Search results for ""TAYLOR FRANCIS""
Taylor & Francis Ltd Self-Sufficient Agriculture: Labour and Knowledge in Small-Scale Farming
Low external-input technology (or LEIT) is an increasingly prominent subject in discussions of sustainable agriculture. There are growing calls for self-sufficient agriculture in an era experiencing diminishing returns from reliance upon expensive synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. There are many reasons to support strategies for low external input farming, including a concern for environmental sustainability, increased attention to resource-poor farmers and marginal environments, and the conviction that a better use of local resources in small-scale agriculture can improve farm productivity and innovation. But despite the increased attention to self-sufficient agriculture, there is little evidence available on the performance and impact of LEIT. This book examines the contributions and limitations of low external input technology for addressing the needs of resource-poor farmers. For the first time a balanced analysis of LEIT is provided, offering in-depth case studies, an analysis of the debates, an extensive review of the literature and practical suggestions about the management and integration of low external input agriculture in rural development programmes.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Agropolis: The Social, Political and Environmental Dimensions of Urban Agriculture
Urban agriculture is an increasingly popular practice in cities worldwide. A sustainable future for it is critical, especially for the urban poor of the developing world. This book presents the first findings of original field research projects funded by IDRC's AGROPOLIS International Graduate Research Awards on Urban Agriculture. Countries studied include Argentina, Botswana, Côte d'Ivoire, Cuba, France,Togo,Tunisia, the UK and Zimbabwe.Together, these studies examine concrete strategies to better integrate 'city farming' into the urban landscape.
Taylor & Francis Ltd UN Millennium Development Library: Prescription for Healthy Development: Increasing Access to Medicines
The Millennium Development Goals, adopted at the UN Millennium Summit in 2000, are the world's targets for dramatically reducing extreme poverty in its many dimensions by 2015 income poverty, hunger, disease, exclusion, lack of infrastructure and shelter while promoting gender equality, education, health and environmental sustainability. These bold goals can be met in all parts of the world if nations follow through on their commitments to work together to meet them. Achieving the Millennium Development Goals offers the prospect of a more secure, just, and prosperous world for all. The UN Millennium Project was commissioned by United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan to develop a practical plan of action to meet the Millennium Development Goals. As an independent advisory body directed by Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs, the UN Millennium Project submitted its recommendations to the UN Secretary General in January 2005. The core of the UN Millennium Project's work has been carried out by 10 thematic Task Forces comprising more than 250 experts from around the world, including scientists, development practitioners, parliamentarians, policymakers, and representatives from civil society, UN agencies, the World Bank, the IMF, and the private sector. This report lays out the recommendations of the UN Millennium Project Task Force 5 Working Group on Access to Essential Medicine. The Working Group recommends increasing the availability, affordability, and appropriate use of medicines in developing countries. This will require new incentives for research; better procurement, supply and distribution; strengthened primary health systems; pro-poor planning and budgeting; close collaboration with communities; and large increases in funding and the number of health workers. These bold yet practical approaches will ensure that substantially more people living in developing countries will have access to essential medicines by 2015.
Taylor & Francis Ltd UN Millennium Development Library: Coming to Grips with Malaria in the New Millennium
The Millennium Development Goals, adopted at the UN Millennium Summit in 2000, are the world's targets for dramatically reducing extreme poverty in its many dimensions by 2015 income poverty, hunger, disease, exclusion, lack of infrastructure and shelter while promoting gender equality, education, health and environmental sustainability. These bold goals can be met in all parts of the world if nations follow through on their commitments to work together to meet them. Achieving the Millennium Development Goals offers the prospect of a more secure, just, and prosperous world for all. The UN Millennium Project was commissioned by United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan to develop a practical plan of action to meet the Millennium Development Goals. As an independent advisory body directed by Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs, the UN Millennium Project submitted its recommendations to the UN Secretary General in January 2005. The core of the UN Millennium Project's work has been carried out by 10 thematic Task Forces comprising more than 250 experts from around the world, including scientists, development practitioners, parliamentarians, policymakers, and representatives from civil society, UN agencies, the World Bank, the IMF, and the private sector. Coming to Grips with Malaria in the New Millennium presents an innovative strategic framework for relieving the burden that malaria imposes on society through the implementation of tried and tested anti-malarial interventions designed to improve health nationally and to promote economic development locally. Recommendations include early diagnosis, treatment with effective anti-malarial medicines, the use of insecticide treated nets, indoor residual spraying, managing the environment, improving housing, extending health education and improving monitoring and evaluation systems.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Financing Urban Shelter: Global Report on Human Settlements 2005
