Search results for ""elsevier""
Elsevier Health Sciences The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations Digestive System Volume 9 Part I Upper Digestive Tract
Elsevier Health Sciences The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations Cardiovascular System Volume 8
Elsevier Health Sciences The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations Integumentary System Volume 4
Elsevier Health Sciences The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations Nervous System Volume 7 Part I Brain
Elsevier Health Sciences The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations Reproductive System Volume 1
Elsevier Health Sciences Lewiss MedicalSurgical Nursing 2Volume Set
Elsevier Health Sciences The VSITE Review Manual
Elsevier Health Sciences Fundamentals of Nursing Text and Clinical Companion Package
Elsevier Science & Technology Skeletal Trauma: A Mechanism-Based Approach of Imaging
A key to being confident in the evaluation of skeletal trauma imaging is to rely on the identification of mechanism-specific traumatic features. Indeed, for each mechanism of injury applied to a particular part of the skeleton, the latter can only present predefined traumatic injuries: this is a pattern of injuries.The recognition of such a pattern of imaging allows the reader to determine the injuring mechanism and look for damages of lesser expression (or even invisible damages) that are common to the identified mechanism. In becoming more familiar with those mechanisms, the readers can deal with trauma imaging more efficiently and directly focus on findings relevant for further management.Skeletal Trauma: A Mechanism-Based Approach of Imaging aims to combine the knowledge of both radiologists and surgeons to propose a mechanism-based approach to imaging in skeletal trauma. Along 15 chapters covering every part of the skeleton, with more than 900 figures, this book reviews the anatomy, standard radiologic views, and imaging findings of skeletal trauma. Over 200 original schemas invite the reader to understand the imaging features and determine the injuring mechanism.
Elsevier Health Sciences Coughlin and Manns Surgery of the Foot and Ankle 2Volume Set
Elsevier Health Sciences Essential Clinical Procedures
Elsevier Health Sciences Cummings Otolaryngology
Elsevier Health Sciences Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Elsevier Health Sciences Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology Text and Anatomy and Physiology Online Course Access Code
Elsevier Science & Technology Pipeline Rules of Thumb Handbook: A Manual of Quick, Accurate Solutions to Everyday Pipeline Engineering Problems
Pipeline Rules of Thumb Handbook: A Manual of Quick, Accurate Solutions to Everyday Pipeline Engineering Problems, Ninth Edition, the latest release in the series, serves as the "go-to" source for all pipeline engineering answers. Updated with new data, graphs and chapters devoted to economics and the environment, this new edition delivers on new topics, including emissions, decommissioning, cost curves, and more while still maintaining the quick answer standard display of content and data that engineers have utilized throughout their careers. Glossaries are added per chapter for better learning tactics, along with additional storage tank and LNG fundamentals. This book continues to be the high-quality, classic reference to help pipeline engineers solve their day-to-day problems.
Elsevier Science & Technology Computer Organization and Design MIPS Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface
Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, Sixth Edition, the leading, award-winning textbook from Patterson and Hennessy used by more than 40,000 students per year, continues to present the most comprehensive and readable introduction to this core computer science topic. Improvements to this new release include new sections in each chapter on Domain Specific Architectures (DSA) and updates on all real-world examples that keep it fresh and relevant for a new generation of students.
Elsevier Science & Technology Network Algorithmics: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Designing Fast Networked Devices
Network Algorithmics: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Designing Fast Networked Devices, Second Edition takes an interdisciplinary approach to applying principles for efficient implementation of network devices, offering solutions to the problem of network implementation bottlenecks. In designing a network device, there are dozens of decisions that affect the speed with which it will perform – sometimes for better, but sometimes for worse. The book provides a complete and coherent methodology for maximizing speed while meeting network design goals. The book is uniquely focused on the seamless integration of data structures, algorithms, operating systems and hardware/software co-designs for high-performance routers/switches and network end systems. Thoroughly updated based on courses taught by the authors over the past decade, the book lays out the bottlenecks most often encountered at four disparate levels of implementation: protocol, OS, hardware and architecture. It then develops fifteen principles key to breaking these bottlenecks, systematically applying them to bottlenecks found in end-nodes, interconnect devices and specialty functions located along the network. Later sections discuss the inherent challenges of modern cloud computing and data center networking.
