Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Tall Buildings: Civil Engineering Special Issue
Despite the recent global construction downturn, tall buildings are still erected in city centres because they provide economical, prestigious, comfortable, safe and sustainable solutions to urbanisation and urban regeneration. Increasingly clients' demands for taller buildings with enhanced performance requirements can only be met by engineering innovations in materials, design, construction and operation. It is not surprising therefore that the subject of tall buildings attracts the interest of civil and structural engineers, both in academia and industry. Tall buildings are defined by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) as buildings that exhibit some element of ‘tallness’ in one or more of three categories, namely height relative to context, proportion and tall buildings technologies. For example, in terms of context, a building of 14 storeys or 50 m height would not be considered a tall building in Hong Kong but would be in Paris. The papers in this special issue have been selected to cover a wide range of topics, with the first four papers being generally applicable to all tall buildings and the following four being case studies of tall buildings around the world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Planning Major Projects
Planning Major Projects is a new, practical guide to developing resilient infrastructure and offers insight and guidance for planners seeking to deliver major projects on time, within budget and in line with operational goals. Planning Major Projects advocates a new approach for planning based on the author’s international experience of working on urban transport systems. It offers practical advice on how the role and practice of planning can be changed to provide optimal continuity and predictability over the course of a project. Planning Major Projects: outlines the project development process defines the planner’s role as the project develops evaluates current approaches to project planning suggests practical changes for improved operational success examines key activities , including strategising and managing risk, developing credible forecasts and countering optimism bias offers guidance on future-proofing infrastructure Planning Major Projects is a practical guide for planning practitioners and a valuable and informative reference for major project stakeholders, sponsors and policy-makers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Waterborne Transport: Civil Engineering Special Issue
Waterborne transport remains fundamental to the global economy. While the proportion of freight carried by inland waterways is relatively modest – with 6% in Europe, 9% in the USA and 11% in China – the unrivalled efficiency of sea transport means that 90% of all world trade is moved on water. In Britain, 20% of domestic freight and 95% of international freight is carried by ship. Furthermore, waterborne transport has a lower environmental impact per freight tonne than any other existing transport mode. It thus offers the most sustainable option for meeting the world's ever increasing demand for transport capacity. Extensive new port and channel infrastructure – including terminals, berths, ramps, cranes, breakwaters, buoys, lights and locks – are being planned and built by civil engineers throughout the world. Until relatively recently, overland travel in most parts of the world was dangerous, difficult and slow. Ships of many kinds have been transporting goods and cultures across the oceans of the world and along the rivers and canals of the continents for centuries. It is no coincidence that most major cities are next to navigable water. Although other forms of transport have emerged over the past 200 years, sometimes eclipsing the pre-eminence of water, anyone standing close to a modern container ship, tanker or bulk carrier cannot fail to be aware that waterborne transport is still the engine of international trade.
Emerald Publishing Limited ICE Manual of Geotechnical Engineering
Many civil engineers leave university with some knowledge of applied mechanics, geology and some soil and rock mechanics but often a limited grounding in geotechnical engineering. A good geotechnical engineer needs to appreciate the balance between theoretical principles, practical experience and the uncertainties present when dealing with the ground in its natural state. The ICE Manual of Geotechnical Engineering is intended to address this need by delivering an authoritative and comprehensive reference providing the core geotechnical engineering principles, practical techniques, and the major questions engineers should keep in mind when dealing with real-world engineering challenges – all within a consistently coherent framework.
Emerald Publishing Limited Offshore Geotechnical Engineering: Principles and practice
With activity in the engineering of offshore structures increasing around the world, Offshore Geotechnical Engineering offers a timely introduction to many of the core design and assessment skills required of those working in the sector, in accordance with the latest codes and standards. All major aspects of the subject are covered in depth, including offshore site investigation, surveys, soil mechanics, jackups, jacket platforms, gravity platforms, pipelines, artificial islands, wind turbine support structures, and deepwater solutions. The author provides extensive practical guidance on the assessment of geohazards and site-specific soils data, and on how this is applied to the design, installation, maintenance, and eventual de-commissioning of offshore structures and their foundations. Through the use of real examples and case studies, the reader is provided with the knowledge to: identify the principal geotechnical issues for offshore developments prepare for common challenges of offshore geotechnical engineering design a programme of offshore investigations carry out and manage design calculations The first book to offer this information in a single place, Offshore Geotechnical Engineering is a comprehensive resource that will appeal to a broad spectrum of sectors – as a structured basic training for those entering the field, a comprehensive introductory text for students and lecturers, and a highly useful reference for those with experience.
