Search results for ""elsevier""
Elsevier Health Sciences Handbook for Registered Nurses: Essential Skills
This handy resource provides a concise overview of some of the key elements of nursing practice, and is designed to create the foundations on which to build clinical competence. The Handbook covers the rationales and knowledge that underpin activities performed by registered nurses in both the community and hospital. It includes clinical guidelines, an overview of the core components of care and the basics of key procedures. Written by nurse educators and clinicians to reflect current nursing standards and competence, this book is an ideal reference guide for student nurses, newly qualified nurses and those who teach staff in practice. Provides a firm basis for clinical competence Aligned to the Nursing and Midwifery Council Competencies for Nurses Designed to support continuing professional development and education Can be used both for clinical practice and teaching
Elsevier Health Sciences Pharmacy Practice
The sixth edition of PharmacyPractice brings the contents completely up to date, reflecting emerging new roles for pharmacists both within the traditional employment areas of hospital and community pharmacy, as well as other developing roles supporting the public health agenda, governance, risk management, prescribing and pharmaco-economics. Each chapter begins with Study Points and ends with Key Points to reinforce learning. Appendices include medical abbreviations, Latin terms and abbreviations, systems of weights and measurements and presentation skills. Some chapters also carry self-assessment questions for more complex areas of pharmaceutical practice. New editor on the team, Louise Cogan. Many new contributors, comprising practising pharmacists, teachers of pharmacy, and pharmacists with joint appointments between hospital/community pharmacy and universities. Now with companion e-book included on StudentConsult New chapters on Consent History Taking/ Gathering Information Advice giving and the pharmacist as a Health Trainer Using calculations in pharmacy practice Continuing professional development and revalidation Intra and inter professional working, The role of the pharmacist in medicines optimization
Elsevier Health Sciences Basic Science in Obstetrics and Gynaecology: A Textbook for MRCOG Part 1
Basic Science in Obstetrics and Gynaecology is an essential one-stop, portable revision tool for candidates preparing for Part 1 of the MRCOG specialist examination. Fully updated by experts who are internationally recognised in their fields, the chapters match the syllabus of the exam, combining detailed coverage of the science with related self-assessment questions that you will encounter in the MRCOG. This book is suitable for doctors specialising in obstetrics and gynaecology who want the best chance possible to pass this difficult exam. Covers all topics for the MRCOG Part 1, including basic science and clinical anatomy Contains self-assessment SBA questions to consolidate learning Includes three mock exam papers enabling you to practice for the exam Digital version included Fully revised and updated Completely updated self-assessment chapter, written in the style of the new exam Extensive revision of fetal physiology, biophysics, biochemistry, endocrinology, and physiology New top-quality illustrations to support learning
Elsevier Health Sciences Krauses Food the Nutrition Care Process
Elsevier Health Sciences Urodynamics Made Easy
The Fourth Edition of Urodynamics Made Easy provides a concise and user-friendly guide to the principles and clinical practice of urodynamics as applied to the routine diagnosis and management of patients. The emphasis of this book is on the ethos behind the practice of urodynamics and how this needs to be integrated into the evaluation of all patients with lower urinary tract symptoms. It offers clear information presented in a visually appealing and easily accessible format. A great and simple teaching tool that will assist the novice as well as the more experienced practitioner Superbly illustrated in full colour. An invaluable and practical, yet comprehensive, resource for all those interested in growing their understanding of and expertise in pelvic floor diseases. This edition has been completely updated, especially in relation to the electronic urodynamic measuring devices now available. The clinical relevance has also been enhanced. Urodynamics made Easy provides an invaluable source of information to urologists, gynaecologists and urodynamic nurses, and will also be of interest to general surgeons, radiologists and general practitioners.