Elsevier Science & Technology The Art of Multiprocessor Programming
The Art of Multiprocessor Programming, Second Edition, provides users with an authoritative guide to multicore programming. This updated edition introduces higher level software development skills relative to those needed for efficient single-core programming, and includes comprehensive coverage of the new principles, algorithms, and tools necessary for effective multiprocessor programming. The book is an ideal resource for students and professionals alike who will benefit from its thorough coverage of key multiprocessor programming issues.
Elsevier Science & Technology Non-Equilibrium States and Glass Transitions in Foods: Processing Effects and Product-Specific Implications
Non-equilibrium States and Glass Transitions in Foods: Processing Effects and Product Specific Implications presents the tactics needed to understand and control non-equilibrium states and glass transitions in food, an essential element in maintaining the shelf-life and quality of foods. After brief introductory chapters introduce the science behind non-equilibrium states and glass transitions in foods, the book details how glass transition temperature is affected by composition and the ways it influences processability and physico-chemical changes during the storage of foods, also exploring how these effects can be controlled. The second section looks at individual foods, highlighting the implications of non-equilibrium states and glass transitions within these foods. Maintaining and improving the quality of food is of upmost importance to food companies who have to ensure that the shelf life of their products is as long as possible. A large amount of research has been performed into glass transitions in food over the last few years, however there has not been a comprehensive review. This book fills that gap.
Elsevier Health Sciences Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians
Elsevier Health Sciences The Musculoskeletal Practitioner's Handbook: An Essential Guide for Clinical Practice
This new handbook provides a practical, day-to-day reference guide to assist clinicians in assessing and managing the most common musculoskeletal problems they encounter in their practice. Written by a GP with an extended role in msk medicine and an advanced practice physiotherapist and informed by their combined years of clinical experience, it provides an overview of pathology and guides the reader through assessment, examination, tests and scans, and management. Easy to follow and use as well as comprehensively referenced and evidence-based, this title will prove indispensable for clinicians across disciplinary boundaries, from First Contact Practitioners and GPs to physiotherapists, nurses and paramedics. Designed to support evidence-based clinical reasoning and decision making Easy to reference summaries of the most common musculoskeletal pathologies encountered in practice Descriptions of diagnostic scans and tests, what they are and when they're used Detailed sections on relevant anatomy and nerve pathways Principles of management of both regional and systemic musculoskeletal disorders Detailed descriptions of the most common medications used to treat pain Information on blood tests with a quick reference guide to their interpretation A wealth of quick reference appendices for use in every day practice
Elsevier Science & Technology Immunotherapeutics: Volume 129
Immunotherapeutics, Volume 129 in the Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology series highlights new advances in the field, with this new volume presenting interesting chapters on a variety of topics, including Vaccines for the prophylaxis and treatment of HPV, Lung-targeted RNA-based therapeutics, Clostridium difficile: Current overview and future perspectives, Antivenoms for treatment of snake bites, Natural killer cell-based strategies for immunotherapy of cancer, Immunological insights of selectins in human disease mechanism, Current update, challenges, and future aspects of immunotherapeutics in non-small cell lung cancer, In silico interaction analysis of NEMO binding domain peptide on the NFkB protein, and much more.
Elsevier Science & Technology Prehospital Transport and Whole-Body Vibration
Prehospital Transport and Whole-body Vibration helps medical transport professionals and vehicle and equipment designers understand the concepts of human response to whole body vibration in order to shed light on the ongoing debate on the effectiveness of current immobilization systems. Written for anyone working with patients who have been medically transported, such as emergency medicine physicians, medics, ER nurses, and those researching and studying whole-body vibration (medical students, ergonomists, human factor researchers, engineers, system developers), this book takes an informative look at situations that occur in the air, on the sea and in ground medical vehicles en route to a hospital. The transport of supine humans under these conditions may lead to severe involuntary motions of body segments, which can generate discomfort, pain and secondary injuries, especially when the patient has a suspected spinal cord injury. This book will help medical transport professionals and vehicle and equipment designers understand the basic concepts of human response to whole body vibration and shed light on the ongoing debate on the effectiveness of current immobilization systems.
