations, the United Kingdom and Canada, and the findings will be germane to an international audience. The volume will prove invaluable to academics and policy makers concerned with social policy, sociology, education and history, as well as to teachers of the Holocaust.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Globalisation, Education and Culture Shock
How has globalisation affected educational thought and practice? This volume presents a fascinating exploration of the impact of globalisation on education. The authors consider the changes - sometimes subtle, sometimes revolutionary - that arise when ideas, practices and experiences are discussed and analysed by people of contrasting cultural backgrounds. Through a series of case studies, they examine the dilemmas and contradictions, as well as the new ideas and opportunities, that globalisation offers to individuals, to states and to intellectual cultures. Key areas of discussion include: ¢ The effects of globalisation on individuals ¢ The contradictions embedded in the process of globalisation - especially in the economic sphere ¢ The impact on education of globalising ideas, thoughts and values ¢ The relationship between globalisation and culture.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Plan-making for Sustainability: The New Zealand Experience
Around the introduction of Agenda 21 at Rio in 1991, some countries like the Netherlands and New Zealand were already leading the way with quite innovative approaches to environmental planning. Focusing on the New Zealand government's innovations in sustainable and environmental planning, particularly the Resource Management Act of 1991, this book highlights planning and governance under devolved and co-operative mandates. It uses multiple methods to evaluate the quality of policy statements and district plans prepared by regional and local councils respectively, as well as the various inter- and intra-organizational and institutional factors affecting them. It also analyses the quality of the plans' implementation through the consensus or permits process, and the quality of the environmental outcomes.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Thiselton on Hermeneutics: The Collected Works and New Essays of Anthony Thiselton
Hermeneutics is an interdisciplinary study of how we interpret texts, especially biblical texts, in the light of theories of understanding in philosophy, meaning in literary theory, and of theology. This volume brings together the seminal thought of a leading contemporary pioneer in this field. Thiselton's The Two Horizons was a classic on how horizons of biblical texts engage creatively with the horizons of the modern world. The author's later New Horizons in Hermeneutics explored still more deeply the transforming capacities of biblical texts, while his massive commentary on 1 Corinthians interpreted an epistle. This volume collects many of Anthony Thiselton's more notable writings from some seven books and 70 articles, to which he adds his own re-appraisals of earlier work. It uniquely expounds the thought of a major contemporary British theologian through his own words, and includes his own critical assessments.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Supply Chain Risk
The impact of technological change, globalization, information and communication technologies and international governmental intervention has radically altered supply chain strategies, operations and risk profiles for most organizations. The challenge facing business and researchers alike is how best to address risk management in this new context. This collection, written by international scholars from the UK, US and Scandinavia, addresses this need by providing the first topical review of these developments and the latest research findings. The findings represent a robust cross-disciplinary view of supply chains, articulating policies and strategies for organizations. The research studies are based on empirical case studies within services and manufacturing in both large and SME organizations. This work is intended to provide the foundation for future research in this expanding area and the impact it has on managing risk within the supply chain.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The New Political Economy of United States-Caribbean Relations: The Apparel Industry and the Politics of NAFTA Parity
This informative book brings a fresh perspective to the continuing debate about globalization and regionalization in the global political economy and the ways in which state policy, in both developed and developing countries, shapes the patterns of economic integration and competitiveness among participating countries and firms. Focusing on the United States and the Caribbean, the book traces the advent and subsequent growth of production sharing between outsourcing textile, apparel firms and assembly operations located in specially designated export processing zones. This case study allows a number of broad conclusions to be reached regarding the political economy of production sharing that will inform the work of those in the fields of international and comparative political economy, development studies and business and management.