Search results for ""author manus"
Sobre las ruinas del mundo
La ciudad de Lisboa ha sido asolada por un terrible y enigmático desastre. En ese escenario post-apocalíptico, de destrucción total, sobrevive un viejo editor que busca amigos y amores desaparecidos. Antaño había sido un hombre poderoso, pero con la civilización aniquilada, lo único que le queda es su memoria. El hallazgo de un manuscrito y el encuentro con un niño le harán recuperar la esperanza. ?Sobre las ruinas del mundo? es la consagración de esa forma de amor a la que llamamos amistad, una historia que reivindica el poder redentor del arte, la música y, sobre todo, la literatura (y la lectura). La colección Confluencias es un abrazo entre lenguas, un hermanamiento, una correspondencia generosa, una fantasía editorial que pretende mostrar ?en portugués y en español? obras destacadas de la literatura escrita en las distintas lenguas que se hablan en la Península Ibérica y en Latinoamérica.
Este volumen recoge las ponencias que se impartieron en el curso extraordinario de la Universidad de Zaragoza titulado Aragonés y catalán en la historia lingüística de Aragón, celebrado en Jaca en julio 2019, en las que se abordaron aspectos indispensables para conocer mejor la historia lingüística de Aragón. Han tenido cabida ámbitos tan interesantes como el de la toponimia altoaragonesa, puesto que solamente en ella se conservan rasgos constitutivos del aragonés o del catalán de la Ribagorza; el de la documentación medieval, porque los manuscritos son un testimonio capital para el estudio de ambas lenguas en épocas pretéritas; el de los primeros estudiosos que se interesaron por la realidad lingüística de nuestra región, prestando especial atención a las investigadoras pioneras en esta parcela de la filología; o el del tratamiento de la Franja de Aragón en los atlas lingüísticos elaborados en España y en las monografías dialectales.
Penguin Books Ltd The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English (7th Edition)
'Probably the most important archaeological find in history ... Vermes' translations are a standard in the field' Los Angeles TimesThe discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in the Judaean desert between 1947 and 1956 was one of the greatest finds of all time. These extraordinary manuscripts appear to have been hidden in the caves at Qumran by the Essenes, a Jewish sect in existence before and during the time of Jesus. Written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek, the scrolls have transformed our understanding of the Hebrew Bible, early Judaism and the origins of Christianity. This acclaimed translation by Geza Vermes has established itself as the classic version of these texts. Translated and edited with an Introduction and Notes by Geza Vermes
Boydell & Brewer Ltd New Medieval Literatures 23
Annual volume on medieval textual cultures, engaging with intellectual and cultural pluralism in the Middle Ages, showcasing the best new work in this field. New Medieval Literatures is an annual of work on medieval textual cultures, aiming to engage with intellectual and cultural pluralism in the Middle Ages and now. Its scope is inclusive of work across the theoretical, archival, philological, and historicist methodologies associated with medieval literary studies, and embraces the range of European cultures, capaciously defined. Essays in this volume engage with widely varied themes: law and literature; manuscript production, patronage, and aesthetics; real and imagined geographies; gender and its connections to narrative theory and to psychoanalysis. Investigations range from the eleventh to the fifteenth centuries, from England to the eastern Mediterranean. New arguments are put forward about the dating, context, and occasion of Geoffrey Chaucer's Boece, while the narrative dynamics of Chaucer's "Franklin's Tale" and "Tale of Melibee" are examined from new perspectives. The topography of the Holy Lands appears both as a set of emotional sites, depicted in the Prick of Conscience in its account of the end of the world, and as co-ordinates in the cultural imaginary of medieval the wine-trade. Grendel's mother emerges as the invisible and unavowable centre of male heroic culture in Beowulf, and the fourteenth-century St Erkenwald is brought into contact with the community-building project of the medieval death investigation. Finally, the late medieval Speculum Christiani is revealed to be a work with deep aesthetic investments when read through the framework of how its medieval scribes encountered and shaped that work.
University of California Press Autobiography of Mark Twain, Volume 3: The Complete and Authoritative Edition
The surprising final chapter of a great American life. When the first volume of Mark Twain's uncensored Autobiography was published in 2010, it was hailed as an essential addition to the shelf of his works and a crucial document for our understanding of the great humorist's life and times. This third and final volume crowns and completes his life's work. Like its companion volumes, it chronicles Twain's inner and outer life through a series of daily dictations that go wherever his fancy leads. Created from March 1907 to December 1909, these dictations present Mark Twain at the end of his life: receiving an honorary degree from Oxford University; railing against Theodore Roosevelt, founding numerous clubs; incredulous at an exhibition of the Holy Grail; credulous about the authorship of Shakespeare's plays; relaxing in Bermuda; observing (and investing in) new technologies. The Autobiography's "Closing Words" movingly commemorate his daughter Jean, who died on Christmas Eve 1909. Also included in this volume is the previously unpublished "Ashcroft-Lyon Manuscript," Mark Twain's caustic indictment of his "putrescent pair" of secretaries and the havoc that erupted in his house during their residency. Fitfully published in fragments at intervals throughout the twentieth century, Autobiography of Mark Twain has now been critically reconstructed and made available as it was intended to be read. Fully annotated by the editors of the Mark Twain Project, the complete Autobiography emerges as a landmark publication in American literature. Editors: Benjamin Griffin and Harriet Elinor Smith Associate Editors: Victor Fischer, Michael B Frank, Amanda Gagel, Sharon K Goetz, Leslie Diane Myrick, Christopher M Ohge.
University of Notre Dame Press Soldiers of the Cross, the Authoritative Text: The Heroism of Catholic Chaplains and Sisters in the American Civil War
Shortly after the Civil War ended, David Power Conyngham, an Irish Catholic journalist and war veteran, began compiling the stories of Catholic chaplains and nuns who served during the war. His manuscript, Soldiers of the Cross, is the fullest record written during the nineteenth century of the Catholic Church's involvement in the war, as it documents the service of fourteen chaplains and six female religious communities, representing both North and South. Many of Coyngham's chapters contain new insights into the clergy during the war that are unavailable elsewhere, either during his time or ours, making the work invaluable to Catholic and Civil War historians. The introduction contains over a dozen letters written between 1868 and 1870 from high-ranking Confederate and Union officials, such as Confederate General Robert E. Lee, Union Surgeon General William Hammond, and Union General George B. McClellan, who praise the church's services during the war. Chapters on Fathers William Corby and Peter P. Cooney, as well as the Sisters of the Holy Cross, cover subjects relatively well known to Catholic scholars, yet other chapters are based on personal letters and other important primary sources that have not been published prior to this book. Unpublished due to Conyngham's untimely death, Soldiers of the Cross remained hidden away in an archive for more than a century. Now annotated and edited so as to be readable and useful to scholars and modern readers, this long-awaited publication of Soldiers of the Cross is a fitting presentation of Conyngham's last great work.
