Search results for ""Author Anne"
The Conrad Press My Neighbour over the Border: Tales of towns and cities separated by borders and how they get along
How do towns and cities divided by the harsh reality of an international border manage to get on with each other when their closest neighbour lives just next door, but in another country? Are they thriving or surviving? Utterly dependent on each other or with backs turned, socially and economically? We visit towns and cities that you may not have heard of or know little about. Places like distant Blagoveshchensk and Heihe, Narva and Ivangorod and Gorlitz and Zgorzelec. But also the better known Nicosia, Europe’s only divided capital, Detroit with its Canadian neighbour Windsor, Geneva and its French suburb Annemasse and the cities of Sarajevo and Mostar, divided not by international borders but ethnic divisions baked into everyday life. This is a fascinating and well-researched study of thirty-_six towns and cities from across the world that are separated by borders. Paul Doe delves into the way in which these divisions came about and how the separated towns and cities manage to get along, or not, buffeted as they are by geopolitics, ethnic differences and historical animosities.
Indiana University Press Dystopia's Provocateurs: Peasants, State, and Informality in the Polish-German Borderlands
Toward the end of the Second World War, Poland's annexation of eastern German lands precipitated one of the largest demographic upheavals in European history. Edyta Materka travels to her native village in these "Recovered Territories," where she listens carefully to rich oral histories told by original postwar Slavic settlers and remaining ethnic Germans who witnessed the metamorphosis of eastern Germany into western Poland. She discovers that peasants, workers, and elites adapted war-honed informal strategies they called "kombinacja" to preserve a modicum of local agency while surviving the vicissitudes of policy formulated elsewhere, from Stalinist collectivization to the shock doctrine of neoliberalism. Informality has taken many forms: as a way of life, a world view, an alternate historical text, a border memory, and a means of magical transformation during times of crisis. Materka ventures beyond conventional ethnography to trace the diverse historical, literary, and psychological dimensions of kombinacja. Grappling with the legacies of informality in her own transnational family, Materka searches for the "kombinator within" on the borderlands and shares her own memories of how the Polish diaspora found new uses for kombinacja in America.
Peeters Publishers Bleus Egyptiens: De La Pate Auto-emaillee Au Pigment Bleu Synthetique
Prestigieuse collection publique ou modeste vitrine de souvenirs personnels, chaque evocation du passe de l'Egypte pharaonique rassemble inevitablement quelques objets en pate emaillee...Malheureusement, aucune source documentaire, textuelle ou iconographique, ne nous est parvenue pour nous renseigner sur les connaissances et procedes techniques mis en oeuvre pour obtenir, a peu de frais, des pieces d'une telle qualite. Cette carence d'information technologique est d'ailleurs perceptible dans la litterature specialisee qui enregistre volontiers, pour ces figurines, plusieurs denominations voisines, telles que "ceramique, ceramique emaillee ou vitrifiee, faience, pate egyptienne ou pate silicieuse emailee". En revanche, leur couleur les reunit usuellement sous une appellation, commodement qualifiee de "bleu egyptien". Ceramiste et egyptologue de formation, Fabienne Lavenex Verges s'est donc attachee, depuis plusieurs annees, a l'etude des procedes antiques de fabrication des pates emaillees. Sa recherche, fondee sur ses connaissances de la ceramique, est assortie de l'experimentation directe d'essais qu'elle a realises pour la circonstance. L'entreprise atteste d'elle-meme l'originalite d'une demarche requerant un savoir-faire et des competences techniques rarement complementaires.
Bonnier Books Ltd Is it Actually Love for Lexie Byrne aged 42
'It's the most wonderful time of the year: Lexie's back - in her most fun, magical and life-affirming story yet!' - Carmel HarringtonThis Christmas, Lexie Byrne is about to find out the true meaning of love - and how far she must go to fight for it.It's five days till Christmas. Just a hundred and twenty hours till Lexie is due to join Adam in the Cotswolds for hisdreaded ex-wife's wedding and start her new life there with him. Except that's not what she wants at all. It's just Adam doesn't know that yet! The truth is that her life is here in Dublin - with baby Frances, the apple of her eye, and her best friend Annemarie, who needs her more than ever as her marriage teeters on the edge of a breakdown.Then, when Lexie finally tracks down her late friend Máiréad's long-lost daughter, she knows it's now or never. But is there time for a road trip to the West of Ireland
Lars Muller Publishers Dan Graham Video - Architecture - Television: Writings on Video and Video Works 1970 - 1978
This title, published in 1979 and long since out of print, now appears as a reprint from Lars Muller Publishers. The original book was released in the series of publications Source Materials of the Contemporary Arts initiated by Kasper Konig and produced by the Press of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. The publication represents an important document in Dan Graham's artistic examination of the video medium. Graham's installations and performances with video from the years 1970 - 78 are documented with numerous illustrations, photos, and brief descriptions. In addition, the volume contains an essay by the artist in which he examines the various possibilities and forms of representation offered by the video medium, and draws the boundaries between these and representational spaces in television, film, or architecture. The book also offers contributions by Michael Asher and Dara Birnbaum, as well as an annex with a biography and bibliography.
Alianza Editorial Sobre la felicidad
Las obras filosóficas de Lucio Anneo Séneca (ca. 4 a.C.-65 d.C.) han ejercido un duradero influjo sobre la cultura occidental y contienen una formulación significativa de las ideas del estoicismo maduro. ?Sobre la felicidad? ??De vita beata?? plantea algunas cuestiones centrales de la ética antigua: la relación del placer con la virtud y con la felicidad, el ideal humano, la figura del sabio, la significación del concepto de naturaleza aplicado al hombre, la justificación de las riquezas, los supuestos religiosos de la ética, etc. El tratado está traducido y anotado por Julián Marías, quien en su largo prólogo -titulado ?Introducción a la filosofía estoica?- expone la historia y contenido de esta doctrina desde Zenón a Marco Aurelio.Traducción e introducción de Julián Marías
Harvard University Press Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups
From Acadians to Zoroastrians-Asians, American Indians, East Indians, West Indians, Europeans, Latin Americans, Afro-Americans, and Mexican Americans—the Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups provides the first comprehensive and systematic review of the many peoples of this country. It should excite all Americans about their nation.Informative and entertaining, this volume is an indispensable reference work for home, library and office. It establishes a foundation for the burgeoning field of ethnic studies; it will satisfy and stimulate the popular interest in ancestry and heritage. It is a guide to the history, culture, and distinctive characteristics of the more than 100 ethnic groups who live in the United States.Each ethnic group is described in detail. The origins, history and present situation of the familiar as well as the virtually unknown are presented succinctly and objectively. Not only the immigrants and refugees who came voluntarily but also those already in the New World when the first Europeans arrived, those whose ancestors came involuntarily as slaves, and those who became part of the American population as a result of conquest or purchase and subsequent annexation figure in these pages. The English and the Estonians, the Germans and the Gypsies, the Swedes and the Serbs are interestingly juxtaposed. Even entries about relatively well-known groups offer new material and fresh interpretations. The articles on less well-known groups are the product of intensive research in primary sources; many provide the first scholarly discussion to appear in English. One hundred and twenty American and European contributors have been involved in this effort, writing either on individual groups or on broad themes relating to many.The group entries are at the heart of the book, but it contains, in addition, a series of thematic essays that illuminate the key facets of ethnicity. Some of these are comparative; some philosophical; some historical; others focus on current policy issues or relate ethnicity to major subjects such as education, religion, and literature. American identity and Americanization, immigration policy and experience, and prejudice and discrimination in U.S. history are discussed at length. Several essays probe the complex interplay between assimilation and pluralism—perhaps the central theme in American history—and the complications of race and religion.Numerous cross-references and brief identifications will aid the reader with unfamiliar terms and alternative group names. Eighty-seven maps, especially commissioned, show where different groups have originated. Annotated bibliographies contain suggestions for further reading and research. Appendix I, on methods of estimating the size of groups, leads the reader through a maze of conflicting statistics. Appendix II reproduces, in facsimile, hard-to-locate census and immigration materials, beginning with the first published report on the nativities of the population in 1850.
