Search results for ""TAYLOR FRANCIS""
Taylor & Francis Inc Schistosoma: Biology, Pathology and Control
Apart from malaria, schistosomiasis is the most prevalent parasitic infection in the world. It affects more than 200 million people in 76 tropical and subtropical countries, causing great suffering and resulting in thousands of deaths. Written by world authorities, this book examines many aspects of the biology, pathology, and control of the schistosoma parasite. Ranging in topic from infection in Pharaonic Egypt, through DNA relationships and biological systems, to advances in development of vaccines against the parasite, this book is a comprehensive text written for researchers and medical professionals alike.
Taylor & Francis Inc Post-Earthquake Fire Analysis in Urban Structures: Risk Management Strategies
Post-earthquake fire is one of the most complicated problems resulting from earthquakes and presents a serious risk to urban structures. Most standards and codes ignore the possibility of post-earthquake fire; thus it is not factored in when determining the ability of buildings to withstand load. This book describes the effects of post-earthquake fire on partially damaged buildings located in seismic urban regions. The book quantifies the level of associated post-earthquake fire effects, and discusses methods for mitigating the risk at both the macro scale and micro scale. The macro scale strategies address urban regions while the micro scale strategies address building structures, covering both existing buildings and those that are yet to be designed.
Taylor & Francis Inc Corporate Defense and the Value Preservation Imperative: Bulletproof Your Corporate Defense Program
This is the first book to finally address the umbrella term corporate defense, and to explain how an integrated corporate defense program can help an organization address both value creation and preservation. The book explores the value preservation imperative, which represents an organization’s obligation to implement a comprehensive corporate defense program in order to deliver long-term sustainable value to its stakeholders. For the first time the reader is provided with a complete picture of how corporate defense operates all the way from the boardroom to the front-lines, and vice versa. It provides comprehensive guidance on how to implement a robust corporate defense program by addressing this challenge from strategic, tactical, and operational perspectives. This arrangement provides readers with a holistic view of corporate defense and incorporates the management of the eight critical corporate defense components. It includes how an organization needs to integrate its governance, risk, compliance, intelligence, security, resilience, controls and assurance activities within its corporate defense program. The book addresses the corporate defense requirement from various perspectives and helps readers to understand the critical interconnections and inter-dependencies which exist at strategic, tactical, and operational levels. It facilitates the reader in comprehending the importance of appropriately prioritizing corporate defense at a strategic level, while also educating the reader in the importance of managing corporate defense at a tactical level, and executing corporate defense activities at an operational level. Finally the book looks at the business case for implementing a robust corporate defense program and the value proposition of introducing a truly world class approach to addressing the value preservation imperative.Cut and paste this link ( to learn more about a corporate defense program and how the book will help you implement one in your organization.
Taylor & Francis Inc OSCEs for the MRCS Part B: A Bailey & Love Revision Guide, Second Edition
This is a fully updated edition of the hugely successful OSCEs for the MRCS Part B: A Bailey and Love Revision Guide. The content has been revised in line with recent changes to the examination, such as the introduction of microbiology and applied surgical sciences and changes from patient safety to clinical and procedural skills.Popular with trainee surgeons preparing for the oral element of the MRCS (the objective structured clinical examination, or OSCE), this revision guide will maximise the chances of success in surgical examinations.
Taylor & Francis Inc Living Matter: Algebra of Molecules
This book provides a review of biochemistry as an algebra of molecules of living matter and utilizes Clifford algebras to discuss the basic biochemical processes of DNA replication, DNA transcription, RNA splicing and translation. Viral carcinogenesis is discussed in depth, specific attention is paid to the structural features of biomolecules that define a particular Clifford algebra, and useful examples of genetic information being transformed into Clifford algebras are provided.
Taylor & Francis Inc Fermented Foods, Part I: Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Traditional fermented foods are not only the staple food for most of developing countries but also the key healthy food for developed countries. As the healthy functions of these foods are gradually discovered, more high throughput biotechnologies are being used to promote the fermented food industries. As a result, the microorganisms, process biochemistry, manufacturing, and down-streaming processing, as well as the bioactive metabolites released by the fermenting organisms and, above all, the healthy functions of these foods were extensively researched. The application and progress of biotechnology and biochemistry of traditional fermented food systems are different from each other, as the microorganisms and the food matrices vary widely. Part I (Biochemistry and Biotechnology) of this book (Fermented Foods) discusses the general aspects of biochemistry and biotechnological application of fermented foods involving acetic acid bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, ethanolic yeasts, and fungi in accelerating the many and variable functional factors in the fermented foods as well as metagenomics of fermented foods. The detailed technological interventions involved in different categories of fermented foods such as fermented cereals (bread and sourdough), fermented milk products (yogurt, cheese), fermented sausages, fermented vegetables (kimchi, sauerkraut), fermented legumes (tempeh, natto) and coffee and cocoa fermentations, and fermented beverages (animal- and plant-based) with their potential and actual health benefits, are discussed in Part II (Fermented Foods: Technological Interventions).