Peeters Publishers Catechisme Creole Et Mission Des Noirs a L'ile Bourbon
Cette etude correspond a la recherche d'un modele de description fonde sur les competences linguistiques des locuteurs en milieu pluriculturel a l'Ile Bourbon. L'ancienne colonie francaise continuait, en cette premiere moitie du dix-neuvieme siecle, d'importer des esclaves du sud-ouest de l'Ocean Indien pour repondre aux besoins de l'economie sucriere. C'est a eux qu'etait destine des 1842 le Catechisme des Noirs d'habitation, en usage chez Monsieur Boyer De La Giroday, beau-frere de Fr. Levavasseur. Notre ouvrage situe les manuscrits retrouves aux Archives des Spiritains a Chevilly-Larue dans le cycle des travaux inedits que F. Levavasseur, co-fondateur de la Congregation du Saint-Coeur de Marie, a realises des son retour a Bourbon, foyer de la Mission des Noirs dans la zone indo-oceanienne (1842-1849). Le missionnaire, qui etait ne et avait vecu sur la grande propriete sucriere de ses parents, avait developpe une competence de locuteur bilingue devant se traduire plus tard dans une version creole du Petit catechisme de Fournidier. Pratique a l'aide de methodes orales, le catechisme s'est servi du creole de Bourbon comme d'un outil linguistique et socioculturel forge pour les nouveaux esclaves. Gillette Staudacher-Valliamee est Maitre de conferences a l'universite de la Reunion depuis 1996, membre du Laboratoire de recherche sur les espaces Creolophones et Francophones, antenne reunionnaise de l'UPR ESA 6058 CNRS a Aix-en-Provence. Domains de recherche: Linguistique generale, Creolistique, Germanistique.
University of Nebraska Press A Grammar of Patwin
Published through the Recovering Languages and Literacies of the Americas initiative, supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. A Native American language formerly spoken in hundreds of communities in the interior of California, Patwin (also known as Wintun Tʼewe) is now spoken by a small but growing number of language revitalizationists and their students. A Grammar of Patwin brings together two hundred years of word lists, notebooks, audio recordings, and manuscripts from archives across the United States and synthesizes this scattered collection into the first published description of the Patwin language. This book shines a light on the knowledge of past speakers and researchers with a clear and well-organized description supported by ample archival evidence. Lewis C. Lawyer addresses the full range of grammatical structure with chapters on phonetics, phonology, nominals, nominal modifiers, spatial terms, verbs, and clauses. At every level of grammatical structure there is notable variation between dialects, and this variation is painstakingly described. An introductory chapter situates the language geographically and historically and also gives a detailed account of previous work on the language and of the archival materials on which the study is based. Throughout the process of writing this book, Lawyer remained in contact with Patwin communities and individuals, who helped to ensure that the content is appropriate from a cultural perspective.
University of Texas Press Mr. America: The Tragic History of a Bodybuilding Icon
For most of the twentieth century, the “Mr. America” image epitomized muscular manhood. From humble beginnings in 1939 at a small gym in Schenectady, New York, the Mr. America Contest became the world’s premier bodybuilding event over the next thirty years. Rooted in ancient Greek virtues of health, fitness, beauty, and athleticism, it showcased some of the finest specimens of American masculinity. Interviewing nearly one hundred major figures in the physical culture movement (including twenty-five Mr. Americas) and incorporating copious printed and manuscript sources, John D. Fair has created the definitive study of this iconic phenomenon.Revealing the ways in which the contest provided a model of functional and fit manhood, Mr. America captures the event’s path to idealism and its slow descent into obscurity. As the 1960s marked a turbulent transition in American society—from the civil rights movement to the rise of feminism and increasing acceptance of homosexuality—Mr. America changed as well. Exploring the influence of other bodily displays, such as the Mr. Universe and Mr. Olympia contests and the Miss America Pageant, Fair focuses on commercialism, size obsession, and drugs that corrupted the competition’s original intent. Accessible and engaging, Mr. America is a compelling portrayal of the glory days of American muscle.
Edinburgh University Press The Transformation of Muslim Mystical Thought in the Ottoman Empire: The Rise of the Halveti Order, 1350-1650
One of more poorly understood aspects of the history of the Ottoman Empire has been the flourishing of Sufi mysticism under its auspices. This study tracks the evolution of the Halveti order from its modest origins in medieval Azerbaijan to the emergence of its influential Sa'baniyye branch, whose range extended throughout the Empire at the height of its expansion. By carefully reconstructing the lives of formerly obscure figures in the history of the order, a complex picture emerges of the connections of Halveti groups with the Ottoman state and society. Even more importantly, since the Sa'baniyye branch of the order grew out of the towns and villages of the northern Anatolian mountains rather than the major urban centres, this work has the added benefit of bringing a unique perspective to how Ottoman subjects lived, worked, and worshiped outside the major urban centres of the Empire. Along the way, it sheds light on less-visible actors in society, such as women and artisans, and challenges widely-held generalizations about the activities and strategies of Ottoman mystics. Key Features *Based almost entirely on unpublished manuscripts *Gives invaulable insights to historical primary sources *Allows Ottoman subjects to speak in their own words *The first English-language study of the Halveti order
University of Notre Dame Press Arabic Literary Salons in the Islamic Middle Ages: Poetry, Public Performance, and the Presentation of the Past
Arabic literary salons emerged in ninth-century Iraq and, by the tenth, were flourishing in Baghdad and other urban centers. In an age before broadcast media and classroom education, salons were the primary source of entertainment and escape for middle- and upper-rank members of society, serving also as a space and means for educating the young. Although salons relied on a culture of oral performance from memory, scholars of Arabic literature have focused almost exclusively on the written dimensions of the tradition. That emphasis, argues Samer Ali, has neglected the interplay of oral and written, as well as of religious and secular knowledge in salon society, and the surprising ways in which these seemingly discrete categories blurred in the lived experience of participants. Looking at the period from 500 to 1250, and using methods from European medieval studies, folklore, and cultural anthropology, Ali interprets Arabic manuscripts in order to answer fundamental questions about literary salons as a social institution. He identifies salons not only as sites for socializing and educating, but as loci for performing literature and oral history; for creating and transmitting cultural identity; and for continually reinterpreting the past. A fascinating recovery of a key element of humanistic culture, Ali’s work will encourage a recasting of our understanding of verbal art, cultural memory, and daily life in medieval Arab culture.
