Search results for ""TAYLOR FRANCIS""
Taylor & Francis Inc Handbook of Cucurbits: Growth, Cultural Practices, and Physiology
The Handbook of Cucurbits: Growth, Cultural Practices, and Physiology contains information on cultural practices, nutrition, and physiological processes of cucurbits under both normal and stressful conditions. It presents the history and importance of cucurbit crop production as well as exhaustive information on growth responses of cucurbits to various environmental conditions and nutrients.Unlike numerous other books and articles on cucurbits that exist in relative isolation of each other, this handbook provides a complete collection of factors on cucurbits. It addresses issues and concerns related to cucurbits growth, physiology, cultural practices, diseases, and production. It has been prepared by many competent and knowledgeable scientists, specialists, and researchers in agriculture and horticulture from several countries. It serves as a resource for both lectures and independent purposes, covering issues related to cucurbits from planting to production.The book is divided into 11 sections: Introductory Chapters; Cucurbits Physiological Stages of Growth and Development I; Cultural Practices of Cucurbits; Cucurbits Physiological Stages of Growth and Development II; Genetics, Genomics, and Breeding of Cucurbits; Cucurbits Grafting; Cucurbits Pathology and Diseases; Weed Control, Pest Control, and Insects of Cucurbits; Therapeutic and Medicinal Values of Cucurbits; Growth Responses of Cucurbits under Stressful Conditions (Abiotic and Biotic Stresses); and Examples of Cucurbits Crop Plants Growth and Development and Cultural Practices.Each of these sections consists of one or more chapters to discuss, independently, as many aspects of cucurbits as possible for that specific topic. Numerous figures and tables are included to facilitate the comprehension of the presented material. Hundreds of index words are also included to further increase accessibility to desired information.
Taylor & Francis Inc Obstetrics & Gynaecology: An Evidence-based Text for MRCOG, Third Edition
Modelled after the current MRCOG curriculum, the new edition of this bestselling book provides all the information a specialist registrar in obstetrics and gynaecology or senior house officer needs during training or when preparing for the MRCOG examination. Obstetrics & Gynaecology: An Evidence-based Text for MRCOG covers the latest professional guidelines and developments in obstetrics and gynaecology and continues to provide an easily accessible source of information for those practising as specialists.The book’s subsections within obstetrics and gynaecology are divided in line with the RCOG trainee logbook. The text is consistently structured throughout to ensure ease of reference with standardized headings including definitions, incidence, aetiology, investigations and management.Focusing on standards and an evidence-based approach, each chapter includes material on MRCOG standards in an easy-to-consult format. Information on evidence-based medicine is also included to provide a rapid summary of the evidence relating to the interventions and treatments discussed. This text will continue to be an invaluable companion to the higher training of obstetricians and gynaecologists and a useful ready reference for those in established practice.
Taylor & Francis Inc Biosimilar Clinical Development: Scientific Considerations and New Methodologies
Biosimilars have the potential to change the way we think about, identify, and manage health problems. They are already impacting both clinical research and patient care, and this impact will only grow as our understanding and technologies improve. Written by a team of experienced specialists in clinical development, this book discusses various potential drug development strategies, the design and analysis of pharmacokinetics (PK) studies, and the design and analysis of efficacy studies.
Taylor & Francis Inc Computational Optical Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging
Computational Optical Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging covers recent discoveries and research in the field by some of the best inventors and researchers in the world. It also presents useful computational methods and applications used in optical biomedical spectroscopy and imaging. Topics covered include: New trends in immunohistochemical, genome, and metabolomics imaging Computer-aided diagnosis of interstitial lung diseases based on CT image analysis Functional near-infrared spectroscopy and its applications in neurosciences Applications of vibrational spectroscopic imaging in personal care studies Induced optical natural fluorescence spectroscopy for Giardia lamblia cysts Nanoimaging and polarimetric exploratory data analysis Fluorescence bioimaging with applications to chemistry Medical imaging instrumentation and techniques The book also discusses future applications, directions, opportunities, and challenges of optical biomedical spectroscopy and imaging in technical industry, academia, and government. This valuable resource introduces key concepts of computational methods used in optical biomedical spectroscopy and imaging in a manner that is easily understandable to beginners and experts alike.
Taylor & Francis Inc Organic Solar Cells: Materials, Devices, Interfaces, and Modeling
Current energy consumption mainly depends on fossil fuels that are limited and can cause environmental issues such as greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. These factors have stimulated the search for alternate, clean, and renewable energy sources. Solar cells are some of the most promising clean and readily available energy sources. Plus, the successful utilization of solar energy can help reduce the dependence on fossil fuels. Recently, organic solar cells have gained extensive attention as a next-generation photovoltaic technology due to their light weight, mechanical flexibility, and solution-based cost-effective processing.Organic Solar Cells: Materials, Devices, Interfaces, and Modeling provides an in-depth understanding of the current state of the art of organic solar cell technology. Encompassing the full spectrum of organic solar cell materials, modeling and simulation, and device physics and engineering, this comprehensive text: Discusses active layer, interfacial, and transparent electrode materials Explains how to relate synthesis parameters to morphology of the photoactive layer using molecular dynamics simulations Offers insight into coupling morphology and interfaces with charge transport in organic solar cells Explores photoexcited carrier dynamics, defect states, interface engineering, and nanophase separation Covers inorganic–organic hybrids, tandem structure, and graphene-based polymer solar cells Organic Solar Cells: Materials, Devices, Interfaces, and Modeling makes an ideal reference for scientists and engineers as well as researchers and students entering the field from broad disciplines including chemistry, material science and engineering, physics, nanotechnology, nanoscience, and electrical engineering.
Taylor & Francis Inc Aquatic Dicotyledons of North America: Ecology, Life History, and Systematics
Aquatic Dicotyledons of North America: Ecology, Life History, and Systematics brings together a wealth of information on the natural history, ecology, and systematics of North American aquatic plants. Most books on aquatic plants have a taxonomic focus and are intended primarily for identification. Instead, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the biology of major aquatic species by compiling information from numerous sources that lie scattered among the primary literature, herbarium databases, and other reference materials. Included dicotyledon species are those having an obligate (OBL) wetland status, a designation used in the USACE National Wetland Plant List. Recent phylogenetic analyses are incorporated and rationale is provided for interpreting this information with respect to species relationships. This diverse assemblage of information will be useful to a wide range of interests including academic researchers, wildlife managers, students, and virtually anyone interested in the natural history of aquatic and wetland plants. Although focusing specifically on North America, the cosmopolitan distribution of many aquatic plants should make this an attractive text to people working virtually anywhere outside of the region as well. This book is an essential resource for assisting with wetland delineation.