'Achieving the goals set by world leaders in the United Nations Millennium Declaration will be difficult without a significant improvement in the lives of slum dwellers, and the lives of slum dwellers cannot be improved without the sound and sustainable economic development that is conducive to the establishment of a strong shelter sector. As Financing Urban Shelter: Global Report on Human Settlements 2005 emphasizes, one of the key challenges in meeting the Millennium Declaration Goal on slums is mobilization of the financial resources necessary for both slum upgrading and slum prevention by supplying new housing affordable to lower income groups on a large scale. . . . It is my hope that, by highlighting the impacts of current shelter financing systems on low-income households and by identifying the types of financing mechanisms that appear to have worked for them, this report will contribute to the efforts of the wide range of actors involved in improving the lives of slum dwellers, including governments at the central and local levels, as well as non-governmental and international organizations.' From the Foreword by KOFI ANNAN, Secretary-General, United Nations Financing Urban Shelter presents the first global assessment of housing finance systems, placing shelter and urban development challenges within the overall context of macroeconomic policies. The report describes and analyses housing finance conditions and trends in all regions of the world, including formal housing finance mechanisms, microfinance and community funding, highlighting their relevance to the upgrading of slums. Recent shelter finance policy development is discussed at the international and national levels, and the directions that could be taken to strengthen shelter finance systems are examined. The Global Report on Human Settlements is the most authoritative and up-to-date assessment of conditions and trends in the world's cities. It is an essential tool and reference for researchers, academics, public authorities and civil society organizations around the world. The preceding issues of the Global Report on Human Settlements have addressed such topics as An Urbanizing World, Cities in a Globalizing World and The Challenge of Slums. Published with UN-HABITAT
Taylor & Francis Ltd Indices and Indicators in Development: An Unhealthy Obsession with Numbers
The use of numbers to condense complex systems into easily digested 'bites' of information is very much in fashion. At one level they are intended to enhance transparency, accountability and local democracy, while at another they provide a means of enhancing performance. However, all indicators suffer from the same basic problem that, ironically, is also their biggest advantage - condensing something highly complex into a few simple numbers. Love them or hate them, there is no denying that people use indicators to make decisions. Indices and Indicators explores the use of indicators within the field of human development. Part I provides a brief outline of the contested meaning of 'development' and how indices and indicators have been used as means of testing the realization of these development visions in practice in a range of institutional contexts. Part II discusses the limitations of such indices and indicators and illustrates how they are dependent upon the vision of development adopted. The book also suggests how indices and indicators can best be employed and presented. Given our overwhelming reliance on indices and indicators for measuring progress, directing policy and allocating resources, this book is essential core reading for academics, undergraduate and post-graduate students in social science, economics, geography and development studies as well as development practitioners, policy-makers and donor and international funding agencies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Offenders or Citizens?: Readings in Rehabilitation
The punitive prison currently dominates the practice of Anglo-American criminal justice, stigmatising its victims as perpetual 'offenders' and failing to change a majority of them for the better. Books of academic 'readings' sometimes profess neutrality over the controversies they invigilate. Offenders or Citizens? sits on no such fences, its pages reflect the fiercely partisan nature of the contest between rehabilitation and punishment. Probation, social work, youth justice, law, corrections, criminology, journalism, philosophy, politics, popular culture, psychology, anthropology, and sociology – the voices of participants, professionals, and writers from many realms are all represented in this lively selection. Its aim - to stimulate and furnish a debate about the proper place of rehabilitation within a plural, morally defensible, and effective response to crime. This book will be essential reading for both students and practitioners within criminal justice, who have an interest in the rehabilitation of convicted individuals, and providing an essential broader context to the 'what works' debate.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Governing Through Globalised Crime: Futures for International Criminal Justice
Governing through Globalised Crime provides an analysis of the impact of globalisation of crime on the governance capacity of the international criminal justice system. It explores how the perceived increased risk in global security has resulted in a reformulation of the relationship between crime and governance.The book seeks to argue that values of freedom, equality, communitarian harmony and personal integrity which the prosecution of crimes against humanity are said to advance, need not be sacrificed in a new world order obsessed with partial security and secularized risk. This book aims to address a way forward for the governance capacity of international criminal justice, arguing that international criminal justice provides a central tool for global governance. In exploring the dependency of global governance on crime and control, projections can be made about the changing face of international criminal justice. Fundamental transformation is required to hold unjust global dominion to account.The book's policy perspective challenges international criminal justice to return to the more critical position justice has exercised in the separation of powers constitutional legality. For liberal democratic theory at least, judicial authority and its institutions have ensured constitutional legality by requiring the legislature and the executive to operate accountably against a higher normative order. This is not a predominant function of judges and courts in the international context despite their statutory invocation to this task .Case-studies of global crime and control reveal contexts in which the co-opted governance of institutional ICJ in particular, has a politicized motivation which too often advances the authority and interests of one world order against the sometimes legitimate resistance of criminalized communities. When the analysis moves to the consideration of victim community interests, and from there to the appropriate global constituencies of ICJ, the nature and limitations of ICJ supporting governance in the risk/security model, becomes apparent.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Restoring Justice after Large-scale Violent Conflicts
This book provides a comparative analysis of the potential of restorative justice approaches to dealing with mass victimization in the context of large-scale violent conflicts focusing on case studies from Kosovo, Israel-Palestine and Congo, incorporating contributions from leading authorities in these areas. One of the main objectives of the book is to examine if, how and to what extent restorative justice is applicable in various different cultural, social and historical contexts, and what common themes can be identified within the different regions under analysis. The book will also provide a critical analysis of the UN Basic Principles on the use of restorative justice programmes in criminal matters as applied to the context of large scale violence.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Justice, Community and Civil Society: A Contested Terrain