Elsevier Health Sciences Mosbys Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference
Elsevier Health Sciences Braunwalds Heart Disease 2 Vol Set
Elsevier Health Sciences Orthopedic Physical Assessment Atlas and Video: Selected Special Tests and Movements
Building on the authoritative content in David J. Magee's Orthopedic Physical Assessment textbook, Orthopedic Physical Assessment Atlas and Video provides step-by-step guidance for evaluating movements and performing the most common special tests in musculoskeletal assessment. Detailed video demonstrations of tests and procedures common in musculoskeletal assessment are supplemented by hundreds of high-quality full-color clinical photographs and illustrations of each test and assessment. Master the most effective techniques for evaluating movement and performing special tests with expert guidance from leading orthopedic physical assessment authority David J. Magee. Confidently perform more than 165 special tests common in musculoskeletal assessment with detailed step-by-step instructions. Review movement examinations and specific test details with narrated video demonstrations. Access up-to-date, evidence-based information at a glance with a convenient atlas format. Enhance your understanding of movement examinations and common special tests with more than 475 full-color clinical photographs and illustrations.
Elsevier Health Sciences Chaitow's Muscle Energy Techniques
The fifth edition of this well-loved manual for understanding and using Muscle Energy Techniques (METs) presents clear guidelines for their applications, resting on the newest scientific research and embedded in the framework of whole-person health care. It provides a comprehensive, evidence-based how-to guide for applying MET in the treatment of some forms of musculoskeletal dysfunction, to alleviate pain, and support functional movement. Packed with colour illustrations and complemented by more than 50 instructional videos featuring Leon Chaitow demonstrating the techniques described, Muscle Energy Techniques 5e guides the reader through both theory and practice, with an emphasis on evidence-informed clinical reasoning and application. This fifth edition reconvenes the international team of expert contributors originally selected by Leon Chaitow to present the role of METs in a range of clinical settings and scenarios. These include the use of METs for treating a wide range of acute and chronic pain conditions, prevention and management of trauma and injuries in athletes, and their successful incorporation into physiotherapy, chiropractic, osteopathic, massage therapy, and rehabilitation environments. New chapters and sections embed the use of METs in the biopsychosocial framework for whole-person healthcare based on the latest guidelines. Includes case studies and guidance for clinical practice. Entirely new research review chapter presents the latest research findings underpinning MET methodology and develops considerations regarding evidence-informed practice with attention to current debates. Updated chapter on the history of MET explains the impact of historical context on clinical practice. Increased emphasis on pulsed MET and updated research on the role of isotonic eccentric stretching and isometric eccentric contractions in rehabilitation, strengthening, and restoring functionality. Developed section and references to fascia research and its implications for MET. Updates in all chapters prioritizing whole-person healthcare. Fully updated references throughout with close cross-referencing between chapters and awareness of international context and research developments. This book is ideal for all professionals with an interest in manual and movement therapy, including osteopaths, physiotherapists, exercise scientists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, manual therapists, massage therapists, and personal trainers.
Elsevier Health Sciences Segmental Anatomy: The Key to Mastering Acupuncture, Neural Therapy and Manual Therapy
Formidably illustrated and written, the correlations between spinal nerves and segments in skin, musclar system and bones as well as the projection areas of internal organs on the body surface area are deduced from the anatomy of the nervous system. These correlations between spinal nerves and the periphery of the body explain how acupuncture, neural, and manual therapies take effect . Great accessibility through: Full colour images Drawings that depict the correlations in detail Cearly structured layout facilitating the reading of this complex subject
Elsevier Health Sciences Mosbys 2025 Nursing Drug Reference
Choose the drug handbook trusted by nurses for over 35 years! Mosby''s 2025 Nursing Drug Reference makes it easy to find the most vital information on the drugs you administer most frequently. More than 5,000 drugs are profiled - including more than 25 new entries for drugs recently approved by the FDA. And no other drug guide places a higher emphasis on patient safety, with Black Box Warnings for dangerous adverse reactions, High Alerts for drugs with the greatest risk, and a focus on both common and life-threatening side effects. From nursing pharmacology expert Linda Skidmore-Roth, this perennial bestseller proves there is a difference in drug guides. NEW! Drug monographs for more than 25 newly released, FDA-approved medications equip you with the latest drug information including generic names, trade names, pronunciations, do-not-confuse drugs, action, uses, contraindications, precautions, dosages and routes, side effects, pha
Elsevier Health Sciences Lire des textes de recherche: Guide convivial pour professionnels de la santé
