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Peeters Publishers Encyclopédie des Pygmées Aka III. Lexique alphabétique français-aka
Les 16 volumes de l’Encyclopédie des Pygmées Aka, édités par Jacqueline M.C. Thomas, Serge Bahuchet, Alain Epelboin et Susanne Fürniss, s'inscrivent dans une suite de travaux consacrés aux populations forestières d'Afrique Centrale et, parmi elles, plus particulièrement aux Pygmées Aka. Il s’agit d'une étude interdisciplinaire centrée sur l'approche linguistique des différents aspects de la réalité sociale. Dans cette perspective, la langue se situe à la fois comme un aspect de cette réalité sociale et comme le thesaurus et le véhicule de celle-ci. L'ouvrage résulte de la coopération d'un groupe de travail actif depuis les années 1970. Il rassemble les connaissances acquises sur cette population pygmée et sur son milieu naturel et humain par des chercheurs de différentes disciplines: linguistique, ethnologie, ethnolinguistique, ethnosciences (ethnobotanique, ethnozoologie, ethnomédecine et ethnopharmacologie), écologie, ethnomusicologie. Ce dernier volume, le lexique alphabétique français-aka, de 669 pages est à la fois l’aboutissement et le point d’entrée dans l’Encyclopédie. – Aboutissement car après les 4 premiers volumes d’introduction puis les 11 volumes du dictionnaire ethnographique aka-français, publiés depuis 1981, dans l’ordre phonologique de la langue, le lexique est le dernier volume qui vient clore, après 37 ans, cette entreprise monumentale de près de 5000 pages et 7456 entrées. – Point d’entrée parce que cette encyclopédie regroupe une grande partie des connaissances que les Aka ont de leur monde, de leur milieu naturel, de leurs techniques, de leur société et parce que toute cette somme d’informations, réellement interdisciplinaire, n’est vraiment interrogeable qu’à partir du lexique français-aka qui renvoie à chaque terme aka du dictionnaire (volume et page), avec toutes ses significations et implications. L’ouvrage comporte une introduction de Serge Bahuchet avec des contributions de Susanne Fürniss et Marie-Françoise Rombi, ainsi qu’une bibliographie, revue et complétée.
Peeters Publishers Presence Et Absence Juive En Allemagne: Schmalkalden 1812-2000
Comportant un volet purement historiographique et un volet plus anthropologique avec des enquetes de terrain, cette recherche se veut une plongee dans la vie d'une communaute allemande de province, de son emancipation legale a sa destruction sous le nazisme, que l'analyse des logiques qui president a sa mise en recit autour des annees 2000. La communaute rurale de Schmalkalden, tiraillee entre Hesse et Thuringe, connait en effet des peripeties qui se situent fort loin du conflit entre la reforme et l'orthodoxie, qu'il s'agisse de ses relations houleuses avec les employes communautaires ou de celles, ambigues, avec le rabbin de la province. Elle prie selon "l'ancien rite"; certaines coutumes, comme l'usage du bain rituel, y tombent en desherence; il s'y manifeste des phenomenes nouveaux, comme la philanthropie. Elle sera l'une des dernieres communautes du pays a renover sa synagogue avant 1933. Situee sur le territoire de ce qui allait devenir l'Allemagne de l'est, non loin du camp de Buchenwald, les evenements qui se sont deroules a Schmalkalden entre 1933 et 1945 y font l'objet d'un traitement particulier des la fin du regime nazi. L'examen des documents datant de l'apres-guerre permettent par ailleurs de mettre en evidence qu'une politique d'occultation du genocide ne s'est formee que progressivement et differentiellement dans les deux Allemagne. A partir d'une micro-histoire, il s'agit donc de rendre compte de la specificite du judaisme rural, mais aussi d'envisager une petite communaute dans son contexte provincial et national en tant que paradigme sans cesse confronte avec l'histoire des juifs d'Allemagne, de mettre au jour les modalites de la construction de l'objet de recherche "juifs allemands", et surtout les enjeux differentiels des "commanditaires" et les structures narratives mises en oeuvre pour elaborer leur experience collective.
WW Norton & Co New England Bound: Slavery and Colonization in Early America
Finalist for the Pulitzer Prize Widely hailed as a “powerfully written” history about America’s beginnings (Annette Gordon-Reed), New England Bound fundamentally changes the story of America’s seventeenth-century origins. Building on the works of giants like Bernard Bailyn and Edmund S. Morgan, Wendy Warren has not only “mastered that scholarship” but has now rendered it in “an original way, and deepened the story” (New York Times Book Review). While earlier histories of slavery largely confine themselves to the South, Warren’s “panoptical exploration” (Christian Science Monitor) links the growth of the northern colonies to the slave trade and examines the complicity of New England’s leading families, demonstrating how the region’s economy derived its vitality from the slave trading ships coursing through its ports. And even while New England Bound explains the way in which the Atlantic slave trade drove the colonization of New England, it also brings to light, in many cases for the first time ever, the lives of the thousands of reluctant Indian and African slaves who found themselves forced into the project of building that city on a hill. We encounter enslaved Africans working side jobs as con artists, enslaved Indians who protested their banishment to sugar islands, enslaved Africans who set fire to their owners’ homes and goods, and enslaved Africans who saved their owners’ lives. In Warren’s meticulous, compelling, and hard-won recovery of such forgotten lives, the true variety of chattel slavery in the Americas comes to light, and New England Bound becomes the new standard for understanding colonial America.
University of Pennsylvania Press The World Colonization Made: The Racial Geography of Early American Empire
According to accepted historical wisdom, the goal of the African Colonization Society (ACS), founded in 1816 to return freed slaves to Africa, was borne of desperation and illustrated just how intractable the problems of race and slavery had become in the nineteenth-century United States. But for Brandon Mills, the ACS was part of a much wider pattern of national and international expansion. Similar efforts on the part of the young nation to create, in Thomas Jefferson's words, an "empire of liberty," spanned Native removal, the annexation of Texas and California, filibustering campaigns in Latin America, and American missionary efforts in Hawaii, as well as the founding of Liberia in 1821. Mills contends that these diverse currents of U.S. expansionism were ideologically linked and together comprised a capacious colonization movement that both reflected and shaped a wide range of debates over race, settlement, citizenship, and empire in the early republic. The World Colonization Made chronicles the rise and fall of the colonization movement as a political force within the United States—from its roots in the crises of the Revolutionary era, to its peak with the creation of the ACS, to its ultimate decline with emancipation and the Civil War. The book interrogates broader issues of U.S. expansion, including the progression of federal Indian policy, the foundations and effects of the Monroe Doctrine and Manifest Destiny, and the growth of U.S. commercial and military power throughout the Western hemisphere. By contextualizing the colonization movement in this way, Mills shows how it enabled Americans to envision a world of self-governing republics that harmonized with racial politics at home.
Princeton University Press The Limits of Partnership: U.S.-Russian Relations in the Twenty-First Century - Updated Edition
The Limits of Partnership is a riveting narrative about U.S.-Russian relations from the Soviet collapse through the Ukraine crisis and the difficult challenges ahead. It reflects the unique perspective of an insider who is also recognized as a leading expert on this troubled relationship. American presidents have repeatedly attempted to forge a strong and productive partnership only to be held hostage to the deep mistrust born of the Cold War. For the United States, Russia remains a priority because of its nuclear weapons arsenal, its strategic location bordering Europe and Asia, and its ability to support--or thwart--American interests. Why has it been so difficult to move the relationship forward? What are the prospects for doing so in the future? Is the effort doomed to fail again and again? What are the risks of a new Cold War? Angela Stent served as an adviser on Russia under Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, and maintains dialogues with key policymakers in both countries. Here, she argues that the same contentious issues--terrorism, missile defense, Iran, nuclear proliferation, Afghanistan, the former Soviet space, the greater Middle East--have been in every president's inbox, Democrat and Republican alike, since the collapse of the USSR. Stent vividly describes how Clinton and Bush sought inroads with Russia and staked much on their personal ties to Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin--only to leave office with relations at a low point--and how Barack Obama managed to restore ties only to see them undermined by a Putin regime resentful of American dominance and determined to restore Russia's great power status. The Limits of Partnership calls for a fundamental reassessment of the principles and practices that drive U.S.-Russian relations, and offers a path forward to meet the urgent challenges facing both countries. This edition includes a new chapter in which Stent provides her insights about dramatic recent developments in U.S.-Russian relations, particularly the annexation of Crimea, war in Ukraine, and the end of the Obama Reset.