Elsevier Health Sciences Midwifery Essentials: Basics: Volume 1: Volume 1
New edition of a title in the popular Midwifery Essentials series originally published in conjunction with The Practising Midwife journal. The series covers core topics in midwifery education in an engaging and friendly format using a helpful 'jigsaw' approach which encourages readers to explore topics from a variety of perspectives e.g. effective communication, team working and health promotion. Helpful 'scenarios' throughout each volume encourage debate and reflection, core elements of midwifery education. Fully updated to provide a useful, friendly source of information Strong focus on contemporary women-centred care Designed to stimulate debate and reflection upon current practice, local policies and procedures Scenarios enable practitioners to understand the context of maternity care and explore their role in safe and effective service provision Helpful 'jigsaw' approach enables readers to explore specific topics from a variety of perspectives e.g. consent, safety and health promotion Explains the professional and legal issues surrounding clinical procedures Chapters designed to be read as a 'standalone' or in succession Emphasises the crucial role of effective communication Makes reference to the latest national and international guidelines Contains new scenarios to reflect recent changes in practice Improved layout aids retention and learning Fully updated throughout with the latest evidence base for clinical skills and procedures Embraces the principles of 'Better Births'
Elsevier Health Sciences Myles Professional Studies for Midwifery Education and Practice: Concepts and Challenges
Myles Professional Studies for Midwifery Education and Practice Concepts and Challenges explores the non-clinical areas of the midwifery curriculum (e.g. law, ethics, leadership, employer-led supervision and professional development) in a helpful, user-friendly format brought to readers by a team of experts under the guidance of Jayne Marshall, editor of Myles Textbook for Midwives. The volume will be suitable for all student midwives, whether undertaking pre-registration education programmes or post-graduate studies, as well as practising midwives preparing for revalidation and/or undertaking CPD. Whilst prepared predominantly by contributors from the UK, Myles Professional Studies for Midwifery Education and Practice Concepts and Challenges will be suitable for an international readership. Specialist contributors ensure accuracy and currency of key information Underlying theory supported by a rich array of helpful learning features such as 'real-life' case studies and reflective activities Includes the latest initiatives such as employer-led supervision and the principles of coaching Includes a section on the ICM and EU standards of education and international regulation covering the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, Denmark and Norway Explores the global context of the midwife's scope of practice with specific examples from the UK, Canada and the USA Includes discussion of CPD and overseas careers opportunities Annotated reading lists and significant websites provide additional sources of information
Elsevier Health Sciences Pass PACES: Essential Study Guide
This new book is written by authors experienced in training candidates to pass MRCP PACES from across the UK. They have put together Pass PACES based on their own teaching experiences to fill the gap in preparation aids for this high-stakes examination. As well as covering the curriculum, this book is designed to help candidates marshal their knowledge most effectively in order to maximize candidate's performance. The book provides a pragmatic guide to the presentation of cases and gives great tips for how to achieve full marks at each station in the exam. Gives the candidate a stepwise approach in how to present the clinical cases that appear in the exam, with the aim of achieving full marks in the clinical stations. Highlights the extra knowledge and information sought by examiners in order to award full marks at the discussion phase of each station. Gives advice on time management and organization before and during the exam. Uses smart memory techniques in order to create brain images for candidates to be able to recruit knowledge under the stress of the exam. Presents unique hidden curriculum knowledge and non-technical skills tips, customised for this exam. Accompanying videos that walk candidates through key examinations for each station, and podcasts giving instructional tips and guidance. On ExpertConsult for access to e-book, videos and podcasts on the move.
Elsevier Health Sciences Dictionary of Veterinary Nursing
The fourth edition of the Dictionary of Veterinary Nursing is a must-have, highly practical source of information for student and qualified veterinary nurses and for anyone working in animal care. Covering all companion animals, equine, poultry and exotic patients this is the only dictionary written specifically for veterinary nurses that covers all aspects of the veterinary nursing curriculum. This new edition has been thoroughly updated and expanded to ensure all the information you require can be easily accessed. Presents over 5000 concise but detailed definitions. 27 useful appendices provide a quick reference source for frequently needed data. Line diagrams aid learning and understanding. More than 250 new definitions covering new diseases, chickens, rabbits, other exotics, jurisprudence and complementary therapy. Expanded international coverage includes Australian and American diseases. Increased focus on business terms gives insight into the running of a veterinary practice. 11 new appendices including fluid therapy calculations, common fluids and their uses, rabbit and horse breeds and coat colours, vaccination schedules for chickens, urine crystals, reporting adverse drug reactions, general principles of toxic agents, poisons and toxins, quarantine regulations, action to take for lost/found animals.
