Search results for ""author völker"
Pushkin Press Summer Before the Dark: Stefan Zweig and Joseph Roth, Ostend 1936
A BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week It's as if they're made for each other. Two men, both falling, but holding each other up for a time. Ostend, 1936: the Belgian seaside town is playing host to a coterie of artists, intellectuals and madmen, who find themselves in limbo while Europe gazes into an abyss of fascism and war. Among them is Stefan Zweig, a man in crisis: his German publisher has shunned him, his marriage is collapsing, his house in Austria no longer feels like home. Along with his lover Lotte, he seeks refuge in this paradise of promenades and parasols, where he reunites with his estranged friend Joseph Roth. For a moment, they create a fragile haven; but as Europe begins to crumble around them, they find themselves trapped on an uncanny kind of holiday, watching the world burn. 'Evocative, sharply drawn portraits... an engrossing history' Kirkus, starred review 'Sparkling...Weidermann's storytelling is piquant' Publishers Weekly 'Brilliantly researched and riveting' Die Welt
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag Etruscans in Berlin: Etruscan art from the Berlin Antikensammlung. An introduction
Reopened in 2010, having been closed since 1939, the world-famous Berlin Etruscan collection, one of the largest outside Italy, is now on permanent display again. This companion volume to the new exhibition in the Altes Museum provides exciting insights into this still fascinating culture of early Italy on the basis of the Berlin holdings - complete grave findings and excellent testimonies of Etruscan art production: history, architecture, sculpture and cabaret, cult and myth as well as writing and reception are presented in informative and richly illustrated articles.
Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Konige: 1. Konige 17-22
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Martin Luthers Tischreden: Neuansätze der Forschung
Die Tischreden gehören zu den meist zitierten Texten Martin Luthers - und doch auch zugleich zu denjenigen, deren kritische Analyse noch in den Anfängen steckt. Die schon im 16. Jahrhundert geformte Tradition ist bis heute bestimmend für die Wahrnehmung und Auswertung dieser Quellen. Dabei sind ihre Entstehungsbedingungen, Überlieferungsgeschichte und literarischen Verknüpfungen ebenso schwierig zu erhellen wie die hermeneutischen Bedingungen für ihre angemessene Deutung im Horizont gegenwärtiger theologischer, historischer und erinnerungskultureller Forschung. Der vorliegende Band, der auf eine 2010 an der Universität Jena abgehaltene Tagung zurückgeht, stellt eine Annäherung an diese komplexe Lage aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven dar. Die Autoren der hier gesammelten Beiträge sichern den Bestand - der über die in der Weimarer Ausgabe vorliegende Dokumentation deutlich hinaus geht - und diskutieren Möglichkeiten der Auslegung wie der weiteren Arbeit an den Tischreden und ihrer Edition.
Synema Gesellschaft Fur Film u. Medien Screen Dynamics – Mapping the Borders of Cinema
From moving images on the Internet to giant IMAX displays: The number of screens in the public and private sphere has increased significantly during the last two decades. While this is often taken to indicate the "death of cinema," this volume attempts to reconsider the limits and specifics of film and the traditional movie theater. It analyzes notions of spectatorship, the relationship between cinema and the "uncinematic," the contested place of installation art in the history of experimental cinema, and the characteristics of the high definition image. Further contributions discuss the ways in which cinema interacts with other arts and media such as theater and television. Contributors include Raymond Bellour, Victor Burgin, Vinzenz Hediger, Tom Gunning, Ute Holl, Ekkehard Knörer, Thomas Morsch, Jonathan Rosenbaum and the editors.