Rutgers University Press Aloha Compadre: Latinxs in Hawai'i
Aloha Compadre: Latinxs in Hawaiʻi is the first book to examine the collective history and contemporary experiences of the Latinx population of Hawaiʻi. This study reveals that contrary to popular discourse, Latinx migration to Hawaiʻi is not a recent event. In the national memory of the United States, for example, the Latinx population of Hawaiʻi is often portrayed as recent arrivals and not as long-term historical communities with a presence that precedes the formation of statehood itself. Historically speaking, Latinxs have been voyaging to the Hawaiian Islands for over one hundred and ninety years. From the early 1830s to the present, they continue to help shape Hawaiʻi’s history, yet their contributions are often overlooked. Latinxs have been a part of the cultural landscape of Hawaiʻi prior to annexation, territorial status, and statehood in 1959. Aloha Compadre also explores the expanding boundaries of Latinx migration beyond the western hemisphere and into Oceania.
Peeters Publishers Études d'histoire biblique
Les études présentées dans ce volume sont basées sur les cours et conférences d’histoire et d’archéologie bibliques donnés par l’auteur de 1986 à 2020. La bibliographie de ces années figure au début du volume, faisant suite à celle des années 1958-1995, parue dans la même série, OLA 65. Le premier chapitre présente les rapports de l’Égypte antique avec Canaan, Israël et Juda durant deux millénaires, divisés selon les périodes de l’histoire égyptienne qui font découvrir des ancêtres des tribus israélites en Cisjordanie, Transjordanie et au Nord de la Péninsule Sinaïtique, bien avant les données bibliques. Par exemple, la Maison de Joseph, connue plus tard comme Éphraïm, apparaît dès les XIXe et XVIIIe siècles av.n.è., tout comme la tribu de Siméon, dans les Textes d’Exécration du Moyen Empire, dirigés contre des princes et des tribus dont on pouvait craindre l’inimitié. Jérusalem est alors mentionnée quatre fois. Chapitre II compare divers aspects du droit biblique au droit de l’antique Mésopotamie. Le droit familial vient notamment en ligne de compte avec l’avortement, la sodomie, l’inceste, l’adultère. Des exemples de lois cultuelles sont présentés ensuite et un paragraphe de l’ouvrage de Maïmonide, «Le guide des Égarés», est analysé. Chapitre III traite ensuite du mariage, divorce et lévirat en se basant sur la législation biblique et sur les documents de l’époque gréco-romaine trouvés à Qumrân et dans le Désert de Juda. Chapitre IV examine les actes de mariage judéo-araméens d’Éléphantine, provenant de la colonie militaire du Ve siècle av.n.è., où nombre de documents bien conservés ont été retrouvés. Le développement de l’idéologie royale est présenté au Chapitre V depuis les cas exceptionnels de la divinité du roi au Ps. 45,7 et Éz. 28 jusqu’au choix divin de la dynastie de David et le messianisme. Le chapitre suivant traite de la situation sociale de l’esclave qui peut être très différente selon son sexe, sa nationalité ou la période où il vivait. Le prophétisme sous ses différents aspects est examiné au Chapitre VII. Il ne s’agit pas d’une revue des écrits prophétiques de la Bible, mais du prophète vu par l’historien. Chapitre VIII traite en particulier de l’histoire quelque peu compliquée des tribus de Transjordanie, tandis que Chapitre IX dresse une brève histoire des Édomites, vivant au sud de Juda. L’histoire générale d’Israël et de Juda n’est pas traitée directement dans ce volume, car elle a fait l’objet des deux ouvrages récents de la même série, OLA 275 et OLA 287.
Peeters Publishers Jean Potocki - Oeuvres I: Voyage En Turquie Et En Egypte, Voyage En Hollande, Voyage Dans L'Empire De Maroc, Suivi Du Voyage De Hafez, Voyage Dans Quelques Parties De La Basse-Saxe
On trouvera, dans ce premier volume des Oeuvres de Jean Potocki (1761-1815) un ensemble de textes d'une grande variete, meme s'ils sont tous relatifs a l'une des activites favorites de leur auteur: le voyage, qu'il a pratique depuis ses plus jeunes annees. Ainsi, quand il effectue son periple en Turquie et en Egypte, il a deja derriere lui de nombreux voyages, mais c'est la premiere fois qu'il en donne un temoignage ecrit elabore et surtout, ce "Voyage en Turquie et en Egypte fait en l'annee 1784" sera le premier de ses nombreux livres publies. Encourage sans doute par le succes de cette publication, Potocki ne fera plus de grands voyages, desormais, sans en livrer de relation. Certaines ont malheureusement ete perdues (celles d'Espagne, de France, d'Angleterre); celles qui nous restent sont suffisamment riches pour qu'on puisse considerer leur auteur comme un maitre dans ce genre. Beaucoup d'elements permettent de distinguer nettement le "Voyage en Turquie et en Egypte" du "Voyage en Hollande fait pendant la Revolution de 1787", puis du "Voyage dans l'Empire de Maroc fait en l'annee 1791" et enfin, du "Voyage dans quelques parties de la Basse-Saxe"; sans parler bien sur du voyage fictif, invente par Potocki sur le modele du conte oriental, "Le voyage de Hafez", publie a la suite du texte du Maroc. mais ils portent tous la marque originale de cet ecrivain-voyageur, nanti d'une erudition vertigineuse et en meme temps ouvert a toutes les lecons de l'experience immediate du monde, curieux de tout, jamais engonce dans de quelconques certitudes ni dans aucun prejuge, dote d'une plume qui est a la fois aceree et legere. Son oeuvre immense d'historien, son theatre, ses ecrits politiques comme le genial "Manuscrit trouve a Saragose": tout est en germe ou en cours d'elaboration dans ces textes.Ce premier volume des Oeuvres de Jean Potocki a ete prepare par Francois Rosset, maitre d'enseignement et de recherche a l'Universite de Lausanne, avec la collaboration de Sabine Anduleit, Sadek Neimi, Boussif Ouasti, Wardy Poelstra et Ewa Siemieniec-Golas. Les textes ont ete etablis par Dominique Triaire, professeur a l'Universite Paul Valery Montpellier III.
Peeters Publishers Paul et l'unité des chrétiens
Pour sa rencontre de 2008, le Colloquium Oecumenicum Paulinum s'était fixé comme thème la conception paulinienne de l'unité des chrétiens. Les sept études exégétiques du présent volume en sont issues. Selon Paul, l'unité s'enracine profondément dans la théologie et dans la christologie, comme le montrent les textes majeurs analysés : Rm 3,21-31 (surtout 27-31) ; 10,5-13 ; 15,7-13 ; Ga 3,10-14 ; Ph 3,4-11. Elle naît concrètement à travers le baptême, examiné ici sur la base de Ga 3,26-29, et dans l'eucharistie, étudiée dans le témoignage capital de 1 Co 10,14-18 et 11,17-34, et à la lumière de la pratique des repas dans le monde ancien. Deux métaphores importantes retiennent l'attention, d'autant plus qu'une trajectoire est perceptible dans le corpus paulinien : le corps (1 Co 12,12-27 ; Ep 4) et l'édifice/temple (1 Co 3,9-17 ; Ep 2,19-22). L'impact de l'unité dans le cadre d'une communauté particulière est examiné à travers Ph 1,27-2,4. Un essai conclusif attire l'attention sur les travaux du colloquium paulinum dans les vingt premières années de son existence (1968-1988), et pointe quelques problèmes qui restent discutés.
