Search results for ""Lexington Books""
Lexington Books Blowing the Whistle: The Organizational and Legal Implications for Companies and Employees
In this study the authors examine the profound consequences for individuals, organizations, and society at large of the phenomenon known as whistle-blowing. They examine several common views of the whistle-blower - from disloyal rat to courageous hero - and reveal how individuals reach the often difficult decision to turn in their companies. With case examples, such as Watergate, the Challenger disaster, and product liability lawsuits, they show executives how to deal with whistle-blowing and its consequences. For those contemplating "turning in" their companies, the authors offer real-life examples of the implications, both practical and legal.
Lexington Books Elizabeth Bishop and Translation
The book examines the relationship between translation and original creation in the works of the American poet Elizabeth Bishop, suggesting that translation can be seen as a poetic principle which can be related to the poet's original works, too. The book offers a detailed discussion of all the translation projects Bishop undertook throughout her life (from Ancient Greek, French, Portuguese and Spanish), both published and unpublished. They are seen in the context of her life and work, and analyzed with particular regard for the features which are relevant in relationship to Bishop's own works. Bishop's work as a translator has not been explored thoroughly yet, despite the huge critical interest in Bishop in the last decades, and one of the aim of the book is to offer such exploration. The second part of the book focuses on the ways Bishop's interest in translation and her experience of a translator is manifested in her original works. Bishop's poems are read with particular attention
Lexington Books In Search of Poetry in the Politics of Power: Perspectives on Expanding Realism
In Search of Poetry in the Politics of Power is an intellectual autobiography of George Liska, a distinguished scholar of foreign policy. Integrating personal memoir with a discussion of world politics and international relations, this book includes selections from Liska's most important writings from the past 50 years. Topics discussed include realism and world politics; historicism; historicist realism and statesmanship; and the prospects for scholarship in the next half century. This is a valuable book for scholars of international relations, world politics, and political history.
Lexington Books Creating Your Own Space: The Metaphor of the House in Feminist Literature
The relationship between women and houses has always been complex. Many influential writers have used the space of the house to portray women's conflicts with the society of their time. On the one hand, houses can represent a place of physical, psychological and moral restrictions, and on the other, they often serve as a metaphor for economic freedom and social acceptance. This usage is particularly pronounced in works written in the nineteenth and twentieth century, when restrictions on women's roles were changing: "anxieties about space sometimes seem to dominate the literature of both nineteenth-century women and their twentieth-century descendants." The Metaphor of the House in Feminist Literature uses a feminist literary criticism approach in order to examine the use of the house as metaphor in nineteenth and twentieth century literature.
Lexington Books Social Security Policy in Hong Kong: From British Colony to China's Special Administrative Region
For more than four decades, free market economists and right-wing politicians have touted Hong Kong as a model of capitalism and a market economy success story. Social Security Policy in Hong Kong: From British Colony to Special Administrative Region of China, by Chak Kwan Chan, argues that Hong Kong's capitalism is not the result of democratic choice but the consequence of an administrative-led polity that has had suppressed democracy, limited trade unions' activities, and manipulated traditional Chinese welfare ideologies to maintain a small government. Social Security Policy in Hong Kong is the first book that systematically analyzes the dynamic relationships between Hong Kong's polity, Chinese welfare ideologies, and social security provisions from British colonial rule to China's special administrative region.
Lexington Books Reviving Legitimacy: Lessons for and from China
The Chinese government has attempted to bolster its legitimacy as a political response to emerging social, cultural, political, economic, environmental challenges and crises experienced during market-oriented reforms and rapid modernization in China. However, contrary to the Western preference for liberal democracy and "procedural legitimacy," the Chinese government's attempt at bolstering legitimacy has emphasized performance-based, responsibility-based, morality-based, and ideology-based arguments in order to gain popular support and maintain regime stability. In order to understand and explain political phenomena in China, it is necessary to revisit the concepts, theories, and sources of legitimacy and their applications in the Chinese context. Contributors of this book have approached legitimacy from both normative and empirical perspectives, and from Western and Chinese perspectives, thus this edited volume offers lessons and insights for and from China, and contributes to the ongoing theoretical debates as well as empirical research on legitimacy in the Chinese context.
Lexington Books Bridging the Humor Barrier: Humor Competency Training in English Language Teaching
The language barrier is a familiar term, but what exactly is the humor barrier? Humor is a universal phenomenon, but the cultural variance in how humor is used can prove to be a major obstacle for English language learners hoping to communicate effectively in cross-cultural contexts. While a growing number of researchers have explored the importance of helping language learners better understand the humor of the target culture, in Bridging the Humor Barrier: Humor Competency Training in English Language Teaching, editors John Rucynski Jr. and Caleb Prichard bring together language teachers and researchers from a range of cultural and teaching contexts to tackle how to actually overcome the humor barrier. This book empirically examines humor competency training and presents related research bearing implications for humor training. Contributors address a wide range of genres of humor, providing fresh insights into helping language learners deepen their understanding and appreciation of the humor of the English-speaking world, including jokes, sarcasm, and satire. This book is an excellent resource for English language teachers looking to help their learners avoid the pitfalls and reap the benefits of humor in the target language.
Lexington Books Phenomenology, Transversality, and World Philosophy
Phenomenology, Transversality, and World Philosophy explores the concept of world philosophy (Weltphilosophie) to take into account the reality of today’s multicultural and globalizing world. It challenges the assumption that the particular in the West is universalizable, but the particular in the non-West is particular forever, using the concept of transversality to construct an intercontinental philosophy. In the tradition of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s world literature (Weltliteratur), and in dialogue with work in ethics and political philosophy, Hwa Yol Jung examines the roles that phenomenology and transversality play in constructing world philosophy.
