Search results for ""Taylor Francis""
Taylor & Francis Inc The Education Ecology of Universities: Integrating Learning, Strategy and the Academy
Many universities around the world are finding that the structures and processes they have put in place to further their educational missions are being tested by rapidly changing circumstances. These changes involve new pedagogies, new course designs, new technologies and updating of the physical campus; reflecting diversifying student needs, growing student numbers, increasing competition and more demanding stakeholder expectations. The Education Ecology of Universities examines these issues, starting with the challenges identified by university leaders who have responsibility for education, digital and campus planning. Sharing an analysis of in-depth interviews with more than 50 leaders, it identifies a range of conceptual and procedural gaps that undermine the full development and alignment of education, digital and campus strategies. The second half of the book provides practical ideas for taking a more holistic – indeed ecological – approach to understanding and improving university learning environments.Setting out a case for a new applied science of educational ecology, this book offers foundational concepts and theoretical perspectives, introducing methods for analysing and evaluating teaching and learning ecosystems. It will be of interest to anyone who wants better ways of understanding how local systems function and can be improved. It is a must-read text for all leaders and researchers in education, and indeed for anyone concerned with the future of higher education.
Taylor & Francis Inc Principles of Neurobiology
Principles of Neurobiology, Second Edition presents the major concepts of neuroscience with an emphasis on how we know what we know. The text is organized around a series of key experiments to illustrate how scientific progress is made and helps upper-level undergraduate and graduate students discover the relevant primary literature. Written by a single author in a clear and consistent writing style, each topic builds in complexity from electrophysiology to molecular genetics to systems level in a highly integrative approach. Students can fully engage with the content via thematically linked chapters and will be able to read the book in its entirety in a semester-long course. Principles of Neurobiology is accompanied by a rich package of online student and instructor resources including animations, figures in PowerPoint, and a Question Bank for adopting instructors.
Taylor & Francis Inc A First Course in Systems Biology
A First Course in Systems Biology is an introduction for advanced undergraduate and graduate students to the growing field of systems biology. Its main focus is the development of computational models and their applications to diverse biological systems. The book begins with the fundamentals of modeling, then reviews features of the molecular inventories that bring biological systems to life and discusses case studies that represent some of the frontiers in systems biology and synthetic biology. In this way, it provides the reader with a comprehensive background and access to methods for executing standard systems biology tasks, understanding the modern literature, and launching into specialized courses or projects that address biological questions using theoretical and computational means.New topics in this edition include: default modules for model design, limit cycles and chaos, parameter estimation in Excel, model representations of gene regulation through transcription factors, derivation of the Michaelis-Menten rate law from the original conceptual model, different types of inhibition, hysteresis, a model of differentiation, system adaptation to persistent signals, nonlinear nullclines, PBPK models, and elementary modes. The format is a combination of instructional text and references to primary literature, complemented by sets of small-scale exercises that enable hands-on experience, and large-scale, often open-ended questions for further reflection.
Taylor & Francis Inc Principles of Evolution: Systems, Species, and the History of Life
Principles of Evolution covers all aspects of the subject. Following an introductory section that provides necessary background, it has chapters on the evidence for evolution that cover the fossil record, DNA-sequence homologies, and protein homologies (evo-devo). It also includes a full history of life from the first universal common ancestor, through the rise of the eukaryote and on to the major groups of phyla. This section is followed by one on the mechanism of evolution with chapters on variation, selection and speciation. The main part of the book ends with a chapter on human evolution and this is followed by appendices that expand on the making of fossils, the history of the subject and creationism.What marks this book as different from others on evolution is its systems-biology perspective. This new area focuses on the role of protein networks and on multi-level complexity, and is used in three contexts. First, most biological activity is driven by such networks and this has direct implications for understanding evo-devo and for seeing how variation is initiated, mainly during embryogenesis. Second, it provides the natural language for discussing phylogenetics. Third, evolutionary change involves events at levels ranging from the genome to the ecosystem and systems biology provides a context for integrating material of this complexity.The book assumes a basic grounding in biology but little mathematics as the difficult subject of evolutionary population genetics is mainly covered qualitatively, with major results being discussed and used rather than derived. Principles of Evolution will be an interesting and thought-provoking text for undergraduates and graduates across the biological sciences.
Taylor & Francis Inc Redefining European Security
Redefining European Security is a collection of essays concerned with changing perspectives on peace and political stability in Europe since the end of the Cold War, in both the hard security terms of military capacity and readiness and in the realm of soft security concerns of economic stability and democratic reform. European governments, the European Union, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization are dealing with the fundamental problem of determining the very parameters of Europe, politically, economically, and institutionally. This book defines security as the efforts undertaken by national governments and multilateral institutions, beginning with the end of the Cold War and the reunification of Germany, to continue to protect European populations from acts of war and politically-motivated violence in light of the dissolution of the imminent political threat posed to Western Europe by the Soviet Union, 1945-1991 Together these essays assess the progress made in Europe toward preventing conflict, as well as in ending conflict when it occurs, after the abrupt passing of a situation in which the source and nature of a conflict were highly predictable and the emergence of new circumstances in which potential security threats are multiple, variable, and difficult to measure. Contemporary Europe is a mixture of old and new, of arrested and accelerated history. Europe's governments and institutions have been only partly successful in meeting new security challenges, to a high degree because of failing unity and political will. Yesterday, Europe only just avoided perishing from imperial follies and frenzied ideologies, wrote the late Raymond Aron in 1976, she could perish tomorrow through historical abdication.
Taylor & Francis Inc From the Knights of Labor to the New World Order: Essays on Labor and Culture
This collection brings together the labor and cultural studies of the author over the past 20 years, during which time the fields of social history, women's history, ethnic studies, public history, and oral history have all been transformed. The essays, some rewritten or newly available and the rest original to this volume, offer important examples of historical analysis, comment on changing scholarly perceptions, and the public uses of history. By drawing upon his own research in popular culture, Yiddish periodicals, interracial unionism, oral history and a variety of other sources, the author demonstrates how the field of labor specialists has become the domain of social historians exploring a rich American past.
Taylor & Francis Inc Drug Free Youth: A Compendium for Prevention Specialists
First published in 1997. There is an almost universal consensus that we as adult individuals, as communities, and as a nation, should attempt to prevent our youngsters from using alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, and heroin. For three and a half years, from 1990 to 1994, a team of researchers and clinical practitioners from Fordham University's Graduate School of Social Service, with funding from the New York State Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services, worked to review the literature published in the past two decades pertaining to the content and outcomes of adolescent substance abuse prevention programs which had been fielded during that twenty-year period. The results were presented to over a thousand substance abuse prevention specialists in a series of seminars throughout New York State. This book is a result of a need of effective strategies and training for those present were working in the field, in schools and community agencies, attempting to accomplish adolescent substance abuse prevention.
Taylor & Francis Inc Principles of Multicultural Counseling and Therapy
In an era of globalization characterized by widespread migration and cultural contacts, psychologists, counselors, and other mental health professionals face a unique challenge: how does one practice successfully when working with clients from so many different backgrounds? Gielen, Draguns, and Fish argue that an understanding of the general principles of multicultural counseling is of great importance to all practitioners. The lack of this knowledge can have several negative consequences during therapy, including differences in expectations between counselor and client, misdiagnosis of the client’s concerns, missed non-verbal cues, and the client feeling that she has been misunderstood. This volume focuses on the general nature of cultural influences in counseling rather than on counseling specific ethnic groups. Counseling practices from all over the world, not just those of Western society, are explored. Bringing together the work of a diverse group of international experts, the editors have compiled a volume that is not only concise and teachable, but also an essential guidebook for all mental-health professionals.
