Search results for ""Author Rath"
World Scientific Europe Ltd Science By Simulation - Volume 1: A Mezze Of Mathematical Models
A Mezze of Mathematical Methods is Volume 1 of Science by Simulation. It is a recipe book of mathematical models that can be enlivened by the transmutation of equations into computer code. In this volume, the examples chosen are an eclectic mix of systems and stories rooted in common experience, rather than those normally associated with constrained courses on Physics, Chemistry or Biology which are taught in isolation and susceptible to going out of date in a few years. Rather than a 'what' of Science, this book is aimed at the 'how', readily applied to projects by students and professionals. Written in a friendly style based upon the author's expertise in teaching and pedagogy, this mathematically rigorous book is designed for readers to follow arguments step-by-step with stand-alone chapters which can be read independently. This approach will provide a tangible and readily accessible context for the development of a wide range of interconnected mathematical ideas and computing methods that underpin the practice of Science.
Pluto Press Post-capitalist Futures: Political Economy Beyond Crisis and Hope
This book critically engages with the proliferation of literature on postcapitalism, which is rapidly becoming an urgent area of inquiry, both in academic scholarship and in public life. It collects the insights from scholars working across the field of Critical International Political Economy to interrogate how we might begin to envisage a political economy of postcapitalism. The authors foreground the agency of workers and other capitalist subjects, and their desire to engage in a range of radical experiments in decommodification and democratisation both in the workplace and in their daily lives. It includes a broad range of ideas including the future of social reproduction, human capital circulation, political Islam, the political economy of exclusion and eco-communities. Rather than focusing on the ending of capitalism as an implosion of the value-money form, this book focuses on the dream of equal participation in the determination of people's shared collective destiny.
Penguin Putnam Inc Who Was Booker T. Washington?
African American educator, author, speaker, and advisor to presidents of the United States, Booker Taliaferro Washington was the leading voice of former slaves and their descendants during the late 1800s. As part of the last generation of leaders born into slavery, Booker believed that blacks could better progress in society through education and entrepreneurship, rather than trying to directly challenge the Jim Crow segregation. After hearing the Emancipation Proclamation and realising he was free, young Booker decided to make learning his life. He taught himself to read and write, pursued a formal education, and went on to found the Tuskegee Institute - a black school in Alabama - with the goal of building the community's economic strength and pride. The institute still exists and is home to famous alumnae like scientist George Washington Carver.
LID Publishing Not Knowing: The Art of Turning Uncertainty into Opportunity
Knowledge and expertise are highly valued in today's business world. These values are introduced at an early age by our education system, and at work, we are assessed based on what we know, on having the answers and solutions. Our need for certainty, to know what's going on, to have all the answers, exerts strong pressure in our lives. This award-winning book offers an alternative, contrarian approach to dealing with such pressures - and to embrace "not knowing" rather than fearing it. The authors argue it is by "not knowing" that we in fact develop an exploratory mindset, and we discover, engage and create new ways to deal with business and management problems and issues. The book is supported by stories of individuals and the positive change they made in their lives through "not knowing". Solving new problems with old ways of thinking are no longer useful in the new world.
Baylor University Press After Paul: The Apostle's Legacy in Early Christianity
After Paul: The Apostle's Legacy in Early Christianity focuses on the many ways Pauline thought and tradition were reinterpreted, reused, reframed, and reconstructed in the first centuries of Christianity. James W. Aageson contends that it is insufficient simply to focus on Paul or on his legacy in the Greco-Roman world; what is needed is a bifocal look at Paul with the reference points being both how Paul transformed his own thinking and later how Paul and his thought were transformed by others in the church.To speak of Paul's legacy implies more than the reception of his texts, his ideas, or his theology. It also implies more than the interpretative techniques or the references to Paul by early post-Paul writers. It refers to the apostle's wider impact, influence, and sway in the first centuries of the church as well. The questions he addressed, his impulse toward theological reflection and argumentation, and his approach to pastoral and ethical concerns undoubtedly influenced the future course of the Christ movement. Aageson's investigation takes up the issues of memory and metamorphosis, conflict and opposition, authority and control, legacy and empire, the church and the Jews, women and marriage, Paul in place, and church unity to pinpoint interrelationships and interactions among important strands in Paul's thought, persona, and authority as together they interfaced with the changing culture and social life of early Christianity. After Paul is not intended to be a history of the first centuries of Pauline Christianity nor an exhaustive account of everything that pertains to the early development of Paul's legacy. Rather, Aageson endeavors to plot connections, identify patterns, and develop a theoretical context for understanding Paul's legacy in early Christianity. The picture that emerges is one of continuity and discontinuity between Paul and Pauline tradition as the historical Paul became a figure of memory and remembrance, framed and reframed. This specific investigation offers a fresh entry point to understanding the larger question of how the Christian tradition came into its own as a social body and religious movement that could endure even after Paul.