Lexington Books Defining Statesmanship: A Comparative Political Theory Analysis
Statesmanship is a concept frequently invoked but seldom defined in contemporary political discourse. In this book, Clyde Ray examines ancient, medieval, and modern versions of the idea by considering a range of thinkers that have given thought to the concept. From Plutarch to Saint Augustine to Jane Addams, Ray provides fresh insight on the topic by identifying the core features of effective political leadership. More than a historical analysis, these case studies in statesmanship provide citizens today with a vocabulary for identifying and debating the characteristics of this time-honored but often obscure term. In a time when many citizens long for more dignified leadership, Defining Statesmanship offers a timely reflection on this timeless political idea.
Lexington Books Religious Leaders and the Regime in the Second Republic of Zimbabwe
Religious Leaders and the Regime in the Second Republic of Zimbabwe looks at the nexus of religion and politics in Zimbabwe. Religious leaders and institutes are discussed as either regime enablers, resistors, or transformers. This book focuses on how religion has played a role in thwarting democracy and has acted as a machine to silence dissenting voices, repression, and poor governance. The book addresses religious figures such as Andrew Wutawunashe, Talent Chiwenga, Bishop Mutendi, and Mapostori. In discussing these figures, the book highlights how ZANU PF has taken advantage of religious power to thwart democracy while rewarding regime enablers. The book also discusses the road to 2023 Zimbabwean elections and highlights the role of the church in creating an enabling and catastrophic environment. This book challenges oppressive systems perpetrated by religious leaders and politicians.
Lexington Books Migrant Ecologies: Zheng Xiaoqiong's Women Migrant Workers
Migrant Ecologies investigates the ways in which Zheng Xiaoqiong’s poetry exposes the entanglements of migrant ecologies embedded within local and global networks of capital and labor. The author contends that women migrant workers in particular, as portrayed in Zheng’s poems, are the visible manifestation of the interconnections between the so-called “factories of the world” and slum villages-in-the-city, between urban development and rural decline, and between the local environmental degradation and the global market. By adopting an ecological approach to Zheng’s poems about women migrant workers in China, the author explores what Donna Haraway calls “webbed ecologies” (49). The concept of “ecologies” serves to enhance not only the layered, complex interconnections underlying women migrant workers’ plight and environmental degradation in China, but also the emergence and transformation of migrant spaces, subjects, activism, and networks resulting in part from globalization.
Lexington Books The Twenty-first Century African American Novel and the Critique of Whiteness in Everyday Life: Blackness as Strategy for Social Change
This book examines the post-9/11 African American novels, developing a new critical discourse on everyday discursive practices of whiteness. The critique of everyday life in the racial context of post-9/11 American society is important in considering diverse forms of the lived experiences and subjectivities of black people in the novels. They help us see that African American representations of the city have political significance in that the “neo-urban novel” explores the possibility of a black dialogic communication to build a transformative social change. Since the real power of Whiteness lies in its discursive power, the book reveals the urgency to understand not only how whiteness works in everyday life in American society. But it also explores how to cultivate new possibilities of configuring and performing Blackness differently, as a response to the post-9/11 configurations of the culture of fear, to produce new ways of interactional social relations that can eventually open up the space of critical awareness for white people to work against rather than reinforce discursive practices of White supremacy in everyday life. This book explores how the multiple subjectivities and transformative acts of blackness can offer ways of subverting the discursive power of the white embodied practices. What defines post-9/11 America as a nation that is consumed by the fear of racialized terrorists is its roots in the fear of (‘uncontrollable’) Blackness as excess and ominous threat in the domestic terrain through which the ideology of White supremacy has constructed for governing through Whiteness. African-American urban novels published in the twenty-first century respond to the discursive power of normative Whiteness that regulates black bodies, selves and lives. This book demonstrates how black people contest white dominant social spaces as sites of black criminality and exclusion in an attempt to re-signify them as the sites of black transformative change through personal and grassroots activism through their performativity of Blackness as an agential identity formation in their interpersonal urban social encounters with white people. Hence, the vulnerable spaces of Whiteness in interracial urban encounters, as it pervasively addresses those moments of transformative change, enacted by Black characters, in the face of the discursive practices of whiteness in the everyday life. These novels celebrate multifarious representations of black individuals, who are capable of using their agency to subvert White discursive power, in finding ways in their personal and grassroots activism to transform the culture of fear that locates Blackness as such in an attempt to make a difference in the American society at large.
Lexington Books The Bonin Islanders, 1830 to the Present: Narrating Japanese Nationality
This book is a collection of interwoven historical narratives that present an intriguing and little known account of the Ogasawara (Bonin) archipelago and its inhabitants. The narratives begin in the seventeenth century and weave their way through various events connected to the ambitions, hopes, and machinations of individuals, communities, and nations. At the center of these narratives are the Bonin Islanders, originally an eclectic mix of Pacific Islanders, Americans, British, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, and African settlers that first landed on the islands in 1830. The islands were British sovereign territory from 1827 to 1876, when the Japanese asserted possession of the islands based on a seventeenth century expedition and a myth of a samurai discoverer. As part of gaining sovereign control, the Japanese government made all island inhabitants register as Japanese subjects of the national family register. The islanders were not literate in Japanese and had little experience of Japanese culture and limited knowledge of Japanese society, but by 1881 all were forced or coerced into becoming Japanese subjects. By the 1930s the islands were embroiled in the Pacific War. All inhabitants were evacuated to the Japanese mainland until 1946 when only the descendants of the original settlers were allowed to return. In the postwar period the islands fell under U.S. Navy administration until they were reverted to full Japanese sovereignty in 1968. Many descendants of these original settlers still live on the islands with family names such as Washington, Gonzales, Gilley, Savory, and Webb. This book explores the social and cultural history of these islands and its inhabitants and provides a critical approach to understanding the many complex narratives that make up the Bonin story.
