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John Wiley & Sons Inc Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 155
The cutting edge of research in chemical physics Each volume of the Advances in Chemical Physics series discusses aspects of the state of diverse subjects in chemical physics and related fields, with chapters written by top researchers in the field. Reviews published in Advances in Chemical Physics are typically longer than those published in journals, providing the space needed for readers to fully grasp the topic, including fundamentals, latest discoveries, applications, and emerging avenues of research. Volume 155 explores: Modeling viral capsid assembly Charges at aqueous interfaces, including the development of computational approaches in direct contact with the experiment Theory and simulation advances in solute precipitate nucleation A computational viewpoint of water in the liquid state Construction of energy functions for lattice heteropolymer models, including efficient encodings for constraint satisfaction programming and quantum annealing Advances in Chemical Physics is ideal for introducing novices to topics in chemical physics and serves as the perfect supplement to any advanced graduate class devoted to its study. The series also provides the foundation needed for more experienced researchers to advance research studies.
Goose Lane Editions Miller Brittain: Quand les étoiles jetèrent leurs lances
Dans Miller Brittain : Quand les étoiles jetèrent leurs lances, Tom Smart démontre pour la première fois la cohésion de l'imagerie de Brittain et les liens entre le réalisme social de ses premières oeuvres ultérieures, des abstractions figuratives et des compositions d'inspiration surréaliste. Miller Brittain a fait irruption sur la scène artistique canadienne À la fin des années 1930, avec ses dessins et ses peintures du corps humain temples d'émotion et admirablement exécutés. Pendant ses études À l'Art Students League, À New York, il avait intériorisé un point tournant de l'art américain, alors que les modes réalistes traditionnels étaient remis en question par une nouvelle génération d'artistes radicaux selon qui l'art se devait de refléter la vie de l'artiste et les conditions de vie des sujets représentés. À une époque où les paysages du Groupe des Sept dominaient la peinture canadienne, Brittain défia l'establishment avec son sens infallible de la ligne et de la composition, et ses récits humains attrayants. Plus tard, alliant l'art figurative et l'art abstrait, il explora les limites du corps et les confines de la raison afin d'exprimer les profondeurs du désespoir et les sommets de l'extase. Au cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Brittain s'enrôla dans l'Aviation royale du Canada, fut décoré de la Croix du service distingué dans l'Aviation et devint un artiste de guerre canadien. Quand il partait en mission de bombardement, il emportait avec lui un exemplaire des Chants d'expérience, de William Blake. Dans Miller Brittain : Quand les étoiles jetèrent leurs lances, Smart fait voir comment le célèbre poéme " Le tigre ", de Blake, inspira le motif omniprésent dans les oeuvres de Brittain après la guerre, c'est-À-dire la cominaison de l'étoile et de la lance. Ce qui au départ représentait des faisceaux de projecteurs et des avions abattus devint au fil des années des représentationsiconiques de fleurs et de tiges, de têtes et de cous, de rayons de soleil et de fumée. Allen Bentley appuie les observations de Smart en montrant la profonde influence exercée par les théories de Blake sur l'oeuvre de Brittain dans l'après-guerre.
Headline Publishing Group The Forsyte Saga 3: To Let
Soames Forsyte has built a good life for himself with his second wife Annette. And he has a new focus and purpose; his beautiful, beloved daughter Fleur. But the sins of the father come flooding back to cast a shadow over his child's future. When Fleur, a vibrant and impetuous young woman, catches the eye of warm-hearted and idealistic Jon Forsyte at a chance meeting, it seems fate is determined to torture them all with the hurts of the past...
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Model Based Systems Engineering: Fundamentals and Methods
This book is a contribution to the definition of a model based system engineering (MBSE) approach, designed to meet the objectives laid out by the INCOSE. After pointing out the complexity that jeopardizes a lot of system developments, the book examines fundamental aspects of systems under consideration. It goes on to address methodological issues and proposes a methodic approach of MBSE that provides, unlike current practices, systematic and integrated model-based engineering processes. An annex describes relevant features of the VHDL-AMS language supporting the methodological issues described in the book.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd America and a Changed World: A Question of Leadership
Looking at a range of themes and regions, this book provides a challenging basis for rethinking America's international leadership. Chatham House experts assess current US policy and the country's ability to continue to play an international leading role. A timely exploration as President Barack Obama attempts to renew America’s global leadership. Broad range of contributors including Annette Bohr (Central Asia), Victor Bulmer-Thomas (Latin America), Alex Vines and Tom Cargill (Sub-Saharan Africa), Paul Cornish (Arms control), Paola Subacchi (Economics), Kerry Brown (China) and James Sherr (Russia).
Transcript Verlag Popularizing Dementia: Public Expressions and Representations of Forgetfulness
How are individual and social ideas of late-onset dementia shaped and negotiated in film, literature, the arts, and the media? And how can the symbolic forms provided by popular culture be adopted and transformed by those affected in order to express their own perspectives? This international and interdisciplinary volume summarizes central current research trends and opens new theoretical and empirical perspectives on dementia in popular culture. It includes contributions by internationally renowned scholars from the humanities, social and cultural gerontology, age(ing) studies, cultural studies, philosophy, and bioethics. Contributions by Lucy Burke, Marlene Goldman, Annette Leibing and others.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Monte Carlo Methods in Chemical Physics, Volume 105
In Monte Carlo Methods in Chemical Physics: An Introduction to the Monte Carlo Method for Particle Simulations J. Ilja Siepmann Random Number Generators for Parallel Applications Ashok Srinivasan, David M. Ceperley and Michael Mascagni Between Classical and Quantum Monte Carlo Methods: "Variational" QMC Dario Bressanini and Peter J. Reynolds Monte Carlo Eigenvalue Methods in Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics M. P. Nightingale and C.J. Umrigar Adaptive Path-Integral Monte Carlo Methods for Accurate Computation of Molecular Thermodynamic Properties Robert Q. Topper Monte Carlo Sampling for Classical Trajectory Simulations Gilles H. Peslherbe Haobin Wang and William L. Hase Monte Carlo Approaches to the Protein Folding Problem Jeffrey Skolnick and Andrzej Kolinski Entropy Sampling Monte Carlo for Polypeptides and Proteins Harold A. Scheraga and Minh-Hong Hao Macrostate Dissection of Thermodynamic Monte Carlo Integrals Bruce W. Church, Alex Ulitsky, and David Shalloway Simulated Annealing-Optimal Histogram Methods David M. Ferguson and David G. Garrett Monte Carlo Methods for Polymeric Systems Juan J. de Pablo and Fernando A. Escobedo Thermodynamic-Scaling Methods in Monte Carlo and Their Application to Phase Equilibria John Valleau Semigrand Canonical Monte Carlo Simulation: Integration Along Coexistence Lines David A. Kofke Monte Carlo Methods for Simulating Phase Equilibria of Complex Fluids J. Ilja Siepmann Reactive Canonical Monte Carlo J. Karl Johnson New Monte Carlo Algorithms for Classical Spin Systems G. T. Barkema and M.E.J. Newman
Peeters Publishers Stylistique Et Theologie a Edfou: Le Rituel De L'offrande De La Campagne: Etude De La Composition
Depuis le debut du siecle, les chercheurs se sont atteles de plus en plus nombreux a l'etude des temples d'epoque greco-romaine, dont les inscriptions ont ete progressivement rendues accessibles par des editions maniables. Cependant, si les travaux se sont peu a peu multiplies, les approches ont considerablement varie, accordant avec les annees un interet croissant au signifiant comme tel. Dans un premier temps, l'on s'est attache surtout a apprehender le contenu liturgique et theologique des textes. Contemporains l'un de l'autre, M. Alliot et H.W. Fairman ont chacun repere sur les parois d'Edfou des indices permettant de reconstituer le deroulement du culte journalier et des ceremonies de fete. Graduellement, certains se sont efforces de decrire les divers systemes theologiques, se servant pour cela essentiellement d'hymnes ou de recits mythologiques. Les speculations des pretres de Kom Ombo et d'Esna en particulier ont trouve de remarquables interpretes en Ad. Gutbub et S. Sauneron, et celles d'Edfou ont donne lieu ces dernieres annees a plusieurs ouvrages de synthese.
