Search results for ""Author Anne"
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd The rise of the securocrats
The South African government stands accused of having fallen under the sway of the securocrats. Who are they? Securocrats are officials located in the security establishment—the police, intelligence services, or the military—that have the power to influence government policy in their favor. The ANC has become dominated increasingly by the securocrats who have politicized the state, including the security services, to the advantage of Zuma and those around him. The Rise of the Securocrats illustrates how when securocrats dominate government decision-making, the democratic life of a country can be threatened. Annexing the power to subvert democratic processes to entrench their own power or the power of their favored leaders, they also use the armed might of the state to suppress their political opponents. Duncan argues for the importance of keeping the security cluster under democratic, civilian control, and broadly accountable to the society they claim to serve.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Wives Like Us
''Outrageous Jilly Cooperesque'' Sunday Times Style *Take a grand English country house, one (heartbroken) American divorcée, three rich wives, two tycoons, and one (bereaved) butler; put them all into the blender and out comes the impossibly funny Wives Like Us.Welcome to the rose-strewn county of Oxfordshire and the Cotswold villages of Little Bottom, Middle Bottom, Great Bottom, and Monkton Bottom, recently annexed by a glittering new breed of female: the Country Princess.Following a ghastly row about a missing suite of diamonds, Tata Hawkins has flounced out of Monkton Bottom Manor with her daughter, Minty, and Executive Butler Ian Palmer in tow, decamping to the Old Coach House to teach her husband, Bryan, a lesson.But things don't go to plan: Bryan disappears to Venice with a bikini designer; Selby Fairfax, the glamorous American divorcée who has inherited the beautiful estate next door, refuses Tata's neighborly overtures; and Tata's very be
Peeters Publishers L'union à l'épreuve du formulaire: Professions de foi entre Églises d'Orient et d'Occident (XIIIe-XVIIIe siècle)
Les conciles oecuméniques de Nicée, de Contantinople et de Chalcédoine ont fixé et promulgué des professions de foi chrétiennes valables universellement. Pourtant, l'évolution de l'Église latine a conduit à modifier, avec le Filioque, un Symbole qui était tenu pour sacré et invariable par les Églises orientales. Dès lors, l'instrument même de la communion devient objet de discorde et de polémique, surtout quand il s'agit de formaliser l'Union des Églises. De la fin de la période byzantine jusqu'au XVIIIe siècle, les controverses qui en découlent donnent lieu à diverses professions de foi qui sont ici analysées. Certains chapitres proposent une approche collective des implications de l'Union sur l'expression du Credo, tant à Byzance, à Kiev, à Rome ou à Paris, que chez les chrétiens arabes. D'autre part, une attention particulière a été portée à des cas individuels, ceux d'empereurs ou d'impératrices comme Jean V Paléologue et Théodora Paléologina, ou de patriarches comme Jean Bekkos, Cyrille Loukaris et Dosithée de Jérusalem. De nouvelles éditions critiques de ces textes figurent en annexe de plusieurs chapitres.
Peeters Publishers L'ecclesiologie de John Henry Newman, Anglican (1816-1845)
Une reflexion ecclesiologique fondamentale se recommande a un double titre, pour verifier la validite d'un discours ecclesiologique et pour favoriser un dialogue 'cumenique fecond. Pour aider a une telle reflexion, John Henry Newman (1801-1890) possede plusieurs titres a notre attention. D'abord, tout simplement, il fut un des grands penseurs religieux des temps modernes. Ensuite, le sujet de l'Eglise a eu une place centrale dans sa pensee et dans sa vie. Enfin, dans un contexte de pluralisme doctrinal, place au confluent meme des divers courants intellectuels majeurs de l'Eglise de son temps, assez opposes les uns aux autres (en particulier quant a la nature et a la fonction de l'Eglise), il a toujours ete amene a reflechir aux fondements de sa pensee. L'objet de cette etude est l'evolution ecclesiologique de Newman durant les annees oA' il etait membre de l'Eglise d'Angleterre. Notre objectif est de parvenir, a partir d'une utilisation intensive des sources, a manifester le processus selon lequel sont formees et deformees les opinions et les convictions ecclesiologiques fondamentales de Newman.
Peeters Publishers Le Siecle Des Grands Hommes: Les Recueils De Vies D'hommes Illustres Avec Portraits Du XVIeme Siecle
La gloire est l'ombre de la vertu: la Renaissance aime cette idee, et l'on comprend, des lors, qu'elle se soit passionnee pour les personnages historiques, ces hommes qui sont passes a la posterite pour avoir marque leur epoque, en bien ou en mal. Aussi voit-on fleurir, a partir des annees 1550, les traductions de Plutarque dans les principales langues europeennes, et renaitre le genre antique de la biographie, avec les Vies d'hommes illustres. A partir des Elogia, ce recueil fondateur du au collectionneur de portraits historiques, Paul Jove, le genre des receuils illustres se diffuse en Italie, avec l'historien d'art Giogio Vasari, et en France avec le geographe Andre Thevet et le reformateur Theodore de Beze, entre autres. Constituees en series, ornees de portraits graves, ces Vies nous font penetrer dans l'esprit de la Renaissance heroique, qui apparait tiraille entre la transmission des valeurs et l'interet pour la singularite individuelle.
Leuven University Press Quaestiones de divinis praedicamentis XXVIII-XXXII: Quaestiones de divinis praedicamentis XXVIII-XXIX et Quaestiones de potentia et actu volendi I-III
Critical edition of James of Viterbo’s final questions De divinis praedicamentis and his De potentia et actu volendiJames of Viterbo (ca. 1255–1307), Augustinian friar, master of theology at the University of Paris, and archbishop of Naples, was one of the leading philosophers and theologians of the later thirteenth century. This volume completes the critical edition of his academic works and presents his last two questions De divinis praedicamentis and his three annexed questions on the will (De potentia et actu volendi). These questions, deriving from disputations James held as Augustinian regent master of theology at the University of Paris (1293–1297), offer rich discussions of important topics: whether the plurality of divine persons and attributes entails an order of priority within God and how causality may be attributed to God. The questions on the will cover issues at the core of later medieval debates on human freedom: on the unity of the will as a power of the soul, whether the will is the primary agent in human action, and whether the will is free with respect to all its acts.This publication is GPRC-labeled (Guaranteed Peer-Reviewed Content).
