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Diaphanes AG File en douce, oublie–moi
Une clinique psychiatrique perchée en haut d’une montagne. Ce lieu futuriste tout en transparence dispose d’une entrée, mais il est impossible d’en sortir. Interdiction de surcroît de regarder à travers les parois de verre : les patients comme le personnel soignant y doivent se confronter à leur propre solitude. Ainsi, le docteur Franz von Stern, s’efforce tant bien que mal de rédiger le rapport sur sa propre personne exigé par la direction. Mais la conviction de cet homme, à la fois schizophrène et bionique – puisque affublé d‘un deuxième cortex et d‘un médiator greffé – que remuer son passé constitue la première des pathologies psychiques, sera bouleversée par l‘arrivée d’une patiente étrangère à ce microcosme aux usages bien rodés… Entre Orwell et Foucault, l’auteure dépeint une vision aussi jouissive que féroce d’un monde « new-age » fasciné par la technologie, où le culte du « bien-être » devient l’une des formes les plus raffinées et redoutables de contrôle social. Ce second roman d’Angelika Meier, jubilatoire et inventif, évite l’écueil du « roman à thèse » ainsi que tout académisme. La même année, encensé par la critique, ce « roman anti-psychiatrique par excellence » a été sélectionné pour le prestigieux Prix du livre allemand.
Goose Lane Editions Vers de nouveaux sommets: Lawren Harris et ses contemporains américains
Lawren S. Harris doit sa renommée à ses paysages emblématiques pénétrés d'un force tranquille résolument canadienne. Dans les années 1920, un monde intérieur audacieux et coloré commence à se manifester dans son œuvre, et en 1934, contre toute attente, il entreprend une carrière de peintre abstrait outre-frontière.Le milieu social, intellectuel et esthétique du transcendantalisme américain sert de modèle à un mouvement d'art abstrait en Amérique du Nord. Inspirés par les idées de Kandinsky et les écrits d'Emerson et Whitman, Harris et ses contemporains américains — Georgia O'Keeffe, Marsden Hartley, Katherine Dreier et Raymond Jonson — se tournent vers l'abstraction pour exprimer des états de conscience plus élevés.Aspirant à s'élever au-dessus des choses terrestres, Harris délaisse le paysage au profit du spirituel et de l'intériorité. Ce magnifique ouvrage reproduit plus de 75 peintures réalisées par Harris et ses contemporains. Les essais de Roald Nasgaard et Gwendolyn Owens analysent l'exploration de la modernité chez Lawren Harris et l'évolution de son œuvre vers une abstraction qui se nourrit du dynamisme de la culture visuelle ambiante.Vers de nouveaux sommets : Lawren Harris et ses contemporains américains accompagne une exposition organisée par la Collection McMichael d'art canadien qui prendra l'affiche en février 2017. L'exposition sera présentée également au Musée Glenbow, à Calgary, dans le cadre d'une tournée canadienne.
Pluto Press Hostile Homelands: The New Alliance Between India and Israel
'A valuable study, with rich insights' - Noam Chomsky Under Narendra Modi, India has changed dramatically. As the world attempts to grapple with its trajectory towards authoritarianism and a 'Hindu Rashtra' (Hindu State), little attention has been paid to the linkages between Modi's India and the governments from which it has drawn inspiration, as well as military and technical support. India once called Zionism racism, but, as Azad Essa argues, the state of Israel has increasingly become a cornerstone of India’s foreign policy. Looking to replicate the 'ethnic state' in the image of Israel in policy and practice, the annexation of Kashmir increasingly resembles Israel's settler-colonial project of the occupied West Bank. The ideological and political linkages between the two states are alarming; their brands of ethnonationalism deeply intertwined. Hostile Homelands puts India's relationship with Israel in its historical context, looking at the origins of Zionism and Hindutva; India’s changing position on Palestine; and the countries' growing military-industrial relationship from the 1990s. Lucid and persuasive, Essa demonstrates that the India-Israel alliance spells significant consequences for democracy, the rule of law and justice worldwide.
Hips Road/Tazadik Arcana X: Musicians on Music
The final installment of John Zorn's major series of new music theory, with Oren Ambarchi, Peter Blegvad, Annea Lockwood, Henry Threadgill and many more Initiated in 1997 and now in its tenth and final installment, John Zorn's acclaimed Arcana series is a major source of new music theory and practice in the 21st century. Illuminating directly via the personal vision and experience of the practitioners themselves, who experience music not from a cool, safe distance, but from the white-hot center of the creative crucible itself, Arcana elucidates through essays, manifestos, scores, interviews, notebooks and critical papers. Over 25 years the ten volumes of Arcana have presented the writings of over 300 of the most extraordinary musical thinkers of our time, who address composing, performing, improvising, touring, collaborating, living and thinking about music from diverse, refreshing and often surprising perspectives. Technical, philosophical, political, artistic and mystical in nature, these writings provide direct connections to the creative processes and hidden stratagems of musicians from the worlds of classical, rock, jazz, film soundtrack, improvised music and more. Contributors include: Susan Alcorn, Oren Ambarchi, Ran Blake, Peter Blegvad, Tyondai Braxton, Patricia Brennan, John Butcher, Ben Coniguliaro, Amir Elsaffar, Kenny Grohowski, Tom Guralnick, Mark Helias, David Hertzberg, Stefan Jackiw, Dan Kaufman, Derek Keller, Richard Kessler, Pauline Kim, Ulrich Krieger, Hannah Lash, Dan Lippel, Annea Lockwood, Dave Lombardo, Charlie Looker, Thomas Morgan, Stephen O’Malley, Laura Ortman, Alex Paxton, Alexandria Smith, Conrad Tao, Pat Thomas, Henry Threadgill, Anna Webber, Fay Victor, Christian Wolff and Miguel Zenon.
Little, Brown Book Group Dead in the Dark
Master crime writer Stephen Booth ventures into the Peak District's dark subterranean world for a brand new, stunning and gasp-inducing Cooper & Fry thriller.'A modern master'GuardianHow do you prove a murder without a body?Ten years ago, Reece Bower was accused of killing his wife, a crime he always denied. Extensive police searches near his home in Bakewell found no trace of Annette Bower's remains, and the case against him collapsed.But now memories of the original investigation have been resurrected for Detective Inspector Ben Cooper - because Reece Bower himself has disappeared, and his new wife wants answers. Cooper can't call on the Major Crime Unit and DS Diane Fry for help unless he can prove a murder took place - impossible without a body. As his search moves into the caves and abandoned mines in the isolated depths of Lathkilldale, the question is: who would want revenge for the death of Annette Bower?