Taylor & Francis Inc International Family Change: Ideational Perspectives
Many dimensions of family life have changed. Age at marriage has risen, arranged marriages and extended families have declined, intergenerational relationships have been altered, and contraceptive usage has become widespread. Until now, most explanations have focused on structural influences that emphasize changes in social and economic circumstances and constraints.There is growing recognition, however, that structural changes alone are insufficient and that broad ideational and normative forces must be included in order to better understand family changes around the world. These ideational forces include the growing emphasis on personal freedom, social equality, and individual prerogative. These new ideas are related to the place and role of individuals relative to family and larger community, and to changing norms concerning marriage, the relationships between men and women, the connections across generations, and the place of children in families. Featuring contributions from an international group of scholars, this new book emphasizes the ideational and motivational underpinnings of family life and the ways that attitudinal and value changes have influenced family behavior and relationships.International Family Change examines family attitudes, beliefs, and relationships in virtually every region of the globe, with an emphasis on the theoretical models for examining family changes. In particular, it argues that family life in the Western world is not the sole product of social and economic trends and that family change outside the West is not destined to follow the same trajectory. Chapters focusing on Iran and Vietnam help demonstrate that, rather than following a Western model, some global family change has resulted from rejecting it. The chapters on Nepal and Africa illustrate how the introduction of new ideas through the media and religion can reshape family beliefs. The chapters on Japan and Argentina demonstrate how unique cultural circumstances can influence family change.Intended for researchers and advanced students in human development, family studies, social psychology, sociology, geography, anthropology, economics, and history, this book also serves as a resource for advanced courses on the family and its history, family development, and social change taught in those departments.
Taylor & Francis Inc Broadcast and Internet Indecency: Defining Free Speech
Indecency--arguably among the most provocative and incendiary issues in today's media--is speech at the edge of social tolerance. This timely volume examines broadcast and Internet indecency from legal and social perspectives, utilizing current cases and well-publicized examples. In exploring the issues associated with this highly controversial area, author Jeremy Harris Lipschultz makes headway toward an understanding of how indecency, as communication on the fringes of social norms, functions in defining free expression through specific types of speech. He contrasts conceptualizations of indecency and obscenity, synthesizes case law and social research, and develops theoretical generalizations for future research and study. His work provides a comprehensive examination of broadcast and Internet indecency issues and cases that serve to test generalizations about freedom of expression and one's ability to define free speech.
Taylor & Francis Inc Mating Intelligence: Sex, Relationships, and the Mind's Reproductive System
Human intelligence is sexually attractive, and strongly predicts the success of sexual relationships, but the behavioral sciences have usually ignored the interface between intelligence and mating. This is the first serious scholarly effort to explore that interface, by examining both universal and individual differences in human mating intelligence. Contributors include some of the most prominent evolutionary psychologists and promising new researchers in human intelligence, social psychology, intimate relationships, and sexuality.David Buss’ foreword and the opening chapter explore what ‘mating intelligence’ means, and why it is central to human cognition and sexuality. The book’s six sections then examine (1) our mating mechanisms — universal emotional and cognitive adaptations for mating intelligently — that guide mate search, mate choice, and courtship; (2) how mating intelligence strategically guides our choice of mating tactics and partners given different relationship goals, personality traits, forms of deception, and the existence of children; (3) the genetic and psychiatric causes of individual differences in mating intelligence; (4) how we use mental fitness indicators — forms of human intelligence such as creativity, humor, and emotional intelligence — to attract and retain sexual partners; (5) the ecological and social contexts of mating intelligence; (6) integrative models of mating intelligence that can guide future research.Mating Intelligence is intended for researchers, advanced students, and courses in human sexuality, intimate relationships, intelligence research, behavior genetics, and evolutionary, personality, social, and clinical psychology.
Taylor & Francis Inc Work, Family, and Community: Exploring Interconnections
Research in recent decades has proven that the seemingly disparate worlds of family life and the workplace are in fact closely intertwined. Moreover, scholars have begun to recognize the extent to which community life influences the work-family interface, for instance, the lack of fit between school hours and work hours, and assistance provided by community-based child care services. Work, Family, and Community is the first to provide a comprehensive review and analysis of the theoretical and empirical research that has examined the complex interconnections among these domains.This book integrates literature from several disciplines, including sociology, industrial-organizational and occupational health psychology, human development and family studies, management, gender studies, and social work. It documents significant patterns and trends in the economy and looks at the health of communities and neighborhoods, exploring the level of social integration, availability of community services, and the extent to which such services meet the needs of working families. Author Patricia Voydanoff takes an important step in conceptualizing the components and processes that comprise the work-family-community relationship, and provides direction for future theoretical and empirical work on the topic.This volume speaks to scholars, researchers, and students who address the theoretical, empirical, and policy-relevant issues associated with the work-family-community interface.
Taylor & Francis Inc Situation Models and Levels of Coherence: Toward a Definition of Comprehension
The mental representation of what one reads is called a "situation model" or a "mental model." The process of reading causes an interaction of the new knowledge with what is already known. Though a number of theories and models have been proposed to describe this interaction, Tapiero proposes a new model that assumes a variety of storage areas to previous knowledge, and that the reader picks and chooses which of these models is most relevant to what is being read. These are called "levels of coherence." It’s a dynamic process as well, as the reader chooses and abandons the storage units of previous knowledge as he or she reads on. Situation Models and Levels of Coherence is of professional and scholarly interest to cognitive scientists who specialize in reading, knowledge representation, mental models, discourse analysis, and metaphor/symbol.
Taylor & Francis Inc A Language in Space: The Story of Israeli Sign Language
This English version of A Language in Space: The Story of Israeli Sign Language, which received the Bahat Award for most outstanding book for a general audience in its Hebrew edition, is an introduction to sign language using Israeli Sign Language (ISL) as a model. Authors Irit Meir and Wendy Sandler offer a glimpse into a number of fascinating descriptions of the ISL community to which linguists and other researchers may not have access. An underlying premise of the book is that language is a mental system with universal properties, and that language lives through people.A clear and engaging read, A Language in Space addresses relevant aspects of sign language, including the most abstract questions and matters related to society and community. Divided into three parts, the book covers: the linguistic structure of Israeli Sign Language; the language and its community; and a broad depiction of ISL and the contribution of sign language research to linguistic theory. This book is intended for linguists (with or without a background in sign language), psychologists, sociologists, educators, students, and anyone with an interest in the human capacity for language.
Taylor & Francis Inc Sixth International Conference on Cognitive Modeling: ICCM - 2004
The International Conference on Cognitive Modeling brings together researchers who develop computational models to explain and predict cognitive data. The core theme of the 2004 conference was "Integrating Computational Models," encompassing an integration of diverse data through models of coherent phenomena; integration across modeling approaches; and integration of teaching and modeling. This text presents the proceedings of that conference.The International Conference on Cognitive Modeling 2004 sought to grow the discipline of computational cognitive modeling by providing a sophisticated modeling audience for cutting-edge researchers, in addition to offering a forum for integrating insights across alternative modeling approaches in both basic research and applied settings, and a venue for planning the future growth of the discipline. The meeting included a careful peer-review process of 6-page paper submissions; poster-abstracts to include late-breaking work in the area; prizes for best papers; a doctoral consortium; and competitive modeling symposia that compare and contrast different approaches to the same phenomena.