Peeters Publishers Les Empereurs Du Nil
Les dernieres annees il y a eu plusieurs expositions concernant l'Egypte romaine. Leur attention s'etait surtout fixee sur les objets funeraires, comme les masques funeraires, ou, au sens plus large, sur l'art. Le but de cette exposition est tout autre. Il s'agit de fournir une idee concernant la vie dans l'Egypte romaine, telle qu'elle est decrite par les papyrus et les ostraca, par les urbanisations et les temples. Comment vivent les Egyptiens ? Comment gagnent-ils leur vie et quelles taxes doivent-ils payer ? Comment s'habillent-ils et comment decorent-ils leur maison ? Quelle influence exercent les cultures grecque et romaine sur la culture traditionnelle egyptienne ? Comment predit-on l'avenir et quel role jouent les temples ? Telles sont les questions que nous avions en tete en realisant cette exposition et en ecrivant ce catalogue. Ce catalogue comprend deux parties. La premiere donne un apercu de l'histoire, l'administration, l'economie, la vie quotidienne et la religion de l'Egypte romaine. La seconde partie consiste en un catalogue, avec un commentaire extensif des objets exposes, oA' les memes themes sont traites dans un ordre quelque peu different. Chaque description est suivie d'une bibliographie, comprenant avant tout les references aux publications anterieures de l'objet, mais egalement une litterature de fond, qui nous sembla aussi utile.
Museum Tusculanum Press Ethnologia Europaea vol. 48:2
This special issue of Ethnologia Europaea focuses on tour guides as cultural mediators. It opens with a discussion of tour guiding in the anthropology of tourism by Jackie Feldman and Jonathan Skinner and consideration of how tour guiding should be seen as imaginative and performative practice. This is illustrated by a highly international and comparative collection by leading anthropologists and ethnologists, many of whom have guiding experience themselves: Valerio Simoni on intimacy, informality and sexuality in guiding relations in Cuba; David Picard on modern guiding and traditional values in La Réunion; Jackie Feldman on Jewish-Israelis guiding Christian pilgrims in the Holy Land; Amos Ron and Yotam Lurie on the intimacy and trust in guide -- tourist relations in Israel; Annelou Ypeij, Eva Krah and Floor van der Hout on the impact of gender on guide -- local relations in Peru; Irit Dekel on the manipulation of the past and the present in home museums in Germany; Jonathan Skinner on the imagination and props involved in the re-animation of heritage in a historical fantasy home in the UK. The issue ends with discussion commentaries from Noel Salazar and Erik Cohen that reiterate tour guiding as a particularly temporal and physical mediating pursuit, one which raises critical questions as to the future mechanics of tour guiding and how a performative approach to guiding engages with authenticity and new technologies.
OUP Oxford Oxford Reading Tree Level 5 Floppys Phonics Fiction Please Do Not Sneeze
Engaging decodable stories fully aligned to Letters and Sounds enable your pupils to practise their phonics skills with their favourite characters.Written by Roderick Hunt MBE and illustrated by Alex Brychta, award-winning creators of the Oxford Reading Tree. Six engaging stories at Level 5 provide focused practice of phonics at Letters and Sounds Phase 5. Books contain inside cover notes to support children in their reading. Help with childrens reading development is also available at There are 6 Floppy''s Phonics Fiction titles available at Level 5: The Gale: There is a big gale. The family make their tent safe.Please Do Not Sneeze: Anneena tells a story about a princess with a loud, funny sneeze.The Missing Crystal: Biff dreams that she and Wilma are in Egypt. Who has taken the missing crystal?Rowing Boats: Chip, Wilf, Craig and Floppy go out in rowing boats. Will they get soaked?Mr Scroop''s School: The children find out what life was really like in Victorian t
Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd Growing Graphene on Semiconductors
Graphene, the wonder material of the 21st century, is expected to play an important role in future nanoelectronic applications, but the only way to achieve this goal is to grow graphene directly on a semiconductor, integrating it in the chain for the production of electronic circuits and devices. This book summarizes the latest achievements in this field, with particular attention to the graphitization of SiC. Through high-temperature annealing in a controlled environment, it is possible to decompose the topmost SiC layers, obtaining quasi-ideal graphene by Si sublimation with record electronic mobilities, while selective growth on patterned structures makes possible the opening of a gap by quantum confinement.The book starts with a review chapter on the significance and challenges of graphene growth on semiconductors, followed by three chapters dedicated to an up-to-date analysis of the synthesis of graphene in ultrahigh vacuum, and concludes with two chapters discussing possible ways of tailoring the electronic band structure of epitaxial graphene by atomic intercalation and of creating a gap by the growth of templated graphene nanostructures.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Terra Formars, Vol. 5
In the late 26th century, overpopulation on Earth is reaching the breaking point, and humanity must find new frontiers. The terraforming of Mars has taken centuries but is now complete. The colonization of Mars by humanity is an epoch-making event, but an unintended side effect of the terraforming process unleashes a horror no one could ever have imagined… As the various teams try to make their way to Annex 1, Team 5, made up of Germans and South Americans, comes under ferocious attack by the Terraformars. The team leader, Adolf, struggles to survive against all odds. The American and Japanese members of Team 1 have their own battles to fight against an enemy that keeps coming, keeps adapting and won't stop until all the humans are dead!