Over the last decade there has arisen considerable disquiet about the relationship between criminal justice and its publics. This has been expressed in a variety of different ways, ranging from a concern that state criminal justice has moved too far away from the concerns of ordinary people (become too distant, too out of touch, insufficiently reflective of different groups in society) to the belief that the police have been attending to the wrong priorities, that the state has failed to reduce crime, that people still feel a general sense of insecurity. Governments have sought to respond to these concerns throughout Europe and North America but the results have challenged people's deeply held beliefs about what justice is and what the state's role should be. The need to innovate in response to local demands has hence resulted in some very different initiatives. This book is concerned to delve further into this contested relationship between criminal justice and its publics. Written by experts from different countries as a new initiative in comparative criminal justice, it reveals how different the intrinsic cultural attitudes in relation to criminal justice are across Europe. This is a time when states' monopoly on criminal justice is being questioned and they are being asked on what basis their legitimacy rests, challenged by both globalization and localization. The answers reflect both cultural specificity and, for some, broader moves towards reaching out to citizens and associations representing citizens.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Problem-oriented Policing and Partnerships
This book makes an important contribution to the literature on problem-oriented policing, aiming to distill the British experience of problem-oriented policing. Drawing upon over 500 entries to the Tilley Award since its inception in 1999, the book examines what can be achieved by problem-oriented policing, what conditions are required for its successful implementation and what has been learned about resolving crime and disorder issues. Examples of problem-oriented policing examined in this book include specific police and partnership initiatives targeting a wide spectrum of individual problems (such as road safety, graffiti and alcohol-related violence), as well as organisational efforts to embed problem-oriented work as a routine way of working (such as improving training and interagency problem solving along with more specific challenges like improving the way that identity parades are conducted. This book will be of particular interest to those working in the field of crime reduction and community safety in the police, local government and other agencies, as well as students taking courses in policing, criminal justice and criminology.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Punishment, Places and Perpetrators
This book brings together an influential group of academics and researchers to review key areas of research, theory and methodology within criminology and criminal justice, and to identify the most important new challenges facing the discipline. The contributors focus on the three central themes of punishment and criminal justice, location and mobility, and perpetrators and criminal careers, on which much cutting edge research within criminology has been taking place. A particular strength of the book is its multidisciplinary and international approach, with contributors drawn from Europe, the UK and the United States.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Dot.cons
Cyberspace opens up infinitely new possibilities to the deviant imagination. With access to the Internet and sufficient know-how you can, if you are so inclined, buy a bride, cruise gay bars, go on a global shopping spree with someone else's credit card, break into a bank's security system, plan a demonstration in another country and hack into the Pentagon − all on the same day. In more than any other medium, time and place are transcended, undermining the traditional relationship between physical context and social situation. This book crosses the boundaries of sociological, criminological and cultural discourse in order to explore the implications of these massive transformations in information and communication technologies for the growth of criminal and deviant identities and behaviour on the Internet. This is a book not about computers, nor about legal controversies over the regulation of cyberspace, but about people and the new patterns of human identity, behaviour and association that are emerging as a result of the communications revolution.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Feeding the Under 5s
One young child in every four is overweight and one in ten is obese, some of the reasons for this are: a general lack of interest and understanding of food and cooking junk food being consumed every day a more sedentary school life. As a key issue that needs to be tackled early, starting with the under fives, this book offers: advice and recipe ideas for feeding young children properly ways to improve young children’s understanding of food and nutrition contemporary evidence and policies recommended by expert advisory bodies underlying reasons behind nutritional guidelines and food safety advice, and practical ways to implement them. The authors present all of this in plain English without assuming any prior knowledge of nutrition, food safety or health issues.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Yeah Right! Adolescents in the Classroom
Is there more disruptive behavior in schools today?The simple answer to this often asked question is probably yes. But the reasons lie more outside teenagers than inside. For too many teachers there can be an attitude of: "I was a teenager once, therefor I know what it is like." But we all develop in a unique time and the issues are unique to that period. Pressures differ, fears differ. There are times when schools are seen to be part of the problem rather than the solution.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Flight
This exciting topic-based series offers early years practitioners collections of activities based on familiar themes. The activities can be easily implemented and readily incorporated into curriculum planning through links made to the Foundation Stage curriculum.Each book includes: activities that can be used on their own or as part of a themed program ideas for enjoying an all round curriculum approach guidance on expanding existing ideas and resources linked ideas to be carried out at home. Flight includes birds, airplanes, helicopters, magic carpets and fairies. It has strong ties with the science curriculum as well as linking with a variety of story books.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Planning and Using Time in the Foundation Stage