Emerald Publishing Limited Geotechnique volume 1, issue 1: Facsimile edition
A unique opportunity to purchase a re-print of the first issue of the world renowned Géotechnique journal. Established for 60 years, Géotechnique is ICE's world-leading geotechnics journal, publishing the cream of the international community output on all aspects of geotechnical engineering. As celebration of 60 years of Géotechnique Thomas Telford have re-published the first volume of this landmark journal.
Emerald Publishing Limited Vibration of Solids and Structures under Moving Loads
This book analyses the effects of moving loads on elastic and inelastic solids, elements and parts of structures and on elastic media, namely beams, continuous beams, beams on elastic foundations, rigid-plastic beams and thin-walled beams, frames, arches, strings, plates elastic spaces and half spaces etc. Vibrations in these structures are produced by various types of moving force (loads), such as vehicles with the inertial effects of their masses and by random loads which move with constant or variable speeds along the structure. This type of loading (varying in time and space) may be found in transport engineering structures which need to carry faster and heavier vehicles while the structures over which the vehicles move are becoming slenderer and lighter. The book provides theoretical formulations for the problem, and mathematical solutions for all cases and their application to civil, mechanical, transport, naval and aircraft structures. The extensive and up-to-date bibliography gives a worldwide survey of the problem. The monograph describes ways to prolong the life of existing/older structures and presents a theoretical guide to the economic design of new civil, mechanical and other engineering structures, such as bridges, rails, sleeper, roadways, airport runways, tunnels, foundations for all types of highways and railways, cranes and other transport structures. This book will be of great value to civil, mechanical and transport engineers, researchers, project engineers, designers, postgraduate and undergraduate students and all those interested in structural dynamics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Deep Excavations: A practical manual
This book assembles the practical rules and details for the efficient and economical execution of deep excavations. It draws together a wealth of experience of both design and construction from published work and the lifetime practice of the author. This second edition is extensively revised to include changes in design emphasis including those due to Eurocode 7 and descriptions of the latest equipment, construction techniques and geotechnical processes. Additional details include those of the latest piling and diaphragm wall equipment and innovations in top-down construction applied to basements and cut-and-cover works. The section on caissons has been expanded to include design methods. The successful conceptual design of temporary and permanent works for the support of deep excavations requires both freshness of ideas and experience of similar construction. The purpose of this book is to present varied international examples in sufficient detail to allow this to succeed.
Emerald Publishing Limited Tables for the Hydraulic Design of Pipes, Sewers and Channels Volume II
This book is the second of two self-supporting volumes that make up the 8th edition of Tables for the Hydraulic Design of Pipes, Sewers and Channels. It provides an alternative solution system for the Colebrook-White equation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Supply Chain Management for Refurbishment: Lessons from high street retailing
This book is the outcome of EPARC supported three year research project involving seven major high-street retailing clients: Arcadia Group, Boots, Borders(UK), Halifax plc, Nationwid, Rubicon Retail Ltd, Pizza Express: and their supply chains. The book comprises two complementary parts. The first, the Good Practice Framework, is the 'what to do' for effective refurbishment involving the closer integration of 'supply' and 'value' chains in construction. The second, the 'why do it this way', comprises research evidence from a wide range of construction and business management sources: including process maps, management models and outcomes from fieldwork with the retail clients and their supply chains: that provided the basis for the framework..