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Putins War on Ukraine
Eight years after annexing Crimea, Russia embarked on a full-scale invasion of neighbouring Ukraine in February 2022. For Vladimir Putin, this was a legacy-defining missionto restore Russia's sphere of influence and undo Ukraine's surprisingly resilient democratic experiment. Yet Putin's aspirations were swiftly eviscerated, as the conflict degenerated into a bloody war of attrition and the Russian economy faced crippling sanctions. How can we make sense of his decision to invade?This book argues that Putin's policy of global counter-revolution is driven not by systemic factors, such as preventing NATO expansion, but domestic ones: the desire to unite Russians around common principles and consolidate his personal brand of authoritarianism. This objective has inspired military interventions in Crimea, Donbas and Syria, and now all-out war against Kyiv.Samuel Ramani explores why Putin opted for regime change in Ukraine, rather than a smaller-scale intervention in Donbas,
Simon & Schuster Ltd After Annie
‘Candid and complex – and ultimately quite hopeful’ Claire Lombardo‘Beautiful and deeply moving’ J. Courtney Sullivan‘A story of abiding hope’ Mary Beth Keane When Annie Brown dies suddenly, her husband, her four young children and her closest friend are left to struggle without the woman who centred their lives. Bill Brown finds himself overwhelmed, and Annie’s best friend Annemarie is lost to old bad habits without Annie’s support. It is Annie’s daughter, Ali, forced to try to care for her younger brothers and even her father, who manages to maintain some semblance of their former lives for them all, and who confronts the complicated truths of adulthood. Yet over the course of the next year, while Annie looms large in their memories, all three are able to grow, to change, even to become stronger and more sure of themselves. The enduring power Annie g
Oneworld Publications Loot: Britain and the Benin Bronzes (Revised and Updated Edition)
A Prospect Best Book of 2021 ‘A fascinating and timely book.’ William Boyd ‘Gripping…a must read.’ FT ‘Compelling…humane, reasonable, and ultimately optimistic.’ Evening Standard ‘[A] valuable guide to a complex narrative.’ The Times In 1897, Britain sent a punitive expedition to the Kingdom of Benin, in what is today Nigeria, in retaliation for the killing of seven British officials and traders. British soldiers and sailors captured Benin, exiled its king and annexed the territory. They also made off with some of Africa’s greatest works of art. The ‘Benin Bronzes’ are now amongst the most admired and valuable artworks in the world. But seeing them in the British Museum today is, in the words of one Benin City artist, like ‘visiting relatives behind bars’. In a time of huge controversy about the legacy of empire, racial justice and the future of museums, what does the future hold for the Bronzes?
United Nations Guide des Nations Unies pour Modèle ONU
Les simulations de modèle Nations Unies (MONU) sont des exercices de grande popularité pour ceux qui souhaitent en savoir plus sur les Nations Unies. Des centaines de milliers d'étudiants dans le monde participent chaque année à des simulations, à tous les niveaux, de l'école à l'université. De nombreux dirigeants actuels dans les domaines du droit, du service public, des affaires, des sciences humaines et des arts ont participé à de telles simulations en tant qu'étudiants. Certains Modèles ONU cependant ne suivent pas toujours le règlement intérieur et les pratiques de l'ONU. Ce livre est conçu pour aider les futurs étudiants et enseignants lors de simulations MONU concernant les aspects pratiques de l'organisation et de la participation à des MONU qui soient proches et conformes au fonctionnement réel de l'ONU.
Amsterdam University Press Pacific Strife: The Great Powers and their Political and Economic Rivalries in Asia and the Western Pacific, 1870-1914
In the late 1800s and early 1900s, colonial powers clashed over much of Central and East Asia: Great Britain and Germany fought over New Guinea, the Bismarck Archipelago, Fiji, and Samoa; France and Great Britain competed over control of continental Southwest Asia; and the United States annexed the Philippines and Hawaii. Meanwhile, the possible disintegration of China and Japan’s growing nationalism added new dimensions to the rivalries. Surveying these and other international developments in the Pacific basin during the three decades preceding World War I, Kees van Dijk traces the emergence of superpowers during the colonial race and analyzes their conduct as they struggled for territory. Extensive in scope, Pacific Strife is a fascinating look at a volatile moment in history.
Edinburgh University Press Active Citizenship: What Could it Achieve and How?
In recent years there has been much political talk and academic debate on the subject of active citizenship, to which Bernard Crick's work has been central. His 'mission statement' (repeated here) is to induce 'no less than a change in political culture', to replace passive democracy, grounded on unsocial individualism and consumer values, with the republican ideal of 'active citizens, willing, able and equipped to have an influence on public life!'. Here a group of political actors and academics, who believe a radically more active citizenship is a worthy aim, are invited to spell out in their particular area of concern, the obstacles and how they might be overcome, either by institutional innovation or changes in culture, and what be the benefits for democracy in the UK. Bernard Crick's first and final essays set the tone, respectively, on Civic Republicanism Today and Political Identity. Other contributors consider active citizenship in relation to: Labour Government Policy (David Blunkett and Matthew Taylor); Scottish Devolution (George Reid); Public Services (David Donnison); Gender Equality (Rhona Fitzgerald); Schools (Pamela Munn); Multiculturalism (Dina Kiwan); Integrating Immigrants (Elizabeth Meehan); Lifelong Learning (John Annette); Europe and International Understanding (Derek Heater); Young People (Andrew Lockyer) and Scottish Independence (Kevin Francis).
Peeters Publishers Le Vocabulaire De La Metallurgie Et La Nomenclature Des Objets En Metal Dans Les Textes De Mari: Materiaux Pour Le Dictionnaire De Babylonien De Paris Tome III
L'ouvrage d'I. Arkhipov sur Le vocabulaire de la metallurgie et la nomenclature des objets en metal dans les textes de Mari constitue le troisieme volume de la serie des Materiaux pour le Dictionnaire de Babylonien de Paris. Apres des etudes portant sur le vocabulaire des habits et textiles (MDBP I) et sur la vaisselle de luxe (MDBP II), cet ouvrage s'interesse aux techniques et produits de la metallurgie et de l'orfevrerie. Peu d'objets ont ete retrouves lors des fouilles, mais de nombreux documents administratifs et lettres donnent des descriptions souvent tres precises de leur forme, de leur fabrication ou de leur emploi. Une premiere partie etudie le vocabulaire akkadien et ses eventuelles notations ideographiques, a partir du corpus entier des archives de Mari. Les mots y sont classes en douze categories. La seconde partie donne l'edition de nombreux textes administratifs en ordre chronologique. Pas moins de 645 textes sont edites: 114 sont entierement nouveaux, 531 constituent la reprise de textes deja publies (essentiellement dans ARM XXV), collationnes et parfois completes par des joints. L'ensemble est suivi de diverses annexes. L'ouvrage montre le haut niveau technologique atteint par les ateliers syriens a cette epoque ancienne. Ces temoignages ecrits, issus de l'administration du palais de Mari, sont desormais a la disposition de toutes les personnes interessees: philologues, archeologues, historiens des techniques, etc.
