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Zondervan KJV, Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, Premium Goatskin Leather, Black, Premier Collection, Art Gilded Edges, Black Letter, Comfort Print
An easy-to-learn, easy-to-use tool for in-depth Bible studyBeloved and acclaimed for more than five generations, the Thompson® Chain-Reference® Bible is unparalleled in its ability to enrich personal devotions, topical study, and sermon preparation. This unique reference Bible enables you to search the breadth of Scripture’s teachings on thousands of topics and allows you to follow those topics throughout the entire Bible. With over 100,000 references, covering over 8,000 topics, the chain-reference system is an ideal tool for comprehensive topical study. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible also offers a library of additional study resources that allows readers to interpret the Bible using related scripture passages rather than consulting a commentary.The KJV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible is printed in the KJV Comfort Print® typeface for easy reading. Expertly designed specifically to be used for the King James Version (KJV) text, Comfort Print offers an easier reading experience that complements the translation. This Bible also features a fresh, two-color design that preserves the original look of the chain-reference system, while making each page cleaner and easier to read. Premier Collection Bibles combine fine craftsmanship with ultimate readability. They are bound in the softest, finest goatskin available and feature quality finishes such as beautiful art gilding, durable edge lining, and three thick ribbon markers. Encased in a durable 2-piece box and elegantly wrapped in protective paper, each Premier Collection Bible is safely secured and packaged with careful attention to detail.Features: Complete text of the King James Version (KJV) Easy-to-understand chain-reference system with over 100,000 references Alphabetical and numerical indexes highlight study materials for over 8,000 topics, each with its own topic number, for exhaustive topical study An extensive study resource section includes biographical sketches, illustrated studies of the Bible, a concordance, Bible harmonies, and many other helpful study tools Fresh, two-color page design 66 book introductions 16-page full-color map section with map index Line-matched text for enhanced readability Black letter edition Hand-bound in a supple goatskin leather cover with raised spine hubs Smyth-sewn and edge-lined construction for flexibility Gilt line and perimeter stitching Premium European Bible paper, 36 GSM Presentation page for gift-giving Art gilded page edges Three double-sided satin ribbon markers, each 3/8-inch wide Exclusive KJV Comfort Print typeface Print size: 9.5
Primal Nutrition, Inc The Primal Blueprint
0017703970Stunaan8419472114.0 Mark Sisson's 2009 release of The Primal Blueprint was the catalyst for the primal/paleo/ancestral health movement to gain mainstream awareness and acceptance. Both the hardcover and paperback editions enjoyed a seven-year run at the top of the primal/paleo charts and selling hundreds of thousands of copies. Sisson, publisher of the acclaimed, the acclaimed and most-visited primal/paleo blog, has spent the past six years diligently researching and evaluating recent the most up-to-date science and reflecting on thousands of users' experiences going primal. The second edition of The New Primal Blueprint offers a comprehensively revised, expanded, and updated message from the original runaway bestseller. The New Primal Blueprint serves as the ultimate road map for anyone wishing to make the shift from flawed conventional wisdom about diet and exercise to a healthy, happy empowering lifestyle patterned after the evolutionary-tested behaviors of our hunter-gatherer ancestors. The book details the ten immutable Primal Blueprint lifestyle laws that enable empower you to reprogram your genes to direct in the direction of weight loss, health, and longevity. The Primal Blueprint laws are validated by two million years of human evolution as well as an ever-expanding body of contemporary scientific research. Sisson's philosophy was originally met with skepticism as he aggressively challenged numerous mainstream health tenets. Eight years later, mainstream medical and health science are validating the Primal Blueprint tenets assertions that a high-carb, grain-based diet will make you fat, tired, and sick; that a consistent routine of medium-to-difficult cardiovascular workouts can actually compromise your health and longevity and increase risk of heart disease; and that consuming (whole food sources of) fat and cholesterol does not lead to heart disease as we have been led to believe, but rather offers many health benefits. The New Primal Blueprint comes alive with a vibrant full-color presentation packed with photos, graphics, and cartoons to make for a fun, easy, and memorable read. Join hundreds of thousands of primal enthusiasts and embrace a new way of life where you take responsibility for your health, fitness, and happiness. Reject once and for all the flawed conventional wisdom that has left modern citizens struggling with fatigue, excess body fat, and elevated disease risk factors as a consequence of grain-based eating habits, exhausting exercise routines, sedentary lifestyle patterns, and high-stress existences that misdirect our genes and promote illness instead of wellness and longevity. Here is a quick overview of the ten Primal Blueprint laws that will help you quickly and effortlessly reprogram your genes in the direction of health, happiness, and longevity: Law #1 - Eat Plants and Animals: Enjoy the nutritious, satisfying foods that fueled two million years of human evolution. Law #2 - Avoid Poisonous Things: Avoid toxic modern foods (primarily refined vegetable oils, sugars, and grains) that make us fat, sick, and malnourished. Law #3 - Move Frequently: Enhance fat metabolism, improve cognitive function, and avoid the stress of chronic cardio by keeping active with aerobic workouts at a comfortable heart rate, increased everyday movement, and complementary flexibility/mobility activities throughout your day. Law #4 - Lift Heavy Things: Brief, intense sessions of functional, full-body resistance exercises supports muscle development, increases bone density, and prevents injury. Law #5 - Sprint Once in a While: Occasional all-out sprints turbo-charge fat reduction and deliver a boost of anti-aging hormones. Law #6 - Get Plenty of Sleep: Align your sleep with your circadian rhythm by minimizing artificial light and digital stimulation after dark, and creating a calm, quiet, dark sleeping sanctuary. Optimal sleep promotes healthy immune, brain, and endocrine function. Law #7 - Play: Balance the stress of modern life with some unstructured, physical fun! Both brief breaks and grand outings are essential to nurture a cognitively fluid mind and a free spirit. Law #8 - Get Plenty of Sunlight: Expose large skin surface areas frequently to optimize vitamin D production (increases energy, prevents cancer). Maintain a slight tan, but never burn. Diet alone doesn't cut it. Law #9 - Avoid Stupid Mistakes: Learn to be mindful and vigilant against dangers, both extreme and routine. Cultivate risk management skills to stay safe and sensible and eliminate "avoidable suffering." Law #10 - Use Your Brain: Engage in creative and stimulating activities away from your core daily responsibilities. This will keep you refreshed, energized, creative, and productive in everything you do.
City Lights Books Nervous Device: City Lights Spotlight Series No. 8
In Nervous Device, Catherine Wagner takes inspiration from William Blake's "bounding line" to explore the poem as a body at the intersection between poet and audience. Using this as a figure for sexual, political and economic interactions, Wagner's poems shift between seductive lyricism and brash fragmentation as they negotiate the failure of human connection in the twilight of American empire. Intellectually informed, yet insistent on their objecthood, Wagner's poems express a self-conscious skepticism even as they maintain an optimistically charged eroticism."Wagner's fourth collection contains poems of memory and dark artifice. She writes with an obscure, magnetic lens. . . . Wagner contrasts these complicated poems with short, clean, pieces that offer a kind of breathing space for the reader. Not to be mistaken for trivial, the linguistic tightness of these poems are highlights of Wagner’s collection."—Publishers Weekly"Taking with one hand what they give with the other, Wagner's poems are full of vehemence and disdain and tenderness and somewhere, in some inexpugnable part of the body of language through which so many discomforting feelings pass, a thorny kind of joy. This is my idea of great poetry: in which 'The actual is / flickering a binary / between word and not-word.'"—Barry Schwabsky, Hyperallergic"Nervous Device is such a smart book. You never know where the poems are going to take you, or when some startling, often cringe-making image or thought will intrude. Unable to settle into a comfortable rhetorical space, these poems reject simple claims to knowing something or doing right or changing the world. Rather, they move like an erratic insect stuck in a language bell jar. Brilliant, and disturbing."—Jennifer Moxley"Nervous Device, the human machine, palpitating inside its own little bounding lines. These poems do everything the human device does, vibrating like an electrified tornado inside a glass jar, and make this reader profoundly alive to huge swathes of being. There is no machine for mastering the self (yet), but there are Cathy Wagner's poems."—Eleni Sikelianos"The poems in Nervous Device resonate with a knowing nod to time and the difficulty and struggle of being sentient and intimate—of loving while being human. This is poetry connectivty: sexy, poignant, knowing. And the poems here make me feel possible."—Hoa Nguyen"Wagner's poems contain multitudes, at once overflowing with seductive lyricism only to suddenly shift into brash fragmentation. She is informed, but the word subjective has no place whatsoever in her work. As the cover suggests, the potential for human connection is downright erotic for Wagner."Alexis Coe, SF Weekly"The notion that the audience is 'putting [their] finger in [her] vagina' while reading Nervous Device signals one of Wagner's primary thematic concerns in the collection: the complex relationship between poetry, sex, desire, and the body."—Joshua Ware"Wagner is to be lauded, first and foremost, for her daring, her conceptual eclecticism, and her linguistic range. . . . Nervous Device is a clear-eyed and brave testament to the changing currents of a poet's life."—Seth Abramson, The Huffington Post" . . . the manner in which Wagner structures the language through repetitive dialogue both builds meaning and breaks it apart. . . . Wagner balances disjunction and lucidity, private and public, distant and (riskily) up-close."—Jessica Comola, HTML Giant
SAGE Publications Inc Using Narrative in Social Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
′Jane Elliott′s examination of the use of "narrative" within the broad context of social science inquiry is a must-read for both qualitative and quantitative researchers, novice and expert alike′ - Journal of Advanced Nursing `This important book does an impressive job of synthesising a complex literature and bringing together both qualitative and quantitative methods of narrative analysis. It will become a milestone in the development of narrative methods. Although ground-breaking in many ways, it is very clearly written and accessible to readers from a wide variety of backgrounds and methodological experience′ - Nigel Gilbert, University of Surrey `An elegantly written, scholarly and accessible text. Jane Elliott shows a sophisticated appreciation of contemporary methodological developments, and makes a persuasive case for the use of narrative approaches in both qualitative and quantitative research. The book challenges and advances debates about combining methods, and shows how stories can work within and across conventional research boundaries. It is a truly original contribution to the literature′ - Amanda Coffey, Cardiff School of Social Sciences `An outstanding book. Jane Elliott breaks new ground by demonstrating to new generations of social scientists how the power of narrative can fruitfully be harnessed in social research. This is a "must read" book′ - Professor Mike Savage, University of Manchester This is a lucid and accessible introduction to narrative methods in social research. It is also an important book about the nature, role and theoretical basis of research methodology in general. Jane Elliott instructs the reader on the basic methods and methodological assumptions that form the basis of narrative methods. She does so in a way that is practical and accessible and in a way that will make the book a favourite with students and experienced researchers alike. Elliott argues that both qualitative and quantitative methods are characterised by a concern with narrative, and that our research data can best be analyzed if it is seen in narrative terms. In concrete, step-by-step terms she details for the reader how to go about collecting data and how to subject that data to narrative analysis, while at the same time placing this process in its wider theoretical context. She works across the traditional quantitative/qualitative divide to set out the ways in which narrative researchers can uncover such issues as social change, causality and social identity. She also shows how the techniques and skills used by qualitative researchers can be deployed when doing quantitative research and, similarly, how qualitative researchers can sometimes profit from using quantitative skills and techniques. "This book provides both a fascinating and a challenging read. What sets this text apart from other books on research methodology and methods is that it does not focus exclusively on either quantitative or qualitative research approaches, but rather attempts to bridge the divide. The book should be compulsory reading not only for those aspiring to undertake narrative research and those students undertaking higher degree research courses, but also for those more experienced researches wishing to explore contemporary issues in research methods and methodology. As a recent recruit to a lecturer-practitioner post with little recnt experience in the subject area covered by this book, i found it met my needs very well. I would certainly recomment this book for purchase." Dr Andrew Pettipher, University of Nottingham, UK.