Elsevier Health Sciences Psychology and Sociology Applied to Medicine: An Illustrated Colour Text
Now in its fourth edition, this definitive and popular introduction to human behaviour in the context of health and illness includes three new chapters, many new contributors and a new co-editor. It is arranged in nine sections to cover the core concepts of psychology and sociology as they apply to medicine. The life cycle Development of the person Society and health Preventing illness and promoting health Illness, behaviour and the doctor-patient encounter Illness and disability Coping with illness and disability Hoe do health services work How do you fit into all this? Topics presented as self-contained double-page spreads. Cases throughout to reinforce understanding of important concepts. Boxes and discussion points throughout. The authors comprise psychologists, sociologists and doctors. Highly illustrated 48 new contributors New co-editor, Gerry Humphris 3 new chapters: Malnutrition and obesity Urban nature health and well-being LGBT Health
Elsevier Health Sciences Essentials of Global Health
This unique introduction to the essentials of global health has been constructed by medical students from all over the world through the help of Medsin (now Students for Global Health) and the International Federation of Medical Students' Association (IFMSA). The global student and trainee author team, recruited and guided initially by Drs Dan and Felicity Knights (themselves students and officers of Medsin when work commenced), identified the key areas to be covered. Then the book they put together was edited by two experts in the field: Mr B Sethia and Professor Parveen Kumar. Royalties raised from this book go to a grant fund for student global health projects. Written by medical students and junior doctors from Students for Global Health and the International Federation of Medical Students' Association (IFMSA). Edited by two experts in the field, Mr B Sethia and Professor Parveen Kumar. Royalties go to a grant fund for student global health projects.
Elsevier Health Sciences Transforming Public Health Surveillance: Proactive Measures for Prevention, Detection, and Response
Public Health Surveillance (PHS) is of primary importance in this era of emerging health threats like ebola, MERS-CoV, influenza, natural and man-made disasters, and non-communicable diseases. Transforming Public Health Surveillance is a forward-looking, topical, and up-to-date overview of the issues and solutions facing PHS. It describes the realities of the gaps and impediments to efficient and effective PHS, while presenting a vision for its possibilities and promises in the 21st century. The book gives a roadmap to the goal of public health information being available, when it is needed and where it is needed. Led by Professor Scott McNabb, an international team of the top-notch public health experts from academia, government, and non-governmental organizations provides the most complete and current update on this core area of public health practice in a decade in 31 chapters. This includes the key roles PHS plays in achieving the global health security agenda and health equity. The authors provide a global perspective for students and professionals in public health. Five case studies aid the understanding of the context for the lessons of the book, and a comprehensive glossary, questions, bullet points, and learning objectives make this book an excellent tool for the classroom. Describes lessons learned in international health crises, the context and development of existing governance documents guiding public health surveillance in the light of global health security concerns, and provides advice on how to construct a modern framework to provide efficient, effective, and equitable global response Describes enriched collaborations between military, clinical practice, societies, communities, and governmental and non-governmental organizations and discusses challenges and opportunities Describes informatics approaches to enable and support data sharing, analytics, and visualization though interoperability that will adapt to meet the challenges of the changing field of public health surveillance Discusses challenges of modern public health surveillance, and discusses potential solutions, and actions and ideas for the way forward Describes how transformed surveillance systems can contribute to better monitoring and guiding of the post 2015 development goals and can further progress the universal goal of health equity Includes five case studies exploring the lessons of the book under different contexts including Antimicrobial Resistance, MERS-CoV, Pandemic Influenza, Refugee Surveillance, and Measles Table of Contents: 1. Past Contributions to Public Health Surveillance 2. CDC Perspectives and Strategy on Emerging Public Health Surveillance Issues and Opportunities 3. Models of Public Health Surveillance 4. Integrated Versus Vertical Public Health Surveillance 5. Reactive Versus Proactive Public Health Surveillance 6. New Public Health Surveillance Evaluation Model 7. New Matrix for Evaluation of Public Health Surveillance 8. Economics of Public Health Surveillance 9. Supply and Demand of the Public Health Workforce 10. Policies, Standards, and Best Practices for Public Health Surveillance 11. Keeping Our World Safe by Integrating Public Health and Global Security 12. Smart Governance of Public Health Surveillance 13. Achieving the Right Balance in Governance of Public Health Surveillance 14. One Health in the 21st Century 15. Collaboration for Biosurveillance 16. Contributions of Military Public Health Surveillance to Global Public Health Security 17. Nonprofit Associations and Cultivating Collaboration to Advance Public Health Surveillance 18. Linking Clinical Medicine Data with Public Health Surveillance for Mutual Benefit 19. Engaging Communities to Transform Public Health Surveillance 20. Art and Science of Interoperability to Create Connections 21. Data Storms are Growing, Everywhere, and Have to Work Together 22. Surveillance Informatics Builds and Ecosystem for Transformation 23. The Human Interaction Required for Visualizing and Manipulating Information 24. Necessary Challenge of Verifying and Validating Public Health Data 25. Public Health Modeling and Data Mining 26. Using Genetic Sequence Data for Public Health Surveillance 27. New Approaches to Analyzing Public Health Data 28. Applied Interdisciplinary Translational Research in Public Health Surveillance 29. Transforming Public Health Surveillance to Measure Progress Towards Health and Equity Through the Millennium Development Goals 30. Research and Innovations Guiding Public Health Surveillance in the 21st Century 31. Improving Health Equity and Sustainability by Transforming Public Health Surveillance
