Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Piling: European practice and worldwide trends
Taking into account geographical and soil conditions, authors from throughout Europe determine the state of the art. Chapters cover design advances in piling practice, performance testing and innovations in piling systems, piling systems employed in different European countries, trends and technologies and research and developments.
Emerald Publishing Limited Concrete Durability: A practical guide to the design of durable concrete structures
Concrete Durability is a comprehensive, practical guide for engineers involved in designing concrete structures of all types. Featuring contributions from leading practitioners and academics in the field, it combines a thorough but accessible exposition of the principles of durable concrete design with a practical, hands-on approach to its application in construction projects. In recent years clients have begun to realise that much of the cost of maintaining concrete structures stems from problems relating to the durability of the concrete used, and construction companies are increasingly having to shoulder these costs. There is also growing demand for whole life costing of construction projects in environmental as well as economic terms. The information contained within this volume will help contribute to the design of structures that are not only more sustainable environmentally, but offer clients better long-term value for money. Concrete Durability gives a comprehensive overview of durability design requirements, providing practitioners with the information they need to understand the likely causes of future deterioration to the concrete structures they are designing, and enable them to select materials, adopt new designs, or modify their existing designs, in order to minimise the risks arising from these deterioration mechanisms. Key features: The only book to offer both technical and practical guidance to the design of durable concrete for reinforced concrete structures Illustrative case studies from the UK and rest of the world Expert advice from a mixture of leading consultants and academics
Emerald Publishing Limited Effective Site Investigation
Effective Site Investigation provides an introductory guide to accepted best practice for site investigations, both for construction professionals such as civil and structural engineers, builders and architects, and for their clients. It has been prepared by the Site Investigation Steering Group, a multidisciplinary body representing those professional institutions, learned societies, trade organisations and government agencies involved or affected by site investigations. The second edition represents a major revision and extension of the series with the aim of bringing together the whole site investigation industry and is intended for general application to all ground investigation work. This is the second book published in the bestselling Site Investigation in Construction series. Also available: UK Specification for Ground Investigation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Guidebook of Applied Fluvial Geomorphology
The practical application of geomorphological science now forms a regular part of any project involving flood protection, fisheries, conservation, recreation, environmental protection and river restoration. In this book, the authors use their extensive experience gained through fieldwork, analysis, and input to the design process to provide a thorough understanding of geomorphology in the river environment and describe effective ways to incorporate geomorphological science into river engineering and management.
Emerald Publishing Limited Civil Engineering Heritage Scotland (2 volume set)
Together, these two books give a concise account of much of the surviving work of civil engineers throughout Scotland from pre-history up until 1980. It includes bridges, lighthouses, canals, roads, docks, harbours, piers, slips, breakwaters, railways, dams, reservoirs, hydro-power schemes and power stations. The books contain about 500 illustrations, comprising exceptional new photographs and some historic views that have never been seen or printed before now. These include James Watt's drawing for his Rutherglen Bridge, a newly-found view of the Forth Bridge nearing completion, and Sir John Fowler's Braemore Estate Bridge at Gleann Mhor. What Nikolaus Pevsner did for England through the Buildings of England series, Paxton and Shipway have now done for the works of civil engineering in Scotland. These are the final books in the Civil Engineering Heritage series put together by two renowned engineering historians and members of the Institution of Civil Engineers Panel for Historical Engineering Works. Through this work we can now more fully appreciate the contributions of the creators of the transport, water and power infrastructure of Scotland from a historical, topographical, recreational and reference standpoint.
Emerald Publishing Limited Tables for the Hydraulic Design of Pipes, Sewers and Channels Volume I
This book is the first of two self-supporting volumes that make up the 8th edition of Tables for the Hydraulic Design of Pipes, Sewers and Channels. It presents Tables A to provide a comprehensive range of solutions of the Colebrook-White equation, covering standard diameters from 20 mm to 4000 mm plus 4500 mm. These tables are in the format established in previous editions, with sequences of tables for incrementally varying roughness sizes. A new setting adopts 50 gradient increments per order of magnitude change, upgrading from the 35 increment system of previous editions.