De Gruyter Der Raub der kleinen Dinge: Belastetes Erbe aus Privatbesitz
Spektakuläre Restitutionen hochpreisiger Kunstwerke haben in der Öffentlichkeit den Eindruck erweckt, bei den in der NS-Zeit den jüdischen Bürger/-innen geraubten Gegenstände handele es sich nahezu ausschließlich um Kunstgegenstände und Objekte von hohem Wert. Das Gegenteil ist der Fall: Die meisten entzogenen Besitztümer waren Dinge des täglichen Lebens, Möbel, Wäsche oder banale Haushaltsgegenstände. Und sie landeten nicht nur in Behörden oder Museen, sondern auch in privaten Haushalten. Wie sollen Museen mit Gegenständen umgehen, die – angeblich – aus jüdischem Eigentum stammen und die ihnen nun oft von Nachkommen der Erwerberinnen und Erwerber angeboten werden? Stimmt die Familienüberlieferung? Kann man sie überprüfen? Und sollen Museen solche belasteten Gegenstände überhaupt annehmen?
DOM Publishers Chisinau: Architectural Guide
Chisinau, today the capital and largest city of the Republic of Moldova, has undergone tumultuous changes under the successive political regimes that marked the twentieth century. Once part of the territory seized by the Russian Empire, it was integrated into the Romanian Kingdom during the interwar period, before being annexed by the USSR, like all of Bessarabia, and radically transformed into a socialist city. This guide focuses on the latter period. The distinct urbanistic and architectural tendencies after the Second World War are reflected in the five segments of the book: the Stalinist Empire, Soviet Modernism, Postmodernism, Soviet Brutalism, and the Industrial City. Each reflects the essential Soviet mandate to build not only a new city, but also a new society. In addition to photographic documentation and critical analysis of socialist architecture, the guide also includes essays on Chisinau’s development between 1945 and 1989, devoted among other things to the city’s cinemas and life in ‘microraions’.
John Wiley & Sons Wendat Womens Arts
Breaking new ground in Indigenous art histories, Wendat Women’s Arts is the first book to bring together a full, richly illustrated history of the Wendat embroidery artform. De Stecher argues for the central role of Wendat women artists in the narrative of community events and ceremony to challenge the historical anonymity of Indigenous women.
Suhrkamp Verlag Die Judenbuche
Hamburger Lesehefte Die Judenbuche
Psychosozial Verlag GbR Zwischen Kategorisieren und Verstehen
Peeters Publishers La Peinture Ancienne Et Ses Procedes: Copies, Repliques, Pastiches
Ces Actes du Colloque XV pour l'etude du dessin sous-jacent et de la technologie dans la peinture (Bruges, 11-13 septembre 2003), reunissent trente-six etudes traitant d'oeuvres d'art flamand, espagnol, portugais, italien et francais. Ces etudes sont suivies, comme dans les Actes precedents, d'une bibliographie de l'infrarouge. Depuis de nombreuses annees on sait que la peinture ancienne est constituee - outre d'oeuvres dites "originales" - de copies, de repliques et de pastiches, produites dans des ateliers actifs qui faisaient appel a des collaborations. Les bases sur lesquelles on avait fonde jadis les catalogues des maitres sont ebranlees. De nombreuses attributions doivent etre revues. Les auteurs du present volume ont porte leur effort dans ce sens, examinant d'un oeil critique le statut des peintures et les indices qui permettent de reconnaitre l'original de la copie. Certains auteurs traitent de procedes de copies, de l'usage de cartons, modeles et papiers perfores, mais egalement de couleurs, d'encres, d'enduits, de technique picturale ...D'autres auteurs tentent de preciser le nombre de collaborateurs dans les ateliers. D'autres encore s'interessent a une methode d'examen, comme la radiographie, pour l'exploiter afin de distinguer au mieux la main du maitre de celle du copiste.
Peeters Publishers Louis Massignon et L'Iran
Louis Massignon (1883-1962), islamologue et arabisant francais qui marqua les etudes orientales et les relations islamo-chretiennes, avait plus d'un lien avec la culture persane. Forme aux methodes classiques, il connaissait evidemment le persan. Le mystique al-Hallaj (execute a Bagdad en 922), dont il fit son sujet central, etait d'origine iranienne et c'est en Perse qu'il faut chercher une partie des sources de sa biographie, de sa doctrine et de son martyre. Massignon s'etait rendu a plusieurs reprises en Iran, oA' il avait utilise toutes les ressources de sa grande liberte de parole pour briser certains blocages. Mais surtout il a laisse aupres de certains Iraniens des traces intellectuelles et spirituelles non negligeables. Ce livre reprend les communications d'un colloque organise a la Sorbonne nouvelle le 15 octobre 1994. Massignon avait ete le premier directeur de l'Institut d'etudes iraniennes dont le redecoupage universitaire des annees 1970 a lie le destin a cette universite. A ce titre, la reunion devait rappeler la place des etudes iraniennes a cote des etudes d'arabe et d'islamologie, l'importance de la culture persane dans l'histoire religieuse et spirituelle du monde musulman. Eve Pierunek est maitre de conferences, Yann Richard est professeur, a l'Institut d'etudes iraniennes de la Sorbonne nouvelle.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Women and Gender in Ancient Religions: Interdisciplinary Approaches
Following a scholarly conference given in honor of Adela Yarbro Collins, this collection of essays offers focused studies on the wide range of ways that women and gender contribute to the religious landscape of the ancient world. Experts in Greek and Roman religions, Early Christianity, Ancient Judaism, and Ancient Christianity engage in literary, social, historical, and cultural analysis of various ancient texts, inscriptions, social phenomena, and cultic activity. These studies continue the welcomed trend in scholarship that expands the social location of women in ancient Mediterranean religion to include the public sphere and consciousness. The result is an important and lively book that deepens the understanding of ancient religion as a whole. With contributions by:Patricia D. Ahearne-Kroll, Loveday Alexander, Mary Rose D'Angelo, Stephen J. Davis, Robert Doran, Radcliffe G. Edmonds III, Carin M. C. Green, Fritz Graf, Jan Willem van Henten, Paul A. Holloway, Annette B. Huizenga, Jeremy F. Hultin, Sarah Iles Johnston, James A. Kelhoffer, Judith L. Kovacs, Outi Lehtipuu, Matt Jackson-McCabe, Candida R. Moss, Christopher N. Mount, Susan E. Myers, Clare K. Rothschild, Turid Karlsen Seim
Duke University Press Aloha Betrayed: Native Hawaiian Resistance to American Colonialism
In 1897, as a white oligarchy made plans to allow the United States to annex Hawai'i, native Hawaiians organized a massive petition drive to protest. Ninety-five percent of the native population signed the petition, causing the annexation treaty to fail in the U.S. Senate. This event was unknown to many contemporary Hawaiians until Noenoe K. Silva rediscovered the petition in the process of researching this book. With few exceptions, histories of Hawai'i have been based exclusively on English-language sources. They have not taken into account the thousands of pages of newspapers, books, and letters written in the mother tongue of native Hawaiians. By rigorously analyzing many of these documents, Silva fills a crucial gap in the historical record. In so doing, she refutes the long-held idea that native Hawaiians passively accepted the erosion of their culture and loss of their nation, showing that they actively resisted political, economic, linguistic, and cultural domination. Drawing on Hawaiian-language texts, primarily newspapers produced in the nineteenth century and early twentieth, Silva demonstrates that print media was central to social communication, political organizing, and the perpetuation of Hawaiian language and culture. A powerful critique of colonial historiography, Aloha Betrayed provides a much-needed history of native Hawaiian resistance to American imperialism.
