Search results for ""Taylor Francis""
Taylor & Francis Ltd Distributional Effects of Environmental and Energy Policy
Many effects of environmental and energy policy are likely to disproportionately burden those with low income. First, it raises the price of fossil-fuel-intensive products that constitute a high fraction of low-income budgets (like gasoline, heating fuel and electricity). Second, the handout of pollution permits to firms provides value to those who own them. Third, low-income individuals may place more value on food and shelter than on improvements in environmental quality, so high-income individuals may get the most benefit of pollution abatement. Fourth, air quality improvements may raise the value of houses owned by landlords, rather than helping renters. These effects might all hurt the poor more than the rich. This book brings together the seminal economics literature that studies whether these fears are valid and whether anything can be done about them.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Civil Rights and Security
This collection of previously published work on security and rights focuses on the appropriate relationship between rights and what we can think of as counterterrorism policy. Such a focus might seem both necessary, because of 9/11, and unfortunate, because there are other causes of insecurity besides terrorism. However, the intensity of the 'war on terror' has created an ongoing surge of scholarship on the relationship between security and human rights that either has indirect implications for debates about security where terrorism is not in issue, or has directly led to an attempt to rethink more generally the idea of security and its relationship to rights.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Cicero and Modern Law
Cicero and Modern Law contains the best modern writings on Cicero's major law related works, such as the Republic, On Law, On Oratory, along with a comprehensive bibliography of writings on Cicero's legal works. These works are organized to reveal the influence of Cicero's writings upon the history of legal thought, including St. Thomas, the Renaissance, Montesquieu and the U.S. Founding Fathers. Finally, the articles include discussions of Cicero's influence upon central themes in modern lega thought, including legal skepticism, republicanism, mixed government, private property, natural law, conservatism and rhetoric. The editor offers an extensive introduction, placing these articles in the context of an overall view of Cicero's contribution to modern legal thinking.
Taylor & Francis Ltd David Hume
This volume on Hume's politics brings together essays that have been formative of the scholarly and more general debate about Hume's political thought. Unlike many theorists who express their thought in terms of system, Hume uses the incidental genre of the essay as the vehicle for his writing and his mode of presentation is a reflection, indeed an expression, of his belief in the limited power of reason to give any over-all shape to human life. Hume's politics are particularly suited for discussion of a wide range of view-points. The possibilities of seeing in Hume both the conservative and the liberal are pursued along with Hume's sophisticated analysis of party-politics. His acute and pioneering theorisation of perhaps the most central issue for 18th-century political observers, that of commerce and politics, is brought out in the context of his ideas of the international order. His fundamental theory of justice is discussed in its connection with law, property and government.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Vilfredo Pareto
This collection examines the work of the Italian economist and social theorist Vilfredo Pareto, highlighting the extraordinary scope of his thought, which covers a vast range of academic disciplines. The volume underlines the enduring and contemporary relevance of Pareto's ideas on a bewildering variety of topics; while illuminating his attempt to unite different disciplines, such as history and sociology, in his quest for a 'holistic' understanding of society. Bringing together the world's leading experts on Pareto, this collection will be of interest to scholars working in the fields of sociology and social psychology, monetary theory and risk analysis, philosophy and intellectual history, and political science and rhetoric.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Legal Scholarship and Education
This book collects Mark Tushnet's essays on legal scholarship and legal education written between the 1970s and the end of the twentieth century. The essays deal with the development of critical legal studies and its current state, with persistent questions about the intellectual status of legal scholarship, with interdisciplinary legal scholarship (including law and economics), and with selected topics in legal pedagogy. Taken as a whole, the essays provide a good overview of Professor Tushnet's contributions to the intellectual history of legal scholarship and education in the United States.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Race, Law and Society
Race, Law and Society draws together some of the very best writing on race and racism from the law and society tradition, yet it is not intended to merely reprint the greatest hits of the past. Instead, from its introduction to its selection of articles, this anthology is designed as a 'how-to manual', a guide for scholars and students seeking templates for their own work in this important but also tricky area. Race, Law and Society pulls together leading exemplars of the sorts of social science scholarship on race, society and law that will be essential to racial progress as the world begins to travel the twenty-first century.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Safer Sex in the City: The Experience and Management of Street Prostitution