University of Pennsylvania Press Electing the President, 2008: The Insiders' View
Just weeks after the November 2008 election, the Annenberg Public Policy Center's Kathleen Hall Jamieson and's Brooks Jackson gathered top strategists and consultants for postelection analysis. Nicolle Wallace, Ambassador Mark Wallace, Jon Carson, Steve Schmidt, Bill McInturff, and Chris Mottola from the McCain-Palin camp met with David Plouffe, David Axelrod, Joel Benenson, Jim Margolis, and Anita Dunn, their counterparts from the Obama-Biden camp to share their insights into one of the most unusual presidential elections in American history. Representatives of the Democratic and Republican National Committees and the major independent expenditure groups did the same. In the resulting book, Electing the President, 2008, the consultants who managed the 2008 presidential campaign retrace the decisions that shaped the historic presidential election. Like Electing the President, 2000 and Electing the President, 2004, this work permits readers to eavesdrop on the first cross-campaign discussion that occurred in the nation after Election Day. These political experts assess the importance of new factors ranging from campaign spending to the performance of the press corps, from the effect of the Internet on news cycles to the influence of Tina Fey. Democratic and Republican insiders explain the strategies behind the debates and advertising, reveal what their internal polls showed, and share what they did well and poorly in their efforts to elect the forty-fourth president of the United States. In addition to insider commentary, Electing the President, 2008 presents political communications and strategy researchers with an election timeline and polling data from the National Annenberg Election Survey. This book offers a ringside seat to what may prove to be the most pivotal political contest for a long time to come. An included DVD features selected video of the proceedings.
Hoover Institution Press,U.S. Communicating with the World of Islam
Western broadcasts had a remarkable impact in the USSR and Eastern Europe during the cold war reaching both mass audiences and key elites. The effectiveness of these broadcasts was clearly attested to by the massive resources the communist regimes spent in trying to counter them.Communicating with the World of Islam draws from the lessons learned in the cold war broadcasting experience to suggest the best ways of organizing U.S. efforts to communicate with Islamic people around the globe.Drawn from discussions at the seminar "Communicating with the Islamic World," sponsored by the Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunnylands, this report examines the impact of the Voice of America, Radio Liberty, the BBC, Radio Free Europe, and other broadcasting tools had and suggests how the United States can use these instruments today to counter extremism effectively, promote democracy, and improve understanding of the United States in the Islamic world.It details current broadcasting efforts into Islamic countries and the Muslim communities of Europe and explains each of the critical factors necessary to influence the world of Islam in a positive direction, such as stressing women's content programming, maintaining pressure on the rulers of Qatar over the content and programming of Al Jazeera, and keeping news content candid, tailored to local audiences, and unsparingly accurate.
The University of Chicago Press American School Reform: What Works, What Fails, and Why
Dissecting twenty years of educational politics in our nation's largest cities, American School Reform offers one of the clearest assessments of school reform as it has played out in our recent history. Joseph P. McDonald and his colleagues evaluate the half-billion-dollar Annenberg Challenge - launched in 1994 - alongside many other large-scale reform efforts that have taken place in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, and the San Francisco Bay Area. They look deeply at what school reform really is, how it works, how it fails, and what differences it can make nonetheless. McDonald and his colleagues lay out several interrelated ideas in what they call a theory of action space. Frequently education policy gets so ambitious that implementing it becomes a near impossibility. Action space, however, is what takes shape when talented educators, leaders, and reformers guide the social capital of civic leaders and the financial capital of governments, foundations, corporations, and other backers toward true results.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus / Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments: Symposium zur kritischen Rezeption der Arbeiten Gerd TheiÃens
Gerd TheiÃen hat Bahnbrechendes fÃ"r die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft geleistet. Zu seinem 65. Geburtstag wurde 2008 ein Symposium zu seinen Ehren veranstaltet, das die verschiedenen Zweige seines groÃen Ouevres kritisch reflektierte. Die vierzehn Autoren dieses Bandes beschäftigen sich mit TheiÃens Studien zum historischen Jesus, zur Soziologie der palästinischen Jesusbewegung und des Urchristentums, mit seiner Theorie der urchristlichen Religion, seiner Literaturgeschichte des frÃ"hen Christentums, seinen psychologisch-historischen Arbeiten und seinen Impulsen fÃ"r die praktische Theologie und Hermeneutik. Der Band veröffentlicht erstmalig auch TheiÃens Antritts- und Abschiedsvorlesung in Heidelberg.Mit Beiträgen von Eberhard Faust, Bengt Holmberg, Peter Lampe, Martin Leiner, Ulrich Luz, Annette Merz, Elisabeth Parmentier, Heikki Räisänen, Helmut Schwier, Wolfgang Stegemann, Gerd TheiÃen, David Trobisch, Petra von GemÃ"nden und Oda Wischmeyer.
Harvard University Press The Fiume Crisis: Life in the Wake of the Habsburg Empire
Recasting the birth of fascism, nationalism, and the fall of empire after World War I, Dominique Kirchner Reill recounts how the people of Fiume tried to recreate empire in the guise of the nation.The Fiume Crisis recasts what we know about the birth of fascism, the rise of nationalism, and the fall of empire after World War I by telling the story of the three-year period when the Adriatic city of Fiume (today Rijeka, in Croatia) generated an international crisis.In 1919 the multicultural former Habsburg city was occupied by the paramilitary forces of the flamboyant poet-soldier Gabriele D’Annunzio, who aimed to annex the territory to Italy and became an inspiration to Mussolini. Many local Italians supported the effort, nurturing a standard tale of nationalist fanaticism. However, Dominique Kirchner Reill shows that practical realities, not nationalist ideals, were in the driver’s seat. Support for annexation was largely a result of the daily frustrations of life in a “ghost state” set adrift by the fall of the empire. D’Annunzio’s ideology and proto-fascist charisma notwithstanding, what the people of Fiume wanted was prosperity, which they associated with the autonomy they had enjoyed under Habsburg sovereignty. In these twilight years between the world that was and the world that would be, many across the former empire sought to restore the familiar forms of governance that once supported them. To the extent that they turned to nation-states, it was not out of zeal for nationalist self-determination but in the hope that these states would restore the benefits of cosmopolitan empire.Against the too-smooth narrative of postwar nationalism, The Fiume Crisis demonstrates the endurance of the imperial imagination and carves out an essential place for history from below.
