Search results for ""author manus"
St Martin's Press The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion with No Name
The world’s biggest religion has a problem. There is zero archaeological evidence for the original Eucharist – the sacred wine said to guarantee life after death for those who drink the blood of Jesus. The Holy Grail and and its miraculous contents have never been found. In the absence of any hard data, whatever happened at the Last Supper remains a mystery for today’s 2.5 billion faithful. The Immortality Key attempts to crack the best-kept secret in history by examining the archaic roots of the ritual that is performed every Sunday for nearly one third of the planet. Two thousand years in the making, religion and science converge to paint a radical picture of Christianity’s founding event. In the tradition of David Grann's Killers of the Flower Moon and Douglas Preston's The Lost City of the Monkey God, Muraresku takes the reader on his twelve-year global hunt for proof. He gains access to the hidden collections of the Louvre Museum to show the continuity from pagan to Christian wine. He spelunks into the catacombs under the streets of Rome to decipher the lost symbols of Christianity’s oldest monuments. He breaches the secret archives of the Vatican to unearth manuscripts never before translated into English. And with leads from elite archaeological chemists, he unveils the first scientific data for the ritual use of psychedelic drugs in classical antiquity.
The University of Chicago Press The Experimental Fire: Inventing English Alchemy, 1300–1700
A 400-year history of the development of alchemy in England that brings to light the evolution of the practice. In medieval and early modern Europe, the practice of alchemy promised extraordinary physical transformations. Who would not be amazed to see base metals turned into silver and gold, hard iron into soft water, and deadly poison into elixirs that could heal the human body? To defend such claims, alchemists turned to the past, scouring ancient books for evidence of a lost alchemical heritage and seeking to translate their secret language and obscure imagery into replicable, practical effects. Tracing the development of alchemy in England over four hundred years, from the beginning of the fourteenth century to the end of the seventeenth, Jennifer M. Rampling illuminates the role of alchemical reading and experimental practice in the broader context of national and scientific history. Using new manuscript sources, she shows how practitioners like George Ripley, John Dee, and Edward Kelley, as well as many previously unknown alchemists, devised new practical approaches to alchemy while seeking the support of English monarchs. By reconstructing their alchemical ideas, practices, and disputes, Rampling reveals how English alchemy was continually reinvented over the space of four centuries, resulting in changes to the science itself. In so doing, The Experimental Fire bridges the intellectual history of chemistry and the wider worlds of early modern patronage, medicine, and science.
Peeters Publishers Hac Nocte in Aeternum Diem Renascentes Populi Procreantur: Christian Initiation and the Easter Vigil in the Missale Gothicum
The “Missale gothicum” (c.690-710) is arguably the most important manuscript witness in which the Exultet survives in its original Gallican context. Its Easter Vigil formulary contains, next to the Exultet, a Eucharistic “immolacio” closely related to the Exultet in structure and content, as well as several other prayers for the rites of light, initiation, and the Eucharist. It is shown that, while Exultet and immolacio reflect an identity of Easter Night as privileged night of initiation, the formularies for initiation seem to reflect an earlier practice of baptism during Epiphany. It is argued that Exultet and immolacio go back to a common predecessor (a paschal homily) that partially originated because the introduction of paschal baptism in fourth century Gaul made it necessary to reinterpret Christian initiation in light of the paschal events and to create a coherent theological understanding of the meaning of Easter Night as privileged night of initiation.
Ediciones Cátedra Elegías amatorias
Tibulo fue el poeta elegíaco preferido en la Roma de su tiempo y en el siglo posterior. " Caballero romano de Gabios, célebre por su hermosura y distinguido por el cuidado de su aspecto " , fue descrito en la antigüedad como un poeta " cultus, tersus y elegans " . Y esa admiración tan generalizada por su forma de escribir no debió de ser casual.Recibe el nombre de " Elegía amatoria " la poesía compuesta en metro elegíaco sobre temas de amor y escrita en los últimos treinta años a.C. durante el principado de Augusto. Las elegías suelen tener una extensión que oscila entre los veinte y los cien versos y sus temas giran alrededor de unos personajes y de unas situaciones tópicas. Los personajes son el enamorado, que puede ser el poeta mismo, y la amada, a la que el poeta le asigna un nombre poético, y que es hermosa, atractiva, inteligente y culta. Pero también es desleal, voluble y muy interesada. A los dos libros de elegías auténticamente tibulianas le sigue en la tradición manuscrit
Siglo XXI de España Editores, S.A. Introduccin a la economa poltica
En noviembre de 1906 el Partido Socialdemócrata alemán inauguró en Berlín una Escuela Central para la formación de sus cuadros. En esta Escuela dictaron sus cursos la mayoría de los marxistas más destacados editores de la época. Hilferding, Mehring y Pannekoek estuvieron entre sus profesores. A partir de octubre de 1907 Rosa Luxemburgo enseñó a economía política e historia económica, y desde 1911 dictó además un curso sobre historia del socialismo.Desde 1908 Rosa Luxemburgo proyectaba la edición de sus conferencias en la Escuela Central; sin embargo, la elaboración de su principal obra "La acumulación del capital" y su activa participación en la lucha política la privó del tiempo necesario para realizar este trabajo. Sólo durante el período de su prisión en Wronke, en 1916-1917, dispuso Rosa Luxemburgo forzosamente del tiempo necesario para elaborar sus notas de clase y dar forma a los manuscritos de la "Introducción a la economía política". Nunca llegó a terminar completamente su o
El silencio
Domingo de la Super Bowl. Año 2022. Cinco amigos han quedado para cenar en un apartamento en Manhattan. Una profesora de Física jubilada, su esposo y su exalumno esperan a la pareja que se unirá a ellos tras un accidentado vuelo desde París. La conversación abarca desde las apuestas deportivas hasta el bourbon y el manuscrito de 1912 de Einstein sobre la teoría de la relatividad. De pronto, un apagón deja al mundo a oscuras y las conexiones digitales que han marcado nuestras vidas se cortan.Don DeLillo completó esta novela pocas semanas antes del advenimiento de la Covid-19. El silencio es la historia de una catástrofe diferente y una vuelta de tuerca al poshumanismo como tema central de su obra: si ya habíamos asimilado la tecnología como una parte esencial del ser humano, qué queda de nosotros, de nuestra identidad, si nos vemos obligados a renunciar a ella?Desde el asesinato de Kennedy hasta el 11-S, DeLillo ha sabido reflejar en sus novelas los hechos que han marcado c
Katz Editores / Katz Barpal S.L. La mano del autor y el espíritu del impresor siglos XVIXVIII