Emerald Publishing Limited Strategic Management Applied to International Construction
The past 50 years has seen a steady increase in the number of construction businesses operating on a global basis. However, in recent years, there has been a total transformation of the international business market into more of an integrated holistic community and this transformation can be put down to three key developments: The first and most dramatic has been the improvement of communication systems, including satellite technology and the development of computer information technology. The second is the manner in which international trade has developed since the Second World War. The establishment of the United Nations and associated bodies (such as the World Health Organisation) was the first step in encouraging nations to work together to solve world problems. Since then, governments have set up a number of organizations to help develop and regulate the world economy and international trade. The third and most recent development has been the realization that most of the world’s resources are finite and will not support current rates of economic and industrial growth indefinitely. Strategic Management Applied to International Construction has been specifically written to provide a broad coverage of the knowledge required to address strategic issues relating to the business of construction on a global scale. Unlike previous books in this area, it is not biased towards practice in any particular country. Instead, it provides knowledge that is universally applicable and this knowledge is supported by a series of case studies of leading consultants, contractors and suppliers of products, materials and construction equipment to highlight current best practice by organizations in America, Japan and Europe. Supporting the text are numerous diagrams, charts and tables to help visualize the key issues. Strategic Management Applied to International Construction will be an excellent reference work for practitioners across all construction related disciplines who are seeking to supplement their strategic business knowledge and expertise in the broad spectrum of international construction. The book will also be essential reading for postgraduate students studying construction management and for undergraduates who are studying specialist options, or who have selected subjects related to international construction as a final year dissertation topic.h
Emerald Publishing Limited Management of Procurement
This invaluable book covers all aspects of procurement, from drafting and using contracts to procurement strategies for privately financed projects. It is written from a construction perspective, and uses examples from other industries where appropriate. This essential book offer presents guidance, explanations and case studies to help the reader comprehend the strengths and weaknesses and realistic meanings and outcomes of the stages in the development of an effective procurement strategy. Bringing together the theory and practice that relates to procurement, the book offers guidance on show the process should be undertaken. It begins by outlining the role of procurement in the construction industry, including the problems it faces and some of the steps that can be taken to overcome these problems. It then goes on to consider contractor selection and raises issues relating to the allocation of risk in contracts and factors to consider when awarding a contract. A brief summary of the relevant legal aspects is also provided. The book also examines contract strategy, major organisational arrangements and payment types and prvides a summary of the key features of the most common standard forms of contract. The relationship between benchmarking, key performance indicators and incentives is explained and a framework for developing incentive mechanisms is provided.
Emerald Publishing Limited Buildability: Successful construction from concept to completion
Buildability demonstrates that projects that go well and leave satisfied clients and contractors are based on thorough planning and design. However, there are many factors to consider in order to achieve a successful outcome. These include the implementation of guidance on fair practice, better management and improved techniques suggested by the Latham and Egan reports, and the application of improved health and safety measures. Also required is a knowledge of practical construction and the incorporation of this knowledge into the project details from the outset. This excellent book lists simple proposals, put forward by a variety of experienced people, which, if implemented correctly, will help reduce construction problems and cost, and make the work more straightforward and safe. Buildability is a practical guide based on extensive experience of construction projects, and it will be invaluable for all those seeking to improve the efficiency of their practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Breakwaters, Coastal Structures and Coastlines
This volume presents the proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers seventh internaional conference on coastlines, structures and breakwaters. The papers contained in the volume cover wide ranging advances in international research and experience in the field of coastal and harbour engineering.
Emerald Publishing Limited Dynamic Mentoring for Civil Engineers
The most important resource for any company in the construction industry today is its workforce. In order to maximise the skills, abilities and commitment of its workforce, a company must reconsider the importance of training as a vital part of their business development. To develop employees' talents to their maximum potential, as quickly as possible requires quality mentoring, and mentors need to be carefully chosen and better trained to undertake this vital role.