Apprenez à évaluer et à appliquer la recherche en sciences de la santé avec ce guide du débutant! Lire des textes de recherche : Un guide convivial pour les professionnels de la santé, 7e édition fournit une introduction claire à la lecture et à la compréhension des articles de recherche, avec des lignes directrices pratiques pour la mise en ouvre de la recherche dans la pratique clinique. Il décrit comment interpréter les méthodes de recherche courantes, y compris les approches qualitatives, quantitatives et à méthodes mixtes, et explique comment trouver des recherches pertinentes et fiables sur Internet. Écrit par Barbara Davies et Jo Logan, qui sont toutes deux des éducatrices et des experts en recherche réputés, ce guide de poche facile à utiliser est idéal pour les étudiants et les professionnels de la santé. UNIQUE! Un aperçu concis en français de la recherche liée aux sciences de la santé maximise votre temps d'étude et facilite la compréhension de la recherche qualitative, quantitative et à méthodes mixtes. Une brève introduction à la lecture et à la compréhension d'articles de recherche en sciences de la santé est accompagnée de feuilles de pratique et d'autres ressources d'apprentissage sur un site Web Evolve. Des lignes directrices utiles suggèrent comment trouver des résultats de recherche intéressants, déterminer comment utiliser les résultats de la recherche pour planifier et offrir des pratiques exemplaires et améliorer les résultats pour les patients, et recommander des mesures pour éliminer les obstacles à l'utilisation de la recherche dans la pratique. UNIQUE! Les boîtes Conseils fournissent des conseils pratiques et faciles à suivre pour ceux qui sont nouveaux dans le sujet. UNIQUE! Les boîtes Alerte! mettent en garde contre les hypothèses courantes faites lors de la lecture de texte de recherche. Les recommandations pour les pratiques exemplaires en recherche comprennent de brèves définitions des termes de recherche populaires ainsi que des liens vers l'information de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé, les plus récentes lignes directrices sur les pratiques exemplaires de l'AIIAO (Association des infirmières et infirmiers autorisés de l'Ontario) et des lignes directrices de l'Australie, des États-Unis, du Royaume-Uni et d'autres pays. NOUVEAU! Des exercices améliorés sur le site Web d'Evolve montrent comment appliquer les connaissances acquises à partir du texte, sur la base d'articles de recherche tirés d'Australie, du Canada, d'Europe et des États-Unis, sur une variété de problèmes de santé rencontrés dans les milieux hospitaliers et communautaires.
Elsevier Health Sciences Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat
Elsevier Health Sciences Anatomy and Physiology
Elsevier Health Sciences Gass' Atlas of Macular Diseases: 2-Volume Set - Expert Consult: Online and Print
The Fifth Edition of Gass' Atlas of Macular Diseases, by Dr. Anita Agarwal, provides expert diagnostic guidance on macular disorders and quickly brings you up to date on this evolving specialty. Using a case-based approach, it richly depicts a full range of retina and macular diseases, including new infectious, degenerative, and dystrophic conditions. Take advantage of the latest imaging technologies to identify common and rare disorders, and confirm difficult diagnoses with the aid of more than 5,500 high-quality images. Printed in full color for the first time, this edition is accessible online at "... appropriate for highly ambitious residents, retina fellows and specialists, and general ophthalmologists who are looking for an excellent reference book with a proud lineage and impeccable reputation." Reviewed by ESCRS EuroTimes (European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery), Apr 2015 Rely on the same unique, richly illustrated case-descriptive format-encompassing history, clinical examination, and follow-up-that popularized the original book by the late Dr. Donald Gass, the famed ophthalmologist whose clinical expertise set new standards in macular diagnosis. Get expert diagnostic guidance under the new authorship of Dr. Anita Agarwal, a protégé of Dr. Gass who has compiled the ultimate collection of images and hard-to-find case studies. Evaluate macular diseases using the latest techniques including fluorescein angiography, optical coherence tomography (OCT), indocyanine green (ICG), and fundus autofluorescence. Visualize the conditions you're likely to see in practice and confirm your diagnoses by comparing your clinical findings to more than 5,500 images and illustrations (over 3,500 in full color). Search the complete text online, download the illustrations and view a bonus stereoscopic image gallery at
Elsevier Health Sciences Suture and Surgical Hemostasis: A Pocket Guide
Great for students and professionals, this portable reference offers a complete understanding of suture and hemostasis relating to surgical procedures. Its spiral binding and full-color photos and illustrations make it easy to find the appropriate suture materials and related information needed for any surgical procedure. Small, spiral-bound format offers easy access in any clinical setting. Descriptions of suture knots and step-by-step images of different types of stitches provide excellent instruction and are great for review. Over 200 full-color illustrations with brief descriptions help readers clearly identify suture materials appropriate for specific surgical procedures. A discussion of hemostasis is provided to give readers a full understanding of wounds and wound healing and when and why certain types of suture material should be used. Summary-at-a-glance charts and tables synthesize category descriptions and key information for quick reference. Key terms, abbreviations, and definitions are provided as a quick-reference glossary.