Peeters Publishers Education Et Instruction En Chine 1. L'education Elementaire
Les etudes regroupees dans ce volume, premier de trois ouvrages traitant de l'education en Chine, portent sur la periode de l'enfance. Si toutes les epoques ne sont pas traitees, l'espace de temps couvert, de l'Antiquite au XXe siecle, est suffisamment etendu pour rendre compte des evolutions ou des constantes dans la maniere d'aborder l'education enfantine, que ce soit en matiere d'apprentissage, de pedagogie ou de contenu de l'enseignement. L'ouvrage s'ouvre sur un tableau des premieres annees telles qu'elles furent concues et traitees entre les XIe et XVIIe siecles. L'homme de bien se distinguait du vulgaire par une bonne education basee sur une morale de comportement et la connaissance des rites. Pour de nombreux auteurs, l'education et l'instruction avaient un role capital a jouer soit pour favoriser le plein epanouissement des bons cotes de la nature, soit pour corriger les mauvais penchants. Reprise et developpee au fil des siecles, cette idee a pour corollaire celle de l'extraordinaire receptivite de l'enfant. Pour une certaine categorie de la population, l'education commence des les origines de la vie, au moment de la conception; elle s'adresse tout d'abord a la mere avant de prendre en consideration la grossesse dans son ensemble. Quant a l'acquisition des connaissances, a l'apprentissage de l'ecriture et de la lecture, ces themes sont abordes dans plusieurs articles qui permettent d'aller des premiers manuels de caracteres sous les Han, aux manuels scolaires modernes de la fin du XIXe siecle, en passant par les exercises d'ecriture decouverts a Dunhuang et datant des IXe et Xe siecles, pour aboutir a la vogue actuelle (au moins editoriale) du fameux "Classique en trois caracteres". Si ces divers "manuels" semble de prime abord destines a maitriser l'ecriture, le public vise n'est pas forcement le meme au fil des siecles, et il est parfois difficile voire impossible de tracer une ligne de demarcation nette entre le contenu et son support, entre acquisition de connaissances generales et formation morale. Enfin, au debut du XXe siecle, a travers l'apparition d'une litterature enfantine, nous pouvons suivre la transformation de l'idee d'enfance.
Duke University Press Frontiers of Capital: Ethnographic Reflections on the New Economy
With the NASDAQ having lost 70 percent of its value, the giddy, optimistic belief in perpetual growth that accompanied the economic boom of the 1990s had fizzled by 2002. Yet the advances in information and communication technology, management and production techniques, and global integration that spurred the “New Economy” of the 1990s had triggered profound and lasting changes. Frontiers of Capital brings together ethnographies exploring how cultural practices and social relations have been altered by the radical economic and technological innovations of the New Economy. The contributors, most of whom are anthropologists, investigate changes in the practices and interactions of futures traders, Chinese entrepreneurs, residents of French housing projects, women working on Wall Street, cable television programmers, and others.Some contributors highlight how expedited flows of information allow business professionals to develop new knowledge practices. They analyze dynamics ranging from the decision-making processes of the Federal Reserve Board to the legal maneuvering necessary to buttress a nascent Japanese market in over-the-counter derivatives. Others focus on the social consequences of globalization and new modes of communication, evaluating the introduction of new information technologies into African communities and the collaborative practices of open-source computer programmers. Together the essays suggest that social relations, rather than becoming less relevant in the high-tech age, have become more important than ever. This finding dovetails with the thinking of many corporations, which increasingly employ anthropologists to study and explain the “local” cultural practices of their own workers and consumers. Frontiers of Capital signals the wide-ranging role of anthropology in explaining the social and cultural contours of the New Economy.Contributors. Jean Comaroff, John L. Comaroff, Greg Downey, Melissa S. Fisher, Douglas R. Holmes, George E. Marcus, Siobhán O’Mahony, Aihwa Ong, Annelise Riles, Saskia Sassen, Paul A. Silverstein, AbdouMaliq Simone, Neil Smith, Caitlin Zaloom
Peeters Publishers Inscriptions nabatéennes datées de la fin du IIe siècle avant notre ère au milieu du IVe siècle
L’ouvrage explore l’histoire et la société nabatéenne dans son évolution à travers presque cent cinquante inscriptions et papyri datés. Le plan en cinq parties présente les documents provenant du royaume nabatéen, puis les grandes inscriptions funéraires de Hégra, ensuite celles trouvées en dehors des limites du royaume, enfin celles datant de l’époque romaine; un dernier chapitre fait le point sur les aspects paléographiques. D’importantes annexes présentent les listes selon l’ordre du catalogue et selon leurs datation, leur répartition régionale, leur typologie, les éléments de datation utilisés, les nombres et les chiffres, les concordances épigraphiques, les lieux de conservation, une chronologie, des index et une bibliographie. À travers les formules juridiques redondantes et les épithètes royales très développées, souvent négligées par la recherche, on discerne le rôle des archives du palais royal de Pétra ou des temples comme celui de la Mesure à Hégra au Ier siècle de notre ère.
Louisiana State University Press New Orleans Architecture: Volume IX: Carrollton
An essential reference guide to one of New Orleans's most iconic Uptown neighborhoods, New Orleans Architecture: Volume IX documents the remarkable architectural history of the former city of Carrollton, once the seat of Jefferson Parish and now listed on the National Register of Historic Places.Following the format of previous volumes in the series, Robert J. Cangelosi Jr. divides the study into three sections. He begins in the early eighteenth century by chronicling the area's development as one of the many upriver communities just west of New Orleans. Its fields and plantations afforded early homesteaders tillable farmland and easy access to the Mississippi River. Later, during the War of 1812, American troops led by William Carroll encamped there, and the area was subsequently named for the general. In 1831, developers purchased the land, subdivided it, and began construction of a road and a canal linking the area to New Orleans. Local officials reorganized Carrollton in 1845 - by then a village of about 1,000 residents - as a town in Jefferson Parish, and in 1859 a charter officially incorporated it as a city. Just fifteen years later, the City of New Orleans annexed Carrollton - now replete with schools, public gardens, and brick-paved streets - as the Seventh Municipal District.The volume's second section consists of a ""Building Index,"" which gives the original owners, dates of construction, costs, designers, and builders for many of the structures erected in Carrollton since its founding. In the ""Selective Architectural Inventory,"" the book's final section, Cangelosi explores the history of nearly 420 historic homes and buildings in Carrollton, and shares thumbnail photographs, detailed sales records, and information on a variety of architectural styles.New Orleans Architecture: Volume IX serves as a valuable resource for the city's Historic District Landmark Commission and the State Historic Preservation Office, as well as home owners, real estate agents, guides, historians, and tourists.
Peeters Publishers Yovhannes Drasxanakertc'i, Histoire d'Arménie
Cet ouvrage est une traduction annotée de l'«Histoire de l'Arménie» unique source historiographique qui nous soit parvenue sur les événements de la fin du VIIe au début du Xe siècle; rédigée par Yovhannes Drasxanakertc'i (+929) catholicos d'Arménie, à l'époque des rois bagratides Smbat (890-913) et de son fils Asot (913-928), particulièrement bien informé sur la période du patriarcat de l'auteur (897-929). Cette traduction est fondée sur l'excellente édition critique de E.V. Zagareisvili (Tbilissi, 1965) édition qui ne concerne qu'une partie de l'«Histoire» de Yovhannes Drasxanakertc'i, celle qui commence dans les années 786. Pour les vingt-quatre premiers chapitres absents dans l'édition de 1965 et les parties théologiques du texte, l'édition de Jérusalem de 1867 a été utilisée. Cette traduction est éclairée par une annotation portant sur tous les noms propres de lieux et de personne, discutant et déterminant la chronologie des faits, signalant les références ou les sources littéraires, relevant toutes les citations et allusions bibliques. L'ouvrage s'adresse aussi bien aux historiens qui s'intéressent à la domination arabe dans le Caucase qu'à ceux qui travaillent dans le domaine byzantin. Ils trouveront des données importantes sur les démêlées politique entre le califat abbasside et ses représentants officiels (les Sadjides d'Azerbaïdjan), l'établissement d'émirats arabes indépendants du pouvoir abbasside sur le sol arménien, le rétablissement de l'indépendance arménienne, la vie religieuse et les rapports avec Byzance. La correspondance entre le patriarche de Constantinople Nicolas le Mystique et Yovhannes Drasxanakertc'i incluse dans l'oeuvre permet de cerner la politique byzantine, autant que la position arménienne.