Octopus Publishing Group Green: Simple Ideas for Small Outdoor Spaces
'A great book if you are seeking small space inspiration.' Evening StandardFrom House & Garden's book picks of the year:'Whether you dream of a Mediterranean oasis, a rose-filled retreat or a tropical jungle, Green will help you to make the most of your space, proving that small can indeed be beautiful.'From Daily Mail's best books of the year:'Can a really small space ever be turned into a beautiful garden? Fashionable garden designer Ula Maria shows how even the tiniest balcony or courtyard can become something special. Featuring numerous case histories and practical advice on storage, paving, furniture and lighting, this is an excellent reference source for anyone with limited space and big dreams.''Garden designer Ula Maria takes us on a safari through small but perfectly formed inspire your very own Eden.' - Elle Deco'Urban garden design has inspired books ever since the Victorians started to green their sprawling new neighbourhoods. But where Maria's Green differs is that it focuses on the possibilities of growing in small spaces rather than the restrictions. The 22 gardens she has brought together (by various designers) erupt with potential...In Green urban gardens, so often prone to a twinge of pity from those who tend larger, more rural spaces, become deeply aspirational.' - Alice Vincent, the Daily Telegraph 'A must for apprehensive city gardeners and for anyone wanting to make the most out of their outdoor space, no matter how small it might be. [...] Flicking through it feels almost as enjoyable and relaxing as sitting in the garden.' - Gardens Illustrated'The first book from rising star Ula Maria tackles the perennial challenge of how to create a garden in a small space. [...] Whether you dream of a Mediterranean oasis, a rose-filled retreat or a tropical jungle, Green will help you to make the most of your space, proving that small can indeed be beautiful.' - House & Garden'Spending so much time outdoors in my childhood made me think of a garden as a natural extension of my home - an inseparable part of everyday life. It wasn't until I moved into a rented property in the city that I felt an undeniable urge to make the most of the little exterior space that we had and re-evaluate it. In time, creating outdoor spaces that people truly care for, no matter how small or large, became much more rewarding than perfecting any indoor space. Many say that a home is a true reflection of self, but I believe it is the garden, where personalities and relationships with our surroundings truly blossom.' - Ula MariaIn Green, Ula Maria takes a completely fresh look at creating a garden in whatever outdoor space is available - be it a roof terrace, balcony, small back yard or patio. Perfect for first-time gardeners, the book approaches creating a garden as if decorating a room - exploring how to work with scale, colour and texture, to choosing the plants that will thrive in an urban space. At the heart of the book are 22 genuinely small and innovative gardens with a dazzling range of ideas to copy - from a small backyard garden using reclaimed timber, evergreens and grasses to a rental rooftop terrace in the heart of the city where a cottage-style garden has been created in simple containers. Using low-maintenance plants and affordable furniture, lighting and containers, Green offers simple solutions that don't involve major structural work but will quickly result in a stylish and hugely rewarding urban sanctuary. The book was shot by award-winning photographer, Jason Ingram.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die
"Mesmerizing & fascinating..." —The Seattle Post-Intelligencer "The Freakonomics of big data." —Stein Kretsinger, founding executive of Award-winning | Used by over 30 universities | Translated into 9 languages An introduction for everyone. In this rich, fascinating — surprisingly accessible — introduction, leading expert Eric Siegel reveals how predictive analytics (aka machine learning) works, and how it affects everyone every day. Rather than a “how to” for hands-on techies, the book serves lay readers and experts alike by covering new case studies and the latest state-of-the-art techniques. Prediction is booming. It reinvents industries and runs the world. Companies, governments, law enforcement, hospitals, and universities are seizing upon the power. These institutions predict whether you're going to click, buy, lie, or die.Why? For good reason: predicting human behavior combats risk, boosts sales, fortifies healthcare, streamlines manufacturing, conquers spam, optimizes social networks, toughens crime fighting, and wins elections.How? Prediction is powered by the world's most potent, flourishing unnatural resource: data. Accumulated in large part as the by-product of routine tasks, data is the unsalted, flavorless residue deposited en masse as organizations churn away. Surprise! This heap of refuse is a gold mine. Big data embodies an extraordinary wealth of experience from which to learn.Predictive analytics(aka machine learning) unleashes the power of data. With this technology, the computer literally learns from data how to predict the future behavior of individuals. Perfect prediction is not possible, but putting odds on the future drives millions of decisions more effectively, determining whom to call, mail, investigate, incarcerate, set up on a date, or medicate.In this lucid, captivating introduction — now in its Revised and Updated edition — former Columbia University professor and Predictive Analytics World founder Eric Siegel reveals the power and perils of prediction: What type of mortgage risk Chase Bank predicted before the recession. Predicting which people will drop out of school, cancel a subscription, or get divorced before they even know it themselves. Why early retirement predicts a shorter life expectancy and vegetarians miss fewer flights. Five reasons why organizations predict death — including one health insurance company. How U.S. Bank and Obama for America calculated the way to most strongly persuade each individual. Why the NSA wants all your data: machine learning supercomputers to fight terrorism. How IBM's Watson computer used predictive modeling to answer questions and beat the human champs on TV's Jeopardy! How companies ascertain untold, private truths — how Target figures out you're pregnant and Hewlett-Packard deduces you're about to quit your job. How judges and parole boards rely on crime-predicting computers to decide how long convicts remain in prison. 182 examples from Airbnb, the BBC, Citibank, ConEd, Facebook, Ford, Google, the IRS, LinkedIn,, MTV, Netflix, PayPal, Pfizer, Spotify, Uber, UPS, Wikipedia, and more. How does predictive analytics work? This jam-packed book satisfies by demystifying the intriguing science under the hood. For future hands-on practitioners pursuing a career in the field, it sets a strong foundation, delivers the prerequisite knowledge, and whets your appetite for more. A truly omnipresent science, predictive analytics constantly affects our daily lives. Whether you are a consumer of it — or consumed by it — get a handle on the power of Predictive Analytics.
