Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Entrepreneurial Orientation: Epistemological, Theoretical, and Empirical Perspectives
Understanding the concept of Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) is of critical importance as organizations and individuals manage a world that is defined by increasing uncertainty and complexity. The need for organizations of all types and sizes to survive and thrive in such an environment demonstrates a clear need for both managers and academics to really understand EO. Building upon this foundational need to better understand EO and with both a scholarly desire to synthesize and the practical need to execute, this volume convenes some of the world's leading experts on EO to address some of the most pressing issues facing scholars and leaders in the world of practice. Within this volume, you'll discover cutting edge insights ranging from theorizing on the future of EO to an empirical investigation of its measurement. There are chapters that focus on international ventures and EO and a detailed call for a global, multidimensional view of EO. Other contributions provide contextual views of EO that examine its connections to digital work environments, family business, and more. Taken together, this volume provides readers with an overview of the current state of EO research and sets a compelling agenda for its future.
Emerald Publishing Limited Issues and Challenges in the Malaysian Economy: Towards Inclusive Growth
Focusing on Malaysia's shifting economic profile and position, this book investigates a range of new developments impacting on growth, such as the effects of the digital economy on jobs creation and the threats of environmental degradation and trade protectionism. In developing the debate around the importance of achieving high economic growth through various government initiatives, the chapters discuss a number of issues, including: trade and innovation economics capital flight risk financial development income inequality fiscal policy sustainability agricultural economy A leading team of Malaysian economics and business scholars offer new insights and perspectives to scholars and researchers working in the fields of economic policy, developing economics and East Asian studies, who are interested in the multiple challenges facing this fast-moving economy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Cross-Cultural Social Media Marketing: Bridging Across Cultural Differences
To increase brand awareness, engagement and revenue, companies are acknowledging the importance of integrating social media marketing in their overall marketing strategy. Social media marketing complements a brand or company's current marketing strategy as it aids in amplifying a company's brand voice and presence. This book consists of a step-by-step guide in using social media successfully in an ever-growing consumer market, domestically and internationally. Marketers must be strategic in how they utilize these platforms by first understanding their consumers, while at the same time, meeting their business goals and objectives. Case studies on companies that use social media and advanced technologies to increase their brand awareness, engagement and conversion are discussed in this book. As businesses globalize, many marketers are struggling to establish a presence outside of the United States. Thus, this book also discusses the cultural differences in each country and how these differences matter when considering the usage of each of the social media platforms in certain countries. In this new work, digital marketing expert Emi Moriuchi educates business owners, marketing practitioners, students, as well as marketing researchers in understanding the usage of social media strategy . Containing both evergreen content as well as trending knowledge in the consumer market, this is a must-read for understanding social media marketing for domestic and international market.
Emerald Publishing Limited Neoliberalism and Inclusive Education: Students with Disabilities in the Education Marketplace
Charter schools continue to grow in influence, as does the push for inclusive education for students with disabilities. What is the value and impact of these schools, especially on the marginalized populations they often serve? Relying on the fields of DisCrit, and Sociology of Special and Inclusive Education, this book answers these questions by focusing on the topics of neoliberalism and inclusive education. Mac focuses on the history of the school choice and privatization movement in the United States with special consideration given to how ideologies such as disaster capitalism and neoliberalism shaped and influenced the movement, as well as how successful (or not) these privatization efforts have been overall as a social justice endeavor for marginalized students. The author also recounts the history of education for students with disabilities, highlighting historical inequities of schooling for students with disabilities in the United States. Drawing from an ethnographic case study of an independent, urban charter school, the school’s vision and reality of day-to-day life for students with disabilities at this school are explored. The author investigates the school’s inclusion program in the broader neoliberal landscape of free market competition in the educational marketplace and argues that as a result of inclusive education and neoliberal reforms being virtually incompatible, the pervasive neoliberal environment presents the biggest hurdle to successful inclusive education.
Emerald Publishing Limited 30-Minute Website Marketing: A Step By Step Guide
Everyday businesses of all sizes are generating a fraction of the potential website return on investment (ROI) and broader marketing value for their business. The largest part of this opportunity wastage comes from overlooked marketing potential, plus an inability to take immediate action based on competing time demands and budget restraints. 30-Minute Website Marketing: A Step By Step Guide utilizes over 15 years of website marketing experience and digital expertise to empower businesses to identify and act on untapped website success. With all actions taking 30 minutes or less, companies can work towards improving the results gained from their website marketing efforts, and by adhering to the practical steps in this book, businesses can be confident that those 30 minutes provide the returns on resource investment needed. Through this guide, Lee Wilson delivers impactful, instant value to the broader marketing and targeted website marketing field, with practical help, direction, and expert step-by-step advice for marketing professionals, business owners, entrepreneurs, and start-up organisations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Understanding National Culture and Ethics in Organizations: A Study of Eastern and Central Europe
Understanding National Culture and Ethics in Organizations: A Study of Eastern and Central Europe explores the nexus between ethics and national culture, with a special focus on Eastern European countries. Understanding the nuances of these cultural differences as well as different perceptions of business ethics allows a finer understanding of the differences in business styles between Western and Eastern European countries. Intended primarily for managers, ethics and intercultural management scholars and business owners, this book reveals some leading questions in business research, linking ethics and national culture, with a particular emphasis on Eastern European countries. The main questions that should be answered are: 'Which are the cultural particularities in Eastern European countries?' & 'What is the relationship between ethics and national culture in Eastern European countries?' and 'How to be successful in business in Eastern European countries?' The volume’s approach to culture and ethics leads to unique and new perspectives on the Eastern part of Europe. By improving our understanding of the relationship between business ethics and national culture, the book contributes to the integration of theories, concepts and results from different research traditions and in this way helps to better our understanding of management.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Insights on Trust in Business-to-Business Relationships: A Multi-Perspective Approach