Taylor & Francis Inc Protein Actions: Principles and Modeling
Protein Actions: Principles and Modeling is aimed at graduates, advanced undergraduates, and any professional who seeks an introduction to the biological, chemical, and physical properties of proteins. Broadly accessible to biophysicists and biochemists, it will be particularly useful to student and professional structural biologists and molecular biophysicists, bioinformaticians and computational biologists, biological chemists (particularly drug designers) and molecular bioengineers.The book begins by introducing the basic principles of protein structure and function. Some readers will be familiar with aspects of this, but the authors build up a more quantitative approach than their competitors. Emphasizing concepts and theory rather than experimental techniques, the book shows how proteins can be analyzed using the disciplines of elementary statistical mechanics, energetics, and kinetics. These chapters illuminate how proteins attain biologically active states and the properties of those states. The book ends with a synopsis the roles of computational biology and bioinformatics in protein science.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Rhymes of Early Jungle Folk: A Replica of the 1922 Edition Featuring the Poems of Mary E. Marcy with Woodcuts by Wharton Esherick
This facsimile edition of a 1922 children’s book features seventy-three dynamic and whimsical woodcut illustrations—the first woodcuts that the famed American craftsman Wharton Esherick produced. A high-quality replica authorized by the Wharton Esherick Museum, this book reveals the foundation of Esherick’s direction as an artist. Edited by Museum director Paul Eisenhauer, it also features a foreword by Museum assistant curator Laura Heemer. The illustrations frame verses that introduce children to the principles of evolution, a highly controversial topic at the time: the book was published three years before the famous Scopes “Monkey” trial of 1925 that resulted in the inclusion of the teaching of evolution in public schools. Drawn by the excitement of the controversy, Esherick threw his passion into these illustrations. Afterward he would go on to carve over 300 woodcuts, leading to decorative carving, and ultimately, to Esherick’s realization that he was a sculptor rather than a painter.
Hachette Australia Wide Big World
Difference is everywhere, just look and see. This whole-wide-big-world is wondrous-unique.A gorgeous picture book about our diverse and wonderful world from award-winning author Maxine Beneba Clarke and illustrator Isobel Knowles.PRAISE FOR THE PATCHWORK BIKE'Like all the best writing, The Patchwork Bike asks more questions than it answers, making it a great conversation starter to learn more about other cultures, but it's also a delightful picture book for kids aged three and up that depicts the universal joy that riding a bike bestows.' - Books+Publishing'This is a wonderfully fast-moving picture book that celebrates the rebellious, the inventive and the just plain entertaining spirit of kids who are left to, rather than on their own devices.' - Picture Book Perusal
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Book of Seven Seals: The Peculiarity of Revelation, its Manuscripts, Attestation, and Transmission
The Book of Revelation is a peculiar text whose special status in early Christianity is manifested by its manuscript attestation, transmission, literary references and discussions among early Church writers. This special status forms the nucleus of these collected essays and is highlighted from various perspectives. Nowadays of course, the Apocalypse has become a treasure trove of famous motifs for artists, composers, poets and novelists. On the other hand, however, it also appears to be something of a bon mot in that its manuscript tradition is rather sparse and highly distinctive. With the help of single phenomena that revolve around the extraordinary attestation and transmission of Revelation, the authors here are able to unveil how its peculiarity was perceived in early Christianity. Its manifestation in manuscripts and in the lively controversy about its value and orthodoxy thus resulted in it being treated as unique.
Baylor University Press Profane Parables: Film and the American Dream
The sacred ethos of the American Dream has become a central pillar of American civil religion. The belief that meaning is fashioned from some mixture of family, friends, a stable career, and financial security permeates American culture. Profane Parables examines three films that assault this venerated American myth. Fight Club (1999), American Beauty (1999), and About Schmidt (2002) indict the American Dream as a meaningless enterprise that is existentially, ethically, and aesthetically bankrupt. In their blistering critique of the hallowed wisdom of the American Dream, these films function like Jesus' parables. As narratives of disorientation, Jesus' parables upend conventional and cherished worldviews. Author Matthew Rindge illustrates the religious function of these films as parables of subversion that provoke rather than comfort and disturb rather than stabilize. Ultimately, Rindge considers how these parabolic films operate as sacred texts in their own right.