Taylor & Francis Inc Biological and Cultural Bases of Human Inference
Biological and Cultural Bases of Human Inference addresses the interface between social science and cognitive science. In this volume, Viale and colleagues explore which human social cognitive powers evolve naturally and which are influenced by culture. Updating the debate between innatism and culturalism regarding human cognitive abilities, this book represents a much-needed articulation of these diverse bases of cognition.Chapters throughout the book provide social science and philosophical reflections, in addition to the perspective of evolutionary theory and the central assumptions of cognitive science. The overall approach of the text is based on three complementary levels: adult performance, cognitive development, and cultural history and prehistory. Scholars from several disciplines contribute to this volume, including researchers in cognitive, developmental, social and evolutionary psychology, neuropsychology, cognitive anthropology, epistemology, and philosophy of mind. This contemporary, important collection appeals to researchers in the fields of cognitive, social, developmental, and evolutionary psychology and will prove valuable to researchers in the decision sciences.
Taylor & Francis Inc Empathy in Counseling and Psychotherapy: Perspectives and Practices
The purpose of this text is to organize the voluminous material on empathy in a coherent and practical manner, filling a gap that exists in the current therapeutic literature. Empathy in Counseling and Psychotherapy: Perspectives and Practices comprehensively examines the function of empathy as it introduces students and practitioners to the potential effectiveness of utilizing empathic understanding in the treatment process.Employing empathy with full recognition of its strengths and limitations promotes sound strategies for enhancing client development. As an integral component of the therapeutic relationship, empathic understanding is indispensable for engaging clients from diverse backgrounds. This cogent work focuses on understanding empathy from a wide range of theoretical perspectives and developing interventions for effectively employing the construct across the course of treatment. The book also presents a new approach for integrating empathy through a Multiple Perspective Model in the therapeutic endeavor. Organized into three sections, the text addresses empathy in the following capacities:*historical and contemporary perspectives and practices in counseling and psychotherapy;*theoretical orientations in counseling and psychotherapy; and*a Multiple Perspective Model in counseling and psychotherapy.This widely appealing volumeis designed for use in courses in counseling and therapy techniques, theories of counseling and psychotherapy, and the counseling internship, and is a valuable resource for counselors, psychotherapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and other related fields of inquiry in the human services.
Taylor & Francis Inc Cultures in Conversation
Cultures in Conversation introduces readers to the ethnographic study of intercultural and social interactions through the analysis of conversations in which various cultural orientations are operating. Author Donal Carbaugh presents his original research on conversation practices in England, Finland, Russia, Blackfeet County, and the United States, demonstrating how each is distinctive in its communication codes--particularly in its use of symbolic meanings, forms of interaction, norms, and motivational themes. Examining conversation in this way demonstrates how cultural lives are active in conversations and shows how conversation is a principal medium for the coding of selves, social relationships, and societies.Representing 20 years of research, this volume offers unique insights into the ways social interactions not only gain shape from, but also are formative of cultures. It makes a significant contribution to communication scholarship, and will be illuminating reading in courses focusing on cultural communication, language and social interaction, intercultural pragmatics, and linguistics.
Taylor & Francis Inc Review of Adult Learning and Literacy, Volume 5: Connecting Research, Policy, and Practice: A Project of the National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy
The Review of Adult Learning and Literacy: Connecting Research, Policy, and Practice, Volume 5 is the newest volume in a series of annual publications of the National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL) that address major issues, the latest research, and the best practices in the field of adult literacy and learning.Each Review opens with an overview of significant recent developments in the field of adult literacy during the year, followed by a set of chapters presenting in-depth reviews of research and best practices on topics of high interest to the field. Volume 5 includes chapters on:*the increasing emphasis on scientifically based research and evidence-based practice in education, their use in adult literacy, and the perception of their usefulness by those who work in the field;*recent research on the impact of acquiring a General Educational Development (GED) credential;*the adult literacy system in the state of Massachusetts, focusing on the factors that led to investing and restructuring in the system, and the lessons learned that may be helpful to other states interested in building strong systems of educational service delivery for adult learners;*a history and review of volunteerism in adult literacy;*the history and structure of the adult literacy system in New Zealand, including policy recommendations for the current system to more effectively serve all adult learners; and*a review of theories and key resources related to metacognitive skills in reading.The Review of Adult Learning and Literacy serves as the journal of record for the field and is an essential resource for all stakeholders who need to know what research can reveal about how best to serve adult learners.
Taylor & Francis Inc Visual Communication: Integrating Media, Art, and Science
A well-rounded education in the 21st century requires not just verbal and mathematical proficiency, but also the ability to interpret, critique, create, and use visual communication on sophisticated levels. In today’s visual world, it is critically important to hold an appreciation for the profound effects imagery has on individuals and the communities in which they live.Visual Communication focuses on cultivating visual and media literacy from both consumption and production points of view and introduces students to the application of intuitive intelligence to a visual context. Innovative in its field, it provides a solid theoretical overview of the most advanced thinking and research about visual communication, teaching readers how to apply theory to enhance their understanding of and work with images.This book is intended for students in visual literacy and communication courses. It can also be used in photojournalism courses and other coursework with a visual component. Individuals interested in mass media studies will likewise find the book to be a worthwhile read.
Taylor & Francis Inc Children's Responses to the Screen: A Media Psychological Approach
The past several decades have witnessed thousands of studies into children and the media. Yet, much academic research is still in its infancy when it comes to our knowledge about the uses, preferences, and effects of different media. This distinctive volume moves the field forward in this regard, with its insights into the latest theories and research on children and the media. Author Patti M. Valkenburg explores "screen" media (i.e., television, films, video and computer games, and the Internet), and focuses her study on the most fundamental topics in the study of children and the media. In each chapter, Valkenburg examines an essential topic on children and the media: the effect of media violence, children's emotional reactions to news and entertainment, the intended and unintended effects of advertising, and the uses and effects of computer games and the Internet. She has structured the chapters to provide an overview of existing theories and research on a particular topic, and supplements the work of others with her own ground-breaking research findings. She provides a careful and even-handed treatment of research in children's media, and includes current and noteworthy studies. As a resource for study in children and media and media psychology, this volume provides a timely and thorough examination of the state of theory and research. It will serve as a valuable reference for scholars and as an engaging text for advanced students.
Taylor & Francis Inc Ideas and Options in English for Specific Purposes
This volume presents a range of views about language, learning, and teaching in English for Specific Purposes (ESP). Its purpose is to go beyond individual cases and practices to examine the approaches and ideas on which they are based. The aim is for readers to adopt an analytical stance toward the field and to identify current perspectives in ESP and the ideas driving them.Ideas and Options in English for Specific Purposes does not promote any one approach, but rather identifies and illustrates those in evidence today. The main emphasis is on the links between theory and ESP teaching and research. Ideas from linguistics, sociolinguistics, education, SLA, and social theories are described. Links are then made between these ideas and ESP course designs, instructional materials, and research projects. Thus the book moves back and forth between descriptions of theories, teaching practice, and research.Part I introduces the book's approach to description of ESP and the framework used to investigate it. Part II examines ideas of language, learning, and teaching in ESP. Recognizing that ESP is taught in many different countries and contexts, the author draws on a wide range of examples of teaching practice and research from around the world and from different branches of ESP, including English for Academic Purposes, English for Professional Purposes, and English for Vocational Purposes. From Chapter 3 onward, each chapter includes Questions for Discussion and Projects, to encourage readers to research and analyze the practices of ESP in their own contexts and to consider the ideas they draw on in their own teaching.This text is geared toward graduate-level TESOL education courses.
