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Taylor & Francis Inc Simulations of Oscillatory Systems: with Award-Winning Software, Physics of Oscillations
Deepen Your Students’ Understanding of Oscillations through Interactive ExperimentsSimulations of Oscillatory Systems: with Award-Winning Software, Physics of Oscillations provides a hands-on way of visualizing and understanding the fundamental concepts of the physics of oscillations. Both the textbook and software are designed as exploration-oriented supplements for courses in general physics and the theory of oscillations.The book is conveniently structured according to mathematical complexity. Each chapter in Part I contains activities, questions, exercises, and problems of varying levels of difficulty, from straightforward to quite challenging. Part II presents more sophisticated, highly mathematical material that delves into the serious theoretical background for the computer-aided study of oscillations.The software package allows students to observe the motion of linear and nonlinear mechanical oscillatory systems and to obtain plots of the variables that describe the systems along with phase diagrams and plots of energy transformations. These computer simulations provide clear, vivid illustrations of oscillations in various physical systems, bringing to life many abstract concepts, developing students’ physical intuition, and complementing the analytical study of the subject. Students can investigate phenomena that would otherwise be difficult to study in a more conventional manner.
Taylor & Francis Inc Articular Cartilage
This book covers the latest research and advancements related to articular cartilage in biology, development, pathology, clinical applications and tissue engineering. The authors take an interdisciplinary approach that encompasses the breadth and depth of basic science, bioengineering, translational science and detailed methological approaches. It is designed to be an all encompassing encyclopedia of articular cartilage. Written at a level that allows wide accessibility, the book’s comprehensive focus on multiple aspects of articular cartilage sets it apart from other books.
Taylor & Francis Inc Forensic Neuropathology
Forensic neuropathology is an important specialty within forensic pathology. In addition to traumatic brain injury in the adult and child, forensic neuropathologists must also consider the role of natural disease within the forensic setting such as cerebrovascular disease, as well as neurotoxicology. Focusing on difficulties that arise in the medico-legal context, the chapters include techniques for the post-mortem examination of the brain and related structures. Forensic pathologists, neuropathologists, general pathologists, clinical forensic specialists as well as neuroscientists, neurologists and neurosurgeons will all find useful information. In addition, members of the legal profession have found this an important reference work.Chapters have been extensively revised and new content includes- Chronic traumatic encephalopathy-related pathology- Sudden unexplained death in epilepsy- Biomechanics of head injury- Updates on pathological aspects of head injury including infant head injury with ocular pathology- Clinical aspects of head injury and spinal injury including a new chapter on neuroradiologyReviews of the First EditionThis outstanding book is unique. Well-illustrated with high-quality colour photographs and line drawings, it reads well. Strongly recommended for trainees in histopathology, neuropathology, paediatric pathology, and forensic pathology, as well as for consultants practising in these fields.
Taylor & Francis Inc Forest Value Chain Optimization and Sustainability
This book provides a global perspective on the various issues that the industry has to face as well as to provide some key global strategies that can help coping with those global challenges, such as collaboration, strategic value chain planning, and interdependency analyses. It presents literature reviews, strategic research orientations, assessment of some current key issues, and state-of-the-art methodologies.
Taylor & Francis Inc Pig Health
Maintaining the health of pigs is vital in pig farming and production. This new book written by experts from around the world focuses on the health of pigs, first with coverage of the disorders of pigs organised by clinical sign and body system. The book explores environmental medicine and then health maintenance. Treatment options are discussed, emphasizing a reduction in antimicrobial use and an increased awareness of a holistic approach to treatment. The book includes over 1,500 high-quality illustrations to enhance the clinical description, as well as a wealth of high-quality videos to test the reader in making differential diagnoses with treatment options. Quizzes at the end of each section also encourage reflective learning. International experts from the UK, USA, Australia, Spain and Taiwan cover clinical examination of the individual pig and groups along with environmental medicine, making this the ideal reference for veterinary practitioners and students. Those interested in population medicine (poultry, aquaculture, cattle and small ruminant and apiaries) will particularly enjoy the holistic approach to veterinary medicine. All those who appreciate the many talents of pigs will enjoy the practical approach to managing the health of their animals.This book moves veterinary science forward, promoting health rather than treating disease. It will be your number one reference for keeping your pigs healthy.
Taylor & Francis Inc The International Manager: A Guide for Communicating, Cooperating, and Negotiating with Worldwide Colleagues
Currently, internationally dispersed teams are commonplace among global companies. Managers are often aware conceptually of the different dimensions of culture, yet struggle to translate these concepts into their daily activities. This book gives managers insight into specific techniques they can use to better manage their intercultural teams and deal with partners, suppliers, and customers from other countries. It gives practical strategies for how to apply popular management models in other cultures. All intercultural problems initially manifest as communication problems. For this reason, The International Manager starts with practical insight into interpersonal (verbal and non-verbal) communication against a cross-cultural background. The element of culture is added with the introduction of the Hofstede model of culture. The book then applies these frameworks to four key aspects of the manager’s responsibilities: managing performance, managing teams, managing change, and managing negotiations. Along the way, the book provides 100 practical tips for successful intercultural cooperation that the manager can start using immediately.This book targets managers in companies whose business takes place in a global context. It should benefit globally operating product and marketing managers, engineers, project leaders, program managers, change managers, and specialists. Two specific groups that can benefit are managers who steer intercultural teams and managers who manage their company’s interaction with suppliers, customers, and partners from other cultures. With its vast amount of new practical tips, this book provides managers with an extremely useful reference they can rely on in their daily business lives.