American Bar Association Challenging Conflict: Mediation Through Understanding
This revolutionary book shows how through mediation parties can escape the trap of conflict rather than remain ensnared within its grasp at enormous cost to themselves and others. The authors demonstrate how mediators, and lawyers, can support parties to work together effectively in ways that deeply respect their humanity. Through the telling of ten riveting stories of actual commercial mediations, the principles and methodologies of the understanding-based approach come alive. In so "challenging conflict," the authors also challenge the conflict resolution field to reach for more. "Reading this book is like having a mentor. It allows readers to simultaneously view the mediation process while also reading the inside thoughts of the mediator." - Legal Information Alert (Vol. 28, Number 3), Alert Publications, Inc., Chicago, IL
Oxford University Press Inc Universal Politics
In Universal Politics, Ilan Kapoor and Zahi Zalloua argue that, in the face of the relentless advance of global capitalism, a universal politics is needed today more than ever. But rather than appealing to the narrow particularism of identity politics, the authors argue for a negative universality rooted in social antagonism (i.e., shared experiences of exploitation and marginalization). This conception of shared struggle avoids the trap of a neocolonial universalism, while foregrounding the politics of the systematically dispossessed and excluded. The book examines what a universal politics might look like in the context of key current global sites of struggle, including climate change, workers' struggles, the Palestinian question, the refugee crisis, Black Lives Matter, #MeToo, Political Islam, the Bolivian state under Morales, the European Union, and COVID-19. It also discusses the main political ingredients, gaps, and limitations of a universal politics.
Headline Publishing Group Stories
Stories, edited by bestselling authors Neil Gaiman (author of The Ocean at the End of the Lane and the epic American Gods) and Al Sarrantonio, is 'an unmissable collection' (Guardian), filled with distinctive, original and thrilling tales from writers such a Jodi Picoult, Lawrence Block, Roddy Doyle and many more.Rather than being dictated by genre, for co-editors Gaiman and Sarrantonio there is only one true distinction in fiction: the one dividing realistic and imaginative fiction. STORIES is a collection of the very best original fiction from some of the most imaginative writers in the world, as well as a showcase for some of fiction's newer stars. One hell of a huge book of great, exciting stories which will become a uniting force for readers of all forms of imaginative fiction.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Abba's Abba Gold
33 1/3 is a new series of short books about critically acclaimed and much-loved albums of the last 40 years. Focusing on one album rather than an artist's entire output, the books dispense with the standard biographical background that fans know already, and cut to the heart of the music on each album. The authors provide fresh, original perspectives - often through their access to and relationships with the key figures involved in the recording of these albums. By turns obsessive, passionate, creative, and informed, the books in this series demonstrate many different ways of writing about music. (A task which can be, as Elvis Costello famously observed, as tricky as dancing about architecture.) What binds this series together, and what brings it to life, is that all of the authors - musicians, scholars, and writers - are deeply in love with the album they have chosen.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Velvet Underground's The Velvet Underground and Nico
33 1/3 is a new series of short books about critically acclaimed and much-loved albums of the last 40 years. Focusing on one album rather than an artist's entire output, the books dispense with the standard biographical background that fans know already, and cut to the heart of the music on each album. The authors provide fresh, original perspectives - often through their access to and relationships with the key figures involved in the recording of these albums. By turns obsessive, passionate, creative, and informed, the books in this series demonstrate many different ways of writing about music. (A task which can be, as Elvis Costello famously observed, as tricky as dancing about architecture.) What binds this series together, and what brings it to life, is that all of the authors - musicians, scholars, and writers - are deeply in love with the album they have chosen.
Fordham University Press Latinx Revolutionary Horizons
A necessary reconceptualization of Latinx identity, literature, and politicsIn Latinx Revolutionary Horizons, Renee Hudson theorizes a liberatory latinidad that is not yet here and conceptualizes a hemispheric project in which contemporary Latinx authors return to earlier moments of revolution. Rather than viewing Latinx as solely a category of identification, she argues for an expansive, historicized sense of the term that illuminates its political potential.Claiming the x in Latinx as marking the suspension and tension between how Latin American descended people identify and the future politics the x points us toward, Hudson contends that latinidad can signal a politics grounded in shared struggles and histories rather than merely a mode of identification. In this way, Latinx Revolutionary Horizons reads against current calls for cancelling latinidad based on its presumed anti-Black and anti-Indigenous framework. Instead, she examines the not-yet-h
Amberley Publishing The Magnificent Seven: London's First Landscaped Cemeteries
A ring of spectacular cemeteries, developed at the edges of London in the decade from 1832, have long been referred to as The Magnificent Seven. At the time, they set a new aesthetic for the burial of the dead, and remain rich in social history and beauty to this day. It was entrepreneurs, rather than the religious authorities, who responded to the squalor of the City's brimming churchyards by fi nancing seemly, hygienic concepts of burial in the rural outskirts, now embraced by inner London. The Seven became showcases for neoclassical and neo-Gothic architecture, matched by splendid - sometimes eccentric - memorials recording Victorian society, and the sweep of London's history to the present day. From grand Kensal Green in the west to modest Tower Hamlets in the east; from heady Highgate to charming Norwood and Nunhead; and from the military influences of Brompton to the Non-conformist woodland of Abney Park - a host of characters and stories are visited in this distinctive coverage of the subject.