Operating on two levels, this book aims to help students and practitioners understand how to plan and use time effectively within the foundation stage setting. The book examines how children learn and play at different times of day, how they fiction when they might be tired or hungry and how best to organize the learning day with this in mind. The authors discuss the issue of environment, how children relate to different areas within their own room, and what happens when routines of time and place are altered.The book also discusses how to develop children's understanding of time and how to incorporate the theme of time into children's play. The book includes: practical activities and examples that will allow children to fully comprehend the concept of time advice on how to create time for children to learn through play, inquiry and investigation sections on how time can be used to include parents, colleagues and the local community. This book provides in-depth analysis of how effective use of time can be beneficial for parents, children and staff in early years setting.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Nature, Living and Growing
Nature, Living and Growing focuses on outdoor play and how nature can contribute to a child’s learning and development. Split into four sections, which focus on each of the four seasons – spring, summer, autumn and winter, this book: includes activities appropriate to each season offers ideas for 'wander walkabouts' to inspire and set the scene of what the season can offer in regard to play activities promotes knowledge of the environment and how to use natural resources effectively.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Festivals
First Published in 2006.Festivals provides an insight into various events that children may, or may not, have in common. It will enhance your understanding of a range of cultural events, provides a range of activities that have meaning for children, and encourages knowledge and understnading of life in a multi-cultural environment.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Marine Insurance: Law and Practice
Marine Insurance: Law and Practice, Second Edition, continues to provide the most comprehensive and integrated account of the English law and practice of marine insurance. It provides readers with a fresh and up-to-date review of the modern law in the light of traditional principles and rules of underlying commercial law, and the specific statutory rules of marine insurance as interpreted by case law, as moderated in practice by market practices and standard form marine insurance clauses. Francis Rose clarifies the law’s underlying framework of principles and illustrates how it works in common contractual situations, explaining how the different components of the law interact.The new edition has been updated to incorporate:• the most recent case law: there have been some very important judgments handed down since the book first published, including: The Cendor MOP, The Silva, The Resolute and The Marina Iris• the implications of the introduction of: Institute Cargo Clauses 2009, the effect of the Gambling Act 2005 and the Third Parties (Rights Against Insurers) Act 2010 Law Commission reform proposalsThe book explores in detail the following areas:• the nature of insurance• insurable interest• the insurance contract• the premium• insured risks• marine risks• exclusions• losses• claims• subrogation• double insurance
Taylor & Francis Ltd Construction Contract Variations
Changes to the work on construction projects are a common cause of dispute. Such variations lead to thousands of claims in the UK every year and many more internationally. Liability for variations is not only relevant to claims for sums due for extra work but this is also an important underlying factor in many other construction disputes, such as delay, disruption, defects and project termination. This is the first book to deal exclusively with variations in construction contracts and provide the detailed and comprehensive coverage that it demands. Construction Contract Variations analyses the issues that arise in determining whether certain work is a variation, the contractor’s obligation to undertake such work as well as its right to be paid. It deals with the employer’s power to vary and the extent of its duties to approve changes. The book also analyses the role of the consultant in the process and the valuation of variations. It reviews these topics by reference to a range of construction contracts. This is an essential guide for practitioners and industry professionals who advise on these issues and have a role in managing, directing and compensating change. Participants in the construction industry will find this book an invaluable guide, as will specialists and students of construction law, project management and quantity surveying.
Taylor & Francis Ltd P&I Clubs: Law and Practice
This fourth edition is a detailed but easy-to-follow account of the constitution, workings and daily practice of protection and indemnity clubs. Designed to be a practical reference source for anyone who is in any way involved with mutual insurance, it offers comprehensive guidance on the complex area of P&I Clubs. The new fourth edition has been fully revised and updated since the last edition was written in 1999. New areas emphasised in the fourth edition include: • Piracy • Charterers’ liability insurance • Defence Cover • Disputes concerning the Inter-Club Agreement • Enforceability of arbitration agreements in the Club’s Rules. • The Club’s obligation to (i) make direct payments under certificates, (ii) pay death/ personal injury claims in the event of a member’s insolvency, and (iii) make indivisible personal injury claims.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Evolving Law and Practice of Voyage Charterparties
This addition to the Maritime and Transport Law Library looks at voyage charterparty contracts and addresses complex legal and practical issues arising out of them and their relationship with bills of lading and international sale contracts. It offers insightful discussion on other distinctive features of voyage charterparties, such as deviation, laytime and demurrage, seaworthiness and cancellation clauses, and on the recent case law developments in jurisdiction and arbitration clauses in voyage charterparty contracts.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Enforcement of Maritime Claims
The fourth edition consists of consideration of all aspects of the jurisdiction of English courts and arbitrators over maritime claims, applicable law, judgments, remedies and security interests, including the continuing critical impact of membership of the European Union. The comprehensive updating encompasses legislative, convention and judicial developments since the publication of the last edition in 2000 – in particular the replacement of the amended Brussels Jurisdiction and Judgments Convention 1968 by Council Regulation 44/2001 and its effect on other maritime convention jurisdiction provisions, relevant Civil Procedure Rules and judicial interpretation of both.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims
This fourth edition addresses certain developments, including the 1996 Protocol to the 1976 Limitation Convention, which have come into effect since publication of the previous edition. The chapters on limitation of liability for passenger claims and in relation to the carriage of goods have been updated, as has the chapter on limitation regimes worldwide. The book also focuses upon the practicalities of seeking to limit by reference to case law and procedural rules.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Mitochondrial Medicine
Mitochondrial dysfunction is increasingly being recognized as the basis of a wide variety of human diseases. Providing an authoritative update on our current knowledge of mitochondrial medicine, this text draws together world authorities from various fields to present general therapeutic strategies, as well as the treatments presently available in different specialties - thus making it essential reading for clinicians involved with the management of patients with mitochondrial diseases. A unique work, this text covers a range of specialties, including cardiology, ophthalmology, otology, nephrology, gastroenterology, hematology-oncology, and reproductive medicine, and does not focus exclusively on the more commonly known neurologic conditions. An accessible, user-friendly text, it also presents translational concepts of mitochondrial biogenesis and genetics in vignettes related to specific questions raised by the disease under discussion, rather than concentrating on basic science, which can often intimidate clinicians.This pioneering work is primarily directed to a clinical audience who are interested in the diverse and diagnostically challenging clinical presentations of mitochondrial diseases and their pathophysiology.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Textbook of Atopic Dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis or atopic eczema is an extremely common skin disease characterized by red patches, dry, scaling or crusting skin, and intense itch. It frequently develops in children during the first year of life and can become severe, with a consequently major impact on health-related quality of life. This text from international experts draws together the latest research on the disease and its management to show what options and help can be offered to patients.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Social Psychology Around the World: Origins and Subsequent Development: A Special Issue of the International Journal of Psychology
In this special issue we consider the development of social psychology in three developed-world countries/regions: Australia, Canada, and Europe and in three majority-world countries/regions: India, Taiwan, and Latin America. Each author examines how social psychology has uniquely evolved from an imported discipline just introduced to their country or region into a mature, autochthonous science regularly contributing to the world’s research literature. Whether arising from a focal indigenization process or simply adapting and shaping the discipline to address the special issues arising within each country, insights are revealed about the special form and process the discipline has taken within geographically diverse countries.
Taylor & Francis Ltd European Review of Social Psychology: Volume 14
The European Review of Social Psychology is an annual series that reflects the dynamism of social psychology in Europe and has been widely accepted as one of the major international series in social psychology. The series is open to authors from all nations and its major purpose is to further the international exchange of ideas by providing an outlet for substantial accounts of theoretical and empirical work. However, even though the series is worldwide in terms of the nationality of the authors, it is European in terms of the nationality of the editors who select the contributions and shape the editorial policies. With the help of an editorial board consisting of senior scholars from various European countries, Australasia, and North America, the editors invite outstanding researchers to contribute to these volumes. Invitations are based either on suggestions from editorial board members or made in response to proposals submitted to the editors. The emphasis of these contributions is on critical assessment of major areas of research and of substantial individual programmes of research as well as on topics and initiatives of contemporary interest and originality.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Developmental Co-construction of Cognition: A Special Issue of European Journal of Developmental Psychology
Since the 1970s, a great number of experimental and ethnomethodological studies have brought out the fact that social interaction influences cognitive development. However, two major questions remain: what is the true nature of this influence and what are the most relevant methods to catch it?The contributions of this Special Issue are in keeping with these concerns regarding more adequate methods to describe and analyze, within a same functional unit, at least three levels of comprehension of socio-cognitive phenomena: the individual’s cognitive functioning; the socio-cognitive functioning of the dyad or the small group; and finally, the way the first two elements are mediated by discursive activities.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Computational Modelling: A Special Issue of Cognitive Neuropsychology
The papers in the special issue describe computational models and principles that attempt to explain the performance of brain damaged subjects. The models elucidate the cognitive processes that underlie speaking, reading, spelling, and visuospatial planning by implementing hypothesized mechanisms and then identifying the consequences of specific "lesions" in these mechanisms for the model’s behaviour which, in turn, is related to the subjects’ behaviour. Although most of the presented models view cognitive mechanisms in connectionist or neural-network terms, they exhibit considerable variety in their underlying cognitive theories, their approach to modelling pathology, and particularly in how they use models to draw conclusions about theory.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Contribution of Cognitive Psychology to the Study of Individual Cognitive Differences and Intelligence: A Special Issue of the European Journal of Cognitive Psychology