Taylor & Francis Inc The State of Affairs: Explorations in infidelity and Commitment
This volume brings together contributions on the study of sexual affairs in committed personal relationships. The editors enlisted colleagues with varied theoretical and methodological perspectives from Britain, the United States, and other countries. Together, their contributions provide a broad, cross-national perspective on affairs. Grounded in theoretical discussion, the chapters in this book introduce data collected by a broad range of methods, including attitude surveys, large statistical cohort studies, case studies, depth interviews, and group discussions. A number of contributors locate the theoretical discussion of affairs within the broader contemporary ordering of committed relationships, contrasting the liberating and empowering aspects of affairs with the damage they may inflict on society as a whole and on the lives of individuals and families. The themes of passion, transgression, secrecy, lies, betrayal, and gossip are common to a range of chapters throughout. The volume provides broad literature reviews and theoretical discussions concerning particular aspects of affairs, such as communication and jealousy. In addition, case studies are used for the more detailed exploration of heterosexual affairs and contemporary developments in gay male and lesbian relationships. The State of Affairs will be of interest to researchers, scholars, and students in social psychology; communication; sociology; family, social, and clinical psychology; and for practitioners in couple counseling.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Mental Models Theory of Reasoning: Refinements and Extensions
The Mental Models Theory of Reasoning presents theoretical and empirical research on an area of growing interest, the status of mental models in deductive reasoning. As research in the framework of the mental models theory flourishes, this book answers a need to assess the contribution of the notion of training and content. It covers the central issues of propositional, relational, causal and probabilistic reasoning, and argumentation and development. In addition, this work presents data regarding strategies, argumentation, and the development of reasoning. Special features of this text include:*sharp theoretical analyses as well as important new empirical data offered by theorists who work in the framework of the mental models theory;*a critical and empirically driven account of content effects in conditional and linear reasoning; and*an original account on the influence of pragmatics on reasoning.The Mental Models Theory of Reasoning will be of interest to researchers and advanced students of cognitive psychology, and will be valuable to individuals working in Artificial Intelligence, as it highlights theoretical and empirical data on how humans use mental models when tackling deductive puzzles.
Taylor & Francis Inc Early Experience, the Brain, and Consciousness: An Historical and Interdisciplinary Synthesis
This new book examines the interrelationship between neuroscience and developmental science to help us understand how children differ in their capacity to benefit from their early motor and cognitive experiences. In so doing, it helps us better understand how experience affects brain growth and a child’s capacity to learn. In this interdisciplinary book, the authors review the most significant research findings and historical scientific events related to early experience, the brain, and consciousness. Authors Dalton and Bergenn propose a new theory to help demonstrate the crucial roles of attention and memory in motor and perceptual development. The goal is to help readers better understand the differences between how individuals with normal and dysfunctional brains process information and how this impacts their ability to learn from experience.Early Experience, the Brain, and Consciousness opens with a critical examination of why motor and perceptual development should be understood as interrelated phenomena. The authors then introduce their new theory that argues that neurodevelopment is an emergent process that enables infants to respond to the challenge of integrating complex motor and cognitive functions. Subsequent chapters examine the research that suggests that the sequence of events before and after birth account for divergent neuropsychological outcomes. The authors then demonstrate how the acquisition and early use of language conform to the same principles as those involved in the construction of motor skills. This perspective views perception and cognition as complex forms of communication and memory, rooted in preverbal forms of categorization. The book concludes with a review of strategies to help young children exploit the brain’s multiple pathways of retrieval for more efficient learning. The authors’ hope is that this new theory can be used to understand why children with brain disorders fail to attain the threshold of conscious control to benefit from their learning experiences.Intended for researchers and advanced students in developmental and educational psychology, neuro- psychology and biology, cognitive neuroscience, and pediatrics interested in the effect of experientially-based developmental processes on the emergence of mind and consciousness.
Taylor & Francis Inc Maintaining Relationships Through Communication: Relational, Contextual, and Cultural Variations
Relational maintenance provides a rallying point for those seeking to discover the behaviors that individuals utilize to sustain their personal relationships. Theoretical models, research programs, and specific studies have examined how people in a variety of close relationships choose to define and maintain those relationships. In addition, relational maintenance turns our attention to communicative processes that help people sustain their close relationships. In this collection, editors Daniel J. Canary and Marianne Dainton focus on the communicative processes critical to the maintenance and enhancement of personal relationships. The volume considers variations in maintaining different types of personal relationships; structural constraints on relationship maintenance; and cultural variations in relational maintenance. Contributions to the volume cover a broad range of relational types, including romantic relationships, family relationships, long-distance relationships, workplace relationships, and Gay and Lesbian relationships, among others. Maintaining Relationships Through Communication: Relational, Contextual, and Cultural Variations synthesizes current research in relationship maintenance, emphasizes the ways that behaviors vary in their maintenance functions across relational contexts, discusses alternative explanations for maintaining relationships, and presents avenues for future research. As such, it is intended for students and scholars studying interpersonal communication and personal relationships.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Design of Instruction and Evaluation: Affordances of Using Media and Technology
This book is about empirically tested knowledge and principles that inform the design of instructional and evaluation systems, and the use and promise of media and technology within such systems. Historically, psychology has informed the design of instructional and evaluation systems in different ways. A behavioral perspective emphasizes the role of the environment in determining behavior--a factor external to the learner. A cognitive perspective focuses on the role of cognitive processing and constraints in determining learning--factors that are internal to the learner. This volume presents the affordances approach--which addresses how the environment and the affordances within it interact with cognitive processes to determine learning. Insights into this interaction are presented. It is the book's contention that the affordance approach represents an advancement over the behavioral and cognitive perspectives; it is an evolution within the cognitive approach--not an alternative to it. The Design of Instruction and Evaluation: Affordances of Using Media and Technology is intended for education practitioners responsible for the implementation of media and technology in classrooms, for researchers and faculty, and for use as a text in courses on media and technology use in educational settings, instructional design, and psychology of learning.
Taylor & Francis Inc Privacy and Disclosure of Hiv in interpersonal Relationships: A Sourcebook for Researchers and Practitioners
As the HIV epidemic enters its third decade, it remains one of the most pressing health issues of our time. Many aspects of the disease remain under-researched and inadequate attention has been given to the implications for the relationships and daily lives of those affected by HIV. Disclosing an HIV diagnosis remains a decision process fraught with difficulty and despite encouraging medical advances, an HIV diagnosis creates significant anxiety and distress about one's health, self-identity, and close relationships. This book provides an overarching view of existing research on privacy and disclosure while bringing together two significant areas: self-disclosure as a communication process and the social/relational consequences of HIV/AIDS. The unifying framework is communication privacy management and the focus of this volume is on private voluntary relational disclosure as opposed to forced or public disclosure. Utilizing numerous interviews with HIV patients and their families, the authors examine disclosure in a variety of social contexts, including relationships with intimate partners, families, friends, health workers, and coworkers. Of note are the examinations of predictors of willingness to disclose HIV infection, the message features of disclosure, and the consequences of both disclosure and non-disclosure. This volume, with its personal exercises and sources of additional information, offers an invaluable resource for individuals living with HIV and their significant others, as well as for professionals in the fields of health communication, social and health psychology, family therapy, clinical and counseling psychology, relationship research, infectious disease, and social service.