Big Finish Productions Ltd Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 11 - Volume 1 - Solo
Solo finds Tom Baker's Fourth Doctor with the TARDIS all to himself - but not for long...This set contains two stories: Blood of the Time Lords by Timothy X Atack. The book known as The Dischord Grimoire is an incredibly powerful tome, believed capable of altering the true passage of time itself. And the Doctor has it in the TARDIS. Wanting to look into this mysterious opus further, he decides to take it to an old friend in The Recusary - a monastery-like retreat on a moon of Gallifrey. But he's chosen an inauspicious time to arrive. Something else is visiting The Recusary. And this something hasn't brought a book with it... but death. The Ravencliff Witch by David Llewellyn. The TARDIS lands in Ravencliff, a small town on the English coast that stands in the shade of a newly built power station. And that just happens to be haunted. Every now and then a spectral figure is glimpsed on the beach - the Ravencliff witch. And every time she appears, it's the prelude to disaster. The Doctor has to solve the mystery of her appearances if he wants to prevent a catastrophe. But he won't have to do it alone - as he has the help of Margaret Hopwood, a renowned sculptor destined to play a big part in his life. CAST: Tom Baker (The Doctor), Nerys Hughes (Margaret Hopwood), Annette Badland (Eminent Sedanya), Nicholas Briggs (John Fairweather), Trevor Cooper (Silas Keynes), James Dreyfus (The Master/Haku/Cohort/Mandelbrot), Richard Earl (Gordon Miles), Susan Kyd (Codal Thark), Adrian Lukis (Ansillon), Christopher Naylor (Cohort 2/Honourable Loric), Emma Noakes (Elanora), Lucy Pickles (Celia Banks), Dell Segal (Amanda Keynes), Jane Slavin (Cohort 1/Honourable Aligen). Other parts played by members of the cast.
Cornell University Press Targeting Civilians in War
Accidental harm to civilians in warfare often becomes an occasion for public outrage, from citizens of both the victimized and the victimizing nation. In this vitally important book on a topic of acute concern for anyone interested in military strategy, international security, or human rights, Alexander B. Downes reminds readers that democratic and authoritarian governments alike will sometimes deliberately kill large numbers of civilians as a matter of military strategy. What leads governments to make such a choice? Downes examines several historical cases: British counterinsurgency tactics during the Boer War, the starvation blockade used by the Allies against Germany in World War I, Axis and Allied bombing campaigns in World War II, and ethnic cleansing in the Palestine War. He concludes that governments decide to target civilian populations for two main reasons—desperation to reduce their own military casualties or avert defeat, or a desire to seize and annex enemy territory. When a state's military fortunes take a turn for the worse, he finds, civilians are more likely to be declared legitimate targets to coerce the enemy state to give up. When territorial conquest and annexation are the aims of warfare, the population of the disputed land is viewed as a threat and the aggressor state may target those civilians to remove them. Democracies historically have proven especially likely to target civilians in desperate circumstances. In Targeting Civilians in War, Downes explores several major recent conflicts, including the 1991 Persian Gulf War and the American-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. Civilian casualties occurred in each campaign, but they were not the aim of military action. In these cases, Downes maintains, the achievement of quick and decisive victories against overmatched foes allowed democracies to win without abandoning their normative beliefs by intentionally targeting civilians. Whether such "restraint" can be guaranteed in future conflicts against more powerful adversaries is, however, uncertain. During times of war, democratic societies suffer tension between norms of humane conduct and pressures to win at the lowest possible costs. The painful lesson of Targeting Civilians in War is that when these two concerns clash, the latter usually prevails.
Peeters Publishers Le Chant Liturgique Juif Ethiopien. Analyse Musicale D'une Tradition Orale
En quoi consiste l'etude approfondie d'un systeme musical oral? Quelles sont les difficultes et les problematiques generalement rencontrees lorsque la tradition abordee est, au depart, totalement etrangere a l'analyste? Quelles sont les methodologies disponibles ou imaginables pour surmonter ces ecueils? Quels peuvent etre les enjeux, les limites et le bilan d'une systematique musicale? En prenant pour objet d'etude les chants liturgiques juifs ethiopiens, cet ouvrage tente de repondre a ces interrogations par le biais d'une description heuristique detaillee. Plutot qu'une methode, il est le temoin d'un apprentissage accompli pendant de nombreuses annees en Israel et en Ethiopie. Au dela de l'interet qu'il peut susciter aupres des specialistes a l'egard d'un patrimoine meconnu en voie d'extinction, il est accessible a tout lecteur desireux d'en savoir plus sur l'ethnomusicologie comme sur ce judaisme ethiopien si fascinant.
Peeters Publishers Les Ottomans en Egypte: Historiens et Conquerants au XVIe Siecle
Ce livre montre, a la lumiere d'une documentation turque, arabe et italienne, dans quelles conditions les Ottomans, victorieux des Mamlouks en 1517, installerent leur domination en Egypte. La reduction du pays au rang de province favorisa le renouvellement des elites et la regulation de la violence politique. Les nouveaux maitres assumaient l'heritage mamlouk, et leurs historiens demarquaient les chroniques de l'ancien regime; mais ils avaient a justifier la guerre de conquete menee contre un vieux centre de la civilisation arabo-islamique. L'impact de la provincialisation sur l'ecriture de l'histoire en arabe et en turc, l'identite des elites, le travail de legitimation du pouvoir sont mis ici en lumiere par un mouvement de va-et-vient entre histoire et historiographie. Une attention particuliere est portee a la chronique magnifique et oubliee redigee en turc dans les annees 1540 par 'Abdussamed Diyarbekri, dont on peut lire des extraits en edition bilingue.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Desert Air Force in World War II: Air Power in the Western Desert, 1940 1942
This is a comprehensive reference to the structure, operation, aircraft and men of the 1st Tactical Air Force, or Desert Air Force as it became known. It was formed in North Africa to support the 8th Army and included squadrons from the RAF, SAAF, RAAF and eventually the USAAF. The book includes descriptions of many notable defensive and offensive campaigns, the many types of aircraft used, weapons and the airfields that played host to these events. The five main sections of the book include a general historical introduction and overview, operations, operational groups, aircrew training and technical details of each aircraft type. Lengthy annexes cover personnel, the squadrons in World War II, accuracy of attacks, orders of battle for each wartime year, maps of airfield locations and numbers of enemy aircraft downed.
Editions Heimdal Les Trains BlindéS: De 1825 à Nos Jours
Colonel de l’armée française en retraite, Paul Malmassari avait déjà publié, au début des années 1990, aux éditions Heimdal, un ouvrage de référence sur le sujet des trains blindés, en général peu traité. Spécialiste indiscutable en la matière, l’auteur propose cette fois-ci une approche nouvelle, très différente, de l’histoire de ces géants d’acier dépendants des chemins de fer. Des origines à nos jours, les trains blindés de plus de soixante États sont expliqués. Ceux de la Russie, où ils ont joué un rôle important, entre autre dans la guerre civile de 1917- 1922; ceux de l’Allemagne - les Panzerzüge - et de la France durant les deux guerres mondiales, sont aussi décrits. Mais les trains blindés ont une histoire sur les quatre continents, y compris dans des pays dont on ne soupçonnerait pas qu’ils aient pu en être dotés. Le travail colossal, encyclopédique, de plus de 520 pages, fait de cet ouvrage un outil indispensable pour tout lecteur amateur ou néophyte, intéressé ou passionné, par ce domaine militaire très spécifique. Il est richement illustré de photographies, de gravures, de schémas descriptifs. Sa particularité est d’allier une précision technique incontestable à des explications des temps historiques dans lesquels ces «monstres du rail» sont intervenus.