Open University Press Making Policy in British Higher Education 1945-2011
"Every Mike Shattock book on higher education is worth keeping and re-reading. Making Policy in British Higher Education 1945-2011 is a great story, very readable and full of wry humour. It is also a profoundly informative work that explains the policy and politics of higher education better than anything else that is available."Professor Simon Marginson, Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Melbourne, Australia"As expected, Michael Shattock's mastery of the history of higher education policy-making in the UK is evident in every page - the temptation is to say every paragraph. This is a demanding analysis. It is packed, precise, judicious and immensely informed ... As a narrative about how policy-making occurs in the long run, how to read the relevant archival and other documents closely and how to avoid the easy generalizations arising from ideological partis pris, this study is an instant classic."Sheldon Rothblatt, Professor of History Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley, USA"In the last 30 years Britain has experimented with some of the most innovative higher education policies including academic quality assurance, research assessment, income contingent loan financing, tuition policy, information for students, and other efforts to stimulate competitive market forces. In this highly enlightening, meticulously researched, and fascinating history, university administrator and scholar Michael Shattock examines the individuals and financial policy drivers that have shaped British higher education from World War II to the present day and explores the impacts of these policies on the university sector."David D. Dill, Professor Emeritus of Public Policy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA"Michael Shattock's important new book could not be better timed. He offers a detailed, nuanced and (above all) intelligent account of policy making in British higher education over the past 60 years ... This book reminds us that novelty is more often in the eye of the beholder than the historical record. It also warns us that those who have forgotten past events are often fated to relive them - and that second (or third) time round is rarely an improvement."Peter Scott, Professor of Higher Education Studies, Institute of Education University of London, UKThis book aims to provide an authoritative account of the evolution of policy in British higher education drawing extensively on previously untapped archival sources. It offers a comprehensive analysis of the policy drivers since 1945 and up to 2011 and of the extent to which even in the so called golden age of university autonomy in the immediate post War period the development of British higher education policy was closely integrated with government policies. In particular, it highlights how the role of the Treasury in determining the resource base for the expansion of student numbers is key to understanding many of the shifts in policy that occurred. This close engagement with government coupled with the historical acceptance of institutional autonomy defines the distinctiveness of the British higher education system as compared with other countries. What the book also shows, however, is that policy was rarely driven directly by Ministers but emerged out of inter relationships between the Treasury, the responsible Department, the intermediary bodies, the higher education representative bodies and the research communities. The policy process was interactive rather than directed. The conclusions offer a new interpretation of the development of British higher education.
American University in Cairo Press Women in Ancient Egypt: Revisiting Power, Agency, and Autonomy
Cutting-edge research by twenty-four international scholars on female power, agency, health, and literacy in ancient EgyptThere has been considerable scholarship in the last fifty years on the role of ancient Egyptian women in society. With their ability to work outside the home, inherit and dispense of property, initiate divorce, testify in court, and serve in local government, Egyptian women exercised more legal rights and economic independence than their counterparts throughout antiquity. Yet, their agency and autonomy are often downplayed, undermined, or outright ignored. In Women in Ancient Egypt twenty-four international scholars offer a corrective to this view by presenting the latest cutting-edge research on women and gender in ancient Egypt.Covering the entirety of Egyptian history, from earliest times to Late Antiquity, this volume commences with a thorough study of the earliest written evidence of Egyptian women, both royal and non-royal, before moving on to chapters that deal with various aspects of Egyptian queens, followed by studies on the legal status and economic roles of non-royal women and, finally, on women’s health and body adornment. Within this sweeping chronological range, each study is intensely focused on the evidence recovered from a particular site or a specific time-period. Rather than following a strictly chronological arrangement, the thematic organization of chapters enables readers to discern diachronic patterns of continuity and change within each group of women.· Clémentine Audouit, Paul Valery University, Montpellier, France· Anne Austin, University of Missouri, St. Louis, Missouri, USA· Mariam F. Ayad, The American University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt· Romane Betbeze, Université de Genève, Switzerland, and Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, PSL, France· Anke Ilona Blöbaum, Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany· Eva-Maria Engel, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany· Renate Fellinger, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK· Kathrin Gabler, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland· Rahel Glanzmann, independent scholar, Basel, Switzerland. · Izold Guegan, Swansea University, UK, and Sorbonne University, Paris, France· Fayza Haikal, The American University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt· Janet H. Johnson, Oriental Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, Il, USA· Katarzyna Kapiec, Institute of the Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland· Susan Anne Kelly, Macquarie University Sydney, Sydney, Australia· AnneMarie Luijendijk, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA· Suzanne Onstine, University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee, USA· José Ramón Pérez-Accino Picatoste, Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain· Tara Sewell-Lasater, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA· Yasmin El Shazly, American Research Center in Egypt, Cairo, Egypt· Reinert Skumsnes, Centre for Gender Research, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway· Isabel Stünkel, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York, USA· Inmaculada Vivas Sainz, National Distance Education University), Madrid, Spain· Hana Vymazalová, Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, Czeck Republic· Jacquelyn Williamson, George Mason University, Fairfax, Viriginia, USA· Annik Wüthrich, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austrian Archaeological Institute, Vienna, Austria
Triarchy Press Ready for Anything: Designing Resilience for a Transforming World
The Mess What kind of trouble is our species and our planet in? What's likely to happen next? How can we think creatively about and understand the interconnected problems (climate, health, energy, governance, economy, etc.) that we face without getting overwhelmed by their complexity and uncertainty? How can we get ready for whatever is coming next? What can we do practically, at local, national and international level, in business and in the community? What sort of help does resilience offer? How can we design resilience? What happens when we do? As we pass the 7 billion mark, we are currently using the resources of about 11/2 Earths to support our collective lifestyle. But we only have one Earth. How can we design and vision one-planet living? Whether you help to run a country, a corporation, an NGO, a public service, a city, a school or a family - these are difficult questions. Particularly difficult when we can't even agree, for example, whether the climate is changing, whether we should build more nuclear power stations or close the ones we've got, and whether the free market offers the best hope or no hope at all for feeding and watering a population of 10 billion. Which is why, rather than face our problems, we too often bury our heads in the sand and pretend nothing is happening. The World System Model and IFF World Game: Working closely with the internationally-renowned International Futures Forum (IFF), futurist Tony Hodgson has developed, tried, tested and fine-tuned a model (The World System Model) and a practical application (The IFF World Game) that have already helped many different groups to ask these questions and generate their own answers. This book describes and explains The World System Model. The model offers the clearest way yet of examining and understanding the interconnected problems we face - and of formulating creative and transformative ways of approaching those problems. This book also explains how to make the model immediately accessible - in the form of The IFF World Game - to any group (school governors, city councillors, health service managers, concerned citizens, boards of directors, UN High Commission). It uses Case Studies to show how it has already been used in eight different situations from a national economics research council to a city school. Ready for Anything offers a clear and honest look at the state of the world today. It introduces The World System Model as a new and holistic way to gain an understanding our particular predicament - and The IFF World Game as a quick and effective way of involving others in the exercise. It goes on to examine the kind of resilient and adaptive solutions that can be most helpful to us - whether they are applied at the level of the school, the city or the Earth. Since so many of us (both human and other beings) have to live on this planet together, it sets out our best hope yet of finding sustainable ways of 'one-planet living'. Best of all, it helps ensure that we keep our heads out of the sand.
Johns Hopkins University Press Bathsheba's Breast: Women, Cancer, and History
"Breast cancer may very well be history's oldest malaise, known as well to the ancients as it is to us. The women who have endured it share a unique sisterhood. Queen Atossa and Dr. Jerri Nielsen-separated by era and geography, by culture, religion, politics, economics, and world view-could hardly have been more different. Born 2,500 years apart, they stand as opposite bookends on the shelf of human history. One was the most powerful woman in the ancient world, the daughter of an emperor, the mother of a god; the other is a twenty-first-century physician with a streak of adventure coursing through her veins. From the imperial throne in ancient Babylon, Atossa could not have imagined the modern world, and only in the driest pages of classical literature could Antarctica-based Jerri Nielsen even have begun to fathom the Near East five centuries before the birth of Christ. For all their differences, however, they shared a common fear that transcends time and space." -from Bathsheba's Breast In 1967, an Italian surgeon touring Amsterdam's Rijks museum stopped in front of Rembrandt's Bathsheba at Her Bath, on loan from the Louvre, and noticed an asymmetry to Bathsheba's left breast; it seemed distended, swollen near the armpit, discolored, and marked with a distinctive pitting. With a little research, the physician learned that Rembrandt's model, his mistress Hendrickje Stoffels, later died after a long illness, and he conjectured in a celebrated article for an Italian medical journal that the cause of her death was almost certainly breast cancer. A horror known to every culture in every age, breast cancer has been responsible for the deaths of 25 million women throughout history. An Egyptian physician writing 3,500 years ago concluded that there was no treatment for the disease. Later surgeons recommended excising the tumor or, in extreme cases, the entire breast. This was the treatment advocated by the court physician to sixth-century Byzantine empress Theodora, the wife of Justinian, though she chose to die in pain rather than lose her breast. Only in the past few decades has treatment advanced beyond disfiguring surgery. In Bathsheba's Breast, historian James S. Olson-who lost his left hand and forearm to cancer while writing this book-provides an absorbing and often frightening narrative history of breast cancer told through the heroic stories of women who have confronted the disease, from Theodora to Anne of Austria, Louis XIV's mother, who confronted "nun's disease" by perfecting the art of dying well, to Dr. Jerri Nielson, who was dramatically evacuated from the South Pole in 1999 after performing a biopsy on her own breast and self-administering chemotherapy. Olson explores every facet of the disease: medicine's evolving understanding of its pathology and treatment options; its cultural significance; the political and economic logic that has dictated the terms of a war on a "woman's disease"; and the rise of patient activism. Olson concludes that, although it has not yet been conquered, breast cancer is no longer the story of individual women struggling alone against a mysterious and deadly foe.
