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Rowman & Littlefield Scholarly Communications: A History from Content as King to Content as Kingmaker
Scholarly Communications: A History from Content as King to Content as Kingmaker traces the development of scholarly communications from the creation of the first scientific journal through the wide diversity of professional information services today. Unlike any other book, this work is an authoritative history by the past President of Elsevier and current Professor at Long Island University, which examines the changing nature of scholarly communication throughout its history, including its research importance as well as its business value. It specifically covers four key themes: 1.the value of scholarly content and information at various stages of it development and use; 2.the role that technology has played on the use, importance, and value of scholarly information and research communications; 3.the changing business models affecting the system of scholarly communication from the way it is produced to how it is distributed and consumed; and 4.some of the implications of mobile, cloud, and social computing technologies on the future of scholarly communications. Attention is paid to analyzing the structural changes that the professional publishing community now faces. Regazzi examines research content as an economic good; how technology and business models have greatly affected the value of scholarly publishing; and the drivers of the future sustainability of our system of scholarly communication.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Kunstliche Intelligenz in Unternehmen: Innovative Anwendungen in 50 erfolgreichen Firmen
Bernard Marr bietet einen faszinierenden Blick darauf, wie Unternehmen Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) und maschinelles Lernen zur Problemlösung einsetzen. Es präsentiert 50 Fallstudien zu aktuellen Situationen und zeigt praktische Anwendungen für Probleme, mit denen Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt konfrontiert sind. Das sich schnell entwickelnde Gebiet der Künstlichen Intelligenz hat sich über Forschungslabore und Informatikabteilungen hinaus ausgedehnt und seinen Weg in das Mainstream-Geschäftsumfeld gefunden. Künstliche Intelligenz und maschinelles Lernen werden als die wichtigsten modernen Business-Trends zur Steigerung des Erfolgs genannt. KI wird in Bereichen wie Bankwesen und Finanzen, Social Media und Marketing eingesetzt. Diese Technologie bietet außerdem innovative Lösungen für Unternehmen aller Größen, Branchen und Industrien. Dieses spannende und aktuelle Buch untersucht eine Vielzahl von Fällen, die veranschaulichen, wie Unternehmen KI einsetzen, um die Leistung und Effizienz zu steigern, Marktpräferenzen zu analysieren und vieles mehr. Unternehmen, die dabei betrachtet werden, sind zum Beispiel: Amazon, IBM, Burberry, Samsung, Netflix, Spotify, Facebook, Elsevier, Uber, Siemens und Daimler. Der Bestsellerautor und renommierte KI-Experte Bernard Marr zeigt, wie die Technologie des maschinellen Lernens das Geschäftsgebaren von Unternehmen verändert. Das Buch bietet einen Überblick über einzelne Unternehmen, beschreibt das spezifische Problem und erklärt, wie KI die Lösung erleichtert. Jede Fallstudie bietet einen umfassenden Einblick, der einige technische Details sowie wichtige Lernzusammenfassungen enthält. Marrs Buch ist eine aufschlussreiche und informative Untersuchung der transformativen Kraft der Technologie in der Wirtschaft des 21. Jahrhunderts.