Taylor & Francis Inc Nonlinear Dynamics: Techniques and Applications in Psychology
Additional Resource Materials Human behavior would not be interesting to us if it remained the same from one moment to the next. Moreover, we tend to be sensitive to changes in people's behavior, especially when such change impacts on our own, and other's, behavior. This book describes a variety of techniques for investigating change in behavior. It employs conventional time series methods, as well as recently developed methodology using nonlinear dynamics, including chaos, a term that is not easy to define, nor to confirm. Although nonlinear methods are being used more frequently in psychology, a comprehensive coverage of methods, theory and applications, with a particular focus on human behavior, is needed. Between these covers, the reader is led through various procedures for linear and nonlinear time series analysis, including some novel procedures that allow subtle temporal aspects of human cognition to be detected. Analyses of reaction times, heart-rate, psychomotor skill, decision making, and EEG are supplemented by a contemporary review of recent dynamical research in developmental psychology, psychopathology, and human cognitive processes. A consideration of nonlinear dynamics assists our understanding of deep issues such as: Why is our short-term memory capacity limited? Why do chronic disorders, and also cognitive development, progress through stage-like transitions? Why do people make irrational decisions? This book will be of particular interest to researchers, practitioners, and advanced students in a variety of areas in psychology, particularly in human experimental and physiological psychology. Data analyses are performed using the latest nonlinear dynamics computer packages. A comprehensive WWW resource of software and supplementary information is provided to assist the reader's understanding of the novel, and potentially revolutionary, procedures described in the book.
Taylor & Francis Inc Constructions of Literacy: Studies of Teaching and Learning in and Out of Secondary Classrooms
Constructions of Literacy explores and represents, through a series of cases and commentaries, how and why secondary school teachers and students use literacy in formal and informal learning settings. As used in the context of this book, secondary literacy refers to speaking, listening, reading, writing, and performing. It also refers to how these processes or events are constructed, negotiated, and used for specific purposes by teachers and students as they engage in various classroom, school, and community practices and interactions. The authors operate from a stance that literacy is socially, culturally, and historically constructed. They recognize that there are many different perspectives on how that construction occurs--some arguing for institutional and structural influences--others suggesting that people have some degree of agency within the constraints imposed by larger structures. A distinguishing feature of the volume is that the contributors explore and make explicit differing perspectives on literacy as a social construction. The volume is built around case studies of secondary school teachers' and students' literacy practices inside and outside of schools. The cases include diverse (critical, cultural, feminist, interpretive, phenomenological, and postmodern) theoretical and epistemological perspectives and research methodologies, making this one of the first collections of studies in secondary content area classrooms conducted from multiple perspectives. It concludes with two Commentaries, one by Donna Alvermann and one by David Bloome, in which they discuss and critique the contributions made from the different perspectives and grapple with how they simultaneously illuminate and confuse issues in literacy theory, research, and practice. Preservice and in-service teachers, school professionals, and researchers in literacy education, secondary education, and curriculum theory will find this book stimulating and informative. It will help them analyze the complexities of secondary literacy teaching and learning, and examine their own understandings of literacy within their own literacy contexts.
Taylor & Francis Inc Choice, Decision, and Measurement: Essays in Honor of R. Duncan Luce
This volume is the result of a conference held at the University of California, Irvine, on the topics that provide its title -- choice, decision, and measurement. The conference was planned, and the volume prepared, in honor of Professor R. Duncan Luce on his 70th birthday. Following a short autobiographical statement by Luce, the volume is organized into four topics, to each of which Luce has made significant contributions. The book provides an overview of current issues in each area and presents some of the best recent theoretical and empirical work. Personal reflections on Luce and his work begin each section. These reflections were written by outstanding senior researchers: Peter Fishburn (Preference and Decision Making), Patrick Suppes (Measurement Theory and Axiomatic Systems), William J. McGill (Psychophysics and Reaction Time), and W.K. Estes (Choice, Identification and Categorization). The first section presents recent theoretical and empirical work on descriptive models of decision making, and theoretical results on general probabilistic models of choice and ranking. Luce's recent theoretical and empirical work on rank- and sign-dependent utility theory is important in many of these contributions. The second section presents results from psychophysics, probabilistic measurement, aggregation of expert opinion, and test theory. The third section presents various process oriented models, with supportive data, for tasks such as redundant signal detection, forced choice, and absolute identification. The final section contains theory and data on categorization and attention, and general theoretical results for developing and testing models in these domains.
Taylor & Francis Inc Threats To Optimal Development: Integrating Biological, Psychological, and Social Risk Factors: the Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology, Volume 27
Psychology's recent immersion in risk research has introduced a new variant in which the focus is not solely on disease, but also on the effects and consequences produced by the multiple aspects of risk on individual adaptation. Variations in such patterns of adaptation signal the entrance of protective factors as an added element to the clinical and research focus in the prediction of positive versus negative outcomes under the duress of stressful experiences. Given psychology's investment in the entire range of human adaptation--embracing severe disorder at one extreme and strong positive adaptations at the other--it is not surprising to find this new element of compensatory protective factors as a reshaping factor in the field of risk research. It is one that recognizes and studies the relevance of risk influences on disorder, but also focuses on recovery from disorder or the absence of disorder despite the presence of risk. This latter element implicates the notion of "resilience." It is this opening of the field of risk research that seems to bear the heavy and welcome imprint of psychology. Fundamental to the study of protective factors in development, however, is a broad knowledge base focused on risk factors that often contain the healthy development of infants and children. This volume reflects a continuation of the concerns of the Institute of Child Development with the nature and content of development in multiple contexts. It comes at a most welcome point since the Institute--in collaboration with the University of Minnesota's Department of Psychology--now participates in a jointly shared graduate training program in clinical psychology which stimulates and supports the growth of a newly emergent developmental psychopathology. For this field to advance will require a broad perspective and acceptance of the significance of the diversity of risk factors that extends throughout the life span and results in developmental trajectories that implicate various biological, psychological, and sociocultural risk elements.
Taylor & Francis Inc Hemispheric Communication: Mechanisms and Models
The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive overview of the way in which the two hemispheres of the brain interact. Some chapters address the nature of this interaction, the anatomical substrates that may account for greater or lesser hemispheric interaction, and the role of sex and handedness in hemispheric interaction. Others address the use of different experimental methods and clinical populations to understand the nature of hemispheric interaction. In addition to current research, this book also provides an important historical overview of the early research questions about hemispheric function and interaction that have helped to shape current views of and approaches to the study of brain function. Special coverage includes: * a comprehensive history of early research on cerebral laterality and hemispheric communication, including work by Pavlov; * a critical analysis of techniques and methologies to study hemispheric communication; * research on anatomical substrates which may underly functional differences between hemispheres and hemispheric communication; * implications of handedness for hemispheric communication; * research on individual differences in hemispheric function; * comprehensive research on sex and handedness from physiological, anatomical, and functional perspectives; and * attentional differences in hemispheric function.