Trust plays a crucial role in all societies, particularly within the Business-to-Business context where inter-firm relationships, impelled by globalization and the extended enterprise, require a much higher degree of trust to succeed. This 26th volume of Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing examines the value of trust within the B2B context to provide a better understanding of its importance in organizations. New Insights on Trust in Business-to-Business Relationships: A Multi-Perspective Approach applies different theoretical and methodological perspectives to the mechanisms and processes that promote trust between customer and supplier in contexts such as e-commerce, high involvement relationships, industrial service and international cultures. The authors identify the consistencies and distinctions of antecedents, processes, and consequences of trust in various B2B contexts and offer alternative approaches that contribute to a better understanding of the subtleties and multi-faceted nature of trust and trust-related management. The book provides advanced original insights on trust for researchers and practitioners working within Management, Purchasing and B2B Marketing, and offers practical tools to build lasting and successful business relationships.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Next Phase of Business Ethics: Celebrating 20 Years of REIO
The role of organizations in society, the international and multidisciplinary scope of business ethics, and the importance of narrative were concerns that were raised in early volumes of Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations (REIO). That these topics remain of interest is perhaps sobering, and a cause for reflection in the business ethics community. What has the discipline of business ethics achieved over the last 20 years? Where is at in 2019? Where is it headed? Written to celebrate the founding of the series 20 years ago, the volume tackles the tendency to see business as something spawned in recent times. REIO's founders, even in 2001, were contemplating the next phase of business ethics, and saw it linked to both good corporate practice and a multidisciplinary heritage stretching back in time. This volume considers whether scholars, practitioners, and business professionals have been slow to act, or whether the problems are intractable. The role of film and narrative in the development of ethical standards and in business ethics education is addressed. Individual submissions also consider corporate responsibility, redemption, and the nature of boundaries in organizations and personal life. The volume will appeal to academics in the business ethics field and related disciplines.
Emerald Publishing Limited Innovation, Social Responsibility and Sustainability
While global challenges such as a future pandemics and global warming seem insurmountable, innovation and cumulative small changes can help towards managing such disruptive events. Innovation can encompass a new way of doing things, new products and services, and new solutions; in organizations where innovation can flourish, progress and resilience can be achieved. This edited collection draws together a number of chapters, organized into two parts – developing social responsibility and developing sustainability – both of which are interlinked and interdependent. Topics presented range from: mandatory CSR in the banking industry to the professional integration of displaced persons to knowledge for and about sustainability, and many more. The diversity of the chapters gift readers an interdisciplinary examination of innovation, social responsibility and sustainability. Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility offers the latest research on topical issues by international experts and has practical relevance to business managers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2022
Since 2013, the Annual Review of Comparative and International Education has covered significant developments in the intersecting fields of comparative education, international education, and comparative and international education. Reflecting on ten prolific years of publication, both volumes of the 2022 Annual Review together present discussions on education trends and directions, conceptual and methodological developments, research-to-practice, area studies and regional developments, and diversification of the field of education. Featuring authors from around the world, they tell the story of comparative and international education as an academic and professional field and address both the functions and ethics of education across vastly different cultures, communities, organizations, and outcomes. Part B explores research-to-practice, area studies and regional development, and diversification of the field. The Annual Review of Comparative and International Education serves as an important reference, a source of knowledge, a record of the skills and how they are implemented, and a figurative mirror helping scholars and professionals alike reflect on their own practice and what it means both to the field and to each other.
Emerald Publishing Limited A Digital Path to Sustainable Infrastructure Management: Emerging Tools for the Construction Industry
As urbanization, digitalization, rising social expectations, and the quest for greener development become increasingly important and called for, a need to transform infrastructure and its management has become more pronounced. A Digital Path for Sustainable Infrastructure Management delivers the much sought-after guidance that the industry seeks to embrace technological advancements, establish new sustainable working practices, and foster socially valuable collaborations. Oke and Stephen open with a discussion on key sustainability concepts and the crucial measures that the construction sector must effectively establish to keep up with modern-day challenges. Moving to investigating multiple theoretical and practical aspects of novel digital tools, they analyse how these services can contribute to building and maintaining infrastructure better while aiding the impactful realization of globally recognized sustainability goals. Through an easy-to-follow and iterative structure, readers in both academic and professional settings are equipped with a comprehensive overview of the state of the art. This is a vital reference resource for future works in the area.
Emerald Publishing Limited Inclusive Leadership: Equity and Belonging in Our Communities
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Access (DEIB/A) represent essential features of the human side of any organization or community. To fulfil dreams and aspirations and to foster collective flourishing, inclusive leadership is vital. Making this happen is the central challenge and the focus of this collection of chapters comprising a wide variety of authors and perspectives. Inclusive Leadership speaks to the human side of organization and communities. Both practitioners and academics provide insights that broaden our traditional view of diversity issues into a perspective focused on better understanding the theory and practice of inclusive leadership. Chapters include empirical work, ground-breaking ideas, and practical tools from different sectors and parts of the world fundamental to a rich view of DEIB/A. Inclusive Leadership is essential reading for leaders aiming to create a space where individuals find genuine belonging.