Throughout history prostitution has always been a source of fierce debate; societies have either grudgingly tolerated it or tried (always unsuccessfully) to ban it. With the emergence of much more overt acceptance of all forms of sexual activity it has become more apparent that sex workers who ply their trade on the streets of our cities are a particularly vulnerable group at risk of violent attacks and assaults. The realization on the implications for such violence on society overall, led to the emergence of this volume. With research gathered from academics and practitioners hailing from various countries and fields, this edited collection will be invaluable for those who want to better understand the experience of street sex workers, the strategies available for managing this trade and how to help reduce the violence against the men and women who conduct it.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Burglary
Burglary is a high-volume crime that impacts upon the general public and, particularly, on those who are victimised. This selection of readings addresses both the nature of burglary and policies directed against it. Articles from Britain, the US and across the world, describe and explain the crime and why offenders choose to commit it and provide a critical overview of programmes that have been implemented to reduce burglary and its impact.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Anthropology of Organisations
The Anthropology of Organisations offers a critical overview of the work that for over sixty years anthropologists have been carrying out in and on organisations and of the contribution that this work has made to social theory at large. Moving beyond earlier preoccupations with ’culture’ and ’relationality’, the volume brings together a selection of classic and contemporary articles that cast new light on the relevance of ethnography for organisational and social theory. It offers an indispensable resource for students and scholars interested in the politics behind the institutionalisation of social life.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Legality and Democracy: Contested Affinities
Democracy and the rule of law are commonly represented as complementary and indispensable components of the modern democratic state. Whatever the truth of this formulation, it conceals the competing claims of electoral and legal accountability that are the subject of this volume. Political, legal and social theorists have long debated these contending claims. Recent socio-legal scholarship has shed empirical light on the debate. Accordingly, this volume brings together some of the landmarks of the relevant theory, including the work of such scholars as H.L.A. Hart, Lon L. Fuller and Philip Selznick and incorporates current socio-legal scholarship by such leading figures as Malcolm Feeley, Robert Kagan, Michael McCann and David Nelken.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Police Ethics
This important volume brings together many of the most influential articles and essays in the emerging field of police ethics, and specifically the philosophical literature on ethical issues that arise in policing. Topics covered include theories of policing; police authority and police discretion; police culture; corruption; deadly force and rights of suspects.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Warfare in the Dark Ages
The articles in this volume explore the way in which military developments helped to sculpt, out of very strange and diverse components, our familiar Europe. The period studied covers the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the rise of the Carolingian Empire and its eventual collapse, leaving a vacuum in the heart of Europe into which flowed new forces: the Vikings from outside and the great lords from within.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Medieval Warfare 1300–1450
War was epidemic in the late Middle Ages. It affected every land and all peoples from Scotland and Scandinavia in the north to the southern Mediterranean Sea coastlines of Morocco, North Africa, Egypt, and the Middle East in the south, from Ireland and Spain in the west to Russia and Turkey in the east. Nowhere was peaceful for any significant amount of time. The period also saw significant changes in military theory and practice which altered the ways in which campaigns were conducted, battles fought, and sieges laid; and changes in the leadership, recruitment, training, supply and financing of armies. There were changes in the relationship between those waging warfare, from generals to irregular troops, and the society in which they lived and for or against which they fought; the frequency of popular rebellions and the participation in them by townspeople and peasants; changes in the desire to undertake Crusades, and changes in technology, including but not limited to gunpowder weapons. This collection gathers together some of the best published work on these topics. The first section of seven papers show that throughout Europe in the later Middle Ages generals led and armies followed what are usually defined as "modern" strategy and tactics, contrary to popular belief. The second part reprints nine works that examine the often neglected aspects of the process of putting and keeping together a late medieval army. In the third section the authors discuss various ways that warfare in the fourteenth and fifteenth century affected the society of that period. The final sections cover popular rebellions and crusading.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Prosecutors and Prosecution