Cornell University Press China's Ascent: Power, Security, and the Future of International Politics
Assessments of China's importance on the world stage usually focus on a single dimension of China's increasing power, rather than on the multiple sources of China's rise, including its economic might and the continuing modernization of its military. This book offers multiple analytical perspectives—constructivist, liberal, neorealist—on the significance of the many dimensions of China's regional and global influence. Distinguished authors consider the likelihood of conflict and peaceful accommodation as China grows ever stronger. They look at the changing position of China "from the inside": How do Chinese policymakers evaluate the contemporary international order and what are the regional and global implications of that worldview? The authors also address the implications of China's increasing power for Chinese policymaking and for the foreign policies of Korea, Japan, and the United States.
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Psychic Tarot: Using Your Natural Psychic Abilities to Read the Cards
Learn to read tarot cards using your own psychic skills, and gain new levels of inspiration, guidance, and insight. This lively, friendly book features a wealth of creative exercises, spreads, and sample readings, along with compelling first-hand accounts from the authors' own experiences, to start you on the path to trusting your intuition in reading the cards. Rather than presenting cookbook interpretations or complex symbols, "Psychic Tarot" invites readers on a fascinating journey. Along the way, readers will learn a variety of original intuitive exercises designed to awaken their psychic abilities such as Light and Shadow, Turning Point, and Hidden Question. Also included in this helpful guide are simple techniques for doing energy readings and seeing the unseen, instructions on keeping a synchronicity journal, and even a tarot spread for communicating with spirit guides or loved ones on the other side.
Freytag-Berndt Hiking left and right of the German Wine Route, hiking guide
Publicpress hiking guide 0821 - The Haardtrand, which changes significantly from north to south, impresses with varied forests, wonderful views of the Rhine plain and numerous ascents and descents during the hikes. The Palatinate Forest is the largest contiguous forest area in Germany, the gradients are rather moderate. The German Wine Route runs over 80 km along the Palatinate Forest in the transition to the Rhine plain. The hiking tours described in the book extend over approx. 100 km from north to south and approx. 70 km from west to east in an exceptionally varied landscape. Hiking guide with stop-off tips for connoisseurs, insider tips from the author, wine and regional knowledge, 30 tours, compact travel information, cartography and elevation profiles, overview map.
Thieme Publishing Group The Coordination of Clinical Research
A novel and indispensable handbook for clinical research coordinators worldwideBecause saying isn''t doing; doing is doing: This fourth volume in Mohit Bhandari''s series of methodology books, conceived as a transformational guide to executing research for those who coordinate it on a daily basis, focuses not on the design of research projects, but rather on the actual execution of such projects.Key Features: International group of authors and practicing research coordinators with decades of collective hands-on experience Includes many crucial, but often neglected, topics such as principles of successful grant writing, working with study budgets, ethics and consent forms, regulatory versus standard trials, coordinating and conducting observational research and randomized clinical trials, and much more Many helpful templates and sample forms with checklists, consent forms, budget outlines, and more
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Baby-Led Feeding: A Natural Way to Raise Happy, Independent Eaters
Baby-led feeding (also known as baby-led weaning) is just that. Feeding your baby a variety of healthy, wholesome solid foods, rather than relying solely on purees, is thought to promote motor skills and establish lifelong healthy eating habits. Here, author and food editor at Parents magazine Jenna Helwig gives an easy-to-follow introduction to this popular new method. With more than 100 ideas and recipes, this bright, photo-driven book includes chapters on the benefits of this approach, when and how to get started, essential safety and nutrition guidelines, frequently asked questions, basic fruit and vegetable prep, more complex finger foods, and family meals. All recipes have been reviewed by a registered dietitian and include nutrition information to ensure a healthy mealtime.
Channel View Publications Ltd Language Disabilities in Cultural and Linguistic Diversity
Language Disabilities in Cultural and Linguistic Diversity takes a critical perspective on traditional bio-cognitive-social approaches to language disabilities – specific language impairment, communication difficulties, dyslexia and deafness. A socio-cultural approach orientates a reinterpretation of research, educational practices and policies in assessment, teaching and intervention. A Vygotskian framework affords repositioning of assessment, learning and development for language disabilities as they are influenced and shaped by experiences of multilingualism, culture, ethnicity and race. The author, rather than present definitive answers, aims to offer new analyses and extend current understanding of linguistic phenomena fraught by dilemmas of disentangling diversity and disability. The volume serves as a source of reflection and inquiry for students, professionals and policy makers in education and health who are interested in disability and language disabilities in multilingual and multicultural contexts.