Taylor & Francis Inc Textbook of Chemical Peels: Superficial, Medium, and Deep Peels in Cosmetic Practice
Chemical peels have returned to the forefront of the practitioner's armamentarium and are popular because they offer nearly immediate results. The Textbook of Chemical Peels is the definitive guide to all types of chemical peel treatments. It covers the practical application and scientific background for a wide variety of chemical peels. The book reflects the new classification of peels as a medical, rather than cosmetic, treatment and helps providers by making chemical peel formulas easier, safer, and quicker to use. The book covers the appropriate selection of peels to treat the face, scalp, neck, hands, body, and forearms. It also discusses the use of peels to treat aging skin, stretch marks, scars, melasma, chloasma, acne, postinflammatory hyperpigmentation, and scalp keratoses.The mechanism of action, indication, application, and results are discussed for a variety of chemical peels including alpha hydroxy acids, trichloroacetic acid, salicylic acid, resorcine, and phenols. Also covered are any contraindications, precautions, and safety issues. This edition includes new material on adjunctive procedures such as microneedling and mesotherapy as well as new information on mosaic peels.Treatment prior to and following the peel are also discussed in detail, and a full chapter is devoted to discussing complications associated with chemical peels. The book incorporates color clinical photographs throughout as well as descriptive tables summarizing key information. Based on the author’s extensive experience in both research and practice, this updated reference is an invaluable guide to all providers involved with chemical peel treatments.
Taylor & Francis Inc Product Stewardship: Life Cycle Analysis and the Environment
Consider the Consequences of Bringing a Chemical to MarketProduct Stewardship: Life Cycle Analysis and the Environment explores the regulatory and scientific aspects of the life-cycle consequences of bringing a chemical to market. Using case studies to bring critical points to life, this multidisciplinary text explores the factors that influence our risk management decisions. It bridges the academic study of life cycle analysis and the practical concerns of those in industry who produce goods for market within the web of global product stewardship regulations and under the eye of consumers concerned with sustainability. This book: Discusses the technical tools that a product steward can use to predict the life cycle consequences of chemical manufacture and use Includes the techniques needed to characterize and predict the fate and transport of chemicals in the environment Explains the formal process of life cycle assessment, which is used to evaluate the potential effects on the environment Describes the regulation of both existing and new chemicals, using examples to illustrate the complexity of the factors that affect their regulation Provides case studies that integrate the technical and regulatory foundations of product stewardship which allows readers to explore past risk-management decisions Product Stewardship: Life Cycle Analysis and the Environment describes critical product stewardship regulations and the concept of life cycle thinking in understandable and practical terms. It examines the balance between the benefits of chemical use against the possible consequences of exposure and can assist readers in learning to predict, understand, and regulate the consequences of using a chemical substance through its life cycle.
Taylor & Francis Inc Inference Principles for Biostatisticians
Designed for students training to become biostatisticians as well as practicing biostatisticians, Inference Principles for Biostatisticians presents the theoretical and conceptual foundations of biostatistics. It covers the theoretical underpinnings essential to understanding subsequent core methodologies in the field.Drawing on his extensive experience teaching graduate-level biostatistics courses and working in the pharmaceutical industry, the author explains the main principles of statistical inference with many examples and exercises. Extended examples illustrate key concepts in depth using a specific biostatistical context. In addition, the author uses simulation to reinforce the repeated sampling interpretation of numerous statistical concepts. Reducing the computational complexities, he provides simple R functions for conducting simulation studies.This text gives graduate students with diverse backgrounds across the health, medical, social, and mathematical sciences a solid, unified foundation in the principles of statistical inference. This groundwork will lead students to develop a thorough understanding of biostatistical methodology.
Taylor & Francis Inc Cerambycidae of the World: Biology and Pest Management
Wang has gathered contributions from an impressive cohort of the world’s most respected experts on longhorned beetles. Chapters review both basics of cerambycid taxonomy, mor- phology, and behavior (feeding, reproduction, and chemical ecology), as well as more applied concerns, such as laboratory rearing, pest control, and bio- security. Overall, this volume is a valuable contribution to the literature as a "one-stop shop" for readers seeking a comprehensive overview of longhorned beetles... It represents a tremendous effort on the part of Wang and the authors, and has resulted in a much-needed update to the literature. This volume is the only work of its kind available at this time, and is a valuable addition to the library of any scientist studying wood-boring beetles.- Ann M. Ray, Biology, Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio in The Quarterly Review of Biology, Volume 94, 2019There are more than 36,000 described species in the family Cerambycidae in the world. With the significant increase of international trade in the recent decades, many cerambycid species have become major plant pests outside their natural distribution range, causing serious environmental problems at great cost. Cerambycid pests of field, vine, and tree crops and of forest and urban trees cost billions of dollars in production losses, damage to landscapes, and management expenditures worldwide.Cerambycidae of the World: Biology and Pest Management is the first comprehensive text dealing with all aspects of cerambycid beetles in a global context. It presents our current knowledge on the biology, classification, ecology, plant disease transmission, and biological, cultural, and chemical control tactics including biosecurity measures from across the world.Written by a team of global experts, this book provides an entrance to the scientific literature on Cerambycidae for scientists in research institutions, primary industries, and universities, and will serve as an essential reference for agricultural and quarantine professionals in governmental departments throughout the world.
Taylor & Francis Inc Integrating Scale in Remote Sensing and GIS
Integrating Scale in Remote Sensing and GIS serves as the most comprehensive documentation of the scientific and methodological advances that have taken place in integrating scale and remote sensing data. This work addresses the invariants of scale, the ability to change scale, measures of the impact of scale, scale as a parameter in process models, and the implementation of multiscale approaches as methods and techniques for integrating multiple kinds of remote sensing data collected at varying spatial, temporal, and radiometric scales. Researchers, instructors, and students alike will benefit from a guide that has been pragmatically divided into four thematic groups: scale issues and multiple scaling; physical scale as applied to natural resources; urban scale; and human health/social scale. Teeming with insights that elucidate the significance of scale as a foundation for geographic analysis, this book is a vital resource to those seriously involved in the field of GIScience.