Ohio University Press The Food We Eat, the Stories We Tell: Contemporary Appalachian Tables
Blue Ridge tacos, kimchi with soup beans and cornbread, family stories hiding in cookbook marginalia, African American mountain gardens—this wide-ranging anthology considers all these and more. Diverse contributors show us that contemporary Appalachian tables and the stories they hold offer new ways into understanding past, present, and future American food practices. The poets, scholars, fiction writers, journalists, and food professionals in these pages show us that what we eat gives a beautifully full picture of Appalachia, where it’s been, and where it’s going. Contributors: Courtney Balestier, Jessie Blackburn, Karida L. Brown, Danille Elise Christensen, Annette Saunooke Clapsaddle, Michael Croley, Elizabeth S. D. Engelhardt, Robert Gipe, Suronda Gonzalez, Emily Hilliard, Rebecca Gayle Howell, Abigail Huggins, Erica Abrams Locklear, Ronni Lundy, George Ella Lyon, Jeff Mann, Daniel S. Margolies, William Schumann, Lora E. Smith, Emily Wallace, Crystal Wilkinson
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Integrated And Collaborative Product Development Environment: Technologies And Implementations
With the rapid advances in computing and Internet technologies, an integrated and collaborative environment, which is based on the complementary functions of concurrent engineering and Internet-based collaborative engineering, is imperative for companies to facilitate and expedite the product realization processes. Topics such as concurrent and collaborative engineering, feature-based design and manufacturing, evolutionary computational techniques such as Tabu Search, Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithms features, intelligent and computer-aided process planning are important strategies and enabling technologies for developing an integrative environment, facilitating modern product design and development. This book covers the state-of-the-art research and development status of these strategies and technologies. Implementation strategies and case studies are provided with an emphasis on technical details to help readers understand the underlying algorithms and infrastructures.
Harvard University Press The Letters of William Lloyd Garrison: Volume VI: To Rouse the Slumbering Land: 1868–1879
This is the sixth and final volume collecting the letters of an outstanding figure in American history. During the years when these letters were written, Garrison was secure, both financially and in his reputation as distinguished abolitionist. Although officially retired, he remained vigorously concerned with issues crucial to him--the relationship of the races, woman suffrage, temperance, national and international affairs, and, above all, his family.He writes about the Alabama Claims and the proposed annexation of Santo Domingo, aligning himself with the Radical Republicans. His letters support President Grant, despite the charges of corruption that surrounded him, but his public views on Rutherford B. Hayes change from cautious optimism to condemnation. He is saddened by the return to power in the South of the white ruling class, and to the end of his life he is deeply involved with the plight of minority groups in the country.The center of Garrison's life was his family, and his correspondence reveals the ways his days passed in association with those nearest to him. There is evidence of friction in the family, but his relationships are warm and loving. His private letters tell of the death of his wife in 1875 and his failing health. He died in 1879, an old reformer still fighting for the rights of humanity.
Head of Zeus The French Wife
Two girls in 19th-century rural France. Annette works below stairs. Hélène is a daughter of the house. As children on the mean streets of Paris, they went through more together than anyone must ever guess and they share a secret to be kept at all costs.Now Hélène is in love with a man she cannot marry. And must marry a man she cannot love. A man she is beginning to suspect is both cruel and dangerous...'Truly captivating' Woman & Home
McGill-Queen's University Press Kin Majorities: Identity and Citizenship in Crimea and Moldova
In Moldova, the number of dual citizens has risen exponentially in the last decades. Before annexation, many saw Russia as granting citizenship to—or passportizing—large numbers in Crimea. Both are regions with kin majorities: local majorities claimed as co-ethnic by external states offering citizenship, among other benefits. As functioning citizens of the states in which they reside, kin majorities do not need to acquire citizenship from an external state. Yet many do so in high numbers.Kin Majorities explores why these communities engage with dual citizenship and how this intersects, or not, with identity. Analyzing data collected from ordinary people in Crimea and Moldova in 2012 and 2013, just before Russia’s annexation of Crimea, Eleanor Knott provides a crucial window into Russian identification in a time of calm. Perhaps surprisingly, the discourse and practice of Russian citizenship was largely absent in Crimea before annexation. Comparing the situation in Crimea with the strong presence of Romanian citizenship in Moldova, Knott explores two rarely researched cases from the ground up, shedding light on why Romanian citizenship was more prevalent and popular in Moldova than Russian citizenship in Crimea, and to what extent identity helps explain the difference.Kin Majorities offers a fresh and nuanced perspective on how citizenship interacts with cross-border and local identities, with crucial implications for the politics of geography, nation, and kin-states, as well as broader understandings of post-Soviet politics.