Anvil Press Publishers Inc I Am Claude Francois and You Are a Bathtub
Stuart Ross's sometimes poignant, sometimes outrageous third story collection deepens his exploration of the possibilities of the short story and narrative. A trio of tales probe fame through the lens of 1960s-70s French pop and disco icon Claude François; legendary Hollywood actor Lee Marvin saves the day, again and again; the citizens of a small town worship an all-knowing potato; a man dons a bib to eat his neighbour's house; a tourist finds both love and a dead frog in Nicaragua; and, in one rather educational anti-story, the author instructs readers in the art of writing the short story. In I Am Claude François and You Are a Bathtub, Stuart Ross, a veteran of the Canadian literary underground, unleashes his arsenal of pathos, absurdism, humour, and cantankerousness.
Hodder & Stoughton Touch Not the Cat: The classic suspense novel from the Queen of the Romantic Mystery
'A comfortable chair and a Mary Stewart: total heaven. I'd rather read her than most other authors.' Harriet EvansAshley Court: the tumbledown ancestral home of the Ashley family, all blessed with 'the gift' of being able to speak to each other without words. When Bryony Ashley's father dies under mysterious circumstances, his final words a cryptic warning to her, Bryony returns from abroad to uncover Ashley Court's secrets. What did her father's message mean? What lies at the centre of the overgrown maze in the gardens? And who is trying to prevent Bryony from discovering the truth?Tell Bryony. The cat, it's in the cat on the pavement. The map. The letter. In the brook. Tell Bryony. My little Bryony to be careful. Danger.
Silkworm Books / Trasvin Publications LP The Khmer Rouge Trials in Context
When a tribunal was formed in 2006 to address the atrocities of the Khmer Rouge, many expected the Cambodian model for victim empowerment to open a new path for international judiciary initiatives. However, the local reality of the justice intervention has been more complicated. Rather than joining the success-or-failure debate about the court, this volume pays special attention to how the trials are perceived locally. Inclinations in institutional design, favored or excluded political agendas, mismatched values between experts and locals, and unexpected local meaning-making all flow into the current context in Cambodia. Through critical analysis by authors with on-the-ground experience, this collection—the first to address the tribunal through a sociological framework—provides insight into the tension between the global justice regime and local societal context.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Through the White Wood
The Bear and the Nightingale meets Frostblood in this lushly romantic and intensely imaginative historical fantasy from the author of Beyond a Darkened Shore!When Katya loses control of her power to freeze, her villagers banish her to the palace of the terrifying Prince Sasha in Kiev. Expecting punishment, she is surprised to find instead that Sasha is just like her—with the ability to summon fire. Sasha offers Katya friendship and the chance to embrace her power rather than fear it. But outside the walls of Kiev, Sasha’s enemies are organizing an army of people bent on taking over the entire world.Together, Katya’s and Sasha’s powers are a fearsome weapon. But as their enemies draw nearer, will fire and frost be enough to save the world? Or will Katya and Sasha lose everything they hold dear?
Wessex Astrologer Ltd Horary Astrology: The Practical Way to Learn Your Fate: Radical Charts for Student and Professional
Horary astrology is a fascinating and exacting technique, and here is the perfect book to hone your skills. Author Petros Eleftheriadis presents over fifty valid charts taken from his client files which demonstrate, in clear steps, how to reach an answer. He stresses the importance of starting with the correct question; for instance, he doesn't accept 'Should I?' questions, saying 'Astrology charts cannot possibly show something that will NEVER materialize, something that will never become reality, so they cannot show how your life would be, had you made another decision.' So rather than asking whether you will win the lottery if you buy a ticket, the correct action would be to buy the ticket and then ask if you will win. Ideal for students and professionals with some knowledge of horary astrology.
MP-KST Kent State Uni The Heroic Earth Geopolitical Thought in Weimar Germany 191833
In this challenge to traditional historiography, the author argues that geopolitical ideas were most dynamic and significant in Germany during the democratic culture of the Weimar Republic. He asserts that rather than rising with the Nazis, geopolitics faded in importance when Hitler came to power.