Peeters Publishers Science, dialectique et éthique chez Aristote: Essais d'épistémologie aristotélicienne
Les quatorze articles traduits dans ce volume constituent la première présentation d'ensemble d'une ¿uvre importante dans le domaine de l'histoire de la philosophie ancienne. Ils s'étendent sur plus de vingt ans et portent tous sur ce que l'on pourrait appeler, au sens le plus large du terme, l' «épistémologie aristotélicienne», en prenant «épistémologie» en son sens français et non au sens que ce terme a dans le monde universitaire anglophone. Les textes ont été rangés dans un ordre à la fois systématique et pédagogique, et non dans un ordre chronologique, parce que, malgré d'inévitables changements de détails, les positions adoptées par Robert Bolton sont restées fondamentalement les mêmes. Il est remarquable que, alors que Bolton semblait isolé dans les années 1970-1980, ses thèses soient aujourd'hui au moins mieux comprises et même, sans doute, plus largement partagées. Le mérite le plus immédiat de l'approche boltonienne d'Aristote, c'est de définir exactement la place de l'épistémologie aristotélicienne. Ce qui fournit un élément important pour en cerner la nature. Ce faisant Bolton applique à l'Aristotélisme lui-même l'un des traits qu'il cru déceler dans la méthode d'Aristote: d'abord saisir un élément de l'essence de la chose que l'on veut connaître, comme premier pas vers la saisie de cette essence.
Peeters Publishers Die «Beschreibung der Zeiten» von Mor Michael dem Großen (1126-1199). Eine Studie zu ihrem historischen und historiographiegeschichtlichen Kontext
100 Jahre nach Edition und Übersetzung der Chronik Michaels des Großen (1126-1199) durch Jean-Baptiste Chabot erscheint mit «Die 'Beschreibung der Zeiten' von Mor Michael dem Großen (1126-1199): Eine Studie zu ihrem historischen und historiographiegeschichtlichen Kontext» nun eine längst fällige Revision des Werkes. Das Ergebnis ist eine Neubewertung und eine Differenzierung der syrisch-orthodoxen Historiographiegeschichte insgesamt. Michael bedenkt mit großem Ernst die Möglichkeiten historischer und chronologischer Erkenntnis und erweitert durch seine formalen Innovationen die ihm vorgegebenen Grenzen. Er verbindet formale Elemente der eusebianischen Chronik und der Kirchengeschichte mithilfe von schriftlichen und graphischen Mitteln zu einer monumentalen Schau von Vielfalt und Endlichkeit der weltlichen Reiche. Er findet so historische Begründungen und formalen Ausdruck für innerweltlichen Wandel und Kontingenz. Im Kontext einer gefährdeten Welt nach der Eroberung von Edessa 1144 und 1146 unterzieht seine Weltchronik historische und religiöse Grundannahmen syrisch-orthodoxer Identität einer Totalinventur. Auf der Basis einer historisch-kulturellen und einer religiösen Verortung wird die Gegenwart als christliche Autarkie annehmbar.
Peeters Publishers La Chaine Sur L'Exode. Edition Integrale IV. Fonds Catenique Ancien (Exode 15,22 - 40,32)
La derniere partie du recit de l'Exode, apres le passage de la Mer Rouge, a moins pour objet les peripeties des quarante annees d'errance au desert que la constitution d'Israel comme peuple veritable, avec les deux piliers majeurs que sont la Loi et le Temple, celui-ci annonce par la tente qui abrite l'arche d'Alliance et par les prescriptions liturgiques qui s'y rattachent. Apres Philon, les commentaires chretiens ne sont pas nombreux et ont ete produit surtout par les allegoristes: Origene, Didyme, Gregoire de Nysse, et surtout Cyrille d'Alexandrie. Ce sont eux qui constituent l'essentiel de la chaine. Les antiochiens, notamment Eusebe d'Emese, sont beaucoup plus rarement nommes et sont en tout cas plus concis. Pour cette section de la chaine, la tradition primaire est perdue; on doit se contenter de la tradition derivee (le type III de la classification Karo-Lietzmann), oA' rien ne distingue de prime abord les citations litterales des citations remaniees, et qui a laisse se perdre bien des attributions. Les notes attirent l'attention de l'usager sur cette difficulte. Les fragments, devenus accidentellement anonymes, meritent une particuliere attention. La preparation de ce volume a permis d'augmenter le nombre de fragments connus, qui avaient echappe aux collections precedentes, notamment pour Philon, pour Diodore de Tarse, pour Severien de Gabala et pour Severe d'Antioche.
Faithlife Corporation The Theology of Benedict XVI
God's rottweiler or shepherd of the faithful? There's no doubt about Benedict XVI's theological legacy. He's been at the center of every major theological controversy in the Catholic Church over the last fifty years. But he remains a polarizing figure, misunderstood by supporters and opponents alike. A deeper understanding of Benedict's theology reveals a man dedicated to the life and faith of the church. In this collection of essays, prominent Protestant theologians examine and commend the work of the Pope Emeritus. Katherine Sonderegger, Kevin Vanhoozer, and Carl Trueman-among others-present a full picture of Benedict's theology, particularly his understanding of the relationship between faith and reason and his pursuit of truth for the church. The global Christian faith can learn from Benedict's insight into the modern church and his desire to safeguard the future of the church by leaning on the wisdom of the ancient church. Contributors: Tim Perry Ben Myers Katherine Sonderegger Gregg R. Allison Kevin J. Vanhoozer R. Lucas Stamps Christopher R. J. Holmes Fred Sanders Carl R. Trueman David Ney Peter J. Leithart Joey Royal Annette Brownlee Preston D. S. Parsons Jonathan Warren P. (Pagán)
University of Texas Press The Mexican American Experience in Texas – Citizenship, Segregation, and the Struggle for Equality
A historical overview of Mexican Americans' social and economic experiences in Texas For hundreds of years, Mexican Americans in Texas have fought against political oppression and exclusion--in courtrooms, in schools, at the ballot box, and beyond. Through a detailed exploration of this long battle for equality, this book illuminates critical moments of both struggle and triumph in the Mexican American experience. Martha Menchaca begins with the Spanish settlement of Texas, exploring how Mexican Americans' racial heritage limited their incorporation into society after the territory's annexation. She then illustrates their political struggles in the nineteenth century as they tried to assert their legal rights of citizenship and retain possession of their land, and goes on to explore their fight, in the twentieth century, against educational segregation, jury exclusion, and housing covenants. It was only in 1967, she shows, that the collective pressure placed on the state government by Mexican American and African American activists led to the beginning of desegregation. Menchaca concludes with a look at the crucial roles that Mexican Americans have played in national politics, education, philanthropy, and culture, while acknowledging the important work remaining to be done in the struggle for equality.