Taylor & Francis Inc The TWI Workbook: Essential Skills for Supervisors, Second Edition
Since the publication of its Shingo Prize-winning predecessor, TWI programs have seen steady growth in usage. As a true understanding of Standard Work has developed, the need for the TWI skills as fundamental tools to achieve Lean objectives has been solidified.The TWI Workbook: Essential Skills for Supervisors, Second Edition has been completely updated to the latest terminology and practice. This edition includes revised forms and tools, as well as new examples that illustrate current day TWI practice. Emphasizing the importance of accident and injury prevention, this edition includes an entirely new section on Job Safety, a fourth TWI module that was developed in Japan using the identical TWI methodology of the original three programs introduced in the original work. This updated edition includes new chapters on: Four Steps of Job Safety: Preventing Accidents before They Happen Two Key Aspects to Safety: Things and People Practicing the JS Method TWI’s Problem Solving Training In addition to a new chapter on the TWI problem-solving methodology, this edition contains a new introduction with a more complete description of how TWI was reintroduced into American industry, including detailed information on the contribution TWI made at Toyota that was not available when the original book was published.Focusing on how the TWI skills create and support standardized work as the foundation for Lean and continuous improvement, the book includes detailed explanations on how to determine important steps and find key points that lead the way to standardized work. A new section on making a balanced breakdown has also been added, with new examples of Job Instruction breakdowns. The book also features a new conclusion that compares the historical role of TWI with what companies today are experiencing using the TWI methodology.
Taylor & Francis Inc Human Sectional Anatomy: Atlas of Body Sections, CT and MRI Images, Fourth Edition
First published in 1991, Human Sectional Anatomy set new standards for the quality of cadaver sections and accompanying radiological images. Now in its fourth edition, this unsurpassed quality remains and is further enhanced by the addition of new material. The superb full-colour cadaver sections are compared with CT and MRI images, with accompanying, labelled, line diagrams. Many of the radiological images have been replaced with new examples for this latest edition, captured using the most up-to date imaging technologies to ensure excellent visualization of the anatomy. The photographic material is enhanced by useful notes with details of important anatomical and radiological features.Beautifully presented in a generous format, Human Sectional Anatomy continues to be an invaluable resource for all radiologists, radiographers, surgeons and medics, in training and in practice, and an essential component of departmental and general medical library collections.
Taylor & Francis Inc Driving Project, Program, and Portfolio Success: The Sustainability Wheel
Business sustainability is the management of environmental, social, and financial demands to ensure responsible, ethical, and ongoing success. Businesses appear to have not only bought into integrating sustainability into their business plans, but have started profiting from it. This book helps project, program, and portfolio managers to integrate sustainability thinking into their projects. It contains tools that enable you to baseline present sustainability efforts and analyze the gaps between the baseline and the strategy.In Driving Project, Program, and Portfolio Success: The Sustainability Wheel, the authors present advice on how enterprises can attain higher levels of sustainability and sustained project success. The book introduces a new tool called the Sustainability WheelTM that tells you where you are and what you need to improve. The Sustainability Wheel identifies six interrelated dimensions of sustainability integration: Respect – the sustainability philosophy of the organization Reflect – how that philosophy is conveyed internally Connect – how external stakeholders view the organization Detect – how the organization identifies, analyzes, and responds to sustainability threats Reject – how the organization eliminates inefficiency and waste Project – how the organization identifies, develops, and measures opportunities and converts them to projects and programs aligned with its central mission The book contains a set of questions designed to measure your organization’s sustainability in each dimension. Armed with this valuable feedback, you can determine priorities for sustainability improvement, validate that present sustainability efforts are within your organization’s mission/vision, and provide a mechanism to integrate sustainability into everyday operations. This can lead your organization to key benefits such as improved innovation, reduced waste, higher morale, and simply better-executed projects that are more fully in line with the enterprise goals.Watch a video about the book.
Taylor & Francis Inc From Action Systems to Distributed Systems: The Refinement Approach
Formal methods traditionally address the question of transforming software engineering into a mature engineering discipline. This essentially refers to trusting that the software-intensive systems that form our society’s infrastructures are behaving according to their specifications. More recently, formal methods are also used to understand properties and evolution laws of existing complex and adaptive systems—man-made such as smart electrical grids or natural ones such as biological networks.A tribute to Professor Kaisa Sere’s contributions to the field of computer science, From Action Systems to Distributed Systems: The Refinement Approach is the first book to address the impact of refinement through a multitude of formal methods ranging from Action Systems to numerous related approaches in computer science research. It presents a state-of-the-art review on the themes of distributed systems and refinement. A fundamental part of Kaisa Sere’s research consisted of developing Action Systems, a formalism for modeling, analysing, and constructing distributed systems. Within the design of distributed systems, Kaisa Sere’s main research focus was on refinement-based approaches to the construction of systems ranging from pure software to hardware and digital circuits.Presenting scientific contributions from renowned researchers around the world, this edited book consists of five sections: Modeling, Analysis, Proof, Refinement, and Applications. Each chapter has been thoroughly reviewed by experts in the field. The book covers both traditional aspects in formal methods research, as well as current and innovative research directions. It describes the transition from the strong theory of refinement to a methodology that can be applied in practice, with tool support.Examining industrial applications of the methods discussed, this book is a suitable resource for graduate students, researchers, and practitioners interested in using formal methods to develop distributed systems of quality.
Taylor & Francis Inc Analysis with Ultrasmall Numbers
Analysis with Ultrasmall Numbers presents an intuitive treatment of mathematics using ultrasmall numbers. With this modern approach to infinitesimals, proofs become simpler and more focused on the combinatorial heart of arguments, unlike traditional treatments that use epsilon–delta methods. Students can fully prove fundamental results, such as the Extreme Value Theorem, from the axioms immediately, without needing to master notions of supremum or compactness. The book is suitable for a calculus course at the undergraduate or high school level or for self-study with an emphasis on nonstandard methods. The first part of the text offers material for an elementary calculus course while the second part covers more advanced calculus topics. The text provides straightforward definitions of basic concepts, enabling students to form good intuition and actually prove things by themselves. It does not require any additional "black boxes" once the initial axioms have been presented. The text also includes numerous exercises throughout and at the end of each chapter.