Duke University Press Experimenting with Ethnography: A Companion to Analysis
Experimenting with Ethnography collects twenty-one essays that open new paths for doing ethnographic analysis. The contributors—who come from a variety of intellectual and methodological traditions—enliven analysis by refusing to take it as an abstract, disembodied exercise. Rather, they frame it as a concrete mode of action and a creative practice. Encompassing topics ranging from language and the body to technology and modes of collaboration, the essays invite readers to focus on the imaginative work that needs to be performed prior to completing an argument. Whether exchanging objects, showing how to use drawn images as a way to analyze data, or working with smartphones, sound recordings, and social media as analytic devices, the contributors explore the deliberate processes for pursuing experimental thinking through ethnography. Practical and broad in theoretical scope, Experimenting with Ethnography is an indispensable companion for all ethnographers. Contributors. Patricia Alvarez Astacio, Andrea Ballestero, Ivan da Costa Marques, Steffen Dalsgaard, Endre Dányi, Marisol de la Cadena, Marianne de Laet, Carolina Domínguez Guzmán, Rachel Douglas-Jones, Clément Dréano, Joseph Dumit, Melanie Ford Lemus, Elaine Gan, Oliver Human, Alberto Corsín Jiménez, Graham M. Jones, Trine Mygind Korsby, Justine Laurent, James Maguire, George E. Marcus, Annemarie Mol, Sarah Pink, Els Roding, Markus Rudolfi, Ulrike Scholtes, Anthony Stavrianakis, Lucy Suchman, Katie Ulrich, Helen Verran, Else Vogel, Antonia Walford, Karen Waltorp, Laura Watts, Brit Ross Winthereik
Watkins Media Limited Ayurveda For Modern Life: A Practical Guide to Understanding & Nourishing Your Body
"Brings Ayurveda, and all of its healing power, into the 21st century" Ravinder Bhogal, writer, chef & TV presenter Health journalist and sceptic Eminé Rushton was converted to an Ayurvedic approach during pregnancy, when she discovered how eating and living according to the ancient Indian principles of Ayurveda rebalances the body for the better. Ayurveda teaches that we each have a dosha – a basic body type that defines our personality and physical wellbeing, from the foods we crave to those that spark intolerances and increase weight gain. This book decodes this 5,000-year-old science of wellbeing specifically for busy, modern lives. It shows just how simple and practical a body-balancing seasonal lifestyle can be, helping you beat stress, lose excess weight and feel energized and positive every day. Ayurveda for Modern Life guides your through the process of determining your dosha type, and teaches how to eat for your own dosha and make your body feel light, vital, energized and well again. It offers a simple 3-day nutrition plan, as well as 20 delicious, seasonal recipes that can be made using ordinary supermarket ingredients. This ultimate guide to living the Ayurveda way also includes expert advice from leading nutritional therapist Eve Kalinik, TCM practitioner Annee de Mamiel and the founder of The Organic Pharmacy, Margo Marrone.
Abrams The Joy of Movement
Fusalp, 70 years of creativity, marrying state-of-the-art technique with quintessentially French styleFusalp is the story of an iconic skiwear brand, but more than that, it is a story of passion and epic ambitions. The Joy of Movement looks back on the history of a brand that pioneered mountain apparel, inspired by the world of Alpine skiing and effortless French chic.Fusalp was founded in 1952 by two visionary tailors on the banks of Lake Annecy in Haute Savoie—70 years of creativity centered on technology, elegance and movement. The year 2014 was a watershed for the brand, with the introduction of a new line of clothing halfway between mountain apparel and urban chic—a new look for a different type of customer. On the slopes and on the streets, Fusalp is more than ever committed to furthering the art of movement, drawing on its 70-year legacy of expertise to meet the expectations of today’s consumers.Playwright Mohamed El Khatib invites you to think of this book as a snow globe—a magical snow globe that conjures up the human adventure at the heart of Fusalp. Discover the ambitious world of an iconic brand that has built on its past to secure its future, re-created here with never-before-seen archival material and firsthand accounts by the emblematic figures behind the brand.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Unionskartellrechtswidrige Gesellschaftsverträge: Untersuchung der vertraglichen und organisationsbezogenen Nichtigkeitsfolgen eines Verstoßes gegen Art. 101 Abs. 1 AEUV im europäischen und deutschen Gesellschaftsrecht
Kartellverbotswidrige Vereinbarungen - auch Gesellschaftsverträge - sind nichtig. Für das deutsche Recht scheint insoweit klar, dass die kartellrechtliche Nichtigkeit bei Kapitalgesellschaften teilweise durch gesellschaftsrechtliche Vorgaben überlagert wird. Für das Personengesellschaftsrecht wird demgegenüber leidenschaftlich um den richtigen Umgang mit der kartellrechtlichen Nichtigkeitsfolge gestritten. Ein Konsens ist hier nicht in Sicht. Weitgehend unbeachtet blieb demgegenüber lange die parallele Fragestellung im Unionsrecht, die häufig allenfalls als Annex der nationalen Diskussion wahrgenommen wurde. Julian Dompke stellt diese unionsrechtliche Betrachtung in den Vordergrund seiner Überlegungen und zeigt, dass hieraus nicht bloß eine Akzentverschiebung der für das nationale Recht geführten Diskussionen im Kapital- und im Personengesellschaftsrecht resultiert.
The University of Chicago Press A Stricken Field: A Novel
Martha Gellhorn was one of the first - and most widely read - female war correspondents of the twentieth century. She is best known for her fearless reporting in Europe before and during World War II and for her brief marriage to Ernest Hemingway, but she was also an acclaimed novelist. In 1938, before the Munich pact, Gellhorn visited Prague and witnessed its transformation from a proud democracy preparing to battle Hitler to a country occupied by the German army. Born out of this experience, "A Stricken Field" follows a journalist who returns to Prague after its annexation and finds her efforts to obtain help for the refugees and to convey the shocking state of the country both frustrating and futile. A convincing account of a people under the brutal oppression of the Gestapo, "A Stricken Field" is Gellhorn's most powerful work of fiction.
Cambridge University Press International Law Reports: Volume 188
Decisions of international courts and arbitrators, as well as judgments of national courts, are fundamental elements of modern public international law. The International Law Reports is the only publication in the world wholly devoted to the regular and systematic reporting in English of such decisions. It is therefore an absolutely essential work of reference. Volume 188 is devoted to the Question of the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf between Nicaragua and Colombia beyond 200 Nautical Miles From the Nicaraguan Coast (Nicaragua v. Colombia), The Arctic Sunrise, Khlaifia and Others v. Italy, Whelan v. Ireland, Crimea Annexation Case, European Stability Mechanism Case, Al-Juffali v. Estrada, Ukraine Law v Debenture Trust Corp Plc, Pham v Secretary of State for the Home Department, R (Campaign Against Arms Trade) v Secretary of State for International Trade, Jam and Others v. International Finance Corp., Republic of Sudan v. Harrison and Others
Shantarin This Sorrow that Lifts Me Up
Florbela Espanca (1894-1930) is one of Portugal's most celebrated poets. This bilingual anthology allows English-speaking readers to see why she deserves to be more widely known. Her poetry speaks passionately of longing, love and sexual liberation against the backdrop of the interwar années folles. After her untimely demise in 1930, Espanca quickly became the stuff of legend, thanks to the captivating combination of a tumultuous life-story and a string of signature sonnets that alternate between feelings of crushing failure and proclamations of lust for life. Edited by Cláudia Pazos-Alonso. Translation by Simon Park and illustrations by Margarida Fleming.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd America and a Changed World: A Question of Leadership
Looking at a range of themes and regions, this book provides a challenging basis for rethinking America's international leadership. Chatham House experts assess current US policy and the country's ability to continue to play an international leading role. A timely exploration as President Barack Obama attempts to renew America’s global leadership. Broad range of contributors including Annette Bohr (Central Asia), Victor Bulmer-Thomas (Latin America), Alex Vines and Tom Cargill (Sub-Saharan Africa), Paul Cornish (Arms control), Paola Subacchi (Economics), Kerry Brown (China) and James Sherr (Russia).