Prosecutors are the most powerful actors in the legal system. Their decisions have significant implications for how crime is defined, who is charged, and the punishment they receive. This volume draws together classic and recent scholarship that critically examines how prosecutorial power is constituted through their decision-making processes, the relationships between legal changes and court actors, and the consequences of this for society. Taken as a whole, this collection offers insights into law in action, how social change shapes the legal system, and alternative forms of case resolution.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Law in Social Theory
Taking a broad view of social theory, this book demonstrates the importance of this theory for the study of contemporary law. Through studies of the work of Weber, Durkheim, Gurvitch, Habermas, Luhmann, Derrida, Bourdieu, Foucault, Schmitt, Neumann and others, the essays address such fundamental topics as the changing forms of regulation, law's relations with morals and beliefs, law and democracy and prospects for the rule of law in the context of globalisation.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Disability Rights
There is great diversity of definitions, causes and consequences of discrimination against persons with disabilities, yet there are fundamental themes uniting countries in their pursuit of human rights policies to improve the social and economic status of those with disabilities. In this volume are twenty-five important articles examining historical, contemporary and comparative issues crucial to the advancement of disability rights. The volume foreshadows the future of disability rights as a medium for ensuring that those living with disabilities participate as equal citizens of the world.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Quantitative Methods in Criminology
This informative reference volume features the key papers in the growing field of quantitative criminology. The papers provide examples of the importation of statistical methods from other fields to criminology, the adaptation of such methods to special criminological problems through introspection, and the development of new innovative statistical approaches. The volume illustrates the growing sophistication and maturation of quantitative methods in this field. Divided into five parts: research design, sampling, issues in measurement, descriptive analysis and causal analysis, it will be of interest to anyone concerned with criminology and criminal justice, as well as those with specialized interests in quantitative methods.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Rousseau and Law
Jean-Jacques Rousseau stands as one of the most influential figures in the history of philosophy. His masterpiece-The Social Contract-has had a profound effect on legal and political theorists ever since its appearance. Rousseau and Law presents for the first time in one collection the most important contemporary work exploring his many contributions to legal theory. These essays deal with a variety of issues, such as social contract theories, democratic rights, fundamental law, natural law and natural rights, affinities between Rousseau and Dworkin's legal theories, narrative, bioethics, and promise enforcement.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Theories of Rights
To those who invoke them, rights are powerful instruments for settling arguments in favour of the right-holders. But the nature, provenance and justification of rights are uncertain and disputed and there are doubts about whether rights should play a distinctive and fundamental role in moral and political discourse. More recent disgreements have centred on group rights and on whether rights have a universal application across different cultures and moral traditions. These and other related issues are explored in depth by the essays in this volume, which are mostly drawn from a wide range of journals in philosophy, politics and law.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Correctional Ethics
Correctional Ethics gathers the most prominent contributions to this burgeoning field, ranging from the philosophy of punishment through to ethical appraisals of incarceration, the professional responsibilities of prison personnel, and formative work in restorative justice. In addition, it provides an annotated research agenda to help shape the development of a comprehensive correctional ethic. For those working in correctional ethics, this collection provides an essential resource.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Data Protection Directive and Medical Research Across Europe
The Data Protection and Medical Research in Europe: PRIVIREAL series focuses on the 'Privacy in Research Ethics and Law' EC-funded project examining the implementation of Directive 95/46/EC on data protection in relation to medical research and the role of ethics committees in European countries. The series consists of five separate volumes following the complete development of the PRIVIREAL project. This volume relates to the first stage of the project regarding the implementation of the Data Protection Directive, in particular in the area of medical research. It contains an introduction and overview of this topic, keynote papers addressing specific questions on the subject, and a report on both the general implementation of the Directive and the implementation in relation to medical research in 26 European countries. The book will be invaluable for those people with an interest in data protection, medical research and their implications for each other. It lays open the actual situation across Europe, including both New Member States and Newly Associated Member States.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Stated Preference Approach to Environmental Valuation Volumes I II and III Volume I Foundations Initial Development Statistical Approaches of Environmental Economics and Policy