What is intelligence? How can we examine individual differences in intelligence? What does it mean to be very intelligent or dumb? Such questions have always pervaded human thinking, and have been raised during the development of scientific psychology. However, for many years, the practical needs of having reliable measures of intelligence have prevailed and the field has suffered the limitations of the psychometric approach. Recently, cognitive neuroscience, and in particular cognitive psychology, have proposed new models and data which have revived thinking in this area. This Special Issue offers examples of how the field of cognitive psychology can contribute not only to the refinement of theoretical thinking but also to the development of new tools for the study of human intelligence. The contributors to the issue are prominent researchers in working memory, speed of processing, executive functions, language, and intellectual development/decline and show how their lines of research may contribute key concepts and methods to the field. Different ideas and lines of research within cognitive psychology are presented, but, working memory, despite some contra-indications discussed throughout the issue, emerges from many chapters as the most important contender for the study of central aspects of intelligence.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Development and Structure of Conscience
This book focuses on the structure and development of conscience, a subject that has been dominant in developmental psychology since the 18th century. International experts in the field contribute to this broad overview of the relevant research on the development of moral emotions and on the Kohlbergian-originated cognitive aspects of moral development.The first section of the book focuses on the cultural conditions that create the context for the development of conscience, such as moral philosophy, religion, and media violence. Building on the theory and research on emotion, other chapters cover issues including the development of shame, self regulation and moral conduct, social cognition, and models of guilt. The book also covers moral reasoning, moral identity, moral atmosphere, moral behavior, and discusses subjects such as lying, how to measure moral development, the impact of parenting, the dysfunctions of conscience evident in narcissism, psychopathy, issues surrounding gender, and aggression. The Development and Structure of Conscience will be ideal reading for researchers and students of developmental and educational psychology.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Space and Sense
How do we perceive the space around us, locate objects within it, and make our way through it? What do the senses contribute? This book focuses on touch in order to examine which aspects of vision and touch overlap in spatial processing. It argues that spatial processing depends crucially on integrating diverse sensory inputs as reference cues for the location, distance or direction response that spatial tasks demand. Space and Sense shows how perception by touch, as by vision, can be helped by external reference cues, and that ‘visual’ illusions that are also found in touch depend on common factors and do not occur by chance.Susanna Millar presents new evidence on the role of spatial cues in touch and movement both with and without vision, and discusses the interaction of both touch and movement with vision in spatial tasks. The book shows how perception by touch, as by vision, can be helped by external reference cues, and that ‘visual’ illusions that are also found in touch depend on common factors and do not occur by chance. It challenges traditional views of explicit external reference cues, showing that they can improve spatial recall with inputs from touch and movement, contrary to the held belief.Space and Sense provides empirical evidence for an important distinction between spatial vision and vision that excludes spatial cues in relation to touch. This important new volume extends previous descriptions of bimodal effects in vision and space.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Information Processing Speed in Clinical Populations
Although investigated for over 100 years, it is only now that we are beginning to understand how speed of information processing is affected in various clinical populations. Processing speed has a major impact on higher level cognitive abilities and is extremely vulnerable to neurological insult and the aging process. The importance of processing speed with respect to brain function, cognition and overall quality of life is now the focus of a new and exciting body of research in clinical populations.This book provides a scholarly and clinically sensitive review of research on processing speed and its issues in clinical populations. Readers will come away with an in-depth understanding of human information processing speed including its historical development, its relationship to other cognitive functions, the developmental course of the ability across the lifespan, and its impact on everyday life in various clinical populations. Other highlights of the text are its discussion of the speed vs. accuracy trade-off, tools available for measuring processing speed, the unfolding research on genetic contributions to processing speed, and the latest ideas in rehabilitation.With contributing authors who are experts in their fields, Information Processing Speed in Clinical Populations represents a valuable resource for researchers, scholars, and clinicians by providing a concise summary of the existing research on processing speed across an array of disciplines and populations.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Regional Development and Planning for the 21st Century: New Priorities, New Philosophies
Regional Development and Planning for the 21st Century examines a number of related themes including: the traditional approach of local and regional planning initiatives developed within the context of national goals; the current decline of bi-polar political and ideological blocs; political decentralization and concurrent economic centralization including the growth of multi-national corporations; devolution of centralized planning powers to regions and localities, and the rise and acceptance of sustainable development concepts. The book is divided into five parts addressing: 1 - adjustments to political, economic and social change; 2 the problems of urban housing and housing and health; 3 - adjustments to environmental change, development policies and sustainability; 4 - the problem of rapid urban growth and mega cities; 5 - adjustments of changing urban networks. The contributors are from several countries worldwide and the chapters examine the issues at a global level.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Sacred Law of Islam: A Case Study of Women's Treatment in the Islamic Republic of Iran's Criminal Justice System