Elsevier Health Sciences A Textbook of Children's and Young People's Nursing
This innovative textbook provides a concise and accessible guide for undergraduate students specializing in children and young people's nursing in the UK and further afield. Each chapter has been fully updated to reflect current knowledge and practice. The wide range of topics covered includes all the essentials, such as contemporary child health policy and legal issues; knowledge and skills for practice; and caring for children with special needs. Students will learn how to recognize the deteriorating child, use procedural play and distraction, and consider the mental health of children and young people. A Textbook of Children's and Young People's Nursing is written by multidisciplinary experts, rooted in child-centred healthcare within a family context, and draws upon best contemporary practice. It is an invaluable resource that will help nursing students provide effective, evidence-based care. Key points, summary boxes and clearly defined aims, objectives and learning outcomes to support learning Conversation boxes to enliven the text Patient scenarios to relate theory to practice New chapters on skin health and the use of therapeutic play Suggestions for seminar discussion topics to help teachers Resource lists and online resources for further study or research Online slides to complement chapters within book
Elsevier Health Sciences Atlas of Surface Palpation: Anatomy of the Neck, Trunk, Upper and Lower Limbs
Serge Tixa presents in this highly popular book a method of palpatory anatomy called Manual Exploration of Surface Anatomy (MESA). MESA locates anatomical structures important to clinical examination allowing careful selection of the most appropriate manual therapy technique or manoeuvre. The new edition presents precisely and visually the various anatomical structures with the help of more than 130 colour illustrations and close to 900 black and white photographs. For every photograph showing an anatomical structure accessible to palpation, a model whose physique shows the structure clearly has been chosen. Each chapter has up to four subsections, treating the various aspects of each body region. These cover osteology, myology (musculotendinous structures), arthrology (joints and ligaments) and lastly nerves and blood vessels. Each photograph is carefully presented and accompanied by a section of text describing the method of approach to finding the structure concerned. Whenever necessary, reminders, essential for the proper use of the methods of approach (attachments, actions and innervations) are included. Clinical notes highlight the link between palpation and clinical diagnoses. Atlas of Surface Palpation: Anatomy of the Neck, Trunk, Upper and Lower Limbs is aimed at students and practitioners who need a method of applied anatomy in their practice. All new artwork programme enhances accessibility and learning Useful template approach aids ready understanding and allows the reader to go at his or her own speed Presents almost 600 photographs and line artworks to render the learning experience as easy as possible Contains over 160 pull out boxes to act as useful aide memoires Clinical Hints and Tips boxes indicate points of relevance for the clinic Methods of approach illustrated with many new photographs Anatomical drawings have been completely redesigned to improve clarity Clinical Notes boxes Glossary Inclusion of Dermatomes
Elsevier Health Sciences The Clinician's Handbook of Natural Medicine
Get instant, easy access to the natural medicine expertise you need with The Clinician's Handbook of Natural Medicine, 3rd Edition. Written by leading authorities in complementary and integrative medicine, this portable handbook offers clear and rational directives on diagnosing and treating 80 diseases and disorders with natural medicine. Inside the pages you'll find concise summaries of diagnostic procedures, general considerations, therapeutic considerations, and therapeutic approaches for each condition, as well as naturopathic treatment methods like dietary changes, physical therapy advice, exercise modifications, and recommended supplements and botanical medicines. Based on Pizzorno's trusted Textbook of Natural Medicine, 4th Edition and the most current evidence available, it's your key to accessing reliable, natural diagnosis and treatment options in any setting. More than 80 algorithms throughout text synthesize therapeutic content and provide support for clinical judgment with a conceptual overview of case management. Combination of expert author team and scientifically verified content assures this handbook contains the most reliable coverage of diagnostic and natural treatment methods. Well-organized format utilizing consistent headings helps you make fast and accurate diagnoses. Light, portable size enables you to easily carry the handbook along with you in practice. NEW! Updated content reflects the latest research, data, and trends - including the most current recommendations related to specific diseases and newly emerging treatments. NEW! Four new chapters cover female infertility, maldigestion, bronchitis and pneumonia, and pregnancy health and primary prevention of adult disease.