Cornell University Press Heretics and Colonizers: Forging Russia's Empire in the South Caucasus
In Heretics and Colonizers, Nicholas B. Breyfogle explores the dynamic intersection of Russian borderland colonization and popular religious culture. He reconstructs the story of the religious sectarians (Dukhobors, Molokans, and Subbotniks) who settled, either voluntarily or by force, in the newly conquered lands of Transcaucasia in the nineteenth century. By ordering this migration in 1830, Nicholas I attempted at once to cleanse Russian Orthodoxy of heresies and to populate the newly annexed lands with ethnic Slavs who would shoulder the burden of imperial construction. Breyfogle focuses throughout on the lives of the peasant settlers, their interactions with the peoples and environment of the South Caucasus, and their evolving relations with Russian state power. He draws on a wide variety of archival sources, including a large collection of previously unexamined letters, memoirs, and other documents produced by the sectarians that allow him unprecedented insight into the experiences of colonization and religious life. Although the settlers suffered greatly in their early years in hostile surroundings, they in time proved to be not only model Russian colonists but also among the most prosperous of the Empire's peasants. Banished to the empire's periphery, the sectarians ironically came to play indispensable roles in the tsarist imperial agenda. The book culminates with the dramatic events of the Dukhobor pacifist rebellion, a movement that shocked the tsarist government and received international attention. In the early twentieth century, as the Russian state sought to replace the sectarians with Orthodox settlers, thousands of Molokans and Dukhobors immigrated to North America, where their descendants remain to this day.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Public Enterprises Today: Missions, Performance and Governance – Les entreprises publiques aujourd’hui : missions, performance, gouvernance: Learning from Fifteen Cases – Leçons de quinze études de cas
Over thirty years, privatization of public enterprises was in the air. Before and during this period of neo-liberalism, and since the 2008 crisis, public enterprises were nonetheless created: they did what they were set up for and they frequently managed to get interesting results, as much on their public mission as regarding profitability. How is this possible? This book looks at public enterprises with new eyes.What are the emerging insights? Those public enterprises evolved a lot during those years. Their governance has been adjusted: they now respond to all kind of stakeholders, they face independent regulators and did enter complex institutional arrangements. Further, they often transformed into conglomerates active in several activity sectors and/or expanded their geographical coverage. Being frequently large-sized, public enterprises are now able to compete on international markets, while continuing delivering important services to their home community. With fifteen case studies from Europe and the Americas, knowledge on public enterprises in the 21st century is updated. Depuis plus de trente ans, ‘privatisation’ se lit et s’entend chaque jour. Pourtant, avant et pendant la période du néo-libéralisme, et depuis la crise de 2008, des entreprises publiques ont vu le jour, générant des résultats probants en termes de mission de service public et de rentabilité. Comment y sont-elles parvenues ? Cet ouvrage analyse les entreprises publiques avec un nouveau regard.Que retenir de cette analyse ? Ces entreprises publiques ont fort évolué au cours de ces années. Leur gouvernance s’est ajustée vis-à-vis d’un contexte institutionnel complexe et face à diverses ‘parties prenantes’, dont les régulateurs indépendants. Elles sont fréquemment devenues des conglomérats actifs dans plusieurs domaines, ou bien se sont étendues géographiquement. Souvent de grande taille, elles sont alors capables d’être concurrentielles sur les marchés internationaux tout en offrant des services importants à leur collectivité d’origine. 15 études de cas d’Europe et d’Amérique sont proposées pour renforcer la connaissance des entreprises publiques au 21e siècle. This book is the result of the International Ciriec working group on "The future of the public enterprise: mission, performance and governance" developed by the CIRIEC International Scientific Commission "Public Enterprises/Public Services":
Amberley Publishing The Prince Who Beat the Empire
An acclaimed history of empire and resistance: this is the moving story of the rebel prince who beat the world's most powerful corporation.The ships of the East India Company first docked at India''s shores in Surat in the early 17th century. In time, through astute politics and military power, the Company became masters of this great port. But the Company came not with the intention of building Indian maritime trade, but with the single-minded goal of destroying its trading prowess. By 1800 the port was completely annexed, through a Treaty that gave protection to future generations of the local Nawab rulers.But, as elsewhere in India, the Company violated its promises. It stopped the family's income, usurping its palaces, estates, jewellery and possessions. This left the infant granddaughters of the last Nawab on the brink of destitution.But in an unprecedented counter-attack, the father of the two girls stood to defy the Empire and expose its corruption overseas to the British at hom
Nova Science Publishers Inc Understanding Probability Models
This book intends to highlight how the Theory of Probability supports, not only statistical modeling but how it allows describing different real life phenomena. It gives clues for understanding the philosophic roots of probability and how they are present in different areas of knowledge. The readers may use the book as a source for understanding the philosophical development of probability concepts and of the intents to obtain mathematical models. The chapters deal with the understanding of how probability models are usable for determining: A Probabilistic model of the best flight value for the design on paper of a helicopter How to model the improvement of the behavior of water heating systems and of the reliability of systems Models for determining the probability of non responses in inquiries and to evaluate the missing data. The modeling of various problems related with the behavior of ordering models of use in decision rules and of general properties of Order Statistics. A unified study of the probabilistic aspects of two Metaheuristics: Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search. How to obtain the identification of econometric techniques for dealing efficiently with the study of economic growth models under endogeneity. This book will be of interest for biometricians, statisticians, economists, engineers dealing with control and reliability, as well for informaticians.
Peeters Publishers Du Miel au Cafe, de L'ivoire a L'acajou
Peuple legendaire, les pygmees ont longtemps ete percus comme confines dans un cocon forestier et traversant les siecles en marge de l'Histoire. L'etude des chasseurs-collecteurs Aka d'Afrique centrale montre a quel point cette societe est en fait inseree de longue date dans un vaste complexe socioculturel et economique regional. Cet ouvrage analyse les relations entretenues par les Aka avec un ensemble de populations aux economies diversifiees et permet de mieux saisir des processus d'anthropisation de la foret equatoriale. Mais il ouvre aussi sur un cadre bien plus large avec la prise en consideration de la traite atlantique et de la penetration europeenne au coeur du bassin congolais. C'est ainsi que ce travail eclaire l'histoire meconnue de l'epoque coloniale dans l'immense interfluve Sangha-Oubangui (compagnies concessionnaires, conquete militaire, expansion de la maladie du sommeil, etc.) et l'evolution sociale et economique de certaines regions jusque dans les annees 1980. Au terme d'un siecle de mutations, les Pygmees Aka, aureoles de representations archaiques, nous introduisent en realite au coeur d'enjeux tres contemporains lies au devenir des milieux forestiers tropicaux.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Evidenzbasierte Jurisprudenz: Methoden empirischer Forschung und ihr Erkenntniswert für das Recht am Beispiel des Gesellschaftsrechts
Wie gewinnen Juristen ihr Wissen über die Lebenswelt, die sie regeln? Erfahrung ist eine wichtige Erkenntnisquelle, aber die komplex vernetzte Wissensgesellschaft erfordert zunehmend auch empirische Rechtsforschung. Dabei sind die Methoden empirischer Forschung gar nicht so leicht zu handhaben und ihre Ergebnisse nicht so einfach zu interpretieren, wie man annehmen möchte. Hanjo Hamann erörtert deshalb die Grundlagen quantitativ-empirischen Forschens und verbindet die kritische Reflexion empirischer Erkenntnismöglichkeiten mit spezifisch juristischen Erkenntnisinteressen. Daraus entsteht eine pragmatische Rezeptionslehre, die nach dem Vorbild der "evidenzbasierten Medizin" besonderen Wert auf sogenannten Metastudien legt. Deren praktischen Nutzen erprobt der Autor vor allem an den empirischen Grundannahmen des gesellschaftsrechtlichen "Kollegialprinzips", die sich aus dessen dogmatischer und rechtsvergleichender Analyse ergeben.Hanjo Hamann erhielt für seine Dissertation den Dissertationspreis der Esche Schümann Commichau Stiftung, den Telekom-Preis für Zivilrecht der Universität Bonn sowie die Otto-Hahn-Medaille der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.
