Search results for ""Taylor Francis""
Taylor & Francis Inc Polymer Processing Instabilities: Control and Understanding
Polymer Processing Instabilities: Control and Understanding offers a practical understanding of the various flows that occur during the processing of polymer melts. The book pays particular attention to flow instabilities that affect the rate of production and the methods used to prevent and eliminate flow instabilities in order to increase production rates and enhance manufacturing efficiency. Polymer Processing Instabilities: Control and Understanding summarizes experimental observations of flow instabilities that occur in numerous processing operations such as extrusion, injection molding, fiber spinning, film casting, and film blowing for a wide range of materials, including most commodity polymers that are processed as melts at temperatures above their melting point or as concentrated solutions at lower temperatures. The book first presents the fundamental principles in rheology and flow instabilities. It relates the operating conditions with flow curves, the critical wall shear stress for the onset of the instabilities, and new visualization techniques with numerical modeling and molecular structure. It reviews one-dimensional phenomenological relaxation/oscillation models describing the experimental pressure and flow rate oscillations, analyzes the gross melt fracture (GMF) instability, and examines how traditional and non-traditional processing aids eliminate melt fracture and improve polymer processability. It supplies a numerical approach for the investigation of the linear viscoelastic stability behavior of simplified injection molding flows and examines a newly discovered family of instabilities that occur in co-extrusion.Polymer Processing Instabilities: Control and Understanding is unique in that it fills a gap in the polymer processing literature where polymer flow instabilities are not treated in-depth in any book. It summarizes state-of-the-art developments in the field, particularly those of the last ten years, and contains significant data based on this research.
Taylor & Francis Inc Semiconductor Laser Fundamentals
Ranging from fundamental theoretical concepts to advanced device technologies, this reference/text explores the engineering, characteristics, and performance of specific semiconductor lasers. It defines key principles in electromagnetics, optoelectronics, and laser implementation for novel applications in optical communications, storage, processing, measurement, and sensing. This text prepares students for advanced experimental and theoretical research in semiconductor laser technology and provides the only comprehensive, systematic, and concise description of semiconductor lasers available for an understanding of the physics and parameters of laser operation and function.
Taylor & Francis Inc Color Desktop Printer Technology
Printing traces its roots back for centuries, and the invention of moveable type changed the world. However, until the advent of the computer, printing remained a costly and time-consuming operation. From the first humble dot matrix to modern inkjet, laser, and dye sublimation printers, desktop printing has brought low-cost, high quality printing out of the large presses and into the home and office. Color Desktop Printer Technology provides an overview of the current state of the technology, examining both current and emerging applications.With expert contributors from leading companies and universities in the US and Japan, this book examines the color desktop printer from every angle. It begins with an introduction to the basic principles of color printing and the concepts of document and image quality. An overview of the historical background, current trends, and future directions places the technology in its business and market context. The book then devotes four chapters to the major platform: inkjet, laser printer, thermal transfer, and film recording. The last two chapters focus on color management and the quickly developing spectral printing technology.Laying a foundation for continued development and innovation in this ubiquitous field, Color Desktop Printer Technology is fundamental enough to be enjoyed by interested laypersons, yet detailed enough to satisfy the practicing engineer.
Taylor & Francis Inc Analytical and Physical Electrochemistry
The study of electrochemistry is pertinent to a wide variety of fields, including bioenergetics, environmental sciences, and engineering sciences. In addition, electrochemistry plays a fundamental role in specific applications as diverse as the conversion and storage of energy and the sequencing of DNA.Intended both as a basic course for undergraduate students and as a reference work for graduates and researchers, Analytical and Physical Electrochemistry covers two fundamental aspects of electrochemistry: electrochemistry in solution and interfacial electrochemistry. By bringing these two subjects together into a single volume, the author clearly establishes the links between the physical foundation and the analytical applications of electrochemistry.The philosophy of Analytical and Physical Electrochemistry has been to publish all the mathematical derivations in detail, allowing you, if you so desire, to follow the calculations that lead to the main results. With this rigorous approach, the author has provided a book of reference constructed from first principles. In this respect, the nomenclature and standards of the IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) are observed.