Elsevier Health Sciences The Merck Veterinary Manual
The Merck Veterinary Manual (MVM) covers all domesticated species and diseases in veterinary medicine worldwide. This completely revised and redesigned new edition of the veterinary classic uses a two-column format and color throughout for easy-to-read text and tables. Hundreds of color images enhance and illustrate the text. In addition to extensive revisions and updates, this edition includes a new section on public health and zoonoses, expanded coverage of fish and aquaculture, new chapters on backyard poultry, toxicologic workplace hazards, smoke inhalation, and additional coverage of numerous new and emerging topics in veterinary medicine. . Completely revised and redesigned in a two-column, easy-to-read format with color throughout . New section on Public Health which includes a new public health primer that covers One Health, public health functions and agencies, epidemiologic principles and study types, disease outbreak investigations, food safety, and a brief discussion of public health law . Revised and expanded information on fish, aquatic systems, and aquaculture as well as poultry, pet birds, rabbits, rodents, reptiles, and amphibians . New chapters on backyard poultry and Tasmanian devils, toxicologic hazards in the workplace for veterinarians, smoke inhalation, scorpion bites, spider flies, and xylitol toxicity . Extensively revised chapters on heart disease, diagnostic imaging, pharmacology and drug resistance, wound management, equine emergency medicine, management of the neonate and neonatal encephalopathy, wound management, equine arboviral encephalomyelitis, skeletal disorders and myopathies of poultry, and chlamydiosis . Important changes to the Behavior section such as inclusion of the most recent diagnostic techniques, methods and treatment of behavioral disorders in dogs, cats, and other domesticated animals, expanded coverage of the human-animal bond, service and assistance animals, and new material on self-care for veterinarians
Elsevier Health Sciences Midwifery Preparation for Practice
Elsevier Health Sciences Whittle's Gait Analysis
This readable textbook offers a clear and accessible guide to the diagnosis and treatment of patients suffering from medical conditions that affect the way they walk. The book describes both normal and pathological gait and covers the range of simple and complex methods available to perform gait analysis. It will help the reader differentiate the gait cycle phases and pathological gait patterns, identify related factors, and direct therapy precisely. Now in its sixth edition, Whittle's Gait Analysis has been fully updated by a small team of expert contributors to include the latest thinking on methods of gait analysis and its role in the clinic, making it an ideal text for undergraduate students through to practising allied health professionals. Highly accessible, readable, and logically sequenced - suitable for undergraduates Covers gait and clinical considerations around functional difficulties in people with neurological and musculoskeletal disorders Summary/study aid boxes to support learning Online resources containing supplementary content for Chapter 1, video clips, 3D animations, gait data supported by MCQs, and 30 cases studies Chapter on running gait, including the biomechanics of running, common running-related injuries, and clinical considerations Expanded chapter on neurological conditions
Elsevier Health Sciences Sims' Symptoms in the Mind: Textbook of Descriptive Psychopathology
Psychopathology - the study of abnormal mental states - is a foundational discipline of psychiatry that is formidable to master. Since 1988, Sims' Symptoms in the Mind has been the leading introductory textbook in this area and provides the conceptual backbone needed by every psychiatrist in training. It defines and explains the main symptoms and syndromes of mental illness encountered in clinical practice. Now in its seventh edition, the text has been fully revised and updated by renowned psychiatry professor Femi Oyebode. It provides a masterful introduction to this difficult area that will challenge the reader intellectually, while at the same time supporting his or her learning. With a combination of accessible text and audiovisual materials in the online ebook, this is the standard postgraduate text for psychiatric trainees as well as a valued reference for academics, clinical psychiatrists and psychologists, allied health professionals, and researchers. Complete and practical overview of clinical psychopathology New chapter on the emerging area of abnormalities of aesthetic sense Expanded information on musical hallucinations, erotomania, abnormalities of the form of thinking, and the intriguing nature of gesture and its disturbance Online videos and podcasts covering interviewing techniques and tips Multiple choice questions and extended answers, offering different ways to learn Fully updated with new knowledge, concepts and theoretical and explanatory models
Elsevier Health Sciences Behavior Problems of the Dog and Cat