Taylor & Francis Inc Eating, Sleeping, and Sex: Perspectives in Behavioral Medicine
The lack of balance and the failure of regulation in life has traditionally been recognized in such extreme symbolic acts as overconscientiousness or a criminal lack of conscience. This volume shows how the neurotic process affects biologic functions, distorting natural functioning. Three distinct functions and their respective extremes are discussed: eating (obesity, bulimia nervosa), sleeping (insomnia, excessive somnolence), and sex (hypersexuality including child molestation, hyposexuality including inhibited sexual desires).
Taylor & Francis Inc An Introduction To Staff Development In Academic Libraries
An indispensable resource for librarians of all roles, the case studies in An Introduction to Staff Development in Academic Libraries demonstrate the necessity and value of integrating the library's mission statement and strategic plan with bold approaches to staff orientation, training, mentoring, and development.
Taylor & Francis Inc Becoming Citizens: Deepening the Craft of Youth Civic Engagement
The decreasing rate of involvement in organized groups and with voting by young people is a disturbing trend that perhaps can be turned around. Becoming Citizens: Deepening the Craft of Youth Civic Engagement brings together civic education, experiential education, and political theory to provide a revealing multiple-perspective examination of the new alternative way of practice in the youth work field called civic youth work. This helpful resource bridges the theory of civic engagement with education, ground both in extensive data, and then discuss various youth civic engagement initiatives that battle apathy and effectively invite expanded involvement by young people. This title examines three different youth civic engagement initiatives, Public Achievement (PA), Youth in Government (YIG), and Youth Science Center (YSC). The book then discusses the initiatives from various perspectives, including the academic perspectives of educational theory, political theory, theories of youth, and vocation. This unique source offers multiple points-of-view and is designed to enrich both the theoretical and practical for practitioners and scholars—and provides a revealing and useful look at the available sources. This book is a valuable resource for secondary social studies teachers; school district curriculum coordinators; youth workers; university faculty in political theory, democratic theory, youth studies, child and youth care, recreational studies, public health, education, and social work; youth and community organizers; and program directors and managers in community-based youth services.This book was published as a special issue of Child and Youth Services.
Taylor & Francis Inc A Theology of Gay and Lesbian Inclusion: Love Letters to the Church
Encourage the Church to address the gift of human sexualityhow to view it, how to deal with it, and how it relates to spiritualityA Theology of Gay and Lesbian Inclusion: Love Letters to the Church challenges traditional church teachings that brand homosexuality as immoral, using pertinent scripture from the central Gospel to promote a full acceptance of gay and lesbian Christians. This powerful book questions the assumption that gay Christians are morally inferior, presenting testimony from gay men and lesbians about prejudice they’ve experienced at the hands of the Churchand its straight members. Written as a series of ten letters, the book addresses the strengths and weaknesses of the church and appeals for a new understanding and commitment to the acceptance of its gay members. From the author:The purpose of this book is to equip you, Christian warrior of the Gospel of peace, to stand against those who use the Bible to resist changeeven that change of which our Lord would approve. In one sense, there is nothing revolutionary about this book. It is a book that respects traditionbut only up to a point: that point where tradition has to change, to give way to what the Holy Spirit is showing us in our day of the mind of Christ. And this is not revolutionary, because tradition has had to change before; it is a developing truth, born of the corporate experience of the children of God, and open to our claiming the exercise of our God-given gift of reason.A Theology of Gay and Lesbian Inclusion includes a series of letters that progress from establishing the purpose and credibility of the author, to developing grounding in Scripture and experience, to appealing to the reader to act as an ally of gay and lesbian Christians. The letters include: Dear Christian Believer, which aims for the bull’s-eye of the reader’s faith Dear Sexual Being, which offers a fresh look at a sensitive topic Dear Confused Church Member, which discusses what gay people are really like Dear Concerned Church Member, which discusses what gay people really want Dear Bible Explorer, which discusses what the Bible really says Dear Person Trying to Do the Right Thing, from being to doing and much more A Theology of Gay and Lesbian Inclusion provides a friendly and informal Biblical rationale for alternatives to traditional church teachings, encouraging the acceptance of gay and lesbian people as fully moral and fully Christian.
Taylor & Francis Inc On the Ground After September 11: Mental Health Responses and Practical Knowledge Gained
A heartfelt collection of extraordinary first-person accounts that delve into every level of the experience of 9/11Out of the infamy of 9/11 and its aftermath people rose up with courage and determination to meet formidable challenges. On the Ground After September 11: Mental Health Responses and Practical Lessons Gained is a stirring compilation of over a hundred personal and professional first-hand accounts of the entire experience, from the moment the first plane slammed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center, to the months mental health professionals worked to ease the pain and trauma of others even while they themselves were traumatized. This remarkable chronicle reveals the breadth and depth of human need and courage along with the practical organizational considerations encountered in the responses to terrorist attacks. The goal of any terrorist act is to instill psychosocial damage to a society to effect change. On the Ground After September 11 provides deep insight into the damage the attack had on our own society, the failures and victories within our response systems, and the path of healing that mental health workers need to travel to be of service to their clients. Personal accounts written by the professionals and public figures involved reveal the broad range of responses to this traumatic event and illuminate how mental health services can most effectively be delivered. Through the benefit of hindsight, recommendations are described for ways to better finance assistance, adapt the training of mental health professionals, and modify organizations’ response to the needs of victims in this type of event. Reading these unique personal accounts of that day and the difficult days that followed provides a thoughtful, moving, rational view of what is truly needed in times of disaster.On the Ground After September 11 includes the first-person experiences and lessons learned from the people of: NYU Downtown Hospital NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene NY Metropolitan Transportation Council St. Paul’s Chapel St. Vincent Hospital - Manhattan Safe Horizon LifeNet WTC Incident Command Center at NYC Medical Examiner’s office New Jersey’s Project Phoenix Massachusetts Department of Mental Health the military psychiatric response to the Pentagon attack Connecticut’s Center for Trauma Response, Recovery, and Preparedness the Staten Island Relief Center Barrier Free Living Inc. for people with disabilities the Federal Emergency Management Agency Alianza Dominicana, Inc. Staten Island Mental Health Society the United Airlines Emergency Response Team for Flight 93 The Center for Trauma Response, Recovery, and Preparedness (CTRP) Disaster Mental Health Services (DMHS) at Dulles International Airport the American Red Cross the Respite Center at the Great White Tent HealthCare Chaplaincy The Salvation Army the Islamic Circle of North America The Coalition of Voluntary Mental Health Agencies, Inc. F*E*G*S the Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services (JBFCS) and many, many more On the Ground After September 11: Mental Health Responses and Practical Lessons Gained poignantly illustrates that regardless of profession, culture, religion, or age, every life touched by 9/11 will never be the same. This is essential reading for counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, therapists, trauma specialists, educators, and students.