Emerald Publishing Limited Finite Element Analysis in Geotechnical Engineering: Theory and application
This comprehensive new two-volume work provides the reader with a detailed insight into the use of the finite element method in geotechnical engineering. As specialist knowledge required to perform geotechnical finite element analysis is not normally part of a single engineering degree course, this lucid work will prove invaluable. It brings together essential information presented in a manner understandable to most engineers. Volume 1 presents the theory, assumptions and approximations involved in finite element analysis while Volume 2 concentrates on its practical applications to real geotechnical problems. The theory explored in the first volume is referred to in the case studies of the second volume to provide a holistic impression of finite element analysis as it is applied in geotechncial engineering. Using practical examples, the second volume illustrates the restrictions, pitfalls, advantages and disadvantages of numerical analysis. The authors examine popular constitutive models, numerical techniques and case studies. Together, both volumes aim to provide the reader with sufficient knowledge to judge the credibility of the numerical results that the reader may obtain, or review, in the future. Finite element analysis in geotechnical engineering: theory and application will be essential reading for practising geotechnical and structural engineers and researchers, particularly users of commercial finite element software, both in industry and in academia. Students performing project work at undergraduate and postgraduate level will also find this book invaluable.
Emerald Publishing Limited Bridge Modification 2: Stronger and safer bridges
Changes in vehicle weight limits and revisions to safety standards inevitably increase the demands placed on bridges. Increases in traffic flow seen over the past years also mean that many bridges are carrying much greater loads than their designers ever anticipated. Following from the very successful Bridge Modification conference in 1994, this volume contains papers describing the current issues, thinking and technology behind the assessment and improvement of existing bridges. The papers are grouped under the headings: policy improved assessment case studies In addition to these valuable state-of-the-art papers, this volume reports the equally valuable discussions which ensued. The modification of bridges, inparticular their strength and safety, offers a cost effective solution to maintaining an effective highway infrastructure and meeting the transport needs of the future. This volume will provide an important reference for the many bridge engineers now engaged in this vital work.
Emerald Publishing Limited Civil Engineering in the Nuclear Industry
Civil engineering has an important part to play at every stage of the nuclear fuel cycle. This book examines ways in which the industry has responded to this challenge with new methods of construction giving higher productivity and faster construction times.
Emerald Publishing Limited Negotiating Skills in Engineering and Construction
This book is about the personal skills which engineers use in negotiations. Demonstrating how to respond to negotiators with other styles and from other cultures, it also covers the different negotiating skills needed during all three phases of a contract: to secure it, during its lifetime, and to settle outstanding matters afterwards. It is a handbook of methods: ways to prepare, to establish a climate, to plan and control. It discusses the processes of bargaining and settling, and how to select the most appropriate course for the changing relationships.
Emerald Publishing Limited Macroeconomic Modelling and Policy Implications: In Honour of Pertti Kukkonen
The main purpose of this book is to review and discuss the different varieties of macro modelling. A second purpose is to analyze policy themes that are currently important in Finland and elsewhere. The last set of papers analyze exchange rate policies in Finland and issues in European Economic Integration. The reader will find both a useful overview of the different types of macroeconomic modelling of economic policies and some stimulating analyses of current issues in economic policy-making. The book is dedicated to Pertti Kukkonen on the occasion of his 60th birthday to honour his long and distinguished career as a participant and advisor in economic policy-making.
Emerald Publishing Limited Simulating an Ageing Population: A Microsimulation Approach Applied to Sweden
The book series "Contributions to Economic Analysis" was established under the editorship of Jan Tinbergen in 1952. Its purpose ever since has been to stimulate the international exchange of scientific information and to reinforce international cooperation by publishing original research in applied economics. The editors and authors of the series represent a broad range of geographic and subject matter interests in economics, and the series includes books from all areas of macroeconomics and microeconomics. These books have in common a quantitative approach to economic problems of practical importance.
Emerald Publishing Limited Unfunded Pension Systems: Ageing and Migration
Pension systems in most industrialised countries are unfunded, i.e. they are pay-as-you-go financed and thus depend on a well-balanced ratio (old) recipients to (young) contributors. This so-called dependency ratio will worsen significantly in the next few decades due to two developments: ageing of the population and increased labour mobility. This book analyses the viability of unfunded pension systems in the presence of the projected demographic evolution. The analysis focuses on questions concerning: efficiency considerations and the possibility of welfare improvements; political economy aspects and the feasibility of reforms, and; the process of European integration and its influence on national pension systems. The theoretical analysis is complemented in numerous ways by quantitative parts and institutional details. The consequences of the demographic crisis for the distribution of the pension burden within and across generations and in an international context are illustrated with respect to the specific situation in Germany and other European countries. It is shown for different settings of political power distribution and for different degrees of mobility what would happen without any reforms and what could and should be done to guarantee the survival of old-age security based on a fair sharing of the pension burden. Neither explosion nor erosion is the inevitable fate of unfunded pension systems. But to avoid either happening, fundamental reforms are necessary as soon as possible which loosen at least partially the intergenerational dependencies and thus reduce the pressure from the changing population structure on old-age security.