Elsevier Health Sciences The Student Nurse Handbook
This convenient Handbook will be invaluable to students starting out on a pre-registration nursing course. Covering a broad range of topics, from helping understand what tutors and mentors expect, how to plan work, and coping with stress, it will support undergraduates across all aspects of student life. This book will help students to: Write assignments Cope with stress Make the most of clinical placements Reflect on practice Understand nursing models, theories and philosophies Understand medical terminology and nursing jargon Deal with legal and ethical issues.
Elsevier Health Sciences Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine: A Comprehensive Guide
Written by world-renowned author and teacher Giovanni Maciocia, Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine, 2nd Edition is a comprehensive, highly illustrated, and easy-to-understand resource. With a focus on clear interpretations of "real world" signs and symptoms, this new edition addresses the practice beyond the theory and leads you through both basic and sophisticated levels of diagnostic interpretation. Since Chinese medicine diagnosis relies on a subtle appraisal of a patient's disharmony, many factors beyond traditional Western symptoms are considered, including a patient's voice, the absence of thirst, feeling hot or cold, the patient's smell, tone of voice, and glitter of eyes. This practical resource helps students and practitioners alike carefully interpret a wide range of diagnostic nuances. One-of-a-kind text gives you a clinical understanding of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Rich, unique content offers an unparalleled depth of information that is meticulously cross-referenced. Includes all the signs and symptoms that a modern patient may present in the clinic, no matter how subtle. Outlines the decision-making options in key situations to help you through the most challenging topics. Case histories with diagnoses present common conditions that professionals will often find in practice. Logically organized to help you quickly find the information you need in clinical situations. Written by a leader in the field of Chinese medicine provides you with an expert's clinical experience and understanding. NEW! Clinical and Treatments notes provide practical information on acupuncture - including herbal treatment, when appropriate - for most symptoms and signs, giving the book a clinical application in therapy. NEW! UPDATED full-color design and color photographs depict external clinical signs for more accurate clinical recognition. NEW! Learning outcomes summarize the basics that you should know after completing a chapter. NEW! Thoroughly updated content from an expert author clarifies the best practices for diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Elsevier Health Sciences Face Reading in Chinese Medicine
An exciting new, full-colour edition of Face Reading in Chinese Medicine featuring over 200 colour photographs and practical instructions on how to conduct a face reading! Face reading has been part of Traditional Chinese Medicine for many centuries, and Professor Lillian Bridges is a popular academic and international lecturer on the subject who gained her fascinating knowledge through her family line of Master Face Readers in China. Based on an understanding of the shapes, markings and features of a face, practitioners can learn about the health and life of a patient relating to the principles of Chinese medicine. In addition to understanding how the body's internal functions - physical, psychological and emotional - can be seen on a face, practitioners can also learn how to evaluate Shen to understand non-verbal expressions.Technical and detailed information is presented in an upbeat, insightful and highly readable manner. This was the first book to focus on the deeper aspects of face reading and diagnosis, this edition includes ancient Taoist knowledge regarding the Original Face and Facial Jing and Qi markers which have previously only been taught through the oral tradition. Clear discussions demonstrate how this technique can be used as a supplement to other diagnostic tools in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Engaging, insightful, highly readable text is written by a well-known and experienced lecturer in the field. Extensive illustrations give you a clear understanding of theories and techniques. A focus on the deeper aspects of face reading and diagnosis helps readers become more conscious of their actions, reactions, and the health consequences of behavior.