Unnamed Press The Paper Man
Michael was only 15 when a mysterious accident changed his life forever. He was rebuilt out of paper by his father, and ten years later he is still trapped in the paper version of his teenage body. To escape his stagnant life at home, he runs away to the city by the sea, which promises art and adventure. Instead, Michael discovers the city is tearing at the seams. With rumors swirling that a militarized north will annex the city, newcomer Michael has more to worry about than the unpredictable seaside weather. After being rescued from a rainstorm by Maiko, an unemployed fur model, Michael's cruel high school sweetheart Mischa suddenly reappears. Michael becomes torn between loyalty to Maiko and Mischa's decadent underground art world. But when he finds himself drawn to the city's most notorious artist, David Doppelmann, Michael begins another dangerous transformation, one that will either lead to uncovering his true self, or destroy him and everyone he cares about. Part fable, part surrealistic journey, Gallagher Lawson's impressive debut is a gripping narrative about the nature of artistic identity and its tenuous relationship to the greater good, Lawson has created a visionary, allegorical novel of our time.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Russia's War Against Ukraine
On 24 February 2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, giving rise to the deadliest conflict on European soil since the Second World War. How could this happen in twenty-first-century Europe? Why did Putin decide to escalate Russia’s war against Ukraine, a war which began with Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014? In this timely book, Gwendolyn Sasse analyses the background to this war and examines the factors that led to Putin’s fateful decision. She retraces the history of Ukraine’s struggle for independence from Russia and shows how democratic developments in Ukraine had become a risk for Russia’s political system. She also shows that ambiguous Western policy towards Russia encouraged elites in the Kremlin to think that they had more room for action than they did. The result is a brilliant analysis of the background to the war, a concise account of the course of the war itself and a timely reflection on what its consequences will be – for Ukraine, for Russia and for the West. An indispensable book for anyone who wants to understand the most dangerous conflict of our time.
House of Anansi Press Ltd ,Canada The Return of History: Conflict, Migration, and Geopolitics in the Twenty-First Century
In the 2016 CBC Massey Lectures, former Special Advisor to the UN Secretary-General and international relations specialist Jennifer Welsh delivers a timely, intelligent, and fascinating analysis of twenty-first-century geopolitics.In 1989, as the Berlin Wall crumbled and the Cold War dissipated, the American political commentator Francis Fukuyama wrote a famous essay, entitled “The End of History,” which argued that the demise of confrontation between Communism and capitalism, and the expansion of Western liberal democracy, signalled the endpoint of humanity’s sociocultural and political evolution, and the path toward a more peaceful world. But a quarter of a century after Fukuyama’s bold prediction, history has returned: arbitrary executions, attempts to annihilate ethnic and religious minorities, the starvation of besieged populations, invasion and annexation of territory, and the mass movement of refugees and displaced persons. It has also witnessed cracks and cleavages within Western liberal democracies as a result of deepening economic inequality.The Return of History argues that our own liberal democratic society was not inevitable, but that we must all, as individual citizens, take a more active role in its preservation and growth.
Whitefox Publishing Ltd The Gift Book 1: Eleanor
The North Atlantic, 14 April 1912. Amid the chaos of the sinking Titanic, a young Eleanor Annenberg meets the eyes of a stranger and is immediately captivated. As the ship buckles around them, she follows him down into the hold and finds him leaning over an open sarcophagus, surrounded by mutilated bodies. She catches but a glimpse of what lies within before she's sucked into a maelstrom of freezing brine and half-devoured corpses. Elle is pulled out of the water, but the stranger - and the secrets she stumbled upon - are lost. Unintentionally, however, he leaves her a gift; one so compelling that Elle embarks on a journey that pulls her into a world of ancient evils, vicious hunters and human prey to find the man who saved her that fateful night. From trench warfare at Cape Helles in 1915 to a shipwreck in the tropical shallows off the Honduran coast, from a lost mine beneath the towering Externsteine in a Germany on the verge of war to the gothic crypts of Highgate Cemetery in London, Elle gets closer to a truth she has sought for most of her life. But at what cost? Gifts, after all, are seldom free.
Everyman Russian Poets
Ever since Pushkin, Russian poets have been famous for their ability to combine private and public experience in lyric poetry of a comprehensiveness and intensity unmatched elsewhere. Ranging in extremes from the melting tenderness of unrequited love to the bitter comedy of political chaos, this collection of poems covering two centuries includes work by Lermontov, Tyutchev, Fet, Annensky,Mayakovsky, Bely, Mandelstam, Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, Pasternak, Brodsky and others less celebrated but no less extraordinary. The text is divided into six sections. Russian poets constantly reflect on their art, so the first section is appropriately entitled 'The Muse'. Their other great topic is Russia herself, explored in parts two and three. Part four presents the inner world, parts five and six traditional themes of love and mortality. Poetry has often been a matter of life and death in Russia, where Mandelstam was not the only poet to perish in the Gulag. The comfortable private domain familiar to many English and American writers barely exists in a country where political realities are exigent - one reason for the fierce intensity found in so many of these poems.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Structural Timber Design to Eurocode 5
Structural Timber Design to Eurocode 5 provides practising engineers and specialist contractors with comprehensive, detailed information and in-depth guidance on the design of timber structures based on the common rules and rules for buildings in Eurocode 5 – Part 1-1. It will also be of interest to undergraduate and postgraduate students of civil and structural engineering. It provides a step-by-step approach to the design of all of the commonly used timber elements and connections using solid timber, glued laminated timber or wood based structural products, and incorporates the requirements of the UK National Annex. It covers: strength and stiffness properties of timber and its reconstituted and engineered products key requirements of Eurocode 0, Eurocode 1 and Eurocode 5 – Part 1-1 design of beams and columns of solid timber, glued laminated, composite and thin-webbed sections lateral stability requirements of timber structures design of mechanical connections subjected to lateral and/or axial forces design of moment resisting rigid and semi-rigid connections racking design of multi-storey platform framed walls Featuring numerous detailed worked examples, the second edition has been thoroughly updated and includes information on the consequences of amendments and revisions to EC5 published since the first edition, and the significant additional requirements of BSI non contradictory, complimentary information document (PD 6693-1-1) relating to EC5. The new edition also includes a new section on axial stress conditions in composite sections, covering combined axial and bending stress conditions and reference to the major revisions to the design procedure for glued laminated timber.