Omnibus Press Dear Boy: The Life of Keith Moon
Keith Moon was more than just rock's greatest drummer, he was a phenomenal character and an extravagant hell raiser who - in a final, uncharacteristic act of grace - actually did die before he got old. This new edition includes a newly written After word that consiers Moon's lasting legacy, the death of John Entwistle and The Who's ongoing career in the new millennium. In this astonishing biography, Tony Fletcher questions the myths, avoids the time-honoured anecdotes and talks afresh to those who where closest to Moon including Kim, his wife of eight years, and Linda, his sister and Annette Walter-Lax, his main girlfriend of the final years. Also interviewed are Oliver Reed, Larry Hagman, David Putnam, Alice Cooper, Dave Edmunds, Jeff Beck, John Entwistle and many others who worked and partied with him. In interviewing over 100 people who knew Moon, Fletcher reveals the truth behind the 'famous' stunts that never occured - and the more outrageous ones that did! He also uncovers astonishing details about Moon's outrageous extravagance which was financed by The Who's American success.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Russia's War Against Ukraine
On 24 February 2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, giving rise to the deadliest conflict on European soil since the Second World War. How could this happen in twenty-first-century Europe? Why did Putin decide to escalate Russia’s war against Ukraine, a war which began with Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014? In this timely book, Gwendolyn Sasse analyses the background to this war and examines the factors that led to Putin’s fateful decision. She retraces the history of Ukraine’s struggle for independence from Russia and shows how democratic developments in Ukraine had become a risk for Russia’s political system. She also shows that ambiguous Western policy towards Russia encouraged elites in the Kremlin to think that they had more room for action than they did. The result is a brilliant analysis of the background to the war, a concise account of the course of the war itself and a timely reflection on what its consequences will be – for Ukraine, for Russia and for the West. An indispensable book for anyone who wants to understand the most dangerous conflict of our time.
Duke University Press Formations of United States Colonialism
Bridging the multiple histories and present-day iterations of U.S. settler colonialism in North America and its overseas imperialism in the Caribbean and the Pacific, the essays in this groundbreaking volume underscore the United States as a fluctuating constellation of geopolitical entities marked by overlapping and variable practices of colonization. By rethinking the intertwined experiences of Native Americans, Puerto Ricans, Chamorros, Filipinos, Hawaiians, Samoans, and others subjected to U.S. imperial rule, the contributors consider how the diversity of settler claims, territorial annexations, overseas occupations, and circuits of slavery and labor—along with their attendant forms of jurisprudence, racialization, and militarism—both facilitate and delimit the conditions of colonial dispossession. Drawing on the insights of critical indigenous and ethnic studies, postcolonial theory, critical geography, ethnography, and social history, this volume emphasizes the significance of U.S. colonialisms as a vital analytic framework for understanding how and why the United States is what it is today. Contributors. Julian Aguon, Joanne Barker, Berenika Byszewski, Jennifer Nez Denetdale, Augusto Espiritu, Alyosha Goldstein, J. K?haulani Kauanui, Barbara Krauthamer, Lorena Oropeza, Vicente L. Rafael, Dean Itsuji Saranillio, Lanny Thompson, Lisa Uperesa, Manu Vimalassery
RIBA Publishing Approved Document K: Protection from falling, collision and impact (2013 edition - for use in England)
Effective 6 April 2013. This edition has been updated to amalgamate Approved Document N: Glazing and also some overlapping guidance that is in Approved Document M: Access to and use of buildings. As well as these changes, Approved Document K’s references have been updated in the light of the harmonised standard related to ‘safe breaking’ and the testing methods, and the harmonised standard and National Annex related to resistance of loads for barriers. Tables and diagrams have been amended and simplified, key terms have been updated and there is now an index. There are no new technical requirements. This Approved Document has a fresh new look and has been totally re-designed into a single column format to make reading. It has also been subject to a thorough editorial review to make the text/content more reader-friendly and simpler to assimilate and understand. Contracts and Management Publications Update Service: To ensure that you have the most up-to-date Approved Document or Amendment to an Approved Document to hand, you can now join our CAMPUS service. RIBA Bookshops will automatically send you copies of new releases as and when they are published. Visit our CAMPUS page for further details.
Page Street Publishing Co. Metalsmith Society’s Guide to Jewelry Making: Tips, Techniques & Tutorials For Soldering Silver, Stonesetting & Beyond
Metalsmith Society’s Guide to Jewellery Making is the ultimate handbook to get you started on your jewellery-making journey. Corkie Bolton, jeweller extraordinaire and founder of Metalsmith Society, has compiled the ultimate compendium on the craft for beginners. You’ll get a deep dive into indispensable tools and materials needed to create a well-rounded workspace. Corkie also answers every question you might have about essential yet tricky-to-master techniques such as sawing, stamping and annealing. What’s more, through ten beginner-friendly projects, you’ll put your budding skills to the test and light the spark of inspiration for designing your own pieces. Necklace lovers will learn stone setting and making clasps with the Thick Bezel Pendant and Simple Chain Necklace, while ring projects like the Interlocking Ring and Hidden Detail Ring will have you practicing polishing and embellishing your creations. Embark on your rewarding jewellery-making career with confidence. With this comprehensive book at your bench, you will have everything you need to get started and keep going!
Amazon Publishing Goodnight, Vienna
Katya never wanted to look after Gretchen. Now she’s the young girl’s only hope of survival. 1937. Katya Komarovsky is studying medicine in Glasgow, living among friends and eager to begin her career as a doctor. But when her spendthrift parents announce that they’ve run out of money and are facing ruin—and that she’ll now have to support them by working as a governess in Vienna—the life she’s dreamed of goes up in smoke. Furiously resentful, Katya rages at her wealthy employer, Thor, for stealing her future—and saddling her with twelve-year-old Gretchen, a deeply troubled child who has only a blazing musical talent to redeem her. Yet as Katya grudgingly digs into her reserves of compassion, she finds herself losing her heart to both father and daughter. Storm clouds are gathering, though, and when Hitler annexes Austria, patriot Thor is arrested, leaving Katya wholly responsible for saving ‘imperfect’ Gretchen from being forced into a Nazi medical research laboratory. With the terrifying uncertainty of the new world order, can Katya and Gretchen flee to safety? And dare they dream of ever seeing Thor again?