Emerald Publishing Limited The FIDIC Digest
For any major civil engineering project in any location to prove successful, it should be governed by the terms and conditions agreed by the two main parties concerned - the Employer and the Contractor. Acceptance of the FIDEC conditions of contract for civil engineering construction fourth edition provides a positive basis for the completion of works on time, within budget and to the best standards of quality. This digest provides a clear explanation of the new fourth addition of the FIDIC Conditions and of the impact of the changes and innovations on the well-established third addition. As such, it enables forecasts to be made on civil engineering practices for both practitioners and students.
Emerald Publishing Limited A Guide to the Procurement of Privately Financed Projects: An indicative assessment of the procurement process
A guide to the procurement of privately financed projects: an indicative assessment of the procurement process outlines the concept of privately financed projects (PFP) that can be used for both public-private and private-private interactions. Utilising models from many countries the guide develops a robust procurement system applicable to PFP and project finance in both the EU and overseas. This guide provides a systematic approach for the preparation and evaluation of privately financed projects (PFP) and services. It is intended to assist both the 'Principal' (often a public body) and the 'Promoter' (private body) at each phase of the procurement process, from inception through to financial closure. Principals using this guide should be able to adapt the private finance procurement process for their specific organisation and business sector. Moreover, in the case of the promoting organisation, the guide provides an appreciation of the steps that occur and the various processes undertaken and the associated costs of bidding. A guide to the procurement of privately financed projects: an indicative assessment of the procurement process provides an invaluable understanding of the critical facets involved in PFP and suggests frameworks for developing objective orientated procurement elements.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainable Waste Management
This volume presents part of the proceedings of two symposia held under the umbrella of Advances in Waste Management, an international meeting organised by the University of Dundees Concrete Technology Unit.
Emerald Publishing Limited Design of Linear Drainage Systems
This book guides the reader through the hydraulic design of drainage channels in which the volume of flow increases linearly from one end of the channel to the other. This situation is very common in roof gutters and highway drainage channels, both of which receive water from the adjoning surfaces at an almost uniform rate. Design of Linear Drainage Systems begins with an introduction of the basic hydraulic parameters, covering topics required in channel flow theory. It then progresses to explain a procedure for answering the fundamental design requirement of finding the length of a drainage channel or the outlet spacing, and the capacity of a channel with specified cross-sectional dimensions. Any problem areas, such as the location of the control section, which need to be considered during the course of development of the procedure have been highlighted. the equations presented are followed by practical examples. The book concludes with a chapter on the design of an urban highway drainage scheme using the varied-flow theory.
Emerald Publishing Limited Designers' Guide to Eurocode 5: Design of Timber Buildings: EN 1995-1-1
This guide interprets and assists in the use of EN 1995-1-1 structural timber. Showing typical material properties and dimensions; modifiers, and structural responses, it presents concise worked examples. Connections, an especially critical aspect of timber design, are thoroughly addressed. Relationships with other Eurocodes are explained, particularly those for EN 1990 Basis of Design. It cites British Standard - European Standard (BS EN) documents supporting the Construction Products Directive in structural timberwork. Copious references permit readers to investigate beyond the code background within the guide itself.
Emerald Publishing Limited Civil Engineering Heritage: London and the Thames Valley
This book deals with the civil engineering heritage of the capital and Thames Valley. The development of London has attracted the design and construction skills of a range of eminent civil engineers and contractors. The work of Sir Marc and I K Brunel, the Rennie family, Robert Stephenson, William Cubitt, Sir Joseph Bazelgette, and many others is included. The books in this series have all been designed specifically as guide books for exploring these landmarks, and provide the reader with a ticket into Britain's engineering history.