Emerald Publishing Limited Emotion in Organizations: A Coat of Many Colors
Emotions, while extremely varied in their manifestation and effects on organizational settings, nonetheless represent the essence of organizational life. In this 19th volume of Research on Emotion in Organizations, editors Neal M. Ashkanasy, Ronald H. Humphrey and Ashlea C. Troth orchestrate a retrospective view of the field in order to address a wide range of emotion-related topics and point to the future of research in organizational behavior and organization theory. With contributions from Australia, Germany, Finland, Iran, Canada, France, Italy, Poland, the USA and the UK, chapters highlight the diverse nature and effect of emotions in organizational settings. Authors cover topics including physiological needs, strategic investment decisions, workplace supervisory practices, counterproductive behaviors, emotions in teamwork, CEO behavior, emotional intelligence, work-family balance, knowledge sharing and emotional labor. Taking this series’ esteemed reputation a step further, Emotion in Organizations: A Coat of Many Colors ushers the field into a new era in the ever-evolving world of work.
Emerald Publishing Limited Fractal Leadership: Ideologisation from the 1960s to Contemporary Social Movements
Fractal Leadership investigates leadership construction in social movements afforded (or intensified) by algorithm-based flows of information and viral affectivity. The book illustrates how a somewhat amorphous structure is replicated from an intimate, localised community level, all the way up to the global level with swift, almost breath-taking repetitions over and over again, from one scale to another, thus carrying new forms of leaders to sudden public mass-following, but just as quickly sweeping them away. Including original primary research with fieldwork from Extinction Rebellion and Black Lives Matter in juxtaposition with archival research of the New Left movements of the 1960s, Karatzogianni and Matthews explore how the digital transformation of temporality impacts on the ideologisation process, movement organisational structure, as well as the implicated biolabour process, culminating on the fractalisation of movement leadership and its devastating implications for class formation, and the authoritarian turn in global politics. Fractal Leadership serves as a point of reference for those interested in tracing the development of leadership in social movements from the 1960s to today.
Emerald Publishing Limited Agents of Innovation: Entrepreneurs, Facilitators and Intrapreneurs
What does it mean to innovate? What skills are needed? What thought processes are involved? Answers to these questions can be found in the real-life stories of Agents of Innovation. Louis Jacques Filion and chapter co-authors Rico J. Baldegger, Candido Borges, Fernando Dolabela, Joëlle Hafsi and Francine Richer, present six fascinating case histories of three different types of agents of innovation: entrepreneurs, who create new products or services, facilitators, or process innovators, who help entrepreneurs to develop their enterprises, and intrapreneurs, who innovate within the organizations that employ them. In the second part of Agents of Innovation, a set of exercises guide readers as they develop their own innovative thinking process. Valuable to researchers, students, and those about to branch out into the world of business, Agents of Innovation informs many different disciplines, and in particular strategy – the sister discipline of entrepreneurship as far as the implementation of innovation is concerned.
Emerald Publishing Limited Organization and Governance Using Algorithms
Following a recent mathematical, algorithmic, and computational turn in the field of social sciences, and particularly design aspects of contemporary organisations, Organisation and Governance Using Algorithms explores the problem of governance in organisations from a mathematical perspective. Avramopoulos offers a ground-breaking theory and application on organisational systems design, including discussions on organisational systems design requirements, such as productivity, emotion, and reward, the problems of unaccountability, including hierarchical delegation, and the benefits of accountable design. The suggested theoretical approach views organizational actors as computer processors that communicate through a shared infrastructure – both physical and digital – and suggests scientific principles and mechanisms by which to correct inequality and advance democratic governance in organisations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Becoming a Management Consultant: Key Steps to Success
Successful managers lead others to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization where they strive to produce sustainable growth, financial strength, and high job satisfaction. They also simultaneously meet the needs of all stakeholders. Those management consultants who are in high demand are champions for developing the leadership skills needed to make this happen. Each chapter in Becoming a Management Consultant focuses on a different aspect of being a successful management consultant – from effective listening to leadership styles, self-employment, attracting prospective clients, and everything else in between. There are also exercises to be completed to help the reader hone their skills. James D. Spina draws on over forty years first-hand experience as a consultant to equip the reader with this handy guide which appeals to a wide-ranging audience.
Emerald Publishing Limited How Universities Transform Occupations and Work in the 21st Century: The Academization of German and American Economies
Advanced education is often thought to respond to the demands of the economy. Market forces create new occupations, and then universities respond with degrees and curricula tailored to produce graduates with the required skills. Presented here is ground-breaking comparative research on an underappreciated, yet growing, concurrent alternative process: universities and their expanding research capacity create knowledge and skills, legitimated in new degrees that then become monetized and even required in private and public sectors of economies. With far reaching implications for understanding the educational transformation of capitalism and social inequality, the future of professionalization in occupations, persistent expansion of advanced education, and profound change in the culture of work in the 21st Century, the chapters explore sociological implications, possible global impacts, and critiques of the process. Detailed German and U.S. case studies of the university’s origins and influence on workplace consequences of six selected occupations and degrees investigate the dimensions of the academization process. Demonstrating universal application, the cases contrast the more open and less-restrictive education and occupational credentialling system in the U.S. with the centralized and government-controlled system in Germany. This is a much-needed new perspective on the worn-out notions of overeducation, credentialism, professionalism, and supposed unresponsiveness of systems of higher education.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions
Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions stands out from the competition due to its focus on three key characteristics: studies from scholars in different countries, with different research questions, relying on different theoretical perspective. Such a broad and inclusive approach to mergers and acquisitions is not easily replicated in academic journals, with much narrower mandates and metrics. Volume 22 of this annual series explores a range of issues relevant to a post-pandemic world– the cost-of-living crisis, energy insecurity, war in Ukraine and rising inflation are pushing many countries into recession, adversely affecting the global economy. This has led, and will continue to lead, to more downsizing, restructurings and inevitably to an increase in mergers and acquisitions. This collection of new and current research highlights interesting behavioural themes as well as timely practical solutions to the dilemma of mergers and acquisitions failures. Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions Volume 22 is of interest to scholars in strategic management, organizational theory and behaviour who are studying questions around mergers and acquisitions. Doctoral students will benefit from access to the diversity of research that can trigger new research questions and expanded research agendas.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mixed-Income Housing Development Planning Strategies and Frameworks in the Global South