The Merlin Press Ltd Riddle of Human Rights
What are human rights? Are human rights disputed ideological concepts? and how can they be defended, and extended? Wolf-Dieter Narr of the Free University of Berlin writes that through this book "one is able to recognize the fundamental ambivalence which characterises all the 'theories' on and the practices of human rights in the West." It, "makes the reader aware of human longings and needs which are the other part of human rights." This book challenges the concept of human rights, it shows that the contradictions that characterize human rights reflect the conflicts inherent in capitalist society, lead to the pervasive violation of those rights, and make respect for them impossible, particularly in this era of global capitalism. The author argues that human rights as spelled out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are not 'human' rights - but rather time-bound and relative to a particular mode of production.
Random House A House for Alice
Diana Evans is the author of the novels 26a, The Wonder, Ordinary People and A House for Alice. She was the inaugural winner of the Orange Award for New Writers for 26a, which was shortlisted for the Whitbread First Novel, the Guardian First Book, the Commonwealth Best First Book and the IMPAC Dublin Literary Award. Ordinary People won the 2019 South Bank Sky Arts Award for Literature and was shortlisted for the Women's Prize for Fiction, the Rathbones Folio Prize, the Andrew Carnegie Medals for Excellence in Fiction and the Orwell Prize for Political Fiction, for which A House for Alice was also a finalist. A former dancer, she is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, her journalism and nonfiction appearing in Time magazine, the Guardian, Vogue and the Financial Times among others. She lives in
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Hezekiah and the Compositional History of the Book of Kings
In this study, Benjamin D. Thomas explores one of the oldest and most central issues of the Hebrew Bible — the compositional history of 1-2 Kings. His approach does not proceed from the assumption prevalent since the time of de Wette, namely, that the origins of 1-2 Kings should be explained initially as a process of Deuteronomistic literary redaction rooted in the Josianic reform. Rather, the author reads 1-2 Kings through the lens of other texts with similar genres existing in its historical context. He also seeks to determine the extent of the original framework by mapping its opening and conclusion. Thomas' results indicate that the framework's opening was in Solomon's account and its original climax was in Hezekiah's account and represented the latter as a royal YHWHist par excellence, the restorer of order who limited sacrificial space to Jerusalem.
Quercus Publishing Fall from Grace
'This is a high-profile death with several possible explanations. Which can be summarized as jumped, fell or pushed.' Adam Blaine returns to Martha's Vineyard out of duty rather than grief, after his father - bestselling author and celebrated human rights activist Benjamin Blaine - falls to his death. Having been estranged from his father for ten years, Adam is surprised to discover himself appointed the executor of his estate; especially as the will disinherits Adam's family, leaving their wealth and home to Ben's recent lover, young actress Carla Pacelli. Adam's mission - to undo the will and protect his blood, whether innocent or guilty, from criminal charges - forces him to confront his own past, and pulls him into a labyrinth of lies, deception and betrayal . . .
Inter-Varsity Press Excellence in Preaching
What makes some preaching gripping - unforgettable even? What can we learn from the best preachers? How can we appreciate great preaching, often at the click of a mouse, without devaluing the role of the local church minister? 'Without creating a guru mentality, I focus on one positive aspect from each preacher and offer hints on how other preachers might emulate them.' says author Simon Vibert. He also looks at the Bible's own take on good preaching, and focuses on the exemplary models of Jesus and Paul. This is not a how-to manual, nor a biblical theology of preaching, nor even a critique of the subjects. Rather, it is a focus on modern-day practitioners, from whom all preachers can form a composite picture of excellence, and from whom all preachers would do well to learn.
Stanford University Press Pragmatism's Advantage: American and European Philosophy at the End of the Twentieth Century
This book addresses the rift between major philosophical factions in the United States, which the author describes as a "philosophically becalmed" three-legged creature made up of analytic philosophy, continental philosophy, and pragmatism. Joseph Margolis offers a modified pragmatism as the best way out of this stalemate. Whether he is examining Heidegger or rethinking the foibles of Dewey, Rorty, and Peirce, much of nineteenth- and twentieth-century Western philosophy comes into play as Margolis presents his history of philosophy's evolution and defends his views. He does not, however, mean for philosophy to turn to the pragmatism of yore or even to its revival in the 1970s. Rather, he finds in recent approaches to pragmatism a middle ground between analytic philosophy's scientism (and its disinterest in analyzing human nature)and continental philosophy's reliance on attributing transcendental powers to mere mortals.
Yale University Press An Argument Open to All: Reading "The Federalist" in the 21st Century
From one of America’s most distinguished constitutional scholars, an intriguing exploration of America’s most famous political tract and its relevance to today’s politics In An Argument Open to All, renowned legal scholar Sanford Levinson takes a novel approach to what is perhaps America’s most famous political tract. Rather than concern himself with the authors as historical figures, or how The Federalist helps us understand the original intent of the framers of the Constitution, Levinson examines each essay for the political wisdom it can offer us today. In eighty-five short essays, each keyed to a different essay in The Federalist, he considers such questions as whether present generations can rethink their constitutional arrangements; how much effort we should exert to preserve America’s traditional culture; and whether The Federalist’s arguments even suggest the desirability of world government.