Duke University Press Experimenting with Ethnography: A Companion to Analysis
Experimenting with Ethnography collects twenty-one essays that open new paths for doing ethnographic analysis. The contributors—who come from a variety of intellectual and methodological traditions—enliven analysis by refusing to take it as an abstract, disembodied exercise. Rather, they frame it as a concrete mode of action and a creative practice. Encompassing topics ranging from language and the body to technology and modes of collaboration, the essays invite readers to focus on the imaginative work that needs to be performed prior to completing an argument. Whether exchanging objects, showing how to use drawn images as a way to analyze data, or working with smartphones, sound recordings, and social media as analytic devices, the contributors explore the deliberate processes for pursuing experimental thinking through ethnography. Practical and broad in theoretical scope, Experimenting with Ethnography is an indispensable companion for all ethnographers. Contributors. Patricia Alvarez Astacio, Andrea Ballestero, Ivan da Costa Marques, Steffen Dalsgaard, Endre Dányi, Marisol de la Cadena, Marianne de Laet, Carolina Domínguez Guzmán, Rachel Douglas-Jones, Clément Dréano, Joseph Dumit, Melanie Ford Lemus, Elaine Gan, Oliver Human, Alberto Corsín Jiménez, Graham M. Jones, Trine Mygind Korsby, Justine Laurent, James Maguire, George E. Marcus, Annemarie Mol, Sarah Pink, Els Roding, Markus Rudolfi, Ulrike Scholtes, Anthony Stavrianakis, Lucy Suchman, Katie Ulrich, Helen Verran, Else Vogel, Antonia Walford, Karen Waltorp, Laura Watts, Brit Ross Winthereik
Stanford University Press Super Continent: The Logic of Eurasian Integration
A Eurasian transformation is underway, and it flows from China. With a geopolitically central location, the country's domestic and international policies are poised to change the face of global affairs. The Belt and Road Initiative has called attention to a deepening Eurasian continentalism that has, argues Kent Calder, much more significant implications than have yet been recognized. In Super Continent, Calder presents a theoretically guided and empirically grounded explanation for these changes. He shows that key inflection points, beginning with the Four Modernizations and the collapse of the Soviet Union; and culminating in China's response to the Global Financial Crisis and Crimea's annexation, are triggering tectonic shifts. Furthermore, understanding China's emerging regional and global roles involves comprehending two ongoing transformations—within China and across Eurasia as a whole—and that the two are profoundly interrelated. Calder underlines that the geo-economic logic that prevailed across Eurasia before Columbus, and that made the Silk Road a central thoroughfare of world affairs for close to two millennia, is reasserting itself once again.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Doctor Who: The First Doctor Adventures - The Outlaws
This is the first release in a revamp of Big Finish's 'First Doctor Adventures' containing two new adventures for the Doctor and Dodo. Episode 1 – The Outlaws by Lizbeth Myles. Landing in 13th century Lincoln, the Doctor and Dodo are soon caught up in the battle between Sheriff Nicholaa de la Haye and outlaw gangs in the nearby forest. King John requires funds for his conflict with France, and Nicholaa is determined to provide them, whatever the efforts of William of Berkshire and his gang of wolves’ heads… After taking refuge in Lincoln Castle, the Doctor and Dodo are separated. The Doctor is detained at the pleasure of the Sheriff, while Dodo indulges her adventurous spirit and plays forest outlaw with William’s gang. But William is not acting alone. The outlaws’ true leader knows the Doctor and has a plan for revenge. A man with a passion for meddling. A man who wears a monk’s habit. Episode 2 – The Miniaturist by Lizzie Hopley. Coulton Salt Mine: a rare environment for geological exploration on the North Yorkshire coast. The Doctor is fascinated by the experiments of Professor Medra on the Zechstein seabed, but Dodo is distracted. Didn’t her family settle in this part of Yorkshire? As the Doctor delves deeper into the work of Professor Medra, Dodo is helped by security guard Mick Huff, who is concerned about the strange happenings in recent weeks. Who are the children that keep appearing around the mine workings? Why are local landmarks vanishing? And how can the bedrock of a geological ‘quiet place’ be screaming? Cast: Stephen Noonan (The Doctor), Lauren Cornelius (Dodo Chaplet), Annette Badland (The Miniaturist), Glynis Barber (Nicholaa de la Haye), Benedict Briggs (Child Voice), Paul Copley (Mick Huff), Carly Day (Idonea de Camville), Barnaby Edwards (The Messenger), Christian Edwards (William of Berkshire/Gregory), Rufus Hound (The Monk), Caroline Hrycek-Robinson (Child Voice), Yasmin Mwanza (Professor Medra), Sam Stafford (Sir Hugh de Courtney/Eustace). Other parts played by members of the cast
Hachette Books Godard On Godard
Jean-Luc Godard, like many of his European contemporaries, came to filmmaking through film criticism. This collection of essays and interviews, ranging from his early efforts for La Gazette du Cinéma to his later writings for Cahiers du Cinéma, reflects his dazzling intelligence, biting wit, maddening judgments, and complete unpredictability. In writing about Hitchcock, Welles, Bergman, Truffaut, Bresson, and Renoir, Godard is also writing about himself,his own experiments, obsessions, discoveries. This book offers evidence that he may be even more original as a thinker about film than as a director. Covering the period of 1950-1967, the years of Breathless, A Woman Is a Woman, My Life to Live, Alphaville, La Chinoise, and Weekend, this book of writings is an important document and a fascinating study of a vital stage in Godard's career. With commentary by Tom Milne and Richard Roud, and an extensive new foreword by Annette Michelson that reassesses Godard in light of his later films, here is an outrageous self-portrait by a director who, even now, continues to amaze and bedevil, and to chart new directions for cinema and for critical thought about its history.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Public Enterprises Today: Missions, Performance and Governance – Les entreprises publiques aujourd’hui : missions, performance, gouvernance: Learning from Fifteen Cases – Leçons de quinze études de cas
Over thirty years, privatization of public enterprises was in the air. Before and during this period of neo-liberalism, and since the 2008 crisis, public enterprises were nonetheless created: they did what they were set up for and they frequently managed to get interesting results, as much on their public mission as regarding profitability. How is this possible? This book looks at public enterprises with new eyes.What are the emerging insights? Those public enterprises evolved a lot during those years. Their governance has been adjusted: they now respond to all kind of stakeholders, they face independent regulators and did enter complex institutional arrangements. Further, they often transformed into conglomerates active in several activity sectors and/or expanded their geographical coverage. Being frequently large-sized, public enterprises are now able to compete on international markets, while continuing delivering important services to their home community. With fifteen case studies from Europe and the Americas, knowledge on public enterprises in the 21st century is updated. Depuis plus de trente ans, ‘privatisation’ se lit et s’entend chaque jour. Pourtant, avant et pendant la période du néo-libéralisme, et depuis la crise de 2008, des entreprises publiques ont vu le jour, générant des résultats probants en termes de mission de service public et de rentabilité. Comment y sont-elles parvenues ? Cet ouvrage analyse les entreprises publiques avec un nouveau regard.Que retenir de cette analyse ? Ces entreprises publiques ont fort évolué au cours de ces années. Leur gouvernance s’est ajustée vis-à-vis d’un contexte institutionnel complexe et face à diverses ‘parties prenantes’, dont les régulateurs indépendants. Elles sont fréquemment devenues des conglomérats actifs dans plusieurs domaines, ou bien se sont étendues géographiquement. Souvent de grande taille, elles sont alors capables d’être concurrentielles sur les marchés internationaux tout en offrant des services importants à leur collectivité d’origine. 15 études de cas d’Europe et d’Amérique sont proposées pour renforcer la connaissance des entreprises publiques au 21e siècle. This book is the result of the International Ciriec working group on "The future of the public enterprise: mission, performance and governance" developed by the CIRIEC International Scientific Commission "Public Enterprises/Public Services":
Peeters Publishers Responsabilite et Taches du Theologien: Conferences de L'Ecole Doctorale en Theologie (2004-2006)
Ce second volume de la collection " Conferences de l'ecole doctorale en theologie " reprend les interventions prononcees en son sein lors des annees academiques 2004-2005 et 2005-2006. Ces conferences sont pour les doctorant(e)s une invitation a s'ouvrir a la problematique de la recherche en theologie et a s'engager dans une reflexion sur l'exercice du metier de theologien(ne). Deux grandes parties constituent le present ouvrage. La premiere rassemble les conferences donnees sur le theme de la responsabilite du theologien, et la deuxieme reproduit trois contributions concernant le theme de la revelation et de son expression, theme central s'il en est du discours theologique. Il nous a semble important de faire preceder ces deux parties d'un texte issu d'une reflexion commune menee par l'ensemble des professeurs a temps plein de la faculte de theologie de l'Universite catholique de Louvain : " Une recherche et un enseignement en theologie : pourquoi ? ". Ce texte expose une maniere de " faire de la theologie " au sein d'une Universite complete et dans une societe secularisee. A l'origine de cette reflexion se trouve le constat que les changements recents et profonds qui affectent le contexte social et culturel, intellectuel et universitaire, ne peuvent pas laisser indifferents les theologiens : s'ils veulent que la parole theologique puisse etre entendue, ils sont provoques a une reflexion en profondeur sur la fonction et le role des facultes de theologie dans l'espace public, universitaire et ecclesial actuel. Ce texte dessine ce qui parait essentiel aux theologiens de l'UCL pour garantir un exercice de la theologie qui soit libre et rigoureux, fidele et createur.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Marias Lied in Luthers Deutung: Der Kommentar zum Magnifikat (Lk 1, 46b-55) aus den Jahren 1520/21
Martin Luthers Übersetzung und Deutung des Magnifikat ist ein hervorragendes Beispiel der Bemühungen von spätmittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Theologen, Ergebnisse der akademischen Arbeit für ein breiteres Publikum darzustellen. Im Vergleich mit Auslegungen von Lukas 1 bei Müntzer und Zwingli arbeitet Christoph Burger die Akzentsetzung Luthers deutlich heraus. Für Luther steht im Zentrum von Marias Lobgesang die Polemik gegen menschlichen Selbstruhm, vor dem ja auch Jeremia 9, 23 und 24 (Zählung der Vulgata) warnt. Maria legt in ihrem Lobgesang auf vorbildliche Weise Zeugnis dafür ab, wie Gott als der Allerhöchste wirkungsvoll 'in die Tiefe' sehe und erhöhe. Maria spricht über Gottes Handeln an ihr selbst (Lk 1, 46b-49), über seine Art, zugunsten der Niedrigen gegen Hochmütige, Mächtige und Reiche zu wirken (Lk 1, 50-53), und darüber, daß er dasjenige Volk Israel, das ihm wirklich dient, annehme (Lk 1, 54-55). Gottes Wirken mit seiner 'rechten Hand' sehe freilich nur, wer Gott vertraue. Wer sich hochmütig selbst zuschreibt, was Gottes Gabe ist, verweigert Gott Glauben und Lob. Maria gilt es nicht als eine vorbildlich Demütige es zu ehren, sondern als Beispiel für die Zuwendung Gottes zu einem unansehnlichen Menschen. Als Fürstenspiegel gelesen, prägt das Magnifikat die Bedeutung der Ehrfurcht vor Gott ein.