Harvard University Press Judaism, Human Values, and the Jewish State
A biochemist by profession, a polymath by inclination and erudition, Yeshayahu Leibowitz has been, since the early 1940s, one of the most incisive and controversial critics of Israeli culture and politics. His direct involvement, compelling polemics, and trenchant criticism have established his steadfast significance for contemporary Israeli—and Jewish—intellectual life. These hard-hitting essays, his first to be published in English, cover the ground Leibowitz has marked out over time with moral rigor and political insight. He considers the essence and character of historical Judaism, the problems of contemporary Judaism and Jewishness, the relationship of Judaism to Christianity, the questions of statehood, religion, and politics in Israel, and the role of women. Together these essays constitute a comprehensive critique of Israeli society and politics and a probing diagnosis of the malaise that afflicts contemporary Jewish culture.Leibowitz’s understanding of Jewish philosophy is acute, and he brings it to bear on current issues. He argues that the Law, Halakhah, is essential to Judaism, and shows how, at present, separation of religion from state would serve the interest of halakhic observance and foster esteem for religion. Leibowitz calls the religious justification of national issues “idolatry” and finds this phenomenon at the root of many of the annexationist moves made by the state of Israel. Long one of the most outspoken critics of Israeli occupation in the conquered territories, he gives eloquent voice to his ongoing concern over the debilitating moral effects of its policies and practices on Israel itself. This translation will bring to an English-speaking audience a much-needed, lucid perspective on the present and future state of Jewish culture.
Victoria County History A History of the County of Wiltshire: XVIII: Cricklade and Environs
Authoritative account of Cricklade and neighbouring towns, in an area immediately west of Swindon. Cricklade, the Anglo-Saxon borough fortified by Alfred against the Danes, is the market town at the heart of this volume. As a notorious rotten borough, its corruption influenced the passing of the 1832 Parliamentary Reform Act. The town and the surrounding parishes described here are bordered by Gloucestershire to the north and Swindon to the East. They extend along the upper Thames valley and over the Wiltshire claylands to the limestone ridge in the south. The royal forest of Braydon covered much of the area in the middle ages and provided extensive grazing for livestock. Although disafforestation took place under Charles I, agricultural exploitation was limited by poor soils and parts were later returned to woodland or nature reserve. The settlements of traditional limestone buildings were remote until canal and rail transport increased trade in dairy products and the expansion of employment opportunities in Swindon resulted in their residential development, and an annexation of a small part of the area by the growing town.
Quart Publishers Spillmann Echsle: De aedibus 90
The Zurich architects Annette Spillmann and Harald Echsle became renowned in 2006 with their container tower for the FREITAG bag and fashion label in Zurich. It represents 'architecture without architects' while also being a nonchalant solution for a common architectural programme in the midst of an inhospitable residual zone. The 2013 'House of Switzerland' in Sochi (Russia) is intelligently derived from the same approach. Text in English and German.
Quercus Publishing They Were Found Wanting: The Transylvanian Trilogy, Volume II
"Perfect late night reading" JAN MORRIS "Banffy is a born storyteller" PATRICK LEIGH FERMOR "Totally absorbing" MARTHA KEARNEY "So evocative" SIMON JENKINSThe second volume of Miklos Banffy's panoramic trilogy of the dying years of the Habsburg empire. The tale of two Transylvanian cousins, their loves, their ambitions and their fortunes continues in They Were Found Wanting. Balint Abady is forced to part from the beautiful and unhappily married Adrienne Uzdy. Laszlo Gyeroffy is rapidly heading for self-destruction through drink and his own fecklessness. The politicians, quarrelling among themselves and stubbornly ignoring their countrymen's real needs, are still pursuing their vendetta with the Habsburg rule from Vienna. Meanwhile they fail to notice how the Great Powers - through such events as Austria's annexation of Bosnia-Herzagovina in 1908 - are moving ever closer to the conflagration of 1914-1918 that will destroy their world for ever. Banffy's portrait contrasts a life of privilege and corruption with the lives and problems of an expatriate Romanian peasant minority whom Balint tries to help. It is an unrivalled evocation of a rich and fascinating aristocratic world oblivious of its impending demise.#Part two of the trilogy that began with They Were Counted, and ends with They Were Divided.Translated from the Hungarian by Patrick Thursfield and Katalin Banffy-JelenWith a Foreword by Patrick Leigh-FermorWINNER OF THE WEIDENFELD TRANSLATION PRIZE
Princeton University Press The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, Volume 56: March 17-April 4, 1919
As this volume opens, the Supreme War Council holds a long session that results in an agreement on the military, naval, and aerial terms to be imposed on Germany. The harmony of this meeting is in stark contrast to the discord of the four heads of government recorded in the balance of the volume. In the weeks covered by these documents, controversy erupts over the disposition of the Rhineland and demands by France to annex the Saar Basin. The fight over reparations reaches a crescendo and is far from resolved as the volume ends. Wilson, Lloyd George, Clemenceau, and Orlando agree to meet secretly, away from the distractions of the Council of Ten, but they are at another impasse by early April. Meanwhile Wilson reconvenes the Commission on the League of Nations in order to obtain amendments to the Covenant necessary for Senate approval of a treaty that includes the Covenant. The statesmen in Paris struggle with a host of difficulties, including the takeover of the Hungarian government by the communist Bela Kun, and Wilson is faced with problems in achieving de facto recognition of the Soviet regime. In addition, he must deal with domestic controversy between the Industrial Board and the Director General of Railroads.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon International Law and the Post–Soviet Space I – Essays on Chechnya and the Baltic States
The region that once comprised the Soviet Union has been the scene of crises with serious implications for international law. Some of these, like the separatist conflict in Chechnya, date to the time of the dissolution of the USSR. Others, like Russias forcible annexation of Crimea and intervention in Ukraines Donbas, erupted years later. The seizure of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, which took place long before, would trouble Soviet-western relations for the Cold Wars duration and gained new relevance when the Baltic States re-emerged in the 1990s. The fate of Ukraine notwithstanding, the Budapest Memorandum of 1994 complicates future efforts at nuclear non-proliferation. Legal proceedings in connection with events in the post-Soviet space brought before the International Court of Justice and under investment treaties or the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea may be steps toward the resolution of recent crises -- or tests of the resiliency of modern international law.