Taylor & Francis Inc Multiregional Clinical Trials for Simultaneous Global New Drug Development
In a global clinical development strategy, multiregional clinical trials (MRCTs) are vital in the development of innovative medicines. Multiregional Clinical Trials for Simultaneous Global New Drug Development presents a comprehensive overview on the current status of conducting MRCTs in clinical development. International experts from academia, industry, and health organizations address various aspects of the important problems in global clinical development and MRCTs. The book first provides a high-level introduction to the context, motivation, opportunities, and challenges in simultaneous global clinical development using MRCTs. It then focuses on the design, monitoring, and analysis/interpretation of MRCTs. The book concludes with an examination of the latest research topics from MRCT perspectives, such as special considerations by local health authorities, health economic evaluations, benefit-risk assessment, and medical devices.Explaining how to design, conduct, and interpret MRCTs, this book will help biostatisticians working in the late-stage clinical development of medical products. It will also be useful for statisticians and clinicians in the biopharmaceutical industry, regulatory agencies, and medical research institutes.
Taylor & Francis Inc Molecular Detection of Animal Viral Pathogens
Molecular Detection of Animal Viral Pathogens presents expert summaries on state-of-the-art diagnostic approaches for major animal viral pathogens, with a particular emphasis on identification and differentiation at the molecular level. Written by specialists in related research areas, each chapter provides a concise overview of an individual virus or group concerning its Classification Morphology Genome organization Epidemiology Clinical features Diagnosis Sample collection and preparation procedures Molecular detection protocols Each chapter also discusses future prospects or further research requirements for streamlining the identification and epidemiological tracking of the virus concerned.With broad coverage presented in a concise format, Molecular Detection of Animal Viral Pathogens is an essential reference for both beginning and experienced laboratory scientists as well as students of virology. It also offers an indispensable guide applicable to medical, veterinary, and industrial settings that are dependent on speedy turnarounds, extreme sensitivity, and exquisite specificity of virological testing for decision making and disease prevention.
Taylor & Francis Inc Placenta: The Tree of Life
Long regarded as biological waste, the placenta is gaining momentum as a viable product for clinical use. Due to their unique properties, placental cells and derivatives show great promise in curing various diseases. Utilizing contributions from world-renowned experts, Placenta: The Tree of Life considers the therapeutic potential of these cells. It examines new stem cell–based strategies and highlights recent studies that advance the range of treatment for a number of illnesses. Emphasizing the potential research and therapeutic use of stem cells, the book discusses the development, structure, and functions of the human placenta. It introduces overall aspects of the immune system, explains some of the immune mechanisms during pregnancy, and shows the role of the placenta in these mechanisms. Current scientific research is presented that focuses on the mechanisms of action underlying the therapeutic benefit of cells isolated from different placental regions.An exhaustive examination, this pivotal work: Considers how perinatal cells may represent an important source for cell therapy approaches in the near future, in both human and veterinary medicine Describes the clinical potential of placenta-derived cells in regenerative medicine—specifically in neurological disorders, metabolic liver diseases, inflammatory diseases, and autoimmune diseases Explains how cells isolated from different placental tissues share basic properties Placenta: The Tree of Life summarizes the advantages of perinatal tissue as a source of cells with therapeutic potential and is designed for use in the study of genetics, stem cell science, placental function, reproductive biology, regenerative medicine, and related fields.
Taylor & Francis Inc Linear Algebra, Geometry and Transformation
The Essentials of a First Linear Algebra Course and MoreLinear Algebra, Geometry and Transformation provides students with a solid geometric grasp of linear transformations. It stresses the linear case of the inverse function and rank theorems and gives a careful geometric treatment of the spectral theorem.An Engaging Treatment of the Interplay among Algebra, Geometry, and MappingsThe text starts with basic questions about images and pre-images of mappings, injectivity, surjectivity, and distortion. In the process of answering these questions in the linear setting, the book covers all the standard topics for a first course on linear algebra, including linear systems, vector geometry, matrix algebra, subspaces, independence, dimension, orthogonality, eigenvectors, and diagonalization. A Smooth Transition to the Conceptual Realm of Higher MathematicsThis book guides students on a journey from computational mathematics to conceptual reasoning. It takes them from simple "identity verification" proofs to constructive and contrapositive arguments. It will prepare them for future studies in algebra, multivariable calculus, and the fields that use them.Print Versions of this book also include access to the ebook version.
Taylor & Francis Inc MRI: Physics, Image Reconstruction, and Analysis
The field of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has developed rapidly over the past decade, benefiting greatly from the newly developed framework of compressed sensing and its ability to drastically reduce MRI scan times. MRI: Physics, Image Reconstruction, and Analysis presents the latest research in MRI technology, emphasizing compressed sensing-based image reconstruction techniques. The book begins with a succinct introduction to the principles of MRI and then: Discusses the technology and applications of T1rho MRI Details the recovery of highly sampled functional MRIs Explains sparsity-based techniques for quantitative MRIs Describes multi-coil parallel MRI reconstruction techniques Examines off-line techniques in dynamic MRI reconstruction Explores advances in brain connectivity analysis using diffusion and functional MRIs Featuring chapters authored by field experts, MRI: Physics, Image Reconstruction, and Analysis delivers an authoritative and cutting-edge treatment of MRI reconstruction techniques. The book provides engineers, physicists, and graduate students with a comprehensive look at the state of the art of MRI.