En la temprana modernidad europea, los primeros lectores de un libro no eran quienes lo compraban: era los escribas que copiaban el manuscrito del autor o del traductor, los censores que lo autorizaban, el editor que decidía poner ese título en su catálogo, los revisores que preparaban el texto para la imprenta, lo dividían en capítulos o secciones y le añadían la puntuación, los cajistas que componían las páginas, los lectores de pruebas que lo corregían. La mano del autor no podía ser separada del espíritu del impresor.Este libro está dedicado al proceso de publicación de las obras que dan el marco a las representaciones que los lectores se hacen del pasado o del mundo. Relacionando historia cultural, crítica textual y estudios bibliográficos, y analizando obras canónicas como Don Quijote de Cervantes o las obras de Shakespeare o textos menos conocidos, Chartier identifica las discontinuidades fundamentales que transformaron la circulación de la palabra escrita entre la invención
Fordham University Press Thaw
Julie Sheehan’s Thaw is the second winner of the annual Poets Out Loud Prize for a book of poetry published each year by Fordham University Press in coordination with Fordham's Poets Out Loud program. Marie Ponsot, the judge for the 2000 Prize, chose Thaw from among nearly 500 manuscripts entered by poets from around the world. Her introduction is included in the volume. The landscape of Thaw is America but the vast field of language is bravely Shakespearian. Sheehan's poems roil through catalpa, maurade through familial and domestic brakes, and, ultimately, brim to the top of the old earthen pot. Everywhere the poems remind that the endless—were we truly able to grasp it—would astonish. Each poem celebrates the ingredients, practice, and serving up of the fugitive mortal banquet, from pudding to bone.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NET Bible, Single-Column Reference, Leathersoft, Black, Comfort Print: Holy Bible
The NET Bible, Single-column Reference Edition, presents the Bible text in a stunning, line-matched single-column format, with extensive cross-references in the roomy margins. Featuring the New English Translation—the newest translation of the biblical languages into English, based on the most up-to-date manuscript discoveries and research—this cross-reference edition of the NET Bible is ideal for students, teachers, and lay-readers alike. Features include: Complete text of the transparent and accurate New English Translation Extensive set of cross-references help reveal the connections within Scripture Abbreviated set of NET translators’ notes (complete set of more than 60,000 notes freely available online at Durable Smyth-sewn binding lays flat in your hand or on your desk Full-color maps Thomas Nelson's NET Comfort Print® 8-point typeface
Thomas Nelson Publishers NET Bible, Thinline, Leathersoft, Black, Comfort Print: Holy Bible
The NET Thinline Bible is ready to go when you are. Easy to carry and thin enough to tuck into a backpack, briefcase, or purse, this portable edition of the Holy Bible remains exceptionally readable, thanks to Thomas Nelson’s exclusive NET Comfort Print® typeface.Featuring the New English Translation—the newest translation of the biblical languages into English, based on the most up-to-date manuscript discoveries and research—the NET Thinline is a Bible you can bring along, wherever your day takes you.Features include: Complete text of the transparent and accurate New English Translation Abbreviated set of NET translators’ notes Lightweight for easy travel Durable Smyth-sewn binding lays flat in your hand or on your desk Full-color maps 8.75-point print size in Thomas Nelson NET Comfort Print® typeface
Random House USA Inc Who By Fire
“An expedition into the troubled soul of one of the world’s greatest songwriters.”—Haaretz “A fascinating and intense account of Leonard Cohen’s time in Israel during the 19-day Yom Kippur War of 1973. A must for any Leonard Cohen completist.”—Suzanne VegaA Vanity Fair Best Book of 2022 * Mosaic Magazine Best Book of 2022The untold story of Leonard Cohen’s concert tour to the front lines of the Yom Kippur War, including never-before-seen selections from an unfinished manuscript by Cohen and rare photographsIn October 1973, the poet and singer Leonard Cohen—thirty-nine years old, famous, unhappy, and at a creative dead end—traveled to the chaos and bloodshed of the Sinai desert when Egypt attacked Israel on the Jewish high holiday of Yom Kippur. Moving around the front with a group of local musicians, Cohen sang for hun
Henry Bradshaw Society Two Anglo-Saxon Pontificals (the Egbert and Sidney Sussex Pontificals)
The Egbert Pontifical (Paris, BN lat. 10575) and the Sidney Sussex Pontifical (Cambridge, Sidney Sussex College 100) cast light on the English church in the 10th century. This book presents editions of two of the best known Anglo-Saxon pontificals, the so-called `Egbert Pontifical' (Paris, BN lat. 10575) and the `Sidney Sussex Pontifical' (Cambridge, Sidney Sussex College 100). The pontifical was abishop's book which contained the various ceremonies which ony a bishop could perform: consecration of a church or cemetary, consecration of all orders of clergy and of abbots and abbesses, and the coronation of a king. The various pontifical services in these two manuscripts, therefore, help to illustrate the nature of these solemn ceremonies in Anglo-Saxon England, and are a valuable index of the state of the English chuch in the 10th century.
Scala Arts & Heritage Publishers Ltd Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh: Director's Choice
The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh is one of Scotland's most visited tourist attractions and has been cultivating and studying plants for over three centuries. Across its four garden sites, the Royal Botanic Garden's living plant collection contains over 13,500 species from 156 countries, including some that are extinct in the wild and others new to science. The ever-growing Herbarium currently contains over three million dried specimens and the Library houses Scotland's national collection of botanical and horticultural literature, including manuscripts dating back to the fifteenth century. The highlights illustrated in this book provide a personal insight into one of the world's greatest botanic gardens and reveals the invaluable contribution that it makes to the ongoing documentation and conservation of the world's diverse plant life.
WW Norton & Co Catnip: A Love Story
With the imagination of a writer and the eye of an artist, Michael Korda doodled on the backs of old manuscripts in his tackroom while his wife, Margaret, was out riding. They loved and acquired cats—a habit written about previously in their book, Cat People—and the few in residence at this time would serve as inspiration for the drawings. These are no ordinary cat illustrations, though. Korda’s cats read newspapers and books; go ice skating in the small country town where they live; comfort Margaret’s horse, Monty, after a stressful vet visit; sell fried mice at the Farmer’s Market, and undertake (on paper, at least) whatever fanciful endeavours their keeper conjures up. The result is a collection of magical pieces, filled with joy, that represent a year in the life of a couple in love with one another, and certainly with their cats.