Taylor & Francis Inc Molecularly Imprinted Materials: Science and Technology
Providing an up-to-date overview of the field, this reference presents extensive discussions on a wide range of approaches for molecular imprinting written by pioneering experts on the subject. Molecularly Imprinted Materials: Science and Technology offers experimental protocols that exemplify specific techniques, as well as detailed surveys on molecular imprinting research and applications. Provides a comprehensive tutorial for those who wish to learn basic techniques and make new contributions to the field, as well as in-depth discussions, guidelines, and experimental protocols to help beginners gain a jump-start in the field of molecular imprintingThe book examines the recent evolution of the technology, offering step-by-step instruction on methods to design and optimize molecularly imprinted polymers and suggestions, recommendations, and troubleshooting strategies for alternative approaches and improvements discussed in the text.about the editors...MINGDI YAN is Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Portland State University, Oregon. After serving as a senior research scientist at Ikonos Corporation, Portland, Oregon, she joined the Portland State University faculty and now leads a research group in organic and polymeric materials science. She received the B.S. degree in polymer physics from the University of Science and Technology, China, and the Ph.D. degree in organic chemistry from the University of Oregon. OLOF RAMSTRÖM is Associate Professor, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. After serving with Professor Jean-Marie Lehn at Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France, he joined the Royal Institute of Technology and is now leading a group specializing in supramolecular chemistry and molecular recognition. He received the M.Sc. degree in chemical engineering and the Ph.D. degree in bioorganic chemistry/applied biochemistry from Lund Institute of Technology/Lund University, Sweden.
Taylor & Francis Inc Watermarking Systems Engineering: Enabling Digital Assets Security and Other Applications
The rapid growth of the Internet has fueled the demand for enhanced watermarking and data hiding technologies and has stimulated research into new ways to implement watermarking systems in the real world. This book presents the fundamental principles of watermarking system design and discusses state-of-the-art technologies in information concealment and recovery. It highlights the requirements and challenges of applications in security, image/video indexing, hidden communications, image captioning, and transmission error recovery and concealment. It explains the foundations of digital watermarking technologies, and offers an understanding of new approaches and applications, and lays the groundwork for future developments in the field.
Taylor & Francis Inc Modeling and Simulation for Material Selection and Mechanical Design
This reference describes advanced computer modeling and simulation procedures to predict material properties and component design including mechanical properties, microstructural evolution, and materials behavior and performance. The book illustrates the most effective modeling and simulation technologies relating to surface-engineered compounds, fastener design, quenching and tempering during heat treatment, and residual stresses and distortion during forging, casting, and heat treatment. Written by internationally recognized experts in the field, it enables researchers to enhance engineering processes and reduce production costs in materials and component development.
Taylor & Francis Inc Theory of Dimensioning: An Introduction to Parameterizing Geometric Models
Encompassing a wide range of mathematical concepts, this text/reference presents a comprehensive theory of dimensioning and parameterizing of geometric models. This volume develops a unified and systematic theory of intrinsic and relational dimensioning using the powerful notion of congruence.Packed with illustrative examples and exercises, it explains how basic geometric knowledge can be used to understand and approach various dimensioning challenges and provides valuable methods for parameterizing geometric models. This valuable reference discusses how dimensional constraints are resolved and managed and offers effective techniques to dimension and parameterize solids.
Taylor & Francis Inc Handbook of Mechanical Alloy Design
Offering one of the field's most thorough treatments of material design principles, including a concise overview of fastener design, the Handbook of Mechanical Alloy Design provides an extensive overview of the effects of alloy compositional design on expected mechanical properties. This reference highlights the design elements that must be considered in risk-based metallurgical design and covers alloy design for a broad range of materials, including the increasingly important powder metal and metal matrix alloys. It discusses the design issues associated with carbon, alloy, and tool steels, microalloyed steels, and more. The Handbook of Mechanical Alloy Design is a must-have reference.
Taylor & Francis Inc Reinforced Soil Engineering: Advances in Research and Practice
This one-of-a-kind reference evaluates the efficacy, stability, and strength of various soil walls, slopes, and structures enhanced by geosynthetic materials. Offering stimulating contributions from more than 50 leading specialists in the field, Reinforced Soil Engineering compiles recent innovations in design layout, controlled construction, and geosynthetic material implementation for improved cost-efficiency, maintenance, and functioning in civil engineering applications. The book focuses on geotechnical earthquake issues and case histories from countries including the United States, Canada, Japan, Taiwan, Turkey, and other European nations.
Taylor & Francis Inc Applied Statistical Designs for the Researcher
Showcasing a discussion of the experimental process and a review of basic statistics, this volume provides methodologies to identify general data distribution, skewness, and outliers. It features a unique classification of the nonparametric analogs of their parametric counterparts according to the strength of the collected data. Applied Statistical Designs for the Researcher discusses three varieties of the Student t test, including a comparison of two different groups with different variances; two groups with the same variance; and a matched, paired group. It introduces the analysis of variance and Latin Square designs and presents screening approaches to comparing two factors and their interactions.