Behavior Problems of the Dog & Cat, 4th Edition retains the highly practical approach that has proved so successful in previous editions, offering diagnostic guidelines, preventive advice, treatment guidelines and charts, case examples, client forms and handouts, and product and resource suggestions, along with details on the use of drugs and natural supplements to help optimize the behavior services offered in practice. Step-by-step guidelines describe how to collect a patient history, perform a thorough physical examination, conduct diagnostic testing, formulate differential diagnoses, select treatment, and monitor the patients' responses. Background information describes how dog and cat behavior problems arise and how they can be prevented. Coverage of behavior modification techniques provides you with a clear understanding of suggested treatment as well as the use of drugs, products, pheromones, surgery, diet, and alternative therapies. Content on behavioral genetics explores this rapidly growing and advancing field and includes new therapeutic approaches for cognitive decline. Case studies illustrate real-life clinical situations. Easy-access treatment tables provide at-a-glance solutions to common behavior problems. Useful appendices include treatment protocols as well as the drug information and dosages that make effective prescribing easy. NEW! Many hot new topics are covered, including fear, anxiety, and stress and their effects on health and behavior, as well as pain and behavior, the psychobiological approach to veterinary behavior assessment, and pets and the family dynamic. NEW! Updated chapter content is extensively augmented or completely rewritten by new authors, making this more than just a new edition - it's a new book! NEW! eBook version is included with print purchase which allows access to all of the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Online access also includes handouts and forms, drug dosing, and a comprehensive directory of resources.
Elsevier Health Sciences Emery's Elements of Medical Genetics and Genomics
Long recognized as a leading textbook in this fast-moving field, Emery's Elements of Medical Genetics and Genomics offers current, complete information with a strong basis in practical clinical genetics and genomics for medical school and beyond. The 16th Edition of this award-winning text has been thoroughly updated throughout and includes case-based and multiple-choice questions, end-of-chapter summaries, an extensive glossary, and convenient online access, making it an ideal choice for all medical undergraduates as well as postgraduates seeking to improve their understanding and knowledge. Includes new case-based studies with questions and answers throughout, in addition to multiple-choice self-assessment questions for study and review. Covers key topics such as pharmacogenetics, personalized medicine, prenatal testing, reproductive genetics, and ethical and legal issues in medical genetics. Divides the text into three easy-to-use sections: The Scientific Basis of Human Genetics, Genetics in Medicine and Genomic Medicine, and Clinical Genetics, Counseling and Ethics Features full-color illustrations and other images that help readers visualize the appearance of genetic disorders and assist with the understanding of complex genetic structures. Contains learning features such as summary boxes, an extensive glossary of terms, online hyperlinks to important genetics websites and clinical databases, and more. Presents the extensive knowledge and experience of distinguished editors Peter D. Turnpenny and Sian Ellard, as well as new editor Ruth Cleaver. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Elsevier Health Sciences Manson's Tropical Diseases
For 125 years, physicians have relied on Manson's Tropical Diseases for a comprehensive clinical overview of this complex and fast-changing field. In the fully revised 24th Edition, Dr. Jeremy Farrar, along with an internationally recognized editorial team, global contributors, and expert authors, deliver the latest coverage on parasitic and infectious diseases from around the world. From the difficult to diagnose to the difficult to treat, this highly readable, award-winning reference prepares you to effectively handle whatever your patients may have contracted. Covers all of tropical medicine in a comprehensive manner, general medicine in the tropics, and non-clinical issues regarding public health and ethics. Serves as an indispensable resource for physicians who treat patients with tropical diseases and/or will be travelling to the tropics, or who are teaching others in this area. Contains a new section on 21st Century Drivers of Tropical Medicine, with chapters covering Poverty and Inequality, Public Health in Settings of Conflict and Political Instability, Climate Change, and Medical Product Quality and Public Health. Includes all-new chapters on Surgery in the Topics, Yellow Fever, Systemic Mycoses, and COVID-19. Covers key topics such as drug resistance; emerging and reemerging infections such as Zika, Ebola, and Chikungunya; novel diagnostics such as PCR-based methods; point-of care-tests such as ultrasound; public health in settings of conflict and political instability; and much more. Differentiates approaches for resource-rich and resource-poor areas. Includes reader-friendly features such as highlighted key information, convenient boxes and tables, extensive cross-referencing, and clinical management diagrams. An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.