There is a truly enormous literature on using stated preference information to place a monetary value on environmental amenities. This three volume set provides the key papers for understanding the historical development of contingent valuation, its theoretical and statistical foundations, and the major controversies. It also contains representative papers covering all of the major application areas in environmental valuation.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Aegean Maritime Disputes and International Law
This key work analyses the disputes between Greece and Turkey as to their respective rights in the Aegean Sea, paying particular attention to the claims regarding territorial waters, the continental shelf, and the yet to be declared exclusive maritime zones in the area. While many earlier studies have concentrated on political factors, this study provides an exhaustive analysis of the relevant principles of international law in general and rules and principles of maritime law in particular, identifying the legal principles appropriate to the settlement of the Aegean dispute. With this regard, it makes a detailed examination of all the related aspects of the Aegean Sea and its islands, as well as the legal arguments of Greece and Turkey on the disputes concerned. It also clarifies the prospects for settling the dispute on the basis of international law, either by the two parties involved, or by the intervention of a third party such as the International Court of Justice. As such, it offers an important study of a particular problem, but one that can be used as a case study for other international disagreements.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Genetics and Gene Therapy
Genetics and Gene Therapy shows the wide range of the debate and the very real significance that genetics and its associated developments have for human beings, individually and collectively. Few areas of science and medicine have resulted in the volume of academic and popular literature as has genetics. The so-called revolution in understanding of the causes of disease states, and even behavioural traits, has focussed public attention on the influence of genes in making us what we are. Rapidly, however, the potential benefits of such understanding were overtaken, in the public mind at least, by the question of the possible (negative) implications of genetic knowledge and associated technologies. The chapters in this volume show just how wide-ranging concern has become, ranging from regulation to cloning, with the fear of discrimination in between. Part One begins with a range of general discussions of about the genetic enterprise itself, followed by consideration of some specific questions. Part Two then addresses cutting edge debates in genetics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd British Imperial Strategies in the Pacific, 1750-1900
The focus of this volume is Britain's trans-Pacific empire. This began with haphazard challenges to Spanish dominion, but by the end of the 18th century, the British had established a colony in Australia and had gone to the brink of war with Spain to establish trading rights in the north Pacific. These rights led to formal colonies in Vancouver Island and British Columbia, when Britain sought to maintain a north Pacific presence despite American expansionism. In the later 19th century the international ’scramble for the Pacific’ resulted in new British colonies and protectorates in the Pacific islands. The result was a complex imperial presence, created from a variety of motives and circumstances. The essays selected here take account of the wide range of economic, political and cultural factors which prompted British expansion, creating tension in Britain's imperial identity in the Pacific, and leaving Pacific peoples with a complicated and challenging legacy. Along with the important new introduction, they provide a basis for the reassessment of British imperialism in the Pacific region.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Integration and Resistance: The Relation of Social Organisations, Global Capital, Governments and International Immigration in Spain and Portugal
Integration is a key challenge facing modern society today. Integration and Resistance offers a new theoretical perspective for considering integration. By focusing on international immigrants and their organisations from a wider perspective the author demonstrates that the threat to social integration does not lie with the immigrants themselves but with global capital and the state. By analysis of data collected in Spain and Portugal the book breaks new ground in providing information on processes occurring in intermediate-capitalist countries that share some aspects of economic development, social and migration features with Northern Europe and America whilst also sharing other features such as the economic dependence of more impoverished countries.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Housing Change in East and Central Europe: Integration or Fragmentation?