Duke University Press Red Hangover: Legacies of Twentieth-Century Communism
In Red Hangover Kristen Ghodsee examines the legacies of twentieth-century communism twenty-five years after the Berlin Wall fell. Ghodsee's essays and short stories reflect on the lived experience of postsocialism and how many ordinary men and women across Eastern Europe suffered from the massive social and economic upheavals in their lives after 1989. Ghodsee shows how recent major crises—from the Russian annexation of Crimea and the Syrian Civil War to the rise of Islamic State and the influx of migrants in Europe—are linked to mistakes made after the collapse of the Eastern Bloc when fantasies about the triumph of free markets and liberal democracy blinded Western leaders to the human costs of "regime change." Just as the communist ideal has become permanently tainted by its association with the worst excesses of twentieth-century Eastern European regimes, today the democratic ideal is increasingly sullied by its links to the ravages of neoliberalism. An accessible introduction to the history of European state socialism and postcommunism, Red Hangover reveals how the events of 1989 continue to shape the world today.
Peeters Publishers Tables Et Index De La Revue Des Etudes Juives, Tomes CXXXIX a CLVIII (1980-1999)
Comprend, pour les quarante livraisons parues entre 1980 et 1999, des tables par annees, des tables des auteurs, les theses routenues recemment, des auteurs dont les livres ont ete recenses, un index thematique, un index des manuscrits, ainsi que des tables et un index des illustrations. Une breve introduction en facilite le maniement et dresse un historique rapide de ces vingt ans de la Revue, dont les point forts sont demeures dans le periode l'Antiquite tardive, le moyen age et les temps modernes consideres du point de vue de l'histoire des litteratures juives comme de celui de l'histoire materielle et sociale des juifs, avec de tres riches rubriques bibliographiques qui couvrent aussi la periode contemporaine.
British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara Tille Höyük 3.1. The Iron Age: Introduction, Stratification and Architecture
This book presents the structures and stratigraphy of the important Iron Age sequence at Tille Höyuek, a mound at a crossing of the Euphrates in eastern Turkey. The site, which was excavated between 1979 and 1990 by the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, revealed ten major structural levels of the Iron Age, spanning the period from the 11th century to the 6th-4th centuries BC, as well as earlier and later remains, and the wide exposure of architecture provides a sequence of intelligible and impressive building plans. After the initial discussion of the background and methodology of their excavation, the successive levels are carefully described and fully illustrated. The earliest Iron Age occupation, simple buildings among the ruins of the Late Bronze Age, was followed by a major settlement of the Middle Iron Age, when the Neo-Hittite kingdom of Kummuh was at its height. Most impressive architecturally are a large palatial building centred on a courtyard paved with a pebble mosaic, which was probably built after the Assyrian annexation of Kummuh in 708 BC and continued in use through the seventh, and the excellently preserved Level X with many distinctively Persian architectural features (built in the latter half of the 6th or the early 5th century and probably lasting for a substantial time). The structures and stratigraphy are also important as the context for the first rigorously established ceramic sequence in this part of Turkey, which will be presented, together with the other materials and artefacts, in the companion to this volume (already complete in draft). Lying on the fringes of the Mesopotamian world, and with contacts with North Syria, North Mesopotamia, and the Levant rather than with Anatolia or the Mediterranean, Tille casts vivid new light on the cultural and political history of the region in the Iron Age.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Refund Guarantees
A refund guarantee is an essential component of almost every shipbuilding project, without which the buyer will be unwilling or unable to proceed. There is no standard form of refund guarantee in universal usage, and both the form and substance of refund guarantee instruments vary widely from case to case. The ambiguity or uncertainty of the meaning of refund guarantee instruments, against a backdrop of a sharp downturn in the shipping markets, has led to numerous disputes in recent years concerning refund guarantees, which have been the subject of a number of important decisions of the English Courts. This is the first English law text book dedicated to the subject of refund guarantees. It provides essential guidance as to the issues arising and the pitfalls to be avoided. It analyses the specimen form of guarantee annexed to Bimco’s NEWBUILDCON form, and covers topics such as the circumstances in which the liability of the guarantor may be discharged, and when a builder may be entitled to obtain an injunction to restrain payment under a refund guarantee.It will be an essential and practical guide for those engaged in the shipbuilding industry, including shipbuilders, shipowners, banks and insurance companies, P&I clubs, and those advising them.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Russia's Military Revival
Russian annexation of Crimea and the subsequent air campaign over Syria took the world by surprise. The capabilities and efficiency of Moscow’s armed forces during both operations signalled to the world that Russia was back in business as a significant military actor on the international stage. In this cutting-edge study, Bettina Renz provides an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of Russia’s military revival under Putin’s leadership. Whilst the West must adjust to the reality of a modernised and increasingly powerful Russian military, she argues that the renaissance of Russian military might and its implications for the balance of global power can only be fully understood within a wider historical context. Assessing developments in Russian Great Power thinking, military capabilities, Russian strategic thought and views on the use of force throughout the post-Soviet era, the book shows that, rather than signifying a sudden Russian military resurgence, recent developments are consistent with longstanding trends in Russian military strategy and foreign policy.
Peeters Publishers Bleus Egyptiens: De La Pate Auto-emaillee Au Pigment Bleu Synthetique
Prestigieuse collection publique ou modeste vitrine de souvenirs personnels, chaque evocation du passe de l'Egypte pharaonique rassemble inevitablement quelques objets en pate emaillee...Malheureusement, aucune source documentaire, textuelle ou iconographique, ne nous est parvenue pour nous renseigner sur les connaissances et procedes techniques mis en oeuvre pour obtenir, a peu de frais, des pieces d'une telle qualite. Cette carence d'information technologique est d'ailleurs perceptible dans la litterature specialisee qui enregistre volontiers, pour ces figurines, plusieurs denominations voisines, telles que "ceramique, ceramique emaillee ou vitrifiee, faience, pate egyptienne ou pate silicieuse emailee". En revanche, leur couleur les reunit usuellement sous une appellation, commodement qualifiee de "bleu egyptien". Ceramiste et egyptologue de formation, Fabienne Lavenex Verges s'est donc attachee, depuis plusieurs annees, a l'etude des procedes antiques de fabrication des pates emaillees. Sa recherche, fondee sur ses connaissances de la ceramique, est assortie de l'experimentation directe d'essais qu'elle a realises pour la circonstance. L'entreprise atteste d'elle-meme l'originalite d'une demarche requerant un savoir-faire et des competences techniques rarement complementaires.