Otto Schmidt/de Gruyter §§ 397-432: (Erlass, Abtretung, Schuldübernahme, Mehrheit Von Schuldnern Und Gläubigern)
De Gruyter Alexej von Jawlensky: Gesicht – Landschaft – Stillleben
Als zentraler Künstler der frühen Moderne hat Alexej von Jawlensky (1864 geboren in Torschok/Russland, 1941 in Wiesbaden gestorben) die Möglichkeiten der Malerei wesentlich erweitert. Von einer expressiv farbigen Aneignung der Welt aus entfaltete er das Bild durch die Reduktion der Form und die Steigerung der Farbe zum Ausdruck einer immateriellen und geistigen Wahrheit. Trotz der großen Individualität seines Wegs hat er der Malerei bis zur Gegenwart im Blick auf die Bedeutung der Farbe, des Seriellen und Spirituellen wichtige Anregungen gegeben. Ausstellung und Katalog präsentieren eine exemplarische Auswahl von rund 70 Gemälden und Zeichnungen und vollziehen die Entwicklung der drei großen Themen „Gesicht, Landschaft, Stillleben" nach, auf die sich Jawlensky in seinem Schaffen konzentriert hat.
Hanser Publications Carbon Fibers: Production, Applications, Processing
This useful guide provides a hands-on approach to making carbon fibers and their composites for those who need to use these materials. The book begins with a brief history of carbon fiber development, with definition of the terminology for all forms of solid carbon, and the properties of elemental carbon and its allotropic forms. Various carbon fiber precursors, surface treatments, and sizes for a range of carbon fiber types available on the world market are presented. The book gives an excellent overview of the chemical and physical properties of carbon fibers and their composites. In addition, common test and analysis methods for demonstrating these properties are presented. Several chapters describe typical processing methods for carbon fibers with dry and also impregnated semi-finished products in applications such as aerospace, wind, and automotive, as well as the construction industry. The advantages and disadvantages of various manufacturing processes based on application examples are shown. Considerations regarding C-fiber recycling and sustainability (environmental footprint) as well as new developments in the field of carbon fiber manufacturing are intended to assist the reader in the selection and understanding of material, process, and design to achieve successful implementation.
SAP Press SAP Gateway and OData
Calling all SAP developers and admins! If your SAP and non-SAP apps rely on OData, you need this definitive guide to SAP Gateway. Perform your SAP Gateway deployment, including installation and configuration. Follow step-by-step instructions to create OData services in the backend, either with traditional coding or new SAP S/4HANA programming models. Use those services to develop various types of applications: SAPUI5, mobile, social media, and more. This book is your gateway to the world of OData! In this book, you'll learn about:a. Installation and Setup Get started with SAP Gateway! Begin with the basics: What are OData services? What are your integration options? Then deploy the solution and fine-tune key configuration settings.b. Service CreationCreate OData services, step by step! Whether you're developing services in the backend or using CDS-based technologies such as the ABAP RESTful application programming model, you'll find the instructions you need.c. Application DevelopmentBuild apps that consume OData! Develop SAPUI5-based apps using SAP Business Application Studio, mobile apps using SAP Mobile Development Kit, and more. Highlights include: 1) Installation and deployment2) Configuration and integration3) Service development and generation4) Application development 5) Extensibility6) Lifecycle management 7) Security 8) ABAP programming model for SAP Fiori9) ABAP RESTful application programming model10) SAP Business Application Studio11) SAP Business Technology Platform
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wittgenstein's Whewell's Court Lectures: Cambridge, 1938 - 1941, From the Notes by Yorick Smythies
Wittgenstein’s Whewell’s Court Lectures contains previously unpublished notes from lectures given by Ludwig Wittgenstein between 1938 and 1941. The volume offers new insight into the development of Wittgenstein’s thought and includes some of the finest examples of Wittgenstein’s lectures in regard to both content and reliability. Many notes in this text refer to lectures from which no other detailed notes survive, offering new contexts to Wittgenstein’s examples and metaphors, and providing a more thorough and systematic treatment of many topics Each set of notes is accompanied by an editorial introduction, a physical description and dating of the notes, and a summary of their relation to Wittgenstein’s Nachlass Offers new insight into the development of Wittgenstein’s ideas, in particular his ideas about certainty and concept-formation The lectures include more than 70 illustrations of blackboard drawings, which underline the importance of visual thought in Wittgenstein’s approach to philosophy Challenges the dating of some already published lecture notes, including the Lectures on Freedom of the Will and the Lectures on Religious Belief
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Revisiting 20th Century Wars
The collection at hand is a subjective, but representative selection of articles in German and English on the representation of bellicose acts in modern times. The wide range of wars treated in these essays begins with the Canudos Civil War in the Brazilian state of Bahia in 1896-97. The various articles include new perceptions and interpretations of the First World War, the Spanish Civil War of 1936-39, the Holocaust, the Second World War, the Korean War, the wars in the former Portuguese colonies of Africa, and the Balkan Wars of the last decade of the 20th century, and close with the current war in Afghanistan, which began in 2001. The wars discussed, although having different origins, such as national pride, territorial expansion, fanatic religiousness, ethnic and racial conflicts, great social differences, the process of decolonization, and terrorism, have one thing in common: their significant and constant repercussion in the print and broadcast media over a long period of time. These modern wars have therefore often been the object of new readings and reinterpretations until today. The history of these wars could not have been written without the development of journalism, the mass media, and new technologies of war reporting in the 20th century.