University of Wales Press Le Bone Florence of Rome: A Critical Edition and Facing Translation of a Middle English Romance Analogous to Chaucer’s Man of Law’s Tale
Le Bone Florence of Rome is a Middle English tail-rhyme romance whose unique copy dates to the late fifteenth century. An analogue of Chaucer’s Man of Law’s Tale, it follows the adventures of a heroine who survives multiple exiles, sexual harassments and false accusations. At the same time, it explores such issues as the abuse of power, the stakes of global conflict, women’s place in society and their control over their destiny, all of which are treated in significantly different ways from the Constance story and other medieval tales of calumniated women. This fresh edition is accompanied by a complete line-by-line translation, which makes this text accessible to readers at all levels. Its introduction offers a comprehensive analysis of the themes, ideologies and literary relationships of the romance, together with new insights into its local connections and a detailed description of its manuscript context.
University of Wales Press Le Bone Florence of Rome: A Critical Edition and Facing Translation of a Middle English Romance Analogous to Chaucer’s Man of Law’s Tale
Le Bone Florence of Rome is a Middle English tail-rhyme romance whose unique copy dates to the late fifteenth century. An analogue of Chaucer’s Man of Law’s Tale, it follows the adventures of a heroine who survives multiple exiles, sexual harassments and false accusations. At the same time, it explores such issues as the abuse of power, the stakes of global conflict, women’s place in society and their control over their destiny, all of which are treated in significantly different ways from the Constance story and other medieval tales of calumniated women. This fresh edition is accompanied by a complete line-by-line translation, which makes this text accessible to readers at all levels. Its introduction offers a comprehensive analysis of the themes, ideologies and literary relationships of the romance, together with new insights into its local connections and a detailed description of its manuscript context.
Medieval Institute Publications The Miracle of Theophilus by Gautier de Coinci
The legend of Theophilus is a widely disseminated medieval miracle story. A good man gives in to Vain Glory, sells his soul to the Devil, has a terrible crisis of conscience, and is saved by the Virgin. The story is translated into most European languages and appears in stained glass, sculpture, and manuscripts. Gautier de Coinci writes the longest version of the legend; its colourful details reveal the medieval period's deep fear of hell and the Devil and its high hopes in the Virgin and the Church. Gautier de Coinci (1177–1236) was a French abbot and musical arranger, chiefly known for his devotion to the Virgin Mary. This is the first English translation of Gautier de Coinci's pre-Faustian version of the legend of Theophilus. It is presented in a facing-page translation with the original Old French, along with a full introduction and notes.
Museum of Fine Arts,Boston Ink Silk & Gold: Islamic Art from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Ink, Silk, and Gold explores the dynamic and complex traditions of Islamic art through more than 115 major works in a dazzling array of media, reproduced in full color and exquisite detail – manuscripts inscribed with gold, paintings on silk, elaborate metalwork, intricately woven textiles, luster-painted ceramics, and more. These objects, which originated within an Islamic world that ranges from Western Europe to Indonesia and across more than thirteen centuries, share a distinctive relationship to the materials they are made of: their color, shape, texture, and technique of production all convey meaning. Enhanced by texts from an international team of scholars and drawing on the latest technical information, Ink, Silk, and Gold is an inviting introduction to the riches of the Islamic art collection at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and a window into a vibrant global culture.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Developing Internal Energy for Effective Acupuncture Practice: Zhan Zhuang, Yi Qi Gong and the Art of Painless Needle Insertion
Drawing on ancient Chinese knowledge and tradition, this book teaches practitioners of acupuncture how to develop their internal energy and sensitivity to energy in order to improve their practice.Understanding and working with energy flow is essential to becoming a good acupuncturist and regular qigong practice helps the acupuncturist to direct energy flow within the patient more accurately and effectively. This book presents a complete training regime for Western acupuncturists and features qigong exercises dating back centuries. With images from the original manuscripts and the Chinese text alongside an English translation and commentary, Western readers are introduced to unique exercises and internal cultivation texts in a truly authentic way.This book provides essential internal training for acupuncture practitioners and students and will be of interest to a wide array of martial arts and traditional Chinese medicine practitioners.
Faber & Faber The Bell Jar
I was supposed to be having the time of my life.When Esther Greenwood wins an internship on a New York fashion magazine in 1953, she is elated, believing she will finally realise her dream to become a writer. But in between the cocktail parties and piles of manuscripts, Esther's life begins to slide out of control. She finds herself spiralling into depression and eventually a suicide attempt, as she grapples with difficult relationships and a society which refuses to take women's aspirations seriously.The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath's only novel, was originally published in 1963 under the pseudonym Victoria Lucas. The novel is partially based on Plath's own life and has become a modern classic. The Bell Jar has been celebrated for its darkly funny and a razor sharp portrait of 1950s society and has sold millions of copies worldwide.
University of California Press Garland of Visions: Color, Tantra, and a Material History of Indian Painting
Garland of Visions explores the generative relationships between artistic intelligence and tantric vision practices in the construction and circulation of visual knowledge in medieval South Asia. Shifting away from the traditional connoisseur approach, Jinah Kim instead focuses on the materiality of painting: its mediums, its visions, and especially its colors. She argues that the adoption of a special type of manuscript called pothi enabled the material translation of a private and internal experience of "seeing" into a portable device. These mobile and intimate objects then became important conveyors of many forms of knowledge—ritual, artistic, social, scientific, and religious—and spurred the spread of visual knowledge of Indic Buddhism to distant lands. By taking color as the material link between a vision and its artistic output, Garland of Visions presents a fresh approach to the history of Indian painting.