Taylor & Francis Inc A Guide to the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) Cybersecurity Workforce Framework (2.0)
A Guide to the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) Cybersecurity Workforce Framework (2.0) presents a comprehensive discussion of the tasks, knowledge, skill, and ability (KSA) requirements of the NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework 2.0. It discusses in detail the relationship between the NICE framework and the NIST’s cybersecurity framework (CSF), showing how the NICE model specifies what the particular specialty areas of the workforce should be doing in order to ensure that the CSF’s identification, protection, defense, response, or recovery functions are being carried out properly.The authors construct a detailed picture of the proper organization and conduct of a strategic infrastructure security operation, describing how these two frameworks provide an explicit definition of the field of cybersecurity. The book is unique in that it is based on well-accepted standard recommendations rather than presumed expertise. It is the first book to align with and explain the requirements of a national-level initiative to standardize the study of information security. Moreover, it contains knowledge elements that represent the first fully validated and authoritative body of knowledge (BOK) in cybersecurity.The book is divided into two parts: The first part is comprised of three chapters that give you a comprehensive understanding of the structure and intent of the NICE model, its various elements, and their detailed contents. The second part contains seven chapters that introduce you to each knowledge area individually. Together, these parts help you build a comprehensive understanding of how to organize and execute a cybersecurity workforce definition using standard best practice.
Taylor & Francis Inc Benefits Realization Management: Strategic Value from Portfolios, Programs, and Projects
Benefits realization management (BRM) is a key part of governance, because it supports the strategic creation of value and provides the correct level of prioritization and executive support to the correct initiatives. Because of its relevance to the governance process, BRM has a strong influence over project success and is a link between strategic planning and strategy execution.This book guides portfolio, program, and project managers through the process of benefits realization management so they can maximize business value. It discusses why and how programs and projects are expected to enable value creation, and it explains the role of BRM in value creation. The book provides a flexible framework for: Translating business strategy drivers into expected benefits and explains the subsequent composition of a program and project portfolio that can realize expected benefits Planning the benefits realization expected from programs and projects and then making it happen Keeping programs and projects on track Reviewing and evaluating the benefits achieved or expected against the original baselines and the current expectations. To help project, program, and portfolio managers on their BRM journey, as well as to support business managers in executing business strategies, the book identifies key organizational responsibilities and roles involved in BRM practices, and it provides a simple reference that can be mapped against any organizational structure. A detailed and comprehensive case study illustrates each phase of the BRM framework as it links business strategy to project work, benefits, and business value. Each chapter ends with a series questions that provide a BRM self-assessment. The book concludes with a set of templates and detailed instructions to ensure successful deployment of BRM.
Taylor & Francis Inc Digital Watermarking and Steganography: Fundamentals and Techniques, Second Edition
This book intends to provide a comprehensive overview on different aspects of mechanisms and techniques for information security. It is written for students, researchers, and professionals studying in the field of multimedia security and steganography. Multimedia security and steganography is especially relevant due to the global scale of digital multimedia and the rapid growth of the Internet. Digital watermarking technology can be used to guarantee authenticity and can be applied as proof that the content has not been altered since insertion. Updated techniques and advances in watermarking are explored in this new edition. The combinational spatial and frequency domains watermarking technique provides a new concept of enlarging the embedding capacity of watermarks. The genetic algorithm (GA) based watermarking technique solves the rounding error problem and provide an efficient embedding approach. Each chapter provides the reader with a fundamental, theoretical framework, while developing the extensive advanced techniques and considering the essential principles of the digital watermarking and steganographic systems. Several robust algorithms that are presented throughout illustrate the framework and provide assistance and tools in understanding and implementing the fundamental principles.
Taylor & Francis Inc Software-Defined Data Infrastructure Essentials: Cloud, Converged, and Virtual Fundamental Server Storage I/O Tradecraft
Software-Defined Data Infrastructures Essentials provides fundamental coverage of physical, cloud, converged, and virtual server storage I/O networking technologies, trends, tools, techniques, and tradecraft skills. From webscale, software-defined, containers, database, key-value store, cloud, and enterprise to small or medium-size business, the book is filled with techniques, and tips to help develop or refine your server storage I/O hardware, software, and services skills. Whether you are new to data infrastructures or a seasoned pro, you will find this comprehensive reference indispensable for gaining as well as expanding experience with technologies, tools, techniques, and trends.We had a front row seat watching Greg present live in our education workshop seminar sessions for ITC professionals in the Netherlands material that is in this book. We recommend this amazing book to expand your converged and data infrastructure knowledge from beginners to industry veterans. —Gert and Frank Brouwer, Brouwer Storage ConsultancySoftware-Defined Data Infrastructures Essentials provides the foundational building blocks to improve your craft in serval areas including applications, clouds, legacy, and more. IT professionals, as well as sales professionals and support personnel, stand to gain a great deal by reading this book.—Mark McSherry, Oracle Regional Sales Manager Looking to expand your data infrastructure IQ? From CIOS to operations, sales to engineering, this book is a comprehensive reference, a must read for IT infrastructure professionals, beginners to seasoned experts.—Tom Becchetti, Advisory Systems EngineerGreg Schulz has provided a complete ‘toolkit’ for storage management along with the background and framework for the storage or data infrastructure professional or those aspiring to become one.—Greg Brunton, Experienced Storage and Data Management Professional
Taylor & Francis Inc Diagnostic MRI in Dogs and Cats
Diagnostic MRI in Dogs and Cats makes the vast and increasingly complex topic of clinical MRI in small animals accessible to all veterinarians. With the increasing availability of MRI technology, there is also a pressing need for expertise in interpreting these images. This is the first reference textbook to provide a well-illustrated and comprehensive overview of the current knowledge, focusing on imaging appearance rather than on clinical signs or treatment. With chapters on MRI physics and technology as well as sections on specific anatomical regions, the book functions as a stand-alone reference for the reader, whether they be a radiology/neurology resident in training or a practitioner with a need to learn about veterinary clinical MRI. Includes both evidenced-based material and the authors' personal experience, providing an excellent overview of current knowledge in the field. Contributors are international leaders in the field. Bullet points format and table summaries throughout the book keep the concepts concise and organized. Richly illustrated with over 650 annotated images showcasing the main features of the disease processes. Images are obtained at all magnet field strengths, so as to reflect the current reality of veterinary MRI, which uses low-, mid- and high-field magnets. The chapters on physics and MRI technology are concise and accessible, using many visual aids and diagrams, and avoiding abstract concepts and equations whenever possible. Within each anatomical section, each chapter focuses on a disease category of that body region. When it is important to understand the imaging appearance, the pathophysiology is reviewed and imaging features of prognostic relevance are detailed.This practical yet thoroughly comprehensive book is primarily an evidence-based learning resource for trainees, but will also aid practising veterinarians who have less MRI experience.