Nearly 1.6 billion people worldwide are living in inadequate conditions, according to a recent United Nations report. Local authorities are running out of ways to tackle the increasing challenges of affordable housing. In South Africa, this issue is compounded by historical apartheid and spatial segregation. However, mixed-income housing has proven an effective strategy for alleviating the concentrated poverty that marginalizes certain communities. Functioning as a toolkit for inclusive urban planning, Mixed-Income Housing Development Planning Strategies and Frameworks in the Global South evaluates how this framework meets specific socio-economic goals as opposed taking a broad overview of development. Exploring the relevant policies, planning, and legislation that have guided human settlements in South Africa, the authors consider how best to combat residential segregation, informal settlements, and the exclusive allocation of public housing units to the poorest of the poor. Additional case studies from the USA, Australia, Netherlands, Brazil, Nigeria, Botswana, and Ghana compare emerging building strategies and their benefits, including spatial integration, improved access to social services and other infrastructure, and the promotion of local economic development (LED). Mixed-income housing development has been described as the only way to confront increasing urban poverty and segregation in our built environment. Analysing past projects and focusing on future trends and trajectories, this book acts as both a model for understanding the planning and management of this framework, and a foundation for future research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainable Road Infrastructure Project Implementation in Developing Countries: An Integrated Model
Seven of the seventeen United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) are directly related to sustainable infrastructure development. The majority of sectors, including the road infrastructure sector, are under intense pressure to find financially feasible, socially acceptable, and environmentally conscientious project outcomes or techniques that will result in sustainable road infrastructure development (SRID). Sustainable Road Infrastructure Project Implementation in Developing Countries presents a model for implementing sustainable road infrastructure projects in developing countries. Providing readers with comprehensive theoretical and practical directions on implementing sustainable road infrastructure projects in developing countries successfully, the authors discuss the factors which influence the implementation of sustainable road infrastructure projects, including the drivers, barriers, benefits, and determinants of sustainable road project implementation. The model offers road infrastructure stakeholders with a precise and functional tool that promotes collaboration, common language and comprehension, engagement and interaction among all individuals and institutions involved in SRIP implementation. It is beneficial to both professionals and scholars, in the area of architecture; building technology; civil engineering; sustainable/green construction and other disciplines in the built industry.
Emerald Publishing Limited Modeling Economic Growth in Contemporary Poland
Over the past 15 years, Poland has been one of the fastest-growing countries in the European Union. Trying to explain the sources of Poland’s economic success and decouple it from simple stylized facts on economic convergence anchored in the neoclassical growth models, the authors show how the Polish economy rapidly moved away from the communist economic system, which had ended up in an economic collapse, and moved towards unprecedented growth in income and the quality of life. Analyzing the transition and contemporary challenges of the Polish economy – including resilience to COVID and the Ukraine war, issues relating to Polish economic growth’s institutional and policy framework, and the prospects of economic growth in Poland from the micro, mezzo, and macro perspectives – Modeling Economic Growth in Contemporary Poland is suitable for practitioners and academics interested in discovering the foundations for Polish growth, exploring whether this growth will likely last in the future. Entrepreneurship and Global Economic Growth presents modern examinations of economic growth at national, regional, and global levels. Each book in this series discusses different dimensions of the changing economic and industrial contexts and examines in detail their impact on the nature of growth and development.
Emerald Publishing Limited The New Era of Global Services: A Framework for Successful Enterprises in Business Services and IT
The New Era of Global Services is the result of interviews with more than seventy international leaders. The results show that in the coming years, Global Services will tend to grow in business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C), peer-to-peer (P2P), an in particular peer-to-business (P2B) relationships. Deciding on locations will be a more flexible process that may include different countries, cities, and even the cloud (virtual sourcing). Therefore, an increase in delocalizing options (multi-sourcing) is expected. As a result, global labour arbitrage will create opportunities not only for secondary cities but also for cells and individuals with outstanding talents and appropriate telecommunication infrastructures. This, in turn, will foster the flourishing of companies with neither human resources of their own, nor a physical presence in a specific location. Author Javier Peña Capobianco makes a compelling case that over the coming twenty years, the companies that thrive will be those which not only embrace technology, but also generate disruptive business models in an authentic digital transformation process. However, only those who place people and their environment at the centre of their business plans will achieve true success. This is an important book for anyone involved in Global Services, as well as business students, entrepreneurs, C-suite professionals, policy makers and business academicians.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studying Teaching and Teacher Education: ISATT 40th Anniversary Yearbook
Research on teacher education and classroom teaching has evolved significantly in recent decades, with more research taking an international or intersectional lens. The International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT) has moved with the field, beginning as a predominantly white European and North American organization in 1983, it now has active membership from more than 60 countries across the globe. The ISATT 40th Anniversary Yearbook, presented over three volumes, reflects this growth through celebrating the contributions of ISATT members over time and offering current scholarly research to inform current and future teacher education and teaching. Bringing together top research from Taylor & Francis published over the past 10 years, plus cutting-edge new chapters, Studying Teaching and Teacher Education explores self-study; mentoring; the growing importance and opportunities for partnerships; the use of narratives; excessive entitlement; and accountability. All three volumes that make up the ISATT 40th Anniversary Yearbook offer invaluable insights for teacher educators and educational researchers the world over, offering international perspectives from North America, Europe, South America, Asia, Africa, and Australasia.