Transcript Verlag Futures Worth Preserving – Cultural Constructions of Nostalgia and Sustainability
Cultures as well as individuals continually balance the demands of nostalgia and sustainability as they construct historical narratives of "futures worth preserving". The aim of this volume is to explore those narratives and the underlying assumptions which inform them. Drawing on a range of disciplines from the humanities and social sciences, the chapters investigate cultural assumptions about which aspects of the past deserve to be remembered and which aspects of the present should be sustained for the future. In the process, they reveal how contemporary definitions of sustainability are informed by a nostalgic yearning for the past, and how nostalgia is motivated by a reciprocal longing to sustain the past for the future.
Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Biblischer Kommentar Altes Testament - Ausgabe in Lieferungen: 10. Lieferung (22,39-54), Einleitung, Register
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Compendium of Surface Microscopic and Dermoscopic Features
New technological approaches in dermatologic diagnostics, such as surface microscopy and dermoscopy, are continuously advancing. Anatomical structures can be viewed like never before. Through these new techniques the necessity of a new terminology and a new set of dermoscopic criteria has come up. So far, many different and sometimes confusing terms have been used in designating these microscopic features. However, the daily challenge physicians face when evaluating skin lesions acquires immediate access to the current dermoscopic nomenclature and definition. This unique guide provides a comprehensive, current, and accurate A-Z encyclopaedia to clarify the meaning of surface microscopic and dermoscopic terminology including a broad range of both melanocytic and non-melanocytic skin lesions. It will support dermatologists, histopathologists and all other physicians in charge of a biopsy and excision decision.
Verlag Peter Lang 1955-2005: Emil Staiger Und «Die Kunst Der Interpretation» Heute
Royal Society of Chemistry In-cell NMR Spectroscopy: From Molecular Sciences to Cell Biology
In-cell NMR spectroscopy is a relatively new field. Despite its short history, recent in-cell NMR-related publications in major journals indicate that this method is receiving significant general attention. This book provides the first informative work specifically focused on in-cell NMR. It details the historical background of in-cell NMR, host cells for in-cell NMR studies, methods for in-cell biological techniques and NMR spectroscopy, applications, and future perspectives. Researchers in biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology, cell biology, structural biology as well as NMR analysts interested in biological applications will all find this book valuable reading.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Mindful Leadership in Practice: Tradition Leads to the Future
This book shows why mindful leadership is the key element for supportive management and leadership in the 21st century. It highlights the fundamentals of mindful leadership in philosophy and history in different cultural traditions and shows latest research on mindfulness and digitalization, technology, social networking, and leading-self concepts. The book bridges the past and the future. By combining a range of research perspectives, it connects mindfulness to serving leadership concepts and describes resilience for both individuals and organizations. In addition, it presents theoretical aspects and practical recommendations on how to implement mindful leadership and supportive environments in organizational cultures. The book encompasses history, present leadership challenges and future management perspectives and enables the implementation of models of good practice into daily working life. It includes contributions from researchers of different continents, and offers an international overview of state-of-the art leadership research.This book is of interest to professionals and researchers working on leadership, from the perspective of positive psychology, organizational studies, and wellbeing studies.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Handbook Integrated Care
This handbook shares profound insights into the main principles and concepts of integrated care. It offers a multi-disciplinary perspective with a focus on patient orientation, efficiency, and quality by applying widely recognized management approaches to the field of healthcare. The handbook also highlights international best practices and shows how integrated care can work in various health systems. In the majority of health systems around the world, the delivery of healthcare and social care is characterised by fragmentation and complexity. Consequently, much of the recent international discussion in the fields of health policy and health management has focused on the topic of integrated care. “Integrated” acknowledges the complexity of patients’ needs and aims to meet them by taking into account both health and social care aspects. Changing and improving processes in a coordinated way is at the heart of this approach. The second edition offers new chapters on people-centredness, complexity theories and evaluation methods, additional management tools and a wealth of experiences from different countries and localities. It is essential reading both for health policymakers seeking inspiration for legislation and for practitioners involved in the management of public health services who want to learn from good practice.