Archaeopress En Tierras de Hércules. Torregorda - Camposoto - Sancti Petri: Una Revisión del Patrimonio
En tierras de Hércules explores the history and archaeological heritage of the southwest coast of the Isla Gaditana – the territory where the Temple of Hercules and the Idol of Cádiz are said to have stood for more than twelve centuries: Torregorda, Camposoto and Sancti Petri. The text examines the occupation sequence of Palaeolithic, Neolithic, Bronze-Age and historic societies in the area. In addition, it analyses the shaping of the landscape by geological, sedimentary and human action since the Phoenician settlement. The historical region of the Strait of Gibraltar, considered the end of the ‘known world’ until the modern age, is studied as an intercontinental and cultural bridge. The core of the work is an examination of 32 groups of remains, classified according to communicational, strategic and environmental factors. This includes those relating to the underwater site of the Sancti Petri Castle, which are usually associated with the Temple of Hercules. Using manuscripts from local archives, the book documents elements such as the emergence of the underwater remains of the Temple of Hercules or the construction of canals and defensive architecture. And by means of prehistoric rock art, it examines the origins of sailing in the vicinity of Gibraltar. A final chapter recommends the investigation of the millenary intersection between the Rio Arillo channel and the Calzada de La Alcantarilla road.
Peepal Tree Press Ltd Difficult Fruit
Difficult Fruit grapples with personal experience - with naming and claiming the 'fruits' of a specific journey into womanhood. This journey is one which includes coming to terms with violence and loss, celebrating love and connection, and standing witness in the world that shaped that journey. It is a collection of poems about coming into self-knowledge - of fighting for and winning personhood as a woman in the world. The central poem, 'Eighteen', chronicles the aftermath of sexual assault. In it the speaker is reborn from the shadow of the experience as a 'miracle scream' and a 'dark voice', and vows to 'learn the language that will allow [her] to summon [her] own angels'. By the poem 'Thirty', the speaker understands 'maybe older and wiser is just learning/ how to put yourself in your own good hands'. The poems of age scattered throughout the manuscript both chronicle and disrupt time - they look back into the speaker's past as a way to understand the present, as well as to find something that the speaker needs in order to move forward. The many elegies in the collection consider the ultimate price of life, which is death, and as the poem 'How It Touches Us' comes to realise, 'all laws of matter must hold true'. The poems are a movement through fracture - both necessary and unwarranted - toward wholeness and transformation.
Harvard University Press The Greek Anthology, Volume IV: Book 10: The Hortatory and Admonitory Epigrams. Book 11: The Convivial and Satirical Epigrams. Book 12: Strato's Musa Puerilis
A gathering of poetic blossoms.The Greek Anthology (literally, “Gathering of Flowers”) is the name given to a collection of about 4500 short Greek poems (called epigrams but usually not epigrammatic) by about 300 composers. To the collection (called Stephanus, literally, “wreath” or “garland”) made and contributed to by Meleager of Gadara (1st century BC) was added another by Philippus of Thessalonica (late 1st century AD), a third by Diogenianus (2nd century), and much later a fourth, called the Circle, by Agathias of Myrina. These (lost) and others (also lost) were partly incorporated, arranged according to contents, by Constantinus Cephalas (early 10th century?) into fifteen books now preserved in a single manuscript of the Palatine Library at Heidelberg. The grand collection was rearranged and revised by the monk Maximus Planudes (14th century) who also added epigrams lost from Cephalas’ compilation.The fifteen books of the Palatine Anthology are: I, Christian Epigrams; II, Descriptions of Statues; III, Inscriptions in a temple at Cyzicus; IV, Prefaces of Meleager, Philippus, and Agathias; V, Amatory Epigrams; VI, Dedicatory; VII, Sepulchral; VIII, Epigrams of St. Gregory; IX, Declamatory; X, Hortatory and Admonitory; XI, Convivial and Satirical; XII, Strato’s “Musa Puerilis”; XIII, Metrical curiosities; XIV, Problems, Riddles, and Oracles; XV, Miscellanies. Book XVI is the Planudean Appendix: Epigrams on works of art.Outstanding among the poets are Meleager, Antipater of Sidon, Crinagoras, Palladas, Agathias, Paulus Silentiarius.
Peeters Publishers Hac Nocte in Aeternum Diem Renascentes Populi Procreantur: Christian Initiation and the Easter Vigil in the Missale Gothicum
The “Missale gothicum” (c.690-710) is arguably the most important manuscript witness in which the Exultet survives in its original Gallican context. Its Easter Vigil formulary contains, next to the Exultet, a Eucharistic “immolacio” closely related to the Exultet in structure and content, as well as several other prayers for the rites of light, initiation, and the Eucharist. It is shown that, while Exultet and immolacio reflect an identity of Easter Night as privileged night of initiation, the formularies for initiation seem to reflect an earlier practice of baptism during Epiphany. It is argued that Exultet and immolacio go back to a common predecessor (a paschal homily) that partially originated because the introduction of paschal baptism in fourth century Gaul made it necessary to reinterpret Christian initiation in light of the paschal events and to create a coherent theological understanding of the meaning of Easter Night as privileged night of initiation.