Taylor & Francis Inc Handbook of Laboratory Animal Bacteriology
The Handbook of Laboratory Animal Bacteriology, Second Edition provides comprehensive information on all bacterial phylae found in laboratory rodents and rabbits to assist managers, veterinary pathologists and laboratory animal veterinarians in the management of these organisms. The book starts by examining the general aspects of bacteriology and how to sample and identify bacteria in animals. It then describes the most relevant species within each phylum and discusses the impact they may have on research. Emphasizing those bacteria known to interfere with research protocols, the book offers methods for isolation and differentiation among related bacteria. It discusses where to purchase reagents for rodent bacteriology and outlines standards for safety in a bacteriological laboratory.Highlights of the second edition: Focuses on modern sequencing techniques based on molecular identification Reorganizes content according to modern systematics based on new identification methods Presents new chapters on mechanisms behind bacterial impact on animal models and on the systematic classification of bacteria Provides information on a range of bacteria interfering with animal models for human disease, not only for those bacteria which cause disease in laboratory animal colonies Includes new figures in color and with enhanced resolution The book is essential reading for those interested in the management of organisms known to interfere with the colony health of rabbits and rodents used in research protocols—including facility managers, clinical veterinarians, veterinary pathologists, and researchers.
Taylor & Francis Inc Bio-Based Composites for High-Performance Materials: From Strategy to Industrial Application
Since synthetic plastics derived from fossil resources are mostly non-biodegradable, many academic and industrial researchers have shifted their attention toward bio-based materials, which are more eco-friendly.Bio-Based Composites for High-Performance Materials: From Strategy to Industrial Application provides an overview of the state-of-art in bio-based composites. The book integrates knowledge from various disciplines including plant science, materials science, polymer chemistry, chemical engineering, and nanotechnology. It discusses the raw materials used in bio-based composites, basic design principles, properties, applications, and life cycle assessments. The book also presents a strategic and policy-oriented view of these composites and considers the costs of retrofitting existing chemical production plants for bio-based composite manufacture. It is a definitive resource on bio-composites for academics, regulatory agencies, research and development communities, and industries worldwide.
Taylor & Francis Inc Atlas of Time Lapse Embryology
Unlike conventional single daily observations, time lapse technology provides hundreds of images, which allows pinpointing of key events in the embryo’s in vitro development as well as the detection of brief but significant critical changes. This information is beneficial in selecting the most viable embryos from a cohort and increases the chances of a positive outcome.The Atlas of Time Lapse Embryology describes in detail the technology and techniques surrounding time lapse embryology. The book also covers the clinical aspects of time lapse imaging, morphokinetic timings, implantation data, fertilization, compaction, blastulation, irregular cleavages, multinucleation, vacuolation, zona defects, and other topics. The book is easy to read, practical, and illustrated with dozens of images and video clips to help explain a variety of concepts. It will help practitioners to better understand how time lapse monitoring may dramatically increase flexibility in the IVF clinic, and most importantly, enhance clinical outcomes. Print Versions of this book also include access to the ebook version.
Taylor & Francis Inc Clinical Trial Biostatistics and Biopharmaceutical Applications
Since 1945, "The Annual Deming Conference on Applied Statistics" has been an important event in the statistics profession. In Clinical Trial Biostatistics and Biopharmaceutical Applications, prominent speakers from past Deming conferences present novel biostatistical methodologies in clinical trials as well as up-to-date biostatistical applications from the pharmaceutical industry.Divided into five sections, the book begins with emerging issues in clinical trial design and analysis, including the roles of modeling and simulation, the pros and cons of randomization procedures, the design of Phase II dose-ranging trials, thorough QT/QTc clinical trials, and assay sensitivity and the constancy assumption in noninferiority trials. The second section examines adaptive designs in drug development, discusses the consequences of group-sequential and adaptive designs, and illustrates group sequential design in R. The third section focuses on oncology clinical trials, covering competing risks, escalation with overdose control (EWOC) dose finding, and interval-censored time-to-event data. In the fourth section, the book describes multiple test problems with applications to adaptive designs, graphical approaches to multiple testing, the estimation of simultaneous confidence intervals for multiple comparisons, and weighted parametric multiple testing methods. The final section discusses the statistical analysis of biomarkers from omics technologies, biomarker strategies applicable to clinical development, and the statistical evaluation of surrogate endpoints.This book clarifies important issues when designing and analyzing clinical trials, including several misunderstood and unresolved challenges. It will help readers choose the right method for their biostatistical application. Each chapter is self-contained with references.
Taylor & Francis Inc Restoration of Boreal and Temperate Forests
Humans have influenced the landscapes and forests throughout the temperate and boreal zones for millennia. Restoration of Boreal and Temperate Forests, Second Edition focuses on the negative impact of human activity, and explains the importance of forest restoration as a way to repair habitat, restore forest structure and function, and counteract the lasting effects of humanity. The book offers broad geographic coverage, as well as a combination of review and case study chapters providing social and policy contexts for restoration of specific forest types.This revised edition begins with a historical context for restoration, provides a conceptual framework for understanding the relationship between degradation and restoration, and defines terms within that framework. While building on the first edition, it presents the response of restorationists to the current challenges of interpreting scattered science on forest history, stand development, and natural processes. It combines applicable experience designed to improve present and future ecological and social sustainability. Describes restoration in the context of rapid social, economic, environmental, and climate change Looks toward the future, presenting several completely new topics in forest restoration Covers different starting points for restoration, from non-forest to degraded forest Restoration of Boreal and Temperate Forests, Second Edition aids in the understanding of the diverse cultural and ecological contexts for restoration of temperate and boreal forests, and the creation of a better foundation of documented knowledge to support future and existing restoration decisions.
Taylor & Francis Inc Impact of Global Changes on Mountains: Responses and Adaptation
Mountain regions encompass nearly 24 percent of the total land surface of the earth and are home to approximately 12 percent of the world’s population. Their ecosystems play a critical role in sustaining human life both in the highlands and the lowlands. During recent years, resource use in high mountain areas has changed mainly in response to the globalization of the economy and increased world population. As a result, mountain regions are undergoing rapid environmental change, exploitation, and depletion of natural resources leading to ecological imbalances and economic unsustainability. Moreover, the changing climatic conditions have stressed mountain ecosystems through higher mean annual temperatures and the melting of glaciers and snow. Altered precipitation patterns have also had an impact. This book addresses these critical issues and looks at ways to stop the downward spiral of resource degradation, rural poverty, and food and livelihood insecurity in mountain regions. The book also discusses new and comprehensive approaches to mountain development that are needed to identify sustainable resource development practices, how to strengthen local institutions and knowledge systems, and how to increase the resilience between mountain environments and their inhabitants.