Elsevier Health Sciences Peters' Atlas of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
Newly organized and featuring new editors and hundreds of new images, Peters' Atlas of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, Seventh Edition, brings you up to date with today's greatest challenges in tropical medicine. Increased global travel, climate change, human conflict, short-term/large-scale human assemblies, potent therapeutic agents, drug resistance, and vaccine misinformation have contributed to a greatly changed landscape in this complex field. This practical, highly visual guide provides more than 1,300 stunning illustrations, making it an authoritative parasitology resource for accurate diagnosis of complex diseases. Contains hundreds of new images, including more than 50 completely revised life cycles and epidemiological maps. Provides current information on Zika virus, chikungunya virus, Ebola virus, SARS and MERS-CoV caused by enzootic corona virus, tuberculosis, ceftriaxone-resistant gonorrhea, malaria, and much more. Features a completely updated and significantly streamlined text, now organized not only by primary mode of disease transmission, but extended to define disease more strictly according to the route of acquisition - a logical change that reflects the principles applied to control measures for most infections. Presents the knowledge and expertise of new editors Drs. Laura Nabarro, Stephen Morris-Jones, and David A. J. Moore. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Elsevier Science & Technology Sports Neurology: Volume 158
Sports Neurology is designed to be a comprehensive overview of neurology within the context of sports medicine. This definitive text addresses the history of sports neurology, including its unique role within sports medicine, and provides a detailed assessment of central and peripheral nervous system injuries and illnesses in athletes. Sports Neurology is a critical companion for all sports medicine clinicians and for neurologists who manage athletes.
Elsevier Health Sciences Diagnostic Pathology Transplant Pathology
Elsevier Health Sciences Compétences pour minimiser le stress chez les professionnels de santé
Elsevier Health Sciences GUIDE DE PRÉPARATION DE MOSBY à lexamen canadien des inf. aux.
Elsevier Health Sciences Netters Neuroscience Coloring Book
Elsevier Health Sciences Mosbys Essential Sciences for Therapeutic Massage
Elsevier Health Sciences Crash Course Surgery
Elsevier Health Sciences SelfAssessment in Dermatology
Elsevier Health Sciences Netters Physiology Flash Cards
Elsevier Health Sciences Head Neck and Orofacial Infections
Elsevier Health Sciences Diagnostic Pathology Molecular Oncology
Elsevier Health Sciences Pediatric Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders: A Case-Based Approach
Comprehensive and case-based, Pediatric Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders provides a state-of-the-art overview of this complex field in a concise, authoritative format perfect for self-study or review. Real-life patient cases reflect those that are frequently encountered in clinical decision making. These narrative case studies offer a unique opportunity for readers to determine how best to diagnose, treat, and manage their patients based on the history of present illness, review of symptoms, relevant history, and physical examination findings. Includes over 200 cases frequently seen by medical students, residents, practicing physicians, and other health care provides during routine daily clinical practice. Presents cases in a consistent template including succinct summary of patient's history, signs and symptoms, examination, and initial diagnosis/treatment plan. Follows each case with questions and answers that provide a detailed discussion on each topic, with further cross-references and direction where appropriate. An ideal resource for students, residents, and fellows rotating on nephrology subspecialty services, as well as for practicing physicians who need quick access to current scientific and clinical information on managing fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base disorders in children. An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.