Emerald Publishing Limited Civil Engineering Construction Contracts
This book provides a solid background on various principal civil engineering contracts including the ICE 6th, the NEC2, the Arbitration and Conciliation Acts and the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1998. It also includes commentary on the ICE 7th and international contracts. The book provides a concise introduction to contract law and discusses various standard forms of contract used in civil engineering projects to provide an analysis of the various contract options including: The ICE Design and Construct Conditions of Contract The Engineering and Construction Contract The FIDIC Conditions of Contract In one practical volume this book presents a backdrop of information on the subject for those professionals involved in specifying construction contracts – whether drafting, administration, claims or dispute resolution activities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Effective Training for Civil Engineers, 2nd edition
Effective Training for Civil Engineers looks at training, not from the conventional angle covered by most textbooks, but from the perspective of creating a working environment where staff are willing to take risks, change is valued and learning is continuous. The author explores methods by which `on-the-job` training, or learning by experience can be made more efficient and effective. He covers all aspects of the training of civil engineers from formal education to a professional qualification through the upgraded ICE Reviews.
Emerald Publishing Limited Geotechnical Engineering of Landfills
Geotechnical Engineering of Landfills is a symposium designed to provide a forum for the presentation of recent developments in the design, construction and operation of landfills facilities. The papers presented in this volume bring together expertise and experience from industry, academia and the Environment Agency. Specific areas highlighted include: The important role played by the mechanical properties of waste in optimising barrier design and landfill operation Issues related to the design and testing of mineral layers, including bentonite enriched soils and colliery spoil Recent developments in the assessment of geosynthetics, including barrier stability, assessment of protection materials for liners and properties of geosynthetic clay liners Although there have been a number of conferences and meetings both in the UK and throughout the world covering issues of landfill design, materials performance and landfill operation, they are often aimed at specific subgroups of practitioners and researchers. These proceedings cover a range of issues of direct relevance to geotechnical engineers and associated disciplines working on landfill design, highlight new areas of research and practice, and provide a focus for future research and development. This book presents the results of a symposium on the recent developments in the design, construction and operation of landfill facilities. The papers presented in this volume bring together expertise and experience from industry, academia and the Environment Agency.
Emerald Publishing Limited Revetment Systems Against Wave Attack - A Design Manual
This book discusses the functions of revetments and the different aspects of structural performance. It includes example specifications and calculations that enable the engineer to choose the most stable, appropriate and cost-effective revetment system for a given situation. The book guides the engineer through the design process, from identifying hydraulic loading conditions and initial dimensioning of the revetment elements to detailed design of the revetment elements to ensure adequate protection against design wave conditions. A range of materials for the generation of alternative solutions to the problem are considered, and a summary of design methods is provided.
Emerald Publishing Limited Ground Anchorages and Anchored Structures
This volume presents the proceedings of the first major international conference for over twenty years on the state-of-the-art of ground anchorage technology. Leading researchers and practitioners from around the world came together to discuss all the aspects of design, construction and performance of ground anchorages for the use in stabilisation of structures, excavations and slopes. Practical issues relating to construction and installation of anchorages are considered in a series of examples of engineering projects from around the world.
Emerald Publishing Limited The New Research Frontiers of Communications Policy
This timely volume provides a comprehensive view of the economic and social research frontiers of the telecommunications and information activities in the Information Age. New technologies and deregulation characterize this rapidly growing sector, which is assuming an increasingly international character. These changes are generating a wide range of local, regional and international policy issues. An international group drawn from research, industry and policy communities outline the important frontiers on which research efforts should focus. The book emphasizes the need for the implementation of such economic and social research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Designing the New European Union
This volume is based on papers delivered at the second CESifo-Delphi Conferences (Munich, November 2003, and Delphi, June 2004), which are jointly organized by CESifo and the Department of International and European Economic Studies of the Athens University of Economics and Business. The CESifo-Delphi Conferences are organized every two years and involve a two-stage process. Following an initial call for abstracts, a number of authors were selected and invited to present their papers at a workshop meeting in Munich. After further refereeing, some of the authors were invited to present (possibly revised) versions of their papers at the final conference meeting in Delphi. "Contributions to Economic Analysis" was established in 1952. The series purpose is to stimulate the international exchange of scientific information. The series includes books from all areas of macroeconomics and microeconomics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Business Information Needs and Strategies