Taylor & Francis Inc Sensitive Skin Syndrome
Sensitive skin is a widely reported condition where there is subjective cutaneous hyper-reactivity to environmental factors. Progress has been made in many aspects of the background science that will help clinicians in their management of patients presenting with the condition. This new text sums up the advances in thinking on pathophysiology, classification, methods of investigation, and the different susceptibilities of different types of skin.
Taylor & Francis Inc Fiber-Optic Fabry-Perot Sensors: An Introduction
The authors deliver a complete overview of fiber-optic Fabry-Perot (FFP) sensing technology, integrating the knowledge and tools of multiple fields including optics, sensing, micromachining, instrumentation, physics, and materials science. The main chapters discuss operating principles, microstructures, fabrication methods, signal demodulation, and instrumentation. This treatment spans the full range of structures (intrinsic/extrinsic, multimode fiber vs single-mode fibers), as well as advanced micromachining technologies and major interrogating and multiplexing methods for the formation of multi-point, quasi-distributed sensing networks. Readers will also gain a summary of state-of-the-art applications in oil, gas, and electricity industries, aerospace technology, and biomedicine.Yun-Jiang Rao is Dean of the School of Communication & Information Engineering, and Director of the Key Lab of Optical Fiber Sensing & Communications at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. Zeng-Ling Ran and Yuan Gong are both associate professors at the Optical Fiber Technology Research Laboratory of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.
Taylor & Francis Inc Organic Thin-Film Transistor Applications: Materials to Circuits
Text provides information about advanced OTFT (Organic thin film transistor) structures, their modeling and extraction of performance parameters, materials of individual layers, their molecular structures, basics of pi-conjugated semiconducting materials and their properties, OTFT charge transport phenomena and fabrication techniques. It includes applications of OTFTs such as single and dual gate OTFT based inverter circuits along with bootstrap techniques, SRAM cell designs based on different material and circuit configurations, light emitting diodes (LEDs). Besides this, application of dual gate OTFT in the logic gate, shift register, Flip-Flop, counter circuits will be included as well.
Taylor & Francis Inc Forensic Anthropology: A Comprehensive Introduction, Second Edition
This robust, dynamic, and international field has grown to include interdisciplinary research, continually improving methodology, and globalization of training. Reflecting the diverse nature of the science from experts who have shaped it, Forensic Anthropology: A Comprehensive Introduction Second Edition builds off of the success of the first edition and incorporates standard practices in addition to cutting-edge approaches in a user-friendly format, making it an ideal introductory-level text.
Taylor & Francis Inc Color Atlas of the Autopsy
In keeping with the spirit of the first edition, the second edition of this book displays the autopsy procedure in a step-wise, start-to-finish fashion. While the autopsy itself has changed little over the last 100 years, the adjunct procedures—toxicology, radiology, and DNA analysis, among others—have changed greatly. Original chapters are fully updated and modified to reflect changes in the last 15 years. Additionally, two new chapters have been added on natural death and organ/tissue donation.
Taylor & Francis Inc Diagram Genus, Generators, and Applications
In knot theory, diagrams of a given canonical genus can be described by means of a finite number of patterns ("generators"). Diagram Genus, Generators and Applications presents a self-contained account of the canonical genus: the genus of knot diagrams. The author explores recent research on the combinatorial theory of knots and supplies proofs for a number of theorems.The book begins with an introduction to the origin of knot tables and the background details, including diagrams, surfaces, and invariants. It then derives a new description of generators using Hirasawa’s algorithm and extends this description to push the compilation of knot generators one genus further to complete their classification for genus 4. Subsequent chapters cover applications of the genus 4 classification, including the braid index, polynomial invariants, hyperbolic volume, and Vassiliev invariants. The final chapter presents further research related to generators, which helps readers see applications of generators in a broader context.
Taylor & Francis Inc Clinical Neurovirology
This is a comprehensive reference that includes the basic science, clinical features, imaging, pathology and treatment of specific viral entities affecting the central nervous system (CNS). It will assist professionals in their attempt to identify, examine and manage viral CNS infections and unravel the therapeutic and diagnostic challenges associated with viral CNS disorders.Key Features Features MRI scans, histopathology and lined diagrams showing pathophysiology Much has happened in our understanding of CNS infections in recent years and a comprehensive book that covers the entire subject is much needed. There is ongoing interest in infectious disease. The increasing globalization of medicine is putting demands on many more people to become familiar with issues from around that world that they did not see in training.