Emerald Publishing Limited Active and Transformative Learning in STEAM Disciplines: From Curriculum Design to Social Impact
Active and Transformative Learning in STEAM Disciplines is a unique reference volume for the new student-centric and objectives-oriented learning environment where individual and team learning paths enhance problem solving capabilities. These practices may range from simple teaching methods such as class discussion and role playing, to peer teaching and flipped learning. Focusing on STEAM education (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics), scholars from the three disciplines of education, business, and Information Technology highlight the importance of the class as a place for collaborative knowledge sharing, involving active engagement of both students and instructors, and explore the connection between innovation and sustainability at the curriculum and research levels. Chapter authors discuss the timely issues of digital transformation in higher education, the required active learning strategies, the novel methodological approaches to instructional design and the new student-centric paradigm for active and collaborative exploration of learning content. Filling a significant gap in the body of knowledge related to the emerging agenda of active and transformative learning strategies for STEAM disciplines, this volume is a helpful tool to faculty, higher education administrators, policymakers, curriculum designers and school leaders aiming to develop value-based strategies for promoting quality education with an emphasis on active and transformative learning.
Emerald Publishing Limited Technology-Enhanced Healthcare Education: Transformative Learning for Patient-Centric Health
The new challenges in healthcare education require new methodological approaches and transparent integration of technology enhanced learning approaches. Technology-Enhanced Healthcare Education promotes the best practices and lessons learnt from COVID-19 and highlights the importance and impact of using information systems to increase levels of health literacy. The chapter authors cover processes such as augmented or virtual reality to allow for distraction and decreased anxiety of the patient and services such as telemedicine and tele-consultation in the follow-up of non-acute patients. These are just a few ways in which health professionals can utilise information systems and transformative technology to increase the quality of health care, levels of health literacy and, thus, increase the health outcomes of their patients. Technology-Enhanced Healthcare Education is an innovative volume for health specialists, educators, higher education medical experts, medical school students and health management professionals. It is key reading for those looking to learn more about the latest developments on active and transformative learning within health education and medical technology (MedTech).
Emerald Publishing Limited Spirituality Management in the Workplace: New Strategies and Approaches
In recent years, after realizing that personal beliefs and spiritual development are as important as mental strength, studies in the field of spirituality in the workplace have grown exponentially. The experts here provide conceptual frameworks and guidance by examining the subject in the light of current developments at multiple levels of analysis: individual, organizational, cultural, and in leadership. Furthermore, this book focuses on rapidly evolving business models: remote working, the cyber-workplace, social media, digitalization, etc – all accelerated by the COVID-19 epidemic. The concept of spirituality in the workplace can be harmful as well as beneficial. Employees who are spiritually attached to the workplace may ignore issues known as ‘organizational deviation’ (such as theft and corruption) by keeping the interests of the institution in the foreground. These ‘dark’ and ‘invisible’ aspects of spirituality in the workplace are also examined, with a special focus on identifying aspects of spirituality which can harm businesses. Spirituality in the workplace considers employees as a whole, in spirit, body, and mind.
Emerald Publishing Limited Education for Refugees and Forced (Im)Migrants Across Time and Context
Political violence, civil unrest, economic crises, and natural disasters have occurred at a constant pace, leading to an ongoing global crisis of refugees and other forced immigrants and migrants, i.e. (im)migrants. The infrastructures, capacities, and policies necessary to address the needs of refugee youth, their families, and their communities are strained in host countries and receiving communities worldwide. Education for Refugees and Forced (Im)Migrants Across Time and Context follows the journey of refugee and forced (im)migrant youths as their educational needs and opportunities vary according to resettlement communities’ immigration policies, dominant culture and language, geography, and other key factors. There is little research around the transition from peri- to post-migration education of refugee youth across time and context. Chapter authors address that gap by examining the conditions of refugee youth across different types of refugee contexts, including violence/conflict, natural disaster, economic crisis, political oppression, and how educational expectations, opportunities, and experiences shift before, during, and after the forced (im)migration journey. This important collection analyzes the complex combination of frameworks, drivers, and characteristics of education for refugee and forced (im)migrant youth to inform education policy, practice, and research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
This book contains an Open Access chapter. Volume 41 of Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management offers several original scholarly contributions written by thought leaders in the field of human resources management. These chapters feature the latest research exploring emerging novel areas of HRM. Contributions include an analysis of professional touching behaviour, ideas about the state of our science in HRM, an Open Access chapter on work-life flexibility issues, processes that occur in expatriate turnover, suggestions concerning the state of human resource process research, and some comments on the contribution of this series to facilitating research in HRM issues
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender Inequality and its Implications on Education and Health: A Global Perspective
Gender inequality has wide-ranging and adverse implications for all of society. For this reason, the United Nations has made it a top priority to address this issue through the Sustainable Development Goals, which state that gender equality is not only a fundamental human right but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable world. Gender Inequality and its Implications on Education and Health explains the different implications of gender inequality and finds solutions to our most pressing issues. The authors of these collected studies show that though in various contexts around the globe, girls and women are discouraged and prevented from receiving quality education, proper health care, women empowerment and social justice, if this exclusion is eliminated it produces many additional socio-economic gains that benefit entire societies. Focusing largely on India to explore firstly the implications of gender inequality on education and health and then gender inequality and its implications to other SDGs, the chapters extend globally to analyse countries from Asia, Australia, Africa, and Europe. Raising awareness among stakeholders and institutions to recognise the importance of gender inequality throughout the world and its various implications – especially on education and health – Gender Inequality and its Implications on Education and Health provides strategies to achieve gender equality.