Islam’s Sacred Law is one of the most complex, detailed and comprehensive legal theories that Islam, as a Western religion, has produced in its capacity as a doctrine of social justice. However, few available texts have dealt with the treatment of women under the actual system of justice that adheres to Islam’s Sacred Law. This book fills this void by providing a much needed comprehensive study of the application of the Sacred Law to women under the Islamic Republic of Iran’s justice system. It will be a fascinating guide to all those interested in comparative law, criminal justice and the sociology of law.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Tradition of the Chicago School of Sociology
The value of the book lies in its reassessment of the distinctive features of the Chicago School, of its contributions in the theoretical and methodological fields and of its influence on the growth of sociology throughout the world and in America in particular. The book pays particularly close attention to the eclectic nature of the research methods used by the Chicago sociologists as they sought to integrate subjective and objective aspects of human life. It demonstrates that this eclecticism formed an integral part of their theories but also emphasises that empirical observation, too, was important, although not as an end in itself. While, for example, they were working on the concepts of organization, marginality and interaction, they did not consider these as ends in themselves but as additions to the development of a more general theoretical approach. Often in the past, and wrongly, Chicago’s theoretical contribution has been restricted to the urban sector. The book clearly and unequivocally reveals how the tendency to see the Chicago School as a 'theoretical' is the result of misinterpretation and of a failure to realize that, for the sociologists of the period, understanding the social dynamics of the city of Chicago was tantamount to interpreting the central tendencies of modern society itself. The book analyzes how empirical observation was important but not an end in itself. The Chicago School developed a profusion of sociological theories in many areas of inquiry and never opted for any one particular approach. The various essays in the book also make it clear that the School decisively contributed to the development of qualitative and quantitative techniques.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Thomas Hardy’s ‘Facts’ Notebook: A Critical Edition
Within weeks of Thomas Hardy’s return to his native Dorchester in June 1883, he began to compile his ’Facts’ notebook, which he kept up throughout the years when he was writing some of his major work - The Mayor of Casterbridge, The Woodlanders, Tess of the d’Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure. From his intensive study of the Dorset County Chronicle for 1826-1830, he noted and summarised into 'Facts' (with the help of his first wife, Emma) hundreds of reports, many of them suggestive 'satires of circumstance', for possible use in his fiction and poems. Along with extensive reading in memoirs and local histories, this immersion in the files of the old newspaper involved him in a wider experience - the recovery and recognition of the unstable culture of the local past in the post-Napoleonic war years before his birth in 1840, and before the impact of the modernising of the Victorian era. 'Facts' is thus a unique document amongst Hardy's private writings and is here for the first time edited, the text transcribed in 'typographical facsimile' form, together with substantial annotation of the entries and critical and textual introductions.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Mass Photography: Collective Histories of Everyday Life
With increasingly accessible camera technology, crowdsourced public media projects abound like never before. Such projects often seek to secure a snapshot of a single day in order to establish communities and create visual time capsules for the future. Mass Photography: Collective Histories of Everyday Life assesses the potential of these popular moment-in-time projects by examining their current day prevalence and their historical predecessors. Through archival research and interviews with organisers and participants, it examines, for the first time, the vast photographic collections resulting from such projects, analysing their structures and systems, their aims and objectives, and their claims and promises. The central case study is the 55,000 photographs submitted to One Day for Life in 1987, which aimed, in its own time, to be ‘the biggest photographic event the world had ever seen’.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Healing the World: Today's Shamans as Difference Makers
Our world is fraught with problems that demand attention: climate change, terrorism, poverty, and injustice to name only a few. Healing the World takes the fundamental teachings of shamans—the healer of communities—and applies them to the problems of today, using terms and concepts that anybody, from business leaders to activists, can relate to and understand. It helps people identify their own gifts and find the pathways forward to using those gifts in the world, no matter what their occupation, civic activity, or interests.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Outpatient Treatment of Psychosis: Psychodynamic Approaches to Evidence-Based Practice
This book offers a practitioner's guide to evidence-based practice in working with psychotic patients in an outpatient setting by clinicians and scholars who are internationally recognized for their work in treating severe psychopathology. Topics cover conceptual, technical, and practical considerations in the parameters of working with adult and adolescent populations that exhibit thought disorder, delusions, hallucinations, borderline organizations, trauma, and schizoid phenomena. Different theoretical models are presented from psychoanalytic traditions that introduce the student and practitioner to eclectic ways of conceptualizing and treating these challenging clinical groups. Concrete approaches to establishing a proper treatment environment, working alliance, symptom management, managing countertransference, and facilitating a therapeutic framework are provided. Various psychodynamic techniques are demonstrated by master clinicians through the extensive use of clinical case material culled from outpatient settings that illustrate how psychoanalytic perspectives enrich our understanding of the psychotic spectrum and lead to therapeutic efficacy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Maps for Psychoanalytic Exploration
Maps for Psychoanalytic Exploration brings together Parthenope Bion Talamo's main works, until now published only in Italian. They are made available to a wider readership in this volume through a translation into English by Shaun Whiteside, supported by the generosity of the members of the Melanie Klein Trust.In these chapters Parthenope explores important implications of her father's ideas at different levels of psychic and social organisation. Her writing is very clear and, as Dr Anna Bauzzi, the Editor of the Italian edition, writes in her Introduction, the quality of it makes many of Bion's ideas more accessible, without any reduction of their complexity.