Archaeopress Rougga I: Le forum et ses abords (fouilles 1971–1974)
Situé en Byzacène, à 12 km au sud-est de Thysdrus/El Jem, le municipe de Bararus/Henchir Rougga est connu pour ses grandes citernes d’époque romaine signalées depuis le XVIIIe s. et pour la découverte en 1972 d’un trésor de monnaies d’or byzantines publié en 1982 dans le volume III de la monographie générale du site. Ce volume I, rédigé pour l’essentiel au début des années 90, rend compte du résultat global des fouilles menées à l’emplacement du forum, de 1971 à 1974, par la mission tuniso-française sous la direction de Maurice Euzennat† et Hédi Slim†. L’ouvrage comprend trois parties : tout d’abord, une présentation générale du site par les deux chefs de mission et Pol Trousset ; ensuite, une description de la stratigraphie du forum et du mobilier qui en provient, par Roger Guéry† avec la collaboration de divers spécialistes ; enfin, une étude architecturale extrêmement précise des différents éléments qui composent le centre monumental de la cité : citernes, platea et portiques, xyste et temples, par Gilbert Hallier†. Ces travaux permettent de mieux appréhender la place du municipe de Bararus au centre d’une riche région agricole qui a laissé les traces de cadastration parmi les mieux conservées d’Afrique. Ils mettent en évidence sa longue durée d’occupation, du IIIe s. av. J.-C. (avec quelques traces antérieures remontant à la Préhistoire) jusqu’au XIe s., et l’originalité des partis architecturaux qui ont présidé à la construction de son centre monumental à l’époque flavienne, ses transformations au IIe s. et son abandon à l’époque byzantine.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Defending the Faith – The Russian Orthodox Church and the Demise of Religious Pluralism
Freedom of religious expression and assembly has never been under greater threat in post-Soviet Russia. The infamous Yarovaya Law of 2016 has made good on previous legislative endeavours to curtail the activities of undesirable religious entities. Behind the curtain, the influence of the Russian Orthodox Church looms large over state policy and the decline in religious liberties and pluralism. Lincoln E. Flake explains the churchs hostility to non-traditional groups as a consequence of historical-structural factors arising from its Soviet experience and immediate-strategic factors arising from its experience in the post-Soviet religious free market. It was not until the 2014 annexation of Crimea that church-state interests coincided to produce unprecedented collusion. The Church, which had previously only served symbolic purposes for domestic political advantage, was now required for more meaningful active measures in Russias all-of-government approach to advancing its national security strategy. Reciprocation produced the Yarovaya Law and further quid pro quos account for the relapse into religious intolerance. This study contextualizes the churchs present-day posture on religious pluralism by appealing both to historical experience and insights that Rational Choice Theory offers to the study of religious actors and religious behaviour.
Peeters Publishers Autour Du Regard: Melanges Gimaret
Plusieurs collegues et amis de Daniel Gimaret sont ici reunis pour lui offrir ce volume en guise d'hommage a sa personne et a son oeuvre a l'occasion de son depart a la retraite, apres 25 annees d'enseignement a la Section des Sciences Religieuses de l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes. Le theme - le regard, la vue-, propose par le dedicataire des melanges lui-meme, est aborde par chacun des contributeurs dans le cadre de sa specialite. Les contributions proposees concernent ainsi aussi bien l'exegese coranique, la theologie, le soufisme, les sciences legales que la philologie, l'historiographie ou l'onirocritique et cela tant dans le domaine sunnite que dans celui du shiisme. De la sorte, c'est une vision d'ensemble, bien sur partielle, autour du regard en islam qui est offerte au lecteur.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd German Culture, Politics, and Literature into the Twenty-First Century: Beyond Normalization
The first major study of the contemporary German debate over "normalization" and its impact across the range of cultural, political, economic, intellectual, and historical discourses. This volume features sixteen thought-provoking essays by renowned international experts on German society, culture, and politics that, together, provide a comprehensive study of Germany's postunification process of "normalization." Essays ranging across a variety of disciplines including politics, foreign policy, economics, literature, architecture, and film examine how since 1990 the often contested concept of normalization has become crucial to Germany'sself-understanding. Despite the apparent emergence of a "new" Germany, the essays demonstrate that normalization is still in question, and that perennial concerns -- notably the Nazi past and the legacy of the GDR -- remain central to political and cultural discourses and affect the country's efforts to deal with the new challenges of globalization and the instability and polarization it brings. This is the first major study in English or German of the impact of the normalization debate across the range of cultural, political, economic, intellectual, and historical discourses. Contributors: Stephen Brockmann, Jeremy Leaman, Sebastian Harnisch and Kerry Longhurst, Lothar Probst, Simon Ward, Anna Saunders, Annette Seidel Arpaci, Chris Homewood, Andrew Plowman, Helmut Schmitz, Karoline Von Oppen, William Collins Donahue, Kathrin Schödel, Stuart Taberner, Paul Cooke Stuart Taberner isProfessor of Contemporary German Literature, Culture, and Society and Paul Cooke is Senior Lecturer in German Studies, both at the University of Leeds.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Reforms of Civil Procedure in Germany and Norway
Norwegian civil procedure used to be heavily influenced by German and Austrian law. Even the new Civil Procedure Act of 2005 does not represent a full break with the German roots of Norwegian civil procedure. Further, although not a member of the European Union, the Norwegian participation in the European Economic Area leaves the approximation of the laws of civil procedure in the EU relevant also in the Norwegian context. Considering the common heritage and acknowledging the common challenges on the national and European level, the stage should be set for a fruitful comparison of German and Norwegian civil procedure.A major obstacle for genuine interaction of German and Norwegian law on civil procedure has always been the language barrier. Thus, a very first German translation of the 2005 Act has been prepared and annexed to this book together with an English translation. With contributions by:Christoph Althammer, Inge Lorange Backer, Halvard H. Fredriksen, Ulrich Haas, Wolfgang Hau, Burkhard Hess, Volker Lipp, Henry J. Mæland, Anna Nylund, Jørn Ø. Sunde
World Wisdom Books Outline of Sufism: The Essentials of Islamic Spirituality
This concise book seeks to make available to the public what may be called "the other side of Islam - not the violent aspect appearing in the nightly news headlines which focus on radical terrorists, but the long and rich tradition at the heart of Islamic spirituality known as Sufism. With great lucidity and clarity, Stoddart offers a succinct, yet comprehensive overview of Sufism's fundamental doctrines and spiritual practices, which are followed by many millions of Muslims throughout the world. Known for his capacity to give clear explanations of unfamiliar and complex material, Stoddart emphasises the importance of the role of art and beauty, highlights its intricate symbolism and explains the central role of the invocation of the Name of God in Sufi spiritual practice; an appendix includes central Koranic, Prophetic and traditional Sufi sayings. This new edition is based upon an earlier and much shorter book Stoddart wrote 35 years ago, which was highly acclaimed by leading experts in the field of Islamic Studies. Harvard professor Annemarie Schimmel remarked that it was "Useful ... adorned with many good illustrations ... (and) contains many important points clearly expressed."