Lexington Books Samuel F. B. Morse and the Dawn of the Age of Electricity
The Morse telegraph launched the electronic telecommunications industry and reduced the travel time of information from days, weeks and months to seconds and minutes. It was one of the most important breakthrough inventions of all time. George F. Botjer's examination of the creator of the telegraph is based on previously unpublished archival sources. It considers Samuel F. B. Morse, the creator of the first telegraph, and the ways in which place and time had an effect on the launch of his invention and his resulting fame, and how the invention affected the inventor himself.
Lexington Books Feminist Analyses of Applied Ethics
This book forwards a line of argument that indicates how feminist analyses can ameliorate the standard consequential (and occasionally deontological) lines in applied ethics. Drawing on core concepts in feminist philosophy, Feminist Analyses of Applied Ethics investigates five major issues: immigration, environmental preservation, intervention in medical areas, the peace movement, and matters of citizenship. Although most of these areas have received extensive analysis, there is no one work that covers all five areas from a feminist point of view. This book aims to remedy that defect. The work draws on key thinkers in feminist ethics, such as Card and Gilligan, and also ventures to other areas of feminist philosophy.
Lexington Books Scripting Dance in Contemporary India
As stories of Indian dance’s renaissance span almost a full century, there has emerged a globally dispersed community of Indian dancers, scholars and audiences who are deeply committed to keeping these traditions alive and experimenting with traditional dance languages to grapple with contemporary themes and issues. Scripting Dance in Contemporary India is an edited volume that contributes to this field of Indian dance studies. The book engages with multiple dance forms of India and their representations. The contributions are eclectic, including writings by both scholars and performers who share their experiential knowledge. There are four sections in the book – section I titled, “Representations’ has three chapters that deal with textual representations and illustrations of dance and dancers, and the significance of those representations in the present. Section II titled, “Histories in Process” consists of two chapters that engage with the historiographies of dance forms and suggest that histories are narratives that are continually created. In the third section, “Negotiations”, the four chapters address the different ways in which dance is embedded in society, and the different ways in which the aesthetics of a form has to negotiate with social, economic and political imperatives. The final section, “Other Voices/ Other Bodies” brings voices which are outside the mainstream of dance as ‘serious’ art.
Lexington Books Elinor Ostrom and the Bloomington School of Political Economy: Polycentricity in Public Administration and Political Science
Elinor (Lin) Ostrom was awarded the 2009 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for her pathbreaking research on "economic governance, especially the commons"; but she also made important contributions to several other fields of political economy and public policy. The range of topics she covered and the multiple methods she used might convey the mistaken impression that her body of work is disjointed and incoherent. This four-volume compendium of papers written by Lin, alone or with various coauthors (most notably including her husband and partner, Vincent), supplemented by others expanding on their work, brings together the common strands of research that serve to tie her impressive oeuvre together. That oeuvre, together with Vincent's own impressive body of work, has come to define a distinctive school of political-economic thought, the "Bloomington School." Each of the four volumes is organized around a central theme of Lin's work. Volume 1 explores the roles played by the concept polycentricity in the disciplines of public administration, political science, and other forms of political economy. Polycentricity denotes a complex system of governance in which public authorities, citizens, and private organizations work together to establish and enforce the rules that guide their behavior. It encapsulates an approach toward policy analysis that blurs standard disciplinary boundaries between the social sciences. Throughout their long and remarkably productive careers, Elinor and Vincent Ostrom never tired of reminding us of the capacity of ordinary humans to transcend their own limitations by engaging with others in the myriad forms of collective action required to build and sustain a self-governing society. Their careers stand as exemplars of the proper relationship between rigorous scholarship and responsible citizenship.
Lexington Books Becoming Achilles: Child-sacrifice, War, and Misrule in the lliad and Beyond
Viewing the Iliad and myth through the lens of modern psychology, in Becoming Achilles: Child-Sacrifice, War, and Misrule in the Iliad and Beyond, Richard Holway shows how the epic underwrites individual and communal catharsis and denial. Sacrificial childrearing generates but also threatens agonistic, glory-seeking ancient Greek cultures. Not only aggression but knowledge of sacrificial parenting must be purged. Just as Zeus contrives to have threats to his regime play out harmlessly (to him) in the mortal realm, so the Iliad dramatizes threats to Archaic and later Greek cultures in the safe arena of poetic performance. The epic represents in displaced form destructive mother-son and father-daughter liaisons and resulting strife within and between generations. Holway calls into question the Iliad’s (and many scholars’) presentation of Achilles as a hero who speaks truth to power, learns through suffering, and exemplifies kingly virtues that Agamemnon lacks. So too the Iliad’s cathartic process, whether conceived as purging innate aggression or arriving at moral clarity. Instead, Holway argues, Achilles (and Socrates) try to prove they are not what at bottom they experience themselves to be—needy, defenseless children, who fear to acknowledge, much less speak out against, parents' use of them to meet parents' needs. What emerges from Holway’s analysis is not only a new reading of the Iliad, from its first word to its last, but a revised account of the family dynamics underlying ancient Greek cultures.
Lexington Books Urban Informality: Transnational Perspectives from the Middle East, Latin America, and South Asia
The turn of the century has been a moment of rapid urbanization. Much of this urban growth is taking place in the cities of the developing world and much of it in informal settlements. This book presents cutting-edge research from various world regions to demonstrate these trends. The contributions reveal that informal housing is no longer the domain of the urban poor; rather it is a significant zone of transactions for the middle-class and even transnational elites. Indeed, the book presents a rich view of 'urban informality' as a system of regulations and norms that governs the use of space and makes possible new forms of social and political power. The book is organized as a 'transnational' endeavor. It brings together three regional domains of research—the Middle East, Latin America, and South Asia—that are rarely in conversation with one another. It also unsettles the hierarchy of development and underdevelopment by looking at some First World processes of informality through a Third World research lens.