Emerald Publishing Limited Economics of Art and Culture: Invited Papers at the 12th International Conference of the Association of Cultural Economics International
This volume contains a large selection of the invited papers given at the Twelfth Conference of the Association of Cultural Economics International held in Rotterdam in 2002. Two sessions were devoted to what came to be called the cultural industries (movies, television, media, etc.). Two dealt with the history of art and music markets. The last two were more policy oriented. One was devoted to the management of built heritage which becomes larger every year, and will be in need of more and more public funding. The invited speakers in the last session had spent, or are still spending, some or most of their time in the "real world," and try to discuss how cultural economists can contribute to alleviate the hard life of those who have to manage culture. Choices necessarily meant that many fields in which active research is alive were not dealt with, in particular, the contemporary functioning of art markets, artists' labor markets, museums and their management, aesthetic choices and tastes, the meaning of quality in the arts, etc. In this volume, the papers given in the six sessions are reshuffled and grouped into three parts: the cultural industries, historical aspects, and policy issues including the management heritage.
Emerald Publishing Limited Markets and Compensation for Executives in Europe
The increasing amounts of money paid out in compensation to corporate executives have become the subject of a heated public policy debate on both sides of the Atlantic during the last decade. The magnitude of these sums, as well as the timing of payments relative to evidence of corporate success or - more notably, failure - has surprised and, in many cases, angered employees, shareholders and politicians, and drawn considerable attention in the media. Are executives in many firms exploiting their power to benefit themselves at the expense of other stakeholders or is the level of compensation the result of an effective market mechanism? This book is intended to fill a void created by the current focus of economic, financial and management research on executive compensation in the USA, and to address whether results from the US generalize to Europe, whether there is a European model for executive compensation, and whether European compensation structures enhance the wealth of shareholders and citizens. The research presented here provides a foundation for further research that will help shareholders, their representatives on boards, and policy makers develop wealth enhancing procedures, contracts and rules within European corporate governance systems. The book covers a wide range of issues, including: corporate law and regulation in the area of corporate governance; prosperity and growth effects of compensation contracts; effects of compensation packages on incentives; organization of markets for executives; the choice of performance measure in performance-linked compensation contracts; influences from the US on compensation levels in Europe; as well as country studies of factors affecting compensation packages and their characteristics. This book will be of interest to academics, practitioners and policy makers. On the academic side, researchers and students in the field of business economics, corporate governance, finance, international business, and management will discover research results that enhance their knowledge and provide the basis for further research. Among practitioners, board members, executives, chief financial officers, and bankers will benefit from this book when evaluating and designing executive compensation schemes. Policy makers will find research-based material that can either support or call into question their preconceived opinions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Critical Perspectives on Internationalisation
The internationalisation of business has accelerated during the post-war period and particularly in the past decade. At the same time, research on international business has grown considerably. The early efforts in the 1950s have been followed by a vast number of research projects all over the world attempting to understand and explain the processes and problems of internationalisation. The aim of this book is to continue this task by providing critical perspectives on internationalisation and on internationalisation research.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Vision for Management Education: Leadership Challenges
Many academic institutions, especially business schools, tend to be managed on an ad hoc basis. Why? Because the leadership may not be fully and formally equipped to lead, and difficult stakeholder-mix issues often limit its ability to govern proactively. This book is meant as a guide for making strategic management a more realistic option for such institutions. It explores the role of the President/CEO/Dean, and offers examples of effective strategic direction setting, including the use of modern technology. This volume features topics such as: a conceptual scheme for setting strategic direction in academic institutions, specifically business schools; a look at key barriers that block strategic change initiatives and how institutions can overcome them; a discussion of the roles of key leaders in the academic institution, including how these roles can be shaped for more effective implementation; a detailed description of management approaches that keep the strategic momentum for academic value creation and change; and an examination of the role of new technology and how this can strengthen the value creation in business schools.