Elsevier Health Sciences Myles Midwifery Anatomy & Physiology Workbook
The latest edition of this popular volume offers a wide selection of appealing, interactive and engaging exercises specifically tailored for different learning styles. Fully updated in response to student feedback, Myles Midwifery Anatomy and Physiology Workbook, Second Edition presents a wide variety of activities ranging from colouring and labelling exercises and 'match and connect' to 'true false' and 'identify the correct response'. Perfect for readers who find A&P challenging, or for anyone who just needs to recap and consolidate, the book also offers: . An engaging approach to afford a stimulating way to learn A&P . Straightforward language and a user-friendly style to help simplify challenging areas of study . Information based on the latest RCOG and NICE Guidelines . Content that is suitable for use internationally, for example, by including different approaches to manoeuvres or named movements used in obstetric emergencies Ideal for all students of midwifery, Myles Midwifery Anatomy and Physiology Workbook is perfect for preregistration readers and anyone on 'return to practice' programs. Although designed for use with Myles Textbook for Midwives and Physiology in Childbearing with Anatomy and Related Biosciences, this resource is suitable for use with any midwifery textbook.
Elsevier Health Sciences Anderson's Pediatric Cardiology
As a leading reference on pediatric cardiology and congenital heart disease, Anderson's Pediatric Cardiology provides exhaustive coverage of potential pediatric cardiovascular anomalies, potential sequelae related to these anomalies, comorbidities and neurodevelopmental problems, and current methods for management and treatment. The fully revised 4th Edition addresses significant and ongoing changes in practice, including recent developments in fetal, neonatal, and adult congenital heart conditions as well as expanded content on intensive care, nursing issues, and societal implications. The outstanding illustration program provides superb visual guidance and is now supplemented with a remarkable collection of more than 350 professionally curated imaging and intra-operative surgical videos. Offers authoritative, long-term coverage of a broad spectrum of cardiology conditions, including congenital heart disease, adult congenital heart disease (ACHD), acquired heart disease, cardiomyopathies, and rhythm disturbances. Features exquisite specimen images by Dr. Robert Anderson and Diane Spicer dissected in easily recognizable analogous imaging planes. These are included in the over 850 anatomic, photographic, imaging, and algorithmic figures, and incorporate new images using virtual dissections of 3D datasets obtained in living patients. An extensive new section describing the non-cardiac consequences of congenital cardiac disease and other related issues Outside the Heart, including new chapters on quality improvement in congenital cardiac disease, models of care delivery, neurocognitive assessment and outcomes, psychosocial issues for patients and families, ethics, nursing implications, acute and chronic renal complications, and telemedicine. Three entirely new, expanded sections on the Functionally Univentricular Heart, Fetal Congenital Cardiac Disease, and Heart Failure and Transplantation. Provides a new focus on patient and family-centered care with expert advice on how to communicate difficult diagnoses to patients and families. Features new integration of nursing content into all disease-specific chapters, as well as updated content on genetics, congenital heart disease and follow-up, and new imaging modalities. Contains chapters on new and emerging topics such as MRI and Quantifying the Fetal Circulation in Congenital Cardiac Disease; Congenital Anomalies of the Coronary Arteries; and The Global Burden of Pediatric Heart Disease and Pediatric Cardiac Care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Shares the experience and knowledge of an international team of multidisciplinary experts in medicine and advanced practice nursing. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, tables and figures from the book on a variety of devices.