Emerald Publishing Limited Punishment, Probation and Parole: Mapping out ‘Mass Supervision’ in International Contexts
In many countries, community-based penalties such as probation, electronic monitoring and parole are the most common sanctions used in the punishment of criminalized individuals. Despite the widespread use of community-based penalties, these forms of penalization or punishment remain a less studied feature of punishment research today. Punishment, Probation and Parole maps this lacuna in knowledge and scholarship while charting a path to fill it. Bringing together a series of key conceptual papers by leading scholars, the chapters explore the various dimensions and forms of community-based penalties as they are constructed and experienced in different times and places, producing different socio-penal effects. Addressing pressing debates and emerging concepts, this much-needed collection serves to chart directions for future researchers to explore in the field of community-based penalties.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emotional Life of School-Level Leaders
Despite being tasked with supporting the wellbeing and emotional health of staff, students, and other members of the school community, little attention has been paid to developing the same qualities in school-level leaders. The majority of the existing academic research surrounding school-level leadership focuses on what practices and strategies leaders can engage in to supporting student outcomes. Bridging the nexus between research and practice, The Emotional Life of School-Level Leaders uses insights and interpretations derived from the disciplines of psychology and educational leadership to illustrate the rich and complex emotions inherent in school-level leaders’ work. This unique resource critically investigates approaches for promoting wellbeing and effective emotional regulation strategies among both individual school-level leaders and throughout K-12 education systems. In an era characterized by high levels of attrition, burnout and stress, Hauseman proposes communal strategies and policy levels to support school-level leaders’ emotional regulation and wellbeing, countering individualistic approaches to self-care that absolve Ministries/Departments of Education and school districts from their responsibilities to support school-level leaders. The Emotional Life of School-Level Leaders provides a unique perspective by offering insight into who school-level leaders are, and what they need to thrive both personally and professionally.
Emerald Publishing Limited Overlapping Generations: Methods, Models and Morphology
The 800 pound gorilla in the room of macroeconomics is the question of why the overlapping generations model didn’t become the central workhorse model for macroeconomics. Introduced in 1958 by Paul Samuelson, the model postulates an infinite number of finite-lived families. This is in stark contrast to the more dominant neoclassical growth model, which is based on the assumption that real economies are populated by a finite number of dynastic families. Despite the greater realism of the former model and the inherent implausibility of the assumptions underlying the growth model, the growth model has become dominant. The authors here explore the co-evolution of the two models to shed light on why this happened, spanning the entire post-WWII era.
Emerald Publishing Limited Positive Psychology for Healthcare Professionals: A Toolkit for Improving Wellbeing
There has been an abundance of research carried out relating to the use of positive psychology, but a focus on staff working in care settings has been lacking. Positive Psychology for Healthcare Professionals presents applied positive psychology specifically for health and care staff, showcasing eleven different interventions that have proven to be effective in improving wellbeing. Positive Psychology Interventions are validated techniques, developed to include wellbeing enhancing activities, building effective user-friendly, cost-effective self-help strategies. This toolkit for improving wellbeing provides a more holistic roadmap to increase self-awareness of staff abilities, potential talents, and positive characteristics, through a strengths-based approach.
Emerald Publishing Limited Attaining the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal of Gender Equality
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. Attaining the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal of Gender Equality focuses on Sustainable Development Goal number five (SDG#5): ending all forms of discrimination against women and girls. Examining family businesses in Honduras, Australia, Austria, and Lebanon, each case study presents a unique perspective from their respective country, analysing how SDG#5 translates into empowering women and girls around the world. The case studies presented generate insights and key takeaways into the role of family businesses in eliminating violence and other harmful practices as well as ensuring equal opportunities and participation for women in business and beyond. The United Nations’ (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 Goals pledged by 193 nations in 2015 which would help engender an improved, fairer, and more sustainable world – one in which ‘no one is left behind’. The SDGs are a call to action, to develop innovative solutions to the most complex, societal, and environmental global challenges. In Family Businesses on a Mission, series editors Naomi Birdthistle and Rob Hales bring together international case studies to illustrate how family businesses can attain the UN 2030 SDGs. Accessible to those working in the field beyond academia – such as family business practitioners, family business owners, government and policymakers, members of NGOs, business associations and philanthropic centres – this book series equally appeals to those with a general interest in entrepreneurship and business.
Emerald Publishing Limited Attaining the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal of Sustainable Cities and Communities
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. Attaining the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal of Sustainable Cities and Communities focuses on Sustainable Development Goal number eleven (SDG#11): making human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. Examining family businesses in the Republic of Ireland, Germany, the United States, the United Arab Emirates, and Australia, each case study presents a unique perspective from their respective country, analysing how SDG#11 translates into creating and maintaining liveable home environments for all. The case studies presented generate insights and key takeaways into the role of family businesses in developing and encouraging sustainable practices that have a positive effect on every member of their community. The United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 Goals pledged by 193 nations in 2015 which would help engender an improved, fairer, and more sustainable world – one in which ‘no one is left behind’. The SDGs are a call to action, to develop innovative solutions to the most complex, societal, and environmental global challenges. In Family Businesses on a Mission, series editors Naomi Birdthistle and Rob Hales bring together international case studies to illustrate how family businesses can attain the UN 2030 SDGs. Accessible to those working in the field beyond academia – such as family business practitioners, family business owners, government and policymakers, members of NGOs, business associations, and philanthropic centres – this book series appeals equally to those with a general interest in entrepreneurship and business.