Taylor & Francis Inc Cancer Risk Assessment
The assessment of cancer risk is a complex process that requires the examination of etiological agents, real-world environments, and individual rates of exposure. This reference offers practical approaches to determine cancer risk in individuals, groups of exposed persons, and the general public in relation to individual genetic and acquired susceptibilities.
Taylor & Francis Inc Obesity and Mental Disorders
Currently, there are a limited amount of guidelines to help clinicians manage patients with obesity and comorbid mental disorders. This expertly written source fills the gap in the literature by providing a clear overview of obesity and its relationship to mental illness while reviewing the most recent methods to manage and control the condition with diet, exercise, psychological treatments, pharmacotherapy, and surgery.
Taylor & Francis Inc Molecular Interventions in Lifestyle-Related Diseases
The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, officially recognizing that various risk factors for disease are present in our environment, has proposed the concept of lifestyle-related diseases. These include those diseases that are tied to such lifestyle choices as excessive alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, exposure to stress, and poor diet.Ongoing attention to this issue led to an International Symposium on Free Radicals and Health: Molecular Interventions and Protection of Lifestyle-Related Diseases bringing together the top experts in that area. With the belief that the recognition of the occurrence of risk factors and their identification are important to overcoming lifestyle-related diseases, three of those experts invited prominent participants at the symposium to contribute to a book. Molecular Interventions in Lifestyle-Related Diseases is the result of that effort.This book is divided into three main sections:Free Radicals, Lifestyle-Related Diseases, and Their Protection Free Radicals, Brain Diseases, and Their Protection Nutraceuticals, Functional Foods, Micronutrients, and Pharmacological InterventionsWhen bad lifestyle choices cause oxidants and free radicals to have a negative influence on cell signaling and gene expression, lifestyle-related diseases are set into motion, which in turn lead to further oxidative stress.Molecular Interventions in Lifestyle-Related Diseases addresses the molecular basis of free radicals and lifestyle-related diseases and preventive/therapeutic approaches including the use of nutraceuticals, functional foods, and pharmacological interventions. Each section contains several chapters addressing critical molecular mechanisms, therapeutic interventions, and other issues of relevance to human health that will be of interest to students and researchers in the health professions including nutritional and environmental scientists, molecular and cell biologi
Taylor & Francis Inc Ultrasound-Guided Procedures and Investigations: A Manual for the Clinician
Recognizing the increasing importance of ultrasonography in the evaluation and management of patients across a range of medical disciplines, this guide provides illustrative instruction on the performance and interpretation of ultrasound examinations in emergency, critical care, hospital, and outpatient settings.
Taylor & Francis Inc Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, and Health
Specifically focusing on the redox regulation of cell signaling responsible for oxidative stress and inflammatory tissue damage, this reference provides a comprehensive overview of cutting-edge research on the intracellular events mediating or preventing oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory processes induced by endogenous and xenobiotic factors-analyzing the implications of oxidative stress and inflammatory damage in the pathogenesis of human disorders such as cancer, neurodegenerative disease, and diabetes.
Taylor & Francis Inc Nutrigenomics
Nutritional genomics, also referred to as nutrigenomics, is considered one of the next frontiers in the post-genomic era. Its fundamental premise is that while alterations in gene expression or epigenetic phenomena can subvert a healthy phenotype into manifesting chronic disease, through the introduction of certain nutrients, this process can be reversed or modified. Employing state-of-the-art genomic and proteomic investigations that monitor the expression of thousands of genes in response to diet, nutrigenomics investigates the occurrence of relationship between dietary nutrients and gene expression.Nutrigenomics was compiled to update the reader on recent advances in this emerging field. Over forty experts in nutrition, physiology, pathology, pharmacology, and the microbial sciences from all across the world present cutting-edge developments and emerging methods presently used in nutrigenomics. They include the latest studies and research on the role of oxidants, antioxidants, phytochemicals, and micronutrients in the modulation of gene expression affecting aging, immune function, carcinogenesis, and vascular health. As most human diseases are largely avoidable by lifestyle changes, this places nutrigenomics at the forefront of preventive medicine.
Taylor & Francis Inc Childhood Asthma
This reference collects the latest studies on the development, diagnosis, and treatment of childhood asthma and offers current perspectives on new technologies that will shape the management of pediatric asthma in the forthcoming decade-illustrating how advances in pulmonary function measurement, inflammatory markers, imaging, and pharmacogenetics will enhance the diagnosis and monitoring of asthma in years to come.