Ediciones Cátedra Elegías amatorias
Tibulo fue el poeta elegíaco preferido en la Roma de su tiempo y en el siglo posterior. " Caballero romano de Gabios, célebre por su hermosura y distinguido por el cuidado de su aspecto " , fue descrito en la antigüedad como un poeta " cultus, tersus y elegans " . Y esa admiración tan generalizada por su forma de escribir no debió de ser casual.Recibe el nombre de " Elegía amatoria " la poesía compuesta en metro elegíaco sobre temas de amor y escrita en los últimos treinta años a.C. durante el principado de Augusto. Las elegías suelen tener una extensión que oscila entre los veinte y los cien versos y sus temas giran alrededor de unos personajes y de unas situaciones tópicas. Los personajes son el enamorado, que puede ser el poeta mismo, y la amada, a la que el poeta le asigna un nombre poético, y que es hermosa, atractiva, inteligente y culta. Pero también es desleal, voluble y muy interesada. A los dos libros de elegías auténticamente tibulianas le sigue en la tradición manuscrit
Siglo XXI de España Editores, S.A. Introduccin a la economa poltica
En noviembre de 1906 el Partido Socialdemócrata alemán inauguró en Berlín una Escuela Central para la formación de sus cuadros. En esta Escuela dictaron sus cursos la mayoría de los marxistas más destacados editores de la época. Hilferding, Mehring y Pannekoek estuvieron entre sus profesores. A partir de octubre de 1907 Rosa Luxemburgo enseñó a economía política e historia económica, y desde 1911 dictó además un curso sobre historia del socialismo.Desde 1908 Rosa Luxemburgo proyectaba la edición de sus conferencias en la Escuela Central; sin embargo, la elaboración de su principal obra "La acumulación del capital" y su activa participación en la lucha política la privó del tiempo necesario para realizar este trabajo. Sólo durante el período de su prisión en Wronke, en 1916-1917, dispuso Rosa Luxemburgo forzosamente del tiempo necesario para elaborar sus notas de clase y dar forma a los manuscritos de la "Introducción a la economía política". Nunca llegó a terminar completamente su o
El silencio
Domingo de la Super Bowl. Año 2022. Cinco amigos han quedado para cenar en un apartamento en Manhattan. Una profesora de Física jubilada, su esposo y su exalumno esperan a la pareja que se unirá a ellos tras un accidentado vuelo desde París. La conversación abarca desde las apuestas deportivas hasta el bourbon y el manuscrito de 1912 de Einstein sobre la teoría de la relatividad. De pronto, un apagón deja al mundo a oscuras y las conexiones digitales que han marcado nuestras vidas se cortan.Don DeLillo completó esta novela pocas semanas antes del advenimiento de la Covid-19. El silencio es la historia de una catástrofe diferente y una vuelta de tuerca al poshumanismo como tema central de su obra: si ya habíamos asimilado la tecnología como una parte esencial del ser humano, qué queda de nosotros, de nuestra identidad, si nos vemos obligados a renunciar a ella?Desde el asesinato de Kennedy hasta el 11-S, DeLillo ha sabido reflejar en sus novelas los hechos que han marcado c
Katz Editores / Katz Barpal S.L. La mano del autor y el espíritu del impresor siglos XVIXVIII
En la temprana modernidad europea, los primeros lectores de un libro no eran quienes lo compraban: era los escribas que copiaban el manuscrito del autor o del traductor, los censores que lo autorizaban, el editor que decidía poner ese título en su catálogo, los revisores que preparaban el texto para la imprenta, lo dividían en capítulos o secciones y le añadían la puntuación, los cajistas que componían las páginas, los lectores de pruebas que lo corregían. La mano del autor no podía ser separada del espíritu del impresor.Este libro está dedicado al proceso de publicación de las obras que dan el marco a las representaciones que los lectores se hacen del pasado o del mundo. Relacionando historia cultural, crítica textual y estudios bibliográficos, y analizando obras canónicas como Don Quijote de Cervantes o las obras de Shakespeare o textos menos conocidos, Chartier identifica las discontinuidades fundamentales que transformaron la circulación de la palabra escrita entre la invención
Fordham University Press Thaw
Julie Sheehan’s Thaw is the second winner of the annual Poets Out Loud Prize for a book of poetry published each year by Fordham University Press in coordination with Fordham's Poets Out Loud program. Marie Ponsot, the judge for the 2000 Prize, chose Thaw from among nearly 500 manuscripts entered by poets from around the world. Her introduction is included in the volume. The landscape of Thaw is America but the vast field of language is bravely Shakespearian. Sheehan's poems roil through catalpa, maurade through familial and domestic brakes, and, ultimately, brim to the top of the old earthen pot. Everywhere the poems remind that the endless—were we truly able to grasp it—would astonish. Each poem celebrates the ingredients, practice, and serving up of the fugitive mortal banquet, from pudding to bone.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NET Bible, Single-Column Reference, Leathersoft, Black, Comfort Print: Holy Bible
The NET Bible, Single-column Reference Edition, presents the Bible text in a stunning, line-matched single-column format, with extensive cross-references in the roomy margins. Featuring the New English Translation—the newest translation of the biblical languages into English, based on the most up-to-date manuscript discoveries and research—this cross-reference edition of the NET Bible is ideal for students, teachers, and lay-readers alike. Features include: Complete text of the transparent and accurate New English Translation Extensive set of cross-references help reveal the connections within Scripture Abbreviated set of NET translators’ notes (complete set of more than 60,000 notes freely available online at Durable Smyth-sewn binding lays flat in your hand or on your desk Full-color maps Thomas Nelson's NET Comfort Print® 8-point typeface
Thomas Nelson Publishers NET Bible, Thinline, Leathersoft, Black, Comfort Print: Holy Bible
The NET Thinline Bible is ready to go when you are. Easy to carry and thin enough to tuck into a backpack, briefcase, or purse, this portable edition of the Holy Bible remains exceptionally readable, thanks to Thomas Nelson’s exclusive NET Comfort Print® typeface.Featuring the New English Translation—the newest translation of the biblical languages into English, based on the most up-to-date manuscript discoveries and research—the NET Thinline is a Bible you can bring along, wherever your day takes you.Features include: Complete text of the transparent and accurate New English Translation Abbreviated set of NET translators’ notes Lightweight for easy travel Durable Smyth-sewn binding lays flat in your hand or on your desk Full-color maps 8.75-point print size in Thomas Nelson NET Comfort Print® typeface
Random House USA Inc Who By Fire
“An expedition into the troubled soul of one of the world’s greatest songwriters.”—Haaretz “A fascinating and intense account of Leonard Cohen’s time in Israel during the 19-day Yom Kippur War of 1973. A must for any Leonard Cohen completist.”—Suzanne VegaA Vanity Fair Best Book of 2022 * Mosaic Magazine Best Book of 2022The untold story of Leonard Cohen’s concert tour to the front lines of the Yom Kippur War, including never-before-seen selections from an unfinished manuscript by Cohen and rare photographsIn October 1973, the poet and singer Leonard Cohen—thirty-nine years old, famous, unhappy, and at a creative dead end—traveled to the chaos and bloodshed of the Sinai desert when Egypt attacked Israel on the Jewish high holiday of Yom Kippur. Moving around the front with a group of local musicians, Cohen sang for hun
Henry Bradshaw Society Two Anglo-Saxon Pontificals (the Egbert and Sidney Sussex Pontificals)
The Egbert Pontifical (Paris, BN lat. 10575) and the Sidney Sussex Pontifical (Cambridge, Sidney Sussex College 100) cast light on the English church in the 10th century. This book presents editions of two of the best known Anglo-Saxon pontificals, the so-called `Egbert Pontifical' (Paris, BN lat. 10575) and the `Sidney Sussex Pontifical' (Cambridge, Sidney Sussex College 100). The pontifical was abishop's book which contained the various ceremonies which ony a bishop could perform: consecration of a church or cemetary, consecration of all orders of clergy and of abbots and abbesses, and the coronation of a king. The various pontifical services in these two manuscripts, therefore, help to illustrate the nature of these solemn ceremonies in Anglo-Saxon England, and are a valuable index of the state of the English chuch in the 10th century.