York Medieval Press Inquisition and Knowledge, 1200-1700
Essays considering how information could be used and abused in the service of heresy and inquisition. The collection, curation, and manipulation of knowledge were fundamental to the operation of inquisition. Its coercive power rested on its ability to control information and to produce authoritative discourses from it - a fact not lost on contemporaries, or on later commentators. Understanding that relationship between inquisition and knowledge has been one of the principal drivers of its long historiography. Inquisitors and their historians have always been preoccupied with the process by which information was gathered and recirculated as knowledge. The tenor of that question has changed over time, but we are still asking how knowledge was made and handed down - to them and to us - and how their sense of what was interesting or useful affected their selection. This volume approaches the theme by looking at heresy and inquisition in the Middle Ages, and also at how they were seen in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The contributors consider a wide range of medieval texts, including papal bulls, sermons, polemical treatises and records of interrogations, both increasing our knowledge of medieval heresy and inquisition, and at the same time delineating the twisting of knowledge. This polarity continues in the early modern period, when scholars appeared to advance learning by hunting for medieval manuscripts and publishing them, or ensuring their preservation through copying them; but at the same time, as some of the chapters here show, these were proof texts in the service of Catholic or Protestant polemic. As a whole, the collection provides a clear view of - and invites readers' reflection on - the shading of truth and untruth in medieval and early modern "knowledge" of heresy and inquisition. Contributors: Jessalynn Lea Bird, Harald Bollbuck, Irene Bueno, Jörg Feuchter, Richard Kieckhefer, Pawel Kras, Adam Poznanski, Luc Racaut, Alessandro Sala, Shelagh Sneddon, Michaela Valente, Reima Välimäki
Ohio University Press The Complete Works of Robert Browning, Volume XVI: With Variant Readings and Annotations
In seventeen volumes, copublished with Baylor University, this acclaimed series features annotated texts of all of Robert Browning’s known writing. The series encompasses autobiography as well as influences bearing on Browning’s life and career and aspects of Victorian thought and culture. Robert Browning wrote Parleyings with Certain People of Importance in Their Day in his seventy-third year. The work is a capstone to the poet’s long career, encompassing autobiography as well as influences bearing on the poet’s life and career and on Victorian thought and culture in general. One of Browning’s most complex works, Parleyings is also a work essential to understanding his genius and career as a whole. The Ohio/Baylor Browning edition offers keys to the complexity and interest of Parleyings through a definitive, emended text, full annotations for allusions both explicit and implicit in the text, and variant readings for the manuscript and all editions revised by Browning during his lifetime. In form and structure, Parleyings is a series of seven poems written in Browning’s own voice and addressed to figures influential in his development. The series is framed by a prologue and an epilogue, the whole amounting to some 3,500 lines. The poems are a formal contrast and a pendant to the great series of linked dramatic monologues in The Ring and the Book. They demonstrate the zest for innovation possessed by the master of the dramatic monologue in his ripe maturity. Interested readers as well as students and scholars of Browning will find a rich field of poetry and a critical mass of resources in Volume XVI of the Ohio/Baylor Browning edition. As always in this acclaimed series, a complete record of textual variants is provided, as well as extensive explanatory notes.
Bloodaxe Books Ltd The Annotated Collected Poems
Edward Thomas wrote a lifetime's poetry in two years. Already a dedicated prose writer and influential critic, he became a poet only in December 1914, at the age of 36. In April 1917 he was killed at Arras. Often viewed as a 'war poet', he wrote nothing directly about the trenches; also seen as a 'nature poet', his symbolic reach and generic range expose the limits of that category too. A central figure in modern poetry, he is among the half-dozen poets who remade English poetry in the early 20th century. Edna Longley published an acclaimed edition of Edward Thomas' "Poems" and "Last Poems" in 1973. Her work advanced Thomas' reputation as a major modern poet. Now she has produced a revised version, which includes all his poems and draws on freshly available archive material. The extensive notes contain substantial quotations from Thomas' prose, letters and notebooks, as well as a new commentary on the poems. The prose hinterland behind Edward Thomas' poems helps us to understand their depth and complexity, together with their contexts in his troubled personal life, in wartime England, and in English poetry. Edna Longley also shows how Thomas' criticism feeds into his poetry, and how he prefigured critical approaches, such as 'ecocriticism', that are now applied to his poems. The text of this edition, which has a detailed textual apparatus, differs in small but significant ways from that of other extant collections of Thomas' poems. The Bloodaxe edition is larger (with more comprehensive notes) than Faber's "Collected Poems" by Edward Thomas as well as a pound cheaper. More importantly, for academic sales, the Bloodaxe text is more authoritative than Faber's (which uses R. George Thomas' 1978 text). Edna Longley has used manuscripts, proofs and newly available archive material to establish a text for Edward Thomas' complete poetry which will now be used by scholars and students in all future discussions of his work.
Enitharmon Press New Collected Poems
When David Gascoyne celebrated his seventeenth birthday in Paris in 1933, he already had a poetry collection and a novel to his name. He spent much of the next few years in the French capital associating with Eluard, Dali, Ernst, Breton, Peret and other surrealists. By the age of 20 he had firmly established himself within the movement with the publication of his groundbreaking A Short Survey of Surrealism and the poems of Man's Life Is This Meat. In 1938 Holderlin's Madness marked his move away from surrealism in 'a renewal of vision', followed by his milestone collection, Poems 1937-1942 (1943). After the war Gascoyne revisited Paris, publishing A Vagrant and other poems in 1950 and Night Thoughts, the acclaimed BBC radiophonic poem for voices and orchestra, in 1956. Despite several breakdowns he continued to write, particularly during the latter years of his long life, producing few poems, but many translations, reviews and literary criticism, memoirs and obituaries. Even so it was his contention that he was 'a poet who wrote himself out when young and then went mad'. This self-deprecating judgement could not be further from the opinion of those who knew him and valued his achievement. As his fellow poet and lifelong friend, Kathleen Raine, wrote on Gascoyne's 80th birthday: You are the chosen one To speak the words of blessing In this time. This New Collected Poems, compiled by Gascoyne's friend and editor Roger Scott, comprises work that the poet chose to preserve, together with uncollected and unpublished material; all meticulously researched from notebooks and manuscripts held in the British Library and internationally in academic institutions. It falls to present-day readers of Gascoyne's poems to experience the impact of his work, to recognize its significance in twentieth-century literature, and its continuing relevance.