Bonnier Books Ltd Is it Actually Love for Lexie Byrne aged 42
'It's the most wonderful time of the year: Lexie's back - in her most fun, magical and life-affirming story yet!' - Carmel HarringtonThis Christmas, Lexie Byrne is about to find out the true meaning of love - and how far she must go to fight for it.It's five days till Christmas. Just a hundred and twenty hours till Lexie is due to join Adam in the Cotswolds for hisdreaded ex-wife's wedding and start her new life there with him. Except that's not what she wants at all. It's just Adam doesn't know that yet! The truth is that her life is here in Dublin - with baby Frances, the apple of her eye, and her best friend Annemarie, who needs her more than ever as her marriage teeters on the edge of a breakdown.Then, when Lexie finally tracks down her late friend Máiréad's long-lost daughter, she knows it's now or never. But is there time for a road trip to the West of Ireland
Harvard University Press Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups
From Acadians to Zoroastrians-Asians, American Indians, East Indians, West Indians, Europeans, Latin Americans, Afro-Americans, and Mexican Americans—the Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups provides the first comprehensive and systematic review of the many peoples of this country. It should excite all Americans about their nation.Informative and entertaining, this volume is an indispensable reference work for home, library and office. It establishes a foundation for the burgeoning field of ethnic studies; it will satisfy and stimulate the popular interest in ancestry and heritage. It is a guide to the history, culture, and distinctive characteristics of the more than 100 ethnic groups who live in the United States.Each ethnic group is described in detail. The origins, history and present situation of the familiar as well as the virtually unknown are presented succinctly and objectively. Not only the immigrants and refugees who came voluntarily but also those already in the New World when the first Europeans arrived, those whose ancestors came involuntarily as slaves, and those who became part of the American population as a result of conquest or purchase and subsequent annexation figure in these pages. The English and the Estonians, the Germans and the Gypsies, the Swedes and the Serbs are interestingly juxtaposed. Even entries about relatively well-known groups offer new material and fresh interpretations. The articles on less well-known groups are the product of intensive research in primary sources; many provide the first scholarly discussion to appear in English. One hundred and twenty American and European contributors have been involved in this effort, writing either on individual groups or on broad themes relating to many.The group entries are at the heart of the book, but it contains, in addition, a series of thematic essays that illuminate the key facets of ethnicity. Some of these are comparative; some philosophical; some historical; others focus on current policy issues or relate ethnicity to major subjects such as education, religion, and literature. American identity and Americanization, immigration policy and experience, and prejudice and discrimination in U.S. history are discussed at length. Several essays probe the complex interplay between assimilation and pluralism—perhaps the central theme in American history—and the complications of race and religion.Numerous cross-references and brief identifications will aid the reader with unfamiliar terms and alternative group names. Eighty-seven maps, especially commissioned, show where different groups have originated. Annotated bibliographies contain suggestions for further reading and research. Appendix I, on methods of estimating the size of groups, leads the reader through a maze of conflicting statistics. Appendix II reproduces, in facsimile, hard-to-locate census and immigration materials, beginning with the first published report on the nativities of the population in 1850.
Lars Muller Publishers Dan Graham Video - Architecture - Television: Writings on Video and Video Works 1970 - 1978
This title, published in 1979 and long since out of print, now appears as a reprint from Lars Muller Publishers. The original book was released in the series of publications Source Materials of the Contemporary Arts initiated by Kasper Konig and produced by the Press of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. The publication represents an important document in Dan Graham's artistic examination of the video medium. Graham's installations and performances with video from the years 1970 - 78 are documented with numerous illustrations, photos, and brief descriptions. In addition, the volume contains an essay by the artist in which he examines the various possibilities and forms of representation offered by the video medium, and draws the boundaries between these and representational spaces in television, film, or architecture. The book also offers contributions by Michael Asher and Dara Birnbaum, as well as an annex with a biography and bibliography.
The University of Chicago Press The Short Chronicle
Jeanne de Jussie (1503 - 61) experienced the Protestant Reformation from within the walls of the Convent of Saint Clare in Geneva. In her impassioned and engaging "Short Chronicle", she offers a singular account of the Reformation, reporting not only on the larger clashes between Protestants and Catholics but also on events in her convent - devious city councilmen who lied to trusting nuns, lecherous soldiers who tried to kiss them, and iconoclastic intruders who smashed statues and burned paintings. Throughout her tale, Jussie highlights women's roles on both sides of the conflict, from the Reformed women who came to her convent in an attempt to convert the nuns to the Catholic women who ransacked the shop of a Reformed apothecary. Above all, she stresses the Poor Clares' faithfulness and the good men and women who came to them in their time of need, ending her story with the nuns' arduous journey by foot from Reformed Geneva to Catholic Annecy. First published in French in 1611, Jussie's "Short Chronicle" is translated here for an English-speaking audience for the first time, providing a fresh perspective on struggles for religious and political power in sixteenth-century Geneva and a rare glimpse at early modern monastic life.
Pagès Editors, S.L. Per comprendre la Catalunya Nord De la identitat desnaturalitzada a lesperança de futur
Aquest llibre va destinat als lectors que volen entendre el que és Catalunya Nord, és a dir les terres catalanes annexades per l'Estat francès en 1659. Més de 350 anys de separació política de la resta de Catalunya han creat unes problemàtiques i unes mentalitats distintes de les que hi ha al sud de la frontera. A través de la seva experiència personal l'autor ens mostra com, malgrat unes aparences de descatalanització, continua un sentiment de catalanitat que insensiblement va atenuant la frontera, tant sobre el terreny com dins les mentalitats. És una descripció sense concessions d'una realitat de vegades bastant dura però és també un llibre d'esperança.
The Baptistery with its near-perfectly preserved mosaic floor is undoubtedly the most famous of the monuments at Butrint. In this splendidly illustrated book, Mitchell analyses the narratives of salvation and rebirth inherent in its iconography and proposes interpretations for the ritual use of the building and its annexe. The study highlights the contextual relationships of the mosaics with the schools and artisans of the east Mediterranean and the ecclesiastic patronage of the commissioning, providing important insights for the rich body of mosaics found throughout Butrint. In English and Albanian.
Michelin Editions des Voyages Le Guide Vert Alpes du Nord, Savoie, Dauphiné
Laissez-vous guider par nos auteurs ! Au cours de leurs innombrables tournées, ils ont déniché pour vous des lieux inoubliables ou insolites : - Les incontournables (classés 1, 2 ou 3 étoiles) : Massif de la Vanoise ***, Col du Galibier ***, Yvoire ** ... - Les coups de coeur : Grimper avec le téléphérique iconique de Grenoble jusqu’au fort de la Bastille ; S’offrir un vol en parapente et survoler le splendide massif de la Chartreuse ... - Les bonnes adresses pour tous les budgets : se restaurer, prendre un verre, shopping, sortir, se loger - Les meilleurs spots en famille (activités pour les 6-14 ans) : Loisirs nautiques sur le lac du Bourget ; Ateliers du musée de la Préhistoire du Vercors ; Le goût des sciences à la Turbine ... - Des suggestions d’itinéraires : Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, coeur des Alpes en 4 jours ; le tour du lac d’Annecy à vélo en 2 étapes ... - De nombreux cartes et plans pour retrouver les principaux sites étoilés de la destination. - Les plus : + de 150 propositions de randonnées- Toutes les infos mises à jour dans cette nouvelle édition Ce guide est divisé en 9 micro-régions : Annecy, le lac et le massif des Aravis ; Évian et le Chablais ; Le Mont- Blanc et le Faucigny ; Chambéry, Aix-les-Bains,les Bauges et le Beaufortain ; La Tarentaise et la Vanoise ; La Maurienne ; Grenoble et la Chartreuse ; Le Vercors, le Trièveset la Matheysine ; L’Oisans et les Écrins. Pensez à utiliser en complément notre Guide Vert Alpes du Sud, notre Carte Régional Rhône-Alpes n°523.MICHELIN vous GuideVert la France de vos rêves !