John Murray Press The Lost Imperialist: Lord Dufferin, Memory and Mythmaking in an Age of Celebrity
Winner of the Elizabeth Longford Prize for Historical Biography 2016Frederick Hamiton-Temple-Blackwood, 1st Marquess of Dufferin and Ava, enjoyed a glittering career which few could equal. As Viceroy of India and Governor-General of Canada, he held the two most exalted positions available under the Crown, but prior to this his achievements as a British ambassador included restoring order to sectarian conflict in Syria, helping to keep Canada British, paving the way for the annexation of Egypt and preventing war from breaking out on India's North-West Frontier.Dufferin was much more than a diplomat and politician, however: he was a leading Irish landlord, an adventurer and a travel writer whose Letters from High Latitudes proved a publishing sensation. He also became a celebrity of the time, and in his attempts to sustain his reputation he became trapped by his own inventions, thereafter living his public life in fear of exposure. Ingenuity, ability and charm usually saved the day, yet in the end catastrophe struck in the form of the greatest City scandal for forty years and the death of his heir in the Boer War.With unique access to the family archive at Clandeboye, Andrew Gailey presents a full biography of the figure once referred to as the 'most popular man in Europe'.
University of Virginia Press Of Land, Bones, and Money: Toward a South African Ecopoetics
The South African literature of iimbongi, the oral poets of the amaXhosa people, has long shaped understandings of landscape and history and offered a forum for grappling with change. Of Land, Bones, and Money examines the shifting role of these poets in South African society and the ways in which they have helped inform responses to segregation, apartheid, the injustices of extractive capitalism, and contemporary politics in South Africa.Emily McGiffin first discusses the history of the amaXhosa people and the environment of their homelands before moving on to the arrival of the British, who began a relentless campaign annexing land and resources in the region. Drawing on scholarship in the fields of human geography, political ecology, and postcolonial ecocriticism, she considers isiXhosa poetry in translation within its cultural, historical, and environmental contexts, investigating how these poems struggle with the arrival and expansion of the exploitation of natural resources in South Africa and the entrenchment of profoundly racist politics that the process entailed. In contemporary South Africa, iimbongi remain a respected source of knowledge and cultural identity. Their ongoing practice of producing complex, spiritually rich literature continues to have a profound social effect, contributing directly to the healing and well-being of their audiences, to political transformation, and to environmental justice.
University of Pennsylvania Press Unmaking the Global Sweatshop: Health and Safety of the World's Garment Workers
The 2013 collapse of Rana Plaza, an eight-story garment factory in Savar, Bangladesh, killed over a thousand workers and injured hundreds more. This disaster exposed the brutal labor conditions of the global garment industry and revealed its failures as a competitive and self-regulating industry. Over the past thirty years, corporations have widely adopted labor codes on health and safety, yet too often in their working lives, garment workers across the globe encounter death, work-related injuries, and unhealthy factory environments. Disasters such as Rana Plaza notwithstanding, garment workers routinely work under conditions that not only escape public notice but also undermine workers' long-term physical health, mental well-being, and the very sustainability of their employment. Unmaking the Global Sweatshop gathers the work of leading anthropologists and ethnographers studying the global garment industry to examine the relationship between the politics of labor and initiatives to protect workers' health and safety. Contributors analyze both the labor processes required of garment workers as well as the global dynamics of outsourcing and subcontracting that produce such demands on workers' health. The accounts contained in Unmaking the Global Sweatshop trace the histories of labor standards for garment workers in the global South; explore recent partnerships between corporate, state, and civil society actors in pursuit of accountable corporate governance; analyze a breadth of initiatives that seek to improve workers' health standards, from ethical trade projects to human rights movements; and focus on the ways in which risk, health, and safety might be differently conceptualized and regulated. Unmaking the Global Sweatshop argues for an expansive understanding of garment workers' lived experiences that recognizes the politics of labor, human rights, the privatization and individualization of health-related responsibilities as well as the complexity of health and well-being. Contributors: Mark Anner, Hasan Ashraf, Jennifer Bair, Jeremy Blasi, Geert De Neve, Saydia Gulrukh, Ingrid Hagen-Keith, Sandya Hewamanne, Caitrin Lynch, Alessandra Mezzadri, Patrick Neveling, Florence Palpacuer, Rebecca Prentice, Kanchana N. Ruwanpura, Nazneen Shifa, Dina M. Siddiqi, Mahmudul H. Sumon.
Amberley Publishing The Prince Who Beat the Empire
An acclaimed history of empire and resistance: this is the moving story of the rebel prince who beat the world's most powerful corporation.The ships of the East India Company first docked at India''s shores in Surat in the early 17th century. In time, through astute politics and military power, the Company became masters of this great port. But the Company came not with the intention of building Indian maritime trade, but with the single-minded goal of destroying its trading prowess. By 1800 the port was completely annexed, through a Treaty that gave protection to future generations of the local Nawab rulers.But, as elsewhere in India, the Company violated its promises. It stopped the family's income, usurping its palaces, estates, jewellery and possessions. This left the infant granddaughters of the last Nawab on the brink of destitution.But in an unprecedented counter-attack, the father of the two girls stood to defy the Empire and expose its corruption overseas to the British at hom
The University of Chicago Press Insurgent Identities: Class, Community, and Protest in Paris from 1848 to the Commune
By focusing on the less turbulent years in between the social upheavals of the Paris Commune of 1871 and the 1848 Revolution, Gould reveals that while class played a pivotal role in 1848, it was neighbourhood solidarity that was a decisive organizing force in 1871. Baron Haussmann's massive urban renovation projects between 1852 and 1868 dispersed workers from Paris' centre to newly annexed districts on the outskirts of the city. Residence rather than occupation quickly became the new basis of social solidarity. Drawing on evidence derived from trial documents, marriage certificates, reports of police spies and the popular press, Gould demonstrates that this fundamental rearrangement in the patterns of social life made possible a neighbourhood insurgent movement; whereas the insurgents of 1848 fought and died in defence of their status as workers, those of 1871 did so as members of a besieged urban community.