Emerald Publishing Limited Revitalizing Collegiality: Restoring Faculty Authority in Universities
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. The higher education and research system faces a constant dilemma. On the one hand, research and higher education are run by autonomous, interrelated academic communities, often described as collegial governance. On the other hand, they are an instrument for the fulfillment of goals that are often external to the academic community. What, then, is the role of academics and academic knowledge in governance of higher education and research, and how does this reflect on and impact their aims and overall place in society? Fostered through joint workshops and an open dialogue, this double volume of Research in the Sociology of Organizations develops a deeper understanding of collegiality, examining through a unique comparative perspective how it is translated and practiced in different settings across the world. Considering ways in which collegiality can be revitalized, this second installment argues for reintroducing collegiality both in analyzing the development of higher education systems and research and in the actual governing of universities. Revealing the globalization, homogenization and variation that have come to characterize the collegiate system, Revitalizing Collegiality critically considers the state of and future of the higher education system, and how we can consciously shape it moving forward.
Emerald Publishing Limited Value, Money, Profit, and Capital Today
Drawing on the perspectives of both leading experts and early career academics from China, Senegal, Cuba, Brazil, France, Italy, Spain, and the UK, this 39th issue of Research in Political Economy integrates, articulates, and discusses the concepts of value, profit, money, and capital within a common theoretical and empirical framework. Divided into four distinct parts, chapters highlight: the relevance of value in contemporary Marxist theory the hegemony of the US dollar and its recent erosion major monetary problems currently faced by Africa as a result of colonial legacies alternative monetary and financial tracks being tested in Latin America, including monetary regionalization and resistance to the domination of the dollar the current state of national debt in the Global South, including possible solutions the difficulties in evaluating transnational corporate profit in the era of globalization the evolution of profit rates in the United States, Europe, and Latin America over the past several decades a study of France's rate of profit over more than a century fictitious and financial capital the recent emergence of cryptocurrencies and some of the challenges that this entails Connecting fundamental, theoretical, and empirical subjects with the most current scholarship on value, money, profit and capital today, this book makes sense of our increasingly interconnected global economy, highlighting key issues and proposing real-world solutions from the most knowledgeable researchers in the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Fostering Sustainable Businesses in Emerging Economies: The Impact of Technology
Fostering Sustainable Businesses in Emerging Economies presents a series of case studies and exploratory studies, using quantitative analysis, scientific studies, and qualitative studies showing how innovation and technology enable emerging economies to achieve business sustainability and also achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Most of all, the authors answer the question: What are the most important lessons policymakers need to consider when promoting sustainable business development?
Emerald Publishing Limited World Healthcare Cooperatives: Challenges and Opportunities
The healthcare industry is one of the largest and fastest-growing service industries in the world. The respective merits of public and private healthcare systems are continually debated, but a third system – that of healthcare cooperatives – is rapidly emerging as a universal, community-focused and cost-effective alternative. Rooted in remarkable examples from every corner of the world, World Healthcare Cooperatives highlights both the challenges a successful healthcare cooperative may face, as well as its proven effectiveness in making a difference. Understanding that, for many, especially in developing countries, private hospitals and healthcare insurance plans are expensive and out of reach, and that globally many public healthcare systems are under-resourced, chapters demonstrate how healthcare cooperatives have a critical role to play in providing services sustainably and at an affordable cost. Addressing the persistent gap between supply and demand in the healthcare sector, the authors highlight the capability of healthcare cooperatives to create a positive impact. With examples from Canada, Argentina, Japan, Africa, Brazil, Columbia, Sri Lanka, Spain, and India, chapters showcase the services that cooperatives can offer their communities, including the establishment of hospitals, medical facilities, and other infrastructure, as well as opportunities in biotechnology and information technology research. Considering more than 100 million households worldwide that have benefitted from healthcare cooperatives, this pioneering collection triggers a new direction of research to support those seeking to establish healthcare infrastructure in developing and least developed countries in achieving universal healthcare for all.
Emerald Publishing Limited Businesses' Contributions to Sustainable Development Goal 5: Gender Equality Across B Corps in Latin America and the Caribbean
Since 2015, businesses have been identified as key actors in the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Analyzing the impact of B-certification in terms of gender equality among Latin American and Caribbean companies, Businesses’ Contributions to Sustainable Development Goal 5 champions the potential B-certification has for the advancement of gender equality in the private sector. Including a historical account of the B Corps movement, the authors assess the capacity of different tools to measure businesses’ contributions to gender equality and analyze gender equality performance across Latin American and Caribbean companies. Featuring a review of related literature, chapters also consider how women’s movements and gender struggles have attracted new activists which have increased their visibility in the region’s public arenas. Highlighting the connection between business, sustainability and gender and providing inspiration for the wider business world, this book identifies best practices for the achievement of gender equality from B Corps across South America.
Emerald Publishing Limited Teaching and Teacher Education in International Contexts: ISATT 40th Anniversary Yearbook
Research on teacher education and classroom teaching has evolved significantly in recent decades, with more research taking an international or intersectional lens. The International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT) has moved with the field, beginning as a predominantly white European and North American organization in 1983, it now has active membership from more than 60 countries across the globe. The ISATT 40th Anniversary Yearbook, presented over three volumes, reflects this growth through celebrating the contributions of ISATT members over time and offering current scholarly research to inform current and future teacher education and teaching. Bringing together top research from Emerald, Elsevier and Taylor & Francis published over the past 10 years, plus cutting-edge new chapters, Teaching and Teacher Education in International Contexts explores the growing global scope of research on teaching. The sections investigate the history of ISATT; teacher education reform; school reform and support structures; partnerships; and preparing teacher educators. All three volumes that make up the ISATT 40th Anniversary Yearbook offer invaluable insights for teacher educators and educational researchers the world over, offering international perspectives from North America, Europe, South America, Asia, Africa, and Australasia.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Significance of Chinatown Development to a Multicultural America: An Exploration of the Houston Chinatowns
The Houston Chinatown’s dramatic transformation from a Chinese enclave decades ago to a continually expanding multiethnic boomtown today contrasts development stagnation in many other traditional American Chinatowns. This pioneer study delineates the evolution of Houston’s two Chinatowns, from the emergence and decline of Old Chinatown to the subsequent development and vibrant growth of New Chinatown – spanning nearly a century. Zheng and Zou delve into the distinctive character of New Chinatown, underscoring its innovative progress that sets it apart from the nation’s oldest major Chinatowns, a quintessentially Houston story. They also probe the immigrant experience, political landscape, and socioeconomic dynamics that influenced the Chinatowns’ metamorphoses. Scanning the community’s collective response to the dire impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on New Chinatown, the chapters examine the latest development trends in the New Chinatown areas, shedding light on the extent to which they are upholding, or deviating from, traditional practices. Furthermore, the book explores the significance of these trends to the local community and beyond, alongside their wider implications. Amidst the growth challenges encountered by numerous Chinatowns across America, this timely work offers insightful perspectives on a sustainable model for urban and community development, as demonstrated by the transformative journey of Houston’s New Chinatown.