Con qu suean los nios
Sandy apenas es una fobia. Como dice Lacan [?], es un inicio de fobia. Es un esbozo. Hubiera podido ser una fobia y luego, antes de fulgurar, desaparece, se apaga. Para emplear otra metáfora, es una fobia que no cristalizó. Podemos preguntarnos por qué. No hay que buscar la razón quizás en el hecho de que tiene a Anneliese, esa madre sustituta, siguiéndola de cerca? En cuanto una pesadilla la despierta y le da por llorar antes de volverse a dormir, [?] está ahí y empieza a anotar, día a día, todos los hechos.JACQUES-ALAIN MILLERSu experiencia clínica obligó a Freud a cambiar sus tesis iniciales sobre los sueños de los niños. Juanito y el Hombre de los lobos demostraron que constituyen hitos fundamentales en la compleja temporalidad de la relación del sujeto con el inconsciente. La última enseñanza de Lacan, con su puesta en valor del inconsciente real, nos permiten situar mejor qué está en juego en ese fulgor que emana del misterio del cuerpo hablante.
Penguin Books Ltd Circus of Mirrors
A Cabaret dancer falls in love as political tensions rise and the city becomes increasingly dangerous not only for herself, but also for her lover . . .Perfect for fans of Cabaret and The Whalebone Theatre''Julie Owen Moylan writes about mid-20th century women like no-one else'' Laura Price''Sexy, electrically stylish, and beautiful - a gorgeous story about sisterhood, and a glamorous, evocative passport to a period we all long to get lost in'' Daisy Buchanan----BERLIN, 1926: After the death of their parents, sisters Leni and Annette only have each other. Desperate, but dreaming of better days, Leni finds work at a notorious cabaret: the Babylon Circus. From the dancer's barely-there costumes, to the glimmering mirrors that cover the walls, the Babylon Circus is where reality and fantasy merge. For Leni, it's an overwhelming new world, and she's happiest hiding in the shado
Peeters Publishers Coptica - Gnostica - Manichaica: Melanges Offerts a Wolf-Peter Funk
Le 5 decembre 2001, nous lancions le projet de la publication d'une "Festschrift" destinee a honorer notre collegue et ami Wolf-Peter Funk. La parution de ce volume etait alors annoncee pour le 30 decembre 2003, date du 60e anniversaire du dedicataire. Mais diverses raisons, au premier rang desquelles figure la generosite avec laquelle on a repondu a notre invitation, ont fait que ces melanges paraissent avec deux annees de retard. Mais a quelque chose malheur est bon: les lecteurs apprecieront la richesse, la haute tenue scientifique et la diversite de ces quarante-sept contributions qui, redigees en francais, en anglais ou en allemand par cinquante auteurs provenant de treize pays, temoignent eloquemment de l'estime et de l'amitie dont jouit Wolf-Peter Funk.Les editeurs de ce volume ont voulu l'ouvrir aux domaines auxquels s'est particulierement consacre Wolf-Peter Funk: la philologie et la linguistique coptes, les etudes gnostiques et manicheennes. Les contributions qui composent cet hommage illustrent par ailleurs assez bien ce qu'a ete l'activite scientifique et universitaire de Wolf-Peter Funk depuis son arrivee a l'Universite Laval a l'ete 1986. S'il y a poursuivi des travaux entrepris a Berlin, il s'est de plus en plus engage, a partir de ce moment, dans l'edition et l'interpretation des textes de Nag Hammadi en meme temps qu'il ouvrait un vaste chantier manicheen en devenant l'editeur des manuscrits manicheens des Musees d'Etat de Berlin et en s'associant a l'equipe australienne chargee de la publication des fouilles de l'oasis de Dakhleh (Kellis).
Getty Trust Publications Artists and Their Books, Books and Their Artists
Ever innovative and predictably diverse in their physical formats, artists' books occupy a creative space between the familiar four-cornered object and challenging works of art that effectively question every preconception of what a book can be. Many artists specialize in producing self-contained art projects in the form of books, like Ken Campbell and Susan King, or they establish small presses, like Simon Cutts and Erica Van Horn's Coracle Press or Harry and Sandra Reese's Turkey Press. Countless others who are primarily known as sculptors, painters, or performance artists carry on a parallel practice in artists' books, including Anselm Kiefer, Annette Messager, Ed Ruscha, and Richard Tuttle. Artists and Their Books / Books and Their Artists includes eighty important examples selected from the Getty Research Institute's Special Collections of more than six thousand editions and unique artists' books. This elegant catalogue also presents precursors to the artist's book, such as Joris Hoefnagel's sixteenth-century calligraphy masterpiece; single-sheet episodes from Albrecht DuIA rer's Life of Mary, designed to be either broadsides or a book; early illustrated scientific works; and avant-garde publications. Twentieth-century works reveal the impact of artists' books on Pop art, Fluxus, Conceptual, feminist art, and postmodernism. The selection of books by an international range of artists who have chosen to work with texts and images on paper provokes new inquiry into the nature of art and books in contemporary culture.
United Nations Guide des Nations Unies pour Modèle ONU
Les simulations de modèle Nations Unies (MONU) sont des exercices de grande popularité pour ceux qui souhaitent en savoir plus sur les Nations Unies. Des centaines de milliers d'étudiants dans le monde participent chaque année à des simulations, à tous les niveaux, de l'école à l'université. De nombreux dirigeants actuels dans les domaines du droit, du service public, des affaires, des sciences humaines et des arts ont participé à de telles simulations en tant qu'étudiants. Certains Modèles ONU cependant ne suivent pas toujours le règlement intérieur et les pratiques de l'ONU. Ce livre est conçu pour aider les futurs étudiants et enseignants lors de simulations MONU concernant les aspects pratiques de l'organisation et de la participation à des MONU qui soient proches et conformes au fonctionnement réel de l'ONU.
Peeters Publishers Le Vetement Lapon. Formes, Fonctions, Evolution
Porte sur un immense territoire, le vetement lapon oscille entre unite et diversite, le jeu des evolutions internes, des emprunts, des influences de toutes sortes produisant une infinite de variantes locales. Cet echeveau a ete demele pas a pas par l'auteur, au cours de plusieurs annees d'enquetes de terrain dans toute la Laponie. Trente cartes de repartition synthetisent cet effort de recherche. Entre un sud conservateur oA' se maintiennent les traces d'un ancien systeme symbolique qui etait passe inapercu jusqu'ici, et un nord evolutionniste laissant libre cours aux modes les plus audacieuses, le lecteur trouvera ici un exemple fascinant de la maniere dont le vetement se constitue comme fait social total. Chaque partie de l'ouvrage est precedee d'un appareil conceptuel et methodologique qui vise a en faire un outil de travail pour les chercheurs qui, sur d'autres terrains, rencontrent le vetement comme objet anthropologique.