Lexington Books The Visual Poetics of Power: Warriors, Youths, and Tripods in Early Greece
This book is a focused study on the Greek tripod cauldron, the most revered religious symbol in Greek culture, and its multiple dimensions. At the core of its analysis is the visual apparatus of the early bronze tripods, which, as early as the 8th century, take the form of spear-brandishing warriors and, later in the 7th century, as handle holding youths. Traditional interpretations of these bronze images have neglected their original function on top of tripods. This study examines for the first time the iconography of these attachments in light of two considerations: first, the function of the tripod as symbol of authoritative discourse and political power in Early Greek culture and second the communicative role of images in the preliterate contexts of Early Greek sanctuaries, the specification of which informs the analysis in the last three chapters. The Visual Poetics of Power: Warriors, Youths, and Tripods in Early Greece has far-reaching implications for contemporary scholarship of early Greek culture: the performative contexts of epic poetry, the social function of early Greek works of art, and the communicative function of figurative art in preliterate contexts.
Lexington Books Atheists in American Politics: Social Movement Organizing from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Centuries
Today atheists, it seems, are everywhere. Nonbelievers write best-selling books and proudly defend their views in public; they have even hired a lobbyist. But, as political scientist Richard J. Meagher shows, atheist political activism is not a new phenomenon. From the "Freethought" movement of the late 1800s, to postwar "rationalists" and "humanists," to today's proud atheists, nonbelievers have called for change within a resistant political culture. While atheist organizing typically has been a relatively lonely and sad affair, advances in technology and new political opportunities have helped atheists to finally gain at least some measure of legitimacy in American politics. In Atheists in American Politics, one of the first works to take atheism seriously as a social movement, Meagher highlights key moments within the political history of atheism and freethought, and examines how the changing circumstances that surround the movement help explain political mobilization. In doing so, this book also highlights the ways that social movements in general gain momentum, and how a number of interlocking factors are often necessary to enable a movement to "take off" in American politics.
Lexington Books American Presidents and Jerusalem
Any casual observer of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict would immediately recognize that the holy city of Jerusalem is the core issue impeding a permanent peace settlement between the two antagonists. The religious symbolism of this city and its centrality to major religious faiths has never faded and has become increasingly vital to various strands of twentieth-century religious nationalisms. The political fate of Jerusalem was inevitably mired in international political struggles of the Cold War, particularly after the United States inherited Britain’s mantle as the ultimate arbiter of regional conflicts and strategic disputes. The asymmetrical balance of military power between Israel and Jordan made superpower intervention both inevitable and unpredictable. This study examines the policies of twentieth-century US presidents regarding the status of Jerusalem. It traces the evolution of the United States’ embroilment in the politics of Mandatory Palestine, successive wars, and regimes that vied for control over Jerusalem, and tracks the conflicting historical narratives presented by various states in the region. It also takes a detailed look at the role of the American Jewish lobby, which constantly pressured the United States to overlook Israel’s refusal to go back to the lines of June 5, 1967, or to stop creating facts on the ground in East Jerusalem. The role of the oil lobby in seeking the reversal of Israeli annexationist steps in Jerusalem is also analyzed. The failure of several American presidents to broker an Arab–Israeli peace agreement is seen here as the result of the latitude enjoyed by presidential advisers in determining the main contours of American foreign policy in this region and guarding access to the chief executive in times of crisis. Finally, the book is an illustration of the perils of downplaying the human rights abuses of junior client states in order to placate national lobby groups in the Untied States, leading to the entrenchment of the Israeli state not only over Jerusalem, but throughout the West Bank.
Lexington Books Textual Layering: Contact, Historicity, Critique
Textual Layering: Contact, Historicity, Critique sets out to rethink our relation to textual tradition against the background of several contemporary developments, including the emergence of digital culture, the increasing spectacularization of psychic as well as social life, the renegotiation of historical thinking, and the precarious position of the theoretical humanities within academia. To this end, the volume re-invests the concept of “layering,” a concept currently used in a wide range of fields, including metaphor studies and linguistics, cybernetics, the social sciences, art, and architecture. Drawing on existing definitions of “layering,” the chapters in this book return to and re-appraise some of the most crucial concerns in the post-1960s theoretical scene: that is, concerns over the strained interplay between writing and the body; textuality and history; critique, différance and the feminine; memory, trace, and the immemorial. The aim of the diverse—often polemical—analyses carried out in this volume is to reactivate the critical force of textual tradition today through a renewed appreciation of its historical embeddedness, its libidinal sources, as well as its complex economy of separation and contact, diachronicity and synchronicity, (re)layering and de-layering. This collection will be of interest to scholars of continental philosophy, literary theory, gender studies, architecture, film and visual culture studies, psychoanalysis, postmodernism, post-colonial studies, and political and social theory.
Lexington Books Dynamic Assessment in Couple Therapy
More and more, therapists are intervening in marital conflicts without waiting to complete the formal assessment process. While most texts begin with theoretical roadmaps for the process of therapy, Dynamic Assessment in Couple Therapy shows therapists how to begin interventions during the process of assessment. By detailing the procedures and techniques for using their innovative Structured Initial Interview (SII), the authors have designed a practical form of intervention to handle both the complexity of the marital journey and the subtle realities of marital roadblocks. As outlined in this innvative book, SII is a creative source of interaction that will stimulate new insights and helpful new directions for therapists and their clients.
Lexington Books Political Satire, Postmodern Reality, and the Trump Presidency: Who Are We Laughing At?