Liverpool University Press The Jews in Poland and Russia: A Short History
For many centuries Poland and Russia formed the heartland of the Jewish world: right up to the Second World War the area was home to over 40 per cent of the world's Jews. Nearly three and a half million Jews lived in Poland alone, with nearly three million more in the Soviet Union. Yet although the majority of the Jews of Europe and the United States, and a large proportion of the Jews of Israel, originate from these lands, and many of the major movements that have characterized the Jewish world in recent times have their origins there, the history of their Jewish communities is not well known. Rather, it is the subject of mythologizing that fails both to bring out the specific features of the Jewish civilization that emerged there and to illustrate what was lost in its destruction: Jewish life in these parts, though often poor materially, was marked by a high degree of spiritual and ideological intensity and creativity. Antony Polonsky re-creates this lost world - brutally cut down by the Holocaust and seriously damaged by the Soviet attempt to destroy Jewish culture - in a study that avoids both sentimentalism and the simplification of the east European Jewish experience into a story of persecution and martyrdom. It is an important story whose relevance reaches far beyond the Jewish world or the bounds of east-central Europe, and Professor Polonsky succeeds in providing a comprehensive overview that highlights the realities of Jewish life while also setting them in the context of the political, economic, and social realities of the time. He describes not only the towns and shtetls where the Jews lived, the institutions they developed, and their participation in the economy, but also their vibrant religious and intellectual life, including the emergence of hasidism and the growth of opposition to it from within the Jewish world. By the late eighteenth century other factors had come into play: with the onset of modernization there were government attempts to integrate and transform the Jews, and the stirrings of Enlightenment led to the growth of the Haskalah movement that was to revolutionize the Jewish world. Polonsky looks at developments in each area in turn: the problems of emancipation, acculturation, and assimilation in Prussian and Austrian Poland; the politics of integration in the Kingdom of Poland; and the failure of forced integration in the tsarist empire. He then shows how the deterioration in the position of the Jews between 1881 and 1914 encouraged a range of new movements - Zionism, socialism, and autonomism - as well as the emergence of modern Hebrew and Yiddish literature. He also examines Jewish urbanization and the rise of Jewish mass culture. The final part of the volume deals with the twentieth century. Starting from the First World War and the establishment of the Soviet Union, it looks in turn at Poland, Lithuania, and the Soviet Union up to the Second World War. It then reviews Polish - Jewish relations during the war and examines the Soviet record in relation to the Holocaust. The final chapters deal with the Jews in the Soviet Union and in Poland since 1945, concluding with an epilogue on the Jews in Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia since the collapse of communism. This is an abridged version of a three-volume hardback edition which won the 2011 Kulczycki Book Prize for Polish Studies (awarded by the American Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies) and also the Pro Historia Polonorum Prize for the best book on the history of Poland published in a foreign language between 2007 and 2011 (a prize established by the Polish Senate and awarded by the Polish Historical Association).
Nova Science Publishers Inc Tissue Stiffness as a Risk of Cancer Development and Impact on Clinical Outcome in Solid Tumors: A Systematic Review
This chapter is a monography concerning the possible role of tissue stiffness in the human carcinogenesis as well as its possible impact in the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of the malignancies. Cancer is a very serious health problem in mankind, with an increasing prevalence and incidence worldwide. Although in the last years, several diagnostic and therapeutic approaches were suggested and made available for managing human malignancies, the outcome of patients and their quality of life are still poor for most of these different forms of neoplasms (Torre LA, Siegel RL, Ward EM, Jemal A., Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2016;25(1):16-27. doi: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-15-0578). Several reasons may explain this dismal prognosis: the aggressive biological behavior of some histological subtypes, the acute-, intermediate- or late- side effects of systemic chemotherapy and radiotherapy, including toxicity of organs, diarrhea, skin irritation, nausea, mucositis, alopecia, vomiting, intestinal discomfort, asthenia, the arising of immunosuppression with neutropenia, the increased risk of infections as well as the occurrence of secondary cancers, at variable time intervals, either within a few weeks or months/years after the end of anticancerous treatments. From chemotherapy to biological therapy: A review of novel concepts to reduce the side effects of systemic cancer treatment (Review). Int J Oncol.] 2019;54(2):407-419. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2018.4661). 1) Novel strategies and methodological approaches are strongly required to determine an effective improvement in the management of these diseases. It is conceivable to suppose that not only the genetic alterations, but also further important factors may be involved in determining the prognosis of patients, suffering from malignancies. 2) Extracellular matrix (ECM) represents a crucial and key component of tissue structure contributing to the initiation, growth, and progression of human carcinoma. This last consists of a three-dimensional and highly dynamic macromolecular network, supporting the structure of all mammalian cells and modulating their function. ECM is characterized by well-defined physical, biochemical and biomechanical properties and plays multiple functions, such as: a) the maintenance of cellular, tissue and organ homeostasis, b) the regulation of both the amounts and the activities of growth factors and receptors c) the preservation of an adequate hydration status and pH level in the tissue microenvironment. It undergoes a continuous but tightly regulated remodeling and several mechanisms participate in the control of its adequate composition and structural organization. Therefore, ECM regulates a wide series of distinct cell activities, such as differentiation, apoptosis, proliferation and migration as well as energy production and availability. In normal conditions, a dynamic interplay is established among mammalian cells and ECM, surrounding them. The result of this cooperation is the maintenance of a proper ECM composition, morphology, disposition and activity in all tissues and a correct intracellular structure and function, both in the cytoplasm and in micro-organelles, such as nucleus. In the last years, a large series of studies are focusing on a better understanding of ECM alterations and abnormalities, that emerge in its structure, shape and spatial organization, during the occurrence of different pathological conditions, such as inflammation and cancer. 3) ECM contributes to regulate and modulate a wide series of distinct cell activities, such as differentiation, apoptosis, proliferation, and migration as well as energy production and availability. In normal conditions, a dynamic interplay is established among mammalian cells and ECM, surrounding them. It involves soluble factors, such as chemokines, cytokines, costimulatory molecules, additional biological mediators (oxidants and prostaglandins) and physical stimuli (microenvironment stiffness and tensional/compression forces). The result of this cooperation is the maintenance of a proper ECM composition, morphology, disposition and activity in all tissues and a correct intracellular structure and function, both in the cytoplasm and in micro-organelles, such as nucleus. In the last years, a large series of studies are focusing on a better understanding of ECM alterations and abnormalities, that emerge in its structure, shape and spatial organization, during the occurrence of different pathological conditions, such as inflammation and cancer. To date, some studies are investigating the mutual interactions among the cells, that are progressively acquiring a cancerous phenotype, and the stroma surrounding them as well as the changes in physical properties of nucleus- and cytoplasmic- microenvironment. It has been shown that the ability of malignant cells to grow and to metastasize depends on several factors, such as the relationship occurring between the stroma stiffness as well as the nucleus and cytoplasm rigidity. Since 2003, Professor Donald Ingber published some interesting papers about tensegrity and tissue stiffness as a possible risk factor for cancer development (Ingber DE. Tensegrity I. Cell structure and hierarchical systems biology. ] J Cell Sci. 2003;116(Pt 7):1157-73; Ingber DE. Tensegrity II. How structural networks influence cellular information processing networks] J Cell Sci. 2003;116(Pt 8):1397-408). He has shed new light on this topic. Taking advantage from these experimental evidences, this paper describes the state of the art concerning this topic and the diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic use in clinical practice in the last years as well as the possible future application of these evidences. We performed this chapter to identify the available studies, assessing: 1) the possible association between tissue stiffness and risk of cancer development; up to now a rather high number of malignant tumoralhistotypes have been identified in the different human organs and have been included in our anatomopathological classifications. Therefore, we decided to consider in our review only the following organs: brain, breast, colon, esophagus, kidney. liver, lung, prostate, stomach, thyroid and uterus and for each of them we have analyzed the most frequent, aggressive and lethal malignancies as paradigm; 2) the "state of art" for this topic with clinical (diagnostic and therapeutic management) purpose; 3) the potential relationship between the values of tissue stiffness and prognosis in patients with cancers involving the above reported organs and the current use as well as their potential future application in clinical practice.