Prestel Koloman Moser: Designing Modern Vienna 1897-1907
During his short career, Koloman Moser became a towering figure in Viennese culture. His varied work in interior and graphic design, furniture, textiles, jewellery, metalwork, glass and earthenware helped usher in the modern era. This book surveys the entirety of Moser's oeuvre. It examines his work as a graphic designer and his involvement with the Vienna Secession, with special focus given to his role as an illustrator for the journal Ver Sacrum (Sacred Spring). Moser's forays into textile design and ceramic work are also introduced. The book features his designs for the Vienna Secession, Thonet Brothers and the Mautner family, among others that characterise his early modern style. The book also explores Moser's seminal role as a founding member of the Vienna Workshops, along with architect Josef Hoffman and patron Fritz Waerndorfer. Included are many reproductions of Moser's masterpieces, including the window of the Steinhof Chapel, his exhibition posters, postage stamps and currency and elegant samples from his design portfolio, "The Source."
University of Nebraska Press The Self-Propelled Island
The Self-Propelled Island is the first unabridged English translation of Jules Verne’s original story featuring a famous French string quartet that is abducted by an American businessman and taken to Standard Island to perform for its millionaire inhabitants. The quartet soon discovers that Standard Island is not an island at all, but an immense, futuristic ship possessing all the features of an idyllic haven. Equipped with the most opulent amenities, Standard Island travels the Pacific Ocean, traversing the south archipelagos and stopping at many “sister” islands for the pleasure of its well-heeled inhabitants. These inhabitants soon meet with the danger, in its various forms, that is inherent in ocean travel. Meanwhile, the French quartet is witness to the rivalry that exists between the two most powerful families onboard, a rivalry that keeps the future of the island balancing on the edge of a knife. First published in English in 1896, the novel was originally censored in translation. Dozens of pages were cut from the story because English translators felt they were too critical of Americans as well as the British. Here, for the first time, readers have the pleasure of reading The Self-Propelled Island as Verne intended it.