HarperCollins Publishers Farewell Summer
A poignant and brilliant sequel to Dandelion Wine from the author of Fahrenheit 451 In Green Town Illinois, Douglas Spaulding is in the midst of a small civil war with the old pitted against the young in this, the second book in Bradbury’s semi-fictionalised account of his childhood. As the school board’s figure of authority Mr Calvin C. Quartermain attempts to outwit the boys at every turn, their antics increase and become ever more daring and mischevious. Once the shadow of winter draws across Green Town, the boys quickly realise that their enemy is not so much the senior members of their own community, but rather time itself which is ever ebbing away, just beyond the reach of their most daring trick yet: a bold attempt to sabotage the town’s clock.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Windows 10 For Dummies
Time-tested advice on Windows 10 Windows 10 For Dummies remains the #1 source for readers looking for advice on Windows 10. Expert author Andy Rathbone provides an easy-to-follow guidebook to understanding Windows 10 and getting things done based on his decades of experience as a Windows guru. Look inside to get a feel for the basics of the Windows interface, the Windows apps that help you get things done, ways to connect to the Internet at home or on the go, and steps for customizing your Windows 10 experience from the desktop wallpaper to how tightly you secure your computer. • Manage user accounts • Customize the start menu • Find and manage your files • Connect to a printer wirelessly Revised to cover the latest round of Windows 10 updates, this trusted source for unleashing everything the operating system has to offer is your first and last stop for learning the basics of Windows!
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Construction of Management: Competence and Gender Issues at Work
Despite continuing equal opportunity approaches, women are still significantly under-represented at senior management levels and earn less than male colleagues. The author questions whether competence systems - developed and implemented in the workplace to provide objective measurement of management performance - contribute to, rather than improve, women's disadvantaged position in the workplace.Drawing together the threads of critical theory, feminism and post-modernism into a new conceptual framework, the book provides an exciting departure from existing methods of analysis and points a new and challenging way forward for future researchers in management.The Construction of Management is a rich and lively work, providing innovative theoretical and methodological approaches as well as practical solutions. In this way, the book will appeal to scholars of business and management, industrial relations and gender studies as well as business managers and consultants.
The University of Chicago Press Liberalism and the Problem of Knowledge: A New Rhetoric for Modern Democracy
In this study of democracy and its critics, the author debunks liberalism, arguing that its exaggerated ideals of authenticity, unity and community have deflected attention from the pervasive incompetence of "the rule of experts". He proposes a ground of communication that emphasizes common interests rather than narrow disputes. The problem of "unity" and the public sphere has driven a wedge between libertarians and communitarians. To mediate this conflict, Willard advocates a shift from the discourse of liberalism to that of epistemics. As a means of organizing the ebb and flow of consensus, epistemics regards democracy as a family of knowledge problems - as ways of managing discourse across differences and protecting multiple views. Building a bridge between warring peoples and warring paradigms, the book also reminds those who presume to instruct government that they are obliged to enlighten it, and that to do so requires an enlightened public discourse.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Business Strategy and National Culture: US and Asia Pacific Microcomputer Multinationals in Europe
This timely book investigates the importance of national culture as it applies to the strategic management of multinationals. The author focuses on backward linkage strategies within US, Japanese, Taiwanese and Korean microcomputer multinationals investing in Europe. In particular, both market-driven and resource-driven strategic orientations are depicted in new and established firms.The main premise of the book is concerned with the backward linkage strategy of US and Asian Pacific firms, and is therefore based on a specific set of relevant core cultural values rather than a universal set of values. The material in this volume is derived from directly and indirectly collected data, and in addition, unstructured face-to-face interviews with representatives from multinational firms headquartered across different cultures.This volume will provide academics, researchers, students, business consultants and strategists a new perspective on business strategy as well as an up-to-date source of industry material.