Scala Arts & Heritage Publishers Ltd Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh: Director's Choice
The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh is one of Scotland's most visited tourist attractions and has been cultivating and studying plants for over three centuries. Across its four garden sites, the Royal Botanic Garden's living plant collection contains over 13,500 species from 156 countries, including some that are extinct in the wild and others new to science. The ever-growing Herbarium currently contains over three million dried specimens and the Library houses Scotland's national collection of botanical and horticultural literature, including manuscripts dating back to the fifteenth century. The highlights illustrated in this book provide a personal insight into one of the world's greatest botanic gardens and reveals the invaluable contribution that it makes to the ongoing documentation and conservation of the world's diverse plant life.
WW Norton & Co Catnip: A Love Story
With the imagination of a writer and the eye of an artist, Michael Korda doodled on the backs of old manuscripts in his tackroom while his wife, Margaret, was out riding. They loved and acquired cats—a habit written about previously in their book, Cat People—and the few in residence at this time would serve as inspiration for the drawings. These are no ordinary cat illustrations, though. Korda’s cats read newspapers and books; go ice skating in the small country town where they live; comfort Margaret’s horse, Monty, after a stressful vet visit; sell fried mice at the Farmer’s Market, and undertake (on paper, at least) whatever fanciful endeavours their keeper conjures up. The result is a collection of magical pieces, filled with joy, that represent a year in the life of a couple in love with one another, and certainly with their cats.
University of Wales Press Le Bone Florence of Rome: A Critical Edition and Facing Translation of a Middle English Romance Analogous to Chaucer’s Man of Law’s Tale
Le Bone Florence of Rome is a Middle English tail-rhyme romance whose unique copy dates to the late fifteenth century. An analogue of Chaucer’s Man of Law’s Tale, it follows the adventures of a heroine who survives multiple exiles, sexual harassments and false accusations. At the same time, it explores such issues as the abuse of power, the stakes of global conflict, women’s place in society and their control over their destiny, all of which are treated in significantly different ways from the Constance story and other medieval tales of calumniated women. This fresh edition is accompanied by a complete line-by-line translation, which makes this text accessible to readers at all levels. Its introduction offers a comprehensive analysis of the themes, ideologies and literary relationships of the romance, together with new insights into its local connections and a detailed description of its manuscript context.
University of Wales Press Le Bone Florence of Rome: A Critical Edition and Facing Translation of a Middle English Romance Analogous to Chaucer’s Man of Law’s Tale
Le Bone Florence of Rome is a Middle English tail-rhyme romance whose unique copy dates to the late fifteenth century. An analogue of Chaucer’s Man of Law’s Tale, it follows the adventures of a heroine who survives multiple exiles, sexual harassments and false accusations. At the same time, it explores such issues as the abuse of power, the stakes of global conflict, women’s place in society and their control over their destiny, all of which are treated in significantly different ways from the Constance story and other medieval tales of calumniated women. This fresh edition is accompanied by a complete line-by-line translation, which makes this text accessible to readers at all levels. Its introduction offers a comprehensive analysis of the themes, ideologies and literary relationships of the romance, together with new insights into its local connections and a detailed description of its manuscript context.
Medieval Institute Publications The Miracle of Theophilus by Gautier de Coinci
The legend of Theophilus is a widely disseminated medieval miracle story. A good man gives in to Vain Glory, sells his soul to the Devil, has a terrible crisis of conscience, and is saved by the Virgin. The story is translated into most European languages and appears in stained glass, sculpture, and manuscripts. Gautier de Coinci writes the longest version of the legend; its colourful details reveal the medieval period's deep fear of hell and the Devil and its high hopes in the Virgin and the Church. Gautier de Coinci (1177–1236) was a French abbot and musical arranger, chiefly known for his devotion to the Virgin Mary. This is the first English translation of Gautier de Coinci's pre-Faustian version of the legend of Theophilus. It is presented in a facing-page translation with the original Old French, along with a full introduction and notes.
Museum of Fine Arts,Boston Ink Silk & Gold: Islamic Art from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Ink, Silk, and Gold explores the dynamic and complex traditions of Islamic art through more than 115 major works in a dazzling array of media, reproduced in full color and exquisite detail – manuscripts inscribed with gold, paintings on silk, elaborate metalwork, intricately woven textiles, luster-painted ceramics, and more. These objects, which originated within an Islamic world that ranges from Western Europe to Indonesia and across more than thirteen centuries, share a distinctive relationship to the materials they are made of: their color, shape, texture, and technique of production all convey meaning. Enhanced by texts from an international team of scholars and drawing on the latest technical information, Ink, Silk, and Gold is an inviting introduction to the riches of the Islamic art collection at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and a window into a vibrant global culture.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Developing Internal Energy for Effective Acupuncture Practice: Zhan Zhuang, Yi Qi Gong and the Art of Painless Needle Insertion
Drawing on ancient Chinese knowledge and tradition, this book teaches practitioners of acupuncture how to develop their internal energy and sensitivity to energy in order to improve their practice.Understanding and working with energy flow is essential to becoming a good acupuncturist and regular qigong practice helps the acupuncturist to direct energy flow within the patient more accurately and effectively. This book presents a complete training regime for Western acupuncturists and features qigong exercises dating back centuries. With images from the original manuscripts and the Chinese text alongside an English translation and commentary, Western readers are introduced to unique exercises and internal cultivation texts in a truly authentic way.This book provides essential internal training for acupuncture practitioners and students and will be of interest to a wide array of martial arts and traditional Chinese medicine practitioners.
Faber & Faber The Bell Jar
I was supposed to be having the time of my life.When Esther Greenwood wins an internship on a New York fashion magazine in 1953, she is elated, believing she will finally realise her dream to become a writer. But in between the cocktail parties and piles of manuscripts, Esther's life begins to slide out of control. She finds herself spiralling into depression and eventually a suicide attempt, as she grapples with difficult relationships and a society which refuses to take women's aspirations seriously.The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath's only novel, was originally published in 1963 under the pseudonym Victoria Lucas. The novel is partially based on Plath's own life and has become a modern classic. The Bell Jar has been celebrated for its darkly funny and a razor sharp portrait of 1950s society and has sold millions of copies worldwide.