V&R Unipress Sicherheit
Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Die Botschaft des Neuen Testaments
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig,Germany Hans G. Conrad: Interaction of Albers
Karl-Alber-Verlag Demenz: Naturwissenschaftliche, Rechtliche Und Ethische Aspekte
Harrassowitz Alexander the Great and Egypt: History, Art, Tradition. Wroclaw/Breslau, 18./19. Nov. 2011
Birkhauser Verlag AG Die Werke von Daniel Bernoulli: Band 1: Medizin und Physiologie, Mathematische Jugendschriften, Positionsastronomie
The works from Daniel Bernoulli's youth contained in this first volume of his Collected Works bear witness above all of his versatility; they deal with subjects as different as physiology, formal logic, mathematical analysis, hydrodynamics and positional astronomy. Daniel Bernoulli's contacts with Italian scientists gave rise to several controversies. The present volume documents both sides in each of these debates, which culminated with the publication of Bernoulli's first book Exercitationes mathe- maticae in 1724. The discussions with the renowned mathematician Jacopo Riccati on second-order differential equations and on the Newtonian theory of the out-flow of fluids from vessels deserve particular interest. A third group of texts goes back to the time Bernoulli spent at the newly- founded Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, where he had been appointed in 1725. There he worked out two more contributions to physiological research - on muscle movement and on the blind spot in the human eye - as well as his only paper in positional astronomy. This last work - suggested by a prize question of the Paris Académie des Sciences - became the occasion for a vehement conflict; the present volume documents these "Zänkereien" (squabbles) and also reproduces three competing treatises. To complete the documentation of Daniel Bernoulli's work on physiology, the volume also includes his academic ceremonial speech De Vita of 1737, where he sketches for the first time the circulation of the work done by the human heart, and its elaboration by Bernoulli's student Daniel Passavant.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Kommentar zur VOB/C: Mit Bildbeispielen für Ausschreibung und Abrechnung
Mit der neuen VOB 2019 ergeben sich zahlreiche Veränderungen und Neuerungen im Teil C, die in der 19. Auflage gewohnt praxisnah und anwendungsbezogen kommentiert werden. Es wurden zahlreiche Normen fachtechnisch überarbeitet. In der DIN 18336 wurden beispielsweise alle Abdichtungsarbeiten aus verschiedenen Normen zusammenführt. Einen besonderen Schwerpunkt der Kommentierung stellen die Regeln der Abrechnung dar. Die textlichen Festsetzungen der VOB/C sind mit anschaulichen Grafiken unterstützt, die einen deutlichen Mehrwert für praktizierende Bauleiter darstellen.
Kohlhammer Sportpadagogik: Eine Grundlegung
John Wiley & Sons Inc Coding Theory: Algorithms, Architectures and Applications
One of the most important key technologies for digital communication systems as well as storage media is coding theory. It provides a means to transmit information across time and space over noisy and unreliable communication channels. Coding Theory: Algorithms, Architectures and Applications provides a concise overview of channel coding theory and practice, as well as the accompanying signal processing architectures. The book is unique in presenting algorithms, architectures, and applications of coding theory in a unified framework. It covers the basics of coding theory before moving on to discuss algebraic linear block and cyclic codes, turbo codes and low density parity check codes and space-time codes. Coding Theory provides algorithms and architectures used for implementing coding and decoding strategies as well as coding schemes used in practice especially in communication systems. Feature of the book include: Unique presentation-like style for summarising main aspects Practical issues for implementation of coding techniques Sound theoretical approach to practical, relevant coding methodologies Covers standard coding schemes such as block and convolutional codes, coding schemes such as Turbo and LDPC codes, and space time codes currently in research, all covered in a common framework with respect to their applications. This book is ideal for postgraduate and undergraduate students of communication and information engineering, as well as computer science students. It will also be of use to engineers working in the industry who want to know more about the theoretical basics of coding theory and their application in currently relevant communication systems
Yale University Press Knoll Textiles, 1945-2010
The first comprehensive study of Knoll's innovative textile designs and the company's role within the history of interior design In 1940, Hans Knoll founded a company in New York that soon earned a reputation for its progressive line of furniture. Florence Schust joined the firm and helped establish its interior design division, the Knoll Planning Unit. In 1947, the year after their marriage, Hans and Florence Knoll added a third division, Knoll Textiles, which brought textile production in line with a modern sensibility that used color and texture as primary design elements. In the early years, the company hired leading proponents of modern design as well as young, untried designers to create textile patterns. The division thrived in the late 1940s through 1960s and, in the following decade, adopted a more international outlook as design direction shifted to Europe. In the late 1970s and 1980s, Knoll tapped fashion designers and architects to bolster its brand. The pioneering use of new materials and a commitment to innovative design have remained Knoll's hallmarks to the present day. With essays by experts, biographies of about eighty designers, and images of textiles, drawings, furniture, and ephemera, Knoll Textiles, 1945-2010 is the first comprehensive study devoted to a leading contributor to modern textile design. Highlighting the individuals and ideas that helped shape Knoll Textiles over the years, this book brings the Knoll brand and the role of textiles in the history of design to the forefront of public attention.Published for the Bard Graduate Center: Decorative Arts, Design History, Material CultureExhibition Schedule:The Bard Graduate Center, New York(05/18/11-07/31/11)
Next Factory Ottensen Parallelwelten: We are now in a different world
The joint forces of digital and analogue allow for a myriad of different worlds for us to live in. In German they are called Parallelwelten (= parallel worlds). This book investigates these parallel worlds from different angles: technological, corporate, scientific, cultural, economic and political.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Übergänge. Zwischen Künsten und Kulturen: Internationaler Kongress zum 150. Todesjahr von Heinrich Heine und Robert Schumann
Heine und Schumann im Wechselspiel von Literatur und Musik. Ausgehend von den vielen Berührungspunkten im Schaffen und Wirken der beiden Romantiker, haben Experten Beziehungen zwischen Musik, Bild und Literatur, Kunst- und Kulturkritik neu untersucht und eine Fülle überraschender Erkenntnisse formuliert.