Taylor & Francis Inc Family Therapy Around the World: A Festschrift for Florence W. Kaslow
An international celebration of the work of Florence W. Kaslow! Family Therapy Around the World: A Festschrift for Florence W. Kaslow celebrates the life and work of the distinguished family therapist with an international collection of essays that reflects the dynamic state of clinical practice, research, and theory. Professionals and practitioners from 15 countries honor Dr. Kaslow’s pioneering contributions to family therapy and family psychology by offering practical solutions to the real, everyday problems that affect today’s world. The essays are varied and extensive, incorporating cultural and social factors to explore new territory in family therapy through cutting-edge research, clinical cases, and theoretical developments. Family Therapy Around the World recognizes the profound influence of Dr. Kaslow, who was instrumental in the adoption of the Journal of Family Psychotherapy as the official journal of the International Family Therapy Association (IFTA). The spirit of her work flows through the book’s essays, which represent the latest thinking and practice developments from clinicians, theoreticians, and researchers around the world. The book paints a clear portrait of the current state of family therapy across the globe, including contributions from Japan; the United Kingdom; Israel; India; Argentina; Russia; Sweden; Iceland; Yugoslavia; Italy; Australia; Norway; Chile; and the United States. Topics examined in Family Therapy Around the World include: salutogenic family therapy (Sweden) working with abusing families (United Kingdom) family life in an atmosphere of chronic stress and social transformation (Yugoslavia) adult children dealing with parental divorce (Italy) exploring culture in practice (United Kingdom and India) fathers who make a difference (Argentina) sex avoidance among young couples (Israel) working toward triadic communication with problematic families (Japan) and much more! For decades, Dr. Florence Kaslow has been an active practitioner, editor, author, teacher, and researcher. Family Therapy Around the World: A Festschrift for Florence W. Kaslow represents a small sampling of the effect her work has had on the family therapy community across the globe.
Taylor & Francis Inc Current Issues in Political Marketing
Explore the increased need for marketing within the political arenaCurrent Issues in Political Marketing presents up-to-date theory and research findings from academics working in political science, advertising, and management, and guidance from successful practitioners who know what it takes to make a nonprofit organization stand out in a crowd. The book presents the latest thinking on marketing issues and the consequences of political marketing, including insights into current British politics that can easily be applied to democratic countries. It will help you develop strategies that make effective use of limited resources as nonprofit organizations face greater competition for reduced government funding.Current Issues in Political Marketing addresses the ethical and practical difficulties in implementing traditional business approaches into the political and public arena. Political parties, the media, universities, local governments, charities, and legislatures are all adopting tools of marketing intelligence to understand their market needs and demands. This unique book examines how to adapt marketing to politics, including which marketing tools and concepts can be successfully transferred, and looks at the advantagesand problemsthat political marketing can bring. Topics examined in Current Issues in Political Marketing include: political frames agenda setting voter attitude public-policy marketing change management relationship marketing voter disengagement party identification market orientation product anatomy branding segmentation and much more! Current Issues in Political Marketing is a valuable resource for directors and managers of nonprofit and charitable organizations, and for academics working in nonprofit management and social work.
Taylor & Francis Inc Virtual Reference Services: Issues and Trends
A state-of-the-art guide to virtual reference services! This essential book provides a snapshot of virtual reference (VR) services in all kinds of library settings and discusses the issues, trends, and practices involved in offering this kind of service. The chapters go beyond descriptions of services to offer practical advice and suggestions for product selection, policy setting, technical support, collaborative efforts, staffing, training, marketing, budgeting, evaluation, and administration. Case studies, relevant Web sites, and vendor information are included. An ample selection of tables, figures, and illustrations makes important information easy to access and understand. From the editors: The purpose of this book is to describe the state of the art in virtual reference services, by which we mean real-time, interactive reference service with a librarian, offered online via chat or videoconferencing. Significant players in virtual reference services have prepared chapters for this book. Some of these address virtual reference as a service trend. Others describe services in a variety of settings, including public, academic, and special libraries. Some focus on one aspect of virtual reference, such as statistics/evaluation, policy setting, or the reference interaction. Our intent is to provide an opportunity for reflection on the impact of virtual reference services on librarians, clients, and libraries, as well as to offer a glimpse of the future. Virtual Reference Services: Issues and Trends addresses topics that will help institutions and VR professionals provide more effective services. Chapters focus on: the principles and concepts of continuous quality improvement (CQI) for virtual reference, such as the Kano Model of user satisfactionand how it can help libraries improve their VR services a case study of the adoption of VR service at the Suffolk Cooperative Library System in New York, with emphasis on the benefits of maintaining a user-centered perspective to help inform decisions about procedures and services staff selection, structuring the work environment, scheduling, and other VR issues at a large university library collaborative VR services in the state of New Jersey and the development of the Q and A NJ initiative and the experiences of two participating public libraries the development and testing of innnovative software developed through a partnership with a high tech company statewide and regional VR collaboration in Florida, with a comprehensive and detailed overview of that state's VR initiatives post-implementation issues such as high call volume, difficult users, training and quality assessment, and service improvement a report from a medical/dental library participating in a multitype library collaborative VR servicewith insights on budgeting, training, administration/coordination, morale, marketing, user reaction, and how a health sciences library contributes to (and benefits from) this kind of initiative VR services at The Boeing Corporation a model and framework for collecting and making use of statistical data in a VR service, with AskERIC's implementation as an example the nature of the user-librarian VR interaction, with an insightful analysis of chat transcripts from Carnegie Mellon University how users interact with various services offered on library Web pages, with an illuminating comparison of the use of the library Web site search tool at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale vs. the use of the VR service available on that site
Taylor & Francis Inc Internet Applications in Euromarketing
Explore Internet marketing from cross-cultural and cross-national perspectives! This book examines cutting-edge theory and practice on Internet marketing, putting the latest research on the best ways to exploit this interactive advertising medium in your hands. In Internet Applications in Euromarketing, scholars from Europe and the United States examine essential facets of Internet use, both as a means of product promotion and as a facilitator of consumers? purchasing decisions. Internet Applications in Euromarketing considers the effectiveness of combining Web advertising with traditional media, looks at ways to make banner ads pay off, highlights techniques for reaching older consumers via the Internet, shows how to take advantage of online word-of-mouth advertising, and more! The handy charts and tables in this well-referenced book make important points of information easy to access and understand. Internet Applications in Euromarketing looks in-depth at what works and what doesn?t, addressing the questions on marketers? minds (and some that many haven?t thought of yet), including: Where is a company?s marketing money best spent?what are the media effects for Internet exposure vs. television and print? Is it useful to mention a price, a rebate, or a gift to encourage the Internet user to move from the banner?s host site to the brand?s site? What are the Internet habits and preferences of seniors, and what are the best ways to reach them? Are banner ads that are disguised as messages from the user?s operating system more effective than those that simply appear as advertising? How can we generate word-of-mouth Internet communication?via e-mail, newsgroups, bulletin boards, chat rooms, etc.?and establish credibility? What are the advantages of online discussions over traditional focus groups?