Taylor & Francis Ltd CIM Coursebook 08/09 Marketing Management in Practice
‘Butterworth-Heinemann’s CIM Coursebooks have been designed to match the syllabus and learning outcomes of our new qualifications and should be useful aids in helping students understand the complexities of marketing. The discussion and practical application of theories and concepts, with relevant examples and case studies, should help readers make immediate use of their knowledge and skills gained from the qualifications.’Professor Keith Fletcher, Director of Education, The Chartered Institute of Marketing‘Here in Dubai, we have used the Butterworth-Heinemann Coursebooks in their various forms since the very beginning and have found them most useful as a source of recommended reading material as well as examination preparation.’Alun Epps, CIM Centre Co-ordinator, Dubai University College, United Arab EmiratesButterworth-Heinemann’s official CIM Coursebooks are the definitive companions to the CIM professional marketing qualifications. The only study materials to be endorsed by The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), all content is carefully structured to match the syllabus and is written in collaboration with the CIM faculty. Now in full colour and a new student friendly format, key information is easy to locate on each page. Each chapter is packed full of case studies, study tips and activities to test your learning and understanding as you go along. •The coursebooks are the only study guide reviewed and approved by CIM (The Chartered Institute of Marketing). •Each book is crammed with a range of learning objectives, cases, questions, activities, definitions, study tips and summaries to support and test your understanding of the theory. •Past examination papers and examiners’ reports are available online to enable you to practise what has been learned and help prepare for the exam and pass first time. •Extensive online materials support students and tutors at every stage. Based on an understanding of student and tutor needs gained in extensive research, brand new online materials have been designed specifically for CIM students and created exclusively for Butterworth-Heinemann. Check out exam dates on the Online Calendar, see syllabus links for each course, and access extra mini case studies to cement your understanding. Explore and access online versions of the coursebooks and further reading from Elsevier and Butterworth-Heinemann.INTERACTIVE, FLEXIBLE, ACCESSIBLE ANY TIME, ANY
Abrams The Simpsons Futurama Crossover Crisis
What would happen if the Planet Express crew and the citizens of New York City in the 31st Century met the Simpsons and the citizens of Springfield . . . and how is it even possible? Prepare yourself for a Simpsons saga filled with Futurama! A Futurama fable suffused with the Simpsons! Featuring a plethora of pleasing plot devices including: evil brain spawn, lactose-intolerant space aliens, a giant ball of yarn, flying cars, mistaken identities, world domination, the brittle fabric of reality torn asunder, a comic book-collecting sentient planet, the Dewey Decimal system, self-eating watermelons, slave labor, space pirates, power-crazed vampires, super hero battles, unflattering underwear, mad science run amok, and much, much more! This is the epic story that you've been waiting for . . . a story so big, so ambitious, so sweeping that it can only be told in a 208-page, large format, slip-cased edition, complete with new material, supplemental stories, preliminary sketches, character designs, and a pin-up gallery featuring the talents of comics industry luminaries Alex Ross, Sergio Aragonés, Geof Darrow, Kyle Baker, Peter Kuper, and Bernie Wrightson, among others. It's a comic convergence on a reality ripping, time altering, space traveling, intergalactic scale! It's The Simpsons Futurama Crossover CrisisUncut and all comedy! First published in 2002 and 2005 as two two-part, comic book mini-series (Futurama/Simpsons Infinitely Secret Crossover Crisis and The Simpsons/Futurama Crossover Crisis II), these four hard-to-find comics are collected together for the first time in a hardcover collection, encased in a die-cut slipcase, and packaged with a reprint of the very first Eisner Award-winning issue of Simpsons Comics from 1993. “Abrams’ initial release is a beautifully designed package, a glossy hardcover in a glossier slipcover, as bright and colorful as a grab-bag bin in a candy-store.”—The Onion AV ClubFrom Publishers Weekly Two classic animated series are brought together in a comic that offers many surprises, including how well it all works when transported to a new medium. Although both sources are the creation of cartoonist Matt Groening, the broadcast runs of each series referred to the other as works of fiction within their own universes, perhaps seeking to avoid the temptation of an attention grabbing crossover. And yet somehow this assemblage ably accomplishes just such a task while remaining faithful to the source materials. When Futurama's crew from the Planet Express delivery service become trapped in the fictional world of a Simpsons comic book, they must escape from Springfield. But shortly afterward they open a rift that brings the Simpsons characters into the Planet Express world, where the fictional characters must be rescued and returned to the pages of their comic book. Boothby's writing excels at letting each universe and the characters in them maintain their subtly distinct identities even when they blend. The overarching story for the book is designed to easily allow opportunities for affectionate references to comics, to science fiction, and to notable works of fiction. While the Simpsons comics included in the collection are not as strong, the crossover story takes what could have been a simple throwaway gag and instead crafts a funny, intricately detailed story. (Apr.) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.