Taylor & Francis Inc Urban Storm Water Management
Design Drainage and Storm Water Management Systems EfficientlyUrban Storm Water Management, Second Edition covers the design, installation, and maintenance of storm water management systems, addresses the impact of urban development on runoff and infiltration, and focuses on storm water management relative to flooding and water pollution. Recognizing that urbanization increases and accelerates runoff, reduces infiltration, and deteriorates water quality, the author proposes storm water runoff as a resource that can be conserved for reuse. He suggests the reuse of storm water runoff in general, and rainwater from roofs in particular, as a cost-effective means to achieve long-term sustainability. In addition, the book explores green infrastructure as the future of storm water management, and introduces techniques that can help reduce the thermal impacts of storm water management practices. Based on the author’s more than thirty years of experience, this book includes numerous examples and case studies illustrating the methods and procedures needed to design, maintain, and understand structural and nonstructural storm water management systems. It covers every component of the storm water runoff process, discusses commonly employed runoff models in the United States, and introduces a physically based model developed by the author.New in This Edition: Provides an updated presentation of urbanization’s impact on storm water Presents further analysis of the universal runoff model and the application of this model to non-uniform rainfalls Offers a more detailed presentation of storm water management systems, especially bio-filtration basins Includes a comparative analysis of the effectiveness and costs of best management practices (BMPs) Adds more than twice as many problems as before Contains an in-depth discussion of the means of collecting storm water, such as roof rain for outdoor and certain indoor uses Urban Storm Water Management covers the design of various types of structural storm water management systems, provides new information on storm water management, suggests alternative solutions to storm water runoff problems, and serves as an overall resource for practicing engineers and municipal planners in the design of storm water management elements.
Taylor & Francis Inc Soft Computing Applications in Sensor Networks
This book uses tutorials and new material to describe the basic concepts of soft-computing which potentially can be used in real-life sensor network applications. It is organized in a manner that exemplifies the use of an assortment of soft-computing applications for solving different problems in sensor networking. Written by worldwide experts, the chapters provide a balanced mixture of different problems concerning channel access, routing, coverage, localization, lifetime maximization and target tracking using emerging soft-computing applications.
Taylor & Francis Inc Nanotechnology and Drug Delivery, Volume Two: Nano-Engineering Strategies and Nanomedicines against Severe Diseases
The recent introduction of nanomedicines in the drug therapy arena is revolutionizing the management of severe diseases. The key advance in the field is the optimization of the biological fate of drug molecules, thus improving the therapeutic effect while keeping to a very minimum the associated toxicity. Volume one of this book series, Nanoplatforms in Drug Delivery, established the basic aspects in the development of drug-loaded nanoplatforms, the so-called nanomedicines or nanodrugs, focusing on representative materials and strategies used in their formulation. Taking advantage of the advanced conceptualizations on nanomedicine engineering that were described in volume one, volume two, Nano-Engineering Strategies and Nanomedicines against Severe Diseases, analyzes in depth special features related to the formulation of nanoplatforms for oral, dental, topical and transdermal, pulmonary and nasal, ocular and otic, vaginal, and brain drug delivery and targeting. Particular aspects of nanomedicine engineering and in vivo fate associated with the routing of drug administration are given special attention. In addition, an up-to-date view is presented on the use of nanomedicines against severe diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, infectious diseases, chronic inflammatory diseases, and metabolic diseases. The chapters analyze the key factors that need to be controlled to achieve the optimum therapeutic effect. Attention is further given to gene delivery and the recent concept of nanotheranosis.
Taylor & Francis Inc Handbook of Drug Metabolism, Third Edition
This book continues to be the definitive reference on drug metabolism with an emphasis on new scientific and regulatory developments. It has been updated based on developments that have occurred in the last 5 years, with new chapters on large molecules disposition, stereo-selectivity in drug metabolism, drug transporters and metabolic activation of drugs. Some chapters have been prepared by new authors who have emerged as subject area experts in the decade that has passed since publication of the first edition.Key Features: Continues to be the definitive reference on drug metabolism Covers the drug transporter field, disposition of protein therapeutics and metabolic activation of drugs Includes the contributions of world-class experts in their respective fields Contains the work of editors who are recognized leaders and deep content experts in the field of drug metabolism Emphasizes new scientific and regulatory developments in the field
Taylor & Francis Inc Fundamentals of Asymmetric Synthesis
Asymmetric synthesis is an integral part of synthetic organic chemistry. Some of the reactions in this book were known prior to 1980, while several new ones, particularly catalytic asymmetric reactions, have been discovered in the recent years. The impact of this new class of reactions has been impressively extensive—both on organic and medicinal chemistry. These reactions have been accepted whole-heartedly by synthetic organic chemists in developing shorter routes for complex natural targets as well as in the manufacture of a wide range of drug intermediates.
Taylor & Francis Inc Strength of Materials, Second Edition
Ideal for undergraduate students from all branches of engineering, this simple and easy-to-understand text provides comprehensive coverage of the strength of materials, covering stresses and strains, shear force and bending, torsion, deflection, and strain energy as well as closed-coil helical springs, columns and struts, and thick and thin cylinders. Written in a clear and student-friendly manner, the book includes numerous questions, solved problems, and representative diagrams that aid in comprehension and preparation for AMIE, GATE, and other competitive engineering examinations.
Taylor & Francis Inc Security in the Private Cloud
This comprehensive handbook serves as a professional reference and practitioner’s guide to today’s most complete and concise view of private cloud security. It explores practical solutions to a wide range of private cloud computing security issues. The knowledge imparted will enable readers to determine whether the private cloud security solution is appropriate for their organization from a business and technical perspective, to select the appropriate cloud security model, and to plan and implement a cloud security adoption and migration strategy.
Taylor & Francis Inc Forensic Biomechanics and Human Injury: Criminal and Civil Applications - An Engineering Approach
Forensic Biomechanics and Human Injury: Criminal and Civil Applications – An Engineering Approach provides a concise, comprehensive overview of human anatomy and the biomechanical factors involved in human injury. It describes the methodologies used to compute the various forces, stresses, and energies required to injure the human body.The book covers the theoretical mathematics behind understanding how injuries occur, classifying certain types of injuries, age and biomechanical factors, impact loading, injury investigation, and the importance of expert witnesses and testimony in civil and criminal cases. It contains a significant number of sizes of all the pertinent materials in the human body, classified by age, sex, and in some instances by race, as well as stress–strain curves and tables of the strengths of these materials. Forensic Biomechanics and Human Injury provides a valuable source of information with tools to help the professional determine the nature of injuries, understand the implications of accidents, and the calculations that go into determining such things for both civil and criminal investigations.