Big Finish Productions Ltd The Diary of River Song Series 7
River Song finds many amusements away from the Doctor. Not least of them is solving impossible mysteries, cracking insoluble crimes. Sometimes she’s Melody, sometimes she’s River, but she’ll always unravel the case. Episodes: 7.1 Colony of Strangers by James Goss. On the bleak Nordic colony of Bondar, bodies are washing up on the beach. The Mayor and the police are mystified. But then a prime suspect turns up. A suspect who might be their best hope of solving the case. 7.2 Abbey of Heretics by Lizbeth Myles. Outside the walls of a remote 12th Century Abbey, England is at war. Inside, a strange sickness runs rife, and there are rumours of a devil in the woods. Death stalks the novices. When Sister Melody arrives in search of a book, she may be their only salvation. 7.3 Barrister to the Stars by James Kettle. River stands accused of murder. Her one hope is being allowed to choose the legal system under which she’ll be tried. Enter Roger Hodgkiss: curmudgeonly barrister, plucked from a 20th Century English courtroom. He may be out of his depth, but he’ll always stand up for the underdog. 7.4 Carnival of Angels by Roy Gill. New York. 1930s. Melody Malone is new in town and her detective agency is called on to solve an impossible murder. River’s investigations lead her to a curious carnival ride, offering trips to either Heaven or Hell. But with Angels in waiting, Heaven may not be the best choice… CAST: Alex Kingston (River Song), Timothy Blore (Luke Sullieman), Charles Armstrong (Karl), Annette Badland (Judge/Computer), Aurora Burghart (Sister Patrick), Annabelle Dowler (Integer/Contingent), Daniel Easton (Dean Cray), Jaye Griffiths (Sister Ursula), Clive Hayward (Emperor of Eternal Abundance/Duke of Ferrox/Last of the Unnatural Children/Marty Stone), Paul Heath (Thomas/System), Janet Henfrey (Sister Magdalene), Glen McCready (Robosurgeon/Creature/Tors/Tab Kowalski), Wanda Opalinska (Gudrun/Espen), David Rintoul (Hodgkiss), Issy Van Randwyck (Miss Quirke), Robert Whitelock (Stark/Professor). Other parts played by members of the cast.
Facet Publishing Information at Work: Information management in the workplace
Foreword by Professor Annemaree Lloyd, Swedish School of Library and Information Science, University of BorasToday’s society is characterized by quick technological developments and constant changes to our information environments. One of the biggest changes has been on our workplace environments where technological developments have automated work processes that were previously done by manual labour whilst new professions and work tasks have emerged in response to new methods of creating, sharing and using information.Information at Work: Information management in the workplace provides a comprehensive account of information in the modern workplace. It includes a set of chapters examining and reviewing the major concepts within workplace information, from over-arching themes of information cultures and ecologies, to strategic concerns of information management and governance, and to detailed accounts of questions and current debates.This book will be useful reading for researchers in Information Science and Information Management and students on related courses. It is also suitable to be used as an introductory text for those working in allied fields such as Management and Business Studies.
De Gruyter Poland September 1939 – July 1941
Executive editor: Klaus-Peter Friedrich; English-language edition prepared by: Elizabeth Harvey, Russell Alt-Haaker, Johannes Gamm, Georg Felix Harsch, Dorothy Mas, and Caroline Pearce This volume, the first of three in the series focusing on the persecution and murder of the Jews in occupied Poland, documents the developments from the attack on Poland in September 1939 up to July 1941. It covers the territories of western and northern Poland annexed to the Reich as well as the General Government. With the attack on Poland, around two million Polish Jews came under German rule. Jews were immediately subjected to stigmatization and humiliation, exposed to arbitrary acts of violence, deprived of their livelihoods, subjected to forced labour and forcibly displaced. In July 1940, a report by representatives of Polish Jews on the situation in the annexed territories of Poland sent to the US embassy in Berlin described a ‘downcast, stigmatized Jewish population’, terrorized and powerless in face of displacement, expulsions and the increasing incarceration of the Jewish population in ghettos, and it predicted that ‘the process of destruction is not yet complete’. The volume documents the drive by the occupiers systematically to confiscate the property of the Polish Jews, and the different, often chaotic and conflicting strategies for displacing Jews in the annexed territories and in the General Government. The volume shows a range of reactions by the non-Jewish population of Poland to the escalating persecution of the Polish Jews. It also shows the efforts by Jewish organizations to publicize their plight abroad, to withstand the onslaught on their communities and to manage daily life in the increasingly desperate conditions of the ghettos. Learn more about the PMJ on
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Terra Formars, Vol. 9
In the late 26th century, overpopulation on Earth is reaching the breaking point, and humanity must find new frontiers. The terraforming of Mars has taken centuries but is now complete. The colonization of Mars by humanity is an epoch-making event, but an unintended side effect of the terraforming process unleashes a horror no one could ever have imagined… A giant swarm of Terraformars is bearing down on the escape vehicle where Bao from Division 4 is holding Akari and the others captive. Virtually defenseless, Bao contemplates a horrific course of action. Meanwhile, Marcos and his team head underground with a plan to hack into the Annex's communications array and attempt to contact Earth. But Bao's treachery and his unique ability may be the end of them all, if the Terraformars don't kill them first!