Ten years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, patterns of change to the former communist nations of Europe are now discernible in a way that was impossible to see in the initial years. This insightful book focuses on the case of changes in housing based on evidence collected from across the Central and Eastern European region. The volume adopts a conceptual framework and provides cross-regional analysis, amongst which is situated a series of more focused case studies. Issues examined include the consequences of the rapid privatization of state rental housing including the emergence of 'super-owner-occupied' countries, dramatic changes in urban structure and evidence that housing, having been the shock absorber against which wider economic restructuring has occurred, now faces a whole series of deferred problems. The enthusiasm with which the market economy was initially embraced must now be tempered by a more sober assessment of what in reality has happened.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Common EU Maritime Transport Policy: Policy Europeanisation in the 1990s
During the 1990s there were two major developments to the Common EU Maritime Transport Policy (CMTP): the establishment of European Union policies on safe seas and on shortsea shipping respectively. This book critically analyzes and appraises these and other developments to the CMTP in this period, while also studying policy Europeanization. It focuses on both the economic environment of maritime transport and the interaction of policy makers and organized interests during the policy-making process, with an emphasis on the political dimensions. By developing an innovative economic model, the book examines the ways in which governmental and non-governmental policy makers and their ideas interact within the EU's structure and dynamics, and shows how these factors account for why, when and how the specific common EU policy has developed.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Transport Lessons from the Fuel Tax Protests of 2000
The UK fuel tax protests of September 2000 generated considerable debate about fuel prices and taxation and put transport in the media spotlight. Away from the immediate events and debates surrounding the protests, the experience offered the opportunity for longer-term lessons on transport to be gained. The editors of this volume, Glenn Lyons and Kiron Chatterjee, saw the opportunity to get fresh insight into car dependence and conducted a large-scale travel behaviour survey to find out how car users coped when restricted in being able to buy petrol. This book presents their findings and collects together articles written by other researchers on a range of topics including fuel taxation, transport pricing, policy acceptability, travel behaviour and goods distribution.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Study of European Ethnology in Austria
The study of ethnology or ’Volkskunde’ in Austria has had a troubled past. Through most of the 20th century it was under the influence of the so-called Viennese ’Mythological School’ and the controversy between the two opposing branches, the ’Ritualist’ and the ’Mythologists', set much of the agenda from the 1920s until long after the World War ended in 1945. The volume examines two Austrian characters, Richard Wolfram and Karl Haiding, and the impact of their research and sets them in the context of Austrian ethnology before, during and after the war years. The book concludes by examining the present day ethnological outlook in the country.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Governing Global Trade: International Institutions in Conflict and Convergence
Cohn's topic of global trade is of enormous and proliferating interest. He provides a good background from 1945 to the present and on core contemporary themes such as civil society participation and the domesticisation of the trade agenda. Whilst there is a wealth of literature on policy-oriented aspects such as negotiating rounds, there are few that provide the careful, comprehensive historical overview that this work offers and none that do so with reference to international institutions such as the G7, Quad, OECD, and UNCTAD as well as the WTO in global trade governance. This seminal work has been awarded the British Columbia Political Science Association Weller Prize for 2003. Cohn's political science background will appeal directly to a university audience and a broader public policy market. It is also suitable for those interested in trade in the cognates of economics and law. This work's theoretical framework embraces and synthesises the major approaches in the field of international relations and will be appropriate for the dominant schools of realists and liberal institutionalists alike. It could therefore be apt for courses on international relations theory or international political economy taught in a theoretical mode. This book reinforces and broadens the focus of all previous works in The G8 and Global Governance series.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Cinema, Religion and the Romantic Legacy
Cinema, Religion and the Romantic Legacy surveys the ways in which notions of religion and spirituality have impinged upon the cinema. Cinema is conceived as a post-Romantic form for which religion and spirituality can be unified only problematically. While inspecting many of the well-established themes and topoi of writing on religion and film (such as films about priests and 'Christ-figures') it also seeks to problematize them, focusing primarily upon the issues of religious representation foregrounded by such European directors as Kieslowski and Godard. Coates draws on theories of theologians, philosophers and cultural and literary critics including: Otto, Kant, Schiller and Girard. Addressing the relationship between religion and spirituality from a film studies specialist's perspective, this book offers all those concerned with film, media or religious studies an invaluable examination of artistic interaction with the theological and aesthetic issues of representation and representability. Paul Coates is Reader in Film Studies at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, and author of many books including: The Gorgon's Gaze (CUP), Film at the Intersection of High and Mass Culture (CUP), The Story of the Lost Reflection (Verso).