Editorial Lumen Los últimos testigos
La gran narradora Cynthia Ozick plasma con absoluta maestría el enrarecido clima de América y Europa en la antesala de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.La amenaza nazi se cierne sobre el horizonte de Europa. Estamos en los fascinantes, peligrosos y turbulentos años treinta. La familia Mitwisser abandona Alemania para exiliarse en Nueva York, donde Rose Meadows acude a la llamada de un anuncio que solicita una ayudante para el señor Mitwisser, el enigmático patriarca, un oscuro erudito especializado en una remota secta judía. Su esposa, Elsa, había sido una reputada física pero vive ahora recluida en una habitación. Una hija de dieciséis años, la misteriosa y exquisita Anneliese, gobierna la casa. Rose entra así en un mundo de incertidumbres, silencios y secretos, la geografía del destierro, un país hechizado por la ambigua figura de otro personaje inquietante: James A'Bair, el benefactor de la familia, hijo de un exitoso autor de libros para niños que se enriqueció con la fabulación de
University of Virginia Press Unbounded Practice: Women and Landscape Architecture in the Early Twentieth Century
Women have practiced as landscape architects for over a century, since the founding of the practice as a profession in the United States in the 1890s. They came to landscape architecture as gardeners, garden designers, horticulturalists, and fine artists. They simultaneously shaped the profession while reflecting contemporary practice. It is all the more surprising, then, that the history of women in American landscape design has received relatively little attention. Thaisa Way corrects this oversight in ""Unbounded Practice: Women and Landscape Architecture in the Early Twentieth Century"". Describing design practice in landscape architecture during the first half of the twentieth century, the book serves as a narrative both of women - such as Beatrix Jones Farrand, Marian Cruger Coffin, Annette Hoyt Flanders, Ellen Biddle Shipman, Martha Brookes Hutcheson, and Marjorie Sewell Cautley - and of the practice as it became a profession.
Canelo A Woman Undefeated: A captivating and emotional Irish saga
Only she can save herself…Maggie is sixteen years old and barely keeping her family alive in the throes of the Irish famine. As her mother is on her deathbed, Maggie is pressed to accept a proposal from their neighbour, Jack. With few options beyond marry or starve, Maggie weds Jack and they travel from their home in County Mayo across the sea to seek a better life in north west England.In their new village, food is plentiful and work is available, but Maggie must endure different hardships. As a wife, and before long a mother, Maggie is tested in more ways than one, and it is her dignity and strength that will see her through when all hope seems lost. A gripping historical novel about Irish emigration for fans of Geraldine O'Neill, Anna Jacobs, and AnneMarie Brear.
Springer Emerging Applications of Novel Nanoparticles
Chapter 1. 2D nanomaterials for Adsorption of Wastewater Pollutants.- Chapter 2. UNVEILING THE POWER OF NANOMATERIALS IN THE AREA OF FORENSICS.- Chapter 3. Buckypapers: Applications in Composite Materials.- Chapter 4. Nanoparticles for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases.- Chapter 5. Ti3C2Tx MXene based nanostructured materials for emerging applications.- Chapter 6. Molybdenum Disulfide: A 2D material.- Chapter 7. Surface Functionalization of 2D MOs for Enhanced Biocompatibility and Biomedical Applications.- Chapter 8. Application of a novel Nanotherapeutic strategy in Ayurvedic treatment.- Chapter 9. Biosynthesis of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (IONPs): Toxicity Evaluation and Applications for Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Magnetic Hyperthermia.- Chapter 10. Effect of annealing temperature on structural, morphological and optical properties of CdZnTe thin films.- Chapter 11. Two-dimensional Molybdenum Disulfide Nanosheets based Optoelectronic Devices.- Chapter 12. Pho
Princeton University Press Social Outsiders in Nazi Germany
When Hitler assumed power in 1933, he and other Nazis had firm ideas on what they called a racially pure "community of the people." They quickly took steps against those whom they wanted to isolate, deport, or destroy. In these essays informed by the latest research, leading scholars offer rich histories of the people branded as "social outsiders" in Nazi Germany: Communists, Jews, "Gypsies," foreign workers, prostitutes, criminals, homosexuals, and the homeless, unemployed, and chronically ill. Although many works have concentrated exclusively on the relationship between Jews and the Third Reich, this collection also includes often-overlooked victims of Nazism while reintegrating the Holocaust into its wider social context. The Nazis knew what attitudes and values they shared with many other Germans, and most of their targets were individuals and groups long regarded as outsiders, nuisances, or "problem cases." The identification, the treatment, and even the pace of their persecution of political opponents and social outsiders illustrated that the Nazis attuned their law-and-order policies to German society, history, and traditions. Hitler's personal convictions, Nazi ideology, and what he deemed to be the wishes and hopes of many people, came together in deciding where it would be politically most advantageous to begin. The first essay explores the political strategies used by the Third Reich to gain support for its ideologies and programs, and each following essay concentrates on one group of outsiders. Together the contributions debate the motivations behind the purges. For example, was the persecution of Jews the direct result of intense, widespread anti-Semitism, or was it part of a more encompassing and arbitrary persecution of "unwanted populations" that intensified with the war? The collection overall offers a nuanced portrayal of German citizens, showing that many supported the Third Reich while some tried to resist, and that the war radicalized social thinking on nearly everyone's part. In addition to the editors, the contributors are Frank Bajohr, Omer Bartov, Doris L. Bergen, Richard J. Evans, Henry Friedlander, Geoffrey J. Giles, Marion A. Kaplan, Sybil H. Milton, Alan E. Steinweis, Annette F. Timm, and Nikolaus Wachsmann.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon The Euromaidan′s Effect on Civil Society – Why and How Ukrainian Social Capital Increased after the Revolution of Dignity
Sophie Falsini presents a fascinating analysis of the current state and future prospects of Ukrainian civil society in light of the 20132014 events. Since then, the country has been shaken by both socio-political disorders and a deep humanitarian emergency, also exacerbated by the crisis of internally displaced people. Yet, it is under these same premises that civil society emerged as a main societal actor in post-Euromaidan politics, development, and reform. Through its war relief work and the endeavors to lead Ukraine towards democratization, civil society has, to a considerable degree, offset the lack of an efficient state administration and activated vital components of Ukrainian social capital. In respect to these achievements, Falsini explores the way and the extent to which the events occurring in Ukraine since late 2013 -- the Euromaidan revolution, the annexation of Crimea, and the war in the East -- have contributed to the growth of social capital as well as to the resulting change in the shape and in the structure of civil society in the country. Through a multidimensional approach, combining theoretical interpretation with empirical analysis, the study examines Ukraines transformed civil society in terms of its social relations, societal networks and resources, and collective action. Based on the theory of social capital after Lin Nan, the empirical analysis revolves around the case studies of 12 civil society organizations active in providing help to internally displaced people. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in Kiev, Dnipro, and Kharkiv aiming to confirm or discard the thesis of a post-Euromaidan civil society powered by increased levels of social capital. The collected data show that the 20132014 events did indeed contribute to the reshaping of the structure of Ukrainian civil society as they reversed peoples preference for informal and cross-level networks, mistrust towards the system, and disappointment with public institutions. Compared to the past, Ukraines civil society 2.0 saw the rise of grassroots and voluntary movements which triggered social mobilization, and a long-term investment of resources for the benefit of the public good. These developments have significantly contributed to an increase of the level of social capital in post-Euromaidan Ukraine.