St Augustine's Press The Silence of Goethe
During the last months of the war, Josef Pieper saw the realization of a long-cherished plan to escape from the “lethal chaos” that was the Germany of that time, “plucked,” he writes, “as was Habakkuk, by the hair of his head . . . to be planted into a realm of the most peaceful seclusion, whose borders and exists were, of course, controlled by armed sentries.” There he made contact with a friend close-by, who possessed an amazing library, and Pieper hit upon the idea of reading the letters of Goethe from that library. Soon, however, he decided to read the entire Weimar edition of fifty volumes, which were brought to him in sequence, two or three at a time.The richness of this life revealing itself over a period of more than sixty years appeared before my gaze in its truly overpowering magnificence, which almost shattered my powers of comprehension – confined, as they had been, to the most immediate and pressing concerns. What a passionate focus on reality in all its forms, what an undying quest to chase down all that is in the world, what strength to affirm life, what ability to take part in it, what vehemence in the way he showed his dedication to it! Of course, too, what ability to limit himself to what was appropriate; what firm control in inhibiting what was purely aimless; what religious respect for the truth of being! I could not overcome my astonishment; and the prisoner entered a world without borders, a world in which the fact of being in prison was of absolutely no significance. But no matter how many astonishing things I saw in these unforgettable weeks of undisturbed inner focus, nothing was more surprising or unexpected than this: to realize how much of what was peculiar to this life occurred in carefully preserved seclusion; how much the seemingly communicative man who carried on a world-wide correspondence still never wanted to expose in words the core of his existence. It was precisely in the seclusion, the limitation, the silence of Goethe that made the strongest impact on Pieper. Here was modern Germany’s quintessential conversationalist intellectual, but the strength of his words came from the restraint behind them, even to the point of purposeful forgetting:The culmination is when the eighty-year-old sees forgetting not as a convulsive refusal to think of things, but as what could almost be termed a physiological process of simple forgetting as a function of life. He praises as “a great gift of the gods” . . . “the ethereal stream of forgetfulness” which he “was always able to value, to use, and to heighten.” However manifold the forms of this silence and of their unconscious roots and conscious motives may have been, is it not always the possibility of hearing, the possibility of a purer perception of reality that is aimed at? And so, is not Goethe’s type of silence above all the silence of one who listens? . . . This listening silence is much deeper than the mere refraining from words and speech in human intercourse. It means a stillness, which, like a breath, has penetrated into the inmost chamber of one’s own soul. It is meant, in the Goethean “maxim,” to “deny myself as much as possible and to take up the object into myself as purely as it is possible to do.” . . . The meaning of being silent is hearing – a hearing in which the simplicity of the receptive gaze at things is like the naturalness, simplicity, and purity of one receiving a confidence, the reality of which is creatura, God’s creation. And insofar as Goethe’s silence is in this sense a hearing silence, to that extent it has the status of the model and paradigm – however much, in individual instances, reservations and criticism are justified. One could remain circumspectly silent about this exemplariness after the heroic nihilism of our age has proclaimed the attitude of the knower to be by no means that of a silent listener but rather as that of self-affirmation over against being: insight and knowledge are naked defiance, the severest endangering of existence in the midst of the superior strength of concrete being. The resistance of knowledge opposes the oppressive superior power. However, that the knower is not a defiant rebel against concrete being, but above all else a listener who stays silent and, on the basis of his silence, a hearer – it is here that Goethe represents what, since Pythagoras, may be considered the silence tradition of the West.Pieper concludes his remarkable find with this summation:When such talk, which one encounters absolutely everywhere in workshops and in the marketplace – and as a constant temptation – , when such deafening talk, literally out to thwart listening, is linked to hopelessness, we have to ask is there not in silence – listening silence – necessarily a shred of hope? For who could listen in silence to the language of things if he did not expect something to come of such awareness of the truth? And, in a newly founded discipline of silence, is there not a chance not merely to overcome the sterility of everyday talk but also to overcome its brother, hopelessness – possibly if only to the extent that we know the true face of this relationship? I know that here quite different forces come into play which are beyond human control, and perhaps the circulus has to be broken through in a different place. However, one may ask: could not the “quick, strict resolution” to remain silent at the same time serve as a kind of training in hope?
John Wiley & Sons Inc Managing the New Customer Relationship: Strategies to Engage the Social Customer and Build Lasting Value
Praise for MANAGING THE NEW CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP “Gordon delivers an impressive synthesis of the newest methods for engaging customers in relationships that last. No organization today can succeed without the mastery of customer relationship management strategy fundamentals. But to win in the decades ahead, you must also understand and capitalize on the rapidly evolving social computing, mobility and customer analytics technologies described in this book. Checklists, self-assessments and graphical frameworks deliver pragmatic value for the practicing manager.” — William Band, Vice-President, Principal Analyst, Forrester Research Inc., Cambridge, MA “A very comprehensive and practical book on managing relationships with existing customers in the age of social media! I particularly enjoyed reading chapters on teaching customers new behaviors, which were illustrated by excellent case studies.” — Jagdish N. Sheth, Ph.D. , Charles H. Kellstadt Professor of Marketing, Emory University, Atlanta, GA “The strategic breadth and depth of this book is impressive as Gordon explores the new customer and how to plan and manage the new customer relationship. I found his review of strategies, techniques and technologies for social, mobile, mass customization and customer analytics to be particularly insightful. Gordon urges marketers to live and breathe one-through-one marketing and to master social engagement techniques. The checklists, cases and examples make the content grounded and actionable. This is an important, current and detailed book to which every organization should pay close attention to improve customer relationships and create shareholder value.” — Marcus Ruebsam, Vice-President, Line-of-Business Marketing Solutions, SAP AG, Walldorf, Germany “There are many books on CRM, but I recommend this one because Gordon’s book does what others do not. He considers CRM strategy and evolves it to recognize a new customer, one who is always connected, socially available and influential. The book doesn’t just discuss many point solutions for specific marketing challenges; it integrates technology with strategy, people, process and customer analytics to develop relationships continuously. This book is a broad and deep exploration of CRM, providing practical, fact-based perspectives that every company can use to validate and rethink their customer and stakeholder relationships.” — Helmuth Cepeda, Small, Medium and Distribution Director, Microsoft Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico Marketing has changed fundamentally in the last few years and has become an entirely new discipline, one that focuses on a new customer and a new relationship, framed by new principles, strategies, processes, roles and tactics. Individual customers are economically targeted and served, and treated as segments of one rather than members of a target market. Word of mouth and recommendations are vital as customers influence one another more than a company can do within its own advertising or customer dialogs. Today’s customer is always online, accessible and connected. Now marketing is not only direct and customer-specific but a continuous process by which companies seek to engage customers and be progressively more relevant, attractive and valuable. This is the era of a new customer relationship—an individual relationship that is social, mobile and local, influenced by peers and shaped by cognitive, behavioural and social psychological principles. New techniques, processes and technologies transform what it means to implement marketing strategy and achieve improved business results. The new customer relationship requires that even those companies that have embraced customer relationship management ought to reassess their customer management. Now every marketing decision, whether online or in the physical world, whether of a technological nature, whether it affects customer experience, communications, dialogs, teaching or organizational memory, every decision should be seen through a single lens focused on the individual customers who matter most. Managing the New Customer Relationship provides a strategic and practical guide to help companies attract, develop, sustain and build more valuable relationships by: Expanding upon existing customer relationship management theories, concepts and methods to make these considerations more useful, strategic and contemporary Recognizing the profound importance of social media and how to plan customer engagement in the social context of each customer Exploring new technologies that offer new opportunities for engaging customers, including mobile, local, the cloud and customer analytics Demonstrating how to develop customer-specific understanding, predict what customers will want next, and how to manage each individual customer, and Offering perspectives to help the organization endure by focusing a chain of relationships on the end customer and creating meaning for stakeholders that can make relationships more intense and robust. Managing the New Customer Relationship is for organizations of all sizes in all industries, for private- and public-sector organizations and not-for-profits. In short, every organization can apply the new principles, strategies, techniques and technologies discussed here to recognize important marketplace changes, plan to improve relationship and financial results and capture new shareholder value from new customer relationships.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The ESD Control Program Handbook