This book attempts to grasp the recent paradigm shift in American politics through the lens of satire. It connects changes in the political and cultural landscape to corresponding shifts in the structure and organization of the media, in order to shed light on the evolution of political satire on late-night television. Satire is situated in its historical background to comprehend its movement away from the fringes of discourse to the very center of politics and the media. Beginning in the 1990s, certain trends such as technological advances, media consolidation, and the globalization of communications reinforced each other, paving the way for satire to claim a prized spot in the visual media—a tendency that only gained strength after September 11. While the Bush presidency presented itself as an apposite target for satirists, their stronghold on American television was made possible by a number of transitions in broader culture, which are encapsulated in the shrinking space available for political engagement under neoliberalism. This largely underestimated development can be understood through the framework of postmodernism, which focuses on the relationship between language, power, and the presentation of reality. These trends and transitions reached a climax in the 2016 election where President Trump was elected, embodying what can only be considered a significant turning point in American politics. The bigger narrative contains various subplots represented in the rise of the neoliberal economy, the acceptance of postmodernism as the dominant cultural code, and the role of the voyeur superseding that of the engaged citizen. It is only through understanding each of these pieces and connecting them that we can comprehend the current political transformation. The present moment may feel like a golden age of satire, and it may well be, but this book addresses the hardest questions about the realities behind such a claim: what can we conclude about when and how satire is effective, judging by the history of this genre in its various incarnations, and how can the “apolitical” postmodern media landscape be reconciled with what the best of this genre has had to offer during times of political duress?
Lexington Books Neonationalist Mythology in Postwar Japan: Pal's Dissenting Judgment at the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal
Radhabinod Pal was an Indian jurist who achieved international fame as the judge representing India at the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal and dissented from the majority opinion, holding that all Japanese “Class A” war criminals were not guilty of any of the charges brought against them. In postwar Japanese politics, right-wing polemicists have repeatedly utilized his dissenting judgment in their political propaganda aimed at refuting the Tokyo trial’s majority judgment and justifying Japan’s aggression, gradually elevating this controversial lawyer from India to a national symbol of historical revisionism. Many questions have been raised about how to appropriately assess Pal’s dissenting judgment and Pal himself. Were the arguments in Pal’s judgment sound? Why did he submit such a bold dissenting opinion? What was the political context? More fundamentally, why and how did the Allies ever nominate such a lawyer as a judge for a tribunal of such great political importance? How should his dissent be situated within the context of modern Asian history and the development of international criminal justice? What social and political circumstances in Japan thrust him into such a prominent position? Many of these questions remain unanswered, while some have been misinterpreted. This book proposes answers to many of them and presents a critique of the persistent revisionist denial of war responsibility in the Japanese postwar right-wing movement.
Lexington Books American Educator Activist and Advocate
Constrained by the intersectionality of her race and gender in a sexist and racist society, Eleanor Rebecca Powell Archer, a woman who originally pursued a profession in textiles and fashion, realized she would have to become a teacher after attending her first Delta Sigma Theta convention in 1938. The obstacles Eleanor faced in her journey are essential to her story, presenting her self-determination, resilience, and activismof which make up the characteristics of a strong Black woman. Framed by Black Feminist Thought, Critical Race Theory, and historical context, American Educator, Activist, and Advocate: Eleanor Rebecca Powell Archer by Kay Ann Taylor examines Eleanor's rich life through her career as a teacher at Sumner High School in Kansas City and as one of the first Black public school teachers in Des Moines, Iowa. This in-depth research into Eleanor's life provides a gateway for academics to acknowledge the lives and ideas of women during the Jim Crow era, clarifying Black
Lexington Books The Influence of Dramatic Arts on Literacies for Black Girls in Middle School
For urban middle school Black girls to fit in educational settings and society they must be seen and understood in their unique ways. They must be able to utilize certain literacies that assist with navigating what they say and how they speak, their confidence, expressions, and identities, as Black girls in these settings. In The Influence of Dramatic Arts on Literacies for Black Girls in Middle School, York demonstrates the impact that practicing drama strategies has on foundational, digital, and identity literacies for middle school Black girls. Personal stories of Black girls are shared on how drama strategies help them navigate discrimination, racist and misogynistic slurs, and even support their self confidence and public speaking. The basis of these stories are told through a Black feminist thought lens, which York uses to take readers through surprising drama strategies that Black girls adopt to help them become resilient and confident while embracing themselves fully. Readers will see the benefits of Black girls practicing drama in a safe space guided by a drama teacher that is a Black women who chooses culturally relevant pedagogy for her students.
Lexington Books Understanding the Syrian Refugee Crises in Turkey: Perspectives from Actors
Refugee and migration crises are among the most heartrending and troubling humanitarian issues of this century. These crises are particularly evident in the case of Syria, where, since 2011, civil war and terrorism have led millions of people to seek refugee status in neighboring countries. . Since 2011, Turkey has pursued an open-door policy accompanied by a national temporary protection regime to protect over 3.6 million Syrians fleeing the civil war. Government institutions (the public service) in Turkey have the significant responsibility of providing essential services, including education and health; moreover, together with government agencies, NGOs are working hard to meet the needs of these people and for improving the quality of services provided. Against this backdrop, the aim of the study was to examine, analyze and understand the positive and negative ramifications of Syrian refugee presence on public services, specifically within the context of education and healthcare, and the role of NGOs while providing these kinds of services.