Pearson Education (US) Beyond the Algorithm: AI, Security, Privacy, and Ethics
This book is a comprehensive, cutting-edge guide designed to educate readers on the essentials of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), while emphasizing the crucial aspects of security, ethics, and privacy. The book aims to equip AI practitioners, IT professionals, data scientists, security experts, policy-makers, and students with the knowledge and tools needed to develop, deploy, and manage AI and ML systems securely and responsibly. The book is divided into several sections, each focusing on a specific aspect of AI. It begins by introducing the fundamentals of AI technolgies, providing an overview of their history, development, and various types. This is followed by a deep dive into popular AI algorithms and large language models (LLMs), including GPT-4, that are at the forefront of AI innovation. Next, the book explores the critical security aspects of AI systems, examining the importance of security and the key challenges faced in this domain. It also delves into the common threats, vulnerabilities, and attack vectors, as well as risk assessment and management strategies. This manuscript covers data security, model security, system and infrastructure security, secure development practices, monitoring and auditing, supply chain security, and secure deployment and maintenance. Another key focus of the book is privacy and ethical considerations in AI systems. Topics covered include bias and fairness, transparency and accountability, and privacy and data protection. The book also addresses legal and regulatory compliance, providing an overview of relevant regulations and guidelines, and discussing how to ensure compliance in AI systems through case studies and best practices.This book is a comprehensive, cutting-edge guide designed to educate readers on the essentials of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), while emphasizing the crucial aspects of security, ethics, and privacy. The book aims to equip AI practitioners, IT professionals, data scientists, security experts, policy-makers, and students with the knowledge and tools needed to develop, deploy, and manage AI and ML systems securely and responsibly.
Edinburgh University Press The Geographies of David Foster Wallace's Novels: Spatial History and Literary Practice
Explores the relationship between geography and David Foster Wallace's novels Deploys an innovative methodology combining aspects of cultural geography and literary criticism, extending recent work in literary geographies Presents expansive and detailed readings of each of Wallace's novels, drawing new connections between these texts and their historical context Makes extensive original use of archival sources to elucidate the spatial aspects of Wallace's literary practice The Geographies of David Foster Wallace's Novels takes a fresh look at David Foster Wallace's novels through the lens of historical geography. It explores the connections between Wallace's literary practice and the reshaping of American geographical space that resulted from the transition between Fordist and post-Fordist forms of capitalism, presenting critical readings of the novels together with analysis of manuscripts and notebooks from Wallace's archive. Deploying an innovative methodology that combines aspects of cultural geography and literary criticism, each novel is historically situated through a spatial keyword, expanding our understanding of the connections between social context and formal innovation in Wallace's work.
Rowman & Littlefield An American Family in the Mexican Revolution
This memoir details the experiences of an American family caught in Revolutionary Mexico. The book contains information about the Revolution, life as a foreign national in Mexico, the silver mining industry, and social and cultural aspects of Revolutionary Mexico. Based on personal documents written by Richard Herr's older brother, the manuscript covers a critical period in Mexican history, beginning in the Porfiriato and continuing through the 1920s, from the point of view of one family. An American Family in the Mexican Revolution illustrates the major themes in Mexican history, including the economic expansion of the United States into Mexico in the late nineteenth century; relations between foreign managers and Mexicans of all social classes; the foreign colony in Mexico; the development of a working class in Mexico; various aspects of the Mexican revolution (including its contribution to the debate about the degree to which foreigners and their enterprises stirred revolutionary discontent); the impact and changes brought about by the revolution; and Mexican-United States relations during the entire period. The book also describes the story of U.S. miners in Mexico. The mineral industry was a critical part of U.S.-Mexican economic relations and the Mexican economy, yet little is known about its financing and operations. An American Family in the Mexican Revolution is an excellent text for introducing students to primary sources.
Yale University Press Yale French Studies, Number 142: Lesbian Materialism: The Life and Work of Monique Wittig
Yale French Studies 142 explores the contemporary relevance of an alternative strand of feminism as theorized by Monique Wittig This volume of Yale French Studies foregrounds Monique Wittig (1935–2003), a writer who left France to live and teach in the United States, in a diverse range of multidisciplinary conversations—in literary studies, history, and gender and sexuality studies—to demonstrate how Wittig’s theoretical and literary work remains an indispensable resource for thinking and creating in the twenty-first century. Editors Morgane Cadieu and Annabel L. Kim flip the “materialist lesbianism” that Wittig’s collection of essays, The Straight Mind, centers and describes as being the core of Wittig’s work to deal instead with “lesbian materialism,” thereby making "lesbian" the method and "materialism" the object and allowing Wittig’s work to realize its full range. The volume reinterrogates the official historiography of French materialist feminism; expands the intellectual framework within which Wittig’s work is usually considered; insists on the language-centric materialism that emerges from Wittig’s writing as a way of joining the political with the literary; and attends to the way this literary material inspires material responses and creations within the plastic arts. Underlying the entire volume is a keen sense of the materiality of Wittig’s archives, housed at the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University, as a site of lesbian thought in Wittig’s radical sense of the term: a fugitive positionality.
Surtees Society John Denton's History of Cumberland
New and definitive edition of the earliest history of Cumberland. John Denton's history of Cumberland, compiled in the first decade of the seventeenth century, formed the basis of almost all antiquarian writing on Cumberland for some two hundred years, and continues to be cited. It is the earliest known attempt to write a history of Cumberland and one of the first generation of antiquarian accounts of an English shire. This volume presents a completely new, critical edition of the manuscript history of Cumberland, replacing that published in 1887 by Richard S. Ferguson under the title An Accompt of the most considerable Estates and Families in the County of Cumberland [ hitherto the only published version]. The new edition attempts both toreconstruct as much as possible of the original text from surviving copies and to identify the sources from which it was drawn, enabling the factual accuracy of Denton's work to be assessed. Angus Winchester is SeniorLecturer in History at Lancaster University and a Past President of Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society.