Taylor & Francis Inc Non-Associative Algebra and Its Applications
With contributions derived from presentations at an international conference, Non-Associative Algebra and Its Applications explores a wide range of topics focusing on Lie algebras, nonassociative rings and algebras, quasigroups, loops, and related systems as well as applications of nonassociative algebra to geometry, physics, and natural sciences. This book covers material such as Jordan superalgebras, nonassociative deformations, nonassociative generalization of Hopf algebras, the structure of free algebras, derivations of Lie algebras, and the identities of Albert algebra. It also includes applications of smooth quasigroups and loops to differential geometry and relativity.
Taylor & Francis Inc MEMS and Microstructures in Aerospace Applications
The promise of MEMS for aerospace applications has been germinating for years, and current advances bring the field to the very cusp of fruition. Reliability is chief among the challenges limiting the deployment of MEMS technologies in space, as the requirement of zero failure during the mission is quite stringent for this burgeoning field. MEMS and Microstructures in Aerospace Applications provides all the necessary tools to overcome these obstacles and take MEMS from the lab bench to beyond the exosphere.The book begins with an overview of MEMS development and provides several demonstrations of past and current examples of MEMS in space. From this platform, the discussion builds to fabrication technologies; the effect of space environmental factors on MEMS devices; and micro technologies for space systems, instrumentation, communications, thermal control, guidance navigation and control, and propulsion. Subsequent chapters explore factors common to all of the described systems, such as MEMS packaging, handling and contamination control, material selection for specific applications, reliability practices for design and application, and assurance practices.Edited and contributed by an outstanding team of leading experts from industry, academia, and national laboratories, MEMS and Microstructures in Aerospace Applications illuminates the path toward qualifying and integrating MEMS devices and instruments into future space missions and developing innovative satellite systems.
Taylor & Francis Inc Biomedical Nanotechnology
Biomedical nanotechnology is one of the fastest-growing fields of research across the globe. However, even the most promising technologies may never realize their full potential if public and political opinions are galvanized against them, a situation clearly evident in such controversial fields as cloning and stem cell research. Biomedical Nanotechnology presents state-of-the-art research in the field and also considers the socio-political risks and perceptions of this important science.Contributed by prominent experts in this expansive and interdisciplinary field, Biomedical Nanotechnology examines developments in three sub-fields: nanodrugs and drug delivery; prostheses and implants; and diagnostics and screening technologies. The authors compare new capabilities introduced by nanotechnology to traditional methods of release, target, and controlled drug delivery in the body. They also consider the challenge of understanding and controlling the biological processes involved upon implantation and discuss nanoscale sensors for biological chemical detection and biodefense. The book concludes with individual chapters devoted to the social and economic context of nanotechnologies and to their potential risks and possible solutions.By outlining cutting-edge research in the context of pressing global medical needs and potential risks, this authoritative reference supplies a holistic treatment of biomedical nanotechnology that enables us to understand its implications and decide the best way to move forward.
Taylor & Francis Inc Separation Methods In Microanalytical Systems
Focusing on what has been one of the driving forces behind the development of lab-on-a-chip devices, Separation Methods in Microanalytical Systems explores the implementation, realization, and operation of separation techniques and related complex workflows on microfabricated devices. The book details the design, manufacture, and integration of diverse components needed to perform an entire analytical procedure on a single miniaturized device. The content applies to a diversity of disciplines including chemical analysis, biomedical diagnostics, environmental monitoring, and drug discovery.Separation Methods in Microanalytical Systems lays its theoretical background in a way that scientists from varied disciplines can approach. The book describes factors that influence the performance of separation, such as microfluidic handling, sample pre-treatment, and detection. It also conveys fabrication and material issues, design challenges, and practical considerations. Several chapters describe specific separation techniques that are central to micro-Total Analysis Systems (µ-TAS) as well as novel methods and emerging trends in microchip-based separations. The book also provides an applications overview that supplies a wealth of examples that help scientists put their ideas in perspective with already existing solutions. This multi-authored volume offers different styles, approaches, and opinions for a given problem, reflecting the various angles researchers take to handle the same issues. A one-stop guide for understanding, designing, and working with separation techniques in microanalytical devices, Separation Methods in Microanalytical Systems is a valuable reference for scientists and engineers already preparing to meet the anticipated demand for function-specific chemical separation systems.