Peeters Publishers Etudes De Linguistique Generale II: La Linguistique Pure
Ce volume reunit une serie d'articles publies au cours des dernieres annees. Sous le nom de "linguistique pure", tous traitent d'une forme de structuralisme que se fonde sur la definition de la langue posee par Ferdinand de Saussure et sur l'interpretation lumineuse qu'en a donnee l'epistemologue Gilles Gaston Granger. Elle s'est nourrie, d'autre part, d'une certaine insatisfaction inspiree par l'etat actuel des etudes de linguistique generale. Vers le milieu du XXe siecle regnait le structuralisme. Il a un temps prete a la linguistique la figure d'un modele pour d'autres sciences humaines, puis il s'est trouve eclipse par les tentatives de formalisation de type logico-algebrique inaugurees par Chomsky. Celles-ci ont aujourd'hui perdu beaucoup de leur prestige. La typologie, en revanche, est en plein essor et ouvre des perspectives prometteuses. Son objectif, la decouverte des invariants de la structuration des langues, est proprement scientifique. Cependant, l'absence d'un soubassement theorique fragilise sa demarche. On soutient qu'un structuralisme renove d'inspiration saussurienne peut lui offrir la base theorique necessaire pour assurer son progres et la rapprocher du statut d'une science authentique. Cette ambition converge avec des tendances qui se font jour actuellement dans la recherche linguistique a l'echelle internationale.
Peeters Publishers Detroner Le Sultan: Deux Conjurations a L'epoque Des Reformes Ottomanes: Kuleli (1859) Et Meslek (1867)
Ce livre a pour objet l'etude de deux conjurations (Kuleli en 1859 et Meslek en 1867), fomentees dans la capitale de l'Empire ottoman, Istanbul, et revelees au moment ou les conjures s'appretaient a passer a l'action en vue de detroner le sultan - premieres tentatives de detronement depuis la suppression en 1826 des janissaires, qui etaient auparavant les principaux "defaiseurs" de sultans. Cet ouvrage analyse ce nouveau type de revoltes et de revoltes qui ont envisage de "defaire" le sultan ottoman. Il s'attache a reecrire l'histoire de ces deux conjurations, a examiner leur structure, leur fonctionnement et leurs strategies, tout en eclairant les motivations, les revendications politiques et les profils sociaux des conjures. Il s'interroge sur les specificites de ces deux tentatives dans le contexte des transformations sociales et politiques des annees 1850 et 1860, et contribue ainsi a une meilleure comprehension des changements de l'espace politique ottoman a cette epoque. Quelle etait la place des "sujets" et du sultan dans la structure du pouvoir politique durant les premieres decennies des Tanzimat, alors que les mentalites et les "techniques" de gouvernement de l'administration centrale etaient en train d'etre reformulees et que l'opinion publique devenait un acteur politique de plus en plus influent? Telle est la question fondamentale qui est abordee tout au long ce livre.
Peeters Publishers "You Will Be Called Repairer of the Breach": The Diary of J.G.M. Willebrands, 1958-1961
In the spring of 2005, almost by chance, the Diary of Johannes Cardinal Willebrands, which depicts events from the international ecumenical scene on the eve of the Second Vatican Council, was discovered. The Diary consists of three Notebooks that were written during the period 1958-1961. During this time, Willebrands was also appointed the Secretary of the newly established Secretariat for Christian Unity (1960). As Cardinal Augustin Bea's right-hand man, he played an important role in establishing contacts with the World Council of Churches and with other Christian churches. On the occasion of what would have been Cardinal Willebrands' onehundredth birthday (2009), his Diary has been translated and published into English, with almost one thousand critical annotations. The original Dutch text is included in the annex. The study of the diaries, in the context of the international and national ecumenical movement, can provide new insights, especially into the dialogue between the Catholic Church and the World Council of Churches in the period shortly before the Second Vatican Council. Furthermore, it provides fascinating information about the faction forming within the Vatican in preparation of the Council.
Cornell University Press Is Russia Fascist?: Unraveling Propaganda East and West
In Is Russia Fascist?, Marlene Laruelle argues that the charge of "fascism" has become a strategic narrative of the current world order. Vladimir Putin's regime has increasingly been accused of embracing fascism, supposedly evidenced by Russia's annexation of Crimea, its historical revisionism, attacks on liberal democratic values, and its support for far-right movements in Europe. But at the same time Russia has branded itself as the world's preeminent antifascist power because of its sacrifices during the Second World War while it has also emphasized how opponents to the Soviet Union in Central and Eastern Europe collaborated with Nazi Germany. Laruelle closely analyzes accusations of fascism toward Russia, soberly assessing both their origins and their accuracy. By labeling ideological opponents as fascist, regardless of their actual values or actions, geopolitical rivals are able to frame their own vision of the world and claim the moral high ground. Through a detailed examination of the Russian domestic scene and the Kremlin's foreign policy rationales, Laruelle disentangles the foundation for, meaning, and validity of accusations of fascism in and around Russia. Is Russia Fascist? shows that the efforts to label opponents as fascist is ultimately an attempt to determine the role of Russia in Europe's future.
University of Toronto Press Prison Elite: How Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg Survived Nazi Captivity
After the Anschluss (annexation) in 1938, the Nazis forced Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg to resign and kept him imprisoned for seven years, until his rescue by the Allies in 1945. Schuschnigg’s privileged position within the concentration camp system allowed him to keep a diary and to write letters which were smuggled out to family members. Drawing on these records, Prison Elite paints a picture of a little-known aspect of concentration camp history: the life of a VIP prisoner. Schuschnigg, who was a devout Catholic, presents his memoirs as a "confession," expecting absolution for any political missteps and, more specifically, for his dictatorial regime in the 1930s. As Erika Rummel reveals in fascinating detail, his autobiographical writings are frequently unreliable. Prison Elite describes the strategies Schuschnigg used to survive his captivity emotionally and intellectually. Religion, memory of better days, friendship, books and music, and maintaining a sense of humour allowed him to cope. A comparison with the memoirs of fellow captives reveals these tactics to be universal. Studying Schuschnigg’s writing in the context of contemporary prison memoirs, Prison Elite provides unique insight into the life of a VIP prisoner.