Lexington Books Fantasy Sports and the Changing Sports Media Industry: Media, Players, and Society
This edited collection examines how fantasy sports play has established a prominent and promising foothold in the larger sports ecology. Often considered an isolated activity for the hardcore sports fan, fantasy sports play have since been incorporated into sports broadcasting and editorial coverage, sports marketing and promotions, and even into the very sports themselves with athletes and teams using the activities to draw fans further into the sports experience. This edited collection invites leading scholars and sports professionals from several different fields to share historical and emerging perspectives on the importance of fantasy sports as an artifact of theoretical and empirical importance to larger issues of sport and society. \
Lexington Books Cavaille-Coll's Monumental Organ Project for Saint Peter's, Rome: Bigger Than Them All
Aristide Cavaillé-Coll (1811-1899) is often referred to as the greatest organ builder of all time. The pipe-organ, being the most complicated musical instrument mechanically and tonally, as well as the most expensive, adds significantly to that world's greatest designation. The talents required to be such a person range far from music-making to advanced physics, architecture, and engineering. That, plus the obvious knack to raise vast sums of money. Cavaillé-Coll's Monumental Organ Project for Saint Peter's, Rome: Bigger Than Them All, by Ronald Ebrecht, is the story of the quest to build the largest-ever mechanical-action organ in the biggest church at the time. Cavaillé-Coll's model for that organ and the book he wrote outlining his proposal are the core of Ebrecht's discussion. Cavaillé-Coll bestrode a century as well as an art-form. His century complicated the project with the most intricate, intractable problems. Saint-Peter's Square, now a part of the Vatican City State, was then part of the newly-united Italy, which had just deposed the pope as ruler of the center of Italy and taken the papal lands. The east end of the basilica facing the square and the Tiber became a much disputed boundary. It was a part of the Italian state so hotly contested that the Italian Republicans would not accept the concept of an organ hanged from the basilica wall, lest it shift. Before, or since, has the music sphere ever provoked such a question that could bring nations to swords?
Lexington Books Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia: The Philosopher Princess
Elisabeth of Bohemia (1618–1680) was the daughter of the Elector Palatine, Frederick V, King of Bohemia, and Elizabeth Stuart, the daughter of King James VI and I of Scotland and England. A princess born into one of the most prominent Protestant dynasties of the age, Elisabeth was one of the great female intellectuals of seventeenth-century Europe. This book examines her life and thought. It is the story of an exiled princess, a grief-stricken woman whose family was beset by tragedy and whose life was marked by poverty, depression, and chronic illness. It is also the story of how that same woman’s strength of character, unswerving faith, and extraordinary mind saw her emerge as one of the most renowned scholars of the age. It is the story of how one woman navigated the tumultuous waters of seventeenth-century politics, religion, and scholarship, fought for her family’s ancestral rights, and helped established one of the first networks of female scholars in Western Europe. Drawing on her correspondence with René Descartes, as well as the letters, diaries, and writings of her family, friends, and intellectual associates, this book contributes to the recovery of Elisabeth’s place in the history of philosophy. It demonstrates that although she is routinely marginalized in contemporary accounts of seventeenth-century thought, overshadowed by the more famous male philosophers she corresponded with, or dismissed as little more than a “learned maiden,” Elisabeth was a philosopher in her own right who made a significant contribution to modern understandings of the relationship between the body and the mind, challenged dominant accounts of the nature of the emotions, and provided insightful commentaries on subjects as varied as the nature and causes of illness to the essence of virtue and Machiavelli’s The Prince.
Lexington Books Black Bodies and Transhuman Realities: Scientifically Modifying the Black Body in Posthuman Literature and Culture
Black Bodies and Transhuman Realities: Scientifically Modifying the Black Body in Posthuman Literature and Culture makes a series of valuable contributions to ongoing dialogues surrounding posthuman blackness and Afro-transhumanism. The collection explores the Black body (self) in the context of transhuman realities from a variety of literary and artistic perspectives. These points of view convey the cultural, political, social, and historical implications that frame the space of Black embodiment, functioning as sites of potentiality and pointing toward the possibility of a transcendental Black subjectivity. In this book, many questions concerning the transformation of the Black body are presented as parallels to philosophical and religious inquiries that have traditionally been addressed from a hegemonic viewpoint. The chapters demonstrate how literature, based on its historical and social contexts, contributes to broader thought about Black transcendence of subjectivity in a posthuman framework, exploring interpretations of the “old” and visions of the “new” human.
Lexington Books Conventional Wisdom, Parties, and Broken Barriers in the 2016 Election
The 2016 presidential election was unconventional in many ways. The election of President Donald Trump caught many by surprise, with a true outsider — a candidate with no previous governmental experience and mixed support from his own party — won the election by winning in traditionally Democratic states with coattails that extended to Republican Senate candidates and resulted in unified Republican government for the first time since 2008. This result broke with the pre-election conventional wisdom, which expected Hillary Clinton to win the presidency and a closer Senate divide. This surprising result led many political scientists to question whether 2016 truly marked a major turning point in American elections as portrayed in the media — a break from the conventional wisdom – or whether it was really the exception that proved the rule.In this volume, political scientists examine previous theories and trends in light of the 2016 election to determine the extent to which 2016 was a break from previous theories. While in some areas it seems as though 2016 was really just what would have been predicted, in others, this election and the new president pose significant challenges to mainstream theories in political science. In particular, prominent political scientists examine whether voter trends, with particular focus on groups by gender, age, geography, and ethnicity, and election issues, especially the role of the Supreme Court, followed or bucked recent trends. Several political scientists examine the unconventional nomination process and whether this signals a new era for political parties. The role of conspiracy theories and voter confidence in the administration of elections are also discussed. Finally, contributors also examine the indirect effect the presidential candidates, especially Trump, played in congressional election rhetoric.
Lexington Books Africana Social Stratification: An Interdisciplinary Study of Economics, Policy, and Labor
This study seeks to critically examine the field and function of social stratification, with emphasis on Africana phenomena. Phrased another way, this edited volume attempts to study and focus on who gets what and why, with regard to resources and structural application of support. The John Henrik Clarke query is who made this arrangement of leadership in America. Moreover, serving as a reference, this study will assist researchers in contextualizing and thematically examining the structural and resource allocation of disparity exhibited toward Africana people. This manuscript of essays is the first its kind. This study incorporates an interdisciplinary scope to examine the concept of Africana Social Stratification in the subject areas of: history, political science, economics, Africana Studies, and social policy.