The primary objective of this book is to provide an understanding of business information in the context of those who seek business information. Information-seeking behavior includes the underlying information needs that drive one to seek information, the types of information used to resolve information needs, the types of resources that contain the needed information, the channels used to secure that information, and effective strategies to locate the needed information.The reason for this approach is that effective business research depends upon the ability to identify the type of information that can be used to resolve a specific business problem rather than by depending on specific resources. Every organization will have access to different collections of resources and information services based on such factors as type of work and budget, among other things. Although there may be some resources that are considered 'better' than others, it is usually possible to find similar, if not identical, information in a variety of resources.Another reason for this approach is that the particular resources are constantly changing. In recent years, there have been numerous mergers among information producers, publishers, and vendors. We have seen a migration from print to electronic, specifically to web access. The tension between free and fee has heightened. Specific sources available today may not be available tomorrow and many will be altered or adapted with different limits placed upon their accessibility. But knowing the type of information needed to resolve a given problem and the strategies that lead quickly to the information enables both information seekers and information professional to find appropriate information even under such prospective changes in the range of source options open in the future.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Librarianship
Critically acclaimed since its inception, "Advances in Librarianship" continues to be the essential reference source for developments in the field of libraries and library science. Articles published in the serial have won national prizes, such as the Blackwell North America Scholarship Award for the outstanding 1994 monograph, article, or original paper in the field of acquisitions, collection, development, and related areas of resource development. All areas of public, college, university, primary and secondary schools, and special libraries are given up-to-date, critical analysis by experts engaged in the practice of librarianship, in teaching, and in research.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Technology-Based Firms in the New Millennium
Ward et al., examine the question of whether providing work experience within courses of study in higher education affects entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviour, important given government imperatives to foster entrepreneurship through the education system. They consider two dimensions: self-efficacy, which broadly relates to confidence in ability; and, entrepreneurial intent which relates to positive attitudes towards engaging in risk taking or firm start-up. Their sample is of 158 undergraduates who engaged in a summer work placement linked to their study. Their key finding is that positive effects on self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intent depends on the nature of the experience, being fostered by performing well in the face of difficulty and the closeness of the placement activity to their studies. Such experience appears more common when undertaking a placement in a small firm. Van der Sijde et al., consider the extent to which University start ups which are global as opposed to being domestically focussed differ in the extent of their business networks, using a sample comprising five technology-based firms of each type. They establish that global start-ups do have more extensive networks in terms of number of actors and global actors in the network at start-up, although their networks do not expand thereafter significantly more than domestic start-ups. They also have significantly more sources of capital.
Emerald Publishing Limited Information Management: Setting the Scene
Now that ICT has become ubiquitous and many technology related activities are sourced from outside companies, information managements identity has become the subject of much debate. Moreover, the interrelatedness of business, society and ICT adds to the management of information systems the need to understand what the true value of information is for managers, politicians, employees, customers, business partners and society at large. Hence, the focus of information management is shifting away from the management of ICT and sophisticated data production to superior information use. Setting the scene for tomorrow, this first volume in the new book series "Perspectives on Information Management" provides a highly needed vocabulary to discuss information management's present state and the need to develop a new identity that better fits current times.It presents an integrative framework for information management, it puts information management in an historical context, it critically examines the assumptions underlying information management, and delves deeply into four current and core issues in the field: ICT, strategy and identity; ICT (out)sourcing; customer oriented innovation; and designing information and organizations. Featuring seminal contributions to these topics from leading authorities in the field, this volume is targeted at information practitioners, academic researchers and higher education teachers. It is written by leading international scholars and industry experts. It presents cutting edge innovative research material on information management. It covers past, present and future trends and critically examines the assumptions underlying information management.
Emerald Publishing Limited Management of Technology: New Directions in Technology Management - Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Management of Technology
The 13th International Conference on Management of Technology (IAMOT) convened during the period of April 37, 2004 in Washington, D.C., U.S.A. The theme of the conference was: New Directions in Technology Management: Changing Collaboration between Government, Industry and University. The Conference chairs were Drs. Tarek Khalil from the University of Miami, John Aje and Frederick Betz from the University of Maryland and the Program chair was Dr. Yasser Hosni, from the University of Central Florida. This book is derived from the 13th Annual International Conference on Management of Technology (IAMOT) held in Washington DC, April 2004. It discusses collaboration between government, industry, and university. The contributions are international in scope.