Taylor & Francis Inc Industrialization of Drug Discovery: From Target Selection Through Lead Optimization
The drug discovery and development process is getting longer, more expensive, and no better. The industry suffers from the same clinical attrition and safety-related market withdrawal rates today as it did 20 years ago. Industrialization of Drug Discovery: From Target Selection Through Lead Optimization scrutinizes these problems in detail, contrasting the promise of technology and industrialization with the challenges of using the tools available to their best advantage. The book explores early successes, examines the current state of the art, and provides a strategic analysis of the issues currently facing drug discovery.Introducing the historical background and current status of the industry, the book delineates the basic tenets underlying modern drug discovery, how they have evolved, and their use in various approaches and strategies. It examines, in detail, the regulations, requirements, guidelines, and draft documents that guide so many FDA actions. The editor devotes the remainder of the discussion to industrialization, compound and knowledge management functions, the drug screening process, collaboration, and finally, ethical issues. Drawing on real-life, from-the-trenches examples, the book elucidates a new approach to drug discovery and development. This modern-day, back-to-basics approach includes three steps: understand the science, unravel the story, and then intelligently apply the technology, bringing to bear the entire armamentarium of industrialization techniques, not just automation, to the discovery process. Using these steps, you can meet the goals of more specific targets, more selective compounds, and decreased cycle times. In effect, you can look for a bigger needle in a smaller haystack. Daniel E. Levy, editor of the Drug Discovery Series, is the founder of DEL BioPharma, a consulting service for drug discovery programs. He also maintains a blog that explores organic chemistry.
Taylor & Francis Inc Commutative Algebra: Geometric, Homological, Combinatorial and Computational Aspects
Packed with contributions from international experts, Commutative Algebra: Geometric, Homological, Combinatorial, and Computational Aspects features new research results that borrow methods from neighboring fields such as combinatorics, homological algebra, polyhedral geometry, symbolic computation, and topology. This book consists of articles presented during two conferences held in Spain and Portugal in June, 2003. It encompasses a variety of topics, including blowup algebras, Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity, integral closure and normality, Koszul homology, liaison theory, multiplicities, polarization, and reductions of ideals. This comprehensive volume will stimulate further research in the field.
Taylor & Francis Inc Discrete Geometry
Celebrating the work of Professor W. Kuperberg, this reference explores packing and covering theory, tilings, combinatorial and computational geometry, and convexity, featuring an extensive collection of problems compiled at the Discrete Geometry Special Session of the American Mathematical Society in New Orleans, Louisiana. Discrete Geometry analyzes packings and coverings with congruent convex bodies , arrangements on the sphere, line transversals, Euclidean and spherical tilings, geometric graphs, polygons and polyhedra, and fixing systems for convex figures. This text also offers research and contributions from more than 50 esteemed international authorities, making it a valuable addition to any mathematical library.
Taylor & Francis Inc Using the Agricultural, Environmental, and Food Literature
This reference provides the groundwork, tools, and terminology required when conducting specialized searches for information and resources pertaining to traditional and emerging fields of agriculture. The editors present 16 contributions from librarians and other information workers that offer information on research resources across the academic agricultural disciplines. They offer information on library catalog search strategies, abstracts and indexes, bibliographies and literature guides, search engines, government documents, and other research related information. Each contribution addresses research in a particular sub-field of the general discipline of agricultural sciences.
Taylor & Francis Inc Handbook of Monetary Policy
This handbook explains the development and implementation of monetary policy. It examines theories and issues related to the preservation of economic activity and explores why the preservation of economic stability is a principal goal of public policy.
Taylor & Francis Inc Control of Foodborne Microorganisms
Presents the latest research in the control of foodborne pathogens. Emphasizes traditional and emerging techniques as well as current applications for the inactivation of microorganisms to reduce illness and enhance food safety and quality.
Taylor & Francis Inc Partial Differential Equations On Multistructures
This text is based on lectures presented at the International Conference on Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) on Multistructures, held in Luminy, France. It contains advances in the field, compiling research on the analyses and applications of multistructures - including treatments of classical theories, specific characterizations and modellings of multistructures, and discussions on uses in physics, electronics, and biology.
Taylor & Francis Inc Ring Theory And Algebraic Geometry
Focuses on the interaction between algebra and algebraic geometry, including high-level research papers and surveys contributed by over 40 top specialists representing more than 15 countries worldwide. Describes abelian groups and lattices, algebras and binomial ideals, cones and fans, affine and projective algebraic varieties, simplicial and cellular complexes, polytopes, and arithmetics.