Taylor & Francis Inc Vulvovaginal Infections
Vulvovaginal Infections presents new knowledge to help clinicians accurately diagnose and treat their patients and highlights for researchers remaining unsolved problems and the most promising areas for continued investigation. Clinical gynecologists will find practical advice and extensive insight into solving real-life clinical scenarios.The book opens by presenting information on the microbiology of the vagina and vaginal immunology. It then discusses the diagnosis of vulvovaginal disease, including physical examination, screening processes, and laboratory testing.Diagnosis is followed by covering various vulvovaginal infections including bacterial vaginosis, Candida vulvovaginitis, Trichomonas vaginalis vaginitis, genital herpes, human papillomavirus genital infections, allergic vulvovaginitis, menopausal vulvovaginitis, cytolytic vaginosis, aerobic vaginitis, and more.For each of these conditions, the book presents information on its background, microbiology, immunology, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Therapy details are provided with an emphasis on nuances that can be applied to women who fail to respond to medication prescribed or who respond and then become symptomatic once treatment has ended.This new edition discusses major advances in the characterization of endogenous microbiota that populate the genital tract in women of all ages. It also provides a more sophisticated appreciation of immune mechanisms found in the healthy female genital tract and alterations that increase both susceptibility and consequences of various infectious and noninfectious disorders. A major impetus for writing this new edition is to help the busy clinician, resident, or fellow by explaining advances in individual disorders in a manner that is relevant to their practice.
Taylor & Francis Inc Petroleum and Gas Field Processing
Many oil production processes present a significant challenge to the oil and gas field processing facilities and equipment design. The optimization of the sequential operations of handling the oil–gas mixture can be a major factor in increasing oil and gas production rates and reducing operating costs.Petroleum and Gas Field Processing provides an all-inclusive guide to surface petroleum operations and solves these and other problems encountered in the field processing of oil and gas. Fully revised and updated to reflect major changes over the past decade or so, this second edition builds on the success attained in the first edition. It delivers an expanded and updated treatment that covers the principles and procedures related to the processing of reservoir fluids for the separation, handling, treatment, and production of quality petroleum oil and gas products.With five new chapters, this second edition covers additional subjects, in particular natural gas, economics and profitability, oil field chemicals, and piping and pumps. The book also contains worked-out examples and case studies from a variety of oil field operations.
Taylor & Francis Inc Using Forensic DNA Evidence at Trial: A Case Study Approach
Using Forensic DNA Evidence at Trial: A Case Study Approach covers the most common DNA analysis methods used in criminal trials today, including STR techniques, mitochondrial DNA, and Y-STRs. It presents some novel techniques—including familial testing and analyzing domestic animal hair—that have been recently introduced in unique cases, each of which is outlined in detail. It also illustrates special issues related to forensic DNA evidence by using court proceedings such as trials and appeals, commissions of inquiry, and government and laboratory reviews.With forensic DNA analysis becoming increasingly important at trial, the lively and sometimes bizarre cases presented in this book have been carefully chosen to highlight specific concepts, methods, and interpretations used in DNA analysis. Sections throughout examine the nature of expertise with a special focus on the role of subjectivity in the interpretation of forensic DNA evidence, emphasizing cognitive bias and extraneous context. Using both convictions and exonerations as examples, the book also discusses the strengths and limitations of DNA evidence and testing. The book is written in an accessible manner for the non-scientific reader, such that criminal lawyers, judges, and forensic experts will all understand the nature of analysis and application of DNA evidence in a variety of court cases. Extensive references—including notable trial proceedings, cross references of cases, and specific forensic statistics—round out the book and help to provide a complete understanding of forensic DNA analysis and its current usage in the courtroom.
Taylor & Francis Inc Functionalized Polysulfones: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications
Functionalized Polysulfones: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications focuses on polysulfones and their derivatives, which are widely used as functional materials in the biochemical, industrial, and medical fields due to their structural and physical characteristics, such as good optical properties, high thermal and chemical stability, mechanical strength, resistance to extreme pH values, and low creep. Because of their antimicrobial actions, solubility characteristics, water permeability, and separation, the functional groups, which modify the hydrophilicity of polysulfones, are of particular interest for biomedical applications. In addition, the functional groups are an intrinsic requirement for affinity, ion exchange, and other special membranes. In this book, the bioapplications of polysulfones are presented in two categories: blood-contacting devices (e.g., membranes for hemodialysis, hemodiafiltration, and hemofiltration) and cell- or tissue-contacting devices (e.g., bioreactors made by hollow-fiber membrane and nerve generation through polysulfone semipermeable hollow membrane). Surface wettability and hydrophilicity trends, as well as the morphological characteristics of modified polysulfones, are analyzed for semipermeable membrane purposes. Select chapters provide an introduction to chelating units on the modified polysulfone structure to obtain potential applications, such as surface coatings on metals and glasses, adhesives, high-temperature lubricants, electrical insulators, semiconductors, and the reduction of heavy-metal pollution in ecosystems. Featuring recent scientific information, Functionalized Polysulfones: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications advances the basic knowledge of students and researchers working in the field of polymeric materials, including physicists, chemists, engineers, bioengineers, and biologists.
Taylor & Francis Inc Fundamentals of Manufacturing Engineering, Third Edition
This new edition of a bestseller has gone through a thorough update and continues to provide a comprehensive introduction to materials and their properties. It begins by discussing ferrous and non-ferrous materials and their heat treatment and then moves on to discuss non-conventional materials. The book covers the processes of casting and jointing as well as welding. Additional topics include forming operation, cutting tool materials, solid stoke welding, the theory of metal cutting, machining operations, and design considerations in joining processes. It concludes with a new chapter on Manufacturing Tools and Workshop Applications.