Edinburgh University Press Research Methods for Cultural Studies
This new textbook addresses the neglect of practical research methods in cultural studies. It provides students with clearly written overviews of research methods in cultural studies, along with guidelines on how to put these methods into operation. It advocates a multi-method approach, with students drawing from a pool of techniques and approaches suitable for their own topics of investigation. The book covers the following main areas: * Drawing on experience, and studying how narratives make sense of experience. * Investigating production processes in the cultural industries, and the consumption and assimilation of cultural products by audiences and fans. * Taking both quantitative and qualitative approaches to the study of cultural life. * Analysing visual images and both spoken and written forms of discourse. * Exploring cultural memory and historical representation. The contributors, along with Michael Pickering, are Martin Barker, Aeron Davis, David Deacon, Emily Keightley, Steph Lawler, Anneke Meyer, Virginia Nightingale, and Sarah Pink. The book is designed for use by students on upper-level undergraduate and taught Masters-level courses as well as postgraduate research students and cultural studies researchers more generally. It will be of enormous value across all fields of study involved in cultural enquiry and analysis.
Humanoids, Inc Through Clouds of Smoke: Freud's Final Days
The ageing Sigmund Freud reflects upon the torments of age, the lung cancer he suffers due to his cigar addiction, and the rise of Nazism. In 1923, Sigmund Freud, 67 years old and an inveterate cigar smoker, discovers that he has mouth cancer, a truth long hidden from him by doctors. Despite his diagnosis, Freud survived 15 more years, convinced the cigars that were slowly destroying him increased his productivity and gave him control over himself. At the same time, a different sort of cancer was consuming Europe. In 1933, Adolf Hitler rose to power in Germany, annexing Freud's home country of Austria five years later. His books burning upon fascist pyres and his peers concerned for his life, Freud had no choice but to leave Vienna for London, his final home. With accuracy and sobriety, Suzanne Leclair and William Roy reveal a raw and nuanced portrait of the father of psychoanalysis in his last days. Here, the controversial figure is shown in all his contradictions and weakness, a reflection of our own fears and trials in facing age and death.
Blue Crow Media Modern Brussels Map Carte Bruxelles Moderne
The finest Modern architecture in Brussels, from the iconic houses of the 1920s and 30s through to the dynamic Style 58, Brutalism and beyond, is featured on this map, including an introduction by Jacinthe Gigou. La plus belle architecture moderne de Bruxelles est presentee sur cette carte, depuis ses premices des annees 19200-30 jusqu''au et Brutalisme en passant par le dynamique Style 58, avec une introduction de Jacinthe Gigou. Blue Crow Media has published a series of maps featuring architecture and more in cities across the world.
Guilford Publications A Geography of Russia and Its Neighbors, Second Edition
Authoritative yet accessible, the definitive undergraduate text on Russian geography and culture has now been thoroughly revised with current data and timely topics, such as the annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol and other background for understanding Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine. Thematic chapters provide up-to-date coverage of Russia's physical, political, cultural, and economic geography. Regional chapters focus on the country's major regions and the other 14 former Soviet republics. Written in a lucid, conversational style by a Russian-born international expert, the concise chapters interweave vivid descriptions of urban and rural landscapes, examinations of Soviet and post-Soviet life, deep knowledge of environmental and conservation issues, geopolitical insights, engaging anecdotes, and rigorous empirical data. Over 200 original maps, photographs, and other figures are also available as PowerPoint slides at the companion website, many in color. New to This Edition *Separate chapter on Ukraine and Crimea, covering events through 2019. *Timely topics--the political crisis in Ukraine and annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol; the return of Putin as president; climate change and environmental degradation; economic slowdown; political shifts in the republics; the role of Russian-backed forces in Syria, Libya, and Central African Republic; changes in Russia–United States relations; and more. *Thoroughly updated population, economic, and political data. *80 new or updated figures, tables, and maps. Pedagogical Features *End-of-chapter review questions, suggested assignments, and in-class exercises. *Within-chapter vignettes about Russian places, culture, and history. *End-of-chapter internet resources and suggestions for further reading. *Companion website with all figures and maps from the book, many in full color.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Terra Formars, Vol. 5
In the late 26th century, overpopulation on Earth is reaching the breaking point, and humanity must find new frontiers. The terraforming of Mars has taken centuries but is now complete. The colonization of Mars by humanity is an epoch-making event, but an unintended side effect of the terraforming process unleashes a horror no one could ever have imagined… As the various teams try to make their way to Annex 1, Team 5, made up of Germans and South Americans, comes under ferocious attack by the Terraformars. The team leader, Adolf, struggles to survive against all odds. The American and Japanese members of Team 1 have their own battles to fight against an enemy that keeps coming, keeps adapting and won't stop until all the humans are dead!