Taylor & Francis Ltd Professional Development and Institutional Needs
The tension between institutional needs and those of the individual has rarely been higher. Increasing demands on institutions to deliver set targets and value for money whilst adhering to set expectations and external constraints has led to an erosion of the notion of staff development. This book looks at how the conflict between the two outlooks emerges and what can be done to overcome it. Based on empirical evidence, the authors reveal what is happening in a range of institutions and explore the tensions between the personal needs of the individual and the demands of managers. They examine the reasons behind the conflict and discuss what measures can be taken to overcome it. The book will provide a central text on an important but relatively neglected subject of interest to all engaged in the profession.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Modern Roots: Studies of National Identity
Interest in the study of national identity as a collective phenomenon is a growing concern among the social and political sciences. This book addresses the scholarly interest in examining the origins of ideologies and social practices that give historical meaning, cohesion and uniqueness to modern national communities. It focuses on the various routes taken towards the construction of cultural authenticity as an inspirational purpose of nation-building and reveals the diversity of the themes, practices and symbols used to encourage self-identification and communality. Among the techniques explored are the dramatization of suffering and tragedy, the exaltation of heroes and deeds, the evocation of landscape, nature and the arts and the delimitation of collective values to be pursued during reconstruction in post-war periods.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Regional Culture and Economic Development: Explorations in European Ethnology
From an interdisciplinary perspective based primarily on European ethnology and political economy, this book explores issues and concepts concerning the link between culture and economy. A historical introduction to key theoretical problems is followed by five empirical chapters discussing aspects of development in rural as well as urban locations. The author considers local leadership, looking in particular at part-time farming, counter-urban migration, and pluriactivity. The classification of informal economy is illustrated with examples drawn from fieldwork, and urban poverty and migration are each explored in detail. A discussion of heritage and identity as a resource for development questions whether the concern with the authenticity of culture(s) may be an inappropriate approach to take. The book concludes with a theoretical reflection on the problematic of culture and economy and a call for a return to the roots of European ethnology as an essentially political science.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Engendering Violence: Heterosexual Interpersonal Violence from Childhood to Adulthood
Bringing together unique international research from the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Europe, this book presents a detailed examination of the violence perpetrated by males and females within the context of childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Based on illuminating empirical studies it accurately locates the societal implications of violence against males and females as well as the legal, social and public responses to violence. Combining feminism and a related analysis of power, the book provides an introduction to the study of violence in general, and violence against males and females who know each other in particular. It outlines the major evolutionary, psychological, and sociological theories proposed to explain this social problem and the traditional methods of studying this topic. The book also examines child violence - in the playground, the classroom and the home; adolescent dating violence and adult violence, both male and female, within cohabiting and marital relationships and violence occurring between strangers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Representing the Royal Navy: British Sea Power, 1750–1815
From the mid 18th century up till after memories of the Napoleonic wars and the glories of 'Nelson's navy' had faded, the Royal Navy was the bulwark of Britain's defence and the safeguard of trade and imperial expansion. While there have been political and military histories of the Navy in this period, looking at battles and personalities, and studies of its administration and the life below decks, this book is the first study of the Navy in a cultural context, exploring contemporary attitudes to war and peace and to ideologies of race and gender. As well as literary sources, Dr Lincoln draws on the vast collections of the National Maritime Museum, in paintings, cartoons, and ceramics, amongst others, to focus attention on material that has hitherto been little used - even research into the general culture of the late-Georgian age has, curiously, neglected perceptions of the Navy, which was one of its major institutions. Individual chapters discuss the attitudes of particular groups towards the Navy - merchants, politicians, churchmen, women, scientists, and the seamen themselves - and how these attitudes changed over the course of the period.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Alfred Gilbert's Aestheticism: Gilbert Amongst Whistler, Wilde, Leighton, Pater and Burne-Jones