Taylor & Francis Inc Friction and the Hot Rolling of Steel
When it comes to metal rolling, understanding and controlling frictional phenomena is essential to improving product and developing a more effective approach to friction reduction. Providing a historical perspective that goes as far back as the days of Leonardo da Vinci and continues up until the present day, Friction and the Hot Rolling of Steel chronicles the fundamental causes of friction. This book includes well-documented, on-site observations in various commercial plants, presents and examines practical problems, and provides a critical analysis of literary data related to the subject.It explains the base mechanisms of friction, and offers insight and instruction on improving the control and understanding of friction in hot strip mills and other industrial plants. The text presents mathematical models of friction in control and general engineering in a way that enables engineers to test and refine them in their plants. Engineers have the ability to use them to control friction and minimize its negative effects, particularly as it relates to energy waste and product defects.Organized into four sections, this book outlines the evolutional concepts of friction, and covers the general phenomena relevant to the rolling of metals. This includes the impact of roughness and velocity, basics of liquid and solid lubrication, mathematical modelling, and the properties of materials that affect friction in steel rolling, such as metals, oxides, and carbides. It connects the theoretical concepts, laboratory-scale observations, and phenomena in other areas of science and engineering to the large-scale industrial process of hot rolling. It also addresses roll properties, oxidation, wear and chemical composition of rolls and their impact on friction, the evolution of friction over schedules and roll campaigns, and mathematical modelling of friction in hot rolling. Friction and the Hot Rolling of Steel contains a large body of technical information that includes various chemical and physical properties of relevant materials, mathematical models, and plant and laboratory observations. It also provides an extensive reference list of sources that address specific problems and interests in more detail. Presents practical problems that help academics and industrial researchers to identify promising new research areas in tribology and metal processing Offers an insight into the principles of the effective research that combines both academic excellence and industrial relevance Illustrates with observations and easy-to-understand analogies, enhancing the understanding and control of the mechanisms that influence friction in industrial plants This text services technical, research, and academic personnel working in steel processing, railway engineering, rolling of other metals, solid lubrication, the automotive industry, and more.
Taylor & Francis Inc A Handbook of Statistical Analyses using R
Like the best-selling first two editions, A Handbook of Statistical Analyses using R, Third Edition provides an up-to-date guide to data analysis using the R system for statistical computing. The book explains how to conduct a range of statistical analyses, from simple inference to recursive partitioning to cluster analysis.New to the Third Edition Three new chapters on quantile regression, missing values, and Bayesian inference Extra material in the logistic regression chapter that describes a regression model for ordered categorical response variables Additional exercises More detailed explanations of R code New section in each chapter summarizing the results of the analyses Updated version of the HSAUR package (HSAUR3), which includes some slides that can be used in introductory statistics courses Whether you’re a data analyst, scientist, or student, this handbook shows you how to easily use R to effectively evaluate your data. With numerous real-world examples, it emphasizes the practical application and interpretation of results.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary in English, 1375–1550: Body Parts, Sicknesses, Instruments, and Medicinal Preparations
Medical texts written in English during the late Middle Ages have in recent years attracted increasing attention among scholars. From approximately 1375 onwards, the use of English began to gain a firmer foothold in medical manuscripts, which in previous centuries had been written mainly in Latin or French. Scholars of Middle English, and editors of medical texts from late medieval England, are thus faced with a huge medical vocabulary which no single volume has yet attempted to define. This dictionary is therefore an essential reference tool. The material analysed in the Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary in English, 1375–1550 includes edited texts, manuscripts and early printed books, and represents three main types of medical writing: surgical manuals and tracts; academic treatises by university-trained physicians, and remedybooks. The dictionary covers four lexical fields: names of sicknesses, body parts, instruments, and medicinal preparations. Entries are structured as follows: (1) headword (2) scribal variants occurring in the texts (3) etymology (4) definition(s), each definition followed by relevant quotations (5) references to corresponding entries in the Dictionary of Old English, Middle English Dictionary, and The Oxford English Dictionary (6) references to academic books and articles containing information on the history and/or meaning of the term.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Researching Patient Safety and Quality in Healthcare: A Nordic Perspective
Researching Patient Safety and Quality in Health Care: A Nordic Perspective is an anthology based on contributions from leading researchers on quality and safety in healthcare in the Nordic countries together with four internationally renowned patient safety authors. Research on patient safety and quality has been dominated by countries such as the USA, England, Canada, and Australia. This book addresses the current debates in research on patient safety and quality in healthcare from a Nordic perspective. What are the flavours of Nordic research within these topics? What does it add to the international research literature? This book illustrates the unique nature of researching patient safety and quality with the Nordic perspective as well as showcasing representative work. The book presents an overview of the status and evidence of international and Nordic research on quality and safety in healthcare. Four different perspectives are used to present the trends within the research field: a patient perspective, a methodological perspective, a theoretical perspective, and a clinical perspective. The book then presents the status of Nordic research in the field and displays a set of illustrative work and current research topics within the Nordic context, concluding with a discussion of the characteristic features of Nordic research on patient safety and quality in healthcare. The anthology presents an inter-professional perspective and researchers from disciplines such as medical and nursing sciences, humanities, social sciences and engineering. It is written to contribute to the patient safety cause with translational knowledge that will be useful to researchers, policy makers and healthcare managers within Nordic countries and internationally.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Picturing the Lame in Italian Art from Antiquity to the Modern Era
The presence of the orthopedically impaired body in art is so pervasive that, paradoxically, it has failed to attract the attention of most art historians. In Picturing the Lame in Italian Art from Antiquity to the Modern Era, Livio Pestilli investigates the changing meaning that images of individuals with limited mobility acquired through the centuries. This study evinces that in distinct opposition to the practice of classical artists, who manifested a lack of interest in the subject of lameness since it was considered 'a defect or a deformity' and deformity a 'want of measure, which is always unsightly,' their Early Christian counterparts depicted them profusely, because images of the miraculous healing of the lame became the reassuring sign of universal acceptance and the promise of a more equitable existence in this life or the next. In the Middle Ages, instead, when voluntary poverty came to be associated with the necessary condition of faithfulness to Christ, the indigent lame, along with others who were forced to beg for a living, became the image of the alter Christus. This view was to change in the Renaissance and Baroque periods, when, with the resurgence of classical and Pauline ideals that condemned the idle, representations of the orthopedically impaired became associated with swindlers, freeloaders and parasites. This fascinating story came basically to an end in the Eighteenth century when, with the revival of the Greek ideal of the Beautiful, the lame gradually left center stage to be relegated again to the margins of the visual arts.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Exploring Morality and Sexuality in Asian Cinema: Cinematic Boundaries