John Donald Publishers Ltd The Beatons: A Medical Kindred in the Classical Gaelic Tradition
This book traces the Clann Meic-bethad or Clan MacBeth whose members practised medicine in the classic Gaelic tradition in various parts of Scotland from the early fourteenth to the early eighteenth century. From many medieval Gaelic manuscripts known to have been in their possession, individual members of the clan and their activities are identified. Sometime in the second half of the sixteenth century the kindred began to adopt Beaton as a surname for use in non-Gaelic contexts. The medical Beatons fell naturally into two divisions: one confined mainly to the Western Isles and the other to the mainland of Scotland. This detailed study of the Beatons and their medicine describes how the position of medical doctor was inherited by the eldest son, and potential Beaton physicians were sent out to be trained by other members of the family for several years before undertaking their own practice. The book provides information on medieval medicine at the highest levels of Highland society.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Syon Abbey and its Books: Reading, Writing and Religion, c.1400-1700
Essays on the turbulent history of Syon Abbey, focussing on the role played by reading and writing in constructing its identity and experience. Founded in 1415, the double monastery of Syon Abbey was the only English example of the order established by the fourteenth-century mystic St Bridget of Sweden. After its dispersal at the Dissolution, the community survived in exile and was briefly restored during the reign of Mary I; but with the accession of Elizabeth I, some of the nuns and brothers once again sought refuge on the Continent, first in the Netherlands and later in Lisbon. This volumeof essays traces the fortunes of Syon Abbey and the Bridgettine order between 1400 and 1700, examining the various ways in which reading and writing shaped its identity and defined its experience, and exploring the interconnections between late medieval and post-Reformation monastic history and the rapidly evolving world of communication, learning, and books. They extend our understanding of religious culture and institutions on the eve of the Reformationand the impulses that inspired initiatives for early modern Catholic renewal, and also illuminate the spread of literacy and the gradual and uneven transition from manuscript to print between the fourteenth and the seventeenth centuries. In the process, the volume engages with larger questions about the origins and consequences of religious, intellectual and cultural change in late medieval and early modern England. E.A. JONES is Senior Lecturerin English, University of Exeter; ALEXANDRA WALSHAM is Professor of Modern History and a Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Contributors: E.A. Jones, Alexandra Walsham, Peter Cunich, Virginia Bainbridge, Vincent Gillespie, C. Annette Grise, Claire Walker, Caroline Bowden, Claes Gejrot, Ann Hutchison
HarperCollins Publishers The History of the Hobbit: One Volume Edition
In one volume for the first time, this revised and updated examination of how J.R.R.Tolkien came to write his original masterpiece The Hobbit includes his complete unpublished draft version of the story, together with notes and illustrations by Tolkien himself. The Hobbit was first published on 21 September 1937. Like its sequel, The Lord of the Rings, it is a story that ‘grew in the telling’, and many characters and plot threads in the published text are quite different from the story J.R.R. Tolkien first wrote to read aloud to his young sons as one of their ‘fireside reads’. Together in one volume, The History of the Hobbit presents the complete text of the unpublished manuscript of The Hobbit, accompanied by John Rateliff’s lively and informative account of how the book came to be written and published. Recording the numerous changes made to the story both before and after publication, he examines – chapter by chapter – why those changes were made and how they reflect Tolkien’s ever-growing concept of Middle-earth. As well as reproducing the original version of one of the world’s most popular novels – both on its own merits and as the foundation for The Lord of the Rings– this book includes many little-known illustrations and draft maps for The Hobbit by Tolkien himself. Also featured are extensive commentaries on the dates of composition, how Tolkien’s professional and early mythological writings influenced the story, the imaginary geography he created, and how Tolkien came to revise the book years after publication to accommodate events in The Lord of the Rings. Endorsed by Christopher Tolkien as a companion to his essential 12-volume The History of Middle-earth, this thoughtful and exhaustive examination of one of the most treasured stories in English literature offers fascinating new insights for those who have grown up with this enchanting tale, and will delight any who are about to enter Bilbo’s round door for the first time.
John Donald Publishers Ltd Hebridean Folk Songs: Waulking Songs from Vatersay, Barra, Eriskay, South Uist and Benbecula
The classic three volumes of Hebridean Folksongs, reissued simultaneously for the first time since their original publication (1969, 1977, 1981), contain 135 songs connected with the waulking of homespun tweed cloth in the Hebridean isles. Volume 1 is based on waulking songs collected by Donald MacCormick in South Uist in 1893. Volumes 2 and 3 are based on John Lorne Campbell's recordings of songs made between 1938 and 1965 in Barra, South Uist, Eriskay and Benbecula. The translations for all the songs in Volumes 2 and 3 and many of those in Volume 1 are by John Lorne Campbell, who also wrote detailed notes discussing the songs. Multiple versions of the same song are compared with each other and with versions drawn from unpublished manuscript sources. Francis Collinson's meticulous musical transcriptions of the songs, and musicological analyses, are invaluable. The songs are from the repertoires of some well-known singers of their generation, including Miss Annie Johnson, her brother Calum and Miss Mary Morrison, all of Barra, Mrs Neil Campbell of South Uist, and Miss Nan MacKinnon of Vatersay.
John Donald Publishers Ltd Hebridean Folk Songs: Waulking Songs from Barra, South Uist, Eriskay and Benbecula
The classic three volumes of Hebridean Folksongs, reissued simultaneously for the first time since their original publication (1969, 1977, 1981), contain 135 songs connected with the waulking of homespun tweed cloth in the Hebridean isles. Volume 1 is based on waulking songs collected by Donald MacCormick in South Uist in 1893. Volumes 2 and 3 are based on John Lorne Campbell's recordings of songs made between 1938 and 1965 in Barra, South Uist, Eriskay and Benbecula. The translations for all the songs in Volumes 2 and 3 and many of those in Volume 1 are by John Lorne Campbell, who also wrote detailed notes discussing the songs. Multiple versions of the same song are compared with each other and with versions drawn from unpublished manuscript sources. Francis Collinson's meticulous musical transcriptions of the songs, and musicological analyses, are invaluable. The songs are from the repertoires of some well-known singers of their generation, including Miss Annie Johnson, her brother Calum and Miss Mary Morrison, all of Barra, Mrs Neil Campbell of South Uist, and Miss Nan MacKinnon of Vatersay.
John Donald Publishers Ltd Hebridean Folk Songs: A Collection of Waulking Songs by Donald MacCormick
The classic three volumes of Hebridean Folksongs, reissued simultaneously for the first time since their original publication (1969, 1977, 1981), contain 135 songs connected with the waulking of homespun tweed cloth in the Hebridean isles. Volume 1 is based on waulking songs collected by Donald MacCormick in South Uist in 1893. Volumes 2 and 3 are based on John Lorne Campbell's recordings of songs made between 1938 and 1965 in Barra, South Uist, Eriskay and Benbecula. The translations for all the songs in Volumes 2 and 3 and many of those in Volume 1 are by John Lorne Campbell, who also wrote detailed notes discussing the songs. Multiple versions of the same song are compared with each other and with versions drawn from unpublished manuscript sources. Francis Collinson's meticulous musical transcriptions of the songs, and musicological analyses, are invaluable. The songs are from the repertoires of some well-known singers of their generation, including Miss Annie Johnson, her brother Calum and Miss Mary Morrison, all of Barra, Mrs Neil Campbell of South Uist, and Miss Nan MacKinnon of Vatersay.