Alfred Gilbert's Aestheticism presents the first sustained re-evaluation of the life and work of one of the most acclaimed sculptors of the late-Victorian period. Drawing on important new archival sources, this ground-breaking study challenges the customary assumption that Aestheticism was primarily a literary, painterly or architectural phenomena. Jason Edwards reveals both the diverse ways in which Gilbert's sculptures operated within the context of Aestheticism and also how these works provided a unique and provocative commentary on the history of masculine friendship and eroticism in the period leading up to and beyond the Wilde trials in 1895. Detailed readings are offered of the relationship of Gilbert's work to essays by Pater and Swinburne, poems, plays, and novels by Wilde and W. S. Gilbert, and paintings by Burne-Jones, Leighton, Rossetti, Solomon, Whistler, and Watts. With over 90 illustrations, including key contemporary photographs showing Gilbert's works in their original contexts, this book makes a major contribution to the field of Victorian sculpture studies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Iranian Classical Music: The Discourses and Practice of Creativity
Questions of creativity, and particularly the processes which underlie creative performance or ’improvisation’, form some of the central areas of interest in current musicology. Yet the predominant discourses on which musicological thought in this area are based have rarely been challenged. In this book Laudan Nooshin interrogates musicological discourses of creativity from the perspective of critical theory and postcolonial studies, examining their ideological underpinnings, the relationships of alterity which they sustain, and the profound implications for our understanding of creative processes in music. The repertoire which forms the book’s main focus is Iranian classical music, a tradition in which the performer plays a central creative role. Addressing a number of issues regarding the nature of musical creativity, the author explores both the discourses through which ideas about creativity are constructed, exchanged and negotiated within this tradition, and the practice by which new music comes into being. For the latter she compares a number of performances by musicians playing a range of instruments and spanning a period of more than 30 years, focusing on one particular section of repertoire, dastgāh Segāh, and providing transcriptions of the performances as the basis for analytical exploration of the music’s underlying compositional principles. This book is about understanding musical creativity as a meaningful social practice. It is the first to examine the ways in which ideas about tradition, authenticity, innovation and modernity in Iranian classical music form part of a wider social discourse on creativity, and in particular how they inform debates regarding national and cultural identity.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Death Liturgy and Ritual: Volume I: A Pastoral and Liturgical Theology
This title was first published in 2003: Death Liturgy and Ritual is a two-volume study of Christian funerary theology and practice, presenting an invaluable account of funeral rites and the central issues involved for compilers and users. Paul Sheppy writes from direct experience of conducting funerals and of drafting liturgical resources for others. In Volume I: A Pastoral and Liturgical Theology, Sheppy argues that the Church ought to construct its theological agenda in dialogue with other fields of study. He proposes a Christian statement about death that finds its basis in the Paschal Mystery, since human death must be explained by reference to Jesus' death, descent to the dead, and resurrection. Using the three phases of van Gennep's theory of rites of passage, the author shows how the Easter triduum may be seen as normative for Christian liturgies of death. The companion volume, Volume II: A Commentary on Liturgical Texts, reviews a wide range of current Christian funeral rites and examines how they reflect both the Church's concern for the death and resurrection of Christ and the contemporary secular demand for funerals which celebrate the life of the deceased.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Charles Whitworth: Diplomat in the Age of Peter the Great
In 1700 the armies of the Russian Tsar Peter the Great and Charles XII of Sweden met at Narva to fight the first battle of what was to be known as the Great Northern War. Although this first engagement was to result in a humiliating defeat for Peter, it marked the start of a struggle that twenty years later would see Russia emerge as a major power and radically alter the balance of power in Europe. This work examines the changes in the balance of power in Europe in the early eighteenth century as a result of the Great Northern War and the War of the Spanish Succession through the writings and career of Charles Whitworth, the first British Ambassador to Russia, and Minister in The Hague, Berlin, Ratisbon and Cambrai. Whitworth was an acute, witty and indefatigable writer. His long and detailed dispatches and reports comment on Russian, Prussian, Austrian and Dutch domestic and foreign policy, on trading and commercial matters, on leading personalities and events, and on the diplomacy of the Great Northern War and the War of Spanish Succession. He was in Russia from 1705 to 1712 and witnessed the growing military, naval and commercial power of the state and was acutely aware of the potential threat of Russia to British interests. The period of Whitworth's diplomatic career, from 1702-1725, witnessed a dramatic shift in the balance of power in the North, and the nature, and timing, of Whitworth's postings made him uniquely qualified to chart and analyse this development. Drawing on a wide variety of manuscript sources, Dr Hartley has produced a compelling account both of Whitworth and the momentous events taking place in Europe at the beginning of the eighteenth century.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Justice to the Maimed Soldier: Nursing, Medical Care and Welfare for Sick and Wounded Soldiers and their Families during the English Civil Wars and Interregnum, 1642–1660