This ground-breaking book explores the moral dimensions of sexual imagery in contemporary, general-release Asian films. It examines debates that arise over aesthetic styles and the cultural and traditional influences that determine the content and impact of these films. The social and regulatory environments for filmmakers across Asia reflect distinct national and cultural differences. In just the past decade, for instance, Indian cinema has rapidly moved from representations of coy and submissive female protagonists to highly eroticized leading ladies unafraid of flaunting their sexuality. On the other hand, the cinema emerging from the Chinese mainland has been much more circumspect in its representations of overt sexuality, at times in conflict with other Chinese cinemas from Hong Kong and Taiwan. This use of sexual imagery or morally questionable film content raises on-going debates into censorship and the use of state or industry controls to protect certain sectors of society from exposure to particular narratives or images. Film, like all forms of art, fulfils a number of aesthetic functions for local, regional and international audiences. As distribution and technological advances make Asian films more readily available across the globe, an understanding of the different aesthetics at play will enable readers of this book to recognize key cultural motifs in representations of onscreen sexuality and the surrounding controversies found in cinematic texts from Asia.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Consuming Surrealism in American Culture: Dissident Modernism
Consuming Surrealism in American Culture: Dissident Modernism argues that Surrealism worked as a powerful agitator to disrupt dominant ideas of modern art in the United States. Unlike standard accounts that focus on Surrealism in the U.S. during the 1940s as a point of departure for the ascendance of the New York School, this study contends that Surrealism has been integral to the development of American visual culture over the course of the twentieth century. Through analysis of Surrealism in both the museum and the marketplace, Sandra Zalman tackles Surrealism’s multi-faceted circulation as both elite and popular. Zalman shows how the American encounter with Surrealism was shaped by Alfred Barr, William Rubin and Rosalind Krauss as these influential curators mobilized Surrealism to compose, to concretize, or to unseat narratives of modern art in the 1930s, 1960s and 1980s - alongside Surrealism’s intersection with advertising, Magic Realism, Pop, and the rise of contemporary photography. As a popular avant-garde, Surrealism openly resisted art historical classification, forcing the supposedly distinct spheres of modernism and mass culture into conversation and challenging theories of modern art in which it did not fit, in large part because of its continued relevance to contemporary American culture.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Francis I and Sixteenth-Century France
The reputation of Francis I, king of France (1515-47 ) has fluctuated over the centuries. Acclaimed as ’noble’ and ’great’ in the sixteenth century, he came to be unfairly denigrated under the Bourbon kings and the republic. But, in the twentieth century, research based on archival material has restored his standing as one of the most important rulers of his age. The present volume brings together seventeen articles by Robert Knecht published over several decades on particular aspects of the reign, with three specially translated from French into English. They examine the period in more depth than was possible in the author's 1994 biography of Francis I, and include studies of the Concordat of 1516 with the papacy, the Field of Cloth of Gold in 1520, the lit-de-justice of 1527, and the visit to France of the Emperor Charles V in 1540. Other articles consider the king’s attitude to the Reformation, his court, his relations with Paris and visits to Aquitaine, his patronage of architecture as demonstrated by his building of the château of Fontainebleau, and his relations with his mother, Louise of Savoy, and sister, Marguerite d’Angoulême. The king’s love of books and the political advice he received from scholars are also considered as well as the extent of his ’absolutism’. Two articles compare the English and French Reformations and the nobilities of the two countries. The volume is intended as a contribution to the celebration of the 500th anniversary of Francis I’s accession. (CS1055).
Taylor & Francis Ltd Distortion and Love: An Anthropological Reading of the Art and Life of Stanley Spencer
In this ground-breaking book, a theory of ’distortion’ - of the way in which the processes of human life are subject to interference, diversion and transformation - is developed by way of the art of one of Britain’s greatest twentieth-century painters and that art’s public reception. Devoted to his native village of Cookham-on-Thames, Stanley Spencer painted not only landscapes and portraits with loving detail but also the ’memory-feelings’ which he felt were a ’sacred’ part of his consciousness. Yet Spencer was also a controversial public figure, with some taking the view that his visionary paintings were ugly distortions of human life, even marks of an immoral nature. Examining how Spencer lived his vision, how he painted it and wrote it, and also how his attempts to communicate that vision were received by his contemporaries and have continued to be interpreted since his death, the author posits distortion as key: an intrinsic aspect both of human creation and of human interaction. What we intend to make, to say, to do and have done, often mutates in the process of being expressed or put into effect: we live amid distortion. Love - the affective appreciation of one another - is then a means by which we accommodate distortion and its consequences in our lives. An illustration, through Stanley Spencer’s story, of significant aspects of a human condition, this book will appeal across disciplines, including to art historians and students of Spencer’s work, as well as to scholars of anthropology with interests in creativity, perception and interpretation.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Baroque in Architectural Culture, 1880-1980
In his landmark volume Space, Time and Architecture, Sigfried Giedion paired images of two iconic spirals: Tatlin’s Monument to the Third International and Borromini’s dome for Sant’Ivo alla Sapienza. The values shared between the baroque age and the modern were thus encapsulated on a single page spread. As Giedion put it, writing of Sant’Ivo, Borromini accomplished 'the movement of the whole pattern [...] from the ground to the lantern, without entirely ending even there.' And yet he merely 'groped' towards that which could 'be completely effected' in modern architecture-achieving 'the transition between inner and outer space.' The intellectual debt of modern architecture to modernist historians who were ostensibly preoccupied with the art and architecture of earlier epochs is now widely acknowledged. This volume extends this work by contributing to the dual projects of the intellectual history of modern architecture and the history of architectural historiography. It considers the varied ways that historians of art and architecture have historicized modern architecture through its interaction with the baroque: a term of contested historical and conceptual significance that has often seemed to shadow a greater contest over the historicity of modernism. Presenting research by an international community of scholars, this book explores through a series of cross sections the traffic of ideas between practice and history that has shaped modern architecture and the academic discipline of architectural history across the long twentieth century. The editors use the historiography of the baroque as a lens through which to follow the path of modern ideas that draw authority from history. In doing so, the volume defines a role for the baroque in the history of architectural historiography and in the history of modern architectural culture.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights - Effects and Implementation
This volume deals with the domestic effects of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights as a challenge to the various levels of legal orders in Europe. The starting point is the divergent impact of the ECtHR’s jurisdiction within the Convention States. The volume seeks new methods of orientation at the various legal levels, given the fact that the Strasbourg case law is increasingly important for most areas of society. Topical tendencies in the case law of the Court are highlighted and discussed against the background of the principle of subsidiarity. The book includes a detailed analysis of the scope, reach, consequences and implementation of the Court’s judgments and of the issue of concomitant damages. At the same time the volume deals with the role of domestic jurisdictions in implementing the ECtHR’s judgments. Distinguished Judges, legal academics and practitioners from various Council of Europe States are among the contributors to this volume, which succeeds in bringing divergent points of view into the discussion and in developing strategies for conflict resolution.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Refugees and Rights
-Work reflects on the rights discourse outside of traditional ’Western’ framework.-International research to include Africa (Kenya), India, South America (Brazil) and the Asia-Pacific (Indonesia and Papua New Guinea).