Emerald Publishing Limited Transportation and Traffic Theory: Flow, Dynamics and Human Interaction - Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory
The ISTTT series is the main gathering for the worlds transportation and traffic theorists, and the resulting volume is a field-defining milestone featuring the most promising thinking and theoretical developments. It reflects the major renewal the field is experiencing, with the entry of many new scientists from a variety of disciplines, and the mutual coexistence of a growing number of theoretical perspectives and modelling cultures. While this volume covers a wide range of aspects of the modelling of transportation processes as complex systems, an overarching theme is the recognition that these systems are a collective expression of individual human decisions. A significant number of the contributions published here therefore deal with some aspect of human behaviour whether as travellers, drivers, passengers, operators, or regulators reflecting the great strides being made in developing theories and mathematical representations of these phenomena. Essential reading for anyone interested in researching or understanding traffic and transportation phenomena and in developing effective approaches to planning, design and management of transportation systems.
Emerald Publishing Limited Cooperative Strategies and Alliances in International Business: Joint Ventures and Technology Partnership
Editorial Objectives This series applies a truly international perspective to the study of international business, with a special emphasis on management and marketing issues, and aims to advance the frontiers of knowledge in this fast developing field. Topicality The International Business and Management series deals with such topics as globalization, international business negotiations, cross-cultural communication, entry strategies, doing business in different regions and future trends. Work on competition, the development of international business theory, methodological issues, the results of empirical studies and the findings of practitioners also fall within its brief. Key Benefits This series provides high-quality, relevant articles that give comprehensive analysis and empirical findings in all aspects of financial planning, analysis and forecasting. It creates a global forum for discussion and debate of key issues in these fields. Key Audiences International Business and Management provides up-to-date guidance to students and practitioners of international business and aims to advance the frontiers of knowledge in this fast developing field. The series is widely accepted and available in most university/college libraries. A number of volumes are also used as text books and recommended readings for postgraduate courses in top universities all over Europe. Coverage Subject coverage includes, but is not restricted to: Globalization International business negotiations Cross-cultural communication Entry strategies Doing business in different regions Future trends The development of international business theory
Emerald Publishing Limited Developing Strategies for Competitive Advantage
This selection of papers from "Long Range Planning - The International Journal of Strategic Management" examines the evolution of competitive advantage over the past decade, setting out areas of major change and areas which have been less subject to change. It begins by examining how strategic management has been influenced by the transformation of industries and the changes in the rules for success, and the dramatic rise in the strategic importance of information technology. In many industries, the established rules of the game no longer apply, and their continued use will most likely lead to failure, even for firms which appear to have unassailable positions of strength. It is not that strategic planning has failed, but rather that in a previous era of greater certainty and clearer boundaries, the unquestioning application of established strategic rules often worked. In the new era of competitive uncertainty and uncertain boundaries, many of the rules of strategy still apply, but they can only have utility when applied in an appropriate context. The book concludes that when clarity exists about business definition, industry definition and competitor definition and how strategic techniques or measures should be applied, then the strategic fundamentals which have obtained for many years are likely to continue to do so.