Brepols N.V. Example or Alter Ego? Aspects of the Portrait Historie in Western Art from Antiquity to the Present
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Lebensspuren im Stein: Ausfluge in die Erdgeschichte Mitteleuropas
„Lebensspuren im Stein“ bietet spannende Einblicke in längst vergangene Lebenswelten Mitteleuropas. Jedes Hauptkapitel ist einer Periode der Erdgeschichte zugeordnet und gibt neben einem Überblick über die Geologie einen fundierten Einblick in die jeweiligen Lebensformen und ihre Überreste, die bis heute unsere Landschaft formen, als Rohstoffe genutzt werden und Fossiliensammler begeistern. So erfahren wir, dass die Ostseeküsten teilweise aus den Überresten von Kalkalgen bestehen, wo die ersten Säugetiere unterwegs waren, welche phantastischen Riesenformen das Karbon bevölkerten, wie die Urpferde aussahen und wo heute noch versteinerte Wälder zu sehen sind. Exkurse zu Massenaussterben, Eiszeiten und der Entstehung des Menschen ergänzen das Werk, eine fundierte Einführung ermöglicht es auch Einsteigern, die „Lebensspuren im Stein“ zu verstehen. Das Buch basiert auf einer erfolgreichen Serie des Magazins „Biologie in unserer Zeit“, an der viele bekannte Wissenschaftler mitgearbeitet haben. Es ist sowohl eine ideale Einführung für Studenten als auch ein fachkundiger Begleiter für alle von der Paläontologie Begeisterten – ob Forscher, Mitarbeiter in Museen oder Interessierte anderer Fachbereiche.
University of California Press Where Minds and Matters Meet
The American West - where such landmarks as the Golden Gate Bridge rival wild landscapes in popularity and iconic significance - has been viewed as a frontier of technological innovation. Where Minds and Matters Meet calls attention to the convergence of Western history and the history of technology, showing that the region's politics and culture have shaped seemingly placeless, global technological practices and institutions. Drawing on political and social history as well as art history, the book's essays take the cultural measure of the region's great technological milestones, including San Diego's Panama-California Exposition, the building of the Hetch Hetchy Dam in the Sierras, and traffic planning in Los Angeles. Contributors: Amy Bix, Louise Nelson Dyble, Patrick McCray, Linda Nash, Peter Neushul, Matthew W Roth, Bruce Sinclair, L Chase Smith, Carlene Stephens, Aristotle Tympas, Jason Weems, Peter Westwick, and, Stephanie Young.
Verlag Peter Lang Pneumatologie in Der Alten Kirche
MIT Press Ltd German Philosophy: A Dialogue
V&R Unipress Vielfalt ALS Chance: Diagonal, Jg. 2016
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Menschen Gewinnen: Evangelisch Sein Im Landlichen Raum
Kohlhammer Praxishandbuch Gute Rechtsetzung
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Effects and Performance Analysis of Non-linear Phase Noise in All Optical OFDM Systems