Taylor & Francis Ltd Academic Vocation in the Church and Academy Today: 'And With All Of Your Mind'
This book explores the vital, common, yet surprisingly often misunderstood and neglected vocation of people gifted to combine academic and priestly roles in church, church-related, and secular academic contexts. The works of those who unite priestly and academic functions into one vocation have been vital to the Church since its first-century foundations. The Church would have no practically informed theology or liturgy, and arguably no New Testament, if not for individuals who have been as gifted at researching, writing, and teaching as at conventional ministry skills like preaching and pastoral care. With a specific focus on Anglicanism as one useful lens, prominent voices from around the Anglican Communion reflect here on their experiences and expertise in academic-priestly vocation. Including contributions from the UK, USA, and Australia, this book makes a distinctive and timely offering to discussions that must surely continue.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Planning for Public Transport Accessibility: An International Sourcebook
Bringing together a comparative analysis of the accessibility by public transport of 23 cities spanning four continents, this book provides a "hands-on" introduction to the evolution, rationale and effectiveness of a new generation of accessibility planning tools that have emerged since the mid-2000s. The Spatial Network Analysis for Multimodal Urban Transport Systems (SNAMUTS) tool is used as a practical example to demonstrate how city planners can find answers as they seek to improve public transport accessibility. Uniquely among the new generation of accessibility tools, SNAMUTS has been designed for multi-city comparisons. A range of indicators are employed in each city including: the effectiveness of the public transport network; the relationship between the transport network and land use activity; who gets access within the city; and how resilient the city will be. The cities selected enable a comparison between cities by old world–new world; public transport modes; governance approach; urban development constraints. The book is arranged along six themes that address the different planning challenges cities confront. Richly illustrated with maps and diagrams, this volume acts as a comprehensive sourcebook of accessibility indicators and a snapshot of current policy making around the world in the realm of strategic planning for land use transport integration and the growth of public transport. It provides a deeper understanding of the complexity, opportunities and challenges of twenty-first-century accessibility planning.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Personal Identity and Buddhist Philosophy: Empty Persons
Since the publication of Mark Siderits' important book in 2003, much has changed in the field of Buddhist philosophy. There has been unprecedented growth in analytic metaphysics, and a considerable amount of new work on Indian theories of the self and personal identity has emerged. Fully revised and updated, and drawing on these changes as well as on developments in the author's own thinking, Personal Identity and Buddhist Philosophy, second edition explores the conversation between Buddhist and Western Philosophy showing how concepts and tools drawn from one philosophical tradition can help solve problems arising in another. Siderits discusses afresh areas involved in the philosophical investigation of persons, including vagueness and its implications for personal identity, recent attempts by scholars of Buddhist philosophy to defend the attribution of an emergentist account of personhood to at least some Buddhists, and whether a distinctively Buddhist antirealism can avoid problems that beset other forms of ontological anti-foundationalism.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Haydn
This volume brings together a selection of the most stimulating and influential writing on Haydn and his music in the English language. Written by a range of established and younger scholars it probes a variety of aesthetic, biographical, compositional, performance and reception issues. A specially written introduction summarizes the significance of each essay, directs the reader to appropriate complementary material and seeks the common ground between the essays; to assist with consistent referencing the individual essays retain their original pagination. This representative compendium of Haydn research provides the opportunity to explore the intellectual diversity of recent scholarship and is an indispensable publication for students of Haydn, whether new or old, amateur or professional.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Nussbaum and Law
The essays collected in this volume reflect the profound impact of Martha Nussbaum’s philosophical writings on law and legal scholarship. The capabilities approach that she has largely authored has influenced the approach scholars take to the law of disabilities, both in the United States and in Canada, as well as to international human rights and to domestic private law’s protections of vulnerable populations. Her analyses of the relationship between our emotions and our thought and action has triggered a re-assessment of the legal regulation and recognition of emotion in a range of fields, most particularly in the field of criminal law; and her writing on the nature of dignity has informed an understanding of the emerging civil rights of gay and lesbian citizens worldwide. Our appreciation of the role of narrative in legal thought and discourse and the contributions of literature to law and legal culture, have also been broadened and deepened by her contributions. Taken together, and including the introduction by the editor, the essays collected in this volume demonstrate the far-reaching impact of Nussbaum’s philosophical oeuvre.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Tuk Music Tradition in Barbados
Barbados is a small Caribbean island better known as a tourist destination rather than for its culture. The island was first claimed in 1627 for the English King and remained a British colony until independence was gained in 1966. This firmly entrenched British culture in the Barbadian way of life, although most of the population are descended from enslaved Africans taken to Barbados to work on the sugar plantations. After independence, an official desire to promulgate the country’s African heritage led to the revival and recontextualisation of cultural traditions. Barbadian tuk music, a type of fife and drum music, has been transformed in the post-independence period from a working class music associated with plantations and rum shops to a signifier of national culture, played at official functions and showcased to tourists. Based on ethnographic and archival research, Sharon Meredith considers the social, political and cultural developments in Barbados that led to the evolution, development and revival of tuk as well as cultural traditions associated with it. She places tuk in the context of other music in the country, and examines similar musics elsewhere that, whilst sharing some elements with tuk, have their own individual identities.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Landscape and Sustainable Development: The French Perspective
Previously published in French by Éditions Quae, this volume presents findings of a major research programme into landscape and sustainable development. While led by French scholars, the research team and geographical scope of the project was international, collaborative and comparative. Using case studies from across Europe, the interdisciplinary team of contributors discuss the relationship between landscape as defined by the European Landscape Convention and the concept of sustainable development. This English edition has a new introduction written by Yves Luginbühl and Peter Howard. The book is then divided into three sections: Biophysical Realities and Landscape Practice; Landscape Resources-Inheritance and Renewal; Governance and Participation. Some of the topics covered, such as wind-farm landscapes, will be familiar to English language readers, but others, such as footpath economics, non-woodland trees, inter-generational equity, and the insistence on the necessary developments in governance less so.