Emerald Publishing Limited Systematic Occupational Health and Safety Management: Perspectives on an International Development
In the past 15 years, the notions of systematic OHS management and OHS management systems have gained wide currency amongst regulators, employers and other parties in advanced industrialised countries. Indeed, these related but distinct concepts are now also finding their way into developing countries. Inducing employers to take a comprehensive, programmatic and preventive responsibility for OHS rather than just prescribing specific solutions has emerged as a major new regulatory strategy and this approach has also been voluntarily assumed by an increasing number of (generally large) organisations. Government methods to promote OHSM as well as the form and content of both these and voluntary management systems vary widely. There has been little attempt to critically assess the developments just described, let alone compare different forms of OHSM, examine the problems of implementing these policies or identify their strengths and limitations. This book seeks to address this gap. With diverse contributions from leading experts in Europe, America and Australasia, the book examines the origins, development, application and value of OHSM, as well as providing an international perspective on their effectiveness in managing ill-health at work. It also examines the impact of recent changes in economic, labour market, organisational and regulatory structures.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sea Change in Liner Shipping: Regulation and Managerial Decision-making in a Global Industry
Transport policy is undergoing major changes which transcend national boundaries. Meanwhile, strategic alliances and mergers are changing the face of the liner shipping business. A re-examination of competition policy as it relates to liner shipping is underway. This book not only examines the changing regulatory climate for the liner shipping industry but also explores managerial thinking about co-operation and competition within the industry. Using comparisons from the rail and aviation industries, the book develops guiding principles for a common regulatory policy for liner shipping while proposing a framework for shipping managers to guide strategy formulation and implementation in this new business environment. This book explores the issues of national regulation of liner shipping in three legal jurisdictions: the US., Europe and Canada. It builds on the author's long history of research in liner shipping and its regulation, and her access to the regulators in these markets.
Emerald Publishing Limited Theoretical Foundations of Travel Choice Modeling
This volume fulfills a long-felt need for a single text which documents the theoretical foundations of travel choice modeling. With contributions from a good cross-section of the leading researchers in the field, the work provides a valuable reference which will be of lasting interest and value. Divided into three parts, Microeconomic Theory, Behavioral Decision Theory and Statistical Theory, the book extends approaches to travel choice modeling beyond the consumer theory developed in economics by applying theories from the fields of geography, psychology and statistics and in doing so addresses two fundamental questions: what are the theoretical foundations of travel choice modeling and what should they be? Containing twenty specially commissioned chapters, this book represents the latest and best thinking in this rapidly expanding field. Activity-based and dynamic approaches are fast emerging as the state-of-the-art in transport modeling and are replacing trip-based models. This book tackles the key theoretical foundations that underpin these new approaches by asking: are there developments in traditional microeconomic theory which make it usable? Is behavioral decision theory a more appropriate theoretical foundation? Which are the statistical data analytical issues in each case and how can they be solved?
Emerald Publishing Limited Science Education and Development: Planning and Policy Issues at Secondary Level
For over 30 years now large-scale investment has been made in science education throughout the world and in developing countries in particular. A handful of countries have indeed succeeded in raising their respective population's general level of scientific knowledge, but in other countries, in spite of much effort, the shortage in supply of science-trained students persists, examination achievement levels remain low, and the cost of provision so high that many children all over the world are denied access to effective science teaching. Whilst the problems of curriculum relevance have been widely discussed, little attention has been paid to the issues confronting the policy-maker and the manager in deciding how much to invest in science education, how to provide value for money or how much science to provide for how many students. This book addresses the question of how best to plan investment in science at secondary level in developing countries using insights from the studies conducted under a five-year research programme carried out by the International Institute for Educational Planning. The result is an extensive account, commentary and analysis of the main issues that the planners of science education in developing countries are likely to be confronted with when addressing the challenges of the twenty-first century.
Emerald Publishing Limited Traffic and Transport Psychology: Theory and Application
This volume presents a balanced and representative overview of the major developments and trends in traffic and transport psychology". "Traffic and Transport Psychology" covers and enormously diverse field with many different theoretical and methodological approaches. Driver behaviour theories are, as yet, fragmented. Some theories focus on performance aspects, some on risk management and some on the social context. The first part of the book presents arguments for integrated models, for alternative paradigms and for a blatant a theoretical approach to driver behaviour. In addition, two chapters are devoted to novel methodological approaches to studying driver behaviour. In the second part, driver performance is the central issue, centred around three themes: perception, cognition and workload. The third part deals with social factors. It reflects the considerable development that has been made in recent years in the area of attitude measurement and the effect of attitude components and factors reflecting individual differences such as sensation-seeking on driver behaviour and, in particular, on drivers' willingness to take risks and commit traffic law violations. In the last part, current developments are discussed in relation to applications to enhance safety. Above all, this volume reflects the enormous growth and development that has occurred in traffic and transport psychology in recent years. While it has been repeatedly demonstrated that the driver is the critical link in accident causation, it is only recently that this is translated, at least in some countries, into an awareness that effective accident countermeasures can no longer ignore the perceptual and cognitive capabilities, attitudes and social factors that govern driver behaviour. It is hoped that the contents of this book will contribute to a more humane traffic and transport system.