Emerald Publishing Limited The OECD, Globalisation and Education Policy
The increasing significance of the OECD in the development of national education policies has received much attention in recent years. Although it is recognised that certain international agencies such as the OECD as key "globalizing agencies", have acquired the capacity to "persuade" nation states towards certain policy priorities, little attention has been paid to making clear how these processes of persuasion may work. This volume investigates such processes, drawing on a study of the relationship between the OECD and educational policy directions in Australia. It investigates the link between three elements of education policy, the nation state, the OECD and globalization. These links are explored through case studies in higher education and vocational education and training policy developments, drawing on the Australian experience. The book also generates questions about educational purposes and decision making in the contemporary contexts which have wider applicability.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Perspectives on Conceptual Change
"New Perspectives on Conceptual Change" brings together the latest research on conceptual change from perspectives in developmental, cognitive and motivational psychology, instructional psychology and science education. The book addresses four main themes: the interplay between the learner's naive knowledge based on everyday experience and new knowledge conveyed by schooling and formal instruction; traditional cognitive views on knowledge acquisition and new socioconstructionist perspectives; constraints on knowledge acquisition and modification within specific learning domains; and instructional aspects of conceptual change and suggestions for the design of learning environments and teaching processes which promote conceptual change.
Emerald Publishing Limited World Conference on Transport Research (4 Vol. Set)
This title covers selected proceedings of the 8th World Conference on Transport Research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Safety Management: The Challenge of Change
Not only is technology going through its revolutions faster, but the institutions and organisations which exploit that technology are also in the process of almost constant reshaping. This accelerating change is a double-edged sword for safety. On the one hand, it offers the opportunity for improvement, but on the other it threatens the tried and trusted measures which have produced high safety levels in the past. Trial and error as a learning method is not acceptable in high risk technologies. We must not only get things right first time, but adapt the management of safety to the dynamic of constant change. This book explores that dilemma by studying how organisations manage safety and what is crucial for a good safety management system, how to harness change directly to safety improvement and how to adapt safety management systems to change imposed from the outside.
Emerald Publishing Limited Strategic Airport Planning
The role of an airport within the air transport system used to be largely incontestable. The system is now being shaped less by the concept of social service and more by market forces. Progressive liberalisation of air transport, together with trends to privatisation and globalisation are causing the roles of airports to change, for planning to become increasingly decentralised, and for the traffic to become more volatile. Airports are increasingly in competition for markets. Yet the markets are limited, and airport expansion is made difficult by environmental pressures that push towards sustainable transport, and the need to justify investment. The book will examine these pressures in order to identify changes that are required to the airport planning process. The major issues to be discussed are: forecasting in an uncertain world; airport market share; airline network choices; political settings and their consequences; economic justification and viability; environmental impacts and their mitigation; cooperative planning; and physical planning challenges. The issues will be illuminated by case studies of representative airport systems: intercontinental gateways, metropolitan multi airport system, provincial and regional airports and developing country systems. The final section will bring together suggestions for ways in which the industry can move forward to a green and profitable future with an appropriate provision of new capacity.
Emerald Publishing Limited Drugs to Market: Creating Value and Advantage in the Pharmaceutical Industry
The development and marketing of drugs since the Second World War offers an exemplary demonstration of the impact of technology on competitiveness in a major industry. While focusing primarily on the market in the USA, this study examines also the activities of European firms, their contribution to the industry's technological evolution and the impact of their entry into the US market. The main concern of the book, however, is to examine all the elements which go to make up the evolving landscape of competition, and their interaction. Thus, the effects of technological change are viewed in the context of changes in the legal and regulatory environment, and in competitive practice. For both the market as a whole and the individual firm this analysis illustrates how competitive positions actually emerge as a result of such interactions. Consistent with this wider view, both the technological and the non-technological competencies of firms are discussed, and the concept of core competence is used extensively to show how individual firms developed and maintained their competitive strengths, as the industry moved from deep-tank fermentation through to the first decade of biotechnology. The final chapter highlights the key role of biotechnology in shaping the future of the industry, at a time of increased regulation and accelerating market driven change.