Taylor & Francis Ltd British Models of Art Collecting and the American Response: Reflections Across the Pond
British Models of Art Collecting and the American Response - Reflections Across the Pond presents 14 essays by distinguished art - and cultural - historians. Collectively, they examine points of similarity and difference in the approaches to art collecting practiced in Britain and the United States. Unlike most of their Continental European counterparts, the English and Americans have historically been exceptionally open to collecting the art made by and for other cultures. At the same time, they developed a tradition of opening private collections to a public eager for educational and cultural advancement. Approximately half the essays examine the trends and market forces that dominated the British art collecting scene of the nineteenth century, such as the Orléans sale and the shift away from aristocratic collections to those of the new urban merchant class. The essays that focus on American collectors use biographical sketches of collectors and dealers, as well as case studies of specific transactions to demonstrate how collectors in the United States embraced and embellished on the British model to develop their own, often philanthropic approach to art collecting.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Cyber Security Management: A Governance, Risk and Compliance Framework
Cyber Security Management: A Governance, Risk and Compliance Framework by Peter Trim and Yang-Im Lee has been written for a wide audience. Derived from research, it places security management in a holistic context and outlines how the strategic marketing approach can be used to underpin cyber security in partnership arrangements. The book is unique because it integrates material that is of a highly specialized nature but which can be interpreted by those with a non-specialist background in the area. Indeed, those with a limited knowledge of cyber security will be able to develop a comprehensive understanding of the subject and will be guided into devising and implementing relevant policy, systems and procedures that make the organization better able to withstand the increasingly sophisticated forms of cyber attack. The book includes a sequence-of-events model; an organizational governance framework; a business continuity management planning framework; a multi-cultural communication model; a cyber security management model and strategic management framework; an integrated governance mechanism; an integrated resilience management model; an integrated management model and system; a communication risk management strategy; and recommendations for counteracting a range of cyber threats. Cyber Security Management: A Governance, Risk and Compliance Framework simplifies complex material and provides a multi-disciplinary perspective and an explanation and interpretation of how managers can manage cyber threats in a pro-active manner and work towards counteracting cyber threats both now and in the future.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Boyle Studies: Aspects of the Life and Thought of Robert Boyle (1627-91)
The significance of Robert Boyle (1627-91) as the most influential English scientist in the generation before Newton is now generally acknowledged, but the complexity and eclecticism of his ideas has also become increasingly apparent. This volume presents an important group of studies of Boyle by Michael Hunter, the leading expert on Boyle’s life and thought. It forms a sequel to two previous books: Hunter’s Robert Boyle: Scrupulosity and Science (2000) and The Boyle Papers: Understanding the Manuscripts of Robert Boyle (2007). Like them, it conveniently brings together material otherwise widely scattered in essay volumes and academic journals, while nearly a third of the book’s content is hitherto unpublished. The collection opens with a substantial introduction that places the studies that follow in the context of existing studies of Boyle; appended to it is an annotated edition of Boyle’s telling list of desiderata for science. The next three essays comprise a group of essentially biographical studies, exploring various aspects of Boyle’s life and intellectual evolution, after which three others provide further evidence of the ’convoluted’ Boyle divulged in Robert Boyle: Scrupulosity and Science. Finally, we have two chapters, one hitherto published only in French and the other not at all, which throw important light on topics that preoccupied Boyle in the last few years of his life - the supernatural and the exotic. Together, these essays add greater depth to our understanding of Boyle, both as an individual and as a natural philosopher.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Life Writing and Space
How does our ability, desire or failure to locate ourselves within space, and with respect to certain places, effect the construction and narration of our identities? Approaching recordings and interpretations of selves, memories and experiences through the lens of theories of space and place, this book brings the recent spatial turn in the Humanities to bear upon the work of life writing. It shows how concepts of subjectivity draw on spatial ideas and metaphors, and how the grounding and uprooting of the self is understood in terms of place. The different chapters investigate ways in which selves are reimagined through relocation and the traversing of spaces and texts. Many are concerned with the politics of space: how racial, social and sexual topographies are navigated in life writing. Some examine how focusing on space, rather than time, impacts upon auto/biographical form. The book blends sustained theoretical reflections with textual analyses and also includes experimental contributions that explore independencies between spaces and selves by combining criticism with autobiography. Together, they testify that life writing can hardly be thought of without its connection to space.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Religious Rights
The central focus of this collection of essays is the role and place of freedom of religion in the protection and promotion of world order. The volume offers competing models of world order from a global perspective and highlights the lack of consensus and considerable variety of practice and belief around the globe as to the definition of religious freedom and where and whether freedom of religion is regarded as the first freedom in the world. The leading theories of freedom of religion are discussed and provide an understanding of freedom of religion beyond the nation state. The liberal view at the global level is also examined and observations are included regarding the need to rethink secularism in the light of present circumstances and within the global context.