Oxford University Press A Practical Approach to Conveyancing
Written by a leading authority in the area, A Practical Approach to Conveyancing offers a detailed and up-to-date account of the key principles and procedures underpinning the practice of conveyancing. It takes a pragmatic, rather than academic, approach to conveyancing, providing practical solutions to everyday problems encountered by conveyancing practitioners wishing to offer a cost-effective and efficient service. Combining coverage of residential and commercial conveyancing, this book provides highly practical guidance on each stage and is fully supported by sample documentation, enabling the reader to approach all aspects of the conveyancing process with ease and confidence.Now in its twenty-third edition, this book has firmly established itself as a core text supporting the study of the Legal Practice Course. Fully updated with the latest changes affecting the conveyancing process, this classic text is essential reading for all trainee or qualified solicitors, legal executives,
Cengage Learning, Inc Microeconomics for Today
Master current microeconomic concepts with the most reader-friendly microeconomics text available -- MICROECONOMICS FOR TODAY, 11E by national award-winning author Irvin Tucker. No matter what your current level of microeconomic understanding, this edition provides an interesting writing style, unique presentation and visual learning system with helpful, colorful graphs that clarify important microeconomic principles and effectively explain the latest developments. Rather than presenting a confusing array of microeconomic analyses for you to memorize, this edition demonstrates how to apply basic microeconomic principles in daily life and recognize microeconomic concepts at work in today's news. You study the latest information on economic growth, income distribution, environmental issues and other emerging developments in microeconomics. Learning tools, road maps and corresponding interactive, digital MindTap resources with videos, tutorials and practice exercises immediately reinforce your understanding.
Pan Macmillan Motivation
A legendary performance coach shares his simple, proven and fun methods for cultivating motivation – and keeping it. In Motivation, Stefan Falk is your expert guide to success.‘If you’re looking for fresh ways to energize your work, you’ve come to the right place’ – Adam Grant, New York Times bestselling author of Think AgainDoing something for its inherent satisfaction – rather than external rewards – is the key to success and satisfaction in any endeavour. Motivation is your essential and comprehensive guide to achieving this. Filled with practical methods and techniques Stefan Falk developed at McKinsey & Company, and through twenty-five years as a senior executive and performance coach working with elite athletes, top executives, special operators in the armed forces and leaders from all walks of life.To satisfy our psychological needs in today’s professional w
HarperCollins Publishers Start Where You Are: How to accept yourself and others
Start Where You Are is an indispensable handbook for cultivating fearlessness and awakening a compassionate heart, from bestselling author Pema Chödrön. With insight and humour, she presents down-to-earth guidance on how to make friends with ourselves and develop genuine compassion towards others. This book shows how we can 'start where we are' by embracing rather than denying the painful aspects of our lives. Pema Chödrön frames her teachings on compassion around fifty-nine traditional Tibetan Buddhist maxims, or slogans, such as: ‘Always apply a joyful state of mind’, ‘Always meditate on whatever provokes resentment’ and ‘Be grateful to everyone’. Working with these slogans and through the practice of meditation, Start Where You Are shows how we can all develop the courage to work with our own inner pain and discover joy, well-being and confidence.
Vintage Publishing Letters to Camondo: ‘Immerses you in another age’ Financial Times
From the author of the bestselling phenomenon The Hare with Amber EyesAs you may have guessed by now, I am not in your house by accident. I know your street rather well. The Camondos lived just a few doors away from Edmund de Waal's forebears. Like de Waal's family, they were part of belle époque high society. They were also targets of anti-Semitism.Count Moïse de Camondo created a spectacular house filled with art for his son to inherit. Over a century later, de Waal explores the lavish rooms and detailed archives and, in a haunting series of letters addressed to Camondo, he tells us what happened next.'Illuminating... A wonderful tribute to a family and to an idea' Guardian'Letters to Camondo immerses you in another age... Dazzling' Financial Times
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Social Policy
This unique book demonstrates how instruments of economics can be usefully employed to analyse social policy. The merits and limits of social policy programmes are discussed as answers to problems of market societies.Taking this enlightened approach, the author addresses key issues such as access to health services, pension programmes, unemployment, poverty and family support. Microeconomic tools are used to evaluate the rationale behind these programmes, underpinning the theoretical propositions with strong empirical research. Unusually, economic values are shown to harmonise with, rather than condemn, ideas of social protection.Providing information about institutional structures of social policy programmes in many countries, this book will be a must for academics and students interested in social policy and the welfare state. Furthermore, those who want to follow the political and scientific discussion of social policy matters will find this book invaluable.
Pentagon Press Afghanistan Pakistan India: A Paradigm Shift
This book is an in-depth study conducted about Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, examining the past and the current (increasingly) deteriorating political, security and economic situation. Among various facts that unfold during the course of this work, what comes to light is that, at times, the out-dated and miscalculated policies of the governments, especially those of Pakistan, have played a major role in the current disharmonious situation; that the authorities seem to be oblivious of the great potential and common opportunities/challenges that exist, if only the above-mentioned countries join hands to work in rhythm and harmony towards achieving peace and prosperity rather than tearing each other, and themselves, apart. “To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain perpetually a child. For what is the worth of a human life unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?”(Marcus).