Emerald Publishing Limited Revisiting Sustainable Tourism in the Philippines
Revisiting Sustainable Tourism in the Philippines provides a comprehensive investigation into how sustainability across tourism industries can be achieved in practical terms within the Asian context. Existing books have tackled theories and principles of sustainable tourism, or have focused on practices and examples. This book combines both approaches by bridging the theoretical and practical aspects of pursuing sustainability in tourism industries.It serves as a guidebook and reference material for tourism practitioners, policymakers as well as members of the academe. Authors Rivera, Gutierrez, and Roxas have worked closely with government officials and national tourism agencies in implementing capacity-building workshops and developed research in relation to sustainable tourism. Their practical experience and theoretical knowledge is invaluable to anyone working in the field of sustainable tourism.
Emerald Publishing Limited Innovation in Responsible Management Education
Featuring contributions from around the globe, Innovation in Responsible Management Education paints a rich picture of the diverse ways the challenges responsible leadership education is facing are being approached and responded to by recognized expert authors in the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Debating Childhood Masculinities
Foregrounding children's agency and voices, this expert collection brings together cutting-edge interdisciplinary scholarship to examine how childhood masculinities are constructed, experienced, regulated and represented in different parts of the world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Hegemonic Masculinity Caste and the Body
Thoughtfully invoking wider conversations around gender, culture, and self-perception, Navjotpal Kaur investigates the intricate interplay between masculinities, space, and identity within Indian Punjab's Jat Sikh community.
Emerald Publishing Limited Inside London's Airports Policy
What factors shaped the airports policy of the busiest aviation city in the world? What has been the role of politicians, planners and communities? Why has it proved so difficult to make a decision on airports and stick to it? Inside London’s Airports Policy is the first book to provide a complete history of London’s airport policy, considering whether we can make better decisions if we learn from the lessons of history. Based on the author’s extensive industry experience, and detailed research of key documents, public records and academic papers, plus interviews with key individuals, the book sets out the studies, consultations, inquiries, commissions and debates that have directed London’s Airport policy on the troubled flight path which it has taken. The book covers in detail a period from the mid-1970s, when the Maplin project was cancelled, to the present day. Along the way, there are periods of incremental growth with new terminals at Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted; a policy vacuum of the early 1990s and the Heathrow Terminal 5 Inquiry; a long term strategy outlined in the 2003 White Paper; and the Airports Commission of 2012-2015. Case studies of airports in other countries and in the UK outside of the South East provide interesting comparisons. Written in a straightforward style with personal insights, Inside London’s Airports Policy will be a fascinating read for all those with an interest in the development of aviation, airports and transport, including planners, engineers, civil servants, community representatives and politicians. Students and academics wishing to study examples of the decision making process will also find this an engaging read.
Emerald Publishing Limited Transportation Engineering
Covering rail, air, road and water,Transportation Engineeringexplores the transport of people, goods and information throughout history, up to the present day and considering how best to transport can meet the needs of the future. It examines the idea that transport needs are based on the concept of supply and demand and that modes of transport must, therefore, have a “life-cycle”. Transportation Engineering also explores the economics of transport and the importance of considering price, convenience and safety of new and existing modes of transport, as well as the impact that the recession has had on preferred modes of transport, e.g. an increase in people cycling instead of driving, using the internet to communicate instead of travelling overseas. It also looks at sustainability, including the pros and cons of electric vehicles and what the future holds for these modes of transport.Produced by the Institution of Civil Engineers, ICE Textbooks offer clear, concise and practical information on the major principles of civil and structural engineering. They are an indispensable companion to undergraduate audiences, providing students with: A comprehensive introduction to core engineering subjects Real-life case studies and worked examples Key learning aims, revision points and chapter summaries Further reading suggestions
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC3 Engineering and Construction Short Contract (ECSC)
The Short Contract is an alternative to NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract and is for use with contracts which do not require sophisticated management techniques, comprise straightforward work and impose only low risks on both the employer and the Contractor. This document contains the contract clauses and the form for contract data. Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to deliver efficiencies across the public sector and promote behaviours in line with the principles of Achieving Excellence in Construction.