Elsevier Health Sciences Kanskis Clinical Ophthalmology
Elsevier Health Sciences Health Systems Science Education: Development and Implementation: Volume 4
Now taught in a majority of medical schools nationwide, health systems science (HSS) prepares learners for the health systems of the future-an essential topic in modern health care. Health Systems Science Education, part of the American Medical Association's MedEd Innovation Series, is a first-of-its-kind, instructor-focused field book that that equips educators to not just teach health systems science, but to know how to integrate and implement HSS comprehensively and effectively across the curriculum. This change management-oriented volume . . . Provides practical approaches and addresses common challenges to successfully implementing health systems science. Considers both clinical and classroom settings and discusses best practices, successful cases, and common frameworks implemented by early adopters of the third pillar of medical education. Contains clear lists of competencies. Covers both medical school (UME) and residency program (GME) implementation strategies. Offers a framework for creating an environment of continuous improvement-from pre-implementation to sustainability. One of the American Medical Association's Change MedEd initiatives and innovations, written and edited by members of the Accelerating Change in Medical Education Consortium - a unique, innovative collaborative that allows for the sharing and dissemination of groundbreaking ideas and projects. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Elsevier Health Sciences A Clinical Guide to Advanced Minimum Intervention Restorative Dentistry
Elsevier Health Sciences Pharmacology for the Surgical Technologist
Learn pharmacology from the text designed specifically for surgical technologists! Pharmacology for the Surgical Technologist, 6th Edition prepares you to work in an operating room by providing an in-depth understanding of surgical medications. It covers everything a surgical technologist needs to know, including basic pharmacology, dosage calculations, safe handling of medications, terminology, and drug effects and side effects. For Surgical First Assistant courses, many chapters include coverage of advanced practice. Written by a surgical technology educator and a practicing surgical technologist, this book covers all areas of pharmacology and anesthesia that are designated in the AST Core Curriculum for Surgical Technology. Pharmacology content is specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of the Surgical Technologist and includes all areas designated in the AST Core Curriculum for Surgical Technology. Chapter study questions help you measure your knowledge and apply learning to practice, while also serving as a review tool for classroom and certification exams. Advanced practice content, centering on issues specific to the Surgical First Assistant, provides you with information to help advance your career and keep this text as a professional reference. Caution feature boxes focus attention on drug and surgical safety issues, while Insight boxes provide in-depth, cutting-edge information on specific products, procedures, and processes in the operating room. Additional learning features include Tech Tips from experts, Notes that simplify difficult concepts, Quick Question boxes that quiz you on foundational knowledge, and Make It Simple boxes that review medical terminology. Comprehensive glossary supports key terms highlighted throughout the text. NEW! Content updates reflect the most recent version of the AST Core Curriculum for Surgical Technology, including new information on anesthesia, specifically patient monitoring devices, airway management, complications, and routes of administration. NEW! Chapter review questions on the Evolve companion website offer extra opportunity for you to assess your knowledge.
Elsevier Health Sciences Primary Care of Children with Chronic Conditions
Elsevier Health Sciences The Unofficial Guide to Radiology: 100 Practice Abdominal X-rays
The unique and award-winning Unofficial Guides series is a collaboration between senior students, junior doctors and specialty experts. This combination of contributors understands what is essential to excel on your course, in exams and in practice - as well as the importance of presenting information in a clear, fun and engaging way. Packed with hints and tips from those in the know, when you are in a hurry and need a study companion you can trust, reach for an Unofficial Guide. This case-based guide teaches systematic analysis of abdominal X-rays for everyone from complete beginners to professionals. Readers practise X-ray interpretation on 100 high quality images based on real-life scenarios alongside questions that test their overall clinical knowledge. Over each page is a model report accompanied by a fully annotated version of the X-ray to explain the answer's reasoning. 100 Practice Abdominal X-Rays is ideal for students preparing for examinations and will also provide a handy reference for postgraduates and practising doctors. 100 high-definition images, just like real-life X-rays Full-colour annotations demystify abdominal X-rays for complete beginners Systematic examples of how to present reports in an exam and on a hospital ward round Follows international radiology reporting guidelines Matched to the Royal College of Radiologists national curriculum New bonus questions to allow the reader to test their knowledge and cement their learning
Elsevier Health Sciences Averys Neonatology Board Review
Elsevier Health Sciences Orthopedic Massage: Theory and Technique