The University of Chicago Press Edge of Irony Modernism in the Shadow of the Habsburg Empire
Among the brilliant writers and thinkers who emerged from the multicultural and multilingual world of the Austro-Hungarian Empire were Joseph Roth, Robert Musil, and Ludwig Wittgenstein. For them, the trauma of World War I included the sudden loss of the geographical entity into which they had been born: in 1918, the empire was dissolved overnight, leaving Austria a small, fragile republic that would last only twenty years before being annexed by Hitler's Third Reich. In this major reconsideration of European modernism, Marjorie Perloff identifies and explores the aesthetic world that emerged from the rubble of Vienna and other former Habsburg territories-an Austro-Modernism that produced a major body of drama, fiction, poetry, and autobiography. Perloff explores works ranging from Karl Kraus's drama The Last Days of Mankind and Elias Canetti's memoir The Tongue Set Free to Ludwig Wittgenstein's notebooks and Paul Celan's lyric poetry. Throughout, she shows that Austro-Modernist lit
Verso Books Towards the Abyss: Ukraine from Maidan to War
Towards the Abyss presents searching analysis of a decade of war and upheaval in Ukraine. Volodymyr Ishchenko has been among the left's most significant commentators on Ukraine since 2014, when pro-EU protestors toppled the government in Kiev, Russia annexed Crimea and pro-Russian separatists seized parts of the Donbass. One of his first thoughts when he read the news of the full-scale Russian invasion on 24 February 2022 was that no matter how the war ends, he will no longer have a homeland.What has happened in Ukraine ever since the Soviet collapse is a drawn-out process of de-modernization, and the downward spiral is getting faster. Ishchenko argues that the conflict being fought in Ukraine with tanks, artillery and rockets is the same conflict suppressed by police batons in Belarus and in Russia itself. The intensification of the post-Soviet crisis - the incapacity of an oligarchic ruling class in the territories of the former USSR to sustain political or moral leadership - is the root cause of the escalating violence.
Histria LLC The Formation of the Albanian National Consciousness
As the multi-national Ottoman Empire began to fall apart in the aftermath of the Russo-Turkish war of 1878, the Albanian people faced the peril of being absorbed into the surrounding newly formed nation-states of Southeastern Europe. Albanian leaders met at Prizren in 1878 to devise a strategy to defend their national rights. The Formation of the Albanian National Consciousness explores the origins of the movement that ultimately led to the creation of the modern-day Albanian nation-state.Had a national consciousness failed to develop prior to the crisis of 1878, the creation of a national movement, which not only sought to protect Albanian lands against foreign annexation but also strove to unite the four Albanian vilayets into a single autonomous administrative unit, would not have been possible. The development of a national consciousness during the decades preceding 1878 built the foundation for the national movement that culminated in the creation of the League of Prizren and ultimately led to the formation of an independent Albanian nation-state in 1912.
The University of Chicago Press Insurgent Identities: Class, Community, and Protest in Paris from 1848 to the Commune
By focusing on the less turbulent years in between the social upheavals of the Paris Commune of 1871 and the 1848 Revolution, Gould reveals that while class played a pivotal role in 1848, it was neighbourhood solidarity that was a decisive organizing force in 1871. Baron Haussmann's massive urban renovation projects between 1852 and 1868 dispersed workers from Paris' centre to newly annexed districts on the outskirts of the city. Residence rather than occupation quickly became the new basis of social solidarity. Drawing on evidence derived from trial documents, marriage certificates, reports of police spies and the popular press, Gould demonstrates that this fundamental rearrangement in the patterns of social life made possible a neighbourhood insurgent movement; whereas the insurgents of 1848 fought and died in defence of their status as workers, those of 1871 did so as members of a besieged urban community.
Amis du Centre d'histoire et de civilisation de Byzance Juifs et chrétiens en Arabie aux Ve et VIe siècles: Regards croisés sur les sources
Dans les années 520 de l'ère chrétienne, l'Arabie méridionale fut le théâtre d'un événement exceptionnel dans l'histoire universelle: le massacre d'une population chrétienne par un souverain juif. Depuis près de 150 ans, les rois de Himyar (le Yémen actuel et une grande partie de l'Arabie séoudite) accordaient leur soutien au judaïsme. Les Éthiopiens du royaume d'Aksûm avaient réussi, vers le début du VIe siècle, à faire de Himyar un royaume tributaire. Mais en 523, le prince qu'ils avaient peut-être installé sur le trône se rebella. Il entreprit d'éliminer les chrétiens de son royaume qu'il estimait alliés aux Aksûmites. L'épisode le plus célèbre de cette entreprise - le massacre des chrétiens de la grande oasis de Najrân (en Arabie séoudite aujourd'hui, près de la frontière du Yémen) - est connu par une multitude de sources; inscriptions sudarabiques et éthiopiennes, récits syriaques, textes grecs historiques ou hagiographiques. La plus importante de ces sources, le Martyre d'Aréthas, déjà publié dans les Monographies, existe aussi dans de nombreuses versions orientales, en arménien, en géorgien, en arabe et en éthiopien. Le colloque de novembre 2008 dont les actes sont publiés ici visait à comprendre le contexte dans lequel ces écrits ont été produits et à démêler leurs rapports: les versions arabes et éthiopiennes, par exemple, offrent quelque données absentes du grec. Le colloque a également permis des progrès dans la compréhension des récits syriaques, qu'il s'agisse de leur auteur supposé ou des rapports entre les différentes versions d'un même récit. Le colloque avait aussi pour but de replacer les événements de Najrân dans un contexte plus large, en étudiant la ville et son histoire, le développement du monothéisme en Arabie du Sud et le rôle, tant politique que religieux, joué par l'Éthiopie, pour qui le Yémen représentait une chasse gardée.
F&W Publications Inc English Arts & Crafts Furniture: Projects & Techniques for the Modern Maker
"Arts & Crafts" has come to be a name for a style of decorative arts, but just try to pin it down. It's a huge challenge, because it encompasses such a broad variety of work. Early pieces, such as some of those by William Morris, draw from more ornate Victorian artifacts. Contrast these with the simpler, medieval-inspired work of Morris, the austere elegance of chairs and built-in cabinetry by Voysey, or furniture produced by the Barnsleys--never mind the clear Art Nouveau influences in much of Mackintosh's work. It quickly becomes clear just how broad this period in design history really is.English Arts & Crafts Furniture explores the Arts & Crafts movement with a unique perspective on furniture designs inspired by English Arts & Crafts designers. Through examination of details and techniques as well as projects, you'll learn what sets English Arts & Crafts apart and gain a deeper understanding of the overall Arts & Crafts movement and its influences. In this book you'll find: Insight into the history and culture surrounding the Arts & Crafts movement An examination of influences that set English Arts & Crafts designers including William Morris, Charles Francis Annesley Voysey, Ernest Gimson, Ernest and Sidney Barnsley, and Charles Robert Ashbee apart from their American counterparts 3 complete furniture projects that illustrate traits representative of English Arts & Crafts: a Voysey chair, a hayrake table designed by Ernest Gimson and a sideboard design from the Harris Lebus company, England’s largest furniture maker at the time Equal parts design survey and project book, English Arts & Crafts Furniture is a must-read for any serious fan of Arts & Crafts furniture.