University of California Press Garland of Visions: Color, Tantra, and a Material History of Indian Painting
Garland of Visions explores the generative relationships between artistic intelligence and tantric vision practices in the construction and circulation of visual knowledge in medieval South Asia. Shifting away from the traditional connoisseur approach, Jinah Kim instead focuses on the materiality of painting: its mediums, its visions, and especially its colors. She argues that the adoption of a special type of manuscript called pothi enabled the material translation of a private and internal experience of "seeing" into a portable device. These mobile and intimate objects then became important conveyors of many forms of knowledge—ritual, artistic, social, scientific, and religious—and spurred the spread of visual knowledge of Indic Buddhism to distant lands. By taking color as the material link between a vision and its artistic output, Garland of Visions presents a fresh approach to the history of Indian painting.
North Star Press of Saint Cloud Inc Pages: Distant Hearts, Different Worlds
It was by accident that Minneapolis radio personality Jack Kramp wrote his way into the life of Lisa Lisignoli, a book editor in New York. Struggling with the sudden loss of his wife and left to raise his three children, Jack is on the edge of depression while fighting early stages of alcoholism. His long nights of insomnia and drinking drive him to write a manuscript that is accepted by Lisa's publisher in New York. However, Lisa disdains the low level assignment of editing Jack's book and her problem is compounded by the fact she deeply dislikes Midwesterners. Summoned to New York for two weeks of editing, Jack quickly discovers he and Lisa have absolutely nothing in common and he quickly finds himself in an unfamiliar world of uncertainty and hidden dangers. While Lisa is haunted by an unsolved murder case, Jack inadvertently stumbles on a sinister kidnapping plot that places both of them in grave danger. With their diverse personalities, Lisa and Jack are forced to struggle independently to bring order, sensibility and resolution to their unpredictable relationship. Jack's easy-going charm, jaded wit and soft-spoken quips are in direct contrast to Lisa's hard-core personality, vehement determination and her unfulfilled dream. Together, they unravel the mysteries of their outside worlds, as well as those within themselves. Tender moments, startling humor, plus fast-paced action from a host of characters are delicately woven into an intriguing, passionate and unexpected adventure.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NET Bible, Full-notes Edition, Leathersoft, Teal, Thumb Indexed, Comfort Print: Holy Bible
The most translator notes in any Bible to help you clearly understand how the Bible was translated. Ever feel lost in translation? With the NET Full-notes Edition of the Holy Bible, you don’t need to be. Modern readers can find it challenging to connect with the ancient words and cultural contexts of the biblical writers. The NET offers a completely new solution: pairing a readable, everyday English translation with the largest set of translators’ notes ever created for a Bible. The NET’s 60,000 notes bring complete transparency to every major translation decision and invite you to look over the translators’ shoulders, allowing you to come to your own understanding of the Scriptures. It is an indispensable resource for every Bible reader.Trusted by Bible readers worldwide, The NET Full Notes has been recognized with the ECPA Bronze Award for selling over 100,000 copies.Features include: The newest complete English translation based on the most up-to-date manuscript discoveries and scholarship A translation that explains itself—over 60,000 translators’ notes offer unprecedented transparency Durable Smyth-sewn binding lays flat in your hand or on your desk Full-color maps show the layout of Israel and other biblical locations for better context Ribbon markers for you to easily navigate and keep track of where you were reading Easy-to-read 8.75-point NET Comfort Print
Penguin Putnam Inc Love, Lucy
THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERThe one and only autobiography by the iconic Lucille Ball, hailed by TV Guide as the “#1 Greatest TV Star of All Time.”Love, Lucy is the valentine Lucille Ball left for her fans—a warm, wise, and witty memoir written by Lucy herself. The legendary star of the classic sitcom I Love Lucy was at the pinnacle of her success when she sat down to record the story of her life. No comedienne had made America laugh so hard, no television actress had made the leap from radio and B movies to become one of the world's best-loved performers. This is her story—in her own words.The story of the ingenue from Jamestown, New York, determined to go to Broadway, destined to make a big splash, bound to marry her Valentino, Desi Arnaz. In her own inimitable style, she tells of their life together—both storybook and turbulent; intimate memories of their children and friends; wonderful backstage anecdotes; the empire they founded; the dissolution of their marriage. And, with a heartfelt happy ending, her enduring marriage to Gary Morton.Here is the lost manuscript that her fans and loved ones will treasure. Here is the laughter. Here is the life. Here’s Lucy...“The comic actress in her own words...intensley moving.”—San Francisco Chronicle“Filled with light and laughter.”—New York Times Book Review
Oxford University Press Inc Schoenberg's Models for Beginners in Composition
Originally published in 1943, Models for Beginners in Composition represents one of Arnold Schoenberg's earliest attempts at reaching a broad American audience through his pedagogical ideas. The novelty of this book was its streamlined approach, basing all aspects of composition including motivic design, harmony, and the construction of themes on the two-measure phrase. This newly revised edition by Gordon Root incorporates many of Schoenberg's corrections to the original manuscript. It also includes a significant commentary elucidating the evolution of Schoenberg's pedagogical approach. In its function as a practical manual for the American classroom, Models for Beginners in Composition is unique among Schoenberg's texts. The current Commentary explores Schoenberg's experience as a teacher at UCLA while tracing the development of the two-measure phrase as the main component of his pedagogical method. It demonstrates the way in which Schoenberg simultaneously preserved and adapted European ideas about tonal theory and pedagogy when he came to America, a give and take that allowed for increased theoretical originality and scope. Models for Beginners in Composition established the two-measure phrase as one of the most significant of Schoenberg's contributions to American music education. This new edition, with Schoenberg's corrections and newly added commentary, allows readers to utilize and explore the text in greater depth. Students of composition, Schoenberg scholars, music theorists, and historians of music theory alike will no doubt welcome this new edition.