Princeton University Press Bishop-Elect: A Study in Medieval Ecclesiastical Office
"What were the constitutive acts in the making of a bishop and what was their significance?" In answering these questions, Professor Benson provides a new perspective on a crucial chapter in the history of ecclesiastical office. Drawing upon material from unedited canonistic manuscripts, as well as from Gratian's Decretum and the Decretales of Gregory IX, he traces aspects of the Church's constitutional doctrine and administrative practice from the early Middle Ages, which stressed the sacramental character of office, to the end of the thirteenth century, when ecclesiastical office was conceived primarily in terms of jurisdictional prerogatives. Originally published in 1968. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
University of California Press Hegel's Ethics of Recognition
In this significant contribution to Hegel scholarship, Robert Williams develops the most comprehensive account to date of Hegel's concept of recognition (Anerkennung). Fichte introduced the concept of recognition as a presupposition of both Rousseau's social contract and Kant's ethics. Williams shows that Hegel appropriated the concept of recognition as the general pattern of his concept of ethical life, breaking with natural law theory yet incorporating the Aristotelian view that rights and virtues are possible only within a certain kind of community. He explores Hegel's intersubjective concept of spirit (Geist) as the product of affirmative mutual recognition and his conception of recognition as the right to have rights. Examining Hegel's Jena manuscripts, his Philosophy of Right, the Phenomenology of Spirit, and other works, Williams shows how the concept of recognition shapes and illumines Hegel's understandings of crime and punishment, morality, the family, the state, sovereignty, international relations, and war. A concluding chapter on the reception and reworking of the concept of recognition by contemporary thinkers including Derrida, Levinas, and Deleuze demonstrates Hegel's continuing centrality to the philosophical concerns of our age.
Trustees of the Royal Armouries Treasures of the Royal Armouries: A Panoply of Arms
Treasures of the Royal Armouries is a photographic journey through Britain’s national museum of arms and armour. It reflects the diversity of the Royal Armouries’ collection, which was assembled over many centuries at the Tower of London and now spans the ancient world to the present day. At the core of this journey is the museum’s unparalleled group of Tudor armours which derive from the Greenwich Armoury of Henry VIII, but European swords, paintings and manuscripts are equally well-represented. Stunning pieces from Asia are included, as are key items from the national collection of firearms, started in 1631 by Charles I and now housed at the National Firearms Centre, as well as larger guns from the National Artillery Centre at Fort Nelson. Each of the 115 entries tell compelling stories, tracing the histories of individuals, campaigns and cultures across millennia. They also consider the place of arms in an increasingly turbulent world and the new challenges that technology presents to a modern army. Treasures of the Royal Armouries is a lavishly illustrated account of some of the most interesting pieces of arms and armour in existence.
Parthian Books The Autobiography of a Super-tramp
William Henry Davies was born in a pub and learnt early in life to rely on his wits and his fists - and to drink. Around the turn of the century, when he was twenty-two, his restless spirit of adventure led him to set off for America, and he worked around the country taking casual jobs where he could, thieving and begging where he couldn't. His experiences were richly coloured by the bullies, tricksters, and fellow-adventurers he encountered - New Haven Baldy, Wee Shorty, The Indian Kid, and English Harry, to name but a few. He was thrown into prison in Michigan, beaten up in New Orleans, witnessed a lynching in Tennessee, and got drunk pretty well everywhere. A harrowing accident forced him to return to England and the seedy world of doss-houses and down-and-outs like Boozy Bob and Irish Tim. When George Bernard Shaw first read the Autobiography in manuscript, he was stunned by the raw power of its unvarnished narrative. It was his enthusiasm, expressed in the Preface, that ensured the initial success of a book now regarded as a classic.
Ediciones Cátedra Escribir y prohibir Inquisición y censura en los Siglos de Oro
En la España de los siglos XVI y XVII, los autores y las autoridades inquisitoriales, eclesiásticas y civiles intentaron fijar la correcta interpretación de los textos impresos, manuscritos o expuestos públicamente. Pero ni el discurso censorio de la Inquisición fue unívoco ni existió una perfecta sintonía entre la teoría y la praxis. Entre la norma y la transgresión se fraguaron diversas lógicas de la razón ajenas a la supuesta intencionalidad ortodoxa de censores y autores, se difundieron nuevas y diversas formas de censuras desde la autoridad última del lector, y, constantemente, se negociaron entre los profesionales del libro y los ministros inquisitoriales los límites tolerados por el Santo Oficio. Frente a Roma, el expurgo se convirtió en el signo de identidad de la Inquisición española. Y ante la ineficacia y la imposibilidad de abarcarlo todo, el Santo Oficio utilizó los edictos y los índices de libros prohibidos como imagen del aparato censorio y de su presunto omnímodo poder
Princeton University Press T. Macci Plauti-Epidicus
A distinguished publication of the famous comedy of Plautus which includes a fully revised text with many new scansions; a new critical apparatus based upon a rereading of the important medieval manuscripts and involving correction and supplement of the Goetz editions; and an extensive commentary. Originally published in 1940. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
University of California Press Ancestral Leaves: A Family Journey through Chinese History
"Ancestral Leaves" follows one family through six hundred years of Chinese history and brings to life the epic narrative of the nation, from the fourteenth century through the Cultural Revolution. The lives of the Ye family- 'Ye' means 'leaf' in Chinese - reveal the human side of the large-scale events that shaped modern China: the vast and destructive rebellions of the nineteenth century, the economic growth and social transformation of the republican era, the Japanese invasion during World War II, and the Cultural Revolution under the Chinese Communists. Joseph W. Esherick draws from rare manuscripts and archival and oral history sources to provide an uncommonly personal and intimate glimpse into Chinese family history, illuminating the changing patterns of everyday life during rebellion, war, and revolution.
University of Notre Dame Press Light of the Night: The Last Eighteen Months in the Life of Therese of Lisieux
Thérèse of Lisieux died on 30 September 1897. Nine months later, the now classic Story of a Soul appeared and proved an immediate success. However, when historians had access fifty years later to manuscripts written by Thérèse they were surprised to discover enormous differences between these texts and the published version of Story of a Soul. Jean-François Six has written this new book with two purposes. First, he recalls the history of how Mother Agnés, Prioress of the Carmelite convent and sister of Thérèse altered and completed Thérèse's text so that it became a travesty of the original. Secondly he re-establishes the truth of the last months of Thérèse's life, her authentic spiritual message, and her contribution to the history of mysticism. Here is a key study and a crucial work of rehabilitation.