Peter Lang GmbH Nikolaj Gumilev and Neoclassical Modernism: The Metaphysics of Style
Nikolaj Gumilev occupies a paradoxical place within the history of Russian modernism. Although he is well known as the founder of Acmeism and is regarded as an important poet and critic, much of his work is difficult to reconcile with prevailing concepts of modernism. The present study seeks to explain this marginal position by reinterpreting Gumilev's work within the broader context of a modernist aesthetic of order, or neo-classical modernism. The term refers to an aesthetic line within modernism that sought to reconcile certain features of traditional rhetoric - in particular the triadic style system - with modernist strategies of innovation. Although primarily devoted to Gumilev, the study also touches on Russian and French writers adhering to comparable aesthetic values, among them Annenskij, Kuzmin, Gautier, Leconte de Lisle, Valery and Gide.
Oro Editions LA
LA+ Botanic explores our evolving relationship with plants with contributions that reflect on the many natures and relations that are being materialised in plant conservation, botanic gardens, and botanic art today. A wide range of topics is covered, including plant conservation efforts and the challenges posed by global heating and extinction, the limited plant choices imposed by the horticultural industry, and the many representations of plants found in visual, material, textual, and architectural works. Edited by Karen M'Closkey, contributors include Giovanni Aloi, Irus Braverman, Patrick Blanc, Xan Sarah Chacko, Sonja Dümpelmann, Jared Farmer, Annette Fierro, Matthew Gandy, Ursula K. Heise, Andrea Ling, Janet Marinelli, Beronda L. Montgomery, Catherine Mosbach, Katja Grötzner Neves and Bonnie-Kate Walker.
WW Norton & Co The Blind Light: A Novel
England, 1959: two young soldiers—Drummond and Carter—form an intense and unlikely friendship at "Doom Town," a training center that recreates the aftermath of atomic warfare. The experience will haunt them the rest of their lives. Years later, Carter, now a high-ranking government official, offers working-class Drummond a way to protect himself and his wife, Gwen, should a nuclear strike occur. Their pact, kept secret, will have devastating consequences for the families they so wish to shield. The Blind Light is a grand, ambitious novel that spans decades, from the 1950s to the present. Told from the perspectives of Drum and Gwen, and later their children, Nate and Anneka, the story brilliantly captures the tenderness and envy of long relationships. As the families attempt to reform themselves, the pressures of the past are visited devastatingly on the present, affecting spouses, siblings, and friends. Stuart Evers writes with literary flair and intellect without ever abandoning the pleasures and emotional intensity of great storytelling. He explores the psychological legacy of nuclear war and social inequality yet finds a delicate beauty in the adventure of making a life in the ruins of the one you lived before.
University of Pennsylvania Press Legendary Hawai'i and the Politics of Place: Tradition, Translation, and Tourism
Hawaiian legends figure greatly in the image of tropical paradise that has come to represent Hawai'i in popular imagination. But what are we buying into when we read these stories as texts in English-language translations? Cristina Bacchilega poses this question in her examination of the way these stories have been adapted to produce a legendary Hawai'i primarily for non-Hawaiian readers or other audiences. With an understanding of tradition that foregrounds history and change, Bacchilega examines how, following the 1898 annexation of Hawai'i by the United States, the publication of Hawaiian legends in English delegitimized indigenous narratives and traditions and at the same time constructed them as representative of Hawaiian culture. Hawaiian mo'olelo were translated in popular and scholarly English-language publications to market a new cultural product: a space constructed primarily for Euro-Americans as something simultaneously exotic and primitive and beautiful and welcoming. To analyze this representation of Hawaiian traditions, place, and genre, Bacchilega focuses on translation across languages, cultures, and media; on photography, as the technology that contributed to the visual formation of a westernized image of Hawai'i; and on tourism as determining postannexation economic and ideological machinery. In a book with interdisciplinary appeal, Bacchilega demonstrates both how the myth of legendary Hawai'i emerged and how this vision can be unmade and reimagined.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Putin's Wars: From Chechnya to Ukraine
The Financial Times – Best books of 2022: Politics 'The prolific military chronicler and analyst Mark Galeotti has produced exactly the right book at the right time.' The Times A new history of how Putin and his conflicts have inexorably reshaped Russia, including his devastating invasion of Ukraine. Putin's Wars is a timely overview of the conflicts in which Russia has been involved since Vladimir Putin became prime minister and then president of Russia, from the First Chechen War to the two military incursions into Georgia, the annexation of Crimea and the eventual invasion of Ukraine itself. But it also looks more broadly at Putin's recreation of Russian military power and its expansion to include a range of new capabilities, from mercenaries to operatives in a relentless information war against Western powers. This is an engrossing strategic overview of the Russian military and the successes and failures on the battlefield. Thanks to Dr Galeotti's wide-ranging contacts throughout Russia, it is also peppered with anecdotes of military life, personal snapshots of conflicts, and an extraordinary collection of first-hand accounts from serving and retired Russian officers. Russia continues to dominate the news cycle throughout the Western world. There is no better time to understand how and why Putin has involved his armed forces in a variety of conflicts for over two decades.
Faber & Faber Leopoldstadt
At the beginning of the twentieth century, Leopoldstadt was the old, crowded Jewish quarter of Vienna. But Hermann Merz, a manufacturer and baptised Jew married to Catholic Gretl, has moved up in the world. Gathered in the Merz apartment in a fashionable part of the city, Hermann's extended family are at the heart of Tom Stoppard's epic yet intimate drama. By the time we have taken leave of them, Austria has passed through the convulsions of war, revolution, impoverishment, annexation by Nazi Germany and - for Austrian Jews - the Holocaust in which 65,000 of them were murdered. It is for the survivors to pass on a story which hasn't ended yet.Tom Stoppard's Leopoldstadt was first performed at Wyndham's Theatre, London, in January 2020.WINNER: OLIVIER AWARD FOR BEST NEW PLAY, 2020WINNER: TONY AWARD FOR BEST PLAY, 2023Winner of the Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Play; the New York Drama Critics Circle Award for Best Foreign Play; the Drama League Award for Outstanding Production; and the Outer Critics' Circle Award for Outstanding New Broadway Play.'One of Britain's greatest living playwrights to provide his most personal play yet.' The Times'The news that Tom Stoppard has written a new drama ranks as top-end seismic activity.' Daily Telegraph
Amberley Publishing The Prince Who Beat the Empire: How an Indian Ruler Took on the Might of the East India Company
An acclaimed history of empire and resistance: this is the moving story of the rebel prince who beat the world’s most powerful corporation. The ships of the East India Company first docked at India's shores in Surat in the early 17th century. In time, through astute politics and military power, the Company became masters of this great port. But the Company came not with the intention of building Indian maritime trade, but with the single-minded goal of destroying its trading prowess. By 1800 the port was completely annexed, through a Treaty that gave protection to future generations of the local Nawab rulers. But, as elsewhere in India, the Company violated its promises. It stopped the family’s income, usurping its palaces, estates, jewellery and possessions. This left the infant granddaughters of the last Nawab on the brink of destitution. But in an unprecedented counter-attack, the father of the two girls stood to defy the Empire and expose its corruption overseas to the British at home. Travelling to London, he would shatter the Company's reputation. His campaign for justice would call for the end of British rule in Hindustan. Not only did the prince win back the family's possessions for his daughters but found true love in Victorian England.