Peeters Publishers L'assiette des Fictions: Enquetes sur L'autoreflexivite Romanesque. Actes des Colloques de Lausanne (Mars 2007) et de Louvain (Juin 2007)
L'un des champs les plus feconds de la recherche sur le roman d'Ancien-Regime ces dernieres annees se deploie dans l'espace d'examen des diverses manifestations de l'autoreflexivite qui s'y presentent. Beaucoup de ces fictions, tout en construisant des univers artificiels entre experience du reel, investigation des possibles et produits de l'imagination, renvoient au lecteur une interrogation pluridimensionnelle sur les constituants, le statut, la motivation, les valeurs poetiques et heuristiques de la fiction elle-meme. Plusieurs travaux recents ont permis de mettre en lumiere les procedures de mise en scene du discours fictionnel : l'examen des apparats peritextuels, l'etude de la parodie, du recyclage et des reemplois de formes constituees, ont mis au jour le fonctionnement, en particulier rhetorique, du regime metafictionnel mis en 'uvre dans un si grand nombre de textes de cette epoque. Sans doute, l'horizon des etudes possibles dans cette direction est-il encore tres largement ouvert, mais c'est sur une autre dimension du meme phenomene que sont concentres les travaux reunis ici a la suite d'un double colloque organise en 2007 aux Universites de Lausanne et de Leuven, celle de l'autoreflexivite romanesque. La notion meme d'autoreflexivite peut preter a discussion; plusieurs des textes reunis dans ce livre rendent d'ailleurs compte des interrogations ou des malaises qu'elle peut susciter. L'autoreflexivite est comprise ici comme cette propriete des fictions qui les pousse a refleter, dans le cours meme des histoires qu'elles elaborent et racontent, les elements qui la constituent comme fiction, independamment des intrigues qui s'y developpent. Les questions que suscite l'autoreflexivite ainsi comprise relevent alors moins de la rhetorique et de la discursivite que de la representation. Aussi s'agit-il, dans les etudes reunies ici, d'examiner, dans le corps textuel des fictions, les unites de sens, plus ou moins elaborees, qui assurent le glissement du niveau narratif oA' se constitue et se developpe avec vigueur la matiere romanesque vers une plate-forme de lecture distanciee, independante du cours de la narration, oA' se dessine une representation de ce corps textuel en tant qu'ancrage de la fiction.
Plough Publishing House Plough Quarterly No. 8: Who Is My Neighbor
From Jordan to Germany, the influx of refugees is straining goodwill to the breaking point. This issue of Plough Quarterly focuses on the second half of Jesus’ Great Commandment: Love your neighbor as yourself. We found love of neighbor demonstrated by Christians and Muslims in ISIS-controlled Syria, and by volunteers who continue to welcome refugees despite growing public hostility. Here in election-year America, how do we as citizens live out love of neighbor in relation to immigrants? To the unborn threatened by abortion, and to their mothers? To prisoners, especially those held in solitary confinement for unconscionable terms and those on death row? To the victims of crime, and to the law enforcement officers charged with keeping the peace? To our youth, who are the ones most gravely harmed by our culture’s gender confusion? On all these fronts and many others, love of neighbor makes claims on us. But shouldn’t it start within the fellowship of believers, the church? When this happens, we can bear one another’s burdens – for example, those of the soldier returning from war, or the coworker battling an addiction. Perspectives from Navid Kermani, Neil Shigley, Denise Uwimana, Gerhard Lohfink, Michael Yandell, Teresa of Ávila, C.S. Lewis, John Stott, Matthew Loftus, Nathaniel Peters, Eberhard Arnold, Richard J. Foster, and Annemarie Wächter are sure to stimulate reflection and discussion. Then there’s new poetry by Laurie Klein, book reviews, a children’s story by Laura E. Richards, and world-class art by Dean Mitchell, Aristarkh Lentulov, Alex Vogel, Michael D. Fay, Paula Modersohn-Becker, Marc Chagall, Vasilij Ivanovic Surikov, and Sekino Jun’ichirō. Plough Quarterly features stories, ideas, and culture for people eager to put their faith into action. Each issue brings you in-depth articles, interviews, poetry, book reviews, and art to help you put Jesus’ message into practice and find common cause with others.
Peeters Publishers La Critique au Service de la Revolution
L'auteur, specialiste de l'analyse du discours et de l'histoire des idees, etudie la critique litteraire communiste dans l'Europe francophone au cours des annees 1920 et 1930. Il cherche a rendre raison du systeme qui divise les lettres en deux "camps", celui de la litterature bourgeoise, decadente et condamnee, et celui de la litterature revolutionnaire et de realisme socialiste. Il analyse la logique politico-litteraire de jugement porte sur les oeuvres qui paraissent par des critiques militants, au premier rang desquels Barbusse, Aragon et Nizan. Depassant la condamnation simpliste du stalinisme, il montre qu'un conflit indepassable oppose l'ecriture moderniste et la pensee militante et traverse les deux siecles de la modernite.
Peeters Publishers De Varsovie a Saragosse: Jean Potocki Et Son Oeuvre
Oublie et meconnu pendant longtemps, Jean Potocki (1761-1815) est regarde aujourd'hui comme l'un des ecrivains europeens les plus importants de son temps. Cet aristocrate polonais au genie multiforme a pense contribuer surtout au progres de la connaissance en matiere d'histoire generale et d'histoire des peuples, mais c'est par ses oeuvres litteraires qu'il s'est impose finalement a la posterite. Ses recits de voyage revelent une acuite du regard et une ouverture de l'esprit extraordinaires; dans son theatre, il met surtout en scene une conception de la litterature et de l'ecriture qui triomphera dans ce roman-somme qu'est le Manuscrit trouve a Saragosse. Les auteurs de ce livre presentent une synthese des travaux qu'ils ont consacres a Potocki depuis de nombreuses annees. Ils font d'abord le point des connaissances actuelles, encore lacunaires, sur la vie de cet auteur, en presentant une chronologie detaillee, enrichie par deux importantes collections de correspondances inedites. Dans une deuxieme partie, c'est l'ensemble de l'oeuvre qui est aborde dans sa genese et sous ses differents aspects. Enfin, neuf etudes particulieres permettent de mieux cerner l'extreme et fascinante complexite du Manuscrit trouve a Saragosse. Le tout est complete par une bibliographie exhaustive des travaux publies a ce jour sur Jean Potocki. Paraissant a l'heure oA' les etudes potockiennes connaissent un spectaculaire developpement dans le monde entier, ce livre reflete l'etat actuel du savoir sur cet auteur d'exception et dessine de larges perspectives d'interpretation de son oeuvre.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon International Law and the Post–Soviet Space II – Essays on Ukraine, Intervention, and Non–Proliferation
This volume deals with legal issues concerning Russias annexation of Crimea and intervention in the Donbas, so-called frozen conflicts and hybrid warfare, the use of courts and tribunals to address armed aggression, and the implications of recent events for the security guarantees connected to nuclear non-proliferation. Continuing from the first volume, which contains Parts One and Two on Chechnya and the Baltic States, this book is comprised of Part Three --Ukraine and other successor States: Territorial Integrity and its Challengers in the Post-Soviet Space; Part Four -- Intervention and International Law; Part Five -- Legal Proceedings and Unlawful Claims; and Part Six -- Non-Proliferation after Budapest.