Elsevier Health Sciences Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary
Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary, 5th Edition includes the veterinary technical and scientific words and phrases you might encounter in practice. With well over 60,000 main and subentries including large animals, small animals, and exotics, presented in a user-friendly format, the fifth edition continues its legacy as the most comprehensive dictionary reference in the veterinary field. Completely revised and updated for today's veterinary team, it now includes an all-new companion Evolve site, which hosts an audio glossary of 1,200 common veterinary terms and an image collection featuring high-quality images from the book. The online site also includes printable appendices with essential reference information including conversion charts and blood groups of domestic animals. More than 60,000 main entries and subentries are included, making this the most comprehensive dictionary covering the whole range of veterinary medicine including large and small animals and exotic pets. Pronunciation of key terms is indicated by a phonetic respelling that appears in parentheses immediately following main entries. High-quality, color illustrations aid further understanding of important terminology. Color design and format help you find key information at a glance. Extensive appraisal, clarification, and focusing of entries to reflect current practice. Extensive contributions from internationally acknowledged expert consultants. UPDATED and NEW! Updated and all-new terminology from the latest research, including updated taxonomy in virology and bacteriology, ensures this invaluable reference is up-to-date. NEW! Updated images ensure you receive the most current and pertinent illustrations that identify and highlight specific terms. NEW! An all-new suite of online features including printable appendices with essential veterinary reference information, an image collection with 1,000 high-quality images, and an audio glossary with more than 1,200 common veterinary terms. NEW! A new co-editor and new expert contributors from around the world provide updates on the latest advances in the field of veterinary science.
Elsevier Health Sciences Essential Microbiology for Dentistry
The latest edition of this essential textbook continues to support a new generation of dental students in their understanding of microbiom and oral microbiota, basic immunology, oral and systemic infections and cross-infection control. Fully updated throughout with the latest developments in oral microbiology, microbiomics, disease prevention and control, Essential Microbiology for Dentistry will be essential for all undergraduates studying dentistry as well as anyone undertaking postgraduate training. Friendly, accessible writing style helps readers engage with key information Helpful self-assessment - in the style of both dental school and RCS exams -enables students to monitor their progress Evidenced-based throughout to help facilitate safe clinical practice Ample use of artwork helps explain complex structures, physiological processes and the effect of drug intervention Helpful use of italics for clinically relevant facts and emboldened key words to highlight important information Presents the latest national and international guidelines 'Key Fact' boxes at the end of each chapter help summarize core information Contains a comprehensive glossary and abbreviations list Expanded to meet the higher-level of understanding and application of knowledge required of students today Provides a fuller discussion of the oral microbiome and the microbiota ; new microbial identification technology; antibiotic steweardship;, ; endodontic infections; implant-related infections; plaque biofilms and the systemic disease axis and the current guidelines on antimicrobial prophylaxis Contains new photographic images - many previously unpublished Provides enhanced discussions of newer molecular based methods of diagnosis Explores the latest research in dental plaque biofilm functionality and metabolism, and the mechanisms of enhanced resistance caused by biofilms Now comes with a helpful ONLINE RESOURCE containing a wide range of MCQS to help students monitor their progress!
Elsevier Health Sciences Sobotta Atlas of Anatomy Package 17th ed. EnglishLatin
Elsevier Health Sciences Botanical Medicine for Women's Health
Use herbal medicines to treat women at any stage of life! Botanical Medicine for Women's Health, 2nd Edition provides an evidence-based, patient-centered approach to botanical interventions for many different medical conditions. More than 150 natural products are covered, showing their benefits in gynecologic health, fertility and childbearing, and menopausal health. This edition includes new full-color photos of herbal plants along with a discussion of the role of botanicals in healthy aging. Written by Aviva Romm, an experienced herbalist, midwife, and physician, this unique guide is an essential resource for everyday practice of herbal medicine. Winner of the 2010 American Botanical Council's James A. Duke Excellence in Botanical Literature Award! Current, evidence-based information covers more than 150 botanicals for over 35 different conditions. Case studies provide realistic scenarios and help you apply the content to the real world. Treatment and formula boxes summarize the most important information. Color illustrations and photographs of plants enable you to identify herbs visually as well as by substance make-up. Logical chapter organization begins with the principles of herbal medicine and then covers women's health conditions organized chronologically by lifecycle, from teen and reproductive years to midlife and mature years. Appendices include practical, at-a-glance information on common botanical names, chemical constituents of medicinal plants, and a summary table of herbs for women's health. NEW! Updates reflect the latest research and the most current information. NEW Full-color design and detailed, professional color photos of plants make this a unique, essential resource. NEW! Coverage of the role of botanicals in healthy aging for women features phytoestrogens, Ayurvedic/Chinese herbs, and discussions of health promotion.
Elsevier Health Sciences Examination of the Newborn and Neonatal Health: A Multidimensional Approach
An essential guide to this most important of examinations The first book to assist in the recognition of the psychosocial and emotional elements of physical disability that may impact on the family Provides a multi-professional perspective, with contributors from specialists in their fields Each chapter addresses the subject from a holistic perspective that includes ethical, legal and psychosocial aspects as well as the physical