Big Finish Productions Ltd The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield: Ruler of the Universe: Volume 4
Bernice Summerfield is still trapped in a dying universe with the wrong Doctor. Things have taken a turn for the worse - the Doctor has become President Of The Universe and, it turns out, he's a controversial choice for the job. While Bernice works to unearth the mythical Apocalypse Clock, the Doctor's immersed in the murky world of politics and the dark forces that are working against him. As battlefleets fight and terrible deals are done, the peoples of the universe wonder if they've made a terrible decision. Is the Doctor up to ruling the universe? Watching from the sidelines, the Master is quick to reassure everyone that he has no ambitions in that direction. And, meanwhile, the stars are going out. 1)The City And The Clock by Guy Adams. Bernice is on an archaeological dig for the mythical Apocalypse Clock. Can it really be the key to saving the universe? The ghosts of the planet have other ideas.2) Asking For A Friend by James Goss. Vast wars are raging across the stars, planets are dying, and the Doctor is sat on a psychiatrist's couch. What's it like to be the Doctor's therapist? 3) Truant by Guy Adams. The President of the Universe has run away. Bernice has to hunt him down, but he's too busy having fun. Evil warlords! Impossible escapes! Sinister plans! The Doctor's on an adventure. 4) The True Saviour Of The Universe by James Goss. Bernice finds that time has run out for the Doctor and the universe. Is this really the end of everything? Help is on hand from an unlikely quarter...Professor Bernice Summerfield was a character created as a companion to the Seventh Doctor by writer Paul Cornell for the popular 1990s Doctor Who novelisations. Since then she's found a whole new audio life through plays for Big Finish. Bernice (Benny) is played by Lisa Bowerman, an actor and director from TV and stage, including the last ever Classic Doctor Who story, Survival. British acting hero David Warner reprises his "unbound" Doctor, a character created in a series of "what if..." Doctor Who dramas from Big Finish. The Master is played by Mark Gatiss (The League of Gentlemen, Sherlock, Doctor Who, and many, many more). CAST: Lisa Bowerman (Professor Bernice Summerfield), David Warner(The Doctor), Sam Kisgar t(The Master), Samantha Beárt (Chamu), Ben Arogundade (Joto), Stephen Critchlow(Leonard), Ben Crystal (Hood), Guy Adams (Host), Annette Badland (Guilana), Wilf Scolding (Radio / Mogron), Catrin Stewart (Killian), Jonathan Bailey (Lakis), Rhys Jennings (Slaygar), Oliver Mason (Sordo), Rowena Cooper (Mother Superior), and Hattie Hayridge (Ebbis / Morlick).
Amberley Publishing Celtic Queen: The World of Cartimandua
Queens Cartimandua and Boudica were both Celtic noblewomen, recorded by classical writers as part of a tradition of women who showed particular courage, ambition and political skill, and who were just as formidable in war as their husbands. They took on the status of Celtic goddesses and were central players in the struggle against the Roman annexation of Britain. Boudica led the rebellion against the Romans but her reputation may be largely symbolic. Using historical and archaeological evidence, Celtic Queen uncovers the arguably more impressive story of Queen Cartimandua, the independent ruler of the powerful Brigante tribe whose territory was the single largest Celtic kingdom in Britain. Cartimandua’s leadership in battle and political influence were probably much greater than Boudica’s. Unlike Boudica, wife of King Prasutagus of the Iceni tribe, Cartimandua was the regent of the Brigante tribe in her own right. Her tribe prospered in the new Imperial world because she cooperated with the invaders and she held her position as queen until AD69. Cartimandua's territory was considerable, covering most of modern Cheshire, South and North Yorkshire, Lancashire, North Humberside, Cumbria, County Durham and Tyne and Wear. But she was seen as a shameless adulteress after an open affair with her husband’s armour bearer. Such sexual liberation was normal for powerful Celtic women but it scandalised Roman society. With many references to popular Celtic culture, their gods, beliefs, art and symbolism, as well as living conditions and the hillforts that would have been Cartimandua’s headquarters, Celtic Queen offers an insight into the life of this fascinating woman and the Romano/Celtic world in which she lived.
United Nations Industrial commodity statistics yearbook 2016
The Yearbook provides statistics on the production of about 600 major industrial commodities. Data are provided for 2007-2016 for approximately 200 countries and territories. The commodities have been selected on the basis of their overall importance and their importance as outputs of individual ISIC industries in the world economy. The data cover commodities produced by mining, manufacturing and electricity and gas units. The Yearbook provides data on both quantities and values of production and is organized in two volumes: Volume I: Physical Quantity Data and Volume II: Monetary Value Data. The publication contains three annexes on commodities and information on all the classifications used.
Birkhauser Construire l'architecture: Du matériau brut à l'édifice. Un manuel
La 4ème édition française du Manuel Nouvelle édition, enrichie du chapitre « Considérations autour du climat » consacré aux principes de base de la construction adaptée au climat. De quel savoir technique et constructif a-t-on besoin pour réaliser des projets architecturaux variés ? Construire l’architecture propose dans cette quatrième édition française une vue d’ensemble des principes fondamentaux de la conception architecturale. Couronné par plusieurs prix internationaux et traduit en sept langues, cet ouvrage s’est imposé comme manuel de cours dans de nombreuses grandes écoles depuis sa parution en 2005. Il constitue par ailleurs un instrument de référence indispensable pour tous les architectes qui conçoivent le processus de construction comme un rapport dialectique complexe entre conception et mise en œuvre des matériaux. Optant pour une approche globale de la construction, cet ouvrage combine connaissances techniques et questions esthétiques et les envisage conjointement dans la perspective de l’histoire des civilisations. La construction n’y est pas conçue comme une simple question de technique ou de technologie, mais aussi comme le résultat d’une intention artistique qui se concrétisera avec d’autant plus de cohérence et de force que l’architecte maîtrisera les principes techniques et constructifs de base. Le livre se subdivise en quatre chapitres – Matériaux – Modules, Éléments, Structures, Édifices – et contient en annexe un catalogue présentant les éléments de construction. Tous les immeubles cités satisfont à de hautes exigences esthétiques ou jouent un rôle de premier plan dans l’histoire de l’architecture. D’une grande richesse iconographique, cet ouvrage contient plus de 1500 illustrations, plans et dessins de détails légendés. Le catalogue permet de comparer les détails de construction à l’échelle 1:20. Un index détaillé et des titres courants à toutes les pages facilitent l’orientation et la recherche ciblée d’informations. The French 4th Edition of the Handbook Systematically structured and didactically prepared, the book conveys in one volume the necessary basic technical and constructive building knowledge to enable readers to implement a wide range of designs. or this reason, over the last 18 years, it has developed into an indispensable information and reference handbook, not only for students and teachers, but also for architects. The English 5th edition of this standard work for building design has also been further revised in terms of content and expanded by 16 pages on sustainable building. The worldwide recognized construction handbook for architects Systematically structured and prepared with the student in mind, with an overview poster as navigation aid in world format Additional 16 pages "Basics of sustainable construction" Also available in German (978-3-0356-2663-6) and English (978-3-0356-2666-7)
Birkhauser Constructing Architecture: Materials, Processes, Structures. A Handbook
The English 5th Edition of the Handbook Systematically structured and didactically prepared, the book conveys in one volume the necessary basic technical and constructive building knowledge to enable readers to implement a wide range of designs. or this reason, over the last 18 years, it has developed into an indispensable information and reference handbook, not only for students and teachers, but also for architects. The English 5th edition of this standard work for building design has also been further revised in terms of content and expanded by 16 pages on sustainable building. The worldwide recognized construction handbook for architects Systematically structured and prepared with the student in mind, with an overview poster as navigation aid in world format Additional 16 pages "Basics of sustainable construction" Also available in German (978-3-0356-2664-3) and French (978-3-0356-2667-4) La 4ème édition française du Manuel Nouvelle édition, enrichie du chapitre « Considérations autour du climat » consacré aux principes de base de la construction adaptée au climat. De quel savoir technique et constructif a-t-on besoin pour réaliser des projets architecturaux variés ? Construire l’architecture propose dans cette quatrième édition française une vue d’ensemble des principes fondamentaux de la conception architecturale. Couronné par plusieurs prix internationaux et traduit en sept langues, cet ouvrage s’est imposé comme manuel de cours dans de nombreuses grandes écoles depuis sa parution en 2005. Il constitue par ailleurs un instrument de référence indispensable pour tous les architectes qui conçoivent le processus de construction comme un rapport dialectique complexe entre conception et mise en œuvre des matériaux. Optant pour une approche globale de la construction, cet ouvrage combine connaissances techniques et questions esthétiques et les envisage conjointement dans la perspective de l’histoire des civilisations. La construction n’y est pas conçue comme une simple question de technique ou de technologie, mais aussi comme le résultat d’une intention artistique qui se concrétisera avec d’autant plus de cohérence et de force que l’architecte maîtrisera les principes techniques et constructifs de base. Le livre se subdivise en quatre chapitres – Matériaux – Modules, Éléments, Structures, Édifices – et contient en annexe un catalogue présentant les éléments de construction. Tous les immeubles cités satisfont à de hautes exigences esthétiques ou jouent un rôle de premier plan dans l’histoire de l’architecture. D’une grande richesse iconographique, cet ouvrage contient plus de 1500 illustrations, plans et dessins de détails légendés. Le catalogue permet de comparer les détails de construction à l’échelle 1:20. Un index détaillé et des titres courants à toutes les pages facilitent l’orientation et la recherche ciblée d’informations.