Provides the understanding and practical skills needed to develop and maintain an effective ESD control program for manufacturing, storage, and handling of ESD sensitive components This essential guide to ESD control programs explains the principles and practice of ESD control in an easily accessible way whilst also providing more depth and a wealth of references for those who want to gain a deeper knowledge of the subject. It describes static electricity and ESD principles such as triboelectrification, electrostatic fields, and induced voltages, with the minimum of theory or mathematics. It is designed for the reader to "dip into" as required, rather than need to read cover to cover. The ESD Control Program Handbook begins with definitions and commonly used terminology, followed by the principles of static electricity and ESD control. Chapter 3 discusses ESD susceptible electronic devices, and how ESD susceptibility of a component is measured. This is followed by the “Seven habits of a highly effective ESD program”, explaining the essential activities of an effective ESD control program. While most texts mainly address manual handling of ESD susceptible devices, Chapter 5 extends the discussion to ESD control in automated systems, processes and handling, which form a major part of modern electronic manufacture. Chapter 6 deals with requirements for compliance given by the IEC 61340-5-1 and ANSI/ESD S20.20 ESD control standards. Chapter 7 gives an overview of the selection, use, care and maintenance of equipment and furniture commonly used to control ESD risks. The chapter explains how these often work together as part of a system and must be specified with that in mind. ESD protective packaging is available in an extraordinary range of forms from bags, boxes and bubble wrap to tape and reel packaging for automated processes. The principles and practice of this widely misunderstood area of ESD control are introduced in Chapter 8. The thorny question of how to evaluate an ESD control program is addressed in Chapter 9 with a goal of compliance with a standard as well as effective control of ESD risks and possible customer perceptions. Whilst evaluating an existing ESD control program provides challenges, developing an ESD control program from scratch provides others. Chapter 10 gives an approach to this. Standard test methods used in compliance with ESD control standards are explained and simple test procedures given in Chapter 11. ESD Training has long been recognised as essential in maintaining effective ESD control. Chapter 12 discusses ways of covering essential topics and how to demonstrate static electricity in action. The book ends with a look at where ESD control may go in the near future. The ESD Control Program Handbook: Gives readers a sound understanding of the subject to analyze the ESD control requirements of manufacturing processes, and develop an effective ESD control program Provides practical knowledge, as well as sufficient theory and background to understand the principles of ESD control Teaches how to track and identify how ESD risks arise, and how to identify fitting means for minimizing or eliminating them Emphasizes working with modern ESD control program standards IEC 61340-5-1 and ESD S20:20 The ESD Control Program Handbook is an invaluable reference for anyone tasked with setting up, evaluating, or maintaining an effective ESD control program, training personnel, or making ESD control related measurements. It would form an excellent basis for a University course on the subject as well as a guide and resource for industry professionals.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc The Anti-Anxiety Journal: Writing Prompts to Keep You Calm and Stress-Free: Volume 33
Part journal and part practical workbook, this anti-anxiety guide contains chapters designed to help you work through the worst problems revolving around anxiety. Anxiety is detrimental to the body. Living in a constant state of stress can cause medical issues as well as emotional trauma. The Anti-Anxiety Journal is designed to help you first become aware of your triggers and the things that make you anxious so you can best develop strategies to subvert the things that cause you distress. The first chapter is a section for you to track your mood, energy level, and habits throughout the day. The purpose of this is to help you notice when anxiety most affects you. Perhaps it’s first thing in the morning when the trials of the day loom heavy ahead. Or perhaps your consciousness is weighed down as the sun sets because you perceive there’s too much left undone. The following chapters help you develop healthy coping strategies and habits to slow the steady build of anxiety down. Thoughtful prompts, exercises, and additional trackers will guide your self-care and wellness journey from the early stages to an established practice. The journal ends with a chapter that is much like the first but will instead hopefully track the positive progress you’ve made to encourage further growth of sustainable happiness and healthy practices. This book works best in tandem with professional help, but can also be used by individuals just looking to get a handle on their stress.Take charge of your anxiety and help yourself welcome a calmer state of being into your every day with The Anti-Anxiety Journal. With so much of our lives and contact going digital, the Creative Keepsakes journals offer an intimate way to nurture your connection with yourself and the people around you. An entertaining way to get off your screen, these guided and free-form journals are great for writers and artists alike. Each journal offers content around a different theme, including silly prompts for a laugh, random yet thoughtful questions, inspiration for art and composition, interactive prompts to learn about your heritage, and blank interiors on high-quality paper stock to use as your creative canvas. Beautifully designed and full of mindful prompts, channel your inspiration as you put pen (or pencil, or marker, or crayon!) to paper to learn more about yourself, your talents, and the people you love. Also in this Series: 3,001 Questions All About Me, 3,001 Would You Rather Questions, 3,001 This or That Questions, 301 Things to Draw, 301 Writing Ideas, Complete the Drawing, Create a Poem, Create a Story, Create Comics: A Sketchbook, Design & Destroy, Forever Friends, Gratitude Journal, Inner Me, Inspired by Prayer, Internet Password Book, Mom & Me, My Family Story, My Father's Life, My Grandfather's Life, My Grandmother's Life, My Life Story, My Mother's Life, Our Love Story, Sermon Notes, Sketch - Large Black, Sketch - Large Kraft, Sketch - Medium Black, Sketch - Medium Kraft, This is Me, Write - Medium Black, Write - Medium Black
Ideapress Publishing Leveraged Learning: How the Disruption of Education Helps Lifelong Learners, and Experts with Something to Teach
“Leveraged Learning is a tour de force of education - how it evolved, what it delivered and where it is going”—Srikumar Rao In a world where education is broken, everyone loses. But big disruption (and transformation) is coming to higher education, and there will be many winners. This is the book that explores a model of education that’s not only robust enough for the modern world, it’s also affordable for students. It’s viable for businesses who long to finally hire the skills that are hard to find. And it’s distributed to the experts who are at the cutting edge of their fields rather than being confined to the purely intellectual and theoretical realms of the ivory tower. Gone are the days when education was something that only happened at the start of your career. The name of today's game, both personally and professionally, is to be CONSTANTLY LEARNING: just enough, just in time, and never stopping. But where can knowledge workers, professionals, and lifelong learners go to find the training and education they need to stay current and thrive? It's no secret that universities and colleges are struggling to keep pace and stay current. Often OUT OF TOUCH, exorbitantly overpriced, and slowed by unwieldy infrastructures, bureaucracies and tenure, these institutions are fundamentally designed to deliver a mode of education that still serves an important purpose, but leaves many of our individual and collective needs for learning and growth sorely unmet. This crisis is an OPPORTUNITY FOR THE EXPERTS AND PROFESSIONALS who possess the knowledge and skills that are so sorely needed by so many. The solution is to package their expertise into leveraged learning programs. These online courses will create transformation for the lifelong learners who need them, and profit for the experts who create them. Danny Iny, a successful educator and entrepreneur, has been leading the charge in the growing movement of course building and online education. And in Leveraged Learning, he lays out the guidebook for navigating and thriving in this new world – both as a lifelong learner, and as an expert with something to teach. As a lifelong learner, you'll gain the skills and acquire the tools that you need to grow and thrive: How education has changed and the implications for knowledge workers and professionals. Why the education system is failing you and what alternatives to consider. How to hack your patterns of behavior to support and accelerate your learning. The three layers of learning that you must stack together to achieve mastery. Which mental habits are critical to achieving ongoing, sustained success. How to tell which online courses are worth taking, and which to avoid. Why most online courses have single-digit completion rates, and how to transcend the statistics. And as an expert with something to teach, you'll learn how to package your expertise for others' benefit, and your profit: What it really takes to develop a lucrative revenue stream from your expertise. The piloting methodology that has worked for thousands of successful online course creators. How to design a curriculum that engages students and leads to mastery. What to test, measure, and iterate as your course grows and evolves. Research-based techniques to help every student perform at the 98th percentile of success. Methodologies for peer-based feedback that cost-effectively support student learning. How to engineer student success with accountability, gamification, and artificial intelligence. All this and much, much more is yours for the taking. Leveraged Learning is your indispensable guide to staying current, growing, and thriving in the modern world. Whether you will be one of the course creators or one of the lifelong learners (or both), you’ll benefit when you come along for the journey. Scroll up and buy the book today.
Grove Press / Atlantic Monthly Press Little Savage
With Little Savage, Emily Fragos delivers a magnificent collection in the American tradition of Robert Lowell and Elizabeth Bishop. With clean, strongly wrought lines she builds poems that are elegant and powerful. Marie Ponsot calls the collection remarkable. What separates Fragos from her contemporaries is her amazing ability to empathize with the characters she createsthe misfits, the artists, the children kept in a fifteenth century school, the composer going mad. She convincingly becomes a young girl in the Venetian conservatory for the abandoned: Sofia del violino. Once I saw myself / in a clear puddle of rain / water. My teeth are very crooked, I / know. We are none of us / startled by the other. We are all / the same. To Heaven.” These moments ache with honesty, humility, and make us wish that every sentiment expressed by Fragos could be true. Deceptively simple poems written by an unostentatiously skilled poet, Little Savage is permeated with a reverence for nature, music, myth and dancea veritable treasure trove of compassion and grace. Richard Howard's Foreword You are alone in the room, reading her poems. Nothing is happening, nothing wrong, but all at once, say around page 17 or 18, you hear remember, no one is with you, no one else is therea sigh. Or a whispered word: someone. You are not alarmed, but you had thought you were alone. Perhaps not. The sensation is what Freud used to call unheimlich, uncanny. That is the effect of the poems of Emily Fragos. Like their maker, her readers are accompanied, and not to their ulterior knowledge. It is not disagreeable to be thus escorted, attended, joined, but we had not expected it. And as Robert Frost used to tell us (no surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader”), Fragos too has not expected such visitations, as she will call them. This poetthese poemsendure otherness, they are haunted: I remain, with one of everything.” Even as one is being saved conjure the army of others” What would happen to my life when all along there has been nothing but me?” Did you not see how I was made to feel when you put me among others” And my bodyuninhabitedsuffers and wonders: whose hands are these? whose hair?” The poems will reveal whose, though I do not think Emily Fragos herself ever finds out. Inevitably, we recall that old surrealist shibboleth, Tell me by what you are haunted and I will tell you who you are;” it can be the password to indentity. But this poet has what she calls luxurious mind” and her ghosts are legion: Alone in my odd-shaped room, I practice Blindness and the world floats close and away. I am uncertain of everything. I must walk slowly, carefully. She is acknowledging, with some uneasiness (will you please tidy up?”), that it is not only the beloved dead, the proximate departed who are with her, who possess her, but others, any others. The remarkable thing about this poetic consciousness is that the woman’s body is inhabitedsometimes with mere habitude, sometimes joyously, more often with astonishing painby the prolixity of the real (and of the unreal’); the poems are instinct with others: How dare you Care for me when all my life I have had this voltage to ignite me, this rhythm to drive me, when something inside your body dares me to touch my hands to yours And quite as remarkable, of course, is the even tonality of such possession; there is nothing hysterical or even driven about the voice of the poems as it records, as it laments or exults in these unsought attendants. There is merelymerely!a loving consistency of heedfulness; and one remembers Blake’s beautiful aphorism: unmixed attention is prayer. Of course such poetic staffage is not peculiar to Emily Fragos; like Maeterlinck, like Rilke, she exults in her discovered awareness: I need the other/the way a virus/needs a host.” Rather, she imbues, she infects all of us with the consciousness that there are no single souls: we are not alone.