Emerald Publishing Limited Reading Workplace Dynamics
Emerald Publishing Limited Tourism PolicyMaking in the Context of Contested Wicked Problems
Emerald Publishing Limited Family and Sport: Notable Contributions to Sociology
The institution of sport has pervasive roots that are steeped in patriarchy. Despite this tradition, sport is at the forefront in making us aware of personal and social issues in global societies. However, sociological attention to family and sport is long overdue and sorely needed. Providing timely knowledge and long-awaited insights into pressing issues, this volume of Research in the Sociology of Sport establishes family and sport as a clearly identified field of study within sociology. Focusing on how families participate in sport in global societies where traditional norms are rapidly evolving, this edited collection presents unique contributions to an under researched area of sociological inquiry. Offering a wide range of perspectives and a multidisciplinary approach, contributors provide applicable solutions to this sociological oversight, and nuanced scholarship that invites future consideration. Divided into three major sections, chapters explore traditional values that are actively challenged by both children and adults, examine the effects of cultural shifts on family relationships, and assess the patriarchal structure of sport participation in global societies. Highlighting the microlevel of the family to grapple with contemporary social issues at the macrolevel of society, Family and Sport: Notable Contributions to Sociology charts new territory to advance a valuable understanding of family and sport issues.
Emerald Publishing Limited Design of Fire-resistant Concrete Structures
Design of Fire-resistant Concrete Structures gives a thorough insight into the behaviour of concrete structures exposed to fire. It mixes theory, including physics and analysed data, with practice and shows design methods for beams, slabs, columns, and walls of fire-exposed cross-sections. It explains the physical processes that concrete materials experience when subjected to high temperatures, allowing the engineer to make an informed decision when choosing materials and designing a concrete structure. This book includes coverage of: anchorage of reinforcement at fire explosive spalling of high-strength concrete how to make fire-safe concrete structures temperature movement and calculations thermal properties effective design for structures of high fire resistance; Written by an author with over 40 years’ experience in research and practice, this book contains essential knowledge required by consulting engineers, municipal authorities, producers of concrete elements and details, contractors and students tasked with designing and understanding concrete structures.
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Managing an Engineering and Construction Contract
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2026
Emerald Publishing Limited Essays in Honor of Subal Kumbhakar
Volume 46 of Advances in Econometrics presents essays in honor of Subhal Kumbhakar. His influence on the applied productivity and efficiency profession is legion, as evidenced by his voluminous body of research, must read textbook and attendance at sessions where he is presenting or his work is featured.Subal's oeuvre continues to grow, his ability to move the applied econometric and productivity literature forward never stalling and his charismatic smile always there to cheer up colleagues and friends on a gloomy day. It is the editor's distinct privilege to gather this collection of papers that honors Subal's many accomplishments, drawing further attention to the various areas of scholarship that he has touched.Advances in Econometrics publishes original scholarly econometrics papers with the intention of expanding the use of developed and emerging econometric techniques by disseminating ideas on the theory and practice of econometrics throughout th
Emerald Publishing Limited Understanding Financial Risk Management
Financial risk management is a topic of primary importance in financial markets. It is important to learn how to measure and control risk, how to be primed for the opportunity of compensative return, and how to avoid useless exposure.
Emerald Publishing Limited Walking the Talk
Politicians and businesses alike agree that something must be done about the environment, the question is what, how, when, and by whom? We ask, are we actually walking the talk?
Emerald Publishing Limited How Institutions Matter
This double volume presents a collection of 23 papers on how institutions matter to socio-economic life. The effort was seeded by the 2015 Alberta Institutions Conference, which brought together 108 participants from 14 countries and 51 different institutions.