Taylor & Francis Inc Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Eucalypts
Eucalypts are used for the production of paper products, firewood, charcoal, potential feedstocks for bioenergy and biomaterials, as ornamentals and landscape trees, and in land rehabilitation. Eucalypt breeding is at an early stage with many plantings being only at the first stages of domestication. The relatively small genomes of these species make the application of molecular genetics approaches attractive. The application of modern genomics will accelerate the development of improved eucalypts for a wide range of uses. This book brings together diverse information on the genetics, genomics, and breeding of these important forest species.
Taylor & Francis Inc Biology, Ecology and Culture of Grey Mullets (Mugilidae)
Mullets (grey mullets) are a family (Mugilidae) and order of ray-finned fish found in temperate and tropical waters worldwide. There are approximately 80 species of mullet; these fish have been considered an important food source in Mediterranean Europe since Roman times. This book provides a long overdue update on the biology and ecology of mullets and features comprehensive coverage of the key features of the Mugilidae family, such as recent DNA evidence and morphological data that challenge the traditional taxonomy.
Taylor & Francis Inc Multiferroic Materials: Properties, Techniques, and Applications
"a very detailed book on multiferroics that will be useful for PhD students and researchers interested in this emerging field of materials science" —Dr. Wilfrid Prellier, Research Director, CNRS, Caen, FranceMultiferroics has emerged as one of the hottest topics in solid state physics in this millennium. The coexistence of multiple ferroic/antiferroic properties makes them useful both for fundamental studies and practical applications such as revolutionary new memory technologies and next-generation spintronics devices. This book provides an historical introduction to the field, followed by a summary of recent progress in single-phase multiferroics (type-I and type-II), multiferroic composites (bulk and nano composites), and emerging areas such as domain walls and vortices. Each chapter addresses potential technological implications. There is also a section dedicated to theoretical approaches, both phenomenological and first-principles calculations.
Taylor & Francis Inc High-brightness Metal Vapour Lasers: Volume I: Physical Fundamentals and Mathematical Models
High brightness metal vapor lasers have become the most bright and powerful in the visible spectral range among all existing laser types, resulting in numerous applications ranging from purely fundamental research to practical application in large-scale commercial problems such as isotope selection. This book presents a full series of fundamental problems on the development of physical fundamentals and mathematical models for practical realization of a high-power laser radiation on self-contained transitions in metal atoms. It is the first fundamental review on physics and the technique of high-brightness metal vapor lasers.
Taylor & Francis Inc Smart Microgrids: Lessons from Campus Microgrid Design and Implementation
The utility sector’s transition to renewable energy and the smart grid has already begun. The first step towards smart grid is microgrid, which is a smaller electricity grid with access to all the essential assets of a larger grid. This book provides a glimpse into an actual microgrid project. It supplies a system-level approach to the design of smart Microgrids, covering the entire design process—from roadmap to realization. Detailing lessons learned and pitfalls to avoid in Microgrid technology, the book provides an interdisciplinary approach to design and problem solving for smart microgrids.
Taylor & Francis Inc Bayesian Methods for Repeated Measures
Analyze Repeated Measures Studies Using Bayesian TechniquesGoing beyond standard non-Bayesian books, Bayesian Methods for Repeated Measures presents the main ideas for the analysis of repeated measures and associated designs from a Bayesian viewpoint. It describes many inferential methods for analyzing repeated measures in various scientific areas, especially biostatistics.The author takes a practical approach to the analysis of repeated measures. He bases all the computing and analysis on the WinBUGS package, which provides readers with a platform that efficiently uses prior information. The book includes the WinBUGS code needed to implement posterior analysis and offers the code for download online. Accessible to both graduate students in statistics and consulting statisticians, the book introduces Bayesian regression techniques, preliminary concepts and techniques fundamental to the analysis of repeated measures, and the most important topic for repeated measures studies: linear models. It presents an in-depth explanation of estimating the mean profile for repeated measures studies, discusses choosing and estimating the covariance structure of the response, and expands the representation of a repeated measure to general mixed linear models. The author also explains the Bayesian analysis of categorical response data in a repeated measures study, Bayesian analysis for repeated measures when the mean profile is nonlinear, and a Bayesian approach to missing values in the response variable.
Taylor & Francis Inc Noises in Optical Communications and Photonic Systems
Transmitting information over optical fibers requires a high degree of signal integrity due to noise levels existing in optical systems. Proper methods and techniques for noise evaluations are critical in achieving high-performance. This book provides a fundamental understanding of noise generation processes in optical communications and photonic signals. It discusses techniques for noise evaluation in optical communication systems, especially digital optical systems, as well as transmission systems performance and noise impacts in photonic processing systems
Taylor & Francis Inc Cold Tolerance in Rice Cultivation
Rice is the staple food for more than half of the world's population, yet cold temperatures during the cropping period cause a significant loss of yield. To cope with the world's increasing population, it is necessary to develop high yielding rice varieties that are tolerant to abiotic stress conditions, such as drought, salinity, and cold. This book provides a clear understanding of cold stress in rice in the hopes that it will provide insight to the subject for further research so that rice plants may be grown efficiently in cold regions with high productivity.