Peeters Publishers Provoked to Speech: Biblical Hermeneutics as Conversation
Provoked to Speech: Biblical Hermeneutics as Conversation is unique in presenting biblical hermeneutics in action. The present volume brings together contributions that can be grouped into three parts. In the first part, Emmanuel Nathan, Marianne Moyaert, Ming Yeung Cheung, Pierre Van Hecke and Roger Burggraeve each reflect on the relevance of a meaningful biblical hermeneutics in order to adequately (re-)engage the Bible today. In the second part, Emmanuel Nathan, Marianne Moyaert, David Dessin, Roger Burggraeve, Sydney Palmer and Martijn Steegen delve into specific biblical texts in search of their deeper philosophical and theological insights. In the third and final part, Ineke Cornet, Martin Kallungal, Thomas Vollmer, Annette Aronowicz and Reimund Bieringer offer specialised hermeneutical reflections on how the Bible has been, and can be, engaged in different contexts. Viewed as a whole, the contributions contained in this volume resonate with a view of biblical hermeneutics as an ongoing and dialogical process and, so doing, demonstrate that the Bible, far from being a venerable object of the past, continues to engage us in meaningful conversation today.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Russia's Military Revival
Russian annexation of Crimea and the subsequent air campaign over Syria took the world by surprise. The capabilities and efficiency of Moscow’s armed forces during both operations signalled to the world that Russia was back in business as a significant military actor on the international stage. In this cutting-edge study, Bettina Renz provides an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of Russia’s military revival under Putin’s leadership. Whilst the West must adjust to the reality of a modernised and increasingly powerful Russian military, she argues that the renaissance of Russian military might and its implications for the balance of global power can only be fully understood within a wider historical context. Assessing developments in Russian Great Power thinking, military capabilities, Russian strategic thought and views on the use of force throughout the post-Soviet era, the book shows that, rather than signifying a sudden Russian military resurgence, recent developments are consistent with longstanding trends in Russian military strategy and foreign policy.
Peeters Publishers Linguistique Et Ethnolinguistique. Anthologie D'articles Parus Entre 1961 Et 2003
Cet ouvrage est un recueil d'une quarantaine d'articles publies de 1961 a 2003 dans diverses revues, actes de colloques et ouvrages collectifs. Il permet de mieux apprecier la diversite et la coherence d'une reflexion poursuivie sur pres d'un demi-siecle et toujours fort active. Les premiers articles concernent les langues "Plateau" (Nigeria septentrional). Suivent des contributions sur le sango (langue vehiculaire de RCA) et sur la phonologie descriptive ou comparee de divers parlers, principalement oubanguiens et bantous (sara, ngbaka, monzombo, gbanziri, kirundi, ngando, mbati). Plusieurs concernent des problemes de description: definition des classes de mots/parties du discours et des unites a prendre en compte a differents niveaux descriptifs suivant une methode originale appelee systemique dynamique; ils relevent de la linguistique generale. Enfin, une bonne moitie des contributions illustre des problemes d'ethnolinguistique envisagee comme interaction reciproque entre la langue et le monde exterieur, propre a un groupe social: systemes de numeration, instruments de musiques, noms de plantes et taxinomie ethnique de celles-ci, litterature orale, lexique thematique, ideologies particulieres. En annexe, une bibliographie complete des travaux permet de resituer articles et ouvrages les uns par rapport aux autres.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Putin's Wars: From Chechnya to Ukraine
The Financial Times – Best books of 2022: Politics "The prolific military chronicler and analyst Mark Galeotti has produced exactly the right book at the right time." The Times A new history of how Putin and his conflicts have inexorably reshaped Russia, including his devastating invasion of Ukraine. Written by one of the world’s leading experts on modern Russia, Putin’s Wars is a timely overview of the conflicts into which Russia has plunged since Vladimir Putin became prime minister and then president. From the First and Second Chechen Wars to the military incursion into Georgia, the annexation of Crimea, and the eventual full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Mark Galeotti has created a vivid insight into the inner workings of the Kremlin. Updated for this paperback edition to include both the aborted coup of June 2023 and a clear overview of how and why the Russian military has struggled in Ukraine, this is a thought-provoking history of how Putin and his wars have inexorably shaped Russia in the 21st century.
Kerber Verlag Pascal Haas: Character Arc
Character Arc, the documentary photo series by Pascal Haas (b. 1976), features a collection of portraits of Berlin-based actors. The photos, taken between 2021 and 2023, depict the actors personally, in the park or on the street — outside of their roles, away from the stage and the set. The serene black-and-white analogue portraits show the artists as approachable, free from any artifice. In this way, the images reveal both their strength and their vulnerability, reflecting the uncertainties of the modern age. The rhythm of the series is based on the seasons, as can be discerned from the light, the clothes they are wearing, and the natural surroundings. Actors: Leonie Benesch, Pit Bukowski, Marie Burchard, Marlene Burow, Luka Dimić, Maren Eggert, Mala Emde, Michelangelo Fortuzzi, Luisa-Céline Gaffron, Franz Hartwig, Jacob Matschenz, Wanja Mues, Johannes Nussbaum, Rick Okon, Valerie Pachner, Anneke Kim Sarnau, Daniel Sträßer, Sabin Tambrea, Mina Tander, Lena Urzendowsky, Sebastian Urzendowsky, Luise Wolfram. Text in English and German.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Makeover Television: Realities Remodelled
With the explosion of reality television onto screens and schedules worldwide, this timely and original book explores makeover tv, the ubiquitous reality format that has received little critical attention to date. Top writers and scholars take discussion of reality tv to the next level with lively examination of a wide range of contemporary makeover shows, such as "Extreme Makeover", "The Swan", "Faking It", "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy", and "The Apprentice", that ultimately speak to television's own enduring ability to reinvent itself. The book is organized around the overarching argument that contemporary makeover programming provides the paradigmatic example of reality television's far-reaching prominence and mass appeal, an appeal that lies in "powers of transformation' or televisual performance that tries not only to capture reality but to intervene in it, with the ultimate aim of remodelling reality. They examine how makeover programming annexes the private space of the home, transforms the body through surgery and rigorous discipline, recreates aspects of social identity and consumer lifestyle, and changes ordinary persons into celebrities and celebrities into ordinary persons.
Boom! Studios Lumberjanes Vol. 16
The New York Times bestselling series returns as Mal tries to prove her bravery...but ends up stranded in the Land of Lost Things!DINOSAURS, DANGER & DIMENSION-HOPPING AND ...OH MY! Mal wants to learn to be braver, but when she recruits Ripley to help her face her fears, she ends up somewhere she really should be afraid of--the Land of Lost Things, a pocket universe where dinosaurs still roam the earth, and time doesn’t work the way it should. Stranded on her own in an alternate dimension, will Mal be able to find her way back home to camp? And back on the other side of the portal, will Molly, April, Jo, and Ripley be able to find Mal again and save her? Or are they about to get stuck, too? Writers Shannon Watters and Kat Leyh (Super Cakes) and artist AnneMarie Rogers present the newest collection of stories from the New York Times bestseller and multiple Eisner Award and GLAAD Award-winning series where you’re never lost as long as you hold onto the ones you love most! Collects Lumberjanes #61-64.
Columbia University Press Russian Energy Chains: The Remaking of Technopolitics from Siberia to Ukraine to the European Union
Russia’s use of its vast energy resources for leverage against post-Soviet states such as Ukraine is widely recognized as a threat. Yet we cannot understand this danger without also understanding the opportunity that Russian energy represents. From corruption-related profits to transportation-fee income to subsidized prices, many within these states have benefited by participating in Russian energy exports. To understand Russian energy power in the region, it is necessary to look at the entire value chain—including production, processing, transportation, and marketing—and at the full spectrum of domestic and external actors involved, from Gazprom to regional oligarchs to European Union regulators.This book follows Russia’s three largest fossil-fuel exports—natural gas, oil, and coal—from production in Siberia through transportation via Ukraine to final use in Germany in order to understand the tension between energy as threat and as opportunity. Margarita M. Balmaceda reveals how this dynamic has been a key driver of political development in post-Soviet states in the period between independence in 1991 and Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014. She analyzes how the physical characteristics of different types of energy, by shaping how they can be transported, distributed, and even stolen, affect how each is used—not only technically but also politically. Both a geopolitical travelogue of the journey of three fossil fuels across continents and an incisive analysis of technology’s role in fossil-fuel politics and economics, this book offers new ways of thinking about energy in Eurasia and beyond.