In the popular imagination, the notion of military medicine prior to the twentieth century is dominated by images of brutal ignorance, superstition and indifference. In an age before the introduction of anaesthetics, antibiotics and the sterilisation of instruments, it is perhaps unsurprising that such a stereotyped view has developed, but to what degree is it correct? Whilst it is undoubtedly true that by modern standards, the medical care provided in previous centuries was crude and parochial, it would be wrong to think that serious attempts were not made by national bodies to provide care for those injured in the military conflicts of the past. In this ground breaking study, it is argued that both sides involved in the civil wars that ravaged the British Isles during the mid seventeenth century made concerted efforts to provide medical care for their sick and wounded troops. Through the use of extensive archival sources, Dr Gruber von Arni has pieced together the history of the welfare provided by both Parliamentarian and Royalist causes, and analyses the effectiveness of the systems they set up.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Nature of Classical Collecting: Collectors and Collections, 100 BCE – 100 CE
The phenomenon of collecting as a systematic activity undertaken for symbolic rather than actual needs, is traditionally taken to originate in the middle of the fifteenth century, when the first cabinets of curiosities appear in Italy. Yet it is clear that the practice of collecting started long before that, indeed its origins can be traced back thousands of years to European prehistoric communities. Whilst this early genesis is, due to lack of written records, still shrouded in much mystery, The Nature of Classical Collecting argues that the collecting practices of classical Greece and Rome offer a rich tapestry of experiences which can be reconstructed to illuminate a pivotal period in the long and ever developing phenomenon of collecting. Utilizing a wide variety of examples of classical collections - including grave goods, the accumulations of Greek temples and open-air shrines, the royal collections of Hellenistic kings, Roman art and curiosity collections, and relics - The Nature of Classical Collecting focuses on the field of the 'pre-history' of collecting, a neglected yet critical phase that helped crystallize the western concept of collecting. Drawing primarily on Latin writings from the period 100 BCE to 100 CE it shows how collecting underwent a transition from a religious and political activity, to an intellectual practice in which connoisseurship could impart social status. It also demonstrates how the appreciation of objects and artists changed as new qualities were attributed to material culture, resulting in the establishment of art markets, patronage and an interest in the history of art. By exploring these early developments, The Nature of Classical Collecting not only provides a fascinating insight into the culture of late Hellenistic/early Imperial Roman collecting, but also offers a much fuller grounding for understanding the influences and inspirations of those Renaissance collectors who themselves were to have such a profound influence on the course of European art, architecture and culture.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Reflecting On School Management
Anne Gold and Jennifer Evans have extensive experience in practising, teaching, writing and researching school managementThe book is interactive in style and invites the reader to engage in debates that surround education at the end of the twentieth century and beyondIt provides up-to-date theoretical frameworks
Taylor & Francis Ltd Restructuring Schools: An International Perspective On The Movement To Transform The Control And performance of schools
Education reform has become part of a political imperative in a number of developed countries around the world. The simultaneous movement to reform schooling and the administrative structures which deliver educational services therefore needs to be studied in order to lay bare its fundamental assumptions. This movement has been labelled "restructuring" and "reform", although the words carry different meanings in different countries.; The authors question why this reconstruction occurred at the same time in different places. What common themes are emerging in the restructuring movement? And in the 1990s, where will the movement lead schooling and what essential changes will it effect? They explore these questions by examining developments in the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Japan.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Education Research and Evaluation: For Policy and Practice?
Much has been written on the styles, strategies and tactics associated with educational research and evaluation, but relatively little on the social processes associated with the methodology. Few books consider the relationship of research and evaluation to policy and practice and this book opens up key debates in that field. It identifies, through contributions from the USA and Britain, some of the major processes involved, examines the problems of conducting research and evaluation and the ways in which they can be overcome, and details case studies in which problems and processes are encountered.; Probably of worldwide interest to students, researchers, academics, policy makers and practitioners, the authors present an examination of a range of different dimensions associated with educational research and evaluation conducted for policy and practice.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Brain Injury and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
An estimated 30,000 children are born in the USA with congenital heart disease each year, two thirds of which will require corrective surgery. Medical advances have formed a trend of operating on newborns rather than waiting until the child is older. Ten years ago, the mortality for these operationswas 60% to 70%. That percentage has dropped to 2%. This specialized book explores the basic mechanisms of neurologic injury associated with congenital heart surgery while covering the emerging technologies for assessment of neurologic integrity and injury. The text also highlights the current and future techniques for reducing and preventing these injuries, and reviews the pertinent medicolegal issues.