Taylor & Francis Inc Sustainability in the Mineral and Energy Sectors
Sustainable practices within the mining and energy sectors are assuming greater significance due to uncertainty and change within the global economy and safety, security, and health concerns. This book examines sustainability issues facing the mining and energy sectors by addressing six major themes: Mining and Mineral Processing; Metallurgy and Recycling; Environment; Energy; Socioeconomic and Regulatory; and Sustainable Materials and Fleets. Emphasizing an integrated transdisciplinary approach, it deliberates on optimizing mining productivity and energy efficiency and discusses integrated waste management practices. It discusses risk management, cost cutting, and integration of sustainable practices for long-term business value. It gives a comprehensive outlook for sustainable mineral futures from academic and industry perspectives covering mine to mill optimization, waste, risk and water management, improved efficiencies in mining tools and equipment, and performance indicators for sustainable developments. It covers how innovation and research underpin management of natural resources including sustainable carbon management.•Focuses on mining and mineral processing, metallurgy and recycling, the environment, energy, socioeconomic and regulatory issues, and sustainable materials and fleets.•Describes metallurgy and recycling and uses economic, environmental and social parameter analyses to identify areas for improvement in iron, steel, aluminium, lead, zinc, copper, and gold production.•Discusses current research on mining, performance indicators for sustainable development, sustainability in mining equipment, risk and safety management, and renewable energy resources•Covers alternative and conventional energy sources for the mineral sector as well water treatment and remediation and energy sustainability in mining.•Provides an overview of sustainable carbon management.•Offers an interdisciplinary approach with international focus.
Taylor & Francis Inc Statistical Testing Strategies in the Health Sciences
Statistical Testing Strategies in the Health Sciences provides a compendium of statistical approaches for decision making, ranging from graphical methods and classical procedures through computationally intensive bootstrap strategies to advanced empirical likelihood techniques. It bridges the gap between theoretical statistical methods and practical procedures applied to the planning and analysis of health-related experiments.The book is organized primarily based on the type of questions to be answered by inference procedures or according to the general type of mathematical derivation. It establishes the theoretical framework for each method, with a substantial amount of chapter notes included for additional reference. It then focuses on the practical application for each concept, providing real-world examples that can be easily implemented using corresponding statistical software code in R and SAS. The book also explains the basic elements and methods for constructing correct and powerful statistical decision-making processes to be adapted for complex statistical applications.With techniques spanning robust statistical methods to more computationally intensive approaches, this book shows how to apply correct and efficient testing mechanisms to various problems encountered in medical and epidemiological studies, including clinical trials. Theoretical statisticians, medical researchers, and other practitioners in epidemiology and clinical research will appreciate the book’s novel theoretical and applied results. The book is also suitable for graduate students in biostatistics, epidemiology, health-related sciences, and areas pertaining to formal decision-making mechanisms.
Taylor & Francis Inc An Atlas of Gynecologic Oncology: Investigation and Surgery, Fourth Edition
The latest edition of An Atlas of Gynecologic Oncology continues its coverage of the innovative techniques in investigation and surgery on the brink of becoming established as part of the gynecologic surgeon’s repertoire, now including the exciting developments in uterine transplantation.
Taylor & Francis Inc Mammalian Endocrinology and Male Reproductive Biology
Mammalian Endocrinology and Male Reproductive Biology provides comprehensive and current coverage of the area of endocrinology and male reproductive biology, covering not just humans, but mammals in general. Written by international experts in their respective fields, this multi-author book also covers the latest developments in genomics of androgen action and male infertility.The book begins by covering sexual dimorphism in the central nervous system; structure, control of secretion and function of GnRH; and gonadotropins of pituitary origin and their role in gonadal functions. This is followed by an account of hormonal regulation of spermatogenesis, and the role of apoptosis in this process. Subsequent chapters center around epididymis, regulation of growth and function, and sperm motility regulation. The last chapters in the book discuss the structure and function of male accessory sex glands with associated pathologies as well as recent updates in male contraception, mechanism of androgen action, and genomics of male infertility. Wherever necessary, tables and figures have been added for a better understanding. Each chapter is appropriately referenced and contains current information on the latest developments in the field.
Taylor & Francis Inc Measurement and Safety: Volume I
This handbook is dedicated to the next generation of automation engineers working in the fields of measurement, control, and safety, describing the sensors and detectors used in the measurement of process variables.
Taylor & Francis Inc Transition to 21st Century Healthcare: A Guide for Leaders and Quality Professionals
This book explains why the fundamental structures of 20th century American healthcare have failed to keep up with American industry in terms of quality and cost. It describes how this has led to the introduction of industrial mass production concepts in American healthcare, such as Lean and Six Sigma, and how the resulting industrialization breaks down the 20th century model and opens the way for a new vision of healthcare.Exploring the links between healthcare history, quality history, and the current state of healthcare, the book will help healthcare leaders and quality professionals recognize, understand, and respond to the changes currently under way in American healthcare. It provides clear guidance on the role of industrialized quality in breaking down 20th century assumptions and building the foundation for 21st century healthcare. As readers grasp the transformative effects of the macro-level changes resulting from industrialization, the book provides simple assessment tools to assist leaders and quality professionals in evaluating organizational development. It describes ten transitions that arise out of industrialization that healthcare organizations need to traverse and provides the tools to assess the transitions that indicate whether an organization is progressing towards the 21st century American healthcare model.The book explains that the rate of transition to the 21st century healthcare model is based on the level of acceptance and implementation of industrialized quality. It concludes by sharing insights into the future of American healthcare and the importance of creating a vision to assist in the transition to this future.Helping healthcare leaders and quality professionals understand the need to use the transitions to create clear visions of the future and use these visions to guide and motivate their organizations, the book provides the tools, understanding, and roadmap you need to successfully transition your organization toward the 21st century American healthcare model.