Taylor & Francis Inc Managing Salt Tolerance in Plants: Molecular and Genomic Perspectives
Salinity stress currently impacts more than 80 million hectares of land worldwide and more arable land is likely to be impacted in the future due to global climate changes. Managing Salt Tolerance in Plants: Molecular and Genomic Perspectives presents detailed molecular and genomic approaches for the development of crop plants tolerant to salinity stress. The book discusses salinity stress in plant adaptation and productivity, biochemical and molecular mechanisms responsible for plant salt tolerance, and genomic approaches for the development of plants tolerant to salinity stress.With chapters written by leading scientists involved in plant salinity stress research, this book brings together biochemical, physiological, and molecular techniques used to develop crop plants with increased salinity tolerance. The editors integrate the most recent findings about the key biological determinants of salinity stress tolerance with contemporary crop improvement approaches. They include emerging topics and cutting-edge knowledge related to salt stress responses and tolerance mechanisms and describe salinity stress in plants and its effects on plant growth and productivity.Time is of the essence for this issue, as global climate change will further exacerbate the problems of salt stress in the near future. With authoritative coverage of the key factors impacting the world’s crop production, this book calls attention to primary genetic, physiological, and biochemical factors of plant salinity stress. It helps you develop conventional and biotechnological applications that can lead to enhanced crop productivity in stressful environments.
Taylor & Francis Inc Concise Encyclopedia of Biostatistics for Medical Professionals
Concise Encyclopedia of Biostatistics for Medical Professionals focuses on conceptual knowledge and practical advice rather than mathematical details, enhancing its usefulness as a reference for medical professionals. The book defines and describes nearly 1000 commonly and not so commonly used biostatistical terms and methods arranged in alphabetical order. These range from simple terms, such as mean and median to advanced terms such as multilevel models and generalized estimating equations. Synonyms or alternative phrases for each topic covered are listed with a reference to the topic.
Taylor & Francis Inc Search and Foraging: Individual Motion and Swarm Dynamics
Since the start of modern computing, the studies of living organisms have inspired the progress in developing computers and intelligent machines. In particular, the methods of search and foraging are the benchmark problems for robotics and multi-agent systems. The highly developed theory of search and screening involves optimal search plans that are obtained by standard optimization techniques while the foraging theory addresses search plans that mimic the behavior of living foragers.Search and Foraging: Individual Motion and Swarm Dynamics examines how to program artificial search agents so that they demonstrate the same behavior as predicted by the foraging theory for living organisms. For cybernetics, this approach yields techniques that enable the best online search planning in varying environments. For biology, it allows reasonable insights regarding the internal activity of living organisms performing foraging tasks.The book discusses foraging theory as well as search and screening theory in the same mathematical and algorithmic framework. It presents an overview of the main ideas and methods of foraging and search theories, making the concepts of one theory accessible to specialists of the other. The book covers Brownian walks and Lévy flight models of individual foraging and corresponding diffusion models and algorithms of search and foraging in random environments both by single and multiple agents. It also describes the active Brownian motion models for swarm dynamics with corresponding Fokker–Planck equations. Numerical examples and laboratory verifications illustrate the application of both theories.
Taylor & Francis Inc Arsenic Toxicity: Prevention and Treatment
The most talked about metalloid in the modern world, arsenic affects the liver, kidney, and lungs; leads to cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and diabetes; and may cause blindness with long-time exposure. With naturally occurring arsenic boosted by mining and other industrial processes contaminating soil and drinking water, arsenic toxicity is a major challenge to health professionals and scientists around the world. Arsenic Toxicity: Prevention and Treatment reviews current understanding of arsenic poisoning and the health consequences resulting from exposure. The book paints a vivid picture of the sources of arsenic toxicity including ground water; food such as rice, fruits and vegetables, fish, and chicken as well as occupational exposures from industries using inorganic arsenic such as glass production, non-ferrous alloy, wood preservation, and semiconductor manufacturing units. The text details the health hazards of arsenic toxicity and then examines removal, mainly from soil and water, highlighting eco-friendly bioremediation techniques. It discusses classical and modern treatment methods for arsenic toxicity, emphasizing the use of nutraceuticals and functional foods.With its focus on the remediation of arsenic toxicity using nutraceutical and functional food, the book provides a unique resource for combatting this global scourge. It provides strategies for defending arsenic toxicity naturally without causing any additional adverse effects.
Taylor & Francis Inc Orthodontic Pearls: A Selection of Practical Tips and Clinical Expertise, Second Edition
Orthodontic Pearls: A Selection of Practical Tips and Clinical Expertise synthesizes a wealth of information gleaned from clinical and administrative experiences in orthodontic practice. The administration and running of an orthodontic practice is not often taught extensively or formally in most schools. This book fills that gap by providing tips, techniques, and practical hints to assist in everything from diagnosis and the use of appliances to patient management and marketing. Much of the information in this book comes from experience as well as lectures, courses, and journals. This second edition has been revised and expanded to cover: Digital advances in photography and radiology Digital intra oral scanning Lingual orthodontic treatments Temporomandibular joint disturbances Temporary anchorage devices Impacted canines Interdisciplinary treatment Risk management Marketing of the orthodontic practice The expanded orthodontic team Continuing education and its relevance to orthodontic practice Written in an informal style, more akin to a seminar or tutorial, this book provides readers with information helpful in both the administrative and clinical components of their orthodontic practice. It is essential reading for all practitioners—even the most experienced orthodontists—who wish to improve their skills and knowledge in the clinical treatment of patients.Print Versions of this book also include access to the ebook version.
Taylor & Francis Inc Handbook of Optoelectronics: Concepts, Devices, and Techniques (Volume One)
Handbook of Optoelectronics offers a self-contained reference from the basic science and light sources to devices and modern applications across the entire spectrum of disciplines utilizing optoelectronic technologies. This second edition gives a complete update of the original work with a focus on systems and applications.Volume I covers the details of optoelectronic devices and techniques including semiconductor lasers, optical detectors and receivers, optical fiber devices, modulators, amplifiers, integrated optics, LEDs, and engineered optical materials with brand new chapters on silicon photonics, nanophotonics, and graphene optoelectronics. Volume II addresses the underlying system technologies enabling state-of-the-art communications, imaging, displays, sensing, data processing, energy conversion, and actuation. Volume III is brand new to this edition, focusing on applications in infrastructure, transport, security, surveillance, environmental monitoring, military, industrial, oil and gas, energy generation and distribution, medicine, and free space. No other resource in the field comes close to its breadth and depth, with contributions from leading industrial and academic institutions around the world. Whether used as a reference, research tool, or broad-based introduction to the field, the Handbook offers everything you need to get started. (The previous edition of this title was published as Handbook of Optoelectronics, 9780750306461.)John P. Dakin, PhD, is professor (emeritus) at the Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton, UK. Robert G. W. Brown, PhD, is chief executive officer of the American Institute of Physics and an adjunct full professor in the Beckman Laser Institute and Medical Clinic at the University of California, Irvine.