John Wiley & Sons Inc Modern Heuristic Search Methods
Including contributions from leading experts in the field, this book covers applications and developments of heuristic search methods for solving complex optimization problems. The book covers various local search strategies including genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, tabu search and hybrids thereof. These methods have proved extraordinarily successful by solving some of the most difficult, real-world problems. At the interface between Artificial Intelligence and Operational Research, research in this exciting area is progressing apace spurred on by the needs of industry and commerce. The introductory chapter provides a clear overview of the basic techniques and useful pointers to further reading and to current research. The second section of the book covers some of the most recent and exciting developments of the basic techniques, with suggestions not only for extending and improving these but also for hybridizing and incorporating automatic adaption. The third section contains a number of case studies, surveys and comparative studies which span a wide range of application areas ranging from the classic Steiner tree problem to more practical problems arising in telecommunications and data analysis. The coverage of the latest research and the illustrative case studies will ensure that the book is invaluable for researchers and professionals with an interest in heuristic search methods.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Law and Policy of the European Gas Market
It is rare to find an analysis as clear-sighted of the energy market regulation in Europe taking into account legal, regulatory and (geo-)political aspects. Congratulations to this contribution to the debate about regulating energy markets in the future.'- Herwig C. H. Hofmann, Professor of European and Transnational Public LawLaw and Policy of the European Gas Market examines the regulatory and competitive choices of institutions and bodies operating within the EU gas market, with a view to achieving a higher level of market integration. Offering an in-depth analysis of the design, structure and functioning of the EU gas market, the book considers the most recent European legal developments associated with this market and places them in their respective geopolitical context.This timely book contributes to the discussion surrounding the concurrent application of competition law and regulation on the EU gas market. It also provides a unique critique of the way in which competition law is used, mainly through the European Commission's so-called 'commitments practice', while looking at consumer protection and the effects of such practice on third-country transmission system operators.This book provides a unique reassessment of the role played by sector-specific regulation in achieving gas market integration and will therefore prove a valuable resource for gas market participants, policy makers and lawyers in the field. It will also be of great use to students, academics and researchers interested in the latest legislative reform of the EU gas market or 'the Third Energy Package'.Contents: 1. Introduction 2. The specifics of the EU gas market 3. Setting of relationships with natural gas producers 4. EU gas market structure 5. Defining and assessing the current EU gas market design 6. Integration of the EU gar market through administrative bodies 7. Conclusion Bibliography Annex I: Legislation applicable to the EU gas market Annex II: Case Law Index
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Renaissance Papers 2014
Annual volume of the best essays submitted to the Southeastern Renaissance Conference, this year with an emphasis on English drama, particularly Jonson and Marlowe. Renaissance Papers collects the best scholarly essays submitted each year to the Southeastern Renaissance Conference. The 2014 volume opens and closes with essays on historically based explorations of identity: the first onthe circle of Jane Scroop in Skelton's Philip Sparrow, and the last on dogs and horses as symbols of national identity in early modern England. The heart of this year's journal is English drama, especially Jonson and Marlowe: there are essays on Puritan logic in Jonson's Bartholomew Fair; grotesque sex in Jonson's Volpone; the role of anti-Catholicism in the creation of Marlowe's Dr. Faustus; and the relationship between puppetry and the Faust legend. Marlowe and Jonson also surface in two reconsiderations of their non-dramatic works; first an essay on Ovidian resonances in Marlowe's Hero and Leander, and second a reflection on Spenserian echoesin Jonson's Epode. The next essay shifts to the poetics of religious literature, arguing for clothing as an important metaphor for renewal in Herbert's The Temple, and the penultimate essay addresses imaginative resources in the Martin Marprelate pamphlets. Contributors: William Coulter, Philip Goldfarb, Chris Hill, Joanna Kucinski, Pamela Macfie, Sara Mayo, Barry Shelton, Emily Stockard, Lisa Ulevich, Emma Annette Wilson. The journal is edited by Jim Pearce of North Carolina Central University and Ward Risvold of the University of Georgia.
Harvard University Press The Letters of William Lloyd Garrison: Volume III: No Union with the Slaveholders: 1841–1849
As early as 1842 Garrison advanced the idea of disunion, arguing that the Constitution was "a covenant with death." Distressed by Calhoun's signing of the annexation treaty for Texas, he prophesied that civil war was inevitable. Though plagued by illness and death in his immediate family throughout the years covered in this volume, Garrison drove himself to win supporters for the radical abolitionist cause. In 1846 he traveled to Great Britain, denouncing the Free Church of Scotland for accepting funds from South Carolina. While in England he lectured often with Frederick Douglass; the two embarked the following year on a grueling lecture tour of the western United States, heretofore the exclusive domain of moderate abolitionists. In 1848, despite the objections of close friends, Garrison held the controversial Anti-Sabbath Convention in Boston. Throughout these years he continued to write extensively for the Liberator and involved himself in a variety of liberal causes; in 1849 he publicized and circulated in Massachusetts the earliest petition for women's suffrage.
The University of Chicago Press A Stricken Field: A Novel
Martha Gellhorn was one of the first - and most widely read - female war correspondents of the twentieth century. She is best known for her fearless reporting in Europe before and during World War II and for her brief marriage to Ernest Hemingway, but she was also an acclaimed novelist. In 1938, before the Munich pact, Gellhorn visited Prague and witnessed its transformation from a proud democracy preparing to battle Hitler to a country occupied by the German army. Born out of this experience, "A Stricken Field" follows a journalist who returns to Prague after its annexation and finds her efforts to obtain help for the refugees and to convey the shocking state of the country both frustrating and futile. A convincing account of a people under the brutal oppression of the Gestapo, "A Stricken Field" is Gellhorn's most powerful work of fiction.