Taylor & Francis Inc Leading Business Change: A Practical Guide to Transforming Your Organization
Most books dealing with change management focus on how companies reach their corporate goals, instead of on what individual leaders must do. Filling this need, Leading Business Change: A Practical Guide to Transforming Your Organization is an easy and fun read that will inspire you to think more closely about how you implement change as a leader.The book presents a proven approach to help leaders of global initiatives grapple with impossible projects and deliver on their goals. The first part of the book explains the author’s approach to change management, centering on the need not just for an effective approach but for effective leadership. The remaining three parts walk readers through the three phases of the authors' methodology, using actual examples to demonstrate how to apply each step in the real world. Introduces the topic of strategic implementation and organizational change Supplies an overview of the challenges a leader will face when tasked with transforming aspects of a global company Discusses the need to align the goals of the company, sponsors, and project Highlights the need to understand the resources available to change leaders Addresses the challenges of planning the design and delivery of organizational change The author begins each chapter with a short story around the experiences of a fictional executive with a multinational company who has been tasked with implementing a global outsourcing project. Different stories illustrate the application of the methodologies discussed in the book. Each chapter concludes with questions to help you assess your own leadership style.
Taylor & Francis Inc Carbon Nanomaterials Based on Graphene Nanosheets
Since the discovery of graphene, it has become one of the most widely and extensively studied materials. This book aims to summarize the progress in synthesis, processing, characterization and applications of a special group of nanocarbon materials derived from graphene or graphene related derivatives by using various strategies in different forms. More specifically, three forms of macrosized materials are presented, i.e., one-dimension or 1D (fibers, wires, yarns, streads, etc.), two-dimension or 2D (films, membranes, papers, sheets, etc.) and three-dimension or 3D (bulk, hydrogels, aerogels, foams, sponges, etc.). Seven chapters are included with the first chapter serving to introduce the concept, definition, and nomenclature of graphene, graphene oxide and their derivatives. The main topics are covered in Chapters 2‒7. Although they have coherent connections, each chapter of them is designed such that they can be studied independently. The target readers of this book include undergraduate students, postgraduate students, researchers, designers, engineers, professors, and program/project managers from the fields of materials science and engineering, applied physics, chemical engineering, biomaterials, materials manufacturing and design, institutes, and research founding agencies.
Taylor & Francis Inc Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Spray Dryers: An Engineer’s Guide
Bridging the gap in understanding between the spray drying industry and the numerical modeler on spray drying, Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Spray Dryers: An Engineer’s Guide shows how to numerically capture important physical phenomena within a spray drying process using the CFD technique. It includes numerical strategies to effectively describe these phenomena, which are collated from research work and CFD industrial consultation, in particular to the dairy industry. Along with showing how to set up models, the book helps readers identify the capabilities and uncertainties of the CFD technique for spray drying. After briefly covering the basics of CFD, the book discusses airflow modeling, atomization and particle tracking, droplet drying, quality modeling, agglomeration and wall deposition modeling, and simulation validation techniques. The book also answers questions related to common challenges in industrial applications.
Taylor & Francis Inc Big Data Strategies for Agile Business
Agile is a set of values, principles, techniques, and frameworks for the adaptable, incremental, and efficient delivery of work. Big Data is a rapidly growing field that encompasses crucial aspects of data such as its volume, velocity, variety, and veracity. This book outlines a strategic approach to Big Data that will render a business Agile. It discusses the important competencies required to streamline and focus on the analytics and presents a roadmap for implementing such analytics in business.
Taylor & Francis Inc Coming Home after Disaster: Multiple Dimensions of Housing Recovery
Post-disaster housing concerns and dilemmas are complex, global in nature, and are inextricably intertwined with social, economic, and political considerations. The multi-faceted nature of housing recovery requires a holistic approach that accounts for its numerous dimensions and contours that are best captured with multi-disciplinary, multi-scalar, and multi-hazard approaches. This book serves as a valuable resource by highlighting the key issues and challenges that need to be addressed with regard to post-disaster housing. By featuring a collection of case studies on various disasters that have occurred globally and written by scholars and practitioners from various disciplines, it highlights the rich diversity of approaches taken to solve post-disaster housing problems. Coming home after Disaster can serve as an essential reference for researchers and practitioners in disaster and emergency management, public administration, public policy, urban planning, sociology, anthropology, geography, economics, architecture, and other related social science fields. Key features in this book are: Addresses a wide range of dilemmas such as differential levels of social and physical vulnerability; problems related to land tenure, home-ownership, property rights, planning, and zoning; and political and legal challenges to housing recovery. Discusses the role played by public, private and non-governmental organizations, the informal sector, financial institutions, and insurance in rebuilding and housing recovery. Features global case studies, incorporates relevant examples and policies, and offers solutions from a range of scholars working in multiple disciplines and different countries.
Taylor & Francis Inc Policing in Israel: Studying Crime Control, Community, and Counterterrorism
Policing in Israel presents important advances in Israeli police science during the past decade. It demonstrates how empirical research in countries outside the traditional research domains of the United States, Europe, and Australia can provide comparative legitimacy to key concepts and findings in policing. It also addresses innovative questions in the study of police, showing that there is much to learn about the police enterprise by looking to Israel.The studies included in this book contribute to the policing literature in three significant ways. They replicate findings from English-speaking countries on key issues such as hot-spots policing, thereby supporting the validity of the findings and enabling a wider scope of generalization. Also, they utilize unique Israeli conditions to address questions that are difficult to test in other countries, such as in counterterrorism. Finally, they ask innovative questions in the study of policing that are yet to be addressed elsewhere.Aside from providing better knowledge about policing in Israel, the broader advances in police science that the book illustrates play an important role. It contributes to major areas of contemporary interest in policing literature, including crime control, police–community relationships, and policing terrorism. Policing in Israel gives you not only a broad picture of Israeli policing and police research in the past decade, but also carries critical implications for policing scholars and practitioners around the world.