Taylor & Francis Inc Strategic Global Marketing: Issues and Trends
Learn to select appropriate strategic tools and measure the competitiveness of international firms! This essential text addresses important strategic marketing issues and questions in a unique and insightful way. Strategic Global Marketing: Issues and Trends takes on the standardization vs. adaptation issue and will familiarize you with important topics, including customer value measurement in highly competitive industries; factors influencing export attitudes; qualities necessary for successful international business conduct; distribution channels behavior and regional differences in the way these channels function; and more! Handy charts, tables, and figures make the information easy to access and understand. In Strategic Global Marketing: Issues and Trends, authors from Israel, the United States, India, Hong Kong, and New Zealand examine the usefulness of comparative studies of dominant cultural values in successful international strategy development as well as other specific facets of international marketing strategy, such as: technometricsa benchmarked approach to compare competing brands on a set of attributes the attitudes of Taiwanese executives regarding exporting and international conduct the cultural values that must be taken into account to produce effective print advertisements in the United States and India the marketing roles and functions undertaken by Chinese wholesalersand the functions they are still reluctant to perform a meta-analysis-tested model of the relationship between export performance and the degree of standardization of international marketing strategy used by the exporter the effectiveness of policies put in place by leaders of United States cities in their efforts to promote exports
Taylor & Francis Inc International Perspectives on Pastoral Counseling
Gain fresh perspectives on pastoral care and counseling from international experts!This informative book will show you how pastoral care and counseling are viewed and practiced in Africa, India, Korea, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Central America, South America, Germany, and the United Kingdom. You’ll find new perspectives on theoretical and practical aspects of pastoral care and counseling as well as fascinating case studies and unique insights on how culture affects this type of ministry.In his Preface, Dr. Howard Clinebell, Professor Emeritus of Pastoral Psychology and Counseling at the Claremont School of Theology, explains the need for this book: “In the radically new world of the 21st century, pastoral counselors of all races and ethnic backgrounds will be challenged by a growing need to provide competent help to burdened individuals, couples, families, and communities of different cultural backgrounds and worldviews than their own.”International Perspectives on Pastoral Counseling gives you an intimate view of: counseling models from the United States that are being adapted to the realities of urban Korean life pastoral care and counseling in African and multicultural contexts counseling issues arising from urban realities in Pretoria, South Africa the state of pastoral counseling and the impact of globalization and international markets on pastoral theology in Brazil care and counseling models from Holland and the United States that are being imported for use in Indonesia how the realities of life in Singapore relate to pastoral care and therapeutic conversations the needs of women and the historical development and meaning of pastoral care and counseling in the Philippines the meaning of forgiveness--from an intercultural perspective spiritual, philosophical, and other perspectives on Chinese cultures the pitfalls of individualistic models of pastoral care and counseling in poverty-stricken regions of Latin America the unique challenges of delivering care and counseling in Asian-Pacific cultures
Taylor & Francis Inc Human Services Technology: Innovations in Practice and Education
Make the most of your human services training or practice with these electronic tools!Human Services Technology: Innovations in Practice and Education shows how technology can help practitioners, educators, organizations, and agencies to overcome obstacles, develop problem-solving skills in adults and children, and resolve fear/anxiety issues. It also illustrates how the right software can make a profound difference in the learning experience by transforming students from passive consumers to proactive information hunters. The first half of this vital book highlights well-designed, user-friendly, practice-focused software for use with children and youth, including Funny Face, Bruce?s Multimedia Story, Say No With Donny, Talking it Out, and more. These can be used in play therapy, as a child welfare aid, as an educative/preventative intervention for a variety of issues, and for problem solving in school. This half of the book continues with six chapters discussing software designed for human services professionals working with adults. These include interactive video conferencing, online support for job stress, a computer-aided art therapy program, telephone counseling, an electronically supported way to conduct staff meetings, and moreThe second half of Human Services Technology discusses software used for training counselors. These programs monitor users’understanding of the material, provide feedback, allow users to decide what direction their studies would move in, and make provision for students to determine their own pace.This vital book shows how technology can help practitioners, educators, organizations, and agencies to: deliver effective services to clients who cannot or will not come to face-to-face sessions use electronic games and simulations to develop problem-solving skills in children and adults use virtual environments and realistic stimuli to resolve issues of fear and anxiety make prevention information easily available to more people than ever before and much more!Describing and illustrating software developed and tested in the United States, Australia, Canada, Israel, Finland, and the United Kingdom, Human Services Technology: Innovations in Practice and Education is essential for every human services reference shelf!
Taylor & Francis Inc African-American Social Workers and Social Policy
Critical analyses of policies that significantly affect African-American families and communities! African-American Social Workers and Social Policy is the first book of its kind to combine the voices of African-American social work professionals on social policy in one volume. You'll learn about the impact of health, child welfare, and aging, the implications of welfare reform, and the harsh statistics about race and imprisonment from respected practitioners in the field. Each chapter ends with recommendations for policy advocacy, giving you the tools you need to help reform the system. The issues addressed in African-American Social Workers and Social Policy include: how proposed Social Security reforms can help or hinder efforts to bridge the wealth gap the role of grandparents as caregivers the implications of child welfare policies, including the Multi-Ethnic Placement Act of 1994 the effects of race, class, and gender discrimination on African-American women's health the significance of the Human Genome Project how social workers can stand up to the biases of the criminal justice system African-American Social Workers and Social Policy also presents an eye-opening review of the history of mental health policies for African Americans and an action agenda focused on knowledge and empowerment as a solution to pervasive institutional racism. This book is a welcome forum for policy educators, advocates, and those committed to social justice. You will value African-American Social Workers and Social Policy for its clear identification of issues, thorough analysis of the social policy arena and its impact, and comprehensive description of new goals, directions, and possibilities. This book will help you better understand vital social policies that affect African Americans today.
Taylor & Francis Inc Using Workbooks in Mental Health: Resources in Prevention, Psychotherapy, and Rehabilitation for Clinicians and Researchers
The use of workbooks in therapy might represent one of the biggest breakthroughs that has occurred in decades. Using Workbooks in Mental Health: Resources in Prevention, Psychotherapy, and Rehabilitation for Clinicians and Researchers examines the effectiveness of mental health workbooks designed to address problems ranging from dementia and depression to addiction, spousal abuse, eating disorders, and more. Compiled by Dr. Luciano L’Abate, a leading authority on mental health workbooks, this resource will help clinicians and researchers become aware of the supportive evidence for the use of workbooks. Using Workbooks in Mental Health examines workbooks designed to specifically help: clients affected by dementia or depression abused women gambling addicts women who have substance-abuse addictions incarcerated felons couples preparing for marriage children with school refusal disorder and more! An essential reference for mental health professionals, graduate students, administrators, and researchers, Using Workbooks in Mental Health also explores the role of workbooks in psychological intervention over the past decade. Although workbooks are not yet part of the mainstream of psychological intervention, they are growing in popularity as their many advantages are recognized. They are easy to use by almost any client, they are cost-effective to both therapist and client in terms of money and time, they provide therapists with written assignments to use as homework for individuals, couples, and families, and they can be used in any setting, especially in computer-assisted offline or online interventions. In addition, this book shows how workbooks can be used to administer therapy to previously unreachable clients such as: people who are reluctant to talk to an authoritative figure or a stranger people who cannot afford face-to-face treatments incarcerated offenders who have not been helped by talk therapies Internet users who are searching for help via computer rather than in person
Taylor & Francis Inc From Carnegie to Internet2: Forging the Serial's Future
Couldn't attend the conference? Pick up the book!The Internet has been called a revolution, and it is; both in the ways that people and institutions communicate with each other, and in the ways that resources can now be shared. Professionals in the information field share a mandate to enable current and future generations to make use of this technology. From Carnegie to Internet2: Forging the Serial's Future is derived from proceedings of NASIG's 14th Annual Conference, held in June 1999 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This comprehensive guide to the conference proceedings discusses the powerful impact that the current explosion of information technology has had on librarianship and shares information to help you understand and benefit from these new tools.From Carnegie to Internet2 begins with a discussion of metadata--how it is created, how it is used and misused, and how to access it through search engines, including current and future access to electronic serials. Next, you'll encounter a proactive process for looking at what's to come for your library in “Scenario Building: Creating Your Library's Future.”As you proceed through From Carnegie to Internet2 you will find fascinating discussions of: full-text databases electronic serials reliable and unreliable Web sources the history of librarianship scholarly publishing by librarians the evolution of distance education . . . and much more! The current information and practical insight in From Carnegie to Internet2 will help you improve your technical skills and prepare you and your library for the 21st century!