Taylor & Francis Ltd British Art for Australia, 1860-1953: The Acquisition of Artworks from the United Kingdom by Australian National Galleries
Traditional postcolonial scholarship on art and imperialism emphasises tensions between colonising cores and subjugated peripheries. The ties between London and British white settler colonies have been comparatively neglected. Artworks not only reveal the controlling intentions of imperialist artists in their creation but also the uses to which they were put by others in their afterlives. In many cases they were used to fuel contests over cultural identity which expose a mixture of rifts and consensuses within the British ranks which were frequently assumed to be homogeneous. British Art for Australia, 1860–1953: The Acquisition of Artworks from the United Kingdom by Australian National Galleries represents the first systematic and comparative study of collecting British art in Australia between 1860 and 1953 using the archives of the Australian national galleries and other key Australian and UK institutions. Multiple audiences in the disciplines of art history, cultural history, and museology are addressed by analysing how Australians used British art to carve a distinct identity, which artworks were desirable, economically attainable, and why, and how the acquisition of British art fits into a broader cultural context of the British world.It considers the often competing roles of the British Old Masters (e.g. Romney and Constable), Victorian (e.g. Madox Brown and Millais), and modern artists (e.g. Nash and Spencer) alongside political and economic factors, including the developing global art market, imperial commerce, Australian Federation, the First World War, and the coming of age of the Commonwealth.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Politics of Musical Identity: Selected Essays
This volume explores the way in which composers, performers, and critics shaped individual and collective identities in music from Europe and the United States from the 1860s to the 1950s. Selected essays and articles engage with works and their reception by Richard Wagner, Georges Bizet (in an American incarnation), Lili and Nadia Boulanger, William Grant Still, and Aaron Copland, and with performers such as Wanda Landowska and even Marilyn Monroe. Ranging in context from the opera house through the concert hall to the salon, and from establishment cultures to counter-cultural products, the main focus is how music permits new ways of considering issues of nationality, class, race, and gender. These essays - three presented for the first time in English translation - reflect the work in both musical and cultural studies of a distinguished scholar whose international career spans the Atlantic and beyond.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Rebuilding Anatolia after the Mongol Conquest: Islamic Architecture in the Lands of Rum, 1240–1330
This book is a study of Islamic architecture in Anatolia following the Mongol conquest in 1243. Complex shifts in rule, movements of population, and cultural transformations took place that affected architecture on multiple levels. Beginning with the Mongol conquest of Anatolia, and ending with the demise of the Ilkhanid Empire, centered in Iran, in the 1330s, this book considers how the integration of Anatolia into the Mongol world system transformed architecture and patronage in the region. Traditionally, this period has been studied within the larger narrative of a progression from Seljuk to Ottoman rule and architecture, in a historiography that privileges Turkish national identity. Once Anatolia is studied within the framework of the Mongol Empire, however, the region no longer appears as an isolated case; rather it is integrated into a broader context beyond the modern borders of Turkey, Iran, and the Caucasus republics. The monuments built during this period served a number of purposes: mosques were places of prayer and congregation, madrasas were used to teach Islamic law and theology, and caravanserais secured trade routes for merchants and travelers. This study analyzes architecture on multiple, overlapping levels, based on a detailed observation of the monuments. The layers of information extracted from the monuments themselves, from written sources in Arabic, Persian, and Turkish, and from historical photographs, shape an image of Islamic architecture in medieval Anatolia that reflects the complexities of this frontier region. New patrons emerged, craftsmen migrated between neighboring regions, and the use of locally available materials fostered the transformation of designs in ways that are closely tied to specific places. Starting from these sources, this book untangles the intertwined narratives of architecture, history, and religion to provide a broader understanding of frontier culture in the medieval Middle East, with its complex interaction of local, regional, and trans-regional identities.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Rome and Religion in the Medieval World: Studies in Honor of Thomas F.X. Noble
Rome and Religion in the Medieval World provides a panoramic and interdisciplinary exploration of Rome and religious culture. The studies build upon or engage Thomas F.X. Noble’s interest in Rome, especially his landmark contributions to the origins of the Papal States and early medieval image controversies. Scholars from a variety of disciplines offer new viewpoints on key issues and questions relating to medieval religious, cultural and intellectual history. Each study explores different dimensions of Rome and religion, including medieval art, theology, material culture, politics, education, law, and religious practice. Drawing upon a wide range of sources, including manuscripts, relics, historical and normative texts, theological tracts, and poetry, the authors illuminate the complexities of medieval Christianity, especially as practiced in the city of Rome itself, and elsewhere in Europe when influenced by the idea of Rome. Some trace early medieval legacies to the early modern period when Protestant and Catholic theologians used early medieval religious texts to define and debate forms of Roman Christianity. The essays highlight and deepen scholarly appreciation of Rome in the rich and varied religious culture of the medieval world.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Cuckoldry, Impotence and Adultery in Europe (15th-17th century)
In Renaissance and early modern Europe, various constellations of phenomena-ranging from sex scandals to legal debates to flurries of satirical prints-collectively demonstrate, at different times and places, an increased concern with cuckoldry, impotence and adultery. This concern emerges in unusual events (such as scatological rituals of house-scorning), appears in neglected sources (such as drawings by Swiss mercenary soldier-artists), and engages innovative areas of inquiry (such as the intersection between medical theory and Renaissance comedy). Interdisciplinary analytical tools are here deployed to scrutinize court scandals and decipher archival documents. Household recipes, popular literary works and a variety of visual media are examined in the light of contemporary sexual culture and contextualized with reference to current social and political issues. The essays in this volume reveal the central importance of sexuality and sexual metaphor for our understanding of European history, politics and culture, and emphasize the extent to which erotic presuppositions underpinned the early modern world.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Crusades: Volume 12
Crusades covers seven hundred years from the First Crusade (1095-1102) to the fall of Malta (1798) and draws together scholars working on theatres of war, their home fronts and settlements from the Baltic to Africa and from Spain to the Near East and on theology, law, literature, art, numismatics and economic, social, political and military history. Routledge publishes this journal for The Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East. Particular attention is given to the publication of historical sources in all relevant languages - narrative, homiletic and documentary - in trustworthy editions, but studies and interpretative essays are welcomed too. Crusades appears in both print and online editions.
Taylor & Francis Inc Protocols for Cytogenetic Mapping of Arthropod Genomes
Arthropods are important to worldwide agriculture, food safety, human health, and energy production. Besides their practical significance, various species represent excellent model systems for biological investigations of evolution, development, physiology, reproduction, and social interaction. For these reasons, arthropod genomics is receiving increasing attention from researchers around the globe. Protocols for Cytogenetic Mapping of Arthropod Genomes is a collection of up-to-date, detailed protocols for physical chromosome mapping and their applications for studying genome organization and evolution in insects and ticks. This book brings together the expertise of cytogeneticists working on diverse groups of arthropods. Each chapter demonstrates approaches to tissue dissection, chromosome preparation, fluorescence in situ hybridization, and imaging. The book is a timely and complementary effort to the i5K initiative, which will obtain whole-genome sequences for 5,000 insect and related arthropod species. This comprehensive resource provides cytogeneticists with the necessary background and protocols to understand and develop chromosome-based genome assemblies from such whole-genome sequence data.