Taylor & Francis Inc Monopole Antennas
"Monopole Antennas" provides an industry standard for the modeling, testing, and application of airborne and ground-based monopole antennas. This book, with more than double the content of the author's previous, sold-out book, "Monopole Elements on Circular Ground Planes", includes structures in proximity to flat Earth in addition to those in free space of the earlier book. It also features state-of-the-art numerical methods, including Richmond's method of moments for disk ground planes and the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory's Numerical Electomagnetic Code for radial-wire ground planes.
Taylor & Francis Inc Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis
This volume presents the proceedings of the Seventh International Colloquium on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis held in Fukuoka, Japan. The contributions offer multiple perspectives and numerous research examples on complex variables, Clifford algebra variables, hyperfunctions and numerical analysis.
Taylor & Francis Inc NonasSociative Algebra and Its Applications
A collection of lectures presented at the Fourth International Conference on Nonassociative Algebra and its Applications, held in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Topics in algebra theory include alternative, Bernstein, Jordan, lie, and Malcev algebras and superalgebras. The volume presents applications to population genetics theory, physics, and more.
Taylor & Francis Inc Proteoglycans: Structure, Biology And Molecular Interactions
This book provides a comprehensive, up-to-date review of the structure, biology, and molecular interactions of proteoglycans, consolidating into a single source research using molecular, cellular, and animal systems. Of particular note is an in-depth look at the role of heparan sulfate in modulating growth factors and morphogens.
Taylor & Francis Inc Genetic Toxicology and Cancer Risk Assessment
Presents state-of-the-art regulatory cancer risk assessment models including a biologically based model for two-hit carcinogenesis and cell proliferation!This book comprehensively reviews the various roles of genetic toxicology in human cancer risk assessment conducted by United States and worldwide regulatory agencies-discussing hazard identification, dose-response relationships, exposure assessment, and current practices of risk characterization.Examines predictive values of mutagenicity tests, mechanisms of carcinogenesis, and conventional genotoxicity tests required by the International Conference on Harmonization and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development/Environmental Protection Agency guidelines!Comprised of contributions from prominent experts and risk assessors and including nearly 1200 references to facilitate further study, Genetic Toxicology and Cancer Risk Assessmentreviews contemporary human cancer genetics as related to the mutagenic nature of carcinogenesis calculates acceptable exposure levels based on a carcinogenic threshold dose for nongenotoxic carcinogens reveals the rationale and methodology of quantitative estimation of human cancer risks using mathematical models discusses the threshold concept of carcinogenesis demonstrates how bacterial mutagenicity assays are the most reliable for predicting rodent carcinogens considers structural activity relationship (SAR) analysis of chemical carcinogenicity describes the emergence of the mouse lymphoma microwell and in vitro micronucleus assays illustrates the use of genetic biomarkers for dosimetry analysis and more!Linking human cancer genetics, mutagenicity assays, mechanisms of carcinogenesis, carcinogenic thresholds, molecular epidemiology, mathematical modeling, and quantitative cancer risk analysis, Genetic Toxicology and Cancer Risk Assessment is a must-have reference for toxicologists; oncologists; geneticists; biostatisticians; reproductive, developmental, cell, and molecular biologists; endocrinologists; biochemists; and upper-level undergraduate, graduate, and medical school students in these disciplines.
Taylor & Francis Inc Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Diagnosis of Neurological Diseases
Demonstrates how MRS offers a useful tool for the noninvasive biochemical analysis of the brain. The book covers over 70 clinical cases and more than 100 spectra that enhance skills at interpreting MRS, including minimizing errors, highlighting artifacts, and expanding the clinical usefulness of this diagnostic modality.
Taylor & Francis Inc Anthology for Hearing Rhythm and Meter
This full-score anthology for Hearing Rhythm and Meter: Analyzing Metrical Consonance and Dissonance in Common-Practice Period Music supports the textbook of the same name, the first book to present a comprehensive course text on advanced analysis of rhythm and meter. From the Baroque to the Romantic era, Hearing Rhythm and Meter emphasizes listening, enabling students to recognize meters and metrical dissonances by type both with and without the score. Found here are masterworks carefully chosen as the ideal context for the presentation of foundational concepts.PURCHASING OPTIONSTextbook (Print Paperback): 978-0-8153-8448-9Textbook (Print Hardback): 978-0-8153-8447-2Textbook (eBook): 978-1-351-20431-6Anthology (Print Paperback): 978-0-8153-9176-0Anthology (Print Hardback): 978-0-367-34924-0Anthology (eBook): 978-1-351-20083-7
Taylor & Francis Inc Reconceptualizing Curriculum, Literacy, and Learning for School-Age Mothers
Reconceptualizing Curriculum, Literacy, and Learning for School-Age Mothers offers a portrait of classroom literacy practices and learning opportunities that are provided for school-age mothers in two different schools. Through a series of case studies of school sites, teachers, and students, this book presents evidence of how these at-risk students use literacy in complex ways in the classroom and in their everyday lives. Attuned to the struggle for school-age mothers’ access to meaningful and challenging curriculum in public schools, as well as to the relative dearth of scholarly research on the topic, this volume demonstrates how educators can rethink the issue of schooling for this population of students.