Johns Hopkins University Press Frontiers of the Roman Empire: A Social and Economic Study
Although the Roman empire was one of the longest lasting in history, it was never ideologically conceived by its rulers or inhabitants as a territory within fixed limits. Yet Roman armies clearly reached certain points-which today we call frontiers-where they simply stopped advancing and annexing new territories. In Frontiers of the Roman Empire, C. R. Whittaker examines the Roman frontiers both in terms of what they meant to the Romans and in their military, economic, and social function. Observing that frontiers are rarely, if ever, static, Whittaker argues that the very success of the Roman frontiers as permeable border zones sowed the seeds of their eventual destruction. As the frontiers of the late empire ceased to function, the ideological distinctions between Romans and barbarians became blurred. Yet the very permeability of the frontiers, Whittaker contends, also permitted a transformation of Roman society, breathing new life into the empire rather than causing its complete extinction.
Casemate Publishers Limits of Empire: Rome'S Borders
The borders of the Roman Empire were frontiers that were often wild and dangerous. The expansion of the empire after the Punic Wars saw the Roman Republic become the dominant force in the Mediterranean as it first took Carthaginian territories in Gaul, Spain and north Africa and then moved into Greece with purpose, subjugating the area and creating two provinces, Achaea and Macedonia. The growth of the territories under Roman control continued through the rise of Julius Caesar - who conquered the rest of Gaul - and the establishment of the empire: each of the emperors could point to territories annexed and lands won.By AD 117 and the accession of Hadrian, the empire had reached its peak. It held sway from Britain to Morocco, from Spain to the Black Sea. And its wealth was coveted by those outside its borders. Just as today those from poorer countries try to make their way into Europe or North America, so those outside the empire wanted to make their way into the Promised Land – for trade, for improvement of their lives or for plunder. Thus the Roman borders became a mix - just as our borders are today - of defensive bulwark against enemies, but also control areas where import and export taxes were levied, and entrance was controlled. Some of these borders were hard: the early equivalents of the Inner German Border or Trump’s Wall - Hadrian's Wall and the line between the Rhine and Danube. Others, such as these two great rivers, were natural borders that the Romans policed with their navy.This book examines these frontiers of the empire, looking at the way they were constructed and manned and how that changed over the years. It looks at the physical barriers - from the walls in Britain to the Fossatum Africae in the desert. It looks at the traders and the prices that were paid for the traffic of goods. It looks at the way that civil settlements - vici - grew up around the forts and fortlets and what life was like for soldiers, sailors and civilians.As well as artefacts of the period, the book provides a guidebook to top Roman museums and a gazetteer of visitable sites
Tuttle Publishing Korea at War: Conflicts That Shaped the World
An engaging history covering a century of conflict on the Korean PeninsulaKorea at War recounts how two separate nations emerged on the Korean peninsula as the result of devastating conflicts involving provocative personalities and superpower intrigues. The topics covered in this fascinating book include: The brutal years of Japanese colonial rule which began with Japan's annexation of Korea and ended with its defeat in World War II—and which still dominate Japanese-Korean relations today The division of the country into a totalitarian North and a prosperous, democratic South North Korea's invasion of the South, motivated by Stalin, which led to the bloody Korean War—a conflict that is still not settled to this day The irascible General Douglas MacArthur, who was relieved of his command by President Truman when he disobeyed a direct order and attempted to expand the war into China The rise of the Kim regime in North Korea and the continuing threat of nuclear war today Historian Michael J. Seth explores these and other themes including the complete story of North Korea—a nation and a people who for three generations have lived under the world's most repressive regime. He also discusses how South Korea has made the incredible leap from one of the world's poorest nations to one its richest and most dynamic.Korea at War is the story of two nations with a shared past that could hardly be more different today. With over 50 color photographs and maps, this book is a must-read for anyone wanting to understand contemporary Asian politics and current affairs.
Harvard University Press Survival on the Margins: Polish Jewish Refugees in the Wartime Soviet Union
Co-winner of the Yad Vashem International Book Prize for Holocaust ResearchThe forgotten story of 200,000 Polish Jews who escaped the Holocaust as refugees stranded in remote corners of the USSR.Between 1940 and 1946, about 200,000 Jewish refugees from Poland lived and toiled in the harsh Soviet interior. They endured hard labor, bitter cold, and extreme deprivation. But out of reach of the Nazis, they escaped the fate of millions of their coreligionists in the Holocaust.Survival on the Margins is the first comprehensive account in English of their experiences. The refugees fled Poland after the German invasion in 1939 and settled in the Soviet territories newly annexed under the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Facing hardship, and trusting little in Stalin, most spurned the offer of Soviet citizenship and were deported to labor camps in unoccupied areas of the east. They were on their own, in a forbidding wilderness thousands of miles from home. But they inadvertently escaped Hitler’s 1941 advance into the Soviet Union. While war raged and Europe’s Jews faced genocide, the refugees were permitted to leave their settlements after the Soviet government agreed to an amnesty. Most spent the remainder of the war coping with hunger and disease in Soviet Central Asia. When they were finally allowed to return to Poland in 1946, they encountered the devastation of the Holocaust, and many stopped talking about their own ordeals, their stories eventually subsumed within the central Holocaust narrative.Drawing on untapped memoirs and testimonies of the survivors, Eliyana Adler rescues these important stories of determination and suffering on behalf of new generations.
New Island Books The New Frontier: Reflections From the Irish Border
The New Frontier is a landmark publication of writing from the Irish Border, composed of non-fiction, fiction and poetry – it is a chorus of voices from some of the island’s greatest writers, that conveys in its multiplicity the true meaning of our border. At a time when the division of our shared island has once again become an international concern, the Border now a threshold between Europe and the United Kingdom, The New Frontier seeks to explore the meaning of this partition in the 21st century for those people that inhabit that divide. This collection of writing ultimately poses the question: What does it mean to be Irish, Northern Irish, or British in the modern age, and what does it mean to live on a threshold between a kingdom and a republic? The New Frontier will undoubtedly become a key cultural and literary touchstone. This anthology considers the border, and our historical divisions, through literature, by inviting writers from border areas to respond imaginatively and instinctively. By writing the land, writing the body, writing the lived experiences of this complex and misunderstood part of Ireland, The New Frontier looks to reclaim the border region from decades of misinterpretation and misunderstanding. Featuring writing from: Conor O’Callaghan, Darran Anderson, Garrett Carr, Luke Cassidy, Nidhi Zak, Kerri ní Dochartaigh, Michael Hughes, Séamas O’Reilly, Pat McCabe, Lias Saoudi, Maureen Boyle, Emily Cooper, Dean Fee, Jill Crawford, Annemarie ní Chuirrean, Peter Hollywood, John Kelly, Michelle Gallen, Marcel Krueger, Eoghan Walls, Orla McAlinden, Bronagh McAtasney, Mícheál McCann, Jess McKinney and Maria McManus
Pluto Press Cracks in the Wall: Beyond Apartheid in Palestine/Israel
After decades of occupation and creeping annexation, the situation on the ground in Palestine/Israel can only be described as a system of apartheid. Peace efforts have failed because of one, inconvenient truth: the Israeli maximum on offer does not meet the Palestinian minimum, or the standards of international law. But while the situation on the ground is bleak, Ben White argues that there are widening cracks in Israel's traditional pillars of support. Opposition to Israeli policies and even critiques of Zionism are growing in Jewish communities, as well as amongst Western progressives. The election of Donald Trump has served as a catalyst for these processes, including the transformation of Israel from a partisan issue into one that divides the US establishment. Meanwhile, the Palestinian-led boycott campaign is gathering momentum, prompting a desperate backlash by Israel and its allies. With sharp analysis, Ben White says now is the time to plot a course that avoids the mistakes of the past - a way forward beyond apartheid in Palestine. The solution is not partition and ethnic separation, but equality and self-determination - for all.