Taylor & Francis Inc Exploring Linear Algebra: Labs and Projects with Mathematica ®
Exploring Linear Algebra: Labs and Projects with Mathematica® is a hands-on lab manual for daily use in the classroom. Each lab includes exercises, theorems, and problems that guide your students on an exploration of linear algebra. The exercises section integrates problems, technology, Mathematica® visualization, and Mathematica CDFs, enabling students to discover the theory and applications of linear algebra in a meaningful way. The theorems and problems section presents the theoretical aspects of linear algebra. Students are encouraged to discover the truth of each theorem and problem, to move toward proving (or disproving) each statement, and to present their results to their peers. Each chapter also contains a project set consisting of application-driven projects that emphasize the material in the chapter. Students can use these projects as the basis for further undergraduate research.
Taylor & Francis Inc Parkes' Occupational Lung Disorders
This authoritative text on occupational lung disorders builds upon the fundamentals, including clinical, epidemiological, and predictive approaches. It discusses interstitial and malignant diseases, airways diseases, and other respiratory issues, such as diving, working at high altitudes, and abnormal sleep conditions. It also covers related long-term conditions, such as asthma and COPD. This edition has been completely revised and brought up to date for all physicians dealing with pulmonary disorders caused by the environment or the workplace.Print Versions of this book also include access to the ebook version.
Taylor & Francis Inc Clinical Handbook of Contact Dermatitis: Diagnosis and Management by Body Region
The Clinical Handbook of Contact Dermatitis: Diagnosis and Management by Body Region uses a succinct approach to help clinicians manage this multifaceted condition. Organized by body region, the handbook presents the most common allergens and irritants for a given location. It discusses products containing common allergens and irritants such as topical skin products, fragrances, shampoos, cosmetics, and textiles. The handbook also discusses several unusual presentations and less common allergen-containing products. In addition, it outlines diagnostic procedures and testing methods—including patch testing—as well as treatment considerations.Dermatologists, family physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, medical students, residents, and podiatrists will find this an essential reference.
Taylor & Francis Inc Cognitive Networks: Applications and Deployments
A cognitive network makes use of the information gathered from the network in order to sense the environment, plan actions according to the input, and make appropriate decisions using a reasoning engine. The ability of cognitive networks to learn from the past and use that knowledge to improve future decisions makes them a key area of interest for anyone whose work involves wireless networks and communications.Cognitive Networks: Applications and Deployments examines recent developments in cognitive networks from the perspective of cutting-edge applications and deployments. Presenting the contributions of internationally renowned experts, it supplies complete and balanced treatment of the fundamentals of both cognitive radio communications and cognitive networks—together with implementation details.The book includes case studies and detailed descriptions of cognitive radio platforms and testbeds that demonstrate how to build real-world cognitive radio systems and network architectures. It begins with an introduction to efficient spectrum management and presents a survey on joint routing and dynamic spectrum access in cognitive radio networks.Next, it examines radio spectrum sensing and network coding and design. It explores intelligent routing in graded cognitive networks and presents an energy-efficient routing protocol for cognitive radio ad hoc networks. The book concludes by considering dynamic radio spectrum access and examining vehicular cognitive networks and applications.Presenting the latest standards and spectrum policy developments, the book’s strong practical orientation provides you with the understanding you will need to participate in the development of compliant cognitive systems.
Taylor & Francis Inc Phosphate in Soils: Interaction with Micronutrients, Radionuclides and Heavy Metals
Edited by One of the Best Specialists in Soil ScienceRecent studies reveal that Phosphorus (P) in the form of phosphate, a macronutrient essential for plant growth, and crop yields can influence the bioavailability, retention, and mobility of trace elements, metal(loid)s, and radio nuclides in soils. When this occurs, phosphates can affect the dynamics of heavy metals and influence soil characteristics, impacting soil mobility and toxicity. Phosphate in Soils: Interaction with Micronutrients, Radionuclides and Heavy Metals utilizes the latest research to emphasize the role that phosphate plays in enhancing or reducing the mobility of heavy metals in soil, and the soil-water-plant environment. It provides an in-depth understanding of each heavy metal species, and expands on phosphate interactions in geological material.Composed of 12 chapters, this text: Provides an overview of the reactions of metal(loid)s and common P compounds that are used as fertilizer in soils Emphasizes the effect of phosphorus on copper and zinc adsorption in acid soils Discusses findings on the influence of phosphate compounds on speciation, mobility, and bioavailability of heavy metals in soils as well as the role of phosphates on in situ and phytoremediation of heavy metals for contaminated soils Places emphasis on the influence of phosphate on various heavy metals species in soils, and their solubility/mobility and availability Provides extensive information on testing various high phosphate materials for remediation of heavy metal, micronutrients, and radionuclides contaminated sites Explores the reactivity of heavy metals, micronutrients and radionuclides elements in several soils Presents a case study illustrating various remediation efforts of acidic soils and remediation of Cu, Zn, and lead (Pb) contaminated soils around nonferrous industrial plants Emphasizes the significance of common ions (cations and anions) on phosphate mobility and sorption in soils, and more The author includes analytical and numerical solutions along with hands-on applications, and addresses other topics that include the transport and sorption modeling of heavy metals in the presence of phosphate at different scales in the vadose zone.