Taylor & Francis Inc PMP® Exam Preparation: Test Questions, Practice Test, and Simulated Exam
Fully updated to be aligned with the Project Management Body of Knowledge® (PMBOK® Guide), Sixth Edition, this study guide is structured per the PMP® Examination Content Outline (ECO), 2015 edition, which is the blueprint for the PMP® exam. The study guide has a chapter of 50 questions for each performance domain in the ECO: initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing. The study guide also provides access to a 200-question on-line test that simulates the experience of taking the actual PMP® examination.
Taylor & Francis Inc Bird's Comprehensive Engineering Mathematics
Studying engineering, whether it is mechanical, electrical or civil, relies heavily on an understanding of mathematics. This textbook clearly demonstrates the relevance of mathematical principles and shows how to apply them in real-life engineering problems.It deliberately starts at an elementary level so that students who are starting from a low knowledge base will be able to quickly get up to the level required. Students who have not studied mathematics for some time will find this an excellent refresher.Each chapter starts with the basics before gently increasing in complexity. A full outline of essential definitions, formulae, laws and procedures is presented, before real world practical situations and problem solving demonstrate how the theory is applied.Focusing on learning through practice, it contains simple explanations, supported by 1600 worked problems and over 3600 further problems contained within 384 exercises throughout the text. In addition, 35 Revision tests together with 9 Multiple-choice tests are included at regular intervals for further strengthening of knowledge.An interactive companion website provides material for students and lecturers, including detailed solutions to all 3600 further problems.
Taylor & Francis Inc Military Medicine in Iraq and Afghanistan: A Comprehensive Review
Many, if not most, of the recent improvements in trauma care in civilian practice have developed from military experience. The British Defence Medical Services have been recognised as providers of exemplary health care. Although there will is an emphasis on trauma, this book also captures lessons from internal medicine and infectious disease, ethics (for example dealing with detainees – a particularly controversial subject), human factors, mental health issues and rehabilitation.Military Medicine provides the evidence and context for these innovations, and its unique and important account will be of interest to both military and civilian practitioners alike.
Taylor & Francis Inc Feminist Interventions in Participatory Media: Pedagogy, Publics, Practice
Feminist Interventions in Participatory Media is an edited collection that brings together feminist theory and participatory media pedagogy. It asks what, if anything, is inherently feminist about participatory media? Can participatory media practices and pedagogies be used to reanimate or enact feminist futures? And finally, what reimagined feminist pedagogies are opened up (or closed down) by participatory media across various platforms, spaces, scales, and practices? Each chapter looks at a specific example where the author(s) have used participatory media to integrate technology and feminist praxis in production and teaching. The case studies originate from sites as varied as community organizations to large scale collaborations between universities, public media, and social movements. They offer insights into the continuities and disjunctures which stem from the adoption of and adaption to participatory media technologies. In complicating and dismantling perceptions of participatory media as inherently liberatory, Feminist Interventions in Participatory Media curbs the excesses of such claims and highlights those pedagogical methods and processes that do hold liberatory potential. This collection thus provides a roadmap toward (re)imagining feminist futures, while grounding that journey in the histories, practices, and past insights of feminism and media studies.
Taylor & Francis Inc Palladium Assisted Synthesis of Heterocycles
This book is a compilation of the recent applications of palladium catalysts in organic synthesis. The book demonstrates that it is a highly dynamic research field. This methodology has emerged as a powerful tool for the efficient and chemoselective synthesis of heterocyclic molecules. In the past few years, several strategies have been pointed out to pursue more efficient, sustainable, and environment friendly chemical processes. Among those strategies, catalysis and the design of new processes that avoid the use of toxic reagents have been the focus of intense research.