Lexington Books Against Apocalypse: Recovering Humanity's Wholeness
The book denounces the irresponsible recklessness of some geopolitical agendas which are pushing the world relentlessly toward a major global war, and possibly toward nuclear destruction or apocalypse. The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has recently placed the "Doomsday Clock" at three minutes to midnight. Signs pointing toward a possible grand disaster are multiple: everywhere one looks in our world today one finds ethnic and religious conflicts, bloody mayhem, incipient genocide, proxy wars and "hybrid" wars", renewal of the Cold War. Add to these ills global economic crises, massive streams of refugees, and the threats posed by global warming - and the picture of a world in complete disorder is complete. Thus, it is high time for humankind to wake up. Starting from the portrayal of global "anomie", the book issues a call to people everywhere to oppose the rush to destruction and to return to political sanity and the quest for peace. This is a call to global public responsibility. In ethical terms, it says that people everywhere have an obligation to prevent apocalypse and to "maintain" our world or "hold the world together" in all its dimensions - including the dimensions of human and social life, natural ecology, and human spiritual aspirations (or openness to the divine). Differently out: in lieu of the prevailing disorder and brokenness, the book urges us to search for a new "wholeness" and just peace. The book is intercultural and also inter-disciplinary. Since the aim is holistic - to hold the world together - the book necessarily has to draw on many disciplines: including philosophy, theology, social science, history, and literature. In terms of Western philosophical and intellectual legacies, it draws mainly on the teachings of Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Derrida. It also offers a completely new interpretation of the work of Thomas Hobbes, unearthing in this work an ethical demand to exit from the state of perpetual warfare in the direction of a shared commonwealth. The text also relies on the teachings of Christian theology (both Catholic and Protestant), invoking at crucial junctures the works of Karl Barth, Raimon Panikkar, and others. In terms of non-Western intellectual and spiritual legacies, the book offers new interpretations of leading texts in the Indian and Chinese traditions. Thus, emphasis is placed on the ideas of "world maintenance" (loka-samgraha) in Hinduism and of "All-Under-Heaven" in classical Chinese thought. Although a central thrust of the text is for a new wholeness, the goal is not a uniform synthesis where everything would be swallowed up in a bland unity. Rather the issue is how to preserve diversity of the world in its rightful integrity, by linking all elements in a complex web of interconnections and "relationality".
Lexington Books Revitalizing Governance, Restoring Prosperity, and Restructuring Foreign Affairs: The Pathway to Renaissance America
The American people generally perceive that the United States is headed in “the wrong direction,” US influence worldwide is waning, Capitol Hill is not adequately representing the public’s interests, and their personal economic wellbeing is in jeopardy. This book squarely tackles the list of “fault lines” currently facing the United States, including, among others, Beltway dysfunctionalism, concentrated wealth and income not seen since the late 1920s, an ultra-expensive and inefficient health-care system, runaway entitlement spending, stagnant upward mobility, debilitating “crony capitalism,” and incoherent foreign policy. Even more importantly, the book offers explicit policy recommendations for solving each fault line, relying extensively on “best practices” in the public and private sectors both at home and abroad. Moreover, the author emphasizes that the United States is entering a special period which provides it with advantages not found anywhere else in the world—a major energy boom, favorable demographics, unparalleled high-technology innovation, huge inward investment flows from abroad, the revival of its manufacturing sector, and its magnetism in attracting to its shores the very best and brightest from around the world. Dr. Fry asserts that it is quite reasonable to assume that the United States will enter a “Renaissance America” period by 2030. Doing so, however, will require painful short-term sacrifices, major policy changes, and the restoration of vibrant representative government. In effect, the American people must overwhelmingly embrace Abraham Lincoln’s vision of governance “of the people, by the people, and for the people.”
Lexington Books Homing Devices: The Poor as Targets of Public Housing Policy and Practice
Homing Devices is a collection of ethnographies that address the central problem affecting not only the United States but also other developed and developing nations around the globe-affordable housing. These ethnographies cut across national and cultural borders, offering a diverse look at housing policies and practices as well as addressing the problems associated with providing or obtaining affordable housing. The studies incorporate perspectives of both policymakers and recipients and as such provide comparative insight into public housing policy programs and practices based on qualitative research. The collected experts provide an analysis of such problems as displacement, resettlement, policy implementation, collaborative planning, exclusionary practices, environmental racism, and silencing the voices of dissent. Editors Schuller and thomas-houston have assembled a strong volume that offers a fresh approach to discussing policy while bringing the particular problem of housing to the forefront in a way that will appeal to scholars of anthropology and social science, governmental policy departments, and activists from the general public across the nation.
Lexington Books Ecoscapes: Geographical Patternings of Relations
This volume's concept, 'ecoscape,' has been formed for the purpose of comprehending the spatial configuration (geography) of an ecosystem. Using this method, the contributors place emphasis not on things, but on the spatial patternings of relations and interrelations. Through the related notion of economy, conceptualized as the management of the ecoscape, contributors investigate ethical problems and value choices in light of the way that we are contextualized in the world. By envisioning specific environments as spatial processes of events composed of interrelated patternings, the co-editors intend to provide a fresh approach for framing the problems that beset our world.
Lexington Books Political Blind Spots: Reading the Ideology of Images
In order to better understand the conditions of the twenty-first century Raphael Sassower and Louis Cicotello revisit the twentieth century in Political Blind Spots: Reading the Ideology of Images. Sassower and Cicotello revisit some of the most significant periods in art and politics in the twentieth century paying close attention to the relationship between aesthetics and politics.
Lexington Books Agriculture in Transition: Land Policies and Evolving Farm Structures in Post Soviet Countries
The Iron Curtain lifted in 1989, and more than twenty nations emerged from the isolation that had largely hidden them from the rest of the world for more than four decades. In each of these former Soviet States, remnants of tradition and economic organization has prevented them from stepping out, beyond the curtain and onto the world stage. Regardless, some have been extremely successful. In Agriculture in Transition: Land Policies and Evolving Farm Structures in Post Soviet Countries authors Zvi Lerman, Csaba Csaki, and Gershon Feder study the land policies and farming infastructures of these newly emerging nations as components of institutional change in the rural sector - change from a centralized rural economy to a market-oriented economy. Their analysis of the policy, tradition, history, and social structure of these developing states pushes the discussion of economic transition beyond questions policy, planning, and implementation.