Emerald Publishing Limited Marketing and Design in the Service Sector
Emerald Publishing Limited The Multilevel Community Engagement Model
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Constructions of Migration in Nigeria and Zimbabwe
Emerald Publishing Limited Globalization, Political Economy, Business and Society in Pandemic Times
Globalization, Political Economy, Business and Society in Pandemic Times is a product of the 5th Emerging Markets Inspiration Conference (EMIC) at Stockholm University during May 14-15, 2020. The purpose of the book is to arrive at a holistic understanding of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on politics, economies, business, and society in a globalized world. The scientific community acted swiftly to study COVID-19 and its various possible societal correlations. This edited collection contributes to the growing literature on COVID-19 through a multidisciplinary approach by addressing both macro and micro issues from both local and global angles in both critical and self-critical tones.
Emerald Publishing Limited How to use the TSC communication forms
This guide is written to show users how to complete the simple communication forms provided for the NEC3 Term Service Contract (TSC). Clarity of communications, in a form that can be read, copied and recorded, should assist compliance with the contract and reduce misunderstandings and disputes. ENDORSEMENTS Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to deliver efficiencies across the public sector and promote behaviours in line with the principles of Achieving Excellence in Construction. Facilities Management Board support for the NEC3 Term Service Contracts The Facilities Management Board of the Cabinet Office UK recognises that the NEC3 Term Services Contracts support good practice in FM Procurement in the public sector.
Emerald Publishing Limited Embodiment and Representations of Beauty
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainability Development through Green Economics
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender and the Male Character in 21st Century Fairy Tale Narratives
Putting Prince Charming in the academic spotlight, this collection examines the evolution of male fairy tale characters across modern series and films to bridge a gap that afflicts multiple disciplines.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Ark of Shared Value
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainable and Resilient Supply Chain
Emerald Publishing Limited Emerging Patterns and Behaviors in a Green Resilient Economy
Emerald Publishing Limited How Entrepreneurs are Driving Sustainable Development
Emerald Publishing Limited How Public Libraries Build Sustainable Communities in the 21st Century
Public libraries, through their mission, vision, and position in the community, play a significant part in building community sustainability and are already positioned to serve as a “backbone support organization” for collective impact initiatives. However, their efforts are often unrecognized by local governments and other social justice organizations. How Public Libraries Build Sustainable Communities in the 21st Century, through research, case studies, and personal narratives representing both national and international perspectives, examines the capacity of public libraries to impact social change at the community level. The overarching goal is to change the narrative with community stakeholders by presenting illustrative examples of how public libraries are driving community change and how these efforts align with the UN SDGs.
Emerald Publishing Limited AI in Fashion Industry
Fashion is a glamorous industry, one of beauty, money, fame, and huge profits. However, from the inside, it is clear the industry is suffering. An industry worth $3 Billion (USD), the fashion industry is characterized by products with a short shelf-life, wrong forecasts, low profits, and ever-increasing competition. On the periphery, technology is rapidly invading the fashion industry, with emerging forms such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Neural Networks, Human-Robot Interface, making their way into this industry in recent years. AI in Fashion Industry discusses recent developments in fashion forecasting, developing a 'framework of AI-based fashion forecasting' and validates the framework with a qualitative case study of the world's first fashion intelligence company based in Bengaluru, India. This book studies the relationship between fashion and social media engagement of consumers, before moving on to create a 'conceptual framework of fashion e-forecasting.' The case study addresses the forecasting-based business problem of a family-owned fashion retail business. This book is unique, suggesting a novel method of fashion product development in the light of data-driven intelligence; documenting some of the rapid developments in the field with the onset of technology and addressing some of the fundamental questions that are becoming more relevant in recent years.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Disability Research Ethics
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Health Care Management
Main headings: Special research forum on management issues in nursing. - Clinical and technological issues in health care management. - Organizational and strategic issues in health care management.