Emerald Publishing Limited Winning Through Platforms: How to Succeed When Every Competitor Has One
Winning through Platforms achieved #1 bestseller status, and is a Best Business Book Awards winner for 2024. It is your new go-to guide for modern competitive advantage. Digital platforms are no longer for just the tech elite. They’re spreading to every company and industry, powered by the growth of customer sensors, streaming data, and artificial intelligence—lighting the valuable customer Use journey that was formerly dark. How will you succeed when your markets get platform-crowded? Three senior advisers to the world’s leading technology companies reveal how to win through platforms when every competitor has one. Winning Through Platforms decodes growth moves from a decade of platform competition, communicates them through a platform playbook. It’s a treasure trove of 24 proven platform strategies—such as customer coalition design, in-use enrichment, AI branding, and much more. These playbook strategies are delivered through engaging stories of over 50 companies, plus proprietary frameworks and workshop-style questions that lead you to act. This game-changing playbook will teach you how to: Revitalize your business through strategic use of platforms Design platforms that are compelling to customers and hard for competitors to match Accelerate in-market growth through brand-and-demand excellence that spans your customer’s entire platform journey Innovate in high-impact benefit areas to differentiate your platform Elevate your customer’s personal platform experience Transform your enterprise and operations to drive superior performance Every CEO, innovator, go-to-market leader, and aspiring professional will gain valuable insight through this book. Whether your company is just starting on its first platform journey or is a born platform disruptor, this book will transform your ability to win. Learn the platform playbook. Find and apply your plays. This book forms part of the American Marketing Association (AMA) leadership series.
Emerald Publishing Limited Consciousness and Creativity in Artificial Intelligence: The Cognitive Side of Knowledge Management
With Industry 4.0 accelerating AI, synthetic knowledge and creativity, Consciousness and Creativity in Artificial Intelligence posits a central question: “Under what conditions can intelligent robots develop creativity?”. Opening a new field of investigation for knowledge management at the organizational level, Johannessen discusses new theories around uncovering hidden knowledge, which is assumed to be the area of knowledge responsible for the emergence of creativity and innovation. Reflecting upon how intelligent robots can develop creativity, Consciousness and Creativity in Artificial Intelligence examines three classes of algorithms – linear, evolutionary and systemic. Consciousness and Creativity in Artificial Intelligence is a thought-provoking but accessible text appealing to those researching innovation, knowledge and creativity in organizations both now and in the future.
Emerald Publishing Limited Emotions During Times of Disruption
The COVID pandemic has swept through the world with significant consequences for our work and family lives. We have seen a huge upsurge in remote working, collaborating and leading and ways of working, giving rise to myriad challenges such as “Zoom fatigue,” poor “digital demarcation,” shifting workplace power balances, and declining mental health and safety. Its impact has rightly increased scholarly and practitioner attention towards better ways to support and understand employees, leaders, and organizations; and to help them to develop more effective responses to disruption of various forms. For volume 18 of the series Research on Emotion in Organizations we have fittingly chosen the theme, Emotions during Times of Disruption and contend that emotions and other affect related concepts represent keys to understanding the phenomena of disruption in organizations more fully. Literature to date addressing this issue is surprisingly scant and so chapters in this volume provide impactful and important contributions to an underexplored area. Emotions during Times of Disruption progresses through 4 thematic sections which include, Emotions in disruptive contexts, Emotions and performance-related outcomes during disruption, the role of supervisors and leader emotions during disruption and lessons learnt which help point the way forward with further insights and recommendations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research
Focusing on research that examines both individual and organizational behavior relative to accounting, Volume 25 of Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research uncovers emerging theories, methods and applications. From the dark triad, ethical fading, and ethicality of behavior to the effects of CSR reputation and crisis response strategy on investor judgements, the authors compile innovative and new explorations into the behavioral aspects of accounting and audit. Working on both the individual and organizational level, this collection is essential reading for accounting students and educators, providing a unique, interdisciplinary forum with valuable insights on practice for those working in the field. Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research promotes research across all areas of accounting, incorporating theory from, and contributing knowledge to, the fields of applied psychology, sociology, management science, ethics and economics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: Including a Symposium On the Work of William J. Baumol: Heterodox Inspirations and Neoclassical Models
The centerpiece of Volume 40B of Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology is a symposium on the work of William Baumol, edited by Erwin Dekker. The symposium includes contributions from Alex Tabarrok, Jochen Hartwig and Hagen M. Krämer, Alexandre Chirat, Victor A. Beker, Caroline Colton, Magnus Henrekson and Mikael Stenkula, and Anna Noci. Volume 40B also features new general-research essays from Juan Pablo Castilla and Fabrizio Bientinesi.