Damiani David Shama: Do Not Feed Alligators
David Shama’s first monograph Do Not Feed Alligators takes us on an existential journey into the decayed post-capitalist topography of a largely forgotten America– one where he presents youth engaged in achingly commonplace activities. There is an overarching sense in all of these pictures that his subjects are the angel-headed hipsters of a generation that has somehow been left behind, traversing what is left of a tragic, broken landscape–their thousand-yard stares seeking Elysian fields glinting seductively in the setting sun of their minds, far beyond the edge of the world. Shama employs Americana to map a narrative of existence among the flotsam and jetsam of society, where abandoned cars, vacated diners and dive motels act as the leitmotif of a journey into being and nothingness. While there are flashes of naturalistic beauty in the way in which his young muses are caught in the eye of his lens, there is no sentimentality, rather every frame contains a haunted, limbo-esque atmosphere. These figures, we are always aware, count their number among the beautiful and the damned. Ultimately, Do Not Feed Alligators seeks to suggest that we are all on a metaphorical road to nowhere– an apocalyptic landscape of the soul that is both beautiful in its mundane temporality, and boundless in its potential for quietly enticing mythology. Frecnh: La première monographie de David Shama, Do Not Feed Alligators, nous entraîne dans un voyage existentiel à travers la topographie post-capitaliste délabrée d'une Amérique largement oubliée - une Amérique où il présente de jeunes gens engagés dans des activités extrêmement banales. Il y a un sentiment général dans toutes ces images que ses sujets sont les anges branchés d'une génération qui a été en quelque sorte laissée pour compte, traversant ce qui reste d'un paysage tragique et brisé - leurs regards lointains scrutent les champs élyséens qui scintillent séduisants dans le soleil couchant de leurs esprit, bien au-delà des frontières du monde. Shama utilise l'Americana pour cartographier un récit sur l'existence au sein d’une société perdue, où les voitures délaissés, les restaurants abandonnés et les motels bon marchés sont le leitmotiv d'un voyage dans l'existence et le néant. S'il y a des éclairs de beauté naturaliste dans la façon dont ses jeunes muses sont prises dans l'œil de son objectif, il n'y a pas de sentimentalité, mais plutôt une atmosphère hantée et limbesque. Ces personnages, nous en sommes toujours conscients, comptent parmi les beaux et les damnés. En fin de compte, Do Not Feed Alligators cherche à suggérer que nous sommes tous sur un chemin métaphorique vers nulle part - un paysage apocalyptique de l'âme qui est à la fois beau dans sa temporalité mondaine et illimité dans son potentiel pour séduire tranquillement par sa mythologie. Spanish: Spanish: Un viaje hacia la América olvidada es la nueva propuesta de David Shama, un fotógrafo suizo que se entrega de lleno a cada trabajo que realiza. Do Not Feed Alligators es el primer libro monográfico que publica, una verdadera experiencia emocional para el espectador. Coches abandonados, restaurantes sin comensales y moteles destartalados constituyen el paisaje decadente de una sociedad postcapitalista. En medio de una rutina gris, jóvenes que conservan aún la belleza de los que creen en sus sueños. La temporalidad nos atrapa en un camino hacia la nada y Shama presenta esta realidad embrujada para transportarnos al espacio sin límites de la mente humana. David Shama es más conocido por su trabajo en el mundo de la moda, pero des del 2005 no ha parado de fotografiar la vida en su expresión más espontánea y natural. El artista parece tener una capacidad innata para hallar belleza en lo ordinario, en lo raído, y cargar de emoción cada una de sus fotografías; quizá por ello se ha hecho un nombre en el mundo del fotoperiodismo, ha expuesto en varias galerías y publicado en distintas revistas. Uno de sus particulares proyectos en busca de la espontaneidad ha consistido en crear series fotográficas a partir de rutas de una semana con chicas a las que acababa de conocer. En ellas, el viaje y el descubrimiento de nuevos paisajes iba acompañado del viaje simultáneo hacia el mundo interior de las modelos.Cada una de las imágenes de Shama es el reflejo de su propia fascinación por lo auténtico, un lenguaje visual sin pretensiones capaz de conmover a cualquiera. Ahora, el fotógrafo nos seduce con Do Not Feed Alligators, un relato acerca la existencia humana desde una veracidad y una cotidianidad estremecedoras.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc My Grandfather's Life - Second Edition: Grandpa, I Want to Know Everything About You: Volume 37
Record your grandfather’s life story in this beautiful keepsake journal with 200 guided exercises and prompts that take him back through each stage of his life and its accompanying adventures. Whether called Papa, Grampie, Grandpa, or something else, grandfathers are a family’s most-prized treasure and whose patriarchal wisdom, love, and support are needed and appreciated by every member. Grandfathers have lived full lives that show that, even though times may change, most of life’s truths are timeless. With a compassionate ear always at the ready, their experiences have also gifted them with profound insight to share. In this second edition of My Grandfather’s Life featuring a new cover design, both thought-provoking and lighthearted writing prompts and guided exercises are organized into chapters based on your grandfather’s life stages to help him record his life’s memoir. Beginning with early childhood, questions like What are some family holiday traditions you remember? followed by early adulthood prompts such as Did a particular person inspire you in pursuing a job or career? and then moving to the wisdom he has learned and would like to share such as If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be and why?, the My Grandfather’s Life journal jump starts the reflective writing process to open your grandfather’s mind to dig deeper into who he is, where he started, and, most importantly, what he has learned. Complemented with poignant quotes about grandfathers throughout history, this beautifully designed journal will give your grandfather everything he needs to record his life’s experiences to not only shed light on the events that shaped him into the man he is today, but also to preserve his life’s memories and stories for you and your family to learn from, become inspired by, and cherish for future generations. With so much of our lives and contact going digital, the Creative Keepsakes journals offer an intimate way to nurture your connection with yourself and the people around you. An entertaining way to get off your screen, these guided and free-form journals are great for writers and artists alike. Each journal offers content around a different theme, including silly prompts for a laugh, random yet thoughtful questions, inspiration for art and composition, interactive prompts to learn about your heritage, and blank interiors on high-quality paper stock to use as your creative canvas. Beautifully designed and full of mindful prompts, channel your inspiration as you put pen (or pencil, or marker, or crayon!) to paper to learn more about yourself, your talents, and the people you love. Also in this Series: 3,001 Questions All About Me, 3,001 Would You Rather Questions, 3,001 This or That Questions, 301 Things to Draw, 301 Writing Ideas, Anti-Anxiety Journal, Complete the Drawing, Create a Poem, Create a Story, Create Comics: A Sketchbook, Design & Destroy, Forever Friends, Gratitude Journal, Inner Me, Inspired by Prayer, Internet Password Book, Mom & Me, My Family Story, My Father's Life, My Grandmother's Life, My Life Story, My Mother's Life, Our Love Story, Sermon Notes, Sketch - Large Black, Sketch - Large Kraft, Sketch - Medium Black, Sketch - Medium Kraft, This is Me, Write - Medium Black, Write - Medium Black
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc The Art of War Coloring Book: Meditations on Sun Tzu's Manifesto for Success
Inspired by the oldest and best compendium of military science and competitive strategies, these 120+ pages invite you to channel your own power and success as you color them in. Sun Tzu wrote his famous battle treatise in the sixth century BC for Ho Lu, the King of Wu. The story goes that the king was so impressed with The Art of War that he appointed Sun Tzu general. After that, Ho Lu’s armies won major victories—while Sun Tzu’s fame spread. What can we learn from his book? Though first written more than 2,000 years ago, The Art of War wasn’t translated into English until the twentieth century. While translations differ, one thing they agree on is that rather than the nitty-gritty specifics about warfare, it is about strategy and tactics…strategy and tactics that are often now applied to business, politics, and everyday life. Whether you’re in business or politics—or somewhere entirely different—there’s something for you in The Art of War Coloring Book. The 120+ gorgeous coloring designs are designed to help you get coloring while you explore your own personal creative side. Because, despite the conflict connotations of this topic, the rhythm and tactile experience of applying color to paper helps you connect to your body, while the simple act of picking up a crayon can calm the mind. Whether you’re focusing on coloring dragons and warriors or lanterns and quotations, you can quiet your everyday thoughts. In addition to images of dragons, tigers, and the landscapes and architecture of ancient China, pages also include colorable quotations from Sun Tzu, such as: "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight." "In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity." "He who wishes to fight must first count the cost." "The greatest victory is that which requires no battle." Just as there is no right or wrong way to use this book, there is no right or wrong way to color. You can color these unique, line-drawn illustrations however you wish and in whatever way feels right to you. Deep blues, vibrant yellows, rich reds, it’s all up to you! This is about getting in touch with what makes you powerful and distinctive, so if one coloring template doesn’t appeal to you, simply move on to one that does. On the back of each page is a meditative pattern to color in, making each drawing unique. So why make such a coloring book? One of the great things about coloring is that it’s accessible to anyone. Being able to add your own colors helps make the experience more personal, and, unlike in the boardroom, there’s no pressure to make these drawings perfect. You can cherish these masterpieces forever. So, what are you waiting for? Pick a page and get coloring.Chartwell Coloring Books is the ultimate coloring book series, encompassing designs of every kind. From intriguing abstract patterns to beautiful pictures from the natural, technological, and fantasy worlds, each of these coloring books will soothe the mind and inspire the inner creative in anyone. With so many variations of complex, beautiful designs in each book, you’ll have plenty of pages to bring to life. Whether young or old, creative or not, this series has something for you.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Personality Characteristics of the Personality Disordered