Cambridge University Press International Law Reports: Volume 188
Decisions of international courts and arbitrators, as well as judgments of national courts, are fundamental elements of modern public international law. The International Law Reports is the only publication in the world wholly devoted to the regular and systematic reporting in English of such decisions. It is therefore an absolutely essential work of reference. Volume 188 is devoted to the Question of the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf between Nicaragua and Colombia beyond 200 Nautical Miles From the Nicaraguan Coast (Nicaragua v. Colombia), The Arctic Sunrise, Khlaifia and Others v. Italy, Whelan v. Ireland, Crimea Annexation Case, European Stability Mechanism Case, Al-Juffali v. Estrada, Ukraine Law v Debenture Trust Corp Plc, Pham v Secretary of State for the Home Department, R (Campaign Against Arms Trade) v Secretary of State for International Trade, Jam and Others v. International Finance Corp., Republic of Sudan v. Harrison and Others
Peeters Publishers Carthago: Acta Colloquii Bruxellensis 1986
These are the proceedings of a conference held in Brussels in 1986 to commemorate the 2400 years of Carthage, founded in 814/3 B.C. according to the tradition reported by Timaeus. The eighteen papers, reproduced with illustrations, ample footnotes, and annexes, deal therefore with Carthage and its spiritual heritage, from the time of its foundation to the Roman period, attention being also paid to ancient sources in Arabic. Archaeology, epigraphy, religious history, topography, art history are all taken into account. Besides, the volume contains the indices to Studia Phoenicia I-VI.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Der Einzelne in der offenen Staatlichkeit: Grundgesetzlicher Grundrechtsschutz in der zwischenstaatlichen Kooperation
Zur Bewältigung der Herausforderungen von Globalisierung und Internationalisierung bedarf es zunehmend bi- und multilateraler Kooperationen. Zwischenstaatliche Kooperationen bergen allerdings auch beachtliches Gefährdungspotential für die davon betroffenen Individuen. Dieses Gefährdungspotential sowie die rechtlichen Wechselbeziehungen von grundgesetzlichem Grundrechtsschutz, der Verfassungsentscheidung für die offene Staatlichkeit und völker- bzw. unionsrechtlichen Vorgaben stellen die Grundrechtsdogmatik vor komplexe Herausforderungen. Sich diesen Herausforderungen annehmend erarbeitet Daniel Wolff eine allgemeine Grundrechtsdogmatik für Fallgestaltungen internationaler Zusammenarbeit und skizziert auf diese Weise grundgesetzliche Grenzen der zwischenstaatlichen Kooperation.
Peeters Publishers Orfèvres de l'ancien régime au poinçon de Namur
L'étude des orfèvres de Namur de l'ancien régime est faite de la même façon que celle des orfèvres de Bruxelles, parue en 2019 (W. van Dievoet, Orfèvres de l'ancien régime au poinçon de Bruxelles). Elle comprend trois parties: 1) La première partie concerne la réglementation de l'orfèvrerie visant à garantir le titre du métal précieux, à contrôler par le doyen et les jurés du métier. 2) La seconde partie décrit les poinçons utilisés par le métier sur l'argenterie pour confirmer que la pièce a été essayée et qu'elle est conforme à la réglementation. À Namur l'année de l'essai ne figure sur les pièces qu'à partir de 1682. Elle est indiquée jusqu'en 1750 par période de quelques années et à partir de 1750 année par année. Des photos des poinçons de garantie figurent dans le livre. Le tableau de ces poinçons est presque complet à partir de 1682. Il n'en manque que trois. 3) La troisième partie comprend le registre des orfèvres connus avec, dans la mesure du possible: a) les éléments biographiques, tels que la naissance, le mariage et le décès, b) la carrière de l'orfèvre avec la date d'inscription comme apprenti, comme maître, ainsi que les fonctions éventuelles exercées dans le métier, c) quand il est connu, une photo du poinçon personnel de l'orfèvre. Des index chronologiques et alphabétiques des noms et des poinçons des orfèvres complètent l'ouvrage. Il s'agit donc d'un précieux livre de référence pour les musées et les collectionneurs d'argenterie ancienne de Namur. De studie van de edelsmeden van Namen van het ancien régime is op dezelfde wijze gedaan als deze betreffende de edelsmeden van Brussel (W. van Dievoet, Edelsmeden van het ancien régime met merken van Brussel), gepubliceerd in 2019. Ze omvat drie delen: 1) Het eerste deel betreft de reglementering van het edelsmeedwerk met het doel het gehalte van het edelmetaal te waarborgen en het te doen verifiëren door de deken en de gezworenen van het ambacht. 2) Het tweede deel beschrijft de stempels die door het ambacht op het zilverwerk aangebracht werden om te bevestigen dat het stuk gekeurd werd en dat het conform was met het reglement. Te Namen komt het jaar van de keuring slechts voor op de stukken van na 1682 per periode van enkele jaren, en vanaf 1750 jaar per jaar tot 1793. Foto's van die keurmerken staan in het boek. De tabel is bijna volledig, op drie na. 3) Het derde deel omvat het register van bekende zilversmeden met in de mate van het mogelijke: a) de biografische gegevens, zoals het jaar van geboorte, huwelijk, en overlijden, b) de loopbaan van de zilversmid, met het jaar van zijn inschrijving als leerknaap, als meester-zilversmid, evenals zijn eventuele functies in het ambacht, c) de foto van zijn persoonlijk merk. Chronologische en alfabetische indexen van de namen en merken van de edelsmeden vervolledigen het boek. Het boek is dus een waardevol naslagwerk voor musea en verzamelaars van antiek zilverwerk van Namen.
Ohio University Press The Food We Eat, the Stories We Tell: Contemporary Appalachian Tables
Blue Ridge tacos, kimchi with soup beans and cornbread, family stories hiding in cookbook marginalia, African American mountain gardens—this wide-ranging anthology considers all these and more. Diverse contributors show us that contemporary Appalachian tables and the stories they hold offer new ways into understanding past, present, and future American food practices. The poets, scholars, fiction writers, journalists, and food professionals in these pages show us that what we eat gives a beautifully full picture of Appalachia, where it’s been, and where it’s going. Contributors: Courtney Balestier, Jessie Blackburn, Karida L. Brown, Danille Elise Christensen, Annette Saunooke Clapsaddle, Michael Croley, Elizabeth S. D. Engelhardt, Robert Gipe, Suronda Gonzalez, Emily Hilliard, Rebecca Gayle Howell, Abigail Huggins, Erica Abrams Locklear, Ronni Lundy, George Ella Lyon, Jeff Mann, Daniel S. Margolies, William Schumann, Lora E. Smith, Emily Wallace, Crystal Wilkinson
Peeters Publishers Beroul, Tristran et Iseut. Poeme Du XIIe Siecle. Tome II: Notes et Commentaires
Cette oeuvre est assurement un des temoins les plus importants de la celebre legende. La transcription et la traduction du texte ont fait l'objet, en 1999, d'une deuxieme edition revue (Ktemata 10*). Les eclaircissements et commentaires avaient ete publies une premiere fois en 1989. Les vingt dernieres annees ont produit une nouvelle floraison d'etudes, tant philologiques que litteraires: beaucoup de ces nouveaux eclairages, lectures critiques et interpretations sont venus enrichir le present volume.