University of Texas Press Jericho
When Charles Bowden died in 2014, he left behind an archive of unpublished manuscripts. Jericho marks the fifth installment in his venerable “Unnatural History of America” sextet. In it he invokes the cycles of destruction and rebirth that have defined the ancient biblical city over millennia. From the ruins of Jericho’s walls Bowden reflects on the continuum of war and violence—the many conquests of the Americas; the US-Mexican War; the Vietnam War; and the ongoing militarization of our southern border—to argue against the false promise of security that is offered when men “build that wall.” Walls—both real and imagined—will always come tumbling down.Along the way, Bowden tells stories of loss and violence, like that of David Hartley, who mysteriously vanishes on Falcon Lake; of murdered drug runners and their cartel bosses; and of a haunted sicario, or hitman, who is running from his past and compulsively confesses his sins as he searches for an absolution that will never come. Set against these scenes of trauma and violence are Bowden’s gorgeous meditations on nature: dancing cranes, soaring eagles, winding paths that traverse mountains, lakes, and deserts. And threaded throughout are the heroic narratives of men like Martin Luther King Jr., who defied the boundaries that surrounded him and was able to reshape the arc of history. Jericho is a remarkable affirmation of our shared humanity and a timely rejection of violence and nationalism by one of our most prophetic writers working at the height of his powers.
Everyman Hope Against Hope
A harrowing yet uplifting account of Stalin's persecution of the Russian intelligentsia in the 1930s, and of one man - Osip Mandelstam (1891-1938), whose poetry, in spite of the unfolding tragedy of his life, preserved its unique creative gaiety. Nadezhda and Osip Mandelstam married in 1922. Nadezhda's memoir covers their last four years together. She begins in Moscow in May 1934 with the knock on the door at one o'clock in the morning, and her husband's arrest by the secret police for composing a satire of Stalin. She tells of his imprisonment, interrogation and exile to the Urals, where she accompanied him, and where he wrote his last great poems; his release and return to Moscow, only to be entrapped, rearrested and sentenced to hard labour in Siberia; of her own efforts to secure his release and to save his manuscripts (and to memorize all his poems in case she could not); of her discovery of the truth about his death in a transit camp near Vladivostock. For all its grim subject matter, it is a story of courage in adversity, and even humour finds a place. Nadezhda means 'hope' in Russian, and Hope against Hope is one of the greatest testaments to the value of literature and imaginative freedom ever written. It is also a love story that relates the daily struggle to keep both love and art alive in the most desperate circumstances. After years of circulating secretly in the Soviet Union it was published in the West in 1970, and has since achieved the status of a classic.
Princeton University Press A History of Jewish-Muslim Relations: From the Origins to the Present Day
This is the first encyclopedic guide to the history of relations between Jews and Muslims around the world from the birth of Islam to today. Richly illustrated and beautifully produced, the book features more than 150 authoritative and accessible articles by an international team of leading experts in history, politics, literature, anthropology, and philosophy. Organized thematically and chronologically, this indispensable reference provides critical facts and balanced context for greater historical understanding and a more informed dialogue between Jews and Muslims. Part I covers the medieval period; Part II, the early modern period through the nineteenth century, in the Ottoman Empire, Africa, Asia, and Europe; Part III, the twentieth century, including the exile of Jews from the Muslim world, Jews and Muslims in Israel, and Jewish-Muslim politics; and Part IV, intersections between Jewish and Muslim origins, philosophy, scholarship, art, ritual, and beliefs. The main articles address major topics such as the Jews of Arabia at the origin of Islam; special profiles cover important individuals and places; and excerpts from primary sources provide contemporary views on historical events. Contributors include Mark R. Cohen, Alain Dieckhoff, Michael Laskier, Vera Moreen, Gordon D. Newby, Marina Rustow, Daniel Schroeter, Kirsten Schulze, Mark Tessler, John Tolan, Gilles Veinstein, and many more. * Covers the history of relations between Jews and Muslims around the world from the birth of Islam to today * Written by an international team of leading scholars * Features in-depth articles on social, political, and cultural history * Includes profiles of important people (Eliyahu Capsali, Joseph Nasi, Mohammed V, Martin Buber, Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin, Edward Said, Messali Hadj, Mahmoud Darwish) and places (Jerusalem, Alexandria, Baghdad) * Presents passages from essential documents of each historical period, such as the Cairo Geniza, Al-Sira, and Judeo-Persian illuminated manuscripts * Richly illustrated with more than 250 images, including maps and color photographs * Includes extensive cross-references, bibliographies, and an index
Abrams The Most Beautiful Libraries in the World
Housing the world's collective knowledge, within which reside the milestones of human intellectual achievement, libraries are perhaps the richest of all cultural institutions. Often architectural treasures in themselves, they were constructed in styles that befitted the riches they stored, from Neoclassical temples to Baroque palaces to Jeffersonian athaeneums. Both public in purpose and intensely private in feel, they have served the noble role of preserving and disseminating that key cultural artifact of mankind - the book - and in doing so, their role has been central to the nourishment and development of the world's great civilizations. To this day the great libraries of the world remain extraordinary environments for scholarship and enlightenment. Here, for the first time, architectural photographer Guillaume de Laubier takes the reader on a privileged tour of twenty-three of the world's most historic libraries, representing twelve countries and ranging from the great national monuments to scholarly, religious, and private libraries: the baroque splendor of the Institut de France in Paris; the Renaissance treasure-trove of the Riccardiana Library in Florence; the majestic Royal Monastery in El Escorial, Spain; the hallowed halls of Oxford's Bodleian Library; and the New York Public Library, a Beaux-Arts masterpiece. Also included are the smaller abbey and monastic libraries - often overlooked on tourist itineraries - each containing its own equally important collections of religious and philosophical writings, manuscripts, and church history. Through color photography one can marvel at the grandeur of the great public libraries while relishing the rare glimpses inside scholars-only private archives. The accompanying text by journalist and translator Jacques Bosser traces the history of libraries from the Renaissance to the present day, vividly describing how they came to serve the famous men of letters of centuries past and the general public of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. James H. Billington, the Librarian of Congress, shares a personal association with libraries in his foreword. As repositories of history, ever growing and fed upon by hungry minds, libraries continue to occupy a central place in our civilization - and this sumptuous volume of photographs pays fitting tribute to that tradition.