Taylor & Francis Inc Mathematical Statistics: Basic Ideas and Selected Topics, Volume II
Mathematical Statistics: Basic Ideas and Selected Topics, Volume II presents important statistical concepts, methods, and tools not covered in the authors’ previous volume. This second volume focuses on inference in non- and semiparametric models. It not only reexamines the procedures introduced in the first volume from a more sophisticated point of view but also addresses new problems originating from the analysis of estimation of functions and other complex decision procedures and large-scale data analysis.The book covers asymptotic efficiency in semiparametric models from the Le Cam and Fisherian points of view as well as some finite sample size optimality criteria based on Lehmann–Scheffé theory. It develops the theory of semiparametric maximum likelihood estimation with applications to areas such as survival analysis. It also discusses methods of inference based on sieve models and asymptotic testing theory. The remainder of the book is devoted to model and variable selection, Monte Carlo methods, nonparametric curve estimation, and prediction, classification, and machine learning topics. The necessary background material is included in an appendix.Using the tools and methods developed in this textbook, students will be ready for advanced research in modern statistics. Numerous examples illustrate statistical modeling and inference concepts while end-of-chapter problems reinforce elementary concepts and introduce important new topics. As in Volume I, measure theory is not required for understanding.The solutions to exercises for Volume II are included in the back of the book.Check out Volume I for fundamental, classical statistical concepts leading to the material in this volume.
Taylor & Francis Inc Microbial Biofilms: Omics Biology, Antimicrobials and Clinical Implications
Microbial Biofilms: Omics Biology, Antimicrobials and Clinical Implications is a comprehensive survey of microbial biofilms and their role in human health and disease with contributions from world renowned experts in molecular microbiology, proteomics, genomics, metabolomics and infectious diseases. The book is intended to serve as a guide for students, as well as a reference for researchers, clinicians and industry professionals. The chapters cover bacterial and fungal microbiomes, and the latest omics techniques organized in a clear and up-to-date manner. One of the highlights of this book is the comprehensive information on "omics of microbial biofilms". The chapters dedicated to metagenomics, proteomics and metabolomics are designed to provide a simple and holistic review of the current knowledge and, the applications of these techniques in the field of microbial biofilms. In addition to introductory chapters on microbial biofilms and their clinical implications, subsequent chapters delve into oral biofilms, their composition, and metagenomic diversity. Thereafter, mechanisms of drug resistance in microbial biofilms are reviewed, as well as the proteomic and metabolomic characterization of this resistance. The book includes a comprehensive discussion of persister cells and host–microbial interactions on mucosal surfaces. Finally, the book concludes with a summary of novel therapeutic approaches for biofilms such as synbiotics and biogenics.
Taylor & Francis Inc Smart Technologies in Healthcare
Assistive technologies for the old and people with disabilities is now a very active field of research. It also constitutes a very profitable market (expected to reach US $60 billion p.a. by 2018). The book covers key aspects of this important field and provides guidelines for developing assistive technologies in smart environments. The book also presents the new paradigm of open innovation used by the most prolific research teams around the world. The latest developments in the field are given. Overall this book will be a reference for researchers, practitioners and engineers.
Taylor & Francis Inc Utah Oil Shale: Science, Technology, and Policy Perspectives
Includes full-color isopach and richness maps for each organic-rich and organic-lean oil shale interval within the upper Green River Formation.Offers computational exploration of trade-offs in drilling and heating options on the net energy return for oil produced from an in situ process.Analyzes costs and emissions associated with in situ production of oil shale.Discusses legal and policy issues for a nascent oil shale industry.
Taylor & Francis Inc Police Corruption in the NYPD: From Knapp to Mollen
Police Corruption in the NYPD: From Knapp to Mollen explores how the New York Police Department experienced two major investigations within a quarter of a century. It compares the states of corruption within the NYPD during the Knapp and Mollen commissions, examining why corruption continued and why the revealed ethical breaches became more serious. It also discusses how corruption was enhanced even after accountability and responsibility were assigned to department administration.The book gives in-depth discussions of the Knapp and Mollen reports and relates the history and relevance of efforts to combat corruption and to improve police practices. It uses empirical data from interviews and current NYPD recruit training documents as reference materials in examining police practices. It also identifies failures of leadership that contributed to the systemic ethical degeneration of the NYPD.Police Corruption in the NYPD goes beyond the training of ethics and enforcement by delving into the departmental failures that permit officers to develop from being merely unethical to becoming criminals. By presenting and analyzing theories of corruption from current authorities, it lays a foundation for critical discussion and comparison between commissions as well as current department ethical training and practices.
Taylor & Francis Inc A Guide to Innovation Processes and Solutions for Government
In today’s knowledge-driven global environment, fueled by an ever-increasing appetite for timely information, decision makers and senior leaders across all government agencies are seeking new ways to boost efficiencies. A Guide to Innovation Processes and Solutions in Government provides a roadmap for successful implementation of innovation for government organizations and subcontractors and suppliers working for the federal government. The book details proven tools and processes that can make significant improvements in how the federal sector handles opportunities for innovation. It introduces the authors’ transformational innovation approach that is easy to implement. The N2OVATE™ process, selects the best innovation value-driven projects for implementation. Presenting insights that can help readers bridge the gap between the shareholder, stakeholder, and customer, the book includes descriptive examples and a case study that illustrate the application of the N2OVATE™ methodology. It explains what it takes to achieve sustained innovation success within the federal sector and includes numerous easy-to-follow assessments, process flowcharts, tools, and strategies for achieving sustained innovation success within any government agency or organization. The book guides you through the innovation process, from assessment to strategy to project implementation. It not only tells you what to do, but also how to do it. Seamless, robust, and reliable technology coupled with a proper innovation management approach can provide the mechanism for sustained innovation success. After reading this book, you will better understand what it takes to increase your innovation opportunity outcome while reducing waste, inefficiencies, and ineffectiveness.