Quercus Publishing The Conversion
One night, two men waving guns and knives break and enter their Paris hotel room, terrorizing Russell and his much older companion, a famous American poet named Edward Cannon. The intruders, not finding what they seemingly expected, leave without further incident. But the baffling, traumatic events overwhelm Cannon who dies in his sleep later that night. Now Russell is left to ponder the meaning of the attack, what to do with the poet's unfinished, problematic memoir and, perhaps most importantly, how to reconstruct and move forward with his own life.Hearing of the disturbing circumstances of Cannon's death, an Italian writer, Marina Vezzoli, invites Russell to recuperate at her villa in Tuscany. But what at first seems like a generous invitation slowly reveals itself to be a calculated offer. As Russell's stay in Italy lengthens, he begins to realize that the people in his life are using or manipulating him, most of all the poet's New York publishers who, against the dying poet's wishes, are trying to acquire his unfinished manuscript. Looming over everything is the long and fascinating legacy of Villa Guidi, where during Word War II a Jewish family hid in the subterranean floors, later undergoing a conversion to Catholicism. In an echo of this dramatic history, Russell is forced to undergo a conversion of his own in order to find redemption and meaning in his life.
University of Minnesota Press Middlebrow Queer: Christopher Isherwood in America
How could one write about gay life for the mainstream public in Cold War America? Many midcentury gay American writers, hampered by external and internal censors, never managed to do it. But Christopher Isherwood did, and what makes his accomplishment more remarkable is that while he was negotiating his identity as a gay writer, he was reinventing himself as an American one. Jaime Harker shows that Isherwood refashioned himself as an American writer following his emigration from England by immersing himself in the gay reading, writing, and publishing communities in Cold War America. Drawing extensively on Isherwood’s archives, including manuscript drafts and unpublished correspondence with readers, publishers, and other writers, Middlebrow Queer demonstrates how Isherwood mainstreamed gay content for heterosexual readers in his postwar novels while also covertly writing for gay audiences and encouraging a symbiotic relationship between writer and reader. The result—in such novels as The World in the Evening, Down There on a Visit, A Single Man, and A Meeting by the River—was a complex, layered form of writing that Harker calls “middlebrow camp,” a mode that extended the boundaries of both gay and middlebrow fiction.Weaving together biography, history, and literary criticism, Middlebrow Queer traces the continuous evolution of Isherwood’s simultaneously queer and American postwar authorial identity. In doing so, the book illuminates many aspects of Cold War America’s gay print cultures, from gay protest novels to “out” pulp fiction.
University of Minnesota Press The Insect and the Image: Visualizing Nature in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1700
Once considered marginal members of the animal world (at best) or vile and offensive creatures (at worst), insects saw a remarkable uptick in their status during the early Renaissance. This quickened interest was primarily manifested in visual images—in illuminated manuscripts, still life paintings, the decorative arts, embroidery, textile design, and cabinets of curiosity. In The Insect and the Image, Janice Neri explores the ways in which such imagery defined the insect as a proper subject of study for Europeans of the early modern period.It was not until the sixteenth century that insects began to appear as the sole focus of paintings and drawings—as isolated objects, or specimens, against a blank background. The artists and other image makers Neri discusses deployed this “specimen logic” and so associated themselves with a mode of picturing in which the ability to create a highly detailed image was a sign of artistic talent and a keenly observant eye. The Insect and the Image shows how specimen logic both reflected and advanced a particular understanding of the natural world—an understanding that, in turn, supported the commodification of nature that was central to global trade and commerce during the early modern era. Revealing how sixteenth- and seventeenth-century artists and image makers shaped ideas of the natural world, Neri’s work enhances our knowledge of the convergence of art, science, and commerce today.
University of Pennsylvania Press Recipes for Thought: Knowledge and Taste in the Early Modern English Kitchen
For a significant part of the early modern period, England was the most active site of recipe publication in Europe and the only country in which recipes were explicitly addressed to housewives. Recipes for Thought analyzes, for the first time, the full range of English manuscript and printed recipe collections produced over the course of two centuries. Recipes reveal much more than the history of puddings and pies: they expose the unexpectedly therapeutic, literate, and experimental culture of the English kitchen. Wendy Wall explores ways that recipe writing—like poetry and artisanal culture—wrestled with the physical and metaphysical puzzles at the center of both traditional humanistic and emerging "scientific" cultures. Drawing on the works of Shakespeare, Spenser, Jonson, and others to interpret a reputedly "unlearned" form of literature, she demonstrates that people from across the social spectrum concocted poetic exercises of wit, experimented with unusual and sometimes edible forms of literacy, and tested theories of knowledge as they wrote about healing and baking. Recipe exchange, we discover, invited early modern housewives to contemplate the complex components of being a Renaissance "maker" and thus to reflect on lofty concepts such as figuration, natural philosophy, national identity, status, mortality, memory, epistemology, truth-telling, and matter itself. Kitchen work, recipes tell us, engaged vital creative and intellectual labors.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV, Value Thinline Bible, Large Print, Charcoal Leathersoft, Red Letter, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, New King James Version
A balance of being both easy-to-read and easy-to-carry, this Bible is an ideal choice to take with you wherever you go.This edition is published in large NKJV Comfort Print type, which was designed exclusively for Thomas Nelson to be the most readable at any size.The go-anywhere New King James Version Bible, lightweight and portable, now with the enhanced readability of Thomas Nelson’s custom NKJV font in large print. That’s the NKJV Value Thinline Large Print Bible, and it’s the Bible you’ll want to take with you throughout your day. Featuring the popular and reliable text of the New King James Version in a variety of compelling cover designs, you will enjoy the beautiful new layout, helpful reading plan, and words of Christ in red.Features Include: Line-matched classic 2-column format Presentation page to personalize this special gift by recording a memory or a note Words of Christ in red help you quickly identify Jesus’ teachings and statements Translation notes provide a look into the thinking of the translators with alternative translations that could have been used and textual notes about manuscript variations Reading plan guiding you through the entire Bible in a year Ribbon markers for you to easily navigate and keep track of where you were reading Durable and flexible Smyth-sewn binding for years of use Easy-to-read 10.5-point NKJV Comfort Print
Harvard University Press Europe’s India: Words, People, Empires, 1500–1800
When Portuguese explorers first rounded the Cape of Good Hope and arrived in the subcontinent in the late fifteenth century, Europeans had little direct knowledge of India. The maritime passage opened new opportunities for exchange of goods as well as ideas. Traders were joined by ambassadors, missionaries, soldiers, and scholars from Portugal, England, Holland, France, Italy, and Germany, all hoping to learn about India for reasons as varied as their particular nationalities and professions. In the following centuries they produced a body of knowledge about India that significantly shaped European thought.Europe’s India tracks Europeans’ changing ideas of India over the entire early modern period. Sanjay Subrahmanyam brings his expertise and erudition to bear in exploring the connection between European representations of India and the fascination with collecting Indian texts and objects that took root in the sixteenth century. European notions of India’s history, geography, politics, and religion were strongly shaped by the manuscripts, paintings, and artifacts—both precious and prosaic—that found their way into Western hands.Subrahmanyam rejects the opposition between “true” knowledge of India and the self-serving fantasies of European Orientalists. Instead, he shows how knowledge must always be understood in relation to the concrete circumstances of its production. Europe’s India is as much about how the East came to be understood by the West as it is about how India shaped Europe’s ideas concerning art, language, religion, and commerce.