New Directions Publishing Corporation The Shutters
The Shutters collects the two most important poetry collections—"The Shutters" and "Photograms"—by the legendary Moroccan writer Ahmed Bouanani. By intertwining myth and tradition with the familiar objects and smells of his lived present, Bouanani reconstructs vivid images of Morocco's past. He weaves together references to the Second World War, the Spanish and French protectorates, the Rif War, dead soldiers, prisoners, and poets screaming in their tombs with mouths full of dirt. His poetry, written in an imposed language with a "strange alphabet," bravely confronts the violence of his country's history—particularly during the period of les années de plomb, the years of lead—all of which bears the brutal imprint of colonization. As Bouanani writes, "These memories retrace the seasons of a country that was quickly forgetful of its past, indifferent to its present, constantly turning its back on the future."
Oxford University Press Oxford Reading Tree: Floppy's Phonics Decoding Practice: Oxford Level 5: Snakes and Cakes
Engaging fiction and non-fiction fully aligned to each stage of the Floppy's Phonics teaching programme, allowing children to consolidate their phonic knowledge through reading in context. These fully decodable stories are 100% matched to the phonic progression of the Floppy's Phonics teaching programme and provide a perfect fit with your phonics teaching - endorsed by phonics expert and trainer Debbie Hepplewhite. They consolidate taught GPCs at each stage of the programme, with one book covering two weeks of teaching, and can be used in class or as take-home readers. Support for parents and carers is provided on the inside cover notes. Levels 1+-2 consist of simple blending books and short texts. Levels 3-5 include 3 fiction (with one Biff, Chip and Kipper adventure) and 3 non-fiction per level. Biff, Chip and Kipper go to the school fair. Dad bakes a cake ... and meets Anneena's pet snake!
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Transforming the Administrative Matryoshka: The Reform of Autonomous Okrugs in the Russian Federation, 20032008
This volume delves into a key part of the comprehensive Russian administrative and territorial reform of the 2000s-the merger of six previously separate ethno-national regions into larger constituent entities of the Russian Federation. It deals with the accession of the Komi-Permyak, Taymyr Dolgano-Nenets, Evenk, Agin-Buryat, and Koryak Autonomous Okrugs to the Perm, Krasnoyarsk, Zabaykalsky, and Kamchatka Krais, and of the Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug to the Irkutsk Oblast. In both management practice and mass media, the largely similar unifications were treated as unrelated initiatives emerging from inside the regions. The center did initially not offer a common institutional model of integration. The regions had to come up with individual formulas dealing with the merged districts. After the reform had slowed down, it turned out that the annexed territories had only in name obtained special statuses which are not backed by administrative or financial resources. The book addresses specialists in the fields of Russian studies, comparative federalism, and ethnic politics. It makes an especially important reading because it describes and thoroughly analyzes the unique deautonomization case in an ethnic federation. Additional contributors to this volume are Maria Tislenko, Emma Bibina, and Rostislav Shilovsky (all MGIMO University).
Peeters Publishers Les Agendas Conciliaires de Mgr J. Willebrands, Secretaire du Secretariat pour L'Unite des Chretiens: Traduction Francaise et Commentaire
Durant le concile Vatican II, Mgr J. Willebrands, secretaire du Secretariat pour l'Unite, a note dans ses Agendas (pour les annees 1963, 1964 et 1965) les activites, les rencontres, et les faits du jour. En depit de leur style "telegraphique" ces notes presentent une multitude de details et de dates concernant des evenements cruciaux du concile sur la voie de l"cumenisme. Elles nous font decouvrir la riche personnalite du secretaire et ses multiples taches au service du Secretariat pour l'Unite. Traduites du neerlandais en francais, les indications de Willebrands sont accompagnees d'une annotation permettant de comprendre les evenements et de situer les personnes. L'edition est precedee d'une preface du Pere Thomas Stransky, membre du Secretariat depuis le depart, qui donne un temoignage emouvant sur la personne et l"uvre de son ami.
Editions Heimdal 1799: L'AnnéE La Plus Longue
L'année 1799 commence comme a fini 1798, dans le calme qui précède toutes les tempêtes. La France possède désormais six «républiques soeurs» (batave, cisalpine et ligure, helvétique, romaine et napolitaine) et s'apprête à affronter la Seconde Coalition - aidée, cette fois, de la Russie - en Égypte, en Italie en Helvétie. Bonaparte étant loin de l'Europe, ses adversaires envahissent et détruisent, au fil des combats et des batailles, tout ce qu'ont construit les Français depuis trois ans. Le dernier tiers de l'année voit peu à peu refluer les Austro-Russes et Bonaparte, au galop, s'emparer du pouvoir et installer un gouvernement fort. Cette si longue année 1799 se conclura sans qu'aucune solution militaire définitive ne soit apportée. Il faudra attendre 1800 et les victoires décisives de Hohenlinden et de Marengo pour voir poindre l'espoir de voir se taire la poudre.
Editions Heimdal L'Epuration Sauvage En Normandie: 1943-1946
Étalée sur trois années, de 1943 à 1946, l'épuration dite sauvage a fait une petite centaine de victimes en Normandie. Cette petite centaine est à confronter avec l'épuration légale réalisée entre 1944 et 1947 : 39 sont fusillés après avoir été condamnés à mort par une cour de justice. Dès 1943 certains résistants ne pouvaient attendre la restauration de la République et commençaient à éliminer des collaborateurs qu'ils jugeaient dangereux pour la Résistance. Décidée hors de tout cadre légal ou parfois après un simulacre de jugement, l'épuration extra-judiciaire s'exerçait rapidement et avec violence, prenant un aspect exutoire à l'exemple de la tonte des femmes. En Normandie, l'épuration dite sauvage fut relativement modérée, le souhait des nouveaux gouvernants français étant d'éviter à tout prix une guerre civile entre les Français.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Virtue Ethics
Virtue Ethics collects, for the first time, the main classical sources and the central contemporary expressions of virtue ethics approach to normative ethical theory. Edited and introduced by Stephen Darwall, these readings are essential for anyone interested in normative theory. Introduced by Stephen Darwall, this collection brings together classic and contemporary readings which define and advance the literature on virtue ethics. Includes six essays which respond to the classic sources. Includes a contemporary discussion on character and virtue by Gary Watson. Includes classic essays by Aristotle, Francis Hutcheson and David Hume, and recent reactions to this work by philosophers including Philippa Foot, John McDowell, Alasdair MacIntyre, Annette Baier, Rosalind Hursthouse, and Michael Slote.