Thames & Hudson Ltd Voysey's Birds and Animals
Charles Francis Annesley Voysey (1857–1941) is, with William Morris, one of the most enduringly popular designers of the Arts & Crafts Movement. A practising architect, Voysey also designed a broad range of applied arts objects, from furniture, ceramics, and metalwork to wallpaper, carpets, tiles, and fabrics. His pattern designs, created from the 1880s to the early 1930s, are among his best-known works today. His wallpaper and textile designs are characterized by simple, stylized, rhythmic patterns that base their motifs on forms found in the natural world. Plants abound, but so too do birds and animals, represented as silhouettes or in soft pastel shades. This elegant, accessibly priced volume offers a wealth of colourful designs by Voysey in which birds and animals are the principal motifs. Written by Karen Livingstone, a published expert on Voysey and the Arts & Crafts Movement, this book brings together not only completed patterns but also working drawings in pencil and watercolour. Voysey's Birds and Animals will both inform and delight, appealing to a broad readership of museum visitors and lovers of art and design.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Putin's Wars: From Chechnya to Ukraine
The Financial Times – Best books of 2022: Politics 'The prolific military chronicler and analyst Mark Galeotti has produced exactly the right book at the right time.' The Times A new history of how Putin and his conflicts have inexorably reshaped Russia, including his devastating invasion of Ukraine. Written by one of the world’s leading experts on modern Russia, Putin’s Wars is a timely overview of the conflicts into which Russia has plunged since Vladimir Putin became prime minister and then president. From the First and Second Chechen Wars to the military incursion into Georgia, the annexation of Crimea, and the eventual full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Mark Galeotti has created a vivid insight into the inner workings of the Kremlin. Updated for this paperback edition to include both the aborted coup of June 2023 and a clear overview of how and why the Russian military has struggled in Ukraine, this is a thought-provoking history of how Putin and his wars have inexorably shaped Russia in the 21st century.
Yale University Press Rival Power: Russia in Southeast Europe
A nuanced and comprehensive study of the political dynamics between Russia and key countries in Southeast Europe Is Russia threatening to disrupt more than two decades’ of E.U. and U.S. efforts to promote stability in post-communist Southeast Europe? Politicians and commentators in the West say, “yes.” With rising global anxiety over Russia’s political policies and objectives, Dimitar Bechev provides the only in-depth look at this volatile region. Deftly unpacking the nature and extent of Russian influence in the Balkans, Greece, and Turkey, Bechev argues that both sides are driven by pragmatism and opportunism rather than historical loyalties. Russia is seeking to assert its role in Europe’s security architecture, establish alternative routes for its gas exports—including the contested Southern Gas Corridor—and score points against the West. Yet, leaders in these areas are allowing Russia to reinsert itself to serve their own goals. This urgently needed guide analyzes the responses of regional NATO members, particularly regarding the annexation of Crimea and the Putin-Erdogan rift over Syria.
Baen Books The Shadow of Saganami
The Star Kingdom of Manticore is once again at war with the Republic of Haven after a stunning sneak attack. The graduating class from Saganami Island, Royal Manticoran Navy's academy, are going straight from the classroom to the blazing reality of all-out war. Except for the midshipmen assigned to the heavy cruiser HMS Hexapuma, that is. They're being assigned to the Talbott Cluster, an out of the way backwater, far from the battle front. The most they can look forward to is the capture of the occasional pirate cruiser and the boring duty of supporting the Cluster's peaceful integration with the star kingdom at the freely expressed will of eighty percent of the Clusters citizens. With a captain who may have seen to much of war and a station commander who isn't precisely noted for his brilliant and insightful command style, it isn't exactly what the students of Honor Harrington, the "salamander", expected. But things aren't as simple-or tranquil-as they appear. The "pirates" they encounter aren't what they seem, and the "peaceful integration" they expected turns into something very different. A very powerful alliance of corrupt Solarian League bureaucrats and ruthless interstellar corporations is determined to prevent the Cluster's annexation by the star any means necessary. Pirates, terrorists, genetic slavers, smuggled weapons, long-standing personal hatreds, and a vicious alliance of corporate greed, bureaucratic arrogance, and a corrupt local star nation with a powerful fleet, are all coming together, and only hexapuma, her war-weary captain, and Honor Harrington's students stand in their path. They have only one thing to support and guide them: the tradition of Saganami. The tradition that sometimes a Queen's officer's duty is to face impossible odds...and die fighting.
Hoover Institution Press,U.S. Cultivating Confidence: Verification, Monitoring and Enforcement for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons
The Nuclear Security Project, launched in 2007, helped reframe the global debate on nuclear issues and garnered significant global and domestic attention, increasing the political space for addressing global nuclear dangers and advancing understanding of the steps needed to reduce nuclear dangers. This volume, one of several under the project, presents a blueprint for actions government leaders can take to guide the policy making and technical development necessary to move toward a world free of nuclear weapons. Ten expert contributors identify the key technical, political, and diplomatic challenges associated with verifying, monitoring, and enforcing a world free of nuclear weapons and provide potential solutions to those challenges. Unifying themes include principal challenges or stumbling blocks; current technical limits that should inform decisions about investment in further research and technical analysis; technical constraints to developing the kind of system necessary to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons; and developing the architecture for a verification system.Contributors: Steven P. Andreasen, Everet H. Beckner, James Fuller, Steinar Høibråten, Edward Ifft, Halvor Kippe, Harold Müller, Annette Schaper, Thomas E. Shea, Ralf Wirtz
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Stressbewältigung: Das Manual zur psychologischen Gesundheitsförderung
Mit diesem Manual werden Sie fit für die Durchführung des psychologischen Gesundheitsförderungsprogramms: Gelassen und sicher im Stress. Es wird seit über 25 Jahren erfolgreich eingesetzt und von den gesetzlichen Krankenkassen als geprüfte Präventionsmaßnahme gefördert. In Teil I finden Sie Hintergrundwissen aus der Stressforschung: kompakt, fundiert und verständlich. Teil II enthält die Trainingsbausteine: (1) Entspannungstraining: entspannen und loslassen. (2) Mentaltraining: förderliche Denkweisen und Einstellungen entwickeln. (3) Problemlösetraining: Stresssituationen wahrnehmen, annehmen und verändern. (4) Genusstraining: erholen und genießen. (5) Ergänzungsmodule zu Stressbewältigung durch Sport und Bewegung, Pflege des sozialen Netzes, Zielklärung, gesunden Umgang mit der Zeit und der 4xA-Strategie für den Akutfall. Aus dem Inhalt: Didaktische Hinweise für eine kompetente Durchführung des Trainings – abwechslungsreiche Gestaltung durch viele praktisch erprobte Übungen – Teilnehmerunterlagen, die informieren und motivieren – alle Trainingsmaterialien stehen zum Ausdrucken online zur Verfügung. Der Autor: Prof. Dr. Gert Kaluza ist psychologischer Psychotherapeut und als Trainer, Coach und Autor im Bereich der individuellen und betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung tätig. Nach 20jähriger Tätigkeit an Universitäten gründete er 2002 sein eigenes Fortbildungs- und Trainingsinstitut, das GKM-Institut für Gesundheitspsychologie, das er bis 2022 selbst leitete.
Museum of Modern Art Counter Space: Design and the Modern Kitchen
Over the course of the past century, the kitchen, more than any other room in the modern dwelling, has been the focus of intensive aesthetic and technological innovation. Historically, European and American kitchens were often drab, poorly ventilated, and hidden from view in a basement or annexe. Towards the end of the 19th century, however, the kitchen became a central concern of modernism and a testing ground for new materials and technologies. Since then, the room has come to articulate and at times actively challenge society’s relationships to food, consumerism, the domestic role of women, and even international politics. Counter Space examines the 20th-century transformation of the kitchen through the collection of The Museum of Modern Art, featuring a wide variety of design objects, architectural plans, posters, archival photographs and artworks – ranging from the iconic Frankfurt Kitchen, massproduced for German public housing estates in the aftermath ofWorldWar I, to an electric kettle, heat-resistant glassware and colourful plastics.With an introductory essay by Juliet Kinchin, this volume is a lively introduction to the kitchen as a barometer of changing technology, aesthetics and ideology.