Taylor & Francis Ltd David Hume and Adam Smith: A Japanese Perspective
This book brings together a significant body of work by Tatsuya Sakamoto, a leading Japanesescholar of the history of social and economic thought, showcasing his major contributions to the study of David Hume, Adam Smith, and the Scottish Enlightenment. One of Sakamoto's persistent interests is in both philosophy and economics, which is of much importance for Hume scholars. Many "Humeans" has been interested in Hume's economic thought, although the latter has often been discussed separately from his philosophy. Sakamoto has attempted to grasp Hume’s social philosophy under the concept of "Hume's philosophical economics" or his "system of manners". Sakamoto has also contributed to Hume's biographical research, such as the dating of Hume's manuscript and the discovery of an additional proof of his anonymous review of Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments. Sakamoto's extensive knowledge and interest covers Adam Smith as well as Francis Hutcheson, with special focus on the genesis of economics and the development of moral theory in the Scottish Enlightenment. Also, Sakamoto has exhibited his lifelong interest in the intersection between the West and the East in modern intellectual history and the final section of the book explores how Smith's ideas have influenced Japanese intellectuals since the early Meiji period.This book will be of great interest to scholars and students of the history of economic thought, Hume studies, and intellectual history more broadly.
University of Illinois Press Woody Guthrie, American Radical
Woody Guthrie, American Radical reclaims the politically radical profile of America's greatest balladeer. Although he achieved a host of national honors and adorns U.S. postage stamps, and although his song "This Land Is Your Land" is often considered the nation's second national anthem, Woody Guthrie committed his life to the radical struggle. Will Kaufman traces Guthrie's political awakening and activism throughout the Great Depression, World War II, the Cold War, the Korean War, the Civil Rights struggle, and the poison of McCarthyism. He examines Guthrie's role in the development of a workers' culture in the context of radical activism spearheaded by the Communist Party of the USA, the Popular Front, and the Congress of Industrial Organizations. Kaufman also establishes Guthrie's significance in the perpetuation of cultural front objectives into the era of the "New Left" and beyond, particularly through his influence on the American and international protest song movement. Utilizing a wealth of previously unseen archival materials such as letters, song lyrics, essays, personal reflections, photos, and other manuscripts, Woody Guthrie, American Radical introduces a heretofore unknown Woody Guthrie: the canny political strategist, fitful thinker, and cultural front activist practically buried in the general public's romantic celebration of the "Dust Bowl Troubadour." A portion of the royalties from the sales of this book will be donated to the Woody Guthrie Foundation.
Columbia University Press The Global Construction of Gender: Home-Based Work in the Political Economy of the 20th Century
Gender constructions do not stop at state boundaries. Global understandings of masculinity and femininity can emerge out of the matrix of international politics. Proposing an innovative conception of global politics by de-emphasizing state actors and instead analyzing competing transnational discourses, The Global Construction of Gender focuses specifically on people who work at home for pay. Prugl explores the debates and rhetoric surrounding home-based workers that have taken place in global movements and multilateral organizations since the early 1900s in order to trace changing conceptions of gender over the course of this century. As Prugl relates, home-based workers, both urban and rural, engage in a broad array of activities: they "sew garments, embroider, make lace, roll cigarettes, weave carpets, peel shrimp, prepare food, polish plastic, process insurance claims, edit manuscripts, and assemble artificial flowers, umbrellas, and jewelry." These (mostly female) workers are widely recognized as underpaid and exploited. In investigating their plight, Prugl describes the rules that have separated home and work and, in the process, created a diverse array of distinctly gendered identities, including that of the working mother as a social problem, the wage-earning worker as a male breadwinner, the crafts-producing woman as the symbol of Third World nationhood, the woman micro-entrepreneur as the heroine of structural adjustment, and the new androgynous home-based consultant/freelancer/teleworker as the exemplary worker of a flexibly organized global economy.
The University of Chicago Press Practical Cues and Social Spectacle in the Chester Plays
Amid the crowded streets of Chester, guild players portraying biblical characters performed on colorful mobile stages hoping to draw the attention of fellow townspeople. In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, these Chester plays employed flamboyant live performance to adapt biblical narratives. But the original format of these fascinating performances remains cloudy, as surviving records of these plays are sparse, and the manuscripts were only written down a generation after they stopped. Revealing a vibrant set of social practices encoded in the Chester plays, Matthew Sergi provides a new methodology for reading them and a transformative look at medieval English drama. Carefully combing through the plays, Sergi seeks out cues in the dialogues that reveal information about the original staging, design, and acting. These "practical cues," as he calls them, have gone largely unnoticed by drama scholars, who have focused on the ideology and historical contexts of these plays, rather than the methods, mechanics, and structures of the actual performances. Drawing on his experience as an actor and director, he combines close readings of these texts with fragments of records, revealing a new way to understand how the Chester plays brought biblical narratives to spectators in the noisy streets. For Sergi, plays that once appeared only as dry religious dramas come to life as raucous participatory spectacles filled with humor, camp, and devotion.
Simon & Schuster The Woman Beyond the Attic: The V.C. Andrews Story
**Nominated for an Edgar Award for Best Critical/Biography**This celebration of the woman who took us to the heights of a secluded attic and the depths of our own dark psyches reveals an intimate portrait of the famously private V.C. Andrews—featuring family photos, personal letters, a partial manuscript for an unpublished novel, and more. Best known for her internationally, multi-million-copy bestselling novel Flowers in the Attic, Cleo Virginia Andrews lived a fascinating life. Born to modest means, she came of age in the American South during the Great Depression and faced a series of increasingly challenging health issues. Yet, once she rose to international literary fame, she prided herself on her intense privacy. Now, The Woman Beyond the Attic aims to connect her personal life with the public novels for which she was famous. Based on Virginia’s own letters, and interviews with her dearest family members, her long-term ghostwriter Andrew Neiderman tells Virginia’s full story for the first time.The Woman Beyond the Attic is perfect for V.C. Andrews fans who pick up every new novel or for fans hoping to return to the favorite novelist of their adolescence. Eye-opening and intimate, The Woman Beyond the Attic is for anyone hoping to learn more about the enigmatic woman behind one of the most important novels of the 20th century.