Taylor & Francis Ltd On Freud's "Screen Memories"
The concept of "screen memories" was introduced by Freud for the first time in his 1899 paper, reprinted here in its entirety. Although the clinical interest in "screen memories" has perhaps diminished in recent analytic discussion, there is much to be gained from revisiting and re-examining both the phenomenon and Freud's original paper within a contemporary context. To this end, Gail S. Reed and Howard B. Levine have invited contributions from eight leading psychoanalysts on the current meaning and value to them of the screen memory concept. These comments come from contemporary psychoanalysts practicing in Italy, Francophone Switzerland, Argentina, Israel, and the United States of America, each of whom has been trained in one or another of a variety of psychoanalytic traditions, among which are ego psychology, a French version of Freud, an American version of Lacan and at least two variants of Kleinian thought - one British and one Latin American. Their comments range from advocating that screen memories are an important, even central, feature of contemporary analytic work (LaFarge, Cohen), to finding the concept less universally applicable, but nonetheless compelling (Ahumada). The editors hope that the encounter with these creative and thought-provoking commentaries will give new meaning to our appreciation of this important clinical phenomenon and stimulate further research and clinical observation into its origins and uses. Contributors: Jorge L. Ahumada, Franco De Masi, Rivka R. Eifermann, Lucy LaFarge, Nellie Thompson, Shlomith Cohen, Florence Guignard, Howard B. Levine, Gail S. Reed, and John P. Muller.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Psyche in the Modern World: Psychotherapy and Society
The Psyche in the Modern World sets out to open consulting room doors and bring the concept of the Psyche, and its main advocate, the psychotherapy discipline, into public space and into the realm of interdisciplinary discourse. A culture of carefully guarded clinical confidentialities inadvertently turned the consulting room into a proverbial ivory tower which has done much to obscure the psychotherapeutic body of knowledge and contributed to the myths and misinformation that surround and veil psychotherapy in the public space. This book redresses the balance and confronts some challenging, and sometimes uncomfortable, questions about the dichotomies that both characterize our relationships with the Psyche and contextualize the provision of psychotherapy services today. The contributors present contemporary discussion on a broad range of current subjects, encompassing socio-political as well as philosophical, theoretical and clinical dimensions, in an accessible manner.
Taylor & Francis Inc Truth from the Trenches: A Practical Guide to the Art of It Management
The IT management profession is not for the faint of heart. Anyone who has worked in this field is familiar with the unique (and borderline impossible) challenges of keeping pace with technological innovation while maintaining legacy systems, reskilling existing staff members and operating on shrinking budgets. Truth from the Trenches passes on the hard-won leadership lessons that six-time CIO Mark Settle gained over years of working in IT management. Settle describes the key constituencies that an IT leader needs to influence, seduce, leverage, and manage to be successful. His practical recommendations will allow readers to improve their organizational impact and accelerate their career advancement.In a sector where competency stems not from formal certification but on-the-job learning, Truth from the Trenches is a valuable and unique resource that is based on Settle’s deep experience working in a wide variety of industries. By applying Settle’s strategies, IT leaders will be able to avoid common pitfalls, save themselves from wasting time and on hopeless initiatives, and successfully do battle with the people issues, financial challenges, customer problems and technology opportunities they confront on a daily basis.
Taylor & Francis Inc Patterns of Revision Grade 8
How do we get eighth-grade writers to revise? And once we do get them thinking about revision, what, exactly, do they do? What do we do? In Patterns of Revision, best-selling authors Travis Leech and Jeff Anderson answer these questions and more. This practical resource uses the research-proven and classroom-tested methods of sentence combining in a meaningful, engaging way that supports authentic writing as well as performance-based or multiple-choice test items.Flip the book open to immediately to find: The DRAFT mnemonic to help students know where to begin the revision process and how to keep going. Concrete, doable lessons that spark academic conversations about meaning, effect, and purpose that are grounded in a student-centered revision approach. Easily accessed displays and printables to seamlessly support student revision learning, embedded in each lesson right where you need it. Authentic and engaging model text excerpts c
Taylor & Francis Inc The Productive Online and Offline Professor: A Practical Guide
What does it mean to be a productive professor in higher education? What would it feel like to have more peace and productivity? To have nothing fall through the cracks? The Productive Online and Offline Professor is written for today’s busy higher education professional. Through an exploration of what it means to make work meaningful, this book offers practical strategies and tips to support higher education professionals in efficiently managing and effectively using a wide range of technologies and productivity tools.Higher education instructors will find this guide helps them to fulfill their teaching roles with excellence and to build engaging relationships with students while also successfully managing other priorities in their professional and personal lives.The Productive Online and Offline Professor assists those who teach online and blended courses with managing their personal productivity. Faculty are often expected to provide support and feedback to learners outside of normal work hours in non traditional classes. Programs that are designed with more asynchronous content may cause faculty to perceive that it is difficult to ever press the “off button” on their teaching. The author offers guidance and suggests software tools for streamlining communication and productivity that enable faculty to better balance their lives while giving rich feedback to students.Part 1 addresses the challenges in defining productivity and presents a working definition for the text.Part 2 describes the ability to communicate using both synchronous and asynchronous methods, along with ways of enriching such communication.Part 3 describes methods for finding, curating, and sharing relevant knowledge both within one’s courses and to a broader personal learning network (PLN).Part 4 examines specific tools for navigating the unique challenges of productivity while teaching online. It includes ways to grade more productively while still providing rich feedback to students.Part 5 shares techniques for keeping one’s course materials current and relevant in the most efficient ways possible.The Productive Online and Offline Professor is a practical guide for how to provide high quality online classes to diverse students. This book shares specific technology and other tools that may be used in charting a course toward greater productivity. It is intended to be a professional resource for fulfilling our roles with excellence and joy, while managing other priorities in our personal and professional lives.