Taylor & Francis Inc Hybrid Nanomaterials: Design, Synthesis, and Biomedical Applications
Over the last decade, an unprecedented expansion in the field of nanomedicine has resulted in the development of new nanomaterials for diagnosis and therapy of various diseases such as cancer. This book covers the design, synthesis and applications of various functionally-hybridized nanomaterials for biomedical applications. It includes strategies for design and synthesis of hybrid nanomaterials, surface engineering of various nanoparticle-based hybrid nanosystems for cancer imaging and therapy, toxicity aspects of nanomaterials and the challenges in translation research of hybrid nanomaterials.
Taylor & Francis Inc Pulmonary Circulation: Diseases and Their Treatment, Fourth Edition
Pulmonary Circulation provides physicians with a better understanding of the structure, function and pathophysiology of the pulmonary circulation. It provides comprehensive coverage from diagnosis and clinical evaluation of patients with pulmonary hypertension to imaging techniques, disorders and treatment.This new edition incorporates the latest clinical, pathophysiological and pathological research on pulmonary circulatory disorders. In particular, it provides greater emphasis on the role of the right ventricle in pulmonary vascular disease, updated knowledge on pathobiology and genetics, and includes new material related to imaging and other diagnostic modalities. This edition also reflects new classifications and all the recommendations from the 2013 World Conference on Pulmonary Circulation as well as current guidelines from the European Society of Cardiology and the European Respiratory Society.Thoroughly updated to keep up with the brisk pace of discovery and emerging therapies, the book remains an essential resource by providing a balance between scientific review and clinically relevant guidelines for the busy practicing physician.
Taylor & Francis Inc Polyamines in Fungi: Their Distribution, Metabolism, and Role in Cell Differentiation and Morphogenesis
It was not until recent years that the study of polyamines, their mechanisms of synthesis, and the roles they play in metabolism have flourished, becoming a fertile field of intense research. Polyamines in Fungi: Their Distribution, Metabolism, and Role in Cell Differentiation and Morphogenesis provides a complete overview of its topic. It is the first and only book to describe and analyze the roles of polyamines in fungi and compare them with the roles of polyamines in higher eukaryotes. The book contains data on the distribution of polyamines, their physiological functions, mechanism of synthesis and regulation, phylogenetic analyses of the enzymes involved in their synthesis, their use as possible targets for the control of fungal diseases, and possible biotechnological and medical applications.Based on work generated by the authors in their laboratory over many years, the book contains all the basic information to understand the similarities and differences of polyamine metabolism in eukaryotes. Additionally, it provides an up-to-date account of the contribution and potential use of fungi as models for the basic study of polyamines in comparison with other organisms.
Taylor & Francis Inc Silicone Dispersions
Silicone is an important class of materials used in applications that range from industrial assembly to everyday consumer products. Silicones are often delivered and synthesized in dispersion forms, the most common being liquid-in-liquid (emulsion), solid-in-liquid (suspension), air-in-liquid (foam) and solid-in air (powder). This book compiles a carefully selected number of topics that are essential to the understanding, creative design and production of silicone dispersions. As such, it provides the first unified description of silicone dispersions in the literature.
Taylor & Francis Inc Green Polymer Composites Technology: Properties and Applications
This book is a comprehensive introduction to "green" or environmentally friendly polymer composites developed using renewable polymers of natural origin such as starch, lignin, cellulose acetate, poly-lactic acid (PLA), polyhydroxylalkanoates (PHA), polyhydroxylbutyrate (PHB), etc., and the development of modern technologies for preparing green composites with various applications. The book also discusses major applications of green polymer composites in industries such as medicine, biotechnology, fine chemicals and engineering.
Taylor & Francis Inc Aging is a Group-Selected Adaptation: Theory, Evidence, and Medical Implications
Although books exist on the evolution of aging, this is the first book written from the perspective of again as an adaptive program. It offers an insight into the implications of research on aging genetics, The author proposes the Demographic Theory of Senescence, whereby aging has been affirmatively selected because it levels the death rate over time helping stabilize population dynamics and prevent extinctions.