Lexington Books Spreading the Gospel in Colonial Virginia: Preaching Religion and Community
Due to a perceived lack of resources, historians of colonial-era Virginia have generally heaped their attention on regional politics and virtually ignored the area's rich religious history. Even at a time of revived interest in Virginia's religious atmosphere, few scholars have opted to examine what is perhaps one of the region's most valuable primary resources: sermon literature. Edward L. Bond offers a reappraisal of religion's place in the colonies, fully chronicling as well as contextualizing the practice of religion and church activities in early America. He explains the inextricable ties between religious life and community life, setting the stage for sermons and original documents that color in a vibrant picture of life in the Virginia colony. The sermons appear as they do in the original, with all notes and marginalia intact. Bond's own notes provide definitions of obscure words and terms, explanations of arcane allusions, and references for unattributed citations. His commentary vastly enriches our appreciation not only of the texts, but also of their writers and the important role these clergymen played in shaping the young nation. Spreading the Gospel in Colonial Virginia is fascinating reading for armchair and professional historians alike, and is an ideal teaching tool for courses in early American history.
Lexington Books Refugee Women
Refugee Women, originally published in 1992, turned awareness for the first time to the particular issues faced by women driven from their homes as a result of international conflict. Used in coursework, for training, and as a springboard for policy development, this enormously influential book still has not done enough. In the second edition of Refugee Women, Susan Forbes Martin draws on years of personal field experience and policy work to revisit the particular concerns of female refugees. In this new edition, Martin provides crucial background for understanding the legal issues and policies developed to protect women persecuted because of their gender. She also describes the recent genesis of the category of internally displaced persons, focusing on the unique hardships of women who flee their homes but remain within the borders of their own countries. Finally, Martin demonstrates how women can advance toward greater participation in legal and economic decision making, affirming the power women possess to affect their own destiny when given the necessary support.
Lexington Books The Gentleman in the Garden: The Influential Landscape in the Works of James Fenimore Cooper
The Gentleman in the Garden: The Influential Landscape of James Fenimore Cooper examines the profound and previously unrecognized relationship between landscape and social standing in the work of James Fenimore Cooper. Russell T. Newman looks at the use of landscape in a wide array of Cooper's novels to illustrate the great author's distinctive outlook on what it meant to be a gentleman in the early days of America. Both a broad overview of Cooper's work and an in-depth examination of its views on society,The Gentleman in the Garden is more than a glimpse into the pioneer aesthetic of one of America's earliest authors: it demonstrates how Cooper re-defined the concept of the gentleman to suit American life. Only in the land of democracy, opportunity and rolling countryside can a true Cooper gentleman emerge.
Lexington Books And Why Not?: The Human Person and the Heart of Business
Although free enterprise and free economies now proliferate around the globe, the idea of business as a holy vocation is one that has received little attention. Few business figures have depicted their professions in this light, as few have seen how their roles might bridge the divide between the economic and theological realms. François Michelin is an exception. Years of experience with the Michelin group—the company famous for introducing the radial tire that revolutionized the car industry—have convinced Michelin that the entrepreneur produces great moral and material good as he or she fulfills the myriad responsibilities of the job. In this illuminating series of interviews, Michelin explains his belief that the work of a business leader closely reflects God's creative act. And Why Not: Morality and Business argues convincingly for the valuation of a profound theological dimension of business life and advocates for a greater appreciation of men and women in business, on whose efforts the health of a nation stands.
Lexington Books Beaumarchais and the American Revolution
Described by the magazine American Heritage as the "Most Underrated French Hero of the American Revolution," Caron de Beaumarchais—the French watchmaker who rose to fame and fortune as a dramatist, polemist, and Enlightenment free-thinker—became the most famous arms dealer of the American Revolutionary War. Based on archival research in Europe and the U.S., this authoritative study tells the fascinating story of Beaumarchais's role as an owner and outfitter of ships and as an arms merchant. It chronicles his dealings with Louis XVI, Vergennes, Benjamin Franklin, and the American Continental Congress, and his family's struggle to receive payment for the weapons and materiel sent to the American colonists. Morton and Spinelli's work is a rich, detailed history of the American Revolution and of one of the eighteenth century's most engaging characters.
Lexington Books Making Progress
While a universal definition of 'progress' has proved elusive, measures of progress have been defined and grouped, into the broad areas of material wealth; social relations; technical capacity; and moral, aesthetic, and intellectual sensibilities. However, not until the 'Progress Project,' whose results are gathered here, has the impact of progress on public policy in these realms been systematically explored. In this volume, noted scholars in economics, government, education, technology, literature, culture, and religion, among other fields, discuss the meaning and measurement of progress in their areas of specialty. They assess particular policies that have either promoted or retarded progress and provide recommendations for policy processes or instruments that better reflect the nature of forward movement in the current era. Making Progress is an important contribution to both the theoretical and practical literature on public policy; it is a resource for scholars and students as well as a guide for policymakers, analysts, and advocates who help craft those policies in the name of progress.
Lexington Books Literary Insinuations: Sorting Out Sinyavsky's Irreverence
Scholar, satirist, and critic, Andrei Sinyavsky was considered so politically dangerous to the Russian communist regime that he was sentenced to the gulag for seven years. Given the grim political circumstances in which he wrote, it is hardly surprising that many theorists have overlooked the strain of dark humor that runs through many of his writings. The first in-depth examination of Sinyavsky's satirical side, Literary Insinuations: Sorting out Sinyavsky's Irreverance is one of the few English-language works on this brilliant author. Walter Kolonosky combines rich historical detail with close textual analysis to produce a study of playful and provocative writing which ties together many loose ends in Sinyavsky scholarship.