Taylor & Francis Inc Psychology and Crime: 2nd edition
What does a criminological psychologist actually do? Most people picture a modern-day Sherlock Holmes, helping the police to solve crimes, but the reality is far more interesting and complex. Psychology and Crime offers a fascinating introduction to criminological psychology, providing the reader with a comprehensive grounding in everything from cognitive forensics to police interviewing.Concise, informative and accessible, the book explores a range of theories to understand criminal behaviour, from the physiological to the social. It covers a range of contexts within the criminal justice system where psychology offers unique insights, including police investigation, the perspective of witnesses and victims, and courtroom proceedings. Thoroughly updated throughout to reflect developments in the field, and featuring new chapters covering cybercrime, terrorism and insights from neuroscience, this edition also includes a student-friendly ‘Apply your learning’ feature and case studies to bring the research to life. Accessibly written for all levels, and with concise coverage of both classic and contemporary psychological theory, this is the ideal book for anyone studying criminal or forensic psychology.
Taylor & Francis Inc Levick's Introduction to Cardiovascular Physiology
A sound knowledge of cardiovascular physiology is fundamental to understanding cardiovascular disease, exercise performance and may other aspects of human physiology. Cardiovascular physiology is a major component of all undergraduate courses in physiology, biomedical science and medicine, and this popular introduction to the subject is intended primarily for these students. A key feature of this sixth edition is how state-of-the-art technology is applied to understanding cardiovascular function in health and disease. Thus the text is also well suited to graduate study programmes in medicine and physiological sciences.
Taylor & Francis Inc Smartcities, Resilient Landscapes and Eco-Warriors
Following on from the success of the first edition, Smartcities + Eco-Warriors (2010), this book is the latest innovative response on urban resilience from one of the world’s leading urban design and architectural thinkers. An ecological symbiosis between nature, society and the built form, the Smartcity cultivates new spatial practices and creates diverse forms of resilient landscapes including and beyond urban agriculture.The notion of the Smartcity is developed through a series of international case studies, some commissioned by government organisations, others speculative and polemic. This second edition has nine new case studies, and additional ecological sustainability studies covering sensitivity, design criteria, and assessments for ecological construction plans. The book concludes with two new essays on the romance of trees and the empowering nature of resilient landscapes.Smartcities, Resilient Landscapes + Eco-warriors represents a crucial voice in the discourse of climate change and the potential opportunities to improve the ecological function of existing habitats or create new landscapes which are considered beneficial to local ecology and resilience. It is indispensable reading for practitioners and students in the fields of landscape, urban design, architecture and environmental engineering. An inspiration to government agencies and NGOs dealing with sustainability, this work also resonates with anyone concerned about cities, landscapes, food and water security, and energy conservation.
Taylor & Francis Inc Antología de escritoras españolas de la Edad Media y el Siglo de Oro
Antología de escritoras españolas de la Edad Media y el Siglo de Oro ofrece una selección de obras literarias de ocho escritoras medievales, renacentistas y barrocas. Cada capítulo presenta una extensa introducción sobre la autora y su obra. Esta antología contribuye a mejorar el conocimiento de los estudiantes sobre la lengua, la literatura y la cultura españolas, al igual que ofrece una lectura desde la perspectiva de género de estas escritoras.Acompañada de textos originales modernizados al castellano actual, notas aclaratorias, actividades y una extensa y actualizada bibliografía, Antología de escritoras españolas de la Edad Media y el Siglo de Oro muestra la evolución de voces femeninas a lo largo de estos siglos. Las actividades sugeridas para cada capítulo ayudan a exponer y a reflexionar sobre la relevancia cultural que en la actualidad tienen los argumentos que estas mujeres proponent en sus trabajos.Esta antología será de gran utilidad para estudiantes de literatura y cultura españolas de niveles de grado y graduado e, igualmente, para los estudiantes hispanohablantes de literature comparada y de estudios de género.
Taylor & Francis Inc Cellular Signal Processing: An Introduction to the Molecular Mechanisms of Signal Transduction
Cellular Signal Processing offers a unifying view of cell signaling based on the concept that protein interactions act as sophisticated data processing networks that govern intracellular and extracellular communication. It is intended for use in signal transduction courses for undergraduate and graduate students working in biology, biochemistry, bioinformatics, and pharmacology, as well as medical students. The text is organized by three key topics central to signal transduction: the protein network, its energy supply, and its evolution. It covers all important aspects of cell signaling, ranging from prokaryotic signal transduction to neuronal signaling, and also highlights the clinical aspects of cell signaling in health and disease. This new edition includes expanded coverage of prokaryotes, as well as content on new developments in systems biology, epigenetics, redox signaling, and small, non-coding RNA signaling.