People with disordered personalities are much more likely than most to practice substance abuse, attempt suicide, and suffer from major anxiety and depressive disorders. They are also more difficult to treat for mental disorders, and their chances of relapse are greater. Clearly then, it is essential that mental health professionals be able to identify and cope with personality disorders in their patients. Unfortunately, the task of accurately assessing disordered personalities based solely on nebulous, polythetic categories such as those provided in the DSMTM is akin to that of the three blind men who were asked to describe an elephant. What is needed is a new approach to conceptualizing personality disorders based on observable behaviors rather than inferential nosologies. In this book, Charles G. Costello lays the foundations for just such an approach. Reculer pour mieux sauter—to retreat so as to better leap ahead—is the phrase Dr. Costello uses to articulate the spirit in which this book was conceived. Stated more practically, his goal in presenting this volume is to afford psychotherapists an opportunity to step back from questionable clinical categories and redirect their attention onto the individual personality traits commonly associated with personality disorders—to more clearly define them, their origins, and their functional relationships—and in so doing, open up new avenues for research and provide clinicians with a surer conceptual footing upon which to base diagnoses and devise treatment strategies. To achieve that end, Dr. Costello invited a group of leading researchers and clinicians in the field to share their understanding of the current state of knowledge about personality disorders. Over the course of eleven chapters, each devoted to a separate personality characteristic, these experts review the latest research data and offer their professional insights into the major personality characteristics of the personality disordered, including aggressiveness, anxiousness, emotional instability, impulsiveness, dependency, narcissism, detachment, paranoia, obsessiveness, and sensation-seeking. Personality Characteristics of the Personality Disordered is a valuable resource for clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, and all mental health practitioners, as well as personality theorists and researchers. SYMPTOMS OF DEPRESSION Edited by Charles G. Costello This groundbreaking book advances our understanding of depression by directing focus away from the global syndrome of depression and onto the individual symptoms it comprises. Some of the field's foremost researchers and clinicians share their findings and offer insights into all major symptoms of depression, including dysphoria, anhedonia, sleeping problems, hopelessness, suicide attempts, social dysfunction, cognitive dysfunction, eating problems, and more. Each symptom is discussed using a common format: definition, measurement, frequency of occurrence, a review of clinical and experimental findings that have led to the current theories of the causes of the symptom, its functional relationship to other symptoms of depression, and implications for clinical practice. 1993 (0-471-54304-7) 322 pp. SYMPTOMS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA Edited by Charles G. Costello This volume offers readers an opportunity to step back from unwieldy clinical categories of syndromes and redirect their attention onto the symptoms that comprise those syndromes. Leading clinicians and researchers in the field review the current state of knowledge about the major symptoms common to schizophrenic disorders and share their insights into thinking disorders, hallucinations, delusions, disorders of affect, ambivalence, social withdrawal, anhedonia, psychomotor abnormalities, and more. Symptoms are treated in individual chapters in order of: definition, measurement, frequency, a review of clinical and experimental findings that have led to current theories of the causes of the symptom, its functional relationships to other symptoms, and implications for clinical practice. 1993 (0-471-54875-8) 320 pp. DISORDERS OF PERSONALITY DSM-IV and Beyond Second Edition Theodore Millon and Roger D. Davis This fully revised second edition of Theodore Millon's landmark work guides researchers, teachers, and students through the special complexities of this group of disorders and aids clinicians in the difficult work of diagnosis. A compelling new feature of this edition is its revised theoretical framework—the learning theory biosocial approach has grown into a more evolutionary model that includes constructs applicable to phylogenesis and human adaptive styles. Other new features include: the expansion of the 15 basic personality prototypes into personality disorder subcategories; an enlarged review of historical and contemporary thinking on personality disorders; an expanded "clinical picture" segment for each chapter; and comprehensive reviews of the newer personality prototypes, such as avoidant, narcissistic, borderline, schizotypal, depressive, sadistic, and masochistic. This Second Edition also includes new chapters on personality assessment and personality therapy and an up-to-date review of available instruments, as well as an expanded and detailed discussion of short-term, focused therapy. 1995 (0-471-01186-X) 768 pp.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Re-Conceptualizing the Paradox in (Education) Policy Implementation: Unravelling Perspectives on the Policy/Practice Gap
A review of current (education) policy and practice endorses the view of an apparent paradox in policy implementation. Although tremendous investments (in terms of energy, time and financial resources) are made in enacting policies, there is ample evidence to suggest that policy actors are impervious to policy information. Change agents and implementers of policy are often seen as pursuing different agendas when it comes to the task policy implementation. As aptly asserted by Sabatier and Jenkins-Smith (1993, cited by Shulock, 1999, p. 228), âpolicymakers and implementers' core beliefs are unaffected by policy information, major policy change results rather from external factors such as inflation and elections'. This book re-conceptualizes this policy phenomenon for rumination. The book essentially unravels perspectives on the policy implementation paradox, and through that exemplifies the âbest' suited approach for demystifying the policy/practice gap to bring understanding to the messiness and contested nature of (education) policy processes. To help draw conceptual leverage on the phenomenon described as the âpolicy implementation paradox', this eight chapter book performs two major functions. First, Chapters 1 to 4 set the context for the book. Chapter 1 defines (education) policy, and in the process, the traditional problem-solving definition of policy is juxtaposed with the process model, and through that a third conception (i.e. the theoretical eclecticism approach) is gauged to help provide both practical and theoretical bases for understanding how policy and practice exist in dynamic and iterative relationships. Chapters 2 and 3 give insights into how education policy-making is made and implemented respectively to unravel some of the influences on policy processes. Chapter 4 explicates (from within relevant literature) the policy paradox to assist readers to understand perspectives that are advanced in latter chapters to unravel and/or explain the existence or occurrence of this policy phenomenon. Second, Chapters 5 to 7 draw on literature from disparate sources to unravel perspectives on the policy implementation paradox, whilst Chapter 8 presents the key messages that are tangential to achieving the objectives of the book. Overall, the Chapter 8 performs three functions, namely it: summarizes perspectives presented in the scholarly literature to demystify and unravel the policy implementation paradox illustrates the reasons for the choice of the post-modernist perspective as the most appropriate and/or best suited perspective for unravelling this policy phenomenon; and outlines the relevance (and/or justifications) of the post-modernist conception of policy as both âtext' and âdiscourse' as a framework for understanding the policy implementation paradox and the dynamism of policy processes at large. The contribution of this book is seen particularly in its ability to leverage the post-modernist conception of policy as both âtext' and âdiscourse' to stress the importance of recognizing the role of implementation in actually changing policy. Brought directly into the context of the policy implementation paradox, the book (drawing on the post-modernist conception of policy) clearly propels the dynamism of policy processes, and uses this to explain the reasons why policy implementation outcomes most often differ from policy-makers' intentions. First, the book makes the point aptly and forcefully that because policy processes are dynamic, there is usually conflicts among those who make policy as well as those who put policy provisions into practice, about what the important issues or problems for policy are and what the desired policy goals ought to be. Second, it puts down the issue of disconnect between policy intentions in theory and policy implementation outcomes in practice invariably to the active processes involved in interpreting policy. Policy statements, in the view of the book and in the post-modernist tradition, are almost always subject to multiple interpretations and re-interpretations depending upon the standpoint of the people doing the interpretive 'work'. Third, the policy/practice gap is explained as existing and/or occurring because the practice of policy on the ground is extremely complex, both that which is being 'described' by policy and those that are 'intended' to put policy into effect or practice. The point, according to the post-modernist thinking on which this book draws, is that simple policy descriptions of practice do not capture the multiplicity and complexity of the practice of policy on the ground, as such, the implementation of policy in practice almost always means outcomes differ from policy-makers' intentions. Against the backdrop of these three reasons alluded to, the book attributes the underlying causes of the policy implementation paradox to two interrelated factors. One, it is argued that the paradox in policy implementation occurs mainly because of what post-modernist thinkers call policy refraction. That is to say, because policies in practice tend to evolve through the interactions of a multiplicity of actors, they become distorted and less coherent as they are interpreted and put into practice by the 'ground-level' actors and implementers. Two, it is contended that the emergence of post-modern theory (with its contemporary understanding of the nature of reality and how to 'go on' in life) has undermined the 'modernist' philosophy to such an extent that older ideas of fixed structures conditioning behaviour and imposing regularity and predictability on social life have become considerably weakened, if not demolished completely. Essentially, the book argues that the post-modern theoretical movement has had tremendous effect of stressing the unpredictability of human behaviour in policy implementation processes, and by extension, the unpredictability of policy outcomes as against policy intentions.