Nobrow Ltd Eileen Gray: A House Under the Sun
Meet Eileen Gray, the architect behind the monumental E-1027 and pioneer of the Modern Movement in architecture. In 1924, work began in earnest on a small villa by the sea in the south of France. Nearly a century later, this structure has become a monument for modern design. However, like so many gifted female artists, Eileen Gray's story has been eclipsed by the men with whom she collaborated - this story puts the focus back on Gray and her mastery of design. Dzierzawska's exquisite visuals bring to life the tale of a young Irish designer whose dedication and desire to create came to flourish during the 'Annees Folles' of early 20th century Paris.
Peeters Publishers L'École de Gaza: espace littéraire et identité culturelle dans l'Antiquité tardive: Actes du Colloque international de Paris, Collège de France, 23-25 mai 2013
Organisé à Paris au Collège de France du 23 au 25 mai 2013, le colloque international «L''École de Gaza: espace littéraire et identité culturelle dans l'Antiquité tardive» pose un jalon supplémentaire dans le développement d'un sujet en plein essor. Les Actes qui en résultent donnent un état des lieux de la recherche la plus récente, consacrée spécifiquement aux problématiques textuelles, sur les auteurs de langue grecque, grammariens, rhéteurs et sophistes ayant écrit à Gaza dans le dernier quart du Ve et les quarante premières années du VIe siècle. Les contributions de 25 spécialistes sont ici organisées selon un parcours thématique pluridisciplinaire, les ÷uvres conservées - dont certaines viennent à peine d'être découvertes ou réattribuées - ressortant au premier chef de la rhétorique tout en intéressant aussi l'histoire, la science, la philosophie ou la poésie.
Klincksieck Le Tunumiisut, Dialecte Inuit du Groenland Oriental: Description et Analyse
Les Inuit d'Ammassalik (Groenland oriental), population isolee jusqu'en 1884, nous sont devenus familiers depuis les expeditions de Paul-Emile Victor et Robert Gessain. Le present ouvrage est cependant la premiere grammaire de leur dialecte, que les specialistes connaissent essentiellement par une etude de William Thalbitzer et le lexique de Pierre Robbe et Louis-Jacques Dorais. S'appuyant sur une analyse phonologique et morphologique minutieuse, l'auteur s'efforce de definir des classes de radicaux et d'affixes, selon les criteres morphosyntaxiques applicables a l'ensemble des dialectes "eskimo" et reexamine le role des actants dans les enonces "ergatifs" et "antipassifs". La grammaire est illustree par un long recit de chasse presente et commente en annexe. Un index des notions et un index des affixes en facilitent la consultation.
Edition Axel Menges Espace de l'Art Concret, Mouans-Sartoux: Opus 58
Text in French and English. Mouans-Sartoux, a small community near Cannes, has become a Mecca for concrete art. Since 1990 two collectors from Switzerland, Sybil Albers and the artist Gottfried Honegger, have been working to establish the Espace de l'Art Concret (EAC). Neither a museum nor a municipal gallery, this institution is located in the Château de Mouans and in two new buildings in its large park. The first of the two new buildings was a studio designed by Marc Barani from Nice for children who come here to paint and to develop their aesthetic senses. Barani began work in 1990 with the extension to the cemetery of Saint Pancrace in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin. The way he located the cemetery in the local landscape and his use of original vegetable and mineral materials immediately brought him to international notice. In 2000 Albers and Honegger decided to donate their collections to the French state, on the understanding that it would finance a building to house the nearly 500 works of art. A competition was launched and was won by the Zurich architects Annette Gigon and Mike Guyer. The building, which opened its doors in 2004, stands on a steeply sloping wooded terrain. As one enters the park, one sees its yellowish-green hues through the branches of the trees. The monochrome colour unifies the five levels of the building that give no clue as to what it contains. While the outside of the building looks artificial, independent, sculptural, its interior is set up in accordance with Honegger's special instructions. He wanted the building that was to house his collection to be distinct from the official and sterile museums that are often laid out on the gallery model, passageways for contemplation, internal streets with overhead lighting. Honegger prefers an interior that is like a private home rather than a public institution. The domestic framework of the rooms must reflect a principle dear to the heart of the donors: that the works are to be lived with. Honegger takes an overall view of our material environment and emphasises that for him the distinction between fine arts and applied arts has no meaning, because "an unapplied art would have no purpose and would be bound to be insignificant and disappear".
Edinburgh University Press Active Citizenship: What Could it Achieve and How?
In recent years there has been much political talk and academic debate on the subject of active citizenship, to which Bernard Crick's work has been central. His 'mission statement' (repeated here) is to induce 'no less than a change in political culture', to replace passive democracy, grounded on unsocial individualism and consumer values, with the republican ideal of 'active citizens, willing, able and equipped to have an influence on public life!'. Here a group of political actors and academics, who believe a radically more active citizenship is a worthy aim, are invited to spell out in their particular area of concern, the obstacles and how they might be overcome, either by institutional innovation or changes in culture, and what be the benefits for democracy in the UK. Bernard Crick's first and final essays set the tone, respectively, on Civic Republicanism Today and Political Identity. Other contributors consider active citizenship in relation to: Labour Government Policy (David Blunkett and Matthew Taylor); Scottish Devolution (George Reid); Public Services (David Donnison); Gender Equality (Rhona Fitzgerald); Schools (Pamela Munn); Multiculturalism (Dina Kiwan); Integrating Immigrants (Elizabeth Meehan); Lifelong Learning (John Annette); Europe and International Understanding (Derek Heater); Young People (Andrew Lockyer) and Scottish Independence (Kevin Francis).
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Recipes from the hearth: At home with South African icons
Recipes from the Hearth features the favourite recipes of 36 of South Africa's most-loved celebrities. With a recipe for peri peri prawns from Basetsana Kumalo, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu's 'Tutu chicken', this title is an ideal gift this Christmas. The cookbook was commissioned by Business Against Crime Western Cape to capture the public's heart by capturing their stomachs. The design of the cookbook is crisp and clear. Each icon is given three double-page spreads in which they outline their lives and their successes, and why they love the particular recipe they have chosen. Not only does the reader come away with a sense of homely values, but he or she gets closer to the icons that are featured in the cookbook. Recipes from the Hearth is a celebration of family values, and in some cases nostalgia. This cookbook was also commissioned as a means to raise funds for the non-profit organisation, Business Against Crime Western Cape. Their vision is of a "safe and secure South Africa", through co-operation between business, government and the citizens of South Africa. As Dr Annelie Rabie, CEO of Business Against Crime Western Cape, emphasises "the organisation is entirely dependant on donations and contributions for its success". Recipes from the Hearth is the perfect gift, released just in time for Christmas, to be given away to friends and family. Not only does it feature a number of South African icons and their favourite family recipes in a creative design, but its sales will also contribute to the national fight against crime. This one will capture many hearts and stomachs.