Taylor & Francis Inc Synergic Influence of Gaseous, Particulate, and Biological Pollutants on Human Health
Synergic Influence of Gaseous, Particulate, and Biological Pollutants on Human Health is a unique merger of two divergent parts. The first part is a presentation of the existing knowledge on the characteristics of basic air pollutants and their documented impact on human health. The focus is on the main gaseous, airborne particles (including fiber particles) and biological pollutants. The first part is a literature review conducted by the authors who are actively engaged in studying the described pollutants. The second part contains a study of methods used for the evaluation and prognosis of health effects to exposure to particular pollutants.Most of the chapters of this book go beyond the well-documented, solid facts and contain the authors' own evaluation of the utility and limitations of particular methods, as well as their suggestions for further studies. The reader who manages to wade through this part is sure to understand that the main drawback of the described methods is the impossibility to precisely assess the health effects of exposure to the combination of a few/many air pollutants, while one of the biggest problems is the effect of synergy. The last chapters of the book focus on the attempts to consider the effect of synergy and the analysis of the tedious work of many researchers to construct the tools enabling, to some extent, the prognosis of the health effects of simultaneous exposure to many air pollutants. The book also reveals the synergism of pollutants and social problems, reinforcing the adverse health effect of the population living not only in highly industrialized areas, but also in postindustrial areas. According to the authors, the construction of suitable tools which would at least partially allow for the evaluation of the collective impact of social factors and the conglomerate of the air pollutants on health of particular communities constitutes a great challenge and may inspire t
Taylor & Francis Inc Building Materials: Product Emission and Combustion Health Hazards
The construction industry is bombarded with ever-changing building materials—components of which are more and more difficult, if not impossible, to identify. Building material emissions have been implicated as a major source of indoor air pollution, and toxic gases, often unidentified, are generated in building fires. Building Materials: Product Emission and Combustion Health Hazards undertakes the task of identifying building materials emission and combustion health hazards. This practical guide introduces the complex world of polymers commonly used in building materials along with plasticizers and additives that are not regulated by OSHA. It also explores the topic of building materials as they relate to function and their emissions/combustion products along with thermal decomposition and combustion products as they relate to fire first responders. Engaging environmental professionals, construction management firms, architects, first respondents, and students, this valuable reference delivers a comprehensive spectrum of knowledge needed to face the challenges of managing building materials in the twenty-first century. Awareness is the first line of defense!
Taylor & Francis Inc Advances in Imaging and Sensing
This introductory, yet in-depth, book explains the physical principles of electronic imaging and sensing and provides the reader with the information necessary to understand the design, operation, and practical applications of contemporary electronic imaging and sensing systems. The text has strong practical focus and contains examples of biomedical applications of optical electronic imaging and sensing. Each chapter draws upon the authors’ extensive research, teaching, and industrial experience and provides a useful resource for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as a convenient reference for scientists and engineers working in the field of electronic imaging and sensing.
Taylor & Francis Inc Nonlinear Digital Filtering with Python: An Introduction
Nonlinear Digital Filtering with Python: An Introduction discusses important structural filter classes including the median filter and a number of its extensions (e.g., weighted and recursive median filters), and Volterra filters based on polynomial nonlinearities. Adopting both structural and behavioral approaches in characterizing and designing nonlinear digital filters, this book: Begins with an expedient introduction to programming in the free, open-source computing environment of Python Uses results from algebra and the theory of functional equations to construct and characterize behaviorally defined nonlinear filter classes Analyzes the impact of a range of useful interconnection strategies on filter behavior, providing Python implementations of the presented filters and interconnection strategies Proposes practical, bottom-up strategies for designing more complex and capable filters from simpler components in a way that preserves the key properties of these components Illustrates the behavioral consequences of allowing recursive (i.e., feedback) interconnections in nonlinear digital filters while highlighting a challenging but promising research frontier Nonlinear Digital Filtering with Python: An Introduction supplies essential knowledge useful for developing and implementing data cleaning filters for dynamic data analysis and time-series modeling.
Taylor & Francis Inc Adversarial Risk Analysis
Winner of the 2017 De Groot Prize awarded by the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA)A relatively new area of research, adversarial risk analysis (ARA) informs decision making when there are intelligent opponents and uncertain outcomes. Adversarial Risk Analysis develops methods for allocating defensive or offensive resources against intelligent adversaries. Many examples throughout illustrate the application of the ARA approach to a variety of games and strategic situations.Focuses on the recent subfield of decision analysis, ARA Compares ideas from decision theory and game theoryUses multi-agent influence diagrams (MAIDs) throughout to help readers visualize complex information structuresApplies the ARA approach to simultaneous games, auctions, sequential games, and defend-attack gamesContains an extended case study based on a real application in railway security, which provides a blueprint for how to perform ARA in similar security situations Includes exercises at the end of most chapters, with selected solutions at the back of the bookThe book shows decision makers how to build Bayesian models for the strategic calculation of their opponents, enabling decision makers to maximize their expected utility or minimize their expected loss. This new approach to risk analysis asserts that analysts should use Bayesian thinking to describe their beliefs about an opponent’s goals, resources, optimism, and type of strategic calculation, such as minimax and level-k thinking. Within that framework, analysts then solve the problem from the perspective of the opponent while placing subjective probability distributions on all unknown quantities. This produces a distribution over the actions of the opponent and enables analysts to maximize their expected utilities.
Taylor & Francis Inc Oil Spill Impacts: Taxonomic and Ontological Approaches
Starting with the 2010 Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Horizon oil spill incident, Oil Spill Impacts: Taxonomic and Ontological Approaches chronicles a timeline of events that focus on the impact of oil spills and provides an understanding of these incidents using a number of approaches. The book includes an interdisciplinary oil spill taxonomy, an oil spill topic map, and highlights information–organization tools, such as indexes, taxonomies, and topic maps that can be used to connect information resources with concepts of interest. The topic map combines the function of ontology with the function of organized information resources, and contains thousands of concepts and their relationships extracted from approximately 300 documents stemming from various academic conference presentations, journal articles, news reports, and web pages. Divided into four parts, the book begins with a brief introduction of the Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Horizon oil spill events followed by a breakdown of the taxonomy concepts distributed into categories and their subcategories. The book then describes the oil spill topic map separated by concepts, relationships, and references.This interdisciplinary reference provides to its readers: The perspective of multiple disciplines instead of just one discipline An indication of the most important topics in the oil spill domain Developed research in the oil spill and oil drilling areas A broad and detailed view of oil spill issues The book serves students, teachers, and researchers interested in oil spill issues, oil spill incidents, and addresses their impacts that involve coastal and marine environmental sciences, biological sciences, chemistry, disaster management, geology, sociology, and government policy.