Fully updated and revised Orthopedic Massage has been written for those interested in understanding and applying massage as an intervention for soft-tissue disorders. Recent research into the physiological effects of massage has strengthened the justification for its use in the treatment of soft-tissue pain and injury conditions. Orthopedic soft-tissue problems are common among the general population, whether from sports, occupational activities, or chronic pain. This text presents a comprehensive and in-depth look at the physiological nature of these conditions and the massage treatments most effective for their relief. A particular contribution this text makes is its validation for the role of massage in treating orthopedic conditions. In addition, it aims to help the clinician understand the relationship between the soft tissues to which they apply their techniques and the overall orthopedic disorder affecting their clients. Although written chiefly for massage practitioners, the lessons it teaches are relevant to any practitioner who is concerned with the treatment of soft-tissue injuries. Includes detailed technical information, extensive illustrations, and reliable reference material essential to everyday practice. Provides a comprehensive approach to treatment of common soft tissue pain and injury. Explains common orthopedic problems in detail, addressing biomechanics, kinesiology, and anatomy. Provides an in-depth discussion of the physiologic rationale for soft tissue treatments and explains those most effective for each condition. Integrates treatment approaches from across the field and gives detailed, easy-to-follow steps for their application. Compares traditional treatments with soft tissue manipulation for each problem discussed. Clearly links anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics with clinical practice. Designed for quick and easy reference with more than 200 high-quality full colour illustrations and numerous photos of treatment techniques. New clinical case studies and tips illustrate the techniques discussed. Now presented in full colour. New step-by-step photographs depict the techniques described in full detail. Increased artwork and photographs make learning more visual. Case studies demonstrate techniques and management in clinical practice Clinical hints and tips throughout. Greater guidance in treatment strategies to include 'Treatment Approaches' and 'Rehabilitation Protocol Considerations'.
Elsevier Health Sciences Ethics Issues In Contemporary Nursing
Elsevier Health Sciences Sterilization, Disinfection & Control
This valuable resource is designed to advise, guide, inform and support those who are involved in the provision of sterile supplies and services.
Elsevier Science & Technology Athymic Nude Rat Brain Atlas
Athymic Nude Rat Brain Atlas will provide the first stereotaxic brain atlas of the athymic nude rat (Crl:NIH-Foxn1rnu), a T-cell deficient rat model commonly used in experimental studies and pre-clinical safety and efficacy studies. This 2D vector-based atlas contains coronal, sagittal, and horizontal brain sections of an athymic rat brain rendered from a single cleared specimen, placed in a computerized 3D environment. The maps enable readers to better calculate co-ordinates to target specific structures for toxin, virus, or cell delivery using stereotaxic surgery. This atlas will be a valuable resource for any neuroscientist who wishes to work with nude rats in experimental and pre-clinical studies.
Elsevier Health Sciences Psychiatry
Elsevier Health Sciences Mosbys Advanced Pharmacy Technician Exam Review
Elsevier Health Sciences Sectional Anatomy by MRI and CT
Elsevier Health Sciences La Santé et la Prestation des Soins de Santé au Canada
Elsevier Science & Technology Introduction to Business Analytics Using Simulation
Introduction to Business Analytics Using Simulation, Second Edition employs an innovative strategy to teach business analytics. The book uses simulation modeling and analysis as mechanisms to introduce and link predictive and prescriptive modeling. Because managers can't fully assess what will happen in the future, but must still make decisions, the book treats uncertainty as an essential element in decision-making. Its use of simulation gives readers a superior way of analyzing past data, understanding an uncertain future, and optimizing results to select the best decision. With its focus on uncertainty and variability, this book provides a comprehensive foundation for business analytics. Students will gain a better understanding of fundamental statistical concepts that are essential to marketing research, Six-Sigma, financial analysis, and business analytics.
Elsevier Science & Technology MRI/DTI Atlas of the Human Brainstem in Transverse and Sagittal Planes
MRI/DTI Atlas of the Human Brainstem in Transverse and Sagittal Planes presents a detailed view of the human brainstem in DTI/MRI. It is the first ever MRI or histological atlas to present detailed diagrams of sagittal views of the brainstem. Presenting data of unprecedented quality, images are juxtaposed with detailed diagrams in the transverse and sagittal planes. The atlas features a 50 micron resolution for the GRE and 200 microns for the FAC and DWI, 8000 times higher than that seen in a clinical MRI and 1000 times higher than that seen in a clinical DTI scan, all based on one brain. This atlas is important for neuroscientists, neurosurgeons, pathologists, anatomists, neurophysiologists, radiologists, radiotherapists (e.g., for cyberknife guidance), and graduate students in neuroscience.